CSC Mag Spring 16

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32 2
Letter from the President
Hannaford Charitable Gift
Academic Vice President
14 Celebrating Women Artists
15 Juniors Humanitarian
Project Wins Support
to Retire; 16 The Dreams and
President Galligan Says Farewell
Outcomes Success Nightmares of a Social
5 College Plans $7 Million Psychologist
Arts Building 18 School of Health Professions
6 Politicians Visit Campus Opens Door to
7 My Slice of the Pie Graduate Programs
8 New Vice President for
Advancement OUT & ABOUT
9 Colby-Sawyer TEDx Talks;
Data Driven 20 On Top of the World
10 Trustees Elect Chair 22 Taking, and Eliminating,
11 College Elects Three to Risks: Amigo Khadka 14
Board of Trustees 24 Out of the Classroom and
12 Diamond Williams 18: into Literary History
Learning to Shine 26 On the Frontlines of
13 Faculty Colloquium Series; Democracy
Presidential Blue Key Society 27 Alumni Fall Festival 2015
28 Pioneering Revitalization
in Franklin Falls
30 Sense of Place
44 Sally Shaw Veitch 66:
Her Legend Grows
45 Portfolio
| editors inbox
48 The Season in Sports KEEPING IT REAL
54 Hall of Fame Inductees This publication continues to be outstanding, with a wealth of infor-
mation attractively presented. So many interesting articles and
CONNECTIONS insights that speak to the special character of Colby-Sawyer College.
It also deals effectively with our challenges, including the leadership
56 A Picture-Perfect Moment
transitions, in a positive but real way. Keep up the great work!
57 Alumni News
William E. Bill Gundy, Trustee
58 Class Notes
77 In Fond Memory New London, N.H.
78 From the Archives:
Presidential Transitions Colby-Sawyer welcomes letters editor
80 Epilogue: Falling, and to the editor and reserves the Kate Seamans
right to edit and condense them.
Staying, in Love with associate editor
Colby-Sawyer Kellie M. Spinney
Please send your letters to or to: production manager
Edward Germar
Kate Seamans, Editor
Colby-Sawyer College class notes editors
541 Main Street Tracey Austin
New London, NH 03257 Amy Drummond
Mike Gregory
Send address changes to or to: graphic design
Nancy Sepe
Colby-Sawyer College
Office of Alumni Relations printing
541 Main Street R.C. Brayshaw & Company
New London, NH 03257 Warner, N.H.

cover: President Thomas C. Galligan Jr. with Victor the Charger outside the Dan and
Kathleen Hogan Sports Center. this page: After a day of hiking that included exploring the
Lakes of the Clouds on Mount Washington this fall, the Alpine Communities class headed
back to camp via the Boott Spur Link. Photos: Michael Seamans
from the president

As I boot up my laptop and begin this letter, I know its the last Weve loved living in New London and being part of the
one Ill write to you as your president. Thus, its a bittersweet Colby-Sawyer community. Weve also loved the ways in which
moment. Im excited about Colby-Sawyers future and its it has changed. Were a much more diverse and, I hope,
infinite possibilities. Im honored to have served as your presi- welcoming community than ever before. Our diversity makes
dent and proud of all weve achieved together, but Im sad my us stronger, improves our mutual learning, and connects us
time with you is drawing to a close. more deeply and meaningfully to the rest of the world.

One of the first letters I wrote to you was about stars. I wrote In January, Professor of Fine and Performing Arts Jon Keenan;
about the Galligan familys arrival in New London in July 2006. my daughter, Aisling; and I traveled with eight students to
We drove into town late at night after a 19-hour trek in two cars Nepal the home of three of our group members. A trip like
with six people and two dogs all the way from Tennessee. I told that wouldnt have been possible 10 years ago. But it was in the
you that as we got out of our respective cars, Susan and I wan- stars, so to speak, and we hope Colby-Sawyer community
dered into the backyard of the Presidents House, and we members have more trips ahead to places around the globe.
looked up. Neither of us had ever seen so many stars, not even
at sea. The sky was aglow with light, beauty and promise. Our Nepal group bonded over our two weeks together, and
when we parted, we knew that although wed have reunions,
Those stars were an incredible start to our 10 rewarding, won- wed never be as connected as we were when we separated at
derful years in New London. Weve worked with so many fan- the end of the trip. Im sure youve all had similar experiences
tastic, dedicated people that trying to list them all would take and emotions. Now, Susan and I feel like that about Colby-
pages, and Id risk omissions because so many have helped in Sawyer. Well keep in touch, and well visit, but itll never be
so many ways. From faculty, staff and senior officers to stu- exactly the same again.
dents, alumni and friends both far and near, its been a collabo-
rative, invigorating and engaging experience. So, as we leave, we say thank you. And we wish all the best to
the next president as he or she looks into the New London sky
Of course, there have been challenges. All of us have lost and steers our Colby-Sawyer ship by those fabulous stars.
friends and family members during the past decade, and tran-
sition gives us an opportunity to reflect on those losses and to Gratefully,
know that those folks will always be with us and a part of our
Colby-Sawyer family.

Weve accomplished much, and weve succeeded because of Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
what weve done together. We havent always agreed. But, as I President and Professor of Humanities
recall looking up at the stars that night and seeing distant gal-
axies, universes and planets, I know that any planet on which
everyone agrees on everything is a boring place where I would Read President Galligans farewell interview on page 32.
not want to live.

2 colby-sawyer magazine
short stories SNAP THIS
Colby-Sawyer now has two SnapChat geofilters, one bursting with
icons unique to the college that offers a sense of place and the other
featuring the Chargers logo. Try them out when youre on campus:
Just download SnapChat, allow the app to use your location, and the
next time you send a Snap, swipe left to find the geofilter you prefer.


On mounting a rising ground, which brought the figure of his

fellow-traveller in relief against the sky, gigantic in height, and
muffled in a cloak, Ichabod was horror-struck on perceiving that

he was headless! but his horror was still more increased on
observing that the head, which should have rested on his
shoulders, was carried before him ...
Washington Irving, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Hannaford Charitable Foundation Gift Supports Sustainability

Colby-Sawyer received a $10,000 gift from the Hannaford Chari-

table Foundation to support the purchase of a commercial-size
food composter.

In requesting the gift, then-Director of Development Glen


Kerkian wrote, There is a synergy between Hannafords publicly
stated mission of creating healthy communities and its corpo-
rate values of community responsibility and environmental
stewardship, Colby-Sawyers commitment to environmental
sustainability expressed both through our academic offerings
and campus facilities and operations and the colleges
mission to provide an accessible, first-rate education. Kathy Bonavist, vice president for Advancement, and Peter Monigle, manager
at Hannaford in New London.

The $32,000 Ecovim composter was installed in the dining hall Thanks to the generosity of Hannaford, we are now able to
in January and can handle 50 percent of the normal vegetable convert food waste into a usable soil amendment for use on our
food waste generated in the dining hall in Ware Student Center, campus landscape, said White. The installation of the Ecovim
which keeps one ton of post-consumer waste every month from is a perfect embodiment of Colby-Sawyers strategic theme to
ending up in a landfill. live sustainably.

Students in the Principles and Practices of Sustainability class The $10,000 gift from the Hannaford Charitable Foundation
taught by Jen White 90, director of Sustainability and assistant follows on the heels of a $5,000 grant that supported building
professor of Environmental Studies, researched organic waste the colleges LEED-silver certified Windy Hill School.
solutions. Those results became the foundation for a Capstone
project completed by Pooja Byanjankar 15. In a presentation to Kate Seamans
senior staff and the Board of Trustees just before her graduation,
she recommended the Ecovim as the best option.

spring 2016 3
Academic Vice President Deborah A. Taylor to Retire
by Randy S. Hanson
Academic Vice President and Dean of Faculty Deborah A. Taylor, of students, vice president of Student Development, chair of the
Ph.D., will retire in June after 40 years at Colby-Sawyer. Department of Social Sciences and Education, academic dean
in the loop

and, finally, academic vice president and dean of faculty. Among

Hired in 1976 as an instructor in social and behavioral studies, her administrative achievements, she oversaw the regular reac-
Vice President Taylor is one of the longest serving faculty creditation process, the transformation of the curriculum into a
members in the colleges history. Vice President Taylors four-credit model, multiple revisions and refinements of the col-
teaching shaped the lives of hundreds of students at Colby- leges liberal arts program, and a tremendous expansion of the
Sawyer and spanned generations, as the children of some of her faculty: 63 percent of the current faculty was hired during Vice
former students later took classes with her. She was an innova- President Taylors tenure as AVP and academic dean.
tive, scholarly instructor who developed enduring connections
with her students. Graduates still drop by to say hello years after For 40 years, Vice President Taylor has been passionately dedi-
studying with her. A colleague who co-taught with Vice President cated to Colby-Sawyer. Shes an award-winning educator who, in
Taylor emphasized her organizational strengths, her ability to various roles, has served as a mentor and model for many col-
communicate clearly, her warmth for students, her passion for leagues while working to enhance teaching and student learning
psychology and the academy, and her dedication to preparing by hiring quality faculty and refining the colleges curriculum.
students for the workforce and graduate school as the most
salient reasons for her success. At Commencement on May 7, Vice President Taylor will be rec-
ognized for her extraordinary career at Colby-Sawyer with the
In 1997, Vice President Taylor received the colleges highest Susan Colgate Cleveland Medal for Distinguished Service and
teaching accolade, the Jack Jensen Award for Excellence in an honorary degree from the institution she has served so long
Teaching. In 1998, she was honored with the New Hampshire and so well.
Excellence in Education Outstanding Teacher in Postsecondary
Education (EDies Award). editors note: See page 80 for Vice President Taylors Epilogue.

During her tenure at the college, Vice President Taylor served in

Randy S. Hanson, Ph.D., is professor and chair of the Social Sciences and
a number of administrative positions that include acting dean Education Department. He joined the college in 1996 and holds a B.A. from
Washington University and an M.A. and a Ph.D. from Indiana University.

Outcomes Report Shows Success

The graduate outcomes report for Colby-Sawyers Class of 2014 Students pursuing masters and doctoral degrees enrolled at
indicates that six months after graduation, 97 percent of the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cranbrook
class was either employed or pursuing graduate studies. The Academy of Art, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at
annual survey conducted by the Harrington Center for Experien- Tufts University, the Graduate School of Political Management at
tial Learning, with a 57 percent response rate, indicates 77 George Washington University, and others.
percent of the graduates were employed; 39 percent of the
employed graduates received job offers from their internship site Three departments boast that 100 percent of their responding
and 82 percent of those graduates accepted the position. graduates are employed or enrolled in graduate school: Exercise
and Sport Sciences; Nursing and Public Health; and Social Sci-
Ninety percent of graduates were employed at organizations ences and Education. They are followed by Business Administra-
either directly or somewhat related to their major, an increase of tion at 93 percent; Arts, Humanities and Multidisciplinary
five percent over the previous year. Sixty percent of employed Studies at 91 percent; and Natural and Environmental Sciences
graduates indicated that their jobs had definite career potential. at 88 percent.

Employment was spread across the country and globe, with Nursing graduates reported a median salary of $50,000. Overall,
31 alumni working outside New Hampshire and two in Myanmar 34 percent of the employed graduates reported annual salaries
and Malaysia. Notable employers included Apple, Inc.; higher than $40,000.
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center; Fidelity Investments;
Harvard Business School; J.P. Morgan; Nike; Simon Pearce; State Jaclyn Goddette 16
Street Bank; the U.S. Department of Agriculture; and Wells Fargo.

4 colby-sawyer magazine
Colby-Sawyer Plans $7 Million Arts Building

In October, Colby-Sawyers Board of Trustees approved plans to con-

struct a new arts building sited on the southeast end of campus
near the Curtis L. Ivey Science Center.

The 15,000-square-foot space will be home to studios, a black box

theater, a box office, and a gallery with views of Mount Kearsarge, as
well as faculty offices and outdoor art areas.

The timeline for the $7 million project will include planning, final
design and permitting through July; construction begins in August.

One of the most important factors when high school students

choose a college is the space in which their major is housed, said
President Thomas C. Galligan Jr. Colby-Sawyer has a curriculum
grounded in the liberal arts, and this new building will impact every
one of our students while also providing a beautiful, functional
home for our arts majors. Beyond that, the building will enhance the
colleges already substantial role as a hub for performances and
exhibitions in the region.

Sustained fundraising efforts mean the college will be able to

complete the project without incurring any new debt, and an
endowment created through an alumnas gift will support the
buildings operation.

The new arts building will be a tangible example of the colleges

continuing enhancement of its facilities to meet the academic needs
of its students, said Tom Csatari, chair of the Board of Trustees,
and the funds raised for the project reflect the commitment of loyal
alumni and friends of the college to provide the very best experience
for our students.
top: The front of the arts building will face into campus with convenient
parking. The entrance is on the far right; trees will be planted in front of
The building will be designed by the S/L/A/M Collaborative the black box theater. middle: The back of the building will face Mount
of Glastonbury, Conn., which designed the Windy Hill School Kearsarge, which will be framed within the large window at the end of the
gallery. bottom: The nearly final plans include four studios as well as a
and the Ware Student Center expansion. gallery, faculty offices, a conference room, and exits into an art yard for
outdoor projects and kiln firings.
Kate Seamans Renderings courtesy of S/L/A/M Collaborative.


Sandip Subedi 17 of Pang, Nepal,

posted this image of Susans Swamp
on Instagram in November with the
comment, Never realized the swamp
could look this beautiful.

spring 2016 5
in the loop

Colby-Sawyer may be a little off the cam- Republican presidential candidate Jeb
paign trail, situated well north of the Bush held a town hall meeting in
Manchester media hub, but several pres- Wheeler Hall on Feb. 3. Approximately
idential candidates and their representa- 250 students, faculty, staff and campus
tives made the trek to campus to boost visitors attended.


their campaigns.
The same day, actress Eliza Dushku
On Sept. 8, Colby-Sawyer hosted two (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel)
events: one with Democratic presidential spoke at Lethbridge Lodge in support
candidate Lincoln Chafee, former gov- of presidential candidate Sen. Bernie
ernor of Rhode Island, and the other with Sanders (D-Vt.).
Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), who
spoke on behalf of Democratic presiden- Politicos not running for office visited as
tial candidate Hillary Clinton. well. On Oct. 8, former Republican N.H.
Governor and White House Chief of Staff
A month later, Sen. John McCain John H. Sununu discussed his book The
(R-Ariz.) joined GOP candidate Sen. Quiet Man: The Indispensable Presidency
Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) for a town hall of George H.W. Bush in an interview held
meeting in Lethbridge Lodge. in the Archives Reading Room with Texas
attorney Talmage Boston. The interview
Republican presidential candidate Ben will be featured in Bostons next book.
Carsons campaign representative


inquired about a November event, but On Oct. 19, Colby-Sawyer hosted a presi-
the candidate didnt return to the state dential primary symposium with N.H.
until December. Secretary of State Bill Gardner. He dis-
cussed his role in overseeing the primary
Republican Ohio governor and presiden- since the 1970s and maintaining the
tial candidate John Kasich held a town states first-in-the-nation status. Gard- The course covered the history of the
hall in December. In January, while stu- ners visit took place in conjunction with primary and marketing strategies of past
dents were on break, Republican candi- the course N.H. Primary: Marketing the and present presidential candidates, and
date Carly Fiorina drew a crowd of area Presidency, a symposium for first-year it featured other guest speakers such as
residents. students taught by Assistant Professor of advocacy group directors, campaign
Business Administration Jonathan managers, government officials and
McCosh, D.B.A. political experts.

On Feb. 2, billionaire environmentalist

and philanthropist Tom Steyer, president
of NextGen Climate, encouraged stu-
dents to vote and make their voices
heard in the New Hampshire primary.

Kate Seamans

clockwise from top right:

Carly Fiorina; Senators

Lindsay Graham (l) and John McCain (r);


Talmage Boston (l) and John Sununu (r); Jeb Bush.

6 colby-sawyer magazine
of the A slice of this place,
a length of white beach,

by Mathew Nosal 17
a piazza or carved spires
of a cathedral

My passion for poetry is surpassed only by my passion for pizza,

so I suppose it should come as no surprise that while reading
American Sonnet, a poem not just by Billy Collins, but by past
Poet Laureate of the United States Billy Collins, I was distracted
by these lines: He wrote that he did not intend to reference pizza in his poem,
but that he recognized after writing it that a slice of/a piazza
A slice of this place, a length of white beach, rings a pizza bell and decided to leave it. The lesson to take,
a piazza or carved spires of a cathedral ... he wrote, is that words in poems relate to the words around
them and not just the other words in the sentence in which they
The poem is about love, longing and postcards as a vehicle for play a syntactic role. Words in a good poem, he said, appear
compressed and compartmentalized language. I had the to be enjoying the company of the words around them, not
audacity to write to Billy Collins and ask if, when he wrote a slice just those in front or back. He also told me to say hi to my
of a piazza, five words on top of each other, he intended for the English professor.
reader to think about a slice of pizza.
Collinss message about happy words is masterful and invalu-
I wouldnt have written to him if I hadnt been urged to by Pro- able advice for a poet, but it pales in comparison to the greater
fessor of Humanities Ann Page Stecker, my instructor for Studies message I garnered from the experience. Writing to Collins illus-
in Literary Theory. When I asked the pizza question in class and trated literature as a two-sided endeavor and showed me that I
she told me to go to the source, I figured what the heck. A can become part of literary discourse instead of merely reading
postage stamp, like a postcard, costs a couple of quarters. I about it. When I typed up my question from the safety of my
hastily wrote a letter, signed it MN and dropped it off in the dorm room, I was becoming part of the conversation; I was
mailroom. bridging the gap between hungry college student and illustrious
poet. Billy Collinss poem pierced my life with its existence, and I
I forgot about it for a week or two. was able to turn it over, send it back and pierce his, however
briefly. Thats a nice, warm, sticky sentiment, albeit a bit cheesy.
And then a white envelope appeared in my mailbox. It was post-
marked from Orlando, Fla., and my name was scribbled on the Sure, I asked an egregiously stupid question. Sure, Collins prob-
front. It bore an Elvis stamp and BC was the return address. ably rolled his eyes when he read it. Nonetheless, he took the
time to forge a connection by responding, which made quite the
My hands shook as I tore open the envelope. It was blue inside impact on me as a student, a reader and a participant in the lit-
and smelled like the post office. Inside was the letter I had sent erary conversation.
Billy Collins with his reply scribbled on the other side. I could
practically see Collins leaning back in a bright red armchair,
reading my letter, turning it over in his hands and penning a Matthew Nosal 17 of Manchester, N.H., majors in English and
creative writing.
response with nonchalance.

spring 2016 7
Child Development Program Expands Career Options

Child development majors have a new career option thanks

I N WITH THE BLUE: to a collaboration with Ready, Set, Connect! (RSC) Autism
The new Chargers Treatment Program at Crotched Mountain in Concord and
in the loop

mascot went for Manchester. Student interns at RSC learn the principles of
a walkabout this fall to Applied Behavior Analysis under the close, ongoing supervi-
encourage students to sion of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Child develop-
join him in the Hogan ment majors who complete internships with the program

Sports Center and are eligible for Registered Behavior Technician credentials
support athletics. and the opportunity to work for RSC in the future.

Diane Edwards, director of Windy Hill School

Tell Me Your Story: Recapturing NEW VICE PRESIDENT FOR

Colby-Sawyers (Oral) History ADVANCEMENT

The Oral History Project started in This fall, Colby-Sawyer appointed

2012 to celebrate Colby-Sawyers 175th Kathleen Bonavist as vice president for
anniversary sends students out to Advancement. Vice President Bonavist
interview alumni during Homecoming comes to the college from Muskingum
(previously known as Alumni Fall Fes- University in New Concord, Ohio, where
tival). The audio recordings help fill gaps she was vice president for Institutional
in the colleges history, particularly from Advancement. She succeeds Vice Presi-
the sparsely documented 1970s and 80s. dent Elizabeth Cahill, who held the posi-
tion for 13 years.
Oral histories are a tool to balance the
scales, says Professor and Chair of Vice President Bonavist is responsible for
Social Sciences and Education Randy S. the development and implementation of
Hanson, particularly as history and other the colleges comprehensive advance-
forms of scholarship move into areas ment strategic plan and for maintaining Vice President Bonavist has more than
where there arent necessarily a lot of the infrastructure that maximizes philan- 10 years of experience in higher educa-
archives kept. Kelli Bogan, college archi- thropic investments in the colleges edu- tion administration and consulting, most
vist, says it is one thing to review docu- cational mission. She also participates in recently at Muskingum, where she raised
ments from the colleges past and rules college governance while overseeing staff significant funding for capital projects
in student handbooks; it is another to sit in development, alumni relations, annual and increased annual giving. Additional
down with alumni who can share anec- giving and the Adventures in Learning leadership roles in higher education
dotes of how they got around such rules. program for area residents. include enrollment management posi-
tions at Manhattanville College in Pur-
Bogan hopes that alumni can provide Vice President Bonavist joined the chase, N.Y.; Paul Smiths College in Paul
information about lost traditions such college during its Power of Infinity Cam- Smiths, N.Y.; and The Sage Colleges in
as Ski Day. Oral histories, she says, have paign, the third and largest comprehen- Troy and Albany, N.Y. She also has exten-
been helpful in providing more informa- sive campaign in Colby-Sawyers history. sive business experience.
tion about this costumed ski day, but it is With a goal of $60 million, the campaign
still unknown how it started or when, was launched in April 2015 after a Vice President Bonavist earned a bache-
what it was like and why it stopped. 21-month silent phase. Commitments to lors degree in English from Siena
Bogan also hopes alumni can provide date total more than $24 million. College in Loudonville, N.Y., and she
information about Junior Day, another attended the Harvard Graduate School
tradition the Archives is rediscovering. It is an honor to join such a wonderful Institute for Educational Management at
To participate in an oral history interview, organization at such an auspicious time the Harvard Institutes for Higher Educa-
email to be able to share in Colby-Sawyers tion in Cambridge, Mass.
or call 603.526.3360. traditions and help shape its future
through the Power of Infinity Campaign, Kellie M. Spinney
Aaron Records 15 said Vice President Bonavist.

8 colby-sawyer magazine
TEDx Talks Come to Colby-Sawyer

On Nov. 8, five faculty speakers addressed the theme Youth and included watching TED Talks over coffee. One morning, they
Culture at TEDxColby-Sawyer College (TEDxCSC) before an audi- decided they should organize one at Colby-Sawyer.
ence of 100 students, faculty, staff and community members in
Wheeler Hall. You do this and Ill do that and woo! well be done! said
Stojanova, recalling their early thoughts on the project. It turned
TEDx was created in the spirit of TEDs mission, ideas worth out, though, that TEDx had a detailed process for the history and
spreading. At a TEDx event, TED Talks video and live speakers political studies majors to navigate in order to obtain a license.
combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small
group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the Stojanova, who encountered a barrage of emails, piles of forms
TEDx program, but TEDx events are self-organized, though and many delays, said it was worth it when they received their
subject to certain rules and regulations. license in 2014. Soon after, she left for a semester in Nepal,
Manandhars native country, and this fall was the last opportu-
The speakers were President and Professor of Humanities nity to use the license before it expired.
Thomas C. Galligan Jr., Associate Professor of Social Sciences
and Education Lynn J. Garrioch, Associate Professor and Chair Manandhar and Stojanova are quick to thank others for the
of the Humanities Department Melissa Meade, Assistant events success, and that includes a long list of volunteers as
Professor of Humanities Paul M. Robertson and Assistant well as Associate Professor of History and Political Studies Eric
Professor of Social Sciences and Education Omari Jackson Sr. Boyer, who advised them on speakers; Jimmy Sferes, the col-
leges audio/visual specialist; and Director of Campus Activities
President Galligan spoke last and grabbed the audiences atten- Sarah Braun.
tion by tossing his notes periodically. He focused on Socrates
dictum in The Apology: The unexamined life is not worth living. Media studies major Abhineet Kumar 17 will compile the audio
As an educator, said President Galligan, Im not trying to con- and video into different versions of the talks and upload them to
vince other people to adopt my views. Im trying to get them to
think for themselves and make up their own minds.
Aaron Records 15
TEDxCSC was the brainchild of seniors Jovana Stojanova and
Pawas Manandhar, whose morning ritual as roommates

10 3 20 6

data driven
Colby-Sawyer has on the of items diverted welcomed to campus this fall, including
hosted the annual 5K list of best online colleges from landfills thanks to four in nursing and public health, one in
Dash & Stroll, an open- in New Hampshire. The students in the exercise and sport sciences and a new chair
ing week tradition. The website also ranked Sustainability Core Club for business administration.
noncompetitive fun run Colby-Sawyer #2 for who took on the See
and walk, open to stu- affordability. throwaway culture and
dents, faculty, staff and salvaged items
community members of discarded last spring to
all ages, was established
by President Galligan 15 VOCALISTS
in the a cappella
sell back to students at
the second annual 200 VETERANS served on Jan. 13 at the
10th Annual Disabled Veterans
Dinner sponsored by Colby-Sawyer. They
during his first year at group CSC Riffed.See ReChargers Resale in September. See enjoyed good food and met staff, faculty and
the college.
to watch them perform at alumni volunteers who helped serve dinner
the Andover Community combat-waste. (prepared by Sodexo chefs) and provided
Coffee House. entertainment.

5 STUDENTS in the Investment Management

course faced down challengers from some of
New Englands most prestigious educational
0 The number of WATER
BOTTLES members of
the Take Back the Tap
identified as the safest
college town in the state,
institutions to advance to the final round of the campaign would like to see named to the based on its position as
Chartered Financial Analyst Institute Research on campus. The group is fall Deans the fifth safest place to live
Challenge, a global equity research competition working to install water- List. in New Hampshire with
that provides students with hands-on mentoring refilling stations in every zero violent crimes per
and intensive training in financial analysis. residence hall. 1,000 people. See

spring 2016 9
in the loop

For a lot of college
students, a classroom
is four walls and a ceiling.
our students show how
Colby-Sawyer is so
much more.


by Linda Varnum P95
Over the past three years as a trustee, Prior to returning to Dartmouth for his
I have developed deep appreciation M.B.A., he spent three years in consumer
and respect for the unique role that products advertising with the Leo Burnett
Colby-Sawyer plays in the New England Company in Chicago. Volanakis is a
higher education scene, said Volanakis. member of the Advisory Board of the
The faculty, administration and my Norris Cotton Cancer Center, an emeritus
fellow trustees are all outstanding folks director of the Corning Museum of Glass,
with whom I really enjoy working. One a former board member of the SPX Cor-
senses a deep pride of association poration, and a former member of the
among them, students and alumni. Im Board of Overseers of the Tuck School.
proud to be part of that.
During his 28 years at Corning,
Pete will be a fabulous board chair he Volanakiss roles included managing
brings intelligence, dedication, incredible director of Corning Germany; executive
leadership experience and a great sense vice president of Siecor Corporation, a
of humor to the position, said President Corning equity venture; senior vice
The Board of Trustees has elected Peter F. Thomas C. Galligan Jr. Pete follows a president of Advance Display Products,
Volanakis of Hanover, N.H., as its next long line of fantastic chairs, and I am Life Sciences, Specialty Materials and
chair. He will begin his three-year term on confident he will be among the best we Central Engineering; and president of
July 1 and succeed Thomas C. Csatari, also have ever had. Corning Technologies. In 2000, Volanakis
of Hanover, who has served since 2011. joined the Corning Board of Directors
A dedicated and enthusiastic supporter and was named its chief operating officer
Volanakis, who retired as president of of Colby-Sawyer outside the boardroom, in 2005 and its president in 2007. His
Corning Incorporated in 2010, joined the Volanakis and his wife, Cathy, have also service at Corning also included director-
board in 2012. He is chair of the colleges supported the college with generous ships of the Dow Corning Corporation
Presidential Search Committee and the gifts to the Colby-Sawyer Fund, the arts and the Corning Foundation.
Finance and Enrollment Committee, and building and marketing initiatives.
he serves on the Board Organization Volanakis currently serves as a director of
Committee. In the past, he has served on Volanakis earned a Bachelor of Arts the Vanguard Group and as a trustee of
the Academic Affairs and Investment degree cum laude in economics from Vanguard Mutual Funds.
Committees as well as the Admissions Dartmouth College and a Master of Busi-
Tuition Pricing Policy Group. ness Administration degree from the
Secretary of the College Linda Varnum P95
Tuck School at Dartmouth. holds a B.S. from Franklin Pierce University.

10 colby-sawyer magazine
by Linda Varnum P95

Colby-Sawyer Colleges Board of Trustees Bill is co-trustee of the John M. Hopwood

has elected Thomas W. Tom Hoyt and Charitable Trust, which funds a wide range of
William T. Bill Hopwood as members of endeavors with emphasis on environmental
the board to serve three-year terms. The and energy programs. He is also president
board also elected Maria Cmpean 13 to and founder of An Environmental Trust, Inc.,
serve a one-year term as a Winton-Black whose sole focus is to fund environmental
Trustee, a distinction usually given to projects. Bill was involved with the startup of
alumni who have graduated between three the West Penn Power Sustainable Energy
and nine years prior to election. Fund and served as a board member and
CFO until 2003. He also served on the board
MARIA CMPEAN 13 of PennFuture, a statewide environmental
Maria grew up in central Romania and gradu- organization. In 2001, Bill was honored with
ated magna cum laude with a B.A. in biology the Winds of Change Award for lifetime com-
and a minor in chemistry. She studied for one mitment and contributions to renewable
semester in Strasbourg, France; was a energy.
Wesson Honors Scholar and a member of
the Alpha Chi National Honor Society; and Bill earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in busi-
made the Deans List every semester. An ness from Nathaniel Hawthorne College in
active member of the student community, 1973. He and his wife, Jane, reside in Elkins,
she served as president of the Cross Cultural N.H. They have three grown children.
Club and vice president of the Biology Club.
Maria was also an Admissions tour guide, an Thomas W. Tom Hoyt
orientation leader, a peer tutor, a laboratory Tom grew up in Penacook, N.H., and gradu-
assistant for organic chemistry, an interna- ated from Merrimack Valley High School in
tional student mentor and a resident 1980. He earned his Bachelor of Science
assistant. degree in business communications from
Babson College in 1984.
Since graduating, Maria has served as her
classs correspondent and pursued interests Tom joined Mascoma Savings Bank in New
in biomedical and translational research at London as business development officer in
Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston, 2001; he is now the banks inaugural public
where she is a technical research assistant relations and social media coordinator. Prior
and studies neurodegenerative diseases. to his finance career, Tom was a well-known
Outside work, Maria volunteers with the Big local radio and television personality, and he
Sister Association of Greater Boston and as has served as the public address announcer
an English as a Second or Other Language for Dartmouth College soccer and basketball
(ESOL) teacher at Rosies Place, an organiza- since the 1980s.
tion that helps poor and homeless women.
Tom is a corporation member at Davids
Maria resides in Brookline, Mass. House and Alice Peck Day Memorial Hos-
pital. He is also a member of the Marketing
William T. Bill Hopwood and Development Committee for the Grafton
For more than two decades, Bill ran Spring- County Senior Citizens Council and the
house Energy Systems, a successful business colleges Presidents Community Forum.
that provided micro and macro siting to
wind energy developers for utility class and Tom and his wife, Kimberly Cotton Hoyt, reside
top to bottom: Maria Cmpean,
commercial wind energy development. The in West Lebanon, N.H., and have one son. Kim William T. Bill Hopwood, Thomas
company also worked with photovoltaics and is an associate director of The Dartmouth W. Tom Hoyt
pioneered the grid-connected market for College Fund. Both Hoyts are avid golf travelers
photovoltaics in Pennsylvania and addressed and have played together at nearly 300 courses
traditional off-grid applications. in 39 states with a lifetime goal of 500/50.

spring 2016 11
in the loop

DIAMOND skilled at helping people understand and explore their options,

WILLIAMS 18: and she began to see herself as a leader. She became a resource
not only to the girls in the program but also to her friends.

LEARNING As Williams explored her college options, she learned about


Colby-Sawyer, which has had a relationship with NLCP since

2009. Williams knew some NLCP students who were studying at
Colby-Sawyer and others who had graduated from the college.
by Mary McLaughlin She contacted Colby-Sawyer and set up an interview with an
admissions counselor via Skype.

Though Williams had never spoken to the counselor or set foot

on campus, she was surprised by how easily the conversation

iamond Williams 18 has had one goal since childhood: flowed. We just connected, Williams says. She knew where my
to become a college graduate. Growing up in Chicago, head was at, and what I wanted to be.
she attended KIPP Ascend, a public charter school
focused on motivating children to see themselves as college On campus for an overnight visit, Williams saw the annual
bound. Williams took the KIPP message to heart and vowed to dance show and could picture herself as a Colby-Sawyer student.
be the first person in her family to attend college. She knew she was ready.

After KIPP, Williams attended North Lawndale College Prepara- Williams was offered a space in Colby-Sawyers Progressive
tory High School (NLCP). There, she became involved in the Scholars Program, which awarded her a scholarship to cover the
Girl/Friends Leadership Institute, which uses art to help teenage cost of tuition. She is using the opportunity to pursue two of the
girls heal from domestic violence, sexual assault and harass- passions she developed at North Lawndale: majoring in psy-
ment. Williamss art is dance, and through Girl/Friends, she par- chology and staying involved in dance as a performer and chore-
ticipated in One Billion Rising, an international campaign to end ographer. She is also working to start a dance club that builds on
violence against women. She paired inspirational movement her Girl/Friends experience.
with powerful words and danced in downtown Chicago as part
of the global initiative. Excited about her work in psychology, Williams says her classes
have helped her learn a lot about herself. They have also con-
After years with the program, Williams was hired by Girl/Friends firmed that she wants a career in psychology. She thinks she
as a youth director to inspire other girls to use art to heal, inspire might want to work with survivors of rape or other trauma, but
and advocate. Together, they held marches to end gender vio- one thing is for sure she knows she wants to help people.
lence; sponsored the Clothesline Project, which displays t-shirts
made by survivors of violence against women; and held a Get In the meantime, Williams is getting all she can from her
Consent awareness rally. Colby-Sawyer experience, and with each day she moves one
step closer to her goal: graduating college.
Through her involvement with Girl/Friends, Williams was trained
in issues of sexual health and reproductive justice. She was
Mary McLaughlin, M.Ed., is the director of Residential Education.

