NTPC Report File
NTPC Report File
NTPC Report File
(13-07-2017 to 22-07-2017)
Roll no. 60025511114
3rd year/ 6th semester
JEMTEC (Greater Noida)
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I would like to thanks NTPC, Badarpur, New Delhi for providing me a
golden opportunity to work with them. The support and the environment
provided to me during my project was more than anyone would have
I am very grateful to who granted me the
opportunity of working as a summer trainee at mechanical division.
Finally, I am indebted to all whosoever have contributed in this report
work and friendly NTPC Badarpur, New Delhi.
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This is to certify that Neelmani, student of 3rd year B. Tech Mechanical Engineering,
JEMTEC, Greater Noida, has successfully completed his Industrial Training at National Thermal
Power Corporation, New Delhi from 13 th June to 8th July 2017. He has completed the whole
training as per the training report submitted by him.
Training In-charge
Badarpur, New Delhi.
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1. Components Of A Coal Fired Thermal Plant
2. T-S Diagram Of Rankine Cycle
3. Natural Circulation System
4. Combined Circulation System
5. Compressor House
6. Steam Turbine
7. Steam Cycle
8. Main Turbine
9. .impulse And Reaction Turbine
10. Turbine Cycle
11. Primary Air Cycles
12.Secondary Air Cycle
13.Coal Cycle
14. Electricity Cycle
15.Fuel Gas Cycle
16.Condensate Cycle
17. Feed Water Cycle
18. Steam Cycle
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The year 1975 witnessed the birth of an organization that went on to achieve great feats in performance
in a sector that was, until then, characterized largely by lack of investment, severe supply shortages and
operational practices that made the commercial viability of the sector unsustainable. NTPC symbolized
hope of the country suffering from crippling power black-outs, the Government of India, which was
trying to put an ailing, economy back on tract and the World Bank, which was supporting the country in
many development initiatives. Thus, NTPC was created not only to redraw the power map of India but
also excel in its performance and set benchmarks for others to follow. It succeeded on both counts.
Today With an installed capacity of 51,527 MW, NTPC contributes one Fifth of the Nations Power
generation, with only one Sixth of Indias total installed capacity (All India capacity = 3, 29,205 MW).
An ISO 9001:2000 Certified company, it is worlds 7th largest power generator in the world, 3 rd largest
in Asia. NTPC is #1 Independent Power Producer (IPP) in the world. It is one of the largest Indian
companies in terms of market cap. The corporation recorded a generation of 276.79 billion units (Bus)
in 2016-17; through 20 coals based and 7 gas based power plants, 11 Solar based, 1 Wind based Plants
& 1 Hydro Power Plant spread all over the country and also has 09 plants in Joint Venture. Rated as one
of the Best Companies to work for in India it has developed into a multi-location and multi-fuel
company over the past three decades.
Plant Details
The main plant equipment of these units was supplied by M/S. BHEL. The boiler of Stage-I
(3X100MW) units are of CZECHOSLOVAKIAN design and that of 210 MW units are of
COMBUSTION ENGINEERING design. The Turbo-alternators, supplied by M/S BHEL, are of
RUSSIAN design and Control & Instrumentation for Stage-I (3X95 MW)and Stage II (Unit#4) units are
mostly of RUSSIAN design and for Stage III (Unit # 5)are of KENT design and supplied by M/S
Instrumentation Ltd., Kota. Power is evacuated from BTPS by 6 circuits of 220 KV network of Delhi
through Northern grid. The coal supply is through Railways from the linked mines of Bharat Coking
Coal Limited (BCCL) and Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) situated in Jharkhand. Water for cooling
requirement is receiving from Agra Irrigation Canal. The Station is provided with cooling tower to
operate on closed cycle period during the monsoon period. The plant became operational on 26th July,
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1973. The transfer of Badarpur Thermal Power Station, built by the Central Electricity Authority, for
management by NTPC on April 1, 1978 for the next ten years was an important landmark in the history
of the company. Badarpur threw up numerous challenges and opportunities. Though the first stage
comprising three units of 100 MW each had been completed only in 1975, their performance as
underlined by a low PLF and frequent outages was a matter of concern to all. Volatile industrial
relations a aggravated the technical problems. Turning around the project was going to be a big
challenge for a fledgling organization like NTPC. At the same time, it could utilize this opportunity to
get feel of running a power station, complete with the functioning of various systems it was developing
for different functional areas. The turnaround of Badarpur in the mid-eighties was a feather in the cap
for NTPC. So marked was the Improvement in its overall functioning, that the Government extended
the management contract for a further period of tan years in 1988. Till date, NTPC continues to run the
station that rubs shoulders with its own stations in terms of efficiency parameters. Seeing the
performance of the NTPC Limited, Govt. of India has transferred the ownership of BTPS to NTPC
Limited w.e.f. 01.06.2006.
