Coast Artillery Journal - Aug 1933

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Assistant Secretary of War

July ...August, 1933

Gunners' Instruction

THE COAST ARTILLERY JOURNAL announces that it is issuing a complete series of

new and thoroughly up-to-date GUNNERS' INSTRUCTION PAMPHLETS for all
branches of the Coast Artillery, covering the requirements for qualification as set
forth in Training Regulations 435-310(Examination for Gunners.)

Following is a statement of the Pamphlets now available and on press


I. 2nd Class Gunner, Antiaircraft Artillery (Except Searchlight Btry.} $0.75
IT. 2nd Class Gunner, Antiaircraft Artillery (Searchlight Btry.} 0.50
III. 1st Class Gunner, Antiaircraft Artillery (Except Searchlight Btry.} 0.65
IV. 1st Class Gunner, Antiaircraft Artillery (Searchlight Btry.} 0.40
V. 2nd Class Gunner, Fixed Seacoast Artillery (All Units} 0.65
VI. 1st Class Gunner, Fixed Seacoast Artillery (All Units) 0.65
VII. 2nd Class Gunner, Mobile Seacoast Artillery (All Tractor-Drawn and
Railway Units) .. 0.75
VllL 1st Class Gunner, Mobile Seacoast Artillery (All Tractor-Drawn and
Railway Units) .. 0.75
IX. Expert Gunner, Antiaircraft Artillery 1.25
X. Expert Gunner, Fixed Artillery 1.00
XL Expert Gunner, Mobile Seacoast Artillery 1.25
xu. Submarine Mining 1.50

Nine Pamphlets are now available. These cover the in-

struction of all 2nd and 1st Class Gunners of Antiaircraft,
Fixed and Mobile Artillery. Three other Pamphlets, cov-
ering the instruction of all expert Gunners will soon be
ready. No. XII now ready for distribution.

The above prices are retail (postpaid) for single copies. On orders
for 10 or more copies we allow a discount of 10% (postpaid).

To ORGANIZATIONS of the military establishment a discount of 20% will

be allowed on any order regardless of number. F.O.B. Washington, D. C.


IllS 17th St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
MembeY Affiliatecl MilitayY Magazines

Published as the U. S. Artillery from 1892to 1922

MAJOR E. E. Bennett, C.A.C., Editor

Volume 76 July~J\ugust, 1933 Number 4

Publication Date: August 1, 1933.


The U. S. Coast Artillery Association . 242 The Mechanical Fuze, M2 283

By Capt. Bryan L. Milburn, C.A.C.
Notes of the Coast Artillery Association . 243
Editorially Speaking-Trophy Awarded for Credit East of Suez-Rangoon 288
Hours Earned-Paging Irving Berlin-Well Done, By Maida Davis Turtle
Organization of a Motor Transport Pool 291
Frontispiece By Capt. J. T. deCampand 1st Lt. L. M.Morton, C.A.C.
News and Comment . 294
The Fort Knox Distant Intelligence Net 247 Policies Affecting the R.O.T.C.-New Training
By Lt. Co!. Joseph A. Green, C.A.C. Manual-Regulations Affecting Reserve Personnl'l-
It Can Be DonB--'Changesin the Chief's Office.
The Army Gets the Job . 254 Coast Artillery Board Notes 295
Extracts from a Speech by Rep. James W. Wads- Projects Completed Sin'ce the Last Issue of the
worth JOuRNAL--ProjectsNow Before the Board.

Yes, Sir, the Army Can! . 255 Notes on Reserve Activities 298
Report of Completion of War Department's First Department Convention Held in Duluth-Organized
Objective on Reforestation, by Colonel Duncan K. Reserves Participate in Century of Progress Parade
Major, G.RC. -Meeting of the Washington Chapter, Coast Ar-
tiIIery Club-Seattle Chapter Meeting, Coast Ar-
The Army and Reforestation . tiIIery Association-Doings of the West Point
260 Chapter of the U. S. Coast ArtiIIery Association-
Extracts from Statement by General Douglas San Francisco Chapter, Coast ArtiIIery Association
MacArthur. -25Mh Coast ArtiIIery Makes Record in. Exten-
sion Course----CoastArtillery Reserve Officers' Club
The Coast Artillery Board . -Pitt~bu1'!;h Chapter, U. S. Coast ArtiIIery Associa-
261 tion, Elects Officers.
By Colonel A. H. Sunderland, C.A.C.
Coast Artillery Activities 301
Let the Army Do It! . 265 Hawaiian Separ'lte Coast Artillery Brigade News
By Major Nelson Dingley, III, C.A.C. Letter-Notes from Fort Monroe-Training-Notes
from Fort Barrancas.
Thoughts on Organization . 271
By Lt. Col. Charles H. White, Inf. National Guard Notes 305
National Guard Status Bill Passes-Tactical Wall{s
Electrical Azimuth Data Transmitter . 273 -Personal Hygiene-Reduction of State Staffs-
By TechnicalSergeant H. W. Esty, 240thC.A. (HD.) Elimination of Recruits-Pay of National Guard-
The Army and Publicity . 275
By Captain Paul C. Greene, Inf. Res. The Foreign Military Press 310
Reviewed by Major Alexander L. P. Johnson, Inf.
Discipline •• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••• '" ••••••••••••
Coast Artillery Orders 314
The Graphical Mess Chart . 280
By Lt. John R. Lovell, C.A.C. Book Reviews 315

The COA.ST ARTILLEIl.Y JOURNAL pays for original articles upon publication.
Published bi-monthly under the supervision of the United States Coast Artillery Association for the information of the Coast
Artillery personnel of tl!e Regular Army, National Guard and Organized Reserve.
Publication OfliceB,Telegraph Press Building, Cameron and Kelker Sts., Harrisburg, Pa.; Editorial OfliceB,1115 17th Street,
N. W., Washington, D. C.
TermB: $4.00 per year. (Coast Artillery Association members, $3.00 per year). Single copies, 75 cents.
Entered as second class matter at Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 12,1931, uuder the Act of March 3, 1879. for mailing at special
Tate of postage provided fOr in Section 412, Act of October 3, 1917.
Copyright, 1933, by the United States Coast Artillery Association.

"The purpose of the Association shall be to promote the efficiency of the Coast Artillery
Corps by maintaining its standards and traditions, by disseminating professional knowl-
edge, by inspiring greater effort towards the improvement- of materiel and methods of
training, and by fostering mutual understamding, respect and cooperation among all arms,
branches and compone;n,ts of the Regular Army, National OttO/rd,Organized Reserve and
Reserve Officers' Training Corps."


V we-President

Additional Members of the Executive Council


"The Association shall consist of Active, Associate, "The following shall be eligible for Associate member-
and Honorary Members. ship:
a. Commissioned officers and former commissioned
"The following shall be eligible for Active member- officers in good standing of the United States
ship: Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and
8. Commissioned officers, active or retired, of the Public Health Service.
Coast Artillery of the Army of the United States. b. Warrant officers and non-commissioned officers of
b. Commissioned officers, active or retired, of the the Coast Artillery of the Army of the United
Staff Corps and Departments of the Army of the States.
United States who at any time have served in c. Members of the Coast Artillery Units of the Re-
the Coast Artillery. serve Officers' Training Corps and Citizens' Mili-
c. Commissioned officers, active and retired, of the tary Training Camps.
Philippine Scouts who have served in the Coast
Artillery. "The following shall be eligible for Honorary mem-
d. Former commissioned officers of Coast Artillery bership:
of honorable records in the Army of the United a. Civilians who have demonstrated their intereat in
States. national military preparedness.
e. General officers, active or retired, of the Army of b. Persons who have rendered distingnished serviCe!!
the United States. to the Association or to the United States."
Notes of the Coast Artillery Association

Editorially Speaking contribute. Too often officers carry under their caps
the subject matter of a most interesting arjcle but

P ERHAPS this should not be written, but it seems through timidity, reluctance, procrastination or some
t.hat such a momentous event W3 the assumption of one of many similar rea-sons, the:r fail to put their
the editorial duties of the COASTARTILLERY JOURNAL thoughts on paper and forward it to the place where
should not be permitted to pass unnoticed and ,vithout it. can be disseminated throughout the service. It may
a brief announcement as to what the readers of the not. be amiss to mention that the policy of paying a
JOURNALmay expect. Too often it happens that the small stipend for accepted articles will be continued
change of a directing head means a change of policy but we cannot hold out any hopes that the revenue
and a complete upset of nearly everything established derived from this source will be adequate recompense
by the precedin~ regime. Such is not to be the case for the 15% cut.
so far as the policies affecting the COASTARTILLERY The second of the editorial duties, and of eqllal
JOURNAL are concerned. There are on file in this office importance with the first, is the necessity of inducing
a large number of letters from staunch and ardent sup- a sufficient number of officers to sign on the dotted
porters of the JOURNAL,all of them loud in their praise line, and thereby agree to contribute $3.00 to a good
of the way in which it was conducted under the able cause. A small sum, yes! but sometimes difficult to
editorship of "Gyp" Giffin. Due largely to his untir- collect; however, your credit is good and we will agree
ing efforts and ability to say the right thing in the not to send more than one "dun" a month. We
right way the subscription list was almost doubled venture the opinion that if pa:yment is made on the
during his tenure of office. From the subject matter installment plan, the $3.00 will not be missed and in
he removed much of the must and dust which is bound return you will get more than $3.00 worth of good
to result from a staid and formal presentation of a literature. In referring to the installment plan one
subject. Into it he injected a bit of humor which subscriber said "it is almost painless.')
mentally brought the reader to attention with a snap The JOURNALis operated on a Yery close financial
and, figuratively 'speaking, made him sit up and take margin. It costs a certain fixed amount for each
notice. These reforms proved so successful that no issue. A 50% decrease in the number of copies of
one would seriously contemplate a change. Combined each issue would not permit of a 10% decrease in the
with this was his sympathetic understanding of the cost, while a 100% increase in the circulation would
problems that conrront the officers of the other com- not cause a 10% increase in the cost. Therefore,
ponents of the service. To these he always gave a common sense and elementary business acumen point
considerate hearing and frequently went to no end of unmistakably to the necessity for increasing the num-
trouble to supply the desired information. The proof ber of subscriptions. A check of the subscription list
or the pudding is in the eating; subscriptions from revea~s that a number of the regular officers of the
the National Guard and Organized Reserves mounted Coast Artillery Corps are non-subscribers. We believe
until at the present time they comprise more than one- that this is the result of carelessness or lack of appre-
third of the total number. The JOURNALis now a ciation of the importance of united support. We
magazine for the entire Coast Artilley Corps including believe that the JOURNALis actually worth, in inter-
the several components of the Army. esting and instructive reading matter, many times the
The duties of an Editor are many, varied and per- subscription rate. In addition there are certain obli-
haps thankless. He alone cannot produce a periodicaL - gations which members of the military es~ablishment
It is his job to select and arrange the material. Often must assume for the benefit of the service. Officers
he is driven to desperation to find suitable and instruc- cannot lead a life apart and play a lone hand. To
tive reading matter to fill the pages. To produce a make progress they must pull with the team. The
magazine two things are of primary importance. First JOURNALis issu-ed by the Coast Artillery Association
and foremost is the necessity to procure the proper for the sole benefit of Coast Artillerymen. It is the
kind of material. Material of a kina there is a plenty, medium for the dissemination of professional "informa-
but in order to make its appearance within the pages tion, the vehicle for the exchange of ideas, and the
of the JOURNALit must be of the kind which the ma- instrument for the transmission of thought; without
jority of the readers demand. i. e., it must be interest- these stagnation is certain to develop.
ing and instructive. It should contain a lesson from A word as to tIre contents of the JOURNAL. Unfor-
which all may profit. Its literary style should be such tunately there have been times when much justified
that it will retain the reader's attention to the end. criticism was directed toward it because of the dryness
These requirements are not easy or simple to meet. The and lack of human interest which permeaLed its pages.
Editor could not possibly prepare each article nor At times purely technical articles crowded out items
would it be proper for him to do so. In this he is of a less serious intent. We believe that the JOURNAL
solely dependent upon his ability to induce others to should contain a -balanced diet, with the proper pro-
244 Notes of the Coast Artillery Association July-Aug., 1933

portion of the several kinds of vitamins to produce as an endowment; the proceeds from this will be avail_
the right number of calories. No one "would long able for the purchase of a suitable trophy to be
continue to relish a diet consisting solely of meat. awarded annually to a Coast Artillery Reserve offieer
There must be a garnishing of parsley to make the in each of the nine Corps Areas. It is regretteJ tlltt
dish palatable. We mean by this that technical articlesthe donor has declined to permit his name to be used
must be interspersed with articles of human interest in connection with the award of this trophy but lre
"written in a lighter (perhaps humorous or flippant) :'dll say th~t he is a f~rmer Reser~e officer, thoroughly
vein. We believe that a sugar-coated pill can be just Illterested III the subJect of NatIOnal Defense, more
as effective in curing our bodily ailments as one whichespecially as it applies to the Organized Reserves. To
won't go down without a large. portion of determina- him the Reserves owes a debt which cannot be meas-
tion, followed by a distorted countenance. By analogy" ured in dollars; it can be discharged only in gratitude.
we believe that the medicine which we take to stimu- On numerous occasions he has generously supplied
late our minds can be equally as effective if it contains
the wherewithal to keep the machinery turning. lIe
a little sugar coating, and, after taking, we wear a has given unstintingly of his time and energy. Be
-pleased expression. is the "Good Samaritan" who courts neither favor
We now come to the most important part of this nor public acclaim. His self-appointed role is to
dissertation. We cannot hope to know what is going work quietly for the development and promote thf'
on at places far removed from Washington unless our progress of the reserve component. May hi" kind
correspondents will keep us informed. We welcome multiply.
contributions from any and all sources. News items, Upon receipt of the fund the President of the COlUlt
if of interest and sufficiently important, should be Artillery Association appointed a committee to make
disseminated to the service. Perhaps some seemingly recommendations as to the basis of the award. After
unimportant happening may contain the germ of an much thought and consideration the following has
idea which can be expanded into an informative and been evolved as being the fairest to all concerned and
useful article for separate publication. At most places the method which contains the least number of ob.
there is some experiment being conducted or some jectionable features. " It is evident that the number
"gadget" being built in which others will be interested.
of credit llOurs earned is the very best yardstick for
We urge you to send a description or a write-up to measuring the energy, initiative, application, and
the JOURNAL. The pay may not be great but after general worth to the service of a Reserve officer. At
all there is a certain amount of satisfaction which least it is the unit of measure which can be the moot
goes with seeing your name in print immediately easily reduced to exact figures. Any other plan would
below the title. necessarily involve the evaluation of the personal equa-
It is not reasonable to expect that among the offi- tion and therefore not be reducible to the basis of facts.
cers of the Coast Artillery there would be a complete It then became necessary to remove from this, factors
agreement on all subjects. From the very nature of which might react to the benefit of certain Reserve
things there is bound to be diversity of ideas and con-officers, and to the disadvantage of others, without
flict of thought. We welcome articles on controversial any action on their part. For example it wonld mani-
questions so long as they are not in open disagreement festly be unfair to include credit hours earned by
with the announced policies of the War Department. means of active duty training-; for the reason that only
A good argument, like a good fight, is bound to attracta comparatively small percentage of Reserve officerscan
attention and it may be the means of focusing the be giYe11this training because of the limitation on
attention of the proper authorities on a condition funds and training facilities. Also, many R-eserve
which should be corrected, thereby reacting to tIlt' officers have been called to active dutv with the
benefit of the Corps. In closing we earnestly solicit Civilian Conservation Corps. There is 110competition

your support and crave your indulgence. Undoubt-in this-it is an accident of service. For similar
edly there will be mistakes. We cannot hope to be reasons credit hours earned by means of attendance
perfect. If we can be right most of the time we will at conferences should not be considered. Officers re-
feel that our efforts have not been unavailing. siding in cities would have a large handicap OWl'
structive criticisms will be most welcome. If you do officers residing in rural districts where it is vcr,.."
not like (or approve of) the JOURNAL,tell us; if you do difficult, if not impossible, to attend conferences. The
like it, tell others. Perhaps that may help boost the only remaining basis of comparison which could be
subscription list which in turn will help reduce the made to apply with equal justice to all is credit hours
"please remit" notices from the printers and en- earned by means of the completion of extension school
gravers. work. Credit earned by this means plays no favorites.
The officer residing at "Square Corners" is on the
same footip.g as the officer residing in a metropolitan
Trophy Awarded for Credit area where several conferences are held each month.
The officer who cannot go to camp because of press
Hours Earned of business, or shortage of federal appropriations, has
"THE Executiye Council of the Coast Artillery Asso- exactly the same chance as the officer who is ordered
ciation takes pleasure in announcing that a certain out for two weeks active training.
sum of money has been donated to the Association For the present fiscal year the trophy wjl1 consist
July-Aug., 1933 Notes of the Coast Artillery Association 245

of a sabre with the name of the winner etched on the Paging Irving Berlin
blade. Future awards may take a somewhat different
form. It is unfortunate that the announcement of this
a1\ard could not have been made at an earlier date.
Undoubtedly many Reserve officers will feel that they
P ERHAPS the readers of the JOURNALoverlooked
an art ide 'which appeared on page 154 of the
l\Iarch-April, 1933 issue, under the caption "Coast
should have been warned in advance that they "vere
Artillery vVants a Song." We had expected, or more
actually competing for a prize. This may have en-
abl"ed some of them to put on a final burst of speed correctly speaking had hoped, that many of the lyric
in the last few yards of the race. This criticism is writers would immediately seize pen and paper and
admitted but it could not be avoided for the present deluge us with the lyrics for a soul inspiring song.
fiscal year. However, this will be an annual award; To date disappointment has been our only reward,
therefore contestants will kno'(Y at the beginning of 110tone contribution has been received. We had hoped
the next year that they are entered in the race and can that the bait of $50.00 (real money) would prove
set the pace accordingly. Corps Area Commanders sufficiently enticing to bring forth a large number of
have been requested to designate the winner within contriblltions from which to make a selection. The
their respective Corps Areas. Credit hours earned general outline, setting forth the conditions of the
between July 1, 1932, and June 30, 1933, will count. contest, may be found in the article above mentioned.
In the event of a tie the winner will be determined on The deadline when manuscripts should be in the
the basis of the greatest number of lessons -completed JOURN"\Loffice is October 15, 1933. When this date
in the next succeeding sub course. It is regretted that
was fixed we did not intend to convey the impression
the names of the winners will not be reported in. !,uffi-
that manuscripts could not be forwarded at any time.
'cient time to enable their inclusion in this issue of the
The earlier the better. However, there is no objection
COAST ARTILLERY JOURNAL, but they will be announced
in the next issue. if the author wishes to keep the manuscript until the
The Coast Artillery Association desires to take this date set. What we would like to know is that this
opportunity to make grateful acknowledgment to subject is receiving some attention and that the Coast
the donor and regrets that in deference to his wishes Artillery will not be compelled to continue its exist-
his name has to be withheld. This unselfish action in ence without the exhilaration which comes from hear-
the cause of National Defense and the promotion of ing the ringing chorus of a rousing, rolicking song.
efficiency in the Reserve Corps merits the highest pos- For this reason we decided again to bring the subject
sible praise. To him we extend the thanks and grati- to the attention of our readers. We do not want to
tude of the Association and the Coast Artiller;ymen hurry anyone and we will allow ample time to try
of all components of the Army. out the composition on the piano, friends and neighbors.

Well Done, Army

T HE Chief of Staff sent the following radio to all Corps Area Commanders
on June 30:
"On May 12, 1933, the President directed the War Department to com-
plete the mobilization of the Civilian Conservation Corps and to insure its dis-
1ribution into work camps by July 1st. This tllilk comprised the reception,
physical examination, the enrollment, the conditioning, the feeding, clothing.
equipping, paying, disciplining, hospitalizing, and organizing into 200 men
units of approximately 250,000 members of th.e Civilian Conservation Corps
in 73 conditioning camps on military reservations throughout the United States.
It included the establishment, construction and supply of over 1,400 work
camps extending from the Atl,antic to the Pacific and from the Canadian bor-
der to the Gulf ,of Mexico. It,represented the greatest peace-time demand ever
made upon the Army and constituted a task of character and proportions equiva-
lent to emergencies of war. 'The President's plan has been efficiently accom-
l}lished in record time and without confusion. This achievement is indicative
~f the superior standard of professional fitness of the Army. Only a high
morale, spirit of -cooperation, pride of service, and devotion to duty could have
accomplished such splendid results. I extend to you ,and all members of your
command my sincere appreciation of this great accomplishment. It ""as well
done, Army. MACARTHUR."
1. Clearing underbrush. Note the issue blue denim cap which has been turned inside-out and folded to look like an over-
seas cap. The white stripe is the white lining inside the cap. 2. Camp NO.2 at Fort Knox. 3. Looking west on the main road
to the 1st Brigade Area at Camp Knox. Enrollees just off trains are seen first going to the reception tents and then being
marched in groups of 100 or more to the Processing Building. 4. Enrollees at Wind River, Wash., pulling 2-year-old fir trees
for transplanting. 5. The chow line. 6. The C. C. C. Band at Fort Knox.
The Fort Knox Distant Intelligence Net
By Lt. CoL. Joseph A. Green, CAC
NE. of the purposes of the combined Air Corps- mercial telegraph offices or army radio stations, where

O Antiaircraft exercises held at Fort Knox, Ken-

tucky, during May 1933, was to continue the
investigation of intelligence nets, and to ascertain
they were relayed to the net intelligence center at
Fort Knox, or else telephoned the messages all the
way thm to the intelligence center. The system was
their sufficiency as agencies for giving 'adequate warn- so arranged that adjacent OP's would normally send
ing of the approach of flights of enemy planes. Fort in flash messages by different methods. This enabled
Knox was assumed to be a regulating station and im- such stations to make simultaneous reports of a for-
portant supply depot. It was defended by an anti- mation flying between them.
aircraft regiment, and a squadron of pursuit planes Actual work on laying field telephone wire from
(P-16's) with attached observation planes. This air commercial telephone lines to OP sites was started
force was .stationed at Bowman Field near the out- early in May. This was done in the West Indiana
skirts of Louisville, Kentucky, 30 miles distant from and Kentucky sectors by the communications platoons
Fort Knox. An outer intelligence net consisting of of the headquarters companies of the 10th and 11th
three bands of observation posts roughly centered at Infantry, stationed respectively at Fort Thomas, Ken-
Fort Knox was established about the area to be de- tucky, and Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana. Before
fended. The enemy's air forces were at Patterson starting work, these platoons moved to and established
Field, a few miles from Dayton, Ohio. These included camps at their sector headquarters. Similar work was
about twenty bombers: B-2, B-7, and B-9, with speeds done in the East Indiana sector by a detachment of
varying from 120 to 165 miles per hour; and several the 1st Signal Company from Fort Monmouth, .New
observation planes. PatteTson Field is 165 miles fTom Jersey. This detachment established a camp at sect,or
FOTt Knox. Prompt and accurate transmission of headquarters at Batesville, Indiana. Another detach-
information from the intelligence net was essential ment of this company moved to Fort Knox and estab-'
due to the fact that Bowman Field is only 75 miles lished the Intelligence Center at that station.
from the outer band of the net, and the further fact Figure No. 3 shows the arrangement of the Net
that it requires some 22 minutes for the pursuit planes Headquarters. It was organized into two parts, an
to leave the ground and gain attacking altitude. Fly- intelligence center and an operation section. The in-
ing a straight course, enemy bombers could be over telligence center was equipped to receive flash mes-
Bowman Field 28 minutes after crossing the outer sages from the net by long distance telephone, radio,
band of the net. and postal telegraph, and to transmit this information
The geographical location of the elements of the to the different sections of Defense Headquarters
net was as shown in Figure No.1. The net covered a When a flash message came in, the receiving operator
sector of approximately 120 degrees; the enemy, by recorded it in triplicate on a flash message form (see
the terms of the problem, being required to fly over it Figure No.4), using carbon sheets for the purpose.
in his approach to Fort Knox. For administrative As soon as the message was recorded it was immedi-
control the net was divided into the West Indiana, ately transmitted by leased telephone wire to Bowman
East Indiana, and Kentucky sectors, with headquarters Field for the information of the defense pursuit forces
respectively at Columbus, Indiana; Batesville, Indiana; thereat. The three copies of the flash message were
and Owenton, Kentucky. Intelligence Net Headquar- then sent bv couriers to S-2 and S-3 of Defense Head-
ters was at Fort Knox, Ky. It will be noted the net quarters, a~d to the net operations section. All of
included sixty-nine observation posts, spaced from six these agencies were in the same building as the in-
to nine miles apart along the circular bands. telligence center. The operations section analyzed
The intercommunication system of the net was as and directed the functioning of the outeT net. As
shown in Figure No.2. It was designated to enable soon as a flash message was received by this section it
information to be rapidly transmitted from the OP's was posted on a situation map. By means of this map
to the intelligence center. Three methods of trans- flights of planes were tracked M they passed thru the'
mission were used: army radio, commercial telephone, net and future positions predicted. After each ex-
and commercial telegraph. Definite instructions were ercise, the original flash messages made out by the
issued prescribing the method of transmission to be observers were forwarded to the operations section
used when sending flash messages :Eromeach OP. In where they were compared with the messages actnally
addition, an alternative method was prescribed so that received thereat, thus permitting a check as to ac-
in the event of failure of the primary method the curacy of transmission. At the conclusion of each
messages could be sent thru without loss of time. All exercise the courses as shown on the situation map were
OP's were connected by field wire or a combination transferred to a permanent map. and later were com-
of field wire and leased wire to local telephone ex- pared with the courses actually .flown as reported by
changes. The observers either telephoned their mes- the Blue (enemy) forces.
sages through these local exchanges to prescribed com- By Saturday, May 13, field lines to all OP sites had
218 The Fort Knox Distant Intelligence Net July-Aug., 1933

been laid. On this date a tent was set up at each of tablished at the three sector headquarters during the
the OP sites, a field telephone hooked up, and two construction period. These were maintained during
trained observers stationed thereat. All OP's were the period of the exercises (lIfay 15 to 21 inclusive).
furnished with the necessary blank forms for record- On. Sunday, May 14, each OP sent its first flash
ing flash messages. Observers stationed at OP'13 in message to the net headquarters. These messages had
the West Indiana sector were trained at Fort Benja- been prepared and distributed ahead of time. Obser-
min Harrison, and were members of the Headquarters vers were informed of the exact time they were to call
Company of the 11th Infantry. Those of the East their local exchange as a preliminary to transmitting
Indiana sector were trained at Fort Totten, Fort their flash message. These times were compared with
:J.IcClellan, and Fort Sheridan, and were from the the times of receipt of the messages. The purpose of
62nd, 69th, and 61st Coast Artillery (AA). Observers this test was to familiarize observers with the actual
manning OP's in the Kentucky sector were trained mechanics of transmitting a message and to determine
at Fort Thomas and came from the Headquarters the facility with which the intelligence center could
Company of the 10th Infantry. Camps had been es- operate. The mess~es reported simulated flights of

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July-Aug., 1933 The Fort Knox Distant Intelligence Net 249


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COM'L MORSE -- -- -- -
FO~T KNO)(, I(y.
RADIO --- -----
MAY ~2'l; '93~.
ec.AU: 1::500,000 ~:.3 OB5ERVATIOK P05T •
DRAWN BY RA 5-NYDER M Go 61 c. A CHEC.kf D ey: COI'I~ TE~E:P. E:X, •
Cot!. s,;.l!. RADIO STATION V

enemy planes, these were recorded on the situation messages from the cars were transmitted by radio
map. Average time for transmission of messages for telegraph to the control car at Bowman Field, where
this test was about 3.5 minutes, about 40 per cent of they were immediately turned over to the defending
the messages being received in less than two minutes pursuit operations officer. This officer was in constant
time. radio communication with the pursuit force that
In addition to the outer intelligence net with its usually took off as soon as enemy flights were reported
69 observation posts a net, closer in, was established by the OP's of the outer band. Flash messages from
by the" 1st Cavalry (mechanized) stationed at Fort the radio cars very frequently were material factors
Knox, using radio as a means of transmission of its in permitting the pursuit planes to contact the enemy
reports. Four armored cars, one a control car, all bombing flights.
radio equipped, were used. The control car was placed Several weeks before the troops were assembled for
just outside the Operations Office of the defending the exercises all prospective observers were given
pursuit force at Bowman Field. The other three cars courses of instruction at their home stations on the
were sent to stations about 25 miles from Bowman identification of aircraft, the maintenance and opera-
Field and well inside the inner band of the net. Flash tion of the field telephone, and the use of the flash
250 The Fort Knox Distant Intelligence Net July-Aug., 19::j:1

4 : Iff


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.5-.1, /YET.

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Fi .3.
message form. A copy of this form, as filled out by using numbers, _or a combination of letters and
one of the observers at the observation post named numbers .
. Early, is shown in Figure No.4. In this case the The first exercise was held l\Ionday morning, iYIay
observer rang up the local telephone operator at ,Vest- 15, 1933. Eleven exercises were held, ten being for
port, reported he had a flash message to send, and four hour periods, and one for a twenty-four hour
asked to be connected with the Postal Telegraph office period. The enemy's objective in each case was the
at Columbus, Indiana. When the connection was com- assumed regulating station at Fort Knox. Lsually
pleted he read the flash message to the operator at during each exercise a number of observation planes
the telegraph office who recorded it on a flash message first flew over the net, and these were followed some-
ferm and then telegraphed it direct to the intelligence what later by flights of bombing and attack planes.
center at Fort Knox. The form more or less explains These flights varied in strength from three to nine
itself but detailed instructions regarding its use were planes and came over at different altitudes, some being
mimeographed and used for instructional purposes. close to the ground and others at high altitudes. Dur-
It will be noted by reference to Figure No.2 that ing the eleven exercises about forty flights passed
each observation post was given a :five-letter name. over the net. In all but two cases the flights were
The first letter of these names had a definite relation reported by OP's on each of the three bands of the
to the different sectors of the net and to the bands of net. In each of these two cases the flights crossed over
each sector. For instance, the names of all OP's of one band without being reported. In general, on day
the middle band of the West Indiana sector com- missions, the planes were seen as they crossed the
menced with the letter B. By means of this system bands of the net, whereas at night they ordinarily
the operator of the situation map could readily locate were merely heard. It was found that during the day-
the sources of flash messages. Each flash message was time flights could be accurately tracked as they crossed
signed with the code name of the sending OP, rather the net. No troub-Ie was experienced in identifying
than with the actual name of the observer who sent bombing planes, but attack planes were some'imes
in the report. This saved time in transmitting the mistaken for bombers. It was also found. that at night
messages for many of the observers had names that flights could be accurately tracked but could not be
would have had to be spelled out before being under- identified as to type with any degree of accuracy.
stood over the telephone. By adopting this system, However, as pursuit squadrons do not a'tempt inter-
the name of the observation post from which a report ception mission at night the failure to identify types
originated appeared twice in the flash message. Civil- at night was of minor importance. It was also learned
ian telegraph and telephone operators, and receiving as a result of the exercises that on a calm day of good
military personnel at the intelligence center learned visibility, flights of bombers, using muffiers, could be
these code names very quickly and readily recognized both seen and heard when flying at an altitude of
them over the telephone. It is believed the use of approximately 15,000 feet, and under the same con-
this system for identifying OP's is superior to a system ditions of visibility planes could be both seen and
.July-Aug., 1933 The Fort Knox Distant Intelligence Net 251

heard at a horizontal distance of approximately five shorter distance being used over the most likely routes
miles. In a considerable number of cases they were of approach.
seen and heard at somewhat greater distances. Fre- If the enemy air forces predominate a net must be
quently a number of flights were over the net at the operated for 24 hours each day, both winter and sum-
same time. When these formations were flying &inu- mer: The persoJ1).1eIfor each OP must as a conse-
ous courses that pw;sed near or crossed one another quence illclude enough observers for 24-hour service.
difficulty was experienced ill contilluillg the identity Eight hours of service per day is all that reasonably
of a formation after once having been reported, the can be expected of observers. It would appear there-
tendency being to greatly overestimate the strength fore that each OP should be manned by a squad of
of the attacking force and the direction of flight of five men, including a noncommissioned officer. This
the formations. Accurate identification is absolutely
necessary if the defending pursuit aviation is to be
furnished information that will enable it to estimate
the enemy strength and predict the future positions FLASH MESSAGE
of the bombing formations. It was Iiiscovcred very SERIALND.---1 ____n.ID: __ L-=-L2____HCWS>:NTifL~_TIME: SEliT.Jit~A

early in the exercises that unless an observer's flw;h TO@-_T3:;;f:,_~ _____________
message accurately reported the number of planes in liD 01' TYPf 01'
''-'''' SEEN OR
a formation, their type, altitude, and direction of STATION PI..ANE~ PlJ\NE5 H""". SEEN OR. ALTITUDE
UU:AT1OO, FL"(I!'i6
Of' fLtGHT
flight, it was of limited value. Experiences had during ONE ~ LOW ~ N<lRTlt
the exercises clearly indicated that if a net is to be TwO OBSERV •
. ~ 7,0

~ Lf'FT FL~'nG . E~T
-- SE
of real service to the defending pursuit forces it must ~ ~ THREE PuR5UIT HEARD 'J.E.RY tUGH OVEI\Hl'AD 5ll<JTH
be relied upon to furnish accurate information, and ~- ATTACK
it .can do this only provided it is manned by highly ,",ANY
trained observers.
The average time for the transmission of flash mes- fIG. 4 Sl(.o __ ~------_-----
sages was somewhat less than 3.0 minutes, as is indi-
cated by the following table. This conclusion is based would allow for three reliefs of one man each, a NCO
upon an analysis of 764 messages sent during the in charge, and a supernumerary. Should the OP de-
eleven exercises. This time differed slightly with the tachment be required to subsist itself this probably
different means of communication used: could be done without an increase of personnel.
How Sent
The Fort Knox observers were equipped with field
Time Required Telephone Telegraph Radio Total
glasses. Reports received indicated that these were
used to very good advantage. It is believed that each
~' or less 230 203 43 476
2' to 3' 53 55 21
observation post, a part of a war unit, should be pro-
3' to 4' 30 29 10 69 vided with at least two pair of field glasses, one for
4' to 5' 16 15 9 40 day and one for night service. These glasses should
Over 5' 26 16 8 50
TOTAL 355 318 91 764
be of fairly low power so as not to be too tiring on
Average time the eyes of the observer. Their field of vision more-
per message 3.2 2.7 3.3 3.0 over should be as large as possible. The other equip-
N otel: 62 % of all messages were transmitted in 2 minutes ment required at a;n OP includes a compass, a good
or less; 17% between 2 and 3 minutes; 9% between 3 and 4 watch or clock, telephone, tool kit for making minor
minutes; 5% between 4 and 5 minutes; and 7% required more repairs to the telephone and telephone lines and pos-
than 5 minutes.
Note 2: Time for t:ransmittal of messages was measured
sibly a listening device of some kind. During one of
from the moment the operator picked up the telephone to place the exercises a flight of bombers, equipped with sound
the initial call to the moment when the message was com- muffiers, flew over the net at approximately 16,000
pletely recorded at the intelligence center.
feet altitude. It was a stillday and visibilitywas ex-
The observation posts of the net were in general cellent. This flight was tracked completely across the
from six to eight miles apart. On a number of occa- net. Some observers reported the flight as seen, others
sions when a flight was reported by an OP as pa'ising as heard. Under difficultweather conditions, it is quite
overhead it also was reported by the observers on the possible that flights might cross a net without being
right and left, as either seen or heard. When a flight either seen or heard. For this reason it is believed
flew between two adjacent OP's it was invariably re- that experiments should be conducted with the object
ported by both. It is true that during thick weather in view of developing an inexpensive listener. This
visibility of observers will be adversely affected, and listener should be easily transportable by hand.
during periods of high surface winds the sounds of It is recognized that for defending pursuit aviation
the motors of the planes probably will be more diffi- to have a reasonable chance of intercepting enemy
cult to hear. However, under such conditions there bombing raids, a means mnst be provided not only for
is much less likelihood of enemy flights crossing the giving timely warning of the -enemy's approach in
net than during periods of good weather. Based solely order that the pursuit aviation may take off and gain
upon the experiences gained during the Fort Knox altitude from which to attack, but also that this same
exercises it is believed that the OP's of the net might aviation may know the direction of the enemy's ap-
well be spaced from eight to ten miles apart, the proach. The net used at Fort Knox with its eight mile
252 The Fort Knox Distant Intelligence Net July-Aug., 1933

inteI'Yul between OP'l:) and its twenty-five to thirty be robbed of freedom of movement and coordination
mile distance between bands, did furnish information of effort, and the greater part of its potential value
that permitted the commanding officer of the defense would be lost. The Fort Knox net itself, had it been
aviation to accurately estimate the routes of approach
extended thru 360 would haye included enough per-

of the enemy flights, and during daylight phases, the sonnel and materiel to establish a net of the same
number and type of planes in the flights. Whether density approximately 400 miles long. Had a net of
the arrangement of the OP's and bands as used at this length been established parallel to the Western
Fort Knox js the best one for a net for the defending Front during the World War by either the Allies or
pursuit aviation is not known. Officers whose opinions the Central Powers it would have covered the entire
are deserving of consideration suggested modifications. distance from Swi~zerland to the sea. Likewise if an
One was that the net should be fur,her advanced; and enemy should hold that part of the United States east
another that the inner band of the net should be done of the Connecticut River a net of the same length
away with, substituting for it lines of OP 'g about established parallel to the riyer would extend from
fifty miles in length, these lines being perpendicular Northern Vermont to the southern shore of Long
to the net and, for each pursuit group, about 40 miles Island. It is probable that in most cases the need
apart, the idea being that after the enemy flight had for nets would be answered were they established along
passed thru the two bands of the net it would be frontiers across which the enemy must fly in order
boxed within two adjacent lines of OP's. A third sug- to reach his objective. However, it is realized in
gestion was that the net should not be divided into certain circumstances that there will be need for nets
bands, but that the OP '8, about eight miles apart both of the circular type about vitally important political
laterally and in depth, should cover the entire area and industrial centers; and that probably pursuit
over which the defending pursuit aviation might have groups, in addition to ground troops, must be detached
to operate. This method would require a very large from the' main air force to assist in their defense.
number of observers. When a number of enemy flights were over the net
Military establishments and communities that con- at one time flash messages came in to the intelligence
tain factories manufacturing war supplies, or that in- center about as rapidly as they could be handled. This
clude within their limits strategical bridges or im- indicated that had the net extended over a greater dis-
portant railway establishments, may be subjected to tance one or more additional intelligence centers would
enemy bombing. Presumably such place.., will be de- have been required, the logical location tor all of the
fended by antiaircraft artillery and possibly by pur- intelligence centers in' that case being out in the net,
suit aviation. The local observation posts of aJ1.anti- thus necessitating a somewhat different plan for evalu-
aircraft regiment extend only a few thousand yards ating the information contained in the flash messages
beyond its line of searchlights. An enemy flight re- and for relaying it to the defending pursuit forces and
ported by these OP'g can be over its objective in a defense headquarters. Moreover the Fort Knox net
very few minutes after being reported. The regiment, was divided into three sectors for establishment,
with only enough personnel for completely manning maintenance and administrative contro1. Each sector
its equipment and administering and supplying itself, included twenty-three Op's and was under the com-
can not be on the alert at all times. The men must mand of an officer. In administering his sector this
rest and a warning period sufficiently long to permit officer, or his commissioned assistants, found it neces-
the various gun, machine gun, searchlight, and fire sary to visit the OP's as often as possible, and at least
control crews to reach their assigned positiollS, is abso- every second day. The sectors had an average Wil'lth
lutely necessary. A warning net of some kind well of forty miles and a depth varying from fifty to sixty
out beyond the local defenses is needed. If the local miles. The exercises showed that a sector of this size
defenses include pursuit aviation, such a net must and with this number of OP's was about as large a one
have considerable depth, but if its purpose is merely to as could be supervised by a single officer. The personnel
alert the defending antiaircraft and give warning to required to D?-anone of these sectors under war condi-
the civilian population, it need include only a single tions closely approximates that of a battery of artillery
band of observation posts. at war strength. From a consideration of the fore-
Intelligence nets may be divided broadly into two going, it is suggested that a net intelligence battalio?
groups: the first group including circular ne:-s used could properly be giv€n consideration as a basic un~t
as a part of the local defense of important military. from which to prepare tables of organization for intelh-
commercial or industrial areas; and the second group, gence nets. A battalion of this kind, if furnished with
frontier and coastal nets, such as it may be necessary the necessary personnel and equipment, could establish
to establish along our land; or sea frontiers. The net a net approximately 180 mil€s long, including an intel-
used during the Fort Knox exercises was of the cir- ligence center for receiving and evaluating flash mes-
milar type. To establish a net similar to this one about sages, provided the OP's were spread from eight to
an areas requiring warning, would demand a tremen- ten miles apart, and the net made up of three bands.
dous outlay of personnel and equipment. In addition, Such a battalion would include three observation bat-
if the pursuit aviation of this country in time of war teries and a net headquarters battery.
was broken up. into many small groups and assigned The leading nations of Europe are well aware of the
to local defenses, instead of being under a central con- great defensive value of intelligence nets and are at
trol and so located as to meet enemy thrusts, it would work developing plans for their use. While the geo-
July-Aug., 1933 The Fort Knox Distant Intelligence Net 253

graphical location of the United States is such that the employment of communications personnel. These
intelligence nets probably will not be required to any documents could be prepared in tentative form and
great extent in the early stages of any major war in held available in the War Department for test of their
which this country may become involved, yet the part
sufficiency should another exercise similar to the one
of prudence indicates that the present is a very good
time for preparing tables of organization for net per- held at Fort Knox be authorized, or for immediate
sonnel, and training regulations discussing the types publication and issue should the United States become
and employment of nets, the training of observers, and involved in another war.

