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Formwork Manual Manual

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S h o
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S er vi
Page Chapter

Welcome 4 1
Service and consultation 14 2
Software Software PASCHAL-Plan light + pro 22 3
PASCHAL Ident 32 4
Wall formwork Trapezoidal Girder Formwork TTR with plywood 42 5
Trapezoidal Girder Formwork TTS with steel face 66 6
Modular/GE Universal Formwork 74 7
Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 104 8
Large-Size formwork Athlete 138 9
Wall formwork others Compatibility 158 10
Single-sided forming 166 11
Multi-functional working-platform Multip 178 12
Column formwork Grip column formwork 186 13
Column formwork (Modular, LOGO, Athlete) 192 14
Circular column formwork 195 15
Slab formwork PASCHAL Deck 198 16
e-deck 206 17
Slab edge formwork 208 18
Climbing and platforms Climbing system 240 210 19
Climbing systems 200 213 20
Climbing platform KBK 180 214 21
Dam formwork SPK 270 216 22
Lifting platforms 218 23
Custom formwork 224 24
GASS Aluminium shoring system 232 25
Supports + consumption material 242 26
System summary 250 A
Concrete pressure 256 B
Sales organisation International 264 C
Germany 269 D
Register 272 E


4 Welcome
Welcome at PASCHAL!
Concrete is the choice material for a multi- ducts developed by PASCHAL in Germany are Our vision:

tude of building projects and has a good sought-after all over the world for the most With you we get concrete worldwide into
chance to establish itself as the most favored diverse construction projects and formwork any shape.
building material in the 21ST century. If you challenges of any size.
want to realize modern concrete projects On the basis of our world-wide distribution Take a look at the following pictures to form
successfully and offer short construction and service network with representation in your own opinion of PASCHAL. Do not hesi-
periods at the same time, you need expert many countries the products of PASCHAL tate to contact our consultants at any time.
support. The PASCHAL group with its are available within short-term notice. We We will be pleased to assist you worldwide.
headquarter in Germany has specialized offer well-founded advisory service, often in
on meeting these criteria for more than 47 the respective countrys national language.
years: we offer comprehensive experience This way we always make our clients pro-
gained by participating in projects world ject to our own project. PASCHAL offers
wide and we have a strong international excellent advisory and customer service at Barbara R. Vetter
presence. Innovative and high quality pro- any time. Managing Director

PASCHAL-Werk Steinach in the Black Forest

Welcome 5

6 Welcome
From the early
beginnings ... 1
For over 45 years PASCHAL has proven its
experience and prociency in wood and
metal processing. In 1964, at the age of 55
years, Josef Maier together with his wife
Gertrud founded G. Maier Matellverar-
beitung in Baden, Germany. Back then he
realized that work on construction sites
could be carried out much faster and a lot
more cost-efcient by using a systematic
approach. The wholesale rm Baustoff-
grohandlung Josef Maier dealing with
construction materials has been operating
since 1904. It was now complemented by
an independent formwork provider.
Standard Schalung (standard formworks)
was the rst patented concrete formwork by
PASCHAL. The builders, who used this new
concept, called it patente Schalung (clever Josef Maier with the Order of the Federal Republic of

formworks). Soon the name was shortened, Germany

and then became the name under which the

company became known: PASCHAL. systems are designed in such way that they
Ever since then, we have continued developing can be adapted to any kind of construction
clever formwork systems, which are ideally site. This allows us to provide optimised
suited for requirements of continuously in- support for our clients for all their con-
creasingly complex contsruction sites. The struction projects.

... to the present

Expertise proven all over the world
The PASCHAL-Group is a leading manufac- most important world markets make sure
turer of formwork modules and support- that PASCHALs clients and partners will
scaffolding systems for modern concrete get the best solutions for their construction
construction. The enterprise, family control- project in the shortest possible time.
led for the past three generations, belongs PASCHAL combines their excellent develop-
to the best known providers in its eld on ment competence with professional advice
a world-wide basis and co-operates with and accompanies individual projects. This
numerous trade partners. The range of pro- results in technically advanced series-made
ducts comprises the manufacturing and the products but also in custom-made products
distribution of concrete shuttering, sup- made of steel that are tailor-made to suit
porting system and formwork software (2D customers specications. Advisory- and
and 3D) together with a comprehensive customer services are provided on-site:
service program covering the entire concrete That is the way PASCHAL makes its glo-
construction range. bally coordinated expertise available to its
Production processes that monitor quality clients.
and distribution centers in the strategically

Headquarter in Steinach; 1964

Welcome 7
Our Values
Unternehmenskultur: Verantwortung und Dialog
Employees, clients and partners of the Culture. In practical terms, this means re-
PASCHAL Group have been appreciating cognizing cultural peculiarities in branch direct contact with the companys HQ at
the vivid and cooperative dialogs that have ofces or in relations with trading partners Steinach / Southern Germany ensure that
been exchanged with this company. Being a and providing consistent support for gai- PASCHALs accumulated expertise will grow
competent partner is interpreted by PASCHAL ning qualications. In-depth training and further and will be passed on.
as a duty to cultivate a dynamic Corporate further education, together with facilitating

Customer Satisfaction
Taking their lead from our headquarters
in Steinach/Baden, all employees of the
PASCHAL family take on their own respon-
sibility to provide the best possible service
to our clients wherever they may be in the
world, and to guarantee their satisfaction.
This includes providing the best products
for the type of formwork required, the best
formwork plans, the friendliest and most
competent consulting, and many more
service offerings for formworks and con-
struction sites in general. Our customers can
always rely on the fact that our solutions
are fabricated to their specication.

Protecting the
For PASCHAL taking on responsibility in-
cludes the environment too. For example,
the entire electrical energy input for the HQ
Steinach comes from hydro-electric power
generation. The world-wide distribution of
production facilities and the presence of
trade partners result in short transportation
distances. Choosing sustainable quality con-
trol procedures that result in long-lasting
formwork modules and support systems are
an important contribution to a responsible
handling of natural resources.
PASCHAL is one of the founding members
of the Deutscher Gteschutzverband Beton-
schalungen GSV e. V. [German Association
to safeguard the quality of formwork]. This
association issues the GSV logo, which is
accepted internationally as a seal of quality.

All electricity used in our facility comes exclusively from sustainable energy sources.

8 Welcome
Health & Safety
The health and safety of those who use how safe formwork systems for worldwide Ergonomics at ofce and industrial work-
PASCHAL products, of our service providers deployment have always been developed places rank in importance just as high as
and of course of our employees are a major here, and will continue to be developed in do safeguards on machinery and systems,
concern of ours. For all of our products, the future. and help prevent accidents and injuries,
health and safety concerns play a major The safeguards employed in our production and therefore downtime. Periodic risk
role even as early as the development phase. facilities and processes far surpass legal assessments for all areas of work help to
Decades of experiences gained in our research requirements. Periodic inductions and trai- improve and enhance workplaces perma-
and development work, but also feedback ning sessions for our personnel additionally nently. We consider these measures to be
from our clients are important considera- support our policy to provide a safe and an important component of our constant
tions for our product developments. That is healthy work environment for everyone. improvement process (CIP).

Social Responsibility
PASCHAL stands for social responsibility in
regards to the communities that we are part
of wherever or facilities and subsidiaries
may be. We support social and cultural in-
stitutions and sport events for everyone.
And we enjoy our responsibilities with con-
viction and help, wherever we can.
PASCHAL supports amongst others the SUMO-team Germany and the local unit in Steinach of the DLRG (German
Life Saving Association).

What is your Benefit?

Our project teams, which are put together
in accordance with you particular require-
ments, provide the best possible solutions for
construction sites of all sizes, participate in
their successful realisation, and are always
available to support you with help and advice.

These teams are made up of specialists

from all our departments, and are in charge
of optimising processes in all areas from
the planning and production of a Custom
formwork, to its actual deployment at a
construction site. All products, services, and
support provided by our staff, are adapted
to your particular project requirements. You
will have the right product available to you
at the right time, and with the right kind
of support.

Welcome 9
The Difference
How is PASCHAL different from other pro-

On the one hand, we offer comprehensive

solutions, including the most minute plan-
ning and formwork details. Those little gap
llers (additional formwork) up to 20 cm
in length, which generally do not appear in
any tender document, but are nevertheless
every day stop-gaps on many building sites,
are never needed when PASCHAL is on-site.
We use system integrated compensation
elements instead, to close any gaps quickly
and cost-effectively. The time and material
saved in this manner, contributes signi-
cantly towards optimising formwork time,
and therefore the success of your construc-

The extraordinary lifetime of PASCHAL

formworks bear testament to their extra-
ordinary product quality. We know of some
formwork elements that have been deployed
a couple of thousand times, and are still
going strong.

You will understand the difference right

away, when you talk to your PASCHAL expert
consultant. His main interest will be your
continued satisfaction. Your project is his

Buying a PASCHAL product is the founda-

tion, on which long-term and successful
partnerships are based. Dealing with all
those seemingly insignicant details results
in signicant benets for our customers!
That is our goal.

10 Welcome
Trend-setting Standards
It is PASCHALs aim to provide their cu-
stomers with technically sound products
at any time, on the basis of the latest tech-
nological standards. Top-class technical
products such as the TTR and TTS Circular
trapezoidal girder formwork have helped to
establish the name PASCHAL internation-
ally as a synonym for quality. Consequent
orientation towards current and future
market trends ensures that formwork and
shoring systems can be adapted perfectly
to construction requirements. The success
is proof of this approach: Core products in
PASCHALs range prove themselves every
day in hundreds of sophisticated applica-
tions. Complete solutions eliminate the need
for additional on-site modication work,
because the solution has been customized
to meet the clients specications down to
the tiniest planning and formwork detail.
This results in saving time and expenses for

Modular Universal Formwork is very popular

with PASCHAL clients. It can be used for
the majority of standard formwork jobs.
The same applies to the large-size formwork
systems LOGO.3 and Athlete, Column form-
work, Climbing systems and single-sided
forming, shoring systems for pre-fabricated
parts and in-situ concrete as well as circular
formwork and custom formwork.

State-of-the-art software solutions are

used for optimized formwork drawings
ranging from site-planning to the organiza-
tion of the inventory. PASCHAL is setting
future standards with their successful Ident
system: This is a software based system for
the control of elements of the Modular-
Universal und LOGO.3 formwork systems
that are equipped in standard with trans-

Welcome 11
You and Us
Our services begin directly on-site: Your
rst points of contact will be one of our
highly competent PASCHAL formwork con-
sultants, and representatives of our trade
partners. At our headquarters in Steinach,
sales representatives (national and export),
all seasoned businesspeople and engineers,
are always available to assist you with any
queries. The PASCHAL project team handles
and supports complex, large-scale and
difcult projects.

But our all-round service has even more

to offer! Would you like us to handle the
transport of your formwork? Our logistics
team will be happy to handle this for you.
You would like to have your formwork de-
livered to the construction site ready for
use? Or pre-rounded to the correct radius?
Or numbered in the correct order of use?
With a pre-constructed, extendable plat-
form? No problem!

Naturally we also conduct all required induc-

tion training for your staff. These sessions
are conducted by our experienced formwork
foremen. Our experienced tutoring team
also offers additional training courses and

Early integration of production, workow

preparation, and inventory control into your
projects guarantees on time deliveries, even
in large-scale projects. For us, customer
proximity is not just an empty formula:
Our main facility in Steinach/Baden, the
branch ofces in Hannover, Berlin, Munich
and Lower Bavaria, as well as the over 60
trade partners, with some of which we have
maintained partnerships for decades, are
always at your service for any demand.
One of us will always be close to you. In-
ternationally, we have subsidiaries, foreign
involvements, and trade partners in over 60
countries around the globe.

Customer training in Steinach

12 Welcome
Quality Control
PASCHAL products are known for their
good quality. We take great care to deve-
lop functional design, choose rst class
materials and realize top-class manufactu-
ring quality and this line is kept throughout
the entire range of products and also applies
to new developments. This way, formworks,
support ssystems and accessories are crea-
ted, which are easy to handle and possesses
extreme longevity. PASCHAL formwork
panels may be deployed several thousand
times over: this combines successful con-
struction jobs with excellent security of

PASCHALs quality control is DIN EN ISO

9001:2008 certied and is continually being
updated. PASCHAL also stands for interna-
tionally binding quality control, not least of
all as a founding member of the Deutscher
Gteschutz-Verband Betonschalungen GSV
e. V. [German Association to safeguard the
quality of formwork].

A decisive factor for the successful deplo-

yment of PASCHAL products for modern
concrete construction is the extensive ex-
perience of PASCHAL teams that are always
actively feeling the pulse of the modern
construction Industry. PASCHAL is aware
of the demands posed by todays concrete
construction projects down to the tiniest
detail. PASCHALs new developments are
subjected to the most stringent criteria with
regards to customers benet and sustain-
ability. Consequent training of staff with
regular training programs and schemes of
further education safeguards the consis-
Walter Sum, Head of Quality Management for tently high level of PASCHAL products and
PASCHAL services.

The Quality Protection Association Concrete Formwork According to the principal aim rules and standards for
was founded in 1992. The principal aim of this construction, dimension and use of concrete formwok
association is the promotion of partnership conditions are worked out and published within the bounds of
between users and suppliers of concrete formwork as the association. The collaboration in formulation of
well as development and quality assurance in formwork stanards on national and international level is of
technology. The members of the association are well- special significance.
known formwork companies and some formwork users
from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Welcome 13
Service and consultation
Full-Service professional and reliable
Fast access to reliable services in the formwork and scaffol-
ding elds are a decisive factor for the success of construc-
tion projects. With competent local contacts PASCHAL
offers a complete range of services worldwide: Starting
with highly qualied advisory support on computer-based
formwork schedules and structural analysis, on to special
constructions and custom-made sub-assemblies including
expert site supervision.

PASCHAL clients may rely on easy access to services avail-

able during business hours at convenient local times and
in their national language. The PASCHAL Service Teams
provide excellent technical solutions and support the
successful realization of the construction project even on
large-scale construction sites: for example with experienced
PASCHAL formwork foremen who instruct formwork teams
directly on the construction site, or with the direct execution
of formwork. This way PASCHAL products and services are
ne-tuned to the specic demands of every single building
project. A variety of different nancing schemes helps to
organize leasing and procurement activities in a customer-
friendly manner.

At the same time PASCHALs new-stock storage facilities

provide supply-chain security and a purchase-Inventory for
all series-produced products. Well-stocked leasing stations
combined with reliable logistics make used formwork mo-
dules available in good quality at short notice. Our cleaning
service for leased formwork modules and for customers
formwork is another benecial facility. PASCHAL will repair,
renovate and overhaul formwork modules professionally
on request.
Customer-focussed full service
Competent advice and building site support Cleaning of hired formwork and customer-owned formwork
2 Formwork operations planning Formwork planning software PASCHAL-Plan light and
Structural calculations for formwork operations PASCHAL-Plan pro
Warehouses for new material, with delivery reliability and Repairs, renovation and general overhaul
follow-up purchase certainty Seminars and training courses
Special constructions, special formwork and building-specific Purchase from hiring, hire-purchase, financing solutions
formwork pre-assembly Cooperation with partners for material cost and formwork
Extensive hiring parks available construction quotations
PASCHAL fitters to provide instructions on the building site

Consulting and Project Management:

Benefit from our competence and expertise
Clients who are planning large or small the tiniest planning and shuttering details training programs are made available to
scale construction projects may benet are taken into consideration right from the the staff, construction companies, trade
from PASCHALs expertise that has con- start. partners and educational facilities. Basic
sistently grown over the past four decades: PASCHALs consultants maintain a constant knowledge covering all important topics
Development, construction and consulting dialog with colleagues that are internatio- concerning shuttering-methods, current
aspects are all combined with a long-term nally active and have comprehensive ex- technical standards, products and techno-
perspective considering current and future perience with modern concrete design: this logies is provided. Seminars are held in up
requirements. Modern software solutions qualies them as partners for complex to 14 locations in Germany but also with
support a perfect project management. consulting advice and for sophisticated clients, in educational centers and voca-
PASCHALs project teams are selected to building projects. During and after the con- tional training centers, centers of Technical
fulll specic customer demands, and offer struction phase these expert consultants and Further Education (TAFE) and Univer-
complete solutions from a single-source: continue to support their clients with active sities. This way experts make PASCHALs
Expert advice from the rst planning stages advice. valuable expert knowledge available for
and production of formwork modules to the At the same time PASCHAL makes provisions future projects where it can be put into
successful deployment on the construction for the ongoing development and dissemina- concrete practice.
site results in good shuttering times. Even tion of its expert knowledge: wide-ranging

Competent on-the-spot advice

At your company ofces or on-site: Your solutions on the spot, and will take on more His priority is that your construction site
PASCHAL formwork consultant is always complex tasks for further processing by will function seamlessly, once all deliveries
available for competent personal support, PASCHALs application engineering depart- have been completed, and will ensure smooth
wherever you need him. ment. processes with personal visits on-site, where
All our PASCHAL consultants have in-depth No matter, whether you have queries re-
knowledge and a wide range of expertise and garding cost estimates for your own calcu- Formwork specialists from PASCHAL trade
experience to assist you in the most complex lations, developing concreeting phases, or partners will round off or take on this par-
formwork projects. Every consultant is inclusion of your existing formwork material: ticular service. These partners also regularly
equipped with the high-performance PC he will be your partner, who is less intere- take part in intensive PASCHAL training
formwork application PASCHAL-Plan light. sted in short-term benets, than more in courses.
He will be able to provide you with reliable your own long-term satisfaction.

16 Service
Technicians &
Formwork Fitters
Experienced PASCHAL technicians convey
important practical knowhow to their for-
ming crews on site. An important aspect
not only in complex formwork applications
with e.g. jacking technology - because our
PASCHAL technicians dont mind getting
their hands dirty!

Application Engineering
You can always rely on:
the PASCHAL application engineering de-
partments at the main facility, the branch
ofces, subsidiaries, and at the ofces of
our PASCHAL trade partners. The PASCHAL
application engineering department con-
sists of a team of experienced application
technicians and engineers, who deal with
special customer requirements. After your
initial contact with the PASCHAL consultant,
Personally on the spot, whenever and wherever you need him: your PASCHAL consultant the team starts working on an optimised
solution for your particular project. Smaller,
less complicated tasks may even be outlined
immediately on-site. Larger, more complex
and elaborate tasks will be taken on by our
team of highly competent specialists with
international backgrounds right here at our
home facility.

Our solution approaches are provided free

of charge to you during the proposal stage.
Our application engineering team will also
be supporting you during the whole life cycle
of the construction project. Their objective
is to provide you with the quickest, most
attractive, most low-maintenance, cost-
effective and simplest solution according
to your specications. In addition to CAD
generated formwork drawings, phases, and
material lists, PASCHAL application engi-
neering will also provide you with structural
calculations for formwork deployment on
request. In close co-operation with the
PASCHAL custom formwork and the con-
struction department, we develop solutions,
which also cover topics beyond the combi-
nation of serial system components.

Service 17
PASCHAL supports his clients not only with every fth is being leased - with a growing not tied up prematurely and your credit line
2 formwork technology, but also indirectly with trend towards leasing. Leasing for telephone remains unaffected, while you benet from
nancing options for formwork systems. systems, copy solutions, or company cars tax breaks. These factors all have a positive
Since 2008, all our Modular and LOGO.3 have become an everyday occurrence, and effect - for example on your equity ratio:
formwork elements have been equipped is now becoming increasingly popular for
with RFID technology (PASCHAL Ident). the area of construction. Not surprisingly, as With affordable, xed-rate repayments,
Unique and unmistakable component iden- the benets of leasing are clear: Companies leasing based on PASCHAL Ident will help
tication is a prerequisite for any type of are now able to take on larger projects with you manage your nances more effectively.
nancing option, e.g. leasing. their available budgets, or can expand their Capital is not tied up prematurely - you
According to recent studies, almost every own stock of formwork elements - while invest in the competitive ability of your
second IT project is being nanced, almost their liquidity remains untouched. Capital is company instead.

Why lease?
Increased liquidity: Initial costs for formwork elements do not Less write-offs: The profit and loss account incurs no profit
fall to the building contractor, but to the leasing provider. That reductions.
means that the contractor has no loss of liquidity, and formwork Less taxes: According to German income tax law, leasing rates
costs can be financed from turnover, which is earned over time. are tax deductable as business expense.
We call this the pay as you earn principle. Single, clear monthly repayments
Increased equity ratio: Because the lessor is the legal owner
of the leased formwork elements and records it in his balance
sheet, there is no balance sheet extension for the lessee.




18 Service
Leasing Service
Everything you lease from us, including will always have impeccable material at for you. If you let PASCHAL take care of the
formwork elements, accessory or supports, your disposal. cleaning of the formwork panels, you will be 2
complies with quality requirements for lea- able to return them faster, thus shortening
sed formwork issued by the Quality Protec- Cleaning of formwork elements in industrial your lease period.
tion Association Concrete Formworks GS. cleaning facilities is more cost-effective
Furthermore, we apply our own stringent and efcient than on-site cleaning. We will Our state of the art cleaning facilities are
quality guidelines, which means that you be happy to provide this additional service equipped for any make of framed formwork.

Rental logistics: Powerful and reliable
Are you looking for formwork for rent, for mands, or deliver all formwork requirements deliveries as well as reliable transactions
example because your own stock of form- for your construction sites. Our reliable when handling returns. Simple and complex
work elements is exhausted? network guarantees high availability, short projects are all handled by a custom rental
The rent material warehouses at the PASCHAL delivery times, and low-cost transport. software, specically designed for this pur-
main facility, at the PASCHAL branch ofces, Result-oriented employees, transparent pose. It provides transparency of processes,
and at the numerous PASCHAL trade partner business processes, and reliable freight as well as traceability for all rental move-
locations will be able to satisfy peak de- carriers are the basis for timely and smooth ments and invoicing.

Service 19
Cleaning & Repair
Cleaning of the formwork elements in indus- you will be able to return them faster, there- PASCHAL system formwork elements are
2 trial cleaning facilities is more cost-effective fore shortening your lease period. known for their sturdiness and longevity.
and efcient than on-site cleaning. We will Particularly the solid at steel frames for the
be happy to provide this additional service Our state of the art cleaning facilities are Modular universal formwork, GE elements,
for you. If you have PASCHAL taking care ideally suited for any make of framed form- and LOGO formwork are practically impervious
of the cleaning of the formwork elements, work. to mechanical damage, and easy to repair.

Renovation & General Overhaul

During renovations, new original plywood If welding and soldering work will be re-
linings are installed, and expansion joints quired, a general overhaul should be sche-
are lled with a special PASCHAL jointing duled. A general overhaul will include
compound. All elements are checked and checking, cleaning, sand blasting, aligning,
measured. The high quality PASCHAL re- re-welding and base coating of all frames.
placement plywood linings manufactured After wards, new original plywood linings
from multi-layered Nordic birch plywood, are installed, and expansion joints are lled
offer an excellent price-performance ratio. with a special PASCHAL jointing compound.
If they are maintained in accordance with
recommendations, they will withstand signi- While thin-wall, hollow prole formworks
cantly more applications than cheaper can often not be refurbished at reasonable
plywood with questionable specications, cost, the at steel frame formworks from
and are therefore more economical in the long PASCHAL are ideally suited for general over-
run. The OEM replacement plywood linings hauling. The life expectancy of PASCHAL
are pre-milled (bushed, where required), and formwork elements can be almost doubled.
edged. You can install the original PASCHAL
replacement plywood linings yourself, or
PASCHAL can do it for you at our facility.

20 Service
Seminars & Training Courses
PASCHAL offers seminars, training courses, advanced training, and factory tours for the
following target groups: 2

Building contractors: Contractors, site managers, site foremen, planning engineers,

skilled workers
PASCHAL trade partners: Field consultants, sales personnel, application engineers
Universities, polytechnics, training centres and trade schools: Structural engineering
PASCHAL internal training and advancement measures

Below you will nd a selection of most requested seminars for construction companies,
which use formwork:

Single-sided forming
Jacking formworks
Basic formwork planning and utilisation of formwork planning software
Reducing formwork time
Concrete pressures & measuring tolerances in building construction
Impermeable concrete, white tank
Exposed concrete

Seminar Venues:

PASCHAL main facility Steinach

PASCHAL branch ofces and conference hotels all over Germany
PASCHAL subsidiaries outside Germany
PASCHAL trade partners
In-house seminars at client facilities
Educational institutions, like universities, polytechnics, training centres
and vocational schools

PASCHAL seminars are not held for adver-

tising purposes. The seminars inform about
how PASCHAL systems can be deployed
most effectively, and also impart expert
knowledge in the eld of construction
engineering far beyond mere formworks

All PASCHAL systems with practical solution

examples are on display at the PASCHAL
main facility in Steinach.

Why not ask for a tour of the exhibition

hall during your next visit?

Service 21
PASCHAL-Plan light + pro
Software for formwork planning

Planning dependability and predictable, transparent pro-

cesses are indispensable for successful construction
processes. The IT-specialist planitec is a member of the
PASCHAL-Group who has developed modern, easy-to-use
software systems for these elds of application which en-
compass all functions necessary for the perfect planning and
organization of building processes: Starting off with auto-
mated formwork planning using PASCHAL-Plan light and
continuing with differentiated AutoCAD formwork planning
with PASCHAL-Plan pro, right up to using the RFID (Radio
Frequency Identication) process with PASCHAL Ident for
the organization and administration of modern formwork
PASCHAL-Plan light Now in 3D and with
complete warehouse
the key software solution for your formwork tasks management

NEW New features for New features for
Design module Warehouse module
JAVA technology
Platform independent Demonstration in 3D Complete warehouse management
Compatible with Windows and Mac Extended layout-input (gable walls, (formwork, building devices, building
Local and on-line version available slopes on top of walls or bottom slaps) machines, accessories, etc.)
Available for sale or for rental Integrated CAD functions Clear site management
Several formwork systems can be used (delivery, return, stock controlling)
Module Design and Warehouse in one project
Every module can be used separately Dynamic material list available

24 Software PASCHAL-Plan
Complete formwork planning and warehouse management with
PASCHAL-Plan light
The more challenging a building project,
the more challenging the necessary work
planning to keep the material and wage
costs as low as possible. Easy-to-use PC
programs have been simplifying these
complicated tasks for several years now.
Exact, clearly organised formwork drawings
and an optimal material planning help the
work on your building site more reliably
and quickly.
The formwork planning and warehouse
management software PASCHAL-Plan light
(abbreviated to PPL) supports every building
contractor or planning engineer in large
building rms so that the use of formwork
can be planned to the very best and the site
can be supplied in due time with the necessary
equipment available in the warehouse.
For this reason, the new PPL version 10.0
now consists of two modules.
Complete formwork plans are created fully
automatically with the Design module.
Now in 3D too!
You manage your entire building yard ware-
house and current construction projects
with the Warehouse module.

Material lists
After you have entered the layout and se-
lected the formwork system, PPL calculates
the optimum positioning of formwork panels
for your project and draws up a complete
list of all necessary materials for different
formwork phases too.

Concreting phase
On the basis of the so-called concreting
phase information, PPL calculates important
data that you need such as formwork sur-
face, formwork weight, concrete volumes,
forming times.

Software PASCHAL-Plan 25
Simple layout input
No knowledge in CAD is necessary to run
PPL with all its features; many functions
are practically self-explanatory. You can
design your rst simple object with just a
few clicks. Of course automatically in 3D!
In next-to-no-time you can create even
complicated layouts quickly.
You can naturally also import layouts via
the integrated DXF interface.

As soon as the layout is nished, the most

favourable positioning of formwork panels
is calculated, on demand in considering the
available stock in your warehouse.

3D models
The new version 10.0 enables spatial repre-
sentation of the projects. Floor-plan input
and placement of formwork elements and
accessory parts occurs automatically in 3D.
Thus you can view current projects spatially
from all sides.

Detailed solutions
Even the tiniest details can be shown in PPL
using various zoom functions. It goes with-
out saying that you can also print these
excerpts true to scale.

Manual editing
You can edit automatically created form-
work plans at any time. The new version
10.0 allows manual editing of formwork
elements and accessory parts. Naturally
this is possible in the top view, the side
view, or the 3D model.

26 Software PASCHAL-Plan
Building-yard and building-site management
The Warehouse PPL module features com-
plete multi-warehouse management func-
It enables well-arranged management of
all building materials, building devices,
and building machines in the building yard
warehouse and on the current building site.

With a few clicks, you provide complete or

partial deliveries of materials, calculated
for the current projects via the design
module, to the appropriate building sites.

Just as simple as delivering to the building

site, the Warehouse module also offers
quick return of the materials to the ware-
house. Simple, fast, accurate!

Comprehensive reporting allows continuous

overview of the material stocks.

Inventory booking enables conduct of a

complete inventory at any time with de-
termination of inventory losses and the
valuation of stocks in the warehouse yard
and on the building sites.

Software PASCHAL-Plan 27
PASCHAL-Plan pro - PPpro
CAD Software for planning and structural engineering
Formwork planning

Even an advanced formwork program like

PPL is not always sufcient for problema-
tical tasks going over and beyond normal
applications. Our application and planning
engineers also work with CAD. On the basis
of the architecture version of AutoCAD
(Architectural Desktop, ADT), PASCHAL
developed an application which can solve
even the most difcult special cases. The
program which has opened up the third
dimension is called PASCHAL-Plan pro.

28 Software PASCHAL-Plan
Compiling formwork drawings
With PASCHAL-PLAN pro you can simply
adopt and edit formwork drawings which
have been created in PPL; or you put the
formwork together manualy. You have ac-
cess to all panels and can move formwork
panels and all accessory parts as required.
Formwork elements and accessories can
only be placed in the proper positions: the
intelligent system is interactive, and only
offers you correct solutions. This helps you
to avoid errors and increases your pro-
ductivity. Problems when assembling the
formwork on the building site can thus be
This is all made perfectly clear in the col-
lision tests, which automatically prevent
two formwork panels from overlapping, for
example. Using the CAD application you
can therefore move the formwork panels
as on the building site and simulate the
erection process.
In spite of these aids, it is still important
for you to have basic know-how about the
formwork system being used.
Building-oriented CAD works like the form-
work planning engineer thinks.

When do you need

PASCHAL-Plan pro?
Are you working on complicated building
projects where you have to combine several
formwork systems or with other difcult
uses of formwork? Using PASCHAL-Plan
pro, you can deal with such complicated
structures as motorway exits, fun baths,
tunnels, reservoir dams or other interesting
engineering projects. On your PC you can
do everything you couldnt manage with
a normal formwork program, including
special formwork solutions. Even the sup-
ports and shoring systems are included in
the object library.

Software PASCHAL-Plan 29
In architecture and building planning, it is
normal practice to work in the layout. Users
of PASCHAL-Plan pro can do this too, but
also use all other views, e.g. isometry.
The versatile functions of PASCHAL-Plan pro
can be easily explained to the experienced
AutoCAD user.

The best presentation for every purpose: for
the building site you can create simplied,
clearly organized 2D drawings which just
contain the most important information for
erecting the formwork. Detailed drawings
in 3D for example can accurately show
where an accessory part is to be tted.
PASCHAL-Plan pro can also be used to create
and print coloured graphical elements for
presentation purposes to create an impressive
visual image of your projects.

Common data formats are necessary to ex-
change data between individual programs.
PASCHAL-Plan pro supports the main formats
such as DWG, DXF and the ICF interface.

30 Software PASCHAL-Plan
List of features PASCHAL-Plan pro
Feature text
Generation of 3-Dimensional phase objects from ADT walls or 2D lines ;
Positioning of the panels in the plan view and isometric view ;

Automatic alignment of the panels in the geometry ;

Automatic height positioning of the panels that must be set ;

Pre-dened height extensions when setting the formwork panels ;

Pre-dened panel groups ;

The combination of numerous formwork systems is possible ;

Modication of the formwork panels using the Grip-Point and Characteristic palette ;

Automatic calculation of the connecting pieces and the clamping material ;

The manual relocation of all accessories can only be made on logically correct points ;

Formwork panels and accessories take over the concreting phase information of the assigned phases ;

User dened masking of individual or numerous phases in the drawing ;

Real mode ;

Automatic function for the separate display of phase transfers ;

Creation of views and 3D images in different detail levels that can be selected ;

Masking of different accessories ;

User dened section height for displaying the plan view ;

Compilation of material lists in Excel or text data format ;

Collision check for the formwork panels ;

Adaption of circuit diagrams from PPL and the conversion into a 3D model ;

DWG, DXF and IFC interfaces ;

Application of all AutoCad commands for generating, processing and printing the drawing ;

sLayout details with pre-dened walls from Autodesk Architectural Desktop ;

sAutomatic creation of cross-sections and views ;

sSimultaneous generation of the layout, views and 3D generation of the formwork for the panels that must be printed ;

sGeneration in user-dened 3D views with shading ;

Clearly arranged menu and toolbar for the formwork applications ;

Legend: ;=included as standard feature =not included

System requirements
IBM-kompatibler PC Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, 7 or Vista
with AutoCAD Architectural Desktop (ADT)

Software PASCHAL-Plan 31
Personalised Formwork PASCHAL Ident
Comfort combined with planning dependability

The PASCHAL Ident-Technology has become a world-wide

success: it assigns formwork modules a discrete electronic
Identication number which makes the tagged item identi-
able this is a process made possible by modern transpon-
der technology for the rst time in the eld of formwork
modules. PASCHALs software provides previously unattain-
able planning dependability and ease of administration:
these advantages are also available as an added benet
for the PASCHAL Modular Universal Formwork and the
PASCHAL large-size formwork LOGO.3.

PASCHAL Ident offers added benet when it comes to

nancing details: transponder-tagged formwork modules
may be offered as collateral to Finance Institutions for the
nancing of Formwork systems including accessories.
Personalised formwork
With PASCHAL Ident, each individual form-
work panel is uniquely identied with its
4 own electronic number, which is as unmis-
takeable as a human ngerprint. Absolute
and accurate identication of each com-
ponent is now guaranteed.

The reading device communicating with the transponder

34 PASCHAL Ident
Thanks to PASCHAL Ident the formwork in-
dustry is now nally able to take advantage
of benets that were hit to only open to
other industrial sectors:
The seller is now able to offer a distinctive
top product.
The buyer is informed as to the origin
and provenance of his original goods.
The proprietor is able to clearly identify
each of the panels
The investor can effect depreciation of
the formwork material for each project
Creditors can enjoy absolute security for
loans and leases
Product liability and traceability con-
siderably improved in line with EN ISO
The site manager is able to prove to the
construction supervisor at all times that
he is using the highest quality building
Product fakes can be detected imme-

The reading device reading out data from the panel

The process of entering information is
quick, uncomplicated, and unambiguous.
The reading device is simply moved along
the formwork panel and the relevant data
is transmitted via an interface to the admi-
nistrative software.

The data formats used are compatible for

all standard applications (Excel, Access,
etc.) and no expensive additional pro-
grammes are required.
Inventories and other processes are ex-
For the first time, background data, such
as the number of uses, can be used to
obtain informative and product-relevant
not to mention profit maximising

Database screen view data can be put out in all standard formats (e.g. Excel)

PASCHAL Ident 35

A Leap in technology
The research department at PASCHAL has
4 succeeded in creating the rst ever inte-
gration of RFID technology in formwork
panels. The abbreviation RFID stands for
radio frequency identication. The task
facing the design engineers was to nd a
way of incorporating the sensitive electronic
data storage medium in the formwork
material that would enable it to withstand
the everyday conditions of a building site.

Transponder technology
Transfer of data from the reading device to the computer

for the twenty-first century

The RFID technology is based on three
components: the information chip in-
tegrated in the formwork-panel, the
reading device, and the associated soft-
ware. The combination of a chip and its
special housing is known as a transponder.
It is the combination of these three com-
ponents that allows to identify without
physical contact, and to manage the data
in whichever way it is needed. It is like each
separate formwork panel has its own CV,
not only comprising its name, place of pro-
duction, age, and weight, but also including
any other information deemed important,
such as the number of uses, the technical RFID chip; reading device Software

state, and the current value of the panel.

How the RFID system works

The transponders are addressed by induction
(no batteries are needed). This is sufcient
for it to transmit its data to the reading
device. The unique identication system is
cheap and absolutely accurate. And not only
that, but unlike bar codes, colour spots or
other similar methods, this integrated solu-
tion is resistant to building site conditions
and secure against forgery.

36 PASCHAL Ident
Positioning the transponders
LOGO.3 Modular/GE
The transponders are integrated in the
frame of the formwork panels
Each panel has two integrated trans- 4
The transponders are recognisable from
the circular depression in the outer frame

Advantages of using RFID technology

With the help of RFID you can automatically monitor your plants and stocks of goods. For the customer, RFID technology provides
That saves time and personnel-intensive counting. RFID can also be used to make improved stock management, more trans-
goods secure, and this way help companies even more to protect themselves against parency in production, lower storage costs,
loss and waste as well as depreciations. and simplied administration of plants.

Using RFID transponders simplifies the maintenance and management of plants.

They make maintenance processes more transparent, reduce servicing costs, and
raise plant reliability. Also, legal requirements and conditions as well as maintenance
cycles can be better complied with.

Each individual object that is given an RFID transponder has a unique identity. This
makes it possible to secure and optimize the tracing of goods throughout the entire
delivery chain. Legal requirements can be complied with.

