TransformationAccomodation2016 Herman

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Based on a lecture at the University of Sevilla for the conference

Obsolence and Renovation - 20th Century Housing in the New Millenium

Herman Hertzberger
December 2015
The future of architecture depends on its competence
to be transformed. Transformation is the new condi-
tion for architecture. Abandoned buildings every-
where are asking for a new life, are challenging us
and (in many cases) gradually decreasing the need to
build new ones.

There are basically two types of buildings, the first to

which you could easily reassign a different duty and
the second where you are constantly hampered by all
sorts of architectural obstructions and the absence of
structural clarity and generic quality.

Special forms do not issue from preconceived pro-

grammes and whenever they are developed as
autonomous space units, they lend themselves to
housing different programmes.
If architects would keep this in mind, and given the
condition of our instable and fluid modern society
with its rapid change, they would also change their
design attitude, focusing on less specific and more
basic organization.

Change, whether we like it or not, is a property of

everything we make or have to contend with. We
have no choice but to incorporate it as a basic com-
ponent in our deliberations and consciously keep one
step ahead of it.
The notion that buildings are objects complete in all
their parts, with a final form expressing a static condi-
tion and clearly circumscribed entity, has long been
at odds with todays dynamic culture of democracy,
where decisions are a concerted effort, as are the
urgent calls for change. Only buildings designed so
they can not just weather expansion, shrinkage and
general changes in duty, use and identity but are pre-
pared and, in the conceptual sense, programmed for
it, can be rated sustainable to a reasonable degree.

Transformation + Accommodation 5
Centraal Beheer - Apeldoorn

We are going to have to regard our buildings less as
completed products and more as work in progress
where each successive stage is the onset of a per-
manent nascent state. This marks the end of final
outward appearances. To ensure that this process
enacted over time retains a degree of consistency
and to rule out an unpredictable mishmash of ad hoc
solutions, we need an ordering theme that is able to
stand the test of time.
We have to focus on a principal spatial theme for
our building order; that theme is structure, the idea
governing the design and a constant that is to sustain
the buildings fundamental characteristics. The impor-
tant thing is to make space with the longest possible
useful life, this way leaving room for the shorter term
with its welter of changing insights and interests.

The Centraal Beheer building, once designed as

an office, is now abandoned and waiting for new
inhabitants. Since there turned out to be a demand
for educational space as well as housing, particularly
for students, and also for the elderly, we sought to
determine the extent to which this would fit in the
existing construction. It was obvious at first sight
that the space might be appropriate for educational
purposes but would face more difficulties in the case
of housing.
In fact for housing you need an extended periphery
whereas this building has a lot of internal space,
though lit by means of skylights.
However, eliminating and thus sacrificing some tow-
ers from the centre and thus creating inner courts,
could be a considerable improvement. In this way we
managed to find the right balance between periph-
eral and internal space.

Transformation + Accommodation 7
Ministry of Social Welfare - The Hague

The building for the Ministry of Social Welfare, as well
as the Centraal Beheer building, fell victim to the
same tendency to reduce the office space, of which
there exists an overall surplus of 7,500,000 square
metres in the Netherlands alone, whereas there is an
increasingly serious lack of (cheap) housing, not least
as a consequence of the influx of refugees.
Unlike Centraal Beheer this building has an ex-
tremely largely extended periphery, consequently
making it eminently appropriate for habitation.

Facing the current global dimension of migration of

people around the world, all looking for safe and sta-
ble places, we might consider suitability for habitation
as a general criteria for all building projects.

Translating structuralism into architecture gives us

ideas on how to arrive at buildings that, influenced
by different applications and circumstances, can be
adapted without losing their characteristic qualities
in the process, remaining true to themselves and as
a result becoming not only more sustainable but also
more democratic.
This is demonstrated in the simplest way by amphi-
theatres. After these oval structures built by the
Romans throughout their empire as a kind of proto-
type stadium had lost their original duty, many were
adapted and applied in accordance with their particu-
lar circumstances.

The amphitheatre of Arles was used as a fortress in

the Middle Ages; then it was filled in with buildings
and was inhabited as a town until the nineteenth
century. The amphitheatre of Lucca was absorbed by
the town and at the same time kept open as a public
square. Within the nameless urban fabric the oval
space is a landmark, it lends its name and identifica-
tion to the surroundings.

