PPT2016 Workshop PDF
PPT2016 Workshop PDF
PPT2016 Workshop PDF
Course objectives:
Create, edit, print and present PowerPoint shows
Apply and customise design themes
Modify slide layouts via the Slide Master
Insert and manage graphics, shapes, charts, movies and sound
Insert hyperlinks
Master animations and transitions
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Reproduced or adapted from original content provided under Creative Commons license by
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Staff and Student I.T. Training
Table of Contents
Interface Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Getting started ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Exercise 1. Edit a placeholder .............................................................................................................. 4
Exercise 2. Inserting slides ................................................................................................................... 4
Exercise 3. Modifying slide content ...................................................................................................... 5
Slide Show Presentations .................................................................................................................................. 6
Exercise 4. Viewing a presentation ...................................................................................................... 6
Exercise 5. Navigate during the presentation ....................................................................................... 7
Exercise 6. Re-order slides ................................................................................................................... 8
Exercise 7. Hide Slides ......................................................................................................................... 8
Enhancing a presentation .................................................................................................................................. 9
Exercise 8. Apply a built-in design theme............................................................................................. 9
Exercise 9. Using custom themes ........................................................................................................ 9
Slide Masters ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Exercise 10. Accessing the Slide Master ............................................................................................. 10
Exercise 11. Customise theme slide masters....................................................................................... 10
Objects and placeholders ................................................................................................................................ 12
Exercise 12. Hyperlinks ........................................................................................................................ 12
Exercise 13. Insert Online Pictures ...................................................................................................... 13
Exercise 14. Insert image from the Internet .......................................................................................... 13
Exercise 15. Insert image from a file .................................................................................................... 14
Exercise 16. Image editing ................................................................................................................... 14
Exercise 17. Using shapes ................................................................................................................... 15
Exercise 18. SmartArt graphics ............................................................................................................ 16
Exercise 19. Including charts ................................................................................................................ 19
Animating a presentation ................................................................................................................................. 21
Exercise 20. Animate text and objects ................................................................................................. 21
Exercise 21. Sound animation .............................................................................................................. 22
Transitions ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
Exercise 22. Add transitions ................................................................................................................. 23
Media options .................................................................................................................................................. 24
Exercise 23. Insert a video clip ............................................................................................................. 24
Exercise 24. Insert an audio clip ........................................................................................................... 25
Presentation output.......................................................................................................................................... 27
Exercise 25. Change screen output ..................................................................................................... 27
Exercise 26. Send slides to Word ......................................................................................................... 27
Exercise 27. Select print output ............................................................................................................ 28
Exercise 28. Package your presentation .............................................................................................. 28
Posters in PowerPoint ..................................................................................................................................... 30
Exercise 29. Posters Page setup.......................................................................................................... 30
Download the exercise files on the Ask I.T. website: 2 of 30 Microsoft PowerPoint 2013: Workshop
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Staff and Student I.T. Training
Interface Overview
When you open PowerPoint directly you are presented with a list of recent files or a choice of templates to begin your
Backstage view
Enter and exit Backstage view
Getting started
Open a blank PowerPoint presentation to start.
Press the F5 function key
From the current slide
1. Click the Slide Show tab
2. Click Current Slide
Click the Slide Show view button in the
bottom right of the PowerPoint window
View a presentation in a window rather than full screen
Presenter Mode
PowerPoint 2013 has the advantage of offering a presenter view if additional monitors are attached
to the PC. This allows the presenter to see speaker notes that wont be visible to the audience.
Presenter Mode is only available for full screen Slide Shows
On screen tools
Move the mouse to the bottom left side of the screen to
display on screen tools
Click right arrow button to progress
Click left arrow button to backtrack
Click all slides button to view all slides
Click the Slide Show tab > Hide Slide
Enhancing a presentation
Presentations can be enhanced by applying a theme and by using animations with images and
SmartArt in place of ordinary text.
You can click the More button for more theme choices.
1. Hold CTRL to select specific slides in the
2. Right click a theme pane > Apply to
Selected Slides
Customise a theme
In the Themes group on the Design tab adjust the
Colour scheme
Fonts (title and content)
Save a theme
After creating or customising a theme:
Slide Masters
Using slide masters allows you to alter the whole look and feel of a presentation without the need to
change each individual slide.
Customise bullets
Internal link
1. Select Place in this Document as the
link location
2. Select a particular slide
3. Click OK
External link
1. Select Existing File or Web page as
the link location
2. Type or paste the address in the
address box e.g. www.uq.edu.au
3. Click the ScreenTipbutton on the top
5. Click on an image
6. Click Insert
Use Bing Image Search to search the web for images that
are not part of the Office.com content.
7. Go to slide 2
8. Click the Insert tab > Pictures
9. Locate the image file
10. Click Open
1. Go to slide 4
2. Click the Insert tab > Shapes
3. Select a shape
Edit shapes
1. Select the shape
2. Click the Drawing Tools: Format tab
which will appear in the Ribbon
Diagrams/Connected Shapes
1. Go to Slide 4
2. Select a shape
3. Press CTRL + D to duplicate
4. Drag shapes side by side
1. Go to slide 7
2. Click Layout > Comparison from the
Slides group on the Home tab
Add text
Add Images
1. Click the picture icon to insert
an images from a file
You are directed to connect automatically but
can choose to work offline
3. Click Magnifier
4. Select an image
5. Click on Insert
The image will be added to the placeholder
5. Click OK
Some of the layouts have limits to the number of text
points displayed or require data listed in a specific way
5. Return to PowerPoint
6. Click on Paste drop down arrow > Paste
Special on the Home tab
Animating a presentation
Animation is a tool to add interest to a presentation by making objects appear, disappear, change
or move as part of the flow of the presentation.
Transitions are animations which occur between slides. Office 2013 has 3D type transitions which
will not be compatible with previous versions of PowerPoint.
Transition customisation
The Timing group also controls:
Media options
Using Media and sound can be engaging or not perform as hoped. Ensure your venue has
appropriate facilities and that you have checked your presentation before presenting.
3. Switch to PowerPoint
4. Go to slide 2
5. Select image
6. Click on Hyperlink in Links group on
Insert tab
7. Click OK
Presentation output
The default PowerPoint settings assume that someone will deliver the show manually. To make a
stand alone or cycling presentation: alter the output settings.
3. Click OK
1. Click Options
Posters in PowerPoint
To use PowerPoint for a poster you need to adjust your slide setup.