O .
N JULY 5th, as we close the forms for this issue, the Army has condi•
tioned 274,000 young men for the Civilian Conservation Corps, practic-
ally all of whom are now at work in the reforestation camps, with the
following officer personnel engaged exclusively with the C.C.C.:

Regular Army (other than Medical and Chaplains) . 2,875

Medical, Regular Army . 116
Chaplains, Regular Army . 22
Navy and Marine Line Officers . 297
Navy, Medical . 207
Reserve Officers (other than Medical and Chaplains) . 1,093
Medical Reserve Officers . 507
Chaplains, Reserve Corps . 32
Contract Surgeons . 267
Dentists, Navy . 6
Dentists, Reserve . 20

In addition to the officer personnel, there are 8,000 Regular Army en-
listed men on duty at the camps.
All service schools except the Army War College, Industrial College, and
Air Corps Tactical School were. closed on May 22 in order to release students
and 60 per cent of the faculties to C.C.C. work. While plans are being made
for the fal~ opening of the service schools; it is too early to predict what effect
the C.C.C.,will have on them.
The Army Gets the Job
Extracts from a Speech Made by Representative James W. Wadsworth, ]\[ew Tor~,
Before the House on May 3, 1933

N OT long ago there was given out from some

source of authority- I cannot quite identify the
source-a program for a drastic reduction in the
Army of the United States, designed to save, it is
It is interesting to know that while the bill which
authorized the President of the United States to take
these 250,000 young men was under discussion, it was
generally understood and asserted by a large number
alleged, $90,000,000from the military activities appro- that there would be nothing military about the camps.
priations for the War Department. Perish the thought, said the pacifists, that 250,000 of
The program included proposals for the furloughing these young men should be put under the brutal in-
of between three and four thousand Regular Army fluence of officersof the Army. That would be a ter-
officers at half pay, plus pay to enable them to reach rible thing. So it was announced at that time that
their homes wherever those homes may be, and most the Labor Department was going to do the work of re-
of them have no homes; the discharge of 12,000enlisted cruiting and sending the men to camps. But it turned
men from the Army; a substantial reduction in flying out that the Labor Department had no officesdistrib-
pay for the members of the Air Corps; the abandon- uted over the United States suitable for gathering in
ment of the National Guard training camps, which this army of 250,000 young men. Suddenly some-
are run each summer for two weeks; the abandonment body remembered that the Army had recruiting sta-
of the Reserve Officers'Training Corps training camps, tions scattered over the country, and so a hard-boiled
and various other reductiol1Sin the military activities sergeant out on the sidewalk herded .them together,
of the Army of the United States. took them upstairs, and an Army medical officer gave
I say that I have not been able to identify the source them an examination.
of this announcement which was made Nation-wide Then it was remembered that the Labor Depart-
and in great detail. I sat as a spectator ,in the rOom ment did not have any places scattered over the coun-
of the Committee on Military Affairs the other day try where these youngsters could be conditioned. So,
listening to an assistant to the DirectOr of the Budget come to think of it, the Army has posts, and we will
while the members of the committee, and especially the send them to the Army posts; and so it was done. And
chairman, endeavored to find out just what were the the recruits were sent to the quartermaster. stores,
plans of the administration with respect to the handling where they were fitted out and given blankets, etc.
of the Army and the proposed economies. I think Then it turned out that the Labor Department had
I am not far wrong in saying that the committee found no means of feeding 250,000 young men, but, come to
out just exactly nothing, as the gentlemen before the think of it, the Army Quartermaster had these facil-
committee at that time said, there were no plans and ities, and so the old rolling field kitchen made its ap-
he did not know where these suggestions had come pearance. Then, later on, it was determined that some
from, and that all he had in mind was that the Presi- sanitary measures had to be enforced, and the Labor
dent be given the power to do all these things, which, Department had no facilities for that. But, come to
of course, leaves me, and would leave the average think of it, the Army had officerswith medical train-
Member of the House of Representatives, completely ing, and so medical officerswere put in the camps.
in the dark as to what is to happen to national de- Then, of course, there must be some kind of disci-
fense if these bills pass.. pHne, and so it has been determined that 4,000 officers
I do not need, I am sure, to enlarge upon the ter- of the Regular Army must go to the camps and remain
rific effect upon the Military Establishment of the on duty for the duration of the camps.
carrying out of the proposals which have been made. My suggestion is, why delegate to the President
I suspect some of them will be abandoned, because power to furlough officers out of the Regular Army,
already they are beginning to acquire an atmosphere when the War Department is already under instruc-
of absurdity. For example, with respect to the pro- tions to use 4,000 of its officers for this forest army,
posal to furlough between 3,000 and 4,000 officers of and the furloughing of Regular officersis utterly im-
the Regular Army at half pay, let us remember another possible unless, indeed, we want to take the absurd
thing which the Government is embarked lipon, and step of one group of officers being turned out at
that is the so-called "reforestation camps." half pay and Reserve officers being brought back to
I happened to drop into the War Department the active duty at full pay in their places. These things
other day to inquire about the progress made in re- occur to us from time to time as we read of these pro-
cruiting these unemployed young men and sending posals. Somebody got off on the wrong foot with re-
them to the camps and was shown a map of the United spect to this particular one. It may have been a trial
States upon which there were indicated by pins, in- balloon or just an error, a poor calculation. To me-
serted in the surface of the map, the camps which have and I do not mean to use any harsh language-it has
thus far been approved. the aspect of being a half-baked proposal.

Yes, Sir, the Army Can!
The report of completion of the War Department's first objective to
place 250,000 men on reforestation work by July 1, 1933

Made by Colonel Duncan K. Major, Jr., G.S.C., War Department Representative on the
Advisory Council, Emergency Conservation WorJ{

:0; :i'lla~'
'12, the President "approved the War De- It was early evident arter 1\11'. Roosevelt's inaugura-
partment plan to place the lull autho.cized quota tion that the President would lose little time in launch-
for the Oivilian Conservation Corps (274,375 ing his plan for reforestation. With definite convic-
men) in work camps by July 1. That mission fulfill- tion that there was but one path open to its rapid ac-
ing President Hoosevelt's promise to the country to complishment, the Chier of Staff, on March 9, directed
have 250,000 men employed in the nation's rorest by estimates and regulations for the reception, organiza-
early summer has been accomplished by the Army on tion and care or units of unemployed men to be pre-
time. pared. This was long before the undertaking was
On April 7, 1918, the United States declared war on defined.
Germany and initiated the mobilization of the coun- The original administration bill was introduced on
try's manpower. On Monday, April 3, 1933. Mr. March 13, 1933, and arter much criticism, reintroduced
Howe, Secretary to the President, speaking to the War in more general terms on March 21. By March 24,
Department's general staff representative, said "The however, the General Staff had prepared in draft form
President wants to start the enrollment of 25,000 men complete regulations governing the administration and
on Thursday (April 6). Can the Army do iU" The supply of the Civilian Conservation Corps ready ror
answer was, "Yes, sir, the Army can." Orders were issue to the field, defining the Army's mission, its rela-
issued on that basis. The" new deal" was on. tions with the Department of Labor, the National Park
During the first three months of the World War, the Service, and the United States Forest Service; setting
War Department mobilized by July 1, 1917, 117,000 up probable quotas of men to be assigned the various.
men in the Regular Army, 58,000 men in the National Corps Areas and the probable unit costs covering the
Guard and 6,000 men in the National Army, or a total items or shelter, subsistence, clothing, equipment, medi-
or 181,000 men. By that date less than 16,000 men cal attention, rail and motor transportation, welfare
(mostly Regular Army units) had embarked for and supervision. On March 25, all nine Corps Area
France. How then during a like period in 1933, with- Commanders received secret radiograms warning them
out a long warning such as given by the European or the task that would probably fall to them, the tenta-
War, could the Regular Army alone process some tive quotas or men that the War Department believed
275,000 men, organize them into 1330 companies, estab- would be assigned to their Corps Areas and promising
lish that many forest camps on a front or 3,000 miles early allotment of funds on the basis of the unit esti-
rrom the Atlantic to the Pacific, distributed in depth mates.
from Canada to Mexico, occupying every state or the The bill as finally passed lert most of the details to
Union excepting only Delaware, and move 55,000 of the discretion or the President. The relations that
them a distance of 2200 miles from the east coast to the would govern between the various executive depart-
Rockies and the Sierras, all before July' 1 of this year? ments were not stated. The General Staff, thererore,
The comparison is so vivid, the contrast in the two on the 24th of March, drarted an Executive Order
efforts so striking, that a short history of the War De- establishing these relationships and announcing basic
partment's part in the mobilization of the Civilian decisions controlling the cooperative effort.
Conservation Corps may be worth recording. The essential thing to record is that by proper plan-
The introduction of Senator Couzens' Bill, sub- ning the General Staff stood ready on March 24 to go,
mitted on January 10, 1933, providing that the Army awaiting only the starter's gun. It was expected, of
shelter and feed indigent transient youths, which later course, that actual passage of the act would bring last
took more definite form in an amendment to the minute modifications, that coordination with other de-
Army Appropriation Bill offered by him in early Feb- partments and agencies would require further clarifica-
ruary to care for 88,000 boys under Army control, tion but the elemental provisions to receive, to feed. to
served as a warning to th~ War Department or the task transport, to house, to examine physically, to clothe,
since imposed. While the Couzens' bill was under con- to organize large numbers of men, (let the exact pat-
sideration, a General Staff study was made to deter- tern of the organization or its future employment be
mine the Army's capacity to care for the mpn' on i1.<; what it might), were cared for. These were the fea-
posts, and the unit costs per man to govern a>l?- basis tures that plainly indicated to the War Department
or estimate>l. This data was available in time to give that' the Army would get the job.
real definition to the amendment proposed by Mr. On April 5th the War Department sent radiograms
Couzens in the Appropriation Bill. to all Corps Area Commanders assigning their missions
256 Yes, Sir, the Army Can! July-Aug., 1933

and directing them to enroll the first increment on the men per day; 42 work camps had been established.
following morning. The next day the complete regu- Projects had been generously approved in the Rockies
lations were forwarded to them. The Army was in and Sierras, but few were available to employ the men
gear to fulfill its part of the task. in the East and Central West. On May 1, out of a
While Corps Area Commanders contacted the local total enrollment of 38,500 men, there were 18,700 men
representatives of the Labor Department and indicated for whom there was no forest work within their own
their readiness to accept men and their arrangements . states, or those nearby. Unless work camps were de-
to do so, insufficient time for the seler.tion delayed the veloped in the great region east of the Rockies, it was
local agents. The first men to be accepted for enroll- evident that either a vast movement of men would be
ment by the Army were received from the Labor De- necessary across the continent or the Civilian Con-
partment on April 7. servation Corps would find its ceiling at about 100,000
Now at this time, when the :first increment of 25,000 men. Authority was not decentralized. Money was
men came marching in, the Army's mission was defi- allotted for short periods only. Restrictions were
nitely limited and was to terminate at the earliest prac- placed on purchases of new supplies and equipment.
ticable moment. After receiving the men, enrolling Thus, on May 3, a chart in the General Staff forecast-
them, initiating their records, organizing them into ing the effort under the conditio~ then prevailing bore
units, clothing and equipping them, the Army was to curves .showing a probable total of 115,000 men by
transport the unit to the railheads near the forest pro- July 1 and a probable occupation of 375 camps on that
ject and there turn them over completely for future date. A result far short of the President's announced
administration and care to the United States Forest intention of having 250,000men in the forests by early
Service or other federal agency employing them. In summer was clearly indicated. The truth of this be-
all prior interdepartmental conferences no more had came increasingly evident. On May 10th, the Director
been asked of the Army. The earliest possible termi. asked the War Department to present on May 12 its
nation of the Army's contact with the effort had been plan and requirements to meet the President's objec-
sought. While this w?-sin complete accord with the tive of enrolling the full quota of 274,375 men and
Army's hopes and purposes, interfering to a minimum placing all Civilian Conservation Corps organizatil?ns
with its missions under the National Defense Act, no in camps by July 1, 1933. ,
such expectation was contemplated as probable. A To the War Department the difference between the
Staff officer with experience during the World War hope and the normal expectation was very real. To
with the Spruce Production Division in the Northwest accomplish such an objective meant having the full
where a similar problem of Army control and work in number of men in hand by June 7, allowing two weeks
the field under civilian supervision had been presented for their reception and organization and one week for
was at work on regulations to control the effort of the their transportation and establishment in camp. The
Army and to define the relationships between depart- task assigned contemplated the reception of an addi-
ments when and if the tasks of the Army were ex- tional 222,000men by June 7, at an average daily rate,
tended to the administration, supply and care of these if initiated by immediate decisive action, of 8,540 men,
men throughout their service. the complete organization and equipment, including
True to that estimate, the War Department General the necessary motor transport, of approximately 1200
Staff representative was called to the White House on additional company units by June 24 at the rate of
the night of April 8th. Mr. Howe proposed that the 27 per day and the establishment of approximately
Army continue to exercise control over all matters ex- 1300 work July 1. at the rate of 26 per day.
cept technical supervision of the work itself. The Gen- The rate demanded per day was greater than the
eral Staff officer presented every argument opposed to average for the United States during the World War
such an increase in the Army's functions. The answer for both Army and Navy combined. With all the vast
was, "You have given all the reasons in the world why organization of the Selective Draft, the many large
the Army should do this job. .As a matter of fact, all divisional cantonments, a nation's purse wide open and
the reasons you state show that nobody else can do it." the removal of many restrictions governing contracts,
Decision, however, was reserved until the Secretary of an average rate of 15,000 men per day obtained for
War could see the President. The Army got the job only two months during the war period as the peak of
on April 10th. the effort.
Again General Staff planning and preparation met With men coming in at the rate of 8540 men per
the situation. The ground work had been laid. Work day, there would be approximately 60,000 men in re-
without regard to hours that week-end produced a set conditioning camps at the end of the first week, 120,000
of regulations ready for issue that Monday morning at the end of the second week and, if none were moved,
and estimates of costs on which to requisition the nec- 180,000 men at the end of the third week. The ca-
essary funds. These regulations of April 5 and April pacity was 100,000. The men would have to be moved
19 have, with but minor changes, governed the War out to work camps promptly within ten to twelve days.
Department's administration, supply and care of the The flow of men in and units out would have to be as
Civilian Conservation Corps ever since. uniform as possible. At that time it appeared that
In Washington the period from April 6 to May 10 it would be necessary to transport 155,000men outside
was one of delay and confusion. On May 10, a total of their o.wnstates an average distance of 2200 miles.
of but 52,000 men were enrolled, an average of 1530 They would have to be completely clothed and equipped
July-Aug., 1933 Ye8~Sir~ the Army Can! 257

to be self-sustaining units with the necessary motor that all corps area commandersmight exert the maxi-
transport so that when set down at some distant rail- mum effort to process, organize and move their full
head they could eat and move. Their supply, there- quotas smoothly and on time.
fore, was the critical element.entering into the prob- In such an effort so closely approaching war-time
lem. There could be no delays. Requisitions for sup- conditions, confusion and hardship were bound to ob-
plies to be delivered at distant points,---efforts of the tain. Men would not be completely equipped; food
federal coordinator to procure surplus stocks,-and initially would often not be well prepared; an eight
advertising for bids on materials,-eould not equip a hour day could not be observed in the early efforts of
unit with the necessary dispatch and did not meet the moving from railhead to camp and establishing camp.
situation. War-time authority for open market pur- Fatigue would be great; morale would be low. The
chases was necessary. Wider authorization to sub- basic faults of organization and discipline in the
ordinates to sign' vouchers for services and supplies Civilian Conservation Corps were bound to create dif-
had to be given upon which payment would be made ficult situations for the various commandersto handle.
without question; necessity being the only governing The system did not sufficientlysupport them. A unit
consideration. Certain restrictive Executive Orders of 200 men all receiving the same pay, recognizing
governing procurement would have to be rescinded. among themselvesno seniors, is faulty in the extreme.
The wide authority granted the President by the Act A system that provides no proper basis of discipline,
of Congress, Public No.5, 73d Congress, March 31, without delegated power to fine and to punish, could
1933, would have to be exerci<;edwith war-time vigor not cope with the situation. It was apparent that an
and freedom, waiving all the restrictions of peace-time Executive Order was necessary providing for increased
procedure governing bids, contracts, deliveries and pay and grade for a definite group of foremen among
open market purchases. Repeated conferences rela- the men and authorizing the application of disciplinary
tive to the purchase of trucks and the use of obsolete methods and the conduct of hearings upon offenses
equipment would have to be translated into immediate with authority to company commanders to fine up to
authority to the Army to purchase 2700 light trucks, three days' pay per month. Similar conditions have
300.light passenger cars and 250.ambulances. made necessary such a solution in military commands.
Construction offered no problem other than that of This effort closelyparalleled an army in the field.
increased expense. If men were to be jammed through Many complaints would come in. Investigation,
our reconditioning camps filling them to a peak load however, would normally have to be waived or de-
of 100,000 men, more than twice the costs would re- layed. The Corps Area Commander would need all
sult for shelter than if the rate of selection were cut the help that could be given him and should be har-
one-half. Again peak loads at reconditioning camps assed as little as possible..
would overload station hospitals requiring the use of On this estimate of the situation, the War Depart-
civilian hospitals at greatly increased cost. A higher ment concluded that it could fulfil the task proposed,
sick rate was definitely to be expected. provided:
Up to May 10 approximately 1,060projects had been
a. Decision were made at once to order its
approved. An additional 250-300would be required. execution;
These would have to be approved and made available
to the War Department by June 1, 1933. b. The Director would issue at once a National
Plan indicating all movements to be made or else
At that time the distribution of approved projects delegate to the War Department authority to
indicated that a vast movementfrom east to west would order units moved to all approved projects;
be involved. Approximately 155, for whom
there would be no work provided within their own c. The Director would approve before June
states woutd probably have to be moved. Jobs for 1 an additional 290 projects;
95,000 of them were in the Rockies and the Pacific d. The Director would rescind his instructions
Coast ranges. It then seemed probable that most of to the Secretary of War in letter dated May 1,
the additional projects would be in the same region. 1933, secure the cancellation of the Executive
The center of mass of these 155,000men would be in Order of May 8, 1933, and obtain the signature
Ohio. The center of the work would be in Nevada. In of the President on an Executive Order before
the space of four weeks an army of 220,000men was May 15 waiving all peace-time restrictions cover-
to be recruited, organized within six weeks and moved ing bids, contracts, deliveries and open market
(150,000.of them) within seven weeks a distance of purchases and authorizing the exercise of the full-
2,200 miles. Few military campaigns have equalled est possible freedom in purchase, similar to that
such .a performance. To the Army it offered a real obtaining in time of war;
opportunity. e. The Department of Labor would initiate at
Its fulfillment would require the immediate issue by once and maintain a flow of 8,540 men per day
the Director of aN ational Plan directing in detail all certified for acceptance to the War Department,
movements to be made or his decision authorizing the completing its selection of the full number of
War Department to move units to all approved pro- .Tune7, 1933;
jects without furtherl reference to him. It would re- f. The Department of Labor would regulate
quire that no limitations be placed on the enrollment that flow according to the approved quotas evenly
in any state or corps area of the quotas already set so by corps area and by state throughout the period
2;:;8 Yes, Sir, the Army Can! July-Aug., 1933

so that each corps area could meet its proportional Plans and action for the field were required by the
part of the task on time; next morning. That night instead of a stray light here
The War Department felt that it would be greatly and there the War Department's windowswere ablaze.
aided in its task by an Executive Order authorizing The big machine was. rolling in a war effort. The
that not more than 5% of men be paid $45 and that Army was under test but what a grand opportunity
not more than an additional 8% be paid $36, and the task offered.
definitely delegating the disciplinary powers outlined From that day to this, when the successful comple-
above to the company commander. tion of the assigned task is reported, all effort has been
It was evident that to speed up the effort to almost devoted to its execution. The conditions that the War
six times its former rate would require action and Department set .asnecessarywere all met; friction and
decision,that the delays, the conferences,the repeated delay ceased, accomplishmentonly illls the record.
reference of details to the White House and to the On May 16 enrollment jumped 5,890men to a total
Secretary of Labor, the bickerings over every requisi- of 62,450, the next day added 8,100 men, the next,
tion for funds, the petty interferences to placate the 10,500. On June 1 a peak daily enrollment of 13,843
selfLshand to quiet the solicitous could no longer gov- men was reached. The average daily gain in actual
ern the effort. strength for this period was 8,700 men. During part
With less than 40 hours available from the notice of of May, 150,000men were in reconditioning camps be-
the Director of his desiresuntil the time for submitting ing organized and equipped for the field. More than
the War Department plan to meet this task, the three the quota of 274,375 men were enrolled. Of these,
sectionsof the General Staff assembleddata during the after deducting losses from all causes, some 250,000
daylight hours of the 11th of May and that night a lone llOW occupy 1330 work camps in the forests of the
officerassembledit in a Memorandum to the Director country. 55,000 men in 335 companies were trans-
of Emergency Conservation Work, giving the facts ported from the eastern corps areas to the mountaills
here presented, drawing the conclusions here stated of the Ninth Corps Area.
and closing with the recommendation which a sleepy- Some conception of the undertaking can be gained
eyed girl pounded out on her typewriter at 2 :00 A. M., from the following brief report of The Quartermaster
May 12: General which pictures some of the high lights of his
"It is therefore recommendedthat if the deci- effort:
sion is to place 274,375 men in work camps by "The task of the Quartermaster Corps of the Army,
July 1, 1933, the Director give the War Depart- in connection with the enrollment of the Civilian Con-
ment its full mission at once, provide the means servation Corps, is to feed, clothe, equip, shelter and
for its qccomplishmentand then protect it from transport the young foresters. To do this, all Quarter-
all interference. The means to be provided are: master Corps facilities have been taxed to the utmost,
1. $46,000,000to be transferred at once. particularly during the peak of the enrollment in the
2. An Executive Order waiving restriction on last week of May and the first week in June.
purchases. "In performing this service, the Quartermaster
3. The necessary instructions to the Depart- Corps made the fullest possible use of existing Army
ment of Labor covering selection." stocks of clothing, bedding and tentage. Military uni-
At the Director's conference at 10:30 A. M., the forms, of course, were not suitable for issue to the
War Department memorandum met immediate sup- civilian members of the Conservation Corps. How-
port from all members of the Advisory Council and ever, it was possible to alter this clothing so that it
strong recommendationwas made to present it at once was not of a distinctive military appearance and to i'3-
to the President. Shortly after noon it was in Mr. sue the clothing so altered to the foresters.
Howe's hands with the Director's Council crowding "It was also discovered that the army possessed
his room. Advisers were called. They were as one in considerable stocks of underwear and outer clothing
stating that if the job were to be given to the War De- too large for the forestry recruits. This clothing was
partment it would need the powers sought. The Di- cut down to meet requirements in smaller sizes. Al-
rector of the Budget arrived and after reading the though the peak of the enrollment was in the early
memorandum announced to Mr. Howe that it wa.'3a summer, it was found that at many work camps cold
matter of higher policy that only the President could weather was encountered and that overcoatswere nec-
decide, that the task unless modified would require essary. Military overcoats were altered to make them
the means the Army proposed. Mr. Howe and Mr. suitable for civilian wear.
Douglas went in to see the President and a few min- , 'Alteration of this clothing was' done very largely
utes later, at 2 :00 P. M., came out with his approval. at the factory of the Philadelphia Quartermaster De-
It was a momentous day. In a few hours more had pot. Civilian contractors hesitated to bid on this class
been accomplished than in the previous month. A of work. It was fortunate that the army had a fa-
clearcut decisionon a definite plan to fulfill a task, the cility available to perform this work with sufficient
complete definition of which was positively ordered, rapidity to meet the needs of the Conservation Corps.
electrifiedthe wholeeffort. The old order had changed. The personnel at the factory was increased from 854
'That afternoon all Assistant Chiefs of Staff, and Chiefs to a peak of 2,004 during the greatest rush. Altera-
of Services met in the officeof the Deputy Chief of tions were made at the factory on nearly 200,000wool
Staff. The new mission was given, stirring everyone. coats, 225,000 overcoats, 200,000trousers and 375,000
July-Aug., 1933 Yes, Sir. the Army Can! 259

pairs of drawers. At the depot about 100,000 barrack eral. During the enrollment period, 211 special trains
bags were made, and the manufacture of tents is pro- were hand1ed by The Quartermaster General. These
ceeding at the rate of 75 per day. tTains carried a total .of 64,196 men in 1,605 sleepers
"The Quartermaster Corps also awarded contracts and coaches. ' total number thus' .transported,
for the purchase of 2,500,000 yards of denim, 785,000 55,130 were sent to ;the far'lvest. Approximately 200,-
summer drawers, 185,000 denim hats, 1,000,000 jump- 000 conservationists were sent'to work camps in the
ers, 28,000 overalls, 700,000 denim trousers, 525,000 vicinity of the poin.ts of :en!o~lment."
wool trousers, 1,150,000 summer undershirts, 500,000 The mobilization of t~e Civilian Conservation Corps
pairs of shoes, 250,000 canvas cots, 475,000 bath towels, with time as the essential element in the execution of
685,000 face towels, 300 motor ambulances, 300 pas- the task has been. the most. valuable experience the
senger cars, 3,000 motor trucks and large quantities Army has had since the World WaI:. ,It .h~. tested th~
of other items. organization of the W ar Departme~t ,and; of tlw Corps.
"Each day the army expends nearly $85,000.00 to Areas in responding to a mission very siplil~r to mobil-:.
feed the hungry forest workers. The foresters are ization for war. From results v'astly superior to .those;
given the same food supplied the Regular Army obtained during the early period of the World Wa:r-
soldiers. Much of this is purchased locally in the certain conclusions are inescapable. They are:
vicinity of the work camps. Each day these civilians
consume the beef procured from about 330 steers. a. The General Staff has justified itself as a
Each day they eat nearly 225,000 one-pound loaves of planning agency. It has foreseen every call made
bread. upon the War Department for participation in the
"The llten are shelte:I:ed for the most part in tents, Emergency Conservation Work program and has
but in some points where cold weather is expected been ready to direct the immediate response to
early in the fall, as, for example, in Maine, it is con- every such demand.
templated constructing temporary wooden barracks. b. The organization of the United States into
:Mostof the tents in use are floored. Arrangements are Corps Area Commands has proved sound. The
being made to pipe water into the camps from springs ability of the Army to take so huge a task in its
or streams or to sink wells. Water heaters are being stride scarcely attracting the attention of the
provided for the shower baths. It is planned to fur- country or of the press has been due to the de-
nish electric lights either by connection with nearby centralization of effort to nine small war depart-
power lines or by the installation of small generating ments, each more efficient than that in Washington
sets. at the outbreak of the World War. Thus the Gen-
"Movements of foresters from point of enrollment eral Staff has supervised and coordinated, an-
to conditioning camp were made largely by regular nouncing basic policies to govern, setting forth
and special railway trains, though for local movements missions, providing needed assistance but delegat-
and very short trips busses were sometimes used to ing execution of all details to the nine Corps Area
carry the men to the army stations where they were Commands, and refraining from all interference
equipped and prepared for dispatch to work camps. therein.
Movements of work companies to forests were made al- c. The war stocks of equipment of all kinds
most entirely by rail. The greatest movement was gave ample testimony of the need to maintain such
from conditioning camps in the east and the middle reserves. The speed with which units were or-
west to forest camps in the far west, particularly in ganized and dispatched could not have obtained
the states of California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, without kitchen ranges and gear, mess kits, tent-
Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Neyada. age, bedding, clothing and the like ready in stock
"Transportation of foresters in ca.<;eswhere the point for immediate issue. In many items the Civilian
of departure and the destination were in the same Conservation Corps practically exhausted that re-
army corps area was handled by the Corps Area Com- serve and had the numbers been greater embar~
mander who made all necessary arrangements with the rassment would have resulted.
transportation companies. Movements from one corps d. It is necessary if the Army is to exert its
area to another and movements within a corps area full power of accomplishment in any emergency
when sleeping car accommodations were involved, as, that it be given a clearly defined mission, the
for example, in Texas and other points in the Eighth means and the authority to execute it and be pro-
Corps Area, were handled by The Quartermaster Gen- tected by the Executive from all interference.

WORDS, 1l"Jlsupported by m"med forces, are of little avail in international affa.irs.

The Army and Reforestation
Extracts from Statement Made by General Douglas MacArthur, Chief of Staff, U. S.
Army, Before House Committee on Military Affairs, April 26, 1933
HE directive with reference to the reforestation be set up to support the camps; purchase of commod-
T work was given by the President to me pemon-
ally. I expressed to the President my conelu-
sion that the Regular officercorps was not sufficiently
ities, movement of freight, and similar services must
be provided for. It is no child's play to take 250,000
men and scatter them through the wilderness in this
strong to carry out its military mission properly and way. So that several thousand officers will be indi-
still handle these reforestation camps; that it is al- rectly connected with this project, to form what might
most essential to use others in addition to the Regular be called its S.O.S. organization.
corps. He recognized this necessity. Upon my sug- At present, they are enrolling the men by incre-
gestion, he approved the use of Reserve officers, not ments. Recruitment is under the control of govern-
only because of their qualifications for the work, but mental authorities other than the War Department.
also because such a policy would give Reserve officers The first increment was 25,000. We are prepared in
individual training in leadership, which they do not the Army to take care of the full 250,000at any time,
get in our training system. There are no Reserve or at any rate of recruitment, but there are other
troops, so Reserve officer training is'largely academic factors that apparently enter into the situation. As-
and theoretical. They do not get actual practice in sembly points are not always in the saine States with
leadership, or experience in handling large groups. the work points. They have allocated to the States,
National Guard officers already receive this practical on a proportionate basis, the number of men that will
training. be assembled; but the work points cannot be distrib-
In approving the suggestion, the President added uted on the same basis. There has been some diffi-
the proviso that the number should be held down to culty, I believe, in bringing into a State, where they
the minimum and that junior officersshould be used already have unemployment, men from other States.
both for reasons of economy and in order that the The command of the camp will be entirely a re-
benefit to the government would endure the longest. sponsibility of the military; but the work to be accom-
The actual limitation that I suggested, and which plished is. exclusively a responsibility of the depart-
he approved, was that in each camp there should be ment of the Government which carries on that activity.
not more than three line officers-one captain and At eight o'clock in the morning, we will say, the men
two lieutenants-and, in addition, that for every thou- are assembledby the camp commander and turned over
Eand men in the civilian conservation corps there to the using service. The Forestry Service, for in-
should be not more than three medical officers. stance, will have their technical foreman ready to take
charge. We turn the groups them, and they
The general plan for the set-up of the conservation take them out and are entirely responsible until they
corps is this: There are to be 250,000 men enrolled. check them back to us, say at five o'clock, and then
They are to be assembled on Army reservations for the military again assumes responsibility. In case of
general processing, conditioning and preparation to emergency, such as a riot or anything like that, the
go into small camps. In each camp will be about 200 military commander is supreme.
men. Camps are to be established, as far as possible,
These men are not subject to courtmartial, nor to
in National and State forests, and there will be 1,250 the same laws and regulations as are soldiers. But they
of them. Thus there will be 1,250new villages, spotted have signed up an agreement that they will obey the
throughout the United States. Systematic arrange- normal rules and regulations, and if they do not we
ments for the control of these groups-their supply, bave .authority to send them home. We have had very
their hospitalization, their general welfare-amounts
few discharges. When I say that I do not count a
practically to a mobilization. It would be no more great many men that have walked out. There were
difficult to mobilize 2,000,000in larger camps than to
218 men in one assembly camp that got three or four
mobilize 250,000broken up into small detachments. good meals and a couple of nights' rest, and then,
The camps are off center. By that, I mean they when the camp got ready to work, they said that was
are generally some distance from railway terminals, enough.
so that questions of supply, water, sanitation, and of The men in general are of good type. I have in-
everything appertaining to their well-being and up- spected some of the camps. Age limits have been ::fixed
keep become very difficult matters indeed. And it between 18 and 25, and so far they run toward the
was practically impossiblefor the Regular Army corps lower bracket. The average age at Meade (about
to do that and to carry out at the same time its mis- 2,500 men were there the day of my visit), ran below
sion of preparedness in case of real military necessity. 20 years, and nearly 90 per cent of them had never had
There would not be more than three officerswith each a job in their lives. They were men who had finished
camp, aside from the medical officersthat go with them. or quit school and never had had their chance for
But that is not the limit, because supply systems must employment.
The .Coast Artillery Board
By Colonel A. H. Sunderland, CAC

ONSISTENT readers of the COASTARTILLERY such has been the status for a number of years. How-

C JOURNALwill note that about every so often ever, from personal memory, I recall that, as late
some member of the Coast Artillery Board allows as 1911 the members of the Coast Artillery Board were
the spirit to move him to write an article concerning on duty as directors, Coast Artillery School, and as
this Board. In the issue of June, 1924, Brigadier fire and battery commanders in the Harbor Defenses
General H. J. Hatch, then Colonel and President of of Chesapeake Bay, then called the Coast Defenses of
the Coast Artillery Board, published a history that is Chesapeake Bay. The Secretary of the Coast Artillery
very complete as to dates and development. In the School was the recorder of the Board and the Board
issue of February, 1929, there appeared another article room was the one in the present Coast Artillery School
entitled "The Coast Artillery Board and Its Work," building now used as an office by the executive officer,
written by Brigadier General W. E. Cole, then Colonel 3rd Coast Artillery District.. From that time, and
and President of the Board. I will attempt to set forth even before, until about 1917, there was employed a
what the Board does, how it does it and give a very civilian assistant to the Board who was designated
elementary discussion of Coast Artillery problems as a "Computer." His duties included ballistic com-
of today. putations for range tables, correction curves for the
As General Hatch states,. the Artillery Board was Pratt Range Board and similar work. This gives a
established in 1866, but there have been since that time, rough idea of one line of work done at that time. Of
in addition to other vicissitudes, two lapses in its opera- course, then, as now, the most essential feature of the
tion. One lapse extended from the very inception of work of the Board was the testing, under service con-
the organization at least, until 1870. Of course, there ditions, of various devices submitted.
was no Chief of Artillery in those days and General Probably the" shortest way to describe the Coast
Hunt, President of the first Board organized, because Artillery Board is to say that. it is an adjunct of the
he had been given no projects to report upon, felt the Office of the Chief of Coast Artillery. All work is
Board had been neglected and, among other things, assigned by the Chief of Coast Artillery and no work
said, in a letter dated November 5, 1870, "I have in- taken up by the Bpard is carried to a conclusion or
ferred that so novel an innovation on the customs of even very far without his approval. This latest state-
our service as having a recognized artillery authority, ment should not be interpreted as preventing any per-
of allowing spontaneous action to artillery officers on son from corresponding direct with the Coast Artillery
questions relating to their own arm, had been speedily Board. Note the invitation appearing in each issue
repented of and abandoned, with somewhat scant of the JOURNALat the head of " Ooast Artillery
courtesy, perhaps, toward, those who composed the Board Notes."
Board. " From my study of the files of the Coast Ever since 1868 the home station of the Coast
Artillery Board, I think the entire letter, from which Artillery Board has been Fort Monroe. From time
the above is quoted, is one of the finest examples of a to time it has been more or less blended with the Coast
certain use of the English language that has ever Artillery School and, according to the information ap-
emanated from the Coast Artillery Board. In the pearing on the fly-leaves of certain issues of the COAST
sentence quoted appears the germ that thirty-one years ARTILLERY JOURNAL,that periodical was published un-
later had so developed that there was produced a der direction of the Artillery Board from 1902 to 1906,
"Chief of Artillery," causing the Artillery to be the inclusive. The Board is one of the few organizations
first of the combat arms to have a chief. in the Army that has not managed, since the War,
Another lapse in the activities of the Board was to add feathers to its own nest by procuring housing
during the World War. Developments were too rapid facilities other than a war-time barracks building.
during that period to await the mature deliberation It would appear that there are three major reasons
supposed to be given to each subject acted upon by the for having the Board at Fort Monroe.
Board. a. The facilities afforded by a large garrison and a
During the World War the activities at Fort Monroe mass of artillery materiel at the post.
and Camp Eustis were combined into one organization b. The presence of the Coast Artillery School, the
called the Coast Artillery Training Center, which submarine mine depot, and a large number of repre-
carried on until early in 1920.. From soon after the sentative officers or the Coast Artillery.
Armistice until the disappearance of the Training c. The economy of providing for officers on the post
Center, the Coast Artillery Board was a part of the rather than in the city.
cumbersome staff 'Ofthat Center. Individual members of the Board are sent from time
The Board now consists of officers detailed for no to time to the Aberdeen Proving Grounds and manu-
other duty than that connected with the Board and facturing establishments to observe tests or processes.
262 The Coast Artillery Board July-Aug., 1933

