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PowerPoint 2016

Course objectives:
Create, edit, print and present PowerPoint shows
Apply and customise design themes
Modify slide layouts via the Slide Master
Insert and manage graphics, shapes, charts, movies and sound
Insert hyperlinks
Master animations and transitions

Student Training and Support

Phone (07) 334 64312
Email askus@library.uq.edu.au
Web http://www.library.uq.edu.au/library-services/training

Service Points
St Lucia: Main desk of the SSAH, ARMUS and DHESL libraries
Hospitals: Main desk of the PACE, Herston and Mater libraries
Gatton: Level 2, UQ Gatton Library

Staff Training (Bookings)

Phone (07) 3365 2666
Email staffdev@uq.edu.au
Web http://www.uq.edu.au/staffdevelopment

Staff may contact their trainer with enquiries and feedback related to training content. Please contact Staff Development for booking
enquiries or your local I.T. support for general technical enquiries.

Reproduced or adapted from original content provided under Creative Commons license by
The University of Queensland Library
UQ Library
Staff and Student I.T. Training

Table of Contents
Interface Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Getting started ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Exercise 1. Edit a placeholder .............................................................................................................. 4
Exercise 2. Inserting slides ................................................................................................................... 4
Exercise 3. Modifying slide content ...................................................................................................... 5
Slide Show Presentations .................................................................................................................................. 6
Exercise 4. Viewing a presentation ...................................................................................................... 6
Exercise 5. Navigate during the presentation ....................................................................................... 7
Exercise 6. Re-order slides ................................................................................................................... 8
Exercise 7. Hide Slides ......................................................................................................................... 8
Enhancing a presentation .................................................................................................................................. 9
Exercise 8. Apply a built-in design theme............................................................................................. 9
Exercise 9. Using custom themes ........................................................................................................ 9
Slide Masters ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Exercise 10. Accessing the Slide Master ............................................................................................. 10
Exercise 11. Customise theme slide masters....................................................................................... 10
Objects and placeholders ................................................................................................................................ 12
Exercise 12. Hyperlinks ........................................................................................................................ 12
Exercise 13. Insert Online Pictures ...................................................................................................... 13
Exercise 14. Insert image from the Internet .......................................................................................... 13
Exercise 15. Insert image from a file .................................................................................................... 14
Exercise 16. Image editing ................................................................................................................... 14
Exercise 17. Using shapes ................................................................................................................... 15
Exercise 18. SmartArt graphics ............................................................................................................ 16
Exercise 19. Including charts ................................................................................................................ 19
Animating a presentation ................................................................................................................................. 21
Exercise 20. Animate text and objects ................................................................................................. 21
Exercise 21. Sound animation .............................................................................................................. 22
Transitions ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
Exercise 22. Add transitions ................................................................................................................. 23
Media options .................................................................................................................................................. 24
Exercise 23. Insert a video clip ............................................................................................................. 24
Exercise 24. Insert an audio clip ........................................................................................................... 25
Presentation output.......................................................................................................................................... 27
Exercise 25. Change screen output ..................................................................................................... 27
Exercise 26. Send slides to Word ......................................................................................................... 27
Exercise 27. Select print output ............................................................................................................ 28
Exercise 28. Package your presentation .............................................................................................. 28
Posters in PowerPoint ..................................................................................................................................... 30
Exercise 29. Posters Page setup.......................................................................................................... 30

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Interface Overview
When you open PowerPoint directly you are presented with a list of recent files or a choice of templates to begin your

Microsoft has made 16:9 widescreen the default

resolution for slides in PowerPoint 2013.
All the new PowerPoint 2013 themes will be designed to
scale to both 4:3 and 16:9 formats. If you have a 16:9
slide and show it on a 4:3 projector, black bars will show
up on the top and bottom of the slide.
Slides made in the old 4:3 format will show black bars on
both sides of the slide when they are shown on a
widescreen projector or TV.