Badarpur Thermal Power Station is located at Badarpur area in NCT Delhi. The power plant is one of
the coal based power plants of NTPC. The National Power Training Institute (NPTI) for North
India Region under Ministry of Power, Government of India was established at Badarpur in 1974,
within the Badarpur Thermal power plant (BTPS) complex.
The Badarpur Thermal Power Station has an installed capacity of 705 MW. It is situated in south east
corner of Delhi on Mathura Road near Faridabad. It was the first central sector power plant conceived
in India, in 1965. It was originally conceived to provide power to neighbouring states of Haryana,
Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, U.P., Rajasthan, and Delhi. But since year 1987 Delhi has become its sole
beneficiary. It was owned and conceived by Central Electric Authority. Its construction was started in
year 1968, and the First unit was commissioned on 26 July 1973. The coal for the plant is derived from
the Jharia Coal Fields. This was constructed under ownership of Central Electric Authority, later it was
transferred to NTPC.
It supplies power to Delhi city. It is one of the oldest plants in operation. Its 100 MW units capacity
have been reduced to 95 MW. These units have indirectly fired boiler, while 210 MW units have
directly fired boiler. All the turbines are of Russian Design. Both turbine and boilers have been supplied
by BHEL. The boiler of Stage-I units are of Czech Design. The boilers of Unit 4 and 5 are designed by
combustion engineering (USA). The instrumentation of the stage I units and unit 4 are of The Russian
design. Instrumentation of unit5 is provided by M/S Instrumentation Ltd. Kota is of Kent design.
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Secon 4 210 December, 1978 Running
Secon 5 210 December, 1981 Running
In thermal generating plants, fuel is converted into thermal energy to heat water, making steam. The
steam turns an engine (turbine), creating mechanical energy to run a generator. Magnets turn inside the
generator, producing electric energy.
Coal, oil and gas are used to make thermal electricity. They all work basically the same way (with a few
exceptions: for example, in an oil- or gas-fired plant, fuel is piped to the boiler).
1. Coal supply after haulers drop off the coal, a set of crushers and conveyors prepare and
deliver the coal to the power plant. When the plant needs coal, coal hoppers crush coal to a few
inches in size and conveyor belts bring the coal inside.
2. Coal pulveriser the belts dump coal into a huge bin (pulveriser), which reduces the coal to a
fine powder. Hot air from nearby fans blows the powdered coal into huge furnaces (boilers).
3. Boiler the boiler walls are lined with many kilometres of pipe filled with water. As soon as
the coal enters the boiler, it instantly catches fire and burns with high intensity (the temperatures
inside the furnace may climb to 1,300 C). This heat quickly boils the water inside the pipes,
changing it into steam.
4. Precipitators and stack as the coal burns, it produces emissions (carbon dioxide, sulphur
dioxide and nitrogen oxides) and ash. The gases, together with the lighter ash (fly ash), are vented
from the boiler up the stack. Huge air filters called electrostatic precipitators remove nearly all
the fly ash before it is released into the atmosphere. The heavier ash (bottom ash) collects in the
bottom of the boilers and is removed.