PASCHAL Ident 37
Support for management processes
Exact stock evaluation will be possible
Optimize the processing of returns and stocktaking
Product traceability will be possible in case of product liability

Simple financing of formwork

Investors who opt to lease formwork pro- systems, the numerous benets of leasing effects, liquidity and planning certainty,
ducts with PASCHAL Ident benet from as well as the clear identication of every formwork panels equipped with PASCHAL
the high level of quality, functionality and single formwork panel PASCHAL Ident. Be- Ident provide banks the requisite level of
service lifetime of PASCHAL formwork cause, while leasing offers a more cashow security for leasing and loan agreements.

38 PASCHAL Ident
Reasons for leasing:
1. Strategic precision::
Based on their specic requirements, lessees can determine which capital investments
are to be made and at what moment.

2. Planning certainty: 4
The amount of the leasing instalment and the term of the leasing contract are xed
from the very outset.

3. Flexibility:
Whether the lessee or the leasing company is heading the purchase negotiations
for the capital investment can be freely selected as there are the questions who is
later on responsible for service and repair, how the respective user fee amount is
calculated during the term of the lease, how long the leasing item will remain available
and how it will be re-utilised at the end of the contractual period.

4. Cash flow effects:

As the leasing company assumes the nancing of the investment asset, at the
moment of investment there will be no depletion of liquidity and/or an increase in
debt nancing. Leasing instalments enable to spread the costs of the investment
over a period during which revenues are generated from the leased asset according
to the pay-as-you-earn principle.

5. Balance sheet effects:

As the lessor is the legal owner of the leased asset and therefore reports it in its own
balance sheet, the lessee will not have its total assets increased. This has positive
effects on the equity ratio.

6. Tax effects:
Leasing instalments are operating expenses and are therefore immediately tax-
deductible. Financing made by equity capital on the other hand means that only the
amortisation is tax-deductible.

7. Innovation effects:
The high level of exibility in relation to the term of leasing agreements makes it
easier for customers to adapt continually their formwork stock to rapid technological

8. Capacity effects:
Fluctuations in capacity caused by general economic trends are likewise more easily
intercepted with leasing than in a case of formwork purchase.

Product benefits of leasing:

No capitalisation in the balance sheet required
No direct reduction of liquidity through acquisition and payment of the whole
purchase price
Financing possible in accordance with the pay-as-you-earn principle (costs of the
asset can be financed from the revenues which are subsequently repeatedly earned
with the said asset)
Planning reliability through fixed user fee and fixed service life fixed utilisation time

PASCHAL Ident 39
Standard formwork
Efcient and safe
PASCHAL standard and custom formwork have been opti-
mized for an optimum Cost-Benet ratio: System solutions
for formwork must be perfectly adapted for any type of
building project. It must be modular and it must be suitable
for repeated use. Development also focuses on optimum
handling qualities for an increase in safety, versatility
and efciency in modern concrete constructions. PASCHAL
offers wall formwork that is perfectly matched to any type
of application: The TTR and TTS circular formwork with
trapezoidal girders and wooden or steel faces have been
specically designed with round walls in mind. The Modular
Universal Formwork, available in numerous dimensions and
compatible with large-size elements, is suitable for small,
tall and complicated concrete shapes. Large-area walls
can be realized with the large-size formwork LOGO.3 and
Athlete, while building sites without crane are served with
the light-weight LOGO alu version. The latest Innovation
for slab constructions is the module slab formwork e-deck
which can be deployed on site with no crane. The classic
reliable slab formwork is the PASCHAL Deck version for
residential and industrial structures: a technically sound
formwork suitable for any thickness of slab: it can easily
be adapted to any ground plan.
For special elds of application such as shaft formwork,
tunnels or vaults PASCHAL will work out solutions in close
cooperation with its clients: These custom formwork are
made of wood, steel or compound material.
Trapezoidal Girder Formwork
Trapez TTR with plywood
Technical data
Trapez TTR with plywood
Max. concrete pressure 60 kN/m according to DIN 18218
Tolerances of deection According to DIN 18202, table 3, line 7
Inside diameter 5,00 m  (inside)
Segments Inside Height 300 cm widths 230/222/115/57,5 cm
Inside Height 150 cm widths 230/222/115/57,5 cm
Inside Height 75 cm widths 230/222/115/57,5 cm
Segments Outside Height 300 cm widths 240/120/60 cm
Outside Height 150 cm widths 240/120/60 cm
Outside Height 75 cm widths 240/120/60 cm
Bottom/top extension segments Inside Height 37,5 cm widths 230/222/115/57,5 cm
Outside Height 37,5 cm widths 240/120/60 cm
Plywood 15-ply, 21 mm thick (phenol resin coated)
Inside diameter 2,00-5,00 m (inside)
Segments Inside Height 300 cm widths 110,5/55,5 cm
Inside Height 150 cm widths 110,5/55,5 cm
Inside Height 75 cm widths 110,5/55,5 cm
Segments Outside Height 300 cm widths 125,5/62,5 cm
Outside Height 150 cm widths 125,5/62,5 cm
Outside Height 75 cm widths 125,5/62,5 cm
Plywood 14-ply, 18 mm thick

Plastic ller piece Widths 2/4 cm Heights 37,5/75/150/300 cm

Filler piece Widths 6/8/10/12/14/16/18/20 cm
Heights 75/150/300 cm
Filler plate Adjustments for 3/5/7 cm heights 75/150/300 cm
Telescopic girder Length 56,5/100 cm for ramps
Keybolt Connecting piece Oblong hole, segment connecting angle
5-pin keybolt Connecting piece Plastic ller piece, ller plate
Combi clamp Connecting piece Trapez-Modular/GE; Trapez-Logo
Crane lifting eye KBT max. safe working load 1700 kg
Platform bracket max. safe working load 2,0 kN/m2
Average bracket distance 1,20 m
Tie rod DW 15, max. safe working load 90 kN
Tie spacing Horizontal 1,20 m
Formwork height=concreting height m 1,50 2,25 3,00 3,75 4,50 5,25 6,00 6,75 7,50

Quantity of ties in concrete Pieces/m 0,55 0,37 0,28 0,44 0,37 0,47 0,41 0,49 0,44

Concrete haunch girder, variable Reduction of ties in the concrete

Concrete haunch girder, variable Small For widths 30-40 cm for heights 50-70 cm
Big For widths 30-60 cm for heights 80-100 cm
The PASCHAL Trapezoidal Girder Formwork:
Perfect all around
If you have to provide a perfect concrete
result .....
..... or if you want to get by the result of your
building site...
... or simply want to rule out any risks:

Theres a formwork system which provides

all the solutions:

The PASCHAL Trapezoidal Girder Formwork.

PASCHAL is the pioneer when manufacturing

circular formworks with adjustable radius.
Since the PASCHAL Trapezoidal Girder Form-
work was launched on the market in 1975,
PASCHALs engineers have worked together
with practical experts from building sites at
continuous on-going developments to the
convincing basic principle.

The result:
The PASCHAL Trapezoidal Girder Formwork is
acknowledged to be the top product among
all circular formwork systems with adjustable
radii. All over the world.

Your advantage:
Massive cost savings on your building sites
and safety from incalculable risks.

Biogas plant, Brstadt; Wilms, Brstadt

Mercedes stand, Nrburgring; Quast, Siegen

44 TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork

The system with many unique advantages:



Version: 5,00 m-f Waler with integrated
The PASCHAL Trapezoidal Girder Formwork
radius adjusting spindle is available in two versions:

for inside diameter 5,00 m

(r = 2,50 m) to infinite (straight)
for inside diameter 2,00 m
(r=1,00 m) to inside diameter 5,00 m

Together with the superior support con-

21 mm plywood with special Stable Trapezoidal Girder of 4,0 mm steel plate
structure of Finnish birch plywood
struction of trapezoidal steel plate girders
with clever geometry, these extreme adjusting
ranges are made possible particularly by
specially developed plywood structures.
Version: 2,00 -5,00 m

PASCHAL has worked together with an

efficient Finnish manufacturer to optimize
the special structure of the 21 mm birch
plywood in such a way that the radius can
be perfectly adjusted for diameters of up to
5,00 m (r=2,50 m). No other system on the
market can survive this without damage.

Pre-bent, glued Your advantage:

18 mm plywood
You only need one single system to form all
diameters right down to 5,00 m.
This means keeping less material in store
and less transport charges!

The version 2,00 - 5,00 m covers all small

diameters right down to the narrowest
staircase or, for example, pivot bearings in
sewage tanks. Pre-bent, glued 18 mm ply-
wood is prerequisite for this high flexibility
which is not detrimental to the stability of the
system. Here too the radius can be adjusted
quickly and simply without time-consuming
removing or refitting of any supplementary

The version 2,00 - 5,00 m is ideal for for-

ming pivot bearings in sewage plants.

Residential and business building, Obrigheim; Fa. Jckel, Oberwesel

TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork 45


The PASCHAL Trapezoidal Girder Formwork has a superior design for perfect, reliable
roundness and dimensional accuracy even for narrow radii!


Optimized support intervals thanks to the Perfection in detail: Trapezoidal Girder
Your advantage: ideal geometry of the Trapezoidal Girders. feet support the plywood on a uniform
No polygonal corrugations in the plywood No impairment to the round shape even line for all adjusted radii. This means
for narrow radii. between the Trapezoidal Girder feet a . there is no shifting of the support lines
This ideal plywood support is not possible The Trapezoidal Girder reacts elastically and no flat support which would impair
when using other girders, for example wooden to changes in the length of the plywood the round shape.
girders tied in pairs. surface when adjusting the radius b .

b a

The perfect connection between segments

The perfect tightness and roundness at the The PASCHAL segment connection angle The PASCHAL keybolt completely rules
joint of the segments is not guaranteed encloses the plywood and guarantees out any risk of mismatching at the
for higher frames and clamp connections, full, introduction of the high forces which joints, and guarantees the necessary
particularly not for small radii. have to be transmitted when adjusting tightness of the structure e . In this way
narrow radii and this without damage you can avoid expensive reworking at
c . the joints!
The radius adjusting turnbuckles can be Oblong holes also allow for height ad-
fastened very close to the plywood d . justment between the segments. Uneven
This avoids the tendency of higher frames areas in the ground plate can be com-
to tilt and tear. pensated for without any problems.

Keybolt connection for an unsurpassed tight, offset-free

connection, even for small radii! e

Segment connection angle c The PASCHAL keybolt e

46 TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork



Ties (anchor points) cost money. Lots of
money, particularly when making water-
Tie rod guide Tie rod guide tight concrete which might even include
water barriers. PASCHAL Trapezoidal Girder
Formwork helps you to save on the number
of ties, and thus to save money.
Thanks to the robust construction of the
4 mm thick steel plate Trapezoidal Girders,
this formwork system can provide with an
extremely low number of ties.
Concreting height 580 cm

In the principal segment format

240 x 300 cm (= 7,20 m),
600 cm
600 cm

4 ties are sufcient = 0,56 ties/m!

If the 300 cm high segment is not extended

any further, then you can place the top tie
over the top edge of the concrete using the
tie rod guide = even fewer expensive ties in
the concrete = 0,28 ties/m!

In spite of this low number of ties, the maxi-
240 cm
240 cm mum load-carrying capacity of concrete
pressure of 60 kN/m is maintained fully for
all segments and all formwork heights in
compliance with the tolerances of deection
Segment 240 x 300 cm,
as per DIN 18202, table 3, line 7!
Waler with integrated radius adjusting spindle
with extension segment 240 x 300 cm

Ties in the concrete are particularly expensive when

building sewage plants. Here a tie was placed over
the upper 300 cm segment using the tie rod guide, so
that for a concreting height of 5,50 m, only 3 ties were
required in the concrete. Used to build cross walls:
PASCHAL Logo formwork.
Sewage plant, Aschersleben; Umwelttechnik und Wasserbau, Ermsleben

TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork 47

Advantage 4: Unique offer of segment dimensions
If closed circles are to be formed in one
phase then it is important to have a suitable
range of narrower standard widths so that
there is no need for special widths for each
specic building, or for complicated closure
of the circle on site.
It is not a good idea for the formwork
segments to overlap too much in height.
It makes it more difcult to bring the
concrete exactly to the required level and
to nish the surface (e.g. scraping or smoo-
thing). This also unnecessarily increases the
material you need to keep on site, together
with transport weights and volumes.
You will nd that PASCHAL offers an ideal
range of segment heights so that you can
always reach a practical formwork height.

The low segments are ideal particularly for Drinking water factory, Helmond/Netherlands; Koop, Hoofddorp/Netherlands

gardening and landscaping, for forming

tank foundations, etc. Available widths [cm]:

Segments 2,00 - 5,00 m Segments from 5,00 m

Inside segment Outside segment Inside segment Outside segment

230/222 240

110,5 125 115 120

55,5 62,5 57,5 60

Available heights:

37,5 cm

75 cm 150 cm 300 cm

48 TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork

The increaseing lack of parking space in our
cities means that more and more buildings
have to be provided with underground
car parks. Often the entrance walls are of
round shape. Here the formwork costs can
quickly get out of control. PASCHAL offers
the ideal system solution: The Trapezoidal
Girder Formwork with telescopic girder

The telescopic girders are fully variable

in extension and can be pushed into the
Trapezoidal Girders from the top and bottom.
Lengths: 56,5 cm and 100 cm.

Even when forming round walls under existing ceilings,

for example in this underground car park, the Trapezoidal
Girder Formwork can be adjusted exactly using the
telescopic girders.
Underground car park, Zwickau; Spezialschalungsbau CL, Greiz

Telescopic girder

21 mm plywood cut in wedge-shape

Residential and business building, Jesteburg; Lindemann, Stade

TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork 49

Advantage 6: No length filler pieces on site
Whenever you hear the circular saw on your
building sites, this should always make you
think of your forming costs: frequently it
will be used for cutting pieces on site, which
are needed when using inexpensively rented
or bought formworks. But this ruins your
forming times.
Using the saw prevents rapid, systematic
And circular formworks frequently need
lots of length adjustments.

It is difcult to account for the resulting

costs, in contrast to rental costs. But they
can be very signicant for the prot on a
building site.
Sewage plant, Hoek van Holland/Netherlands; Koop, Hoofddorp/Netherlands

PASCHAL Trapezoidal Girder Formwork helps

you to rule out such incalculable costs from
the very start. You do not need expensive
length adjustments on site, but you get a
complete formwork which lets you close
every last centimetre. Quickly, reliably, sys-

And there are two more positive aspects:

You can rent all the above mentioned

filler pieces.
The fillers are held by the PASCHAL key-
bolts when erecting the formwork and
cannot fall into the wall.

These are the forming time accelerators Steel ller piece

for PASCHAL Trapezoidal Girder Formwork: Widths: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 cm
Heights: as segments

Plastic ller piece (PE)

Made of environment-friendly, low-com-
pression polyethylene. Unbreakable, durable,
easy to clean, no deformation or twisting.
Widths: 2 cm, 4 cm
Heights: as segments

50 TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork



Nothing will happen...

...if your crane raises or lowers an extended

section of 9 metres made up of PASCHAL
Trapezoidal Girder Formwork segments
without additional vertical bracing at the
horizontal joints!

The Trapezoidal Girder extension post is

screwed with the steel Trapezoidal Girders
over the joint. The connection is so rigid that
even 10,5 m high formwork units can be
raised or lowered by crane without needing
Crane lifting eye KBT Trapezoidal Girder extension post
additional walers.

Your advantage: formwork erection and

dismantling very high walls is made much
easier and faster.

The crane lifting eye KBT has a load-carry-

ing capacity of 1700 kg. It can be fastened
very easily to a Trapezoidal Girder. Thanks to
the robust design of the Trapezoidal Girders
made of 4 mm steel plate, there is no risk of
the structure tearing.

For large formwork heights (9,75 m here) and step-by-step forming operations, the robust extension pieces and the
crane lifting eye with its particularly high load-carrying capacity achieve record forming times. With only 2 crane lifting eyes KBT you can
move complete formwork units of up to
40 m.

Your advantage:
Record times in step-by-step formwork

Biogas plant, Brstadt; Wilms, Brstadt

TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork 51



If concrete haunches cannot be subsequently
added when building circular tanks but have
to be included in the formwork procedure,
you will nd that PASCHAL offers a techni-
cally outstanding system solution: variable
haunch girders for forming all conventional
haunch dimensions.

Only the plywood for haunch formwork

has to be cut and assembled specially. On
request you can receive the segments with
the haunch formwork ready for forming

Sewage plant, Weilheim; Mller Hoch- und Tiefbau, Bad Urach

The photo shows the extremely solid structure of

the variable haunch girders. They are screwed to the
Trapezoidal Girders. Important: the lift safeguard at
the bottom of the haunch girders. Proper plugging to
the ground plate is absolutely indispensable!

Sewage plant, Murg; Lber, hlingen-Birkendorf

52 TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork

Advantage 9: Top forming times

With PASCHAL Trapezoidal Girder Formwork But this is not all. In using Trapezoidal Girder Formwork, you
you can achieve top forming times. There are other important advantages in can easily achieve better forming times
Some of the main reasons for this have PASCHAL Trapezoidal Girder Formwork than with large-size formwork for straight
already been explained on the previous which helps you to save further costs walls.
pages. through top forming times:
Re-spindling the segments to another radius
The dimensional accuracy of the Tra- Extending and rounding segments is is quick and easy. Even on the building site.
pezoidal Girder Formwork segments very easy, precise and fast. With PASCHAL Trapezoidal Girder Formwork,
dispenses any subsequent adjustment of You can also order the segments ready projects are often completed much earlier
the fixed diameter after transport to the extended and rounded straight from than planned. In this way it is also possible
building site and between concreting PASCHAL, and erect the units directly to reduce the calculated rental costs.
pours. from the low loader truck.
The extremely low number of ties in the You can return the segments extended
concrete, which reduces setting times and rounded to PASCHAL after their
and reduces the need for closing the last use.
ties later on. You do not have to mount walers (dis-
The omission of the time-consuming tribution bars etc.) before first use and
on-site production of filler pieces. dismantle them before return delivery.
The possibility of moving very high and
very large formwork units in closed

Sewage plant, Bischwiller/France; ARGE Dumez, Fehr and Zimmer, Hoenheim/France

TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork 53

Tank construction
Whether circular or oval sewage tanks,
rain overow tanks, drinking water tanks,

...with PASCHAL Trapezoidal Girder Form-

work, systematic better.
When building sewage tanks, dimensional
accuracy of the concrete surface and the
(low) number of ties is of particular im-

Residual water plant, D-Perl; OBG AG

Biogas plant, Brstadt; Wilms, Brstadt

54 TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork

Circular walls for structural engineering projects
When walls, staircases or elevator shafts
have to be absolutely round, then PASCHAL
Trapezoidal Girder Formwork is the top

Circular walls with different diameters and adjoining

straight walls. Perfectly, systematically formed with
Trapezoidal Girder Formwork combined with LOGO
formwork and Modular panels.
Residential complex, Berlin-Weissensee; Fritsche Bau, Berlin

Elliptic staircase, Berlin Lindenstrasse; In structural engineering projects, frequently window or door openings have to be included. The corresponding elements
Wohn- und Gewerbebau Experte, Berlin can be fastened properly to the 21 mm strong Finnish birch plywood.

Oval staircase with 5,56 - 8,00 m inside diameter. Standard

segments were used to produce precisely fitting formwork,
without time-consuming patching on site.

TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork 55

Walls for gardening and landscaping
Walls and support walls, including conical
cross sections and constantly changing radii,
can be formed more quickly and safely with
Trapezoidal Girder Formwork than with
conventional methods.

Conical support wall, Weil am Rhein; Albiez, Waldshut

The variable haunch girders were used here for forming a

sloping corbel.

Entrance flower bed, Khne & Nagel, Contern/

Luxembourg; HT-Lux S.A., Luxembourg

Traffic island, QP Hirtenstall, Richterswil/Switzerland; Kibag Egold, Richterswil/Switzerland

56 TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork

Leisure parks
During the construction of this wild-water
ride, inclined walls with constantly changing
radii were formed in record time. The radii
were adjusted by the formwork staffs one
pour after the other without any problems
on site.

Spinning Ride, Hansapark, Sierksdorf; Freitag, Bargteheide

Puppets boat trip, Europa-Park, Rust; Elz-Bau, Emmendingen

Shooting the rapids, Heidepark, Soltau; Hoffmann, Ebringen

TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork 57

Swimming baths and pools with imaginative contours
Wildly changing large and small radii,
frequently interspersed with corners and
these not always at 90: a real formwork
challenge, which you can master easily
using PASCHAL Trapezoidal Girder Form-
work, possibly combined with PASCHAL
Modular Formwork!

The constantly changing radii in the pools

of modern adventure swimming baths can
be adjusted simply and precisely on the
building site. The staff quickly get the hang
of it even without prior experience. You
can also request a PASCHAL tter to give

Keeps you cool when dealing with the hot

curves in thermal baths: Adventure baths, Rbel; Richard Rahn GmbH, Kiel

PASCHAL Trapezoidal Girder Formwork.

Entertainment spa Titisee Neustadt; Constructor Hermann GmbH, D-Furtwangen

58 TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork

Single-sided/tie-less tasks
Circular walls of underground car parks,
formed in a single-sided solution against
steel piling or bored piles: use PASCHAL
supporting jacks H = 1,50 m, 3,00 m, 4,00 m
or 6,00 m to avoid any risk. The supporting
jacks are fastened directly to the walers of
the segments.

Forming for circular ground plates or circular

tank and silo foundations, together with
the refurbishment of radio towers are other
possible uses for single-sided Girder form-
For smaller, closed circles the concrete
forces can be absorbed by ring-shaped tie

Munich underground railway, emergency exit Trudering; ARGE U-Bahn Mnchen

Multi-storey car park, Baden-Baden; Hochtief AG, Karlsruhe

Sewage plant sand trap, Wadern-Bschfeld; Ottweiler Baugesellschaft, Ottweiler

TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork 59

Non-circular curves and tapers
Even non-circular layouts such as ellipses
or freely dened curves can be adjusted

Egg-shaped layout
University building Karlsruhe; Franz Grtz GmbH & Co. KG, Karlsruhe

Walls with tapered geometry. The continuously changing

radii can be adjusted without any problems at the
Trapezoidal Girder segments. In addition here, wedge-
shaped additions are necessary between the segments,
which are produced by PASCHAL special formwork
construction department. The same principle is used,
for example, for circular wing walls with conical cross
section in underpasses.
Museum, KR-Seoul; Samsung, Engineering & Construction; KR-Seoul

60 TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork

For shorter tunnels, the use of special steel
tunnel formwork is not economical.

Here PASCHAL offers a rental and thus

low-cost system solution consisting of
Trapezoidal Girder Formwork and alumi-
nium shoring system. Whether small or
large, whether circular or other curved
F-Paris; Fa. EIFFAGE TP, F-Paris cross sections, the Trapezoidal Girder Form-
work can be used to create any vaulted

Metro shaft, A - Vienna

LGV Est europenne; Fa. GTM, F-Les Magny

TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork 61

Towers, dam walls and other structures with climbing solutions

Control tower, Strasburg airport/France; Ore Processing Plant, OM-Suhar ;

Zimmer SNG, Biesheim/France Galfar Engineering & Contracting, OM

Reservoir dam, DZ-Brezine; SEROR, DZ-Tlemcen/Algeria

62 TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg
Segments for inside Segments for inside
diameter diameter
from 5,00 m from 5,00 m

Outside segment Outside segment

122.101.0222 240 x 300 cm 540,00 122.101.0239 240 x 75 cm 168,00
122.101.0233 120 x 300 cm 286,00 122.101.0237 120 x 75 cm 90,00 5
122.100.0241 60 x 300 cm 135,00 122.100.0247 60 x 75 cm 45,30

Inside segment Inside segment

122.101.0122 230 x 300 cm 524,00 122.101.0139 230 x 75 cm 162,00
122.101.0022 222 x 300 cm 521,00 122.101.0039 222 x 75 cm 161,00
122.101.0133 115 x 300 cm 280,00 122.101.0137 115 x 75 cm 87,00
122.100.0141 57,5 x 300 cm 134,00 122.100.0147 57,5 x 75 cm 37,00

Segments for inside Segments for inside

diameter diameter
from 2,00 5,00 m from 2,00 5,00 m

Outside segment Outside segment

122.112.0001 125,5 x 300 cm 303,00 122.112.0009 125,5 x 75 cm 82,00
122.112.0003 62,5 x 300 cm 134,00 122.112.0021 62,5 x 75 cm 41,00

Inside segment Inside segment

122.112.0011 110,5 x 300 cm 279,00 122.112.0019 110,5 x 75 cm 88,00
122.112.0013 55,5 x 300 cm 130,00 122.112.0031 55,5 x 75 cm 40,00

Segments for inside Segments for inside

diameter diameter
from 5,00 m from 5,00 m

Outside segment Outside segment

122.101.0231 240 x 150 cm 297,00 122.100.0232 240 x 37,5 cm 90,00
122.101.0236 120 x 150 cm 159,00 122.100.0240 120 x 37,5 cm 47,00
122.100.0246 60 x 150 cm 67,50 122.100.0245 60 x 37,5 cm 26,00

Inside segment Inside segment

122.101.0131 230 x 150 cm 290,00 122.100.0132 230 x 37,5 cm 88,00
122.101.0031 222 x 150 cm 288,00 122.100.0032 222 x 37,5 cm 87,50
122.101.0136 115 x 150 cm 156,00 122.100.0140 115 x 37,5 cm 47,00
122.100.0146 57,5 x 150 cm 64,50 122.100.0145 57,5 x 37,5 cm 26,00

Segments for inside Segments for inside

diameter diameter
from 2,00 5,00 m from 2,00 5,00 m

Outside segment Outside segment

122.112.0006 125,5 x 150 cm 156,00 122.112.0034 125,5 x 37,5 cm 52,50
122.112.0020 62,5 x 150 cm 50,00 122.112.0035 62,5 x 37,5 cm 27,00

Inside segment Inside segment

122.112.0016 110,5 x 150 cm 139,00 122.112.0036 110,5 x 37,5 cm 46,50
122.112.0030 55,5 x 150 cm 48,00 122.112.0037 55,5 x 37,5 cm 25,00

Subject to technical changes

TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork 63

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg
189.001.0100 Keybolt 0,19 Filler piece
182.000.0185 6 x 37,5 cm 2,40
182.000.0186 8 x 37,5 cm 2,50
182.000.0187 10 x 37,5 cm 2,70
189.001.0105 5 pin keybolt 0,30
182.000.0188 12 x 37,5 cm 2,80
5 182.000.0189 14 x 37,5 cm 2,90
182.000.0193 16 x 37,5 cm 3,00

182.000.0141 6 x 75 cm 4,90
182.000.0142 8 x 75 cm 5,05
282.000.0202 Keybolt 0,24
0-2-4 cm 182.000.0143 10 x 75 cm 5,40
182.000.0144 12 x 75 cm 5,60
182.000.0145 14 x 75 cm 5,90
182.000.0146 16 x 75 cm 6,05

182.000.0115 6 x 150 cm 9,90

282.000.0203 Assembly clamp 2,70
0-2-4 cm 182.000.0108 8 x 150 cm 10,20
182.000.0107 10 x 150 cm 10,80
182.000.0137 12 x 150 cm 11,20
182.000.0138 14 x 150 cm 11,70
182.000.0106 16 x 150 cm 12,05
Turnbuckle M 20
182.000.0210 320 - 470 mm 1,60 182.000.0114 6 x 300 cm 19,00
182.000.0211 450 - 600 mm 2,10 182.000.0111 8 x 300 cm 20,00
182.000.0212 600 - 750 mm 2,70 182.000.0110 10 x 300 cm 21,50
182.000.0213 750 - 900 mm 3,30 182.000.0139 12 x 300 cm 22,40
182.000.0140 14 x 300 cm 23,50
182.000.0109 16 x 300 cm 24,50
Tie rod, bevelled
189.006.1000 DW 15 x 100 cm 1,40 Filler plate without
189.006.1350 DW 15 x 135 cm 1,85 opening for ties
Welding is
189.006.1500 DW 15 x 150 cm 2,10 (for compensations
not possible
of 3/5/7 cm)
182.000.0273 8 x 37,5 cm 1,80
189.001.0059 Plate with ball-and- 1,12
socket joint DW 15, 182.000.0147 8 x 75 cm 3,60
10 x 14 cm 182.000.0148 8 x 150 cm 7,20
(inclination max. 12) 182.000.0149 8 x 300 cm 15,60

189.001.0020 Spacer strap 1,50

6 - 50 cm 182.000.0089 Tie rod guide 2,56
189.001.0021 Spacer strap 3,50 with wedge
50 - 120 cm

Plastic filler piece

182.000.0132 2 x 37,5 cm 0,50 182.000.0263 Tie rod guide 2,40

182.000.0162 4 x 37,5 cm 1,00 Segmenthhe 37,5 cm

182.000.0129 2 x 75 cm 1,00
182.000.0131 4 x 75 cm 2,00

182.000.0125 2 x 150 cm 2,00 182.000.0069 Crane lifting eye KBT 5,77

182.000.0127 4 x 150 cm 4,00 Admissible capacity
1.700 kg
182.000.0121 2 x 300 cm 4,00
182.000.0123 4 x 300 cm 8,00

Subject to technical changes

64 TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg
182.000.0053 Platform bracket 11,10 182.000.0096 Suspending piece for 3,00
90 cm cpl. props

Telescopic girder cpl.
182.000.0133 Platform bracket 5,50
fastening 182.000.0099 100 cm 18,00
top 182.000.0100 56,5 cm 13,00

182.000.0009 Extension post for 17,00

girders cpl.

Variable concrete
haunche: Please ask
for our offer.

182.000.0055 Turnbuckle coupler 5,40

2-holes cpl.
189.003.0000 Assembly tool 3,90

182.000.0032 Stop end guide 2,90

182.000.0093 Ratchet key SW30 1,51

189.001.0118 Double channel waler 8,20

60 x 800 182.000.0215 Multiple key 1,40

182.000.0284 Segment guide with 2,50

182.000.0179 Centering tool 0,67

189.002.0003 Transportation box 93,50

182.000.0219 Jackscrew 2,90 hot-dip galvanized
capacity 1500 kg 120 x 80 x 61 cm

Subject to technical changes

TTR Trapezoidal Girder Formwork 65

Trapezoidal Girder Formwork
Trapez TTS with steel face
Technical data
Trapez TTS with steel face
Max. concrete pressure 80 kN/m according to DIN 18218
Tolerances of deection According to DIN 18202, table 3, line 7
Diameter range 5,00 m  (inside)
Segments Inside Height 300 cm widths 230/115/57,5 cm
Inside Height 150 cm widths 230/115/57,5 cm
Inside Height 75 cm widths 230/115/57,5 cm
Segments Outside Height 300 cm widths 240/120/60 cm
Outside Height 150 cm widths 240/120/60 cm
Outside Height 75 cm widths 240/120/60 cm
Face Steel face
Timber llers Widths 2/4//6 cm
Heights 75/150/300 cm
Filler plate Widths 8/10/12/14/16 cm
Heights 75/150/300 cm
GE/TTS clamp Connecting piece Segments without llers
Adjustable GE/TTS clamp Connecting piece Segments with llers up to 5 cm
Lockingscrew DW 15 Connecting piece Segments without llers
Filler screw DW 15 Connecting piece Segments with ller plate from 8 to 16 cm
Integrated crane lifting eye Allowable lifting load 2000 kg/eye
Platform bracket Allowable load 2,0 kN/m2
Average platform bracket distance 1,20 m
Tie rod DW 15, max. load 90 kN, not weldable
DW 20, max. load 160 kN, not weldable
Tie spacing Horizontal 1,20 m
Formwork height = concrete height m 1,50 2,25 3,00 3,75 4,50 5,25 6,00 6,75 7,50

Quantity of ties holes in concrete per m 0,55 0,37 0,28 0,44 0,37 0,47 0,41 0,49 0,44

Tie rod guide Reduction of ties in the concrete

Perfect all around with steel face
As an alternative to the Trapezoidal Girder
Circular Formwork, PASCHAL is also offering Walers with integrated radius-adjusting turnbuckle
the system with a steel face. The essential
difference is that the trapezoidal girder in
the steel version is connected with bolts
through the girder to the back of the steel
face: eliminating indentations and improving
6 the concrete nish.
The max. concrete pressure for the Trapez- Integrated crane lifting eye
oidal Girder Circular Formwork with steel Steel face
face is 80 kN/m according to DIN 18218.
With only four tie holes per 7,2 m (based
on a 2,40 x 3,00 m segment).

The following are some advantages of the

steel system:

Top class concrete finish

Adjusting range from r = f to r = 2,50 m
All dimensions are within tolerances
Fewer tie holes in the concrete
Full range of segment dimensions
All filler pieces also fit
Robust extensions
Integrated crane lifting eye with high
load capacity
Top forming times

Waste water treatment plant, F-Brive la Gaillarde; Vigier/Sogea Sud Ouest, F-Toulouse

68 TTS Trapezoidal Girder Formwork

Top class concrete surfaces
Round and nearly indent-free concrete sur-
faces are no problem with the Trapezoidal
Girder Circular Formwork with steel face.
All radii and also other curved forms are
exactly set over the entire segment width
and there are no irregularities even at a
segment joint so that, for a start, the layout
ts exactly. 6
In addition, the steel face provides a con-
crete surface that meets top class speci-
cations, since the girders are bolted to the
back of the steel face.

Waste water treatment plant, F-Brive la Gaillarde; Vigier/Sogea Sud Ouest, F-Toulouse

Exact curvature Top class concrete surface

TTS Trapezoidal Girder Formwork 69

Pre-assembly service from the manufacturer
The formwork is delivered to the construction
site ready to use as designed, pre-rounded
and extended. Additional mounting of walers
is not necessary. There is very little work
to be done on the forms. You only need to
attach the accessories and start to pour con-
crete. Fillers are included in the PASCHAL
6 system and thus do not have to be prepared
on site.

Waste water pool F-Schirrheim;

Dumez Anstett S.A., F-Mundolsheim
STEP de St. Marcellin (38) ; Fa. NAVRO

70 TTS Trapezoidal Girder Formwork

Technical details
1 The segment connection tube as side
1 2
part also holds the formwork tightly
at the joints and is guaranteed to be
leak-proof. There are only three GE
clamps at 3.00 m height xing two
large segments securely together.
2 Integrated crane lifting eyes in each
segment save one from having to 6
constantly assemble and disassemble
a non-xed crane lifting eye. The wire
or chain is hooked into eyes that are
constantly present and a formwork
segment is ready to be moved.
3 4 3 The integrated lever edge supports
easy dismantling and erection of the
4 With the optional height-adjustable
jackscrew, the formwork can be precisely

Tunnel LGV Est europenne, F-Les Magny; Fa. GTM, F-Les Magny

TTS Trapezoidal Girder Formwork 71

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg
TTS Segments for TTS Segments for
inside diameter inside diameter
from 5,00 m from 5,00 m

Outside segment Outside segment

122.201.0222 240 x 300 cm 765,00 122.201.0239 240 x 75 cm 230,00

122.201.0233 120 x 300 cm 405,00 122.201.0237 120 x 75 cm 123,00
122.200.0241 60 x 300 cm 225,00 122.200.0247 60 x 75 cm 70,00

Inside segment Inside segment

122.201.0122 230 x 300 cm 735,00 122.201.0139 230 x 75 cm 222,00

122.201.0133 115 x 300 cm 396,00 122.201.0137 115 x 75 cm 120,00
122.200.0141 57,5 x 300 cm 214,00 122.200.0147 57,5 x 75 cm 67,00

181.000.0027 GE / TTS clamp 3,90

181.000.0024 GE / TTS clamp 2,85

adjustable 0-5 cm

TTS Segments for 182.007.0005 TTS locking screw 0,76

inside diameter
from 5,00 m

Outside segment 182.007.0002 TTS filler screw 0,60

122.201.0231 240 x 150 cm 410,00

122.201.0236 120 x 150 cm 220,00
122.200.0246 60 x 150 cm 125,00
Turnbuckle M 20
182.000.0210 320 - 470 mm 1,60
Inside segment 182.000.0211 450 - 600 mm 2,10
182.000.0212 600 - 750 mm 2,70
122.201.0131 230 x 150 cm 402,00 182.000.0213 750 - 900 mm 3,30
122.201.0136 115 x 150 cm 216,00
122.200.0146 57,5 x 150 cm 121,00

Tie rod, bevelled

189.006.1000 DW 15 x 100 cm 1,40
189.006.1350 DW 15 x 135 cm 1,85
189.006.1500 DW 15 x 150 cm 2,10
Welding is
not possible
189.040.1250 DW 20 x 125 cm 3,20
189.040.1500 DW 20 x 150 cm 3,90

Subject to technical changes

72 TTS Trapezoidal Girder Formwork

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

Plate with ball-and 282.000.0085 Extension cpl. 20,00

socket joint
189.001.0059 DW 15, 10 x 14 cm 1,12
(inclination max. 12)

189.001.0009 DW 20, 14 x 20 cm 1,65


TTS timber filler

182.007.0050 2 x 7,5 x 75 cm 0,60
182.007.0051 4 x 7,5 x 75 cm 1,20 182.000.0032 Stop end guide 2,90
182.007.0052 6 x 7,5 x 75 cm 1,80
182.007.0053 2 x 7,5 x 150 cm 1,20
182.007.0054 4 x 7,5 x 150 cm 2,40
182.007.0055 6 x 7,5 x 150 cm 3,60 189.001.0118 Double channel waler 8,20
60 x 800
182.007.0056 2 x 7,5 x 300 cm 2,40
182.007.0057 4 x 7,5 x 300 cm 4,80
182.007.0058 6 x 7,5 x 300 cm 7,20
182.000.0284 Segment guide with 2,50

TTS filler plate

182.007.0010 8 x 75 cm 6,30
182.007.0011 10 x 75 cm 6,60
182.007.0012 12 x 75 cm 6,90
182.000.0219 Jackscrew 2,90
182.007.0013 14 x 75 cm 7,20 capacity 1500 kg
182.007.0014 16 x 75 cm 7,50
182.007.0020 8 x 150 cm 12,90
182.007.0021 10 x 150 cm 13,40
182.007.0022 12 x 150 cm 13,90 182.000.0096 Suspending piece for 3,00
182.007.0023 14 x 150 cm 14,40 props
182.007.0024 16 x 150 cm 14,90
182.007.0030 8 x 300 cm 25,40
182.007.0031 10 x 300 cm 26,40
182.007.0032 12 x 300 cm 27,40 182.000.0093 Ratchet key SW30 1,51
182.007.0033 14 x 300 cm 28,40
182.007.0034 16 x 300 cm 29,40

182.000.0215 Multiple key 1,40

182.000.0089 Tie rod guide 2,56 SW36/27-SW30/24
with wedge

182.000.0179 Centering tool 0,67

182.000.0053 Platform bracket 11,10

90 cm cpl.

