Dailey D (2009) - Ultra-Low Freq Bipolar Protocol Guide

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Ultra-Low Frequency Bipolar Neurofeedback Protocol Guide

How to perform (a therapeutic trial of) neurofeedback in the absence of a
quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG).

By Douglas Dailey, L.Ac., BCB, BCN, QEEG-D

Copyright 2009 by Douglas Dailey
All rights reserved

"From the brain and the brain alone arise our pleasures, joys, laughter and jests, as well as our
sorrows, pains and griefs" Hippocrates

"Archie, the brain has a mind of its own! Edith Bunker

The average client does not need expensive laboratory tests, genetic
profiling, and biopsies in order to eat, exercise, and live better. A
therapeutic trial of healthy lifestyle and self-regulation usually shows
whether the effort was worth it or not. If good results are not forthcoming, it
is prudent to find the most accurate and comprehensive evaluation
possible. In the realm of neural dysregulation and sub-optimum
performance, this evaluation may begin with the quantitative
electroencephalogram (QEEG).

Only recently has the QEEG become so affordable, available, and accurate
as to be nearly routine in the evaluation of human cerebral performance.
Nevertheless, it may still be inconvenient or unattainable for some.

Before QEEGs were even feasible, neurofeedback pioneers successfully

and routinely ameliorated disturbances such as epilepsy, attention deficit
disorder, addictions, migraine, post traumatic stress disorder, and many
others. The techniques were often deceptively simple. Only now, in the 21
century, are we beginning to understand that the awareness and self-
regulation of neurophysiological states through neurofeedback shares
crucial neurological circuitry with the mindfulness meditation practiced for
millennia throughout the world. Neurofeedback also ties in with the forces
that guide the neurological development in a childs brain under the
influence of secure social attachment.

This brief text is dedicated to all of you who would use any means possible
to relieve human suffering.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 1
Table of Contents

1 Introduction
2 The Relationship of Mindfulness Training to Biofeedback
3 Objectives of Neurofeedback Training
4 Neurofeedback Assessment
5 Initial Client Evaluation
6 Summary of Indications for Training
7 Contraindications for Neurofeedback Training
8 Arousal, Performance, and Reward Frequency
8-A The Normal Arousal vs. Performance Curve
8-B Chronic Under-Arousal
8-C Chronic Over-Arousal
8-D Reward Frequency and State Changes during Sessions
8-E Arousal Curve Sensitivity
8-F Arousal Curve Set Points
9 Cortical Instabilities
10 Disinhibition Diminished Prefrontal Function with or without Arousal or Instability Issues
11 Localized Dysfunctions May Require Special Electrode Placement
11-A Localized by Laterality
Left Hemisphere Training
Right Hemisphere Training
11-B Localization along Front-to-Back
Prefrontal Training
Frontal Training
Central Training
Temporal Training (including Insula Training)
Parietal Training
Occipital Training
12 Dissociated Traumas and Addictions Alpha-Theta Training
13 First Session
13-A Overview
13-B Arousal
13-C Instabilities
13-D Disinhibition
13-E Localized Dysfunction
13-F Dissociated Trauma and Addictions
13-G Fine-Tune Your Protocol for Individuals
14 The Central Role of Frequency
15 Communicating during the Sessions
16 Adjusting your Treatment Plan
16-A The First Session: General Arousal and Calming
16-B Instabilities and Inter-Hemispheric Training
16-C Localized Dysfunction and Intra-Hemispheric Training
16-D Adding Sites
17. Managing Uncomfortable Neurofeedback Effects
17-A The Risks of Neurofeedback
17-B Traditional Explanations of Uncomfortable Neurofeedback Reactions
17-C The Red Thread
17-D An Illustrative Case History
17-E Using the Peripheral Instruments
18 Charts and Tables
18-A Unilateral (Hemispherical) Training
18-B Localized INTER-hemispheric Training for Local or Paroxysmal Dysfunction
18-C Localized INTRA-hemispheric Training for Local Dysfunction
18-D Tables of Symptoms and Sensor Placements

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 2
1. Introduction

The Technology

This manual describes the use of single-channel neurofeedback. Such a setup can be used to do
traditional amplitude training. One example would be placing the ground on the right ear, the black
reference electrode on the left ear, and the red exploratory electrode over the region where the
amplitude training is desired. The above example is best referred to as single-channel amplitude
training (with one exploratory electrode). Amplitude training, in most cases, will train to increase or
decrease the amplitude of a particular target frequency, such as alpha or SMR.

This manual describes a different setup for single-channel neurofeedback, which is best described as
single-channel bipolar neurofeedback. In this setup, the ground remains in a convenient location
while both the black and red electrodes are placed on the head. The black and red placement may be
inter-hemispheric or intra-hemispheric. When using bipolar neurofeedback in this fashion, many
practitioners have found that the reward frequency can be varied over a wide range, even in a single
session, in an effort to find the optimal client response.

An increasing number of neurofeedback practitioners are finding exceptional results training in the
low frequencies, even in the infra-slow frequencies such as 0.01 1.0 Hz. Some practitioners have
an aversion to training at a low delta frequency that is traditionally associated with sleep or head
injury. What must be remembered is that this is not amplitude training. With traditional amplitude
training, your black electrode is on an EEG-silent area such as the ear. Thus, the only activity that is
measured and rewarded is the amplitude under the single exploratory electrode.

With bipolar training, say with black at T3 and red at T4, you are automatically rewarding the
difference in amplitudes between the two sites. Literally, the amplifier is subtracting the amplitude at
T3 from the amplitude at T4. The reward bar graph on your screen rewards the difference between
the two sites. If at two sites, say T3 and T4, the EEG activity is very similar, then when they are
subtracted (by the amplifier), they cancel each other out and your reward bar shows a low difference
amplitude. If the brain spontaneously shifts the phase or timing of the EEG activity at T3 and/or T4 so
that they become less similar, then they will not cancel out as much and your reward instrument will
show an increased difference amplitude. This is a technique for reducing coherence between two

The Rationale

This bipolar low frequency technique strives to enable the two sites to have more independence and
autonomy at whatever frequency you are training. This is generally a good thing. This is a powerful
technique for training increased robustness in the clients neural networks.
In The Journal of Neuroscience, August 2008, Monto, et al wrote:

We examined the dynamics of human behavioral performance and its correlation with
infraslow (0.010.1 Hz) fluctuations in ongoing brain activity. The subjects' ability to detect
the sensory stimuli was strongly correlated with the phase, but not with the amplitude of the
infraslow EEG fluctuations. These data thus reveal a direct electrophysiological correlate for
the slow fluctuations in human psychophysical performance. We then examined the
correlation between the phase of infraslow EEG fluctuations and the amplitude of 140 Hz
neuronal oscillations in six frequency bands. Like the behavioral performance, the amplitudes
in these frequency bands were robustly correlated with the phase of the infraslow
fluctuations. These data hence suggest that the infraslow fluctuations reflect the excitability

Othmer SE & Othmer S. Interhemispheric EEG Training: Clinical Experience and Conceptual Models. In Evans JR (Ed) -
Handbook of Neurofeedback. Haworth Press, NY, 200, p. 109-136.
Monto S, et al Very Slow EEG Fluctuations Predict the Dynamics of Stimulus Detection and Oscillation Amplitudes in Humans
The Journal of Neuroscience, August 13, 2008, 28(33):8268-8272.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 3
dynamics of cortical networks. We conclude that ongoing 0.010.1 Hz EEG fluctuations are
prominent and functionally significant during execution of cognitive tasks.

This new research done in Finland gives additional support to the efforts of pioneers like Siegfried
and Sue Othmer, John Anderson, and others, who explore and harness these newly discovered
powerful rhythms for the benefit of their clients. It has only been in the last several years that
affordable neurofeedback amplifiers and software have been capable of functioning reliably at the
infra-slow frequencies.

Multiple Inhibit Bins

Another feature of the low frequency work, as originally implemented by the Othmers, is the use of
multiple inhibit bins. In traditional amplitude training, it is common to have a high inhibit instrument to
discourage excessive beta activity or EMG activity. Suppose you have a high inhibit which is set for
the range of 18-30 Hz. You observe that your client has 20 Hz activity that is usually above 5
microvolts but occasionally above 10 microvolts. You could set an alarm threshold so that any signal
above 10 microvolts between 18 and 30 Hz gives a warning signal. However, your client may also
have a repeated 4 microvolt activity at some other frequency, say 28 Hz, that is more clinically
significant. Unfortunately, it will not trigger the high inhibit because the high inhibit is set to 10
microvolts across the entire 18-30 Hz range. Unfortunately, in order to capture the 28 Hz 4 microvolt
signal, you cant just lower the general 18-30 Hz threshold from 10 microvolts down to 4 microvolts
because the 20 Hz signal is usually above 5 microvolts and would set off the alarm all the time.

One way to capture more rogue excursions is to have multiple inhibit bins, each spanning 4 Hz. For
example, you could have an 18-22 Hz bin, a 22-26 Hz bin, and a 26-30 Hz bin. The 18-22 Hz bin
could have a threshold of 10 microvolts to catch its rogue excursions, and the 26-30 Hz bin could
have a threshold of 4 microvolts to catch its rogue excursions as well.

Bad Reactions and Side Effects

Remember the Finish study above that concluded: the subjects' ability to detect the sensory stimuli
was strongly correlated with the phase, but not with the amplitude of the infraslow EEG fluctuations.
It is possible that, at a particular infra-slow frequency, your client might suddenly detect his or her own
sensory stimuli more acutely. This could happen suddenly and distress your client. It is your job to
watch your client carefully and alter your reward frequency as needed. Much of this booklet will help
you do this.

Some incidences where people have claimed to have been harmed by low frequency bipolar training
are ones where they were self training and did not orient to the development of altered arousal or
sensation, which then became distressing. In other cases, the trainer may have not have been paying
attention to subtle changes in client behavior (breathing, appearance, tone of voice, etc.). The
inclusion of peripheral measures of autonomic stress, such as GSR or heart rate variability (HRV)
power spectrum, can often provide advanced warning.

In general, most practitioners who have taken the time to understand the rationale and
implementation of this technique expect to observe some sort of change in their clients within the first
1-3 visits. If positive change seems elusive, you might need to consider breathing, HRV, a closer look
at diet (excitotoxins) and addictions, or the possibility of PTSD. You might consider alpha-theta deep
states training to help with client integration and development of self-consciousness and narrative.