12 colby-sawyer magazine
Student Activities International & Diversity Initiatives hosted
a weeklong series of events in November to celebrate and This fall, Colby-Sawyer revived the Key Club, an organization
explore cultures from around the world. It was Colby- established for campus tour guides in the 1940s that was dis-
Sawyers sixth year participating in International Education continued at the turn of the century. The decision to recreate
Week, a joint initiative between the U.S. Department of State the organization in a broader capacity as the Presidential Blue
and the U.S. Department of Education to promote programs Key Society was made to empower student leaders to share
that prepare citizens for a global environment and attract their learning experiences with other students, as well as the
future leaders from abroad to study, learn and exchange internal and external community.
experiences in the United States. Campus events included a
Diversity Dialogue Series discussion of Navajo history, Members embody and inspire the learning spirit of Colby-
culture and philosophy with Academic Administrative Assis- Sawyer and act as formal and informal ambassadors on
tant Harriette Yazzie-Whitcomb, as well as student-led campus and beyond. They serve on admissions panels,
workshops featuring international dance and language. connect with alumni and offer their perspectives to the Board
of Trustees. They are invited to participate in a monthly collo-
quium series led by campus leaders that provides them with a
FALL FACULTY COLLOQUIUM SERIES comprehensive understanding of higher education, and each
member is matched with an alumni mentor.
The Faculty Colloquium Series features monthly research pre-
sentations by Colby-Sawyer faculty. The inaugural members, inducted during Alumni Fall Festival,
are Asra Batool 17, a business administration major from Islam-
In September, adjunct faculty member in the Humanities abad, Pakistan; Kaitlyn Cahill 16, a business administration
Department Elizabeth M.G. Krajewski, Ph.D., discussed the major from Spencer, Mass.; Ashley Cooper 16, a business
written accounts of the lives of saints. Examining the frequent administration major from Corpus Christi, Texas; Sonia Diaz 17,
misinterpretation of hagiographical narratives as historical a biology major from Scarborough, Maine; Morgan Forrest 18,
biographies or fanciful folktales, Dr. Krajewski shared her a business administration major from Brewer, Maine;
research on early medieval Celtic saints and revealed how Noorulhuda Ismael 18, a health care management major from
Biblical influence, combined with sophisticated storytelling, Concord, N.H.; Ben Maines 18, a biology major from Abbot,
has created religious narratives of deep spiritual insight. Maine; Sharthak Neupane 17, a business administration major
from Sindhupalchowk, Nepal; Mai Nguyen 17, a business
In October, Associate Professor of Humanities Michael administration major from Hanoi, Vietnam; and Hermella
Jauchen presented his research on appropriative writing. He Tekle 16, a history and political studies major from Addis
highlighted examples of artistic influence and distinguished Ababa, Ethiopia.
them from contemporary examples of appropriative writing,
which borrows heavily from other sources often without Kellie M. Spinney
attribution. Deliberate appropriative writing, he explained,
allows authors to closely examine the language we use and
challenge notions of literary and social authority.

Professor Jauchen concluded his presentation with an excerpt

from his appropriative remix response to Sherlock Holmes. His
S/H applies theories from Roland Barthes to Sir Arthur Conan
Doyles work to create a mystery composed of sentences that
only raise more questions as the text progresses.

Novembers Colloquium featured Associate Professor of Social

Sciences Lynn Garrioch presenting The Dreams and Night-
mares of a Social Psychologist: A New Paradigm for Selecting
the Perfect Juror. Read about how she rejects the common jury

selection process used by trial consultants as biased and

unjust, and her alternative, on page 16.

Jaclyn Goddette 16 et al.

spring 2016 13
on the hill

ARTISTS Foundations class participated in every
aspect of the process, from organizing
artists and their materials to receiving,
by Kellie M. Spinney unpacking and installing artwork and
then, when the show closed on Nov. 3,
repacking and shipping the objects.

n Sept. 17, the Fine and Per-
forming Arts Department Students from Associate Professor Hilary
opened its first exhibition under Walrods upper-level Publication and
the curatorship of Sonja C. Davidow 56 The artists are teachers, working profes- Design class participated in a catalog
Endowed Chair of Fine and Performing sionals, mothers and activists individ- design competition. Professor Walrod
Arts Bert Yarborough. Working Women: uals fully engaged in the world, said and I juried and selected the winning
36 Contemporary Women Artists fea- Professor Yarborough. Such works are design created by Ryan ODonnell 16,
tured diverse works in painting, drawing, not often seen in a liberal arts college said Professor Yarborough. It was a diffi-
printmaking, sculpture, photography, setting like ours, and we were fortunate cult choice to make, as all the students
ceramics and graphic design by 36 to have such an outstanding group of created strong entries. Id like to thank
nationally and internationally recognized artists showing in our gallery. the Cultural Events Committee and the
female artists. offices of Advancement and Admissions
Professor Yarborough also wanted to for their enthusiastic support of the cata-
As Professor Yarborough described it, the engage students in hands-on learning logs production.
exhibition filled the Marian Graves Mugar opportunities throughout the exhibition
Art Gallery with personal narratives, process. His gallery intern, Elaine Miller As Professor Yarborough plans upcoming
private fantasies, unexplained mysteries, 16, and students in the Exhibition exhibitions, he looks forward to the
and beautiful objects created in the future of the arts at Colby-Sawyer and to
pursuit of personal and universal truths breaking ground this summer on the
in works that ranged from minimalism to new arts building (see page 5). This
realism, from delicate to explosive. addition to campus ensures the fine and
performing arts continuing role in the
In planning his first exhibition, Professor creative education of generations of
Yarborough was determined to continue Colby-Sawyer students, he said.
the tradition of quality programming real-
ized by the former gallery director of five View the catalog for Working Women:
years, Professor of Fine and Performing 36 Contemporary Women Artists at
Arts Loretta Barnett. In keeping with this
vision, Professor Yarborough planned an
exhibition that would expose students
the majority of whom are female to Kellie M. Spinney is the communications and
online content coordinator in the Office of
outstanding contemporary work while
College Communications. She came to Colby-
celebrating women from a variety of back- Sawyer in 2013 and holds a B.A. in English from
grounds, ages, races and ethnicities. To the University of New Hampshire.
make his plan a reality, he drew on con-
nections gathered from his 40-year rela- Large Bone Spill, Breon
clockwise from top left:

tionship with the Fine Arts Work Center in Dunigan; Its Time To Go, Vicky Tomayko; Phoebe
Legere, Amy Arbus
Provincetown, Mass., where he currently
chairs the Visual Committee.

14 colby-sawyer magazine
Juniors Humanitarian Project Wins Support
by Jaclyn Goddette 16

Last spring, two students were named finalists in The Resolu- Out of 500 applications, Shahi and Duwadi were selected along
tion Projects Social Venture Challenge at the Clinton Global with 150 other projects to compete for the Social Venture Chal-
Initiative University. Deepesh Duwadi 17 and Nawaraj Shahi lenge during the Clinton Global Initiative held in Coral Gables,
17 received a $3,000 grant to implement their Life Free from Fla., last March, where they were named finalists.
Lead initiative, which aims to reduce exposure to lead-acid
batteries in Nepal. They wanted us to provide evidence our project would
succeed, said Shahi, but our project has never been tried. I
The main source of energy in rural Nepal is solar home systems, had to convince them that, based on my experience growing
which Shahis family has used for almost a decade. While the up in Nepal, Life Free from Lead would work.
solar panels harness the suns renewable energy, they include
batteries that expire after five years. Villagers unaware of poten- Shahi and Duwadi planned to implement the project this
tial side effects melt the lead in the batteries to make pots and January, but effects of the recently passed constitution and
water jugs or dispose of the batteries in rivers. A conversation 7.8-magnitude earthquake postponed their efforts. Among other
with his brother about the health hazards associated with using new obstacles, a petroleum blockade in the southern region of
lead batteries inspired Shahi, an environmental studies major the country caused a 30 percent increase in airfares from Kath-
from Kaigaun, Nepal, to develop a solution. As the scope of his mandu to Dunai. Despite the setback, Shahi was able to visit
project grew, Shahi partnered with Duwadi, a biology major from Dunai and collect more research for the project. Partnering with
Kathmandu, Nepal. Research in their science courses suggested Nepali nonprofit organizations, he distributed brochures to the
exposure to expired lead was the cause of a rise in brain damage, community and produced several public service announcements
cancer and heart disease in Nepali villages. that aired on a local radio station.

STEPPING ONTO THE WORLD STAGE Shahi and Duwadi plan to launch the project officially this
Encouraged by Sujan Sherstha 15 and Sandip Subedi 17, both of summer. The next phase is establishing a battery collection
whom attended the Clinton Global Initiative University in 2014, center so community leaders will be able to efficiently transport
Shahi and Duwadi applied for the 2015 conferences Social them to the nearest recycling factory in India.
Venture Challenge. Established in 2007 by The Resolution Project
and in collaboration with President Bill Clintons foundation, the We have made a commitment to the people in Dunai, says
Social Venture Challenge provides $100,000 in funding to under- Duwadi. The messages of support we have received from
graduate proposals. people there and at Colby-Sawyer indicate we have met our first
goal of spreading global awareness.
They proposed to travel to Dunai, Nepal to highlight the hazards
of exposure to lead-acid batteries and teach proper disposal
methods. The rural village, which is the headquarters of the Jaclyn Goddette 16 is an English major from Newport, N.H., and a student
employee in the Office of College Communications. A recent visitor to
Dolpa district, has fewer than 2,000 people and relies heavily on
Nepal, she vows to return there as soon as possible.
solar home systems.

Nawaraj Shahi 17, center to the left of Chelsea Clinton, at the Clinton Global
Initiative University in March 2015 at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Fla.

spring 2016 15
The Dreams and is the application of social science techniques and research to
determine which potential jurors may be agreeably biased to
Nightmares of a Social one side (or the other) in a court case. Scientific jury selection
remains one of the more flashy and controversial services of
Psychologist: A New the lucrative trial consulting industry. Today, many social psy-
on the hill

chologists cringe at the use and misuse of social scientific

Paradigm for Selecting the research in this booming industry. For example, a social psy-
chologist might recommend to a defense lawyer that Caucasian
Perfect Juror men of a lower socioeconomic status are more likely to convict,
so the defense lawyer should use peremptory challenges to
by Lynn Garrioch, Ph.D. strike these men. Lawyers cant strike a potential juror based
on race, but many admit they can easily hide that theyre doing
Over the past 15 years, my primary interest so. In theory, peremptory challenges provide a more impartial
jury. In reality, lawyers are trying to strike people who will be
has been teaching Psychology and the Law unsympathetic toward their client regardless of the facts of the
and related courses. Then, in spring 2014, I case. As I think about the role of peremptory challenges, Im
taught Group Dynamics and Processes, an reminded of infamous defense lawyer Clarence Darrows quip
about jurors:
experience that renewed my interest in my
own research. I try to get a jury with little education but with much human
emotion. The Irish are always best for the defense. I dont
As part of the course requirements, my students became mock want a Scotsman, for he has too little human feelings; I dont
jurors who watched and then deliberated on an abbreviated want a Scandinavian, for he has too strong a respect for law
trial of a real death penalty case, Ohio State v. Mark Ducic. I as law. In general, I dont want a religious person, for he
watched their recorded deliberations with fascination. Two believes in sin and punishment. The defense should avoid
mock jurors dominated the conversation, though the others rich men who have a high regard for the law, as they make
vehemently disagreed with them. Those others rarely spoke, and use it. The smug and ultra-respectable think they are the
but when they did, everyone listened. In the end, my students guardians of society, and they believe the law is for them.
reached a unanimous not-guilty decision a verdict different
from the real jury. I was left to ponder the group dynamics that While Darrows clever remarks are meant to amuse, they also
led to their contentious agreement. bring a chill. Our legal system appears to be a game in which
lawyers, with the use of social psychologists expertise, find the
The following academic term, I taught the honors course best pawns to help them win their case. I have nightmares
The Exonerated. In it, students learned about factors that con- about the dubious role social psychologists play in selecting a
tribute to wrongful convictions. They read research showing biased jury.
that because jurors believe confident eyewitnesses are accurate
witnesses, misidentified perpetrators are often convicted. In Based on some preliminary research, however, Ill offer a different
fact, confident eyewitness testimony is the most powerful testi- model of selecting the perfect juror. My new model represents
mony in a criminal case, more compelling even than fingerprint my dreams for social psychologists in their efforts to assist and
and DNA evidence. help improve the legal system. Recently, I analyzed the video-
taped jury deliberations of Colorado v. Laura Trujillo after a
Toward the end of the course and the emergence of the five-day trial. Trujillo, 20 and confined to a wheelchair, fell asleep
Black Lives Movement, a black man named Ricky Jackson was one night after taking painkillers and woke in the morning to find
released from prison in November 2015 after serving 40 years her daughter, Alize, dead on the floor. Trujillos boyfriend, Randy
for a crime he did not commit. It took most of my life for him Ramirez, confessed he beat Alize to death and was sentenced to
to be exonerated. As my students and I read the appalling 30 years in prison. Trujillo stood trial for also being criminally
details of Jacksons case, I became increasingly disheartened responsible for her daughters death. The coroner deemed it one
about the failures of our legal system. My background led me of the worst cases of child abuse. The prosecutors claimed Tru-
to reinvest my energy in applied research with the hope of pre- jillo knew Ramirez was abusive and didnt take reasonable steps
venting wrongful convictions. to protect her daughter. The real jury deliberated for more than
10.5 hours. The jurors concluded that Trujillo had known about
THE IDEAL JUROR some of Ramirezs abuse of Alize but had been unaware of the
Since 1970, social scientists, especially social psychologists, serious abuse. They found her guilty of child abuse, and her
have been consulting in trials to construct the profile of the recklessness caused injury other than serious bodily injury to the
ideal juror in certain high-profile cases. Scientific jury selection child. Trujillo was sentenced to two years in prison.

16 colby-sawyer magazine
At first blush, this case is remarkable only because the delibera-
tions were taped. The deliberation room is sacred only
jurors enter and leave during deliberations, and there are
usually no cameras. This, however, is one of a handful of cases
and deliberations that have been taped to help academics
understand how jurors make their decisions. I analyzed the
recorded deliberations and assessed the themes that emerged
based on the positive and negative nonverbal behavior (e.g.,
rolling of the eyes, banging the table, head nodding), the verbal
behavior (e.g., number of times jurors spoke, their under-
standing of the legal charges) and analytical reasoning strate-
gies employed (e.g., conjunctive decision-making rules,
disjunctive decision-making rules). A number of interesting
themes emerged, but I was most struck by the jury deliberation
length and legal complexity, and how those factors interacted
with two juror characteristics (i.e., need for cognition and need
for closure). Specifically, as the jury deliberations moved past
the five-hour point, jurors with a low need for cognition and
high need for closure began to dominate the jury deliberations.


People with a high need for cognition love to solve puzzles,
enjoy debate and engage in analytical thinking. Those with a
low need for cognition, however, seem irritated by such efforts as i watched these jury
and just want to know the answer without working through the deliberations, my heart broke
problem. It seems problematic to have such people on a jury.
The jurists who displayed a low need for cognition throughout
the jury deliberations were more likely to engage in negative
interpersonal behaviors such as eye rolling, sighing and other people in the room. These jurors would interrupt others
interrupting. to shut down their arguments. Further, they would redirect the
conversation to how they could end the jury deliberations and
THE JURORS CHALLENGE get out of the room.
Despite the glitz and glamour of programs such as Law and
Order, being a juror is not always exciting. It may be for the As I watched these jury deliberations, my heart broke as I
first hour, or even the first day, but as the trial progresses with thought about Alize, who had been beaten to death by her
complex legal language, and challenging scientific information mothers boyfriend, and Ricky Jackson, who spent 40 years
and testimony, the excitement wanes, especially for those with in prison for a crime he did not commit. My dream is that we
a low need for cognition. As such, long trials, complex cases reform our system for choosing jurors. I would offer that
and long deliberations can be particularly challenging. This may lawyers should not look at demographic characteristics such
seem intuitive, but I would argue lawyers do not, but should, as socioeconomic status, race or gender to assess whether a
seek to eliminate jurors with a low need for cognition. person is appropriate for a specific jury but rather they should
assess peoples ability to deal deliberately with complex, ambig-
The second personality variable that appeared prominently in uous legal cases using their high need for cognition and low
the Colorado v. Laura Trujillo deliberations was a high need for need for closure. My nightmares are complex and heart
closure. Such individuals desire predictability, prefer order wrenching as I think of all the people who have been wrongfully
and structure, and show discomfort with ambiguity; they are convicted and are still in prison serving time for a crime they
ultimately very decisive and closed-minded. Jury deliberations did not commit, but my dreams are simple. Social psycholo-
rarely offer predictability, order and structure. Further, jurors gists have the tools to aid the legal system. We simply have to
often have to deal with ambiguity and contradictory evidence. use them for good.
A person with a high need for closure would find jury delibera-
tions frustrating and would take many opportunities to mini-
mize discussion. The Trujillo jurors with this need for closure Associate Professor of Social Sciences and Education Lynn Garrioch joined
the faculty in 2001. She holds a B.A. from Wilfrid Laurier University in
engaged in disturbing interpersonal behavior throughout the
Waterloo, Ontario, and an M.A. and a Ph.D. from the University of
deliberations, but especially after the fifth hour. They even Victoria in Victoria, British Columbia.
engaged in character assassinations of other jurors; one
claimed she was horrified by the moral values of many of the

spring 2016 17
School of Health Professions
on the hill

Opens Door to Graduate Programs

by Kellie M. Spinney

It was a banner year for the Colby-Sawyer Nursing Program.

In May, the program celebrated its 30th graduating class
and equally long partnership with Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Medical Center. Then, on Sept. 1, the college announced
the establishment of the School of Health Professions.

THE SCHOOL OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS represents the realized and anticipated growth
in the colleges health professions academic programs and its deepening partnership with
Dartmouth-Hitchcock. Dean of the School of Health Professions and the Gladys A. Burrows
Distinguished Professor of Nursing Dr. Susan Reeves 88 heads the school.

According to President Thomas C. Galligan Jr., the school will better position Colby-Sawyer
to inspire philanthropy to support education in the health professions. The [school] will
enable Colby-Sawyer to further strengthen the partnership with Dartmouth-Hitchcock as we
imagine the potential for cross-appointment of faculty, new collaborations on the use of
space and equipment, and the provision of educational opportunities in a variety of health
professions for prospective students from both traditional populations and Dartmouth-
Hitchcock employee groups, he said.

18 colby-sawyer magazine
In the fall, nursing and public health faculty moved into
McKean, formerly the colleges smallest residence hall. They
now have private offices, conference and meeting rooms, dedi-
cated space for the Student Nurses Association, and a reception
area for current students and prospective families.

Nursing laboratories and classrooms were built next door to

McKean on Colgate Halls third floor with views of the quad and
surrounding mountains. In simulated hospital and outpatient-
clinic rooms, students work in pairs, while faculty members
move between the six stations and interact with each team.
During off-hours, students have access to the space that is fully
equipped with the tools they need for hands-on training.

The new space has been designed to seamlessly combine

In January, Associate Professor of Nursing and Public Health Joan Loftus, classroom and lab experiences, said Assistant Professor of
D.N.P., and Assistant Professor of Nursing and Public Health Lisa E. Wilson,
M.S.N., accompanied 14 nursing students to Puerto Penasco, Mexico, on a Nursing Mary Scott. Students can learn material from their
medical mission. The students learned nursing techniques and provided lectures and textbooks, then move right into the lab to practice
much-needed medical supplies to the community. their skills.

MAKING HISTORY: The new nursing laboratory space in Colgate Hall and the dedi-
COLBY-SAWYERS FIRST GRADUATE PROGRAM cation of McKean Hall as the home for the School of Health
In collaboration with Dartmouth-Hitchcock, and after faculty Professions underscore the colleges commitment to current
approval in September of a Master of Science in Nursing degree and future academic programs in the health professions,
program, the Board of Trustees approved the program and a according to Academic Vice President Deborah A. Taylor, who
revised institutional mission at its October meeting. The M.S.N. noted that the commitment extends to traditional-age and adult
will open Colby-Sawyer offerings to a new group of students, students who benefit from these programs; to the faculty who
especially Dartmouth-Hitchcock employees seeking advanced challenge and mentor students in their intellectual, professional
educational and professional opportunities. and personal development; and to the communities whose
health and well-being is improved through the work of Colby-
This February, the State of N.H. Higher Education Commission Sawyers graduates.
approved the program, leaving just two hurdles to clear. The
college has submitted a proposal for substantive change with As Commencement approaches, the School of Health
the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) Professions has even more to celebrate: The Class of 2016
for review at its April meeting of the Commission for Institu- will include the first R.N. to B.S. degree recipients, as well
tions of Higher Education. If approved, the college will begin as the most nursing (33) and public health (18) graduates in the
offering the program this fall and apply for approval with the programs history.
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.


For nearly six years, the administrative offices of the nursing
and public health faculty were packed into the Caretakers
Cottage, while the nursing laboratory was located on Colgate
Halls lower level.

The department grew to the point where faculty members

were sharing offices. With the hiring of three new faculty
members, and in anticipation of further growth, it became
apparent that some creativity was needed to figure out where
on campus the department would best fit, said Dean Reeves.


Several options were considered, but ultimately, McKean Hall

met all the criteria.

spring 2016 19
of the WORLD
out + about

Alpine Communities Class

Explores Mount Washington
Last falls Alpine Communities
by Carrie Brewster 16
photos by Michael Seamans class studied the geology and flora
of New Hampshires alpine zone.
Going beyond classroom lectures,
Associate Professors of Environmental
Studies Laura Alexander and Harvey
Pine led a dozen students up Mount
Washington in the heart of the
White Mountains in mid-October.
For four days, they camped in
Tuckerman Ravine and experienced
the beauty of the delicate ecosystem.
The class hiked through rain, snow
and sunshine, learning about the
alpine environment in natures
greatest classroom.

clockwise from top left: The snowy

summit of Mount Washington on the first
morning; an Alpine Bluet survives through
tough conditions; Professor Alexander
points out flora on the trail that was first
studied in the classroom.

20 colby-sawyer magazine
clockwise from top left: Rime ice
forms in the cold alpine air; stunted
krummholz trees shelter Sarah
Appleton 17 of Andover, Mass., from
the wind on the summit; a spotted
salamander hides in plain view on the
side of a trail; Jake Conroy 17 of
Conway, Mass., helps out Emmy Rioux
16 of Minot, Maine, at the campsite.

T he Lakes of the Clouds are suspended

at 5,032 with a view of forever.

Carrie Brewster is a senior majoring in

environmental science from Concord, N.H. After
graduation, she hopes to work in conservation,
see the world and make a difference.

spring 2016 21
out + about

Taking, and
Eliminating, Risks:
Amigo Khadka 14

by Kate Seamans

Its noon on the kind of Monday in July that by Campus Compact for New Hampshire; helped plan the 2013
gives Manhattan its reputation for swampy grand reopening of the Ware Student Center and a Relay for
Life fundraiser in his event management course; and, along
summers, and the sidewalks are filling with with Nischal Banskota 15, was a driving force in establishing
office workers hunting lunch. the colleges relationship with Maya Universe Academy in their
native Nepal.
Inside the J.P. Morgan building on Madison Avenue, bankers
float down on escalators to the frigid lobby, checking their Khadka is a long way from home no matter what; its a month
phones before hitting the streets or pinpointing their lunch before he will find his Manhattan apartment, and hes been
delivery person from the lineup outside the security checkpoint. commuting two hours each way from Connecticut for more
Among them is Amigo Khadka 14, the only analyst on a new than a year.
team dedicated to wholesale credit risk regulatory management.
At J.P. Morgan, though, hes carving out his own space in new
For a moment, its hard to remember the serious-faced profes- territory for both him and the bank. All day, often 12 hours a
sional was a college student not long ago, but then he pushes day, he throws himself into the task of meeting new regulatory
through the turnstile and smiles, and its Amigo, the energetic pressures that swept through the banking industry in the wake
summa cum laude business and Wesson Honors student of the financial crisis. The regulators, he notes, have been trying
whose contributions are still felt on campus. While completing to limit the number of risky loans and have set measures for
a four-year degree in just three, Khadka worked to establish each bank. His team was established to look into all the other
Colby-Sawyer as the first certified Fair Trade private college in risk teams that focus on individual industries and make sure
New Hampshire; was on the 2013 team of student investment their deals mergers, leveraged buyouts, corporate invest-
fund managers named international champions in the under- ments meet the regulations.
graduate Value Investing category at the Quinnipiac Global
Asset Management Education Forum III; was recognized with All job descriptions require attention to detail, right? Khadka
his fellow Eco-Reps with the 2012 Presidents Leadership Award says. Working in a firm like this, I realize what could actually

22 colby-sawyer magazine
happen if you dont pay attention to detail. Its very easy to skip Nepal, Khadka says. Now I have a visa good for up to six
one minor number or something. My managers I report to years. I was lucky with the visa lottery; some of my friends
three vice presidents and a managing director make the didnt get one. And thats why you have to understand why
decisions, but when I do the work for them, its really important companies dont necessarily hire international students: They
to pay attention because its also my job to make sure they see hire someone, they train them for three months, and then the
those small details that might easily escape. Minor details visa doesnt work out. Its not the employees fault; its not the
make a huge impact. managers fault. But if you were the manager, would you take
that risk? Luckily, mine did.
Numbers may be the foundation of the business, Khadka has
discovered, but above them are the reading, writing, communi- For now, Khadkas happy to be young and in New York City and
cation, creative thinking and analytical skills required to con- to see what happens next. Graduate school awaits, and he
sider a decisions repercussions. Everything we do is both art thinks eventually hell return to Nepal and do something in the
and science, he says. Theres science in terms of how you education sector there. Hes learned, though, from his com-
quantify things, but theres also an art aspect to the general pressed college years, not to rush things and to allow for flexi-
quality of judgment that needs to be considered while making bility in the short term while sticking to long-term goals.
every decision.
Completing my degree in three years seemed like the right
thing to do, but I look back and think maybe I shouldve stayed
I report to three vice presidents and for the full four years, Khadka says. But I got scared that if I
a managing director. They make the stayed another year, there might be diminishing returns on
what Id done, and in terms of going out to recruiters, it really
decisions, but when I do the work shows something if you did in three years what takes everyone
for them, its really important to pay else four. So there was a trade-off.
attention because its also my job to Some close friends who knew Khadka as a student passionate
make sure they see those small about justice and supportive of social entrepreneurial activities
details that might easily escape. were surprised hed choose to work in the banking industry, but
if hes made trade-offs to land his position, hes clear about
Minor details make a huge impact. why hes there.

The idea of evaluating risk isnt completely new to Khadka. Theres a stereotype about bankers, but being in the bank,
He was on a risk team during his internship at GE Capital, especially in risk, all we do is make sure that something like the
which helped set the stage for his current position, but even financial crisis does not happen again, Khadka says. Im
before that, Khadka was calculating risks and hoping some- helping, which is hard for people to digest because when you
body would take one on him. work in the bank, youre a banker. But Im liable for whatever I
do, right? So I have to make sure I dont do anything thats
Growing up in Kathmandu, Khadka knew he wanted to risky that puts me or the economy in danger.
formalize his interest in finance and attend college in the
United States. Coming to the U.S. was a risk, but Colby- The lunch hour is over. Packed escalators carry J.P. Morgan
Sawyer had a lot of other Nepalese, so I never even felt home- employees back upstairs to what will be anything but a warm,
sick, he says. I wanted a liberal arts college with a business sleepy afternoon.
program, and there actually arent many, but even Colby-Sawyer
was kind of a risk for me, as I didnt know about it before. Im Really, Im working to change the industry from the inside,
very fortunate I didnt choose a big university where I probably Khadka says, as he swipes his ID and joins them.
wouldve been lost in the crowd. That was a huge decision.

Khadkas biggest risk so far has been turning down two full- Editors Note: This fall, Khadka welcomed Sujan Shrestha 15 to his team
at J.P. Morgan.
time offers with smaller firms and gambling that the offer of a
temporary position at J.P. Morgan, with all its global opportuni-
ties and internal mobility, would put him in the right place at
the right time for a permanent position. He won that bet.

The huge risk was in terms of strategic planning if the tem-

porary position didnt turn into something permanent by the
end of the year and my visa expired, Id have had to go back to

spring 2016 23
Out of the Classroom and into Literary
History: A Sojourn to Concord, Mass.
out + about

by Patrick D. Anderson, Ph.D.

photos by Michael Seamans

it is one thing to read about walden pond and have Thoreau holdings include the well-appointed study replete with books
describe it; its another when you get to walk all along the and furniture from the Emerson house (which sits just across
beach and run into the woods and see where Thoreaus cabin the street), as well as the few simple possessions bed, desk,
was. So wrote one of the students in my course on 19th- chairs and walking stick from the cabin Thoreau built on
century writers of the American Renaissance after our field trip Emersons land a couple miles outside town.
to Concord, Mass., on a beautiful day in October.
Soon we were embarking on our own trek to Walden Pond and
About a month into the course, we had already immersed our- the site of Thoreaus place in the woods. Each student spoke
selves in the works of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David glowingly of this experience; one argued that the study of liter-
Thoreau, two key Transcendentalist thinkers and writers who ature should not be confined to the classroom, but should
helped fashion a new attitude toward nature: one more spiri- instead be spent in part amongst nature, while another
tual, personal and positive than that of their Puritan forebears. claimed he could now see exactly where Transcendentalists

The day itself was made-to-order for Transcendentalists: blue skies

bathed in warm sunshine while autumnal hues reflected off the pond.
We were familiar with the finer points of Emersons Transcen- were coming from. The day itself was made-to-order for Tran-
dentalist manifesto Nature and Thoreaus first book, A Week scendentalists: blue skies bathed in warm sunshine while
on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers which travels as much autumnal hues reflected off the pond.
into young Henrys mind as it does from Concord, Mass., to
Concord, N.H. when we headed two hours south to see In addition to Emerson and Thoreau, Concord was home
where Emerson and Thoreau lived, worked and socialized with in the mid-19th century to such notable women writers as
one another. Louisa May Alcott and Margaret Fuller, as well as to Americas
first important novelist, Nathaniel Hawthorne. In fact, Haw-
Our first stop, the Concord Museum, oriented us to the town thorne figured into another memorable part of the field trip:
and its illustrious past; the museums most significant our visit to the Old Manse. A venerable 18th-century house

24 colby-sawyer magazine
built by the Emerson family in 1770, the Old Manse overlooks
the revolutionary battlefield where the shot heard round the
world was fired in 1775. Hawthorne and his bride, Sophia,
moved into the Manse after they were married in 1842.

Touring the house, we could feel the presence of Concords

literary icons. The second-floor study features the desk where
Emerson wrote Nature, and a writing table where Hawthorne
penned Mosses from an Old Manse. Perhaps most notably, the
Old Manses grounds contain the garden Thoreau planted as a
wedding gift for the Hawthornes to discover when they arrived
home following their honeymoon.

It didnt take long for Sophia Hawthorne to, quite literally, leave
her mark on the house as well; with her wedding ring, she
etched some lovely passages into two of the Manses windows,
even getting Nathaniel to write a few words of his own on one
of them. Ive made this trip numerous times now many
alums cite it as one of the highlights of their English major
because, like most experiential learning, it brings authors to life
in ways that reading their books cannot. And nowhere does
Concords literary history come more alive for me than when
Im standing in front of these windows where the romantic
Hawthornes stood more than 160 years ago and reading
their words, still visible on the old panes of glass.

We ended our day at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, which on top

of a hill in a magnificent natural setting serves as the final
resting place for Emerson, Thoreau and the Hawthornes. And
yet, in the preceding hours, each of them had spoken to us
through our exploration of the places that defined them.
Walking through the garden at the Old Manse, one student
imagined Thoreau moving about the rows of plants and
seeds, which seemed like a better place for him and his words
than at a desk or in a parlor For her and for all of us
who left the classroom for a day this place served as a
legacy its previous inhabitants would have approved of, for,
though they are no longer there, we find them in the way the
river moved, how the garden grew, and in poetry on window-
panes all unexpected discoveries that deepened our under-
standing of how the place these writers called home shaped
some of the most significant texts in American literature.