189.002.0003 Transportation box 93,50

hot-dip galvanized
182.000.0133 Platform bracket 5,50 120 x 80 x 61 cm

Subject to technical changes

TTS Trapezoidal Girder Formwork 73

Universal Formwork
Technical data
Max. concrete pressure Modular 35 kN/m2 according DIN 18218
GE 60 kN/m2 according DIN 18218
Tolerances of deection According DIN 18202, table 3, line 7
Panel heights Modular 62,5 / 75 / 125 / 150 cm
GE 250 / 275 cm
Extension panels GE 125 / 150 cm
Frame depth of Modular Formwork 7,5 cm; 15 m3 volume for 200 m2 with accessories
Modular panel construction Steel frame of rigid, high quality at steel
Plywood 15 mm thick, 11-ply Finnish birch plywood
Tie rod DW 15, save working load 90 kN (not weldable)
GE 4 ties on 200 x 250 cm, 200 x 275 cm panels
Panel widths Modular 100 / 75 / 60 / 50 / 45 / 43 / 40 / 37 / 35 / 33 / 30 / 25 / 24 / 20 / 15 / 12 / 10 / 6 / 5 cm
GE 150 / 200 cm
Plastic ller piece Widths 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 cm Heights 62,5 / 75 / 125 / 150 cm
Inside corner post Leg length 13 / 15 cm
Hinged corner post Leg length 9,5 cm
Rigid corner 135 degrees Inside Width 12,5 x 12,5 cm Heights 62,5 / 75 / 125 / 150 cm
Outside Width 25 x 25 cm Heights 62,5 / 75 / 125 / 150 cm
Filler plate Adjustments for 3 / 5 / 7 cm Heights 62,5 / 75 / 125 / 150 cm
Keybolt Connecting piece Modular/GE panels
5-pin keybolt Connecting piece Plastic ller pieces, ller plate
Combi clamp Connecting piece Modular/GE-Trapez; Modular/GE-LOGO
Panel clamp GE Connecting piece GE panels
Panel clamp Connecting piece Combination of vertically and horizontally placed panels
Platform bracket Walking width 90 cm
3 kN/m2 permissible load with bracket distance of 2,00 m
Crane lifting clamp For crane transportation of formwork up to 24 m2
Max. safe working load 600 kg
Spacer strap Stop end
Tensioning on top
Wall thickness 6 50 cm / 50 120 cm
Tie rod guide Reduction of ties in the concrete
Tie rod guide Walers, lengths 35 / 85 cm
Waler guide 100 Fixing of walers
Waler guide 240
Waling clamp Fixing of squared timbers and timber girders
Clamp range 8 20 cm
Fixing bracket Fixing of 21 / 27 mm plywood
Connecting bow Height extension with 21 mm plywood up to 30 cm
Polygonal formwork
Polygonal ller post Inside Width 4,66 cm Heights 62,5 / 75 / 125 / 150 cm
Polygonal ller post Outside Width 9,02 cm Heights 62,5/75/125/150 cm
Foundation formwork
Lengths of foundation straps 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 cm (other lengths on request)
Fast, reliable formwork system instead of
conventional methods: PASCHAL systems
make a decisive contribution in this vital
step towards cost reduction in concrete
construction. The following pages about
Modular/GE Universal Formwork are an
impressive indication of how one single
formwork system can be put to universal

The Modular/GE Universal Formwork has German factory, Nashik, Maharashtra, India

really earned its name, because this system

is used all over the world on many different
building sites where it demonstrates its
versatility, adaptability and exibility, for
foundations, walls, shafts, round walls,
columns or beams.

The degree of difculty of the structures

to be build can vary considerably, because
the balanced range of panels means that
the formwork can be adjusted ideally to all
layouts and cross sections. The size of the
structures to be build does not matter: small
surfaces are not a problem for the Modular

Defense project, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India

Technical college Busiateen, BH-Bahrain; Bokhowa Construction, BH-Bahrain

76 Modular/GE Universal Formwork

And as far as large sizes are concerned, pre-
assembled Modular panels can stay together
as units or are supplemented by larger GE
panels, with unlimited compatibility.

Your advantages:

Only one investment

Only one system on the building site
The same parts are always used for
different applications
The formwork staff is used to working
with the system
Suitable for small surfaces, and can
Box-Culverts, OM-Suhar; Fa. NCC Limited, IN-Hyderabad also be extended to become a large-size

Track hopper for a Thermal power project, Babandh, Orissa, India

Cable trench for Thermal power project, Korba, Chhatisgarh, India

Modular/GE Universal Formwork 77

The panels
The steel frame of the Modular/GE panels
consists of 6 mm thick massive at steel
with an inlay of 15 mm thick 11-ply phenol
resin-coated Finnish birch plywood.

The maximum concrete pressure for the

Modular panels is 35 kN/m2 according to
DIN 18218 in full compliance with the
tolerances of deection according to DIN
18202, table 3, line 6.

For GE panels, the maximum concrete pres-

sure is 60 kN/m2, but here line 7 applies.

The basic Modular Formwork panel measures

100 x 125 cm and weighs 49,5 kg.

GE panels are 200 (150) cm wide and 250

(275) cm high.

This means:

Long service life

Easy to repair
High frequency of use
Low panel weight
Both handset formwork and
large-size formwork

For other dimensions and accessory parts,

please consult the parts list at the end of
this chapter.

Modular panel 100 x 125 cm

Frame of 15 mm birch plywood

6-mm-flat steel 11-ply, coated with phenol resin

78 Modular/GE Universal Formwork

Panels and panel connections
The keybolt 1 is the connecting piece for
tight, ush and aligned joint connections.
Alternatively, GE panels can also be joined
together using the panel clamp GE 2 .

GE panel 200 x 275 cm

1 2

Modular/GE Universal Formwork 79

The Modular Formwork starts showing
its advantages even for foundations. The
Modular system can be adjusted to any
layout and every height. When you use this
method for a systematic approach to the
basis, you create the best prerequisites
for good results throughout the building
site. The foundation strap is a practical and
low-priced alternative as formwork anchor
for this application. It is easy to install,
requires no additional connection pieces to
the formwork panels and still reliably takes
up all the forces. In addition, as lost anchor
it saves additional working space and ex-
pensive excavation.

If a crane is not available when the foun- Administration building Ersoc, Algeria; Travosider/Algeria

dations are formed, the light weight of the

Modular panels means that they can easily
be moved by hand.

This means:

An economic formwork system is already

used in the early foundation stages
Cost reductions compared to conven-
tional formwork
A crane is not necessary
Foundation straps save additional wor-
king space and therefore excavation

A.R.J. Kanoo school Salmabad, BRN-Bahrain; Skyline Trading Corporation W.L.L., BRN-Bahrain

Foundation strap

Outer raised
flange Inner
Spacer strap kicker

Pouring height Foundation strap s
50 cm 100 cm
75 cm 75 cm s
100 cm 50 cm
125 cm 25 cm Foundation strap

80 Modular/GE Universal Formwork

Solutions for typical problems

90 corner

Pilasters Wall offset

T-walls Double wall offset

Modular/GE Universal Formwork 81

Shafts/Structural engineering
Shafts can have different sizes, shapes and 40 50 40
functions. From elevator shafts or stair-
cases for structural engineering through 100 5


to civil engineering projects such as collec-
tion shafts, distribution shafts or overow



tanks through to towers and silos. All these

structures make tough demands on form- Filler plate 8 cm
work when it comes to the systems ability
to adjust to extremely conned space. Here

in particular the Modular Formwork system
demonstrates its advantages with the well
balanced range of panels which can be ad-
justed to every dimension, every angle and


every corner. 100 5

40 50 40
The conned space conditions frequently
make formwork dismantling extremely dif-
cult, because the inside formwork is under Filler plate
tension. But PASCHAL has devoted some 5-pin keybolt 8 cm

time and thought to this aspect too, and in-

troduced the 8 cm ller plate as a possibility
of dismantling the formwork without any
squeezing. Filler plates and 5-pin keybolts
provide a dismantling scope of 3, 5 or 7 cm, 7 5 3
with the 5-pin keybolts connecting all panels
with compression and tension strength.

Well pad for refinery, Barmer, Rajasthan, India

82 Modular/GE Universal Formwork

Shafts/Civil engineering
Modular Formwork used in shaft construc-
tion means:

The system can be adjusted to the most

confined space
The system includes dismantling possi-
Even small panel widths and low panel
heights are available
Fixing brackets for pipe lead-throughs

Fixing bracket

Where such underground shafts are concerned, the

Modular Formwork can really demonstrate all its
advantages. It makes the unavoidable job build filling
used in other systems simply dispensable. You can form
the entire shaft centimetre-by-centimetre with a time-
saving system.

Modular/GE Universal Formwork 83

Housing projects
No matter whether the cellar is being con-
creted for a single-family home or several
storeys of a residential complex reaching
up to the sky: Modular/GE Formwork can be
used as a system for forming all the walls,
shafts or columns in all different building
sizes. Modular/GE Formwork can cope with
all difculties.

Residential and business building, Kesselsdorf; Hufele Bau GmbH, Dresden

135 corners with rigid inside and outside corner posts

Residential building, Jnitz; Vogtland Bau GmbH, Plauen

84 Modular/GE Universal Formwork

Residential parks
The important thing for you in all these

Use as wall formwork

GE panels supplement the Modular Form-
work for large sizes
Same accessories for Modular and GE
Complicated layouts are formed using
this system without any on site produc-
tion of fillers or specific parts.

11-storey residential building, Istanbul Yasamkent; Otak Insaat, Istanbul/Turkey

Golden Mile, UAE-Dubai; Fa. Al Shafar General Contracting Co., UAE-Dubai

Modular/GE Universal Formwork 85

Industrial construction
The compatibility of Modular and GE panels
is particularly signicant when it comes to
complicated industrial and engineering
construction projects. Depending on the
task in hand, large-size GE panels and
small-size Modular panels can be mixed
and combined with each other without any
Different wall cross sections with tted
consoles, canals or tapers can be formed
practically without exception using this
system. Together with the wide range of
panel widths and heights, one particular
advantage for complicated forming tasks
such as these is the short leg length of the Aluminium factory, Singrouli, Madhya Pradesh, India

inside corner post (13 or 15 cm).

Aluminium factory, Singrouli, Madhya Pradesh, India








86 Modular/GE Universal Formwork

Civil engineering

Large-size and small-size formwork in one system. The 7

large-sized walls in a sewage plant were formed with GE
panels 200 x 275 cm, whereas Modular panels were used
for the concrete haunches (small size) positioned at the
base. The same accessories can be used for all panels
(GE + Modular).
Sewage plant, Saalfeld; Schramm, Staffelstein

Underpass culverts for Outer ring road, Warangal highway, Andhra Pradesh, India

Steel plant, Rourkela, Orissa, India Bridge abutment, Beverstedt; Hahn, Stade

Modular/GE Universal Formwork 87

Round solutions
Modular Formwork panels can also be used
to form circular walls as polygons. For this
purpose, polygonal ller posts are used at
every panel joint. The size of the diameter
being formed stipulates the required panel

Large diameter
large panel width
Small diameter
small panel width

All panel widths and accessory parts (con-

necting pieces, platform brackets, supports
etc.) can be used for this formwork method.
Apart from the ller posts no special parts Brewery Frstenberg, Donaueschingen; Mall, Donaueschingen

are necessary. In addition to circular arcs,

it is also possible to form all other curved
shapes, such as ellipses and similar.

This means:

Alternative solution at low material price

compared to circular formwork systems
All parts of the Modular Formwork can
be used, no additional parts necessary
All radii are possible
Even egg shapes, ellipses, clothoids etc.
are possible
Many different possible applications

Circular reservoir, Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh, India

Overhead water tank, Ambattur- Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

88 Modular/GE Universal Formwork


4,66 cm

Polygonal filler post inside

9,02 cm

Polygonal filler post outside

Modular/GE Universal Formwork 89

Modular Formwork can also be used to put
together a column formwork with just a few

Just four parts:

Outside corner post
PVC chamfer angle

open up all possibilities of forming square,

rectangular or angled columns. For oval
columns, a connection panel can be used
to connect half circles from the circular
column formwork range. The individual
parts can be connected simply using the

This means:

Every column cross section can be for-

med without needing special parts
PVC chamfer angle for neat edge break
All parts of the Modular Formwork sys-
tem can be used, no additional parts

Nutrition plant, Baruch, Gujarat, India

Mounting the PVC chamfer angle with flag

National Centre of Sport and Culture, Luxembourg; Multi-storey residential building, KZ-Astana;
HT-Lux, Luxembourg Ingenieursystem GmbH, Astana/Kazakhstan

90 Modular/GE Universal Formwork


German factory, Nashik, Maharashtra, India

HQ of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, KWT-Kuwait; Al-BAB Al-Kuwaiti Construction, KW-Kuwait

Modular/GE Universal Formwork 91

Even horizontal structures such as beams
can be formed without any problems using
the Modular Formwork system. Regardless
of whether these are clamped in one axis,
crossing or fan-shaped, here once again all
layouts can be formed using the Modular
system without time-consuming job buil-
ding. In these applications too, all parts,
whether standing or lying, are connected
with the keybolt for a positive connection
coupling. This has the unique advantage
that a complete formwork can be pre-
assembled on the ground and then moved
into position as a large-size unit using the

production methods
beams are possible:
Placing pre-fabricated or partially pre-
fabricated slab on beam formwork
Placing the plywood of a slab to be con-
creted also on beam formwork
Warehouse and office building, Karlsruhe; Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG; Karlsruhe

This means:

Ideal adjustment of the formwork to

every cross section and layout by making
full use of the system components
Large-size pre-assembly possible
No additional clamps
No need to cut the plywood to size or
dispose of leftovers

OBI-Baumarkt, Freiburg; Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG, Freiburg

Bracing channel 85 cm
Wing nut DW 15
Tie rod DW 15

Bridge, Reichelsheim; Mller, Schotten Edgebeam with slab

92 Modular/GE Universal Formwork


Medical faculty Algiers, DZ-Algiers ; Fa. Entreprise COSIDER-Construction, DZ-Dar El Beida, Algiers

Residential complex, BRN-Bahrain; Tower Marketing & Contracting W.L.L., BRN-Bahrain

Modular/GE Universal Formwork 93



Cross walls Oblique angle

Wall connection Wall connection

94 Modular/GE Universal Formwork

Precast parts
Frequently, factories making precast parts
have to make up different sizes of the same
shaft type, separator or beam. It would be
a costly business to have on stock a special
formwork for each particular case! In con-
trast, the Modular/GE Universal Formwork
system offers a more economical solution.
As component system, its panel widths can
be put together in such a way that one set
of formwork can be used to form all neces-
sary sizes being manufactured. This results
a minimum formwork on stock and rapid
modication of the formwork to produce
a new size.

This means:
Precast factory BELEMA, Belgium; different shaft sizes

Minimum formwork on stock thanks to

Tie rod
the component system
Rapid modification for different precast
Druck- und Zugstrebe
part sizes
120 Push pull prop
Various panel widths and heights for
extremely adaptable solutions


GE 275
GE 275

Push undpull prop



Druck- Zugstrebe



Druck- undpull prop

Schalboden ground
Tie rod Spannstab

Separator; Mall Beton, Donaueschingen

Modular Formwork as shaft formwork. The inner core

consists of a collapsing shaft to guarantee fast dis-
mantling and re-assembling.
Precast factory Wankendorf; beams

Modular/GE Universal Formwork 95

Single-sided walls
The Modular/GE Universal Formwork is also
used together with supporting jacks for
single-sided walls. Various different suppor-
ting jack sizes are available for different
wall heights. The supporting jacks are
combined with the formwork panels and
discharge concrete pressures and lifting
forces into the ground via anchors in the
You can nd more information about sin-
gle-sided formwork in the corresponding
chapter of this manual and in the Technical
Information Modular/GE Formwork.

Using a corner waler for 90 corners

Drinks cash-and-carry market,

Stadelhofen; Feger, Zusenhofen

96 Modular/GE Universal Formwork

Climbing formwork
When Modular/GE Universal Formwork is
to be used as climbing formwork, suitable
climbing brackets are available. They are
connected to the panels so that the bra-
ckets and formwork can be moved as one
unit from phase to phase.
You can find more information about
climbing formwork in the corresponding
chapter of this manual and in the Technical
Information Modular/GE Formwork.

18-storey high Hotel building Seef, BH-Bahrain; Dadabhai Construction, BH-Bahrain

Tower for staircase (with elevator), Power station

Berlin-Neuklln; NCC Deutsche Bau GmbH,
Int. Marina Resort, Malaysia Frstenwalde

Modular/GE Universal Formwork 97

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

Panel Plastic filler piece

100.001.1000 100 x 62,5 cm 27,50 100.011.1010 1 x 62,5 cm 0,43
100.001.0750 75 x 62,5 cm 21,50 1 3 cm 100.011.1020 2 x 62,5 cm 0,85
100.001.0600 60 x 62,5 cm 16,90 100.011.1030 3 x 62,5 cm 1,28
100.001.0500 50 x 62,5 cm 14,90 4 cm 100.011.1040 4 x 62,5 cm 1,70
100.001.0450 45 x 62,5 cm 12,30
100.001.0430 43 x 62,5 cm 11,90
Filler plate with openings
7 100.001.0400 40 x 62,5 cm 11,30 for ties (for compensa-
100.001.0370 37 x 62,5 cm 10,80 tions of 3/5/7 cm)
100.001.0350 35 x 62,5 cm 10,50 100.012.0005 8 x 62,5 cm 3,25
100.001.0330 33 x 62,5 cm 10,10
100.001.0300 30 x 62,5 cm 9,60
100.001.0250 25 x 62,5 cm 8,80
100.001.0240 24 x 62,5 cm 8,60
101.001.1000 100 x 75 cm 30,00
100.001.0200 20 x 62,5 cm 8,00
101.001.0750 75 x 75 cm 24,10
100.001.0150 15 x 62,5 cm 7,10
101.001.0600 60 x 75 cm 19,10
100.001.0120 12 x 62,5 cm 6,60
101.001.0500 50 x 75 cm 16,80
100.001.0100 10 x 62,5 cm 6,30
101.001.0450 45 x 75 cm 14,10
101.001.0430 43 x 75 cm 13,70
Filler post 101.001.0400 40 x 75 cm 13,10
100.003.0060 6 x 62,5 cm 5,00 101.001.0370 37 x 75 cm 12,50
100.003.0050 5 x 62,5 cm 4,70 101.001.0350 35 x 75 cm 12,10
101.001.0330 33 x 75 cm 11,70
101.001.0300 30 x 75 cm 11,10
Inside corner post 101.001.0250 25 x 75 cm 10,10
100.005.0150 15 x 15 x 62,5 cm 8,00 101.001.0240 24 x 75 cm 9,90
100.005.0130 13 x 13 x 62,5 cm 7,50 101.001.0200 20 x 75 cm 9,10
101.001.0150 15 x 75 cm 8,10
101.001.0120 12 x 75 cm 7,50
101.001.0100 10 x 75 cm 7,10
Outside corner post
100.006.0000 62,5 cm 3,20
Filler post
101.003.0060 6 x 75 cm 5,80
101.003.0050 5 x 75 cm 5,40
Hinged corner post
9,5 x 9,5 x 62,5 cm
Inside corner post
100.007.0001 without holes for ties 8,90
101.005.0150 15 x 15 x 75 cm 9,60
100.007.0002 with holes for ties 8,90
101.005.0130 13 x 13 x 75 cm 9,00

Inside corner 135 Outside corner post

100.017.0002 12,5 x 12,5 x 62,5 cm 11,00 101.006.0000 75 cm 3,80

Hinged corner post

Outside corner 135 9,5 x 9,5 x 75 cm
100.017.0001 25 x 25 x 62,5 cm 18,10
101.007.0001 without holes for ties 8,90
101.007.0002 with holes for ties 8,90

Subject to technical changes

98 Modular/GE Universal Formwork

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

Inside corner 135 Outside corner post

101.017.0002 12,5 x 12,5 x 75 cm 12,60 103.006.0000 125 cm 6,40

Outside corner 135 Hinged corner post

101.017.0001 25 x 25 x 75 cm 20,50 9,5 x 9,5 x 125 cm
103.007.0001 without holes for ties 17,70
103.007.0002 with holes for ties 17,70 7

Plastic filler piece

101.011.1010 1 x 75 cm 0,50
1 3 cm
101.011.1020 2 x 75 cm 1,00
Inside corner 135
101.011.1030 3 x 75 cm 1,50
4 cm 103.017.0002 12,5 x 12,5 x 125 cm 20,20
101.011.1040 4 x 75 cm 2,00

Filler plate with openings

for ties (for compensa- Outside corner 135
tions of 3/5/7 cm) 103.017.0001 25 x 25 x 125 cm 32,60
101.012.0005 8 x 75 cm 3,90

Plastic filler piece

Panel 103.011.1010 1 x 125 cm 0,85
1 3 cm 103.011.1020 2 x 125 cm 1,70
103.001.1000 100 x 125 cm 49,50
103.001.0750 75 x 125 cm 37,50 103.011.1030 3 x 125 cm 2,55
4 cm
103.001.0600 60 x 125 cm 29,30 103.011.1040 4 x 125 cm 3,45
103.001.0500 50 x 125 cm 26,30
103.001.0450 45 x 125 cm 21,60
Filler plate with openings
103.001.0430 43 x 125 cm 21,00
for ties (for compensa-
103.001.0400 40 x 125 cm 20,10 tions of 3/5/7 cm)
103.001.0370 37 x 125 cm 19,20 103.012.0005 8 x 125 cm 6,50
103.001.0350 35 x 125 cm 18,60
103.001.0330 33 x 125 cm 18,00
103.001.0300 30 x 125 cm 17,10 Panel
103.001.0250 25 x 125 cm 15,60 104.001.1000 100 x 150 cm 59,00
103.001.0240 24 x 125 cm 15,30 104.001.0750 75 x 150 cm 44,50
103.001.0200 20 x 125 cm 14,10 104.001.0600 60 x 150 cm 35,40
103.001.0150 15 x 125 cm 12,60 104.001.0500 50 x 150 cm 31,40
103.001.0120 12 x 125 cm 11,70 104.001.0450 45 x 150 cm 25,80
103.001.0100 10 x 125 cm 11,10 104.001.0430 43 x 150 cm 25,00
104.001.0400 40 x 150 cm 23,80
104.001.0370 37 x 150 cm 22,80
Filler post 104.001.0350 35 x 150 cm 22,10
103.003.0060 6 x 125 cm 9,10 104.001.0330 33 x 150 cm 21,40
103.003.0050 5 x 125 cm 8,60 104.001.0300 30 x 150 cm 20,40
104.001.0250 25 x 150 cm 18,70
104.001.0240 24 x 150 cm 18,30
Inside corner post 104.001.0200 20 x 150 cm 16,90
103.005.0150 15 x 15 x 125 cm 16,60 104.001.0150 15 x 150 cm 15,20
103.005.0130 13 x 13 x 125 cm 15,00 104.001.0120 12 x 150 cm 14,10
104.001.0100 10 x 150 cm 13,40

Subject to technical changes

Modular/GE Universal Formwork 99

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

Filler post Large-size panel GE

104.003.0060 6 x 150 cm 11,60 115.502.2000 200 x 250 cm 258,00
104.003.0050 5 x 150 cm 11,00 115.502.1500 150 x 250 cm 217,00
116.502.2000 200 x 275 cm 280,00
116.502.1500 150 x 275 cm 243,00

Inside corner post

104.005.0150 15 x 15 x 150 cm 19,20
7 104.005.0130 13 x 13 x 150 cm 18,00

Extension panel GE
113.502.2000 200 x 125 cm 140,00
Outside corner post 113.502.1500 150 x 125 cm 117,00
104.006.0000 150 cm 7,60 114.502.2000 200 x 150 cm 165,00
114.502.1500 150 x 150 cm 139,00

Hinged corner post 181.000.0024 GE / TTS clamp 2,85

9,5 x 9,5 x 150 cm adjustable 0-5 cm
104.007.0001 without holes for ties 21,20
104.007.0002 with holes for ties 21,20

181.000.0027 Panel clamp GE / TTS 3,90

(with round wedge)

Inside corner 135

104.017.0002 12,5 x 12,5 x 150 cm 24,10
181.000.0004 Suspending piece GE 4,30
for props and walers
cpl. (without bolt)

Outside corner 135

104.017.0001 25 x 25 x 150 cm 38,90
181.000.0043 Combination waler 34,00
190 cm

Plastic filler piece

104.011.1010 1 x 150 cm 1,00 181.000.0044 GE waler strap cpl. 3,50
104.011.1020 2 x 150 cm 2,00
1 3 cm
104.011.1030 3 x 150 cm 3,00
104.011.1040 4 x 150 cm 4,00
4 cm

189.001.0031 Waler guide 100 0,50

Waling length 10 cm
Filler plate with openings
for ties (for compensa-
tions of 3/5/7 cm)
104.012.0005 8 x 150 cm 7,80
189.001.0032 Waler guide 240 0,70
Waling length 24 cm

Subject to technical changes

100 Modular/GE Universal Formwork

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

181.000.0028 Crane lifting clamp GE 6,50 Spacer strap

Admissible capacity 189.001.0020 6 - 50 cm 1,50
1.200 kg
189.001.0021 50 - 120 cm 3,50

189.001.0086 Tie rod guide 0,75

189.001.0100 Keybolt 0,19


189.001.0071 Bracing channel 0,60

189.001.0105 5 pin keybolt 0,30 support bracket

Bracing channel
189.001.0066 35 cm 1,50
189.001.0079 Panel clamp 0,85
189.001.0067 85 cm 4,00

Waling clamp with

Tie rod wedge cpl.
consisting of:
189.006.0650 DW 15 x 65 cm 0,19
670.000.0013 Waling clamp 2,00
189.006.1000 DW 15 x 100 cm 1,40
Welding is 670.000.0014 Clamping piece 0,55
189.006.1350 DW 15 x 135 cm 1,85
not possible 189.001.0000 Wedge 0,16
189.006.1500 DW 15 x 150 cm 2,10

189.001.0017 Fixing bracket 0,45

189.001.0001 Wing nut DW 15 0,46 for plywood 21 mm

189.002.0008 Crane lifting clamp KA 4,00

Admissible capacity
189.001.0002 Hexagon nut DW 15 0,20 600 kg

189.003.0000 Assembly tool 3,90

189.001.0059 Plate with ball-and- 1,10

socket joint DW 15
10 x 14 cm
(Inclination max. 12)
Transportation angle
180.000.0012 for 12 panels of same 4,70
189.001.0060 Counterplate 1,60
12 x 12 x 1,5 cm 280.000.0042 for 20 panels of same 8,00
21 mm size

Subject to technical changes

Modular/GE Universal Formwork 101

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg

Transportation box
hot-dip galvanized
189.002.0003 120 x 80 x 61 cm 93,50

Platform bracket cpl.

7 189.004.0013 90 cm 11,00
189.004.0010 120 cm 14,50

181.000.0049 Stop end guide GE cpl. 3,10

181.000.0084 Connecting bow 2,45

for plywood 21 mm

Foundation strap
180.001.0200 20 cm 0,28
180.001.0250 25 cm 0,32
180.001.0300 30 cm 0,35
180.001.0350 35 cm 0,38
180.001.0400 40 cm 0,42
180.001.0450 45 cm 0,44
180.001.0500 50 cm 0,48
180.001.0600 60 cm 0,54

Polygonal filler post

100.014.0001 4,66 x 62,5 cm 2,90
101.014.0001 4,66 x 75 cm 3,40
103.014.0001 4,66 x 125 cm 5,80
104.014.0001 4,66 x 150 cm 6,90

Polygonal filler post

100.014.0002 9,02 x 62,5 cm 3,20
101.014.0002 9,02 x 75 cm 3,90
103.014.0002 9,02 x 125 cm 6,50
104.014.0002 9,02 x 150 cm 7,80

Subject to technical changes

102 Modular/GE Universal Formwork


Golden Mile, UAE-Dubai; Fa. Al Shafar General Contracting Co., UAE-Dubai

Modular/GE Universal Formwork 103

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu
Technical data
Max. concrete pressure LOGO.3 70 kN/m as per DIN 18218
LOGO alu 60 kN/m as per DIN 18218
Tolerances of deection According to DIN 18202, table 3, line 6
Panel heights LOGO.3 340/305/270/240/135/90/75 cm
LOGO alu 270 / 135 cm
Frame depth 12 cm
Frame LOGO.3 Proled at steel frame of high-strength steel
LOGO alu Angle section, powder-coated
Cross section LOGO.3 Omega prole, suitable to take accessories
LOGO alu Rectangular hollow prole, suitable to take accessories, powder-coated
Plywood 15 mm thick 11-ply Finnish birch plywood
Tie rod DW 15, max. safe working load 90 kN (not weldable)
Large-size panels LOGO.3 240 x 340/240 x 305/240x270 cm, can be used in vertical or horizontal position
Midi-panel 135 x 270 cm, can be used in vertical or horizontal position
Panel widths LOGO.3 90 / 75 / 60 / 55 / 50 / 45 / 40 / 30 / 25 / 20 cm
LOGO alu 90 / 75 / 60 / 55 / 50 / 45/40/30 cm
Multi-purpose panel LOGO.3 Outside corner panel, wall thickness 10 50 cm
Variable column formwork 20 75 cm in steps of 5 cm
LOGO alu Outside corner panel, wall thickness 10 35 cm
Variable column formwork 20 60 cm in steps of 5 cm
Steel ller pieces Widths 5 / 6 cm with openings for ties
Plastic ller pieces Widths 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 cm
Fixing post Compensations with 21 mm plywood
Inside corner post Leg length 25 cm
Hinged corner post Inside Leg length 30 cm, adjustable from 60 - 180 degrees
Fixing for 60 / 90 / 135 degrees
Outside Leg length 12,5 cm, adjustable from 60 180 degrees
Wedge clamp Connecting piece Panels, max. tension 7 kN
Combi clamp Connecting piece LOGO-Modular/GE; LOGO-Trapez
Multi clamp Connecting piece Variable up to compensation of 10 cm
Locking screw Connecting piece Multi-purpose panels
Plastic ller pieces up to 12 cm
Steel ller pieces 5 and 6 cm
Height extensions
Stop ends
Max. tension force in screw axis 22 kN
Max. shear force 20 kN
Spacer channel Stop end and tensioning on top
Wall thickness 15 50 cm in steps of 5 cm (24 / 36,5 cm)
Combination rail Compensations
Height extensions
Max. height 8,10 m with pre-assembly in horizontal position
2 combination rails per large-size panel
1 combination rail per compensation panel
Crane lifting clamp Crane transport up to 30 m formwork Logo.3
Max. safe working load 1200 kg
Loading auxiliary For crane transport of bundled panels
Maximum 1300 kg (4 loading auxiliaries)
Tie rod guide Reduction of ties in the concrete
Platform bracket Walking width 1 m
Max. safe working load for 2 m bracket spacing 3 kN/m
Suspending piece for props For connecting supports to formwork
Support for walers DW15 Fixing of squared timbers, wooden girders,
supporting jacks and steel walers to cross sections
Clamp range 6 20 cm
Panel support Fixing of formwork on climbing brackets
Adjustment unit Vertical adjustment of formwork on climbing brackets
Flexible wall formwork
PASCHAL LOGO.3 wall formwork is available
in a comprehensive panel assortment, which
allows it to be used exibly, whatever the
ground plan of your building. With large-size
panels ranging from 2.40 metres in width
right down to narrow, plastic ller pieces,
this product reects the principle practiced
by PASCHAL of offering a system that com-
prises all types of formwork activity. This
avoids the need for expensive additional
8 site work and minimises construction times,
whether a large-area formwork construction
is required a smaller scale complex ground
plan is to be followed.

With a maximum permissible poured con-

crete pressure level of 70 kN/m, in line with
DIN 18218, LOGO.3 fulls the tolerances of
deection laid down by DIN 18202, table 3,
line 6.

The facing material is 15-mm-thick, 11-ply,

phenolic resin coated Finnish birch plywood.
This is worked directly into the formwork
panels and includes omega prole for extra
support. This results in a high quality con- Residential block in Dettingen/Ems; MHB Stumm GmbH, D-Mnsingen

crete surface.

Residential and business block in Knokke-Heist, Belgium; Furnibo bvba, Veurne in Belgium

106 Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu

Light and solid frame - Varied applications
For use on building sites where no crane is
available, this system comprises lightweight
aluminium panels that can be positioned by
hand. This system uses the same accessories
as the steel panels. It is also possible to use
aluminium and steel panels together.

Cellar in residential building, D-Ergolding; Lachermeier GmbH, D-Ergolding

The LOGO frame is made of extra-hard,

5-mm-thick at-rolled steel, proled for
additional stability. This solid prole is more
resistant to mechanical stress, for instance
from hammer blows, than a hollow prole.
On the other hand, should damage ever
occur, something which cannot be avoided
in everyday use on site, this type of prole
also allows repairs to be carried out. This
results in a considerable increase in the
service life of formwork which is subjected
to repeated use.

Solid and robust

Impact resistant
Easy to repair
Long service life

Foundation strip for motorway bridge, CZ Plzen; Co. Berger Bohemia, a.g., CZ Plzen

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 107

Large-size formwork panels
- fairfaced concrete
The special characteristics of large-size pa-
nels display several advantages when using
LOGO.3 formwork in large building sections,
the rst of which is a considerable reduction
in the number of ties per square metre of
wall area.

For example, the 240 x 270 cm panel only

8 has four ties, which translates to a rate of
0,62 tie holes per square metre for a form- Building for production, D-Haslach; Fa. Singler Bau, D-Hofstetten

work area of 6,5 m. This minimises the cost

of materials and labour for setting the re-
quired xings and sealing the holes.

A further benet is that only a small number

of connectors (wedge clamps) are needed,
since only few butt joints occur when using
large-size panels, even over a large wall

All of these factors together result in ex-

cellent formwork times while fullling the
stringent demands of the concrete surface,
without necessitating any further measures.

Few butt joints

Few accessories needed
Low number of tie holes
Excellent formwork times Storage building, D-Schwarzen; Schubnell Bau GmbH, D-Titisee-Neustadt

Optimum concrete surface results

Panel Number of tie

holes per m of
wall area
240 x 270 cm 0,62
240 x 305 cm 0,55 LOGO.3 midi-panel 340 x 135 cm
240 x 340 cm 0,49
340 x 270 cm 0,65

LOGO.3 large-size panel 340 x 270 cm

108 Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu

Comprehensive range of panels
The comprehensive LOGO.3 panel assortment
includes not only large-size panels but also
small panel widths, in a 5-cm grid dimension,
as well as steel ller pieces in widths of
5 cm and 6 cm. This allows to perform rapid
formwork construction for all dimensions
in this gradation, without the need for on-
site solutions, even if only a certain selection
of panel widths is available.

Example: 5-cm Grid
45 cm + 50 cm = 95 cm
50 cm + 50 cm = 100 cm
50 cm + 50 cm + 5 cm
= 105 cm
50 cm + 55 cm
55 cm + 50 cm + 5 cm
= 110 cm
55 cm + 55 cm
Residential building, D-Magdeburg; Oevermann GmbH, D-Magdeburg Plus many more possible combinations.

In addition to this, plastic ller pieces are

available in widths between 1 cm and 4 cm,
creating a system which allows for the con-
struction of formwork in whatever dimen-
sions are required.

Rapid application, because system per-

mits construction for all ground plan
Main collector, Saal; D-Neunkircher Baugesellschaft, No additional on-site formwork required
D-Neunkirchen Considerable reduction in time spent on

Residential building, Ch-Wangen/SZ;

Rusterholz, CH-Wangen/SZ

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 109

Panel height 340 cm
The panels have a height of 340 cm without
joint and offer the additional advantage of
allowing formwork to be created for large
wall heights, without the need for addi-
tional extensions, for instance using two
panels to achieve heights of up to 6,80
metres. This precludes the need for using a
large number of small panels and accessory
items, which in turn considerably reduces
both labour costs and forming times. When
8 used at a storey level of 3,40 metres, only
two ties are necessary at panel level.