Always, if there has been a history of head trauma, epilepsy, brain surgery, stroke, or poor results
with neurofeedback, you should have a QEEG done.


The author is unaffiliated with the Othmers and is solely responsible for the content of this book. I
hope all your clients are ones you can help. Please contact me at mind@growing.com for more

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 4
2. The Relationship of Mindfulness Training to Biofeedback

It is possible that most of the books you have seen with the word mindfulness in the title have been
books about meditation, often Christian or Buddhist in orientation. It may surprise you to know that
the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) has a Mindfulness Awareness Project; and that
the Massachusetts General Hospital has treated thousands of patients with its Mindfulness Based
Stress Reduction Project.

Definition: Mindfulness refers to the self-regulation of the awareness of inner or mental states, often
subtle, fleeting, and associated with the accurate perception of life as it is lived in the moment.
Mindfulness Meditation or Training refers to a broad group of activities taught for many centuries in a
wide variety of cultural and religious contexts. Basically, it is the self-regulation of the awareness of
mental states accompanied by attitudes of appreciation, curiosity, openness, amusement and
tolerance (ACOAT).

PBSs Scientific American Frontiers with Alan Alda showed Tibetan monks trained in mindfulness
meditation raising their body temperatures 15 degrees to dry wet and freezing sheets draped over
their bodies. There is a similarity in the accomplishments of a woman or man who uses biofeedback
to learn to control blood flow or brain waves in order to stop migraines or seizures.

The definition of mindfulness as self-regulation of states of mind accompanied by attitudes of

amusement, curiosity, openness, appreciation, and tolerance could also describe the biofeedback
process, wherein one learns to recognize and control various states of body and mind in a supportive
and enjoyable environment.

3. Objectives of Neurofeedback Training

Self-regulation of neurophysiological states

Reduction or resolution of physiological and psychological issues
Symptom reduction, enhanced functioning and improved quality of life

Three broad categories of neurofeedback are:

1) Protocol and system-symptom driven neurofeedback,

2) QEEG driven neurofeedback and EEG phenotype driven neurofeedback
3) Deep (twilight) state training.

QEEG and EEG phenotype driven neurofeedback will not be discussed in this manual.

In the protocol and system-symptom driven neurofeedback described in this guide, the trainer is
guided by knowledge of neurophysiology, and especially by the reactions of the client during the
training. As practitioners of this category of neurofeedback, we work to improve physiological
awareness and self-regulation. In deep-state training, we strive to achieve integration and resolution
of conflicted states and memories.

4. Neurofeedback Assessment

Does not require or lead to a medico-legal label

Describes client states of 1) over-arousal, 2) under-arousal, 3) instability, 4) localized dysfunction,
and 5) addictive or post-traumatic behaviors
Attempts to explain mechanisms of dysregulation and symptom production
Suggests protocols for training for improving self-regulation
May include reports of QEEG, CPT, TOVA, and other tests

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 5
There are many medico-legal and statistical categories that do not relate directly to neurofeedback.
Neurofeedback assessment is less concerned with categorization of behavioral details and laboratory
tests, and more concerned with understanding how the client functions under various stressors. If
there are deficits in functioning, then neurofeedback assessment attempts to determine 1) where and
how the brain may be functioning sub-optimally, and 2) how these deficits may be ameliorated.
Ultimately, the clients nervous system will be given challenges through neurofeedback training. The
adequacy of this training will be assessed and the approach possibly modified based on reports of the
clients subsequent changes of state.

Most neurofeedback equipment has 1 to 4 channels of EEG available. It is possible to perform a

so-called mini-QEEG. This information about the relative amplitudes of the different bands at one or
more sites can be very useful. Its use is encouraged, especially when using a single-channel
referential montage specifically for the purpose of increasing or decreasing the amplitude of a
particular band.

5. Initial Client Evaluation

Look for and investigate:

Arousal levels
Local Localized dysfunction
Addictions and traumatic sequelae

Arousal Level: Is your client over-aroused from over-stimulation by substances, unrealistic

demands, toxic lifestyle or relationships. Is there evidence of chronic stress and excess cortisol
production? Is your client in the alarm phase of Hans Selyes general adaptation syndrome, or in the
adaptation or exhaustion phases? Maybe with the candle burning at both ends he is trying to ignite
the middle! Or is your client under-aroused cold and pale, slow and exhausted.

Be careful! This is probably the crucial issue because state of arousal will determine whether you
train at a lower frequency (for over-aroused) or a higher frequency (for under-aroused). I expect most
of your clients will turn out to be over-aroused and require low frequency reward, perhaps in the
recently researched realm of the infra-slow EEG.

We will talk more later about how to make this crucial distinction. If you change the frequency in the
wrong direction, your client will most likely let you know, either the day of the session or next. Then
you can adjust appropriately (keep good records!). However, sometimes the state changes do not
make sense at first, and you may continue to adjust in the wrong direction. Observe your client

Any good textbook of traditional Asian medicine (acupuncture and herbs) will spend a significant
amount of time talking about over-aroused (yang type) and under-aroused (yin type) clients. They will
also discuss yin in yang type and yang in yin type. They will also discuss the under-aroused (yin)
patient who can not tolerate arousal or supplementation. There are chapters on the subtle indicators
in the history, complexion, behavior, symptoms, pulse and tongue. Arousal is a traditional issue!

For our present purposes, however, just let your client and your clinical acumen guide the way.

Instabilities: It may be appropriate to consider as instable any condition that can change suddenly
or dramatically. This would include migraine, fibromyalgia, PMS, mania, depression, suicidality,
paroxysmal pain, arrhythmias, asthma, epilepsy, panic attacks, dissociative symptoms, etc.
Sometimes the paroxysms are triggered by a change of state, e.g., fatigue, mood, or chemical
exposure. Be certain to keep a careful history of the frequency and intensity of your clients symptoms

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 6
and of the electrode placements and reward frequencies. Many common recurrent complaints are
due to a kindling type of cortical irritation, such as occurs in epilepsy.

Disinhibition: Trauma (physical and emotional), attachment issues, genetic susceptibility, and
metabolic insult are among the reasons why the prefrontal lobes may function sub-optimally. Among
their crucial functions are 1) bodily regulation, 2) attuned communication, 3) emotional balance, 4)
response flexibility, 5) empathy, 6) insight 7) fear modulation 8) intuition, and 9) morality (Siegel DJ
2007). Insufficiency of any of these functions may be reason to regulate the prefrontal cortex. It is
also possible that during low frequency training of an over-aroused client, you may inadvertently
reduce prefrontal function with the appearance of symptoms of disinhibition. You can then adjust your
sessions accordingly.

Localized Dysfunction: We will discuss symptoms that suggest localized dysfunction. If there is a
history of focal brain injury or if there are imaging studies to support the idea, then specific electrode
placements may be used to target the area.

Addictions and Traumatic Sequelae: Possibly the oldest medical writings in human history are
contained within the Vedas, Indias sacred scripture. It is said that the chief job of the physician is to
keep his or her patients from dying from their addictions. And the chief addiction is the addiction to
their own personality. How excellent it is that neurofeedback clients can find resources outside the old
patterns of their personalities.

If it is difficult to find a reward frequency that makes sense, or if the client seems slippery in moving
just above or below whatever frequency and placement you choose, then you may need deep states
training. It is also true that you may need a less challenging electrode placement, such as C3-C4
rather than T3-T4.

It is possible that your client may not be comfortable with himself at a deep level due to unresolved
feelings, memories, or impulses. Alpha-theta training can provide an opportunity for creative
resolution and discharge and incorporation of confused and disturbing psychophysiological factors.

6. Summary of Indications for Training

Arousal level Suggests adjustment of reward frequency

Instabilities Suggests stabilization of paroxysmal symptoms
Disinhibition Suggests enhancing prefrontal inhibitory control
Localized dysfunctions Suggests special electrode placements
Addictions / traumatic sequelae Suggests alpha-theta (deep-state) training

7. Contraindications for Neurofeedback Training

Changing the oscillatory patterns in a region of cortex will change the perfusion (blood-flow) patterns.
It is easy to see how this could be dangerous if there has been a recent head trauma with slow sub-
clinical bleeding. It is also an issue if there is a possibility of a stroke evolving, or the existence of
space occupying lesions (tumors, vascular defects, etc.). Recent infections with headache, or recent
toxic exposures with behavior changes, are also conditions that should be addressed before
neurofeedback is considered.

A computerized quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) can detect or suggest many of the

conditions which would contraindicate neurofeedback. In many cases, neurofeedback success will be
enhanced when the protocols are QEEG driven. If there is any question at all about a clients
suitability for alterations of cerebral perfusion under neurofeedback procedures, a competent
physician referral should be obtained.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 7
8. Arousal, Performance and Reward Frequency

Among the phylogenetically oldest regions of our brains are those of the brain stem which regulate
arousal. These centers are so primitive, pivotal, and powerful that they may pursue a state of hyper-
or hypo-arousal independently of the status of other areas of the cortex.

Because the dominant frequencies in a region of cortex are highly linked to local perfusion, the overall
balance of brain activity can be dramatically affected by a slight shift in reward frequency. It may be
useful to look at the relationship of performance to arousal as illustrated by the curve below.

As you no doubt know from experience, significant states of under-arousal and over-arousal are,
almost by definition, incompatible with normal, let alone optimal performance. There seems to be no
end to what humans will do to self-regulate along this arousal curve. Most normal individuals can
tolerate normal levels of over-excitement or fatigue and stay within the needed range of normal
function. In other cases, their position along the curve may be shifted.

8-A. The Normal Arousal vs. Performance Curve

8-B. Chronic Under-Arousal

People who are chronically under-aroused function sub-optimally and in a limited range of
environments. They may use stimulants and engage in arousing behavior in an attempt to improve
their functioning. Sometimes they are so over-stimulated that they may appear to be over-aroused.
Ideally, during training they would limit stimulants and rest adequately. Training with a higher reward
frequency may improve their arousal and functioning.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 8
8-C. Chronic Over-Arousal

People who are chronically over-aroused function sub-optimally and in a limited range of environments.
They may employ substances or manipulate situations in order to maintain the high level of arousal
when needed, and reduce it at other times. Such people may feel compelled to maintain their levels
of achievement and do not want to be slowed down or relaxed. However, they may understand the
concept of calming the nervous system so that it will function more effectively and possibly faster, not
slower. Normally, high-arousal clients will need to be rewarded at a relatively lower frequency. Often it
takes several sessions for such clients to understand and tolerate calm states.