Occasionally, officers go out on Naval vessels to observe The work before the Board at anyone time is prob-
tests of armament. The personnel of the Board is abl;y as good an indication as can be found of a single
carried, for administrative purposes, on the rolls of feature that will show the progress of the Coas: Artil-
the Coast Artillery School and all communications be- lery. Looking back over the records, it is interesting
tw-een the Chief of Coast Artillery and the President to see what a struggle some devices and methods went
of the Ooast Artillery Board pass through the office of through in being born and adopted, whereas today the
the Commandant of the School. same devices are not only standard but fundamental
A minor point that may be of interest to some read- and we proceed as if they had eome in at the same
ers is the internal organization of the Board, in which, time as gunpowder.
natur,ally, an attempt is made to fit the Board to its Just now appears to be a distinct period of transi-
work. Almost every problem taken up can be classified tion. In nearly all fields of human endeavor, so-called
rather definitely as Harbor Defense, Antiaircraft, or technocracy is becoming an important factor. The
Electrical. These classes are self-explanatory, but the Coast .Artillery is far from an exception. It mighr
Electrical class includes problems under submarine be said that technocracy was forced upon our Branch.
mines, subaqueous sound ranging, and communications. The now standard system of fire control for seacoast
This latter involves radio, telephones and continuous mortar batteries is somewhat complicated, but in an
transmission devices. Of course, all these classes blend emergency a battery commander could deliver <;om-
into one another, but it is found necessary, in order paratively effective fire with such a battery minu."
to solve proficiently all the problems submitted, to many items of the present standard system of fire con-
have one or more officers particularly proficient in each trol, and a good battery commander should be pre-
one of the three cl~es. The Coast Artillery School pared to thus carryon in an emergency. The com-
is organized along very similar lines and, in this con- manding officer of an antiaircraft gun battery, with-
nection, it might be stated that the Commandant and out his fire control apparatus, is now almost helpless.
the individual members of the staff of that School ren- He should not be and it'is somebody's business, pos-
der valuable assistance by cooperating with the Board. sibly mine, to deyelop emergency fire control for anti-
Within the Board, a problem is generally assigned aircraft guns. Since this was written, I note that this
to a committee of three. It is the duty of the chair- problem is being taken up by Ordnance Department
man of such a committee to look up all pertinent in- personnel. Furthermore, antiaircraft standard equip-
formation on the problem assigned, to 'prepare outlines ment is much more complicated than is the standard
for and supervise tests, if such be necessary, and to equipment of the mortar battery commander; the anti-
prepare a draft of the report. The other two ml'mbers aircraft commander is forced to develop firing data
then scrutinize the report and cause it to be made a and fire within periOds 'of time limited to seconds. The
report by a committee rather than a report by an extreme celerity required in the computation lIas
individuaL That draft is then circulated and before forced the use of machines or mechanical directors.
it is forwarded is concurred in by each member of the When it was found that such directors could solve the
Board, except in the rare case in which a member may complicated three-dimension, high speed, problems of
desire to submit a minority report. In addition to antiaircraft work, it appeared logical to suppose that
this arrangement, an executive officer or secretary at- a machine of much simpler construction could solve
tends to administrative work and assists in the prepar- promptly and accurately the problem of seacoast fire.
ation of reports. I am not prepared to say that this is the exact line
The more important problems undertaken are called of development as it actually unfolded, but there is
projects and are numbered serially. Project No. 1 an element of truth in it. Anyway, if I were required
was dated August 13, 1920. The last one undertaken to state the greatest problem before the Coast Artillery
was numbered 965. Board today, I would indicate that it is the adoption
Rather recently the Submarine Mine Depot, for of suitable directors for fire control, both antiaircraft
years known as the Torpedo Depot and established at and seacoast. Bear in mind that this is the general,
Fort Totten, was moved to Fort Monroe and the Com- broad direction of drift. The detailed list of the
manding Officer of that organization is designated as projects before the Board at any time is to be found
an additional member of the Coast Artillery Board in each issue of the JOURNAL.
for all matters of submarin.e defense. It appears that the construction of a mechanical
Another classification of the work of the Board and director is somewhat like the proverbial snowball roll-
along another line of cleavage is shown in the follow- ing down hill-the more it goes the more it grows.
ing table. The percentage set after each item indi- The requirements appear quite simple, but when one
cates the percentage of man-hours (more correctly, proceeds to incorporate ideas into machines, device
officer-hours) estimated as expended on each of the after device is introduced to take care of some refine-
classes of work when compared with the total amount ment that develops.. No fabricator wishes to turn out
of work done. an incomplete piece of apparatus, consequently nearly
Tests, (Generally projects) 20% all directors are so complicated and involve so many
Review of target practIce reports, 20% separate features that their operation under service
Preparation of regulations, 20% conditions is jeopardized. The machines are so ex-
Indorsements and short reports not pensive and so susceptible to change and improvement
classified as projects, 40% that it is impracticable to make them np in lar;5e num-
Jul,y-Aug., 1933 263
The Coast Artillery Board

bel's and issue them to the service, for after all, the link in a long chain to put out of action a power-
service test, (that is, the actual use by troops in the ful gun.
field in target practice) is the only test that will bring Just now the Coast Artillery Board is starting in
out whether or not it is a practicable instrument from on the test of an instrument conceived, designed and
all Tiewpoints. It is comparatively easy to have the built by Captain j. T. Lewis, C.A.C., and Lieutenant
Chief of Ordnance, or some interested inventor, make G. W. Trichel, C.A.C. This director offers every prom-
up some modification of the old system of fire control ise of meeting the seacoast requirements. Compared
for test by the Board, but it is a very different propo- with the present standard seacoast fire control installa-
sition to require any agency to make up a machine tion, it looks complicated; compared with oth~r ,instru-
that may cost thousands of dollars with the risk of ments designed to solve the same problems, It IS very
it not being at all suited to the requirements of the simple. All concerned have great hopes for its stand-
semce. ardization.
Just now there is installed ail Fort Hancock a beau- While we are calling upon the latest developments
tiful instrument that cost many thousands of dollars. of science to help out the seacoast and antiaircraft gun
It functions very well in many features but is not tJommanders, we cut adrift the poor gun pointer. of the
considered practicable for issue to the service in gen- antiaircraft machine gun with a bare, SIghtless gun
eral. This instrument is applicable only to the sea- and tell him to hit the target if he can. He does
coast problem. Several types of directors have been have the tracer bullet to help him out, but this, in
manufactured and issued for antiaircraft fire control. my opinion, .is a very slender reed upon which to lean.
The use of each one of these indicates weaknesses in This is one way of stating what I consider to be the
many points that should be improved. The Govern- problem of Coast Artillery work farthest removed
ment cannot go ahead buying imperfect instruments from solution, and I am not prepared to say that the
and it is very difficult to secure ill(oney for their im- problem cannot be solved,
provement. They are so complicated that any im- In general, I believe it can be said that the w?rk
provement generaly involves tearing down and rebuild- of making tests is gradually, very gradually, fallmg
ing the whole structure. If anyone is inclined to scoff off in the Coast Artillery Board work. This is a trend
at this procedure, his attention might be invited to I do not favor and I will take it up later in this
the development of the automobile which has been paper. Normally, a device for the Coast Artillery is
going on for about thirty years and in which the manufactured by the Ordnance Department. Actual
problem to be solved is most rudimentary compared to fabrication is not undertaken until the specifications
the fire control problem, and technocracy is just start- are very carefully gone over by the experts or that
ing on our problem. The wearing out of the old one Department or until the requirements of the Co~t
and family pride demand frequent replacement of Artillery are very carefully set forth by the Chief
automobiles. A good director should endure for years or Coast Artillery. Of course, he generally uses the
and the Chief of Coast Artillery must plead before Coast Artillery Board to prepare ~he details of. re-
Congressional Committees something more tangible quirements. The finished product IS gen~ral~y gIVen
than family pride in procuring money for new range a real test by being issued to several orgamzatIons, the
finders. commanders of which are required to report thereon.
Some of the new machines work very prettily and Ideas and principles that are entirely new are tried
there is every expectation that within a few years the out by the Coast Artillery Board. T~e machinery of
fire control problem can be solved by having each the War Department is now so organIzed that a very
indiTidual of the plotting room charged with no more few freakish projects are ever offered to brighten the
responsibility than turning a knob to keep two pointers life of the Coast Artillery Board. It would be a gr:at
matched. There are two very obvious objections to relief from the monotony of preparing tables and Ul-
such a procedure. The processes that simplify the work dorsements to go out to see a demonstration by the
of the man complicate the work of the machine and man who a few years ago, suggested that the harbor
the machine becomes a collection of mechanical and defense ~roblem could be solved 15yhaving local ~ar-
electrical features, everyone of which is a poteni-ial risons train teams of porpoises so that two porpOises,
source of trouble, and these machines are like the swimming parallel courses and towing a !orpedo be-
naughty little girl-when they are bad they are ter- tween them, would straddle an incoming enemy vessel
rible--and (reverting to the machine) the amount of with certainty and precision.
time necessary to make repairs is, of course, most A large percentage of our tests are ch~cking the
indeterminate. Another disadvantage in extreme accuracy of range finders. Of course, there IS no mor.e
mechanization lies in the fact that directors may work accurate range finder than the combination of a hOrI-
so well that all hands will use the machines constantly zontal base and a plotting board. Consequently, many
and consistently at drill and will allow the emergency of the tests are comparisons of results of a new range
system to fall into disuse. Now neither of these rea- finder with those of a horizontal base system.
sons should stand in the way of the adoption of such A few years ago the self-contained range fin~ers
devices. Common sense demands that we be equipped generally were coincident instruments. The trend Just
with the best available, but neither in seacoast nor now :is to use the principle of the 0.1dpa::lor stere?I?-
antiaircraft can we afford to permit the failure of one tican. Our senice has been slow m takmg up tms
264 The Coast Artillery Board July-Aug., 1933

method. Good results are being obtained using this has gone much further by making most useful sug-
principle in range finding, but it is found that only gestions, but the Coast Artillery is the using service
a small percentage of human beings have their eye- and it might appear that we should block out our own
sight developed along lines that will permit an in- destiny and that the Coast Artillery Board, or some-
dividual to get the stereoptican effect so completely other similar organization, should be working ahead
that he can use these instruments successfully. with the view of grasping and applying to our imme-
In few other places are there as many monuments as diate problems new principles as quickly as they are
in the Coast Artillery when such monuments mark developed, or to be remodeling the old. As good as
the determination and insistence of some individual the manufacturing and development services are, the
that his invention be standardized and used. This in- inspiration should come from the using service. 'rhe
troduces a principle upon which the Coast Artillery Chief of Coast Artillery alone is charged with finding
Board is forced to proceed, and this might be stated out the needs of the Coast Artillery and, from one
as being that no inventor should be allowed to pass viewpoint, we do not seem to be organized to give him
upon the merits of his own invention. In general, the the maximum assistance in this particular because-
present organization of the War Department prevents, there is no one in our Corps trying out new ideas. An.
on broad lines, the adoption of unsuitable equipment. officer on duty with troops, who is the man that
In a recent hearing before a Congressional Commit- actually uses the equipment already made up or is the.
tee, the Chief of Staff of the Army stated: "It (the fellow that feels the deficiencies of equipment now
General Staff) is a great coordinating agency; because supplied, rarely gets a chance to do more than make-
of its existence we no longer have the old struggle his wants known, and generally he is not able to pro-
between fighting arms and supply services. In former vide a specific remedial recommendation. If he has a
times, for instance, fighting arms used to complain bit- good idea, there are many things standing in the way
terly that they could not have the weapons they needed of his developing it. In the first. place, if he is with
because some technician in the supply service, who had an antiaircraft l).nit, his ne]\:t duty may be recruiting
no experience in fighting, decided some other weapon or that of student in a tactical school and it will be
was to be manufactured." For example, there prob- years before he can get around again. to his idea. Fur-
ably will be few disappearing guns mounted in the thermore, if his device is complicated and expensive, he
future. cannot even get the drawings made up, let alone a
The Coast Artillery Board should sit as jury and the model. Many a Coast Artilleryman has ideas to the
Chief of Coast Artillery as judge in tIle case of every effect that he could produce machines that would be
device submitted for test. Of course, before a device most effective if he only had a chance.
is actually standardized for issue, the General Staff As far as I know, there is no one giving very serious
make such recommendations to the Secretary of War thought to the development of an antiaircraft machine
as will coordinate the use of the device with the needs gun fire control system or a high speed radio controlled
of the other arms and services of the Army. seacoast target that might be used in simulating a
This leads up ~o what has been set forth as a weak- naval run by. Have we arrived at the ultimate in
ness in our organization, and such weakness is very fitting together gun, powder and projectile with a view
minor when compared with some of the deficiencies to reducing the probable errors of heavy armament ~
that existed a few years ago in such organization. The Just now reports are coming in to the effect that the
'Val' Department is so organized as to permit of the Fort Knox exercises developed deficiencies in certain
manufacture of any instrument, utilizing for this pur- materiel. Who is the Coast Artilleryman that is to
pose the facilities of the Ordnance Department, or of grasp this situation and step in to see that the best
some other supply department, or a commercial con- and most suitable is brought forth ~
cern. The Coast Artillery Board can test the instru- To oyer-state the case by homely comparison, it has
ment when it is made up. Furthermore, the device been said that the tailor not only makes our clothes,
having been issued for use, the troops in the field will but selects the cloth, cuts to his own pattern and pre-
continue to make suggestions as to improvements. But dominates at the fitting. We have made our own sub-
it is held that there is a deficiency of personnel whose marine mine materiel for years and I believe there-
duty it is to hunt around and see that effective but is a higher percentage of armament advancement in
less complicated systems are developed or that the lat- that feature of defense within the last ten years thaTI-
est developments or kinks of science are applied to the in. any other line. New and pertinent schemes for
Coast Artillery problem. This is a broad statement mines are coming up with great frequency and the
that does not permit of proof and, if taken seriously, Chief of Coast Artillery knows just what is going on.
might hurt someone's feelings. Without looking up I No one has gone so far as to recommend that the-
the exact wording of the Army Regulation, it is safe Coast Artillery take over any more or other fabricat-
to say that the Ordnance Department is charged with ing services, but it is possible our development
making nearly all the equipment the Coast Artillery- organization can be improved because we are not
man uses. That department is most efficient, prompt utilizing our talents to the full extent. Certainly, a
and accommodating. As far as I know, the Chief of few men, typified :past and present by Whistler, G. N.;-
Ordnance, the Chief Signal Officer and the Chief of the Lewis family, I. N. and J. T.; and Jackson, A. M.,
Engineers have always done everything the Chief of might produce, if allowed to devote their entire time
Coast Artillery has a.'5kedany of them to do and each to such work, most effective result".
Let the Army Do It!
By Major Nelson Dingley, III, CAC.

HE standal'(l American joke about the brave hus- unexpected dinner guest has anllouuced that he will
band who brought home an unexpected guest for stay for two \\'eeks. This ne,,"s is something of a bomb,
dinner best describes the predicament of the shell to the mistress of the quiet and well ordered
Regular Army with its unexpected quarter million home, because she is instinctively hospitable and wants
CCC guests. Obviously the army is in the role of the her guest to feel that he is welcome, but she has a
harassed housewife whose thoughts fly to the empt.'. large family of her mm :lld their demands OIl her
ice box and depleted pantry sheh'es. To the public time require long hours of each day. fIo\\' can she
and the many \Velfare Organizations who recruit these devote herself wholly to her house-guest as she desires
"guests" it is absurdly simple; merel.'T haye the man without neglecting her children? What sort of mis-
sign his applieatit)l1 and giye him a ticket to the near- chief will .• Bobby" and " Johnny" get in to if they
est Arm." Post, and the Al'1ny will do the rest. Could
are left to themselves without her ever "'a tchflll eye?
anJ.thing be simpler Y
But that ain't the half of it, to usc the nllgar
the older childrcn leaI'll their lessons and progress
in their training if she neglects them? Where may
jargon. The" guests" arriye ill groups, droyes and this guest sleep with the greatest comfort to him ancl
legions, and the supply seems endle~s. All arc ray- the least disturbance to her own family? These and
cnous, many are poorl." clad, unwashed and sllfferin~ nHlllY other problems Hash through her mind as she
fl'om a yariety of ailments, 'Each one is a fellow hu- graciously presides over her table with no out\rarcl
man, a fellow citizen and from both the humane and indication of the inner turmoil for fear that she will
lpgal standpoint entitled to all care and attention we fail as the perfect hostess and the gnest become ill at
can give him. case.
Heyerting to the housewife parallel once more, the Thus we see the Army today. The training of the

The new Forestry Army leaving Fort Monroe, Va., for their battle with the forests, The Second Coast Artillery Band, in the
background, pausing between numbers of their farewell concert to the young men from Pittsburgh.
:?66 Let the Army Do It! July-Aug., ] 93:J

soldier must continue; traiuing schedules must be main- the camp. Scoldings and denial of privileges are in
tained; troops must be dispatched to the foreign sta- exact proportion to the amount of this the indiYidual
tions; target practices must be fired; Citizens }lilitary concerncd is willing to accept. If he doesn't like thi~
Training Camps must continue; ditto for the Rcserye and doesn't like that he is quite free to leaY('o but of
Officers Training Camps. and the Organized Resenes, course the knO\dedge that if he does leave without
and so on far into the night to quote '~}lr. and }Irs." autllOritJ, he is dropped as a deserter and may not re-
of the comic sheet. These are our legitimate children. turn, is quite a deterrent.
and we must not neglect them and we must not neglect Then too, in seeking to make well ordered organ-
our guests. It is our problem and ,,'e are doing our izations of 215 men each, out of these men. we lllust
durndest to do both jobs gracefully. guard carefully against the charge of making soldiers
This problem so lightly dismissed b:' the uninformed out of them. It is astonishing and a little discouraging
is mountainous and at the same time deeply interesting to learn how many of our people regard the Regular
to the army man whose business it is to know men and Army personnel as bloodthirsty \yarriors who consider
their whims. The only parallel to the present situa- their sons only as so much cannon fodder. Of course
tion in the history of our country was the incoming that is nonsense, but such assurancc does not calm
draft army of 1911-18; only this is more of a problem their fcars. We who handle men in bulk every day
because of the simple fact that these CCC men are 01' our liye:,; know that orderl:' ran1,s and a comlllon
still dyilians and are not subject to the Articles of language are the only efficient means of handling thelll
,Val', which is the "big stick" :';0 easily wielded when \\"hether they bc a civilian corps or a military corps.
necessary in the handling of soldiers. With this policy honestly and sincerely foremost in
In this situation we IllUSt seek our goal b:' devious our minds we are teaching them to form ranks; to
routes rather than the dired one. "lYe must sell our- "right face" and "left face"; to change direction.
seh'es as individuals to this rapidly changing Illass of and to execute the simplest manoeuyers-such, for
humans who in' 1\\'0 short weeks must be sent to the example, as will enable them to reduce the ,,'idth of
reforcstation camps as trained. organized and self- their column in passing a vehicle on a narrow country
sustaining units. The ani:' discipline we are able to road. It is sort of a case of damned if yon do and
inject into these youths is through appeal to thcir man- damned if yon don't, with the efficiency experts 011
hood and self-respect. 'rhe last resort is dismissal from cne side and the pacifists on the other, each looking
for a chance to howl as we proceed along a new and
uncharted path; \\'ith our only allchor to \rind\l"al"tl
such horse sense as the good Lord sa\l" fit to give us.
Alld so we find ourseh'es once more the "hostess"
graciously receiving our guests on a doorstep that may
not be O\1I'Sfor long', but to return to the business at
hand: this train brings only 300, and one glance tells
us that even though Emily Post does not prescribe it
for polite society, we must neyertheless tactfully sug
gest that the guests should first bathe, giyillg special
attention to the feet and hidden comers. No, there are
110 tile bath rooms and no sunken baths, but good solid
concrete floors, oodl~s of sho\l"el's alld gallons of hot

The Second Coast Artillery Band playing a farewell concert as members of the Pittsburgh contingent of the new
Civilian Conservation Corps leave Fort Monroe, Va., for their new work in the Allegheny National Forest.
.July-Aug" 1933 Let the ArillY Do It! ~6i'

.'.;-... ,

...'!.-~,• .,
..... " .. ~

One Company of the Pittsburgh contingent of the C. C. C.'s

at Fort Monroe on their way to draw more clothes before
leaving for their new forest camp. They have had just enough
military drill to enable them to move from place to place in
some such fashion as this.

The colored boys are perhaps the funniest because

I really belieye that they are the most vain. Many
of this group llaye deformed feet and hammertoes
lI'ater with plenty of soap and gorgeous great big because of self-inflicted torture in the matter of foot
~[edif'al Department turkish towels, With some this gear. If you haye never seen a size H-EE in a hob-
l'xperience is a bit of a shock. but they are willing to nail, you have a surprise in store for you, and so
learn and agreeably surprised to find that there are thought one of the Virginia darkies who came up to
no eyil after effects. In some cases whel'e the runninf! me with the most woebegone expression and said "Boss,
!Yearor the Ull(~er side of the fenders has been slighted. I loyes my new clothes, I do, jest look at dem shoes."
the operation is repeated and the original finish shines "'Vhy what's the matter with the shoes?" said 1.
forth in all its pristine glory. From the baths ,,'e pro- ""Thy, Boss," replied the dad;:y, who \\'as ra thel'
eeed to the clothing room, ,,-here each guest is out- diminutive in stature but had huge feet, "sposin a
fitted from, the skin out with clean clothes, some new. dawg ,,-as to chase me-haw's I gain' to run?" And
and some class "B" as we call it. but it is all service- so it goes, punctuated with laughs and gl'owls until
able, comfortable and CTJEAX. each man has two of eyerything ,,-ith a big dunnage
Don't think for a minute that all this is drudgery bag to carry it in.
because it isn't at al:; in fact there is something ne,,- Food is the next eyeut on the program, and how it
and interesting every minute. "Many times there is fades away before the onslaught. Did you ever stop
a good laugh. and helieye me it is always a friendly to consider the chore of peeling potatoes for a thou.
laugh with all joining in and neyer anything that even sand men? Do you realize that this number .of men
approaches ridicule. Shoes provoke the greatest will consume three quarters of a ton of bread a day,
number of laughs mel'cly because the youth to be fitted and with it goes 180 pounds of butter, 200 cans of
still clings to the city slicker viewpoint of what a shoe milk and 300 gallons of coffee? What housewife
\hould be and the expressions on some faces as they wouldn't be stunned at a breilkfast of 1000 oranges,
receiye the army hob.nail brogan is sometimes ludi- 150 pounds of jelly, 150 dozen eggs, to say nothing of
erous. They cannot seem to realize that feet grow and the cereal, bread, butter, coffee and 450 pounds of
broaden with outdoor work. to say nothing of getting either bacon or ham? Roast beef for dinner is the
meatier ,,-ith plenty of nourishing food. and they are simple announcement on the menu, but these thousand
horrified at the sizes given them. They don't know men of ours will consnme 600 pounds at a sitting and
that the army shoe fitting machine was developed from that is a little more than four hind quarters or about
rears of experience of fitting millions of shoes, and a cow and a half in rough reckoning.
e\-en the fact that the,\' must stand on one foot with If it should be Friday the piece-de-l'esistallre is fish.
50 Ibs, on their shoulders while being measured would and as Axiom Xo. 1 is that no Illan It'ayes the mess
quite naturall,\' depress the arch and thus lengthen hall hungry, there must be plenty, so we figure on
the foot for the moment. about 1200 fish for the meal and if any Doubting
July-Aug .. ]933
:?68 Let the Army Do It!

ib~ ~ .' r


1. Si::u:ll t'orlJ~ I,hoto. :!. Photo lJ~' \Yidt-> "'n:-ld. a & 4 Photo1" II)" .\('IIIf'.

1. Tree surgery as practiced by the C. C. C. Part of the crew from Baltimore learning practical phases of tree culture at
Fort Howard, Md. 2. Luray, Va., after spending two weeks building up their muscles and getting used to outdoor life at Fort
Washington, Washington youths are shown clearing up for their tents at Massanutten Mountains. The camp is at Powell's
Fort, a spot so isolated that even residents of the highland villages know little about it. 3. A delegation of forest workers at
the Columbia National Forest near Yacolt, Wash. 4. Reforestation workers at Camp Roosevelt, near Luray, Va.

Thomas thinks that is no job, let him come around If the young mother's patience i.~ tl'iet! lJ('cHuse
little "Bobby" refuses to eat his spinach she would
and lend a hand.
To the casual observer it appears that the horn of take heart in witnessing our trials when our big" Bob-
plenty is flowing over with literally heaps of food bies" refuse the green vegetables, the roul!'wge and
dispensed every day, but behind this ample board the anti-seorbuties. It would astonish editors of Good
is a s:,'stem of rigid economy and accounting that would JJ ollsekeeping if they knew how few people haw even
make a rebel out of the most docile housewife; for a rudimentary knowledge of a well balanced diet.
bear in mind that all of it must cost no more than ~Ieat. bread and potatoes meets the popular d('mand.
27 cents or 9 cents per man pel' meal. Every day and how outraged and abused they are when \\'e stand
the inventory of pantry shelycs is made and the ac- over them with a club (figuratiycly) and make them
counts balanced, and every tenth day is the day of cat tomato salads. chopped cabbage and ma:,'ollnais('.
reckoning with the commissary. If we have saved a greens, whole bran and the like. Strangely enough
few dollars of our allowance we draw additional food the cit:,' bo:,'s are the most difficult in this respect be,
in lieu of dollars and if \ve are a fe\\' dollars over, cause the:,' are ill\'ariably more undernourished than
drawn, we dig down into our personal pockets to make the country boys. Theil' idea of a suitable lIIeal three
up the shortage, and in these days of pay cuts, none times a day is a "hot dog" and an ice cream cone.
of us can afford such a luxury. Economy and fru- Oh yes! there are lots of good laughs, with kidding and
gality behind the scenes is our fetish, and woe to the joshing of the rebellious one by his own team mates,
man who "'astes food. "Eat all you take" is our and thus do we accomplish our purpose,
motto. and as a result there is less for the garbage The next number on the program is the 'thOl'ough
contractor and more for the consumer. physical examination. followed by an innoculation for
.July-Aug., 1933 Let the Army Do It! ~69

typhoid and para-typhoid and a small-pox vaccination. as she can to care for these unexpected guests, and
Here the medical officers step into the picture and she cannot afford to buy more. Add to this four army
another rigid well-planned system start~ to function, blankets per bed and' a mattress cover. a fresh se~
for each man must be critically examined and carded breeze right off Chesapeake Bay. a clel1n til'eel boch-
because the army doctor is responsible that each physi-
wit.h ~ 'Yell tilled tummy. and ~'ou have sleep pr~-
cal defect .that. a man may haw, no matter how slight, scrIptIOn that the United Hotels System would pay a
shall be chscovered and noted on the man's own card.
lot for. Our original plan "'as for taps at 11 :00
This is for the sole purpose of protecting the govern-
o'clock p.m. but we had to move it up to 9 :00 o'clock
ment. should this same man at some later date claim
because they ,rere all in bed and asleep by that time
that he developed this defect while in the "overnment's and taps only ,yoke them up.
service. :Ko man is rejected from the CCe for physical
defects provided he is able to perform an honest day's . All hands are akrt and eager at 5:45 the next mot"ll-
labor. Contagious diseases are another matter entir~ly I~g when reveille calls .. 'Ve can't get 'em up,-"
and are grounds for rejection for the yelT obvious ~lt alwa;ys has). A good wash (tactfully insisted UpOll
111 some cases), tooth brush drill (a novel experience
rea"on that a diseased man would become "a burden
in the forest camp and could infect his comrades. to some) followed by a hot breakfast and the first
day of training begins. '
And so the bo;ys are formed in ranks and marched
(apologies to the pacifists who would doubtless prefer' Each group of 215 men under the tutelage of a
a column of mobs) to the hospital. Each man receives Hegulal' Army captain or lieutenant assisted bv two
a physical examination report bearing his name and sergeants OJ; corporals start from scratch. kno,rin:r that
the inquisition begins. First the undressinO" room ~hey w~ll have t~n days to two weeks t~ comple~e the
from which they emerge clad only in a broad "'grin or Job. Every subject that will benefit them, and he'p
a shamefaced smile, depending upon the reaction of them to better survive the camp experience and ret Ill'll
the individual. and proceed along the white-robed line to their homes as better citizens is hammered into
of medicos. Some of the colored brethern have them. Citi~enship, patriotism, loyalt~., Eo:' Scout
panick~. recollections of the Ku Klux Klan, but their camp ~ssentl.als, hJ'giene; oral hygiene, sex hygiene,
fears arc soon dissipated and the system beO'ins to care of the feet, knot. tYlllg, llse of blocks and tackle
function. ," '" and kindred subjects. Of course this all does not
come in one full blast, but is well spread oYer the
First comes the weighing machine and the height
training period, and interspersed with" march in" ,. in-
measurer, and strangely enough this little chore is
struction, calisthenics, organized "ames and ~duca-
performed by the Veterinary, but of course the,' are . '"
ttonal walks, plus a little work just to O'i,'e them the
sublimely ignorant that the horse doctor has" been
honest feeling that they have earned thci~ daily bread.
drafted for this job. Why the veterinary yon ask?
Xo special reason except that the Medical Department Being something of a glutton for punishme~lt I am
is hard pressed for doctors, and the "Vet" belongs enjoying myself hugely in this new and different kind
to that corps, and available when they need him. From o~ work .. I have been permitted to surround myself
the tops of their heads to the soles of their feet each WIth staff officers who are both mentally and tempera-
man i<; critieally and studiously sUl'Yeyed and his con- mentally qualified for this kind of work, and last but
dition noted on his card with" a celel'"ity that is quite 110t least I have been very lucky. "\Ve have had no
astonishing. Here again t.he contra.~t between the disorders and no disturbances. "\Ve IUI\'e, and haye
country boy and the city boy is quite marked, the had, all. t~'pes, classes and creecls. Tough guys and
for~er almost inyariably bein~ the better ph~'sical Mammas boys and essentially they are all pretty
speCImen. And ho,,' the "darky" excels the white mnch alike ann. can be reached if a little time is
men in the matter of teeth! I don't know wl1\' anr] spent all each, It's pretty much the caiie of "The
r should like to be told. It is during' the innocnl~lt ions
and vaccinations where the only discomfort comes in.
and that is of course trifling. and here again we se~
an interesting contrast between the States or localitic.s
where vaccination is compulsory and those whel'c
it is not. Those who had been su"ccessfully vaccinated
before were almost "'holly immune to the second in-
From the hospital and the physical examinations
":e march back to the camp, eat another meal (as
snnple as that) and get ready for bed. Some men
get the regulation Quartermaster iron bed. others the
steel cots and still others the canvas cot with a fnrther
non-uniformity of bedding. Some draw mattres.~es and
other:> straw-stuffed bed sacks. and if this offends some.
please remember that our h."pothetical housewife is im-
provising the very best she can to make her ven' Army personnel checking the members of the C. C. C. as
they start for the forests. Many wanted to remain behind at
limited supply of sleeping af:colllodatiolls go as fa"i' the post where they seemed to enjoy it.
270 Let the Army Do It! July-.ll1g., 1933

acquainted with the situation. They are young and

being young are cop~'ists. Absolutely no effort is made
to haye them render the military courtesies. It is sur-
prising how many attempt to ape the soldiers and
,'ender lIS a slr,\' salute aftel' the,\' 118\"e been with us
a few days.
In our talks we do try to teach them the elemental
courtesies that are expected ill the onlinar,\" walks of
life. It is an unpleasant but nevertheless true state-
ment that the aycrage American youth is fresh and
permitted too mnch license, and as we feel that it
goes for better citizenship we do teach them that older
people are entitled to some deference from youth; that
it is good manners to remm'e one's hat on entering a
man's office; that a man standing on his two feet
\\'ithout a slouch presents a much more engaging pic-
ture than a slownly lout; that a direct look into a
.man's e,\'es and saying, "Yes, sir," is bound to impress
A group of Pittsburgh's young men at Fort Monroe, Va., a prospecth'e employer fayorably; that it isn't good
with a part of the equipment and clothing that they have been manners to cat with one's knife or to pick one's teeth
issued while at the historic post. with the same implement; that it's nicer to wash <IDes
ears and feet than not to. and numy other hints along
Colonel's Lady and Judy 0 'Grad~'" but sometimes these lines. If this is militarism and if this is making
one has to go a little deeper than the skin. cannon fodder out of the AmeI'ican ~'outh, then I
These boys have no knowledge of the arm,\', most plead )!uilt,\' on both counts.
of them were infants at the time of the .World .War. And so the tired housewife's day is done and as
Rank and the insignia of rank means nothing to them. she seeks ont the one bed she Iws sln'ed for herself.
Until they Dbsene and learn, the officers are usually she ,,,on del's how her own children haye fared during
O'reeted as "8arO'e" or "Pal" or "Buddy," much to the day, how far she has succeeded in pleasing her
the enjo,\'ment ~f the old time regular' ~oldier who guest and with a genuine henrt pall)! she ,,'onders jnst
is onr staunch and loyal ally and entitled to his laugh why she is not pleasing to her husband who at times
at our expense if he wants it, and believe it or not he does not seem to want her. 'Vith these mixed elllo-
champions our canse and position more tlwn we do tioll$ ill 111')"mind she prays to the Gods of Chance and
ourselYes. I sometimes wonder if he is fully appre- the Imp of Peryersity to guide her through the days
ciated. And it docs not take the bo,\'s long to ~et to COllie, and finall,\- she sleeps.

THE CO;\DJOX XOTIOX that peace and the virtues of civil life flourished together,
I found to be wholly llitfenavle. Peace ml(l the vices of dvil life DIlly flourish
together. 1Fe talk of peace alld learning, and of peace and plenty, and olZJeace
and ci1'ilization; but I found that those were 1lOt the words which the Muse of
llistOl'y coupled together: thaf. on her lips, the words lCeI'c-l)eaCe, and sellSI/-
ality-peace, and selfishness-peace, and death. I found, in brief, that all
great nations leanled the truth of word, and strength of thought, in war; that
they /Cere nOllrished lin war, and wasted by peace; tal/ght by war, and deceived
by peace; fI'ained by war, alld betrayed, by peace,: ill a word., that they 1cere
born ill lcar, and expired in peace.-HusKIX.
Thoughts on Organization
By Lieutenant Colonel Charles H. White, Infantry

T-is15 years since the war and we have the ,organi- through the Gerlich principle may yet make some of

I zation of that time. By this it is not meant to con-

vey that it is not a satisfactory organization which
is incapable of being adjusted to those modifications
the present weapons fairly satisfactory. As to anti-
aircraft weapons, it is believed that our Infantry should
rely on its present weapons and that Infantry organi-
that changes in weapons and transportation in the past zation per se is not affected by this item.
decade and a half may point to. To sum up on organization as affected by weapons
Events in the war (and since) point to two great alone: It is possible now to determine our basic fire
influences having a bearing on organization. I refer to: unit. This is the first start on building up the Infan-
(1) The desire for more fire power as furn- try Regimental organization. However, due to the
ished by automatic fire weapons; and uncertainty as yet of the future ballistic possibilities
in small arms 01' the Gerlich principle (giving greater
(2) The desire to make military use of the projectile velocity and penetration) it is not safe to
great advance in motor vehicle possibilities. predict the number and type of heavier weapons (Ma-
The Weapon's Influence on Organization chine Gun, Mortar, 37 mm., anti-tank) within the regi-
ment. Hence from the weapon viewpoint, it is not
The first mentioned great influence (automatic fire
best to attempt re-organization schemes at present.
weapons) is strictly in the field of military develop-
ment. The second (motors) is mainly in the field of
Our present organization is elastic enough to be used
civil industry. Progress is necessarily slower in the
as a r'eady base on which to graft new weapons should
weapon field than in the motor transportation line.
a sudden war corne.
Considerable progress, however, has been made in weap- The Motor's Influence on Organization
ons but has not reached the point where it is ad- Now to the second great influence mentioned above
visable to advocate an entire re-organization of the In- as affecting organization-that of desiring to make full
fantry upon which the larger units in turn must be military use of motor vehicle possibilities. The rapid
re-organized. For the basic increment to greater auto- advance in the motor industry has given the military
matic fire power in Infantry re-organization, the em- world much to think about. All nations are fitting this
phasis must be on the light man-carried machine gun powerful military adjunct into their armies. I believe
and the automatic shoulder-fired rifle. A solution in motors should replace animals within the Infantry regi-
an engineering sense is in sight for these two. From ment except that it is still necessary and desirable to
the supply view it is probable that they will not be maintain a few regiments with animal-drawn vehicles
produced in quantity until war time, and it will be and some with pack animals. There will be occasions
necessary probably to start the next war using the where they will be desired and the art of handling
weapons we now have in quantity. them should not become lost through disuse.
This fact indicates that our organization from the It has been satisfactorily demonstrated at the In-
weapons angle must be based on our present weapons fantry School that the light commercial ry~-ton truck
and yet be elastic enough so that with the introduction is in general superior to animals either in the peace
of similar but better weapons after war starts, it can or war tables of organization. Due, however, to the
he adjusted to take these weapons. One illustration continuous and rapid advances in motors thereby open-
will suffice. We now have the automatic rifle in quan- ing new fields to the military mind and use, and due
tity. It is the nearest approach to the light man- to lack of sufficient time and proper equipment from
carried machine gun. By providing it with a bipod which to get a safe, proper perspective, the time has
at the balance it approaches the light man-carried ma- not yet arrived when it is advisable to set definitely the
chine gun suffic-i.entlyso that the organization and tac- many details of distribution and use in the Regiment
tics of the smallest Infantry fire unit can be developed as would be required in Tables of Organization.
now. In war with the better gun available we would There is some danger of a misstep at this time. I
substitute it for the automatic rifle. view motors for Infantry merely as means of tranSpOl"-
Of course there are other Infantry weapons all hav- tation and not as weapons-excepting Tanks of course.
ing their bearing on organization. A very satisfac- In other words motorization for Infantry and not
tory mortar has been developed (81 mm). The In- mechanization. The Infantryman must eventually go
fantry 37 mm. gun is an accurate-shooting small can- forward on his feet in close battle contact and his ar-
non. No satisfactory anti-tank weapon for Infantry mament must be what he can actually carry and keep
Use is yet available although advances in ballistics going with 11im. In this close battle contact there is

Thoughts on Organization July-Aug., 1933

no place for motors,-again excepting tanks. The In- as a ready base on whick to graft motors should a sud-
fantryman must hug Mother Earth. So it would seem den war come.
that the Battalion, being the unit normally in this Effect on Training Literature, Mobifuation Plans and Supply
dose battle contact area, must leave its motors behind In each war we have had to bririg about a reorgani-
when it reaches this area if it has weapons which are zation at some time during the war, and it must he
not "man-carried." If the Battalion is to have only so again no matter how we may reorganize now.
Hman-carried" weapons it does not require motors With reference to the two great influences on organi-
-except for command, communication and reconnais- zation indicated by the World War (more fire power
sance purposes. through automatic weapons and more mobility through
The Battalion is par excellence the fighting unit. I motors), the basic underlying ideas and lessons. from
would be loathe to see it encumbered with a mass of these can be learned by using our present infantry or-
motor transportation to maintain, to provide non-fight- ganization. When the time comes for re-organization,
ing personnel for, and inevitably burdened with the the step in that direction will not be too violent. Our
direction of mechanical training which would surely Schools using the present organization can give the
follow in peace time at least. The Chief of Staff has really essential instruction in the basic principles of
said: "We know that the airplane and the tank of tactics and strategy. Basic principles do not change
the W orld War necessitated the establishment of large with organization. Even instruction in the essential
supply , maintenance and repair organizations in their . "technique" can also be given using the present or-
rear, and the ratio of required personnel to operatlllg ganization and this should fit into any organization.
machines was extremely large. Complicated weapons It is true that the "data" used in connection with or-
and machinery, when applied to the battlefield, have ganization and technique will have to change for each
tended to require more highly trained personnel and new organization.
the employment of more rather than fewer men. " The Changes in the Infantry Regiment, such as from
Battalion Commander should be a fighting man with animals to motors or from one type of weapon to an-
his full attention and faculties focused all the tim,e other, do not necessarily carry with them a change in
on directing the fighting, on tactics and tactical train- organization. They could be only changes in Tables
ing. In peace time certainly from the emphasis that of Basic Allowances. The War Department under
economy and inspections place on such things, the tail date of March 4, 1931, directed:
would go wagging the dog-that is to say he would
"Par. 6a, AR 310-60, will be changed by add-
be compelled to give his major consideration to his
ing sub-paragraph (4) as follows:
valuable and tender motor equipment. Our peace time
" (4). Recommendations for changes in Tables
organization should be the same, only skeletonized, as
of Organization, Tables of Basic Allowances and
our war organization. I am constrained to believe,
Tables of Allowances will hereafter include recom-
therefore that motors should be in the Regimental
mendations for coordinating training literature,
echelon, i.e. in the Regimental Service Company for
mobilization plans, and supply requirements with
use as needed anywhere within the Regiment. Our
the proposed changes."
fighting men should be in separate units from OUT
So far as schools and training literature are con-
service and supply men, and not in the same unit with
cerned, it is believed that a change in organization
them. Mechanical tTaining and fighting training
would be a much larger matter to handle than mt'rely
should not appear in the same unit within the Regi-
a change in Tables of Basic Allowances. :B-'UTtherit
is believed as stated above, that a change in organi-
Now going one step further (from "motorization"
zation is n~t required in order to instruct in the basic
to "mechanization") into the effect of motors on or-
principles of tactics and strategy and in essential tech-
ganization, it is well to quote what the Chief of Staff
nique. Changes in Tables of Basic Allowances will
has recently stated:
carry with them changes in "data" and changes in
"If this development (Gerlich principle in weap- some training literature, but not so much so as a chang.e
ons to secure greater velocities and penetration) in organization would. Likewise a change in orgalll-
should prove capable of general application in all zation has a much larger meaning to the National
types of small arms, tank design and possibly the Guard than does a mere change in Tables of Basic Al-
whole theory of mechanization, will necessarily lowances.
undergo revolutionary changes." Divisional Re-organization
To sum up on organization as affected by motors There has been a prevalent opinion that our infan-
alone: I believe more time and experience are needed try division is too large and cumbersome. The Gen-
before embarking on a re-organization of the Infantry eral Board of the A.RF. and General Pershing held
Tef!'iment for reasons stated above and because any this view. When re-organization is to be attempted, I
su~h re-organization carries with it the re-organization believe the best method of approach will be for the
of the Division including all or most of its compon- War Department to determine arbitrarily the approxi-
-ents. More long-sighted experience and more settling mate strength of the. division and in a directive an-
down of the motor industry is required before such a nounce to the Infantry its closely approximate divi-
far-reaching project is attempted. In the meantime sional proportion. Then from this let the Infantry
our present organization is elastic enough to be 1lsed work out its regimental organization.
Electrical Azimuth Data Transmitter
By 'TechnicaL Sergeant H. W. Esty, 240th CA (H D)