New construction Haka-Gerodur, CH-Benken; Fllmi AG, CH-Pfffikon

Blankenstein castle quarter, D-Hattingen; Gebr. Brun GmbH, D-Heiden

110 Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu

Panel height 340 cm
All panel widths have a full-height (shafted)
plywood to allow for the fullment of
stringent exposed concrete requirements.
Of course, even with this panel height, all
types of accessories, including connectors,
clamps, platform brackets, supports and rails
Storage depot, D-Lippetal; Grndker, D-Glandorf can be used without restriction. Depending
on the height of the concrete, horizontal
applications are also possible.

School centre, D-Werlte; Brmmer, D-Werlte

Childrens day centre and sports hall, D-Penzberg; Klaiser Bau GmbH, D-Klais

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 111

Vertical/horizontal placement for an ordered joint structure
Different projects generally require different
concrete heights. To remain exible in the
face of changing requirements, all LOGO.3 270 x 90
formwork panels can be used vertically or
horizontally, singly or in combination. Un-
derground garages, for example, often have

240 x 270
90 x 270
relatively low walls. It is therefore possible
to use a 240 x 270 cm large-size panel in a
horizontal position, whereas it would be 270 x 240
employed vertically for an apartment wall.
To achieve greater wall or formwork heights,
it is possible to combine two or more panels
in rows. All combinations can be used either
vertically or horizontally. Vertical usage Horizontal usage

Optimum alignment to any wall height

Minimum warehouse stock

Warehouse, D-Endingen; Ernst Spth, D-Endingen

Building for production, D-Haslach; Fa. Singler Bau, D-Hofstetten

112 Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu

Simple mounting of accessories
A complete formwork system includes not
only the formwork panels, but also accessories,
such as adjustable props (for redirecting and
deecting wind loads), platform brackets
(for working safety) and combination rails
(for alignment of larger formwork heights).

These parts must be mounted to the form-

work panels in sufcient quantity. To this
end, with Logo panels, all transverse proles
are fashioned to x accessories (omega 8
proles), allowing fast and exible assembly.

Platform brackets With all assembly components, mounting

is always according to the same principle,
that of the T-head.

1 Insert T-head
2 Turn T-head
3 Lock

It makes no difference whether the panels

are vertical or horizontal, since the insertion
or twist direction can always be adjusted
by 90. The mounting principle is therefore
always the same.
Continuous transverse profile Suspending piece for props

Rapid mounting of accessory parts
Flexible mounting of accessory parts
Same mounting principle applies at all

1 - Insert 2 - Turn 3 - Lock

Combination rail

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 113

Wedge clamps
The connector used for LOGO.3 is the wedge Ergonomic in use Robust
clamp, which is placed at the vertical and Low weight Can be assembled and disassembled quickly
horizontal joints between panels. The special
feature of this connector is the curved wedge,
which can be hit frontally, where there is
always sufcient space, both when closing
and opening. This is particularly benecial
with storey-high formwork, especially with
the lower and upper wedge clamps and around
inside corner posts or hinged corner posts.
With a weight of only 1,60 kg, the wedge clamp
is a lightweight among clamp connectors.

Multi Clamp
With the Multi Clamp it is possible to add a Ergonomic design Quick assembly and disassembly
ller piece in a joint between two LOGO.3 Adjusting range steplessly variable from Art. Nr: N187.500.0004
or LOGO alu panels. The width of a joint can 0-10 cm Weight: 5,30 kg
be varied steplessly between 0 and 10 cm! Robust

On a joint of 2.70 m height three Multi

Clamps placed on the omega pro les are
necessary to tighten and perfectly align
the formwork.

114 Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu

Locking screw
1 2 As a universal connector, the locking screw
fulls a number of functions in a formwork

1 To connect a compensation panel and a

multi-purpose panel around a 90 corner
2 To connect a multi-purpose panel with
another multi-purpose panel around a
3 To connect a spacer channel at a stop
end 8
4 To connect a xing post for balancing
residual space
5 To connect two panels instead of using
a wedge clamp
6 To connect two panels incl. llers up to
12 cm instead of using a multi-clamp

3 4 This simplies the scheduling and handling

of materials at the building site because it
is always concerns the same part.

Universal application
Simple material management
Alternative as place reducing connector

5 6

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 115

Multi-purpose panel
The multi-purpose panel is the most exible 1 2
element within the LOGO system. Additional
welded-in hole proles mean that it can be
used together with the locking screw for:

1 90corners
2 Columns
3 Stop ends

The bore holes in the hole proles also allow

8 the user to set ties (also internally), for:

4 Longitudinal joints
5 Transverse joints
6 Multi-purpose panels as wall panels

This results in a high efficiency of the

material employed.

Universal application
Reduction in need to stock various
panel widths

High deployment rate

Good forming times

1 Multi Multi

135 50 Multi 135


75 Multi
6 3



116 Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu

Midi panel
A medium-dimensioned large-size panel,
the 135-cm-wide Midi panel has a number
of benets both in vertical and horizontal
orientations. Altogether eight tying options
are available for this panel, four of which
are internal. Depending on the use, it can be
tied so as to minimise the total number of
tie holes required.

Horizontal placement (H = 135 cm):

Lower tie holes internal 8
Extension headquarter Albanese construction material, CH-Winterthur Upper tie holes external

Vertical placement (H = 270 cm):

Externally positioned tie holes

135 135 135 Connection with existing walls (H = 270 cm):

One side internal
Other side external

Furthermore, the 135-cm-wide Midi panel

lls the gap between the 240-cm-wide
large-size panel and the compensation
panels, which begin at 90 cm. For lling in
remaining distances, it is often sufcient to
use one Midi panel instead of two smaller
panels. Midi panels can be transported with
a small lorry suitable for small loads.

Flexible application as wall panel

Can be used both horizontally and ver-
Reduces the need to stock various panel
High repeated usage
Reduces tie requirements to a minimum

Residential building, D-Aschheim; Feist Urban, D-Angelbrechting

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 117

Foundations and stop-end formwork
The narrow panel widths or small panel
heights of the LOGO.3 range can be used
with foundations or oor slab stop-end
formwork. Both aluminium and steel panels
are suitable. They are light enough to be
moved by hand, which means that a crane
is not necessarily required for foundation

The foundation strap is a practical and

8 favourably priced alternative as a lower
formwork anchor. It is simple to lay, requires
no additional connecting elements to the
formwork panels and still absorbs all acting
forces safely. As a hidden anchor, it also
saves having to provide additional working
space and perform expensive digging.

Possible to work without a crane

Lower cost than conventional formwork
Use of foundation strap saves digging
and resealing of large working space

Residential building, CH-Lachen; Walker Bau-Unternehmung AG, CH-Altendorf

Residential building, CH-Trachslau;

Franz Zrcher AG, CH-Einsiedeln

EP transformation substation, CH-Altendorf; Walker Bau-Unternehmung AG, CH-Altendorf

118 Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu

Formwork for rectangular or square column
sections between 20 cm and 75 cm length
(60 cm for LOGO alu) can be made in accor-
dance with the windmill principle using four
LOGO.3 multi-purpose panels. Additional
proles are available in the multi-purpose
panels, which allows for joining using a
locking screw. The gradation is 5 cm. Other
shore column sections are also available,
for example angular. Inside corner posts
and smaller panel dimensions are then used. 8
For larger column sections, the required ties
can be set in the panels or the entire column
formwork is surrounded with steel walers.

For more details on column formwork, please

see the chapter of that name in this hand-
book and in the technical information.

Multi-purpose panel as column formwork

Side length 20 75 cm
Gradation 5 cm
Rectangular, square

Garage, CH-Kerns; Baumeier Leitungsbau AG, CH-Luzern




New ski station, CH-Oberterzen; Day school, D-Burgweinting; Anton Aumer Bau GmbH,
Toneatti AG, CH-Bilten D-Obertrbenbach

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 119

Housing projects
The LOGO.3 range has proven itself in
apartment block construction thanks to its
comprehensive panel assortment in heights
and widths. It is therefore able to cope with
the entire range of requirements occurring
on all building sites. Complex and angular
ground plans can be casted without the
need for additional local formwork as easily
as straight walls. The secret lies in selecting
the right combination of all available panels,
8 beginning with the 240-cm-wide large-size
panel and moving all the way down to the
5 cm and 6 cm steel ller pieces or 1-4 cm
plastic ller pieces. With the 1 cm grid
dimension, all wall lengths can be casted
from the smallest bay or shaft to a fully-
dimensioned wall. Residential building, CH-Lachen; Walker Bau-Unternehmung AG, CH-Altendorf

Even if right angles are also required or cor-

ners with acute or obtuse angles, or height
offsets are to be balanced out, the available
small parts mean that the solution remains
economic, thanks to its systemic nature,
and no expensive compensational construc-
tion is necessary, that would otherwise
have to be manufactured especially for
the purpose. The combination of panels in
vertical and horizontal orientation, with or
without extension, means that many pos-
sibilities for height adjustment are available
on site.

There are clearly no limits to the exibility

and adaptability of LOGO.3 formwork.
Residential building, D-Teltow; Baucon Service GmbH, D-Teltow

Residential building, D-Engen; Steuer Bau GmbH, D-Blumberg Kommingen

120 Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu

Shafts - easy dismantling
Shafts exist in a wide variety of sizes, shapes
and functions. Due to the cramped condi-
tions, it is generally a very difcult process
50 50 50 to construct formwork, since the inner form-

work is under tension.

135 In order to allow for the required formwork
adjustment, a LOGO.3 ller plate is attached
45 around the wall centre of each side of the

shaft. This plate bridges a free space of

between 5 and 10 cm, thus simplifying the
process of formwork dismantling. 8

Adjustable filler plate as part of the




50 50 50

When large numbers of shafts are to be

constructed, the interior formwork can be
made in folding form. Hinged corner posts
are integrated into the corners and the
wall panels, allowing the entire shaft to
be folded and adjusted with a single crane
application. In this manner, it is possible to
avoid the constant, cost-intensive casting
and dismantling processes over several

Folding shaft can be implemented as a


Building for administration , CH-Balzers; Meisterbau AG, CH-Balzers

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 121

Industrial construction
Industrial construction commonly involves
halls, which are erected for the purposes
of manufacturing, storing, or selling a wide
variety of products. The adaptability of
LOGO.3 formwork is just as important with
these buildings, as they do not only involve
the construction of large wall panels, but
they also require smaller areas for lift shafts,
stairwells, and administrative areas. Addi-
tional demands on the formwork can come
from columns, oblique angles or wall breaks. Building for administration, CH-Siebnen; Koller Akkord GmbH, CH-Pfffikon
The comprehensive panel assortment in
heights and widths in the LOGO.3 formwork
range again guarantees the ability to work
with a system, without the need for on-site

Building for administration and production, D-St.

Retaining wall, Hermeskeil; Max Dpre GmbH, Hermeskeil Georgen; Kaltenbach Bau GmbH, D-Tennenbronn

Warehouse, D-Kaiserslautern; Linnebacher Bau GmbH, D-Neunkirchen

122 Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu

Civil engineering
The 240-cm-wide large-size panels in heights
of 270 cm, 305 cm, and 340 cm mean that the
LOGO.3 range is a formwork system that is
highly suitable for use in civil engineering. It
is common in this eld to be faced with the
task of providing formwork and concrete
construction for large areas using few in-
dividual sections, as economically and with
as high a quality as possible.

In the case of high walls, it is possible to 8

create several rows of large-size panels,
and the sturdy combination rail ensures
that the entire unit possesses a sufcient
level of rigidity. The LOGO.3 is not affected
by repeated dropping and lifting for large-
area repositioning or cleaning. Alignment is
maintained, even in terms of height.

The use of large-size panels also results in

an ordered pointing and anchor structure,
with a low number of joints. The number of
ties required is also kept to a minimum.

Additionally, the installed high-quality, sin-

gle-piece plywood enables perfect concrete

Lalong bridge, F-Lalong; EIFFAGE TP Ag. de Clermont-Ferrand, F-Lempdes

Rain retention basin, D-Gttingen; Tief-, Wasserund

Bypass road, D-Brel, Westa-Bau GmbH, D-Ludwigslust Erdbau GmbH, D-Uder

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 123

LOGO alu - solid aluminium formwork
LOGO alu formwork is light and can be
moved by hand, while possessing virtually
all characteristics of a large area system. It
is suitable for use on building sites where
no crane is available.

The largest panel is 90 cm wide and 270 cm

high, yet weighs only 59 kg while still offer-
ing a form area of 2,43 m. For the entire
system, a poured concrete pressure of
8 60 kN/m by DIN 18218 is permissible. Handles
are included in all panels to simplify trans-
portation and installation.

LOGO alu is also available in a comprehen-

sive panel assortment, all the way down to
5 and 6 cm steel ller pieces and 1-4 cm
plastic ller pieces, removing the need for
extra on-site solutions, and ensuring that
formwork costs remain low whatever the
project. All accessories from the steel range
can be used (wedge clamps, locking screw,
platform bracket, spacer channel, props,

Low weight to enable manual operation

Comprehensive panel assortments
Compatible with LOGO.3 Residential building, CH-Cortaillod; Duckert Pierre SA; CH-Areuse

Same accessories
Same functional profile
Robust frame

Residential building, D-Eichenau; Franz Hipke, D-Germering

124 Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu

LOGO alu - solid aluminium formwork

For this reason, it is also possible to mix

steel and aluminium panels. This can be of
benet in situations where a crane is avail-
able on the site but it is not continuously
available for formwork activities. Small wall
sections or corner areas can be formed in
a single work cycle using the aluminium
panels, and the crane reserved for large
wall sections (using large-size panels).

Cellar in residential building, D-Ergolding; Lachermeier GmbH, D-Ergolding

Residential building, D-Unterschmeien; Rudolf Stauss, D-Unterschmeien

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 125

Single-sided wall formwork
Together with supporting jacks, LOGO.3
formwork is also used with walls requiring
single-sided formwork. A variety of jack
dimensions, from 1,50 m to 6,00 m is avail-
able for working with various wall heights.

The supporting jacks are joined to the

formwork panels where they divert the
pressure and buoyancy forces from the
concrete via integrated anchors into the
8 ground.

For further details regarding single-sided

formwork, please see the respective chapter
in this handbook as well as the technical
information for LOGO.3.

School, D-Saterland; Alfred Deters GmbH & Co KG, D-Cloppenburg

Production hall, D-Hanau; Schaab GmbH, D-Alzenau Sewage works, D-Saarbrcken-Jgersfreude; Ottweiler Baugesellschaft, D-Ottweiler

126 Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu

To use LOGO.3 as climbing formwork, both
rigid and slidable 2,00 m climbing brackets
are available.

These are joined by means of surface cover-

ings to form platforms and then combined
with the formwork, to enable platform and
formwork to be repositioned as a single
unit when moving from one cycle to the
For further details regarding climbing form-
work, please see the respective chapter in
this handbook as well as the technical in-
formation for LOGO.3.

Alternatively, PASCHAL also offers the KBK

180 working and protection scaffold, which
is supplied to the building site ready made,
and only requires opening up and placing
in position.

Staircase at Woll Maschinenbau GmbH, D-Saarbrcken; Linnebacher Bau GmbH, D-Neunkirchen

Dojlidy Brewery, Bialystok, Poland; Przedsiebiorstwo Eko-System Kostro, Radlmacher, Tobiaszeweski, Bialystok, Pola

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 127

Concreting platform
As complete part, the concreting platform
is comprised of two stiffening brackets, the
boarding and a guard railing. All compon-
ents are connected together by articulating
joints and can be folded up in a space-sa-
ving way for transport or storage.

To use the concreting platform on the

formwork, the guard railing and the sus-
pending pieces are folded out, and the
8 complete platform can be hung on the
formwork. The locking device of the plat-
form latches automatically to the formwork
panel after the crane tackle is released. At
this point the board surface is roughly 30
cm below the upper edge of the formwork.
The platform can be connected to standing
and lying panels, but also to several small
panels. Compensation elements between
two platforms are possible up to a length
of 1.00 m.

This means that the time consuming and

consequently expensive installation of in-
dividual platform brackets, which must be
supplemented by on-site boards and planks
as lateral protection, is unnecessary.

Thats why the concreting platform is the

faster and more economical way to set up
a safe working area with a width of 1.10 m
and a length of 2.40 m. Added to that, all
of the components necessary for safety are
always automatically included on the main
part. A lateral protection for the stop-end
is also available.

Unfolded and installed quickly as com-

plete part
No repeated loss and repurchase of
timber for boarding and railings
Wide and safe work area
Permissible surface load 1,50 kN/m

128 Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

large-size panel hinged corner post,
179.001.2400 240 x 340 cm 398,00
179.007.0001 12,5 x 12,5 x 340 cm 66,00

LOGO.3 panel LOGO.3
179.001.0900 90 x 340 cm 122,00 hinged corner post,
179.001.0750 75 x 340 cm 107,50
179.001.0600 60 x 340 cm 94,00
179.007.0002 30 x 30 x 340 cm 116,50
179.001.0550 55 x 340 cm 88,50
179.001.0500 50 x 340 cm 85,00
179.001.0450 45 x 340 cm 81,00
179.001.0400 40 x 340 cm 75,50
179.001.0300 30 x 340 cm 65,00
179.001.0250 25 x 340 cm 58,00
179.001.0200 20 x 340 cm 53,50

multi-purpose panel plastic filler piece

179.004.0900 90 x 340 cm 162,00 179.011.1010 1 x 340 cm 3,70

179.011.1020 2 x 340 cm 7,40
179.011.1030 3 x 340 cm 10,10
179.011.1040 4 x 340 cm 14,80
179.011.1050 5 x 340 cm 19,40
179.011.1060 6 x 340 cm 23,20

LOGO.3 LOGO.3 filler plate

inside corner post galvanized

179.005.0250 25 x 25 x 340 cm 78,00 179.012.0002 5-10 x 340 cm 24,50

LOGO.3 LOGO.3 fixing post

outside corner post
179.013.0001 4 x 340 cm, 9,80
179.006.0001 340 cm 39,50 for 21 mm plywood
179.013.0002 4 x 340 cm, 9,60
for 27 mm plywood

Subject to technical changes

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 129

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

large-size panel hinged corner post,
178.001.2400 240 x 305 cm 360,00
178.007.0001 12,5 x 12,5 x 305 cm 58,50

LOGO.3 panel LOGO.3
178.001.0900 90 x 305 cm 109,00 hinged corner post,
178.001.0750 75 x 305 cm 96,00
178.001.0600 60 x 305 cm 84,00
178.007.0002 30 x 30 x 305 cm 105,00
178.001.0550 55 x 305 cm 79,00
178.001.0500 50 x 305 cm 76,00
178.001.0450 45 x 305 cm 71,50
178.001.0400 40 x 305 cm 67,50
178.001.0300 30 x 305 cm 58,00
178.001.0250 25 x 305 cm 51,50
178.001.0200 20 x 305 cm 48,00
plastic filler piece
multi-purpose panel 178.011.1010 1 x 305cm 3,30
178.011.1020 2 x 305 cm 6,60
178.011.1030 3 x 305 cm 9,90
178.004.0900 90 x 305 cm 144,50 178.011.1040 4 x 305 cm 13,20
178.011.1050 5 x 305 cm 17,40
178.011.1060 6 x 305 cm 20,90

LOGO.3 filler plate

LOGO.3 galvanized
inside corner post
178.012.0002 5-10 x 305 cm 21,50

178.005.0250 25 x 25 x 305 cm 70,00

LOGO.3 LOGO.3 fixing post

outside corner post
178.013.0001 4 x 305 cm, 8,80
for 21 mm plywood
178.006.0001 305 cm 36,50 178.013.0002 4 x 305 cm, 8,60
for 27 mm plywood

Subject to technical changes

130 Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

large-size panel multi-purpose panel

176.001.3400 340 x 270 cm 461,00 176.004.0900 90 x 270 cm 126,80

large-size panel LOGO alu
multi-purpose panel
176.001.2400 240 x 270 cm 311,00
176.904.0750 75 x 270 cm 60,10

LOGO.3 midi-panel

176.001.1350 135 x 270 cm 199,00 LOGO.3

inside corner post
176.005.0250 25 x 25 x 270 cm 61,40

LOGO alu
inside corner post
176.905.0250 25 x 25 x 270 cm 42,00

LOGO.3 panel
176.001.0900 90 x 270 cm 95,60
176.001.0750 75 x 270 cm 84,20
176.001.0600 60 x 270 cm 73,80
outside corner post
176.001.0550 55 x 270 cm 69,40
176.001.0500 50 x 270 cm 67,00 176.006.0001 270 cm 31,50
176.001.0450 45 x 270 cm 62,60
176.001.0400 40 x 270 cm 59,20
176.001.0300 30 x 270 cm 51,00
176.001.0250 25 x 270 cm 45,40
176.001.0200 20 x 270 cm 42,00

LOGO alu panel LOGO.3

176.901.0900 90 x 270 cm 59,90 hinged corner post,
176.901.0750 75 x 270 cm 52,70
176.901.0600 60 x 270 cm 45,50
176.007.0001 12,5 x 12,5 x 270 cm 52,40
176.901.0550 55 x 270 cm 43,10
176.901.0500 50 x 270 cm 41,00
176.901.0450 45 x 270 cm 38,60
176.901.0400 40 x 270 cm 36,20
176.901.0300 30 x 270 cm 30,30

Subject to technical changes

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 131

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

hinged corner post, multi-purpose panel
177.004.0900 90 x 240 cm 116,00
176.007.0002 30 x 30 x 270 cm 92,00

plastic filler piece inside corner post

176.011.1010 1 x 270 cm 3,00 177.005.0250 25 x 25 x 240 cm 57,00

176.011.1020 2 x 270 cm 6,00
176.011.1030 3 x 270 cm 9,00
176.011.1040 4 x 270 cm 12,00
176.011.1050 5 x 270 cm 15,40
176.011.1060 6 x 270 cm 18,50

LOGO.3 filler plate LOGO.3

galvanized outside corner post

176.012.0002 5 -10 x 270 cm 19,50 177.006.0001 240 cm 25,50

LOGO.3 fixing post LOGO.3

hinged corner post,
176.013.0001 4 x 270 cm, 7,80 outside
for 21 mm plywood
176.013.0002 4 x 270 cm, 7,60 177.007.0001 12,5 x 12,5 x 240 cm 48,00
for 27 mm plywood

LOGO.3 panel
177.001.0900 90 x 240 cm 88,60 LOGO.3
177.001.0750 75 x 240 cm 74,60 hinged corner post,
177.001.0600 60 x 240 cm 66,60 inside
177.001.0550 55 x 240 cm 61,70
177.007.0002 30 x 30 x 240 cm 83,00
177.001.0500 50 x 240 cm 59,80
177.001.0450 45 x 240 cm 55,90
177.001.0400 40 x 240 cm 53,00
177.001.0300 30 x 240 cm 45,80
177.001.0250 25 x 240 cm 42,30
177.001.0200 20 x 240 cm 39,80

Subject to technical changes

132 Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

LOGO.3 LOGO.3 panel

plastic filler piece 175.001.0900 90 x 135 cm 53,80
175.001.0750 75 x 135 cm 48,00
177.011.1010 1 x 240 cm 2,60 175.001.0600 60 x 135 cm 41,60
177.011.1020 2 x 240 cm 5,20 175.001.0550 55 x 135 cm 39,80
177.011.1030 3 x 240 cm 7,80 175.001.0500 50 x 135 cm 38,00
177.011.1040 4 x 240 cm 10,40 175.001.0450 45 x 135 cm 35,80
177.011.1050 5 x 240 cm 13,70 175.001.0400 40 x 135 cm 34,60
177.011.1060 6x 240 cm 16,40 175.001.0300 30 x 135 cm 29,00
175.001.0250 25 x 135 cm 24,70 8
175.001.0200 20 x 135 cm 22,90

LOGO.3 filler plate

LOGO alu panel

175.901.0900 90 x 135 cm 36,00

177.012.0002 5 -10 x 240 cm 17,30
175.901.0750 75 x 135 cm 29,50
175.901.0600 60 x 135 cm 25,50
175.901.0550 55 x 135 cm 24,00
175.901.0500 50 x 135 cm 22,50
175.901.0450 45 x 135 cm 21,00
175.901.0400 40 x 135 cm 19,50
175.901.0300 30 x 135 cm 14,50

LOGO.3 fixing post

177.013.0001 4 x 240 cm, 6,90 LOGO.3

for 21 mm plywood multi-purpose panel
177.013.0002 4 x 240 cm, 6,70
for 27 mm plywood 175.004.0900 90 x 135 cm 68,40

LOGO.3 midi-panel
LOGO alu
multi-purpose panel
175.001.3400 340 x 135 cm 258,00

175.904.0750 75 x 135 cm 36,00

LOGO.3 panel
inside corner post
175.005.0250 25 x 25 x 135 cm 33,00
175.001.2400 240 x 135 cm 165,00

LOGO alu
inside corner post
175.905.0250 25 x 25 x135 cm 22,00

Subject to technical changes

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 133

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

LOGO.3 LOGO.3 panel

outside corner post with 8 tie points
175.006.0001 135 cm 15,50
173.001.2700 270 x 90 cm 101,50

hinged corner post, LOGO.3 panel
8 outside
173.001.0900 90 x 90 cm 41,50
175.007.0001 12,5 x 12,5 x 135 cm 28,00
173.001.0750 75 x 90 cm 36,00
173.001.0600 60 x 90 cm 31,00
173.001.0550 55 x 90 cm 29,50
173.001.0500 50 x 90 cm 28,00
173.001.0450 45 x 90 cm 26,50
173.001.0400 40 x90 cm 25,00
hinged corner post,
inside 173.001.0300 30 x 90 cm 21,00
175.007.0002 30 x 30 x 135 cm 46,20 173.001.0250 25 x90 cm 19,00
173.001.0200 20 x 90 cm 17,50

plastic filler piece multi-purpose panel

175.011.1010 1 x 135cm 1,50 173.004.0900 90 x 90 cm 57,50

175.011.1020 2 x 135 cm 3,00
175.011.1030 3 x 135 cm 4,50
175.011.1040 4 x 135 cm 6,00
175.011.1050 5 x 135 cm 7,70
175.011.1060 6 x 135 cm 9,30

inside corner post
LOGO.3 filler plate
galvanized 173.005.0250 25 x 25 x 90 cm 17,00
175.012.0002 5 - 10 x 135 cm 10,00

LOGO.3 fixing post LOGO.3

outside corner post
175.013.0001 4 x 135 cm, 3,90
for 21 mm plywood 173.006.0001 90 cm 9,50
175.013.0002 4 x 135 cm, 3,80
for 27 mm plywood

Subject to technical changes

134 Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

LOGO.3 187.500.0100 LOGO wedge clamp 1,60

hinged corner post,

173.007.0001 12,5 x 12,5 x 90 cm 18,50

187.500.0004 LOGO multi clamp 5,30

variable 0 - 10 cm

hinged corner post,
inside 187.500.0002 LOGO locking screw 1,00
DW 15 x 215 kpl.
173.007.0002 30 x 30 x 90 cm 32,50

plastic filler piece

173.011.1010 1 x 90 cm 1,00
173.011.1020 2 x 90 cm 2,00 Tie rod, bevelled
173.011.1030 3 x 90 cm 3,00
189.006.0850 DW 15 x 85 cm 1,19
173.011.1040 4 x 90 cm 4,00
Welding is 189.006.1000 DW 15 x 100 cm 1,40
173.011.1050 5 x 90 cm 5,20
not possible 189.006.1350 DW 15 x 135 cm 1,85
173.011.1060 6x 90 cm 6,20

LOGO.3 filler plate 189.001.0059 Plate with ball-and- 1,00

galvanized socket joint
DW 15, 10 x 14 cm
173.012.0002 5 -10 x 90 cm 7,20 (inclin. max.12)

187.500.0008 LOGO tie rod guide 2,35

LOGO.3 fixing post

173.013.0001 4 x 90 cm, 2,60

for 21 mm plywood 187.500.0006 LOGO spacer channel 7,10
173.013.0002 4 x 90 cm, 2,50 15 - 50 cm
for 27 mm plywood

Subject to technical changes

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 135

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

187.500.0005 LOGO platform bracket 13,00 187.500.0040 LOGO dismantling aid 6,00
90 cm

187.500.0023 LOGO 1,20

Uni carbide scraper
100 x 850 cm
183.500.0033 LOGO/Athlet Combina- 30,00
tion rail 150 cm

183.500.0040 Hinged bracing 65,00

60 - 180

183.500.0014 LOGO/Athlet Assembly 3,10

187.500.0013 LOGO locking bow for 0,81 and dismantling tool
hinged corner inside
cpl. for 60 / 90 / 135

187.500.0021 Support for walers 1,95

DW 15 187.500.0026 LOGO centering piece 0,98
clamping length
6 - 20 cm

Hook headed bolt

LOGO foundation strap
DW 15

187.501.0120 12,0 cm 0,29

187.500.0022 300/240 0,41
187.501.0150 15,0 cm 0,31
187.500.0024 400/340 0,57
187.501.0175 17,5 cm 0,32
183.500.0034 220/160 0,28
187.501.0200 20,0 cm 0,34
187.501.0240 24,0 cm 0,37
187.501.0250 25,0 cm 0,39
crane lifting clamp 187.501.0300 30,0 cm 0,41
187.501.0350 35,0 cm 0,44
187.500.0091 KLD 3D chromized 6,90 187.501.0365 36,5 cm 0,45
187.500.0090 KLF 3D galvanised 5,80 187.501.0400 40,0 cm 0,47
187.501.0450 45,0 cm 0,50
187.501.0500 50,0 cm 0,54
187.501.0600 60,0 cm 0,60
187.501.0700 70,0 cm 0,67
187.501.0800 80,0 cm 0,74
187.500.0019 LOGO loading auxiliary 0,85
187.501.0900 90,0 cm 0,80
187.501.1000 100,0 cm 0,87

Subject to technical changes

136 Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg

287.500.0008 LOGO Foundation tie 1,70


940.100.0000 Perforated foundation 16,70

tie 50 x 2, roll at 25 m;
distance 5 cm 8

287.500.0045 LOGO transport and 67,60

stacking angle

Complete set
4 transport and stacking
4 Security bolt
12 Corner-piece

187.500.0079 LOGO transport angle 9,20

for 5-10 LOGO-panels

189.002.0003 Transportation box, 93,50

hot-dip galvanized
120 x 80 x 61 cm

Subject to technical changes

Wall formwork LOGO.3 + alu 137

Large-size formwork
Technical data
Max. concrete pressure 92 kN/m according to DIN 18218
Tolerances of deection According to DIN 18202, table 3, line 7
Panel heights 280 / 250 / 140 / 70 cm
Frame depth 16 cm
Frame Rectangular hollow section
Cross section Prole omega, cross prole suitable to take accessories
Plywood 18 mm thick, 13-ply Finnish birch plywood
Tie rod DW 20 max. safe working load 160 kN (not weldable)
Large-size panel 250 x 280 cm, can be used in vertical or horizontal position
4 ties to 7 m surface = 0,57 ties/m
Panel widths 125 / 70 / 65 / 60 / 55 / 50 / 45 / 30 cm
Multi-purpose panel Outside corner panel, wall thickness 1550 cm in steps of 5 cm (24/36,5 cm)
Variable column form, 15 - 80 cm in steps of 5 cm
Fixing post Widths 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 cm
Timber ller pieces Compensations with 21 / 27 mm plywood
Inside corner post Leg length 30 cm
Hinged corner post Inside Leg length 50 cm, Adjustable from 45 180 degrees
Outside Leg length 25 cm, Adjustable from 45 180 degrees
Connecting panel Athlete-Modular Width 15 cm
Clamp Connecting piece Panels
Locking screw Connecting piece Panels
Multi-purpose panels
Timber llers up to 10 cm
Height extensions
Spacer channels
Max. safe working load (axial tension) 27 kN
Max. safe working load (shear force) 41 kN
Spacer channel Stop end and tensioning on top
Wall thickness 15 50 cm in steps of 5 cm (17,5 / 24 / 36,5 cm)
Combination rail Height extensions Max. height 8,40 m with preassembling in horizontal position
No additional tie up to a height extension of 70 cm
2 combination rails per large-size panel
1 combination rail per compensation panel
Crane lifting clamp Crane transportation up to 40 m of formwork
Max. safe working load 1380 kg
Loading auxiliary Crane transportation of bundled panels
Max. 1900 kg (4 loading auxiliaries)
Tie rod guide Reduction of ties in the concrete
Platform bracket Walking width 90 cm
Safe working load capacity 3 kN/m with a bracket distance of 2 m
Suspending piece for props For connecting supports to formwork
Support for walers DW 15 Fixing of squared timbers, wooden girders,
supporting jacks and steel walers to cross sections
Clamp range 6 20 cm
Panel support Fixing of formwork on climbing brackets
Adjustment unit Vertical adjustment of formwork on climbing brackets
The large-size formwork system Athlete is a
steel frame formwork system which is ideal
for the use in industrial and engineering
constructions. It breaks all the records re-
garding the load-carrying capacity of con-
crete pressure, tolerances of deection and
the low number of ties in the concrete.
The well-conceived system also opens up a
large number of possible uses in structural
and civil engineering.

Extreme load-carrying
capacity of concrete
Hollow box sections of high-strength steel
with 16 cm frame depth, trapezoidal or ome-
ga-shaped cross sections, corresponding
material thicknesses and optimum design
allow, when concreting with the Athlete form-
work, a solid concrete pressure of 92 kN/m2
(according to DIN 18218 keeping the to-
lerances of deection complying with DIN
18202, table 3, line 7). Retention reservoir, Wolterdingen; Emil Steidle GmbH & Co. KG, Sigmaringen

Your advantages:

Very high rate of rise

Fast concreting, avoiding risks even at low temperatures or when using retarding agents
Ideal formwork for self compacting concrete
More cost-effective solution for high walls than climbing techniques

Compliance with the strictest deflection tolerances

In spite of the low number of ties Athlete
still has no problems in complying with the
omega profile
strictest deection tolerances dened in
DIN 18202, table 3 line 7 (increased re- 18 mm thick plywood
from Finnish birch
quirements). plywood inner ties
= 0,57 ties/m

frame of hollow box section

with 16 cm frame depth

Athlete large-size panel

92 kN/m 250x280 cm

140 Large-size formwork Athlete

Extremely small number of ties
Tie rod guide
Fewer ties in the concrete always save
costs. Extreme savings are possible when
the ties are particularly expensive, for ex-
Tie rod guide ample when making watertight concrete.
Here Athlete offers huge potential savings,
because fewer expensive water barriers are
required, for example.

The extremely slight density of ties makes

Athlete large-size formwork particularly
economical when making tanks and basins,
for example.

The Athlete:

17 Extremely stable with 16 cm frame depth


More surface area per panel with large-

size panel dimension 250 x 280 cm

Uncompromising use of DW 20 tie rods

105 -150 so that there is no risk of overloaded tie

The top-most large-size panel can always be tensioned The upper ties in the large-size panel can be placed
on top for larger formwork heights. over the panel frame using the tie rod guide, for 4 ties in basic panel
record-breaking value of 0,28 ties per m2 concrete. 250 x 280 cm (= 7,0 m)
= 0,57 ties per m2

Sewage plant, Weinheim; Ed. Zblin AG, Mannheim

Large-size formwork Athlete 141

Panel assortment
For PASCHAL, customised means a range
of panels suitable for reducing time-con-
suming, costly compensations on site to a
minimum. But instead, you can also decide
to work with lesser panel width and more

Greater compensation panel

width for more advantages:

Fewer time-consuming compensations

on site
Thus improved forming times, even for
complicated layouts
Optimum formwork height adjustment,
e.g. when the formwork has to be fitted
under other structures
Simple forming of pilasters, walls, etc.

Residential housing, Heerbrugg/Switzerland; Carnier, Heerbrugg/Switzerland

The large-size panel Compensation panels

Size: 250 x 280 cm Widths: Each cross section can also be used to take
125 / 70 / 65 / 60 / 55 / 50 / 45 / 30 cm accessories.
Four internal ties, suitable for vertical and (Height 280 cm: 7 accessory sections;
horizontal use (h = 280 cm and h = 250 cm), Heights: Height 250 cm: 5 accessory sections;
each cross section can also be used 280 / 250 / 140 cm Height 140 cm: 3 accessory sections)
throughout to take accessories. Also in
format 250 x 140 cm.