8-D. Reward Frequency and State Changes during Sessions

In general:

For the first session, unless otherwise indicated, start with T3-T4 in the SMR range, say 12-15 Hz.
Expect to reduce frequency for over-aroused states (more common).
Expect to raise frequency for under-aroused states (less common).
Lower or raise frequency by 1 Hz shifts every 2-3 minutes and watch and query for changes.
Fine tuning may require Hz shifts, especially when working at much lower frequencies.
It may take several visits to find the optimum frequency (which may be very low, e.g., 1-4 Hz or
Keep good records in case you need to reverse some changes.
One goal is to enable the client to reliably monitor and self-regulate state changes.
Another goal is to lead the client to the peak of the arousal vs. performance curve. Watch and
query for maximum alertness and awareness accompanied by maximum calmness and
Selected frequencies and evoked states are specific to each individual and may vary over time.

Cerebral perfusion is closely linked to frequency. Significant state changes can be expected with
slight shifts in reward frequency. Observe and question your client carefully. Some clients need
several sessions before they can reliably observe subtle shifts.

8-E. Arousal Curve Sensitivity

Sensitivity is inversely proportional to the width of the arousal curve.

Clients often vary widely in their sensitivity to shifts in arousal, environment, and reward frequency.
Those with broad arousal curves are often more stable under a variety of stressors and less sensitive
to shifts in reward frequency. Those with narrow arousal curves may experience rapid deterioration in
performance with relatively minor mental, physical or environmental stresses. These clients will
usually be more sensitive to shifts in reward frequency, sometimes requiring that shifts smaller than

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 9
Hz be made, and sometimes requiring that the reward bandwidth be made smaller than 3 Hz in

Neurofeedback can be effective regardless of an individuals arousal sensitivity. But expect that the
more sensitive an individual is, the more attention needs to be paid to precise reward frequency and
state and symptom shifts during and between visits.

8-F. Arousal Curve Set Points

The normal arousal curve shown in Section 8-A is generally accurate regarding shape for a given
normal individual. However, many highly functioning people can have variation in the width and
placement of this curve along the arousal axis. That is called the set point (see the graph below).

If we consider reward frequency as related to arousal (as it is, in its coupling with perfusion), then we
can illustrate different arousal level set points in the graph below. This graph suggests that 12-15 Hz
might cause agitation in an individual whose set points were around 4-7 Hz. Alternatively, 12-15 Hz
could be overly sedating for another individual who functions well and naturally with a higher set
point. Remember, these set points are not directly and obviously related to EEG power or QEEG
topography in particular areas. Rather, they represent a regulatory challenge at a set point frequency
which usually leads to client state changes.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 10
9. Cortical Instabilities

Paroxysmal or chaotic state changes that usually lead to symptoms may be the result of cerebral

Stabilities are an issue with any control system, especially one like the brain which is precariously
poised between coma and convulsion. Individuals can have paroxysmal symptoms due to instabilities
that result from hyper-excitability of regions of the brain. This is a different issue than arousal curve
set point or sensitivity. The kindling model, which describes seizure evolution, may be applicable to
these other instabilities as well.

Hyper-excitability of a region of cerebrum can result in symptoms such as migraines, dissociative

events, panic attacks, seizures (including abdominal epilepsy), anxiety, depression, suicidality,
paroxysmal pain, etc. It may be caused by alteration of inhibitory control due to genetically-based
susceptibility, environmental or metabolic insult, developmental disorders, space occupying lesions,
infection, or emotional or physical trauma.

Clients with instabilities may have a history of stabilization through anti-convulsant medications.

10. Disinhibition

Disinhibition here refers to diminished prefrontal inhibitory function, with or without arousal or
instability issues.

Trauma (physical and emotional), attachment issues, developmental issues, genetic susceptibility,
and metabolic insult are among the reasons why the prefrontal lobes may function sub-optimally.
Sometimes the insufficiency of inhibition is due to over-arousal.

Among crucial prefrontal functions (Siegel DJ 2007) are:

1. bodily regulation
2. attuned communication
3. emotional balance
4. response flexibility
5. empathy
6. insight
7. fear modulation
8. intuition, and
9. morality

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 11
Insufficiency of any of these functions may be reason to regulate the prefrontal cortex. It is also
possible that, during low frequency training of an over-aroused client, you may inadvertently reduce
prefrontal function with the appearance of symptoms of disinhibition. You can then adjust your
sessions accordingly.

Common illustrations of disinhibition of lower centers by the impairment of higher (prefrontal)

centers are the behaviors caused by alcohol or other metabolic insults, brain trauma, or development
disturbances. Hyperactive, aggressive, impulsive and violent behaviors can result.

Remember when training that poor executive functions may result from immature or delayed cortical
development, and not necessarily a lack of frontal activation. Such a situation is common in ADHD
clients who may also have high arousal.

11. Localized Dysfunctions

Localized dysfunctions may required special electrode placement.

Note: in the appendix you will find graphic representations of this information. You will also find a
table that arranges symptoms according to regions in a fashion suitable to use for gathering clinical

General neurofeedback training issues include arousal level, instabilities and disinhibition. More
specific symptoms, correlated to localized dysfunction, can then be treated when the client is ready.
You may be alerted to potential sites of local dysfunction as a result of histories of trauma,
developmental defect, and genetic susceptibility. Or you may have access to reports of imaging
studies and psychological testing. For neurofeedback purposes, a quantitative electroencephalogram
read by a qualified interpreter is the best tool. Good suggestions for local placement may also come
from the literature, i.e., lesion studies, case histories, and reports from other practitioners.

In determining electrode placement, we may consider 1) hemispheric laterality or 2) front to back


Hemispheric laterality:
Right hemisphere
Left hemisphere

Front to back:

More information on lateralization and cortical specification can be obtained from any number of
reliable sources treating the Brodman areas of the cortex. Because of variations in cortical shape and
location, and because of uncertainties in EEG signal propagation to the electrodes, the following very
general suggestions can be made.

11-A. Localization by Laterality

Left Hemisphere Training: The left hemisphere is more concerned with the text (conscious and
linguistic) than with the context (spatial and emotional) of experience. The left hemisphere has
important functions related to sequence, skilled movement, memory and planning. In addition to the
above functions, the left hemisphere may be trained for mental calming as opposed to physical
calming (right hemisphere).

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 12
Right Hemisphere Training: The right hemisphere is more concerned with the context (spatial and
emotional) than with the text (conscious and linguistic) of experience. It is concerned with grasping
social and emotional nuance in the moment. In addition to the above functions, the right hemisphere
may be trained for physical-emotional calming as opposed to mental calming (left hemisphere).

11-B. Localization along Front-to-Back

Prefrontal Training: It is worthwhile to repeat the excellent elaboration of prefrontal functions

described by D Siegel 2007: 1) bodily regulation, 2) attuned communication, 3) emotional balance,
4) response flexibility, 5) empathy, 6) insight, 7) fear modulation, 8) intuition, and 9) morality.
Immaturity of executive function is a perplexing problem, which may be compounded by over-arousal
of other neural systems. Here, it is left to the practitioner to find ways to query the client regarding
changes in this system.

The left prefrontal region can be trained for improvement of planning and organizational skills and for
impulse control. This region is often the best place to train for symptoms of obsession and
compulsion, as well as tics.

Right prefrontal training has more effect on emotional regulation aggression, attachment disorders,
dominating and controlling, and uncontrolled or inappropriate anger or fear.

Prefrontal training can also be important in attention problems as well as in peak-performance

training. Clients may report feelings of benign contentment or a capable awareness of boundaries.

Frontal Training: Frontal training can help mobilize clients into coordinated action. This region of the
brain is involved in alertness, awareness of space, initiation and sequencing of action, motor
coordination, and expressive speech. It can help lift depression. However, it may be to over-
stimulating for some people, who subsequently feel agitated or hostile. Its use should usually come
after a person has become stabilized and has had prefrontal training, and perhaps parietal training.

Central Training: Much of the pioneering work in neurofeedback was done on the central strip.
Sometimes SMR on the right and beta on the left. As equipment became more flexible and clinical
experience accumulated, it was found than most clients responded directly to changes in the reward
frequency and/or placement of electrodes.

T3-T4 is often the starting point for general single-channel bipolar neurofeedback in the absence of a
QEEG. However, for some people it is too challenging or it gives results that are ambiguous. For
them, C3-C4 may be a better starting point. C3 and C4 are important choices for somato-sensory
deficits. Placement may be fine tuned based on the famous sensory and motor homunculi.

The central strip reflects the activity of both motor (anterior) and sensory (posterior) cortices. Buzski
(2006, p 33) says that the central long-range loops between motor and sensory areas are not closed
by brain wiring. This gap may be closed by actions exerted by the brain on the body and the
environment, a process that calibrates neuronal circuits to the metric of the physical world and
allows the brain to learn to sense. Is this calibration process affected by neurofeedback?

Temporal Training: Anterior temporal bipolar training at T3-T4 is still an important starting point for
general stabilization and regulation of the client, especially with respect to regulation of emotions and

The temporal lobes also contain primary (auditory) and higher-order (visual) processing centers which
can be benefited by neurofeedback.

Insula Training: The insula is located medial to the frontal temporal cortex and may be influenced by
T3-T4 placement. This area is crucial to interoception, i.e., the representation and thus regulation of
internal body states. It is unknown how much neurofeedback of the more superficial temporal regions
affects insular functions, but such an influence may partly explain the often strong effect of such
training on pain and visceral regulation.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 13
Parietal Training: The parietal cortex is involved with representing the positions and movements of
objects in space, including our own bodies. Training on the parietal cortex can be very calming and
relaxing. Sensory overload, hypersensitivity, and integration can all be improved by training in this
area, as can our awareness of how other individuals bodies exist and move in space. This seems to
lead to increased empathy and social and emotional awareness.