H AVIXG found that the transmission

telephone was unsatisfactory,

of azimuth
data from the plotting room to the guns by
for the reason
that en'n a telephone equipped with a helmet head-
resuming drill the sender flashes the signal light a few
times and when he receives answering flashes he knows
the reader is ready to receive data. During serviee
practice last year the sender signalled after each set-
set picks up noise in both the line and headset, making ting and upon getting a return flash, knew the data
it very difficult to receive data, Sergeant Dyer and my- had been received. A twin cord and attachment plug"
self have designed an electrical azimuth data trans- through the ca ble entrance supplies power to the \\'hole
mitter for use with the l:2-inch barbette gun at Fort apparatus.
]JeYett, Portland, Maine. A" 20-pair, Xo. 16 cable is used bet~veen the instru-
It. is a crude apparatus, and we know it, but it works ments. A separate circuit provides a means of signal-
and improves firing conditions. which is what we were ling between sender and receiver or vice versa. Each
after. It'is the best we conld do with what we had, as
there was a limited amount of money available for the
purchase of material.
The Receiver
The receiver (Fig. 1) is a sheet iron box with a false ,
.( 2.'
bottom. C.rlindrical lamp shields, painted white in-
side for better reflection, are clamped to the false bot-
tom, which is drilled to admit the light plugs and wir-
ing. The space beneath the false bottom becomes a
raceway for wiring, and space at the lower end is used
for the cable entrance and allows room for work on
the terminal strip.
00800 TENS
The cover is drilled to correspond with the false
bottom, and is lined with blotting paper in which
numerals are stencil-cut. The paper also acts as a
gasht, preventing lealmge of light between the shields,
which would cause confusion of numbers. A piece of
red paper is pasted over the lower opening to denote
00800 UNITS
signal light (S), and a cord with a pear-shaped push
button comes from the end of the cabinet for the read- 88900
er's use. The cover is fastened on with angle irons
and machine screws. The small cover at the bottom
can be removed separately for terminal strip ,,'ork.
• 4'

The Transmitter
08800 TENTH5
'fhe transmitter (Fig. :2) is a metal box with a maple
wood co\'er. The. metal end of the box is drilled and
bushed for entrance of the cable and a section of the
wood covel' removes for strip terminal work. The
maple wood cover is dialed as shown in the drawing,
with contact,> at each numbered point. The numbered
contacts are countersunk to eliminate f1ickerinO' of
o 0-i~.
_ :-Y__

lights in the receiver during setting of the transmitter. 0f-:''''NAL_1I~Hr-=- _

The signal light is the same as on the receiver except
that it has a piece of red glass in the board instead of
reel paper. A push button under the signal light (S)
is for use of the operator. Signal lights are wired in
multiple to each signal switch, thus verif:ving to sender
that his signal is being receiYCd. The signal light
hook-up is as shown in the sketeh.
In case the board is cleared with a lull in activities. F1GURE I
it is only natural that both sender and reader should The receiver, showing the arrangement of lights. The detail
relax and withdraw attention from the board. Upon drawing shows the dimensions and construction of the light

Electrical Azimuth Data Transmitter .July-Aug., 19:3:3

contact on the transmitter board is connected as a moisture. Bakelite will be used in place of wood for
single pole switch between power and the correspond- the transmitter cOYer for reasons of serviceablility and
ing number in the receiying board, with a common to overcome the swelling and warping inherent to wood.
,vire from the other side of the line to the center of It is feasible and practicable to produce an instru-
each dial. and a dead point (N) on each dial for clear- lllent about half the size of the present one, eliminate
ing board. the danger of delays due to breakage of lamps, have
The points "N" haye no contacts. By agreement only the latest reading show on the board at any time.
between receiver and sender, the clearing of the board and eliminate two recorders, thus lessening the chance
of personnel errors at each end.
"\Ye use a sender and a recorder at the transmitting
end, and a reader and recorder at the receh'ing end-
a total of four men. It is considered to be practicable
to produce an instrument which will record at both
ends as well as publish the reading on the receiving
The place for setting azimuth on this type of carri-
age is located beneath the gun platform, probably the
noisest place in the gun emplacement. It is the dut~.
of the azimuth setter to receive the data over the
phone, repeat it for the benefit of the recorder and lay
the gun in azimuth. 'l'his having been done he signals
FIGURE II to the gun commander by a blast on the whistle, that
The Transmitter. The dialed cover is of maple wood, as the azimuth is set. Under the old system this opera-
is the removable cover at the end. A wiring diagram of the tion was much delayed by frequent "repeats" at both
si!1;nal lights is shown below the transmitter.
ends. "\Vith the electrical transmission installed last
ye'ar we many times heard the azimuth setter's whistle
lllay denote the end of a course, i.e., last setting of time
before the range setter had completed his set. There
I, board cleared, all dial arms on neutral; next setting
were no « repeats" and the system functioned per-
time II and etc.
The transmitter is so constructed that it may be
Editors :-':ot~.-Th~ ir.ception and construction of the gadi\"et
operated from a box, table, or one's lap. The receiver described abo\'e affords an excellent illustration of the resource-
is suspended from a yoke which is clamped to a gun fuln~ss and initiati\'e displayed by many of the officers and
enlisted men of :-':ational Guard organizations. One of the most
platform support and spreads to the width of the re- interesting things about this construction is the fact that the
material alone cost $160.00. :-':0 public funds being available this
ceiver, which is suspended from the yoke by two springs sum was raised by \'oluntary contribution from Captains T. B.
Eveleth and F. H. Spencer. 240th C.A.:-':.G .• Commanding Batterles
to counteract any yibration caused by concussion when A and B. respectively. This represents a yen' considerable sacri-
fice at this time when every cent counts. These officers cannot
the gun is fired. be commende<1 too highlY for their interest and professional zeal.
The labor was furnished by two technical sergeants of Head-
'l'he improvements we hope to make are to stencil- quarters Battery. 240th C. A .. largely on their own time. The
cut the numbers in the metal cover instead of the device furnishes one answer to the dela~'s incident to transmission
by telephone atld provides a positi\'e means for the transmission
blotting paper. Paper is too fragile and is affected by of data.

A SEARCH THROUGH THE RECORDS of the war showed only too clearly that throllgh-
Ollt the conflict from start to finish, thousands and hnndreds of thou.sands of the
world's bravest and best were needlessly sacrificed, not for sound military l'easons.
but by blunder aftel" blunder and one piece of stupidity after allother.-WOODS.
The Ar~y' and Publicity
By Captain Paul C. Green~, Infantry Reserve

OLDIER,what does the civilian know of you and foresee the return of the strictly professional soldier~

S your work? The answer is, precious little. The now equipped with mechanical aids which will obviate
average civilian doesn't know a brigadier general .the necessity for millions of civilian recruits in our
from a G. I. can, and looks for admirals in the Army military forces. Most such writers, however are writ-
and colonelsin the Navy, with but a vague idea as ing features for the Sunday thrillers, and are far
to the duties of either. more interested in sensations than in facts.
The war brought both the Army and Navy into If we expect to recruit the bulk of our armies from
the consciousnessof our people on an unprecedented the civilian population in the event of an. emergency,
s('ale,but the memory of that is growing dim. There we have much to gain and nothing to lose by dis-
are more than a hundred million of us who had no sE-minatingaccurate and interesting information long
direct contact with either of the services. Every year beforehand. We couldscarcely expect to shorten train-
new thousands of youngsters becomevoters, and each ing periods by this device, but there would be in-
successive year the increment knows less of the direct results oJ real consequence. The National Guard
agenciesof national defense. and Reserve components cannot assume their proper
There are reasons for the almost total lack of the functions unless there is a more widespread knowl-
civilian's knowledgeconcerning his army. He is thor- edge of the Army. A lack of popular interest in the
oughly engrossed in the business of paying old debts Army in any community means that both of these
and contracting new ones. His family and his social groups must suffer. Particularly for the Reserve Corps
connections account for much of his energies. A we should develop a more general interest in national
healthy human is not likely to be curious concerning defense. Men who have received a commission in
those things which do not naturally swing within the Reserve will be more likely to continue such work
his orbit. if their acquaintances know something of the Army.
The Regular Army officerseldom has been noted as Pride of position is a strong factor in maintaining
a publicist. Even our penitentiaries contain more morale in the civilian components of the Army. This
authors in a chronic state of eruption. Several such justifiable pride will be given a healthy boost if the
institutions publish journals that are worth reading Army is more 'widely understood.
even by those who have no intentions of matriculating National Guard units that have reached a high de-
in that school. gree of efficiencyinvariably are found to have a pub-
There is no other country in which the army is so licity policy that gives the community a chance to
rigorously barred from politics. This one fact might know something of their work. Units which reach
well account for the ignorance of the civilian concern- the summer camps with a high percentage of members
ing the Army. The public formn is not for the officer ar~ those that have actually contacted the employers.
who feels that he is being unduly hampered in his These same units also possess comfortable company
vital work. There are, however, many military sub- funds that would be impossible without civilian aid.
jects of a non-controversial nature with which the The usual type of publicity which is obtained by
Army officeralone is prepared to deal adequately. the Army comesthrough the officersassigned to duty
The nature of the profession of arms is such that with the National Guard and the Reserve. This js
one who would succeed is seldom either an orator or valuable and should be the subject of constant study
a writer on topics of general interest. But there are on the part of those in a position to secure it.
officersso talented, and they should realize that in- An extension of this type of publicity might well
forming the public of their work is a legitimate part include more active participation by members of the
of national defense. civilian components. Pointed and interesting talks
There is a real need for publicity which will reach can be given before various organizations concerning
all .classesof people to the end that they may know Army activities, customs,and functions. OfficialArmy
both the spirit and the work of the Army. The public films are readily available and would prove intensely
which supports the Army can scarcely be expected interesting even to those who know little of military
to foot the bill cheerfully if it doesn't know what it matters. National Guard or Reserve officerscan pr~-
is all about. Knowing little of the Army or its needs sent these films if Regular Army officers are not
the average citizen views with complacencyalmost any available.
action that will cut his tax bill. We have always been Where such activities have been attempted, only to
taught that the United States has ever been victorious end in failure, it is a safe assumption that the fault
in combat with the foe. So why worry about the lies in the presentation rather than in the subject. It
future. is not impossiblethat precision, that great military vir-
Present indications are that any major emergency tue, may be overdone in presenting material for pop-
would again mean a nation in arms. Some writers ular consumption. Tables of figures are to be avoided
276 The Army and Publicity July-Aug., 1933

as one would shun the plague. It is next to impossible but seldom does one see such an article devoted to the
to follo,,- them as given in any kind of a lecture, ana Army. Occasionally the Navy breaks into print, but
they are even more difficult to remember. the Army remains cloistered within its own splendid
Where figures are to be used they should be pre- isolation. It is inconceivable that the work of the
sented by means of graphic comparisons. The great Army is not equally interesting.
majority of us are visual minded. For this reason it Actually the number of military topics suited to
is well to use simple charts if it seems necessary to such treatment is great. There come to mind several ,
deal with figures. These charts should be amply large and on few of them is the general public even faintly
so that they will be easily discernible to all present. informed. The Philippine Scouts, the Engineers and
Lacking proper size and simplicity the chart becomes our rivers, Military Aviation, the Doughboy, the In-
the agent of confusion. Every effort must be made fantry School, the Reserve Corps, the Cannoneers, and
to assure that the listener's attention will be drawn our Troops in China are but a few of the many topics
rather than repelled. in which the average citizen would be intere:sted.
When one is faced with the task of deliverinO' such Photographs to accompa:q.y such articles either are
a talk a bit of reflective thinking is in order. "'What available or could easily be secured.
devices bore one; what devices attract attention Y Avoid Most people vaguely suppose that in times of peace
the former, cling to the latter. the Army hibernates, awakening only when the alarm
Invaluable as these contacts are they still leave of war stirs it into action. Fully 80% of our people
a tremendous gap in the publicity front. The majority have not the faintest idea what an army does when it
of our citizens are not members of organizations that is not fighting. Further, most civilians do not realize
are available to the exponents of national defense. that there are any military functions aside from actual
we must secure contact not only with the leaders of combat. Articles such as have been suggested would
the community, but also with the rank and file. Not do much to enlighten our citizens concerning the Army
only should the leaders know the objectives in an in peace and war.
attack, but this information should also be given to There must be many officers who are capable of
the private in the ranks. translating their work into terms intelligible to people
ill general. These officers should be encouraged to
The agencies of publicity which spread most widely
write for our periodicals. As previously suggested
through our people are almost unused by the Army.
there is no need tQ enter into the field of controversial
These are the radio and the periodicals. Veterans'
subject matter. It is not necessary to argue the ad-
organizations frequently have access to the radio, but
visability of the Army building dams in the Ohio river,
their presentations are generally devoted to the past
it is sufficient to tell how it has been done.
rather than the future. Short stories dealing with
If the Army lacks potential authors it has still an-
military matters almost universally are devoted to
other way of meeting the need. Through social con-
the happenings of 1918. Our problem is in the present
tacts Army officers can meet successful writers of many
and the future.
kinds. It should not be impossible to interest some
There is an almost total lack of short stories dealing of these professional literary folk in the problem of
with the Army of today. There is a real need for presenting the Army to the public. Most writers are
such stories. Thousands of people will. read such anxious to find interesting material, but they seem to
yarns who will attempt nothing heavier in the way have overlooked the Army as a source. Has the Army
of reading. Properly written these stories will ex- made an attempt to introduce them to itself Y It would
press at least the spirit of the Army. That which seem to the casual observer that the Army has made
seems but monotonous routine to the Army becomes an all too trivial use of its social opportunities. Polo,
intensely interesting to the layman when presented formal dinner dances, and contract bridge do not of
in short story form. themselves make contact with the vast majority of
The work of the New York Police Department is our citizens.
the subject of a series of short stories in one of our Securing publicity need not be approached as a
most popular weeklies, and this must be of real value matter of which one need be ashamed. It is vital that
both in building police morale and in securing a sym~ the public in general know more of the work of the
pathetic attitude on the part of citizens. Army life Army. Unless officers who are in a position to know
is fully as interesting and can be properly presented. what is being done make it their business to see that
An equally neglected field is that of the factual publicity is secured it is certain that no one else will
article written for popular reading. Any periodical take the trouble to inform our citizens on the needs of
.one picks up contains articles on a variety of subjects. national defense.

THE MORE MECHANICAL -becmne the weapons with which we fight the less me-
chanicalm'ust be the spi1i:t which controls them.-FuLLER. '
By An Infantry CorporaL-J\[ow Reserve Captain

To THE EDITOR: armies of countries less democratic than our own.

I am taking you at J'our word although this may sound If a peace time soldier finds the army not to his liking
a trifle rabid to you.
I served in a National Guard division during the he gets out. Those who thrive on the life remain.
war. I never rose above the exalted rank of a corporal, Our people have a supreme cOlifidence in the Regu-
but I had a splendid opportunity to see how the en-
listed man looks at disl'ipline. Every offieerwho failed lar Army, because they know that in it they have a
in my company did so beeause he violated one or .more force accustomed to obeying orders, and thereby ac-
of the principles of aetion I have laid down in this ar- customed to securing results. To assume, however,
ticle. Every officer who succeeded did so because he
obeyed these prineiples. I saw my platoon go to pieees that our people as a whole enjoy the restrictions of
in the first wave of the Argonne offensive on the 26th army discipline when applied to them personally, is
of September, and it was due to a laek of diseipline of unjustifiable optimism. Our entire history is the story
the right type. In a five day period our eompany lost
75 per eent killed and wounded. of a people boiling over with a desire :l;or self-expres-
A most peeuliar system of promotions in our com- sion and sel:f-determination. Only under the stress of
pany broke non-eoms for pieayunish misdemeanors and
left pinheads in position as long as they were humble in
urgent need have we been able to suppress our God-
the sight of their superiors. No, I was never redueed. given prerogative of telling the other fellow where
In faet the Regular Army sergeant who made out my to get off. Fines paid each year for having bawled
diseharge papers said to me: "My God, a eorporal for
17 months. Never promoted and never busted. What
out traffic cops would go a long way toward balancing
kind of a guy are yout " our national budget. I t is not without significance
Sinee the war I have taught in high school for eleven that one of our chief holidays is Independence Day.
years, and there I've daily met the problem of diseipline
where my authority has had no such baeking as Army The very quality in the American which makes the
Regulations. So if I seem to stress horse sense rather problem of discipline a difficult one, also makes him
than rules and regulations my experienee may be the
eause. I know that there are many officers, Regular, the finest soldier in the world when intelligently
National Guard, and Reserve, who think that a die- handled. In the first phase of a war the dumb obed-
torial demeanor and the Army Regulations will carry ience of autocratically trained peoples seems to put
them through any disciplinary emergeney. They are
to shame the soldiers of a democracy. But in the long
dead wrong.
I meet that type of offieer oecasionally in Army Cor- pull which must ensue before the final decision is
respondence School work. If my solution disagrees with reached the willing cooperation of the soldiers of a
the approved solution by so mueh as a hair's breadth
I'm wrong. Frankly, they weary me not a little. As democracy will win out, provided that these men have
a Reserve officer I'm interested in the Army, of course, been intelligently handled.
but I have neither the time nor -the energy to devote
to my military studies that such men demand. In war The purpose of this article is to review briefly the
and in peace that type of officer costs the army more problem of discipline which faces the army when a
than he is worth. major emergency has brought so many civilians into
o item in the training of soldiers is more im- the service that the Regular Army is but a very small

N portant than discipline. Much has been said

and written on this subject, but it is always of
interest. 011 the successful inculcation of discipline
lump of leaven. Written by a civilian, it may not
agree with the concepts of discipline held by those
who are not civilians. Certainly it will not agree with
depends the accomplishment of the primary mission of the civilian officer who finds the weight of his bars
any army, namely, the imposition of the will of the bearing him down. This is not written with the idea
nation upon an enemy nation. Without disciplined of decrying Army Regulations, but rather with the
personnel the finest materiel is wasted money. With- thought that our newly mobilized soldiers may be
out disciplined personnel the highest order of strategy led into a sincere appreciation of the necessity for
goes for naught. these regulations.
Peoples that are accustomed to an autocratic govern- Courts martial, in war as in peace, must remain the
ment in times of peace find nothing peculiar in the final arbiter in cases of the infraction of regulations
discipline of an army. Taught from the cradle to when all other methods have failed. But the officer
bow submissively before the will of duly constituted who carries this threat in the forefront of his mind
authority there is little in army disciplne to cause when issuing orders to those not accustomed to un-
rebellion. Armies found in nations with long estab- questioning obedience will soon find himself in very
lished governments are uniformly obedient. To many deep water. The officer who must rely on dire threats
officers this undoubtedly seems the ideal situation, but to secure obedience simply is trying to cover his own
the fact is that our problem is quite different in char- weakness of character. The American civilian soldier
acter. goes at his task with enthusiasm when directed by
In peace times our own Regular Army can at least an intelligent and understanding officer. To the offi-
approach the height of discipline to be found in the cer who would threaten he may yield apparent obed-
278 Discipline July-Aug., 1933

ience, but smoldering within is the fire of resentment :q.eedsmust find quickl:r those in the group who can
which bodes ill for that same officerin a tight pinch. be trusted to assume some authority. Among thOSe
During the war one platoon of such soldiers found first to offer their services as non-coms will be the
itself under the leadership of a sergeant whose chief blatant, self-assured type. While the unit is green
claim to stripes lay in his ability to secure the friend- even such men as these may be able to perform fairly
ship of his men. From the angle of military know- well. Ceaselessly, however, the hunt must continue
ledge his sergeancy was a mistake. In reviews and for those who are really fitted for leadership. Sooner
parades he invariably gave "Squads right" when the or later the braggart will fail, not only in the eyes
command should have been "Squads left." His pla- of his captain, but also in the eyes of his men.
toon never let him down, but cheerfully corrected his I£"it becomesapparent that a mistake has been made
error for him. In due time the platoon came under in the selection of non-com material there is no time
the commandof a self-confessedhard-boiled lieutenant. to be lost if the morale of the unit is not to suffer.
On his first regimental review he made the same error Some officersmake the errol' of feeling that they can-
in command, and without an instant's hesitation the not afford to appear as having made the wrong se-
platoon performed the wrong command as given. lection, and they hang onto the misfit through thick
It is easy to remark that the officerwas himself a and thin. As a result ill-will and discontent thrive.
poor soldier in that he issued the wrong command. Recourse to threats from above will never preserve
How many officers are there in any army who have the authority of a poor non-com,nor will they add to
not at some time done much the same thing ~ The the prestige of the officerusing them. It should never
real error made by this lieutenant was that of relying be presumed that one has really gotten by with such
on fear as a means of securing discipline. Our soldiers a show of authority simply because the men don't
simply do not possess that type of fear and it is fatal openly give the Bronx cheer.
to act on the assumption that they do. Army regu- .An officermay be possessedof a number of traits or
lations being what they are the American doughboy character that are not favorable and still retain the
will not miss his opportunity to embarrass the officer respect of his men. He may be gruff and he may
who has tried to instill the fear of them into his men. lack the football coach's ability to give inspiring pep
It is a respect for regulations, not a fear of them,
talks, but if he does have the following traits hi., men
which must be instilled into the average soldier. will follow him with unfaltering obedience.
The senselessmartinet sets for himself many a pit- He must have a real sense of justice. Soldiers will
fall, and as surely as he commits an error it will be cheerfully accept strict regulations which know no
seized upon by some keen-eyed private. The captain favorites. They will back fully the officerwho metes
who made it a habit to scour the battalion for salutes
out punishment accordingly. The officer who with.
was caught in the act of rolling a cigaret while carry-
hoids justifiable punishment will be lowering himselI
ing an armful of bundles. The man who spied him
in the eyes of his men. But this punishment must
made haste to cross in front of him with a salute that
conform to the nature of the crime. In the ordinary
was perfection itself. Bundles, tobacco, and dignity
case of extra-duty the culprit will be the target for
were lost as the captain vainly attempted to return
the salute. Such things do not build morale. all the jokers in the company. In case of a serious
charge requiring higher authority' than that of the
This is in no sense a plea for namby-pamby tactics
company commander the men will be as quick as the
in dealing with the problems of discipline. If our
officersto sense the necessity. A case in point is that
soldiers hate a martinet, they despise a weakling. A
of the sergeant who misused his authority to secure
large majority of our people possess a keen sense of
personal ends. He was haled before a Summary
justice in addition to their other traits. Probably
no other people could view as many sports events in Court, and on the testimony of two privates was reo
the course of a year with so few officialsbeing mobbed. duced to the ranks and given a brie£ term in the guard
Sportsmanship means fair play, and in our personal house. His conviction brought a sense of security to
contacts we live up to a relatively high standard in those who had been suffering under his abuse or auth-
that line. ority. Strangely enough, his first act on being re-
As. men are gathered into newly-formed units the leased from durance vile was to hunt up the accusing
officersin command have one very decided advantage. privates and offer his apologies. Soldiers do not re-
There can be no feeling of hostility toward any officer sent punishment based upon justice.
because of a liking for a previous one. If there is An officermust be interested in the welfare of his
no unity of purpose in the group it can at least start men. It is worth considering that the battle cry of
from scratch in its attitude toward the officers who the .Americansoldier is: "When do we eat~" ~fen
will lead it. Whether these officersintelligently try will put up with bad conditions without a whimper if
to accustom these ex-civilians to the demands of dis- they are convincedthat the" Old Man" is doing every-
cipline will largely determine their success as soldiers. thing possiblefor them. If the officerslook after their
The captain who worked personally with Alvin York own comfort first and that of their men secondarily,
when he was drafted into the army should share with if at all, morale will slip in spite of all the discipline
him the glory of his famous exploit. of the drill ground.
If the commander of the newly-formed unit has One company in France found itself under the lead-
no cadre of trained enlisted men at his disposal he ership of a captain reputed to be due for a General
July-Aug., 193~ Discipline 279

Court for certain irregularities with company funds back to them by the grape-vine. A skillful officer
in a previous command. During the two weeks he may even cast slurs on his outfit to the secret delight
was with this. company he made it his business to know of his men. They don't think the "Old Man" meant
every day that every man had had the best possible it in the first place, and they are determined to prove
food and the best possible place to sleep. His pre- him wrong if he did mean it.
vious crimes, if any, were forgiven in toto, and the Purposely the last quality" mentioned is the one that
company always remembered him as the best "Old technically minded folk would rate first. That quality
Man" it had ever had. Men will absorb a lot of pun- is knowing one's job. It is :iinportant, but not so
ishing work with a grin if they know that their officers vitally important as the others. Ignorance of one's
are really interested in their welfare. duties is in no sense condoned, but soldiers will by
Third, I would rate the ability to go to bat for one's themselves right many an error if the leader has shown
men as an important quality in securing and main- the first three traits. Men going into battle must pos-
taining discipline. This does not mean that the cap- sess confidence in the judgment of their officers if the
tain must hunt up the major and give him a tongue mission is to be accomplished.
lashing, although even this has been done successfully. The American civilian soldier does present a baffling
He may never have realized the effect on his men, but problem to the officer who thinks that orders are to be
a peppery little colonel once endeared himself to his obeyed without question simply because they were is-
regim'3nt by telling the brigade commander what the sued by properly constituted authority. Such an offi-
men had long wanted to tell him, and in much the same cer may secure drill ground lip-service, but he has not
manner that they had wanted to do it. But it is built on a solid foundation. With all of his independ-
chiefly a case of the men being anxious to be proud of ence of thought and action the American soldier does
their officers if the compliment is returned. It isn't recognize the need for dis-cipline, but his adaptation to
necessary to tell them that they are the finest outfit it will be far more quickly and effectively secured if
in the army, but if other officers are told it will get he is led into it rather than driven against his wilL

THE ATTAINMENT OF VICTORYimposes upon an a1'my the necessity for undertak-

ing a variety of activities which may be grouped into several rathe1' weU-defined
categm'ies. It must conduct efficient reconnaissance and cou1~ter-reconnaissance
from the outset of the campaign; move swiftly in the directions indicated as
desirable concentrate its personnel and materiel at the critical poim,t or points;

hold ftjl'rnly all areas tlital to its stwcess; strike with the maximum pOWe1"of fire
and shock; and exploit rapidly and fearlessly every advantage ga'lined.
The Graphical Mess Chart
By Lieutenant John R. Lovell, CAC.

ow many officers of the Cnited States Army extent that they are broken down. While their duties

H have noticed the physical condition of many of

our enlisted men when they retire at the expira-
tion of thirty ;rears service' :Most of them are in
are rigorous at times, there is always plentJ. of rest
and recreation to balance the heavy fatigue schedule.
It is a:so quite true that the average officer does not
very bad shape with little hope of reallJ' enjoying the perform the physical labor that the average enlisted
retirement theJ• so well desen'e in the autumn of their man performs, but as a general rule, his duties are
lives. arduous, mentally, and they do require longer hours.
Compare these old soldiers with officers who have It has been said frequently that an officer's time is not
served the same length of time. This comparison will his own and this is very often true.
show a marked difference. :l\Iost of our colonels and Probably the greatest difference between the lives of
lieutenant colonels have all passed the thirty year enlisted and commissioned personnel is their diet. The
mark, and for the most part, they are in splendid phys- enlisted men ration at their respective battery or
ical condition. The majority of our officers that reach company messes while the officers eat in the officer's
the retirement age of 64 years settle down with their mess or at their homes.
families in their favorite part of the country and Until a few J'ears ago, as long as the enlisted men
quietly enjoy manJ' years of retired life. Some of themselves did not complain about the quality of the
them take an active interest in their respective com- food or the cooking, as long as they had all they wanted
munities, many of them accepting important political to eat, and the mess was being conducted within the
and executive positions. ration allowance, it was considered to be satisfactory.
"\Yhat is the reason for this marked difference be- The diet was a heavy one consisting mainly of meat,
tween our older officers and enlisted men' It cannot potatoes, coffee, and an acid dessert such as bread
be that the enlisted men are overworked to such an pudding, cobbler, pie, or a cake. There is no question

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I T,

1. Using
a blue pencil, place a large dot under the item served opposite the proper date and meal.
2. In planning menus, and as far as practicable, (a) include foods so that vitamins A, B and C will be gen-
erously represented. (b) Arrange daily menu so that elements are represented by weight approximately as follows:
July-Aug., 1933 The Graphical .Mess Chart 28:

but that the men ate lllore than they should, especially quirements. The history of the chart is intel'esting.
in warmer climates. About July 1, 1928, the ration of the Army was in.
On the other hand, over ninet~' per cent of the creased to fifty cents. About all the mess sergeanu
officers are married and have children. Their wives knew was to serve so much food that a large amount
naturally served foods that were especially good for was wasted. The components of the new ration werE
the young ones. These included milk, vegetables, bet- based on what was considered an adequate diet at tha1
ter qualities of lean meat, and generally fruit for time. Many officers studied home economics on their
dessert. Many of the officers, as they grow older, are own initiative and numerous theories were advanced.
inclined to become too heavy. To counteract this they Major General Robert E. Callan, who commanded
eat at least one light meal a day consisting mainly of the Hawaiian Coast Artillery Brigade in 1928, ordered
fresh vegetable salad. a study of the mess situation. The board was an in-
This summary indicates that officers have eHten formal one and consisted of several officers and an
food of much better quality than the enlisted men. officer's wife who was a graduate dietician with sev-
Their menus arc more nearl~' balanced and the result eral ~'ears of practical experiencc. A very simple rule
is shown by their physical condition in their older was devised whereby food was classified into three
~'ears. The enlisted men, on the other hand, have classes; building, fuel, and regulating, and at least
aged more rapidly and not so well. one food of each classification was ordered served at
Considering the fact that post maintenance duties each meal.
have multiplied and will continue to become greater A little later a graphical mess chart was devised
due to present economy policies i and that additional whereby a dot was placed opposite the date and meal
duties and responsibilities have been placed on the and under the food served at that meal. This showed
Army with no increase in personnel, the time that at a glance by the distribution and grouping of the
officers have to devote to their duties of administration dots whether too much food of one kind, or too little
become less and less. Naturally some method whereby of another, was being served.
organiza tion commanders can inspect their messes and The chart was of special assistance to the mess ser-
determine whether 01' not the men are properly and geant because he could study it himself and improve
adequately fed is of very great value to everyone his menus. Battalion and higher commanders were
concerned. A graphical mess chart has been developed able to judge the quality of the mess by an inspection
in the Hawaiian Separate Coast Artiaery Brigade of the chart. As a matter of fact, after the officers
during the past five years that seems to meet the re- became familiar with the operation, a quick glance

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----- -
P-Protein 20-25 per cent by wt., F-Fat 25-30 per cent by weight, C-Carbohydrate 45-55 per cent by wt. (c) There
must be a preponderance of alkaline foods in the menu. (d) One cellulose food marked * should be served at noon
and evening meals.
82 The Graphical Mess Chart July-Aug., 1933

muld enable them to. judge whether the menus were fDrming. Tapioca is neutral in reaction, etc. HDwever
,aIanced and adequate. At first tho.ught o.fficersco.n- I'd co.nsider the puddings as acid fo.rming as a group
idered that it was just ano.ther fo.rm added to. their . altho.ugh many o.f them are alkaline.
lready o.ver-burdened paper-wo.rk system, but since "4. Why are cereals listed under
he chart is pooted by the mess sergeant and kept in rather than under 'grain pro.duct Dr wheat pro.ducts"
he kitchen, this critic:ism had no. weight. They are acid forming and rich in carbohydrate and
Changes were made in the chart frDm time to. time, protein and vitamin B.
Jlassificatio.nso.f fo.Ddwere revised, items Dffood were "I think it is an excellent plan to. list the fruilB
lliminated Dr added as became necessary, until nDw and vegetables under two. headings-raw and co.o.ked .
.his graphical mess chart is believed to. be in the best Yo.u will be sure Df having vitamin C in the
)oosible fDrm. It:is co.mplete,simple to. o.perate, easy diet. """" *"
;0. understand, and co.ntains much info.rmatio.n. A Minerals, while they are very impo.rtant, were
)rief descriptio.n o.f the chart fo.llDws: judged to be the least important when vitamins, reac-
Across the tDp o.fthe chart frDm left to. right, fo.o.ds tiDns, and fo.o.d co.ntent were cDnsidered, and it is
ire divided into. eight classes as very desirable no.t to. Dverburden the chart with sym-
G. Meat f. Raw fruits and that wo.uld IOo.ktoo. fDrbidding to. our mess ser-
b. Dairy prDducts vegetables geants, who., after all, are not mathematicians Dr ac-
c. 'Wheat prDducts g. Beverages countants. The size o.fthe chart must be kept as small
d. Dessert<,; h. M:iscellaneDus as po.ssible in confDrmity with the principle o.f sim-
e. CDDkedfruits and plicity. It is recognized that the chart is inaccurate
vegetables in small details. Cereals sho.uld be listed under grain
pro.ducts and the chart will be so changed when it is
The individual items Dffo.Ddare listed alphabetically reprinted.
under these general headings. In small squares acrDSS The following is a letter of instructiDn to. accom-
the tDp o.f the page, the vitamin cDntent Df fDDd (A, pany the chart:
B. Dr C), the reactiDn Df the fDDd in the stDmach
1, A new mess chart, hereby prescribed for use in the
(Alkaline Dr Acid), and the principle cDntent o.f the messes in this Brigade commel1CingJanuary 1, 1933, is
fDDd (PrDtein, Fat, Dr CarbDhydrate), are indicated being distributed this date,
by Asterisks indicate which fo.o.dsare co.n- 2. The new chart is constructed as simply as possible so
that it will be easy to operate and understand, The in-
sidered go.DdrDughage, that :is, rich in and structions pertaining to the maintenal1Ceof the chart are
water. DDwn the left hand side o.f the chart, the few in number and brief in form. In order to reduce the
days o.f the mDnth are listed with three sub-divisiDns size of the chart, numbers of items such as pies, cereals,
soups, and many of the desserts, have been grouped and
o.pposite each day fDr the three meals. At the bo.ttom given a general classification. The food items are grouped
Df the chart are printed instructiDns relating to. the under headings and these groups are arranged generally
Dperatio.n Df the chart. The mess sergeant can so that the predominant proteins are on the left side of the
chart, the I!redominant fat foods to the right of the pro-
the chart in abo.ut five minutes time each day. teins, and the carbohydrates, which form the larger pa"rt
The 28 messes of DrganizatiDns stationed in Hawaii of the chart, on the right.
are using this chart, and there is no. dDubt but that 3. To conform with the principle of simplicity, thr.!le
the quality Df the messes has impro.ved tremendDusly. plain symbols to represent the content of the food 8!e
used. These symbols are not shown unless the element is
Here :is what Mrs. Alice V. Bradley, Supervisor o.f present in sufficient quantity to be of appreciable valp.e
Nutritio.n and Health, State Teachers CDllege, Santa in the diet. The same is true with regard to vitamins.
Barbara, Califo.rnia, says abo.ut the chart: Vitamin D, the principle source of which is sunshine, is
omitted from the chart because practically all of the men
". • • I am very much interested in the excellent of the Brigade are sufficiently exposed to the rays of the
chart which you peDple have worked Dut, and I feel sun to satisfy this requirement. It should be kept in mind
that it is a very valuable co.ntributiDn to. YDur wo.rk. that fats, dairy products, and especially raw fruits and
vegetables, are the principle sources of vitamins.
It appears as thDUgh it wo.ul~ save a great deal Df 4. No mention is made in the new ch..rt of minerals,
time o.n the part of the dietician and make his wo.rk for the reason that if the alkaline reserve is maintained in
mDre efficient. I like the idea Df giving the most im- the body, this requirement will take care of itself. If the
diet is predominently acid, the minerals are consumed in
portant cDnstituents o.f each food at the tDp of the neutralizing excess acids. The livers of animals, dai!"y
chart. • ,., «0 products, meats generally, salads, soups, and vegetabll}s,
,'. • • At yo.ur request I will make the fo.IIo.wing are sources of minerals.
5. It is probable that there are numbers of men not
suggestio.ns: accustomed to a balanced diet who prefer a great P:r:e-
"1. It may be convenient to. l:ist the minerals-cal- ponderence of proteins and carbohydrates. Messes should
cium, pho.Spho.rus,and iron at the to.p o.f the chart be operated so as not to arouse complaint from such men,
but gradually to develop their taste for a wholesol!le
just as YDUhave listed the 'Vitamins.' It is quite balanced ration, including a suitable proportion of raw
impDrtant to. cDnsider the minerals in planning an fruits, raw vegetables, and dairy products.
adequate diet, especially the abDve three. Io.dine and 6. It is desired that close attention be given to the
application of this chart, both with the present ration al1d
copper are o.f interest, also.,in view Df the latest wo.rk with the new ration, which, it is understood, will be made
in nutritiDn, but need no.t be included in this type o.f effective April 1, 1933.
a chart. Samplecopie; o.f the graphical mess chart with a
"2. It is quite impossible to. have this type o.f chart letter of instructiDn may be pro.cured upon request by
accurate, in detail, in regard to. the fo.od value o.f all writing to the Commanding General, Hawaiian Sepa-
fDDds. Many Df the starchy-egg puddings are acid rate Co.ast Artillery Brigade, Fort DeRussy, T. H.
The Mechanical Fuze, M2
By Captain Bryan L. Milburn, CAC.