5. Turbine and generator meanwhile, steam moves at high speed to the turbines, massive
drums with hundreds of blades turned at an angle, like the blades of a fan. As jets of high-
pressure steam emerge from the pipes, they propel the blades, causing the turbine to spin rapidly.
A metal shaft connects the turbine to a generator. As the turbine turns, it causes an electro-magnet
to turn inside coils of wire in the generator. The spinning magnet puts electrons in motion inside
the wires, creating electricity.
6. Condensers and cooling water system Next, the steam exits the turbines and passes over
cool tubes in the condenser. The condensers capture the used steam and transform it back to
water. The cooled water is then pumped back to the boiler to repeat the heating process. At the
same time, water is piped from a reservoir or river to keep the condensers constantly cool. This
cooling water, now warm from the heat exchange in the condensers, is released from the plant.
7. Water purification to reduce corrosion, plants purify water for use in the boiler tubes.
Wastewater is also treated and pumped out to holding ponds.
8. Ash systems Ash is removed from the plant and hauled to disposal sites or ash lagoons. Ash
is also sold for use in manufacturing cement.
9. Transformer and transmission lines transformers increase the voltage of the electricity
generated. Transmission lines then carry the electricity at high voltages from the plant to
substations in cities and towns.
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Figure 1.Components of a coal fired thermal plant
The Rankine cycle is a model that is used to predict the performance of steam turbine systems, though
the theoretical principle also applies to reciprocating engines such as steam locomotives. The Rankine
cycle is an idealized thermodynamic cycle of a heat engine that converts heat into mechanical work
while undergoing phase change. The heat is supplied externally to a closed loop, which usually uses
water as the working fluid. It is named after William John Macquorn Rankine, a
Scottish polymath and Glasgow University professor.
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There are four processes in the Rankine cycle. These states are identified by numbers (in brown) in the
above T-s diagram.
Process 1-2: The working fluid is pumped from low to high pressure. As the fluid is a liquid at
this stage, the pump requires little input energy.
Process 2-3: The high pressure liquid enters a boiler where it is heated at constant pressure by
an external heat source to become a dry saturated vapor. The input energy required can be easily
calculated graphically, using an enthalpy-entropy chart ( h-s chart or Mollier diagram), or
numerically, using steam tables.
Process 3-4: The dry saturated vapour expands through a turbine, generating power. This
decreases the temperature and pressure of the vapour, and some condensation may occur. The
output in this process can be easily calculated using the chart or tables noted above.
Process 4-1: The wet vapour then enters a condenser where it is condensed at a constant
pressure to become a saturated liquid.
In an ideal Rankine cycle the pump and turbine would be isentropic, i.e., the pump and turbine would
generate no entropy and hence maximize the net work output. Processes 1-2 and 3-4 would be
represented by vertical lines on the T-s diagram and more closely resemble that of the Carnot cycle. The
Rankine cycle shown here prevents the vapour ending up in the superheat region after the expansion in
the turbine, which reduces the energy removed by the condensers.
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Theory of circulation
Water must flow through the heat absorption surface of the boiler in order that it is evaporated into steam. In drum
type units (natural and controlled circulation), the water is circulated from the drum through the
generating circuits and then back to the drum where the steam is separated and directed to the super
heater. The water leaves the drum through the down corners at a temperature slightly below the
saturation temperature. The flow through the furnace wall is at saturation temperature. Heat absorbed in
water wall is latent heat of vaporization creating a mixture of steam and water. The ratio of the weight
of the water to the weight of the steam in the mixture leaving the heat absorption surface is called
circulation ratio
Water delivered to steam generator from feed water is at a temperature well below the saturation value
corresponding to that pressure. Entering first the economizer, it is heated to about 30-40 C below
saturation temperature. From economizer the water enters the drum and thus joins the circulation
system. Water entering the drum flows through the down corner and enters ring heater at the bottom. In
the water walls, a part of the water is converted to steam and the mixture flows back to the drum. In the
drum, the steam is separated, and sent to super heater for superheating and then sent to the high-
pressure turbine. Remaining water mixes with the incoming water from the economizer and the cycle is
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Beyond 80 kg/cm of pressure, circulations to be assisted with mechanical pumps to overcome the
frictional losses. To regulate the flow through various tubes, orifice plates are used. This
system is applicable in the high sub-critical regions (200 kg/cm).