Occipital Training: A large amount of primate cortex is dedicated to visual processing. When visual
representations change, we must decide whether it is the outside world coming toward us, or us
moving in the outside world. The adjacent parietal cortex with its spatial preoccupations helps in this
regard. When visual processing is impaired, whether by hypersensitivity, field defects, double vision,
problems with depth perception, or retinal interference, it is worthwhile to institute a therapeutic trial of
bipolar occipital lobe neurofeedback.

12. Dissociated Traumas and Addictions Alpha-Theta Training

Alpha-Theta training (sometimes called deep-states training) is useful for traumatic sequelae and

Many of us associate consciousness with states and experiences we can describe and talk about. Yet
we all experienced early life trauma, and occasionally great trauma (neglect, injury, abuse,
circumcision), before we had words to categorize the experience. And latter in life, we may have
experienced assault, domestic abuse, war, disaster, kidnap, terrorism, near-death experiences, or
other events that overwhelmed linguistic business as usual for the cortex. Now, as adults, we try to
decipher a cry that is wordless, that somehow informs and modulates our being.

Memory researchers have divided memory into at least two types implicit (unconscious) and explicit
(conscious). Some features are briefly described as follows:

Implicit memory:
Sub-cortical involving the amygdala
Contextually ambiguous and free-floating
Temporally unrelegated (due to lack of context)
Associated with early (pre-linguistic) experience or over-whelming trauma or experiences while
drugged or intoxicated
Associated with unconscious inarticulate dispositions toward the world and its experiences

Explicit memory:
Cortical involving the hippocampus
Contextually intact within the personal narrative
Temporally relegated to past (due to context)
Associated with epochs in an ongoing narrative
Associated with conscious articulate dispositions toward the world and its experiences

Addictive behaviors may be related to traumatic experiences, whether explicit or not. Whether a client
has unexplainable biases toward an habitual behavior, or unexplainable biases towards or against
any other life event (commitment, self-care, equanimity, etc.), suspect a deep or dissociated trauma
or addiction.

We may know about overwhelming traumas in our clients because they tell us or we see evidence in
reports. We may sense the enduring traumatic sequelae in their circularity of reasoning which never
dives below their presented surface. We may also suspect traumatic etiology when we have difficulty
establishing general protocols for arousal or disinhibition.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 14
Peniston and Kulkosky found alpha-theta training very useful for addictions. Further explorations
found it very useful for uncovering trauma-based processes. When these processes start surfacing
during neurofeedback, it is essential that the trainer be equipped to handle them. This is a completely
different subject. I would highly recommend you consult Trauma and the Body A Sensorimotor
Approach to Psychotherapy by Ogden, Minton and Pain.

13. First Session

13-A. Overview

By now you have heard that neurofeedback clients may have issues with:
Localized dysfunction
Dissociated trauma and addictions

No matter where you place the electrodes, arousal will be influenced by reward frequency (Othmer,
2006), so arousal level is always a consideration. Instabilities are suggested by paroxysmal
symptoms. Disinhibition, localized dysfunction, and dissociated traumas and addictions may all be
suggested by history and observation.

In most cases, you will want to treat these neurophysiological factors in the above order. In other
words, you will usually want to start by optimizing arousal and then stabilizing instabilities. In some
cases this will be difficult unless one first address disinhibition and local dysfunction. Whenever you
are changing frequencies, be certain to observe and question your client well. This helps you optimize
the frequency and helps the client start learning to be aware of subtle state shifts.

13-B. Arousal Issues: Arousal may be first approached with bipolar training at T3-T4 (C3-C4 for
difficult cases). Start with a reward frequency bandwidth of 12-15 Hz and shift every 2-5 minutes,
depending on observations or client report. Lower the frequency as long as your client remains
over-aroused. Raise the frequency as long as your client seems under-aroused. If your client is too
agitated or reactive, you may have to start intra-hemispherically with T4-P4 at 5-8 Hz and then go

Deciding whether your client is over- or under-aroused is not always easy, especially at first. This is
discussed in much more detail in Section 15: Communicating during the Sessions.

Most clients will need to be slowly shifted down. You may, on occasions, go as low as your amplifier
permits. Always try to find a frequency where your client experiences maximum alertness and
maximum relaxation and comfort, i.e., the top of the arousal curve. Make a note of the clients
experiences or appearance at each frequency. When you find the optimum frequency, then you may
elect to also train for arousal at prefrontal and then parietal locations, even occipitally if indicated. You
may note that the optimal frequencies for parietal placements are up to 4 Hz less than those for
temporals. And the prefrontal placements may do best at a frequency 2 Hz less than the temporals. If
your amplifier can go no lower, you can always try narrowing the bandwidth of the reward bin.

13-C. Instabilities: Instabilities, such as migraine, panic attacks, etc., may be the presenting
complaint. As such, you may note that the client experiences changes related to the chief complaint
as the arousal frequencies are tuned. Stabilization may require extra time spent inter-hemispherically
at T3-T4 (or C3-C4) fine tuning the reward frequency and allowing training to progress. Instabilities
may also be improved by follow-up with inter-hemispheric placements at P3-P4, Fp1-Fp2, F3-F4, or
O1-O2. If the client seems unresponsive, or if it is difficult to obtain a reliable training frequency, you
may need to consider 1) prefrontal training for disinhibition, 2) localized training, or 3) deep states
training for addictions and acquired fears, etc. Here is where QEEG may provide useful information.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 15
13-D. Disinhibition: A person may be disinhibited because lower centers are hyperactive, or
because prefrontal centers are hypo-functioning and no longer able to inhibit the lower centers. Train
accordingly. In some cases, it may be necessary to 1) treat physical or sensory motor distress using
T4-P4 starting at 5-8 Hz, or 2) treat emotional distress using T4- Fp2, or 3) treat cognitive distress
using T4-Fp2. Then continue with prefrontal training, e.g. Fp1-Fp2.

Note: In many cases, it will be necessary to train left-sided localized dysfunction, for example Fp1-T3
(cognitive), approximately 2 Hz higher than right-sided localized dysfunction, such as T4-Fp2
(emotional) or T4-P4 (physical). See the table at the end of the book.

13-E. Localized Dysfunction: After the clients arousal level has been adjusted, instabilities
addressed (if possible), and disinhibition trained, it is time to look at isolated symptoms indicating
local dysfunction, which could be located anywhere. Use the table at the end of this manual to find
possible correlations between conditions and treatment sites. Monitor the symptoms visit-to-visit.
Adjust the frequency to client comfort. Remember frequency always affects general arousal level.
Counter disinhibition when necessary and address disturbing instabilities. Keep a good history.

13-F. Dissociated Trauma and Addictions: At some point in most clients progress, you will need
to address their (relative) lack of awareness of deep states. You may need to do this early in the
training if they seem resistant to encountering state change. History of trauma and addictions may or
may not be available. Client response will tell you whether or not this line of training is indicated. In
training optimum-performance in already highly functioning clients, deep states training will probably
be indicated early for the access to creative states that it provides.

13-G. Fine-Tune your Protocol for Individuals

Remember, before you start training, your interview should suggest the following:
How the client responds to over-arousal by substances or stress similar states may occur
when reward frequencies are too high.
How the client responds to under-arousal by substances or stress similar states may occur
when reward frequencies are too low.
How the client responds when disinhibited similar states may occur when the frequencies are
too low and the client is disinhibited, or when the frequencies are too high and the client cant
inhibit responding to an agitated state.
How sensitive your client is to physical, emotional and environmental stimuli similar states may
occur when the reward frequency is changed too dramatically.

When you start training, keep in mind:

Start with a general stabilizing approach (T3-T4 or C3-C4) to teach self-awareness and arousal
regulation, and to determine optimal reward frequency.
Move the frequency down when the client is over-aroused, and up when he/she is under-aroused.
Shift the frequency by 1 Hz at a time in general, or for sensitive individuals Hz or less.
Some clients, especially the over-aroused, may try too hard and block subtle change or the
awareness of it. Be patient, lower the frequency after a few minutes, and make certain they are
comfortable and engaged.
Train what you find, not what you are looking for! Let the clients growing awareness of state-
regulation guide you.
Keep good records so you can reverse any frequency or placement changes that interfered with
the clients progress.
Whenever appropriate, help clients articulate subtle changes in state. You must be a good profiler
of your own subtle state changes and mirror this quality to your clients.
For the first session in cases such as bipolar disorder, reactive attachment disorder, spasticity or
autism, you may start with intra-hemispheric training rather than inter-hemispheric training.
Examples include 1) T3-Fp1 for cognitive distress, 2) T4-Fp2 for emotional distress, and 3) T4-P4
for physical distress. Remember, if you have already determined an optimal frequency for T3-T4
and then train strictly on the left, you may find the required frequency to be 1 or 2 Hz higher.
Your notes should include your observations of and your clients descriptions of any state
changes. Be sure to note the time and the frequency at which they occur.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 16
At the end of the first session, if you have explored alternate locations, consider finishing with a
few minutes at T3-T4 to help stabilize and reinforce the training.
With practice, you may decide that there will be times during the first session when you will need
to train at specific locations or switch to alpha-theta training.

14. The Central Role of Frequency

We have suggested above that you start at T3-T4 or C3-C4 at 12-15 Hz and adjust up or down
(usually down) to find the optimal spot at the top of the clients arousal curve (somewhere between
0-30 Hz). Additionally, in cases of strong physical, mental or emotional agitation, you may start in an
alternate intra-hemispheric placement.

The optimal frequency near the central strip (C3-C4 and T3-T4) turns out to be fundamentally

The Othmers have suggested a general relationship of frequencies during average neurofeedback

Lets use the letter X to represent the optimal frequency determined at T3-T4 or C3-C4, then we
may find other optimal frequencies as follows:

Central and anterior temporal frequencies = X (as defined above)

Frontal and prefrontal frequencies = X 2 Hz
Parietal and occipital frequencies = X 4 Hz
Freq for right intra-hemispheric training = X
Freq for left intra-hemispheric training = X + 2 Hz

Example: After several visits, you determine that the optimum frequency for T3-T4 training in your
client is 5 to 8 Hz. If you decide to train parietally, the required frequency range is likely to be about
4 Hz lower; that is, 1 to 4 Hz. If you decide to train frontally, it is likely to be about 2 Hz lower; that is,
3 to 6 Hz. If you train only the right side, the likely frequency will remain the same as the original
T3-T4 optimal frequency. If you train only the left side, then the likely frequency will be about 2 Hz
higher than the T3-T4 frequency, namely 7 to 10 Hz.