Transformation + Accommodation 9


The two amphitheatres, constructed for the same
purpose, assumed different roles under changed cir-
cumstances. Each took on the colour of the new envi-
ronment which absorbed it and which was absorbed
by it, the environment in its turn also being coloured
by the ancient structure in its centre. Not only were
they thus taken for granted in their new form as an
integral part of the urban fabric, they also provided
that urban fabric with an identity. The oval structure
and the surroundings proved, in both cases, capable
of transforming each other. These ovals represent an
archetypal form in this case that of the enclosed
space, an interior, a large room which can serve as
work-place, playground, public square and place
to live. The original function is forgotten, but the
amphitheatre-shape retains its relevance because it
is so suggestive as to offer opportunities for constant
These amphitheatres succeed in maintaining their
identity as enclosed spaces, while their content is
subject to change. The same form could therefore
temporarily assume different appearances under
changing circumstances, without the structure itself
essentially changing. Besides, the Arles example
now that this arena has been restored to its original
state shows that this kind of process of transforma-
tion is basically reversible. A more convincing instance
of competence and performance in architecture is
hard to imagine. And the fact that these two am-
phitheatres are not identical only underscores the
polemic quality of the situation: for just as the au-
tonomy of the oval form is emphasized by the process
of transformation, so the form as archetype imposes
itself almost inescapably. It is certainly not true that
there is always one specific form that fits one specific
purpose. So there are forms which not only permit
various interpretations, but which can actually evoke
these interpretations under changing circumstances.
So you could say that the variety of solutions must

Transformation + Accommodation 11
Arles Fujian - China

Fujian - China

Transformation of tower block Paris - Lacaton & Vasal

have been contained in the form as inherent proposi-

The literal great weight of the construction, which

gives these amphitheatres an aspect of permanence,
almost as if they had evolved naturally, makes this a
particularly strong example and difficult to improve
upon as a theme. In addition, the enduring and inclu-
sive ring is, as it were, a dish or bowl unequivocally
separating an inner world from that outside.
There are more examples of such all-embracing struc-
tures, if less elementary perhaps, such as the unique
ring-shaped buildings found exclusively in Fujian in
South China, particularly around Jongding. Each of
these fortress-like residential buildings, which occur
sometimes individually, sometimes in groups, con-
stitutes a complete self-contained residential village.
They are inhabited by communities of entire families
of Hakkas (strangers) who migrated to this region
from the north looking for better living conditions. In
these bastions of buildings they could protect and de-
fend themselves against onslaughts and often lengthy
So we keep seeing a distinction between a relatively
structured, inclusive, containing part and an unstruc-
tured part created and pencilled in by circumstance
and transformable to suit any new situation.

The French architects Lacaton & Vassal designed

fascinating proposals for upgrading outdated housing
schemes by means of adding a new built zone, result-
ing in an amelioration of climatological conditions
and at the same time as an extension of so many
square metres of floor area, since today we are asking
for a higher standard than at the time the building
was erected.

Transformation + Accommodation 13
Twikkel College - Hengelo

La Ville Radieuse - Le Corbusier 1924 Unit dhabitation - Le Corbusier 1952

South Korea

For what was supposed to be a new school building
for secondary education, the Twickel College Hengelo,
we managed to preserve most of the existing con-
struction. In fact it became an extensive conversion
using all remaining constructive parts and only adding
a large double-height central space and new facades.
Instead of discarding the old steel columns and
laminated wooden beams, they are all integrated in
the new building. The left-over wooden beams were
transformed into benches.

Urbanism in the twentieth century degraded into

merely autonomous buildings, thus losing the cohe-
sion cities used to have. Streets were sacrificed for
traffic and green as a symbol for sound air and sound
life. The result is distance between people and de-
struction of social coherence. Even when designed in
such an innovating way as was the Unit of Le Cor-
busier in Marseille, it could not prevent people from
being stored, with the living units isolated from each
other, in a magnificent construction, however without
streets and with beautiful though somewhat dark
corridors, and in fact a painful specimen of the idea of
streets like corridors that modern architects despised
and detested.

Who invented high freestanding towers for habitation

where children (more than 50% of the population)
are alienated from the outside world and prevented
from meeting each other outside school or only at of-
ficial playgrounds: detached and fenced reservations?
It is an environment lacking adventure, nature and

Transformation + Accommodation 15
Siena Dubrovnik Paris


Haarlemmer Houttuinen - Amsterdam Nias

The environmental public space is where people live
together (except for their virtual connections) and
needs to have the right proportions to absorb every-
body and make you feel at home. Therefore the idea
of street seems crucial. It should be proportioned in a
way as to serve as a common living room and be able
to house communal events of any kind, such as meet-
ing, eating and (why not?) praying together.