1. GExER,\L.-During and since the 'YorId 'Val', powder train fuze, and it is expected that it will ulti-
powder train time fuzes have been used almost ex- mately replace the latter fuze for antiaircraft pur-
clusively with antiaircraft ammunition. The fuze poses.
now in use is the :Jlark III (Scovil) fuze. 'Yhile im- 'rhe :J12 fuze eliminates all of the defects inherent
pOl'tant improvements have beeu made in this fuze, in the present powder train fuze with the exception of
certain basic defects, inherent in all powder train effect of rotation of the projectile. For mechanical
fuzes, still obtain. It is known that at least three reasons, it does not function satisfactoril~? in guns rifled
fllCtors affect the burning of a powder train fuze, viz: with a hl"ist as high as 1 turn in 25 calibers. As all
a. The atmospheric pressure under which it burns. antiaircraft gnns will ultimately be rifled with a twist
b. The temperature of tIle fuze. of 1 tUl'll ill 40 calibers, under which the fuze will
c. The speed at whil'h it rotates while
Probably the most important of these
factors from the standpoint of antiaircraft
artillery is the effect of atmospheric pres-
sure. A powder train fuze, with the same
setting, will burn longer at a high altitude NOSE CAI>
than a low altitude, since the atmospheric (ALUMINUM)
pressure decreases as altitude increases.
It may be noted from a trajectory chart
(3 AA J 2 a) for the modern 3" All. gun
that the time of flight, for a setting of
fuze 18 and quadrant elevation 1400 mils,
is 25 seconds, whercas for the same fuze
setting but with a quadrant elevation of
300 mils, the time of flight is only about
]6.5 seconds. 'Vhile it is known that the BRASS CAP
temperature of a powder train fuze effects 5En1N6 SLOTS
its rate of burning, the magnitude of this
effect has not been satisfactorily deter-
mined. The speed of rotation, or spin of SET SCRb'" - SET SCREW
the projectile, has a material effect on the
rate of burning of the fuze. Recent tests
indicate that for antiaircraft guns in which
the hl"ist or rifling is as great as 1 turn in
25 calibers, consi~erable accurac~r in time
of flight is lost, particularly at long ranges.
'1'he slower twist of 1 turn in 40 calibers,
which is no\\' provided in modern antiair-
craft guns, does not produce the same de-
gree of inaccuracy.
In view of the inherent defects of a
powder train fuze, the Ordnance Depart-
ment has been engaged for several years RETAININ6 RINO
on the development of a mechanical time
fuze which would not be affected by the
fadors indicated above. The mechanical ~OOHER CUP
fuze ::'112represents the result of this de-
\'elopment. It has been given extensive
tests, including its use by antiaircraft
troops at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, and M2 FUZE
found to be. reasonablv satisfactorv. Bv
improvements in man~facturing m'ethod~, EXTERNAL PART5
it is belie\'ed that it can be produced in
quantities and at a cost comparable to the Fig. 1

284 The i\lechanical Fuze, M2 Jul~'-Aug., 1933

are often stripped.t The slots are also so con-

structed that greater accuracy is obtained in
settin!!' the fuze (see paragraph 2).
2. - GEXERAL DESl'HlPTiox-Thc e.rferllal
parts of the fuze are shown in Fig. 1. The
shape of the fuze is designed for the best
ballistics. The aluminum 1wse cap contains
110 parts of the mechanism. It is simply a
ballistic ca p and is screwed into the brass cap.
The latter is held to the base by three set
SIDE VIEW screws which bear against a circular spring
resting in concentric grooves of the cap and
base. This alTangement pren>nts th(' ea p
from being pulled away from the base hut
permits the base and cap to bc rotated with
l'('spect to each other. The fuze base, also of
brass, contains a scale graduated iil seconds.
Settings from 0 to 30 seconds ma~' bc made.
The index for the scale is on the brass cap.
HAMMER The brass cap and the base contain slots
WEiGHTS which fit lugs in the fuze setter. These slots
have a bevel('d edge on one side (Figure 2)
which permits a reasonable variation in the
size of the fuze st'tter pawls due to weal' or
other caus('s. without affecting the accuracy
of the setting. 'l'he brass cap and base also
contain the firing and clock mechanisms of
the fuze which are housed together but shown
separately in Figures 3 and 4 respeeth'ely.
The retaill,ing ring screws into the base of the
fuze and supports the booster3 cup.
a. Placing the projectile in the fuze setter
and tlll'lling the setting hand wheel engages
5nTlN6~N the fuze setter pawls in the slots in the brass
cap and in the base of the fuze. 'I'he brass
cap is rotated by the movement of the hand-
wheel. The pawl which engages the slot in
the brass cap will also rotate the entire pro-
____ I jectile until the other pawl becomes engaged
in the slot in the base of the fuze. After this
action, the rotation of the entire projectile
Fig. 2
Timing Disk & Release Mechanism ceases, but that of the brass cup continues
until the movement of the setting handwheel
function satisfactorily, this is not a serious objcction. ceases. The fuze l'ietting is obtained by the relative
The fact that variations in air density do not affect the position of the two pawls. 'I'he operator of the fuze
functioning of the mechanical fuze makes it par- range dial, by matching pointers, moves the pawl which
ticularly desirable for antiaircraft purposes. With f'ngages the base of the fuze and thus places it in the
this fuze, the values of fuze setting bear an almost desired position. It is to be noted that when the above
~onstant relation to time of flight values at all angles operations are completed, data may be changed by
of elevation. Other advantages over the present powder moving the pointer on the fuze range dial. which, by
train fuze incorporated in the mechanical fuze, 1.12 are rotating the pawl engages in the base of the fuze, 1'0-
-as follows:
'A bDre safe fuze is one in which the detonating train is in-
a. It bas a more satisfactory shape from a ballistic terrupted between the rletonatDr and the bursting charge 'Of the
projectile, until the projectile has cleared the muzzle of the gun.
standpoint.' This prevents premature action of the bursting charge due to mal-
b. 'rhe fuze contains a bore safe device." functiDning 'Of the more sen.itive elements of the fuze. The
hore safe device 'Of the mechanical fuze is now cDntained in the
c. It contains slots for engaging pawls in the fllze rDtor. discussed in paragraph~. A separate booster device has
been develDped. however. which is designed for use with both
setter. The powder train fuze contains lugs which powder train and mechanical fuze~ and which also contains a
bore safe feature. This will probably result in removal 'Of the
1 A new powder train fuze. which will have a shape somewhat rDtor and bDDster cup frDm the present mechanical fuze.
similar to that of the present mechanical fuze, is being devel- 3 A bDDster is a charge of high explDsive contained in a casing
oped. It is expected that both the mechanical and powder train whDse function is tD amplify or "bDOSt" the explDsion of the
fuzes will ultimately have this new shape. One of the purposes charge 'Of the fuze to a detonation 'Of the high explOSive filler of
'Of this standardization of fuze shape is to utilize a unifDrm fuze the shell. since the explDsiDn of the base charge 'Of the fuze Itself
setter design. The new powrler train fuze will ha \'e slots instead will not detonate the high explDsive in the sheIL See alsD f,;ot-
of lugs tD cDnfDrm to the present mechanical fuze. note 1.
Jul~--Ang., 193;~ The Mechanical Fuze, M2

tates the entire projectilc (except the brass cap) and slot in the periphery of thc disk reaches the firing pin
thereby changes the relation between the two pawls. release shaft arm, the shaft is frcc to rotate and does
b. Secured to the front side of the brass cap are a so under the action of centrifugal" force. The arlll
Sf Ilil/g pil/ and a cal/tilerel' ~pril/U (Fig. :?) frec to drops into the release slot of the timing disk and the
mOve over the pin. The spring contains two brass slot in the shaft is now in a position which will permit
Itallllller I("('.igltt. The sctting pin paSSl':-ithrough the passage of the centrifugal firing pin weight. Due to
frec end of the spring between the hammers and fits pressure from the firing pin and to centrifugal action.
in thc rai:o;ed slot in the re:ease lcwr of the timil/g the centrifugal firing pin weight flies out and releases
disk, at the top (front) of the clock mechanism, (Figs. the firing pin. The firing pin passes through a hole
:2 and 3). Accordingly, when the brass cap is rotatcd and strikes the primer, connected to a flash hole to a
by the pawl of the fuze setter engaging the lug of the • The expansion of gases from the propelling Charge creates
cap, the motion is transmitted to the timing disk. The pressure in the chamber and bore of the gun, which results in
accelera tion of the projectile. Any part not rigidly supported
timing disk is also connected to the clock mechanism in the projectile will be given a relative motion toward the base
of the proje~tile due to its own inertia and the acceleration of
by means of the main drivil/g pinion. (Fig. 4.) There- the projectile in the bore. This action is known as "setback."
Se,'eral of our fuzes employ ~etback features in various ,,'ays.
fore, if the sctting pin should remain in the release 'CentrijllYu! nctiun is the term applied to the force resulting
Ic\'cr slot, any rotation of the timing disk by the clock from the ra pid rota tion of the proje~tile about its longer axis.
:\108t of our fuzes employ centrifugal action in some \vay.
mechanism would cause the whole brass cap
to rotate. To prevent this, the timing disk is
released from the setting pin by the brass
hammers. ,Yhen the gun is fired the set-
hack' action causes these hammers to strike
the timing disk releasc level' and flatten it.
The timing disk is now free to rotate by
action of thc clock mechanism. ,Yhen tilt'
fuse is being set the timing di'Sk rotates with
the cap by means of the setting pin but the
main driving pinion cannot move because it
is locked by centrifugal safety devices in the
clock mechanism. The friction disk per'mits
slippage to take place during the setting
operation and is sufficiently strong to rotate
the timing disk with the main driving pinion
after the disk has been released from the
setting pin in the cap.
4, THE FIRING l\iEcHANTs:lr-a. When
the gun is fired the timing disk is released
as indicated above.
b, The firing mechanism contains a fi,'ing
pill, a firing pin release shaft. a cC1/tn'f1lgul
firing pin weight, and a set-back weight. (Fig.
S) The release shaft contains a centrifugal
weight but is prevented from rotating by the
release shaft arl11 which rides on the periphery
of the timing disk CF'ig. 2), and releases
the shaft pin, which prcsses back of the sct-
back weight. This weight is held in place by
a small spring which rests in a beyel in the
weight. The firing pin also has a beveled
surface which bears against the ccntrifugal
firing pin weight. As this pin is actuated
by a powerful spring therc is considerable
pressure on the weight. The othcr end of
the weight is canght b~- the release shaft.
The release shaft contains a slot throuO'h
which the centrifugal weight may pass wh~n
the shaft is rotated slightly. M2 FUZE
c. The action is as follows: \Vhen the FIRIN6 MECHANI~M
gun is fired thc set-back weight drops do\\'n (SIDHIEW)
(back). 'fhis partially frees the firing pin \
sha.ft .. T he t!ming disk, llla,s'in g~een released l _
as IIId lca t cc1 III paragrap 1 , bCgIllS to rotate
by means of the clock mechanism. When thc Fig. 3
286 The .Mechanical Fuze~ .M2 Jul~'-Aug., 19:3:!

unlocked and free to function. The angular

I (tI'tTAlfUb4l DRlYIH() difference between the slot in the timing disk
~ - WI:I(,Hl
and the firing pin release shaft arm (Fig. 2) is
determined by the amount the brass cap is rotated
during the setting operation. In this \vay the
angular travel of the timing disk while the fuze
is in operation is controlled.
c. The rotor is located in the base of the fuze
in rear of the clock mechanism (Fig. 4). The
rotor itself is properly a part of the firing mech-
anism, but, as it is actuated by the rotor release
devices contained in the clock mechanism, it is
"- R010il discussed here. The rotor proper is a centrifugal
brass weight which rotates about a pin in the
base of the fuze. It contains a cavity filled with
tetryl. "'hen the rotor is in its unarmed position,
this tetryl pellet is out of alignment with the
tetryl charges in the base of the fuze and the base
plate. In its armed position (Fig. 3) these charges
are brought into alignment. The rotor is pre-
vented from rotating to its armed position, until
the projectile leaves the bore, by means of the
rotor escapement and lock, and the rotor centri-
fugal weight, located in thc clock mechanism,
and by a rotor release pin (Fig. 4). The rotor
is held by the release pin one end of which rests
in a groove in the rotor and thc other against
Fig. 4 the rotor centrifugal weight (Fig. 4). During
M2 Fuze. Clock Mechanism and Rotor the setting of the fuze the rotor escapement is
locked by the rotor escapemcnt lock, which is
tetn'l pellet in the base. This detonates the tetryl similar in design and action to the main escapement
charges in the rotor (to be discussed subsequently), the lock, described in sub-paragraph b above. ,\Then cen-
bilse plate and the booster and finally the high explosive trifugal forces begin to act, the rotor escapement is un-
charge in the projectile. locked in a manner similar to the main escapement.
5. THE CLOCK 1\lECHANIS:~I.-a. The timing ele- Centrifugal action also forces the rotor centrifugal
ment of the fuze resembles a watch mechanism in gen- ,,'eight outward. This movement is regulated (delayed)
erill principles, differing from it in the following re- by the rotor escapement. After the projectile has left
the bore, the centrifugal weight uncovers the end of
(1) Instead of being driven by a main spring, it the rotor release pin and it movcs forward, under ac-
is driven by a pair of weights which make use of the tion of the release pin spring. This frees the rotor
centrifugal force obtained by rotation of the shell. and centrifugal action forces it to its armed position.
(2) Its escapement differs from that of a watch, where it remains during the time of flight.
in thilt it beats ilt a very much higher frequency and 6. SU~DL\.RY OF l<"'UZE ACTlOx.-'rhe action may be
makes use of a straight spring instead of the conven- summarized briefly as follows:
tional spiral (hair) spring. a. The timing disk release shaft slot is rotated to
b. The clock mechanism contains two centrifugal the proper position, in accordance with the fuze rangc
dj'ivingu:eights, a main escapement ilnd lock, a "rotor data, by thc fuze setter pawls engaging the slots in the
cscapement and lock, and the j'otor release mechanism. brilss cap and the base of the fuze, the setting pin in
The propelling force of the mechanism is derived the cap engaging the release level' slot of the timing
from the centrifugal driving "weights (Figs. 4 disk.
and 5) which transmit their force through gears to b. When the projectile is fired the brass hammers
the uwin driving pinion carrying the timing disk. The immediately flatten thc timing disk release lever, thus
main pinion is also connected through a system of freeing the timing disk from the brass cap, and per-
gears to the main escapement which governs the rate mitting its rotation by the clock mechanism. The set-
of rotation of the pinion and, through it, the rate of back weight drops back and frees the firing pin re-
l'otation of the centrifugal weights and the timing
lease shaft. The rotor then turns, and its tetryl charge
disk. During the setting of the fuze, as indicated in
is brought in line with the explosive train, and the
paragraph 3, these parts arc all locked by means of
the main escapement lock, consisting of a weighted centrifugal weight gear starts to operate, thus starting
lever held in place by a cantilever spring. ,Vl1en the the clock mechanism. "This action rotates the timing
projectile begins to rotate the lever flies outward disk until the timing disk release slot (set originally
ilgainst the action of the spring and the escapement is by the fuze setter) comes opposite the fiJ:ing pin release
.J uly-Aug., 1933 The .Mechanical Fuze, l\I2 287

shaft arm. This shaft IS now fully free to

rotate and does so under the action of cen- PIVOT PIN
trifugal force. The centrifugal firing pin
weight may now pass through the slot in the
release shaft. The weight, under consider-
able pressure from the firing pin spring and
being free to rotate by centrifugal action,
rotates and releases the firing pin at the in-
stant the release shaft arm drops into the
timing disk release slot. Driyen by its spring,
the firing pin strikes the primer. and sue-
cessiyely detonates the tetryl pellets in the
base, rotor, base plate, and booster and finally
the bursting charge in the projectile.
EDITOR'S XOTE-It is understood upon reliable
authority that the Ordnance Department is now PJ NION
engaged in developing a fuze which will eventually
replace the ~I-2. This work is still in the secret and
confidential stage, therefore, no details can be given
at this time. Our information leads us to conclude
that the modification of the fuze is in minor details
of construction and that the essential principles will
be changed vcry little if at aIL
Inasmuch as ~[-2 fuze will later be replaced by a
new and improved mechanical fuze it was suggested
that the publication of the foregoing article be with-
held until such time as information on the improved
fuze could be disseminated to the service. From our
knowledge of similar eases it is anticipated that a
long time ,dll elapse before the new fuze gets out
of the experimental stage and into the production E 6HTED SEnOR
stage; therefore it was decided not to withhold the
publication of a description of the M-2 fuze. It is
believed to be a better policy to inform officers of
the details of equipment as they actually are and
later furnish a description of new or modified equip'
ment when, and if, it comes into being. In addi.
tion one subscriber wrote in requesting a detailed
dl'scription of the l\I-2 fuze; this inquir~' convinced ACTION OF C£NTRIFU6AL WEI6HTS
us that it was time to furnish the service some au-
thentic information on this subject. Captain ~[i]- Top (fRONT) VIEW.
hum's article is the hest and most complete of which
we have any knowledge,-it was originally prepared
.. for instructional purposes in the Coast Artillery
School. Fig. 5

THE BASIC PURPOSE of the National Defense Act was to surround a small but
highly efficient professional force with echelons of reasonably trained citize1ll'y
so as to establish an efficient fl'anwwork for mobilization in major emergency.
This system combines and econmny on a reasonable basis. It does not
visualize instantaneous readiness for aggression, but only a reasonable readiness
to marshal our strength before foreign hosts could be upon 1IS.-GEXERAI,
East of Suez Rangoon
(The Impressions of an American Woman)

By Maida Davis"crurtle

F )11'. Kipling had said "By the Shue Dagon A. sauc~- little pleasure boat with" Isabella" pamted

I Pagoda looking eastward to the sea," he would

have sacrificed nothing as to rhythm or beauty
and would not have been quite so free and easy with
on her bow was the onlJ' familiar sight in that strange
Burmese port. If there is a harbor in all the world
without its" Isabella" I have failed to find it. I've
poetic licence. The sea is not eastward, the :Moulmein seen them from Corpus Christi, Texas, to Colombo,
Pagoda is in )Ioulmein, not l\Iandalay. the f1~'ing Ce~-lon. and I'm convinced that they are inevitable.
fishes, if any, are too overcome ?lIy first impression of the city
with the weight of the river mud was a terrific glare and heat. The
to fly, and China is not across the sun is whiter than elsmyhere and
bay-otherwise, as far as I could the pavements are wide and un-
see, ?Ill'. Kipling is exact in every broken, but such discomforts are
detail and Rangoon was precisely soon forgotten in the interest of
like I imagined! On first thought the place. On second thought I
the loss of these illusions made believe the chamber of commerce
me pretty mad, but the fascina- must employ beggars to distract
tion of the place soothed my ruf- the mind of the visitor from the
fled feelings a good deal and I heat, for they never give you time
shall forgive the author if it takes for such thoughts.
a life-time. As the big pagoda dominates
Not only the city but the low the eye, so the cawing of the
flat country for miles around is crows dominates the car in Ran-
absolutely dominated by this most goon. There can really be none
important of all Buddhist monu- left in any other part of the globe
ments-the Shue Dagon Pagoda. for it seemed that they were at-
It is to Rangoon ,,;hat the Eiffel tending' a world convention and
To,,-er is to Paris and the Lean- everyone was trying to speak at
ing Tower is to Pisa. In the once. No matter where you go
brilliant Indian sun it is aflame, nor what you do the sound is in-
and at night-shades of Broad- cessant, and they are so bold as
way-it is electrically lighted. to fly through the unscreened
which sounds too modern and windows and help themselves
unromantic but which in reality from the table at which you sit.
makes of this solid gold shaft a The caste system is still very
thing of etheral beauty standing prevalent in Burma, the outward
out in the darkness like a finger sign being painted on the fore-
of light. head and down the nose in all
It was a magnet from which we sorts of different colors and fig-
could hardly turn our eyes as ,,'e ures. Thus, two men with three
quite a 'burden on the populace."
OJ ••••
sailed up the broad muddy Irra- daubs of orange paint between
waddy river, full of tiny native the brows would be of the same
craft that look exactly like stinging-scorpions, tails class and faith. It is a religious law that each person
in air. Their boatmen must indeed be experts to pilot must prepare hi,> own food. Think what emancipation
them, with a solitary oar, safely across a stream so that means for the housekeeper-and servants so cheap
s,,-ift and treacherous; made even more dangerous by over there, too. The food is cooked over tiny chareoal
countless logs of teak-wood. These natives are clothed burners on the edge of the side,,'alk, and if during the
in a single garment-a sarang, but thOse who manned preparation or consumption of the meal the shadow of
the launch that came out to meet us looked like pirates a person of different caste falL'>upon it, it must all be
in their picturesque red caps and faded blue middy- thrown away. Such a waste-and such an opportunity
like suits trimmed in red. Our launch seemed to for an enemy to starve one to death!
struggle against the thick mud of the rh-er, though I I suppose there must be women there-for there is
was told that it was really the tide, very strong even no doubt of the children-but they are carefully con.
twcnt~. miles from the sea. cealed. In four days I ean safely say I saw less than
July-Aug., 1933 East of Suez-Rangoon 289

a dozen women, and we went all over the city. How- creaking and groaning or the crane took on a musical
.ever I can't say I blame them much, ror I should sound as it announced the coming of each bag
make myself scarce too if my nose were as thickly of rice and discharged its burden in the vivid
studded with rings as theirs. Or course I had heard spot Or light. Then with rude ceremony the
or this custom and had imagined rings or various sizes leader of the workers would stand, one root on the
through the nose, about the same as cattle sometimes object of toil, and with an unconscious lift or his
have; but that kind is the rare exception, the rule be- closely turbaned head would chant a few bars in a
ing tiny screw earrings through the fleshy part or the musical half-tone, joined by the other in a short
nose on each side. The effect is weird to say the least. ringing chorus. Then quickly and with cat-like grace,
The place seems rull or old Roman senators with five or six men would swing the bag onto one pair or
.shining shaved heads. These are the Buddhist slim brown shoulders, the owner of which would go
priests; and as they toil not, neither do they spin, trotting cheerfully off to drop his load in its proper
their number seems quite a burden on the populace. place.
They are not allowed to have money nor to ask for Nothing less than the most important religious
food, so each morning they may be seen walking slowly building in all Indo-China would have tempted me to
in the neighborhood of their monasteries with bowls go bare-rooted through the dirty-beyond-belier pagoda
banging around their neck which the lay public fills and risk all sorts of nameless, and mostly imaginary,
-with food-verily the raith or a little child. Their diseases. At first I thought the sign "No foot wearillg
flowing robes are strikingly picturesque-rich orange allowed" was because of some deeply pious idea of
color and draped like a classical toga, leaving one arm covered heads and uncovered feet, but I was later put
'and shoulder bare. They wear no shoes or head cov- right on the subject-it is merely part of the non-
ering but carry a small fan with which to cover their cooperative policy, now widespread in India against
eyes when a woman is in sight and thus keep out evil the British government. Be that as it may, it took a
thoughts. Evidently foreign women do not inspire good deal of courage and curiosity to leave shoes and
forbidden thoughts for only one I saw with covered stockings in the carriage and fly to evil we knew not
-eyes, the others stared quite frankly. of, ror one cannot even see to the top of the flight of
The incongruous combinations of some or the cos- stairs which is the entrance. There are over six hun-
tumes are amusing. While the majority of natives dred steps, dirty as no steps in America ever could
.on the street are simply and very casually clad in an be; sacred maybe, as the approach to the holy place,
inconspicuous gee-string 01' a one-piece sarang, those but lined on each side with shops and markets of all
'in roreign business buildings combine this native sim- kinds kept by a big part of the great umvashed.
plicity with the formality of an undertaker in fun Six hundred and seventy steps with that many mil-
regalia. In Thomas Cook's the dignitary at the door lion germs and microbes waiting to pounce on bared
'would strike awe in the heart of the most seasoned white feet! And then when the almost-seven-hundred
traveller, be he American or British. Above his thin steps had been climbed, the agony or stepping out on
brown face was a thick white turban, a head-dress of the red-hot pavement at the top! For the pagoda
surprising dignity. Below this face or calm oriental proper is built on the top of an artificial hill and the
-placidity was the high, stiff collar of a formal coat surrounding pavement is perilously near the tropical
made of heavy dark goods with long tight sleeves. sun. Around the tall impressive monument, with its
Across the breast and over one shoulder was a broad dome and point of leaf-gold, are countless numbers
red ribbon such as diplomats wear; and below the of shrines, temples and smaller pagodas. The shrines
formality of the uniform-like coat protruded the are little or big, simple or rantastically elaborate, ac-
skinniest and the barest legs in all Christendom-or cording to the wealth or the family to whom they be-
rather out of all Christendom. long, but each contains at least one image of Buddha
Old fashioned victorias, rickshaws and bullock- plainly seen beyond the grated door. In one the
carts take the place of automobiles almost entirely. figure was of beautiful alabaster, in another the fore-
The heavy hauling is done by men on crude heavy- head was set with a diamond the size or a marble, and
looking vehicles with only two wheels-but such in another the hands were covered with rings with
wheels. They are higher than the men and so mas- precious' stones. Before many, candles were burning
sive and solid that when the cart is loaded to capacity in the mid-day sun, while others, falling into decay,
with rice or opium or whatever carts are loaded with bave become the roosting place for homeless chickens
in Burma, one wonders that four or five slim little and pigeons.
'brown men can budge it. The temples are much larger and are evidently com-
The loading of two thousand tons of rice on our munity affairs. These are built of wood carved in
cargo ship proceeded in stolid silence under the blaz- fantastic designs and gaily painted in red and gold.
:ing tropical sun, but after darkness had fallen and Inside there are usually several impressive Buddhas-
one huge bright light was turned into the hold, it be- calm and peaceful, placid and feminine-though our
came a picture worthy or a Rembrandt. The beauti- Burmese guide was highly indignant when I asked if
fully molded bronze bodies, naked except for a bright by any chance Buddha could have been a woman. This
.colored loin-cloth, stood out from the surrounding guide gravely told us that he was eighty-two reet tall,
.darkness in bold relief. The night seemed to cast a and when I asked how he knew he showed me even
'spell upon the workers themselves, for the loading was more gravely Buddha's foot-print in concrete. From
.then done not in silence but in song. The very its size he must needs have been at least that height
290 East of Suez-Rangoon July-Aug., 1933

to carry such feet! In each temple is a huge bronze horrified. Sold' Wh;y these things were given for
bell, and our guide insisted that we strike one three charity and therefore could not be sold.
times with a stick of wood at the same time making Descending the stairs was, if anything, more pain-
a wish, which would surely come true. We hesitated ful than the climbing, for more dirt had collected in
to disturb the worshippers bending to the floor in the meanwhile and the problem of donning white
prayer but he persisted so we are reasonably sure of shoes and stockings without a bath was troublesome to
at least one wonderful thing in this life. say the least. Suffice to say that we hurried back to
There is a little building at the foot of the big our good ship and lost no time in finding hot water
pagoda which is neither shrine nor temple and which and disenfectant soap aplenty.
houses the most extraordinary collection I've ever To reach our ship we took a smaller boat, and just
seen-case after case filled to overflowing with articles at sunset we passed an uncovered launch crowded
of value, jewelry, solid gold life size flowers, gold and with native workmen from a nearby oil company. As
silver cups and dishes, alabaster vases and bowls, the sun dropped below the water, with one accord their
precious stones, rare lace, carved ivory and jade, piles dark figures sharply outlined against the vivid sky,
of money, and in a frame a 100,000 rupee bond-all bowed low to the west, a strange sight to Occidental
given for charity! And there they stay, year after eyes. And as these Mohammedans unconsciously
year, in their glass cases, with the names of the donor's made a never-to-be-forgotten picture at their evening
growing dim on yellowing cards. When I asked our devotions, a British gun boomed a single shot. It was
guide if none of the things were ever sold and the Tuesday and the weekly mail from home was in,
proceeds given to the poor or to the priests, he was heralded as always at sunset by the cannon's voice.

'WHILE IN THE FIELD, Napoleon zl<S1l.a1ly

went tO bed early in the evening and rose

about one o'clock Un the mor"ning to dictate his orders for the day. This method
had great advantages. If he had sent out his orders at. eight o'clock, the com-
manders woUld have received them in the middle of the night wnd their rest
would have been disturbed. By waiting until one o'clock Napoleon had the ad-
vantage of laiej' inforrnatiion j"ece'ivedduring the night, and his cmnmanders re-
ceived their orderg soon enollgh.-MITCHELL.
Organization of.a Motor Transport Pool
By Capt. J. 'T. deCamp and Ist Lieut. L. M. Morton, CAC.

M OTOR vehic~es used in the Army are classified

as Combat vehicles, Special Service vehicles,
Plant vehicles and General Service vehicles.
Combat vehicles are defined as those primarily de-
competent noncommissioned officer should be on duty
as dispatcher and provided with such other enlisted
assistants as are necessary.
THE MAINTENANCE OFFICERshould have supervision
signed or intended for combat purposes and upon and control of all maintenance. He should be selected
which armor and (or) weapons are usually mounted. for his knowledge of motor mechanics and shop opera-
Special Service vehicles are those which require a tion. All repair shops and facilities assigned to the
special design to accommodate them to the special or command should be under his controL
technical purposes for which intended. The Search- THE INSPECTOROF MOTORVEHICLES should be
light truck supplied by the Corps of Engineers is an charged with the systematic inspection of all vehicles
example. General Service vehicles include all other and should be responsible only to the :Motor Transport
types except plant vehicles, i.e., those used at arsenals, Officer, He should be an excellent diagnostician of
depots, proving grounds and upkeep of flying fields. motor troubles and strict and thorough in his work.
The classification of all cargo and passenger vehicles, . With vehicles properly inspected, many defects are
except special types, as General Service thus ends discovered and corrected before serious damage results.
the former distinction between vehicles assigned to a Inspections should be made so as to interfere as little
post and those assigned to a tactical unit on the post. as possible with operating duties. However, AR 30-
The present policy requires that all general service 1075 requires that each vehicle must be inspected once
motor vehicles be pooled for the general use of the every two weeks and the results recorded.
command, except that general service vehicles which THE SUPPLYOFFICERshould have superv:ision of the
may be assigned to tactical units are not pooled when procurement, storage and issue of the supplies and
actually needed for drill or instruction purposes. This equipment needed by the pool. He should have an
modification, made necessary by the present shortage intimate knowledge of the nomenclature and require-
of motor vehicles, is based on the same general prin- ments of the pool in regards to its supply needs.
ciple laid down for operation in the field by armies, Necessarily he will be concerned with considerable
corps and divisions. (See Pa1'. 8-AR. 30-1075 and paper work and must be competent to handle the ad-
G. O. No.3, W. D., 1933.) ministrative and clerical work involved.
Whatever the makeup of the pool, whether it oper- THE PERSONNELassigned for operating the pool
ates under the Quartermaster or whether it :is under should be carefully selected and highly trained if the
an officer so detailed, there must be a responsible head fleet of vehicles is to be maintained in a state of high
directly in charge who is commonly known as the operating efficiency and the personnel is to render
l\Iotor Transport Officer. It is from the point of view satisfactory, courteous and willing service. The driver
of such an officer that the subject matter herein is or mechanic works under conditions of considerable
based. The same principles, perhaps to a lesser degree individual latitude and his judgment and sense of
apply equally to the officer who finds tactical motor responsibility must be constantly developed. For this
vehicles assigned to his unit. reason it is advisable to make permanent assignment
Briefly his duties are to administer, operate and of drivers to vehicles and so organize the interior
maintain the vehicle in the pool and to act as a tech- administration of the pool that each individual knows
nical advisor on the staff of the Commanding Officer. exactly where he fits into the organization as a whole.
If the size of the pool warrants it, he may have com- VEHICLEINSPEOTIONAND MAINTENANCE.If motor
missioned officers or trained noncommissioned officers vehicles are not to be unduly laid up for repairs, a
available as assistants who can perform the functional careful system of inspection and maintenance must be
duties described hereinafter. Inasmuch as such duties installed, based more or less upon existing conditions,
must be performed anyway, they will be so divided type of equipment and available personnel.
at this time. The maintenance of vehicles is divided into five
THE OPERATIONS OFFICERshould have supervision echelons, The first two, constituting chiefly preventive
over all vehicles pooled for general transportation pur- maintenance, pertain to the vehicle driver and the
poses. He should be selected for his knowledge and Company Commander and are applicable to com-
experience with motor transportation and should be manders of motorized batteries, garages and small con-
familiar with the routine work that is performed at voys. In general these echelons include cleaning, lubri-
the station and the vehicles necessary to accomplish it. cation and supervision of vehicles by the driver and
All vehicles should be dispatched from a motor inspection and enforced regulations by the Company
transport center with proper dispatching orders. A Commander. The limited nature of the tool kits issued
292 Organization of a Motor Transport Pool July-Aug., 193::>

with the yehicles and the supp:ies available indicate the most essential, cover the following prescribed ree-
the character of the work that can be done. The third ords and reports:
echelon consists of unit replacement and contemplates (a) Driver's Permits.
the removal of an unserviceable unit assembly in which (b) Accident Forms.
a sub-assembly or part needs a repair and immediate (c) lVlechanical Inspection Forms.
replacement thereof either from stock or from a fourth (d ) Vehicle Service Record Book.
or fifth echelon establishment. Third echelon work
must be authorized by a Corps Area or a Department In addition, the whole subject of the obtaining sup-
Commander, who is required to investigate and de- plies and the disposition of unserviceable vehicles, as-
termine if the shop in question is possessed of the fol- semblies and spare parts is coveretl. in detail in Cir.
lowing requirements: I-lD, O.Q.M.G.
(a) Ylechanical personnel of proper training. RECORDSAND FORMS NOT DEFINITELYPRESCRIBED_
The War Department issues certain Q.I\LC. forms as
(b) The shop and tool equipment required on
(c) The spare unit assemblies, sub-assemblies or (a) Driver's Trip Ticket and Performance Record.
parts in stock or easily and quickly obtain- (b) Driver's Daily Vehicle Report.
able. (c) Daily Dispatch Records of Moto! Vehicles.
(d) Gasoline and Lubricant Issue Slip.
The fourth echelon embraces the "tear down" and (e) Motor Vehicle Operation and Maintenance
repair of any or all unit assemblies which are used in Cost Record.
the motor vehicles of the command. Fourth echelon
work contemplates a balanced personnel organization In addition it is required that recOl'ds be kept of tire
composed of the various types of mechanics, classified mileage, vehicle inspection and storage battery inspec-
and qualified in accordance with the various trades, tion on improvised forms. These forms or ones of
i.e., electricians, welders, engine repairers, carpenters, similar nature to fit local conditions, must be provided
painters, upholsterers, etc. Necessarily it also requires in order to furnish the data which is required to be-
a wide assortment of tool equipment and an extensive entered in -the Vehicle Service Book.
supply of spare unit assemblies, sub-assemblies and It is by checking the Gasoline Issue Slips against
spare parts. The fifth echelon embraces repair, manu- the Daily Dispatch Record that any appreciable loss
facture, reclamation and salvage and is of no imme- of gasoline by unlawful disposal can be detected.
diate concern at this time. Further, it is the source from which these items are
It can be seen from the above that third echelon entered on the Motor Vehicle Operation and Mainte-.
repair is the normal procedure in the average post nance Cost Record. Issues. of tires and tubes, and
or regiment, while first and second echelon work is cost of repairs are obtained from the Maintenance and
left to the battery or small operating unit. Fourth Supply Departments and also entered on it. At the
echelon work is necessarily more or less an exclusive end of the month the entries must be totaled and
function of Quartermaster Repair Shops or stations posted to the Vehicle Service Record Book.
possessed of special facilities. From the total cost of all vehicles and the total
IDLE VEHICLESAND VEHICLEABUSES. Abuse and mileage, the cost per mile can be computed. The cost
improper operation are responsible for the majority per mile is an index of the efficiency either as a com-
of vehicles that are idle. Truck abuse includes over- parison between individual vehicles or as a month to,
loading, overspeeding, lack of lubrication, delayed month comparison. Major variations should indicate
maintenance, etc. Improper operation implies lack of to the Motor Transport Officer possible sources of
road and routing survey, improper control of vehicle investigations within his organization.
assignment and dispatching, and general lack of super- ISSUEOF GASOLINE.While not definitely prescribed,
vision. Accurate records of vehicle performance, in- two general methods of gasoline issue are now prae-.
cluding mileage, cargo transported, fuel consumption, tic ally universally employed in the service. The first
tire wear, repair costs and time out of service are method favored by many officers as the most efficient
essential if the operating officer is to have any guide check is to fill up each vehicle at night when 'it come'"
as to the efficient and economical operation of his or- in. The amount of gasoline drawn is then an accurate
ganization. The keeping of certain tabular records is check of the amount used by the vehicle. By checking
required by regulations, the keeping of certain graph- against the Dispatcher's mileage report, any discrepan-
ical records, ho'wever, in addition, will be found most eies are at once apparent.
valuable. The second method is to issue gasoline as required
REQL"IRED RECORDS.A list of the most important during the day. Its disadvantage as compared to the
Vi,T ar Department regulations and publications pertain- first method is that while the daily issue can be posted
ing to ni[otor Transportation will be found at the end and checked against the Dispatcher's record, it is
of this chapter. Inasmuch a.'l this material is available necessary to observe the gas consumption over a period
to all officers. and as changes are being issued from of days to discover any excess consumption. Its ad-
time to time, it 'will not be reviewed herein. AR yantage i'l that in a large and busy pool operating'
30-1075 and Cir. 1-10, O.Q.::\LG., which are prohably continuously, time and faci:ities are not such as to
July-Aug., 1933 Organization of a Motor Transport Pool 293

make it easy to issue gasoline to each vehicle at the tion officer. However, the inspector must have access-
end of the day's operation. A further disadvantage to a vehicle, for maintenance cannot be carried out
is that if a vehicle is not used daily it is not desirable while it is operating, nor can it be repaired if the nec-
to park it with a full tank, particularly when it can- essary parts are not available. This lateral co-ordina-
not be safely stored under lock and key. tion will be found the most difficult part of the ~Iotor
lYIETHODS OF LUBRICATION. The proper lubrication Transport Officer's plan of organization. Latera~ con-
of vehicles is one of the greatest problems of proper trol may be assumedi by him in person in a small pool,
garage management. Probably the most satisfactory but if possible the Motor Transport Officer should
method, if the size of the pool warrants, is to detail avoid becoming a cog in the machine and only step in
one mechanic or mechanic's helper for the job of under unusual situations or to var~y the routine pro-
lubricating all the vehicles. He must be supplied with cedure. Lateral co-ordination can be obtained by
the proper equipment and check list of all points to "routing," that is by directing or laying down the
lubricate. Lubrication is done on a mileage basis and procedure to be followed in' advance. Thus it is by
when sufficient mileage has accrued, the vehicle is planning, routing and supervision that the framework
taken out of service and completely lubricated. The of the final organization into a workable whole must
alternative method is to charge the individual driver be based.
with this duty which vastly increases the necessary REFERENCES:
superv:ision and spreads the responsibility for proper
lubrication among too many individuals. 1. Table of motor vehicles authorized for operation
during a fiscal year. This chart is issued annually by
ApPEARANCE ANDUPKEEP. In contrast to the above the War Department.
method of lubrication, the appearance and upkeep
2. Ambulances-AR. 40-75.
of the vehicle rests largely on the attention given to
3. Shipment of motor vehicles-AR. 30-995.
it by the individual driver. If the driver :is trained
4. Marking of vehicles and property-AR. 850-5.
to check the water, gasoline and lubrication of his
5. Storage of l\fotor Vehicles and Equipment-AR.
vehicle before leaving the garage, to tighten nuts and
bolts between runs,- to clean it at night and report
6. Use and care of Motor Transport-;Basic Field
promptly any defects in its operation, the most diffi-
Manual, Vol. 5.
cult obstacle has been overcome. Necessarily this re-
7. Operation of Motor Vehicles-AR. 30-1075.
quires constant supervision and inspection. Flapping
8. Motor Vehicle Operator-TR. 75-85.
tops, banging tail-gates, m:issing hood latches, dirt and
9. Issue of gasoline, oil, etc.-AR. 35-6560.
lack of paint all indicate lack of proper supervision.
10. Gasoline, oil and grease, Training purposes-
On the other hand a clean engine is usually the sign
AR. 730-10.
of a well kept vehicle.
THE FINAL ORGANIZATION. So far the necessary or- 11. l\'[otor Transport-Handbook for Quartermas-
ganization has been described briefly and its various
subdivisions and some of the more important phases 12. Oil'. 1-10, O. Q. M. G. which covers:
of upkeep and operation discussed. In the final an- (a) Storage of Motor Vehicles and Equipment.
alysis, the Motor Transport Officer is primarily inter- (b) Repairs to Motor Vehicles.
ested in making the pool operate as a whole. In Mili- (c) Reclamation of Motor Vehicles and Parts.
tary Service it is almost second nature to build up a (d) Records and Reports.
chain of command and such a chain is at once obvious, 13. Moving ammunition by truck-Par. 105, Tech.
such as the driver, trnckmaster dispatcher and opera- Reg. 1507-A.