Obviously, if you discover the optimal frequency at T3-T4 to be, say, 1 to 3 Hz, you can not go 4 Hz
lower when changing to a parietal placement. In such lower frequencies, there are alternate ways to
adjust the reward frequency to optimize client response.

In the very low frequency ranges, 0-2 Hz, different amplifiers may behave differently. It is good to
have the advice of your dealer regarding performance at infra-slow EEG ranges. Nevertheless, your
client will give you the best information of all. You may occasionally find that frequency shifts as slight
as 0.1 Hz make a difference in client response. You may also need to reduce the width of your
reward bin to surprisingly narrow dimensions. Dont be afraid to experiment with your gear. Your
client will continue to learn state-navigation and will provide you with the directions.

15. Communicating during the Sessions

Most clients know what it is like to feel over-stimulated by certain substances and situations and
under-stimulated by others. Some of these states become discrete and routine for the client. Yet it is
quite another thing for them to encounter these states during neurofeedback without their typical
antecedents. It is also new for them to find they have states that can melt and shift subtly in unusual
ways as you adjust frequency or electrode location. Your communication with your clients during
every session, and especially the first sessions, is important in guiding them toward efficient state-
space navigation and self-regulation.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 17
Before asking your clients about changes, it is usually best to let them experience and assimilate the
changes long enough to be able to articulate the feelings, thoughts, images, and phenomena that
accompany them. Sometimes, however, the client will become clearly uncomfortable yet not be able
to express the details. In order to choose the next frequency effectively, you may need to obtain
preliminary descriptive information by offering the client A or B answers to carefully formulated

For example, an over-aroused client may suddenly report feeling sleepy, sometimes within 15
seconds, after you lower the frequency range by 1 Hz. Does this mean the frequency is now too low
and should be raised by Hz? Ask your client to describe the state. Is it familiar? When does it
occur? In order to get enough information to decide on the frequency change, you may need to ask,
Do you feel tired-exhausted or tired-groggy? When an over-aroused individual finally relaxes
enough to stop overwhelming his own state awareness, then he may feel that he is genuinely
exhausted from over-arousal. You can probably continue to lower the frequency. But if your client
feels sleepy in a groggy or sedated way, then you have probably lowered the frequency too much and
may want to raise it by Hz.

Similarly, a client may suddenly report feeling jangled. You may ask her what she means and she
may not be able to explain. Does your client mean jangled like someone is shaking her, or jangled
like she has separated into parts that are jangling together? The first situation may call for lowering
the frequency and the latter for raising it.

Here are some questions to ask:

Do you feel more aware (of your body, thoughts, boundaries, etc.) or less aware?
Do you feel more relaxed (or calm or comfortable or peaceful) or less?
Do you feel more awake (or alert or ready or motivated) or less?
Does any part of your body feel a different energy (or temperature, or color, or sensation) than
the others?
Does the space around you feel more or less safe (or threatening, or intact, or secure, or
manageable, or light)?

With many clients, toward the end of the first session you will change a frequency and, in a minute or
so, ask, How is this? and receive a cogent and clearly felt reply (for example: better, or anxiety is
gone, or calm and alert again, or perhaps I feel anxious and nauseated, or I feel my brain is
being pushed out of my skull, or I feel tingling in my left face).

It is not at all uncommon to change the frequency by 1 Hz or even Hz and, within 15 seconds or so,
have the client notice a clear and significant difference.

Pay special attention to:

Anxiety and irritability, sometimes with nausea

Here is something to watch for in clients who have been unconscious during surgery or after a
trauma. While lowering the reward frequency and finding more and more comfortable states
(sometimes with heightened body awareness), you suddenly get the report of anxiety, nausea, or
irritability. Query your client if his tolerance level permits. He may say something like, It is
someplace I do not want to go. Then raise the frequency by Hz intervals to find a peak comfort
level for the session. It is not uncommon that your client will go home and sooner or later, often
during sleep, suddenly have a powerful, perhaps painful, sensation related to the surgery or
injury, and then report an excellent sleep.

Thus, anxiety does not mean you must lower the frequency. If you have gone low enough toward
under-arousal that the client connects with a time they were anesthetized surgically or by fear,
then you will have brought them to a place which may provoke anxiety. Listen, question, and
adjust. The answer may come during the next session.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 18

Another potential confusing situation is the development of sadness. I have had several cases in
which I have lowered the reward frequency and the client has felt tingling and relaxation and then,
suddenly, sadness. What type of sadness is it? Is it a depressed, longing sadness, or is it a hurt,
want-to-cry sadness? Some clients come in with a veneer of muscular armoring and anger,
covering the fact that someone important has betrayed them. As they relax the tension and
armoring, they may feel the suppressed sadness and weep. One client said, I normally would
have been angry for days and not know why. I realized that I had preferred the anger to feeling
the hurt and sadness. I feel like I just worked through it.

Immature behavior

Sometimes prefrontal executive functions are weak, as in a child or adult with ADHD. If you over-
arouse lower centers, executive functions may not be able to control them, and the result will be
immature impulsive behavior. You may need to lower the arousal level. Sometimes T4-P4 or
T4-Fp2 at a lower frequency will help calm lower centers. T3-Fp1 at a higher frequency may
improve executive inhibition.

Be cautious. Sometimes low frequency reward may lead to tiredness, frustration and emotional
hypersensitivity and outbursts and require raising the reward frequency.


Pain can arise as a part of increased physical tension, irritability, and anxiety as a result of
training too high. However, it can also arise when, after lowering reward frequency, a client
relaxes sufficiently that a knotted or otherwise painful area emerges from the background of
general body armoring. It is often beneficial to work with the client to determine the significance
and origin of the complaining area. Often the discomfort will dissolve and you can continue to
lower the reward frequency.

Sleepiness or fatigue during session

Sometimes as you increase the reward frequency and arouse the client, he may become overly
tense and focused and then feel fatigued and sleepy. At other times, as you lower the reward
frequency, the client may cease the over-stimulating processes and recognize a real exhaustion
and need to sleep. By helping your client be aware of his arousal state, you can help him monitor
his real need for sleep and recuperation. But it is often the case that your client comes in already
having a problem with inadequate sleep. Neurofeedback is limited when what is really needed is
lifestyle change (diet, sleep, exercise, addictions, chronic stress, etc.).

Changes in sleep patterns between sessions

Changes in sleep pattern are powerful indicators of arousal shifts. Always look carefully for clues.
How easily did your client fall asleep and then wake up, either during the night after the session
or the next morning? Was the sleep refreshing? Were there changes in dream patterns or
snoring? Pay careful attention to nightmares. Typical nightmares are often just dreams that are
too vivid and wake the client you may need to lower the frequency. Night terrors, however, often
occur when the client is so under-aroused that they can not shake off the nightmare and feel
paralyzed with fear. These situations usually require raising the frequency and, eventually, deep-
states work. Sleep walking and increased snoring are also often indicators that the reward
frequency should be raised.

Especially during the first sessions, when you may be changing frequencies dramatically, remember
that the session outcome is a result of the time spent at all the different frequencies of that session,
not just the final frequency. Dont be surprised, then, if your client returns with some reports of over-
arousal, even though you ended the first session at 1-4 Hz.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 19
Start the next session at the final frequency from the previous session. At first, you may have to
continue to adjust frequencies, even for several visits.

16. Adjusting your Treatment Plan

16-A. The First Session: General Arousal and Calming

After some practice, you can, in general, expect a significant response during or after your clients
first treatment.

For most clients, you can spend the first 1-3 sessions attempting to find an optimum reward
frequency at your training site. Usually you can start training at T3-T4. C3-C4 may be better tolerated
by some people. C3-C4 may also be better suited if the condition is simply somato-sensory
dysfunction or pain without emotional issues. In the case of highly reactive children with bipolar,
autistic, spastic disorders, or for an adult in immediate need of physical calming, you can start with

For T3-T4 or C3-C4, start with 12-15 Hz and move down (or up) as needed. In the case of T4-P4 (for
physical calming) or T4-Fp2 (for emotional calming), start with 5-8 Hz and expect to lower the
frequency even more. You may want to follow these last two right sided trainings with T3-Fp1 for
mental calming and executive normalization.

You can use a 3 Hz wide reward bin and shift in increments of 1 Hz. In cases of highly sensitive
individuals, you may need to use more narrow bins and shift 0.5 Hz or less at a time. Dont be
surprised if you train as low as 0.01 - 0.1 Hz for some cases and use shifts of 0.1 Hz at a time. At
such low frequencies, your only options for fine tuning the frequency are to narrow the reward bin or
to change the filter characteristics.

Observe your client constantly and question him when needed. Take good notes in case you need to
back-up along the frequency trail.

The first sessions will introduce your client to the reality of self-awareness of subtle state changes.
Always seek to have the client feel curious, open, and accepting of the results of the training. Your
own confidence and awareness of your own state changes will be reassuring to your client.

Once you have done the first session, you will have a sense of your clients general arousal and
sensitivity issues. You will also know the best frequency for midline training, and have a sense of
what to expect if you train too high or too low at other sites. Each site will have its own significance for
your client, but frequency will still influence local and general arousal, activation, and perfusion.

Expect that the optimum midline frequency, X, will be related to training at other sites according to the
discussion in Section 14: The Central Role of Frequency.

Please remember that, at the end of the very first session, you will likely have trained your client for
several minutes or more at a number of different frequencies before you find the best response. The
response at that time and, in fact, the responses that night and next day are due to are the cumulative
results of training with several frequencies in addition to the optimal frequency. That is why it is very
important to instruct your client to pay close attention that evening and the next day to any changes in
mood, cravings, sleep, dreams, appetite, energy, and relationships. This information may influence at
the next visit whether you start training with the same frequency, or with one that is higher or lower.

Soon, you will need to consider employing additional sites to deal with the clients evolving issues.

16-B. Instabilities and Inter-Hemispheric Training (see charts and table at back of book)

Your client may have initially sought help with instability issues, such as migraine, asthma, panic
attack, dissociative symptoms, paroxysmal pain, bipolar mood swings, or seizures. These and other

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 20
symptoms may be triggered with sudden but minor changes in arousal, or may appear chaotically and
without provocation. There may be a history of relief brought on by use of anti-convulsants. In such
cases, you may want to continue with inter-hemispheric training, since it is stabilizing.