250 x 280 cm 125 cm 70 cm 65 cm 60 cm 55 cm 50 cm 45 cm 30 cm

142 Large-size formwork Athlete

Panel connectors and connecting pieces
The Athlete clamp connects all panels quickly
and perfectly, aligning them at the same
Athlete clamp time. Thanks to the frame depth of 16 cm,
this produces an outstanding alignment.
The panel connections are both ush and
The round wedge is closed from the front
which is quicker and easier than closing
from above for the clamps positioned on
top. A formwork hammer is the only tool



Open Closed

1 Improved safety for crane transportation

Locking screw of large units because connected through
the frame. Also useful for height exten-
Locking screw will be used too as an universal connecting sions using panels of different widths
piece. (avoids mismatching heights).
max. tension load = 27 kN max. shear load = 41 kN 2 Compensations from 1 to 10 cm in width
are formed with solid wood cross sec-
2 3 tions. These can consist of one or several
timber filler pieces, or are available with
already existing squared timbers on site.
Locking screws provide the connection.
The locking screws centre and fix the
timber filler pieces so that they cannot
fall into the wall being formed.
3 Connection piece for multi-purpose
panels in all possible uses.
4 No impressions left when storing con-
nected panel units. No longer necessary
1-10 cm
to place storage timbers in between the
layers, and avoids damage to the plywood.
4 5 5 Saves ties at the panel end when used
together with the spacer channel as stop

Large-size formwork Athlete 143

Multi-purpose panel
Application: 90 corners for walls
Multi-purpose panels can be used for 90
corners to reduce the quantity of com- Multi-purpose panel
pensation panels needed for different wall
thicknesses. They allow for wall thicknesses 1
2 36 cm
from 15 to 50 cm in steps of 5 cm. m 3 24 cm
4 17,5 cm 30
Perfection in detail: By turning of the multi-

6 15 cm
purpose panel wall thickness of 17,5 cm, 24 cm 7
20 cm
25 cm
and 36,5 cm can be formed. 9 30 cm
10 35 cm
11 40 cm
12 45 cm
13 50 cm
Compensation panel
9 b

Heights: 280 / 250 / 140 / 70 cm

Width: 100cm
Application: Variable column formwork
Four multi-purpose panels erected at right-
angles to each other produce a perfect, vari- Locking screw
able column formwork for cross sections
from 15 x 15 cm to
80x80 cm. The locking screw acts as con-
necting piece. 15 cm
You can adjust the formwork to all required 40 cm
concreting heights using the panel heights
280/250/140 and 70 cm.

Locking screw

40 cm
80 cm

144 Large-size formwork Athlete

Connection to existing wall
For connections to existing walls (in 90
or as an extension) the U-prole holes of
the multi-purpose panel will be used as tie
rod guides. In this way necessary tie rods
can be xed in a sufcient distance to the

1 1
concrete or a plate strip.

60 10 3
2 Application:



125 70 Multi 250 Straight wall 9
4 2
Multi The multi-purpose panel can also be used
as a simple 100 cm panel.


1 Application: Connection to existing wall

30 Application:
2 Application: Straight wall
3 Application: Stop end Stop end
4 Application: T-Form wall
If no further components (reinforcement)
are to be tted, you can use the Athlete
multi-purpose panel as a stop end. It is joined
to the panels of the wall formwork by means
of locking screws.

T-Form wall
For forming a T-Form wall the multi-purpose
panel will be used opposite to the inside
corner posts

Application: T-Form wall

The multi-purpose panel can be used
for different formwork tasks in many
applications. Due to the holes in the
U-profiles it can be used flexibly for
different wall thickness or sections.
This means also reduced stock of smaller
compensation panels.

Application: T-Form wall Application: Stop end

Large-size formwork Athlete 145

Smooth concrete surfaces and tidy pointing
The 18 mm thick 13-ply plywood of high-
grade Finnish birch plywood is coated with
phenolic resin and guarantees smooth con-
crete surfaces with high usage rates. The
environment-friendly parting compound
PASCHAL P 2000 improves results even
further and reduces cleaning workloads.

All panels of the Athlete formwork can be

used well as vertically as horizontally. There
is always a tidy pointing when using the
ller panels in height 280/250 and 240 cm.
In the same way formwork overhang with
reference to the concrete height can be
reduced to a minimum.

Retention reservoir, Wolterdingen; Emil Steidle GmbH & Co. KG, Sigmaringen
125 x 280 cm

250 x 280 cm

Application vertically Unit thermal power station, Lahr; Ed. Zblin AG, Freiburg

280 x 125 cm

280 x 250 cm

Application horizontally Transport company building, Berneck/Switzerland; Gsthl, Berneck/Switzerland

146 Large-size formwork Athlete

Height extensions/Transporting large-size formwork units
Great concreting and formwork heights are
Athletes domain.

The easy manipulation of large-size panel

units from one step of forming to the next
makes a vital contribution to achieving
good forming times. Athlete offers ideal
prerequisites in this respect:

1. Uncompromising stability
thanks to the combination rail
Formwork units can be erected and dis-
mantled from great heights using the crane
without any fear of the formwork bending
or becoming damaged. This favours rapid
preassembling, intermediate cleaning and
parting compound treatment on the ground.

This means:

Uncompromising stability, even when

erecting and positioning panel units of
up to 8,40 m in height
Outstanding vertical alignment of the
formwork units, thus saving time when
aligning the formwork

The combination rail is connected quickly

Flat silo, Sderbrarup; Max Giese, Bdelsdorf and safely to the omega sections of the
panels by means of two integrated hook
headed connections. The rail lies on the frame
proles and on two omega sections of the
extended panels.

Combination rail
150 cm

2. Athlete crane lifting

clamp KAS
Max. safe working load: 1.380 kg.
A double lifting clamp is capable of lifting
formwork units of up to approx. 40 m2. The
Athlete crane lifting clamp has been awar-
ded the CE test mark.

Large-size formwork Athlete 147

Accessory fastening
Simple, fast and reliable: Suspending piece for props Support for walers
Omega section plus hook headed bolt

The omega section of the Athlete formwork

creates ideal prerequisites for rapid, reliable 2
fastening of accessories elements. As quick
as you like:
Insert - turn - lock!
Works for both vertical and horizontal
panels. 1
Other advantages:
9 1. insert 1. insert
2. turn 2. turn
Each omega section has openings to take
hook headed bolts, making it suitable
for taking accessories
Easy visual inspection of the fastening

3. lock 3. lock

Hook headed bolts with locking wedge, used for Hook headed bolt with handled and DW thread
suspending piece for props

Platform bracket

Combination rail

Adjustable prop P=3,0 kN/m

Scaffolding group 4

Combination rail
Waler guide
Platform DW 15
platform bracket

The platform bracket is fastened using the same

170-290 principle Hinged bracing

148 Large-size formwork Athlete

PASCHAL supplies tried and tested climbing
equipment for using the Athlete formwork
climbing system to many countries.

For more detailed information, please consult

the chapter Climbing and the Technical
Information Athlete.

Reservoir dam, Kourou (French Guyana); ARGE BPS Dumez, Chantier Modernes, BEC Frres, RAZEL

Raw coal bunker, Gttelborn; ARGE SBI + Hochtief, Saarbrcken

Large-size formwork Athlete 149

Single-sided forming
Single-sided forming is simple and absolu-
tely safe using Athlete and the PASCHAL
supporting jacks.

The supporting jacks are fastened to the

Athlete panels by means of the waler support
DW 15. Insert turn lock!
More information about single-sided forming
is available in the corresponding chapters
of this manual and in the Technical Infor-
mation Athlete.

Business premises, Emmendingen; Vollmer, Gengenbach

Platform bracket

Waler support DW 15

Supporting jack 4,00 m


Double-U waler 120

Hexagonal nut DW 26,5

PVC tube and counterplate
dia. 32 mm
Tie rod DW 26,5

PASCHAL supporting jacks 4,00 m have been used here. Anchor plate
DW 26,5
PASCHAL supporting jacks are also available in 1,50 m,
3,00 m and 6,00 m high.

150 Large-size formwork Athlete

Industrial and engi-
neering construction
Great pouring heights in industrial and
engineering constructions are concreted
quickly and safely with Athlete formwork.
Athletes mature formwork system can cope
with complicated projects such as bridge
abutments, without any problems.

Sewage plant, Neuenburg; Ph. Holzmann AG, Freiburg

Unit thermal power station, Lahr; Ed. Zblin AG, Freiburg

Rain overflow basin, Ottweiler; OBG Ottweiler Fire wall, Rossum/Netherlands; Visser + Smit, Bridge abutment, Schramberg-Sulgen;
Baugesellschaft, Ottweiler Groningen/Netherlands Gebr. Dieterle, Wolfach

Large-size formwork Athlete 151

Structural engineering
Athlete formwork can cope with great pou-
ring heights without any problems, fullling
the strictest structural engineering dimen-
sional tolerances (DIN 18202, table 3, line 7).
Stairwells and elevator shafts can be erected
with outstanding dimensional accuracy and
concrete surface qualities using Athlete

Center for Art and Media Technology, Karlsruhe; Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG, Karlsruhe

Herrenknecht Tunnelvortriebstechnik (tunnel propulsion technology), Schwanau; Ed. Zblin AG, Freiburg

152 Large-size formwork Athlete


WCJD Houston (Texas) USA; Industrial Tx. Corp., Houston, USA.

In Scandinavian countries, concreting work goes on even

at very low temperatures. The load capacity of Athlete
formwork means that high concreting rates are also
possible under these conditions.
Oil well, Bergen/Norway

Olympic hall Hamar (Viking Ship); Ole K. Karlsen A.S., Oslo/Norway

Large-size formwork Athlete 153

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

Athlete large-size Athlete hinged corner

138.007.0001 50 x 50 x 280 cm, inside, 156,50
138.001.2501 250 x 280 cm 460,00 with holes for ties

138.007.0002 25 x 25 x 280 cm, outside 115,50

without holes for ties

9 Athlete panel Athlete inside corner

138.001.1250 125 x 280 cm 208,00
138.001.0700 70 x 280 cm 133,00 138.017.0002 25 x 25 x 280 cm 118,50
138.001.0650 65 x 280 cm 126,00
138.001.0600 60 x 280 cm 119,00
138.001.0550 55 x 280 cm 112,00
138.001.0500 50 x 280 cm 105,00
138.001.0450 45 x 280 cm 98,00
138.001.0300 30 x 280 cm 72,00

Athlete multi-purpose Athlete outside corner

panel 135

138.004.1000 100 x 280 cm 208,00 138.017.0001 37,5 x 37,5 x 280 cm 157,00

Athlete inside corner Athlete timber filler

piece, plywood
138.005.0300 30 x 30 x 280 cm 98,00
138.011.0010 1 x 280 cm 2,40
138.011.0020 2 x 280 cm 4,20
138.011.0030 3 x 280 cm 5,90
138.011.0040 4 x 280 cm 8,10

Athlete outside corner Athlete fixing post

for plywood 21 mm
138.006.0002 280 cm 36,50
138.013.0001 280 cm 13,70

Subject to technical changes

154 Large-size formwork Athlete

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

Athlete panel Athlete inside corner

137.001.1250 125 x 250 cm 183,00
137.001.0700 70 x 250 cm 116,00 137.017.0002 25 x 25 x 250 cm 107,00
137.001.0650 65 x 250 cm 110,00
137.001.0600 60 x 250 cm 104,00
137.001.0550 55 x 250 cm 98,00
137.001.0500 50 x 250 cm 92,00
137.001.0450 45 x 250 cm 86,50
137.001.0300 30 x 250 cm 63,00

Athlete outside corner 9

Athlete multi-purpose
panel 137.017.0001 37,5 x 37,5 x 250 cm 142,00

137.004.1000 100 x 250 cm 179,50

Athlete timber filler

Athlete inside corner piece, plywood

137.005.0300 30 x 30 x 250 cm 84,50 137.011.0010 1 x 250 cm 1,80

137.011.0020 2 x 250 cm 3,60
137.011.0030 3 x 250 cm 5,40
137.011.0040 4 x 250 cm 7,20

Athlete outside corner Athlete fixing post

for plywood 21 mm
137.006.0002 250 cm 34,00
137.013.0001 250 cm 12,40

Athlete hinged corner Athlete large-size

137.007.0001 50 x 50 x 250 cm, inside, 142,00
with holes for ties 136.001.2501 250 x 140 cm 255,00

137.007.0002 25 x 25 x 250 cm, outside, 104,00

without holes for ties

Subject to technical changes

Large-size formwork Athlete 155

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

Athlete panel Athlete fixing post

136.001.1250 125 x 140 cm 108,00 for plywood 21 mm
136.001.0700 70 x 140 cm 68,00 136.013.0001 140 cm 7,00
136.001.0650 65 x 140 cm 64,00
136.001.0600 60 x 140 cm 61,00
136.001.0550 55 x 140 cm 57,00
Athlete multi-purpose
136.001.0500 50 x 140 cm 54,00 panel
136.001.0450 45 x 140 cm 50,50 135.004.1000 100 x 70 cm 57,50
136.001.0300 30 x 140 cm 40,00

9 Athlete multi-purpose Athlete inside corner

136.004.1000 100 x 140 cm 105,00 135.005.0300 30 x 30 x 70 cm 29,00

Athlete inside corner Athlete outside corner

136.005.0300 30 x 30 x 140 cm 54,00 135.006.0002 70 cm 10,50

Athlete outside corner Athlete hinged corner

136.006.0002 140 cm 20,00 135.007.0001 50 x 50 x 70 cm, inside, 43,00

with holes for ties

135.007.0002 25 x 25 x 70 cm, outside, 30,50

Athlete hinged corner without holes for ties

136.007.0001 50 x 50 x 140 cm, inside, 79,00

with holes for ties

136.007.0002 25 x 25 x 140 cm, outside, 58,50 Athlete inside corner

without holes for ties 135
135.017.0002 25 x 25 x 70 cm 33,50

Athlete inside corner Athlete outside corner

135 135
136.017.0002 25 x 25 x 140 cm 60,50 135.017.0001 37,5 x 37,5 x 70 cm 43,50

Athlete outside corner Athlete fixing post

135 for plywood 21 mm
135.013.0001 70 cm 3,20
136.017.0001 37,5 x 37,5 x 140 cm 81,50

Athlete timber filler 183.500.0011 Athlete clamp 4,70

piece, plywood

136.011.0010 1 x 140 cm 1,10

136.011.0020 2 x 140 cm 1,90
136.011.0030 3 x 140 cm 3,00
136.011.0040 4 x 140 cm 4,30

Subject to technical changes

156 Large-size formwork Athlete

Parts list
Art.-No Item
Art.-Nr. Bezeichnung kg Art.-No Item
Art.-Nr. Bezeichnung kg

183.500.0009 Locking screw Athlete 1,48 183.500.0025 Loading auxiliary 1,27


187.500.0021 Support for walers 1,60

Tie rod, bevelled DW 15
clamping length 6 20 cm
189.040.1000 DW 20 x 100 cm 2,55
Welding is
not possible 189.040.1500 DW 20 x 150 cm 3,90
Hook headed bolt 9
DW 15

187.500.0022 300/240 0,41

189.001.0009 Plate with ball-and- 1,65
socket joint DW 20, 187.500.0024 400/340 0,57
14 x 20 cm 183.500.0034 220/160 0,28

183.500.0032 Tie rod guide Athlete 1,55

183.500.0010 Athlete platform bracket 16,00
90 cm cpl.

183.500.0040 Hinged bracing 67,00


183.500.0015 Athlete dismantling aid 2,90

183.500.0013 Spacer channel Athlete 10,50

15 - 50 cm
183.500.0014 Logo/Athlete assembly 3,10
and dismantling tool

183.500.0033 Combination rail 30,00

Logo/Athlete 150 cm 189.002.0003 Transportation box 10,50
15 - 50 cm

183.500.0030 Crane lifting clamp 11,20 Connecting panel

Athlete KAS Admissible AthleteModular
capacity 1.380 kg
180.002.0075 15 x 150 cm 23,60
180.002.0076 15 x 125 cm 20,20
180.002.0077 15 x 75 cm 13,00
180.002.0078 15 x 62,5 cm 11,00

Subject to technical changes

Large-size formwork Athlete 157

Frequently different formwork systems have
to be combined on a building site. This occurs
quite obviously at the transition from a
straight wall into a circular wall when the
whole wall has to be formed in one phase.
The PASCHAL systems are ideal for such
special requirements, because all the various
PASCHAL formwork systems are compatible
with each other. This means that all systems
can be joined directly or using connecting
panels. This is uncomplicated because ex-
isting connecting pieces such as clamps or
bolts are suitable for both direct connections
10 and connecting panels.

Administration building Janoschka GmbH, D-Kippenheim; Helmut Kern GmbH, D-Mahlberg

The quickest connection is assured by the combi

clamp, which connects the LOGO formwork elements
directly with the Modular elements or the segments
of the Trapezoidal Girder Formwork.

Combi clamp Combi clamp

Connection LOGO Trapezoidal Girder Formwork Connection Logo Modular

160 Compatibility
Circular wall straight wall
You can use all PASCHAL formwork systems
to connect a straight wall to a circular wall.
For example, GE panels, LOGO panels and
Athlete panels t onto the segments of the
Trapezoidal Girder Formwork.

When walls are connected to a circular wall, PASCHAL

has the solution to combine the Trapezoidal Girder
Formwork with the Modular Formwork. This works
without needing a carpenters skill, without timber
filler pieces on site and with the safety of decades of
formwork experience from PASCHAL.
Holsten brewery, D-Hamburg; Georg Dittmer, D-Hamburg

Three formwork systems by PASCHAL turn a complicated

task into an uncomplicated solution. The straight, large-
size wall is formed with LOGO, the circular wall with the
Trapezoidal Girder Formwork and the pilasters with the
Modular Formwork system. All systems are compatible
with each other so that there are no problems!
Car showrooms, D-Leseberg; Carl Schtt, D-Hamburg

Sewage plant, Leeuwarden/Netherlands; Simon Benus, Leeuwarden/Netherlands

Compatibility 161
Circular wall end
The advantages of the PASCHAL systems
are quite obvious:

All formwork systems can be combined

without any problems, i.e. they are
compatible. Even complicated combi-
nations with artistic cross sections are
No time-consuming and expensive extra
forming on site!
No additional accessories required!


A neat finish: a circular wall with circular end. Here the

Trapezoidal Girder Formwork has been combined with
the half circles of the Circular Column formwork.
Indoor swimming pool, D-Bad Neustadt a.d.S.; Sewage plant, Bad Vslau/Austria; Ilbau, Vienna/Austria
Ing. Viktor Haschke GmbH, D-Bad Knigshofen

Semi-circular columns sometimes simply look better.

Here the half circles of the Circular Column formwork
have been combined with Modular panels. The 6,25 m
high columns were concreted in one single phase!

National Centre of Sport and Culture,

L-Luxemburg; HT-Lux, L-Luxemburg

The combination of GE panels and half circles of the

Circular Column formwork produce a circular wall end.
The half circles can always be combined with all PASCHAL
wall formwork systems.

I.N.G. Bank, Amsterdam/Holland; Bouwcombinatie Samenwerking

162 Compatibility
Practical examples


Gymnasium, F-Flaxlanden; Mader Entreprise Gnrale de Btiment Z.I., F-Guebwiller PHILIPS office building; Steinbrecher, D-Gieen

Rain retention basin, D-Stockach;

Mhlherr & Wagner, D-Stockach
Apartment block, D-Berlin-Weissensee, Fritzsche-Bau, D-Berlin

Compatibility 163
Parts List
Art.-No Item kg

287.500.0026 Combi clamp 2,30

Connecting panel
Circular column-Modular

180.002.0067 10 x 75 cm 8,70
without overlap
180.002.0068 10 x 75 cm 8,80
with overlap
180.002.0069 10 x 125 cm 14,40
without overlap
180.002.0070 10 x 125 cm 14,50
with overlap

180.002.0071 10 x 150 cm 17,10

without overlap
180.002.0072 10 x 150 cm 17,20
with overlap

Connecting panel

180.002.0078 15 x 62,5 cm 11,00

180.002.0077 15 x 75 cm 13,00
180.002.0076 15 x 125 cm 20,20
180.002.0075 15 x 150 cm 23,60

Subject to technical changes

164 Compatibility
Administration building Janoschka GmbH, Kippenheim; Fa. Helmut Kern GmbH, Mahlberg
Single-sided forming
Single-sided forming
Regardless whether single-sided forming
is to be used against existing buildings,
rows of bored piles or sheet piling, the
concrete pressures and lifting forces have
to be discharged reliably into the ground
(ground plate, foundation). This is why the
anchoring of the formwork is particularly
important. PASCHAL provides absolutely
safe and economical tried and tested so-
lutions for these tasks:
Supporting jacks in various sizes are simply
ideal for these demands. They are designed
in such a way that they reliably discharge
all forces and can be assembled quickly to
xed points on the formwork panels.
PASCHAL supplies supporting jacks for
walls up to 6,00 m high. For greater pouring
heights, additional supports are used in
addition to the supporting jack.

Never take the risk of improvised supports, Business building (underground car park), CH-Pfffikon; Gebr. Reichmuth, Freienbach/Switzerland

because it is easy to underestimate the

concrete pressures and lifting forces!

Supporting jack
Supporting jack 1,50 m 3,00 m
Height 1,50 m 3,00 m
Depth 0,90 m 1,62 m
Pour up to up to
height 2,00 m 3,00 m

Sttzbock 4,00 m 6,00 m

suitable with base
for base extension
Height 4,00 m 6,00 m
Depth 2,285 m 3,25 m
Pour up to up to
height 4,00 m 6,00 m

168 Single-sided forming

Special uses for supporting jacks

Why not a creative solution?

Here the 6,00 m supporting jack was used lying down,
not positioned standing on the ground but hanging
from a vertical wall. It supports the formwork for the
cantilever plate of a water tower. This solution is much
more economical than a complete shoring system, with
considerable savings in material and assembly times.


Water tower, Lauterbach; Walter Bau AG, Kirkel-Limbach

Another creative solution under difficult conditions:

here the 3,00 m supporting jack was used lying under
water. Here it hangs from a wall, but this time it
functions as both support for the formwork and as large
platform bracket. It not only absorbs the deadweight
and working loads but also offers sufficient space for
safe working.

Landing stage; S.T.F.A., Istanbul/Turkey (seen from the land)

Single-sided forming 169

PASCHAL supporting jacks are designed
to be used with all formwork systems.
Connections are available for rapid, un-
complicated assembly.

For large formwork heights, the suppor-

ting jack 4,00 m is supplemented by a base
extension 2,00 m high (picture on the right)
to build a supporting jack altogether 6,00 m
high (picture middle).

With PASCHAL supporting jacks, you can:

Reliably discharge all occurring forces Supporting jack 4,00 m with LOGO formwork.

Use all formwork systems Shopping centre Schlssle Galerie, Pforzheim; Walter Bau-AG, Karlsruhe
Form all heights up to 6,00 m without
additional supports
Even form 90 corners economically with
the corner waler

Supporting jack 6,00 m with LOGO formwork.

Tunnel N41, B-Elversele; De Meyer, Gent/Belgium

Supporting jack 1,50 m with Modular Formwork.

Underpinning; Schlsser & Hellwig, Eschwege

170 Single-sided forming

It is possible to economize on assembly
times and crane workload if several pre-
assembled formwork panels can be moved
at once, for example forming step-by-step.

But how can we make this even more eco-

nomical? This is easy: simply by pre-assem-
bling the supporting jacks to the formwork
panels. This large-size combination can be
repeatedly moved without having to be
dismantled. Every supporting jack has a
crane lifting eye for transport.

Supporting jacks 3,00 m are assembled to GE panels 11

lying down using the provided attachment parts.
Basement of a house; H. + R. Grauel, Bierstein

Large-size pre-assembled unit, consisting of formwork

panels and supporting jacks, is brought to the building
Basement of a house; H. + R. Grauel, Bierstein

Supporting jack 3,00 m with GE panels.

Residential and business building, Ahrensburg; Karl Scheruhn GmbH & Co., Stade

Single-sided forming 171

Corner applications
Version 1

Stop end 240

There are two different possibilities to
form a 90 corner single-sided. The simple
solution is to form the two walls indivi-
dually or one after the other (picture on
the right).

Phase 1

Phase 2


Version 2
Forming a 90 corner in one single step
is more difcult. Conventional supports
do not have enough space, as they would
overlap in the corner. The PASCHAL corner
waler is used to couple the two supporting
jacks needed in the corner and positioned
at a 45 angle to the formwork (picture be-
low). The corner waler can be used for all
PASCHAL systems.

25 240



Main-line drawing for using the corner waler.

Corner waler with supporting jack 3,00 m for 90 corners.

172 Single-sided forming

Fitting anchors
Kombi V-guide DW 15 V-guide DW 20/DW 26,5
An important phase when forming single-
sided walls is tting the necessary anchors.
They must already be inserted in the re-
inforcement when this is applied so they
remain immovable in the foundation which
is being concreted. The supporting jacks are
then fastened to the anchors later.

The spacing between the anchors is de-

ned by the formwork panels. Foresighted
planning can save on subsequent additional
The pictures shown here explain the proce-
dure for tting the kombi V-guide DW 15
(middle column) and the V-guide DW 20 or
1 1 DW 26,5 (right column). The anchors and
tie rods are rated according to the resulting
tensile forces. Two anchors are always pro-
vided for every supporting jack for statical

Fitting the kombi V-guide, concreting Fitting the V-guide DW 20/DW 26,5 with tie rod,

2 2

Screwing in the tie rod Assembling the formwork, supporting jack and waler

Assembling the formwork, supporting jack and waler

Single-sided forming 173

Anchor clearance
The cross section of the complete struc-
ture for a piece of single-sided formwork
shows all components used: a Logo panel;
the supporting jack 3,00 m; the complete
anchoring; the connections of formwork
Platform bracket
to supporting jack; the platform bracket.
All system dimensions are stated.
For further details, please refer to the
Technical Information for the correspon-
ding formwork systems.

Support for walers DW 15

11 Supporting jack 3,00 m

Plate with ball-and-socket joint

Double U waler 120


Tie rod DW 15

Kombi V-guide
DW 15

23 (12)



15 15 15 15

100 100 100 100 44 112 88 112 44

PASCHAL Modular Formwork PASCHAL GE panels


240 240 250 250

15 15 15 15
60 120 120 120 60 35 180 70 180 35

PASCHAL LOGO.3 formwork (upright) PASCHAL Athlete formwork (upright)

174 Single-sided forming

Anchor forces
The tables shown here indicate the anchor D max. = Compressive stress x supporting Max. load for tie rods:
tensile force Z and the spindle pressure jack clearance DW 15 - 90 kN
force D depending on the concreting height Z max. = Tension load x supporting jack DW 20 - 160 kN
h and the prevailing concrete pressure pb. clearance DW 26,5 - 260 kN
The table values apply to a mean supporting
jack clearance of 1,00 m. Note: The tension force Zmax. is to be The anchoring of the forces arising on the
For other supporting jack clearances, multi- absorbed over two anchors. component must be checked by the design
ply the table values Z and D by the existing engineer.
supporting jack clearance.

Supporting jack 3,00 m: Supporting jack 4,00 m: Supporting jack 6,00 m:




pb pb pb
D<120 kN D D<180 kN D D<220 kN D

Pour Pressure Tension Spindle Pour Pressure Tension Spindle Pour Pressure Tension Spindle
height forces force height forces force height forces force
h [m] pb [kN/m] Z [kN/m] D [kN/m] h [m] pb [kN/m] Z [kN/m] D [kN/m] h [m] pb [kN/m] Z [kN/m] D [kN/m]
40 96 41 40 153 71 40 209 90
2,50 50 106 43 3,50 50 177 78 4,50 50 248 101
60 110 43 60 195 82 60 280 110
40 110 54 40 167 85 40 223 102
2,75 50 124 56 3,75 50 195 94 4,75 50 265 116
60 132 58 60 216 100 60 301 127
40 124 67 40 181 100 40 238 115
3,00 50 141 72 4,00 50 212 111 5,00 50 283 132
60 153 74 60 238 119 60 322 144
40 139 83 40 195 115 40 252 129
3,25 50 159 90 4,25 50 230 130 5,25 50 300 148
60 174 94 60 259 140 60 344 163
40 153 100 40 209 132 40 266 144
3,50 50 177 110 4,50 50 248 150 5,50 50 318 166
60 195 115 60 280 162 60 365 184
40 223 151 40 280 159
4,75 50 265 171 5,75 50 336 185
60 301 187 60 386 205
40 294 176
6,00 50 354 204
60 407 228

Single-sided forming 175

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

189.005.0048 Supporting jack 1,50 m 47,50 Modular connecting

piece (complete set)
for supporting jack

180.000.0007 1,50 m 2,17

180.000.0028 3,00 m 4,34
180.000.0032 4,00 m 6,51
180.000.0033 6,00 m 8,68

189.005.0056 Supporting jack 3,00 m 145,00

181.000.0008 GE connecting piece 1,10

(complete set) for
supporting jack 1,50 m

181.000.0047 GE connecting piece 3,40

(complete set) for
supporting jack 3,00 m

189.005.0054 Supporting jack 4,00 m 320,00

suitable for base extension

GE connecting piece
(complete set) for
supporting jack

181.000.0018 4,00 m 5,70

189.005.0055 Base extension cpl. 240,00
181.000.0022 6,00 m 7,80
for supporting jack 4,00 m

LOGO/Athlet Aonnec-
189.005.0053 Supporting jack 6,00 m 560,00 ting piece (complete set)
2 pieces cpl. for supporting jack
consisting of:
187.500.0021 1,50 m 1,20
189.005.0054 Supporting jack 4,00 m 320,00 187.500.0035 3,00 m 2,40
suitable for base extension
187.500.0036 4,00 m 3,60
187.500.0037 6,00 m 4,80
189.005.0055 Base extension cpl. 240,00
for supporting jack 4,00 m

Girder connecting
piece (complete set) for
supporting jack
189.005.0057 Waler for corners for 56,60
supporting jack 182.000.0091 3,00 m 5,80
182.000.0097 4,00 m 8,70
182.000.0098 6,00 m 11,60

Subject to technical changes

176 Single-sided forming

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

189.001.0059 Plate with ball-and- 1,00 940.014.0162 Guide V DW 26,5 0,42

socket joint
DW 15, 10 x 14 cm
(inclination max. 12)
189.006.1000 Tie rod 1,40
DW 15 x 100 cm
189.006.1500 Tie rod 2,10 941.015.0033 Open ended spanner 0,75
DW 15 x 150 cm
940.014.0150 Kombi guide V DW 15 0,59

940.014.0112 Fixing anchor DW 15 0,45 Double channel waler 120

for supporting jack
189.041.2000 PVC tube 0,41
1,50/3,00/4,00 m
D. 26 x 200 cm
189.001.0120 180 cm 50,50 11
189.001.0121 90 cm 25,00

189.001.0009 Plate with ball-and- 1,65 Double channel waler 160

socket joint for supporting jack 6,00 m
DW 20, 14 x 20 cm
189.001.0125 180 cm 70,00
189.040.1500 Tie rod 3,90 189.001.0126 90 cm 35,50
DW 15 x 150 cm
189.040.2000 Tie rod 5,30
DW 20 x 200 cm
189.012.2000 PVC tube 32 mm 0,64
Length 200 cm
940.014.0114 Fixing anchor DW 20 0,75

940.014.0161 Guide V DW 20 0,42

189.001.0008 Hexagon nut 0,54

DW 26,5 x 60
189.001.0062 Counter plate 2,20
12 x 12 x 2,0 cm,
32 mm
189.007.1500 Tie rod 6,60
DW 26,5 x 150 cm
189.007.2000 Tie rod 8,80
DW 26,5 x 200 cm
189.012.2000 PVC tube 32 mm 0,64
Length 200 cm
189.014.0005 PVC stick-on cone % 0,70
32 mm*
189.014.0013 PVC-cover 32 mm % 1,70
189.001.0025 Fixing anchor DW 26,5 2,50

*Discontinued model

Subject to technical changes

Single-sided forming 177

Multi-functional working-platform
Technical data
Admissible load 2,0 kN/m
Board width LOGO.3 and Athlete 72 cm
Trapezoidal Girder Formwork 85 cm
Board length LOGO.3 and Athlete 238 cm, 133 cm
Trapezoidal Girder Formwork External 238 cm (D 7.00 m) Internal 210 cm (D 7.00 m)
Door Stop end
Platform extension Bridging of ller panels
Trap Integrated in the board
Ladder Access to different levels
Safety at work/
The economic efciency of a formwork sys-
tem depends on numerous factors. The size
of the formwork elements, the number of
accessories and the ability of the system to
be adapted to a range of ground plans all
have a decisive inuence on whether the
labour costs can be kept under control.

As a rule, little attention is paid to the im-

portance of the jobs on the formwork. Its
true that some individual platform bra-
ckets or scaffolding platforms are available
as system parts, but these have to be com-
pleted with pieces supplied by the customer.
12 This tends to take up a relatively long
time and moreover, results frequently
fail to match existing regulations and Drinking water treatment plant Montry, F-Montry ; Gagneraud Construction, F-Sarcelles

guidelines regarding health and safety at


However, if you combine the PASCHAL

formwork systems with Multip, the multi-
functional working platform, this complete
system comprising both formwork and
scaffolding provides even better forming
times, combined with the necessary wor-
king safety.

Because the basis of this complete sys-

tem is ready platforms made of steel with
integral guard rail, suitable to the width of
the large formwork elements. After a one-
time-only pre-assembly, however, these
always remain attached to the element, Sports hall, Hoerdt, France; Andlau, France

and can be transported together with it, as

they are designed to fold away. This does
away with the repeated need to assemble
and dismantle individual platforms and
loose sheets of ooring. A further advantage
lies in the fact that all work on the formwork
can be carried out in safety.
Attaching and dismantling crane
lifting clamps, xing and loosening of
prestressing anchors and fasteners or xing
an additional waler are carried out from
safe and secure working positions more
quickly, and thus the forming time needed
is further reduced.

Composting plant, Pfaffenhofen, France; Krummhorn Sarl., Bitschoffen, France

180 Multip
Pre-assembly only once for frequent use:
With effortless ease brackets, platforms,
doors and props can be tted to the form-
work elements on the ground. Then the
formwork together with the scaffolding is
lifted into place for its rst use with just a
single crane cycle, and is just as simply moved
on for following concreting sections. And
not a single piece must be detached and
Advantage can be taken of this feature
for several building sites too. Once they
are assembled, guard rails, platforms and
brackets only need plugs on the formwork
element to be loosened, and they can be
folded together. This way, it is possible to
transport the formwork to the next buil-
ding site with the scaffolding still in place, 12
and unfold it ready for its next use. This
means that all the parts are already there
where they belong, and no time has to be
wasted looking for them and assembling
Ready-assembled units of formwork with working platforms are ready for transport.

After pre-assembly or unfolding the platforms, the

formwork is placed together with stages and props.

Multip 181
Large-size formwork
Even where a great formwork height is re-
quired, the combined formwork element
and assembled working platforms units can
be tted on top of one another without
difculty. Integral ladders and access hatches
make all levels easy to reach. Additional
doors on the face complete the guard rail and
xing the large props behind the brackets
creates the space necessary in the safety
of the working area to be able to carry out
all the work in that area such as tting or
loosening fasteners, ties etc.


Access hatches and ladders make it possible to get up

to the next level. This is necessary after setting and
anchoring the formwork, in order to remove the crane
clamps and to enable the crane to be released quickly.
Sewage basin, Schirrheim, France;
Dumez Anstett S.A., Mundolsheim, France.

Retention basin, Besanon, France; Pertuy Construction, Wolfisheim, France

182 Multip
PASCHAL also supplies a system for design-
ing safe workplaces and thus efciency,
as the platforms and the guard rails can
be suited to varying geometry or ground
If using the LOGO or Athlete wall formwork,
the working platform can be extended with
extension pieces so that it is possible to
form with the large-size elements either
standing or lying down, or to bridge smaller
For the circular Trapezoidal Girder Form-
work, extensions are already integrated into
the platform. A further door can be xed to
a door e.g. for use as a stop end.

This means: 12

Formwork and working platform can be

transported already assembled
Repeated assembly of a number of indi-
vidual brackets is no longer necessary
Time profit by folding mechanism
Safe and accordingly quicker operation
with all system components
Much longer service life than timber
Purchase of timber for decking and
guard rail is no longer necessary
All safety at work directives are covered

Retention basin, Besanon, France; Pertuy Construction, Wolfisheim, France

extending the platform Doors as extension

Multip 183
Parts List
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

Working platform 187.500.0062 Foot plate cpl. 4,00

LOGO/Athlete LOGO/Athlete

187.500.0085 70 / 240 cm kpl. 116,50

187.500.0086 70 / 135 cm kpl. 77,50

187.500.0061 Support, below 4,00

Guard rail cpl.

187.500.0058 240 cm cpl. 30,00

187.500.0060 Suspending piece 2,00
187.500.0077 135 cm cpl. 22,00 for props 70 cpl.

LOGO/Athlete 187.500.0064 Ladder fastening prop 12,50
187.500.0056 240 cm kpl. 76,00 LOGO/Athlete
187.500.0076 135 cm kpl. for Midi 45,00

187.500.0094 Platform extension 26,50

187.500.0057 Diagonal, cpl. 3,50 LOGO/Athlete
LOGO/Athlete 60 cm cpl.

187.500.0055 Platform Mounting 7,00 187.500.0095 Guard rail platform 20,50

bracket for platform extension
LOGO/Athlete LOGO/Athlete
60 cm cpl.