Patrick D. Anderson joined the faculty in 1977 and is the Gibney

Distinguished Professor of Humanities. He holds an A.B. from the
University of Notre Dame and an M.A. and a Ph.D. from the University
of Michigan. He teaches courses in American studies, American literature,
Native American culture, and film. At Commencement on May 7,
Professor Anderson will receive the Gown Award.

opposite page: Along the shores of Walden Pond;

this page, top to bottom: the Old Manse, home of Nathaniel and
Sophia Hawthorne; a passage etched in a window of the Old
Manse; a moment of reflection on North Bridge, where the
Battle of Concord and the American Revolution began.

spring 2016 25
On the
out + about

by Jaclyn Goddette 16

or many, a presidential election
overshadows local elections. But
for history and political studies
majors Meaghan Burke 16 of Acton,
Mass., and Thomas McGrath 17 of
Boston, Mass., local races signify the
importance of small-scale democracy,
and the opportunity to explore their
major through summer internships with
the Massachusetts Democratic and
Republican parties.
direction. I had more fun in that class, Another highlight included meeting Gov-
BEHIND THE SCENES said Burke. Her internship transformed ernor Charlie Baker at the Lincoln-Reagan
For Burke, working at the Massachusetts that fun into passion. There are 90-year- Reception, an evening celebrating Repub-
Democratic Partys Summer Street office olds running for office, and 20-year-old lican state leaders, after he spent hours
in downtown Boston meant entering delegates, said Burke. Observing pas- calling party members to solicit for the
data, filing and scanning paperwork, sionate people made her realize she also event. The experience exceeded his expec-
researching news stories and compiling holds strong opinions. I didnt think I tations. The best and hardest parts of
press clippings. They gave us a variety would feel so connected to certain my internship were intertwined, he said.
of projects to see what we were good at issues, but my internship showed me At Lincoln-Reagan, we saw our work
and what we were interested in, said how people debating issues can affect come to fruition.
Burke. The internship exposed me to people on the ground, she said.
many types of politics and allowed me McGrath says his internship is the first
to go behind the scenes to see what ACROSS THE AISLE step in launching a political career, an
upholds the party. From Summer Street, it is a short interest developed in Associate Pro-
subway ride to Merrimac Street, where fessor of Social Sciences and Education
One long-term task pushed Burke into McGrath interned with the Massachu- Eric Boyers course The American Presi-
new territory. In honor of the 50th anni- setts Republican Party. Like Burke, much dency. I dont know what office I want
versary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, of McGraths work focused on data. His to run for, said McGrath, but electoral
the MDP launched the 1965 Project to favorite task, however, was writing polit- politics fascinate me.
register 1,965 new voters. In typical ical updates. A tutor with Colby-Sawyers
grassroots fashion, Burke approached Student Learning Collaborative (formerly Burke and McGrath returned to campus
people with clipboard in hand, asking if the Academic Development Center), with stronger research, analytical and
they wanted to register or update their McGrath has long considered writing communication skills. Their summer
voter information. his strongest skill, and the internship experiences also contributed to more
helped further develop his abilities. If focused career goals and a greater
It wasnt in my comfort zone, but it someone picks up a mailer, you only respect for their chosen discipline.
helped me build interpersonal skills, have seconds before they throw it away, Burke, once unsure about what she
said Burke. It was also a project that he said. We need to tell people our would do with her degree, now feels
honors something worth remembering. message in the most direct way reassured. There are definitely opportu-
possible. nities for careers in both history and
Though Burke has always been inter- political studies, she said.
ested in history and politics, she entered For McGrath, seeing his writing as an
Colby-Sawyer as a nursing major. An official document was evidence that he McGrath hints that law school may be in
introductory history course with Assis- was applying what hed learned at Colby- his future, but he, like Burke, is keeping
tant Professor of Social Sciences and Sawyer. That was my language, he said all his options open.
Education Malachy Flynn changed her with pride. It was something I wrote.

26 colby-sawyer magazine
New Name, Same Great Tradition
Make plans now to be on campus Oct. 14 16.

clockwise from top left:

Members of the Class of 1955 were joined by
President Galligan for the wine pairing dinner;
Members of the Class of 2005 celebrate their
10th Reunion; (lr) Jane Hardy Roiter 65, Ann
Hodgkinson Low 65, Leah Caswell 65, Chris
Murray McKee 65, Nobuko Nishino Akashi 65,
Tina Biggs Ferraro 65 and Susan Woodruff
Macaulay 65 enjoy a cocktail party at the
Presidents House in honor of their 50th
Reunion; Alumni baseball players bundled up
for their annual game; (lr) Kelly Griffin 15,
Marion James 14 and Conley Dion 16 watch the
varsity soccer games from the alumni tent at
Kelsey Fields.

spring 2016 27
out + about


Sustainable Learning
Initiative Helps Pioneer storm-water management; and expanded bike trails, a kayak

Revitalization in park and other outdoor recreation options. More plans include
an arts cooperative, a performance center, a downtown with

Franklin Falls
fewer cars and alternative transportation, zero-waste and com-
mercial composting, a food hub and farmers market, a holistic
health center, and a hostel with function space and a caf.
by Jennifer White 90

he city of Franklin, N.H., just half an hour east of New The initiative is intended to be flexible and
London, is on the cusp of a sustainable revitalization. modular so faculty can tailor an existing
And, thanks to broad and emerging community-based
partnerships between local organizations and Colby-Sawyer assignment or entire course to focus on
College, our students are positioned to both learn from and an aspect of the citys work and planning.
contribute to that effort.

The vision, spearheaded by Todd Workman, executive director In 2014, a small team of faculty and staff at Colby-Sawyer
of the nonprofit PermaCityLife, is to create a model for cities to received support through an Innovation Grant from the
become more self-reliant and to transition away from depen- college, funded by the Davis Educational Foundation, to
dence on fossil fuels. The hope, Workman said, is to pioneer a research, design and implement the Sustainable Learning Ini-
new approach to building a collaborative and resilient down- tiative at Franklin Falls, a comprehensive curricular program
town using the principles of permaculture to differentiate how paired with Franklins revitalization efforts. It is a model for an
we derive our livelihood, food supply, transportation, energy, innovative, collaborative, interdisciplinary, community-based
shelter, culture and sense of community. living laboratory replicable in other locations, and it addresses
the financial sustainability of higher education as well as the
Our students are already exploring the feasibility and advance- planetary sustainability of our human institutions. The team is
ment of some of these innovative projects, including a locally composed of Laura Alexander 98, associate professor and
themed restaurant and microbrewery; a volunteer-run coffee chair of environmental studies; Jenisha Shrestha 14, former
shop; a co-working space; an art gallery and music venue; multi- Presidential Fellow; Pam Spear, director of the Baird Health
generational mixed-use housing; fossil fuel-free energy produc- and Counseling Center; Hilary Walrod, associate professor of
tion; permaculture/edible landscaping; ecologically sound graphic design and digital media; and me.

28 colby-sawyer magazine
The initiative is intended to be flexible and modular so faculty Grant Will Support Environmental
can tailor an existing assignment or entire course to focus on Stewardship and Service Learning
an aspect of the citys work and planning. Students have
already contributed to Franklins master plan, developed by Aaron Records 15
company logos, created signage for the bike trail system, con-
structed an access database for the upcycled art gallery, and Colby-Sawyer received $3,000 as a Campuses for Environmental
conducted a parking inventory for redevelopment planning. Stewardship sub-grant from a four-state Campus Compact Coali-
Interns are researching IT solutions, creating Geographic Infor- tion. The funds, awarded to the Coalition by the Davis Education
mation Systems maps, developing tourism strategies and Foundation, are intended to train an interdisciplinary team of
exploring best practices for commercial compost. faculty at each participating campus to design and implement
courses which include service-learning components focused on
Stakeholders have expressed an interest in exploring relation- environmental stewardship. Colby-Sawyers grant will bolster
ships with Colby-Sawyers Sustainable Learning Initiative and ongoing innovative projects by students and faculty in its Sustain-
include Credere Environmental Associates, Franklin Business & able Learning Initiative (SLI). The SLI is an experiential learning
Industrial Development Corporation, Franklin Parks & Recre- opportunity for Colby-Sawyer students to explore, design and
ation, Franklin Regional Hospital, Franklin Savings Bank, develop sustainable solutions to real and evolving community
Healthy Eating Active Living, Mass Development Group, Nobis needs in the nearby city of Franklin, N.H.
Engineering and Watts Water Technologies. And faculty across
the curriculum are working on course development in such This spring, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies Harvey

diverse topics as aquatic species biodiversity, interpersonal Pine will dedicate a portion of the grant to developing a service-
skills for physicians, community ceramics classes and stu- learning component in Fundamentals of Biogeochemistry. Stu-
dent-run art exhibits, exercise prescription using urban green dents will create presentations and other materials that inform
spaces, calculating timed-release of river volumes, efficiency residents about how the program works, potential chemical threats
and renewable energy, recreational event planning and best and remediation techniques in an informative manner utilizing
practices for community gardens. easy-to-understand language, he said.

A NEW MAJOR: COMMUNITY-BASED SUSTAINABILITY Bill Spear, associate professor of Business Administration,
In fall 2016, Colby-Sawyer plans to welcome its first cohort into incorporated service learning into Sales and Strategic Marketing
a three-year community-based sustainability major that creates last semester; his students worked on marketing for the CATCH
experiential learning opportunities for students to explore, Neighborhood Housing Project. This spring, his Consumer
design and develop sustainable solutions to current and Behavior and Market Research students will identify factors for
evolving community needs. The curriculum gives students success as CATCH remodels its RiverBend Mill into a 45-unit resi-
valuable professional work experience while theyre still in dential building.
school and encourages them to discover and develop their
talents and passions. Graduates will pay about 20 percent less Assistant Professor of Social Sciences and Education Kate Turcotte
for their college education and can start their careers or enter will work with PermaCityLife, a nonprofit organization dedicated to
graduate school a year earlier by participating in January and improving Franklins downtown community, the economy and
May intensives students will go outside the class and into environment, to assess the intersection of the personal, social,
the businesses and community organizations that are doing economic and environmental well-being of residents in Franklin.
the work of energy independence, local food production and Her sociology students will visit Franklin and examine its facilities,
zero waste. Whether as part of the major or in a single course, parks, and other resources, and contribute to the citys under-
our students can develop relevant skills for creative and standing of a broad vision of sustainability that encompasses all
complex problem-solving, work directly with regional stake- aspects of life.
holders and potential employers and do their part to create a
resilient, vibrant, diverse and sustainable community in Jennifer White 90, director of Sustainability and assistant pro-
Franklin Falls. fessor of Environmental Studies, says the funds will support the
colleges evolving SLI. At the end of the spring semester, students
Learn more at will present their results to community stakeholders in Franklin,
and faculty will attend a regional best-practices conference in
September to relate their experiences.
Jennifer White 90 is Colby-Sawyers director of Sustainability and an
assistant professor of Environmental Studies. She holds an A.A. from
Colby-Sawyer College, a B.A. from Colorado College and an M.A. from Aaron Records 15 is a Presidential Fellow in the Office of College
Naropa University. Communications. He holds B.A. degrees in creative writing and

spring 2016 29
sense place


In fall 2015, the Colby-Sawyer Testing Center opened in the Susan Colgate Cleveland
Library/Learning Center. Staffed by professional proctors and supported by student
workers who assist with proctoring and processing tests, the center offers more than
200 state and national assessment examinations, as well as professional
certifications and licensures, including the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)
exam for nursing applicants and the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT).
Visit for more info.
Photo by Greg Danilowski.

30 colby-sawyer magazine
spring 2016 31


President Galligan Says Farewell

by Kate Seamans
with Thomas C. Galligan Jr.

32 colby-sawyer magazine
In February 2015, Colby-Sawyer Colleges eighth president, Thomas C. Galligan Jr., informed the Board
of Trustees that he would not seek a third term. His ten years of service will conclude on June 30, 2016.
A search committee chaired by trustee Pete Volanakis and composed of board members, faculty, staff,
a community member and a student worked with the firm AGB Search to identify candidates and
manage the process of appointing the colleges ninth president. The Board of Trustees plans to
announce President Galligans successor this spring.

n this second of a two-part farewell to President Galligan, he goes back to the READ PART I
beginning to consider his path to the Windy Hill and the early days of his of President Galligans farewell
presidency, its highs and lows, his philosophy on leadership, his Colby-Sawyer interview, Many Adventures
family, and what the future holds. Await: President Galligan Prepares
to Move On, at
Based on your history, was a college presidency inevitable for you?

When I became dean of the law school at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, I
went to a workshop for new deans. Another new dean said her goal was to be a
college president, and I wondered how she knew that. I had no thoughts about
being a college president. I became a dean because I was a professor of law com-
plaining about my dean, and I figured if I thought I could do a better job, I should
put up or shut up. Later, I was persuaded to be a candidate for the presidency of
the University of Tennessee, and I did pretty well in the process. Im glad it didnt
go my way, because it wouldnt have worked out. But it kind of got me thinking.
After eight years, I told my boss I wasnt going to be a dean anymore, and he said I
shouldnt give up the idea of another administrative appointment, and so here is
the power of suggestion: He said Id be a really good college president at a private
school or a small state school.

Were you familiar with Colby-Sawyer or the area at that point?

Our son, Patrick, was a junior at Bates College and our oldest daughter, Sarah, was
in her first year at Dartmouth. In the fall of 2005, soon after I got back to Tennessee
from visiting them, I received an email from Colby-Sawyers search firm that said
the college was looking for a president. I called my boss and asked what he knew
about the place. He said, What I know is good. Im going to nominate you. He
did, and the search firm called and told me to write a letter. Im a lawyer, so my
letter was a paragraph long. They called back and said, You know, thats a great
letter. Its really short. But this isnt a law school, so write a longer letter that
addresses some of the things the college is looking for.

I was talking about this recently with Tom Csatari, our board chair; he remembers
the letter and thought it was a little long. Hes a lawyer, too.

I was invited to interview in Manchester and then to campus. I did the first inter-
view alone, which was great because then I could visit Sarah. Susan came for the
second one. We stayed at the New London Inn. We ate at Peter Christians Tavern.
Nobody knew who we were. It was really nice to be anonymous in New London in
the winter. And I knew, for the interview, that I shouldnt get emotionally involved.

The next day, Beth Cahill, our former vice president for Advancement, picked me
up at the inn and took me to breakfast. I remember sitting in the Board of Trustees
Conference Room in Ware Student Center the next afternoon. I was with Anne

spring 2016 33
Winton Black 75, 77, who was the board chair then and the Search Committee
chair, and Bill Berger, who was board vice chair. I was talking to them and listening
intently, but the window was right there, and snow had started to fall, and I realized
right then I was emotionally involved. So, lucky for me, here we are.

Whats the biggest difference between Dean Galligan and President Galligan?

Oh, gosh, age. But every day youre learning. So when we say that Colby-Sawyers
Toms Top 5 Films internal mantra is Always Learning, thats true, and it fits me as much as it fits the
institution. Im the same person, just with more experience.
1 Local Hero (1983)
2...............Meet John Doe (1941) How do you come into a new community a small college in a small town and
establish yourself as its leader?
3 Ninotchka (1939)
4 Butch Cassidy and the You hope that people are as nice as they seem, and at Colby-Sawyer, theyre even
nicer. At least most of the time. You listen, and you smile, and you absorb.
Sundance Kid (1969)
5 Amarcord (1973) Theres something I learned as a dean. When I went to the University of Tennessee,
people were so friendly, and everybody wanted to get to know me, and I thought:
Wow. When I was a brand-new lawyer, it wasnt quite like this, and when I was a
Toms Top 5 Books brand-new professor, it wasnt quite like this. And isnt Knoxville a wonderful place?
1 The Cider House Rules Susan kind of looked at me and said, Dont you get it? Position makes it easy to
by John Irving enter a community. A lot of people want to meet you. So if youre even a little extro-
verted, its pretty easy. But youve got to be careful, and youve got to be yourself.
2 The Age of Innocence I realized early on that Im just going to be who I am. So its going to be Tom
by Edith Wharton Galligan going to the grocery store, and if Im in sweatpants and havent shaved,
well, thats the way it is.
3.......War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
4.............. The Glory of Their Times: What was hardest about the transition?
The Story of the Early Days Our youngest daughter, Jennifer, was starting high school and her sister, Aisling,
of Baseball Told by the was a senior in high school, and we wanted her to finish in Tennessee with her
Men Who Played It friends. So, for that first year, Susan and I were in different places. The six of us
by Lawrence S. Ritter drove up here to move me in. And then on a Sunday in August, they all went back.
Ill never forget how lonely I was that night. That was rough. I ran around Pleasant
5.....A Brief History of Seven Killings Lake three times. It tired me out.
by Marlon James
I would think so. Thats about 18 miles!
Favorite Book made
Its funny in retrospect; Aisling was in Knoxville and remembers that Susan
into a Favorite Film came up here at least every two weeks. Jenny and I were in New London, and we
Bang the Drum Slowly remember that Susan was here about a week every two months. I would never want
to have that experience again. But at the same time, it was amazing because Jenny
by Mark Harris
and I had this wonderful year that now, when we talk about it, everybody else in the
family gags. She and I are probably the two most volatile people in the family, but
that year we were so nice to each other. I remember one time we were driving and I
said something, and she said something, and we looked at each other ready to
explode and then we realized, Oh, we cant do that; were all weve got. So, it was a
hard year, but it was a really good year, too.

Theres that fine line between having your support system and having room to be
your new self in a new place, too.

Right. And when I arrived, we had missed our goal of recruiting 300 new students
and had 238, and I knew nothing about undergraduate enrollment. That was going

34 colby-sawyer magazine
to be part of my learning curve. When my family drove away, I realized I had to deal
with that issue, and I had to learn so much in a short amount of time. And that was
a pretty lonely feeling, too, but one of the things I learned was that Colby-Sawyer is
a really supportive place. People stopped by to see how I was doing and if I wanted
coffee, faculty and staff both. But it was a lonely first month. Inside, not the people.

What is leadership to you?

I think a leader is first among equals, while some think leadership is something we
can bottle and teach. What you really are, when youre a leader, is a barometer. You
have to come up with ideas, but you have to trust not only your own sense of
whats right based on your values and the communitys values but also what you
sense the community wants to do, is ready to do and can do.

Students, faculty and staff come to you with concerns large and small. How do you
handle such an influx?


I try to be responsive and listen and say yes as much as I can. Mostly, I wish I had
more resources with which to fund the wonderful projects people propose. As for
complaints, you try to respond to as many as you can and not sound defensive or
angry. But in that regard Im lucky to have great friends who lose sleep for me. Exer-
above: President Galligan runs down Main
cise is a great cure for negative energy, too. I recommend it. Street during the 10th Annual 5K Dash & Stroll
last September.
Youve wanted people to think and act for themselves yet have noted many want to be
told what to do, though theyd say otherwise. What do you make of that disconnect?

We all think we want freedom, but with freedom comes responsibility, so some-
times its easier to be told what to do. Whoever sits in my chair is not an expert at
everything. Mary McLaughlin knows more about residential education than I do.

In January, the third group from Colby-Sawyer

went to Nepal to explore the culture and vol-
unteer at Maya Universe Academy. Upon
departing Nepal, President Galligan reflected:
It will be a long time before we process our
experiences in Nepal, but we will not forget
how much we have learned about this beau-
tiful, spiritual country, the world and our-
selves. I am moved by how much our Nepali
students care about their people and want to
give back. I am proud of them and all they go
through to attend college, and I see how
much their families sacrifice to send them to
Colby-Sawyer. When I look back on my presi-
dency, I know that this trip a symbol of
what it means to have a diverse, international
community at a college will be a highlight.
Left to right, on an island in Phewa Lake:
President Galligan, Aisling Galligan, Bibek
Thapa 17, Ayla Cordell 19, Lauren Morocco
17, Abhineet Kumar 17, Deepesh Duwadi 17,
Professor Jon Keenan, Prithul Karki 17, Will
Triebel 17 and Chris Gagne 17.

spring 2016 35
The college identifies four strategic themes:
Engaged Learning, Living Sustainably, Linking

THE Adventures in Learning celebrates its

10th anniversary.
to the World, and Dynamic Devotion to

A DECADE The college hosts Isaac Nyamongo
of the University of Nairobi, Kenya, The Windy Hill School opens.
President Galligan, an expert in
maritime law, testifies before the U.S.


the colleges first Fulbright scholar House Committee on the Judiciary and
in residence. the U.S. Senate Committee on the
Judiciary about the complex legal
issues arising from the Gulf Coast oil
President Galligan
Seamans Alumni House is burned in a spill. He also testifies before the U.S.
co-chairs the Gulf Coast Oil
January training operation by the New Senate Committee on Commerce,
Symposium in New Orleans.
Thomas C. Galligan Jr. is appointed Colby- London Fire Department after it was Science, and Transportation regarding
The symposium, coordinated
Sawyer Colleges eighth president. determined to be a sick building. maritime liability under the Death on
by the Louisiana State Bar
the High Seas Act and the Limitation of
Association, addresses the
Liability Act.
environmental catastrophe
President Galligan founds the annual 5K A December ice stormknocks out Colby- created by the massive oil
Dash & Stroll community event. Sawyers power and sends students home spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Colby-Sawyer is one of 10 N.H.
early with finals to make up in the spring. colleges to receive a National Institute
of Health Award for Biomedical
Research and receives nearly $1
Colby-Sawyer is named a 2010 million in support of research
The Athletics Hall of Fame is established to Trustees approve a new strategic plan Great College to Work For by The programs.
honor athletic excellence. for the college. Chronicle of Higher Education.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Colby-Sawyer receives a grant from the Global Beginnings launches with Trustees approve new Mission
National Science Foundation to students in Strasbourg, France, and Statement for the college.
incorporate the teaching of basic math Florence, Italy.
and reasoning skills across its liberal arts
Colby-Sawyer hosts the New
Construction begins on the Windy Hill Hampshire Womens Caucus in
School. November, an event focused on critical
The college begins a collaborative process that invites issues for women and families.
faculty, staff, trustees, students and alumni to have a
voice in the colleges priorities and direction. A Bachelor of Science degree in health studies with
concentrations in health promotion and wellness, public Colby-Sawyer introduces online summer courses.
health, and health care management is established.

President Galligan signs the American

College & University Presidents Climate Thomas C. Tom Csatari of Hanover, N.H., is
Colby-Sawyer launches the Progressive Scholars elected chair of the Colby-Sawyer College
Commitment, committing Colby-Sawyer to
Program with 19 students from Cambridge Board of Trustees.
reducing and eventually eliminating the
Rindge & Latin School and Malden High School
colleges global warming emissions and
to provide educational opportunities for mainly
accelerating educational efforts to equip
first-generation college students, and to bring
society to restabilize the Earths climate.
more geographic, racial and ethnic diversity to
the college.


36 colby-sawyer magazine
Colby-Sawyer offers online bachelors
Presidential Fellowship Program degrees in accounting, business
launches to kick-start young alumnis administration, and healthcare
Windy Hill School earns Silver LEED professional lives. management.
certification for green design. An online R.N. to B.S. in nursing
degree is offered.
For the first time, gifts to the Colby- The graduate outcomes report for
Sawyer Fund exceed $2 million. the Class of 2014 indicates that six
Colby-Sawyer installs one of the largest Agreements between Colby-Sawyer
solar photovoltaic arrays in the state of months after graduation, 97 percent
and the Community College System of
New Hampshire. Colby-Sawyer celebrates the grand of the class is either employed or
N.H. pave the way for bachelor degree
opening of its freestanding sustainable pursuing graduate studies.
Colby-Sawyer begins celebrating its Colby-Sawyer is the first private
175th year as an institution of teaching Colby-Sawyer launches online college in New Hampshire certified as
Colby-Sawyer brings facilities a Fair Trade college.
and learning on July 4 and links all events certificate programs. management operations in-house and
to the colleges strategic themes. ends its contract with Sodexo.
A Davis Educational Foundation
award encourages faculty and The Board of Trustees approves a new The colleges M.S.N. program
Colby-Sawyer introduces its new visual proposal is approved by the N.H.
staff to change the landscape of curriculum structure for its
identity, and Colby-Sawyer Magazine is Higher Education Commission.
higher education. undergraduate academic degree
redesigned. The next step is a review by
program, and the college changes
from a predominantly three-credit- NEASC in April, but the college is
Trustees approve a brand platform for per-course model to a predominantly on schedule for a fall 2016
the college. four-credit-per-course model. implementation.
Ware Center remodel begins.

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Trustees approve new facilities master Colby-Sawyer is reaccredited by The Colby-Sawyers Board of Trustees approves plans to
plan as well as a new philosophy and Colby-Sawyer celebrates Commission on Institutions of Higher construct a $7 million arts building. The board also
values statement. the Ware Student Centers Education of the New England Association of approves the colleges first graduate program, an
grand reopening. Schools and Colleges. M.S.N. in nursing, pending all necessary approvals.

The Business Administration Department Thanks to a significant grant, Colby- The Power of Infinity Campaign Colby-Sawyer celebrates its 15th Annual
and its student investment fund Sawyer installs its first wind turbine in launches with a $60 million goal to International Festival.
managers compete against more than 50 front of the Susan Colgate Cleveland support scholarships, campus
student-managed portfolios in five Library/Learning Center. improvements, student research
categories and are named international funds and more. Colby-Sawyer offers a program that
champions in the undergraduate Value locks in tuition, room and board fees
Investing category at the Quinnipiac The Colby-Sawyer community at each incoming classs rate for four
Global Asset Management Education gathers to dedicate the Sally Colby-Sawyers student retention
rate increases for the sixth years and sweetens the deal with a
(G.A.M.E.) Forum III held in New York City. Shaw Veitch Track and Field four-year graduation guarantee.
and to rechristen the Kelsey consecutive year to 77.9 percent.
Athletic Fields as the Kelsey
Athletic Campus. Colby-Sawyer establishes the School of Health
The Presidential Blue Key Society launches
Professions, housed in a renovated McKean Hall. A
as an expanded version of the Key Club. Ten
new nursing lab and classrooms are built on the third
students are inducted.
floor of Colgate.
In light of significant financial challenges and to achieve a balanced President Galligan announces he will step
budget, the college releases 15 full- and part-time staff members from Colby-Sawyers Board of Trustees elects Peter F. Volanakis
down after 10 years in office when his as its next chair, effective July 1, 2016.
departments across campus. second term ends on June 30, 2016.

spring 2016 37
George Martin and Bill Foti know more about athletics. Jean Eckrich knows more
about exercise science. And so on. The president needs to rely on the experts,
empower, ask a few questions, and get out of the way. And the experts need to be
aware of how much confidence the president has in them.

How did staying in the classroom affect your presidency, and why was that so
important to you?

I understand when Im teaching and the semester is coming to mid-terms or to the

end of the year the stress that my students are under and the stress that my faculty
colleagues are under. I get a better understanding for the life cycle of the institution.
I would never be anywhere as an academic and not want to teach at least some of
the time. The reason I got into this in the first place was teaching. The greatest
energy in any institution of learning is the classroom, whether physical or virtual.
The sparkle of learning when somebody gets it is incredibly infectious and exhila-
rating. Thats why I love it.

I also love to be able to think about whatever Im teaching. I love the intellectual
side of it, and the challenge of trying to communicate it clearly and engage with
people to think about it. Teaching lets me know what the typical Colby-Sawyer
student is like in a way I wouldnt if I just sat in this office and met the students
who lead the student government or the students who are in trouble or who just
want to stop by and introduce themselves. None of them are typical Colby-Sawyer

Who is the typical Colby-Sawyer student, then?

Id say its someone who has done well in school but has some space between
what theyve done so far and what they can do. They might be a student who went
through high school and realized, Gosh, I guess I have to go to college for my
career. They get here and are looking four years ahead, anxious to get on with life,
but then they realize theyre actually in love with being a student in a place where
they can achieve at a level, intellectually and outside the classroom, that they never
have before. And so to use a business metaphor, the value added to their intellec-
tual life and their professional life is huge.

It sounds like something worth waking up for.

Yes, it is.

What risks have you taken, and what risks do you wish you had taken?

Progressive Scholars was a risk, and Im really proud of that program. The huge
effort to have more students from other countries was a risk, and I couldnt be
more pleased that we took it.

It was a risk to borrow money to redo Ware into a student center. It was a risk every
year to hire more faculty because the budget is never certain, which is why support
from our alumni and friends is so important. Developing online programs was a
risk. Sometimes I wish I had pulled the trigger on a few things faster, but then
again, things happen when they do for good reason.

In terms of my value structure and what I believe about education, Colby-Sawyer

was at a crisis point regarding its lack of diversity. In retrospect, I would have loved

38 colby-sawyer magazine
to have gone out to some major foundations and donors beforehand to get some
funding for those programs. On the other hand, when youre living in a global
world and youre three percent nonwhite and less than one percent international,
you need to take action. Another risk was changing athletic conferences. That was
Shakespearian in its drama, even Othello-like. To have stayed put at the time,
though I couldnt have slept at night.

What role has Susan played in your presidency?

A huge role. Shes been incredibly supportive and a part of college events, but shes
also been really active in the community as a volunteer in the Garden Club and was
its president. She served on the board of The Fells. She plays tennis. Shes in the
Colby-Sawyer College Singers and the Kearsarge Chorale. This year she is chair of
the Kearsarge Chorale Board. So shes been wonderful, and shes been a great
citizen of New London.

After 10 years in this town, what are some of your best memories?


Well, the college, really. The memory etched in my mind is seeing the Loop. You go
back to points in your life and you can just see it. The Loop will always be crystal
clear to me. Driving up Main Street at night in the winter when the librarys lights
are on is so cool. Our fields on a clear day, the terraces those are the most won-
above: Susan and Tom Galligan in 2006, soon
derful visions. I remember running around Little Lake Sunapee one Labor Day with
after they arrived at Colby-Sawyer.
Sarah and it started to pour I remember how wet we were, and it was just so fun
to be running with my daughter.

Best memories whenever I get up in front of a room full of people, Im nervous.

I get butterflies. Even in class a little bit. And certainly when you get up in front of
1,500 people at Commencement Im listening to the National Anthem, and
I know as soon as its done, the first half hour or so is me talking and I feel my
knees but I will never forget how great it feels to be up there once the knees


2006 2016
Avg. H.S. GPA of first-year students 2.85 3.27 (fall 2015)

Countries represented 10 34 (fall 2015)

Endowment $23,827,592 $38,417,755 (end of 2015)

Majors 13 26

Full-time faculty 55 79

Wesson Honors Program members 58 89

New/acquired facilities square footage 56,294 (includes new arts building)

Online education options 5 bachelor and 1 A.A. degrees; 2 certificate programs; classes year-round

Athletic teams 17 21

CO2 emissions 8,070 MTCO2e 3,794 MTCO2e (metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent)

Institutional budget $20.98m (200607) $64.65 m (201516)

Retention 70.9% 77.9% (fall 2015)

spring 2016 39
stop shaking in front of all those people with everybody in caps and gowns. The
best part is saying, Ladies and gentlemen, the Class of whatever year it is and to
hear the eruption. So Commencement will be among my most cherished memo-
ries because its really fun.

The people, too, you know, the friends that weve made. We went on an alumni trip
to Spain in 2013 right after really hard decisions had to be made. I remember how

great everybody was on the trip. And alumni are key to the support of the school.
There have been some incredible leaders and loyal alums. What would be great for
the institution is if the group of those involved was even larger, so I envision a great
future with more opportunities for recent alumni to keep them connected to

There were some tough times, too. Those hard decisions you mentioned involved the
2013 layoffs of 15 staff members. Was that the low point of your presidency?

Oh, absolutely. No question. The reductions in personnel and the affiliated deci-
sions were by far the hardest Ive had to make.

And there were sad times. Corey Worsham was a student and a soccer player who
died on Thanksgiving weekend during my first fall. Ill never forget that. And I dont
want to list a bunch of people, but I think one of the things you get out of this job is
a longitudinal history of the institution really quickly, which is great, but you also
then deal with transitions of birth and death. And so I remember those times and
those people.

Have you had to make sacrifices for this job?

No. I dont think that way. That first year being separated from Susan was really
hard. I love movies and havent watched as many as Id like. And sometimes you
have to do things that, for various reasons, youd rather not have done. For

instance, somebody might make a decision you wouldnt have made, but youve
got to back them up. So theres a kind of internal cost with that. But I dont feel sac-
rifice. I just think Ive been lucky to have had the job and the opportunity.

One of the hard things about these jobs is that sometimes people take your deci-
sions personally, and thats hard because your relationship or your potential rela-
tionship with someone can be adversely affected by that reality. But I would say Ive
made incredibly wonderful friends whom I hope are better at keeping in touch than
I am because Im really bad at that. If theyre good at it, though, theyll be friends of
mine for the rest of my life.

What do you love about the law, and how did being a lawyer influence your

What I love about the law is that at the end of the day there are very few set answers
the law is constantly changing. That and the fact that since law touches our lives
in almost every way, you need to be conversant in a lot of stuff to be a good lawyer.
Sounds like the liberal arts are helpful, right? So, my legal background taught me, in
part, how to keep teaching myself. It taught me how to ask questions, and it made
me more accepting of, if not always comfortable with, uncertainty.

40 colby-sawyer magazine
What is the place of liberal arts in 21st-century education, and what is its place at PRESIDENT GALLIGANS
The place of liberal arts is firm. It has to be because its the foundation upon which
all learning is built. And so STEM science, technology, engineering and math On Feb. 4, President Galligan accepted
is critically important, but science and math are liberal arts. Thats half of STEM. the position of dean of Louisiana State
The liberal arts teach critical thinking. The liberal arts teach the ability to communi- Universitys Paul M. Hebert Law Center.
cate. The liberal arts teach the ability to understand somebody elses perspective. His role there begins July 1.
The liberal arts teach us how the great knowledge of our world is, in sum, a mirror.
Its a mirror and a prism at the same time. The LSU post is a homecoming for
the president; from 1986 to 1998, he
The liberal arts give us the skill to adapt in our lives. I never took accounting, but I taught at the Paul M. Hebert Law Center
like to think Im pretty good with a budget. Those are liberal arts skills. I never took at Louisiana State University, where he
public speaking, but I had to learn how to communicate my message. So its a was named the Dr. Dale E. Bennett
liberal arts skill. I appreciate popular culture, but I hope I can relate it back to other Professor of Law and was honored by
things and realize whats rubbish and what maybe has some enduring value. Thats the students as the Outstanding LSU
all the liberal arts, and I think our business graduates will become CEOs because of Professor six times.
their liberal arts education. Our nursing graduates are more compassionate and
better able to succeed because of their ability to analyze and to write. When I read When we came to Colby-Sawyer ten
about the presidential candidates, Im better able to evaluate my choice based on years ago, it felt right, said President
my liberal arts education. And when I look up at the stars at night, I dont wonder Galligan. Now, LSU feels just as right.
what they are. Im amazed by them, but I understand a little how the universe Its where I began my teaching career;
works because of my liberal arts education. So my life is fuller. its a fabulous place with wonderful
faculty, staff and students. And LSU has
I dont think the liberal arts are always going to be the heart of every educational energetic, dedicated leadership focused
experience, but theyre going to make the other things we do richer because theyre on the future of higher education.
a part of it. But, at the same time, they dont stand alone. So our philosophy majors
have to have an internship, and they put what they learn to work in the field. I see it President Galligan was one of 29 candi-
as part of a wonderful combination. Thats what makes Colby-Sawyer so special dates for the position and one of two
we really do combine the liberal arts with professional preparation. finalists.

