0908-0101 I2 200910 PDF
0908-0101 I2 200910 PDF
0908-0101 I2 200910 PDF
Section Title Page
2 Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 2-1
3 Storage.............................................................................................................................................. 3-1
4 Commissioning................................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.1 Pre-Commissioning Procedure ................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Filling with Electrolyte.................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.3 Charging...................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.4 Fitting the battery to the Generator Set....................................................................................... 4-2
Contents Page i
Publication 0908-0101-00 Storage, Commissioning and Maintenance
Issue 2 10-2009 of Lead Acid Batteries
Page ii Contents
Storage, Commissioning and Maintenance Publication 0908-0101-00
of Lead Acid Batteries Issue 2 10-2009
Before disconnecting a battery, always remove power from the mains powered battery
charger (where fitted) BEFORE disconnecting the charger leads.
When putting a battery into service on a generator set, connect the earth lead LAST;
when removing the battery, disconnect the earth lead FIRST.
2 Introduction
Batteries are an essential part of any standby generator system and some 90% of all generator
failures are due to batteries.
It is therefore vital that batteries are stored, commissioned and maintained as detailed overleaf.
Reference should also be made to the Battery Manufacturers leaflet.
Batteries are usually supplied with the generator in dry-charged form. In order to commission dry-
charged lead-acid batteries, pre-mixed electrolyte of the correct type and specific gravity must be
added to the cells of the battery.
3 Storage
Dry-charged batteries should be stored in a cool, dry place, upright and with the vent caps
securely in place.
Filled and charged batteries must be stored in a cool, dry, well ventilated place. Ensure that the
vent caps are securely screwed down, or pushed home.
Batteries must never be stacked one on top of another and must be protected from the floor by a
wooden pallet or suitably thick cardboard sheet.
4 Commissioning
Note: Commissioning is to be undertaken by suitably trained and qualified service personnel
Lead-acid batteries supplied in dry-charged form are commissioned as follows:
Caution: Failure to give this commissioning charge may impair the charge capacity and life of
the battery.
4.3 Charging
1. Charge the battery at the current rating given in Table 8-1 for a minimum of four hours in
order to ensure that the acid is sufficiently mixed within the battery. The charging period may
need to be extended if the battery has been in storage.
2. At the end of the charging process, the electrolyte levels must be checked and restored if
necessary by the addition of electrolyte of the correct SG. The vent caps must then be
Note: Any further topping-up of the electrolyte must be made using distilled or de-ionised
3. When the generator set is running, check the charge alternator output using an induction
5 Maintenance
Note: Maintenance-free batteries are sealed and do not require the addition of electrolyte.
Some manufacturers of maintenance-free batteries provide an eye or some visible
means of telling when the battery is discharged or approaching the end of its useful life.
Batteries require attention at all times, even when not working. A battery will not last if it is
neglected. Maintenance is carried out as follows:
5.1 General
Keep the battery, and the battery area, clean and dry. Ensure that the vent caps are securely
screwed down, or pushed home.
To avoid contamination of the battery, only clean it when the vent plugs are in place.
Keep the battery terminals and connections free from corrosion by lightly coating them with
petroleum jelly.
Check the condition of the starting batteries (see Figure 6-1) every month or 100 hours whichever
occurs first.
Prevent a build up of dirt or corrosion by wiping the batteries with a damp cloth. Use a solution
consisting of 1/4 lb (0.11kg) of baking soda added to 1 quart (0.96 litres) of water to neutralize any
possible acid. Be sure the vent plugs are tight to prevent any cleaning solution from entering the
After cleaning, ensure the battery and surrounding areas are dry.
After making connections, coat the terminals with a light application of petroleum jelly to retard
corrosion. Keep the battery terminals clean and tight. A loose connection can reduce battery
standby time and cause battery fires.
5.3 Charging
Where generator sets are used infrequently, battery re-charging must take place when the SG
drops below 1.220 (or 1.180 in tropical climates) until the SG in all cells rises and remains constant
for three hours. In all cases where use is infrequent, batteries must be put on a monthly re-charge
schedule to ensure that a fully charged condition is maintained.
Caution: NEVER allow a battery to become completely flat (fully discharged), or to stand in a
discharged condition, or damage will result.
1. Remove the vent caps before carrying out charging.
2. Do not put a filled battery into storage without first giving the battery a commissioning charge.
3. Batteries must be given a further charge every six months at the normal initial charge rate
until the voltage and SG cease to rise.
4. At the end of the charging process, the electrolyte levels must be checked and restored, if
necessary, by the addition of electrolyte of the correct SG. The vent caps must then be
Note: Any further topping-up of the electrolyte must be made using distilled or de-ionised
Caution: Batteries should not be left on Boost Charge for extended periods as this will result
in excessive water consumption, gassing, and may impair battery performance.
A Boost Charge not exceeding twice the bench charge rate may be used, providing that:
To eight hours if the battery has been in storage for three months or more, at
temperatures in excess of 86F (30C), or if humidity is above 80%
To twelve hours if the battery has been in storage for twelve months or more
At the end of the charging process, the electrolyte levels must be checked and restored if
necessary by the addition of electrolyte of the correct SG. The vent caps must then be replaced.
Note: Any further topping-up of the electrolyte must be made using distilled or de-ionised
Caution: Do not add water in freezing weather unless the engine will run long enough
(two to three hours) to assure a thorough mixing of water and electrolyte.
Check the level of the electrolyte (acid and water solution) in the batteries at least every month or
100 hours of operation, whichever occurs first. Maintain the electrolyte to the levels indicated in
Table 8-1 by the addition of distilled or de-ionised water only and recharge. Replace the vent plugs
once filling is completed.
If one cell is low, check case for leaks.
Keep the battery case clean and dry. An accumulation of moisture will lead to a more rapid
discharge and battery failure.
TEMPERATURE For Filling New Cells At end of Charge
Table 6-1 shows the specific gravity (SG) of electrolyte, corrected to 77F (25C). Correct the SG
reading for other temperatures by subtracting seven gravity points (0.007) for every 18F (10C)
the electrolyte temperature is above 80F (27C). Apply the correction formula as follows:
1. For every 18F (10C) above 77F (25C), subtract 0.007 (7 points)
2. For every 18F (10C) below 77F (25C), add 0.007 (7 points)
For example:
if the Specific Gravity at 77F (25C) is 1.260,
then the Specific Gravity at 59F (15C) is 1.267
Note: 1.If not listed in Table 8-1, use the bench rate given in the catalogue, or charge at a
current equal to 10% of the nominal capacity at the twenty hour rate (A/hour), or 5% of
the reserve capacity in minutes.
Note: 2.Batteries of the 800 series should be prepared in accordance with the Storage,
Commissioning and Maintenance of lead acid batteries with the instructions supplied
with each battery.
Battery low charge Poor battery connection Clean connections, replace and
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