GENERAL STOESSEL (in the Russo-Japanese War) ordered the sot[th u'I(f,llof Tsint-
chow (nelM'ftYanshan) blown down at once to prevent its use for shelter by Japan-
ese.. This was not doone,as the work would have reqt[in3d 719,000 pounds of
triton, 36 times the amot[nt in the depot of the First American Arm,y in Frarnce,
and 53,000 wagonload-s to hanl the debriS' aU'l(f,Yor scatter it. A -general need
not be a technical expe11, b1d he mu,st know something about all operations of
war, technical as well as non-technical.-MITCHELL.
11,-- N_e_w_s_a_n_d_C_o_m_m_e_n_t 11

Policies Affecting the Reserve Officers dividual reserve officers and has had the effect of dis-
rupting personal plans and blasting hopes of early
Training Corps promotion. Sometimes it has caused embarrassment
NDER date of June 1the War Department caused to the Unit Instructor by rendering it impossible for
U to be transmitted to the head of each educational
institution where a unit of the Reserve Officers' Train-
him to fulfill a promise, made in good faith, to a re-
ing Corps :is maintained an explanation concerning Information has just been received which indicates
the temporary withdrawal of R.O.T.C. instructors as that hereafter changes affecting appointment, promo-
follows: tion, transfer, etc., of reserve personnel will contain a
"1. The missions of the ""Val'Department have been proviso making such change effective at an appropriate
materially increased by the Civilian Conservation future date. This policy will, in many cases, react
Corps program of the President. In carrying out this to the benefit of reserve officers and remove the criti-
mission, which imposes a greater burden on the War cism, which occasionally 11as been made, to the effect
Department than that pertaining to the Spanish- that the \Var Department does not always keep faith
American War, considerable numbers of officers are with reserve personnel on these vital questions.
being withdrawn temporarily from their regular duties.
Among these officers will be many who are now on
R.O.T.C. duty.
2. The Secretary of War wishes me to inform you Changes in the Chief's Office
that he regrets this necessity exceedingly; that this
use of the officers assigned to you is. a temporary meas-
ure and that the needs of your institution will not be
goes to press several new faces have made their
appearance among the personnel of the Chief's Office.
forgotten by the War Department. It is the intention Lt. Col. George A. Wildrick, one 0f the most recent
of the War Department to restore these officers as far graduates of the Army War College, has been assigned
as practicable to their normal duties in time for the to duty in tIle plans and projects section. This section
opening of their respective units this fall although is charged with the revision of all harbor defense proj-
it may be necessary to reduce their numbers. ects. A most comprehensive study is being made of
3. It is hoped that no serious inconvenience will such questions as the elimination of gUllS and acces-
be caused you by this unavoidable curtailment of your sories of questionable value, the mode~nization of
personnel. ' , elements to be retained and the installation of addi-
tional armament wherever deemed necessary. This
New Training Manual 2160...25 work has been in progress for several years and a vast
amount of data collected and correlated.
T HE revision of Training Regulation 435-325, "Ori-
entation," has been approved by the Adjutant Gen-
eral for publication. The revision is considered to be
Major Randolph T. Pendleton (better known as
Tucker) also a recent alumnus of the Army's highest
a great improvement over the old Training Rl:lgula- institution of learning, has been assigned to the per-
tion. It will be known as Training hIemorandurn sonnel section and is now working on a plan designed
2160-25. The first paragraph of this Training Manual to please all officers who desire a particular assign-
sets forth the scope and purpose as follows: ment and to hear intimate and personal reasons why
"This manual is a complete revision and rearrange- they should receive only assignments agreeable to
ment of TR 435-325, "Orientation." Certain phases them. To begin with it should be stated that Tucker's
of the form;er text have been amplified to provide a job is impossible but we know that he will follow the
self-instruction manual for the orientation require- path mapped out by his predecessor, Major George ji'.
ments of Coast Artillery organizations. The scope is Moore, and will do his best for a hundred per cent
indicated in the foregoing table of section contents. performance.
Section IX, "Orientation Requirements of Reconnais~ :Major George F. :L\Ioorehas been designated a mem-
sance Officers," has been added to outline the specific ber of the next class at the Army War College, which
responsibilities, duties and procedure of reconnaissance according to present expectations will open in Sep-
officers of the battery, battalion and regiment." tember.
Major Jolm H. Coehran will leave Washington in
the near future for a tour of duty at the home of the
Regulations Mfecting Reserve Coast Artillery on Hampton Roads, where (it is under-
Personnel stood) he will become a director in the Coast Artil-
lery School. To the new members of the official family
H ERETOFORE changes in the regulations govern-
ing the administration of the Organized Reserves
have become effective immediately upon issue. In cer-
the JOURKALextends greetings and best wishes; to the
departing members appreciation and thanks for past
tain cases this has operated to the disadvantage of in- favors.

Any individual, whether or not he is a member Qf the sel'vice, is i1~vited to s1Lbrnit constructive
s1lggestions r.elating to problems under study by the Coast Artille1'y BOal'd, or to pl'esent any new
p1'oblems that properly may be considered by the Board. Communications Sh01tld be addressed to
the President, Coast Artill81'"Y Board, Fort Monroe, Virginia.


C.A.C., president CAPTAINH. C. MABBOTT, -c.A.C.

Projects Completed Since the Last Tl was equipped when received with a special pedestal
bearing known as the SKF self-aligning bearing. This
Issue of the Journal type of bearing is a commercial product and is avail-
No. 926. Test of Homelite Generating Unit.-The able in quantity in time of emergency. Furthermore,
Generating Unit Ml, manufactured by the Homelite it is cheaper than the type normally employed in the
Corporation, is a standard article of equipment for M2, 3-inch antiaircraft gun mounts. Considerable
tractor artillery units. It is a 12-volt, 600-watt unit difficulty, however, was experienced with this bearmg.
suitab:e for furnishing lighting power. The Homelite During the tests at Aberdeen Proving Ground in 1930
Corporation recently reported that their latest model the bearing gave indications of failing. In 1931 dur-
12-volt unit incorporated several important improve- ing the firings at Fort Story, Va. the bearing when
ments over the original model accepted as the Generat- disassembled was found to be badly scored so that it
ing Unit Ml. It was originally thought desirable to was necessary to ship the mount to the arsenal for re-
make additional tests of the improved unit before ac- pair and reassembling of the bearings. It was thought
cepting the reported improvements. A member of the that the failure of the bearing might be due to im-
Homelite Corporation visited Frankford Arsenal and proper assemblage. After the bearing was reassembled
demonstrated their new nO-volt unit before certain it was given a service test which consisted of firing 500
Ordnance officers. It is reported that the demonstra- rounds during the various target practices and demon-
tion included playing a stream of water on the unit stration firings conducted during the current year at
while it was operating; which did not affect the opera- Fort Monroe, Va. Preliminary but inconclusive ex-
tion in any way. The demonstration, while made on amination showed no signs of failure. The carriage
the nO-volt unit, indicated that the improvement in was sent to Aberdeen Proving Ground where it is un-
both the nO-volt and 12-volt units were such as gener- derstood a more complete examination will be made.
ally to increase their dependability, so that it was felt It was therefore recommended that the SKF self-align-
that actual fmther tests of the improved 12-volt unit ing bearing not be accepted as a suitable replacement
were not necessary. It was, therefore, recommended for the type used in the 3-inch antiaircraft gun mount
that the improvements made in the latest model 12- M2 until further and more severe firing tests have been
volt unit be accepted and incorporated into the specifi- conducted at an Ordnance proving ground.
cations for the Standard Generating Unit lYITunless, No. 941. Markings for Projectiles and Storage Cases.
in the opinion of the Chief of Ordnance, such improve- -The object of this project was to make recommenda-
ments detracted from its suitability for Army use. tions concerning possible methods of reducing the
No. 927. Test of Radio Set, Type SCR-177.-This amount of work incident to re-marking projectiles and
set was designed as a replacement for the present stand. cartridge storage cases, and also to reduce the possibil-
ard radio set SCR-136. One set was tested for several ity of mistakes in markings. To accomplish these aims
months in the Canal Zone and another set at Fort the Coast Artillery Board recommended (a) reference
ilIonroe, Va. The conclusions reached by both testing symbols, supplemented by an index tabulation posted
agencies were in close agreement. The SCR-177 is in each place of storage, be used for marking projec-
considered a satisfactory replacement for the SCR-136, tiles only; (b) the ammunition lot number of the pro-
the improvements having been principally in better jectile constitute the reference symbol used; (c) the
construction of component parts. However, recom- reference symbol be stenciled on the center of gravity
mendations for standardization have been held in abey- of the projctile; (d) no reference symbols be used for
ance pending tests of a lighter weight all-purpose set marking cartridge storage cases; (e) metal ammunition
which is expected to be available for test in the near data tags be used on the outside of cartridge sto:vage
future. cases in lieu of the present type of ammunition data
No. 931. Test of Roller Bearing, 3" A. A. Gun Truck card; and (f) pending action on the recommendation in
Mount T1.-The 3-inch antiaircraft gun truck mount (e) above, that data stenciled on cartridge storage cases
296 Coast Artillery Board Notes July-Aug., 1933

be as indicated aboYe. A.s yet no instructions have muth and angle of the target below the horizontal to-
been issued to the serYice making any changes in mark- gether with the altitude of the plane provide the data
ing ammunition. from which the position of the ship relative to the plane
No. 946. Test of Range and Height Finder T-12 for is determined. The test was conducted in conjunction
Use With Tractor Artillery.-The Range and Height ,,'ith the personnel of Langley Field, the plane being
Finder T-12, obtained primarily for use with antiair- located for purposes of the test. It is presumed that
craft artillery as a height finder, was tested at Aber- the position of the plane under war conditions will be
deen Proving Ground during 1931. It was found that determined by radio direction finding apparatus. This
where as it was slightly more accurate than the 4-meter latter apparatus, at the present time, leaves much to
base instruments, this increase in accuracy was not suf- be desired, however, and the ultimate success of the
ficient to warrant the increased cost and weight of the system will be dependent upon improvements in radio
instrument. The instan.t test conducted by the Coast direction finding. The instrument tested was satisfac-
Artillery Board at Fort Monroe was to determine tory in principle but certain mechanical improvements
whether or not this particular instrument was suitable were suggested by the Air Oorps observer. The re-
as a range finder for use with tractor artillery. Ex- sults were sufficiently promising to warrant further
tensive tests were conducted on moving targets con- tests. The Coast Artillery Board recommended that
sisting of commercial shipping of all types, from fishing the altazimuth instrument, in its present form or, pref-
boats to large steamers. As a result of the test the erably, incorporating certain mechanical changes rec-
Coast Artillery Board recommended that (a) no four- ommended by the Air Oorps, be used with the next
meter base stereoscopic range finders be purchased for long range firings to determine the accuracy of the
test with tractor artiller.y for the present; (b) the final range finding system when the instrument is used in
decision as to the base length and type of stereoscopic con:junction with radio direction finders for locating
range finder to be supplied tractor artillery be held in the position of the plane.
abeyance until after the test of the T-2 range finder,
which test was being taken up at that time; and (c) Projects Now Before the Board
the '1'-12range and height finder be held at Fort Mon- Of Such Projects Those to Include No. 961 Were Listed
roe, Va. until after the test of the T-2 range finder, in the May-June Number of the Journal.
after which date it will be available for use elsewhere.
No. 608. "Duco" Surfacing for Guns.-This test
No. 954. Test of Modified Traversing Mechanisms
continues. Another gun carriage of Battery l\Iont-
for Ten and: Twelve-Inch D.C. Carriages and of Modi- gomery (6" Barbette) has been painted with" Dulux"
fied Azimuth Pointer for Twelve-Inch D.C. Carriage.- paint. The various guns and carriages that haye been
This project consisted of tests of various types of hand- painted will be kept under observation.
wheels for ten and twelve-inch disappearing carriages,
No. 929. Experimental Field Chronograph (Jack-
and a modified azimuth vernier for the 12-inch disap-
son).-It is understood that the first test of this field
pearing carriages to facilitate the laying of these pieces.
chronograph will begin shortly at Aberdeen Proving
As a result of the test the Coast Artillery Board rec-
Ground. It is proposed to give the instrument an ac-
ommended that (a) traversing handwheels be substi-
curacy test at Aberdeen Proving Ground and then a
tuted for the traversing cranks on such of the follow-
field test at Fort Monroe, Va.
ing dil'!appearing carriages as the Ohipf of Ooast Ar-
No. 937. Test of Submarine Mine Equipment.-This
tillery may designate:
project includes several items to be used with the single
10-inch, Model 1901, conductor system. To date tests haye not progrrssed
10-inch, Model 1894 MI, sufficiently to render definite reports on any of the
12-inch, Model 1896, items tested. Considerable progress is being made in
12-inch, Model 1901; the dev~lopment of modifications of the submarine mine
(b) small traversing handwheels be placed on the tra- system.
versing crank shaft of such carriages, 10-inch Model No. 946. Chamber Swabbing Sponge T3, 12-inch.-
1896, as the Ohief of Coast Artillery may designate; This sponge is nm" under test. The test should be
and (c) when a redesign of the azimuth vernier me- completed in July.
chanisms is made, it be placed on such carriages as the No. 947. Test of Oil Clothing for Use by Army Mine
Ohief of Ooast Artillery may designate. Planter PersonneL-The test of this clothing by the
No. 955. Depression Angle Indicator for Use in Air- crew of the Minp Planter Schofield was inconclu-
planes.-An altazimuth instrument was developed by sive. The clothing has now been shipped to tIle Cable
the Air Oorps as the result of experience with various Ship Joseph H em'y for an extended service test of
types of horizontal and vertical angle measuring de- one year.
vices used in long range tracking and firing tests of the No. 953. Radio Controlled High Speed Target.-
last two or three years in Panama and Hawaii. The Whenever opportunity affords, work on the construc-
present instrument combines an aperiodic compass, a tion of this target continues. Progress is necessarily
level bubble and a vertical angle measuring device. slow and it is difficult to say when the project will be
The instrument is held in the hands of the observer, it completed. '
having been found that the instability of the plane in No. 956. Test of Compress, Lensatic, With Leather
flight prevents, for this type of work, the use of in- Case.-This device has not been received and nothing
struments attached to the plane. The magnetic azi- is known about it.
July-Aug., 1938 Coast Artillery Board Notes 297

No.958. Devicefor CheckingMobileArtillery Sight No. 964. Test of Rubber-Jacketed Submarine Mine
:Mountings. -This device is now under test and so far Cable.-This cable differs from ordinary mine cablein
has shown considerablepromise. that it has a rubber-coated exterior which tends to
No. 959. Weston Universal Exposure Meter, Model eliminate kinks and bird-caging. A test is in progress.
617.-This is a commercial device for determining No. 965. Test of L-T Seacoast Director E-1.-This
proper aperture setting in photographic work. It has director was tested by the Coast Artillery Board dur-
been tested fo,r normal photographic work and is now ing the month of June. Th~ test consisted (1) 0:[
under test by antiaircraft units to determine its value static tests to determine the accuracy of the instru-
for use with the antiaircraft spotting cameras. The ment; (2) tests on moving targets to determine the
Cadets of the United States Military Academy are us- operating characteristics of the instrument, and (3) of
ing the device in the antiaircraft firing they are now subealiber and service practices with 155-mm guns to-
carrying on at Fort Monroe,Va. determine the accuracy of the instrument under serv-
No. 960. Draw-Bar Pintle Check, 155-mm Gun.- ice conditions. Upon the completion of these tests a
This is a device to prevent undesirable rotation of the preliminary report was submitted. The results of"
draw-bar pintle of the 155-mmgun. The test has been these tests, in general, were most satisfactory. The
completed and the report is now in preparation. instrument appears to afford such a complete solution
of the technique of seacoast gunnery that early steps.
No. 961. Improvised Mounting, Telescopic Sight, should be taken to completethe developmentand issue-
155-mm Guns.-This is a mounting proposed to ac- of this director. As was to be expected, certain im-
commodate a telescopic sight suitable for Case II provements can be made in the mechanical construc--
firing. Under study. tion. In its partial report the Coast Artillery Board
No. 963. Test of Stereoscopic Range Finder T-2.- recommendedthat the instrument be adopted as a de--
The 8'tereoscopicRange Finder T-2 is a heavYsix-meter velopment type and that the Chief of Ordnance be re-
self-containedrange finder made especiallyfor use with quested to construct at the earliest practicable date-
tractor artillery. It was given a comparative test with another model incorporating such mechanical changes
the Range imd Height Finder T-12. The test has been as are to be'specified by the Coast Artillery Board.
almost completed but due to the large amount of data No. 966. Test of Circuit Closer, Model 1933.-This
that has been collectedand the amount of plotting and is an improved circuit closer developed' at the Sub-
computation involved!the date when the report will be marine Mine Depot. Procurement authority has been
submitted cannot be definitely stated. The test so far granted for the,purchase of 50 of these circuit closers,
as analyzed indicates that the T-2 is perhaps the most whi.chwill be given a service test over a period of two-
accurate self-contained range finder so far tested by years. The test of this device by the Coast Artillery
the Board. Board is to be continued.

Address Changes
S DBSCRIBERS are urged to notify us promptly of each change of address.
The infrequency in publication of the Army List and Directory has proven
this medium as unreliable, due to changes made between dates of publication.
Leaves of absence and temporary addresses on change of station are missing
from War Department orders. Notices of change of address furnished by the
Post Office Department in many instances are illegible or incomplete; such
notices, formerly furnished publishers free, now require payment of 2c postage
by the publishers.
We earnestly request each subscriber to advise us immediately when he
movesor is transferred. Just send us a postal card, giving:
Name .
Old Address -: .

New Address _ .

Department Convention Held in On Sunday morning, through the courtesy of the

D. S. Coast Guard, the visiting officers and their
Duluth families were taken for a very delightful cruise
Eare indebted to Lt. Col. F. C. Tenney, CA-Res., on Lake Superior and through the Duluth-Superior
W for the following account of the meeting ot
the Department of Minnesota Reserve Officers' As-
Harbor on the U. S. S. "Crawford." This trip, which
was the highlight of the entertainment program, com-
sociation, which was held in Duluth on 1\Iay 20-21, pleted the scheduled features of the convention.
Some ninety officers, delegates from six Ch~pters Organized Reserves Participate in
in the State, were in attendance. Our guests of
honor were: Brig. Gen. John H. Hughes, Commanding Century of Progress Parade
General, 88th Division; Colonel Osmun Latrobe,
Executive Officer in charge of Reserve affairs Seventh
Corps Area, and ColonelR. L. Gray, Jr., Engineer
T HE Organized Reserves of the Illinois District
were mobilized on May 27 for participation in the
Century of Progress Parade which inaugurated the
Reserve, St. Paul, representing the National Council. official opening of the exposition at Chicago. The
After an informal lunch, a group picture of the following units were well represented:
assembled delegates, with members of their families, 6th Division (Infantry)
was taken. The convention then convened. 86th Division (Infantry)
A committee of ladies, headed by Mrs. ,Y. H. 56th Division (Cavalry)
Sweet, wife of Captain Sweet, our Unit Instructor, es- The non-divisional troops comprised elements from
corted the ladies on a drive around the city, and then the Coast Artillery, Field Artillery, Engineers, Signal
to the home of Mrs. J. R. McGiffert for tea. Corps, Air Corps, Medical Corps, Quartermaster Corps
The convention session was confined entirely to and Chemical Warfare Service. In sending out the call
business, with the exception of one very interesting for officers to participate the District Commander
and instructive address by Colonel Latrobe, on the pointed out the necessity for each officer to make a spe-
functions of the Regular Army officer and the Reserve cial effort to be with his organization, not only to assure
officer in the Civilian Conservation Corps work. a creditable representation for this occasion but also
The reports of the President and the Secretary, in- to demonstrate to the distinguished visitors and spec-
dicated an increase in membership in the Department tators the importance of the Organized Reserves as a
from 205 to 501. The Department trophy, a beautiful component of the Army of the United States and an
loving cup, was awarded to the Minneapolis Chapter important factor in the scheme of National Defense.
for the largest increase in memberships. The plan was well received with the result that a large
Resolutions bearing on our National Defense policy. illld representative officers' corps took part in the
and the R. O. T. C. at the State University, were parade.
unanimously passed, spread lipon the minutes, and
copies ordered sent to the President of the United
States, our senators and congressmen, and to the Meeting of the Washington Chapter,
Board of Regents at the' University of Minnesota. Coast Artillery Club
The following Department officers were elected for
the next fiscal year:
President-Major Floyd E. 'Eller, Inf.-Res. Minne-
T HE final meeting of the Washington Chapter, Coast
Artillery Club, was held in the club rooms on the
evening of June 20. About 40 members were pres-
1st Vice-Pres.-Col. B. W. Kelly, Med.-Res. Aitkin ent. After the transaction of the regular business
officers were elected for the ensuing year .. They are:
2d Vice-Pres.-Lt. E. A. Martini, Inf.-Res. Duluth
President-Lt. Col. James B. Bentley, C.A. (Res.),
3rd Vice-Pres.-1\iajor Samuel Amberg, Med.-Res. Laurel, Md.
Rochester Vice-President-Ist Lt. Stanley McGee, C.A. (Res.),
Sec.-Treas.-Capt. Harold E. Blodgett, Inf.-Res. Washington, D. C.
St. Paul. Sec.-Treas.-lst Lt. J. Curtis Ladd, C.A. (Res.),
At seven o'clock the officers, together with the .Washington, D. C.
families, assembled for the convention banquet. Gen- A resolution commending the Unit Instructor, Major
eral Hughes was guest of honor at the banquet, and Elmore B. Gray, C.A.C., for his exemplary leadership,
made the principal address following short talks by sound professional advice and clear cut instructions,
Capt. W. H. Sweet, Unit Instructor for this Area- was moved, seconded and adopted. A similar resolu-
Major A. B. K. Lyman, Engineer Corps, District tion was ~dopted in the case of Captain Thomas J.
Engineer, and Colonel Elmer McDevitt, C. O. of the Betts, C.A.C. While Captain Betts has not been as-
125th F. A. An informal dance followed the banquet. signed to duty with the Organized Reserves he has

July-Aug., 193:3 Notes on Reserve Activities 299-

given ullstintingly of his time and efEorns during the proper there was also practical action in the agenda.
past four years to furthering the interest and activities of the evening. A committee was named to acquaint
of the Reserve Corps and has, by his wise counsel and the new Reserve appointees in the work of the Asso-
timely advice, proved himself to be a true friend, ciation, and meetings were planned for the next six.
ardent supporter and wise councillor. On many occa- months under the supervision of 1st Lt. P. G. Lewis.
sions he has conqucted the conference and addressed and 1st Lt. H. C. MacLaughlin, whose duty it will
the chapter on military subjects. It is deeply regretted be to provide programs of' a combined professional,.
that War Department ord~rs have removed Captain instructive and entertaining nature. The latter fac-
Betts from Wa$hington. He will be greatly missed. tor will undoubtedly be supplied in full and overflow-
Major Gray has been temporarily relieved from duty ing measure by the Fusiliers, headed by 1st Lt. G. W.
in Washington and is now engaged in reforestation Sargent-that gang within the group, whose originality
work in the mountain regions- of Pennsylvania. After and wit creates both fun and diversion for the Chap-
this work is finished we hope to have him back at his ter. In fact, at the :first meeting their partial initia-
accustomed desk. tion of 1st Lt. Alexander Young constituted one of
Captain Betts made a farewell address in which the rare highlights of the evening-an evening which
he expressed his deep regret at being compelled by bids fair to become the forerunner of many of its kind
War Department orders to forego his pleasant asso- for the Seattle Chapter of the Coast Artillery Asso-
ciations with the Coast Artillery Club. We hope he ciation.
will enjoy his tour of duty with the 61st Coast Artil-
lery at Fort Sheridan, Illinois. Major Bennett made
a short address on the work of the War Department Doings of the West Point Chapter ot
in connection with the Civilian Conservation Corps the U. S. Coast Artillery Association
and some other questions o:f interest to the Reserve
Corps. Captain Caswell made a report on the Coast
Artillery Association meeting which was held at the
A MEETING of the West Point Chapter of the
U. S. Coast Artillery Association was held at
West Point, on May 6, 1933. The President, Lt. CoL
Danish Rose Restaurant. A committee was appointed Sanderford Jarman, C.A.C., presided. The principal
to inquire into the advisability o:f having some :form speaker for the occasion was Lt. CoL Walter K. Wilson
of entertainment during the summer. The date and who spoke on the subject of experimental firing at
nature of this will be announced later. Fort Morgan, Alabama, in 1914. Colonel Wilson was
the recorder of the board that conducted the test. He-
gave a very interesting account of the circumstances
Seattle Chapter Meeting, Coast that led up to the firing, as well as the firing itself,
Artillery Association and the conclusions drawn therefrom. At the ter-
mination of Colonel Wilson's talk an executive session
A GOOD time was had by all who remember,-and-
well-who could possibly forget? The occasion
was the first o:f its kind of the Seattle Chapter of the
of the chapter was held and the following officers:
ejected for the ensuing year.
President-Major Charles Hines, C.A.C.
Coast Artillery Association, and if the spirit of fellow-
Sec.-Treas.-Capt. MarveJ H, ParsOIlS, C.A.C.
ship, _loyalty and enthusiastic approval which pre-
These officers will succeed Lt. Col. Sanderford J ar-
vailed at the banquet is at all indicative, there will
man, C.A.C., and Capt. 'William H. Donaldson, C.A.C.,
he regular similar social functions in the future. The
respectively. The outgoing officer,'Swere given a vote
time was the evening of June 14, 1933, the place, Coon
of thanks for their untiring energy and service in
Chicken Inn, immediately north o:f the city limits, the
promoting the activities and interest of the West Point
crowd, about thirty officers including visitors from
eastern Washington who had made the trip to the Chapter. -----
Charmed Land especially to be among those present 250th Coast Artillery, Calif. N. G.,
at the first jovial get-together of the Seattle Chapter.
Col. Walter S. Pollitz, CAC-Res. as toastmaster pro- Makes Record in Extension Courses
vided the tone and theme for the banquet program
which included a number of after dinner talks, ver-
satile in character, ranging :from well received humor
I N a report just submitted by the instructor, Th-Iajor
J. D. MacMullen C.A.C. (DOL) to Colonel R E.
Mittelstaedt, it is noted that the Regiment has com-
to flights of inimitable oratory. Col. Edward Kimmel, pleted a total of 456 sub courses or 6,739 hours of work.
CAC, the Professor of Military Science and Tactics, There were 58 officers and 21 enlisted men enrolled
University of Washington R.O.T.C., reminisced on making an average of 80.5 hours work per student.
"Coast Artillery Activities." Major William D. Counting uncompleted subcourses, the total work
Frazer, CAC, Professor of Military Science and Tac- done is well over 7,000 hours which. is more than double
tics, University of Washington RO.T.C., discoursed the amount last year. It must be remembered that
npon "The Coast .Artillery Officer-His Status, " the correspondence work of a :Kational Guard unit is
which found :favor with the group. Major W. K. only a small part of the work accomplished during the
Richards. CAC, Seattle Executive for Organized Re- year. In addition to these schools there are many
serves, stirred every officer present with his "Chal- Regimental schools for specific groups and quite a num-
lenge to the Coast Artillery O:ffi<cer." ber of refresher courses in addition to Chemical WaT--
If tp.ere was idealism and nobility in the program fare instruction, Riot Duty instruction ad infinitum.
300 NO:tes on Reserve Activities July-Aug., 1933

Coast Artillery Reserve Officers Club graduates of the R.O.T.C. of Fordham Universitv and
also a representative gathering of the Brooklyn Chap-
(Second Coast Artillery District) ter National Sojourners.
N June 5th, the Coast Artillery Reserve Officers Practically all in the assemblagewore uniforms and
O Club sponsored the Annual Dinner of the Reserve the very successful dinner of 1933 will be long and
Officersof the Second Coast Artillery District at the well-rememberedby all who attended.
Building Trades Employers Association, 2 Park Ave-
nue, New York City..
This year's attendance was by far greater than that Pittsburgh Chapter, U. S. Coast Artill ..
of last year, despite the continued depression-thus ery Association, Elects Officers
marking this as one of the most successful dinners held.
T a meeting of the Pittsburgh Chapter of the
Lieutenant ColonelA. C. M. Azoy, 908th C.A. (AA),
acted as toastmaster, and in the most masterful fashion A U. s. Coast Artillery Association held on May
24, 1933, the following officers were elected to serve
introduced the guests and the speakers.
Among the guests were General Cole, General Byrne, for the ensuing year:
Colonels R. S. Kirkland, George Nugent, George Co- President .... Capt. James 1. l\Iartin, 508th C. A.
cheu, Arthur S. Conklin and others. Each was given Vice-PresidentCapt. T. O. Ryan
a few minutes (three, to be exact,-a Second Lieu- Secretary 1st Lt. John W. C. Ramaley, 503rd C. A.
tenant with a whistle was time-keeper) to say a word Treasurer 1st Lt. O. R. Rutemiller, 503rd C. A.
of greeting. Colonel Stopford, our 'Executive, out- Board of Governors;
lined the growth of the extension course study in the Chairman 1st Lt. Kenneth A. Wing, 508th C. A..
Reserve. Members Col. James S. Ervin, 50Sth C. A.
The principal speaker of the evening was Colonel Col. Carl M. Deakin, 523rd C. A.
George A. Nugent, G.S.C., Chief of Staff-Second 'Col. Allison F. H. Scott, 622d C. A.
Corps Area, which was very interesting and especially Major Edward W. Turner, C. A. C.
well received, judging by the applause which fol- Major Lloyd A. Corkan, 523rd C. A.
lowed. Capt. Charles H. Fleming, 508th C. A.
Next on the program was a sketch with sound effects Capt. Paul O. Langguth, 508th C. A.
given by the members of the 908th C.A. (AA) called 2d Lt. George C. Saltzman, 503rd C. A.
"The General's Decision." This was a burlesque on The meeting was attended by 35 officersrepresent-
the routine at a front line command post; represented ing the most active members. Colonel Scott, who is at
in the cast were: present located in Johnstown, Pa., was present and
General Nerts Lieut. Louis Blesser gave the chapter the benefit of some interesting and
Lieut. Knowall Lieut. Seymore Baum instructive remarks. The newly elected officerspromise
Colonel Doolittle Major Charles Clark to exert their best efforts to make the ensuing year
Mr. Plant Captain Jack Mayer the most successful in the history of the organization.
Each regiment had as its guest one of this year's More power to them. we know that they will make good.

IN CONSIDERING the extent to which the theory of mee7 amization can be practi-

cally applied, it is necessa1'y to 1'ecallsome of the obvious limitations of the motO'r-

driven armored vehicle. One of these is its inability to negotiate certain types of
terrain. Swamps, mOt~niains, thick woods, streams, and extremely rough ground
are in general effec.tive obstacles to its use. In such areas, if impo<rtant from a
militwry sta.ndpoint, the Infantry, Cavalry, and ArNrtery must operate without
the assistance of mechanized units.-GENERAL DOY~GLASMACARTHUR.

Office of Chief of Coast Artillery

Chief of Coast Artillery


P61'sonnel Section Organization and Trwining Sectim!


llfateriel and Finance Section Plans and Projoots Se.otion


Hawaiian Separate Coast Artillery Brigade

News Letter
Brigade Commander-Brigadier General R. S. Aberl!ethy
Chief of Staff-Colonel Arthur L. Fuller, C.A.C.
Sol-Lt. Col. W. V. Carter, AGD. S-3-Major A. G. Campbell, C.A.C.
S-2-Capt. E. T. Conway, C.A.C. S-4-Major F. A. Mountford, C.A.C.
BRIGADE REVIEW the extinct volcano, Diamond Head, the landmark of
Hawaii. The Polo House was jammed to capacity

T HE Hawaiian Separate Coast Artillery Brigade, with distinguished guests; these included Mrs. Law-
under the command of Brigadier General Robert rence M. Judd, the first lady of Hawaii, Mrs. Briant
S. Abernethy, conducted a review at Kapiolani H. Wells, the wife of the Department Commander,
Park in Honolulu, June 14, 1933, in honor of Vice A. J. Bowley, Rear Admiral and Mrs. W. C. Watts,
Admiral Gengo Hyakutake, of Japan, and the officers . and many others. Several hundred Japanese officers
and midshipmen of the Japap.ese Training Squadron .. and midshipmen from the visiting squadron flanked
The ceremony was one of the mQl;ltspectacular affairs the Polo House. Approximately 15,000 spectators com-
conducted in Hawaii since the gigantic Department pletely encircled the field. The Honolulu press com-
Review, held fOr 'Ex-Secretary of War Newton D. plimented the Coast Artillery troops in glowing terms
Baker, last spring ... on the perfection of the ceremony and especially on
The Brigade was formed of three compOSIte regI- the way the crowds and motor vehicle traffic were
ments. The 16th Coast Artillery, compQl;ledof ele- handled. Another job well done!
ments from the 16th C.A. and the 2nd Battalion of Vice Admiral Gengo Hyakutake was very appre-
the 55th C.A., under command of Colonel Harry L. ciative of the honor accorded him by the Army. In
Steele, was on the right or the line. The 15th Coast addition to the personal honors, the Admiral considered
Artillery, occupying the center, was commanded by it a special honor for the Japanese Empire, our for-
Colonel Homer B. Grant; it was composed of elements mer ally.
of the 15th C.A. and the first battalion of the 55th The Department Commander, Major General Briant
O.A. Two battalions of the 64th Coast Artillery from H. W:-ells,was so well pleased that he sent the fol-
Fort Shafter, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel W. lowing letter of commendation to the Brig~de Com-
W. Hicks, comprised the third regiment which was mander within a few hours after the completIOn of the
located on the left. Regiments consisted of two bat- .
. reVIew:
talions of three batteries' each. Batteries were dI- The review of your Brigade at Kapiolani Park on June
vided into two four-squad platoons. 14th in honor of Vice Admiral GengoHyakutake of Japan
The setting for the review was almost perfect with and the officersand cadets of the Japanese training squadron
visiting Hawaii, was in every particular an outstanding
a typical blue and cloudless Hawaiian sky overhea d. military exhibition. The excellent appearance and march-
Kapiolani Park is located under the very shadow of ing of your troops, the orderly arrangements for receiving
Coast Artillery Activities .J uly-A ug .. 193::

,'isitors and handling the crowd, were among the com- 6" Disappearing Guns
C-15th 1st Lt. C. P. Young 58,4
mendable features noted by me.
I congratulate ~'ou and the officers and men of 3'our A-16th Capt. R. C. Jones 81.6
Brigade. This demonstration of the thorough training and 12" Disappearing Guns
general efficiency of your command is ,ery gratifying to B-};)th Capt. Y. P. Foster 182,4
me as Department Commander. Excaliber Practice (155's), Long Range, Day
1st 2nd Total
A-15th Capt. Ll'Roy Lutes !H.!I
The 1988 target practice season has just closed and A.A. Searchlights
the results obtained by thO:)Hawaiian Separate Coast 1st £nd Srd .d verage
Artillery Brigade are Yer~' gratifying. ::'IIany of the A-64th Capt. John H. Wilson 1:?(U I :?2.5 l1S.!1 122.6
E-64th Capt. K. C. Bonney U:U; I1t;.5 12:U 11i.S
batteries will undoubtedly be rated" Excellent," and
A.A. Machine Guns
we haye one organization that will make a serious Cal. sO Cal. 50
bid for the Knox Troph~'. A table of scores computed .dverage all sections
hy the battery commanders is published herewith: I-64th Capt. A. \\'. Waldron ;3!I.S2 !1:{.S1.3
Battery B, 15th Coast Artillery, firing Battery Self-
155 mm. Long Range Firing ridge, a 12" D.C. Battery, at Fort Kamehameha, com-
Battery Battery Commander Day Night Average o manded by Captain Valentine P. Foster. fired 15
A-55th Capt. A. A. Allen (14.4 116.8 105.6
1st Lt. A. O. Nelson 94.8 102.1 98,.15 rounds, four of which were ranging shots, and every
C-55th Capt. H. C. Archibald 78.4 103.1 90.75 round fired scored a hit. It is belieyed that this is
D-55th Capt. P. W. Hardie iO.2 120.8 95.5 one of the best firing records ever attained by an
E-55th Capt .• J. A. Ryan 93.2 13i.0 115.1
F-55th Capt. ~L Bottoms 83.i IliA 100.55 organization in the Coast Artillery.
12" Mortars Captain John II. 'Wilson, COlllmanding Battery
C-16th (Pixed) 1st Lt. H. E. C. Brietung 3i.0 A, 64th Coast Artillery. (until recently on dut~.
A-41st (Ry) Capt. P. H. Koerbel 61.7
fj4.S:{ in the office of the Chief of Coast Artillery) attained
B-4l st (H.,') Capt. E. H. Stillman

~ -.