What are your hopes for the college? We are pleased to bring Thomas Gal-
ligan back to LSU as the dean of the LSU
My hopes for Colby-Sawyer are that it figures out even more ways to emphasize the Law Center, LSU President F. King Alex-
liberal arts and engage in professional preparation. I hope every classroom is a ander said in a statement. We are
21st- and then a 22nd-century classroom. seeing more opportunities for our law
students than ever before with collabora-
I hope we have even more alternative education models to extend our mission both tions across campus, and we feel Tom is
through the distance medium and maybe through more hybrid programs. I the right leader to continue to grow and
imagine that our graduate programs in nursing will be thriving and that we will further these opportunities.
have expanded into other graduate programs.
The Law Center dean provides adminis-
I would hope that we are financially strong and stable but still providing opportunity trative oversight for all aspects of aca-
to significant numbers of students who could not otherwise afford a college educa- demic life within the center, including
tion. I hope that when we look at the population of our students, they are from all strategic planning, fiscal management,
over the United States as well as from New England. I hope we have new majors. personnel development, academic pro-
grams, research enterprises and student
It will be great when I come back to visit and can watch a night soccer match under enrollment. The dean also has primary
the lights. And I would love, when I walk down Main Street, to see stores that cater responsibilities for external initiatives
to a student population. And I would love, after I went to that night game, to be that include community outreach and
able to go to some wonderful little place on Main Street and have breakfast at 11 development. The dean will report to the
p.m. surrounded by a whole bunch of Colby-Sawyer students. executive vice president and provost and
serve as the chief academic and admin-
istrative officer for the Law Center.
Kate Seamans has been at Colby-Sawyer since 2007 and is the senior director of College
Communications. She holds a B.A. from Colby College and an M.F.A. from Lesley University.
Kate Seamans

spring 2016 41
Infinite Impact
gifts that make a difference

IN APRIL 2015, Colby-Sawyer publicly

launched the most ambitious and
exciting fundraising effort in our history:
the $60 million Power of Infinity
Campaign. The campaign acknowledges
the strengths and potential of our college,
the essential role of our alumni and
friends, and the infinite impact that
we can have together.



engages students within and beyond the
classroom. Every student completes a
comprehensive internship. Whether they
train nearby at Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Medical Center, take part in the Colorado
River Watershed field study, or intern at
INFINITE POTENTIAL a New York City financial institution, our
students graduate with real-world
experience, ready to make a difference.
42 colby-sawyer magazine
on to some of the nations most
prestigious graduate programs and have
excelled in virtually every arena. Our
graduates can be found in Fortune 500
companies and Silicon Valley startups.
Among our alumni and faculty are
legislators, military leaders, nurses and
lawyers, authors, educators, venture
capitalists, professional athletes,
Hollywood actors and producers,
California vintners, human rights and
environmental activists, and more.


THIS IS A PLACE where students

feel at home. Here, they are encouraged
to embrace their differences, nurture
their talents, forge lifelong friendships INFINITE OUTCOMES
with professors and classmates, and
become what they are meant to be.
Long after they leave our campus,
students reap the benefits of their SO FAR, alumni and friends have given nearly
college experience and take pride $25 million, or about 40% of our goal. Every
in their Colby-Sawyer connection. gift to the Colby-Sawyer Fund also counts
toward the Power of Infinity Campaign and
we are infinitely grateful to everyone who has
To continue to support the campaign, simply
return the enclosed gift envelope. Or, make
your gift online at

spring 2016 43
out + about


With a $1 Million Gift, Her
Legend Grows
by Mike Gregory

Sally Shaw Veitch 66 recently described in one word how it felt

to have Colby-Sawyers track and field named after her: weird.
Im not a big fan of having my name on things, she said, and


laughed. Instead, Veitch prefers to keep a low profile, often con-
ducting her philanthropy anonymously through her family
foundation. I dont do it to have titles, she said, but as for the
Sally Shaw Veitch Track and Field, which was dedicated in 2013,
Veitch acknowledged the title was inevitable. I guess Im
getting used to it, she said, before letting loose with another
peal of laughter. They were insistent it not be the anonymous and Yarmouth, Maine, Veitch sits on the boards of many non-
track. profits, including Colby-Sawyer.

In October 2013, Veitch was inducted into Colby-Sawyers Veitch sees true value in supporting her alma mater. Most of
Legends Society, which honors donors whose philanthropy at the organizations our foundation gets involved with, she
the college equals $1 million or more. While much of Veitchs explained, are what I term the little guy they really need
support has been directed toward the colleges athletic pro- the money and do good things with it. As an example, Veitch
grams, she was one of the first major donors to support the mentioned the renovation of the Coffin Field House in the Dan
new art building. Last fall, she made another gift of $1 million and Kathleen Hogan Sports Center. In 2007, the gym floor was
to the Power of Infinity Campaign. warped, and Veitch realized she had a chance to make a pro-
found difference in students lives. Thanks in large part to her
Veitch prefers to keep a low profile, often generosity, a new floor was soon installed for our Chargers.

conducting her philanthropy anonymously As a trustee of Colby-Sawyer, Veitch is part of the Presidential
through her family foundation. Search Committee tasked with identifying President Galligans
successor as well as the Steering Committee for the Power of
Born and raised in Dayton, Ohio, Veitch came to Colby Junior Infinity Campaign. She enjoys her frequent visits to campus for
because of a love of New England, a desire to strike out from board meetings, and with such hands-on involvement in Colby-
the heartland, and because her mothers close friend thought it Sawyers future, Veitch is bullish about the colleges possibili-
would be a good fit based on her own daughters experience at ties. The board is outstanding, she said, with a lot of diverse
the college. She continued her education at the University of backgrounds and great ideas, and really positive thinkers. So
Denver and earned a B.A. in history. the futures good.

I had no grandiose ideas, she recalled of her time as a

student. It wasnt like today, when everyones so focused and Mike Gregory is the director of Advancement Communications. He has
been at Colby-Sawyer since 2005 and holds a B.F.A. from Concordia
knows what they want to do. I just went to college. Veitch
University in Montreal.
worked before marrying and devoting herself to raising two
sons. Now dividing her time between Colorado Springs, Colo.,

44 colby-sawyer magazine
portfolio University; other readings took her to
In October, Gibney Distinguished Profes- Manhattan and around New England.
sor of Humanities Patrick Anderson,
Ph.D., presented the lecture Spirit of Michael Clark, enrollment marketing
Place: Native Lands and Cultures of the manager in Admissions, published Orin
American Southwest in Tamworth, N.H., and the Elementals Part One: Moving
as part of the Mt. Washington Valleys Slideways in December. The book, the
Community Read program. He focused on first of five installments, was edited by
the Anasazi culture of such ancient sites
Megan Ruggiero 10, associate publish-
as Mesa Verde, Chaco Canyon, Hoven-
ing manager at Hasbro.
weep and Canyon de Chelly, where he has
done research. Professor Anderson also

wrote a piece for In Media Res called

Rocky Rides Again: Creed and the Ameri-
can Dream, part of the websites week
devoted to the American Dream on Film
curated by Ella Tucan 14.

Associate Professor and Chair of Natural Tim Bradley 05 directed and produced
Sciences Nick Baer, Ph.D., received a the documentary The Whiskey Treaty
$3,000 grant from the Charles E. and Roadshow. See page 75 for more.
Edna T. Brundage Charitable, Scientific,
and Wildlife Conservation Foundation to Associate Professor of Humanities Ewa
study pathogen transport during autumn Chrusciel, Ph.D., published her article in Ann Bemis Day 50 operates her
migration with migratory birds of prey. Polish about peer feedback and revision publishing company Raven Croft Books
He is working with four senior biology in creative writing as a chapter in out of her own independent cottage at
majors, in collaboration with Assistant Creative Writing in Theory and Practice. Rivermeads Continuing Care Retirement
Professor of Natural Sciences James Her second book of poems in English, Facility in Peterborough, N.H., where she
Jukosky, Ph.D., to employ molecular Contraband of Hoopoe, was reviewed by moved two years ago after more than 60
sampling techniques aimed at identifying Lynarra Featherly in Tupelo Quarterly. years at Knoll Farm in Waitsfield, Vt. Her
the presence of Eastern Equine Encepha- Professor Chrusciel also published latest book, Poetry Through the Year, is
litis and West Nile virus from samples selected poems in these anthologies: an engagement calendar featuring her
collected from migratory hawks. Stu Scattering the Dark: An Anthology of photos and poems. Day also writes
dents accompanied Professor Baer this Polish Women; Poet Showcase: An Anthol- nature articles for the Mad River Valleys
fall to band and collect samples as part ogy of New Hampshire Poets; Devouring Valley Reporter and has published
of the Cape May Raptor Banding Project the Green; and Anthology of New Writing. several nature books and collections.
in New Jersey. She was invited to read her poetry and
give a talk on translation at Penn State
Sharon Beaudry, M.B.A, adjunct faculty
in business administration, was one of
25 working group members to write and Jon Keenan, M.F.A, Joyce J. Kolligian
edit A Guide to the Human Resource Distinguished Professor and Sonja C.
Body of Knowledge, published in October Davidow 56 Endowed Chair in the
by the HR Certification Institute. Fine and Performing Arts, was at
Tokyo University of the Arts in Novem-
Director of Campus Safety Pete Berthi- ber on a Fulbright Specialist grant as
aume and New London Police Depart- part of the Council for International
ment Chief Ed Andersen presented the Exchange of Scholars (CIES) Program.

program Active Shooter: Prevention, He presented his methods for

Preparation and Response to faculty and wood-firing ceramics with anagama
staff and several New London Hospital and lectured on the differences
employees last fall. between American and Japanese
contemporary ceramic cultures.

spring 2016 45
In addition to making substantial prog- Decreases CCL20, SLPI, and BD-1 Secre- Contributing faculty were Professors
ress in his research and development in tion by Human Primary Nasal Epithelial Loretta Barnett, Jon Keenan and Bert
the use of local sustainable materials in Cells. Yarborough; Associate Professor Hilary
his ceramic processes, Artist in Resi- Walrod; Artist-in-Residence David
dence in the Fine and Performing Arts Associate Professor of Natural Sciences Ernster; and Assistant Professors
out + about

Department David Ernster, M.F.A., Semra Kilic-Bahi, Ph.D., attended the Nicholas Gaffney, Mary Mead and
again received the Best in Ceramics annual national Joint Mathematics Michael Lovell.
award at the Living with Craft exhibition Meeting (JMM) organized by the Mathe-
at the Annual League of New Hampshire matical Association of America and
Craftsmen Fair in August. He was invited American Mathematical Society. As chair


to participate in Animals at the Fells at of the committee on the Participation of
the historic John Hay Estate on Lake Women in Mathematics, she facilitated
Sunapee, where he also demonstrated its meeting and represented the
some of his techniques during Artists committee at the Council on the Profes-
Weekend. Professor Ernsters work was sion and Joint Committee on Women
part of the Annual Juried Show at the meetings.
AVA gallery in Lebanon, N.H., and it was
featured in a two-person show at the Frances King 67 is a personal biographer
Zero Celsius micro gallery in New who has helped edit numerous memoirs. Highlighted in the exhibit was Professor
London as well as in the annual faculty Among the most recent are Wilbers War: Lovells installation that incorporated
exhibition at Colby-Sawyer. He also has An American Familys Journey through scenic painting techniques and set and
work in the traveling show Insightful, World War II by Hale Bradt and Innova- prop building techniques to make a
which features tactile work for the visual- tion Life Love: Reflections on Living with sculpture you can walk into. Professor
ly impaired. His work was featured in Mortality by Michael Gollin. Lovell came to Colby-Sawyer in 2000
New Hampshire Magazine and New and holds a B.F.A. from Cornell Universi-
Hampshire Home Magazine, and he was Adjunct faculty member and research ty and an M.F.A. from the School of the
interviewed about his work by The Hippo consultant Elizabeth M. G. Krajewski, Art Institute of Chicago. He is technical
Press and YCN News. Ph.D., will present her paper Cuthbert director of the Sawyer Fine Arts Center
and the Gospel of Matthew: Biblical Theater, directs theater productions and
Deborah Gould 67 published her Influences in the Anonymous Life of St. teaches courses in stagecraft.
second novel, The Eastern, in July. Set in Cuthbert at the 51st International
the early 1800s, the book chronicles five Congress on Medieval Studies in Melissa Meade, Ph.D., associate profes-
families who settle on the Eastern River Kalamazoo, Mich., in May. The paper is sor and chair of the Humanities Depart-
in Pittston, Maine. Together, they build a synopsis of a chapter from her doctor- ment, in her role as research associate
an agricultural community based on al dissertation, which she successfully for the Library of Congress Radio Preser-
New England values of cooperation and defended at University of Wales Trinity vation Taskforce, gave the talk The
reciprocity. Saint David in December. Archive as Community Practice in
February at the conference Saving
Maggie Gousse 13 published the chil- Associate Professor of Business Admin- Americas Radio Heritage: Radio Preser-
drens book From Nanas Window. Incor- istration Chris Kubik, D.B.A., presented vation, Access and Education in Wash-
porating illustrations done by her To the Boardroom and Beyond: An ington, D.C. In April, she led the
grandmother in the 1960s, the poetic Active Learning Odyssey at the Accredi- workshop Freedom Recycling Bin at
story tells of native songbirds and their tation Council for Business Schools and the FemTechNet Distributed Open
sounds. Gousse holds a masters degree Programs (ACBSP) Regional Conference Collaborative Conference: Feminist >
in environmental law and policy from in October. As the recipient of the Best Pedagogy, Technology, Transdisciplinari-
Vermont Law School. of Region award, Professor Kubik will ty at the University of Michigan.
represent Region I at the ACBSP nation-
Assistant Professor of Natural Sciences al conference this June in Atlanta. In November, TIME magazine examined
James Jukosky, Ph.D., and his research The Hyper-Competitive, Data-Driven
colleagues at the Geisel School of Medi- Colby-Sawyer opened its annual Faculty Future of Fitness, and talked with
cine at Dartmouth published an article Art Exhibit, featuring recent works by the Russell Medbery, Ph.D., professor of
in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry fine and performing arts faculty in Exercise and Sport Sciences, about the
titled In vivo Cigarette Smoke Exposure ceramics, graphic design, painting, gameification of fitness.
photography, printmaking and sculpture,
with a reception on Nov. 12.

46 colby-sawyer magazine
with an Ollie Award, presented annually Professor of Exercise and Sport Sciences
by Windsor Community Television to Kerstin Stoedefalke, Ph.D., traveled to
recognize outstanding programming. the University of Exeter in England and
Swansea, Wales, to coordinate a nutri-
Stephanie Brown Reininger 55 taught tional analysis research project. The
an all-day watercolor workshop at the focus of the research is to evaluate the
AVA Gallery in Lebanon, N.H., in Jan. dietary habits of college-age students
Her watercolors were also on display at through the use of a three-day dietary
the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at log. The research will include data
Assistant Professor of Fine and Dartmouth College this winter. collected at Colby-Sawyer and Lincoln
Performing Arts Mary Mead, M.F.A., University.
has had a print from her current series Along with several colleagues and Presi-
of images focused on waves, surf and dent Thomas C. Galligan Jr., Assistant Bert Yarborough, M.F.A., Sonja C.
the ocean chosen for inclusion in the Professor of Humanities Paul Robert- Davidow 56 Endowed Chair in the Fine
International Print Center New Yorks son, Ph.D., gave the talk Religion After and Performing Arts, was part of the
(IPCNY) Winter 2016/New Prints exhi- Religion: Millennials in a Post-Religious exhibition Lost Cat at the Cape Cod
bition. Untitled VII is from a three-plate Age at Colby-Sawyers TEDx event, Museum of Art in Dennis, Mass., that
series of spit-bite aquatints. The which will be published online through ran through mid-January.

IPCNY is a nonprofit institution that TED Talks. (See more about the TEDx
produces scholarly publications and Talks on page 9.) Professor Robertson
education programs in the art of the also presented two papers at the Ameri-
print as well as an ongoing series of can Academy of Religion and Society of
exhibitions. It has been described as Biblical Literature national meeting in
the epicenter of the print world. Atlanta: Construction of Mythical
Founders in the Ancient Mediterranean:
Associate Professor of Social Sciences Pauls Jesus and Greco-Roman Philo-
and Education Darcy Mitchell, Ph.D., sophical Schools and Individualized
had her paper Spilling over: Partner Appellation as Polemic in Late Antiquity.
parenting stress as a predictor of family
cohesion in families of adolescents with Director of Student Success and Reten-
developmental disabilities accepted for tion Kim Sauerwein, M.Ed., presented Professors of Exercise and Sport
publication in the peer-reviewed journal Metrics for Success: An Assessment Sciences Jean Eckrich, Ph.D., and Russ
Research in Developmental Disabilities. Planning Process for Student Success Medbery, Ph.D., co-presented with
and Retention at the New England recent graduates at the New England
Peter Noonan 95 contributed the illus- Educational Assessment Network Fall Chapter of the American College of
trations to the first educational chil- Forum in Worcester, Mass. She also led Sports Medicine Conference in Provi-
drens book published by Manchesters faculty and staff from around the region dence, R.I., on Oct. 14. Kaylyn Mitchell
SEE Science Center. We thought youd in a discussion of measures for institu- 15 and Brittany Venuti 15 presented
never ask! is a whimsical exploration of tional and student success and targeted their poster The Relationship between
the dinosaur age in which children pose strategies for gathering measurable Balance and Core Stability, a project
questions to the bygone beasts. data. The Colby-Sawyer Plan for Student they completed with Jackie Keating 15
Success and Retention was highlighted and Stephanie Vecchio 15. Shanshan
In October, health promotion major as a model for best practice in higher Chen 15 and Bryan Vrooman 15
Sarah Perry 16 was interviewed in education. presented their poster The Effects of
Penises, pubs and positivity: Tumblr is Foam Rolling on Ankle Dorsiflexion
changing sex ed by the British online Professor of Natural Sciences Ben Mobility, their Capstone project they
magazine Dazed about her Tumblr blog Steele, Ph.D., co-authored the paper completed with Nick Austin 15 and
Sex Ed with Sarah, discussing sexual Stress hormones mediate state- Nyok Malwal 15.
education, reproductive rights and dependent reproductive investment in
womens rights. the face of danger in a long-lived bird.
Published in the Journal of Zoology, the
Susan Patricelli-Regan 64 is the host of paper presents the results of 10 years
the public access TV show CT Valley of research on the Common Eider in
Views. In 2015, the program was Finland that Professor Steele conducted
honored for the third consecutive year with his international colleagues.

spring 2016 47
by Ryan Emerson

MENS SOCCER (11-8, 8-1, NAC) leaders in several categories including earned NAC Player of the Week in the

The mens soccer team, selected to finish sixth in points, 10th in assists and assists first week of October after scoring all
third in the North Atlantic Conference per game, fourth in points per game and three of the Chargers goals in a 3-2
(NAC) standings, went 8-1 and earned 11th in total goals. victory over eventual NAC champion
the third seed in the NAC Tournament, Thomas College. He recorded his first
after a tie breaker with two other 8-1 Sexton was named to the National career hat-trick lifting Colby-Sawyer to
teams. Although the Chargers were upset Soccer Coaches Association of America defeat the Terriers for the first time
in the first round, the team made a third All-New England Region Third Team, since 2011.
straight appearance in the Eastern becoming the fifth Colby-Sawyer
College Athletic Conference (ECAC) mens soccer player to be honored by First-year student Matt Schiller
Tournament. the NSCAA and the first since Nic (Slingerlands, N.Y.) earned a NAC Rookie
DeZenzo 08, who was named in 2007. of the Week award after his game-winning
The Chargers reached the postseason for goal in a 3-2 comeback win against
the 20th time in the past 21 years and a Sexton, who earned All-NAC First Team Plymouth State. Down 2-0, Colby-Sawyer
berth into the ECAC Tournament for the accolades for the second straight season, netted two goals to tie the game, which
fourth time in program history. Colby- led all NAC players with 47 points on 17 set Schiller up for the game winner, as he
Sawyer finished with an 11-8 overall goals and 13 assists. He also led the found the back of the net in the 80th
record to register back-to-back double conference with five game-winning goals. minute.
digit wins for the first time since 1996 In only conference games, Sexton regis-
1997. The eight conference wins set a tered a league best 38 points and 15 Junior Andrew Clothier (Matamata, New
single-season program record. goals. He was second with eight assists. Zealand) recorded the third most assists
He finished the year with several in a season with 10. He has 20 career
Sophomore Denali Sexton (Barrington, single-season records including 18 goals, helpers, just two shy of the program
R.I.) improved upon his remarkable 13 assists and 49 points. Sexton ends his record.
rookie season and has been recognized sophomore campaign ranked second in
as one of the top players in the nation. program history in career points (79), WOMENS SOCCER (13-4-2, 8-1 NAC)
Sexton garnered numerous awards and second in goals (30) and third in assists The womens soccer team won its third
ranked near the top of the national (19). During the season Sexton was straight NAC title in 2015 after defeating
named NSCAA Division III National intrastate foe New England College, 1-0 in
Player of the Week, an NAC Player of the the championship match.
Week and an ECAC Player of the Week.
The Chargers earned the second seed in
Junior Rick Prindivilles (Hooksett, N.H.) the NAC Tournament after posting an 8-1
defense was instrumental in collecting six record in conference play. After a 1-0
clean sheets in 2015, which included five overtime victory over Maine Maritime in
in NAC contests. For his efforts he was
The womens soccer team won its third straight
one of the four defenders named to the NAC championship defeating New England
All-NAC First Team. Prindiville also College 1-0 in the finals.
scored two goals in his third season,
which included the game winner in a 1-0
NAC victory over Maine Maritime.

Senior Zach Anderson (Ipswich, Mass.)


was named to the All-NAC Sports

manship Team.

Sophomore Zach Elmore (Berlin, Vt.)

Sophomore Denali Sexton ranked sixth in the finished second on the team with 27
nation in points, fourth in points per game, 10th in
assists, 10th in assists per game and 11th in goals.
points on 12 goals and three assists. He

48 colby-sawyer magazine
the semifinals, and an upset victory by Hoyt, junior Kelsey Campbell (Upton,
New England College over top seed Mass.) and junior Rachel Quaye
Castleton State, Colby-Sawyer was the (Westminster, Mass.) earned All-NAC
site of the championship match for the First Team honors for the second straight
fourth straight season. season. Martin and Sansoucy were
named to the All-NAC Second Team.
First-year student Abbie Sansoucy
(Douglas, Mass.) scored the game- In addition to being named All-NAC,
winning goal late in the second half of Quaye became the fourth Colby-Sawyer
the championship match against the NEC womens soccer player to earn NSCAA
Pilgrims and was named Tournament All-New England Region honors. She was
MVP. Sophomore Emily Martin named to the third team. Quaye led the


(Amesbury, Mass.) sent the Chargers to team with 19 points on eight goals and
the championship with the game-winning three assists to bring her career totals to
overtime goal against Maine Maritime in 18 goals, nine assists and 45 points.
the semifinals and was named to the All- Quaye, who was named NAC Player of
Tournament team. Senior Dominique the Week once, finished with a team best
Abbie Sansoucy 19 scored the game-winning goal
Papa (Farmington, Conn.), senior Karley four game-winning goals. She also was in a 1-0 triumph over New England College in the
Hamilton (Bradford, Vt.), and sophomore named to the All-NAC Sportsmanship NAC Championship and was named NAC
Corrie Hoyt (Lebanon, Conn.) were also Team. Tournament MVP.
named All-Tournament.
Hoyt, the 2014 NAC Rookie of the Year, Martin, once named NAC Defensive
Colby-Sawyer is 41-2-2 in regular season solidified herself as one of the top Player of the Week, scored three goals
conference matches since joining the defenders in the conference after earning including a pair of game winners. She
NAC in 2011. back-to-back nods to the first team. She started in all 19 of the Chargers matches
has started in every Colby-Sawyer match and was an instrumental part in the
The Chargers, having won 11 of their last (29) over the last two seasons and has Colby-Sawyer defense that posted 11
12 matches, drew number 16 Amherst aided the team to 20 shutouts. clean sheets.
College in the first round of the NCAA
Tournament. The match was evenly Campbell scored three times in 2015 and Sansoucy was twice named NAC Rookie
played throughout, but Amherst struck in was tied for second with two game of the Week, and once an NAC Player of
the 80th minute with the game-winning winners. She has been a consistent the Week and ECAC Rookie of the Week.
goal to advance with a 1-0 victory and scoring option for the Chargers, tallying She finished fourth on the team with 10
end Colby-Sawyers season at 13-4-2. at least three goals each season. points on four goals and two assists,
while patrolling the backline for the
Chargers defense in all 19 matches.
The womens soccer team supported Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October with pink uniforms in a
3-0 win over Green Mountain College. Colby-Sawyer goalie Hamilton was
named NAC Defensive Player of the Week
and ECAC Defensive Player of the Week
after recording a pair of shutouts in the
NAC Tournament. She finished her career
as one of the top goaltenders to wear the
Chargers uniform. Hamilton ranks first
all-time in wins with 45 and goals against
average at .72 and ninth in saves with 252.
She also holds single-season records in
wins (19) and shutouts (16).


The Colby-Sawyer field hockey team
continued to improve in its fifth year as a
varsity program. The Chargers saw an
increase in wins for the fourth straight
season and finished with a program best

spring 2016 49
The Chargers outscored their opponents First-year student Sierra Schuster
25-3 in the eight wins, which included a (Hopkinton, N.H.) earned a NAC Rookie
program record six shutouts. The team of the Week award during the season.
set single-season records in points (101), She finished her rookie year fourth on the
goals (39) and assists (23). team with 12 points on five goals, includ-


ing the programs second hat-trick, and
First-year student Jordan Teixeira (Exeter, two assists.

N.H.) had the best season in the first five

years of the program. She registered Senior Brittany Grandbois (East Barre,
single season records in points (22) and Vt.) scored a single-season record nine
assists (6) while collecting the second goals in 2015. She added three assists for
Senior Brittany Grandbois scored a single-season
record nine goals in 2015. most goals in a season with eight. For 21 points, which is second most in a
her efforts, Teixeira became the first season. On September 19, in a 4-1 win
eight victories. The team went 8-9 overall Charger to be named NAC Rookie of the over Becker College, Grandbois recorded
and 2-3 in the conference to earn the Year. the programs first hat-trick. She finishes
programs first trip to the NAC her career with the third most points
Tournament. Teixeira also landed on the NAC All- (29), second most goals (12) and seventh
Conference Team. She was also the first most assists (7).
Colby-Sawyer held the fourth seed in the Charger to earn Longstreth/National
NAC Tournament and traveled to Husson Field Hockey Coaches Association Head Coach Emily Rinde-Thorsen was
University for the semifinals where the (NFHCA) Division III All-Region Second honored as the NAC Coach of the Year
Chargers fell to the eventual NAC cham- Team accolades. after directing the Chargers to their first
pions. Seniors Courtney Andrews postseason appearance since joining the
(Bennington, Vt.) and Taylor OConnor In conference play, the rookie finished NAC in 2011.
(Franklin, N.H.) were named to the the season ranked in the top six in goals
All-Tournament team. (4, t-2nd), points (10, t-2nd), shots WOMENS TENNIS
(20, t-4th), game-winning goals (1, t-5th), (14-2, 7-0 NEAC East)
assists (2, t-6th) and shots on goal The womens tennis team earned its
(14, t-6th). Her game winner came in fourth straight NEAC East Division title
Jordan Teixeira 19 was named NAC Rookie of the an essential 3-2 conference victory over with a 6-0 win over Castleton State.
Year, NAC All-Conference and Longstreth/NFHCA
Division III All-Region Second Team.
Castleton State, assuring its first postsea- Picked as the preseason favorite once
son appearance and first victory over the again, the Chargers went undefeated
Spartans. Against UMaine-Farmington, through conference play for the fourth
one of the strongest defensive units in straight year. Colby-Sawyer will face the
the conference, Teixeira found the back of winner of the NEAC West Division in the
the cage twice, while all other conference spring with a trip to the NCAA
teams netted no more than one team Tournament on the line.
goal against UM-F. She also earned two
NAC Rookie of the Week honors during The Chargers had the best statistical
the season. season since the 2008 team recorded
winning percentages in singles and
Senior goalie Jodi Dumayne (Claremont, doubles above .800. Colby-Sawyer
N.H.) concluded her career as the best finished the fall with a combined doubles
goalie in program history. She earned record of 47-9 (.839) and a singles record
seven wins in 2015 and had four solo of 75-18 (.806). The team wrapped up the
shutouts, combining with senior Kasey first semester with an overall record of
Redmond (Germantown, N.Y.) for 14-2 and a conference record of 7-0. The
another. Dumayne is the program leader Chargers are 34-1 since joining the NEAC
in wins (21), shutouts (11), saves (539) East Division in 2011. The team will
and save percentage (.783). She earned resume play in the spring with a few

one NAC Defensive Player of the Week matches prior to the NEAC Crossover
award and was named ECAC Defensive Championship on May 7.
Player of the Week. Dumayne also was
named to the NAC Sportsmanship Team. Colby-Sawyer hosted the NEAC East
Tournament where the home team

50 colby-sawyer magazine
Ramsay, OConnor and Woodside were
named First Team Singles All-Conference.
Woodside and Ramsay also were named
First Team Doubles All-Conference after
compiling a 13-3 record with an unblem-

ished conference record of 5-0. The duo

teamed for the second straight season at
the Salve Regina Grass Court Doubles
Tournament, taking top honors in Flight
A for the second straight time defeating a
Evelyn Miller 19 (left) and Aislinn OConnor 19 team from Holy Cross. Woodside went
(right) teamed for an impressive 16-3 record and 10-3 in singles including a 5-0 mark in
went 7-0 in conference play. The duo was named
Second Team Doubles All-Conference.
conference action.


cruised to another championship, defeat- Miller and OConnor were named Second
ing Johnson State 9-0 in the semifinals Team Doubles All-Conference. The duo
and Castleton State 6-0 in the finals. The compiled an overall record of 16-3 and
Chargers and Castleton Spartans have reached the finals of the Flight B champi-
met in the past five championship onships at the Salve Regina Grass Court
matches with Colby-Sawyer winning the Doubles Tournament. The team went 7-0 Senior Ashlyn Ramsay, the 2015 NEAC East Player
last four. Senior Ashlyn Ramsay in conference play. Miller also had a of the Year for the second straight season, is the
programs all-time leader in total wins, doubles
(Barkhamsted, Conn.) was named tour- stellar singles year in her first season with wins and singles wins.
nament MVP, while sophomores Evelyn the Chargers. She was 13-1 (5-0 in NEAC)
Miller (Smithfield, R.I.) and Ashley and tied for the team lead in wins with
Woodside (Hampden, Maine) were Ramsay. Miller earned three NEAC East Head Coach Barry Schoonmaker earned
named to the All-Tournament Team. Rookie of the Week awards during the his third NEAC East Coach of the Year
season. award. Since joining the league in the
Ramsay claimed her second straight fall of 2011, Schoonmaker has led the
NEAC East Player of the Year award. The Sophomore Lauren Blanchard (Agawam, Chargers to a 34-1 regular season
senior ended the fall portion of the Mass.) was named to the All-NAC conference record, four NEAC East
schedule as Colby-Sawyers all-time Sportsmanship team. Blanchard went Championships, three NEAC Crossover
leader in career wins (121), career doubles 10-2 overall in singles, including a perfect Championships and three NCAA
wins (66) and career singles wins (55). 5-0 mark in conference play. She also Tournaments. The Colby-Sawyer head
She went 13-2 overall and 6-0 in NEAC collected a 12-2 record in doubles and coach has also produced four Players
play at the top singles flight. She was went 4-0 against conference opponents. of the Year, three Rookies of the Year
named NEAC East Player of the Week and 27 all-conference selections.
four times and was honored by the ECAC
as Co-Player of the Month for September. The womens tennis team won its fourth straight NEAC East title.
She finishes her NEAC career with a
perfect 23-0 singles record and a 24-0
record in doubles.

First-year student Aislinn OConnor

(New Fairfield, Conn.) was named NEAC
East Rookie of the Year. She posted an
overall record of 8-4 in singles action,
including a perfect 5-0 record in confer-
ence play. OConnor earned NEAC East
Rookie of the Week honors once, became

the Chargers second-straight Rookie of

the Year and the third in four years.
(Ashley Woodside 14-15 and Ashlyn
Ramsay 12-13).

spring 2016 51
The womens team, chosen as the
preseason favorites, earned first place
with a championship best score of 30
points with five runners in the top 11. The
second-place team scored 59 points in
the 5K race, which included 106 runners

representing 10 schools.