It may be beneficial to train P3-P4, Fp1-Fp2, F3-F4, F7-F8, and O1-O2, as well as T3-T4 in this
manner. Paying careful attention to frequency and your clients responses provides you with
guidance. In the absence of good clinical results, you may reconsider whether your client has brain
allergies or excitotoxin overload. A QEEG may help localize a cortical focus that could be responsible
for the symptoms.

16-C. Localized Dysfunction and Intra-Hemispheric Training (see Section 18: Charts and Tables)

As opposed to anticonvulsants, some clients may have symptoms which benefit from
antidepressants, stimulants or sedatives. The client may describe some of these symptoms as arising
with prolonged high or low arousal situations such as stress or boredom. These symptoms include:

Autistic spectrum disorders
Obsessive and compulsive behaviors
Tics and spasticity
Learning disorders

16-D. Adding Sites

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with two sets of colored charts and a table, which are
located in Section 6-1 and titled as follows:

Localized INTER-hemispheric Training for Local or Paroxysmal Dysfunction

Localized INTRA-hemispheric Training for Local Dysfunction
Tables of Symptoms and Sensor Placements

You will probably start with a T3-T4 placement and determine the optimal reward frequency over a
period of 1 to 3 visits. You may continue to treat inter-hemispherically (parietally, prefrontally,
frontally, occipitally, and/or temporally) to deal with instability issues. These inter-hemispheric sites
are also useful for peak performance training.

You may then choose to work with the remaining complaints using more specific electrode
placements. The set of charts in Section 18-B Localized INTER-hemispheric Training for Local or
Paroxysmal Dysfunction gives you some suggestions for general symptom categories as they vary
from front to back (prefrontal to occipital placements). These sites would also be indicated if the
symptoms were paroxysmal in nature.

You may also refer to the charts in Section 18-C Localized INTRA-hemispheric Training for Local
Dysfunction. Remember to consider how typical frequencies change with location (see Section 14).

When training inter-hemispherically, frontal sites will usually train about 2 Hz below the temporals,
and posterior sites will train as much as 4 Hz below the temporals. When training intra-
hemispherically on the right side, most sites will train at about the same frequency as the temporals
(except when starting with T4-P4 or T4-Fp2 at 5-8 Hz for extreme agitation, etc.) Most left hand sites
will train about 2 Hz higher than T3-T4.

The following general guidelines are worth your consideration:

Start with general inter-hemispherical stabilization; use as many sites as needed.

After there are no signs of instabilities, move to right- or left-sided training, as needed.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 21
Consult the table of symptoms to obtain suggestions for specific placements.
At first, add only one site at a time and fine-tune the reward frequency. Take time to understand
and chart the results.
With ADHD, depression, anxiety or disinhibition, you may need to add T4-P4 and T3-Fp1 at the
same session.
Right side is good for physical calming, emotional regulation, and right-sided brain dysfunction.
Left side is good for mental calming, executive regulation, and left-sided brain dysfunction.
For right-sided training, your client may do better by starting at T4-P4, then moving anteriorly.
For left-sided training, a good starting point is T3-Fp1. Remember to train about 2 Hz higher than
the right side or T3-T4.
If you have chosen both right and left side locations, divide the session time between them and
finish with T3-T4 to stabilize.
If your equipment permits, you can also train the right and left sides at the same time with two
channels, left side higher by 2 Hz.
Continue to train T3-T4 for stabilization.
When necessary and when time permits, you can train all indicated sites during each session.
Long sessions at a single site, especially with frequent sessions, may be difficult for sensitive
After general inter-hemispherical stabilization, if there are no localized dysfunctions, you might
proceed to alpha-theta training for peak performance and creativity, or for dissociative trauma
phenomena, PTSD, or addictions.

17. Managing Uncomfortable Neurofeedback Effects

17-A. The Risks of Neurofeedback

Cory Hammond and Lynda Kirk published an important and thoughtful article in 2008 dealing with
reported side effects and adverse reactions to neurofeedback. 3 Such uncomfortable effects in
neurofeedback are generally far less severe and appear to occur much less frequently than side
effects associated with the practice of internal medicine. Nevertheless, such reported effects must be
taken into account. Ethics dictates that our clients are informed of these possibilities. Even a simple
exercise program at a gym could lead to exercise induced asthma, infected blisters, dehydration,
muscle cramps, sprains, or in rare cases angina. It may therefore be prudent to have a physical exam
before participating in an exercise program. But this is not feasible for many people, and currently it is
not mandated by law or by ethical guidelines. Neurofeedback will continue to be offered as an
exercise for the central nervous system by the unlicensed, and as an adjunct experimental procedure
by licensed professionals. With increasing numbers of clients using neurofeedback, is our profession
doing enough to try to understand the origin and significance of uncomfortable reactions?

Hammond and Kirk point out that the majority of the uncomfortable reactions reported during
neurofeedback involve low frequency protocols and alpha-theta training.

Lets list the events cited in Hammond and Kirks article. These reported adverse reactions should be
in your disclaimer. They include, but are not limited to: anxiety, agitation, headaches, nausea, fatigue,
sleep disturbance, increase in somatic symptoms, anger and irritability, crying and emotional lability,
temporary disorientation or dissociation, loss of previous symptomatic improvements, panic attacks,
manic-like behavior, incontinence, enuresis, increase in depression, increase in OCD symptoms,
slurred speech, decline in cognitive functioning, tics, twitches, and seizures. It should be noted that
most, but not all, reported adverse reactions are both temporary and mild.

It appears that many of the complaints recorded in the literature, and especially in the internet users
groups, were the result of neurofeedback training by inadequately trained individuals, or of home
training by an unqualified individual. Nevertheless, you should approach the study of low frequency

Hammond DC, Kirk L. First, do no harm. Adverse effects and the need for practice standards in neurofeedback. Journal of
Neurotherapy. Vol 12(1) 2008. 78-88.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 22
and alpha-theta neurofeedback with the understanding that you may be held responsible for causing
a distressing situation in your client. The old excuse that neurofeedback is effective and harmless is
not going to work forever. If my dentist didnt tell me that a procedure, such as injecting the Novocain,
was going to hurt and I was suddenly flooded with pain and anxiety, I would be angry. If he then told
me that he couldnt possibly have hurt me, I would be thinking litigation. Remember, many of your
clients are coming to you after being exposed to drugs which 1) mask their symptoms, and 2) carry
very serious risks. A explanation of the relative risks of neurofeedback would be expected to leave
most of your clients quite comfortable.

It is sometimes observed that, as a result of neurotherapy, a clients need for medication may
decrease, with the result that he may now be overmedicated and experience drug-related side-
effects. This underscores the importance of a thorough history and of working with the clients primary
heath care provider, when appropriate.

Whether you are BCIA, AAPB, or ISNR, you agreed to the ethics of informing your client of the
situation. This includes the relative risks of neurofeedback. This takes more preparation and work on
your part, but your client will have increased respect and tolerance of your efforts to help him or her.

17-B. Traditional Explanations of Uncomfortable Neurofeedback Reactions

I have never heard any formal discussion about reported side-effects to neurofeedback. But I have
heard a variety of individual explanations, some plausible, others not so plausible: 1) The client was
going to have those symptoms that day anyway, and when they coincidentally occurred when I
lowered the reward frequency, I was blamed; 2) I told the client I could correct this new problem in
probably ten more visits, but he became whiny and passive-aggressive so we stopped working
together; 3) It is too overwhelming for the client to get better so she manifested a reason to stop
treatment; 4) Its just one of those things; 5) I just got the QEEG back, I should have trained
differently; 6) I should have trained amplitude first instead of coherence; 7) It took 40 visits to get rid
of the sleep walking, but then he developed headaches and he cant afford another 40 visits.

I think the most common and the most plausible explanation is the that the protocol was wrong and
exacerbated some dysfunction. However, as discussed in Section 17-C, this may not be the main
reason why low frequency and alpha-theta work are known for their sometimes uncomfortable and
unwanted effects.

In some cases, neurofeedback should be temporarily postponed. For example, I have encountered
many practitioners who do not know that it is risky to train a client who is intoxicated. If you change
the oscillatory pattern in the brain, you change the perfusion (blood delivery) pattern. The sudden
change in the pattern of delivery of blood containing neurotoxins, e.g., excitotoxins, can cause
unexpected consequences.

What is even less often appreciated is that plenty of clients come in intoxicated on commonly-
encountered chemicals such as MSG (also called flavors or natural flavors, etc.), other excitotoxins,
and neurotoxic dyes and scents. A good scientific introduction to some of these issues can be
obtained by looking at the research cited at www.feingold.com, or by reading the book by University
of Mississippi neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock. 4

If you are comfortable with adjunctive nutritional support, you can adapt Perlmutters questionnaire
about neurodegenerative risk, and provide your client with information on important nutriceuticals that
are neuroprotective and promote neuroplasticity. 5 Be cautious about operating within the scope of
practice of your license.

Blaylock RL. Excitotoxins The taste that kills. Health Press, Santa FE, NM 1994.
Perlmutter D. The Better Brain Book. Penguin Group, NY. 2004.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 23
This is not the place to discuss brain allergies or clinical ecology, 6 but there are a number of
controllable influences that can have profound effects on neurofeedback outcome.

17-C. The Red Thread

This is just my theory to explain my observations. I am going to discuss what I believe is an

important and manageable cause for what may be the majority of cases of discomfort and failed
neurofeedback training.

I have noticed similar reactions that occur in both clients with PTSD and clients with other conditions.
And I noticed these reactions primarily with low frequency and with alpha-theta training. Please note
that Hammond and Kirk (2008) (op. cit.) found that most adverse reactions occurred with low
frequency and with alpha-theta training.