Platform extension

187.500.0070 15 cm kpl. 7,50

187.500.0093 Compensation bracket 8,50
187.500.0069 30 cm kpl. 11,00 LOGO/Athlete
187.500.0068 45 cm kpl. 14,50

187.500.0104 Ladder fastening at 10,50
187.500.0087 160 - 280 cm kpl. 18,50 panel
187.500.0088 280 - 390 cm kpl. 25,00 LOGO/Athlete

Prop, Safety device Guard rail extension

fr LOGO/Athlete LOGO/Athlete

187.500.0059 160 - 280 cm kpl. 10,50 187.500.0089 240 cm cpl. 31,00

187.500.0078 280 - 390 cm kpl. 17,00 187.500.0092 135 cm cpl. 23,50

Subject to technical changes

184 Multip
Parts List
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

182.000.0271 Working platform 133,00 187.500.0065 Door 60/105 cpl. 11,50

85 x 238 cm external cpl.
Trapezoidal Girder

187.500.0066 Door extension, cpl. 4,00

187.500.0074 Ladder fastening, 2,00

182.000.0272 Working platform 129,00 guard rail cpl.
85 x 210 cm internal cpl.
Trapezoidal Girder
Formwork 12


187.500.0063 260 cm cpl. 12,00

187.500.0071 130 cm cpl. 7,00

182.000.0256 Platform Fastening 1,80

for platform cpl.
Trapezoidal Girder

182.000.0270 Suspending device cpl. 55,00

Trapezoidal Girder

182.000.0257 Ladder fastening, cpl. 11,00

kpl. Trapezoidal Girder

Subject to technical changes

Multip 185
Column formwork
Remain exible Save Time

The adjustable column formwork module Grip for example

achieves short shuttering times together with high quality
surface nish for open-faced concrete.
For circular columns PASCHAL offers formwork with steel
surfaces for round and oval columns. Even with small-dia-
meter objects the casting speed does not have to be reduced,
a time-saving advantage. Also, using wall-shuttering modules
of the Modular, LOGO.3 and Athlete series allows you to
make so called multi-elements which can be deployed in
the shuttering of columns.
Grip column formwork
The variable Grip column formwork is also
based on the windmill sail principle. Its main
characteristics and advantages are:

Variable from 20 to 60 cm in 5 cm steps

without changing the plywood
Suitable for rectangular or square sections
Outstanding fair-faced concrete quality,
without any impressions left by frames
and plugs
Moving with only one crane cycle. Only
the tensioners need to be opened, and
reclosed after moving
Plastic coated 21 mm thick birch plywood
with arris protection
Heights: 340 cm
300 cm
150 cm
90 cm
Maximum concrete pressure, as per
DIN 18218: 80 kN/m
By folding mechanism of the wings the
space for storage and transport can be

To remove the formwork, only the tensioners need to be Both rectangular and square sections can be formed from 20 x 20 cm to 60 x 60 cm in 5 cm steps
undone, and the Grip wings can then be removed from
the concrete and folded up.

188 Column formwork


The Grip support formwork can be moved as a complete

unit, with working platform and props, with only one
crane cycle.

Thanks to the folding mechanism, the Grip needs little

space for storage and is easy to transport.

Column formwork 189

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

Grip Column Formwork Guard rail

170.006.1000 340 cm 750,00 170.006.0222 75 x 79 cm 30,00

Grip Column Formwork Guard rail

170.006.1001 300 cm 645,00 170.006.0227 120 x 79 cm 36,00

for working platform cpl.


Grip Column Formwork Guard rail

170.006.1002 150 cm 400,00 170.006.0225 120 x 30,5 cm 30,00

for intermediate platform

Grip Column Formwork Ladder

170.006.1003 90 cm 265,00 187.500.0063 260 cm cpl. 12,00

187.500.0071 130 cm cpl. 7,00

Working platform 170.006.0203 Ladder fastening 6,40

below cpl.
170.006.0226 125 x 80 cm cpl. 46,30

Technische nderungen vorbehalten

Subject to technical changes

190 Column formwork

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg

187.500.0074 Ladder fastening 2,00

guard rail cpl.

Extension rail

170.006.0230 with plywood cpl. 37,20

170.006.0232 without plywood cpl. 16,40
170.006.0233 Plywood 50 cm for 5,20
extension rail

Chamfer angle 13

170.006.0206 340 cm 0,40

170.006.0207 300 cm 0,40
170.006.0208 150 cm 0,20
170.006.0209 90 cm 0,10

Expansion production hall Pfeiffer, D-Friedenweiler; Co. Rombach GmbH;

Technische nderungen vorbehalten
Subject to technical changes

Column formwork 191

Modular Column Formwork
Even square and rectangular columns can
be formed simply using panels, outside
corner posts and keybolts of the PASCHAL corner post
Modular Formwork system.
Modular panel
The wide range of Modular panel widths
allows the forming of all customary co-
lumn cross sections without additional Clamping
plywood. chamfer angle

Combinations of different panel heights

(150, 125, 75 and 62,5 cm) allow for ideal
adjustment of formwork heights. Keybolt

The formwork can be completely dis-

mantled, which is particularly useful when
working on refurbishment projects.
PVC chamfer angles simply clamped in
The particularly favourable price of this
column formwork means that many form-
14 work sets can be kept on the building
site for simultaneous concreting of many
columns. 135 outside 135 inside
corner corner
Additional advantages when using avail-
able filling element.

Angle column consisting of Modular panels and rigid 135

corners, suitable formed without expensive special formwork.

Glendale-Park, Singapore; Hyundai, Korea

192 Column formwork

LOGO Column Formwork
Components from the LOGO system can be
used as column formwork with the special
advantage that you can use already existing
material. You do not need any special co-
lumn panels, but simply take the same LOGO
multi-purpose panels which you otherwise
use to form right-angled corners.

Clinic for mother and child, Durbach; ARGE Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG/Ed. Zblin AG


Solution 1: Solution 2: Solution 3:

4 LOGO multi-purpose panels are con- Compensation panels in addition with Combination of 2 multi-purpose panels
nected with locking screws (windmill sail squared timbers and plywood, joined by and 2 compensation panels. LOGO compen-
principle) to produce a variable column spacer channels. The spacer channels can sation panels are available in widths from
formwork for cross sections from 20 x 20 cm be tted to all customary dimensions and 20 cm in steps of 5 cm. The ideal solution
to 75 x 75 cm, in steps of 5 cm. The cross make any additional anchors superuous. for short walls up to 90 cm in length! In
sections can be square or rectangular. use, see drawing below.

Multi-purpose panel

Spacer channel


Locking screw

Locking screw
LOGO compensation panel Locking screw

Column formwork 193

Athlete Column Formwork
Components from the Athlete large-size
formwork system offer several different
possibilities for forming columns:

Athlete multi-purpose panels used as

variable column formwork. Can be used
to create cross sections from 15 x 15 cm
to 80 x 80 cm in steps of 5 cm.
Use of Athlete compensation panels,
combined with Athlete outside corner
posts and locking screws, for forming
cross sections up to 125 x 125 cm wit-
hout additional anchors.

Bread factory, Gilserberg; Daume, Gilserberg


During construction of the MRT project North East Line

Multi-purpose panel
(depot) in Singapore, Hyundai/Korea has produced
more than 2000 concrete columns with cross sections
of 90 x 120 cm and a height of 8,40 m.
MRT project North East Line, Singapore; Hyundai, Korea

194 Column formwork

Circular column formwork
The PASCHAL circular column formwork
consists of two identical half circles which
are connected together with big keybolts
rated for high tensile loads. The outstan-
ding features and advantages include:

Extremely economical with high use rates

(inter alia no disposal costs).
Extremely high load-carrying capacity
up to 335 kN/m depending on diameter;
i.e. no-risk, fast concreting even of very
high columns.
The special design of the vertical joint
with 5 mm overlap of the steel face pre-
vents the concrete from bleeding.
Panel heights of 75 / 125 / 150 / 275 / 300 cm
for ideal adjustment in height.
Available in standard diameters of 25
to 100 cm (in steps of 5 cm up to 50 cm
diameter) and in special dimensions.
Also ideal for building oval columns and
semi-circular wall ends with connecting
panels to PASCHAL Modular/GE Form-
Problem-free fastening of working plat-
forms and props.

Industrial project, Kirchberg;

Hassel und Winter, Lendsiegel

Load-carrying capacity of concrete pressure

of the PASCHAL circular column formwork
The particular advantages of PASCHAL cir-
d [cm] pb [kN/m]
cular column formwork include the great
pour heights and the large quantities of
25 335
columns which can be built.
30 280
35 240
40 210
45 185
5 5
50 170
55 155
60 140
65 130
70 120
80 105
A 5 mm wide overlap of the steel faced plywood
90 95 compared to the frame prevents any concrete from
100 85 bleeding out of the joint of the half circles.

Column formwork 195

Semi-circular wall end

15 Semi-circular end of a wall in a sewage plant, built by

combining circular column half circles with the Athlete
Half circle with Modular panel

Oval column

In these oval columns, special panels with steel face

were connected directly to the half circles of the
circular column formwork.

196 Column formwork

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

Circular column Circular column

Height 300 cm Height 125 cm
145.025.1250 25 cm 78,00
145.025.3000 25 cm 182,00 145.030.1250 30 cm 85,00
145.030.3000 30 cm 197,00 145.035.1250 35 cm 92,00
145.035.3000 35 cm 212,00 145.040.1250 40 cm 99,00
145.040.3000 40 cm 226,00 145.045.1250 45 cm 105,00
145.045.3000 45 cm 241,00 145.050.1250 50 cm 112,00
145.050.3000 50 cm 256,00 145.060.1250 60 cm 126,00
145.060.3000 60 cm 285,00 145.070.1250 70 cm 139,00
145.070.3000 70 cm 315,00 145.080.1250 80 cm 153,00
145.080.3000 80 cm 345,00 145.090.1250 90 cm 167,00
145.090.3000 90 cm 374,00 145.100.1250 100 cm 180,00
145.100.3000 100 cm 404,00
Circular column
Height 75 cm
145.025.0750 25 cm 58,00
145.030.0750 30 cm 63,00
Circular column 145.035.0750 35 cm 67,00
Height 275 cm 145.040.0750 40 cm 71,00
145.045.0750 45 cm 75,00 15
145.025.2750 25 cm 170,00 145.050.0750 50 cm 79,00
145.030.2750 30 cm 184,00 145.060.0750 60 cm 88,00
145.035.2750 35 cm 198,00 145.070.0750 70 cm 96,00
145.040.2750 40 cm 212,00 145.080.0750 80 cm 105,00
145.045.2750 45 cm 226,00 145.090.0750 90 cm 113,00
145.050.2750 50 cm 239,00 145.100.0750 100 cm 122,00
145.060.2750 60 cm 268,00
145.070.2750 70 cm 295,00
185.000.0000 Keybolt-big 0,30
145.080.2750 80 cm 323,00
145.090.2750 90 cm 351,00
145.100.2750 100 cm 378,00
170.003.0018 Working platform cpl. 98,00
185.000.0036 Connecting piece 12,00
Circular column

Circular column
Height 150 cm
Connection panel
145.025.1500 25 cm 93,00 Circular column-Modular
145.030.1500 30 cm 101,00 180.002.0067 10 x 75 cm 8,70
145.035.1500 35 cm 109,00 without overlap
145.040.1500 40 cm 117,00 180.002.0068 10 x 75 cm 8,80
145.045.1500 45 cm 124,00 with overlap
145.050.1500 50 cm 132,00
180.002.0069 10 x 125 cm 14,40
145.060.1500 60 cm 148,00
without overlap
145.070.1500 70 cm 163,00
180.002.0070 10 x 125 cm 14,50
145.080.1500 80 cm 179,00 with overlap
145.090.1500 90 cm 194,00
180.002.0071 10 x 150 cm 17,10
145.100.1500 100 cm 210,00 without overlap
180.002.0072 10 x 150 cm 17,20
with overlap

Subject to technical changes

Column formwork 197

Slab formwork
Technical data
Admissible slab thickness Variable according to distance between girders
Tolerances of deection Max. Deection L/500 according to DIN 18202
H 20 Girder Height 20 cm adm. M=5 kN/m adm. Q=11 kN
H 20 Girder lengths 245 / 290 / 330 / 360 / 390 / 490 / 600 cm
Plywood 21 mm type 3S 50 x 200 cm with/without arris protection
Fork head Tip protection for H 20 girder
H 20 Prop head Fixation for intermediate props
Slab props B/D 25 (N1); B/D 30 (N2); B/D 35 (N3); C/D 40 (G4); C 55 (G7)
Tripod Erecting auxiliary for slab props
Guard rail bar Fall protection for free slab edges

Panel dimensions 60 x 125, 45 x 125, 30 x 125, 60 x 120, 45 x 120, 30 x 120,
60 x 90, 60 x 85, 60 x 60, 60 x 55, 30 x 60, 30 x 55 cm
Material Steel frame, height 7,5 cm
Plywood 12 mm thick, 9-ply birch plywood
Beams Length 235 cm (with drop head 250 cm)
Length 165 cm (with drop head 180 cm)
Slab thickness up to 30 cm
Max. single weight ~ 20 kg

Slab edge formwork

Admissible distance for 20 cm slab thickness Cantilever [cm] Distance [cm]
between brackets
0 200
10 200
20 200
30 200
40 150
50 110
Admissible distance for 30 cm slab thickness Cantilever [cm] Distance [cm]
between brackets
0 155
10 155
20 145
30 115
40 90
50 70
PASCHAL Deck is a exible slab formwork
consisting of three main components:

H 20 girder
Slab prop

This system is ideal for use with different

slab thicknesses, as only the statically
necessary parts are used. Loose plywood
plates, supported by H 20 girders, (cross
girders) serve as decking. The same H 20
girders are used as main girders to support
the cross girders. The same parts can be
used in both directions.

Underground car park, Ofterdingen; Heim, Waldorfhslach

Main girders

16 Cross girders

Main girders

Cross girders

200 Slab formwork

Assembly sequence

H 20 girder
The exibility of the system, i.e. its ability
to adapt to various different room sizes,
comes from the overlapping of the H 20
girders. It is of no signicance whether the
girders are used as main girders or cross

girders. Overlapping in any dimension is

possible in either direction. Similarly the
main girders and cross girders can be turned
in the statically required direction for slan-
ting T-walls, wall abutments, bays, circular
structures, etc.

H 20 girder

Certication no.: Z 9.1 189

Max. bending moment:

26 28 26
max. M = 5,0 kNm

8 Max. shear force:

max. Q = 11,0 kN

Slab formwork 201

Practical examples
The special advantages of PASCHAL Deck
at a glance:

Less number of different parts

Flexible adjustment to every layout
Optimum use of material
Low weight of the parts
Always the same assembly sequence
Can also be used as support for partially
pre-fabricated slabs
Low material price

The fork head at the joint of the main girders prevents

the H 20 girders from tilting. Intermediate props are
suspended at the main girders with the H 20 prop head.
Hotel garage, Endingen; Karl Klger, Endingen

Dismantling by lowering the slab props, tilting and

pulling out the H 20 girders.

Office building Freistett; Dehn GmbH, Freistett

202 Slab formwork

You will nd solutions for forming beams in
chapter Modular/GE Universal Formwork.

Vereinsbank, Luxembourg; Hochtief, Luxembourg

H 20 girder as support for beams. At the same time, the

girders are used to stiffen recess boxes for the special
beam form and to stabilise pre-bent reinforcement
coming out of the columns.

Multi-storey residential building, KZ-Astana; Ingenieursystem GmbH, Astana/Kazakhstan

Slab formwork 203

Slab props Max. safe working load as per DIN EN 1065
B/D 25 (N1) B/D 30 (N2) B/D 35 (N3) C/D 40 (G4) C 55 (G7)
1,55 - 2,50 m 1,70 - 3,00 m 1,95 - 3,50 m 2,30 - 4,00 m 3,10 - 5,50 m


[m] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
1,60 30,0 20,0 30,0
1,70 30,0 20,0 30,0 30,0 20,0 30,0
1,80 30,0 20,0 30,0 30,0 20,0 30,0
1,90 27,7 20,0 27,7 30,0 20,0 30,0
2,00 25,0 20,0 25,0 30,0 20,0 30,0 30,0 20,0 30,0
2,10 22,7 20,0 22,7 27,2 20,0 27,2 30,0 20,0 30,0
2,20 20,7 20,0 20,7 24,8 20,0 24,8 28,9 20,0 28,9
2,30 18,9 20,0 20,0 22,7 20,0 22,7 26,5 20,0 26,5 35,0 20,0 35,0
2,40 17,4 20,0 20,0 20,8 20,0 20,8 24,3 20,0 24,3 35,0 20,0 35,0
2,50 16,0 20,0 20,0 19,2 20,0 20,0 22,4 20,0 22,4 35,0 20,0 35,0
2,60 (15,4) 17,8 20,0 20,0 20,7 20,0 20,7 35,0 20,0 35,0
2,70 16,5 20,0 20,0 19,2 20,0 20,0 32,9 20,0 32,9
2,80 15,3 20,0 20,0 17,9 20,0 20,0 30,6 20,0 30,6
2,90 14,3 20,0 20,0 16,6 20,0 20,0 28,5 20,0 28,5
16 3,00 13,3 20,0 20,0 15,6 20,0 20,0 26,7 20,0 26,7
3,10 14,6 20,0 20,0 25,0 20,0 25,0 34,3
3,20 13,7 20,0 20,0 23,4 20,0 23,4 32,2
3,30 12,9 20,0 20,0 22,0 20,0 22,0 30,3
3,40 12,1 20,0 20,0 20,8 20,0 20,8 28,5
3,50 11,4 20,0 20,0 19,6 20,0 20,0 26,9
3,60 18,5 20,0 20,0 25,5
3,70 17,5 20,0 20,0 24,1
3,80 16,6 20,0 20,0 22,9
3,90 15,8 20,0 20,0 21,7
4,00 15,0 20,0 20,0 20,6
4,10 (14,6) 19,6
4,20 18,7
4,30 17,8
4,40 17,0
4,50 16,3
4,60 15,6
4,70 14,9
4,80 14,3
4,90 13,7
5,00 13,2
5,10 12,7
5,20 12,2
5,30 11,7
5,40 11,3
5,50 10,9

204 Slab formwork

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

Wooden girder H 20 Plywood 21 mm,

type 3 S
940.030.0245 245 cm 11,30
940.030.0290 290 cm 13,40 806.210.0066 50 x 200 cm 10,00
without arris protection
940.030.0330 330 cm 15,20
806.210.0069 50 x 200 cm 10,00
940.030.0360 360 cm 16,60
arris protection
940.030.0390 390 cm 18,00
940.030.0490 490 cm 22,50
940.030.0600 600 cm 27,60

186.003.0010 Railing post for lateral 12,00

for climbing installation
940.031.0001 Fork head fr wooden 3,50
girder H 20

183.001.0002 H 20 Prop head 1,30

183.001.0001 Forked assembly tool 3,30

940.031.0004 Spring bolt 14 x 145 0,20

940.031.0002 Tripod 10,50

940.009.0000 Pallet 33,00

Slab prop, galvanized,

with outer thread

189.005.0087 B/D25 (N1) 14,00

155 - 250 cm
189.005.0088 B/D30 (N2) 15,50
175 - 300 cm
189.005.0089 B/D35 (N3) 17,50
200 - 350 cm
189.005.0097 C/D40 (G4) 23,50
230 - 400 cm
189.005.0098 C55 (G7) 30,00
310 - 550 cm

183.001.0003 Connection wooden 0,75

girder H 20 / H 20

Subject to technical changes

Slab formwork 205

For uses on sites without crane availability
and where aluminium can not be used.

Can be combined with Modular

Solution for beams with Modular
within the system is possible
Combination of different possible

Possible applications


Support of panels with props/shoring system Panels shall be placed on the beams Panels shall be placed between beams, if necessary with
drop head

e-deck is so designed that the slab form-

work panels are compatible with Modular
universal formwork. Therefore, there is no
problem with direct and effective connec-
tions. Transitions of wall to slabs or to joists,
or for example, small stairs, only feasible
using the large Raster panel assortment
are, therefore, absolutely possible to im-
plement reliably in the system.

Solution for beams with Modular within the system is possible

206 Slab formwork

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

Beam Slab panel

N131.100.0001 250 cm 21,50 130.035.0600 60 x 125cm 20,00

N131.100.0002 180 cm 15,00 130.035.0450 45 x 125 cm 16,00
130.035.0300 30 x 125 cm 12,90

133.100.0001 Four corner connector 2,45 130.030.0600 60 x 120 cm 19,50

for prop 130.030.0450 45 x 120 cm 15,50
130.030.0300 30 x 120 cm 12,50

130.025.0600 60 x 90 cm 15,50
133.100.0002 Four corner connector 2,52 130.020.0600 60 x 85 cm 15,00
for shoring system
130.010.0600 60 x 55 cm 10,40
130.010.0300 30 x 55 cm 6,20

130.015.0600 60 x 60 cm 11,00
130.015.0300 30 x 60 cm 6,60

133.100.0003 Four corner connector 2,56

for beam 183.100.0001 Pallet for slab panels 95,50
60 x 120 cm
20 panels 17
133.100.0004 Four corner connector 0,99
for jackscrew unit

133.200.0001 Prop head for beam 1,45

Slab prop, galvanized,

with outer thread
133.200.0002 Drop head for beam 4,30
189.005.0087 B/D25 (N1) 14,00
155 - 250 cm
189.005.0088 B/D30 (N2) 15,50
175 - 300 cm
189.005.0089 B/D35 (N3) 17,50
200 - 350 cm
133.200.0003 Fork head for beam 2,40
189.005.0097 C/D40 (G4) 23,50
230 - 400 cm
189.005.0098 C55 (G7) 30,00
310 - 550 cm
Compensation beam
133.200.0004 120 cm 6,60
133.200.0006 125 cm 6,90

133.200.0005 Fixing bracket 21 mm 0,40

Subject to technical changes

Slab formwork 207

Slab edge formwork
Slab edge formwork is made up of three
components. Load-bearing component is
the bracket which is bolted to the wall
using a wall-plug or a tie rod. The stop is
then assembled on the bracket by means of
a hook-head connection. This stop can be
innitely adjusted between zero and 50 cm,
according to whether slab edge and wall
are ush, or whether a small projection has
to be concreted. So that necessary work
safety is always guaranteed, lateral protec-
tion in which side protection boards and
shelf are located are xed to the stop.

A further possible use for the brackets is

as formwork for oor-slabs or free slab
edging. The type of formwork is variable;
planks may be used as well as formwork

This means:
House F-Saverne, Schrepfer S.A., F-Neuwiller-les-Saverne

Few parts
Adjustable for a variety of formwork
18 Universal application
Integrated safety at work

For concreting the brackets, the stop can be adjusted Fixing to the wall is achieved either by using wall-plugs
by up to 50 cm. with bolts or with DW 15 tie rods.

Hook-head bolt 220/16

with tensioning nut DW15

Screw with washer

Conventional formwork with planks Formwork with steel frame elements lying down
(e.g. LOGO, Modular)

208 Slab formwork

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg

183.003.0010 Guard rail 4,20

183.003.0005 Slab edge stop 3,40

183.003.0001 Slab edge Bracket 5,10

183.003.0015 Fastening plate 6,00

Slab edge bracket

Subject to technical changes

Slab formwork 209

Climbing and platforms
Remain exible

With their novel and versatile climbing brackets PASCHAL

offers solutions which can be perfectly adapted to special
construction problems. This gives you more exibility and
saves time.

PASCHAL climbing brackets may be combined with any

formwork system. The novel Climbing system 240 cm follows
calls for more exibility and allows the adaptation to the
buildings geometry of up to +/- 15 degrees. With this
system big formwork modules a height of up to 4.50 m can
be realized, which saves time and money.
Climbing system 240
It supports the efciency and cost effec-
tiveness of climbing systems in adjusting
exibly to the structure geometry and in
permitting larger formwork units.

With the climbing bracket 240 cm PASCHAL

wall formwork systems can be also used as
climbing formwork. This is especially an ad-
vantage for building a structure in several
height phases.
A complete climbing unit consists of climbing
platform (bracket + planking), formwork,
concrete and suspended scaffold and can
be moved with only one crane cycle. Hereby
efcient and economic work sequences can
be achieved.

Can be adjusted up to +/- 15 degrees on

the geometry of the structure
High load-bearing capacity
Saving of time and costs by transposing
of larger formwork units
Long service life and functionality by
hot-dip galvanizing as surface protection
High degree of safety at work by working
space in front of and behind the formwork
Little transport volume by modular

Bracket depth: 2,40 m

Live loads: Working platform:
4,5 / 3,0 kN/m
Concrete platform:
1,5 kN/m
Suspended scaffold:
1,0 kN/m
Inclination: + / - 15

212 Climbing and platforms

Climbing systems 200
PASCHAL climbing systems the complete
solution for safe and economical climbing.
The climbing units consist of rigid or slidable
climbing brackets, adjustable props for
supporting the formwork, boards, railing
and possibly suspended scaffolds. The com-
pact climbing brackets can be used as:

Climbing units with permanently at-

tached hinged formwork which can be
moved in one step by a crane.
Climbing units with slidable formwork:
the formwork is assembled on a carriage
which can be moved back 60 cm on the
running rail.
Working scaffold with 2,00 m board
width. Flexible scaffold units can be
adjusted to many different layout types
for optimum utilisation and reduction of
the anchoring systems.

Climbing unit with rigid climbing brackets and LOGO large-size formwork panel.


Scaffold width: 2,00 m

Live loads: Working platform:
3,0 kN/m
Suspended scaffold:
1,0 kN/m
Working heights: up to 100 m above
ground level
Formwork heights: up to 5,60 m
Anchoring: Clevis shoe with
screw anchor M24
Clevis shoe with
Coal bunker, Gttelborn; ARGE SBI, Hochtief AG, Saarbrcken anchor cone M30
Accessories: Panel supports and
height adjustment
units for all PASCHAL
formwork systems
Tension anchoring for
wind loads

Climbing and platforms 213

Climbing platform KBK 180
The climbing platform KBK, folding is a
working and climbing scaffold which is
supplied to the building site ready assem-
bled. After erecting the guard railing post
and unfolding the platform, KBK is ready to
use and can be dropped into the clevis shoe
using the crane.

Possible uses:

Climbing platform with erected form-

work up to 5,60 m high
Working platform for concrete and
brickwork construction
Protection and safety scaffold

Residential and business building, Deggendorf; Niemeier GmbH, Bogen

Platform width: 180 cm

Platform length: 295 cm
Corner platforms: 390 cm
Bracket spacing: 200 cm
Maximum loads 3 kN/m as climbing
platform with erected
4,5 kN/m as working
platform without formwork
2 kN/m as working
and safety platform
with drop-in loop
according to DIN 4420
Anchoring: Clevis shoe M30
with screw anchor or
anchor cone

Drop-in loops as per

DIN 4420
Accessories: Corner platforms
Individual brackets 295
Connection part
for drop-in loops
Clevis shoe M30
Bracket extensions
Railing posts for
lateral protection
Suspended scaffold
Drop-in loops as
per DIN 4420

214 Climbing and platforms

Top left:
The platform can be extended up to 45 cm beyond the
clevis shoe for height adjustments.

Middle left:
Climbing platform for erecting formworks:
In this case (drawing on the left), the platform has
to be dropped into in the clevis shoe M30. The shoe is
fastened in the reinforced concrete slab or in the wall
below by means of an anchor cone or screw anchor.
Before positioning the outside formwork (fitting of
the reinforcement), the platform can take loads of up
to 4,5 kN/m2. After the formwork has been erected, its
load-carrying capacity is reduced to 3,0 kN/m2.

Top right and middle:

Climbing platform as working, protection and safety
platform: In these cases, anchoring with drop-in loops
as per DIN 4420 can be used as long as the existing
surface load does not exceed 2,0 kN/m2. 2 drop-in loops
are required for each bracket. This means 4 loops per


Where large wall openings or skeleton structures are

concerned, the bracket extension with additional slanting
support is used (drawing on the right). The extension can
be used to bridge openings of up to 4,0 m high.
Industrial complex, Arburg;
Dyckerhoff und Widmann AG, Stuttgart

Climbing and platforms 215

Dam bracket SPK 270
with suspended scaffold cpl. (max. inclination 38 as on illustration)
PASCHAL Dam bracket is used wherever
single-sided climbing is required, for example
for reservoir dams, port and harbour con-
structions, lock-up constructions in inner
city projects and refurbishment measures.

All PASCHAL formwork systems can be

assembled as single-sided formwork on
the dam brackets and adjusted to the
sides and in height using the adjustment
The formworks can be tilted forward for
dismantling and returned on a carriage.
The robust structure of the dam brackets
facilitates economic bracket spacing
and phase heights.

The formwork panels can be tilted in fully

variable positions on the dam brackets in
both directions, allowing for ideal adjust-
ment to the full range of wall slopes and
wall abutments. All working platforms re-
main horizontal while the formwork is


216 Climbing and platforms


Dam Barrage de Brezina, Algeria; SEROR, Tlemcen/Algeria

Climbing and platforms 217

Lifting platforms
Lifting platforms are used as working plat- hinged shoe crane lifting eye
forms and for raising and moving inside
formwork for elevator shafts and staircase
cores as well as other structures where nor-
mal climbing units cannot be used because
of the lack of space. The PASCHAL klik-klak klik-klak beam
beams are a modular component system
which can be adjusted to all layouts.

Important features and advantages of the

PASCHAL lifting platforms:

The complete working platform unit with suspended scaffold

inside formwork and suspended scaffold
can be moved in one step by a crane
End pieces of the klik-klak beams with
crane lifting eye and possibility for fas-
tening suspended scaffold
Hinged shoe for fitting onto support
brackets and recesses in the concrete

Concert hall Danish broadcast, DK-Copenhagen, M.T. Hjgaard for Consortium Vivaldis, Copenhagen/Denmark

Max. span of the 5,00 m

Max. spacing between 1,70 m
23 beams:
Max. load on the 2 kN/m + dead weight
beams of the formwork
3 kN/m without
Formwork heights: up to 4,50 m
Support: Support brackets of
steel, anchored in the
concrete with screw
anchors, anchor cones
or threaded sleeves
recesses in the concrete
Single parts and End pieces with
accessories: hinged shoe
Center pieces: 100, 50,
20, 10, 2 cm
Recess boxes of steel
Support brackets

218 Climbing and platforms

Parts list Climbing system 240
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

186.002.0023 Horizontal beam, clim- 95,00 186.002.0036 Fixation running cart 7,90
bing bracket mount. for climbing bracket,
186.002.0024 Vertical beam, climbing 68,33
bracket mount.

186.002.0025 Running cart, climbing 49,60

bracket mount.

186.002.0006 Suspended roller 1,40

186.002.0027 Height adjustment 6,40
D.115x37 M30
186.002.0028 Concrete platform 13,70

186.002.0029 Guardrail post 16,40

186.002.0037 Fixation tension belt 1,80
186.002.0033 Vertical beam 299 cm 81,60 mount.

186.002.0034 Push pull prop 36,20

200-275 cm
for climbing bracket

186.002.0035 Diagonal for climbing 23,60

rigid - galvanized

186.002.0038 Guardrail, climbing 8,80

bracket mount. 19
186.002.0028 Concrete platform 13,70 21
186.002.0031 Vertical beam, suspen- 41,80 23
ded scaffold
for climbing bracket,

186.002.0038 Guardrail, climbing 8,80

bracket mount.

186.002.0032 Fixation for double 1,30

U100 galvanized

189.001.0059 Plate with ball-and- 1,29

socket joint DW15

Subject to technical changes

Climbing and platforms 219

Parts list
Climbing systems 200 Art.-No Item kg
Climbing bracket 200 cm; cpl. rigid type
A1 250.000.0009 Climbing bracket 200 cm 66,00
cpl. rigid type for scaf-
fold rail pluggable
B7 B8
E2 E3 E4 A2 250.000.0012 Climbing bracket 200 cm 61,00
E1 cpl. slidable type for
B6 B2 B4 B5 scaffold rail pluggable
A3 A3 250.000.0010 Scaffold rail 250 cm 20,00
for climbing bracket
B3 200 cm cpl.

B1 186.000.0018 Panel support 10,40

Modular cpl.
G B2 186.000.0018 Panel support 17,50
GE cpl.
B3 186.000.0021 Support for Trapezoidal 10,50
Girder Formwork cpl.
B4 186.000.0029 Panel support 29,00
Athlete cpl.
B5 186.000.0033 Panel support 18,20
LOGO cpl.
B6 186.000.0025 Adjustment unit for 3,20
panel support Modular
B7 186.000.0030 Adjustment unit for 5,50
panel support Athlete
B8 186.000.0034 Adjustment unit for 5,10
panel support LOGO cpl.
Climbing bracket 200 cm; cpl. slidable type
20 C 186.000.0012 Suspended scaffold cpl. 30,00
B7 B8
(for climbing cycles up
21 E1 to h = 280 cm)
E2 E4
B6 B2 B4 B5
23 D Adjustable prop
D without foot plate
B1 A3
189.005.0006 180 - 290 cm 11,00
189.005.0007 260 - 400 cm 20,00
H 189.005.0016 360 - 500 cm 30,50

G E1 180.000.0025 Suspending piece for 2,50

props cpl. Modular
A2 E2 181.000.0004 Suspending piece for 4,30
props and walers cpl.
E3 182.000.0096 Suspending piece for 2,40
props TTR
C E4 187.500.0003 LOGO/ Athlete suspending 2,00
piece for props cpl.

G 186.003.0006 Clevis shoe M30 cpl. 8,80

H 186.000.0010 Carriage cpl. 22,39
J 186.000.0009 Running rail cpl. 12,94

Subject to technical changes

220 Climbing and platforms

Parts list Climbing platform KBK 180
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

Climbing platform 186.003.0010 Railing post for lateral 12,00

KBK folding, galvanized protection for climbing
154.000.1800 180 x 300 cm cpl. 351,00 installation
154.000.1810 180 x 300 cm cpl. 370,00
with trap

Climbing platform
for corners, folding
KBK 180 x 390 cm Dam bracket SPK 270
154.000.1802 Right 360,00
154.000.1803 Left 360,00 153.000.0001 Dam bracket SPK270 cpl. 420,00

composed of:
186.002.0010 Horizontal beam 270 cm
186.003.0014 Suspending scaffold 164,80
300 cm KBK cpl. 186.002.0011 Vertical beam 200 cm mount.
(up to 3,75 m height)
186.002.0012 Push pull prop
155-235 cm

186.002.0013 Running cart mount.

186.002.0014 Vertical girder 290 cm

186.003.0000 Climbing platform KBK 125,00 mount.
180 cm, folding
186.002.0015 Push pull prop
135-290 cm 19
186.002.0016 Fastening running cart 20
186.003.0015 Suspending scaffold KBK 115,00 186.002.0017 Guard rail 200 cm
(up to 3,75 cm height)
186.002.0018 Jackscrew mount.
186.002.0019 Platform bracket 120 cm

186.003.0005 Connecting piece for 6,00 186.002.0001 Suspended scaffold up 420,00

clevis shoe to 300 cm mount.

composed of:
186.002.0020 Vertical beam suspended
scaffold mount.

186.003.0006 Clevis shoe M 30 cpl. 8,80 186.002.0019 Platform bracket 120 cm


186.002.0017 Guard rail 200 cm

186.003.0004 Connecting piece for 4,60 186.002.0002 Suspended roller D.115 1,3
drop-in loop, climbing
platform KBK, cpl.

Subject to technical changes

Climbing and platforms 221

Parts list
Lifting platforms Art.-Nr. Bezeichnung kg Art.-Nr. Bezeichnung kg

186.001.0005 End piece 72,5 cm 40,00 900.934.1020 Hexagon nut M 20 % 6,40

klik-klak beam DIN 934/10

End piece 79,5 cm for

circular tanks, 900.603.0031 Pan head screw % 19,30
klik-klak beam M 12 x 180 Mu
DIN 603, galvanized
186.001.0006 Right 40,00
186.001.0007 Left 40,00

900.125.0006 Washer B 13 DIN 125, % 0,60

Center piece galvanized
klik-klak beam
186.001.0009 10 cm 13,00
186.001.0010 20 cm 15,50
186.001.0015 50 cm 23,50
186.001.0020 100 cm 37,00

663.401.0001 Head plate, 5,80

thickness 2 cm
klik-klak beam

20 186.001.0031 Support bracket 8,70
D. 32 mm
21 klik-klak beam

Support bracket
D. 32 mm/45,
klik-klak beam
186.001.0032 Right 11,50
186.001.0033 Left 11,50

Hexagon screw
DIN 933/10.9
900.933.1403 M 20 x 60 % 20,00
900.933.1405 M 20 x 80 % 24,00

900.125.0010 Washer B 21 DIN 125, % 1,70


Subject to technical changes

222 Climbing and platforms

Parts list
Fastening material Art.-Nr. Bezeichnung kg Art.-Nr. Bezeichnung kg

186.000.0050 Anchor cone M 30 1,00 900.125.0011 Washer B 25 DIN 125 % 3,00

DW 15 x 105 cm galvanized

940.014.0011 PVC sealing plug % 0,20

186.000.0051 Anchor cone M 30 0,20 for M 24

940.014.0018 Socket spanner 0,20

for screw insert
Hexagon screw M 10 - M 30
DIN 933/8.8
900.933.1701 M 30 x 60 0,59
900.933.1703 M 30 x 80 0,70

940.014.0112 Fixing anchor DW 15 0,45 940.014.0008 Special key M 24 2,20

940.014.0021 Special key M 36 4,00
186.002.0002 Special key SPK270 5,00

189.006.0100 Tie rod 0,15

DW 15 x 10 cm 19

186.003.0008 Drop-in loop 4,60 20

D. 10 x 500 mm
186.000.0052 Special key 1,50
SW 41/46 23

940.014.0002 Screw anchor 1,09

M 24 x 280
940.014.0020 Screw anchor 4,30
M 36 x 430

940.014.0003 PVC screw insert M 24 % 1,00

Hexagon screw
DIN 933/8.8
900.933.1601 M 24 x 45 % 26,00
900.933.1603 M 24 x 60 % 30,00
900.933.1802 M 36 x 90 1,07

Subject to technical changes

Climbing and platforms 223

Custom formwork
Custom formwork

For special elds of application such as shaft formwork,

tunnels or vaults PASCHAL will work out solutions in close
cooperation with its clients: These custom formwork are
made of wood, steel or compound material.
Wood and steel Custom formwork
Modern formwork systems are capable of
providing building contractors with rational
formwork solutions consisting of system
components for most concrete structures.