Junior Emily Lopez (Lincolnville, Maine)

and sophomore Lauren Oligny (Plaistow,
N.H.) finished second and third, respec-
tively, in 20:36.56 and 20:43.47. First-year
student Martha Aschale (Cambridge,
Mass.) placed fifth in 21:54.01, while
senior twin sisters Jordan Springmann
(Mont Vernon, N.H.) and Rachel
Springmann (Mont Vernon, N.H.) turned
in their most impressive runs of the
season to help the Chargers earn the The Womens Cross Country team secured its second straight NAC crown.
championship trophy. Jordan placed
ninth in 22:10.83, while Rachel was close Landing on the All-NAC Second Team time of 19:19.72 on Sept. 19 at UMass
behind in 11th at 22:18.56. were junior Nicole Morris (Salisbury, Vt.), Dartmouth and Oligny set a new 6K
Jordan Springmann and Rachel Spring- mark of 23:18.20 on Oct. 17 at
Aschale was the top first-year student mann. Morris turned in her second top-15 Connecticut College.
finisher at the NAC Championship, finish of the season by placing 14th in
earning her Rookie of the Year honors. 22:31.59. Junior Lea Taylor (Newburyport, Lyndsay Bisaccio was named NAC Coach
She also earned two NAC Rookie of the Mass.) was selected to the All-NAC of the Year for the second straight season
Week honors this season. Aschale, Lopez Sportsmanship Team. after guiding the team to a second
and Oligny earned All-NAC First Team consecutive title.
honors for placing in the top-seven at the Two new program standards were set
NAC Championship. during the season in the 5K and 6K. The Colby-Sawyer mens and womens
Lopez came away with a new 5K record teams were the top finishers of compet-
ing NAC teams at the NCAA Regionals
Martha Aschale 19 was named Rookie of the Year at the NAC Championship. hosted by Connecticut College.

The mens team saw its top five finishers

place in the top-26 of the NAC

Senior Ben Bunnell (Barnet, Vt.) placed

fourth with a time of 27:36.30 to lead the
Chargers. Junior Brandon Legendre
(Waterford, Vt.) was the second Charger
to cross the finish line in 11th at 28:26.68.
Sophomore Kody Frye (Keene, N.H.) was
close behind in 17th at 28:51.30, while
junior Travis Yandow (Fairfax, Vt.)
clocked in at 28:58.21 to place 20th. In his
first NAC Championship race, first-year
student Bruin Smith (Cohoes, N.Y.)

turned in a solid performance with a 26th

place finish in 29:17.29 to round out the
Chargers top five.

52 colby-sawyer magazine
Colby-Sawyer finished the season with an claimed seven NAC Defensive Player of
overall record of 12-25 and was 6-0 in the the Week honors, which gives her 12
NAC to record the programs fifth overall Defensive Player of the Week
straight perfect conference season. honors in her two seasons of play. Strong
Colby-Sawyer has won all 32 of its confer- collected her 1,000th career dig in a win
ence matches since joining the NAC and at Green Mountain on Oct. 24 and
has won 96 out of 99 sets played. finished her first two seasons with a total
of 1,090.
After earning a fifth consecutive number-
one seed in the NAC Tournament, the Three student-athletes were honored on
Chargers swept Lyndon State 3-0 in the the All-NAC Second Team. McCulley,
semifinals. Colby-Sawyer then earned a Sullivan and first-year student Gabrielle
3-0 win in the championship match over Ratte (Kula, Hawaii) earned their first
Maine Maritime for the fifth straight all-conference awards.
McCulley led the Chargers offense in
Junior Gabrielle Rodriguez (Rancho numerous matches resulting in a team-
Cucamonga, Calif.), who was twice high 312 kills (2.36 p/s). She was second
Senior Ben Bunnell earned All-NAC First Team named NAC Player of the Week, earned on the team with 51 aces and 276 digs.
accolades after placing fourth at the NAC tournament MVP honors after collecting McCulley earned one NAC Player of the
Championship. He is the school record holder in a match-best 15 kills, three blocks and Week award and ranked toward the top in
the 6K and 8K.
three aces. Senior Kelsey Sullivan several categories in NAC matches only,
(Laconia, N.H.) had eight kills and eight including kills per set, hitting percentage,
Bunnell was named to the All-NAC First digs, while senior Kelsey McCulley aces, aces per set, block assists, total
Team, while Legendre was named to the (Southampton, N.Y.) hit an impressive blocks and blocks per set.
All-NAC Second Team. Senior DJ Ayotte .467 for nine kills. Both Kelseys were
(East Kingston, N.H.) was selected to the named to the All-Tournament team. Ratte had a solid first season in a
All-NAC Sportsmanship Team. Chargers uniform. She was twice named
The Chargers drew 18th ranked Clarkson NAC Rookie of the Week and was an
Bunnell, who earned his second straight University in the programs eighth trip to ECAC Rookie of the Week. Ratte collected
nod to the All-NAC First Team, earned the NCAA Tournament. The 28-8 327 assists, 196 digs and 111 kills. In
four NAC Runner of the Week honors Beavers, who won the regional, came conference only matches, Ratte ranked in
during the season. He placed in the top away with a 3-0 win, ending the Chargers the top-10 in assists, assists per set, aces,
six of four races in 2015, including a win season. aces per set, block assists, total blocks
at New England College in early Sept and blocks per set.
ember, which he finished with a 5K Sophomore Lexi Strong (Somersworth,
school record time of 16:15. The next N.H.) was named NAC Defensive Player Sullivan was an instrumental part of the
week, Bunnell set a program record in the of the Year for the second straight Colby-Sawyer attack in 2015. She had the
8K at UMass-Dartmouth with a time of season. She also earned her second second most kills on the team with 276
25:29.38. straight nod to the All-NAC First Team. and led the team with 52 aces. Sullivan
also added the fourth most blocks on the
Smith earned an NAC Rookie of the Week After an outstanding rookie season, team with 36. In NAC matches only,
award for his efforts at the James Early Strong continued her dominant play Sullivan ranked second in aces with 19,
Invitational hosted by Westfield State on during her sophomore year. The defen- averaging 1.0 per set, which was fourth in
Oct. 10. sive specialist led the league in digs (80) the conference. She also ranked sixth in
and digs per set (4.21), while also earning kills and kills per set, and fourth in points.
WOMENS VOLLEYBALL nine assists and seven service aces
(12-25, 6-0 NAC) against conference opponents. Overall, Sophomore Alli Lahiff (Haverhill, Mass.)
The womens volleyball team won its fifth the 2014 NAC Rookie of the Year and now was selected to represent the Chargers
straight NAC championship and eighth two-time Defensive Player of the Year on the All-NAC Sportsmanship Team.
conference title overall. The Chargers won recorded 556 digs, averaging 4.41 per set,
three Commonwealth Coast Conference to go along with 73 assists and 32 service
championships (1999, 2003, 2005) aces. She posted 14 or more digs in 22 of Ryan Emerson has been Colby-Sawyers Sports
Information Director since 2008. He holds a
before moving to the NAC in 2011. the 35 matches she played in and notched
B.S. from Western New England University and
the 20-dig plateau 11 times. Strong an M.B.A. from Providence College.

spring 2016 53

Colby-Sawyer Athletics
Celebrates Tenth Hall of Fame Class


by Ryan Emerson

The Colby-Sawyer Athletic Hall of Fame celebrates 49ers; formerly, he was vice president of Corporate Sales &
the accomplishments of Colby-Sawyer athletes, Services and Game Presentation for the NBAs Minnesota
coaches, teams and supporters who have Timberwolves. Casson was recognized by Sports Business
advanced the colleges commitment to excellence. Journal as a member of the Forty Under 40 Class of 2014.
He was previously recognized as a Forty Under 40 by the
Since its establishment by the Chargers Club in
Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal.
2006, the Athletic Hall of Fame has inducted 40
individuals and teams. Colby-Sawyer honored four
individuals and one team as new members of its During Daileys three seasons with the womens basketball
Athletic Hall of Fame on Sunday, Oct. 18, during program, the Chargers went 70-14, won three conference
the Alumni Fall Festival. This years honorees were championships and made three trips to the National Collegiate
basketball players Ethan Casson 96 and Michelle Athletic Association (NCAA) Tournament. In 1997 and 1999,
Dailey 99; tennis, basketball and track athlete Lori Colby-Sawyer hosted NCAA Tournament games, and Dailey
Monroe Lombardi 97; baseball player Jon Nicholas was part of the colleges first win in NCAA postseason play for
any sport (1999). The sophomore transfer was named
06 and the 19971998 Mens Basketball Team. Commonwealth Coast Conference (CCC) Player of the Year as a
junior and was CCC First Team honoree as a senior. She
ETHAN CASSON 96 finished her Colby-Sawyer tenure with 709 points and her
A member of Head Coach Bill Fotis first recruiting class, collegiate career with 1,078 points. Dailey ranks sixth in
Casson helped the Chargers to a 70-31 record in his four years program history with 351 career assists. She was invited to try
as floor general. Collecting a school best 454 assists, a record out for the WNBA after her final season. Dailey and her
he held for 16 years, Casson was also a powerful defensive 19981999 womens basketball teammates were inducted into
player with 152 steals, ranking him ninth all-time. His outstand- the Hall of Fame in 2009 in recognition of their outstanding
ing efforts were recognized with the 19951996 Eastern College season. Dailey recently accepted a job as head coach of the
Athletic Conference (ECAC) Robbins Scholar-Athlete Award; in Easthampton High School Girls Varsity Basketball Team in
2013, he was inducted into the New England Basketball Hall of Massachusetts.
Fame. He has gone on to success in professional sports and is
now the chief operating officer of the NFLs San Francisco

54 colby-sawyer magazine
LORI MONROE LOMBARDI 97 season, he was named to the All-CCC First Team after leading
Lombardi made a significant mark on Colby-Sawyer athletics as the team in innings (55.2) and strikeouts (43). Nicholas won a
one of the greatest womens tennis players in program history school record 22 games and had at least four wins each
while competing for the track and basketball teams. Lombardis season. His name appears throughout the colleges baseball
long list of accomplishments includes leading the Chargers record books, including first in innings pitched (241.2), first in
tennis team to a conference championship each season. She appearances (44), complete games (22) and second in starts
was named New England Womens Athletic Conference (35). Nicholas also holds single season records of innings
(NEWAC) All-Conference during her first year and earned pitched (70.2) and complete games (7) and is tied for second
NEWAC All-Tournament accolades in singles and doubles as a in starts (9) and tied for third in wins (63 times).
sophomore. As the Chargers transitioned to the CCC in her
junior season, Lombardi again led the team to a championship THE 19971998 MENS BASKETBALL TEAM
and was the second-flight singles champion. In her final The 19971998 mens basketball team became the colleges
season, she guided the Chargers to a second straight CCC title. first team to capture an ECAC championship. The Chargers
She earned a pair of ECAC Robbins Scholar-Athlete Awards defeated Plymouth State 85-84 in the first round, Wentworth
(19951996, 19961997) and added a CCC Senior Scholar- 70-63 in the semifinals and Keene State 102-95 in the finals.
Athlete award (1997). She also was named to the tennis GTE The team had an overall record of 25-4 and a perfect CCC
All-American Second Team At Large. Lombardi ranks sixth in record of 13-0. Their 25 wins remains a Colby-Sawyer mens
total victories (88), third in singles victories (49) and eighth in basketball record, while the undefeated conference mark is one
doubles victories (39). of only two perfect seasons in program history. The 19971998
team included the following athletes: Shawn Bachelder 99,
JON NICHOLAS 06 Martin Binette 98, Alexi Bobolia 00, team captain Nate Camp
As a four-year starting pitcher for the Colby-Sawyer baseball 98, Terrell Dozier 00, Jonathan Edwards 99, Marc Ferlo 99,
team, Nicholas commanded his pitches on the mound, and his Bill Gallagher 01, team captain Matt George 98, Brian Joyce
unique style made it tough for opposing hitters to succeed. He 98, Patrick Quinn 98, Michael Spinney 00, Jim Statires 01
pounded the strike zone, leading to 144 career strikeouts and and Brian Wilder 99. The team was led by Head Coach Bill
ranking him third all-time, and is the program leader in fewest Foti, Assistant Coach Josh Pincoske 97, former Assistant Coach
walks per nine innings at 1.79. Nicholas was named the 2004 Tom Brayshaw, student Assistant Coach Kyle Battis 99 and
CCC Pitcher of the Year after going 5-0 in conference play and manager Rob Kasprzak 98.
earned a nod to the All-CCC First Team. During his final


In January, the Swimming and Diving
teams headed to Islamadora, Fla., to
train at the Ron Levy Aquatic Center.
Head Coach Signe Linville 06 invited
Executive Chef Henry Doyle along to
teach the athletes about nutrition
and create well-balanced meals to
fuel their workouts. Exercise science
students even prepared a presenta-
tion on the nutritional value of the
meals. I am a huge advocate for
healthy eating and fueling our bodies

with the right kinds of foods, said

Coach Linville. I dont want my
team just to swim, I want them to
be #alwayslearning.

spring 2016 55

by Jeff Samoray

What do Salvador Dali, John F. Kennedy, Ella Fitzgerald and Later, Joel sent a copy of the proposed cover photo to Trucksess.
Janice Rundle Trucksess 51 have in common? Famed photogra- He followed up with a brief note, expressing disappointment
pher Yale Joel captured all their images for LIFE magazine and that world events bumped the image and the accompanying
came to Colby-Sawyer (then Colby Junior College for Women) on Mountain Day photos from the magazine.
the hunt for great photographs.
He said he was really sorry I wouldnt be on the cover, Truck-
Joel, who worked as a LIFE staff photographer from its inception sess says. I was just 20 at the time. It wasnt a great disappoint-
until 1972, was known for taking extraordinary photos using ment, just something that didnt happen.
antique and specially designed equipment and elaborate setups.
A shot of the Rockettes dance line in perfect formation, a group Joel must have been smitten by Trucksess and her youthful
portrait of all 1,500 Disney World employees, and a photo of Grace Kellylike looks. He booked a photo session with her in
Marilyn Monroe singing Happy Birthday to President Kennedy March 1951 for another proposed LIFE cover shot. The posed
at Madison Square Garden are among his famous images. images are set in a greenhouse and outdoors, but Trucksess
doesnt recall the details about that day. None of the images
Joel, who died in 2006 at 87, also used his warm, comfortable made it to print, but the photos from that session and Mountain
manner to help his subjects relax on the other side of the lens. Day are in Googles LIFE photo archive (see
Joel was the kindest, dearest guy in all the world, says Truck-
sess, now 85. He was just a wonderfully nice man and really Trucksesss father, Henry Skeet Rundle, also noted her photo-
easy to work with. genic qualities. As art director for RCA Victor, he placed his
daughter in photo shoots that appeared in several print ads for
Joel and a crew of two arrived on the Colby campus in 1950 to RCA televisions.
photograph students hiking Mt. Kearsarge on Mountain Day.
He shot dozens of black-and-white images many are group The photo sessions were a prelude to Trucksesss modeling
photos of students reaching the summit and enjoying the career. She joined the Models Guild of Philadelphia after gradu-
breathtaking scenery. He also took posed shots of individual ating from Colby and appeared in ads that featured everything
students, and more of Trucksess than anyone else. from clothing to cosmetics. In 1955, Trucksess became the first
person pictured on the cover of the Philadelphia Yellow Pages.
At some point before leaving to hike Mt. Kearsarge, Joel was
introduced to me, Trucksess says. He wanted to feature my Modeling was great fun, Trucksess said. The Yellow Pages ad
photo on the cover of LIFE. I never asked why he picked me. Joel was seen all over town on the sides of streetcars and buses. I
and his assistants came to my room [in Burpee Hall] to help me even did some runway fashion shows. I modeled for about 10
select clothing. I remember feeling embarrassed because I had years, until my third daughter was born.
only one cashmere sweater.
Creativity runs in her family. Skeet Rundle painted the first full-
color artwork ever used on a record jacket (an RCA recording of
Brahmss Symphony No. 1.) He also designed TV cabinets and
transistor radio cases, as well as his mid-century modern home.
Trucksesss daughters also have pursued artistic endeavors:
Tanice in architectural design, Elizabeth in modeling and photog-

raphy, and Kristen in acting and education.

Trucksess and her husband, Bill, chairman of the Philadelphia

Sign Company, reside in Moorestown, N.J.

Jeff Samoray is a Michigan-based writer.

56 colby-sawyer magazine
HOMECOMING 2016 New Name, Same Great Tradition
Make plans now to be on campus Oct. 1416 for Homecoming

from 2016! Enjoy alumni and varsity sporting events, faculty-led

workshops and talks, and socializing with old and new friends.

alumni relations
Dont miss this chance to catch up with your classmates and
your college home! Reunion celebrations for the following
classes will take place during Homecoming: 1936, 1941, 1946,
1951, 1956, 1961, 1966, 1971, 1976, 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001,
2006 and 2011.
Alumni Award Winners
The annual Alumni Awards were presented at the 2015 Alumni INAUGURATIONS
Fall Festival in October. The Alumni Service Award was In recent months, alumni have represented President Thomas
presented to Sandra Davis Carpenter 55 and Patricia Canby C. Galligan Jr. and Colby-Sawyer College as official delegates to
Patty Colhoun 60. inaugural ceremonies at other institutions. We are grateful to
those who accepted invitations:
A longtime supporter of Colby-Sawyer whos attended many
college events, Sandra has volunteered as a member of the Teresa Meighan Hacunda 76 Rhode Island School of Design
Presidents Alumni Advisory Council and as class agent, Marianne Walling Morris 61 Drew University
served on various committees, represented Colby-Sawyer at Becky Young Robinson 64 Marlboro College
an inauguration and participated in alumni travel programs. Gale Spreter 70 Marymount Manhattan College
Outside Colby-Sawyer, Sandra has a long history of commu-
nity volunteerism. Shes a former trustee of Facing History
and Ourselves, an international educational organization GET YOUR COLBY-SAWYER PARTY IN A BOX
based in Brookline, Mass.; has served as moderator and Are you planning a get-together with Colby-Sawyer
trustee of her church; and has been an officer with the Council alumni? Let us know about your event and who will
of Aging, a local garden club, as well as the Landscape Design be there, and well mail you a Colby-Sawyer Party in a Box,
Council of Massachusetts. complete with Colby-Sawyer party favors. All we ask is
that you provide at least two weeks notice and send
Patty has been an active and engaged alumna for many years. us a group photo from your event. Visit
In June 2014, she established the Patricia Canby Colhoun 60 for more information.
Scholarship. Shes also been a longtime class correspondent
and sat on several Reunion committees. A strong believer in
being involved in her community, Patty has volunteered for SEE YOUR CLASS NOTES PHOTOS ONLINE
the Boothbay Region YMCA in many capacities, including as a Did you submit a photo for the Class Notes section of
board member and the 2002 Volunteer of the Year. That same Colby-Sawyer but didnt see it in the magazine? We dont have
year, she was also named Maine Pine Tree YMCA Volunteer of room for every photo, but you can view all submitted photos at
the Year. Shes part of the Villages Homeowners Association, Take a look and keep
was a board member of the Dynamic Dog Club, and has vol- sending us interesting high-resolution photos with captions!
unteered in her local hospitals.

Zanna Campbell Blaney 00 received the Young Alumni Connect with the Alumni Office:
Achievement Award. Since 2013, she has been dean of students
at Bedford High School in New Hampshire. Previously, she 603.526.3722 800.266.8253
spent six years at Bedford as a school counselor, worked at the
Center for College Planning at New Hampshire Higher Educa-
tion Assistance Foundation and was a Colby-Sawyer admis-
sions counselor. Zanna is on the N.H. School Counselor
Directors Board and is a member of the N.H. School Counselor
Association. In her current role, shes been a strong ambas-
sador for Colby-Sawyer, making sure her students know about
her alma mater. She has also been an Alumni in Admissions
representative and has volunteered at alumni/student net-
working events. Zanna attends alumni events, has served on
Reunion committees and supports the Colby-Sawyer Fund.

spring 2016 57
dining out, playing bridge with remember as I live out my life here
friends, and attending gatherings in my own home! God is good! As
of the 10th Mountain Division Ski for me, Jeanne Penny Losey
Club (WW2 veterans). Mary Root Bole, my life has changed, too, as I
Mollica 44 MT in Bennington, VT,

lost my husband of nearly 50 years

volunteers in town, attends weekly in 2015. Our family of 2 children

exercise classes, and still lives in and 5 grands has been very sup-
the 14-room ancestral home, portive and agreed that I should
though uses only 8. Her daughter return to our little home in FL for
is in Los Angeles and her son is in the winter. Be well, each of you,
Pownal, VT. Lila Latham Touhey until we next chat!
summers at Lake Champlain and
winters in Slingerlands, NY. Jan
Peters Gardiner and her husband, 1945
1943 enjoys the senior center, and still
Dick, have resided at The Canter-
bury retirement home in Palos
MARGARET MORSE TIRRELL drives! Catherine Kay English
Verdes Estates, CA, for 5 years. One Kipe from PA lives in a retirement
son lives nearby and the other is in Kudos to Shirley Shal Glidden
community and is happy her family
VA. Ann Tilton Carpenter plays Splaine, who represented our class
Charlotte Shapiro Krentzel sends is nearby in MA. Mary Jane Neid-
bridge with a longtime group and at our 70th Reunion. She said there
her best wishes to her classmates. ner Mason is doing well in a
still drives, returning to Pittsfield are so many new buildings, it was
She writes, I loved my time at retirement home in New Britain,
for church each week. Her daugh- easy to get lost! Our old gym is now
Colby. Dr. Sawyer was the best per- CT. She has 4 married grandchil-
ter works in Concord, NH, and a climbing wall! She interviewed
son I ever met. The school helped dren and 1 great-grandson named
stays with her 1 or 2 nights each some students from Macedonia
me become the person I am today Craig in memory of a son she lost.
week. Last summer, Ann was the and Nepal. There is a large contin-
because I lived and studied with a Elinor Files Halsted lives alone in a
flag girl at a memorial golf tourna- gent of them and they are really
mixture of our whole world, people condo in Manchester, CT, and does
ment for her husband, Thurston, in nice. Lots of photo taking, and she
from all over wanting to learn how not drive anymore. Fortunately, she
ME, driving in the golf cart to take was especially honored for being so
to live together and learn. has a son in the same town. Marjo-
the flag to each hole! Jane Mac- ancient (which no one could
rie Allen Wood worked for TWA as
Cabe Kelly travels the States and believe). She drove from Colgate to
a secretary, lived in Italy with her
1944 husband for a time, and then in
abroad with her partner, Tim. She
still drives and lives between her
President Galligans house for a
small cocktail party. Suzi Curtis
JEANNE PENNY LOSEY BOLE Gander, Newfoundland. She has 3
condo in Gladwyne, PA, and her Smythe is at Chaplin House in MD children, 7 grandchildren, and lives
summer home on Lake Winnipe- and recently went to NC for her
in her own Long Island home. She
saukee. Her first grandchild, brothers 98th birthday! Suzi keeps
Josephine Decristofaro Accattatis returns to Marthas Vineyard each
named for Janes late husband, in touch with Mary June Troup
was surprised to hear my voice summer and fills her time volun-
Tom, is an unending joy. Gertrude Kingsbury, friends after all these
after 70 years. She is in a 50+ com- teering for the Red Cross. She
Sis Woods Boyd is happy in her years. Nancy Dean Maynard and I
munity in Milton, MA, in her own sounded wonderful, and this is the
old home, despite the effort to have Sept. birthdays one day apart,
apartment. Her Colby Big Sister 1st time we have spoken since
walk, at times. She still drives so we had a great phone session
lives right down the hall. A son and graduation! Betsy VanGorder
locally and has a daughter in Phila- then. Mutual decision is that old
daughter-in-law have been very car- Minkler is happy in her own home,
delphia who comes often to visit. age sucks! She was going to have
ing and attentive. Gloria Hirsch with a daughter who calls daily and
Her son works in Holland and a quiet 90th celebration with just
Flanzer still studies at the Botanical family nearby. She attends book
another daughter is in Bellair, FL. her family (but altogether, that is
Gardens and is a docent at the Art clubs, a Town and Gown club, and
After Colby Jr., Margaret Kentfield quite a bunch). I, on the other
Institute of Chicago. Her weeks are still drives. Betsys 7th great-grand-
Burkey went to Mt. Holyoke and hand, decided to pull out all the
filled with classes in balanceand child, the oldest of whom is 17, just
then U. of Chicago Theological stops and catered a BBQ dinner for
she still drives in Chicago! She arrived! I had a wonderful chat with
Seminary. Her job search led her to 60 with an amazing jazz band. The
recently spoke with Charlotte Sha- Myrtle Furbush Mansfield, who
a 6-church parish in Eastern TN trumpet player had just received a
piro Krentzel 43. Joan Sandler recently lost her partner. She has
where she met her husband, Oliver. Tony award and was awesome. No
Musen still lives in her own home lived in Alfred, ME, for 35 years and
They had 4 sons, all married with presents accepted, but folks were
in FL and drives. She has many vis- loves the area. She is a quilter and
wonderful wives, giving her 12 asked to share memories of our
its from children and has 19 grands knitter, which she says keeps her
grandchildren, 12 great-grands and lives together. All 4 kids were there
and many greats. Bridge is part of fingers moving. Her claim to hav-
4 great-grands yet to marry. Oliver and 3 of my 6 grandchildren. That
her weekly events. Cynthia Alexan- ing the oldest great-grandson21,
passed in Sept. 2014, though Mar- night I didnt mind being 90! Most
der Carlson hoped to get to their I thinkmakes her #1 among us!
garet recently celebrated their 60th of you have been through great-
winter retreat in FL but her hus- Her 3 children have given her 7
wedding anniversary. She feels grandma-hood at least once, so
band had physical problems. Carol grandsand she is so happy to be
blessed to live in the home they you can imagine my joy at the
Cathcart Hutchins has been in her in her own home. Ann Norton
built 60 years ago, and she has one arrival of my 1st, Jack Duff Padgett.
home for 50 years and has 2 grand- Merrill lives in her condo and has a
of her retired Navy sons living next So fascinating to watch a newborn.
sons living with her. She is an avid longtime companion. He resides in
door with his 5 children. Margaret Congrats to Joy Waldau Hostage
quilter, a painter in oils and pastels, MA but visits often, and they enjoy
says, There is so much to and her hubby, Arthur, who

58 colby-sawyer magazine
celebrated their 65th wedding anni- and Jim celebrated her birthday in hospital/nursing home infection. I
versary on Nov. 18. They are active Sept. with dinner out with 2 of their was in Oak Hammocks skilled 1950
and as well as any 90-year-olds. You 5 daughters. The Piersons had a nursing for more than 3 months KATHLEEN VALLIERE-DENIS
all need to take correspondence nice summer in VT but returned to plus had 4 hospital stays in Aug. OUILETTE
lessons from June Mitchell Doug- Bernardsville for Hobs natal day The long stay in skilled nursing
las-White. Her note was short, and were, once again, settling back caused me to lose muscle tone and
sweet and to the point. She still into NJ life. Jane Maynard Gibson the ability to walk. I recently ditched Ann Bemis Day enjoys her retire-
lives in her home of 45 years on thought the fall issue of Colby-Saw- my walker and only use a cane ment community at Rivermead in
Cape Cod and does Meals on yer was absolutely beautiful and so when I leave our house. I plan to Peterborough, NH, and keeps busy
Wheels, theater, writing groups and interesting. She was happy I was have my right shoulder replaced in with poetry readings, workshops
bridge. Dottie Georger MacCon- still getting news for our column early 2016. Im concerned but dont and retreats in NH and VT. She still
nell sent hellos from ME, where and thought that, once again, it think Ill get C. Diff. again! Im get- publishes an engagement poetry/
she is on a pond that feeds into was the best! Now that she has ting back into things at Oak photo calendar every year and is
Sebago Lake and goes kayaking. Jean Klaubert Friends new Hammock. A neighbor found out I working on another nature book.
She has 7 great-grandchildren and address, she calls her fairly often to play with computer graphics and Ann had major eye surgery last July
loves her neighbors who gave her a chat. Barbara Strauss Lowen- know how to make posters, etc., so and says the ophthalmology dept.
surprise 90th birthday party last baums husband, Bud, died this Ive got a permanent job in that at DHMC in Lebanon, NH, was
summer. summer. Bobbie stays busy by field. Sadly, weve lost a few of our amazing. Her daughter, Deb, 63,
keeping her thumb in the real classmates. Please see In Fond lives in Gettysburg, PA, and Debs
estate business. Carol Weis Memory for the list. Remember me kids: Meg, 43 and Haven, 39, are in
1948 Weissenborn Smith thanked me when you send your Christmas Brisbane, Australia, and Seattle,
PHYLLIS HARTY WELLS for doing the class news all these newsletters, and let your class- respectively. Meg has 2 children: years (19842015). She doesnt mates know what youve done with Reese, 9, and Jodi Ann, 7. Alan
know how much longer shell play your lives. Days twin daughters, Emma and
Carol Shoe Shoemaker Marck golf due to a bad back. She has Ruby, are in NC at Warren Wilson
visited Cornelia Nini Hawthorne joined a bocce ball team and also College. They all had a fantastic
Maytag in Colorado Springs after a plays Ping-Pong and pickle ball. Syl- 1949 reunion in Hawaii in June. Bobbie
week in Snowmass, CO. The via Jacobs Alden congratulated me ELIZABETH REYNOLDS Fetzer Herbert enjoyed our 65th
Marcks drove west with daughter for being class secretary for so MATTHEWS Reunion this fall. She reports, We
Christy Marck MacCormack 82. many years. She feels I deserve a only had 5 from our class: Carol
One night they dined at Ninis, medal! Shes fortunate to be in her Lynch Hermance, Jean Fuller
bringing along their 2 daughters own home with all the necessary After last winters heavy snow, Pris- Knowlton, Bobbie Bishop
and 2 of their many grandchildren. services close by. She sees her 3 cilla Walton and husband Ed Maclean, Betty Alden Parker and
The Marcks stayed at the fabulous children regularly, as well as her decided to sell their house and me. Betty and Carol didnt come to
Broadmoor Hotel; those of us in grandchildren and 5 great-grand- move into an independent living the banquet, and I only saw them
Ninis wedding will never forget the children. Like many of us, shes situation in South Yarmouth, MA. briefly at Colgate. It was a beautiful
wonderful Shrimp Louis lunches given up golf but still walks most About 6 months after moving in, weekend and great to see the lovely
we had at The Broadmoor Tavern. days. She keeps busy with church Ed died on Oct. 23. Priscillas foliage, as well as the people. Bob-
Nini says Shoe looked wonderful activities, movies, and dinners with daughter, Nancy, looks forward to bie says that after spending 3
and sported a chic new hairstyle. A friends. She still manages to get to retiring as head of the middle winters at her house in Marana,
fun reunion! If there were a CSC her FL condo once in a while. I told school math department in Canton, AZ, she decided to sell her house in
medal for thoughtfulness, it would both gals Ive enjoyed gathering the MA. Son Skip is a physician and in NJ and move to AZ full-time. Her
go to Fran Wannerstrom Clark, news for our 48 column. I do wish Qatar helping to set up the emer- daughter lives there, and Bobbie
who never misses sending me I had more who would contact me gency dept. in a new hospital. Son has developed some nice friend-
news. Fran had fun summer travels once in a while. Mase and I are Bruce is the COO of an engineering ships. She plays a lot of tennis and
including a catamaran cruise enjoying life in our villa at Oak company in CT. Priscilla has stayed enjoys the weekly outdoor wine
around the Thames River area of Hammock at the University of FL. in contact with Jean Bryant Meyer parties. In May, she and 4 Singles
New London, CT, that stopped at 8 Recent residents are Ann Poindex- through the years and is in touch Club ladies took a fabulous cruise
lighthouses. She took an art tour ter Ives 49 and husband, John. Its with Sally Nicolosi Rattray through from Prague to Budapest. In Sept.,
with a group from the New Britain fun having them here as we saw a Facebook. She encourages every- 6 of them took a Canadian Rail trip;
Museum of American Art. The lot of each other in the Gainesville one to send in their news, writing, Bobbie loved Lake Louise and
Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, CC area, where both couples lived Im interested in what my friends Banff. They are planning a cruise in
MA, had an amazing Van Gogh and for almost 40 years. Ann and I of 1949 are up to, arent you? Paris. Bobbies granddaughter was
Nature exhibit as well as an exhibit played a lot of golf together through married on Oct. 3 at the Trump
of 25 works by James Whistler, the years. Neither of us plays any- Winery in Charlottesville, VA. Her
which included the famous paint- more. I have rheumatoid arthritis grandsons are 11, 8 and 3. Doris
ing of his mother. In Oct., Fran was and have lost almost all of my rota- CLASS OF 1946 Hammond Morgan has sad news:
in Winter Garden and the FL Keys tor cuffs. I had the first of 2 reverse COME BACK FOR Her husband, Jack, passed away
for fun with her 2 adventurous shoulder-replacement surgeries in YOUR 70TH REUNION Sept. 22, 2014. Eight months later,
daughters! The 3 of them stopped May. It was successful and I had OCT. 1416! their daughter, Cheryl, lost her hus-
in Miami to visit Frans grandson, little pain but I caught Clostridium- band. Cheryls only child, Eleanor,
Joseph. Nancy Hobkirk Pierson difficile-colitis, a well-known accompanied Doris on a recent

spring 2016 59
cruise to the Virgin Islands. Doris Lane lives in Rockport MA, with NC, where they enjoyed the beauti- her first communal living since her
writes, We were so stunned by Charles, her husband of 64 years. ful mountains and the always Colby days. She is enjoying the
the loss of these 2 wonderful They have 11 grandchildren and 4 great speaker. Nancy and Bob spread of generations with her 2
men that time has gone by in a greats, and all their 6 children and square-dance every Thursday, and granddaughters (6 and 9) and her
blur since then. Nancy Frost