I call these reactions the red thread reactions (red being associated with injury and trauma). These
reactions may take many different forms, but typically there is an autonomic disturbance which is
displayed in one or more of the peripheral instruments heart rate variability (HRV) power spectrum,
electrodermal response, and/or finger temperature. By the time such autonomic disturbances appear
in the peripheral instruments, the EEG has often indicated increased beta activity. At first, the client
may exhibit minimal changes in facial expression, vocal expression, breathing, complexion, postural
bracing, etc. The client is always encouraged to describe any changes in sensation or cognition, but
sometimes seems to be swept along and to have identified with the feeling. Sometimes I just observe
for a few moments and then ask what is going on. Often the client senses the discomfort and makes it

Sometimes the client can fairly easily relate the sudden sensation or mood change to a prior
traumatic experience. If the clients discomfort does not dissipate on its own, we have several
alternatives; 1) return the frequency to the last known comfortable setting, 2) change electrode
location to deal with emergent symptomatology; 3) switch to alpha-theta training to deal with
reintegration of traumatic non-verbal memory into narrative memory; 4) teach self-regulation of the
disturbing reaction; or 5) after stabilizing the client at the last-known comfortable frequency, wait until
the next session to continue any training (have the client log any changes in mood, appetite, sleep,
dreams, performance, symptoms, etc.).

What seems clear to me was that many, if not all, clients have a window of tolerance in which they
can socially engage and deploy their action resources (curiosity, bonding, play, exploration, etc.).
When the client exceeds that window of tolerance, he may become 1) hyper-sympathetic, over-
aroused, and tend to fight or flight; or 2) may become hyper-parasympathetic, under-aroused, and
tend to dissociation.

The patterns that exist outside of the window of tolerance are sometimes those that had imminent
survival value for the client, and are notable in that they bypass executive control and social
engagement. Once activated, the client may take minutes to hours to days to return to his window of

These are the residuals of overwhelming trauma which have not been incorporated into the narrative
memory. When they come forward in whatever autonomic, somatic, reactive, emotional or cognitive
form, these may be important (and thus welcome) indicators of where the hurt is located (figuratively

When a mother lovingly tends to the injuries, losses and fears that are so overwhelming to the child,
she does so with the knowledge that her child will eventually learn self-regulation. Neuroscience is

Williams R, et al [Eds]. A physicians handbook on orthomolecular medicine. Keats, New Canaan
CN, 1979.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 24
showing 7 that Alan Schore was correct 8 in his assertion that the mother functions as an accessory
cortex to help mirror and teach self-regulation.

I believe that the neurofeedback practitioner, together with the computer, function as accessory
cortices as well. Healthy attachment in infancy should lead to robust self-regulation capabilities. When
attachment has been inadequate, or ruptured by a trauma, the individual may face a life of chronic
illness and re-traumatization.

When the clients arousal escapes the window of tolerance, there are methods to return the client to
more comfortable territory. One key approach is to re-establish the ventral myelinated vagal social
engagement system. This is done by bringing the clients awareness back to the non-threatening
immediacy of the room, and activating normal calm communication. Another approach is to start
teaching self-regulation of the offending immediate sensations (e.g., HRV training or breathing). The
therapist can also mirror the clients postural attitude and perhaps induce empathy and curiosity.
There are also hard-wired action/behavior resources that can be recruited, such as curiosity,
exploration, play, bonding, caring, etc. This is an advanced topic for neurofeedback practitioners
which will be covered elsewhere. 9

Such an approach has been more aligned with the expectations and experiences of those who work
with PTSD. But they also routinely arise in low-frequency bipolar training. Let me give a short
example below.

17-D. An Illustrative Case History

The client was a 43-year-old male psychologist working for the veterans administration. He had
never experienced neurofeedback. I judged him to be a suitable candidate for low frequency bipolar
neurofeedback. We started at T3-T4 at 6-9 Hz, since I judged him to be somewhat over-activated.
Remember we are probing phase flexibility at a particular frequency here, not how the client does
with more or less of a certain frequency. About every 2 minutes, I queried him for changes of state
and reduced the reward frequency band by 1Hz. At about 3-6 Hz, he reported feeling significantly
relaxed. By the time we got to 1-4 Hz, his voice became markedly slow and calm as he reported
feeling very mellow and relaxed, yet alert and owning his space. I moved to a 0.5-2.5 Hz reward band
and, within 30 seconds, he reported anxiety; 15 seconds later there was nausea. He couldnt describe
the state in any meaningful way. I didnt know if I should lower the frequency more or raise it. I asked
him if he was anxious like tense or anxious like I dont want to go there (dissociation). I dont want
to go there! I dont want to go there!, he stated. I then raised the frequency back to 1-4 Hz and, after
about 2-3 minutes, he reported feeling his previous mellow alert state.

We finished the session and I made arrangements to talk with him the next day. That night, after that
first session, he went to bed as usual. He was awakened at 2 am with the worst pain in my entire life
in his arm. The pain was centered exactly where 2 screws had been placed to stabilize that arm when
it was broken. The anesthesia had been too light and, although he had no memory of the surgery, he
had experienced disturbed sleep ever since. Apparently the neurofeedback had enabled him to get
close to the level of dissociation he had occupied during the surgery. During the night following that
session, he recovered the historical memory of having holes drilled in his bones while he was
semiconscious. After that single session, he reported that he slept much better, woke refreshed, and
had much less tension in his associated upper arm and neck.

Cozolino L. The neuroscience of human relationships Attachment and the developing social brain.
W.W. Norton & Company, NY 2006.
Schore AN. Affect dysregulation and disorders of the self. W.W. Norton & Company, NY 2003
Dailey D. Networks and Neurofeedback: Mechanisms or Metaphor? Unpublished manuscript 2009.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 25
17-E. Using the Peripheral Instruments

I will provide more information on monitoring peripheral measures during neurofeedback on my

website, www.growing.com/mind. In the meantime, I am assuming you have a basic familiarity with
the significance of heart rate variability, electrodermal skin response (GSR), skin temperature, etc.

The Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Instrument

In general, as the client becomes distressed, you may note an increase in electrodermal response, a
decrease in skin temperature, and a shift in the heart rate variability. In the healthy state (which
usually requires training), the HRV power spectrum peak is at about 0.1 Hz (which equates with 6
breaths per minute). In the above figure, the HRV instrument is located directly above the video
display. Notice that the HRV instrument has a peak at approximately 0.1 Hz. If during a session there
is an increase in power lower than 0.1 Hz, it may indicate a shift to hyper-sympathecotonia (fight or
flight). If the power shifts to above 0.1 Hz, it may indicate an increase in hyper-parasympathecotonia
(freezing and disassociation).

If you notice the HRV instrument changing erratically throughout the session, you may want to
consider adding HRV training to the clients training program. More information on heart rate
variability is available at www.pubmed.gov. It is also likely that your equipment vendor is aware of
seminars in HRV training. You may also want to visit my website, www.growing.com/mind,
periodically, since I intend to be posting HRV-related materials.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 26
18. Charts and Tables

In this section, you will find three series of graphics that suggest site locations for neurofeedback.
These are gross overgeneralizations, but hopefully they will help you build visual and verbal images
of significant clinical relations. Following these graphics is a table of symptoms with suggested sensor
placements arranged by alphabetical order and by region of sensor location.

In other locations in this document you will find suggested protocols for a therapeutic trial of
empirically driven neurofeedback. Remember, if you do not get adequate results within about 10
sessions, you may need to obtain a QEEG (quantitative electroencephalogram) in order to determine
significant functional asymmetries.

18-A. Unilateral (Hemispherical) Training

As an extremely broad generalization we can make the following limited but significant associations.
Familiarize yourself with these charts, but later depend upon the tables relating complaints to sensor

Left Hemisphere Training

Conscious awareness

Sequential processing

Textual processing

For mental calming

For left brain symptoms

Right Hemisphere Training

Body and spatial awareness

Social-emotional awareness

Contextual processing

For physical calming

For right brain symptoms

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 27
18-B. Localized INTER-hemispheric Training for Local or Paroxysmal Dysfunction
(see Section 16-D: Adding Sites)

As an extremely broad generalization we can make the following limited but significant associations.
My apologies for the sometimes unusual wording. It is in order to enable easy symptom look-up in the
table which follows.

Prefrontal Training

Attachment disorder
Attention problems
Controlling or manipulative behaviors
Executive disturbances
Fear in excess
Organization & planning deficits
Obsessive & compulsive symptoms
Poor impulse control

Frontal Training

Alertness diminished
Emotional expression poor
Motivation diminished
Motor control diminished
Movement initiation poor
Movement sequencing poor
Spatial awareness diminished
Speech articulation and clarity poor
Speech early language development poor
Speech prosody diminished
Speech initiation diminished
Speech word finding poor

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 28
Central Training

Emotional management
Motor deficits either side
Somato-sensory deficits either side

Temporal Training

Auditory processing poor

Emotions uncontrolled
Enjoyment lacking
Reading ability poor
Recognition of faces
Recognition of objects
Recognition of patterns
Social awareness
Social engagement poor
Visual context
Visual detail processing

Insula Training

Note: The insula lies medial to the temporal

lobe, approximately underneath T3 and T4.

Physiology unregulated
Interoception poor

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 29
Parietal Training

Anxiety (follow with Fp1-T3)

Arithmetic abilities poor
Awareness of body poor
Awareness of emotions poor
Awareness of spatial relations poor
Confusion between right and left
Counting abilities poor
Motor control diminished esp. fine
Muscular tension
Sensory integration poor
Sensory hypersensitivity

Occipital Training

Visual context discrimination poor

Visual detail processing poor
Visual field defects on either side
Visual hypersensitivity

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 30
18-C. Localized INTRA-hemispheric Training for Local Dysfunction

T3-Fp1 Prefrontal T4-Fp2

Attention deficit hyperactivity Aggression

disorder Attachment disorder
Behavior uncontrolled Behavior aggressive
Concentration difficulties Behavior controlling
Impulse control poor Behavior manipulative
Obsessive-compulsive Emotionally detached
symptoms Emotionally reactive
Organization poor Emotions uncontrolled
Thoughts uncontrolled Fear excessive
Tourettes syndrome

T3-F7 Frontal Inferior T4-F8

Speech articulation poor Emotional expression poor

Speech clarity poor Singing difficult
Speech initiation diminished Speech autistic
Speech word finding poor Speech early language
development poor
Speech prosody diminished

T3-F3 Frontal Superior T4-F4

Alertness diminished Gross motor control poor

Motivation diminished Spatial awareness diminished
Fine motor control poor
Movement initiation poor
Movement sequencing poor

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 31
T3-C3 Central T4-C4

Emotional management poor Emotional management poor

Motor deficits right sided Motor deficits left sided
Somato-sensory deficits Somato-sensory deficits
right sided left sided

T3-T5 Temporal T4-T6

Audio processing poor Composure

Reading ability poor Emotions uncontrolled
Recognition of objects Enjoyment lacking
Visual detail processing Recognition of faces
Recognition of patterns
Social awareness poor
Social engagement poor
Visual context discrimination

T3-P3 Parietal T4-P4

Arithmetic abilities poor Anxiety (follow with Fp1-T3)

Confusion between right Awareness of body poor
and left Awareness of emotions poor
Counting abilities poor Awareness of spatial relations
Motor control diminished poor
esp. fine movements Muscular tension
Sensory integration poor

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 32
T3-O1 Occipital T4-O2

Visual detail processing poor Visual context discrimination

Visual field defects on right poor
Visual field defects on left

18-D. Tables of Symptoms and Sensor Placements (following pages)

Please note that some conditions appear twice with slightly different rewording. Thus, Aggression
is also entered as Behavior aggressive to facilitate lookup. This does not imply a weighting of some
conditions differently than others.