- ~

1. Front row, left to right: Brigadier General R. S. Abernethy; K. Okada,o'Consul General of Japan; Vice Admiral Gengo
Hyakutake; Major General B. H. Wells. Staff in rear rank. 2. Part of the crowd of 15,000 which witnessed the review. 3. In-
specting party moving toward troops. Left to right: Bri~adier General R. S. Abernethy, Vice Admiral Gengo Hyakutake,
Major General B. H. Wells, and Colonel A. L. Fuller. 4. Colonel Homer B. Grant, Commanding the 15th Coast Artillery and
Staff. 5. The colors passing in review. 6. K. Okada, Consul Gmeral of Japan; Vice Admiral Gengo Hyakutake, 1. J. N.; Major
General B. H. Wells, Colonel Arthur L. Fuller, and Lieutenant Joh' R. Lovell. 7. Mrs. K. Okada. Vice Admiral Gengo Hyakutake,
Major General B. H. Wells and Mrs. Wells.
-July-Aug., 1933 Coast Artillery Activities 303

what is believed to be the highest scores ever made and 880 yard runs in the final and deciding dual meet,
by a Searchlight Battery when his organization scored he pleaded with Lieutenant Goodman to be allowed to
126.3 points out of a possible 128. High, white clouds run the two-mile grind. Sandy reluctantly gave per-
overhead with a moon above them formed the best mission and the blond Czech, or whatever he is, won
possible background. Night glasses, which Captain the race and the team championship against a strong
Wilson borrowed from the Navy Yard at Pearl Harbor, two-mile team from Honolulu with a rallying sprint
were used; these were a great help to observers sta- in the last lap that left the crowd on its feet and cheer-
tioned near the comparators. However, uniformly ing madly minutes after the race was over. The final
good results under less favorable conditions mark this team scores for the season are as follows:
Battery as a well trained organization. Notice that Fort Shafter 202-1/6
Battery E was well up in the competition. Fort Kamehameha 194
The 55th Coast Artillery, with the First Battalion Luke Field 183-1/3
stationed at Fort Kamehameha, and the Second Bat- H.D. of Honolulu 149-3/4
talion at Fort Ruger, will be strong contenders for Battery "B", 41st Coast Artillery, commanded by
the Coast Artillery Association Trophy for 1933. It Captain E. H. Stillman, won the Interbattery baseball
i., probable that all of the batteries in this regiment championship at Fort Kamehameha this season. Ser-
will be rated "Excellent." geant Paul U. Vick, who hails from Beaumont, Texas,
A specially designed high-speed target towed by the coached the successful team.
mine layer "Ramsey," loaned by the Navy for the Battery "G", 64th Coast Artillery, Captain Edward
purpose, ,vas used in all of the long range day prac- W. Timberlake's outfit, won the Interbattery baseball
tices by 155 mm G.P.F. batteries in Hawaii. The title of the 64th Coast Artillery, while the combat
Navy cooperated one hundred per cent in towing the train, Second Battalion, 55th Coast Artillery, van-
courses, not only for target practices, but also for quished all competition and finished the season unde-
drills. Their efforts were greatly appreciated. It was feated in the Honolulu Harbor Defense League.
lloticed that this target had considerable lateral and . The Battery" A", 16th Coast Artillery swimming
longitudinal sway when it was towed at high speed team, ,coached by First Sergeant E. C. Corn, won the
(over 12 knots), especially when the mine layer en- Interbattery swimming championship of the Harbor
countered the heavy seas coming around Diamond Defenses of Honolulu at the famous War Memorial
Head. In spite of this, the work of the plotter was Natatorium in Honolulu, June 3, 1933. Sergeant Corn
easier because of the greater distance between plotted is not only an outstanding swimming coach but he
points. Judging from the results it was much more is also a nationally recognized authority on track and
difficult to obtain bow-on hits on the high speed target field. He is chairman of the Track and Field Com-
than under normal target practice conditions. Much mittee of the Hawaiian Association, AAU.
attention was given by battery officers to increasing
the accuracy of the plotting section, to checking the
data being laid on the guns during practice, and to Fort Kamehameha, where the Harbor Defenses of
careful orientation. An error of one mil in direction Pearl Harbor are located, was named after King
was a miss on the bow-on target. Kamehameha I, the conqueror of the Hawaiian
Islands. A special ceremony was held on the King's
ATHLETICS Post on June 12, 1933, to commemorate the birthday
The Sector-Navy Baseball League opened friendly of the man who is to Hawaiians what George Wash-
hostilities June 3, 1933. The League is composed of ington is to the United States.
three Navy teams and four Army teams as follows: The entire command of the Harbor Defense, over
Harbor Defenses of Honolulu, Fort Shafter, Fort 1,200 Coast Artillerymen good and true, who can boast
Kamehameha, and Luke Field. At the present writing, of winning the Coast Artillery Association Trophy
Lieutenant "Sandy" Goodman's Fort Shafter team and the Department Commander's Cup for all around
is tied for the lead in the circuit. Fort Kamehameha proficiency in arms during the past year, were assem-
has a percentage of .500, while Honolulu has lost all bled in their new gymnasium for the celebration.
four of its contests by very close scores. It appears Colonel Homer B. Grant eulogized Kamehameha I, Ior
that Fort ~hafter has an even chance to win the Sec- whom the post is named, in a way that would melt
tor-Navy Baseball Championship. Lieutenant Joe the heart of even a hard boiled Oriental.
Dillon, the Sector Athletic Officer, reports that none Lieutenant Logan O. Shutt, the Harbor Defense
of the umpires have been assaulted with pop bottles adjutant, Lieutenant Clarence E. Rothgeb, 41st Coast
as yet. Of course, the season is quite young. Artillery, Lieutenant Courtney P. Young, 15th Coast
Fort Shafter barely nosed out Fort Kamehameha to Artillery, and Lieutenant H. E. C. Vandersluis, 15th
win the Honolulu Sector Track and Field champion- Coast Artillery, briefly reviewed the history of their
ship fOr 1933. Luke Field and the Harbor Defenses respective organizations. It certainly was a back-slap-
of Honolulu finished third and fourth respectively. ping contest to see which could say the nicest things
}'[uch excellent. materiel was developed during the about their respective regiments. Rothge~went so far
season when a series of six dual meets was held to as to insinuate that the 41st Coast Artillery had very
decide the title. A slight blond lad named Stanley little room for improvement.
S. Sadaj (pronounced "sadeye") became the hero of Brigadier General R. S. Abernethy, in delivering the
the 64th Coast Artillery when, after winning the 440 principal speech of the occasion, complimented the
304 Coast Artillery Activities July-Aug., 193~

command on the results obtained and encouraged them Battery Commander of Battery A, 151'h Coast Artil-
to greater ambitionS for the future. lery, how they did it.
Athletic medals and trophies were presented by
General Abernethy, Colonel Grant, and Lieutenant Lt. Col. W. W. Hicks, executive officer at Fort
Rothgeb, the commander of the Elmer J. Wallace Post Shafter, won fourth place in a large field of entries
No. 7 of the American Legion. in the officer's charger 'class at the Hawaiian Division
SHORT SNORTS Horse Show, June 16, 1933.
Fort Shafter conducted a very impressive Mothers'
Day service on May 14, 1933, in the gigantic athletic
arena at the Kalihi Post. The entire command turned Notes from Fort Monroe
out to honor our mothers. There were many visitors
present in addition to a considerable number of officers
and their families. The 64th Coast Arti:lery Band,
T HE annual battle practice scheduled to have been
held at Fort Story, Va., on June 10, had to be
cancelled because War Department orders termi-
with Warrant Officer Francis E. Resta conducting, nated the school year approximately three weeks
played appropriate music featured by several instru- earlier than had been planned. Also, student officers
mental solos. Colonel Richard H. Williams made a and many of the instructors were required to report
very impressive talk. on short notice, to duty with the Civilian Conserva-
tion Corps. Elaborate preparations had been made
Very glad to announce the installation of two Bruns- for the conduct of this practice and a part of the
wick Balke-Collender bowling alleys in the new gym- troops had already moved to, and established camp at,
nasium at Fort Kamehameha. Another pleasant pas-- Fort Story, Va. Major General Paul B. Malone, the
time provided for the enlisted men of King's Post. Corps Area Commander, had announced that he would
Incidentally, the new gymnasium was conceived, de- witness the firing. The elimination of the annual
signed and actually constructed by enlisted men. :Lt battle practice was a great disappointment to every
is a large building providing facilities for all sports, one but in these times of uncertainty anything may
with plenty of seating capacity for spectators. Master happen. Better luck next time.
Sergeant Arthur W. Holt, the Harbor Defense ser- Sixty per cent of the staff and faculty of the Coast
geant major, and the late Corporal Summerville, took Artillery School have been released for duty with the
leading parts in the design and construction work. S.C.C. Camps. Most of these officers have been sent
to the Ninth Corps Area and are now buried deep in
the forests of. California and the Rocky Mountain
Battery B, 15th C.A., and the 15th Coast Artillery
States; what a place for a coast artilleryman-not even
Band , under the command of Captain V. P. Foster,
a rowboat in sight. Many of them are in places wbich
provided an escort of honor for the Honorable Frank
they never expected to see, an of which goes to show
lVIurphy, new Governor General of the Philippines,
that the Coast Artillery has to be versatile and ready
when he passed through Honolulu recently. Battery
to assume any kind of duty, from keeping the sky
A, 41st C.A., with the 15th C.A. Band did likewise
free of hostile airplanes to helping mother nature fur-
for Rear Admiral Yates Stirling when the latter was
nish wood for toothpicks. In addition to the officers
relieved from command of the 14th Naval District and
from the School, thirty-six of the commissioned per-
on his departure from the Paradise of the Pacific.
sonnel of the regular garrison and 165 of the enlisted
Captain Frederick H. Koerbel was in command on the
personnel are now in the field with the C.C.C. The
date of their return is extremely problematical. These
officers cannot be placed on a rental allowance status,
While the ordnance officer and the Ordnance Ma- therefore, many of them have taken their dependents
chinist were arguing whether it was safe to fire a to the great open spaces. This is an added expense,
12 inch railway mortar of Battery B, 41st C.A., dur- while the pay freeze and the 15% cut still goes on.
ing record practice, the gun commander y~lled Mor-ethan 5,000 enrollees for the C.C.C. Camps have
"Ready, FIRE." The ordnance officer was rIght, been processed at Fort :Monroe and are now in the
it was safe! A range error of 100 yard,; was made field. This was a severe test of our training facilities
in laying the gun and that shot was the only hit scored and imposed a double or treble duty on the greatly
by the Battery in that zone. A. delay of several hours depleted officer personnel. In fact it now appears that
was necessary before the Battery could fire four shots the officers on duty in the forests are really the lucky
in the next zone. When they did fire, three of the ones especial~y in view of the fact that reports reach-
four shots were hits. Can you tie that ~ ing us indicate that at some of these camps the fishing
is very good.
Did you ever hear of an. ex-excaliber practice 1 Well, The first class of the United States Milit.ary Acad.
we had one this year at Battery Williston, Fort emy arrived at Fort Monroe on June 15. The class
Weaver. The solution is the 16-inch guns with the was divided into three battalions, these were imme-
regular 75 excaliber material, the 155 G.P.F., with a diately sent for training to Fort Bragg, N. C., Lang-
37 mm. gun mounted thereon, firing at a small pyra- ley Field and Fort Monroe, Va. Groups will change
midal target and using the regular 16-inch fire control station at the end of each week so that all three groups
system. Write and ask Captain LeRoy Lutes, the will receive training and instruction at the three posts.
.}uly-Aug .. 193~ Coast Artillery Activities 305

The training at Fort nlonroe will consist -of antiair- number of enlisted students. Courses for enlisted
craft firing and firing with 8-inch railway- ~s _at students have been changed very little.
moving targets. During the stay of the cadets the
post took on increased activities, especially along social
lines, and dances were l1eld about twice each week at Notes from Fort Barrancas, Florida
Langley Field and Fort Monroe.
The annual encampment of the R.O.T.C. and C.M.-
T.C. remained in doubt until almost the last minute.
OLONEL and Mrs. Francis H. Lincoln left Fort
. Barrancas June 26th for Washington, where Colo-
nel Lincoln will take up new duties on the War De-
However funds were finally made available and the
partment General Staff. Fort Barrancas and the 13th
-wmal training activities for these components were
Coast Artillery, both deep in the "Three C 's, " laid
-carried out according to schedule. The C.M.T.C. was
aside duties and turned out en<:e to bid them au
curtailed to the extent that no basic course students
were ordered out for training. This year the training revoir. This mark of respect and affection was a fit-
ting sequel to the regimental dinner of the previous
of these components will be conducted by the officers
evening and of the many recent entertainments in
of the regular garrison in place of bringing officers
post and town honoring the departing Harbor Defense
from the various educational institutions as has been
the custom in the past.
From the time he assumed command, Colonel Lin-
With the release of money appropriated under the coln steadily pursued a two-fold policy. His primary
public works program it is hoped that much needed concern was the improvement 9,fhis command in train-
'construction will take place at Fort Monroe. Officers, ing and efficiency. At the same time Post and Harbor
warrant officers' and non-commissioned officers' quar- Defense improvements Were stressed.
ters are badly needed. New stables, garages, ware- Hand in hand with these policies went a develop-
houses and other buildings are hoped for. The post ment of cordial relations with the Naval Air Station
development board, of which Colonel Harold E. Cloke (the largest of its kind in the world), and the civilian
ill President, has made an exhaustive study of the population of Pensacola. As a result, post and town
needs of the post and has prepared a plan, by which looked on each other with respect and gladly engaged.
new construction will fit into a symmetrical layout in reciprocal favors. As a Rotarian and honorary
instead of having buildings placed at random. member of the .Chamber of Commerce, Colonel Lincoln
worked continually for the welfare of Pensacola. So
well was he known and liked that on the eve of his de-
parture all of the civic clubs of Pensacola met jointly
at the San Carlos Hotel to tender him their respects.
Training Mayor Clay H. Armstrong presided at the dinner, and
The Coast Artillery School in the name of the City of Pensacola, the Commission-
ers of Escambia County, the Pensacola Chamqer of

T HE program for the school year 1"933-1934has been

approved. The program shows several changes
Commerce, and nine other civic organizations presented
Colonel Lincoln with a joint resolution as a token of
in the Advanced and Battery Officers' Courses but their esteem and respect. From this resolution the
theRe changes consist principally of a rearrangement following is quoted:
of the subject matter of instruction with comparatively "Francis H. Lincoln, Colonel Coast Artillery Corps,
few changes in the subject matter itself. In the Ad- is now ending two and a half years of service com-
yanced Class, seacoast and antiaircraft materiel and manding the Harbor Defenses. of Pensacola. Early
-gunnery have been moved from the first. 8-week pe- in those years he took his place as a citizen of Pensa-
riod to the 25th to 33d-week period, and antiaircraft cola and as a friend of Pensacola people, and through-
target practice has been combined with the Battery out that time he has willingly given his time and his
Officers' Class rather than with the National Guard marked abilities to the civic tasks and enterprises
and Reserves. This is particularly advantageous as of this community.
the Advanced and Battery Officers' Classes are now "His frankness and human understanding have
able to work together through all target practices made possible a close and friendly cooperation between
leading up to the school battle practice at Fort Story. his command and all public and private agencies. His
In the Battery Officers' Class the instruction in Tactics conduct of the varied and difficult duties of his pro-
has been moved from the fall to the spring. In the fession while at this post have marked him as an out-
-Advanced Class a short course in Submarine Mining standing soldier and officer. The quality of his char-

(14 hours) has been added to serve as a refresher course acter and personality has made his fellow citizens his.
~nd to familiarize officers with the new mine materiel. admirers and friends.
'There is a new Advanced Technical Course for offi- "At the end of his. tour of duty here, we express to
cers which is a combination of the old Advanced Gun- him our genuine appreciation of his qualities as a sol-
nery and Advanced Engineering Courses. There will dier and commanuing o:ffi.cer;our gratitude for his
be only 22 officers in the Battery Officers' Class, 12 helpfulness in our civic enterprises; our warm appre-
officers in the Advanced Class and 2 officers in' the ciation of his friendship; .our sincere regret that his
Advanced Technical Class. The faculty has also been stay with us is to end; and our hearty wishes for his
~mewhat reduced. There will be no change in the continued good fortune. "

National Guard Status Bill Passes nition and they may be held in service during a period
of six months after the termination of a war, after
Nan interval between measures of emergency legis-
I lation the House of Representatives brought up and
passed the National Guard Status Bill. then went
which time an officer may request his release from
service and it must be granted to him. The active duty
status of officers of the National Guard is also pro-
to the Senate and was passed. It was signed by the vided for.
President and became a law on June 15. The compositionof the National Guard and its desig-
The Bill in its present form was introduced by Chair- nation as a reserve component of the Army of the
man McSwain on May 15th and is designated as H.R. United States is provided for in Section 5. It is spe-
5645. It constitutes an amendment to the National cifically provided that it is not to be considered in
Defense Act of June 3, 1916. the service of the United States except when so ordered
The measure is designed to fix the status of the Na- under the law, and in time of peace it is to be admin-
tional Guard and give it a dual capacity as a state and istered, armed, uniformed, equipped and trained in its
federal force, enabling the President to use it in the status as the National Guard of the several states, ter-
latter capacity without the necessity of drafting it ritories and the District of Columbia.
into the service of the United States. It also has the Section 6 covers the organization of the National
effect of maintaining its identity while in federal serv- Guard and contemplates that the units maintained in
ice, reverting back to the states on the termination of the several states shall be such that when c~mbined
that service and thus obviating the necessity for a together they will form complete tactical units.
complete reorganization such as was necessary follow- The enlistment of the National Guardsmen is pro-
ing the World War. vided for in Sections 7 and 8 which specify the con-
Section 1 of the Bill defines the components of the ditiops under which enlistments may be made, and
Army of the United States as the Regular Army, the the enlistment contract which must be entered into.
National Guard of the United States while in the serv- This latter gives the soldier the dual status and makes
ice of the United States, the Officers' Reserve Corps, him available for service both to his state and to the
the Organized Reserves, and the. Enlisted ReserV'e United States. Original enlistments are for a period
Corps. of three years, but subsequent enlistments may be for
In Section 2 the participation of the National Guard one year or three years. In an emergency the enlist-
and Organized Reserve on the War Department Gen- ment period may be extended at the discretion of the
eral Staff is provided for. There will always be not President for a period of six months after its ter-
less than five officersof each of the two components on mination. This insures the service of the guardsman
duty with the General Staff, and when subjects affect- for that period of time in case he may be needed.
ing the policies and regulations governing the organi- Section 9 is devoted to definitions which specifically
zation, distribution, training, appointments, assign- definethe term "National Guard of the United States"
ment, promotion and discharge of the civilian compo- as a reserve component of the Army of the United
nents are under consideration the committee is tf}con- States composedof federally recognized units, organi-
sist of an equal number of each component. zations and persons duly appointed and commissioned
The composition and organization of the Officers' in the National Guard of the several states and who
Reserve Corps is provided for in Section 3, which have subscribed to the oath of officeor oath of enlist-
amends Section 37 of the National Defense Act. It ment as provided for in the Act.
provides that all persons appointed in the Officers' The discharge of enlisted men is provided for in
Reserve Corps shall be commissionedin the Army of Section 10 which states that a discharge certificate in
the United States. Appointments are for five years, such form and with such classification as is provided
but an appointment in force at the outbreak of war for the Regular Army shall be given. In time of peace
may be continued in effect until six months after its the Secretary of War may prescribe the conditions
termination, when an officercan m&keapplication and under which discharge may be granted prior to the
secure his release from the service. Any officerof the expiration of term of service. At the present time
Reserve Corps may be discharged at any time in the this matter is solely in the hands of state authorities.
!iiscretion of the President. The rules governing the Section 11 amends Section 73 of the National De-
appointment of persons and the promotion of members fense Act and prescribes the oath of officefor the offi-
of the Officers' Reserve Corps are specificallyset forth cers of the National Guard. It gives them a dual status
and in general conform to the present regulations. as officers of the National Guard of their state and
Section 4 amends Section 38 of the National Defense officersof the National Guard of the United States. It
Act which relates to the appointment and assignment further provides that all officerswho are now federally
of officers-ofthe National Guard. They are appointed recognized officersof the National Guard may be ap-
and hold officeduring the period of their federal recog- pointed in the grade they now hold without further
.July-Aug., 1933 National Guard Notes 3Di'

.examination except physical and in the meantime they that for which he enlisted. This proYiso includes serv-
-continue to enjoy the privileges, emoluments, rights ice in both the active and inactive l\ational Guard.
and benefits of their grade. Section 16 changes the designation of the Militia
The examination for appointment to the National Bureau to "The National Guard Bureau." The Chief
Guard is covered in Section 12. Such examination of the Bureau is to be appointed by the President with
.contemplates an inquiry into the physical, moral, and the advice and consent of the Senate, by selection from
professional fitness of the applicant. It is to be con- the lists of officers of the National Guard of the United
ducted by a board of three officers of the Regular Army States recommended as suitable for such appointment
or National Guard of the United States, or both. The by their respective Governors, and who have had ten
examination may be held at any time prior to the ap- or more years commissioned senice in the active Na-
pointment or promotion. When found qualified the tional Guard, at least five of which have been in the
-candidate may be issued a certificate of eligibility line, and who have attained at least the grade of Col.
which is good for two years. It is understood that onel. He holds office for four years and is not eligible
this section does not modify the existing regulations to succeed himself. It is understood that an endeavor
under which a candidate may qualify through pursu- will be made to change this proviso in the Senate so
ing the regular extension courses in the Army edu- that the Chief of Bureau will be eligible to succeed
.cational system. himself. The provisions of officers and enlisted men
Section 13 provides the law under which the federal of the Regular Army for duty with the National Guard
recognition of an officer of the National Guard of the is continued and not more than nine officers of the
Unit cd States may be withdrawn. It contemplates National Guard are authorized for duty in the National
that there shall be an efficiency board compriscd of Guard Bureau. The actual number to be detailed in
Rcgular or National Guard officers senior in rank to the Bureau will alwaJ's depend upon the funds avail-
the officer being investigated, appointed by the Secre- able for the purpose. At the present time there are
tary of 'War. If the findings of the board are unfavor- three, one from each of the old ArmJ' Areas. The
able to the officer and they are approved by the Presi- succession in command for the National Guard Bureau
dent, federal recognition shall be withdrawn. An is also provided for in this section during the dis-
officer absent without leave for three months may also ability of the Chief of Bureau.
have his federal recognition withdrawn. The appoint- The arming and equipping of the National Guard
ment of officers in the National Guard may be termi- is provided for in Section 17 which contemplates that
nated or vacated in such manner as may be provided they shall be so armed and equipped in like manner
for in the laws of the several States. Federal recogni- as the regular Army as far as practicable.
tion is withdrawn automatically when an officer reaches Section 18 provides the law under which the Na-
the age of 64 years. tional Guard of the United States may be ordered into
The National Guard Reserve is in cffect provided the service of the nation in any emergency declared by
for in Section 15. It i..<; denominated the "Inactive Congress, and in which troops in excess of those avail-
~ational Guard." Men duly qualified for enlistment able in the Regular Army are necessary. The organi-
in the active National Guard may enlist fOr one term zation of units when called for such service is to be
of one or three years only in the inactive National maintained intact as far as possible, and this will
Gllard. }Iembers of the active NHtional Gllard ma~' necessitate a much more complete system of replace-
ments than existed during the 'World War. All of
this contemplates that at the termination of the emer-
gency and the completion of active service, the Na-
tional Guard organizations will revert back to the
States. The Section also provides that the war strength
officer personnel shall be taken from the National
Guard as far as practicable. This will necessitate defi-
nite arrangements for providing officers for such ex-
The right to pensions provided for by law is ex-
tended to members of the National Guard when dis-
ability is incurred in active service of the United
States. This right does not extend to the periods of
field training of the National Guard.
Finally a provision is made for the appointment of
The Message Center Set-up of the 10Sth Infantry, New
York National Guard, on C.P.X. at Camp Smith, During the officers of the Regular Army to the National Guard
Summer Training of 1932. in time of war, with a temporary higher grade, and
when so appointed they do not vacate their regular
be transferred to the inactive National Guard. Mem-
bers of the inactive National Guard may be trans- Army permanent appointment.
ferred to vacancies in the active National Guard. In This law has been on the boards since 1924. It has
time of peace no enlisted man will be required to been passed by the Senate at a preYious session but
serve in the National Guard for a longer period than failed of passage by the House.
308 National Guard Notes July-Aug., 1933

Tactical Walks made for the fun of it. I can get a lot more fun do-
ing something else, than I can by poking around
T notable that many of the National Guard train-
I jg
ing programs and schedules include provisions for
tactical walks and terrain exercH;esin connection with
kitchens, latrines, barracks, etc. If you will look into
each rule you will :find that by breaking it you have
taken a chance on your health or the health of the
the tactical training of the units and organizations. fellows who are with you. Another thing, the fellow
It is good to see the increased interest in this form of who takes a foolish chance and gets hurt, is not a hero,
training, for it has been demonstrated over the years but a fool. Nearly every accident that happens while
that it has an important place in the schedules. in camp is preventable. While most of them have
When officers and noncommissioned officers go on
been slight, each of them could have been serious. For
a tactical walk over the ground where it :is proposed
instance, last year, take the man who was burned by
to stage tactical problems with troops and work out
lightning; he did not think, but if he had, he would
the details of the problem, their unit most certainly
is in position to conduct the exercise more efficiently have realized that he was foolish to be handling those
than the one which undertakes such an operation with- wires when there was an electrical storm. He might
out this preliminary training expedient. better have stayed out of the rain till the storm was.
In the course of the tactical walk the special situa- over. That accident could have been serious, and that
tions are considered in their logical sequence and a man was just downright lucky.
reasonable solution worked out for each phase of the "Another tip, watch your shoes; see that they are
exercise. With all of this fresh in their minds when in good condition. No one is forced to wear wornout
the unit is taken out to execute the problem, the offi- shoes. Blisters came from broken linings, tight shoesr
cers and noncommissionedofficersgo through with it or shoes that are too loose. Carry your pack high on
in an orderly way and are able to explain to their men your back; it will save you many backaches.Wrap your
the rea;sonsfor doing things thus and so. The critique puttees loosely, you new fellows, or you will soon
at the termination of th6l problem may then be con- learn the reason why. If your legs ache, loosen up.
ducted so that each man will understand the part your leggings to relieve them.
he has played. Thus the exerciseis indelibly impressed "One more hint-I am not particularly interested
on his mind. in your morals. That is the Chaplain's job and he
It is to be hoped that the time will comein the Na- sure can do it, but from a physical point of view, keep.
tional Guard when no tactical exercise with troops is this in mind: There is no place where you can buy
ever undertaken until after the problem has been GOODliquor; at lea;stwe poor devils cannot afford it.
worked out on the ground through the process of a All the stuff is poison. If you do not believe it, put
tactical walk. Those commanders who give it a rea- some on varnished wood, or touch a match to it and
sonable try-out will see the advantages at once and see what happens. Then remember it goes into your
adopt the system to the exclusion of all others. stomach and out your kidneys. After that, if you are
darned fool enough to drink it, do not expect too much
sympathy from me when you go haywire and I get an
Personal Hygiene SOS to get you out of it."
HE Blinker Flash is a National Guard publica-
T tion turned out by the Intelligence Platoon, Head-
quarters Company, 104th Infantry, Massachusetts Na- Reduction of State Staffs
itonal Guard.
In a recent number Major Merrill F. Hosmer, the
regimental surgeon, made a contribution to its col-
IatN hisNorfolk
talk before the National Guard Convention
last October Major General George E.
Leach, Chief of th'e Militia Bureau, suggested that it
umns regarding personal hygiene at field training might be possible to effect a reduction in the State
camps that is worthy of repetition in these columns. If Staffs and detachments of the National Guard, with
every man would observe the injunctions which Major a view to saving funds that could be more profitably
Hosmer sets forth there would be less sickness and used in other activities.
accidents while at camp. Here is what he says: The National Guard Association adopted a resolu-
"We are about to go to camp-that tour to which tion in line with the suggestion which provided that
we old-timers look forward so much and to which the the matter be referred to the Executive Council for-
new ones will be looking forward next year. study and report at the next convention, which is to>
"There are a few things worth thinking about in be held in Chicago in September.
connection with this camp business. We are all there The Executive Council met in Washington in De-
together and it is up to us to see to it that there are cember and referred the subject to a committee headed
as little sickness and as few accidents as possible dur- by Brigadier General Ellard A. Walsh, the Adjutant
ing the tour. We must appreciate the fact that our General of Minnesota. General Walsh has communi-
health is of the utmost importance to us. With it cated with State authorities throughout the country
we can stand cuts in pay, being out of work and other and the results were taken up for consideration at a:
t~mgh breaks, but with poor health, we are sure out meeting held at Camp Ripley on June 15th, at which
of luck when these tough breaks come along. Bear in time the report to the Association was formulated.
mind that the rules of sanitation mid inspection are not The strength of the State Staff and detachment is
July-Aug., 1933 National Guard Notes 309

based on the strength of the National Guard allocated - From April 1, 1933, to June 30, 1933, National Guard
to the several states, aud varies all the way from six officershave a deduction of 15% made from their base
officers and 22 enlisted men in Nevada to 36 officers- and longevity pay and a corresponding deduction
and III enlisted men in New York. While there are made in their rental and subsistence allowances based
a few vacancies here and there, in general the state on the allowances in effect on June 30, 1932. National
staffs are maintained at their full authorized strength. Guard officers did not have _any deduction made from
The total cost has been estimated at approximately their armory drill pay prior to April 1, 1933, after
$400,000,which includes armory drill pay, field tram- which date a deduction of 15% was made.
ing pay, and all other expenses incident to supply, Reserve officershave the same deduction made from
equipment and operation. their active duty pay as in the case of National Guard
At the convention last fall the opinion was advanced officers attending field training camps.
that the organization could be materially reduced National Guard enlisted men, prior to April 1, re-
and at the same time leave sufficient personnel to con- ceived full pay; since that date a deduction of 15%
duct the duties involved in an efficient manner. The has been made.
extent of this reduction will be determined by the
committee at Camp Ripley and reported to the Associa-
tion for final action when it meets in Chicago in Sep- Guard..o..Grams
Prohibition on School Courses
Officersof the National Guard who are on the Emer-
Elimination of Recruits gency Officers' Retired List or who are drawing com-
DETERMIN.ED effort is being made throughout pensation for any degree of disability are not eligible
A the National Guard to eliminate recruits from the
field training camps this summer. In many of the
for detail at the Army service schools. Stu9-ent officers
are required to undergo a searching physical examina-
states the authorities have prohibited original enlist- tion on their arrival at the school. Those who fail to
ments over the period of two months preceding the measure up to the requirements are forthwith relieved
date of opening of the camp for the unit concerned from duty as student officers and' returned to their
and this is having its effect. homes.
In past years much emphasis has been laid on a Minority Discharge
100 per cent attendance at the camp, with the result An enlisted man in the National Guard was dis-
unit commanders have filled up their vacancies with covered to be under 18 years of age. Under the provi-
recruits immediately preceding the date of the train- sions of paragraph 64, NGR No. 25, such a person can-
ing camps. In some instances this procedure has been not legally become a member of the National Guard
extended to include those men who for various reasons and must be discharged. The question has come up
are unable to attend camps with their outfits. as to the kind of discharge to be given, and this was
All of this has necessitated a system for the special put up to the Militia Bureau. The ruling of the Chief
training of recruits and this has been accomplished in of the Bureau was to the effect that: "A soldier dis-
many organizations by assembling them in a regi- charged on account of minority should be discharged
mental recruit detachment. This activity requires with the form of certificate to which his service after
the services of a considerable number of officers and enlistment shall entitle him. If his service has been
noncommissioned officerswho must be taken away from honest and faithful he should be given an honorable
the regularly scheduled training with their own units.
discharge. "
This is not so good.
With reduced funds available for field training, Armory Drill Pay
every dollar must be expended to the best advantage A master sergeant of the National Guard assigned
and the National Guard is foregoing the old objective to a regimental headquarters was directed by his regi-
of 100 per cent attendance in the interests of more mental commander to attend the armory drill assembly
.efficienttraining, and the elimination of recruits from of the regimental staff officers. For this service he
the field training camps is a long step in the right claimed armory drill pay covering such assemblies.
direction. Payment was refused on the rolls by the Finance Officer
who quoted as his authority, a decision of the Comp-
troller General of October 22, 1932, as follows: "An
Pay of National Guard enlisted man belonging to an organization of the

N UMERous inquiries have been received regard-

ing the pay status of National Guard officersand
National Guard is not entitled to armory drill pay for
attending the ordered assemblies of the regimental staff
enlisted men since the wave of economyhit the service. officers,as such an assembly is not a drill in accordance
There is set forth below complete information on the with section 110, National Defense Act." In accordance
subject: . with this decision it would seem that master sergeants
From July 1, 1932, to March 31, 1933, National assigned to a unit (Headquarters Company) must
Guard offi:cershad 81fs% deducted from their base attend drill formations with that unit in order to be
and longevity pay while attending field training camp. entitled to armory drill pay.
The Foreign Military Press
Reviewed by Ma;"orAlexander L. P Johnson, Infantry
AUSTRIA-Militanoissentschaftliche M i t t e i l ungen- The Washington Conference not only deprived Japan
June, 1933. of all advantages she had secured in China, but it
..,The Concluding Operations or an Enlarged Man- actually compelledJapan to recognizethe policy of the
churia and Considerations of the Problems of the Open Door in China. This tended to aggravate the
Pacific," by General Otto Wiesinger. difficultiesbetween the two nations.
A summary account of the Japanese operations in America's trade in the Far East, in 1913, amounted
.Jehol, and a brief comment upon the Japanese with- to $125,000,000while in 1931 it actually exceededtwo
drawal from the League of Nations form the back- billion dollars. Since 1919 the United States has
ground of an interesting survey of Japan's interna- doubled her trade with China, and trebled that with
tional relations. Thus, the author points out, that Japan, which receivesthe lion's share of America's Far
.Japan's relations with Great Britain involve political, Eastern trade. In the author's opinion, the United
economicand racial questions. Politically, Japan and States can bide her time, since all her interests in the
{treat Britain were allies from 1902 to 1922. The Pacific appear to be satisfied. Japan, on the other
treaty clause, which assured Japan of British help in hand, is in dire need of expansion. The Philippines,
the event of war with the United States, the author Yap, and Guam, the author believes, constitute focal
-observes,proved rather irksome to the British. Great points of the clashing Japanese-American interests.
Britain feared that it might encourage Japan to ag- It is there, he believes, that the fate of the world will
gressive action at a time which might prove embar- be decided. He does not consider the Philippine In-
rassing to British interests. Great Britain secured reo' dependence Bill enacted by the last Congress as the
lease from that treaty obligation, the author notes, by final word upon the subject.
assigning'to Japan the Port of Kiautchau (Tsingtau) In the author's opinion, a naval war between Japan
and the German Pacific Islands. and the United States is at present out of question
In the author's opinion, Japan is Great Britain's. without the active cooperation of a third power. He
natural ally against Soviet Russia, and similarly Great considers the naval establishments in Hawaii and the
Britain is Japan's natural ally against the United Philippines inadequate for war time requirements.
:States. He states, that in the event of a war between He believes,that in the event of war, :qavalsuperiority
the United States and Japan, the former could hardly favors the United States, but that the probable theater
rely upon British racial kinship and comradeship at of operations accrues to Japan's advantage. The great
arms. Great Britain has basic interests in maintain- distances involved affect the United States unfavorably,
ing Japanese power as a counterweight against both while her isolation and the hostility of China and Soviet
-SovietRussian and American projects. Russia have a similarly adverse effect upon Japan.
From an economic point of view, Japan became The Chino-Japanese conflict after two years estab-
England's greatest competitor in China. The growth lished Japan as the absolute master of the Far East.
{):f. Japan'8 trade in India is likewise viewed with mis- Japan achieved this result at a comparatively small
givings by the British. In racial matters, owing to human sacrifice, but at a staggering financial cost.
the attitude of the Dominions,the British Government Japan's shipping and banking interests in South China
was unable to meet the wishes of Japan. The exclu- were practically destroyed.
sion of Japanese immigrants from the Dominions Relations between Soviet Russia and Japan, the
caused considerable ill-feeling among the Japanese. author believes, are somewhat difficult to gauge. Not-
The three powers, Japan, Great. Britain and the withstanding the conflicting interests of these Powers,
United States, the author observes, are now engaged he writes, war between them in the near future is
in an acute commercial competition for the markets unthinkable. Nevertheless,it is within Japan's power
of Asia. Japan is consolidating her position on the to set the day which will witness the elimination of
continental mainland, and, at the same time, she is al- Russia from the Far East. Whether this will occur
so getting her Pacific front ready for eventualities. before or after the settlement of the Pacific problem,
The relations between Japan and the United States, the author states, remains to be seen. In any event,
the author writes, are influenced by the same factors it will compel Russia to face westward again, and
which dominate relations with Great Britain. The whatever her political complexmight then be, she will
friction is, however, intensified by the greater aggres- once more becomean active factor in European affairs.
siveness of the American people. He points out, that Although Japan seeks to cultivate friendly relations
the American press quite frequently assumes an open- with France, an actual alliance, the author writes, is
ly hostile attitude towards Japan, although upon sens- not considered at this time. Such an alliance might
ing an actual peril of war, a more conciliatory tone is tend to force Great Britain into the American camp.
assumed. The racial difficulties arising from the ex- The author does not believe that either France or the
clusion of Japanese immigrants from the United States Netherlands would assist Japan in a war against the
brought the two Powers to the verge of war in 1914. United States.
July-Aug., 1933 The Foreign Military Press 311