1. The File tab 1

The File tab provides access to Backstage view. 2
2. The Ribbon
The tools to create and edit your presentation.
3. The Film Strip 4
Select or re-order slides. 3
4. The current slide
Shows the current slide layout, text and objects.
5. Speaker notes
Enables the presenter to add notes to be displayed in
Presenter view or on print outs.
6. Presentation views 5 6
Edit, re-order, or view your slides.

Backstage view
Enter and exit Backstage view

Click the File tab in the Ribbon.

Use Backstage view to:

Create, open, save, print, view file meta-

information, manage MS Powerpoint options
and adjust the logged in user account

If MS Powerpoint is signed in with a Microsoft

account you can save directly to OneDrive via
your internet connection.


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Getting started
Open a blank PowerPoint presentation to start.

Exercise 1. Edit a placeholder

1. Click in the Title placeholder:

2. Type: Making a Great Presentation
3. Select the Subtitle placeholder:
4. Enter your name

Exercise 2. Inserting slides

You can insert slides of various layouts which are based on the current design theme.

1. Click the New Slide button on the Home

2. Select Title and Content layout
Use the CTRL + M keyboard shortcut

3. Type: Presentation Overview as the

slide title

Add slides from other sources

This exercise uses a slide show downloaded from the UQ
Library Ask I.T. website.

1. Click the New Slide button > Reuse



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2. Click Open a PowerPoint File from the side

3. Locate and select a PowerPoint presentation
4. Click on Open

5. Insert slides 3 to 9 by clicking them

Right mouse click > Insert All Slides and
delete any unwanted slides

You can also use this feature to reuse a presentation theme

6. Click to close the Reuse Slides pane

Exercise 3. Modifying slide content

Bullet sub points
Indent bulleted text to create sub points

1. Select the text to indent

2. Click the Increase List Level button in the

Paragraph group on the Home tab

Click Increase List Level button or press the TAB key to

indent or demote a bullet point down one level.

Click Decrease List Level button or press SHIFT + TAB

on the keyboard to promote a bullet point out one level.

3. Repeat to replicate Slide 4 as shown


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Slide Show Presentations

Exercise 4. Viewing a presentation

To view or present your show enter Slide Show Mode by changing the presentation view. Start the
Slide Show:
From the beginning
1. Click the Slide Show tab
2. Click From Beginning

Press the F5 function key
From the current slide
1. Click the Slide Show tab
2. Click Current Slide

Click the Slide Show view button in the
bottom right of the PowerPoint window
View a presentation in a window rather than full screen

1. Click the Slide Show tab

2. Click Set Up Slide Show

3. Select Browsed by an individual

4. Click on OK
5. Start Slide Show to view change
You may need to restore the window to adjust the size and
see others applications on your desktop


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Presenter Mode
PowerPoint 2013 has the advantage of offering a presenter view if additional monitors are attached
to the PC. This allows the presenter to see speaker notes that wont be visible to the audience.
Presenter Mode is only available for full screen Slide Shows

Using an additional output screen

1. Click the Slide Show tab
2. Check Use Presenter Mode
3. Click Monitor menu arrow
4. Select Primary Monitor
5. Start Slide Show
Overview of Presenter Mode 1

1. Features to adjust presentation

2. Slide on main screen and presentation
tools (audience view)
3. Preview of next slide in presentation 4
4. Speaker notes
5. Navigation tools 5

Exercise 5. Navigate during the presentation

Using the mouse
Click your mouse on screen to progress between slides

On screen tools
Move the mouse to the bottom left side of the screen to
display on screen tools
Click right arrow button to progress
Click left arrow button to backtrack
Click all slides button to view all slides

Using the keyboard

Use the keyboard arrows to navigate through the Slide Show:
Press the right or down arrows to move to the next
Press the left or up arrows to move to the previous
Go to a specific slide
1. Type the slide number
2. Press ENTER


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Using a touch screen

If you have a touch screen device touch gestures will be valid
Swipe forward Advance to the next slide
Swipe backward Return to the previous slide
Pinch Zoom out, see all slides
Stretch Zoom in
Tap Show/hide slide show toolbar
Double-Tap Zoom in/out of a slide
Access Slide Show Help

Type ? to access a list of shortcut keys

to use during shows

Exercise 6. Re-order slides

Click and drag slides above or below

others in the film strip

Exercise 7. Hide Slides

1. Right click a slide in the film strip

2. Click Hide Slide

Click the Slide Show tab > Hide Slide


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Enhancing a presentation
Presentations can be enhanced by applying a theme and by using animations with images and
SmartArt in place of ordinary text.