Beyond the critical pressure, phasetransfotion is absent, and hence once through system isadopted.
However, it has been found that even at super critical pressure, it is advantageous to re-circulation the
water throughthefurnace tubes and simplifies the start up procedure. A typical operating pressure for
such a system is 260 kg/cm.
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line consisting of reducing elbow with drain valve, reducer and butterfly
valve and portion of slurry pump delivery line consisting of butterfly valve, pipe & fitting has also been
This house is known as control house because amount of water to be supplied for treatment is
controlled from this house with the help of these pumps. Generally 2 CRW pumps out of
3pumpsremains open similarly, 1 F, 2 LP, 4 HP, 1 TWS pumps remains open. If more water is needed
then others pumps are opened.
An air compressor is anything that increases the amount of air that is contained within a particular
space. By packing in the air, the air pressure is increased. This creates a force that is useful for a variety
of purposes, such as industrial, manufacturing, commercial and personal purposes. Stages another way
to group air compressors is by the number of stages they have. A two-stage air compressor usually is
used for heavy-duty use and offers a higher level of compression than smaller, single-
stage air compressors. Two-stage air compressors can store air for future use and are more energy
efficient because they produce more air per unit of horsepower than single-stage compressors. Also, less
heat is generated in a two-stage compressor, which means that wear on the unit is reduced. Portable
electric air compressors also are available for light-duty applications.
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Figure 5.compressor house
Selectivity of resins.
Pre-treatment section
Demineralization section
Pre-treatment section
Pre-treatment plant removes the suspended solids such as clay, silt, organic and inorganic
matter, plants and other microscopic organism. The turbidity may be taken as of two types of
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suspended solids in water. Firstly, the separable solids and
secondly the non separable solids (colloids). The coarse components, such as sand, silt etc, can be
removed from the water by simple sedimentation. Finer particles however, will not settle in any
reasonable time and must be flocculated to produce the large particles which are settling able.
Long term ability to remain suspended in water is basically a function of both size and specific
gravity. The settling rate of the colloidal and finely divided (approximately 001 to 1 micron) suspended
matter is so slow that removing them from water by plain sedimentation is tank shaving
ordinary dimensions is impossible. Settling velocity of finely divided and collide particles under gravity
also are so small that ordinary sedimentation is not possible. It is necessary, therefore, to use procedures
which agglomerate the small particles into
larger aggregates, which have practical settling velocities. The term"Coagulation" and "flocculation"
have been used indiscriminately to describe process of turbidity removal. "Coagulation" means
to bring together the suspended particles. The process describes the effect produced by the addition of a
chemical Al (SP) g to acolloidal dispersion resulting in particle destabilization by reduction of force
tending to keep particles apart. Rapid mixing is important at this stage to obtain.
Uniform dispersion of the chemical and to increase opportunity for particles to particle contact.
This operation is done by flash mixer in thec1ariflocculator. Second stage of formation of settle able
particles from destabilized colloidal sized particles is termed a"flocculation". Here coagulated particles
grow in size by attaching to each other. In contrast to coagulation where the primary force is
electrostatic or intrinsic, flocculation" occurs by chemical bridging. Flocculation is obtained by gentle
and prolonged mixing which converts the submicroscopic coagulated particle into discrete, visible &
suspended particles. At this stage particles are
large enough to settle rapidly under the influence of gravity anomaly be removed
If pre-treatment of the water is not done efficiently then consequences are as follows:
Si02 may escape with water which will increase the anion loading.
Organic matter may escape which may cause organic fouling in the anion exchanger beds. In the 'pre
treatment plant chlorine addition provision is normally made to combat organic contamination.