Note: Instabilities are often treated with inter-hemispheric placements, e.g., T3-T4, P3-P4, etc.
Remember that these conditions are often treated with stabilizing or anti-convulsant medications.
As they improve with neurofeedback, it may be necessary to consult with the clients medical doctor
concerning possible modification of the prescription.

BH = Both hemispheres (i.e., inter-hemispheric training such as T3-T4 etc.)

The checkbox column on the far left is there to allow you or a client to mark conditions of interest in
order to facilitate evaluation of related sensor placements in the treatment plan.

There are two tables on the following pages that correlate symptoms with electrode placement. The
first table is alphabetized by region and the second table is alphabetized by symptom. Otherwise, the
two tables are identical. Because the second table is alphabetized by symptom, that makes it ideal for
using with your clients by placing a check marks beside the symptoms they have and then looking for
commonalities in the involved regions or in the specific electrodes.

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 33
Alphabetically by symptom or concern: ( B=both, R=right, L=left, H=hemisphere )

Abdominal epilepsy BH T3-T4 Temporal

Aggression RH Fp2-T4 Prefrontal
Alertness diminished LH F3-T3 Frontal
Anxiety (follow with Fp1-T3) RH P4-T4 Parietal
Arithmetic abilities poor LH P3-T3 Parietal
Asthma BH T3-T4 Temporal
Attachment disorder RH Fp2-T4 Prefrontal
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Audio processing poor LH T5-T3 Temporal
Awareness of body poor RH P4-T4 Parietal
Awareness of emotions poor RH P4-T4 Parietal
Awareness of spatial relations poor RH P4-T4 Parietal
Behavior aggressive RH Fp2-T4 Prefrontal
Behavior controlling RH Fp2-T4 Prefrontal
Behavior manipulative RH Fp2-T4 Prefrontal
Behavior uncontrolled LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Bipolar mood swings BH T3-T4 Temporal
Composure RH T6-T4 Temporal
Concentration difficulties LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Confusion between right and left LH P3-T3 Parietal
Counting abilities poor LH P3-T3 Parietal
Dissociative symptoms BH T3-T4 Temporal
Emotional expression poor RH F8-T4 Frontal
Emotional management poor LH C3-T3 Central
Emotional management poor RH C4-T4 Central
Emotionally detached RH Fp2-F4 Prefrontal
Emotionally reactive RH Fp2-T4 Prefrontal
Emotions uncontrolled RH Fp2-T4 Prefrontal
Emotions uncontrolled RH T6-T4 Temporal
Enjoyment lacking RH T6-T4 Temporal
Epilepsy BH T3-T4 Temporal
Fear excessive RH Fp2-T4 Prefrontal
Impulse control poor LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Interoception poor BH T3-T4 Insula
Interoception poor BH T3-T4 Insula
Migraine BH T3-T4 Temporal
Motivation diminished LH F3-T3 Frontal
Motor control diminished esp. fine movements LH F3-T3 Frontal
Motor control diminished esp. fine movements LH P3-T3 Parietal
Motor control diminished esp. gross movements RH F4-T4 Frontal
Motor deficits left sided RH C4-T4 Central
Motor deficits right sided LH C3-T3 Central
Movement initiation poor LH F3-T3 Frontal

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 34
Movement sequencing poor LH F3-T3 Frontal
Muscular tension RH P4-T4 Parietal
Obsessive-compulsive symptoms LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Organization poor LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Panic attacks BH T3-T4 Temporal
Physiology unregulated BH T3-T4 Insula
Physiology unregulated BH T3-T4 Insula
Reading ability poor LH T5-T3 Temporal
Recognition of faces RH T6-T4 Temporal
Recognition of objects LH T5-T3 Temporal
Recognition of patterns RH T6-T4 Temporal
Restlessness RH P4-T4 Parietal
Seizures BH T3-T4 Temporal
Sensory hypersensitivity BH P3-P4 Parietal
Sensory integration poor RH P4-T4 Parietal
Singing difficult RH F8-T4 Frontal
Social awareness poor RH T6-T4 Temporal
Social engagement poor RH T6-T4 Temporal
Somato-sensory deficits left sided RH C4-T4 Central
Somato-sensory deficits right sided LH C3-T3 Central
Spatial awareness diminished RH F4-T4 Frontal
Speech articulation poor LH F7-T3 Frontal
Speech autistic RH F8-T4 Frontal
Speech clarity poor LH F7-T3 Frontal
Speech early language development poor RH F8-T4 Frontal
Speech initiation diminished LH F7-T3 Frontal
Speech prosody diminished RH F8-T4 Frontal
Speech word finding poor LH F7-T3 Frontal
Thoughts uncontrolled LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Tics LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Tourettes syndrome LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Vertigo BH T3-T4 Temporal
Visual context discrimination poor RH T6-T4 Temporal
Visual context discrimination poor RH O2-T4 Occipital
Visual detail processing LH T5-T3 Temporal
Visual detail processing poor LH O1-T3 Occipital
Visual field defects on left RH O2-T4 Occipital
Visual field defects on right LH O1-T3 Occipital
Visual hypersensitivity BH O1-O2 Occipital

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 35
Sorted by region: ( B=both, R=right, L=left, H=hemisphere )

Emotional management poor LH C3-T3 Central

Emotional management poor RH C4-T4 Central
Motor deficits right sided LH C3-T3 Central
Motor deficits right sided RH C4-T4 Central
Somato-sensory deficits left sided RH C4-T4 Central
Somato-sensory deficits right sided LH C3-T3 Central
Alertness diminished LH F3-T3 Frontal
Emotional expression poor RH F8-T4 Frontal
Motivation diminished LH F3-T3 Frontal
Motor control diminished esp. fine movements LH F3-T3 Frontal
Motor control diminished esp. gross movements RH F4-T4 Frontal
Movement initiation poor LH F3-T3 Frontal
Movement sequencing poor LH F3-T3 Frontal
Singing difficult RH F8-T4 Frontal
Spatial awareness diminished RH F4-T4 Frontal
Speech articulation poor LH F7-T3 Frontal
Speech autistic RH F8-T4 Frontal
Speech clarity poor LH F7-T3 Frontal
Speech early language development poor RH F8-T4 Frontal
Speech initiation diminished LH F7-T3 Frontal
Speech prosody diminished RH F8-T4 Frontal
Speech word finding poor LH F7-T3 Frontal
Interoception poor BH T3-T4 Insula
Physiology unregulated BH T3-T4 Insula
Visual context discrimination poor RH O2-T4 Occipital
Visual detail processing poor LH O1-T3 Occipital
Visual field defects on left RH O2-T4 Occipital
Visual field defects on right LH O1-T3 Occipital
Visual hypersensitivity BH O1-O2 Occipital
Anxiety (follow with Fp1-T3) RH P4-T4 Parietal
Arithmetic abilities poor LH P3-T3 Parietal
Awareness of body poor RH P4-T4 Parietal
Awareness of emotions poor RH P4-T4 Parietal
Awareness of spatial relations poor RH P4-T4 Parietal
Confusion between right and left LH P3-T3 Parietal
Counting abilities poor LH P3-T3 Parietal
Motor control diminished esp. fine movements LH P3-T3 Parietal
Muscular tension RH P4-T4 Parietal
Restlessness RH P4-T4 Parietal
Sensory hypersensitivity BH P3-P4 Parietal
Sensory integration poor RH P4-T4 Parietal
Aggression RH Fp2-T4 Prefrontal
Attachment disorder RH Fp2-T4 Prefrontal

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 36
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Behavior aggressive RH Fp2-T4 Prefrontal
Behavior controlling RH Fp2-T4 Prefrontal
Behavior manipulative RH Fp2-T4 Prefrontal
Behavior uncontrolled LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Concentration difficulties LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Emotionally detached RH Fp2-F4 Prefrontal
Emotionally reactive RH Fp2-T4 Prefrontal
Emotions uncontrolled RH Fp2-T4 Prefrontal
Fear excessive RH Fp2-T4 Prefrontal
Impulse control poor LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Obsessive-compulsive symptoms LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Organization poor LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Thoughts uncontrolled LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Tics LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Tourettes syndrome LH Fp1-T3 Prefrontal
Abdominal epilepsy BH T3-T4 Temporal
Asthma BH T3-T4 Temporal
Audio processing poor LH T5-T3 Temporal
Bipolar mood swings BH T3-T4 Temporal
Composure RH T6-T4 Temporal
Dissociative symptoms BH T3-T4 Temporal
Emotions uncontrolled RH T6-T4 Temporal
Enjoyment lacking RH T6-T4 Temporal
Epilepsy BH T3-T4 Temporal
Migraine BH T3-T4 Temporal
Panic attacks BH T3-T4 Temporal
Reading ability poor LH T5-T3 Temporal
Recognition of faces RH T6-T4 Temporal
Recognition of objects LH T5-T3 Temporal
Recognition of patterns RH T6-T4 Temporal
Seizures BH T3-T4 Temporal
Social awareness poor RH T6-T4 Temporal
Social engagement poor RH T6-T4 Temporal
Vertigo BH T3-T4 Temporal
Visual context discrimination poor RH T6-T4 Temporal
Visual detail processing LH T5-T3 Temporal

2009 by Douglas Dailey Low Frequency Bipolar Protocol Guide VER 091001 37

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