Exercise 8. Apply a built-in design theme

Themes style a presentation by specifying a colour scheme, fonts and effects which are
complementary. You can completely alter the look of a presentation by changing its theme. Themes
can be easily customised.

1. Click the Design tab

2. Select a theme from the Themes group
Clicking a theme pane applies the theme to all slides.

You can click the More button for more theme choices.

1. Hold CTRL to select specific slides in the
2. Right click a theme pane > Apply to
Selected Slides

Exercise 9. Using custom themes

Customise a theme
In the Themes group on the Design tab adjust the
Colour scheme
Fonts (title and content)

Save a theme
After creating or customising a theme:

1. Click the More button in the Themes

2. Click Save Current Theme

3. Name the theme and click Save


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Slide Masters
Using slide masters allows you to alter the whole look and feel of a presentation without the need to
change each individual slide.

Exercise 10. Accessing the Slide Master

Access the slide master view

1. Click the View tab

2. Click Slide Master in the Master Views

Identify masters and layouts in use

Theme slide masters have a set of slide layouts.

Hover the mouse over a master or a slide layout for a list
of slides on which it is used. If multiple themes are applied
there will be a Theme slide master and layouts for each

Exercise 11. Customise theme slide masters

Apply global (theme master) changes
Global changes are applied to the themes slide master.
Customise the title placeholder

1. Select the slide master for your theme

2. Highlight the text in the title placeholder
3. Select the Drawing Tools: Format tab
in the Ribbon
4. Adjust the font using the WordArt
Styles group

Customise bullets

1. Select the bullet level/s to change

2. Click Bullets and Numbering
3. Select a new bullet
4. Click OK


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Apply local (theme layout) changes

Local changes are applied to specific theme slide layouts.

1. Select the Section Header layout

2. Move the title and subtitle content
placeholders and add an image onto the

Exit Slide Master View and return to your presentation

Click Close Master View on the Slide

Master tab


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Objects and placeholders

Exercise 12. Hyperlinks

Links can be applied to text or objects. They are not active until the presentation is in slide show

1. Go to the Summary slide

2. Highlight a bullet point
3. Click the Insert tab > Hyperlink

Internal link
1. Select Place in this Document as the
link location
2. Select a particular slide
3. Click OK

External link
1. Select Existing File or Web page as
the link location
2. Type or paste the address in the
address box e.g. www.uq.edu.au
3. Click the ScreenTipbutton on the top

4. Type Go to the UQ website

5. Click OK to close the ScreenTip
6. Click OK


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Exercise 13. Insert Online Pictures

Clip Art in Microsoft Office 2013 is no longer stored on your computer. It is now stored online and
is accessed via the Online Pictures button on the Insert tab. When using computers in the Library
you may need to sign in to the Internet in order to access these clips.
1. Go to the summary slide
2. Click the Insert tab > Online Pictures
If you have a slide placeholder with
objects on it click Online Pictures
The Insert Pictures pane will open to search for images.

3. Enter a search term in the Office.com

Clip Art search box, e.g.

4. Click Magnifier search button

5. Click on an image
6. Click Insert
Use Bing Image Search to search the web for images that
are not part of the Office.com content.