Today cars take over the streets and leave only the
narrowest of pavements for strolling and for the chil-
dren to play. But look what happens when sewers are
renewed: this transforms the street into a large play-
ground. As the French during their revolution of May
1968, taking paving stones from the street to throw at
the police, used to say: dessous les paves la plage
(the beach is under the pavement).
Given back to the children it establishes an idea of so-
cial coherence as a fresh start, learning how to cope
and get along with each other instead of gaming on
the soft couch in the living room.

Transformation + Accommodation 17
Fragment of The Little Street - Vermeer

In Between - Werner Haas

The seventeenth-century painting The Little Street
by Vermeer (here only partially visible) apart from
the glimpse of a backyard, which is very unusual since
painting is usually supposed to show the more sub-
lime subjects, focuses attention on a threshold zone
as part of the entrance and, although private, is also
inviting to passers-by and thus overlapping private
and public. The crucial point here is the emphasis on
matters of daily life, which can be considered a lesson
for architects who usually see our environment from
a distance rather than as the nearby reality.

The child sitting on the step in front of his house is

sufficiently far away from his mother to feel inde-
pendent, to sense the excitement and adventure of
the great unknown.
Yet at the same time, sitting there on the step which
is part of the street as well as of the home, he feels
secure in the knowledge that his mother is nearby.
The child feels at home and at the same time in the
outside world. This duality exists thanks to the spatial
quality of the threshold as a platform in its own right,
a place where two worlds overlap, rather than a
sharp demarcation.

Transformation + Accommodation 19


Apolloschools - Amsterdam Omnibus School - Arnhem

It is not only monumental buildings in Italy that very
often have a plinth around them for sitting on, as a
transitional step to the street. This is an inviting ges-
ture by means of which buildings become less unas-
sailable and more friendly to people, touchable and
less distant.
It should become a design principle: do everything
you can to make architecture more approachable,
more inviting. Appropriation of your surroundings
also means that they offer an accommodation for the
things around you that are part of your mental space.
They are your external memory. Here, we are dealing
with tangibility and intellectual grasp.

Concrete cubes in the street, meant to keep a zone

for pedestrians free from traffic, unintentionally invite
multiple use. Not only they turn out to be appropri-
ate for seating, but also as tables and in a fundamen-
tal sense they are elementary devices that incite a
reaction, and they make the street more suitable
as a locus for pedestrians and thus more conducive
to staying, having in places the ambience of a living

As a principle we have to provide habitable space be-

tween things, in other words conditions for informal
staying wherever possible: you might call it an inside
Actually this is about the difference between a flat
glossy surface, which makes you move on, and a sur-
face with the quality to contain, which invites you to
settle if only for a short time.

Transformation + Accommodation 21
School - Delft

School - Delft

New York

The block in the central space of the school, although
it looks like an obstacle is rather an anchor point
where children settle down for their activities. It
became a central island for performances of any kind
(for which it actually can be extended with wooden
parts stored inside it) as well as, for instance, distribu-
tion of food during lunch. In fact this feature is going
to be interpreted according to the occasion.

A sunken area in the hall of the kindergarten part

is filled up with loose stools, which when taken out
form a seating arrangement, directed inwards and
thus facing one another.
Platform-block and sitting-hollow are not just op-
posites, they are complementary as well. The hollow
is more introverted, the block is a safe place too but
more outward-facing. A platform can be a plinth, a
table, a pedestal, with something exultant about it;
youre on show, at the centre, attracting all the atten-
tion. In the hollow, by contrast, you hide from view.
Both attributes, platform-block and sitting-hollow
(the same size in this case), focus the attention and
are centres and assembly points for inciting shared
activity. You can address bystanders from the plat-
form and enjoy the intimacy of the hollow for a chat
or to be read a story in a group.

Just as the sitting-hollow in the school is a minimal

device of inside quality to, as it were, contain a small
group of small people, so the Rockefeller Plaza in
New York is basically doing the same for a very large
number of people. Apparently the sunken place due
to the protection of its pavements arouses a feeling
of togetherness and forms a strong contrast with the
turbulence of the big city around it.