With its Universal Formwork System Mo-

dular/GE and Trapezoidal Girder System,
with adjustable radii, PASCHAL has pushed
the feasibility limits for system formwork
out even further. But even so, there are still
certain shapes and surfaces which cannot
be produced with any system formwork.
For example, whereas smaller ttings and
inlays for system formworks or supplemen-
tary formwork can be used usually without
any problems. To create or add special
concrete surfaces on the job site, this is
rarely the case and usually not the most
economical solution where larger custom Vault formwork, F-Rougement; GTM, F-Les Magny

formwork is concerned.

Wood and steel Custom formwork

Larger custom formwork of wood

or steel needs meticulous prepa-
ration. Usually it is planned with
modern CAD systems and created
with corresponding workload in
carpentry businesses or metal
tters, and erected for test
purposes as required. This is usually
not possible on the job sites where suf-
cient space, time, experts and necessary
equipment are simply not available.
24 Therefore fewer and fewer building con-
tractors attempt to create such custom
formwork themselves, but outsource such
services to their formwork supplier who has
the necessary prerequisites and vast expe-
rience with custom formwork.

PASCHALs custom formwork department

offers a professional all-in service for custom

Bridge pier Danube bridge Traismauer, Link Nord RFB; Co. Alpine Bau GmbH, A-Vienna

226 Custom formwork

As a rule, the crucial factors in deciding
whether special formwork will be con-
structed in wood or steel are the frequency
of use and the surface structure required
of the concrete.
If a long service life, combined with frequent
usage, is important, then the expensive
solution of a steel construction is more
cost-effective than a correspondingly cheaper
wooden construction which would then,
however, have to be remade a number of
This is why wood is still used when the
formwork is only going to be used a limited
number of times.
The use of wood and wooden sections
often makes it easier to achieve a given
surface structure, particularly when this
is not at, but moulded and contoured in
different ways.
Wood and steel can still be used together
when for example an existing steel-frame
formwork element is used as a carrying
frame for a wooden formwork insert.

Fomwork for liner segments Linthal (Switzerland)

The Athlete formwork elements form the load-bearing

scaffolding for the insert formwork of a pierhead with
various wall thicknesses, slopes and necks.


Bypass road Hettstedt; Fa. Umwelttechnik u.

Pre-fabricated wall formwork Wasserbau, Ermsleben

Custom formwork 227

Shaft formwork
There are shafts, or shaft-like components in
the most varied forms, dimensions and types.
Lift shafts, stair-well cores, wet area rooms,
small containers or separators are often
constructed directly on site as a one-off or
in small quantities in site-mixed concrete,
while large numbers are frequently produced,
often with special formwork, in a concrete
pre-fabrication factory. PASCHAL can develop
suggestions for formwork according to pro-
ject and put them forward to minimise work
involved in assembly, erection and dismant-
ling formwork, and thus saving time.
Particular requirements in respect of surface
quality, or the number and positioning of Adjustable tie less shaft formwork.

ties will naturally be taken into account.

This task is specially interesting when it
comes to shuttering several similar building
components at the same time with adjustable
or kit-built formwork. It is often possible
to use system parts in conditions like these,
with the addition of special parts.

Tieless steel formwork for shafts and light wells with

top and bottom shape as extension.

Two corner pieces of a column formwork unit are

Several different sizes are constructed with one single formwork unit. connected to each other with a hinge.

228 Custom formwork

Special column sections

The straight and circular sections of an oval column are To rejuvenate a round column, an intermediate conical
constructed seamlessly so that no impression is left in section was inserted.
the surface of the concrete.

Circular columns with conical shape; mounted working

platforms with ladders as access serve for security
during forming, dismantling and pouring concrete.
Hotel Bell Rock Europa-Park Rust; Implenia Bau
GmbH, D-Rmmingen 24

Hexagonal columns bridge construction Moscow; LLC TransKapStroy, Moscow

Custom formwork 229

Tunnels and domes
In some cases, just a few custom parts are
needed to turn system components into
custom formwork. Short tunnels and all
different radii of domes can be produced
using the standard panels of the Trapezoidal
Girder Formwork. The supporting structure
consists of aluminium shoring system com-
ponents from PASCHAL. Your advantage
here: all standard parts are also available
for rent. PASCHALs custom formwork
department proceeds with planning and pre-
assembly. Trained tters are then available
on request on the job site for rapid, trouble-
free operations.

Euro Industrial Park, Munich; L. Moll, Munich


Formwork carriage foldable formwork with GASS shoring system

230 Custom formwork

CAD-assisted planning, precise-t produc-
tion, easy-to-transport pre-assembly and
punctual delivery you can rely on all these
advantages with the PASCHAL custom
formwork department.
And on request, PASCHAL can also delegate
its tters for rapid, troublefree procedures
on the building site.


Mushroom head formwork National theatre Darmstadt (white concrete)

Custom formwork 231

Aluminium shoring system
Technical data
Max. load per leg 140 kN
Aluminium legs 140 / 249 / 358 / 467 cm
Aluminium extension legs 140 / 249 / 358 / 467 cm
Inner leg 78 / 168 cm Height adjustment Calibration
Ledger frame 120 / 180 / 240 / 300 cm Height 100 cm Stiffening
Stiffening beam 400 Leg connection at 40 cm for derivation of extreme loads
Platform bracket 93 / 120 cm with guard rail post
Cross girder beam 120 / 180 / 240 cm length for support of beams
Trolley unit cpl. Transport possibility for application as table form
Scaffold board 180 / 240 / 300 cm as working platform mounted to the frame
Aluminium beam Length 180 / 240 / 300 / 360 / 420 / 480 / 540 / 600 / 720 cm as main girder
Height 22,5 cm
Head plate, foot plate pivoted As foot plate between inclined ground and leg; as head plate between
leg and inclined main girder (for inclined slabs)
Remain exible

For the support scaffolding sector PASCHAL offers GASS;

which is made of aluminum and allows the distribution of
static loads from great heights.
GASS = Great aluminium shoring system
GASS is a further development of the com- 200
mercially available aluminium shoring sys- 2
tems. With a maximum safe working load of 88 L

up to 140 kN per leg, this is the aluminium

shoring system with the greatest load-car-

rying capacity. This result is from the stable 92
legs consisting of high-strength aluminium L

200 92
and the stiffening frame, which produce the 200


stiffness of the whole system. Compared 50


50 50


to other systems, GASS has a far higher load-


carrying capacity, thus reducing the number 15

of required legs and stiff-ening frames
considerably. The 1 m high frames and the 126

access platforms mean that the system is

easy to erect and simple to handle. The
access platforms can be suspended from

84 x 8.00
the lower tube of the frames. 120

The round cross section of the legs is the 200.00


ideal statical form for absorbing large forces

with minimal material. The longitudinal slots
in the leg makes it possible to connect to the


frame in 45 steps. In this way, the shoring


system can be adjusted to any required 40 82 200

layout. The identical head and foot plates


have a chequered surface with a 2 mm


prole. When assembling legs and jacks, a 13

precise positive connection is achieved. As
a result, the screwed union of head and foot
plates is always exact and a perfect t. In
the bolted connection, there are only tensile
forces; lateral forces are taken up by the


Shopping centre Schlssle Galerie, Pforzheim; Walter Bau-AG, Karlsruhe

234 GASS Aluminium shoring system

Two different jacks are available for variable
jobsite applications and required height
adjustment. The short jack is 78 cm long
and can be adjusted from 10 to 40 cm. The
large jack is 168 cm long and can be adjusted
from 10 to 130 cm. The end point of the wing
nut is xed with a locking pin to prevent
over extension. The latch on the leg connects
leg and jack. A jack can be assembled to the
headplate and footplate of a leg.

One unique, userfriendly and structurally

progressive feature is the possibility of con-
necting and combining legs and jacks at
random. This has the inestimable advantage
that the GASS aluminium shoring system
helps the customer to execute even the most
difcult support structures.

Administration building NE; CH-La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Piemontesi, La-Chaux-de-Fonds/Switzerland

The legs:
4,67 Leg
1,68 Jack
6,0 The legs and the two different jacks can
cater to supports in any heights as from
1,49 m. Supports up to 12,00 m in height
3,58 Leg only require two spindle props. Additional
1,68 Jack
extension legs with two end plates are used
for greater heights.
2,49 Leg
1,68 Jack

1,40 Leg
1,68 Jack

1,40 Leg
0,78 Jack


1,49 MIN 1,68 MIN 2,58 MIN 3,67 MIN 4,76 MIN
1,83 MAX 2,73 MAX 3,82 MAX 4,91 MAX 6,00 MAX

GASS Aluminium shoring system 235

There are altogether four different frames
available for axis dimensions of 1,20, 1,80,
2,40 and 3,00 m for ideal adjustment of the
shoring system to the layout. The hook headed
bolt acts as positive connection between
frame and outerleg. The easy-to-use structure
of the frames means that they can also be
assembled over and beyond the outerleg
connections. Even the largest frame which is
designed like trelliswork only weighs 14 kg;
the largest of the four legs weighs only
22 kg. The system parts can therefore be
easily transported and assembled by one
single person.

IKEA, Freiburg; Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG, Freiburg

The ledger frames: 2,4 m

1,2 m
prop axis 1,061 m
prop axis

1,195 m
1,195 m

1,00 m
1,00 m

0,922 m 2,122 m

3,0 m
1,8 m prop axis 1,361 m
prop axis

1,195 m
1,00 m
1,195 m
1,00 m

1,522 m 2,722 m


The turning mechanism of the hook headed bolt in
combination with a wedge means that one person can 4
assemble every frame size without additional help.
The wedge is knocked firmly into place for a strong
connection. This is indicted by the horizontal position of
the wedge, so that simple visual control of the system 1

is possible.

236 GASS Aluminium shoring system

The convincing feature of the GASS alu-
minium shoring system is its high load-
carrying capacity. This means that altogether
fewer props and other system components
are required. The comparatively small number
of system parts needed in this way results in
time savings during assembly and dismant-
ling. Thanks to the simple and rapid handling
and easily understood assembly of the sys-
tem, this system is very fast to erect. Conse-
quently it saves working time. The individual
system components can be combined to
make GASS an extremely exible system.

OBI DIY market, Freiburg; Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG, Freiburg

Adidas France; F-Landersheim (Alsace), Cinor, F-Brumath (Alsace)


Administration building NE; CH-La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Piemontesi, La-Chaux-de-Fonds/Switzerland

GASS Aluminium shoring system 237

The short link:
If heavy loads have to be discharged in
constricted space, then additional props are
necessary. The short link 400 can connect
machined parts machined parts
these additional legs for example to an exi-
sting tower.
spindle length d
Your advantages:
Short link

Greatest load discharge 1000

therefore less material
Easy erection procedures
+ extension leg

therefore faster assembly
L = outer leg
H = height

400 mm
Low weight thanks to aluminium
structure 1000

Combination possibilities for a flexible

system a

48 x 3

The arrangement of the b 80

Detail: Short link 400

Another advantage of the frame design is

that the frames can also be tted over and
beyond leg connections. This is very important
when calculating the number and arrange-
ment of the frames. The spacing between two
frames should not exceed 1,50 m to guarantee
safe erection of the system.


238 GASS Aluminium shoring system

The main beam:
In the GASS aluminium shoring system, the
main beam is a 22,5 cm high aluminium beam,
whose statical values (tolerable shearing
force, tolerable bending moment, moment
of inertia) are coordinated with the whole
system. Alu beams are available in lengths
from 1,80 m to 7,20 m to meet the many
different requirements on the job site.

The saddle beam:

Another important component in the GASS
aluminium shoring system is the saddle
beam. Assembled on the legs, this serves
primarily to form and concrete the beams
together with the slab, or to support nished

The platform brackets:

GASS cantilever brackets are extremely
useful. Their cantilever overhang is 1,20 m
and they are rated for a vertical load of up
to 12 kN each. When used as scaffold or
platform brackets, these components gua-
rantee safe working, for example at the
edge of slabs. If a spindle is used instead of
a handrail post, then projections of up to
2,00 m can be supported.


Hpital Kirchberg; L-Luxemburg, Arge Luxgio; L-Sandweiler

GASS Aluminium shoring system 239

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

Outer leg 940.032.9003 Handrail post 5,50

108,4 cm
940.032.1140 140 cm 8,04
940.032.1249 249 cm 12,73
940.032.1358 358 cm 17,41
940.032.1467 467 cm 22,10

Extension leg Scaffold tube

940.032.2140 140 cm 9,54 652.021.1000 100 cm 3,60

940.032.2249 249 cm 14,23 652.021.1500 150 cm 5,70
940.032.2358 358 cm 18,91 652.021.2000 200 cm 7,60
940.032.2467 467 cm 23,60 652.021.2500 250 cm 9,50
652.021.3000 300 cm 11,40
652.021.3500 350 cm 13,30
652.021.4000 400 cm 15,20
652.021.5000 500 cm 19,00
652.021.6000 600 cm 22,80

Inner leg

940.032.3078 78 cm 6,60 183.002.0002 Leg Bracing collar 1,00

940.032.3168 168 cm 11,30

183.002.0009 Jack bracing collar 1,50

Ledger frames

25 940.032.4120 120 cm 8,10

940.032.4180 180 cm 9,90
940.032.4240 240 cm 12,90
940.032.4300 300 cm 14,20
183.002.0021 Rotary coupler 1,00
for props

Cantilever support

940.032.9002 93 cm 3,00
940.032.9031 Short link 400 2,00
940.032.9001 120 cm 4,00

Subject to technical changes

240 GASS Aluminium shoring system

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

940.032.9032 Spanner 6,40 183.001.0003 Connecting piece 0,75

H 20 / H 20
183.002.0017 Appendage 3,00
for spanner

Saddle beam 183.002.0005 Connecting piece 0,25

leg/alu beam
940.032.6120 120 cm 10,70
940.032.6180 180 cm 16,10
940.032.6240 240 cm 21,40

Access platform 183.002.0004 Connecting piece 0,25

940.032.7180 180 cm 16,70
940.032.7240 240 cm 19,00
940.032.7300 300 cm 22,80

940.032.9043 Trolley unit cpl. 28,50 183.002.0012 Connecting piece 0,83


940.032.9070 GASS pallet 67,00

183.002.0007 Rocking base/head 9,20


940.033.9001 Trolley 84,00

Alu beam
940.032.8180 180 cm 16,10
940.032.8240 240 cm 21,40
940.032.8300 300 cm 26,80
940.032.8360 360 cm 32,00
940.032.8420 420 cm 37,50
940.032.8480 480 cm 42,90
940.032.8540 540 cm 48,20
940.032.8600 600 cm 53,50
940.032.8720 720 cm 64,20

183.002.0001 Clamping piece 0,50

H 20 / alu beam

Subject to technical changes

GASS Aluminium shoring system 241

Supports and consumption material
Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

Adjustable prop 187.500.0003 LOGO/Athlete suspending 2,00

/Support piece for props cpl.

189.005.0001 105-150 cm 9,50

189.005.0006 180-290 cm 11,00

181.000.0004 Suspending piece GE 4,30

for props and walers
Adjustable prop RSK cpl. (without bolt)

189.005.0007 260-400 cm 20,00

189.005.0008 460-600 cm 36,00
182.000.0096 Suspending piece for 2,40
189.005.0009 620-760 cm 84,00
props Trapezoidal
Girder Formwork

189.001.0069 Security bolt 130 cpl. 0,30

Adjustable prop
189.001.0070 Security bolt 100 cpl. 0,27
189.005.0015 255-405 cm 33,50
189.005.0016 400-620 cm 54,50
189.005.0017 620-1000 cm 110,00
189.005.0041 Forged ground nail 1,70
20 x 55 cm

Adjustable prop BKS PVC-tube with covers

22 mm
189.005.0010 BKS4 710-850 cm 146,00 length:
189.005.0060 BKS5 840-980 cm 167,00 189.011.0150 15,0 cm % 4,00
189.005.0013 BKS6 970-1100 cm 209,00 189.011.0175 17,5 cm % 4,50
189.005.0034 BKS7 1080-1220 cm 237,00 189.011.0200 20,0 cm % 5,00
189.005.0058 BKS8 1210-1350 cm 259,00 189.011.0240 24,0 cm % 5,70
189.005.0083 BKS9 1320-1460 cm 287,00 189.011.0250 25,0 cm % 5,80
189.011.0300 30,0 cm % 6,50
189.011.0350 35,0 cm % 7,60
189.005.0023 Foot plate 3-holes 3,60 189.011.0365 36,5 cm % 7,90
26 189.011.0400 40,0 cm % 8,70
189.011.0450 45,0 cm % 10,50
189.011.0500 50,0 cm % 11,00

189.010.3000 length 300 cm 0,50

without covers
189.005.0033 Foot plate BKS 7,20

189.014.0001 PVC cover 22 mm % 1,10

180.000.0025 Suspending piece for 2,50

props 189.014.0009 PVC plug 22 mm % 0,40
cpl. Modular Formwork

Subject to technical changes

244 Supports and consumption material

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg
Fibre-concrete tube, circular
PVC tube with covers shape, to be used with cones
26 mm Interior diameter: 22 mm
wall thickness length of tube
189.016.0100 12,0 10,0 % 15,00
189.042.0150 15,0 cm % 5,00
189.016.0120 14,0 12,0 % 18,00
189.042.0175 17,5 cm % 5,50
189.016.0130 15,0 13,0 % 19,50
189.042.0200 20,0 cm % 6,00
189.016.0140 16,0 14,0 % 21,00
189.042.0240 24,0 cm % 7,10 189.016.0160 18,0 16,0 % 24,00
189.042.0250 25,0 cm % 7,20 189.016.0180 20,0 18,0 % 27,00
189.042.0300 30,0 cm % 8,80 189.016.0200 22,0 20,0 % 30,00
189.042.0350 35,0 cm % 10,00 189.016.0210 23,0 21,0 % 31,50
189.042.0365 36,5 cm % 10,40 189.016.0220 24,0 22,0 % 33,00
189.042.0400 40,0 cm % 11,20 189.016.0230 25,0 23,0 % 34,50
189.042.0500 50,0 cm % 13,60 189.016.0260 28,0 26,0 % 39,00
189.016.0280 30,0 28,0 % 42,00
189.041.2000 length 200 cm 0,41 189.016.0310 33,0 31,0 % 46,50
without covers 189.016.0320 34,0 32,0 % 48,00
189.016.0330 35,0 33,0 % 49,50
189.016.0340 36,0 34,0 % 51,00
189.016.0345 36,5 34,5 % 51,75
189.016.0360 38,0 36,0 % 54,00
189.014.0015 PVC cover 26 mm % 1,30 189.016.0380 40,0 38,0 % 57,00

189.016.1250 length 125 cm 1,85

189.014.0003 PVC stick-on cone % 0,49

22 mm

189.014.0016 PVC plug 26 mm % 0,60

189.018.0044 PVC interior plug % 1,00
22 mm

Fibre-concrete tube circular

shape, to be used with covers
Interior diameter: 27 mm
wall thickness length of tube
189.012.2000 PVC tube 32 mm % 0,64 189.043.0118 12,0 11,8 % 15,00
length 200 cm 189.043.0138 14,0 13,8 % 18,00
189.043.0148 15,0 14,8 % 19,50
189.043.0158 16,0 15,8 % 21,00
189.043.0178 18,0 17,8 % 24,00
189.043.0198 20,0 19,8 % 27,00 26
189.043.0218 22,0 21,8 % 30,00
189.043.0228 23,0 22,8 % 31,50
189.014.0013 PVC cover 32 mm % 1,70 189.043.0238 24,0 23,8 % 33,00
189.043.0248 25,0 24,8 % 34,50
189.043.0278 28,0 27,8 % 39,00
189.043.0298 30,0 29,8 % 42,00
189.043.0328 33,0 32,8 % 46,50
189.043.0338 34,0 33,8 % 48,00
189.043.0348 35,0 34,8 % 49,50
189.043.0358 36,0 35,8 % 51,00
189.014.0010 PVC plug 32 mm % 0,90 189.043.0363 36,5 36,3 % 51,75
189.043.0378 38,0 37,8 % 54,00
189.043.0398 40,0 39,8 % 57,00

189.043.1250 length 125 cm 2,12

Subject to technical changes

Supports and consumption material 245

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

189.014.0019 Cover % 3,92 680.000.0050 PVC plug % 0,10

27 mm for 5 cm filler post (for
elements produced
before middle of 1993)

189.017.1250 Fibre-concrete tube 2,80 680.000.0178 PVC plug % 0,25

32 mm 23,5 + 24 mm for
length 125 cm modular filler post
an GE

680.000.0083 PVC plug % 0,50

189.014.0005 PVC stick-on cone % 0,70 29,5 mm for Athlete
32 mm

680.000.0150 PVC countersink plug % 0,50

189.018.0002 Mortar 3/25 25,00 21 mm for LOGO

189.014.0023 PVC plug % 0,50

25 mm for Girder
189.018.0014 Injection pistol 1,00 Formwork

189.014.0021 PVC sealing plug % 0,20

34 mm for Modular
189.018.0003 Extension jet 0,03

Spacer strip,
length 250 cm
189.018.0001 Mixed adhesive 1,00 Concrete cover
incl. hardener 940.025.0001 30 mm 0,56
940.025.0004 35 mm 0,65
940.025.0005 40 mm 0,70
940.025.0006 50 mm 1,03

Fibre-concrete plug
length 2 cm
Ring spacer
189.018.0047 22 cm % 1,70 for vertical reinforcement
6-12 cm
189.018.0041 27 cm % 2,30
940.000.0572 25 mm % 0,60
189.018.0049 32 cm % 3,40
940.000.0570 30 mm % 0,77
940.000.0573 35 mm % 1,10
680.000.0033 PVC plug % 0,10 940.000.0575 40 mm % 1,60
for prop head 940.000.0574 50 mm % 1,84

Subject to technical changes

246 Supports and consumption material

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

Spacer strap for rein- PASCHAL P300

forcing mat and bar Parting compound
spacer to form, up to
a 12 mm reinforcement 189.003.0011 Barell with tab, 200 l 187,00
diameter Rod
189.003.0013 Can, 30 l 25,00
diameter: 4 mm
Concrete cover: 30 mm

Wall thickness
940.021.0001 15,0 cm % 2,10
940.021.0027 17,5 cm % 2,30
940.021.0002 20,0 cm % 2,60
940.021.0003 24,0 cm % 2,80 PASCHAL P2000
940.021.0004 30,0 cm % 3,50 Parting compound
940.021.0005 36,0 cm % 3,90 ecologically harmless

189.003.0018 Barell with tab, 200 l 187,00

189.003.0019 Can, 30 l 25,00
940.025.0020 Eccentric formwork 0,17
stop of PVC (without

940.014.0163 Uni concrete anchor 0,17 UNI carbide scraper

DW 15 V2A
940.018.0003 50 x 850 mm 1,00
with 3 carbide turn plates
940.018.0004 50 x 1300 mm 1,10
with 3 carbide turn plates
940.018.0001 100 x 850 mm 1,20
with 6 carbide turn plates
940.025.0010 21/18 x 2500 mm 0,19
940.018.0002 100 x 1300 mm 1,30
940.025.0011 38/22 x 2500 mm 0,36 with 6 carbide turn plates
940.018.0005 175 x 850 mm 1,40
with 10 carbide turn plates
940.018.0006 175 x 1300 mm 1,50
PVC chamfer angle
with 10 carbide turn plates
189.015.0000 2,3 x 2,3 x 250 cm 0,35
189.015.0002 1,2 x 1,2 x 250 cm 0,16


Joint tape,
galvanized plate strip
about 30 m per coil
940.018.0010 Replacement carbide turn 0,02
940.100.0010 250 x 0,6 mm ca. 36,00 plates 16,5 x 16,5 mm
940.100.0011 200 x 0,6 mm ca. 30,00 (with screws)
940.100.0012 150 x 0,6 mm ca. 22,00 940.018.0011 Inclined replacement 0,04
940.100.0013 125 x 0,6 mm ca. 18,00 blade 50 mm
940.018.0012 Inclined replacement 0,07
blade 100 mm
940.018.0013 Inclined replacement 0,12
189.003.0009 Parting compound 4,30 blade 175 mm
pistol 5 l

Subject to technical changes

Supports and consumption material 247

Parts list
Art.-No Item kg Art.-No Item kg

187.500.0023 UNI carbide scraper 1,20 185.000.0037 Fastening part 1,40

LOGO 100 x 850 mm assembled

185.000.0038 Suspending piece 0,60


930.007.0023 Brush fillet for UNI 0,17

carbide scraper LOGO

Scraper blade for UNI

carbide scraper LOGO

670.200.0050 Left 0,018

670.200.0051 Middle 0,019
670.200.0052 Right 0,018

941.015.0165 Socket wrench 3,70

SW 36/41

941.018.0051 Formwork hammer 0,80

941.015.0033 Open ended spanner 0,75

SW 46

941.014.0165 Tie rod key DW 15 0,90

185.000.0039 Fastening piece for 2,00

props one-way columns
(D. 15-75 cm)

Subject to technical changes

248 Supports and consumption material


Supports and consumption material 249

Trapez TTR Trapez TTS Modular/GE
Trapezoidal Girder Formwork
TTK with clamp connection

Trapezoidal Girder Formwork with plywood Trapezoidal Girder Formwork with steel facing Modular/GE Universal Formwork
Circular Formwork with adjustable radii for waste Adjustable circular formwork for sewage plants, Universal formwork for foundations, walls, supports,
water treatment plants, container construction, tank constructions, adventure baths, towers, beams, shafts, round solutions (polygons), gar-
water parks, towers, stairwells, garage entrances, stairwells, garage entrances, walls for gardening dening and landscape construction, precast
gardening and landscaping and landscaping elements

Infinitely adjustable for diameters from 2 - 5 For fair-faced concrete - perfect concrete finish Designed for hand-set applications as well as
meters, and 5 meters to infinite (no bolt impressions) crane dependant large-size formwork
Only 0.28 - 0.55 ties/m Infinitely adjustable for diameters from 5 meters Modular design principle and well-balanced

Delivered ready to use to the construction site to infinite panel selection make gang-forming possible
Perfectly round and with exact dimensions Only 0.28 - 0.55 ties/m even for complicated layout plans
System solutions for haunch girders and uneven Delivered ready to use to the construction site Flat steel frame for guaranteed sturdiness and

surfaces Integrated crane lifting clamps a long product life cycle

Compatible with all PASCHAL systems Perfectly round and with exact dimensions Compatible with all PASCHAL systems
System solutions for haunch girders and uneven Keybolt as a universal means of connection for

surfaces all panels and accessories

Technical data Technical data Technical data

Segment widths [cm] Segment widths [cm] Panel widths [cm]
125,5 / 110,5; 62,5 / 55,5 ( 2 5 m) 240 / 230; 120 /115; 60 / 57,5 Modular: 100 / 75 / 60 / 50 / 45 / 43 / 40 / 37 / 35 / 3
240 / 230 (222); 120 /115; 60 / 57,5 ( 5 f) 3 / 30 / 25 / 24 / 20 / 15 / 12 / 10 / 6 / 5; GE: 200 / 150

Segment heights [cm] Segment heights [cm] Panel heights [cm]

A 300 / 150 / 75 / 37,5 300 / 150 / 75 / 37,5 Modular: 150 / 125 / 75 / 62,5; GE: 275 / 250 / 150 / 125

Frame depth [cm] Frame depth [cm] Frame depth [cm]

40 (straight condition) 40 (straight condition) Modular 7,5; GE 19,5 (7,5 + 12 Girder)

Plywood Steel sheet Plywood

18 mm ( 2 5 m); 21 mm ( 5 f) 15 mm thick, 11-ply Finnish birch plywood

Max. concrete pressure Max. concrete pressure Max. concrete pressure

60 kN/m according DIN 18218 80 kN/m according DIN 18218 Modular: 35 kN/m according DIN 18218
GE: 60 kN/m according DIN 18218
Tolerances of deection Tolerances of deection
According DIN 18202, table 3, line 7 According DIN 18202, table 3, line 7 Tolerances of deection
Modular: According DIN 18202, table 3, line 6
GE: According DIN 18202, table 3, line 7

250 System summary

LOGO.3 LOGO alu Athlete

Wall Formwork LOGO.3 Wall Formwork LOGO alu Large-size Formwork Athlete
Large-size system for residential and commercial Light-weight formwork for construction sites Formwork for extremely high concrete pressures
buildings, industrial construction, civil engineering, without cranes and fully compatible to LOGO.3 (particularly SVB and easily compacted concrete)
reservoir construction with steel frame industrial construction, civil engineering works,
tank construction, housing- and business buildings.

Small number of ties (0.62 ties/m) Panels at floor height Extremely small number of ties (0.57 ties/m)
Quick panel connection with wedge clamps Quick panel connection with wedge clamps Quick element connection via Athlete clamp system
(only 1.6 kg in weight) (only 1.6 kg in weight) High stability and excellent alignment due to

Profiled flat steel frame for guaranteed stur di- Solid frame profile for guaranteed sturdiness 16 cm frame height
ness and long product life span and longevity Quick accessory fastening on multi-functional

Quick accessory fastening on multi-functional Panel 90 x 270 cm = only 60 kg weight and 2 ties cross profiles
cross profiles for that height Vertical or horizontal deployment for all panels

Vertical or horizontal deployment for all panels Quick accessory fastening on multi-functional Multi-purpose panel for corners, columns,

Multi-purpose panel for corners, columns, stop cross profiles stop-ends

ends Compatible with LOGO.3 with steel frame Well balanced panel selection for system forming

Well-balanced panel selection Multi-purpose panel for corners, columns, stop ends without on-site solutions

Technical data Technical data Technical data

Panel widths [cm] Panel widths [cm] Panel widths [cm]
240 / 135 / 90 / 75 / 60 /55 / 50 / 45 / 40 / 30 / 25 / 20 90 / 75 / 60 / 55 / 50 / 45 / 40 / 30 250 / 125 / 70 / 65 / 60 /55 / 50 / 45 / 30

Panel heights [cm] Panel heights [cm] Panel heights [cm]

340 / 305 / 270 / 240 / 135 / 90 / 75 270 / 135 280 / 250 / 140 / 70 A
Frame depth [cm] Frame depth [cm] Frame depth [cm]
12 12 16

Plywood Plywood Plywood

15 mm thick, 11-ply Finnish birch plywood 15 mm thick, 11-ply Finnish birch plywood 18 mm thick, 13-ply birch plywood

Max. concrete pressure Max. concrete pressure Max. concrete pressure

70 kN/m according DIN 18218 60 kN/m according DIN 18218 92 kN/m according DIN 18218

Tolerances of deection Tolerances of deection Tolerances of deection

According DIN 18202, table 3, line 6 According DIN 18202, table 3, line 6 According DIN 18202, table 3, line 7

System summary 251

Custom Formwork Multip Grip

Multi-functional working platform Multip Adjustable columns formwork Grip

Custom formworks for construction components, The multi-functional working platform with Adjustable column formwork with excellent
where system formwork can only be utilised highest safety standards forming times for highest quality fair-faced
partially, or not at all. concrete formwork

Any geometry or surface can be formed Formwork and scaffolding is delivered to site Setting and stripping of formwork requires
preassembled only the the fastening and then unfastening
Shaft formwork No additional installation of individual service- of ties at one corner
Special column sections brackets, covers and guard rails Relocation via a single crane lift (folding

Tunnels and domes Time saving due to folding mechanism mechanism)

Wood and steel custom formwork Full compliance with all building code requirements Easy installation of concreting platform and

(BGR 187) push-pull props

Safe workplaces allow quicker operation of Low transport volume due to foldable mechanism

accessory parts, like connection parts and ties

Significantly longer lifespan, than traditional

wood covering

Technical data Technical data

Platform width Panel heights [cm]
LOGO.3 and Athlete 72 cm; 340 / 300 / 150 / 90
Trapezoidal girder formwork 85 cm
A Adjustable range
Platform length
20-60 cm, in 5 cm steps
LOGO.3 and Athlete 240 / 135 cm;
Trapezoidal girder formwork external 238 cm,
internal 210 cm, (D t 7,00 m) Plywood
21 mm plastic covered birch plywood
Adm. load
2,0 kN/m Max. concrete pressure
80 kN/m according DIN 18218

252 System summary

Circular PASCHAL Deck e-deck

Circular column formwork Slab formwork Slab formwork

Steel formwork for round and oval shaped Versatile slab formwork for ceilings in residential Slab formwork ideally suited for construction
columns and industrial buildings sites without crane availability and where alu-
minium is not the material of choice

Leakage free panels joints due to overlapping Small number of individual parts Can be combined with Modular panels
formwork lining Optimised material deployment Beam solution with Modular panels workable
Oval columns and rounded stopends by be For any slab thickness Combination of different possible applications

using the Modular connection panel Length adjustment through overlapping of

Complete with work platform for safe concreting girders Possible applications:
Many deployments, no disposal costs Light-weight individual parts Support of panels with props/shoring system

No limits to concreting speed at small diameters Optimised adjustment to any layout Panels shall be placed on the beams

Any formwork covering selectable Panels shall be placed between beams, if necessary

with drop head

Technical data Technical data Technical data

Panel heights [cm] Girder length Panel dimensions [cm]
300 / 275 / 150 / 125 / 75 600 / 490 / 390 / 360 / 330 / 290 / 245 cm 60x125, 45x125, 30x125, 60x120, 45x120, 30x120
60x90, 60x85, 60x60, 60x55 30x60, 30x55
Diameter [cm] Girder height A
100 / 90 / 80 / 70 / 60 / 50 / 45 / 40 / 35 / 30 / 25 cm 20 cm
Steel frame, depth 7,5 cm
Plywood Maximum load of the H20 girder
3 mm steel sheet Max. shear force 11 kN
12 mm thick, 9-ply birch plywood
Max. bending moment 5 kNm
Max. concrete pressure
85 kN/m according DIN 18218 ( 100 cm)
Length 235 cm (with drop head 250 cm)
335 kN/m according DIN 18218 ( 25 cm)
Length 165 cm (with drop head 180 cm)

Slab thickness
up to 30 cm

Max. single weight

~20 kg

System summary 253

Climbing system 240 Climbing system 200 KBK

Climbing system Climbing system Climbing platform KBK 180

It supports the efficiency and cost effectiveness A versatile system for safe and economical Work and jacking scaffold, which comes fully
of climbing systems in adjusting flexibly to the climbing. assembled and ready to use on-site.
structure geometry and in permitting larger
formwork units

Can be adjusted up to +/- 15 degrees on the Compatible with all Paschal formwork systems with all formwork types compatible
geometry of the structure Climbing unit with large formwork areas can platform folds up for low transport volume
High load-bearing capacity be moved in one piece
Saving of time and costs by transposing of

larger formwork units

Long service life and functionality by hot-dip

galvanizing as surface protection

High degree of safety at work by working space

in front of and behind the formwork

Little transport volume by modular construction Technical data Technical data
Climbing bracket Platform width
2,00 m 180 cm

Technical data Live loads Platform length

Working platform: 3,0 kN/m 295 cm; corner platforms: 390 cm
Bracket depth Suspended scaffold: 1,0 kN/m
2,40 m Bracket spacing
Working heights 200 cm
up to 100 m above ground level
Live loads
Maximum loads
A Working platform: 4,5 / 3,0 kN/m
Formwork heights 3 kN/m as climbing platform carrying formwork
Concrete platform: 1,5 kN/m
Suspended scaffold: 1,0 kN/m up to 5,60 m 4,5 kN/m as working platform without formwork
2 kN/m as working and safety platform with
Anchoring drop-in loop according to DIN 4420
+ / - 15 Clevis shoe with screw anchor M24
Clevis shoe with anchor cone M30 Anchoring
Clevis shoe M24 with screw anchor
Accessories Clevis shoe M30 with anchor cone
Panel supports and height adjustment units for Drop-in loops according to DIN 4420
all PASCHAL formwork systems
Tension anchoring for wind loads Accessories
Traps Corner platforms, single brackets, connection
part for drop-in loops, clevis shoe M30, bracket
extensions, railing posts for lateral protection,
suspended scaffold, traps, Drop-in loops as per
DIN 4420

254 System summary


Aluminium shoring system GASS PPL PASCHAL-Plan light software RFID technology optimized software
Alu shoring system for the distribution of weight The central software solution for your formwork PASCHAL Ident
from great heights in all areas of construction tasks The PASCHAL Ident Technology gives uniqueness

NEW to any equipped formwork panel*. The herewith

guaranteed clear unmistakable identification is
the imperative precondition for leasing.
Shoring system, climbing scaffolding, stacking Formwork planning
tower, individual column Simple entry of the ground
Light-weight components plan Advantages of the use of RFID technology
Only one support up to a height of 6.5 m Automatic formwork design
Support of business processes
Highly flexible due to 8 connection points on Precise material list
Permanent inventory
supports Checked documents for invoicing
Simplified investment management
Quick splined connection for frame/support Complete information about concrete volumes
Improved traceability
Frame height 1 m usable as security railing at and forming times
full area live load of 1.5 kN/m Warehouse management

Can be used as slab table with crane For all formwork systems
Retting of construction equipment with RFID
technology is possible

Technical data Product advantages finance leasing:

No activation in the balances required (German
Dimension PPpro PASCHAL-Plan pro software accounting)
Support lengths: 467 / 358 / 249 / 140 cm
CAD 3D-Software for planning of sophisticated No immediate outflow of liquidity by the acqui-
Frame widths: 120 / 180 / 240 / 300 cm
projects sition and payment of the entire purchase price
Financing by the Pay-as-you-earn-principle
Max. load
Max. load per leg 140 kN is possible A
Planning safety through fixed compensation
Formwork planning fee and fixed utilisation time
Calculation The use and market suitability of the leasing
product is kept by the further utilisation of
the investment object after termination of the
AutoCAD formwork application
leasing contract

* All formwork panels of the LOGO.3 and the Modular Universal

Formwork are equipped with RFID technology as standard.