Cation loading may unnecessary increase due to addition of Ca (OH)2 in excess of calculated amount
for raising the pH of the water for maximum floe formation and also AKOrDg may precipitate out.
If less than calculated amount of Ca (OH)2 is added, proper pH flocculation will not be obtained and
silica escape to demineralization section will occur, thereby increasing load on anion bed.
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A steam turbines two main parts are the cylinder and the rotor. As the steam passes through the fixed
blades or nozzles it expands and its velocity increases. The high-velocity jet of steam strikes the first set
of moving blades. The kinetic energy of the steam changes into mechanical energy, causing the shaft to
rotate. The steam then enters the next set of fixed blades and strikes the next row of moving
blades. As the steam flows through the turbine, its pressure and temperature decreases, while its volume
increases. The decrease in pressure and temperature occurs as the steam transmits .energy to
the shaft and performs work. After passing through the last turbine
stage, the steam exhausts into the condenser or process steam system.
The kinetic energy of the steam changes into mechanical erringly through the impact (impulse)
or reaction of the steam against the blades.
The thermal (steam) power plant uses a dual (vapour +liquid) phase cycle. It is a closed cycle to enable
the working fluid (water) to be used again and again. The cycle used is "Rankine Cycle" modified to
include super heating of steam, regenerative feed water heating and reheating of steam.
On large turbines, it becomes economic to increase the cycle efficiency by using reheat,
which is a way of partially overcoming temperature limitations. By returning partially expanded steam
to a reheat, the average temperature at which heat is added is increased and by expanding this reheated
steam to their maintaining stages of the turbine, the exhaust wetness is considerably less than it would
otherwise be conversely, if the maximum tolerable wetness is allowed, the initial pressure of the steam
can be appreciably increased.
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Figure 7.Steam cycle
Impulse Turbine: In Impulse Turbine steam expands in fixed nozzles. The high velocity steam from
nozzles does work on moving blades which causes the shaft to rotate. The essential features of impulse
turbine are that all pressure drops occur at nozzles and not on blades. .A simple impulse turbine is not
very efficient because it does not fully use the velocity of the steam. Many impulse turbines are
velocity compounded. This means they have two or more sets of moving blades in each stage.
Reaction Turbine: In this type of turbine pressure is reduced at both fixed & moving blades. Both fixed
& moving blades act as nozzles. Work done by the impulse effect of steam due to reversals of direction
of high velocity steam. The expansion of steam takes place on moving blades. A reaction turbine uses
the "kickback" force of the steam as it leaves the moving blades and fixed blades have the
same shape and act like nozzles. Thus, steam expands, loses pressure and increases in velocity as it
passes through both sets of blades. All reaction turbines are pressure-compounded turbines.
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Figure 8.Impulse and reaction turbine
A reaction turbine, therefore, is one that is constructed of rows of fixed and rows of moving blades.
The fixed blades act as nozzles. The moving blades move as a result of the impulse of steam received
(caused by change in momentum) and also as a result of expansion and acceleration of the steam
relative to them. In other words, they also act as nozzles. The enthalpy drop per stage of one row fixed
and one row moving blades is divided among them, often equally. Thus a blade with a 50 percent
degree of reaction, or a 50 percent reaction stage, is one in which half the enthalpy drop of the stage
occurs in the fixed blades and half in the moving blades. The pressure drops will not be equal, however.
They are greater for the fixed blades and greater for the high-pressure than the low-pressure stages. The
moving blades of a reaction turbine are easily distinguishable from those of an impulse turbine in that
they are not symmetrical and, because they act partly as nozzles, have a shape similar to that of the
fixed blades, although curved in the opposite direction. The schematic pressure line shows that pressure
continuously drops through all rows of blades, fixed and moving. The absolute steam velocity changes
within each stage as shown and repeats from stage to stage. Figure shows a typical velocity diagram for
the reaction stage.