spouses are not far away. They go Nancy listens to historic books grandsons, one an engineer and
Smith, in a retirement commu- to FL every winter and write, We while walking every day. Margaret one entering law school. Barbara
nity in Wolfeboro, NH, with her ride around on those wonderful Marny Scruton Green had a Fenn Wysession continues to
husband, celebrated their 65th Disney scooters so we can still take great time at her 65th HS reunion make music for fulfillment and
anniversary in Jamaica. They in everything. Shuffleboard is last summer, though only 9 of 92 employment. She has added the
have great-granddaughters and always on the agenda in FL, as well showed up. Every Jan., a driver viola da gamba to her talents. So
one great-grandson but dont see as a special card game called Pegs takes her car to Key Largo, and in sorry to read that Maureen
them much as they live too far and Jokers, played all the time in FL March, she drives back to Oakville, Maroney Kenney lost her hus-
away. Elsie-Joan E.J. Martin clubhouses. Mary Jane takes paint- Ontario, with a stop to see her son band, Frank, in Sept. 2012. After 57
Albergotti 51 MT and her hus- ing classes and Charlie gardens. in Chicago. Some sad news from years of marriage, 5 children, 13
band, Julian, celebrated their Their son Ken runs the family farm Janet Holmes Thompson that her grands and many years of golf and
60th wedding anniversary in with his wife, Regina. Youngest sister Shirley Holmes Dunlap 47 travel together, they certainly were
June. As for me, Kathleen Val- daughter, Jeannie, manages the passed away April 1. The families blessed. Diane MacKenzie Grif-
liere-Denis Ouilette, I have a farm stand that sells Kens organic gathered again when the husband fiths 53 MT remains active in
busy life. Sometimes my Lyme vegetables. Mary Jane adds, I will of sister Jean Holmes Duffett 50 Wellesley, MA. Her daughter lives
Disease makes me feel my true never forget my years at Colby Jr. passed away in August. Per Jean, in Seattle. Her son has 2 children
85 years young, but I love to write They laid an educational founda- her adorable 18-month-old whom she keeps a prideful eye on.
and, so, here I am still for you! tion for life and introduced me to great-grandson helps keep her One granddaughter is at Trinity
best friends forever. focused on the future. In keeping College in CT, and the other is at
with a long family tradition of hav- BU School of Public Health. Vicki
1951 ing Labs, Mary Jane Fritzie Sawdon Banghart has lived in the
ROBERTA GREEN DAVIS 1952 Fritzinger Moeller has adopted resort area of Elkhart Lake, WI, for
107 Columbia Avenue MARILYN WOODSIE WOODS one named Betty. But most of her 18 years and is amazed at how
Swarthmore, PA 19081 ENTWISTLE news was about her 2.5 weeks in HI quickly her grandchildren have
610.543.6688 at the Halekulani Hotel where she become young adults. She says, It
and Walt honeymooned in 54. The seems like a few weeks ago we
Marguerite Cline Almy and Betty Carlson Salomon has been hotel, originally 2 stories high, is were babysitting for them, and now
Charlie spend 6 months in South wearing Keds sneakers for many preserved in an area within the new perhaps in a few weeks they will be
Dartmouth, MA, and 6 months years. In Oct., she was delighted to much larger hotel. The stairs she babysitting for us! Jane Carpenter
in Savannah, GA. Last winter, hear from Haley, her 17-year-old and Walt once climbed to their Patterson writes with sadness that
Charlie was hospitalized after a granddaughter, that they are in room are still there. Her 2 sons her twin sister, Edyth Carpenter
bout of cellulitis; he is doing PT and that she is cool, whereupon were with her for the first 12 days Sapp, passed. I remember the 2 of
and trying to walk with a cane. she packed up several pairs and and joined her on a week-long you leaving your different dorms
When Marguerite is in MA, she flew to CO to visit her brother and cruise around the islands, and then for breakfast, both wearing the
kayaks on Buzzards Bay, enjoying family, who live in a beautiful area a friend came to enjoy the balmy same outfits. On the good news
the sea birds. In GA, she rides in the Denver foothills with spec- breezes around the pool and an side, Jane has fully recovered from
her bike, though not as fast or for tacular scenery and all kinds of amazing helicopter tour. They were triple bypass surgery and is primed
as long as she used to. She takes wildlife, where cool Betty wearing awed by the sight of Pearl Harbor. for another 100,000 miles. Tracy
adult ed courses and attends 2 her in Keds did lots of hiking. Rickers Siani is proud to introduce
weekly discussion groups on cur- Sally Itchie Hueston Day says her first great-granddaughter,
rent affairs. The next 3 her family news is graduations, 1953 Cecila. Tracy enjoys opera at the
generations are doing well and masters degree ceremonies, and NANCY OBER BATCHELDER local theater and attends a great
she sees them often. MaryEm the great relief that her 27-year-old books course at FL Atlantic U Life-
Bodman Kenner was awarded grandson has recovered from a long Learning which keeps her
the Margaret Rolph Sustainer stroke. Her regular schedule is vis- Billie Sweigard Carroll has moved brain alive. She continues to take
Award for being an active sus- iting Richard in his fabulous into a life care center in Newtown weekly water samples for the Loxa-
tainer who has made an facility, volunteering at an art gal- Square, PA. She is feeling at home hatchee River Wildpine Lab,
extraordinary contribution to her lery where she takes lessons and and enjoying new and old friends. snorkels whenever she can moni-
community for 15+ years. Mary- keeping up with the grandkids. Claire Smith Siragusa was proud tor their fish population for REEF,
ann Henry von Dwingelo lives They insisted she tube down a gen- that her youngest grandson gradu- and keeps track of the invasive
independently and is thankful for tle river and whitewater raft down a ated from Vanderbilt and is heading Lionfish. Joanne Holden Miller 55
her health and family. She has less gentle river, but they cant talk to med school. Claire attended Bar- lives in New London. She writes,
granddaughters in Boston, her into hot-air ballooning. As she bara Bushs 90th birthday (a Though only 3 of us showed up
Atlanta, NYC, Boulder, and Red- says, I can swim but not fly. celebration of literacyMrs. for our 60th reunion, I was so
ding, CT, plus grandsons in Nancy Angell Turnage and Bob Bushs idea). Vaughan Peters impressed with the enlargement of
USCG/VA, US Army/OK, Denver, had a fun bus trip with their Rachel has moved to Seacrest, a the campus. A very lively place with
Atlanta, UCONN and St. Law- 50-member church group to the Jewish independent living commu- plenty to offer. As for me, Nancy
rence U. Mary Jane Critchett Billy Graham Center near Ashville, nity in Encinitas, CA. She says it is

60 colby-sawyer magazine
Ober Batchelder, Earle and I con- taking two exercise classes early in
tinue to enjoy the good life on the day. Vic will soon be 90, and I am 1956 1957
Cape Cod. We have an active social thankful to be able to assist in his NANCY HOYT LANGBEIN JILL BOOTH MACDONELL
life, which involves a lot of theater. care and also handle the driving. Our
We enjoy frequent get-togethers daughters, Val and Doreen, and the
with our sons and their families grandkids are doing well. I, Jo-Anne Joyce Carron Hall writes, Barbara Adelaide Happy Anthony Grif-
and are fortunate to have friends Greene Cobban, also feel well McIntire Haskins passed away Feb. fiths and her husband, Clark, had a
with whom we socialize and some- enough to continue gardening, paint- 12, 2015. It saddens me greatly, and nice visit with Suzanne Vander
times travel, even off Cape! Thanks ing fences and sorting through and I miss her weekly calls. Although I Veer and her husband, Gary, in NH
to all for your correspondence. In donating long-held collections after live in NJ, I would stop by her home this summer. Happy is on the Pres-
the future, please include your the loss of Jim in June. in MA for lunch on my way to my idents Alumni Advisory Council.
maiden name so I can be sure to farm in NH. I spend 4 months there She writes the meeting is a full day
identify you properly. every summer. Barbara would visit of hearing what the college is
1955 me there, and we would take yet doing, always very interesting. We
GRETCHEN DAVIS HAMMER another tour of Colby-Sawyer. She still live in the house we bought 56
1954 loved Colby-Sawyer and was so years ago and still cut wood from
JO-ANNE GREENE COBBAN grateful to have had the opportunity our property and cook on a wood I understand that the Alumni Fall to be a part of its wonderful college stove (in the winter). Patricia Kel-
Festival in Oct. was a big success, family. Gale Gilchrest is still in ley Lovering writes, I sure wish I
Upon receiving the Alumni Fall Fes- although not many from our class beautiful Southampton, NY. She could see Colby. I hope to make it
tival 2015 program in the mail, I was attended. I have received very few has retired from advertising and back to see all that has transpired
called to return. I visited with college messages from class members retail venues and leads a serene life. since 1957. I wound up in Morro
archivist Kelli Bogan and donated a since the last column. I hope this She plays duplicate bridge 23 Bay, CA, overlooking the bay and
blue blazer, a mug and the Buzzin does not mean lots of you are expe- days/week and walks the beaches ocean. I am thankful that church,
Dozen musical disc. I then visited riencing poor health, but that you as weather permits. In Sept., Mar- books and life by the sea are all I
the new sites and activities with a are all busy, happy and healthy! I sha Smoller Winer and Nate need at this age. Robin McDougal
family member. Anne Batchelor De was on my way to our 60th Reunion embarked on a Crystal Cruise in traveled to Italy in Oct. She spent 3
Grazia is in Alpharetta, GA, near their when I began to feel unwell and Amsterdam for 16 days of sightsee- days in Venice and then embarked
youngest son, Bill, and family; she decided it would be best to return ing in England, Scotland, Ireland, on a bike and barge trip to Man-
takes exercise classes and enjoys the home. That turned out to be a wise Iceland and Newfoundland. In tova, riding 25 miles each day.
services provided by the assisted decision, but I was saddened not to Aug., Sandy Liberty attended a Elaine Mecca Madden was presi-
living facility. Barbara Rogers Berndt attend. Congratulations to Sandra beautiful memorial in Hingham, dent of the Top of the Hill Gang of
writes, After moving from NC to CT Davis Carpenter who received the MA, for Bev Rounds Stanley, who New England, a ski and sports club
to be closer to family, my husband, prestigious Alumni Service Award. died in Aug. 2014. Sandy has kept in for athletes 50+. Find out more at
Ed, died Aug. 15. Ive decided to re- Knowing Sandy and how hard she touch with Bev and Ann Brown Wil- Liz Thatcher Rafloski has
main in the apartment at Spring worked as a student, and how liams (her roommate) since relocated to Duxbury, MA, and
Meadows, a senior living facility in much she has done as a volunteer graduation. Sandy has a daughter wonders if anyone is near her.
Trumbull, CT. Not looking forward to for Colby-Sawyer, I know this award in MA and a son in Christchurch, Diane Shugrue Gallagher went
the cold and snow, but I do enjoy is well deserved. Elizabeth Gunter New Zealand, plus 3 grandchildren. with 25 other Peace Corps mem-
seeing my children, the grandchildren Visvis is pleased that ground will She hopes to see her son and family bers to Cuba in Oct. She writes,
and great-grandchildren more often. be broken for the new arts center this summer in the U.S. Sandy and Lovely parks, stunning churches,
Only my youngest son, his wife and this summer. She writes, My art her best friend of 60 years took a clean streets, no graffiti, no trash in
16-mo.-old grandson are at a distance studio was on the 3rd floor of Col- road trip to Albuquerque in Jan. In streets, but when it rains, it floods,
in Atlanta. Margo Thompson had gate with one teacher, Herb Holtz. early Aug., Ed and I, Nancy Hoyt calf-high water, so we just took our
a great trip to Norway in Aug. She His belief was that we should learn Langbein, took the 2nd half of our shoes off and waded to the next
writes, I have wanted to do a boat how to paint abstractly first and Mississippi River Cruise from St. restaurant. What the Cubans have:
trip to see the coast and towns for a then on to realism. I certainly Paul to St. Louis with interesting great heart, amazing soul, fabulous
long time. Prior to boarding the ship, understand that now after more stops in between. A special treat musicmusic comes out of every
we spent time in Lapland with Santa than 40 years of painting and was meeting up with a couple of single doorway and all smile with
and hundreds of his reindeer. She experimenting! I am sorry Presi- Army friends we had not seen since the beat. Delicious food, great
planned to spend a few days in Dec. dent Galligan is leaving but fully 1965. In Oct., we made our annual houses with amazing bright colors,
in Santa Fe, NM. Helen Johnson understand his wishes. He will be trip to Colby-Sawyer to attend 2 spe- vintage cars that look brand new.
Sargent and Dick enjoyed a river missed by many. cial events. The campus looked The people are friendly, they are
cruise along the Elbe from Prague to great and the foliage was spectacu- open, and they love Americans. Go
Berlin and then traveled by train to lar. I know I speak for the college before it is too late, before ATMs
Copenhagen to visit with 20 Lind- and our class when I give a big come, Starbucks, credit cards
holm cousins. Once home, it was CLASS OF 1956 thank you to Sonja Carlson Davi- (none accepted). The island coun-
time to pack for SC for winter and COME BACK FOR dow, who has endowed chairs in try does get into your soul and you
the holidays. Glenice Hobbs Har- YOUR 60TH REUNION the Fine and Performing Arts, and look back at their great courage and
mon writes, My husband and I are OCT. 1416! to Nancy Beyer Opler, who for sev- guts, pluck, and we all marvel, and
still in our home he built. Im still eral years has given an award for so we should.
singing in the choir at church and Excellence in Advising.

spring 2016 61
| spotlight 1958

FATHERS STORY In mid-Oct., Sally Heyn Short and

Mimi Baird 58 her husband, Phil, returned from
ME via Andover, MA, to see her
Mimi Baird grew up knowing her father, Perry Baird, was an dear friend Sandy Powell Durling
accomplished doctor who graduated at the top of his class from and her husband, Art. Sally writes,
Harvard Medical School, but she knew little more he essen- Sandy fixed a delicious lunch, and
tially vanished from her life when she was six years old. Fifty years we had a wonderful visit with them.
We were nowhere near done talking
later, a series of coincidences led her to a manuscript hed written
when we had to leave! Linda Hol-
that revealed a long-hidden truth. That discovery was the catalyst land Pelletier has attained her B.A.
for her own remarkable book. He Wanted the Moon: The Madness in English from the U of Phoenix.
and Medical Genius of Dr. Perry Baird, and His Daughters Quest She says, I will proudly march on
to Know Him, published in 2015, is both a daughters search for May 14, 2016, at the Central Florida
her family history and an absorbing look inside a brilliant yet graduation ceremony in Orlando. It
broken mind. takes some of us longer than oth-
ers to get there!
Dr. Baird, his daughter came to understand, had not vanished
but had been institutionalized against his will for what was then
called manic depression. He was a victim of both his disease
and the stigma surrounding it, she writes.

Baird was keen to bring her fathers writing to light, and He Mary Cummins Wilson reports
Wanted the Moon contains both the doctors memoir and Bairds that her son Peter is in the US

account of researching her family history. His manuscript, Marine Band and plays violin at the
penned while he was in a psychiatric hospital, is a memoir of a White House. He played for the
man trying to making sense of his illness. In it, he even advances president of China and his wife (a
famous opera singer) when Presi-
the theory that manic depression is a biochemical, rather than a
dent Obama hosted a state dinner.
psychological, illness. While Australian psychiatrist John Cade The wife began singing when Pete
was credited with this discovery in 1949, Mimi Bairds father played the famous Chinese folk
there was no wrote about it years earlier. song Jasmine Flower. President
Obama was pleased that Pete had
medication at that
My fathers writing is so beautiful, said Baird. Because there thrilled her. Mary Joyce Klapproth
time, its pure manic was no medication at that time, its pure manic writing, and it is a Forsyth 59 MT has moved to the
writing, and it is huge teaching tool for doctors and caretakers. senior residence Blakehurst and is
happy. She writes, I volunteer in
a huge teaching tool the small shop here and in the
Baird has two hopes for her book: that it will help erase the
for doctors and stigma of mental illness and that it will inspire others to learn
assisted living facility and call
Bingo once a month. I am active in
caretakers. about their own families. Both hopes seem on their way to reality. a Garden Club close to where I
The Washington Post named Moon a Notable Book of the Year, lived for 40 years and belong to a
and it has received rave reviews from the New York Times and Womans Club that has been
other major media outlets. Now, it has been optioned by a film around since 1896. I also play
production company. The most gratifying thing, said Baird, is bridge every Friday. My daughters
that so many people have come out of the woodwork who have are scattered from Seattle to Bos-
had problems in their families. This book has opened up many ton with only one here in Baltimore.
I have 2 grandchildren: Cameron is
peoples family histories.
in his second year at Western WA U
studying the body and kinetics; my
Mike Gregory, director of Advancement Communications granddaughter is a senior in HS
hoping to go into nursing. I hope to
return soon to another reunion.

62 colby-sawyer magazine
memories. She traveled to London being in the best club on earth!
1960 in Dec. I was humbled and hon- She and her husband are healthy 1964
PATRICIA CANBY COLHOUN ored to receive the Alumni Service and happy in Weston, VT, and 3 KATHRINE CONATHAN Award. My life has been a big flip as labs keep them hopping! In March REARDON
I have sold my FL home and have 2015, Sally Mollenberg Lawlor and
Sharley Janes Bryce saw Charlene moved back to ME permanently. I Carol Earley Adams vacationed in
Char Wolcott Gray in Seattle. went to Sebring, FL, for a rug hook- Naples, FL, with Judy Park Kukk, Nancy Woodring Hansens grand-
Their granddaughters had been in ing school with 5 friends from ME, and they are planning a cruise to daughter Elizabeth was married in
band together. Sharley was spend- then to CO for Thanksgiving with Tahiti and the Society Islands. Joyce Keene, NH, on Sept. 26. The happy
ing her 13th winter in Tucson and my son, and France for Christmas Rogers Harrington keeps busy couple lives and works in Ports-
saw her daughters on the way. One with my daughter. I am sorry we did with gardening, her fiber arts mouth, NH. Nancys oldest
lives in Napa and the other in not have more at our reunion, but group, spinning, weaving, biking granddaughter, Ashley, was mar-
Thousand Oaks, CA. She was there is always the 60thplan and cross-country skiing. Marcia ried Feb. 6, 2015, to her high school
expecting her 5th grandbaby, a girl, ahead! Ann Meri Skeels Nielsen Mayer Snyder, Pat White Nash, sweetheart. Roger and Nancy had
in Feb. Charlotte Heyl McLaughlin wrote from VT that she has a grand- Ellen Forbes, Jill Schofield Wain- an interesting and wonderful trip
and her husband have a town daughter who visits. Sorry, Meri, wright, Anne Miller Reed 63 and I last fall to Prague, Germany, and
home in Elkhorn, ID, and would but I have misplaced the rest of enjoyed our semiannual luncheon London. They learned much about
love to have visitors to the Sun Val- your note. Carol Sherman House last fall and plan to meet again this Eastern Europe and its history.
ley area stop by. Suzanne Drake took a wonderful Mediterranean fall. Speaking of Jill, she has the Susan Patricelli-Regans public
Thrun and Wolfgang have been cruise from Athens to Rome, travel bug and went on safari to access TV program CT Valley
married 53 years as of Nov. They Monaco, France and Spain. Nancy Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Views is in its 6th year and has
live on the Monterey Bay Coast Lucas Sheridan sent news last Cape Town last fall; toured Belgium increased viewership by 30%
close to daughter Michelle, her spring that told of her riverboat and the Netherlands in the spring; during the past year. To learn more,
husband Jim and 2 grandchildren: cruise from Budapest to Bucharest. and enjoyed a tour of Italy. Dick and visit Susans
Sawyer, 13, and Eva, 11. Their son She and Jim have 4 grandchildren I spent last summer on Cape Cod, sons, Colin, Craig and Christopher,
Jeff lives in Maui. Suzanne and in college. Julie Dougherty Egen- him fighting lymphoma and me continue to make headway in their
Wolfgang are involved with their berg took a 10-day trip to the being the designated driver to Bos- respective careers: varsity crew
church and have served on the dea- Netherlands and saw 5 members of ton where he was being treated. coach at Williams College; graduate
cons board. Sue is still in touch her host family from when she was Hopefully, we will head to FL this of Texas A&M/Ex-Navy service/
with Barbara Bruce Welt and Mar- there 58 years ago. She would love winter after hearing that wonderful Texas National Guard member/
gie Embich Fortune. Classmates to see CSC visitors in Naples, FL, or word remission. As always, stay well political community coordinator in
who returned for our 55th reunion Stowe, VT. and have fun! TX; and IT senior consultant and
included Judy Butler Shea, who is teacher in New York City. Susan
as active as ever and has been enjoys working with her 3 polo
spending time with her grandchil- 1962 1963 horses. She was delighted in 2015
dren in Park City. Barb Swanson GAIL GRAHAM LEE DONNA DEDERICK WARD to donate an oil still-life painting by
Smith and her husband, Lyman, her mother to Colby-Sawyer. See
have settled into their condo in her extraordinary accomplish-
New London, not far from the col- Grace Fischbeck Riker has lived in Hello, classmates! At the end of ments and internationally
lege. Her guests for reunion were Sarasota, FL, for 30 years. While at Oct., the deadline for class notes acclaimed collection of paintings at
Ellen Cook Barnes and a friend. Colby she lived in Bermuda and blindsided me and I was not able to Since losing her
Ellen had been hobbling, so hope- after her marriage moved to MD ask you all for news. Ill do better husband, Leslie Henchey Kehoe
fully surgery helped. Hannah then to Okinawa, Japan, and then next time. Tell me whats going on downsized to a townhouse condo
Haydi Caldwell Sowerwine and to FL. She has 2 daughters and a when I ask in April. Im recovering
her husband, Dave, combined 2 son. Grace spent many years as a from foliage season at the Farm
reunions by going back to Dart- columnist and proofreader for a we were busy with our wonderful
mouth as well as CSC. They run local newspaper and has been an guests here to enjoy the delightful
their nonprofit, Village Solutions, active volunteer for several local summer and see the beautiful foli-
and returned to Nepal in Dec. organizations. Other interests age. It was a good year. Autumn in
Haydi shared that after reunion she include oil painting, gardening, VT was unseasonably warm and
and David met up with her former boating, golf, bird watching, yoga sunny. As the temperatures drop,
roommate Ann Hoar Floyd 60/77 and singing in a choir. She keeps in Cliff and I are getting ready to go to
MT. Ann was sorry to miss the touch with Gwen Harris Ruppert. Naples and Islamorada, FL, for the
reunion but cant leave her hus- Anyone who knew her mother will winter.
band for long these days. Sue Barto be pleased to know that she is now
Monks came and told our student 101 and still enjoys a gin martini
guide about Sues Sugar House. every night! Vicky Clark Linville Advancement Officer Beth Bryant
She and I, Patty Canby Colhoun, and husband are happy to Camp 92 and Director of Annual
Giving Luke Gorman paid a visit to
shared a room over reunion and announce the birth of their 1st
Susan Patricelli-Regan 64, who
had a good time catching up. Sue grandchild in Brooklyn, NY. Vicky donated this still-life oil painting by
closed her summer cottage the knows almost everyone has had her mother to the college.
weekend after, which brought back grandkids for years, but they love

spring 2016 63
in Hingham, MA. She loves not We were blown away by the new she runs with her daughter Sarah and grandchildren. In Nov., we are
having the worries of managing a buildings, sustainability goals and Holmes Tucker 95. Learn more meeting my roommate Molly
large house and an acre of land. career-oriented courses. The about their work at It McAdams Morizon 65 in Paris
She spent a week last Thanksgiving student-managed investment fund was great to reconnect with Leah and will enjoy a few days with her.
visiting Rose Meloro Prescott in Caswell at our 50th reunion. Her

is an amazing avenue for students We will go to Bonaire in Jan. and

Naples, FL, where Rose lives in a to learn about the world of finance. news missed the last issue, but she Feb. and then out to CO in March
condo. Leslie misses having her The sustainability classroom is a has a new grandson, Finn Kenneth to ski with my husbands daughter.
near but is glad she is happy. Leslie student-designed and built green Caswell, who was greeted with great BEST HALL: Dorothy Wolcott
occasionally talks with Mary Miller classroom that reflects the colleges joy by his sister, 6-year-old Helen Stockman writes, Ive never been
Johnson, who still lives in Denver. commitment to sustainability. The Piper (aka Pip). Last winter, Leah able to get back for a Colby-Sawyer
Pat Donahue Jones remarried in nursing program has blossomed skied in the Alps as much as possi- Reunion but will have a minire-
1999, this time to her college sweet- and is now part of the School of ble at Chamonix. Her company, union with 7 others from Best in
heart, Dick Jones, who graduated Health Professions, which soon will, continues to June. We thought it was time to get
from Princeton. She is still the offer the colleges first masters pro- take some of her time from play. together and celebrate our 70th
compliance officer of a financial gram. Lethbridge Lodge has a new Caroline Bunny Stancliff Fazekas birthdays on Cape Cod.; Mary
services firm in Boston but is cut- gathering place for students in a has lived in Harpswell, ME, for 8 Cook Millard writes, Still in Bris-
ting back her hours with the hopes pub atmosphere they even serve years and hopes to begin wintering tol, RI, with husband; Chuck, Leo
of retiring by the end of the year. Pat beer (to those 21+) that a class in Stuart, FL. She recently drove to the cat; and both daughters with
and Dick spend Feb. and March in brews. There is a sugar house on VT, passed the exit for New London their families in town. I have 4
Naples, FL, and last summer campus, a wind turbine, many solar and thought sometime she should grandchildren1 grandson (16)
enjoyed hosting most of their chil- panels and several permaculture stop and see what has happened and 3 granddaughters (2 are 13; 1 is
dren and grandchildren in gardens that produce food for the on campus in the past 50 yrs. Since 11); Marcia Quimby Troy; Kay
Chatham on the Cape for several dining hall. How far the college has a new grandson is expected in VT in McDowell Nicklas; Ruth Hanchett
weeks. Pat plays bridge and enjoys come! A requirement for gradua- June, she may be able to make that Sinclair-Stephens; Judith Merritt;
gardening. She spends time tion is an internship somewhere. happen. Tina Biggs Ferraro, Jane Barbara Jackson Wade. BURPEE
researching genealogy, and in Almost 100% of graduates get jobs Hardy Roiter and Georgie Sawyer HALL: Nancy Smith Whelan writes,
recent years, she and Dick have or go to grad school right out of col- Hutton got together for a day of Havent been on campus since
traveled to France and the Nether- lege, often in the place where they shop til you drop last winter in graduation, although I passed by
lands to hunt down ancestral interned. Some of us decided to Vero Beach. It was very successful, when my son was at Dartmouth
homes and relatives. re-create Mountain Day and and they finished with an early din- getting his MBA. Since college, after
climbed Mt. Kearsarge, and it ner and lots of catching up. Jane living in Boston; Scarsdale, NY;
snowed! Another fun thing was a had not seen Georgie for at least 20 Fairfield, CT; Miami; Dallas; Hing-
1965 dinner cruise on Lake Sunapee. years. The same group, plus Ann ham, MA; and Boston (again), I
SUSAN WOODRUFF Weather was predicted to be terrible Hodgkinson Low and Chris Mur- moved to Chatham, MA, with my
MACAULAY and rainy and cold, but it cleared up ray McKee, all from McKean dorm, 2nd husband 12+ years ago. We are and was fabulous. What a setting to explored some of the shops in New blessed with 4 grown children, their
reestablish connections! The best London during reunion. Great fun! spouses and 9 wonderful grand-
After many years as class correspon- of all was sitting around reminisc- children; Susan Richman
dent, Chris Murray McKee will step ing and reconnecting. And we all Gouldman writes, Have lived in
down after this column. We thank feel enriched by the experience. 1966 Charlottesville, VA, since 1968. One
her for her dedicated service and wel- How special our Colby-Sawyer days SUSAN E. WEEKS of my good friends is Linda Barnett
come her successor, Susan Woodruff were. Here is some other news; my Beights 68; Natalie Rice Ireland;
Macaulay. apologies if some seems old, but it Susan Gibson Jackson; Susan Fol-
didnt make the deadline last time. It was nice to hear from so many of lett Galvin; Linda Nielsen Kindig
Would you believe that Nobuko Darcy Holland lives in her wonder- you in response to my email asking 66 MT; Jane Cox Larsen 66 MT;
Nishino Akashi flew all the way ful Marsh Cottage on a small for just a hello and what dorm Elizabeth Scott Pine. COLGATE
from Japan to join us for our 50th island in the middle of the Great you were in. Im organizing your HALL: Linda Brooks Hiross writes,
reunion? Kahren Muffy Nottage Marsh, protected from the Atlantic responses by dorm. Just a reminder Im still in VA, enjoying semiretire-
Miller came from HI. Susan Wood- by Plum Island. She endured an that 2016 will be our 50th reunion, ment and my 3 grandsons, whom I
ruff Macaulay and her intrepid unbelievable winter in 2015 with a so I hope to hear more stories see quite often. Summers often
husband, John, came from TX. record-breaking 114 inches of snow about all of you for the next issue of find me in CT and MA visiting
Georgie Sawyer Hutton came from in one months time. Her eldercare the magazine (deadline is May 1). friends and family, and I find other
FL. Tina Biggs Ferraro, Jane Hardy management business of 17 years is ABBEY HALL: Perry Crouse Jef- destinations when the opportunity
Roiter, Ann Hodgkinson Low, winding down as she prepares for fords writes, Heading from PA to arises. A 2-week cruise of the Baltic
Chris Murray McKee and Leah full retirement. Darcy continues to Vero Beach, FL, after a magnificent Sea was a highlight, stopping at St.
Caswell came from all over New work part-time at a boat house, fall; Debbie Pellington OHara; Petersburg, Russia, to see the Her-
England. President Tom Galligan making mast hoops for wooden sail Ann Parks; Janet Sargent Simblist mitage, and then to Sweden for tea
presented a dynamic update on the boats. She also sings in the New- 66 MT; Cindy Pond Barnard. with the US Ambassador at the
colleges past and future. One buryport Choral Society and AUSTIN HALL: Joyce Chapman Embassy where my travel compan-
classmate said she was awed by performed at Carnegie Hall in June. Cerney 66 MT writes: My hus- ions had connections. I continue to
the changes. The weather was great Ruth Elliott Holmes keeps busy band and I have been busy traveling be involved with our community
and the foliage really put on a show. with her business, Pentec, which and spending time with children government, and I volunteer to do