Exercise 14. Insert image from the Internet

Copy and paste
1. Open an Internet browser
2. Go to images.google.com.au
3. Search for Planning
4. Right click on image
5. Select Copy Image
6. Return to PowerPoint
7. Go to slide 3
8. Right click on slide
9. Select Paste
Press CTRL + V


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Exercise 15. Insert image from a file

1. Go to images.google.com.au
2. Search for effective presentations

3. Right click an image

4. Select Save Image As
5. Name the file and choose a save
6. Click Save
This method is useful for aggregating your PowerPoint
resources in a single folder.

7. Go to slide 2
8. Click the Insert tab > Pictures
9. Locate the image file
10. Click Open

Exercise 16. Image editing

PowerPoint offers a range of tools to enhance graphics. These tools are contextual and are therefore
only available when the image is selected.
Apply an image style
1. Go to slide 1
2. Select the image
3. Click the Picture Tools: Format tab
4. Hover mouse over Picture Styles group
A preview will appear on the image

5. Click a pane to apply that image style

Customise the image style

Adjust the picture border and effects

options to customise the image style


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Exercise 17. Using shapes

Add shapes

1. Go to slide 4
2. Click the Insert tab > Shapes
3. Select a shape

4. Click the mouse to insert a shape of

default size
Click and drag a custom shape

Edit shapes
1. Select the shape
2. Click the Drawing Tools: Format tab
which will appear in the Ribbon

Use the Shape Styles group to:

Change the fill, outline and effects of the

Use the Word Art Styles group to:

Style the fill, outline and effects of the
shape text

Add text to shapes

1. Select the shape

2. Type Keep it simple!
3. Resize the shape to fit the text


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Diagrams/Connected Shapes
1. Go to Slide 4
2. Select a shape
3. Press CTRL + D to duplicate
4. Drag shapes side by side

5. Go to the Insert tab

6. Click Shapes button
7. Select Curved Connector

8. Hover over shape so that black handles

9. Click on a handle and drag mouse to the
other shape
10. Drop the connector over another black
handle to connect the shapes
The dots will become green if the shapes are successfully

Exercise 18. SmartArt graphics

SmartArt graphics are pre-made diagrams consisting of shapes in a meaningful formation.

1. Go to slide 7
2. Click Layout > Comparison from the
Slides group on the Home tab


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3. Click the SmartArt button in the new


4. Select a SmartArt category

5. Click a layout
6. Click OK

Add text

1. Open the text pane by clicking the Arrow

tab on the left of the SmartArt graphic

2. Type at SmartArt bullet points:


The SmartArt displays the text entered at bullet points.

Click outside SmartArt to view.

Add Images
1. Click the picture icon to insert
an images from a file
You are directed to connect automatically but
can choose to work offline

2. Type in a search topic

3. Click Magnifier

4. Select an image
5. Click on Insert
The image will be added to the placeholder


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Customise the SmartArt

Add/reorder elements

1. Select a SmartArt object

2. Click the SmartArt Tools: Design tab

Use the Create Graphic group to:

Add a bullet point or shape

This will dynamically add to the diagram
Promote or demote a bullet
This will reshuffle the diagram as per the changes
Move a bullet up or down
This will move content around
Style the diagram

1. Select a SmartArt object

2. Click the SmartArt Tools: Design tab

Use the SmartArt Styles group in the Design tab to apply

an overall style or colour scheme

3. Click the SmartArt Tools: Format tab

Use the WordArt Styles groups to alter the SmartArt text

Use the Shape Styles groups to alter the SmartArt shapes

Convert text to a SmartArt graphic

1. Select a text placeholder border

2. Click the Convert to SmartArt button

3. Click More SmartArt Graphics

4. Select a SmartArt layout

5. Click OK
Some of the layouts have limits to the number of text
points displayed or require data listed in a specific way


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Convert a SmartArt graphic to text

1. Select a SmartArt object
2. Click the SmartArt Tools: Design tab
3. Click Convert in the Reset group
4. Convert the SmartArt as required

Exercise 19. Including charts

Charts can be created and embedded directly into PowerPoint or they can be copied from an external
program such as Microsoft Excel.
Embed a chart