Summarizing all factors, the author concludes that shares would be obligatory, and with each promotion
we are on the threshold of the great struggle fOr the in grade there would go an automatic increase in the
mastery of the Far East and the Pacific; that Japan number of shares allotted.
and the United States will play the principal roles in No doubt General Aguirre could obtain some very
that struggle"iWhichis destined to decide the primacy valuable information if he looked into the effects of
between the white and yellow races. The outcome of mandatory pay reductions upon the comparatively
that struggle, the author believes,will affect materiallyhigher paid officersof the United States Army. The
the futur~ of Europe and the entire world. author credits his colleagues with financial and busi-
ness acumen that is not ordinarily associated with the
GERMm~Militiir Wochenblatt-January 25, 1933. profession of arms. Whether that optimism is justified
"Tactical Control of Anti-Aircraft Artillery," by No. remains to be seen. If put into execution, let us hope,
337. this beautiful project will not result in giving a literal
The peculiar character of its material, and the meaning to the Filipino figure of speech: "los paraos
special mission for which it is designed, renders anti. andan y los banqueros son pobres."
aircraft artillery unsuited for employment against ter-
restrial targets. In order to perform its functions URUGUAY-RevistaHilitar y Naval-March, 1933.
efficiently and execute its missions effectively, the "Armaments of the Principal Powers."
author writes, it is essential that the antiaircraft A statistical tabulation, though not so stated, seem-
ingly obtained from German sources.
artillery commander be at all times thoroughly in-
formed of the situation within the area which he must Air-
protect. For this reason, the author holds, antiair- Population Army planes Guns M.G.'s

craft artillery should never be placed under the tac- Russia ...... 153,000,000 1,200,000 1,950 3,000 23,000
tical control of the divisional or higher artillery com- France 40,700,000 655,000 3,000 2,920 35,000
Great Britain. 45,600,000 422,000 1,853 2,400 14,200
mander. He believes, that the most efficient employ- Italy ........ 42,500,000 288,000 1,507 2,132 4,300
ment of antiaircraft artillery demand that it be at Germany .... 63,300,000 100,000 310 1,926
all tImes ' division and Czechoslovakia.
under the direct control of the 14,600,000 140,000 687 1,276 9,800
Poland ...... 30,400,000 298,000 1,309 1,850 9,700
higher commanders. Belgium ..... 8,000,000 66,000 358 859 4,173
United States. 121,000,000 130,000 2,800 1,800* 30,000*
MEXIco-Revista del Ejercito y de la Marina-March, Japan ...... 64,500,000 210,000 1,939 1,500* 20,000*
1933. * Approximate figures.
"The Army National Bank," by General Rafael
Aguirre Majarrez. HUNGARY-Magyar Katonai Szernle-January, 1933.
General Depression hit Mexico as severly as it did "Organization of the A.A. Defense of the Civilian
other parts of the world. That the army, like all Population in Germany," by Colonel Stephen
armies, traditionally poorly paid, should feel the pinch Petroczy, retired.
of an economicallyadverse situation, is to be expected. The latest decree relative to the organization of the
That an army under such circumstances should seek A.A. defense of the civilian population, released by
to lift itself out of this depression by its own boot the German government last spring, is the result of
straps is, to say the least, a decidedly novel experi- methodical, scientific study of the question. The solu-
ment. This the author seeks to accomplish by means tion not only seeks to provide for all contingencies,
of an Army National Bank. He submitted to the Presi- but endeavors with equal care to provide the best pos-
dent of the Republic, General Rodriguez, a project for sible defensive plan at a minimum of expense.
the establishment of such an institution whose stock- The basic principle of the plan is that it makes the
holders would consist of the officer personnel of the entire police force of the nation, and as far as practic-
army. able the entire force of civil officials and organized
The March issue of 'the Revista del Ejercito y de la society itself, a part in the A.A. defense of the nation.
Ma1'ina publishes the text of General Aguirre's pro- Appreciating the fact that existing agencies for the
posal. He would allot shares to officersaccording to preservation of public order and first aid would not
rank, which is but another way of saying that the of- be adequate to meet all demands of an air attack in
ficial rate of pay determines the number of shares each the event of war, the German defensive I.lan calls for
officermay acquire. Payments are to be made in ten certain auxiliary organizations. These constitute the
monthly installments, each representing about five per active portion of the population, wHle the remainder
cent of the officer'spay per month. The author calcu- is designated as the passive portion. The active ele-
lates that in ten months the paid-up capital would ment is to receive special training and equipment,
amount to $847,443.60(Mex.). while the passive element is to be provided with the
This will prove a novel experiment indeed. For the necessary protective shelters. The general 'Conductof
present, it still lacks presidential approval. If put in- the A.A. and Gas Defense is entrusted to the police.
to execution, it will be interesting to watch its prog- Industries, the railroad, and postal services are re-
ress. Difficultiesare to be expected, but evidently the quired to establish their special defensive organiza-
author of the plan does not include among these the tion. Cooperation between these agencies is com-
possibility that certain officersmay not be financially pulsory.
able to acquire the allotted number of shares, for ap- Each community and organization is required to
parently the acquisition of the prescribed number of set aside the funds necessary for the effective func-
:312 The Foreign Military Press July-Aug., 1933

tioning of its own defensive system. This is an in- and she has consistently protested against Roumania's
novation. France provides the funds by public appro- action. The Roumanian case is based on historic
priation, while Poland relies mainly upon voluntary grounds, claiming that Bessarabia had been part of
.contributions through the A.A. and Gas Defense Roumania from time immemorialuntil forcibly severed
League. in 1812. Russia counters that claims based on a situ-
The German plan places great emphasis upon the ation prior to 1812 are impossible since at that time
proper instruction and enlightenment of the "pas- Roumania did not even exist. There were only two
sive" portion of its population. The actual work in Turkish provinces, Moldavia and Wallachia, without
this important phase of preparedness is entrusted to any trace of Roumanian national sentiment. Russia
the German A.A. Defense League and its affiliates. lost a part of the province as a result of the Crimean
'The press, radio broadcasting system, movies, schools War. It passed to Roumania in 1859,' but was re-
and collegesare required to lend full assistance in this covered by Russia in 1878. As a compensation Rou-
respect. Members of the active element, who, in case mania then acquired the Dobroudja.
of war, may suffer injuries, are to be placed upon an The Bolshevikslikewise challenge the means where-
-equalfooting with other war casualties. by the present situation was created and charge the
The police is to organize in every community fl Roumanians with bad faith. They set forth that the
{louncilof technical advisors to consist of a representa- so-called "National Council" which voted the trans-
tive each of the municipal board, industries, railways, fer of allegiance, was not truly representative of the
postal service, ambulance service, Red Cross and people, and they insist upon a plebiscite to determine
.similar organizations, the fire department, the Na- the wishes of the Be~arabians. The author points out
tional Labor Defense, schools, associations,the press, that the moral value of the Russian case lies in the
and selected technical experts. An Executive Board fact that the Russians are not claiming for themselves
of five members and ten committeesserves to promote any more right than Roumania to disposeof Bessarabia.
the effective functioning of this otherwise unwieldy
-Journal of the Royal United Service Institutioflr-
council. The mission of the council is to provide for
May, 1933 "The International Situation-The Euro-
public order, first aid, promotion of self-help,decentral-
pean Crisis," by Major E. W. Polson-Newman,B.A.;
ization of protective installations, organization of a
fire-fightingunit for each house, establishment of bomb F.R.G.S.
The author summarizesthe chief causes of the Euro-
and gas proof shelters, and sanitation. All services
are required to be rendered without compensation. pean crisis as follows:
1. The general collapse of international confidence
The Pesti Naplo, prominent daily of Budapest, Hun-
together with the political tension caused by the situ-
gary, in its May 4 issue, publishes a London news dis-
ation in the Polish Corridor, Central Europe, and on
patch quoting Thomas Reid, Canadian M.P., who in a
the Adriatic.
dramatic speech before the House of Commons at
2. The unsettled state of affairs in Germany as a
Ottawa declared that the British Columbia coast is
result of Hitler's accession to power. Its disturbing
overrun by Japanese spies disguised as seamen and
effect upon Germany's neighbors. It increased the
fishermen. Japanese naval officersin disguise accept
any employmenton fishing craft in order to familiarize tension in the Corridor.
3. The bad moral effect of the economicdepression.
themselveswith the coastal waters and bays of western
4. The threatened failure of the disarmament con-
Canada, which according to Mr. Reid might serve as
ference arising out of the fact that the status quo is
bases of operations for an expeditionary force.
rapidly dividing Europe into two hostile.camps, each
GREAT BRITAIN-The Army, Navy and Air F01'ce Gar desiring adequate armaments either for aggressive or
zette-March 9, 1933. defensive purposes, and the consequent tendency of
HBessarabia," by C. F. A. Maitland-Macgill-Crichton. delegations to see what they can get or keep rather
than what they can do without or give up.
Bessarabia is the territory between the Rivers Pruth The author writes that the combinedefforts of these
and Dniester and the Black Sea. Transferred to Russia causes produced the disarmament deadlock, which is
by Turkey in 1812, it continued a Russian province in reality the pivot on which the whole situation has
until 1917, when it passed under Roumanian domina- turned. He points out that all efforts to bring about
tion. Soviet Russia never recognized this change and disarmament without removing the potential causes
her maps still show the province within the boundaries of war is "putting the cart before the horse." It
of U. S. S. R. Although the soviet authorities have de- springs from the delusion that cooperation is compat-
clared that they would not go to war over the lost. ible with the stat1f,Squo of Versailles, St. Germain
province, the Soviet press constantly refers to it as the and Trianon. The author believes that the most im-
H Alsace on the Dniester." The question induced Rou- portant result of the MacDonald-Mussoliniconabora-
mania to seek an alliance with Poland since her other tion has been the realization that treaty revision must
allies, Jugoslavia and Czechoslovakiadeclared their in principle precede disarmament. Treaty revision,
unwillingness to defend Roumanian frontiers against he states, is the only open door to peace, and that with-
Russia. In the author's opinion,the treaty which trans- out revision, war will sooner or later be inevitable.
ferred Bessarabia to Roumania is without legal effect, Great Britain and Italy, on the whole,seem to agree
partly because one of the signatories failed to ratify on most points. The attitude of France is, however,
it but mainly because Russia was not a party to it, more complex as she must take into consideration the
July-Aug., 1933 The Foreign Military Press 313

attitude of her allies, Po~and and the Little Entente. unavoidable. '" '" '" Someth:ng eou:d be saved'" '" .,
ill TituIesco, spokesman of the Little Entente, and by giving up the occasional dinner party to their
other champions of the status quo, the author writes, friends, by passing a fraction of their cut to their
have been resorting to every conceivableargument to servants '" '" *. But the sum total of their efforts-
convincethe French that treaty revision can only lead and they did make real, honest efforts-was grievously
to war. That, of coul'Se,compels France to pursue
small; few -0£ the larger items of the family budget
a cautious course to avoid ultimate isolation in the face
of a rearmed Germany. could be serioli&y touched. Rent, servants' wages,
The author regards the situation in Central Europe regimental subscriptions, income tax, family pension
and on the Adriatic as the most important factors in funds, clothing, stores bills, education and insurances,
the present crisis, but he sees in the Polish-German all were as before; any slight reduction in one was
relations the most immediate danger. With feeling counterbalanced by increases in others. Indeed with
running very high in Danzig, the Corridor, and in increased customs duties and higher income tax, the
Upper Silesia, a mere incident might easily entail cut was in practice found to be fifteen per cent rather
serious complications. Danzig is a stronghold of Ger- than ten.
man nationalism. The extensive privileges enjoyed "After doing their best to reduce expenses to the
by the Poles in the Free City have been a continual utmost practical limit * * '" it is safe to say that there
source of political irritation. A grave situation may are no junior, and few even comparatively senior
quickly arise. In Silesia the bad feeling arises chiefly Government officers,with families and without private
out of the Corridor question but is intensified by the means, who do not find it desperately difficult to pro-
personal inconvenience of individuals. It is another vide for their children's education. Either the chil-
area where the Polish-German question may easily dren are at home-and there has been no cut in school
cometo a head. fees-or they are still in this country and, if they are
to have any hope of future schooling, money must be
INDIA-The Journal of the United Service Institution found for their educational insurance. The amount
of India-October, 1932. that could be spared for such educational' and for
"The Cut in Pay," editorial. life insurance was calculated before pay was cut, but
This editorial is quoted practically in its entirety the same premiums must still be paid from the reduced
because of its timely interest to officersof the military pay. This has been one of the main factors of upset-
and naval services of the United States. ting the family budget, and it is not often realized in
"In his pay bill :for the month of November, 1931, how many cases the insurance policy has had to be
every officerin the employ of the Government of India pawned to cover either an overdraft at the bank or-
found himself confronted for the first time by that its own premium. On the surface things may not seem
unwelcomeitem "Deduction on account of temporary so very changed-less entertaining, families that stay
ten per cent cut in pay." He was told that the con- longer in the plains, a greater keenness to get any job-
dition of Indian finances was such that this sacrifice with a little extra pay; beyond this all is much as it
was demanded of him as much by patriotism as by was. But underneath is a growing anxiety as to what
necessity, and he accepted it on those grounds, com- will happen if the overdrafts go on increasing, month
forting himself with the assurance that it was tem- after month, year after year. The cut may be tempo-
porary. He has now had ten months' experience of rary, but if it c.ontinu:es mU(jh longer, its effects will be
this reduction in his income, and he would be more p~rmanent. For most married British officersof every
than human if, as the year draws to its close, he were Service in India the alternatives are a gradually in-
not wondering whether these reasons of patriotism creasing indebtedness with all that this entails in
and necessity still hold, or whether the time is ap- anxiety, ill-health, discontent and loss of efficiency,
proaching when it might wisely and safely be demon- or a restoration of the cut in some form.
strated that the cut was indeed temporary. "It is not only because of the increasingly serious:
"The truth is that the officer,especially the junior position of the individual officer, but because of its
married one, whether civil or military, has found the adverse effectson the contentment and efficiencyof the
effects of the cut much more serious than was antici- Services as a whole that every possible avenue of
pated. A good deal of nonsense has been talked, alternative economy should be explored in order that
usually by those whose experience is limited, about the cut may be restored. Above all things it is essen-
the high standard of living amongst European officials tial that, before legislation to prolong the cut another
in India, but no one who had any first-hand knowledge year is brought forward, it should be conclusively
of conditions in the ordinary station believed that the shown that its retention is necessary for the financial
average married couplewasted much of their substance stability of India. Compared with a year ago the'
in riotous living. Nevertheless,when the cut fell upon financial position of India has vastly improved. Civil
them, the officialand his wife started off optimistically disobediencewith all its cost in disturbance and delay
enough to reduce "their standard of living." It was in collecting revenue is practically dead; agricultural
then that they discovered there really was not very prospects are on the whole good; drastic economies
much that they could reduce. They could not move made in expenditure should produce a balanced bud-
mto a smaller house-there were no smaller houses get. Unless there is some unexpected deterioration in
and the hotels of India are as expensive as they are the restoration of the cut ought not unduly to strain
bad. Servants were already reduced to the minimum India's resources in 1933.

Colonel Edward Carpenter, report to Philippines, sailing New York, June 20. C. A. School, Ft. Monroe, to instructor,
President, Army retiring board, First Captain Franklin E. Edgecomb, from Mass. National Guard, Fall River, Mass.
Corps Area, Boston. student, C. & G. S. School, Ft. Leaven- 1st Lt. Alba C. Spalding, from stu-
Colonel John T. Geary, detailed mem- worth, to Panama, sailing New York, dent, C. A. School,Ft Monroe, to Pana-
ber Army retiring board, Ninth Corps June 16. ma, sailing New York, August 25.
Area, San Francisco. Captain William D. Evans, from the 1st Lt. William F. Steer, from student,
Colonel John C. Ohnstad, from duty Philippin!'ls to Georgia School of Tech- C. A. School, Ft. Monroe, transferred to
D. A. Board, retired, June 30. nology, Atlanta. Infantry and assigned to 24th, Ft. Ben-
Colonel Frederick W. Phisterer, hOl!l-e Captain Arthur W. Gower, from stu- ning, Sept. 12.
io await retirement, June 23. dent, C. A. School.Ft. Monroe, to Pana- 1st Lt. Albert J. Wick, from 7th, Ft.
Colonel Richard H. Williams, from ma' sailing New York, August 25. DuPont to detail Quartermaster Corps,
64th, Hawaii, to Organized Reserves, Captain Hugh N. Herrick, from stu- June 15. Previous orders revoked.
Ninth Corps Area, Los Angeles. dent, C. & G. S. School,Ft. Leavenworth, 1st Lt. Clark C: Witman, from Letter-
Colonel William H. Wilson, reliev!ld to Philippines, sailing New York, June man General Hospital, San Francisco to
General Staff Corps and from officeChIef 20. Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot
of Staff, War Department, Wash., D. C., Captain Rolla V. Ladd, from student, Springs National Park, Arkansas, for
.June 10, to 11th, Ft. H. G. Wright. C. &. G. S. School, Ft. Leavenworth, to treatment.
Lt. Col. Thomas C. Cook,from instruc- University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati. 2d Lt. Laurance H. Brownlee, from
ior, C. A. School, Ft. Monroe, to 52d, Ca;otain Riley E. McGarraugh, from Panama, to 11th, Ft. H. G. Wright.
Ft. Hancock, August 1. the Philippines to 2d, Ft. Monroe. 2d Lt. Robert E. Cron, Jr. (CAC)
Lt. Col. Walter Singles, from 8th, Ft. Captain Harold C. Mabbott, from Quartermaster Corps, student, Carnegie
Preble, to Recruiting Duty, Ft. Slocum. Coast Artillery Board. Ft. Monroe, to Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, to
Hawaii, sailing New York, August 25. Fort Mason, duty with constructing quar-
Major Glenn P. Anderson, from stu- termaster.
dent, Air Corps Tactical School, Max- Captain Carl F. Massey, CA-Res. to
well Field, Montgomery, to instructor, active duty, June 16, from Winchester 2d Lt. Matthew K. Deichelmann pro-
New York National Guard, New York. to Washington, D. C. moted 1st Lt. June 10.
Major Donald M. Cole, from the Phil- Captain Joshua D. Powers promoted 2d Lt. Virgil M. Kimm promoted 1st
ippines to 11th, Ft. H. G. Wright. Maior May 24. Lt. May 24.
Captain Mahlon M. Read, from stu- 2d Lt. Olaf H. Kyster, Jr. promoted
Major Felix E. Gross, from student, dent. C. A. SC\hool,Ft. Monroe, to 6th, 1st Lt. April 4. -
Naval War College, Newport to Aber- Ft. Winfield Scott.
deen Proving Ground, Aberdeen, as Coast 2d Lt. Aloysius J. Lepping promoted
Artillery representative. Captain Geore-eT. Rice, from Panama 1st Lt.. June 1.
to home to await retirement, June 28. 2d Lt. Nathan A. McLamb promoted
Major James L. Hayden, from student,
C. A. School, Ft. Monroe, to 51st, Ft. Captain Edward L. Supple, from stu- 1st Lt. June 10.
Monroe. Previous orders revoked. dent, C. A. School. Ft. Monroe to Ha- 2d Lt. Morris R. Mills, CA-Res. pro-
waii, sailing New York, June 20. moted 1st Lt. June 9..
Major Thomas O. Humphreys, from
duty Kansas State College of Agricul- Captain Lynn P. Vane, from Panama 2d Lt. Kai E. Rasmussen, from Phil-
ture and Applied Science, Manhattan, to 61st, Ft. Sheridan. ippines to 2d, Ft. Monroe.
to 8th, Ft. Preble.. Cantain Thomas P. Walsh, from 6th 2d Lt. Lawrence E. Shaw promoted
Major LeRoy H. Lohman, from stu- Ft. Winfield Scott, to Finance Depart~ 1st Lt. June 1.
ment. Ft. Hayes, August 23, sailing San
dent, C. & G. S. School,Ft. Leavenworth Francisco, August 1. 2d Lt. Harry F. Townsend promoted
io Kansas State College of Agriculture 1st Lt. 'April 16.
~nd Applied Science, Manhattan. Captain Wehster H. Warren, from in- Warrant OffinerGeorge W. Dahlquist,
structor, C. A. School, Ft. Monroe, to from bandleader, 2d, Ft. Monroe, to 34th
Major Kenneth McCatty, from Pana-
the Philippines sailing-New York June Inf. Ft. George G. Meade.
ma to 69th, Ft. McClellan. 20. '
Major Abram V. Rinearson, Jr., from Master Sgt. William G. Beaver, 64th,
1st Lt. George R. Burg-ess,from Pana- Ft. Shafter, retired, April 30.
student, C. A. School, Ft. Monroe, to ma Canal Department to 62d, Ft. Totten.
Hawaii, sailing New York, June 20. Master Sgt. William E. Bostick, 52d,
1st Lt. Pio Q. Caluva (P.S.) from stu- Ft. Hancock, retired, April 30.
Major Erwin K. Smith promoted Lt. deRt, C. A. School, Ft. Monroe, to the
Col. June 1. Philippines, sailing New York, Septem- Master Sgt. Adolph W. Rutter, 6t.h,
Major John P. Smith promoted Lt. ber 1. Previous orders revoked. Ft. Winfield Scott, retired, May 31.
Col. May 24. 1st Lt. Clair McK. Conzelman from Master Sgt. Thomas J. Stephens, Ft.
Major Clesen H. 'Tenney, from st.~- student, C. A. School. Ft. Mon;oe, to Monroe, retired, April 30.
dent, Naval War College, Newport, to Panama, sail'ng New York, June 16. 1st Sgt. Oliver Lewis, 52d, Ft. Mon-
Vt. Polytechnic Institute, BlacksbuJ:g. 1st Lt. Lester D. Flory, from instruc- roe, retired, May 31.
Major Berthold Vogel, from Hawaii to tor, C. A. School,Ft. Monroe, to 2d, Ft. 1st Sgt. Wesley J. 'Martin, 14th, Ft.
8th, Ft. 'Preble. Monroe. Previous orders revoked. Worden, retired, June 30.
Major Sydney S. Winslow,from Phila. 1st Lt Albert G. Franklin, Jr., from 1st Sgt. William J. Murray, 7th, Ft.
Q. M. Depot, Philadelphia, to duty in of- student, C. A. School, Ft. Monroe, to DuPont, retired, May 31.
TIceof Quartermaster General, Washing- 51st, Ft. Monroe, July 8. 1st Sg-t.Lewis W. Robinson, 11th, Ft.
ton, D. C. Previous orders revoked. 1st Lt. Panl W. George, from instruc- H. G. Wright, retired, April 30.
Captain Elvin L. Barr, from the Phil- tor, Mass. National Guard, Fall River 1st Sgt. William H. Thomas, 14th, Ft.
ippines to 14th, Ft. Worden. Previous to detail Quartermaster Corps, Ft. Ad- Worden, retired, June 30.
orders revoked. ams, May 26. Previous orders revoked. Sgt. George Davis, 13th, Ft. Barran-
Captain William R. Carlson, from Ha- 1st Lt. John C. Smith, from student, eas, retired, June 30.
waii to 14th, Ft. Worden. f'. A. School, Ft. Monroe, to 6th, Ft. Corporal Bumpass M. Oakley, Coast
Captain Homer Case, from student, C. Winfield Scott. Artillery School detachment, Ft. Monroe,
&; G. S. School, Ft. Leavenworth, to the 1st Lt. Leland S. Smith, from student, retired, June 30.


MODERNEKAVALLERIE (Modern Cavalry), REFLEc- the Concert was in no way responsible for that con-
TIONSON ITS EMPLOYMENT, LEADERSHIP, ORGANIZA-flagration, but that it preserved the peace of Europe
TIONANDTRAINING, by G. Brandt, Lieutenant Gen- for nearly fifty years, during which time many serious
f'ral. Retired, late Inspector or German Oavalry, situations arose, some being even more critical than
German Army. E. S. Mittler and Son, Berlin, 1931. that of 1914.
The book gives the latest thought on modern cavalry The book deals with international affairs during the
.as seen by a German writer of known reputation as a period between the Franco-Prussiau War and the out-
soldier. break of the World War, in some respects one or the
The author's cavalry experience embodies both peace most remarkable epochs in the history of the world.
and war. His discussion of various cavalry problems It was the era of the Armed Peace, when every con-
gives food for thought. tinental power was a nation in arms, ready for instan-
He stresses the use of cavalry masses as the only taneous war. "Europe was mobilized all the time,"
means to success. This doctrine he holds is being con- yet war did not result, which is strange if the pacifist
stantly violated by applying cavalry piecemeal in- idea that preparation for war creates war has any
stead of in concentrated masses at the decisive point. merit. The reason for this absence or' armed strife
General Brandt holds that the main mission of cavalry was "because the Ooncert of Europe kept the peace.
in battle is that of a combat force, not distant recon- It was not a very stable condition of affairs, but it
naissance. For this he considers aviation and armored worked and resulted in peace over a period of nearly
ears much better suited. His discussion of cavalry fifty years." .
marches is very timely. He emphasizes the absolute During that time there were many crises which tested
necessity of rapid deployment from route column in the harmony of the Ooncert, but they were successfully
attack or defense. The author stresses the speeding passed, friction was eased and settlements were made,
up or battle reconnaissance, issuing of orders, move- by diplomacy instead of by force of arms. Among
ment of troops, as well as the rapid entry of machine the most serious of such cases may be mentioned the
guns and artillery into action. He gives as the con- Eastern Question of 1876-78, settled by the Congress
stant watchwords for cavalry, mobility, speed, and of Berlin, the first triumph of the Concert. The Russo-
aggressiveness. Bulgarian crisis of 1886 and the Armenian massacres
The chapter on organization is of special interest, of the nineties nearly precipitated general conflicts,
as it discusses questions of vital importance on organi- while the Moroccan question, early in this century, was
zation and the required changes to bring the cavalry most acute. All were settled by the Ooncert, the
arm up to date to meet modern battle conditions. United States joining in the last.
The chapters cover the following subjects: Historical If these were as dangerous as the Austro-Serbian
retrospect: 1. Missions of the army cavalry such as issue which brought forth the World War why did
frontier protection, reconnaissance, screening, occupa- the Ooncert fail in 19141 Professor Mowat's answer
tion of territory, use in battle, flank protection, pursuit, to this question is that Germany refused to collaborate
retreat, army reserve, independent operations against then. "This is not to say that the German Govern-
enemy communications (raids) ; 2. Leadership; 3. Tac- ment deliberately sought for war, or that it desired
tics; 4. Organization; 5. Corps or divisional cavalry; war. There is absolutely no evidence for such a view,
6. Training. all the evidence is against such a judgment." Never-
Field Marshall General von Mackensen recommends theless "Germany must bear the chief responsibility,"
this book very highly as being one of the best writings because it never really believed in the Concert. It
that have come out since the war. It is to be hoped took part in the previous conferences grudgingly, its
that an English translation will be made available not foreign policy being a legacy from Bismarck, who re-
only to cavalrymen but to all services for a correct fused to recognize that Germany had any international
appreciation of the mission of modern cavalry. responsibility other than its own self-interest. This
- --
- --
- -- view was maintained throughout the life of the Ger-
man Empire. Furthermore German policy was to sup-
Trmi CONCERT OFEUROPE,by R. B. Mowat. Macmillan port its ally, Austria, in everything. For some reason,
and Co., London, 1930. 5~" x 8%" ; 364 pp. ; $5.00. not satisfactorily explained, the Germans were obsessed
Since the World War many writers have laid the by the idea of encirclement by foes; only Austria was
blame for that conflict on the Concert of Europe, or its friend, and Austria being needed must be supported
the Balance of Power as it is frequently called. Pro- at all hazards. This worked when the latter country
fessor Mowat, of the University of Bristol, England, annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina. Russia had not yet
combats that yif'w vigorously, claiming, not only that recovered from the Japanese War and had to give
316 Book Reviews July-Aug., 1933

in, but in 1914 the situation was different, and the re- The first nine chapters are devoted ta a thorough
sult is well known. discussian of the fundamentals 'Ofradia, while the last
This is an excellent work for the student of modern nine chapters treat the practical app:icatians of the
international relations and advocates of our entrance fundamentals. Natewarthy are the chapters an An-
into the League of Nations will undoubtedly draw a tennae. Radia Aids to Nayigatian, Radio ::\leasurements.
parallel to favor their own views between the pre- and Saund and Saund Equipment. The chapters an
war attitude of Germany anent the Concert and our transmitters and receivers discuss madern equipment,
own situation with regard to the League. even ta data an ultra high-frequency equipment.
Prafessar Terman has included many discussians
original with this book. There will be faund a thar-
I LAVORIDA MINA IN CAMPAGNA (Mining Operations ough treatment 'Of.resonance, resistance, impedance.
in War), by Dr. Attilio Izzo, Captain of Engineers, and transformer-coupled amplifiers. of the screen grid
Royal Italian Army. 161 pages. Published by the tu be, and power sources for tubes and antennae. All
"Rivista d'Artigleria e Genio," Rome, Via Astalli of these are discussed with clarity, conciseness and
accuracy that make this book a requisite on the shelf
of every radia amateur and engineer.
The author of this pamphlet offers a concise, well- The design engineer will find many subsections de-
arranged discussion 'Ofthe use of explosives for mining vated ta the actual design procedure of circuits dis-
operations and demolitions in war. The introduction cUSiSedunder this sectian. The innavation is invalu-
discusses briefly the various types of explosives used ab~e in organizing the work of design far an engineer
by modern armies, their characteristics, uses and and gives the radio engineering student an analysis
limitations. The subject matter covers all types of 'Offactars ta be cansidered in design prablems.
military demolitions and mining operations. It in- The author's excellent presentations of the practical
cludes necessary formulae and comparative tabulation applicatian 'Oftheary ta actual canditians make "Radia
of the corresponding provisions in force in the Ger- Engineering" an indispensable reference for the ama-
man, British, French and Belgian armies. The author teur and an essential tool far the engineer. Because
suggests some new methods for demolition of works of its ability ta be practical without being comman-
of reinforced concrete. It is a valuable handbook for place, thearetical without being abstruse, "Radio En-
use of engineer 'Officers. gineering" will find a wide field of application as a
text book for courses in radio. The Author is Assa-
ciate Professor 'Of Electrical Engineering at Stan-
RADIOENGINEERING, by Frederick Emmons Terman. fard University-A.D.W., Jr.
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1933. Price
During the past several years there have been pub- MANCHURIA: CRADLE OF CONFLICT,by Owen Lattimore.
lished many books devoted to radio as applied in Published by the MacMillan Camp any, New York,
practice and containing only the very necessary theo- 1932. 301 pages. Price $3.00.
retical treatment required for explanation. The time This hoak is based an the experience of the author
was ripe and the field clear for an up-ta-date authori- gained during nine manths 'Oftravel and residence in
tative book on radio for students and engineers. Manchuria in 1929-30, under a fellowship fram the
This need was very effectively met by Professor Ter- Sacial Science Research Cauncil, New Yark. Befare
man's "Radio Engineering." Some indicate of its
leaving far Manchuria he spent six manths in the
real value may be found in its adoption as a radio Department 'Of Anthrapalogy at Harvard University
text in several colleges and universities within a short and at the Widener Library, in 'Order ta became thor-
time after publication. Engineers and students have
oughly 'Oriented as ta just exactly what to learn before
found this book to be a mine of modern authentic in-
he started in search 'Of it. Before returning ta the
formation on radia and its applications.
United States same time was spent in Peiping study-
The many original and distinctive features embodied
ing "saurce material;" mast of it, therefore, is
in this boak make its contents understandable and
Chinese. Under the auspices 'Of the American Geo-
available. Far instance, we find that all mathematical
graphical Society the authar had previausly spent a
derivations have been relegated ta foatnates, leaving
number 'Ofyears along the "barderlands" 'Of China,
the important final equatians 'Occupying a prominent
place in the text, thereby accentuating them and nat and had written two boaks, "The Desert Road ta
their derivatians. Analytical discussians are set dawn Turkestan," and "High Tartary." This brief re-
as far as passible withaut the use 'Ofgenerally unneces- sume 'Ofthe author's experience is given far the pur-
sary camputatians ta prove the discussian. Wards, pase of clarifying any daubts as ta the autharitative-
instead 'Ofsymbals, are used whenever practicable in ness 'Ofthe book under discussian.
setting up equatians. Farmulas requiring dimensions Mr. Lattimare discusses Manchuria in a way that is
'Oflength are set up in inches-a splendid departure nat usual in ather baaks on the same subject. He claims
fram the use 'Ofthe metric system far the dimensians that Manchuria is the battlegraund between three
in canstantly used equatians. The use 'Of footnates types 'Of civilizatian, namely "Western," "Chinese"
ta give references applicable to the matter under dis- and "Russian." The driving expanents 'Of "West-
cussian is warthy of nate. The index i'l very camplete. ern" civilizatian are the Japanese, whom he cansiders
July-Aug., 1933 B.o.ok Reviews 317

to have become thoroughly "Westernized" in every Joffre refutes the generally accepted version of his
respect and to have wh'Ole-heartedlyadopted "West- interview with President Wilson, on May 2, 1917, ac-
ern" methods of Q.ealingwith so-called "backward" cording to which the Marshal urg'ed merely a show .of
nations. The Russian civilization, in Mr. Lattimore's our flag on the battlefr'Ont at the earliest moment.
opinion, is well established, distinctly different, and Joffre states, that he actually recommended the send-
has a great facility for absorbing alien peoples. The ing of a full division. He believed, that its training
"Ohinese" civilization is so old that the Ohinesehave could be completed in France within the space .of one
reached the point where they feel themselves superior month, after which period of intensive training it
to everyone else, and are impatient and intolerant of would gradually be worked into a sector at the front.
receiving new ideas, believing they cannot benefit by The translation, on the whole, is excellent, although
any change. Manchuria, by virtue of its being the one might take exception to Oolonel Mott's rendition
meeting place of the three types, will undoubtedly of the title. Joffre was a Marshal of France.
furnish the ground upon which the three protagonists "Fieldmarshal of the French Army" is a wholly un-
will fight. necessary and unjustifiable interpretation.
In the twelve chapters of his book MI'. Lattimore The narrative is well documented. The volumes are
discusses how oTiginally Manchuria was the battle- separately indexed, and illustrated with reproductions
ground of different races and cultuTes and how it be- of photographs and twenty outline situation maps.
came, and still is, the "TeservoiT" of tTibal invasions
southward into Ohina proper. He shows how the OAPITALISM, Oo.oPERATION, OOMMUNISM, by Andrew
Ohinese spread northward into Manchuria, and how J. Kress, Ph.D. 149 pages; Ransdell, Inc., Wash-
whenever they met a serious check theiT northward ington, D.O., 1932. Price $2.00.
movement ceased, and the outer fTinges of the
The title of this intere~ting and scholaTly treatise
"spTead" then became a rear guard force, the is somewhat misleading. It is not, as the title might
settlers again turning their faces southward in the
imply, a presentation of theories and principleS under-
direction of Ohina. He discusses' the cultural
lying the social and economic organization of the
strength of the Ohinese and how they were able to
types named, nor 'Of the facts and factol'S involved
"Ohinify" the Manchus. Then follows a short his-
in the same, but rather an historical and analytical
tory of the Russian expansion towaTds the East, and
study of cooperation as developed here and abroad.
the difference between the methods of colonization of
Recognizing the evils of capitalistic society on the one
the Russians and of the Ohinese. In chapters dealing hand, and the fallacies 'Ofthe communistic system on
with land and power in Ohinese Manchuria, exploita-
the other, the author believes and defends the thesis,
tion and 'westernization, soldiers, opium and coloniza-
that the ailments of this world may be cured and the
tion, refugees, frontiersmen and bandits, aliens and greater evils of communism avoided by means of co-
the land, the cities against the country and Man- operation. This is an economic system that follows
churia's place in the world, he showshow the coloniza- the middle course between the two extremes. In the
tion of the Ohinesein Manchuria differs from the ordi- author's opinion, this system "now stands ready to
nary accepted "Western" ideas of colonization. The solve the problems 'Ofboth systems, avoiding the ex-
Ohinese are exploiters of the land, ratheI' than true cessesof either."
pioneers. Their ideas are not so much to be real
farmers, as to use the land merely as a stepping stone This highly informative study, carefully prepared
to power through officialdom. and well presented, is highly recommendedto the stu-
dent of the present ills of organized society and of
It is an intensely inteTestingbook, and most instrue- economicsin general.
tive. While it is true that the market is flooded with
bookson ManchuTiaat this time, nevertheless this ~al'-
ticular book discusses the Manchurian situation from
THE FALL OF THE KAISER,by Maurice Beaumont.
a distinctive angle, and it is rec'Ommendedto all of-
ficers of the ATmy as valuable and worth-while read- Translated from the French by E. Ibbetson James.
ing. 253 pages. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1931.
Price $2.75.
- --
iiiiiI iiiiiiii iiiiiiii

The author collated the conflicting accounts of the

THE PERSONAL MEMOIRS OF JOFFRE,FIELDM.ARSHAL closing days of the second German Empire. He en-
OF THE FRENCHARMY,translated by Oolonel T. deavors to divest them of all fictitious and melodra-
Bentley Mott, D.S.M. Two V'Olumes,657 pages. matic elements, and gives to the reader a lucid, con-
HaTper & BTothers, New York, 1932. Price $6.00. densed story .of the hectic events that led up to the
The "HeTo of the Marne" left to posterity an in- abdication and flight 'Of Emperor William II. The
teresting record of his part in the EUTopeanwar. The author ooncludes by quoting German commentsupon
narrative consists of four parts: (1) the years pre- the Emperor's act and the divergent views, whether
ceding the war; (2) the waT of movement; (3) the or not he should have sought death leading his troops
war of stabilization and (4) the Allied geneTaIoffen- in a final, desperate assault upon the enemy. The
sive in 1916. These aTe followed by appendices in- book is an interesting summary and digest of evidence
cluding a note by the tTanslator. bearing upon a momentoushistoric event.
318 Book Reviews July-Aug., 1933

GENERALSHIP: ITs DISEASES .aND THEIRCURE.A study ence acted like a charm-it maintained confidence.He
of the Personal Factor in Command. By Major was a man who knew the value of moral cement."
General J. F. C. Fuller. London, 1933: Faber & This little volume is so concise and so condensed
Faber, Ltd. 96 pages, with charts. 4" x 7". 2s. 6d. that it all would bear quoting.
This is Volume II of the series, The Art of War. " 'There are plenty of small-minded men who, in
Volume I was The Future of Infantry, by Captain time of peace, excel in detail, are inexorable in matters
B. H. Liddell Hart, reviewed.previously. In the pre- of equipment and drill, and perpetually interfere with
face is the foaowing story which we offer as our choice the work of their subordinates.
for the best military story of the month. " 'They thus acquire an unmerited reputation, and
"In the summer of 1921 I was lunching at the render the service a burden, but they above all do mis-
Restaurant la Rue with the Deputy Chief of the chief in preventing development of individuality, and
French General Staff when he told me the following in retarding the advancement of independent and
story: At the battle of Waterloo, Colonel Clement, capable spirits.
an infantry commander, fought with the most con- " 'When war arises the small minds, worn out by
spicuous bravery; but unfortunately was shot through attention to trifles, are incapable of effort, and fail
the head. Napoleon, hearing of his gallantry and miserably. So goes the world.' "
misfortune, gave instructions for him to be carried " 'I could not help admiring the toughness of old
into a farm where Larrey the surgeon-general was Sir Colin, who rolled himself up in a blanket, lay
operating. down, to sleep in a hole in a field, and seemed to en-
"One glance convinced Larrey that his case was joy it.' "
desperate, so taking up a saw he removed the top of About Grant: "At Fort Donelson, he was not on
his skuH and placed his brains on the table. the battlefield when his army was attacked, and upon
"Just as he finished, in' rushed an aide-de-camp, returning to it, he found it half-routed; how did he
shouting: 'Is General Clement here l' act 1 "" "" "" In his ordinary quiet voice he said """" ""
"Clement, hearing him, sat up and exclaimed: 'No! "Gentlemen, the position must be retaken ,.,."" """
but Oolonel Clement is.' "" ,., ,., What did he then do? Did he sit down and
" 'Oh, mon general,' cried the aide-de-camp, em-. write an operation order 1 NO! he galloped down the
bracing him, 'the Emperor was overwhelmedwhen we line shouting to his men: 'Fill your cartridge boxes
heard of your gallantry, and has promoted you on quick, and get into line; the enemy is trying to escape,
the field of battle to the rank of General.' and he must not be permitted to do so ,., "" "'" 'This,'
" Clement rubbed his eyes, got off the table, clapped as he says himself, 'acted like a charm. The men only
the top of his skull on his head and was about to leave wanted someone to give them a command.' " ,. On
the farm, when Larrey shouted after him: 'Mon yet another occasion, when supervising an attack, he
general-your brains!' To which the gallant French- dismounted and sat down on a fallen tree to write a
man, increasing his speed, shouted back: 'Now that message. 'While thus engaged a shell exploded di-
I am a general I shall no longer require them!' " rectly in front of him. He looked up from the paper
General Fuller has mercilessly exposed the diseased an instant, and then, without the slightest change of
state of generalship in our modern armies. countenance, went on writing the message. Some of
"Our senior officersmust get back to sharing danger the Fifth Wisconsin wounded were being carried past
and sacrificewith their men ,.,""""just as sailors have him at the time, and Major E. R. Jones of that regi-
to do." "A sense of equality of sacrifice is an essen- ment says: "" ,., "" that one of his men made the re-
tial cement in a fighting force." "Directly the Brit- mark: 'Ulysses don't scare worth ad-no' . It is such
ish front is broken, the generals and their staffs pack generals who can lead men, who can win victories and
up. As the enemy advances there is much buzzing on not merely machine them out."
the telephone wires; then the army headquarters go "With his great opponent, Robert E. Lee, it is thR
back so many miles, corps headquarters so many, divi- same. It was his persona~ity,-his example, his close
sional headquarters so many, and so on, day after day, contact with his men which infused into the Army of
dragging the front back with them, the tail of which Northern Virginia its astonishing heroism. When on
is covered by weary rearguards of subalterns and the third day of the battle of Gettysburg his great
private soldiers. What says the shade of Marshal Ney assault failed, and his men were driven back defeated,
to this-I wonded Is this an exaggeration1 Well, I where was Lee 1 Forward among the Federal shells.
for one watched it, and it was the sorry picture which Colonel Fremantle, a British officerpresent, says: 'If
I saw: an army sliding backwards downhill, because, Longstreet's conduct was admirable, that of General
with one exception only, so I believe, no one of the Lee was perfectly sublime.' "
higher commanders thought-it was no question of "When on May 12, 1864, Grant's troops broke
daring, for these men were not cowards-of rushing through the apex of the Confederate works at Spottsyl-
forward and kicking a moral stone under the back- vania and the position became critical, what did Lee
ward--skiddingwheels. The exception I witnessed my- do 1 He again rode forward. Of this incident Gen-
self, a divisional commander in the picket line with eral Gordon writes: 'Lee looked a very god of war.
his men and everyone confident and smiling. He was Calmly.and grandly, he rode to a point near the center
doing nothing outside showing himself, yet his pres- of my line and turned his horse's head to the front,
July-Aug., 1933 Book Reviews 319

evidently resolved to lead in person the desperate

charge, and drive Hancock back or perish in the ef-
fort. I knew what he meant '*' '*' '*' I resolved to ar-
rest him in his effort, and thus save. to the Confed-
eracy the life of its great leader. I was at the center
of that line when General Lee rode to it. With un-
covered head, he turned his face towards Hancock's
advancing column. Instantly I spurred my horse
across old Traveller's (Lee's favourite charger) front,
and grasping his bridle in my hand, I checked him.
Then, in a voice which I hoped might reach the ears of
my men and command their attention, I called out,
"General Lee, you shall not lead my men in a charge.
No man can do that, sir . .Another is here for that pur-
Nevel' Before lit Su&h
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ians and Carolinians. They have never failed you on
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320 Book Reviews July-Aug., 1933

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