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The 210MW turbine is a tandem compounded type machine comprising of H.P. & I.P. cylinders. The
H.P. turbine comprises of 12 stages the I.P. turbine has 11 stages & the L.P. has four stages of double
flow. The H.P. & I.P. turbine rotor are rigidly compounded & the I.P. & the I.P. rotor by lens type semi
flexible coupling. All the three rotors are aligned on five bearings of which the bearing no.2 is
combined with thrust bearing. The main super-heated steam branches off into two streams from the
boiler and passes through the emergency stop valve and control valve
before entering, the governing wheel chamber of the H.P. turbine. After expanding in the 12 stages in
the H.P. turbine the steam returned in the boiler for reheating.
The reheated steam from the boiler enter I.P. turbine via interceptor valves and control valves and
after expanding enters the L.P. turbine stage via 2 numbers of cross over pipes. In the L.P. stage the
steam expands in axially opposite direction to counteract the trust and enters the condenser placed
directly below the L.P. turbine. The cooling water flowing
throughout the condenser tubes condenses the steam and the condensate collected in the hot well of the
condenser. The condensate collected is pumped by means of 3*50% duty condensate pumps through
L.P. heaters to decelerator from where the boiler feed pump delivers the water to boiler through H.P.
Heaters thus forming a closed cycle.
Fresh steam from boiler is supplied to the turbine through the emergency stop valve. From the stop
valves steam is supplied to control valves situated on H.P. cylinders on the front bearing end. After
expansion through 12 stages at the H.P. cylinder steam flows back to boiler for reheating and
reheated steam from the boiler cover to the intermediate pressure turbine trough two interceptor
valves and four control valves mounted on the I.P. turbine. After flowing trough I.P. turbine steam
enters the middle part of the L.P. turbine through cross over pipes. In L.P. turbine the exhaust steam
condenses in the surface condensers welded directly to the exhaust part of L.P. turbine. The selection of
extraction points and cold reheat pressure has been done with a view to achieve the highest efficiency.
These are two extractions from H.P. turbine, four from I.P. turbine and one from L.P. turbine.
Steam at 1.10 to 1.03 g/sq cm Abs is supplied for the gland sealing. Steam for this purpose is obtained
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from re-generator through a collection where pressure of steam is regulated. From the condenser
condensate is pumped with the help of 3*50% capacity condensate pumps to generator through the
low pressure regenerative equipment.
Rated Speed 3000 rpm Rated Steam (Pressure) before ESV 130 Kg`/cm2abs
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Rated condenser cooling water inlet 240C to 330C Temperature
Boiler Feed Pump: Three per unit of 50% capacity each located in the '0' meter level in the TG bay.
High Pressure Heaters: Normally three in number and are situated in the TG bay.
Drip Pumps: Generally two in number of 100% capacity each situated beneath the LP heaters.
Turbine Lubricating Oil System: This consists of Main Oil Pump (MOP) Starting Oil Pump (SOP),
AC standby oil pump sand emergency DC' oil pump and Jacking Oil Pump (JOP) (one each per unit).
Boiler feed pump is used to feed water to steam generator boiler drum at desired pressure and temperature. Boiler
feed pump extract water from de-aerator and feed it to the boiler drum via H.P heaters and economizer. It works
with the steam extraction from Intermediate Pressure (I.P.) turbine exhaust
This pump is horizontal and of barrel design driven by an Electric motor through a hydraulic coupling. All the
bearings of pump and motor are forced lubricated by a suitable oil lubricating system with adequate protection to
trip the pump if the lubrication oil pressure falls below a preset value. The high-pressure boiler feed pump is very
expensive machine which calls for a very careful operation and skilled maintenance. The safety in operation and
efficiency of the feed pump depends largely on the reliable operation and maintenance. Operating staff must be
able to find out the causes of defect at the very beginning which can be easily removed without endangering the
operator of the power plant and also without the expensive dismantling of the high pressure feed pump. The feed
pump consists of pump barrel, into which is mounted the inside stator together with rotor. The hydraulic part is
enclosed by the high pressure cover along with the balancing device. The suction side of the barrel and the space
in the high pressure cover behind the balancing device are enclosed by the low pressure covers along with the
stuffing box casings. The brackets of the radial bearing of the suction side and radial and thrust bearing of the
discharge side are fixed to the low pressure covers. The entire pumps are mounted on a foundation frame. The
hydraulic coupling and two claws coupling with coupling guards are also delivered along with the pump. Water
cooling and oil lubricating are provided with their accessories.