1. Insert a New Slide

2. Click the Layout button > Title & Content
3. Enter title Embedded Chart

4. Select Insert Chart button in slide


5. Select a chart type

6. Click on OK

1. Enter data as shown to replace defaults

2. Click and Drag blue corner marker to reduce
data range chart displays

3. Click the Green Cross to close Excel

Modify embedded chart data

1. Click on the chart

2. Go to the Chart Tools: Design tab
3. Click on Edit Data button
4. Select edit option:
Edit Data or Edit Data in Excel 2013
5. Change the data as necessary
6. Close Excel


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Add a chart from an external source

1. Insert a New Slide
2. Click the Layout button > Title &
3. Enter title Pasted Chart

4. Open Excel file Books Borrowed

5. Select and copy the Chart object on the
spread sheet
6. Switch to PowerPoint
7. Click the Paste button
8. Chart will display on active slide

Insert external data table

1. Insert a New Slide
2. Click the Layout button > Title Only
3. Enter Title Chart Data
4. Open the Excel file Books Borrowed
and copy the data table (Cells A2:D7)

5. Return to PowerPoint
6. Click on Paste drop down arrow > Paste
Special on the Home tab

7. Select the Paste Link option

8. Select Microsoft Excel Worksheet
9. Click OK
This can be resized accurately and can be edited directly
in Excel.

Modify Chart Data Table

1. Double click on the table to open the

original Excel file
2. Change the data as required
3. Save and close Excel


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Animating a presentation
Animation is a tool to add interest to a presentation by making objects appear, disappear, change
or move as part of the flow of the presentation.

Exercise 20. Animate text and objects

Open the Animation Pane
1. Go the Animations tab in the Ribbon
2. Click the Animation Pane button in the
Advanced Animation group
The Animation Pane will open on the right of screen.

Animate a single item

1. Select a placeholder border or individual
bullet point text
2. Select an entrance effect from the
Animations group

The animation/s will be listed in order in the Animation

Pane. Click the double down arrows to see the individual

Animate multiple items

1. Hold CTRL and click to select multiple

items on a slide to animate
2. Select an animation from the
Animations tab

Animate an Object (SmartArt/chart etc)

1. Select an object
2. Select an animation effect from the
Animations tab
3. Click Effect Options
4. Select a Sequence


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Edit/reorganise an animated sequence

1. Click the Animation Pane button
2. Select the animation/s
This activity uses the Animation Pane but the Timing group
on the Animation tab provides the same functions.

Change the start animation trigger

1. Clicking the Options arrow on an

animation in the Animation Pane
2. Select a trigger

To play back animations, in the Animation Pane, click

Play. The animation starts with the current animation that
is selected, rather than the one in first position.

Change the animation order

Click and drag an animation above or

below another.

You can also use the re-order arrow buttons.

Exercise 21. Sound animation

1. Click on your Smart Art graphic
2. Click on Animations tab
3. Click on Animation Pane button

4. Click the Options arrow on an

animation in the Animation Pane
5. Select Effect Options

6. Select Other Sound

7. Select Charge.wav
8. Click OK


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Transitions are animations which occur between slides. Office 2013 has 3D type transitions which
will not be compatible with previous versions of PowerPoint.

Exercise 22. Add transitions

1. Click the Transitions tab in the Ribbon

2. Click More button on the Transition

to This Slide group

3. Select a transition pane to apply it to the

current slide
Slides with animations or a transition have a star icon
beside them in the filmstrip.

4. Click Apply To All in the Timing group

This will apply the current transition with any

customisations to all slides.

Transition customisation
The Timing group also controls:

Transition sound effects

The duration of the transition
Presentation automation using timings


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Media options
Using Media and sound can be engaging or not perform as hoped. Ensure your venue has
appropriate facilities and that you have checked your presentation before presenting.