64 colby-sawyer magazine
genealogy research, all of which to show them where I went to settled in WA with her husband and Belt Wilson and her husband,
makes boredom impossible.; school; Sandra Richards Johnson; 2 children, where she opened the Chuck, went to Honolulu in April.
Judith LeBeau; Bonnie Brown Shannon Finnegan Huff; Jean Spectrum Center School of Mas- She writes, From our room in the
Mathews; Sandy Scott Fullerton; Henderson Wegener; Carol Hewitt sage in 1981, which she ran and Pink Palace, we enjoyed watching
Sue Chapman Melanson; Dale Bitter. I also heard from Sandra taught for 25 years. Her passion an Easter Egg Hunt on the lawn for
Thomson Milne; MCKEAN HALL: Carr Miller, who resided in New has always been Morgan horses; kids, age 35. As for me, Sis
Carolyn Humphrey Brown shared, London while she attended Colby. she started breeding her Morgans Hagen Kinney, retirement contin-
In Aug., we flew to Longyearbyen In July, Susan Chapman Melanson to Friesians to have a slightly ues to be wonderful! My husband,
to join Quark Expeditions artic/ completed her certification as a larger horse with similar conforma- Bobby, and I were able to visit our
polar trip to Scalbard/Spitsbergen grant writer. It was on her bucket tion. Barb is the registrar of the newest grandchild, Kilby Marah
(Norway), Greenland (Denmark) list, and she is finding her services Moriesian Horse Registry. She Gower-Kinney, son of our daughter
and Iceland. Our 230 ft. ship car- in demand. So great to hear from rides in interesting places, visits her and daughter-in-law, in Williams-
ried 75 passengers from around the all of you. Isnt this more interest- childrenher daughter and 3 burg, VA, shortly after his birth. I
world, and we were exposed to dra- ing than me rambling on about grandchildren live in Dharamshala, spent about 10 days babysitting in
matic scenery and memorable what I did in the past 6 months? I India, while her son and his wife Oct., when maternity leave ended.
conditions, including glaciers, huge look forward to seeing many of you live in Mexico City as well as her Bobby and I enjoyed our summer
icebergs, sea/pack ice and terminal in Oct. for our 50th Reunion! 94-year-old mother on the East in the beautiful NC mountains. We
moraines, all of which presented us coast. In Aug., Beth Holloran Bour- drove to Sea Isle City at the NJ
with ample photo opportunities. guignon welcomed her 1st shore in July and spent a week with
Closer to home, they hike and sail 1967 grandchild, born to her daughter a cousin and her husband and rode
from May through Oct. in NH and SIS HAGEN KINNEY and son-in-law. Beth and her hus- bikes. In the mountains, I enjoyed
ME. Carolyn volunteers at the local band, Ty, are grateful to live nearby. senior yoga, water aerobics, Mex-
library, the historical society and the She works part-time as director at ican train dominoes and then
NH Humane Society; Susan Francie King has edited 4 personal the Needham Childrens Center, hiking, golfing and kayaking with
Weeks; PAGE HALL: Linda Red- histories this year through her where she has been for 35 years, Bobby. We rescued a shepherd and
land Klemmer and her husband company (visit, and her colleagues include golden retriever mix in late Aug.
visited New London last summer. including a 3-volume boxed set Susanne Day Teachout 01 and and have enjoyed the company.
They loved seeing the campus and called Wilbers War: An American Carolyn Day Reulbach 09, who Daily dog walking is routine now.
the town; Anne McKinsey Dun- Familys Journey Through World were once her students. I am in We returned to our new house in
nington; Karen Class Roberts. War II. She continues to work for contact with Whitney McKendree Fuquay-Varina, NC, in mid-Nov.,
SHEPARD HALL: Susan Carlin the BU campaign and indicates Moore and Margaret Ginger where we enjoy being closer to the
went to Colby Jr. for one year (1964 that when the $1.5 billion goal is Mueller Rundlof from time to time. grandchildren who live in Durham
1965) and then transferred. She met, she might consider retiring. Whitney and her husband, Barry, and Youngsville, NC, and in Wil-
loved the sticky buns you could buy She also keeps busy with her B&B, are contemplating a move to get liamsburg, VA. I would love to have
next door from the wonderful Chestnut Sweet. Pat Maher Christ- away from the lovely New England correspondence from Jane French
ladies who ran a cafe in their home; odoulou and her husband enjoy winters! Ginger moved from The Rieck, Judy Stronach Sauer, Nancy
Carolyn Ayer McKean wrote, My city life in NY. Shes still very Woodlands, TX, to Richmond, TX, Hess Coleman and Leslie Williams
15-year-old granddaughter, Allie, involved in her real estate staging to be near her sons and daughter. MacFarlane. Class notes will con-
was at Colby-Sawyer for a sports company (see She continues to drive an hour to tinue to be due May 1 and Nov. 1.
event this fall. She couldnt wait to and enjoys seeing some beautiful The Woodlands each week to lunch When you send me an email,
get home to ask me if McKean was apartments. Shes hoping to con- with 3 grandchildren at their school please remember to include your
named after me. She was disap- nect with Joyce Wilkinson Oesch, and to shop and visit friends. She maiden name so I can correctly
pointed when I said it wasnt. We Sigrid Thorne Lewis and Nancy invites anyone in the Houston area identify you in the column. Keep
dont live far from the college, so I Keister Wellington. Suzanne to look her up. Edith Parker Posselt the news coming!
have always enjoyed taking my Zan Reber Merriman and her and her husband have moved from
grandchildren through the campus husband, Paul, started retirement Canterbury, NH, to Portsmouth,
planning years ago by buying a 2nd NH. She has retired as a psycholo- 1968
home in San Miguel de Allende, gist but is leaving all options open. CORRESPONDENT NEEDED
Mexico, and after visiting for 10 Heidi Eddy Riggs and her husband
years while retaining their home on have had a personal garden docu- Suzanne Kurtz Klorig is having
Bainbridge Island, WA, they have mentation accepted by the more fun than ever in the Pacific
decided to consolidate in the Smithsonian for inclusion in the Northwest. She volunteers twice a
Northwest. She has rejoined the Archives of American Gardens week at Navy Relief, plays Mahjong
community by becoming a board (AAG). Its the 1st garden in Scotts- regularly with a large group, is
member of the Bainbridge Island dale to be accepted into the AAG. active in a wonderful spouse group,
Land Trust. Zan enjoys gardening This garden has been on tour in has season tickets to 2 theater
and clay sculpture. Barb Crockett 2012 for Maricopa County Master groups, hikes, camps, is a member
Collins has taught biology and Gardeners and in 2015 for Patrons of 2 book clubs, does a fair amount
chemistry at Brimmer and May of the Desert Botanical Garden. It of stained-glass work, and has a
Barb Crockett Collins 67 and her
School (Chestnut Hill, MA); taught has been written about in Phoenix semiretired husband to travel with
family at her sons wedding. skiing in both Leysin, Switzerland, Home & Garden Magazine as well (Iceland in Nov.). Susan Austin
and Telluride, CO; and eventually as The Arizona Republic. Nancy Kraeger and her husband, Tom,

spring 2016 65
Alumni Mountain Day hike up Mt. goes to UW while living at Pi Kappa
1970 Kearsarge, campus tours, programs Alpha. Robin Ranallo Boucher
GAIL REMICK HOAGE hosted by the college, a wine-pair- enjoyed reading Colby-Sawyer Mag- ing dinner, shopping, foliage azine and think its a nice

viewing, and just plain reminiscing. representation of CSC. After a

Since moving to Tucson, AZ, 20 A highlight was Mary Pat reading a 45-year career in the life insurance
years ago, Bonnie Beehler Corey letter she sent to her freshman year industry, she retired in 2014. She
has led field trips with her husband roommate, Jane, who had kept this still lives in RI and loves life without
for the Nature Conservancy and item all these years. Those listening a work schedule. Candice Corcoran
Audubon. As a docent at the Desert had side-splitting laughter, and we Raines qualified for the Olympic Tri-
Museum shes privileged to handle, hope the letter is read again at our als in Target Archery. The event at
hold and interpret the Sonoran 50th! The 45th Reunion Committee Texas A&M featured 50-mph winds,
desert flora and fauna, from the of Susan, Beth, Deb, Karen, Val and temps 100+ and thunderstorms. It
Judy Leeming Thompson 68 with saguaro cactus to Harris Hawks also Gail Remick Hoage and Lynn was the most challenging shoot
her husband, Mike, and their
and tarantulas. She also teaches Winchester (who couldnt attend) she has done. Candi serves as a Lt.
grandchildren on an Alaskan cruise
in 2015.
classes in prehistory and ancient thought we would have a super Colonel in the VT State Guard. The
southwest technologies. If you did weekend, and they were right! An Guard participated in a FEMA
not make it to the 45th Reunion email list has been started to keep disaster drill this fall, which simu-
welcomed their 1st 2 grandchildren (like me), you missed a fabulous in touch, so if you want to be part of lated an ice storm event. Im sorry I
last spring, just 31 days apart! She time! Val Turtle reports, What fun it, or want to get in touch with didnt hear from more of you and
retired in June 2014 and has been so many had at our 45th reunion. It others, contact our class corre- hope you will share next time. I con-
enjoying extended summers in NH. was terrific to see so many people spondent, Gail, or the Alumni tinue to enjoy my hectic retired
The rest of the year finds the Krae- we havent seen in years, catch up, Office. schedule and midweek skiing.
gers ensconced on St Croix. Susan meet new friends, and laugh and
continues her work in Ghana with laugh. What a simply wonderful
World Class, where they build sani- weekend! Please mark 2020 on 1971 1972
tation facilities and bore wells for your calendar for even more fun at ELLIE GOODWIN COCHRAN LINDA KELLY GRAVES
villages with limited access to clean our 50th! The weekend started out
drinking water and no latrines. She at a nearby lake house rented by
visits Ghana annually to dedicate Susan Pomerantz, Beth Constan- Mary Lou Sibley Wolfe loves living After 39 years in HR and training
their most recent project and vet tinides Meurlin, Deb Marcoux just east of Seattle and Lake Wash- with Heritage Bank in Salem, MA,
the next big project. Her time at Deacetis, Karen Dunnett and Val ington. She can go 30 minutes east Jean Brasier Kavanagh has taken
home is taken up with volunteer Turtle, with a dinner provided by and ski in the Cascades Mtn. Range on the job of relaxation, redecorat-
work, beach time, cooking, and Beth, but with everyone pitching in of the Rockies, or 20 to the west ing, and grandchildren caretaking.
supporting their island farmers and to bring something to share. and sail on Puget Sound between She and her husband sold their
local sustainable agriculture. Coming all the way from CA were the Olympic Peninsula and Seattle. house and moved to Danvers, MA,
Joanne Peterman Torre and Beth Her husband, Cory, will be at to be closer to their sons families.
Roland Hunter and her husband, Boeing for the rest of his working Jeans husband is a retired police
1969 Phil. Stephanie Wilson Ablondi days, and their 20-year-old son lieutenant and keeps busy working
DEBORAH ADAMS JOHNSTON joined us from Cape Cod, as did the locals, Martha Muffy Clark
Faucher, Nancy Teach and Suel-
After working with seniors for lynn Stark. There was a contingent
almost 20 years, Ruth Rhodes of our classmates who went on for
Nahm retired just after losing her their med tech degree who
husband, Eric, of 43 years to cancer. attended, including from MI the
She has 3 daughters. The oldest, Reverend Barb Cavin 71 MT; Jane
Kristin, and her husband, Douglas, Kernan Sayed 71 MT with
have just finished almost 2 years of husband, Joe; Ann Lozier Rohrborn
cycling. They started in Seattle, 71 MT with husband, Bob; and
came across the US and Canada, Bonnie Adamski Lewis 71 MT,
headed for Europe, Africa and Asia. who recently retired from
Ruth has 2 granddaughters and a Colby-Sawyer. Bringing husbands
grandson who keep her busy. She named Dave were Mary Pat
This happy group of alumnae gathered in New London to celebrate their 45th
keeps in touch with her freshman Desmond Cox from Upstate NY,
Reunion in October. Pictured are (back row l to r) Barbara Cavin 71 MT,
roommate, Susan Loeckler Burns. and Nancy Connolly Johnson from
Muffy Clark Faucher 70, Nancy Connolly Johnson 70, Bonnie Adamski
MA. We also enjoyed seeing Laurie Lewis 71 MT, Mary Pat Desmond Cox 70, Jane Kernan Sayed 71 MT, Ann
CLASS OF 1971 Rendall Coursin 69 from VT. Also Lozier Rohrborn 71 MT, Stephanie Wilson Ablondi 71 MT, Suellynn Stark
COME BACK FOR seen on campus during the week- 70, (front row, l to r) Laurie Rendall Coursin 69, Deb Marcoux Deacetis
YOUR 45TH REUNION end were Heidi Rice Lauridsen and 70, Susan Pomerantz 70, Beth Roland Hunter 70, Nancy Teach 70, Beth
OCT. 1416! Jackie Feldman. Activities that Constantinides Meurlin 70, Val Turtle 70 and Joanne Peterman Torre 70.
classmates enjoyed included an

66 colby-sawyer magazine to watch a segment 1979
that ran right before they opened DEBRA BRAY MITCHELL
their doors in Oct. They are
also open for summer rentals and
intimate weddings. Nancy Susan Sherry Barnett has lived in
Bianchi Miller completed a 5K in many places since graduation but
Washington, DC, to raise money for has called Charlotte, NC, home for
the Lungevity Foundation, the lead- the past 20 years. She and her hus-
ing private research provider for band (a high school sweetheart)
lung cancer. Nancy walks 4 miles work in real estate. Their 2 sons
daily, so I am sure she lapped all the colleges have them cheering for
A reading of Black Butterflies by
other participants! Lucy Main In October, Janet Spurr 76, Anne
SEC football and ACC basketball to
Marylou Di Pietro 74 (center) was recently returned from a cruise to Tilney Brune 76, Lynn Esler Vail 76 keep things interesting and fair.
presented Dec. 7 in NYC. Marylou Turkey and Greece, a good escape and Cabby Herr 76 reunited over Besides work, Susan stays busy
cast the son of Sally Williams Cook before winter settled in to Malone, lunch at Lehigh University to cheer with gardening, traveling, reading
74 in one of the roles. The ground- NY. I had a fun evening with Debo- on Lynns son, who plays for Lehigh. and exercising. A group of Burpee-
breaking play is based on the life of rah Ross Chambliss when she was ites had a minireunion in Newport,
Rose Williams, sister and muse to in Philadelphia on business. A RI, in Sept. 2014: Caren Demoulas
Tennessee Williams. 3-hour dinner spent catching up on at Cape Cod National Golf Club all Pasquale, Diane Remondi De
See life felt great! Lydia Biddle Thomas summer where her husband, Frank, Falco, Lisa Hammond Carvalho,
to learn more.
continues to expand her business is the chef. Their son Miles is in his Alice Mari Hanabergh OSulli-
in NYC, helping people organize 2nd year at the Culinary Institute of van, Sue Chapman Warren,
for a friends battery and lighting and remove the clutter in their America in Hyde Park, NY, where Meredith Missy Craig Davis,
company as manufacturing man- homes and lives. She recently took his daddy is an alum. Ellen Fitzpatrick Criscione, Martha
ager. They try to travel at least twice a side trip to Venice, Italy, while on Colinan Ellicott 81 along with
a year (HI, AK, CA, WY, MT, AZ and her way to Switzerland to attend a Susan. They had not seen each
TX; up and down the East Coast; friends birthday party; she and a 1975 other in a while but picked up
the Caribbean; and many other small group kayaked through the JILL MCLAUGHLIN GODFREY where they left off. Gotta love our
places so far). Her oldest son, canals. Ann Cowperthwaite is a CSC friendships! Heidi Caswell
Shane, is a police detective for the sculptor, teacher and co-owner of Zander lives in her hometown of
Town of Wenham and resource offi- Eidolon Designs in Raleigh, NC; While only a few people attended Rockport, MA, where she owns the
cer to the local schools. He and his she specializes in custom- the 40th reunion of the Class of Tidal Edge Gallery (TidalEdge
wife have 2 beautiful children: designed, high-quality furniture, 1975, it was still a huge success. The featuring her artwork.
Alyssa, 14, and Cameron, 8. Jeans special architectural projects and timeless and easy camaraderie we Heidi paints primarily with oil, and
youngest son, Ian, is an engineer at millwork. Thanks to all who shared found ourselves with set the tone the local seascapes and vistas are
Microsoft in Cambridge, MA. He their newslets hear from the rest for the entire weekend. Arden Ave- her subject matter. After gradua-
and his wife just brought baby boy, of you! disian and Amy Schimelfenyg tion, Carla Schmelzer Meyers went
Jackson, into the world. She main- arrived tanned and beautiful from to UNH School of Law and then
tains contact with her Shepard their fun life in FL. Suzanne Qui- practiced in Concord, NH, for 12
friends: Beth Bladen Norcross, 1974 mby Reed and Jill McLaughlin years. She met and married Dan
Wendy Parsley Haupt 73 MT and SUSAN BROWN WARNER Godfrey, Nancy McIntire Zemlin, Myers, and they have 2 sons: Dan-
Nancy Lee Smith 73 MT. Lindsay Sandy Comstock enjoyed the pris- iel, 27, and Mathew, 26. When
Henes ODonovan, who lives in tine fall colors, wining and dining, Dans job moved them up and
Cambridge, MA, with husband, Lisa Burke Hennessy recently and seeing wonderful Colby down the East coast, Carla started
Brian, writes, Getting ready for our reconnected with freshman room- women again.
big show that he is the host of with mate Kathryn Roberts McMullen
WGBH, A Christmas Celtic on Cape Cod. They both spend time
Sojourn. We will tour New England there in the summer and always 1976
with several shows at the Emerson look forward to catching up. Lisas JANET E. SPURR
Cutler Majestic in Boston. I am the twins, Andrew and Brooks, are
pianist and co-producer of the juniors in HS. Husband Peter works
show. Also busy with co-hosting in real estate in NYC. They have a In Oct., Lynn Esler Vail visited from
with Brian traditional Irish concerts horse farm, Stony Creek Farm, in Laguna Beach, CA, to see her son,
at The Burren in Somerville. Just North Salem, NY, and Lisa contin- who attends Lehigh University, win
back from a trip to St. Paul, where ues to pursue an interest in a soccer game against BU. Anne
our eldest daughter Aoife ODon- decorating homes for clients. Kath- Tilney Brune joined from VA, as
ovan co-hosted A Prairie Home ryn Roberts McMullen winters in well as Holly Hexner Giampapa
Companion, on which she has Naples, FL, and summers on Cape 75, Katherine Cabby Herr and
been a frequent guest performer! Cod. She is still at the Ritz-Carlton Heidi Scheller 75. The group had
Kate Dixon-Rose writes that her Resorts of Naples, planning meet- lunch and dinner and then cheered Carla Schmelzer Meyers 79 and her
business, Cooking at Kates, is ings and events from Oct. to April, at the game. Morgan horse, Gracie.
getting some press. Visit then dallying on the grounds crew

spring 2016 67
daughter Erica is a sophomore at gram and I write numerous grants
UC Davis majoring in bio systems 1984 to maintain our funding. It is won-
engineering and playing D-1 DIANE PLACE STATKUS derful to have the support of
lacrosse. Robin keeps in touch with Barbara Marzelli 85, who is a board
Shelley Clark Ott 79 and Lynne

member and an enthusiastic volun-

Atkinson Florian 79 and is on Michelle Dulany-Spidle wrote, teer. I invite all to visit our Facebook
Facebook with Edie Peach Mauser For the past 20 years I have been page and look under Road To Inde-
80 and many others. Robin says, in Montessori education. Founded pendence to learn more. In Jan.
We need to get the Best Dorm a private Montessori school in 2002, Marion Quinn McElwee and
crew together in 2016, as there are Bath, ME, where I administrated her husband, Brian, founded the
several of us who live in CT. and taught from 1999 to 2007. company easyBackgrounds, a pro-
Moved back to Central FL and vider of background screening
Sue Copeland Taylor 84 (2nd from founded a new Montessori school services. Quinny writes, We are
left) with her daughter Jesse (far 1982 in 2007, where I have also been based out of Newfields, NH, and
left), daughter Sam (2nd from right) SUSAN HOLDERNESS CUSACK teaching children and leading the have 25 employees. Our business is
and husband Mike (far right). school. After CSC, I received my internet-based and our background
M.Ed., K-12 Administration. Con- checks are done nationwide. As far
As the foliage peaked in New Lon- currently, I have written a proposal as family, Brooke is 26 and Jack is
volunteering for the National MS don, the scenery was especially for and founded a public Montes- 22; he will graduate in May from
Society, Forever Morgans and the beautiful for the Alumni Fall Festi- sori Charter School for K-8, and I Roanoke College in VA. Brooke is a
Museum of New ArtPortsmouth. val weekend. On Oct. 17, my have one year to go before I gradu- photographer and a world traveler.
Her passion is riding and showing husband, Noel, and I, Susan Hold- ate with a doctoral degree in Brian and I have been married 29
her Morgan mare, Gracie. Last erness Cusack, attended the education. My retirement plan is to years and have lived in Newfields
year, the 2 were Reserve World Saturday Night Social in Ware Stu- teach early childhood education for 17. Amye Jarnes Newhall is an
Champions. Carla keeps in touch dent Center. It consisted of music courses at a college. Ive been busy! instructional designer for Fidelity
with Ann Venie Fitzgerald, Sareen presented by two DJs, dancing I have 3 grown children and 5 Investments. She lives in Marble-
Sarna, Janet Mahon Vinzce 78 under disco lights, a fabulous des- grandchildren! I live in Winter head, MA, with her husband, W.F.
MT, Margaret Murphy Crossen sert buffet and a full bar. As the Garden with my 2 charming stan- Their daughter, Piper, is a freshman
78, Sue Eilertson Haber 78 and hour got late, there was stiff com- dard poodles. Barbara Woodbury at the U of DE. Sue Copeland
Karen Wessel Cohen 80. Karen petition on the dance floor with Marzelli 85 sees best friend Mar- Taylor says, Ive been married to
Hill Maloney and her oldest daugh- one large alumni group performing garet Coulter regularly. Barbara my husband, Mike, for 25 years,
ter, Lauren, own a gym on the water an impressive, enthusiastic, inter- writes, We never really strayed too and we have lived in Essex, MA for
on LI. Karen has 3 other children, active reenactment of Meatloafs far from CSC and the communityI 23 of them. We have 2 daughters:
Breanna, Ryan and Maclain, who Paradise by the Dashboard am doing well in Newbury, NH, Jesse, who graduated from George
love snowmobiling and quad riding Lights. We especially liked it when married with 2 children. Our oldest Mason U, is 22 and lives in Arling-
at their homes in Wilmot and Sut- the students and dining and cater- had a heart transplant just over a ton, VA; Sam, 20, is a sophomore
ton, NH. ing staff joined us. Earlier that year ago. Its been an 18-year roller at UCLA. After being a stay-at-
evening, we attended a concert of coaster ride. Hes doing well, and home mom and sports coach for 15
the Timbre Drums Ensemble, an we are working hard as a family to years, I have been working for the
1981 interactive event of African and find our balance. About 4 years past 4 as the water/sewer billing
PAMELA AIGELTINGER LYONS Afro-Cuban drumming, song and ago, Margaret Coulter started the clerk for the town of Manchester- dance led by Grace Grasmere nonprofit Road To Independence by-the-Sea. We love to spend time
Schust 83 and her daughter Lind- on a farm in Goshen, NH. They on our boat going to the back side
Stephanie Clarke lives in Wood- sey. Grace and her family make offer a nonriding equine-assisted of Crane Beach. Some things never
bury, CT. She is still involved in the African-style hardwood drums, learning program and a farm-based change! Frances Cammie Pur-
horse world but has taken it to the ashikos and djun-djuns. Grace has learning program for individuals
backyard, recently purchasing 27 studied African percussion since who are differently abled. She
acres. She is refurbishing a 1760 1983 and now teaches drumming. writes, We are one of a very few
cape and building a barn. She You may remember Grace from the programs who work with donkeys
hopes to do a little antiques busi- Studio Art Department. She contin- in an equine-assisted program. We
ness, as well as a layup and ues to make art and especially started and maintain a garden and
rehabilitation center for horses. enjoys drawing and painting. It was run a booth at the weekly Newport
Robin Mohn Ely has been married fun catching up with her! Farmers Market and bring our veg-
for 26 years and moved to Ridge- gies and donkeys there. In addition
field, CT, from NJ years ago. She to working on a variety of farm proj-
worked on Wall Street for 25 years ects, we participate in a number of
as an institutional equity sales CLASS OF 1981 area parades with the donkeys and
trader and is currently a financial compete in a few donkey shows.
adviser with Merrill Lynch in Ridge- We also take our donkeys visiting to
field. Robin is active with her local 2 memory-care residences and an Amye James Newhall 84 with
OCT. 1416!
regional hospice and is involved adult day program. Currently we her family.
with the Girl Scouts of CT. Her are an all-volunteer, part-time pro-

68 colby-sawyer magazine
Living in SoCal is a huge culture
change for this NH girl, but my 1990
husband, Kenzie, and I have JANETTE ROBINSON
adapted. He purchased a Yacht HARRINGTON
Brokerage here and we work as a
team to grow that little business.
Alison Lambert Vernon is now the
proud owner of 2 consignment
1988 shops in New London: Go Lightly
CATHERINE HOOD-PITTENGER Consignment for Women and Go
l to r Marty Cross 85, Jeanne
Baldwin Richards 86, Alice Wright Lightly Consignment for Kids. Life
Goodrich 85, Sandra Sofa has given her many crazy and joyful
Couch-Kelly 87, Liz Dumas Morris Melissa Clemons Russell and her turns, the best of which are 3 grand-
88 and Fredericka Freddie husband, Bruce, are blasting off to babies! Be sure to stop by her
Gibbons Kerr 85 enjoyed some girl FL, somewhere near Jupiter! Bruce shops when visiting town. Becki
time at Peter Christians Tavern has accepted a job that will provide Brown Lucarelli enjoyed a hike up
while in New London for Alumni more balance between work and Mt. Kearsarge over Columbus Day
Fall Festival. play. They will rent until their house weekend with her youngest, along
sells in WA, and then they will put with her sister and niece. It was a l to r Blair Talcott Orloff 91, Carla
cell lives in Potomac, MD, with the down roots. Melissa says they have beautiful day, and a very busy one Gordon Russell 91, Greta Sanborn
love of her life, Terry. Hes retired always wanted to live and retire in at the mountain! She enjoyed the Shepard 90, Rachel Urban Tassone
91, and Erin Kelley-Ernst 91
military and a small-business the tropics. She and Bruce look for- drive through New London past
enjoyed a recent visit to New
owner. She has been doing ultra- ward to friends and family visiting! Colby-Sawyer and wishes they London, where they checked out
sound for the last 30 years. They are Christina Pascual Colon 89 could have had lunch at PCs. Bec- their old stomping grounds and
building a log cabin on a lake in VA, recently returned from Puerto Rico, kis family still lives in Chatham. visited Professors Donald Campbell
which will be home when they where she and her daughter Steph- Her 21-year-old son, a commercial and Loretta Barnett.
retire! anie participated in the Olympic fisherman, still comes home to do
qualifiers for womens soccer. If the laundry. Her 19-year-old daughter is
team made it through the second a sophomore at the Xavier U in pumpkin form (dont ask!) was
1986 round, they were to play the US in School of Nursing in Cincinnati. Melissa Forsythe Tucci 87. There
CORRESPONDENT NEEDED Feb. Christina hoped to be on the Her 16-year-old son is close to get- was much merriment, mirth and a
sideline photographing the team. ting his drivers license and is memory or 3 had by all. Liz taught
Stephanie Browne Brightman Her daughter Jackie is deciding considering the Marines, and her us all how to make apple cider san-
writes, I sold my house in North which college to attend in the fall. 10-year-old son, Michael, loves 5th gria, and we shall return to the
Reading, MA, and moved to North Christina hopes she chooses one grade. Becki has been a chocolatier same house next fall with, we hope,
Hampton, NH. I am never moving where she can play soccer! at the Chatham Candy Manor for an even larger bunch of lunatics
again! What a beautiful town; my 20 years. Her husband is a com- and a larger pitcher. Robyn Keat-
son and I are so happy with my mercial lobster fisherman. ing Ladd lives in Epsom, NH, and
husband, Tom, and stepbrother has been married for 18 years. Her
and sister, Chas and Briette. oldest son, Derek, is a junior at
1993 Pembroke Academy, and Austin is
DAWN K. HINCKLEY in the 8th grade at Epsom Central.
1987 They are involved in 4-H and do
KYM PRINTON FISCHER projects such as woodworking, Susan Trainer Russell reports, We ceramics and community service in
had a great turnout for our annual the area. The boys also show their
Lisa Karyt Garrett writes, For #wearejustherefortheparty week- working steers at many fairs over
the last 10 years, Ive been teaching end in New London, not the summer. Robyn met up with
back row (l to r) Jen Bradley
animal science at Norfolk County coincidentally held the same week- her roommate, Lindsey Yandow
Petersen 87, Laura Hower 89, Lisa
Agricultural HS in Walpole, MA. end as the Alumni Fall Festival. 94, in York, ME, last summer. They
Garrett 87, front row (l to r) Kelly
Im heavily involved in coaching Bryant Belanger 87, and Whitney Laura McGuinn McCarthy and I had a great visit and shared lots of
basketball, running my own pro- Holloway 87 enjoyed the contents of hosted a house full of lunaticsI memories.
gram the Mass Wildcats, and, of the Colby-Sawyer Party in a Box mean, fellow alums, including Liz
course, finding time to get together during their last get-together. Toole Witham 94, Rick Ellis 95,
with old Colby-Sawyer friends. After Maria Sinacola Borland 94, Matt
CSC, Robin Rainie-Lobacz com- Reed 94 and Corey, Chuck Rodg-
pleted her masters as a physician ers 94 and Erika, Dave Morin 94, CLASS OF 1986
assistant in sports medicine. She Sara Hodgkins Morin 95, Jen
writes, I am in my 13th year treat- Deasy 94 and Tony Librot 94. Ally
ing the US Marines at Camp Goff Shar 94 and her clan joined
OCT. 1416!
Pendletons School of Infantry for us for tots in the caf on Sunday.
all their musculoskeletal injuries. Missing in human form but with us

spring 2016 69
to quote you from Facebook and
1994 Twitter. Rachel Anderson Dodge
JULIE A. CAMP and her husband celebrated their 17th wedding anniversary this year.

STACEY BANKS NIEMAN They have 4 sons ages 8, 6, 4 and 2. Rachel is an RN at FL Hospital on
the Rapid Response Team, where
Becka Yturregui lives in Waban, she logs many steps in the 1,863-
MA, with her husband, Che Eagle; bed facility. The family is preparing
their 13-year-old son, Harris; their to move to ME this summer, so she
9-year-old daughter, Meredith; and may make it to next years reunion.
Friends unite over a beer during the
their 2 Border collies. She loves her Alumni Beer Tasting event at the
Things are going well for Laura
job at Combined Jewish Philanthro- new pub on campus. l to r: Hillary Powell in Ardmore, PA. She works
pies in Boston. Becka keeps in Woodward Pincoske 96, Kyle Battis at The Junior League Thrift Shop in
touch with Heather Stockford, 99, Josh Pincoske 97 and Ardmore and completed her 10th Rob Gagnon 98 and his daughter
Charlotte Tims, Sarah Clements Kim-Laura Boyle 98. marathon in Oct. Stephanie Peter- spending some quality time together.
Yoslov and Brooke Scarpa Sals- son Racine is a middle school
bury. I think Heather was the only science teacher in Central Falls, RI. Monroe Lombardis induction into
one of us who matriculated at CSC, 1995 In June she won a STEM Lab reno- the Athletic Hall of Fame with her
but we sure formed a solid friend- CAROLINE MIRIAM HERZ vation sponsored by National Grid family and Sarah Holmes Tucker
ship while there, she writes. David and the Boston Celtics. Members 95. Lauren Calvarese Tauscher
Morin and Sara Hodgkins Morin of the Celtics came to her class- lives in AZ and has been watching
95 enjoyed visiting with 9395 Heidi Stevens Freeman and her room to award and open the space. her 4 boys play a variety of sports.
classmates in Oct. Dave shares, It family moved to Holland in July, The prize included new computers,
has quickly become a tradition where she and her husband, Justin, huge monitors, a touch-screen pro-
among our group of friends to get teach at the American School of jector, Vernier science equipment 1998
together on this weekend, tour The Hague. Heidi loves being part and more! She and her students JAMIE GILBERT KELLY
campus, then retire to off-campus of the international community and met Isaiah Thomas and Dana Bar-
rentals for socializing and merri- has 16 1st-graders from 13 coun- ros and heard their inspirational CHRISTOPHER G. QUINT
ment. We cap off the weekend by tries. Heidis own girls (Iris, 9, and stories. Search Stephanies name
brunching in the dining hall on Sage, 7), have settled in well. Heidi on YouTube to see her winning
Sunday morning and marveling writes, We are taking advantage of video. Amie Pariseau and Donna After 10 years in the banking indus-
about how dramatic the changes our European location and travel- Studley had a great time over Fall try, Kate Irish DelliColli has
are since we were students 20+ ing as much as we can. We went to Festival weekend, taking a running embarked on a different journey
years ago. Mike Heffernan contin- Austria in Oct. and have plans for tour of campus, catching up with and taken a job with Smuttynose
ues to show us the family-style Switzerland in Feb. and Norway in Marriott Mike, eating at Pizza Brewing Company in Hampton,
hospitality that made us feel so at April. The downside is there is no Chef, hanging out at the pub in the NH. Ive been having the time of
home back then by rolling out the snow here in the Netherlands, so Lodge (!), and celebrating Lori my life combining my analytical
red carpet and serving us our we have to go out and find it on our mind with my love for beer, she
beloved tater-tots. vacations! We love the biking way of writes. Over the summer, she and
life here. We have no need for a car husband Jeff DelliColli 95 caught
and have adapted to getting around up with friends at the home of
without one. Chuck Morrison and Sophie Reist
Morrison 00. Other alumni pres-
ent were Brian Carriere 99, Chris
CONNECT 1997 Carriere 99, Pete Bourgoin, John
AMIE PARISEAU Eaton and their families. Kate and her daughter Kaylee enjoyed some
GET THE LATEST DONNA M. STUDLEY concerts this summer at the House
ALUMNI NEWS of Blues in Boston. Ryan Baker
/colbysawyeralumni Donna Studley 97 and Amie
LAUREN CALVARESE Pariseau 97 stopped by the tennis works there, so Kate was able to
TAUSCHER courts during Alumni Fall Festival. catch up with him a few times. Kate
FOLLOW US and Jeff had a great time at his 20th
CSC reunion. Kate writes, It was
COLBY-SAWYER Hello, Class of 1997! Amie Pari- nice catching up with my soccer
Alumni Group seau, Donna Studley and Lauren girls, Kim-Laura Boyle and Amy Calvarese Tauscher have been Potter Drummond 00. Our buddy
working to reestablish our column Don Varnum 95 and his wife,
GET THE PICTURE in Colby-Sawyer. Were pleased to Kerry, were there with their ador- share the following updates and able brood. We also had a blast
/csc_alumni hope to hear from more of you for catching up at the new pub with
the next edition, or well be forced Amie Pariseau 97 and Donna M.