Transformation + Accommodation 23
Castelvittorio Rio de Janeiro

New York


Although it seems from the picture that the whole of
this rather narrow inner court in Rio de Janeiro is sac-
rificed to football mania, and ground floor backyards
seem to be squeezed to a minimum behind a closed
wall, you feel the presence of communal cohesion,
here enclosed or rather embraced by the built fabric.

The central square in the mountain village of

Castelvittorio (Italy) has acquired a certain theatrical-
ity due to its periphery, which consists of a number of
terrace-shaped locations. The villagers gather here,
certainly when pallone games are held and they can
cheer on their local heroes. This is the city as theatre,
the space par excellence to express the living com-

Anyone wishing to visit the library of Columbia Uni-

versity in New York must climb the broad stairway
that, intentionally or not, expresses the elevated
status of the knowledge stored there. Up to now,
the function of the architecture is obvious. But it
becomes ambiguous when the same stairway is also
used for a speech and thus takes on the function of
grandstand, while the listeners turn their backs on the
library. Apparently the stairway is a form that is inter-
pretable; in different situations it can fulfill a different
role, even one that contrasts completely with the one
for which it was originally intended. This is therefore
an example of interpretability as a result of the capa-
city of this form to assume other significances.

The street is to be considered the extended living

room of the urban inhabitants, and in that sense we
cannot leave its accommodating quality to accidental
gaps in the overriding fuss of modern life. We have to
understand the human dimension and its conditions.

Transformation + Accommodation 25
School - Oegstgeest


- Lessons for Students in Architecture (Rotterdam: 010 Publish-

ers, 1991, 2nd revised edition 1993, 3rd revised edition 1998, 4th
revised edition 2001, 5th revised edition 2005)
- Space and the Architect: Lessons in Architecture 2 (Rotterdam:
010 Publishers, 2000)
- Space and Learning: Lessons in Architecture 3 (Rotterdam: 010
Publishers, 2008)
- Architecture and Structuralism: The Ordering of Space, Lessons
4 (Rotterdam: nai010 publishers, 2015)
- Hertzberger, Herman, Herman Hertzberger Projekte/Projects
1990-1995: Das Unerwartete berdacht/Accommodating the
Unexpected, German/English edition (Rotterdam: 010 Publilshers,
- Hertzberger, Herman and Arthur Wortmann, De theaters van
Herman Hertzberger/The Theatres of Herman Hertzberger,
Dutch/English edition (Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 2005)
- Hertzberger, Herman and Max van Rooy, Tom Munsterman,
Hans Menke, Cultuur onder dak/Shelter for Culture, Dutch/Eng-
lish edition (Rotterdam: NAi Publishers, 2004)
- Hertzberger, Herman, Piet Vollaard and Regt ten Zijthof, Chass-
theater, Dutch/English edition (Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 1995)
- Hertzberger, Herman and Herman van Bergeijk, Articulations
(Mnich: Prestel Verlag, 2002)
- Hertzberger, Herman and Herman van Bergeijk, Herman Hertz-
berger, Studio Paperback Series, German/English edition (Basel/
Boston/Berlin: Birkhuser,1997)
- Hertzberger, Herman and Piet Vollaard, NHL Hogeschool/Uni-
versity, Dutch/English edition (Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 2011)
- Hertzberger, Herman, Roelof Kruize and Piet Vollaard, Dubbelt-
oren Waternet/Double Tower, Dutch/English edition (Rotterdam:
NAi Publishers, 2006)
- Hertzberger, Herman and Abram de Swaan, The Schools of Her-
man Hertzberger/Alle Scholen, English/Dutch edition (Rotterdam:
010 Publishers, 2009)
- Luchinger, Arnulf, Herman Hertzberger and Rijk Rietveld, Her-
man Hertzberger, 1959-86, Bauten und Projekte/Buildings and
Projects/Btiments et Projets (The Hague: Arch-Edition, 1987)

- Herman Hertzberger and Kees Hin, Ik zag ruimte/Searching for
Space, DVD and Booklet, Dutch/English edition (Rotterdam: 010
Publishers: 2010)
- Hertzberger, Herman, Moniek van de Vall and Gustaaf Vos, De
school als stad/The School as City, DVD and Booklet, Dutch/Eng-
lish edition (Rotterdam: nai010 publishers, 2012)

Transformation + Accommodation 27

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