Exercise 23. Insert a video clip

Video clips can be AVI, MPEG, MOV etc. The new default format for video is H.264 rather than the
previous .wmv
You can generally choose to link to the original movie or embed the file
Embedding means the PowerPoint file will be larger but the movie will always be available.
Linking to files online means that the PowerPoint file is smaller but you need to have a
reliable internet connection for access and replay.
Video from file (embedding)
1. Go to the first slide in the presentation
2. Click on Insert tab
3. Click on Video button
4. Select Video on My PC option
5. Select dice.mpeg
6. Click the Video Tools: Playback tab
7. Click Loop until Stopped
8. Select Start: On Click

Internet Video e.g. YouTube movie

There are currently compatibility issues embedding a video into a PowerPoint presentation and the
resolution involves creating a hyperlink to the video clip. This will not run inside the presentation but
will go to YouTube in the default browser. You will need a reliable Internet connection to ensure the
Internet video will run within a presentation without undue delay.

1. Switch to Youtube and find a video clip

2. Copy video URL


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3. Switch to PowerPoint
4. Go to slide 2
5. Select image
6. Click on Hyperlink in Links group on
Insert tab

7. Paste video URL

8. Click ScreenTip button

9. Type YouTube Clip

10. Click OK
11. Click OK again
The link will not work in normal view. Start Slide Show
view to make links active. The Video will open in a
browser window.

Exercise 24. Insert an audio clip

An audio clip icon represents any audio files you include. The new default format for audio is
AAC rather than the previous .wma. Audio can start automatically, on click or as part of an
animated sequence.
Audio can be linked or embedded:
Embedded files inflate the size of the PowerPoint file
Linked files must put into a folder structure which accompanies the presentation
1. Go to slide 1
2. Click on Insert tab
3. Click on Audio button
4. Select Audio on My PC option
5. Select Charge.wav

6. Click the Audio Tools: Playback tab

7. Click Hide During Show


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Play audio over several slides

1. With the audio selected:

2. Click on the Animations tab
3. Click on Animation Pane button

4. Click on the arrow beside the

sound clip
5. Click on Effect Options

6. Stop playing after 3 slides

There is a maximum of 999 slides.

7. Click OK


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Presentation output
The default PowerPoint settings assume that someone will deliver the show manually. To make a
stand alone or cycling presentation: alter the output settings.

Exercise 25. Change screen output

1. Click the Slide Show tab > Set up Slide


2. Adjust settings like:

Show Type
Show Options
Advance Slides

3. Click OK

Exercise 26. Send slides to Word

Slides can be sent directly to Word 2013 for editing and for handout preparation.

1. Select the File tab > Export

2. Click Create Handouts

3. Click the Create Handouts button.


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4. Select a layout Blank lines next to

5. Click OK

Microsoft Word will open with the slides presented in a


Exercise 27. Select print output

Printing generally provides a black and white slide by default. If you want to include the background
in your presentation, select the colour option from your print preview.

1. Click the File tab > Print

2. Select which slides to print

3. In Print Layout select Handouts: 3 Slides

4. Indicate the number of copies

5. Click Print button

Exercise 28. Package your presentation

Publishing to present at another venue requires being able to utilise all the functionality of your
slideshow, its linked files and effects. The presentation will be reliable if all associated files are
combined as a package.

1. Click on the File tab

2. Click Export


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3. Click Package Presentation for CD

This will ensure all essential files are included with the

4. Click Package for CD button

You can copy the presentation to a CD or to

another available folder/directory or USB key.

1. Click Options

2. Check Linked Files

3. Check Embedded TrueType fonts
4. Check Inspect presentations for
inappropriate or private information
5. Click on OK

6. Click on Copy to folder

7. Enter a Folder name
8. Specify a location
9. Click on OK


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Posters in PowerPoint
To use PowerPoint for a poster you need to adjust your slide setup.

Exercise 29. Posters Page setup

1. Click the Design Tab > Slide Size

2. Select Custom Slide Size

3. Change the Slide Size to A3 Paper

4. Change the Slide Orientation to Portrait
5. Click OK


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