The single cylinder turbine is of the axial flow type. The live steam flows through the emergency stop valve and
then through the main Control Valves 5 nos. (Nozzle governing). These valves regulate the steam supply through
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the turbine in accordance with load requirements. The control valves are cylinder mounted on the turbine casing.
The journal bearings supporting the turbine shaft are arranged in the two bearing blocks. The front end -bearing
block also houses the thrust bearing, which locates the turbine shaft and takes up "the axial forces. There are 14
stages of reaction balding. The actuated by a lift bar which is raised or lowered via a lever system by the relay
balancing piston is provided at the. Steam admission side to compensate the axial thrust to the maximum extent.
Since the axial thrust varies with the load, the residual thrust is taken up by the thrust bearing. The leak off from
the balancing piston is connected back to the turbine after 9th stage. The turbine is provided with hydraulic and
electro-hydraulic governing system. A primary oil pump is used as a speed sensor for hydraulic governing and
shall Probes are used as a speed sensor for electro hydraulic governing. Whenever steam is drawn from the cold
reheat line or auxiliary supply, steam flow is controlled by auxiliary control valve. During this period the main
control valves (4 nos.) will remain fully opened and the bypass valve across it will remain closed. (Bypass
remains closed for short period when changeover from IP steam to CRH takes place).The steam exhaust for the
BFP- Turbine is connected to the main condenser and the turbine glands are sealed by gland steam.
These are regenerative feed water heaters operating at high pressure and located by the side of turbine. These
are generally vertical type and turbine bleed steam pipes are connected to them. HP heaters are connected in
series on feed waterside and by such arrangement, the feed water, after feed pump enters the HP heaters. The
steam is supplied to these heaters form the bleed point of the turbine through motor operated valves. These
heaters have a group bypass protection on the feed waterside. In the event f tube rupture in any of the HPH and
the level of the condensate rising to dangerous level, the group protection device
diverts automatically the feed water directly to boiler, thus bypassing all the 3 H.P. heaters.
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Figure 11.Primary air cycles
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Figure 14.Electricity Cycle
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Figure 15.Fuel Gas Cycle Figure 16.Condensate Cycle
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Figure 17.Feed Water Cycle Figure 18.Steam Cycle
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Do's & dont for Trainees regarding Safety in plant
Always be cautious while entering or moving in the plant.
Always try to be in a group while visiting plant.
Utilize the safety equipment at work place effectively.
Follow the safety rules implemented by the company. Do not flout or ignore them.
Keep away from electrical hazard areas.
Consult the Supervisor/Engineer in case of any difficulty.
Always remember Emergency No.(intercom) Ambulance 2666,2777 and Fire
Do not enter hazardous place or places marked with caution without permission.
Do not wear loose clothing when in the plant.
Do not stand in the area where material is being lifted by a winch or a crane.
Do not move alone.
Do not temper with any safety equipment.
Do not make short cut.
Do not tease or make horse play.
Do not get panic in case of Emergency.
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After completion of my industrial training, I had been exposed to working of power plant. I understood
a lot more than what simple books could offer, actual working of plant is much more complex than
what it looks from outside. Maintenance is a very crucial part of any working organisation and is
required time to time.
Also Ive got the opportunity to visualise actual parts such as compressor and turbine which Ive only
seen in books. Other than technical working, Ive got to experience the organational coordination and
interaction of the different members and learned importance of discipline.
I also learned various safety rules and regulation of the organisation such as NTPC.
I would like to once again appreciate everyone who has made my industrial training a successful
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