70 colby-sawyer magazine

Hilary Sherman Hawkins is the

interim trauma program manager
for Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical
Center. In her spare time, she is a
teaching assistant for the MBA pro-
gram at GWU, as well as a clinical
expert and animation specialist for
Elsevier Publishing. Her husband is
the Chief CRNA, with 40 CRNAs
under him. Their 3 sons, who are all
married, have made them proud
grandparents of 6 grandchildren.
Skyler is a sophomore at the U of
These future Chargers pose for a photo with Colby-Sawyers mascot, Victor, UT and Zylis is at Killington Moun-
during Alumni Fall Festival. The parents of the children in the photo include Jennie Cocchiaro LaBranche 01 in
tain School working on his free ski
Jen Prudden Montgomery 00, Katie Sykes Follis 00, Matt Follis 99, Zanna Nepal with her family.
Campbell Blaney 00, Tracey Guarda Perkins 01, Keith Perkins 99, Abby
Lefebvre Crowell 01, Ben Crowell 03 and Megan Costello Burch 01.
where he oversees external com-
2000 munications and PR for the athletic
Studley 97. It was an ironic twist cleats for running sneakers. He ran TARA SCHIRM CAMPANELLA dept. He writes, It was a difficult
catching up with Beth Bryant his first marathon in 06, and in decision to leave Stanford, but the
Camp 92 and Sara Bryant Grant 09, he ran in Boston, his 1st full JENNIFER PRUDDEN early returns have been wonderful.
95, learning that they grew up in marathon. He plans to compete in MONTGOMERY Aside from the professional oppor-
the tiny town of South Hampton a full Ironman in Sept. in TN. Sarah tunities for me, there is a vibrant
where Jeff and I now live. After Wall had her own mini-reunion music scene at U-M and in the
graduation from CSC, Jacob weekend in Kansas City, MO, It was so great to see some of you town of Ann Arbor for my wife,
French worked in the Physical Ther- during Alumni Fall Festival. She in Oct. for our 15th reunion. Noth- Joanna, who is a flutist. Our son,
apy Dept. at York Hospital before was expecting Hilary Waldbaum ing like a nice cold day in New Jaxon, is now 5 and, like his mother,
entering a radiologic technology 94 and was thrilled to see Alison London to remind you of some of is passionate about music. I con-
program at NHTI. Hes been work- Norton, too, who was in town to the best years of your life! I, Jen tinue to treasure my brief summer
ing at Wentworth-Douglas Hospital visit her brother. Sarah enjoys her Prudden Montgomery, still live in reunions with classmates and hope
for 9 years. Plans include PA school career in medical trade publishing Melrose, MA, and teach in Ando- to see additional friends through-
once his children enter middle at Anthem Media in Leawood, KS, ver. Son Davis, 3, and daughter out my travels!
school. Jacob and his wife of 13 and life with 11-year-old Abigail. Taylor, 8 months, keep us busy!
years, Rene, are parents to daugh- During reunion, I got to spend time
ters Erin, 9, and Mia, 6. From time with Katie Sykes Follis, Matt Follis 2001
to time, Jacob sees Keven Kenny, CLASS OF 2001 99, Zanna Campbell Blaney, Abby KIMBERLY MORRISON MILLER
Gary Kennedy, Corenna Reeves, Lefebvre Crowell 01, Megan
William Woody Wolthuis and Costello Burch 01, Tracey Guarda
Kristin Kolonski Wolthuis. Over Perkins 01 and our collective 13 Abby Lefebvre Crowell writes,
OCT. 1416!
the years Jacob gave up his soccer kids! Marriot Mike really took Ben Crowell 03 and I have been
care of us during lunch in the din- busy building a barn this summer
ing hall. We also got to be there that I intend to fill with ponies. Ben
when Zanna Campbell Blaney would prefer to fill it with horse
received the Young Alumni Achieve- power! Their children, Corbin (5),
ment Award this year. Congrats, Hadley (3), and Tanner (1), love get-
Zanna! It was great to catch up with ting together with the
Alexi Bobolia, Mike Spinney, Mike overwhelming herd of CSC alum
Hachey, and Chris Fitzpatrick and children around the New London
his wife, Lynette. Congratulations area! The crew includes Matt and
to the 19971998 mens basketball Megan Costello Burch, Alex Dar-
team on their induction into the rah 04 and Jessica Price Darrah
CSC Athletic Hall of Fame. Heres 04, and Matt Hagerty 02 and Hil-
what I heard from other class- lary Cross Hagerty 02 plus many
Kurt Svoboda 00 (far left) and some of his team from the University of
mates: Ryan Smith and his wife, others! Megan Costello Burch and
Michigan on the set of ESPN College GameDay, which broadcast from Ann Jen, welcomed baby girl Sofie by her family live in Elkins, NH. She
Arbor on Oct. 17, 2015. adoption in Dec. Kurt Svoboda loves being Mom to 6-year-old
accepted a position at the U of MI, Grady and 3-year-old Leela. Megan

spring 2016 71
The best days of your life happened at Colby-Sawyer.
Let us help you create new memories at the place you already love.
the neighborhood or state park day and being a mom! Jimmy has
every now and then. Steve Robin- been so busy with his market and
son created Mr. Berries Boxer deli and his real estate office that
Briefs last yearvisit mrberries. we just had too much going on. So
com for more details on his mens now I get to run the house and try
apparel designed, cut and sewn in to keep up with our 3 busy boys:
the USA. Ero Roula Rallis Iorda- Parker, 8; David, 6; and Adam, 3.
nou and her husband were the Prior to leaving The Childrens
general contractors for their cus- House, Courtney enjoyed having
tom home. Roula put her project her sisters (Barbi Norris Downer
management and CSC business 01) youngest daughter, Geneva, in
skills to good use on this effort, and her class. After 8 years of working in
Ellie Scuccimarra Hawes 02 with
Im certain Professors Milan and the CSC Office of Admissions, Hil-
her daughter, Stella.
Quinn would be proud! Jennie ary Cogen Ryan was sad to leave
Cocchiaro LaBranche and her fam- her position, but it was time for a
is the marketing director for Durgin ily have moved to Kathmandu, change, and she was eager to cut
and Crowell Lumber, and she and Nepal. She and her husband work her commute and work closer to
Matt run Kearsarge United, a youth for the US Dept. of State and love home in Concord, NH. As a result,
soccer club they started in 2012. living abroad. As for me, Kim Mor- she took a position in the Admis-
Sara Hammond is an assistant rison Miller, life in Raleigh is pretty sions Office at St. Pauls School in
judicial case manager at the Essex much the same. The kids are 9 and August 14 and is happy to have a
Probate and Family Court in Salem, 5, and I cannot believe we are old job where she can spend summers Beth Burnham 02 outside her
MA, and lives in Boston. Nichole enough to have kids this age! As a off with her family. Liam started kin- classroom in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Lord Hay and Greg Hay 03 wel- family, we have been trying to dergarten this past fall at St. Johns
comed a son, Keegan, on Aug. 23. spend the month of July in NH to School, and her 3-year-old son, development division. Jessica
Scott Lavigne completed his 2nd see friends and enjoy the cooler Brennan, is at a nearby preschool. Kelleher Foss and Jen Foss 02 wel-
Ironman triathlon in July in Lake summers. Typically, I get to meet Neill Ewing-Wegmann recently comed daughter Mackenzie
Placid, NY. In Aug., he bought a up with the old gang, including Hil- donated a painting and attended Margaret Foss on June 17. Bailey
house and got married in Sept! He lary Andrus Dalton, Julie an art auction at a gallery in Ports- Thompson and her husband, Jer-
and his wife had a great wedding McFarland Casey, Amanda Rucci mouth, NH, to raise money for emy, welcomed daughter Talullah
weekend at Mt. Sunapee and were Lessard and other local friends! I PLAN (an organization whose goal Bee on June 27, the very same day
able to spend time with Dave Lind- know many of us are so fortunate is to have zero waste on cam- that Kerstin Swenson Flavin and
berg, his wife, Tina, and their son. to have such long-lasting CSC puses). Neill connected with PLAN her husband welcomed daughter
Emily Minor Hayes and her family friendships! through board member Mike Clancy Lee. Gregory Hay and Nich-
have moved to Maryville, TN, and Mooney. Neill writes, I had my ole Lord Hay 01 welcomed son
built a house, and she has accepted largest art showing this past spring Keegan Gregory Hay to their family
a nurse specialist position at the 2002 and summer at Think Tank in on August 23. Beth Morel Blair and
Heart Lung Vascular Institute at the NICOLE FOWLER MARTIN downtown Portland, ME, with 34 David Blair 02, along with their
U of TN Medical Center. In May, works on display. Neills daughter daughter Ariana, welcomed Elea-
Katrina Ryan transitioned from CHERYL LECESSE is in 1st grade and his son, Shane, nor Rose on Sept. 23.
sales rep to sales engineer at Citrix RICHARDSON is in 6th. Ellie Scuccimarra Hawes
in Raleigh. Katrina and Kim Morri- and her husband, Jonathan, wel-
son Miller meet for walks around comed baby Stella on July 15. Ellie
Beth Burnham 03 has left VT to left her job as marketing manager
fulfill her dream of teaching inter- for Lucky Strike in Boston after 9
nationally. Beth writes, I live in
Dhaka, Bangladesh, where I teach
years to spend time at home with
her daughter.
grades 2 & 3 learning support at the
American International School of GET THE LATEST
Dhaka. I have already had the 2003 ALUMNI NEWS
opportunity to vacation in Koyao LISA NOYES HARDENBROOK
Noi, Thailand, and am headed to
Oman, Beijing, Sri Lanka and
Nepal within the year. Lucia Sav- Alexis Miranda Coleman married
age Reeder is working at a group Kevin Coleman on May 23 at Sap- COLBY-SAWYER
private practice in Salem, NH, phire Estate in Sharon, MA. Casey Alumni Group
doing mental health and substance Bump Natrella and Katie Harrin-
abuse counseling. Courtney Norris gan Holley 05 were bridesmaids,
Francisco is no longer at The Chil- and Leah Doyle 04 attended. GET THE PICTURE
Neill Ewing-Wegmann 02 with his drens House Montessori school in Alexis is celebrating her 10-year
daughter, Penelope. Traverse City, MI. She shares, I will anniversary at MEDITECH, where /csc_alumni
now be staying home during the she is a supervisor in the

spring 2016 73

Angela DOnofrio has published

her 1st novel, From the Desk of
Buster Heywood.

Allison Kelly Salem 05 and her Nicole Kenney 07 with Team Noreen participating in the Light the Night Walk
husband, Paul, welcomed son Parker
for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in October 2015 in Durham, N.C.
James on Nov. 7, 2015.
Kristin Green Cheeks and her hus-
band welcomed son Alexander
Bennett in April. Jen Haagensen she rappelled down 34 stories at to be reunited again! In Oct., Nicole
resides in Baltimore, MD. She is a Mohegan Sun to raise money for completed her 6th annual Light the
3rd-year resident in neurology at the Special Olympics. Night Walk for the Leukemia &
the U of MD Medical Center. Lau- Lymphoma Society in memory of
ren Hallworth Wallis and her her mom, who lost her battle to
husband, Tim, moved to Amster- 2007 leukemia in 2013.
dam in Dec. for her new role as STEPHANIE JAQUES GUZZO
senior product manager of running
apparel at Asics. Lauren was sad to MELISSA FERRIGNO PAGE 2008
miss our reunion, but she was look- SARAH HEANEY PELLETIER
ing for a new place to call home. ASHLEY HELEN RODKEY
Elaine Sczurek Lawless caught her
up with photos from what was a After quitting his day job in 2014,
fantastic weekend. Ellen Kirsch has In Sept. 2015, Nicole Kenney com- John Bosse continues to grow his
had a pretty busy year. She is now a pleted her 4th year as an RN at bodybuilding/powerlifting equip-
4-sport coach for Special Olympics Duke U Hospital. She works in the ment and apparel company,
in CT: track, bowling, bocce and radiation oncology department as John was a grooms-
alpine skiing; she has also been cer- a lead RN for the orthopedic oncol- man at Ian OLearys 09 wedding
Zachary Ackles 07 and Kimberly
Simard Ackles 08 with their tified to coach croquet. She ogy/sarcoma team, a preceptor to last summer. Amanda Kowalik
children Gabby and Hazen. continues to fundraise as well, par- new RNs, and a charge nurse. Sarno and Courtney Wright DeTore
ticipating in the Penguin Plunge Nicole saw Kristine Prioli over the 02 graduated from Rivier U in May
and recently Over the Edge, where summer, and it was great for them with their M.S. in nursing educa-
tion. John ONeil is head baseball
coach at the U of MD Eastern Shore
and one of the youngest NCAA
Division I coaches in the country.
Kimberly Simard Ackles and Zach-
ary Ackles 07 welcomed son
Hazen in July. John Bryan and
Aleshia Carlsen-Bryan met up with
Molly Muldoon Dunholter last
summer to celebrate Mollys 30th
birthday. Stephanie Shamel Wat-
son and Nick Watson 09
welcomed son Gavin in May.

These alumni from the Class of 2010 pose for a 5th reunion photo during Alumni Fall Festival in October. Pictured are COME BACK FOR
(back row, l to r) Ariana Coleman, PJ Hammerle, Albert Torres, Mark Nailor, Terri Duffy, Sarah Zirnkilton, Brittany YOUR 10TH REUNION
Mailman, Shayln McEntire Johanson, (front row, l to r) Elaina Kennedy, Adrienne Peters, Liz Cotreau and Abbie OCT. 1416!
Morse Roop.

74 colby-sawyer magazine
spotlight |
Diana Lewllyn Stango and her hus-
band, Nick, welcomed daughter
Tim Bradley 05
Savannah on April 24. Diana is an Tim Bradley 05 grew up in Western Massachusetts and has
RN at Yale-New Haven Hospital in long been inspired by the regions natural beauty and cultural
the surgical and trauma intensive richness. His 2015 short documentary The Whiskey Treaty
care unit. Kristina Casper-Wilson Roadshow serves as a sort of love letter to his childhood
and her husband, Steve, welcomed
home. Chronicling five singer-songwriters who come together
daughter Addelyn Jean Wilson on
April 15. Nicole Poelaert Costanzo in a collaborative band, the film overflows with haunting per-
started Sunshine C Photography. formances set in the rustic wilderness and has garnered much
Aubrey Thomas finished her mas- acclaim at film festivals across the country.
ters at Emerson College in Dec. 2014
and is now a development associate A communications major, Bradley has built a successful career
for the vp for development at North- in the world of corporate video. After cutting his teeth as a
eastern U in Boston, MA. freelance videographer for ski resorts and action sports ath-
letes, for the past five years he has overseen video services for
2010 Matter Communications, a public relations and social media
agency based in Newburyport, Mass.
As fulfilling as he found his work, Bradleys desire to make
Corey Rondeau and Rachel Kuiken something more personal persisted. That desire was kicked
Rondeau 13 moved back to Burl- into action after he worked on the documentary 100: Head/
ington, VT, after spending the year Heart/Feet by Mike Mooney 02 and Will Peters 06. Inspired
in CO. Rachel is practicing nutri- by the duos dedication and work flow, Bradley set out to make
tion therapy, and Corey began a job his own documentary, The Whiskey Treaty Roadshow.
in Oct. with Burton Snowboards as
a production artist. They were mar-
ried in Burlington over the summer
One of the bandmates is a childhood friend, Bradley said,
with very close family and friends in explaining how the project gelled. The five musicians played
attendance. Albert Torres moved to together during a four-night string of shows, performing
Boston after completing his MBA each others songs collectively, and Bradley shot what he

at Wilkes U. He lives in the South dubs pseudo music videos as well as interview footage.
End and works for a private aviation The film was accepted to 17 of 35 festivals Bradley submitted
brokerage firm, Magellan Jets. After it to, which is, as he is quick to point out, an exceptional
graduating from Northeastern, success rate. Ultimately, the film won five Best Short Docu-
Jess Galaid was offered a job at
mentary awards.
Whidden Hospital in Everett, MA. Tim Bradleys film
She loves being a nurse in the
emergency department. Jess and I attribute a lot of what I know to Don Coonley, said Bradley, won five Best Short
her boyfriend, Brent, bought a invoking the late communications professor who mentored so Documentary awards.
house in Pelham, NH. After gradu- many budding filmmakers over the years. Bradley hasnt
ation, Mary Francis began building decided what his next project will be. You cant force the
her business as a personal shopper subject, he said.
and stylist. She decided it was time
for a change of scenery and moved The Whiskey Treaty Roadshow can be viewed at thewhiskey-
to NYC in fall 2014. In one short
year, she joined an incredible team
as a fashion executive for an ele-
vated contemporary line, Mike Gregory, director of Advancement Communications
LAGENCE. Each day, Mary is chal-
lenged, inspired and opening new
doors to endless possibilities. Liz
Cotreau started a job as a recruiter
in Portland, ME, at Premium

spring 2016 75
Consulting. She enjoys working in
downtown Portland and spending
more time with her CSC friends
who live in ME! Amanda Krusz-
kowski Ramunto and Beau

Ramunto 12 bought a home in

Southern NH in Aug. She works as
a business manager at MIT Lincoln


Alison Eko has been working at The Megan Perry Oman 13 and Phil Oman 12 were married on July 25, 2015. Colby-Sawyer alumni in attendance included
Timken Company for 4 years as the (back row, l to r) Alicia Pinette 13, Tory Rennie 14, Erica Pentony 13, Gage Bensley 12, Katelyn DuCharme Bensley
organizational advancement, 12, Philip Robert Oman 12, Megan Perry Oman 13, Aimee Morin 13, Kim McNally 13, Allysen Hicks 13, Madeline
Venezia 14, Abigail Delvecchio 13, Christina Winnett 13, (front row, l to r) Kevin Molinaro 13, Carly Strathdee 13,
health and safety manager. She is
Tony Salvatoriello 13, Craig Yonge 13 and Karen Fondoules 13.
also pursuing an MBA with a con-
centration in human resources.
Ashley Sievers beat cancer this 2013 2014 2015
behavioral tech at the Trudeau Cen-
ter in RI. After working in the Office Jayme Severance 12, 14 had a per- Jackie Keating coached volleyball at
of Admissions at Colby-Sawyer for Congratulations to Megan Perry sonal essay published for an Notre Dame Academy in Hing-
more than 3 years, Anup Nepal has Oman and Phil Robert Oman 12, organization based in Ireland ham, MA, this fall. This past season
joined the full-time MBA program who married on July 25 with several read it at NDA won the Division II State
at the U of Tampa. CSC alumni in attendance. Con- smoke-and-mirrors-by-jayme-sev- Championship. She is now coach-
gratulations also go to Christina erance. In addition to his job as a ing a club at SA Mizuno and
Fulford Alterisio and Michael sustainable science proofreader, he waiting to hear back from graduate
2012 Alterisio, who welcomed twin girls, is doing copywriting for a job place- schools to pursue her doctorate in
COURTNEY ELEANOR PIKE Ayla Rose and Ariya Grace, on Aug. ment and recruiting start-up that physical therapy. 7. Pengxiang Sean Ding gradu- plans to donate most of its pro-
KASSANDRA LOUISE PIKE ated from Bentley U with his MSA ceeds to charitable organizations. in May 2015, and is now a SOX and Brandon Chase is attending New
Internal Controls Auditor at Perkin- England Law | Boston and is a can-
Kimberly Shaughnessy graduated Elmer, Inc. Michelle Wakefield is didate for a J.D. in 2018. Fan
from the UNH School of Law in an account coordinator at Spec- Aaron Feng resides in Brooklyn,
May 2015 as a member of the Dan- trum Marketing Companies in NY, and works in Manhattan as a
iel Webster Scholar program. She Manchester, NH. She keeps in graphic designer for a tech-based
was sworn into the NH Bar, as well touch with professors and class- real estate company.
as the U.S. District Court for the mates, especially the rugby team.
District of NH Bar. Kimberly resides
in Concord, NH, and is an associ-
ate attorney at Crusco Law Office,
PLLC, where she focuses on family
law. She enjoys getting outside to
hike, snowboard and play co-ed GET THE LATEST
soccer. Since graduating, Chelsae ALUMNI NEWS
Crowe Conners married her HS /colbysawyeralumni
sweetheart, settled into a new
home, and welcomed a beautiful
daughter! She spent 3+ years as a
staff nurse at Dartmouth-Hitch- COLBY-SAWYER
cock on a medicine unit but Alumni Group
transferred to the intensive care
unit in early 2016.
Corey Rondeau 10 and Rachel Kuiken Rondeau 13 were married during the
summer of 2015. l to r: Chelsea Cantanzarita Daneault 11, Josh Daneault,
Steve Borchetta 10, Andrew Popp 13, Jake Palmer 09, Mr. and Mrs.
Rondeau and Lauren Dube. /csc_alumni

76 colby-sawyer magazine
| in fond memory
1931 1944 1950 1957
Caroline Phillips Williams Ann Bayer Birmingham Nancy Riley Doescher Janice Mahoney Amidon
January 1, 2011 July 15, 2015 January 12, 2016 June 24, 2015
Shirley Merz Bryant Eva Lorange Mitchell
1932 1951
August 24, 2015 October 17, 2015
Florence Spitz Leventhal Ingrid Reichhold Wagner
Priscilla Bullock Bubar
June 25, 2008 October 9, 2015 1958
November 21, 2015
Lois Kennedy Archer Ellen Duane Stumpf Janet Logan McCaffrey
April 20, 2015 1945 January 1, 2016 November 7, 2013
Alice Todd Castello Audrey Barrett
1952 1959
October 4, 2015 August 20, 2015
Lois Rogers Manning Nora Snyder Hassloff
Jean Shanley Puckhaber
1937 August 7, 2015 August 15, 2011
November 13, 2015
Jean Huckins Hawkes Corinne Smoller Goldstein
November 26, 2012 1946 December 10, 2015
Julie Dornemann Steck
Dorothy Huggins Mannix Marilyn Moore Maslow
1938 December 1, 2015
February 21, 2015 January 9, 2016
Betty Denson Sleath
Jean Goubert Sisley Virginia Kurtz Bonney 1961
July 1, 2015
July 10, 2015 January 12, 2016 Jane B. Holliday
Barbara Rounds Carson
Janet Reynolds Crandlemire September 7, 2015
November 3, 2015 1953
July 15, 2015 1962
Janet Hunt Murphy
1939 Anne Stedfast Jacobs
August 4, 2009 Ann Tay Whittlesey Clark
Elizabeth Higgins Hassell November 3, 2015
Janet Keith Eaton September 11, 2015
October 15, 2015 Barbara Bingham Day
May 16, 2012 Jane Howe Trainor
1940 November 25, 2015 September 22, 2015
Carol Jones Balch
Eloise Gedney Lawson Suzanne Carpenter Kemp
December 12, 2014 1963
November 11, 2015 January 3, 2016
Joyce Luckett Sturdy Nancy Ketchum Young
1941 1947 August 12, 2015 May 5, 2015
Dorothy Camann Goodman Olga Oggie Wells Dalton Barbara Johnson Craig
August 8, 2015 September 24, 2015 1968
December 26, 2011
Nancy Williams Siddons Barbara Marsh Jones Joan Von Maur Holcomb
Margaret Turner Kezer
August 19, 2015 October 14, 2015 December 8, 2015
March 14, 2015
Bernice Axford Paley Judith Hidden Lanius Sally Hurl Phelps 1970
May 17, 2015 September 6, 2015 November 22, 2015 Sheila Flynn Davis
Kathryn Ketchum Coleman Elizabeth Betsey Boykin Guy Lois Holt Rodenburg March 22, 2010
August 12, 2015 November 28, 2015 January 30, 2016
Joan Watson Krumm
1942 1954 Roxane Roethlisberger Prins
December 2, 2015
Barbara Bobbie Boyd Bradley Deborah Howe Pashley June 3, 2014
October 26, 2015 1948 December 14, 2014
Virginia Ginny Newins Ione Deddie Elisabeth Denny Mary Lou Schneider Crowell
Kathleen A. Brough
Blondell September 18, 2015 August 20, 2015
December 24, 2015
December 2, 2015 Ruth Dresser Paulson Elizabeth Margeson Harrison
February 24, 2015 October 7, 2015 1983
1943 Sara Ackerman Frey Constance Malley Callaha Joyce Greenlee-Haug
Norma Nicky Miller Roth January 11, 2016 January 14, 2016 May 13, 2015
March 17, 2012
Barbara Buck Lipes 1949 1955 1986
September 16, 2015 Mary Gesen Carroll Polly Parsons Nash Diane Fontana Brown
Doris Douglas Butler November 22, 2013 July 16, 2015 January 22, 2014
December 2, 2015 Barbara Conkey Armstrong Patricia Wray Lovelace 1992
Sally King Cramer February 13, 2014 October 18, 2015 Lynne D. Howard
January 2, 2016 Helen Gardner Pugh July 17, 2015
Jane Corliss LaRock June 29, 2014
Shelia Thorpe Miller FORMER FACULTY
January 5, 2016 Madeleine Lougee Lovewell
October 14, 2013 Bryant E. Hoffman
July 11, 2015
Joanne Axtell Page October 4, 2015
Carolyn Chase Hatch
April 13, 2015
October 25, 2015
Althea Currie Barker
February 1, 2016
spring 2016 77
Fond Farewells and New Beginnings
by Kelli Bogan

A s President Galligan prepares to move on this summer, the campus begins its own new
chapter, and its only natural to remember past presidential transitions.

President Galligans 10 years of service is matched by President Everett M. Woodmans and

exceeded only by President H. Leslie Sawyers 33 years of leadership; Sawyer began his tenure in
1922 and oversaw the institutions transition from academy to college. President Galligan notified
the board of his decision in February 2015, allowing plenty of time to manage and prepare for the
transition. The college hasnt always been so fortunate.

On July 1, 1955, Eugene M. Austin became the second president of Colby Junior College, lauded
and recommended by H. Leslie Sawyer, his predecessor. During his seven-year service, Austin con-
tinued the work Sawyer had begun, shaping it to fit his vision for the colleges future. He immedi-
ately initiated a 10-year plan of physical growth that included the construction of the Sawyer Fine
Arts Center, the Reichhold Science Center, and the Health and Exercise and Sports Sciences Center
(HESS, now Mercer Hall), the addition of the portico to Colgate Hall, the renovation of the Old
Academy Building (now New London Town Offices) and the conversion of the old gym into a dor-
mitory (now Austin Hall). He also recommended that the college make gifts toward town
endeavors that included the construction of King Ridge Ski Area and New London Hospital.

Beyond his vision for the campuss and towns infrastructures, Austin made major improvements
for the faculty by expanding the sabbatical program, establishing a tenure program in 1959, and
increasing faculty salaries by more than 50 percent in the first five years of his presidency. A
Baptist minister, Austin also carried on the schools religious tradition by continuing the

78 colby-sawyer magazine
twice-weekly required chapel attendance, expanding the Colby-
town Camp summer program for refugee/underprivileged chil-
dren, and appointing the first Chaplain of the College in 1960. the presidents
In 1955, Colby Junior College became one of the first junior col- of the college
leges to subscribe to the College Scholarship Service, a need-
H. Leslie Sawyer 19221955
and merit-based financial aid service.
Eugene M. Austin 19551962
Austin was a strong supporter of the arts and funded lectures
and concerts at the college, and he participated in and devel- Everett M. Woodman 19621972
oped activities in New London that included founding a mens Louis C. Vaccaro 19721978
choir in which he played piano and sang. These acts, and
countless others, endeared Austin to the students, staff and H. Nicholas Muller III 19781986
New London community. Many of these initiatives, especially Peggy A. Stock 19861995
the building projects, were in progress in May 1962 when Presi-
dent Austin was diagnosed with acute leukemia. Just a month Anne Ponder 19962005
later, he passed away, leaving the Colby Junior College and New
Thomas C. Galligan Jr. 20062016
London communities saddened by the loss of a great friend
and leader.

The college needed someone who could not only step into the
role but would also respect and carry out the late presidents
legacy. The Board of Trustees turned to a man already familiar most socially turbulent time periods as the Civil Rights and
with Colby Junior College, Everett M. Woodman, who was feminist movements reached Colby Junior Colleges campus.
married to Ruth Randolph Woodman 40 and had taught at the Chapel requirements and other outdated traditions disap-
institution before and after World War II. Woodman, a New peared as the college increased its course offerings and inter-
Hampshire native, Dartmouth graduate, Naval officer and dip- national endeavors with programs like Crossroads Africa.
lomat, accepted the challenge. He left his post as a cultural
affairs officer for the U.S. Information Agency and as acting Austin and Woodman had very different tenures as president,
public affairs officer for South India to return to the college. but both led our students, faculty and staff through distinctive
times in American history and, despite the tragic circum-
Founding family descendant Susan Colgate Cleveland, in her stances surrounding the end of Austins term, it seems the
introduction of President Woodman at 1962s convocation, right president was in place for each time period. This seren-
said, More than half the school knew and loved Dr. Eugene dipity reminds us that the strength of our institution goes
Austin as president of Colby. He will never be forgotten by his beyond any one person, and that we should remember Presi-
many friends in the school, in the town, and on the Board of dent Austins own words, written in his journal from his hos-
Trustees, but we hope that you will transfer, as we have, the pital bed on June 3, 1962, the day of Colby Junior Colleges
loyalty and devotion you gave him to the man we have chosen 125th anniversary and Commencement celebration:
to succeed him. In his convocation speech, President Wood
man echoed this respect for his predecessor, stating, To Dr. Today is Commencement Day. It is cool, the sky is
Eugene Austin, who, in seven years continued to build and cloudless and it must be perfect on New London
strengthen [Colby Junior College], whose departure leaves us Hill Its all one, and I am glad to have had a part
deprived, but whose courage and faith, even to the moment of in it. If memories get confused and images of
his going away, leaves us with an inspiration and example people fade, what matter? Just so young people
which we can only try to deserve. With these words, Woodman come always to this place to find themselves, see a
picked up Austins torch and saw his vision through to the end. larger world and get some things to hold to; so long
HESS was completed in 1963, as was the restoration of the Old as teachers find here a good place to live and teach;
Academy Building. With HESS built, the old gymnasium was so long as classes meet and bridges of under-
renovated into the dorm Austin had envisioned, and it was standing are thrown across the chasms of fear and
dedicated in his honor in 1965. ignorance this is enough. Let it be a place where
people strive for wisdom, love and beauty.
With Austins legacy in place, Woodman went on to create his
own legacy, one with a global perspective influenced by the
time he spent in India. He led the college through one of its Archivist Kelli Bogan holds a B.A. from the University of Vermont, an M.A.
from Boston College and an M.S. (LIS) from Simmons College.

opposite: President Eugene M. Austin (l) and President Everett M. Woodman (r)

spring 2016 79
Falling, and Staying,
in Love with

by Deborah A. Taylor, Ph.D.

IN MY 40TH AND FINAL YEAR here at Colby-Sawyer, Ive


reflected on my arrival all those years ago when, as our presi-
dent, Tom Galligan, is fond of saying, dinosaurs roamed the

I have always loved learning and being in school in some

ways, since I started school at four and a half, I have never left.
My formative and college years were ones of great personal institution change and grow from a womens college granting
growth, to be sure, but also ones of great social change: the mostly associate degrees to a baccalaureate womens college,
Civil Rights Movement, the womens movement and the to a coeducational college, to a college contemplating graduate
anti-war movement, just to name a few. programs. But the essence of Colby-Sawyer has remained the
same its an environment in which faculty, staff and stu-
In the academic environment, I was able to examine critically dents teach, learn, develop and explore together freely.
all sides of those important issues, and to reflect on and
develop my own sense of social responsibility. I cherish so many memories from my years here. One of the
most personally meaningful among them was speaking at Com-
So when it came time for me to consider my profession, and mencement while my father who also had been a professor
my first job, I was clear about two things: I wanted to do some- was in the audience. Weve accomplished crucial pieces of
thing that really mattered and that made a positive difference work together, from hiring excellent faculty and staff, to gradu-
in individual lives and in the community. Being an educator ating talented students, to curriculum changes, to accreditation
was the very best way for me to do both. reviews. Tom Galligan is the fifth of Colby-Sawyers eight presi-
dents with whom I have had the pleasure to serve.
After completing my doctoral program, I received an invitation
to interview at Colby-Sawyer, and I went looking for information But I have to say that when I see former students return to us
about the college. On my map, I found Colby Junior College. In as accomplished alumni, parents of new students, faculty
the library, I found materials on Colby College N.H. But I members, staff members and as trustees, thats the purest
found precious little about Colby-Sawyer anywhere. demonstration of the value of what we do here.

My interview happened on a crisp and cold March day, and I So, I thank all of you for the friendship, support and profes-
was dazzled by the people I met as well as by the physical sional guidance youve given me, and for your deep caring for
beauty of the college and the area. When I accepted the faculty this college. The things we do here are so very meaningful, and
position in psychology, I was delighted. But, in all honesty, I Im honored to have been a part of our accomplishments for
came to Colby-Sawyer thinking I might be here for a few years four decades.
and then move on to the next stage of my career. But I was
mistaken. I fell in love with this place. And I have stayed in love.
Deborah A. Taylor is, until June 30, the Academic Vice President and Dean
of Faculty. She holds an A.B. from Cornell University and an M.S. and
Ive been lucky to have many roles here faculty member,
Ph.D. from Rutgers University. At Commencement on May 7, she will be
dean of students, department chair, academic dean, and my recognized with an honorary degree and the Susan Colgate Cleveland
current role as academic vice president and dean of faculty. My Medal of Service for her 40 years at Colby-Sawyer College.
children are alumni of the Windy Hill School. Ive seen the

80 colby-sawyer magazine
BECAUSE YOU THE COLBY-SAWYER FUND supports everything on
campus, from financial aid and academic programs
BELIEVE IN to outstanding faculty and athletic experiences.

COLBY-SAWYER What inspires you to support Colby-Sawyer?

97%of entering
students receive
financial assistance




of our graduates complete an STUDENT-FACULTY RATIO 12:1
internship; 39% are hired
by their internship sites.

We have students from 29 states

and 33 foreign countries.

Colby-Sawyer is preparing our students for lifelong success.
To make your gift to the Colby-Sawyer Fund, visit or use the enclosed envelope.

Office of Advancement
541 Main Street
New London, NH 03257


Gretchen Richter Massey 82 &

Paul Massey Presidential Challenge

Matching gifts to the Tom and Susan
the Galligan Scholarship Fund dollar-for-dollar,
up to $100,000.

Challenge Gifts will honor outgoing President Tom

Galligan and his wife, Susan, and will support
their commitment to a global and diverse
student experience.
Visit for more
make a gift information and ways you can make a gift.

by May 4

Colby-Sawyer students benefit from an inclusive community of talented students from across the country
and around the world. Were making this gift to ensure that opportunity for todays and tomorrows
deserving Colby-Sawyer students. We invite you to join us in supporting the colleges commitment to
provide financial aid support to sustain an enduring diverse and multicultural learning environment.

Gretchen Richter Massey 82, Trustee of the College

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