System summary 255

Fresh concrete pressure
Fresh concrete pressure on vertical formwork
When concreting vertical walls, the individual formwork elements and their anchors are loaded horizontally by the fresh concrete
pressure. The size of the fresh concrete pressure to be applied is regulated in DIN 18218, issue 2010-01 for various parameters.

In Figure 1, the distribution of fresh concrete

pressure is presented for the concrete height
H. Starting from the concrete surface, the
fresh concrete pressure increases evenly
downwards to the hydrostatic pressure

height hs. The hydrostatic pressure height

hs can be determined with the maximum
fresh concrete pressure  hk,max and the

hE = v t E
specic weight c of the fresh concrete
to = hk,max / c. For the difference between Fresh concrete
the hydrostatic pressure height and the
height of the concrete after reaching the

end of setting hE , a constant pressure

course is assumed. If the total height of
the concrete H is greater than hE, the fresh
concrete pressure develops into a moving
load for the formwork height.
Set concrete
The hydrostatic fresh concrete pressure (hardened
hk,max,hydr = c H is, when pouring in the concrete)
concrete against the direction of rise (from hk,max hk,max,hydr
above), the highest possible value of the
fresh concrete pressure. Even if, due to
unfavourable inuences, a higher value Figure 1: Distribution of fresh concrete pressure

subsequently results for the fresh concrete

pressure, it prevails as the upper limit.

In DIN 18218, the fresh concrete pressure

is stated as a characteristic value of the in-
uence hk.The design value hd = F hk is
to be applied for the design of the form-
work and scaffolding including anchors.
The partial safety factor F for proof in
ultimate limit state is 1.5 in the case of an
unfavourable inuence. In the case of a fa-
vourable inuence, the partial safety factor
B of the fresh concrete pressure F = 1.0 is
to be applied.

Warehouse, Endingen; Ernst Spth, Endingen

258 Fresh concrete pressure

Concrete is divided into seven classes according to its consistency in line with DIN EN
206-1, DIN 1045-2 and DAfStb guidelines.
Consistency class Flow diameter [mm]
F1 - hard (KS, K1) d 340
F2 plastic (KP, K2) 350 - 410
F3 soft (KR, K3) 420 - 480
F4 very soft (KF) 490 - 550
F5 owable 550 - 620
F6 very owable t 630
SCC self-compacting t 700

Table 1: Consistency classes flow diamater

The characteristic values of the lateral fresh concrete pressure hk,max can be calculated
for the various consistency classes according to Table 2 depending on the rate of rise.
Maximum fresh concrete pressure
when poured in opposite direction
Consistency class
to the rise in level (from above)
(hk,max [kN/m]
F1 (5 v + 21) K1 t 25
F2 (10 v + 19) K1 t 25
F3 (14 v + 18) K1 t 25
F4 (17 v + 17) K1 t 25
F5 25 + 30 v K1 t 30
F6 25 + 38 v K1 t 30
SCC 25 + 33 v K1 t 30
v pouring rate [m/h]
K1 Factor for considering the setting behaviour according to Table 3

Table 2: Characteristic values of maximum lateral fresh concrete pressure

The inuence of the setting behaviour on the fresh concrete pressure is taken into consideration by the factor K1 according to Table 3.
Consistency class Factor K1

End of setting End of setting End of setting General b B

tE = 5 h tE = 10 h tE = 20 h
F1 a 1,0 1,15 1,45 1 + 0,03 (tE 5)
F2 1,0 1,25 1,80 1 + 0,053 (tE 5)
F3 1,0 1,40 2,15 1 + 0,077 (tE 5)
F4 1,0 1,70 3,10 1 + 0,14 (tE 5)
F5, F6, SCC 1,0 2,00 4,00 tE / 5
applies for concrete sections with a height H of up to 10 m
applies for 5 h d tE d 20 h; tE in h

Table 3: Factors K1 for considering the setting behaviour

Fresh concrete pressure 259

The end of setting tE of fresh concrete is determined by its compound and temperature
conditions and must be determined at the rst examination. For concrete with strength
class of at least C20/25 and without using retarders, the setting times can be estimated
from the following empirical values:

Estimation of the end of setting

tE = 5 hours for concrete
with fast strength development according to DIN EN 206-1 and concrete temperatures

of more than +15C

with average strength development and concrete temperatures of more than +20C

tE = 7 hours for concrete

with fast strength development according to DIN EN 206-1 and concrete temperatures

of more than +10C

with average strength development and concrete temperatures of more than +15C

with slow strength development and concrete temperatures of more than +20C

The equations in Table 2 take the following assumptions as a basis:

The gross weight of the fresh concrete is c = 25 kN/m.

The actual end of setting of the fresh concrete poured into the formwork does not
exceed tE.
The fresh concrete of consistency classes F1 F6 is compacted with internal vibrators.
The formwork is leak proof.
The average rate of rise v at every point is 7,0 m/h at the most when using concrete
of consistency classes F1 F4.
The concrete is poured against the direction of rise (from above).

If the fresh concrete gross weight deviates from c = 25 kN/m, the determined fresh
concrete pressure hk,max must be multiplied by factor K2 = c / 25.

c [kN/m] K2

10 0,40
15 0,60

B 20 0,80
25 1,00
30 1,20
35 1,40
40 1,60

Table 4: Factor K2 for converting the fresh concrete gross weight deviating from 25 kN/m

260 Fresh concrete pressure

If the fresh concrete temperature Tc,placing
does not correlate with the reference tem-
perature Tc,Ref, which forms the basis of
determining the end of setting tE, the fresh
concrete pressure must be adapted. In do-
ing so, the fresh concrete temperature may
not deviate from the reference temperature
in the case of concrete of the consistency
classes F1 to F4 by more than 10 K and in
the case of F5, F6 and SCC, by no more
than 5 K.
If the fresh concrete temperature exceeds
the reference temperature hk,max when pou-
ring in the concrete Tc,placing the fresh con-
crete pressure may be reduced by 3% per 1K
temperature difference, by 30%, however,
at the most.
If the fresh concrete temperature is lower
than the reference temperature Tc,Ref when
pouring in the concrete Tc,placing, or if a higher
fresh concrete temperature than Tc,Ref can-
Flat silo, Sderbrarup; Max Giese, Bdelsdorf not be maintained, the fresh concrete
pressure hk,max must be increased by 3%
per 1 K temperature difference in the case
of consistency classes F1 to F4 and by 5%
per 1K temperature difference in the case
of consistency classes F5,F6 and SCC.

If the concrete is inserted from below, at

least the hydrostatic fresh concrete pres-
sure in relation to the ller must be applied
for the concrete pressure hk,max and not
exceed the concrete level of 3.5 m.

For the exact determination of the available

fresh concrete pressure or the tensile force
on the tie rod, pressure measuring devices
can be assembled at the tie point between
the formwork element and the plate with
ball and socket joint.
The value to be read corresponds with the
available tensile force on the tie rod. This B
can be compared the tensile force permitted
on the tie rod.
The actual available fresh concrete pressure
can be calculated from the available tensile
force and the area of inuence impacting
the tie point.

Fresh concrete pressure 261

Example calculations
In order to demonstrate the procedure for determining the fresh concrete pressure and the effects of deviating inuencing factors,
three examples are shown here.

Concrete height/wall height: H = 4,0 m Concrete height/wall height: H = 4,0 m Concrete height/wall height: H = 2,5 m
Consistency: F3 Consistency: F4 Consistency: F3
Rate of rise: v = 3,0 m/h Rate of rise: v = 3,0 m/h Rate of rise: v = 4,0 m/h
Standards End of setting: tE = 5 h End of setting: tE = 5 h End of setting: tE = 10 h
Tc,placing = Tc,Ref Tc,placing = 20C; Tc,Ref = 25C Tc,placing = Tc,Ref
Fresh concrete gross weight Fresh concrete gross weight Fresh concrete gross weight
c = 25 kN/m c = 25 kN/m c = 25 kN/m

K1 = 1,0
K1 = 1,4
hk,max = (17 v + 17) K1 t 25
K1 = 1,0 hk,max = (14 v + 18) K1 t 25
hk,max = (17 3,0 + 17) 1 = 68 kN/m
hk,max = (14 v + 18) K1 t 25 hk,max = (14 4,0 + 18) 1,4 | 104 kN/m
T = 20 25 = 5 K
hk,max = (14 3,0 + 18) 1,0 = 60 kN/m hs = 104 / 25 = 4,16 m
Increase by 5 3 % = 15 %
hs = 60 / 25 = 2,4 m hs t H hk,max,hydr is decisive
hk,max = 68 1,15 | 78 kN/m
hs d H 9 hk,max,hydr = c H
hs = 78 / 25 = 3,12 m
hk,max,hydr = 25 2,5 =62,5 kN/m
hs d H 9

The attachment to DIN 18218 contains diagrams for various ends of setting tE from which the highest values of the fresh concrete
pressure can be read. Here, the procedure is shown based on example 1.

150 6
Fresh concrete pressure hk,max in kN/m

125 5
F6 F5 Hydrostatic effective head hs in m

100 4
75 3

60 F1 2,4
B 50 2

25 tE = 5 h 1
c = 25 kN/m
1 hydrostatic up to tE
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rate of rise v in m/h

Figure 2: Diagram for determining the fresh concrete pressure hk,max depending on the rate of rise v and the consistency
class for an end of setting tE of 5 h. (SVB is German abbreviation for SCC)

262 Fresh concrete pressure


Fresh concrete pressure 263

Sales organisation
Products, Advice and Service:
Readily available for effective construction work

Effective construction work relies on intelligent compon-

ents and tools. They must be easy to ship, be on site quickly
and ready for use in no time.
PASCHAL offers its clients immediate availability on an
international scale: this includes consulting and customer
services. All activities are coordinated from the HQ of
PASCHAL-Werk G.Maier GmbH, which is located in Steinach,
Southern Germany. The PASCHAL group has several branch
ofces in Germany, international subsidiaries, Representa-
tive ofces and numerous Trade Partners. This represents
a well-organized service network covering all aspects of
concrete construction:
First of all competent consultants and well-founded pro-
duct concepts, Trade Partners in your local region offering
dependable supply service and reliable on-site staff brieng.
But for your special convenience, PASCHAL can always be
accessed by clients and partners via a clearly dened
contact person. This PASCHAL consultant organizes every-
thing needed around the PASCHAL products.


A Germany PASCHALDANMARK A/S PASCHAL SARL AG. SUD PASCHAL spol.s r.o. Sklad Beroun F Algeria
PASCHAL-Werk G. Maier GmbH Systemforskallinger Z.A. le Pragelinet Lidick ulice PASCHAL-Werk G. Maier GmbH
Stammwerk Steinach Ejby Industrivej 122 F-84500 Bollne CZ-226 01 Beroun Bureau de Liaison Algrie
Kreuzbhlstrae 5 DK-2600 Glostrup Phone: +33 4 32 81 07 18 Phone/Fax: +420 311 62 66 23 2, Impasse Biarritz
D-77790 Steinach Phone: +45 44 84 46 00 Fax: +33 4 32 81 08 36 Pins Maritimes
Phone: +49 78 32 71 0 Fax: +45 44 84 46 66 DZ-16211 Alger
Fax: +49 78 32 71 209 PASCHAL spol.s.r.o. Sklad Olomouc Phone: +213 21 21 02 71 U Panelrny 1 Fax: +213 21 21 93 05 CZ-779 00 Olomouc
Phone/Fax: +420 585 31 34 76

B Denmark C France D Czech Republic E Switzerland G Bahrain

Systemforskallinger 70, Avenue Albert Einstein Vyehradsk 23 Leuholz 21 Bahrain International Investment Park
Bredskriftsvej 24 Z.I. de Chteau dEau CZ-128 00 Praha 2 CH-8855 Wangen / SZ P.O. Box 50510, Hidd
DK-8210 rhus F-77554 Moissy Cramayel Cedex Phone: +42 02 21 59 45 94 Phone: +41 55 440 80 87 Hidd 115, avenue 19, Bldg. 96
Phone: +45 86 24 45 00 Phone: +33 1 64 13 11 11 Fax: +42 02 21 59 45 92 Fax: +41 55 440 80 71 Kingdom of Bahrain
Fax: +45 86 24 56 01 Fax: +33 1 64 13 11 00 Phone: +973 17 67 25 80 Fax: +973 17 67 25 70

266 Sales organisation

10 5
3 8 A D
C E 9 11
1 2

12 L G


H Dubai J India K Iraq

PASCHAL EMIRATES Co. L.L.C. PASCHAL Form Work (India) Pvt. Ltd. PASCHAL-Werk G. Maier GmbH
Formwork and Scaffolding Plot No.901, Representative Ofce
P.O.Box 638 Road No.46, Jubilee Hills Babilon District 929
Marrakesh Street Hyderabad - 500033 Street no. 13
Umm Ramool/Rashidiya Andhra Pradesh India House no. 25/1
Dubai, U.A.E. Phone: +91 40 66 58 05 05 Baghdad, Al-Karada
Phone: +971 4 286 11 39 Fax: +91 40 66 58 05 06
Fax: +971 4 286 11 49 C
I Abu Dhabi L Saudi Arabia
PASCHAL EMIRATES L.L.C. PASCHAL Form Work (India) Pvt. Ltd. PASCHAL-Werk G. Maier GmbH
Abu Dhabi Branch S.No 208-1/2, Bayyavaram Village, (Scientic and Technical Ofce)
Bldg. 279, Mussaffah Kasimkotta Mandal Dhahran-Jubail Highway-AlAwjam
Commercial ME-10 Vishakhapatnam Dist. 531031 Qatif exit, Al Sanad Building
Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. India P.O. Box 69360, Dammam 31547
Phone: +971 2 559 10 88 Phone: +91 89 24 24 40 53 Kingdom Saudi Arabia
Fax: +971 2 559 10 98 Fax: +91 89 24 24 40 55 Phone: +966 3 802 8688 Fax: +966 3 808 1197

Sales organisation 267

1 Albania 5 Lithuania 9 Austria Handlowo Wslugowa Sp. Z o.o.
KONTAKT Sh.p.k. Prorentus Ltd. Schalbau Vitzthum Ul. Kasztanowa 6A/1
Rr. Frosina Plaku Nr. 40 Paliuniskio 11 Nr. 214 PL-64-542 Mlodasko
AL-1023 Tirana LT-35114 Panevezys A-5091 Unken Salzburg Phone: +48 61 295 02 80
Phone: +355 42 225 338 Phone: +370 45 40 10 46 Phone: +43 65 89 42 79 0 Fax: +48 61 441 02 26 Fax: +370 45 40 10 47 Fax: +43 65 89 71 58

11 Romania
2 Azerbaijan 6 Martinique 10 Poland Helvetic Krypton Constructii SRL
Fateh LOCAPRESS SAS PPU PALISANDER Sp.z.o.o Str. Motilor nr. 3/sector 3
Teymur Aliev Str. 67/71 4th oor Bois Rouge ul. Elewatorska 11 B RO-023701 Bucuresti
AZ-1069 Baku MQ-97224 Ducos PL-15-620 Biaystok Phone: +40 742 49 19 12
Phone: +994 12 563 18 16 Phone: +596 42 01 01 Phone: +48 85 67 68 159
Fax: +994 12 563 18 16 Fax: +596 42 01 10 Fax: +48 85 67 68 160
12 Saudi Arabia
3 Belgium 7 New Caledonia PPU PALISANDER Sp.z.o.o Eics
DBS bekisting nv Coffrapac Nouvelle ul.Wrzesi ska 174 PO Box. 69360
Industriepark zone II B.P. 1379 PL-62-020 Swarz dz SA-Dammam 31547
Zevensterrestraat 13 Quartier Latin Dock Ducos Phone: +48 61 63 90 180 Phone: + 966 3 802 9080
B-9240 Zele 98845 Noumea Nelle Caledonie Fax: +48 61 65 10 111 Fax: + 966 3 808 1197
Phone: +32 52 45 82 80 Phone: +687 76 69 99
Fax: +32 52 45 82 85 Fax: +687 25 43 21
ul. Lwowska 38 13 Spain
4 Italy 8 Netherlands PL-40-397 Katowice Gallega de Alquileres, S.A
Edilmig DE HON bekistingstechniek Phone: +48 32 35 30 629 Pol. Ind. A Granxa/Paralela 3
Via Leopardi 29 Archimedesweg 13 Fax: +48 32 35 30 629 E-36400 Porrio. Pontevedra
I-80044 Ottaviano (NA) NL-8912 AK Leeuwarden Phone: +34 986 34 65 50
Phone: +390 81 8 27 82 32 Phone: +31 58 2 55 55 88 Fax: +34 986 34 66 13
Fax: +390 81 8 27 81 38 Fax: +31 58 2 55 55 80

268 Sales organisation


12 11

16 13


36 B
32 C
31 18
30 19 25
34 21 26
29 20
24 3
27 59 7
4 1

38 2
23 8


40 41

46 56

55 57
48 49

50 58


A Steinach C Gifhorn E Mnchen D
PASCHAL-Werk G. Maier GmbH Stammwerk Steinach PASCHAL-Werk G. Maier GmbH Niederlassung Gifhorn PASCHAL-Werk G. Maier GmbH Niederlassung Mnchen
Kreuzbhlstrae 5 77790 Steinach Nordhoffstrae 2 38518 Gifhorn Georg-Knorr-Strae 20 85662 Hohenbrunn
Phone: +49 (0) 78 32 / 71-0 Fax: +49 (0) 78 32 / 71-209 Phone: +49 (0) 53 71 / 5 88 98-0 Fax: +49 (0) 53 71 / 5 88 98-25 Phone: +49 (0) 81 02 / 60 88 Fax: +49 (0) 81 02 / 68 56

B Berlin D Hamburg F Arnstorf

PASCHAL-Werk G. Maier GmbH Niederlassung Berlin PASCHAL-Werk G. Maier GmbH Service-Center Hamburg PASCHAL-Werk G. Maier GmbH Niederlassung Niederbayern
Grenzgrabenstrae 13 13053 Berlin Max-Weber-Strae 27-31 25451 Quickborn Eggenfeldener Strae 38 a 94424 Arnstorf
Phone: +49 (0) 30 / 98 19 57-0 Fax: +49 (0) 30 / 98 19 57-23 Phone: +49 (0) 41 06 / 73065 Fax: +49 (0) 41 06 / 75415 Phone: +49 (0) 87 23 / 14 40 Fax: +49 (0) 87 23 / 35 68

Sales organisation 269

1 Carl Beutlhauser 7 Kurt Knig 13 Krause GmbH 19 Heinrich Grotemeier 25 Kurt Knig
Baumaschinen GmbH Baumaschinen GmbH Baumaschinen - Baugerte Baumaschinen - Baugerte Baumaschinen GmbH
Augustusweg 10 Baumaschinen Baugerte Rstjer Weg 2 Teichstrae 29 Baumaschinen Baugerte Miet-
01109 Dresden Mietpark Service 21739 Dollern 32257 Bnde park Service
Phone: +49 (0) 3 51 / 8 83 00 Oststrae 3 Phone: +49 (0) 41 63 / 39 11 Phone: +49 (0) 52 23 / 16 60 Kreuztor 9
Fax: +49 (0) 3 51 / 8 83 01 99 06526 Sangerhausen Fax: +49 (0) 41 63 / 28 89 Fax: +49 (0) 52 23 / 16 62 27 38126 Braunschweig Phone: +49 (0) 34 64 / 57 48 59 Phone: +49 (0) 531 / 2 64 74 0 Fax +49 (0) 34 64 / 57 42 44 Fax: +49 (0) 531 / 2 64 74 74

2 Rumpf + Schuppe GmbH 8 B.B.F. Baumaschinen, Bauser- 14 Stock B.I.G. GmbH 20 Stelter GmbH 26 Kurt Knig
Baumaschinen Baugerte vice und Fahrzeuge Handels- und Baumaschinen Bautechnik Baumaschinen GmbH
Turmdrehkrane Vermietungs-GmbH Bltbek 32-34 Am lbach 38 Baumaschinen Baugerte Miet-
Hirschfelder Ring 10 Zweigbetrieb Aue 22962 Siek 33334 Gtersloh park Service
02763 Zittau Karlsbader Strae 1 Phone: +49 (0) 41 07 / 9 01 0 Phone: +49 (0) 52 41 / 4 00 04 0 Knigweg 1
Phone: +49 (0) 35 83 / 7 75 10 08321 Zschorlau Fax: +49 (0) 41 07 / 9 01 234 Fax: +49 (0) 52 41 / 4 00 04 24 39171 Dodendorf
Fax: +49 (0) 35 83 / 77 51 13 Phone: +49 (0) 37 71 / 4 10 10 Phone: +49 (0) 391 / 6 25 12 0 Fax: +49 (0) 37 71 / 41 01 20 Fax: +49 (0) 391 / 6 25 12 99

3 Carl Beutlhauser 9 Nagel Baumaschinen 15 Heinrich Jensen 21 Heinrich Grotemeier 27 Elvermann GmbH
Baumaschinen GmbH Magdeburg GmbH Baumaschinen - Baugerte Baugerte - Abhollager Schaltechnik
Zweig-Niederlassung Cottbus Waldenburger Strae 1a Gress-Strae 12 Hofstrae 24 - Ziegelstrae 90 A Kleyer Weg 37
Drewitzer Str. 2 08373 Weidensdorf-Glauchau 25821 Bredstedt 33609 Bielefeld 44149 Dortmund
03042 Cottbus Phone: +49 (0) 37 63 / 17 78 0 Phone: +49 (0) 46 71 / 29 20 Phone: +49 (0) 521 / 28 71 95 Phone: +49 (0) 231 / 61 80 49 90
Phone: +49 (0) 3 55 / 75 67 60 Fax: +49 (0) 37 63 / 17 78 47 Fax: +49 (0) 46 71 / 22 62 Fax: +49 (0) 521 / 2 79 96 Fax: +49 (0) 231 / 61 80 49 91
Fax: +49 (0) 3 55 / 7 56 76 17

4 B.B.F. Baumaschinen, Bauser- 10 Martin Runge 16 Krapp Eisen GmbH & Co. KG 22 Kurt Knig 28 Elvermann GmbH
vice und Fahrzeuge Handels- und Baumaschinen GmbH Dornumer Strae 7 A Baumaschinen GmbH Schaltechnik
Vermietungs-GmbH Hauptbetrieb Passower Chaussee/Strae 1 26607 Aurich Baumaschinen Baugerte Miet- Zur Reithalle 72-76
Lausicker Strae 3 16303 Schwedt / Oder Phone: +49 (0) 49 41 / 98 15 0 park Service 46286 Dorsten-Lembeck
04668 Grimma Phone: +49 (0) 33 32 / 43 15 0 Fax: +49 (0) 49 41 / 71 31 4 Shrestrae 9 Phone: +49 (0) 23 69 / 98 91 0
Phone: +49 (0) 34 37 / 99 53 Fax: +49 (0) 33 32 / 43 15 30 34123 Kassel Fax: +49 (0) 23 69 / 98 91 35
Fax: +49 (0) 34 37 / 99 54 19 Phone: +49 (0) 561 / 5 79 86 0 Fax: +49 (0) 561 / 5 79 86 79

5 B.B.F. Baumaschinen, Bauser- 11 BAUFA Nord-Ost GmbH 17 Vernhold Nachf. 23 Kurt Knig 29 Vernhold Nachf.
vice und Fahrzeuge Handels- und Baumaschinen und Inh. Horst Rumpf Baumaschinen GmbH Inh. Horst Rumpf
Vermietungs-GmbH Servicegesellschaft Baumaschinen - Baugerte Baumaschinen Baugerte Miet- Baumaschinen - Baugerte
Zweigbetrieb Torgau Helmshger Strae 8 Kupferstrae 1 park Service Fuggerstrae 24
Ernst-Thlmann-Strae 116/118 17489 Greifswald 26789 Leer Grner Weg 1 48165 Mnster
04886 Beilrode Phone: +49 (0) 38 34 / 5 85 50 Phone: +49 (0) 491 / 70 28 35418 Buseck Phone: +49 (0) 25 01 / 922 6 10
Phone: +49 (0) 34 21 / 71 70 72 Fax: +49 (0) 38 34 / 58 55 55 Fax: +49 (0) 491 / 7 20 62 Phone: +49 (0) 64 08 / 50 07 0 Fax: +49 (0) 25 01 / 922 6 129
Fax: +49 (0) 34 21 / 71 70 74 Fax: +49 (0) 64 08 / 50 07 79

6 Odenwlder 12 Stock B.I.G. GmbH 18 Kurt Knig 24 Kurt Knig 30 Hoffschulte-Kassens

Baumaschinen GmbH & Co. KG Baumaschinen Baumaschinen GmbH Baumaschinen GmbH GmbH & Co. KG
Weissenfelser Strae 72b Dorfstrae 54 Baumaschinen Baugerte Miet- Baumaschinen Baugerte Miet- Baumaschinen Baugerte
06217 Merseburg 18184 Roggentin park Service park Service Industriebedarf
Phone: +49 (0) 34 61 / 82 60 0 Phone: +49 (0) 3 82 04 / 70 80 Nenndorfer Strae 2 Grimsehlstrae 25 Hollefeldstrae 36
Fax: +49 (0) 34 61 / 82 60 10 Fax: +49 (0) 3 82 04 / 70 82 3 30952 Ronnenberg Ot Empelde 37574 Einbeck 48282 Emsdetten Phone: +49 (0) 511 / 94 63 97 0 Phone: +49 (0) 55 61 / 79 01 0 Phone: +49 (0)25 72 / 95 30 47 Fax: +49 (0) 511 / 46 19 24 Fax: +49 (0) 55 61 / 73 66 1 Fax: +49 (0) 25 72 / 95 30 48

270 Sales organisation

31 Eisen-Busch GmbH 37 Hoffschulte-Kassens 43 Scheidinger 49 Monte-Leone GmbH 55 BGU Baugerte-Union
Baumaschinen - Baugerte GmbH & Co. KG Baumaschinen Handel GmbH Tonolzbronner Str. 14 GmbH & Co.
Hovestrae 46-56 Baumaschinen Baugerte Gewerbepark 4 73577 Ruppertshofen Maschinenhandels KG
48431 Rheine Industriebedarf 59514 Welver-Scheidingen Phone: +49 (0) 71 76 / 4 53 30 0 Dettenheimer Strae 1
Phone: +49 (0) 59 71 / 92 33 0 Dieselstrae 37 - 39 Phone: +49 (0) 23 84 / 4 11 Fax: +49 (0) 71 76 / 4 53 30 28 91781 Weienburg
Fax: +49 (0) 59 71 / 92 33 33 49716 Meppen / Ems Fax: +49 (0) 23 84 / 4 15 Phone: +49 (0) 91 41 / 86 01 38 Phone: +49 (0) 59 31 / 8 03 0 Fax: +49 (0) 91 41 / 86 01 30 Fax: +49 (0) 59 31 / 8 03 40

32 Vernhold Nachf. 38 Hahn-Schalung 44 Lothar Herrmann 50 Mack GmbH 56 Nonner & Wei GmbH
Inh. Horst Rumpf Schalungs- und Baubedarf Baumaschinen GmbH Baumaschinen Baugerte Schalungen - Baugerte
Baumaschinen - Baugerte Mietschalungen Benzstrae 15 Bauelemente Max-Planck-Strae 3
Katharinenstrae 7 Hermann-Seger-Strae 6-8 63457 Hanau Schndhofweg 27 92224 Amberg
48529 Nordhorn 50226 Frechen Phone: +49 (0) 61 81 / 9 57 30 86666 Burgheim Phone: +49 (0) 96 21 / 67 13 0
Phone: +49 (0) 59 21 / 1 66 56 Phone: +49 (0) 22 34 / 5 60 61 Fax: +49 (0) 61 81 / 95 73 25 Phone: +49 (0) 84 32 / 12 01 Fax: +49 (0) 96 21 / 67 13 30
Fax: +49 (0) 59 21 / 7 30 78 Fax: +49 (0) 22 34 / 1 49 88 Fax: +49 (0) 84 32 / 83 67

33 Vernhold Nachf. 39 Fuchs Baumaschinen GmbH 45 HSB 51 Nagel Baumaschinen 57 Carl Beutlhauser
Inh. Horst Rumpf Am Schtzenhof 1 Handels- und Servicegesell- Ulm GmbH Baumaschinen GmbH
Baumaschinen - Baugerte 53119 Bonn schaft fr Baumaschinen mbH Daimlerstrae 52 Zweigniederlassung Regensburg
Rheinstrae 113-115 Phone: +49 (0) 228 / 66 10 46 Matthias-Erzberger Strae 9 87437 Kempten Hoferstrae 26
49032 Osnabrck Fax: +49 (0) 228 / 66 44 33 66806 Ensdorf Phone: +49 (0) 831 / 5 71 43 0 93057 Regensburg
Phone: +49 (0) 541 / 66 90 50 Phone: +49 (0) 68 31 / 95 67 0 Fax: +49 (0) 831 / 7 88 94 Phone: +49 (0) 941 / 6 95 66 0
Fax: +49 (0) 541 / 68 21 39 Fax: +49 (0) 68 31 / 95 67 30 Fax: +49 (0) 941 / 6 95 66 30

34 Krapp Eisen GmbH & Co. KG 40 HSB 46 Odenwlder Baumaschinen 52 Roland Heber 58 Carl Beutlhauser
Heideweg 24 Handels- und Servicegesell- + Baugerte GmbH Schalungstechnik GmbH Baumaschinen GmbH
49196 Bad Laer schaft fr Baumaschinen mbH Gropartstrae 4-6 Waldesch 33 Tittlinger Strae 39
Phone: +49 (0) 54 24 / 29 24 0 Zur Kiesgrube 3 67071 Ludwigshafen/ 88069 Tettnang 94034 Passau
Fax: +49 (0) 54 24 / 29 24 11 54338 Schweich-Issel Oggersheim Phone: +49 (0) 75 42 / 5 20 60 Phone: +49 (0) 851 / 70 00 42 Phone: +49 (0) 65 02 / 75 20 Phone: +49 (0) 621 / 6 70 20 30 Fax: +49 (0) 75 42 / 5 35 15 Fax: +49 (0) 851 / 70 00 34 Fax: +49 (0) 65 02 / 74 20 Fax: +49 (0) 621 / 6 70 20 50

35 EVERS Schalungssysteme 41 Troglauer GmbH 47 Odenwlder 53 Nagel Baumaschinen 59 Kurt Knig

Heideweg 4 Baumaschinen - Baugerte Baumaschinen GmbH Ulm GmbH Baumaschinen GmbH;
49377 Vechta-Langfrden Saarlandstrae 379a Weinheimer Strae 58-60 Benzstrae 1 Baumaschinen Baugerte
Phone: +49 (0) 4447 / 96 99-0 55411 Bingen-Dietersheim 69509 Mrlenbach 89079 Ulm Mietpark Service
Fax: +49 (0) 4447 / 96 99-19 Phone: +49 (0) 67 21 / 97 36 0 Phone: +49 (0) 62 09 / 7 18 122 Phone: +49 (0) 731 / 79 80 Friedrich-List-Strae 9 Fax: +49 (0) 67 21 / 97 36 50 Fax: +49 (0) 62 09 / 7 18 100 Fax: +49 (0) 731 / 4 29 53 99734 Nordhausen Phone: +49 (0) 36 31 / 47 65-0 Fax: +49 (0) 36 31 / 47 65-79

36 Krapp Eisen GmbH & Co. KG 42 Jost GmbH 48 Elvermann GmbH 54 BGU Baugerte-Union
Lindenstrae 106 Baugerte - Stahlgerste - Spe- Schaltechnik GmbH & Co.
49393 Lohne zialschalungen Im Strle 18 Maschinenhandels KG
Phone: +49 (0) 4442 / 9 40 200 Weissenthurmer Strae 21- 25 71706 Markgrningen Hardtstrae 9
Fax: +49 (0) 4442 / 9 40 233 56070 Koblenz-Bubenheim Phone: +49 (0) 71 45 / 93 600 0 91522 Ansbach Phone: +49 (0) 261 / 57 93 70 Fax: +49 (0) 71 45 / 93 600 1 Phone: +49 (0) 981 / 9 69 30-46 Fax: +49 (0) 261 / 57 93 770 Fax: +49 (0) 981 / 9 69 30-39

Sales organisation 271

A Circular column 90, 162, 195 ff., 229, 252
Access hatch 179, 182, 213, 214 Circular column Formwork 195 ff., 252
Adjustable prop 105, 113, 139, 148, 244 Circular Formwork with adjustable radii
Alu and steel wall Formwork LOGO combined 125 (see Trapezoidal Girder Formwork) 42 ff.
Alu-shoring-system GASS (see GASS too) 232 ff., 255 Circular wall end 162
Alu-wall Formwork LOGO (see LOGO too) 104 Circular walls 52, 55, 59, 88, 160 ff., 252
Anchor force 175 Civil engineering 29, 86, 87, 123, 140, 151, 251
Application engineers 17, 21, 28 Cleaning 7, 16, 19
Athlete Large-size Formwork 138 ff. Climbing 97, 127, 149, 210 ff., 254
s Athlete clamp 143 Climbing and Platforms 210 ff., 254
s Civil engineering 151 s Carriage 213
s Climbing 149 s Clevis shoe 214
s Columns 144, 194 s Clevis shoe 213
s Combination rail 148 s Climbing brackets 212, 213
s Compensation panel 142 s Climbing cone 213
Connecting pieces 143 s
Climbing installation 212, 213, 253
s Connection to existing walls 145 s Climbing platform KBK 180 214
Height Extension 147 s
Climbing system 200 213
s Industrial construction 151 s Climbing system 240 212
s Large-size panel 142 s Climbing unit 213
s Load-carrying capacity 140 s Dam Formwork SPK 270 216
s Locking screw 143 s Klik-klak-beam 218
Max. concrete pressure 139, 251 s
Lifting platforms 218
s Multi-purpose panel 144 s Parts list 219 ff.
s Panel heights 139, 251 s Protection and safety scaffold 214
s Panel widths 139, 251 s Suspended scaffold 212, 213
s Panels 142 s Technical data 212, 213, 214
Parts list 154 ff. s
Trap 213, 214
s Plywood 139, 251 s Working platform 212
s SCC 140 s Working scaffold 213, 214
s Single-sided forming 150 Climbing platform KBK 180 214
s Stop ends 145 Climbing platforms 218
Supports/Brackets 148 Clothoids 88
s Technical data 139, 251 Column Formwork 186 ff., 252
s Tidy pointing 146 s Circular column Formwork 195 ff., 252
s Ties 141 s Grip 188 ff., 252
s Tolerances of deection 139, 140, 251 s with Athlete panels 194
s Transporting 147 s with LOGO panels 193
s Typical use 251 s with Modular panels 192
s Waler 148 Column Formwork Grip 188 ff., 252
AutoCAD (ATD) 28, 31 s Folding mechanism 188, 189, 252
s Parts list 190 ff.
s Plastic coated plywood 188, 252
B Columns 90, 119, 144, 186 ff., 252, 253
Baths and swimming pools 58 Combi clamp 43, 75, 105, 160
Beams 76, 92, 203 Combine 159 ff.
Branches 7, 10, 12, 17, 19, 21, 266, 269 Combi-V-guide 173, 174
Company history 7 ff.
Compatibility 159 ff.
C Concrete pressure 43, 67, 75, 105, 139, 175, 188, 195 250 ff.,
CAD 17, 24, 26, 28 ff. 257 ff.
Certication 9, 13 Concrete pressure DIN 18218 43, 67, 75, 105, 139, 175, 188, 195,
Chip 36 250, 257 ff.

Register 273
Concrete pressure SCC 259, 261 Technical Data 233

Connection LOGO/Modular 160 General overhaul 16, 20

Connection LOGO/Trapezoidal Girder Formwork 160 Guided factory tours 21
Connection panel 90, 160
Consultant 10, 12, 16, 17, 21
Consultation 7, 9, 14 ff. H
Consumption material 243 ff. Half circular wall end 162, 196
Cross girders 201, 202 Haunch girder 43, 52, 56, 250
Custom Formwork 224 ff. Hired equipment service 19
Custom Formwork Construction 16, 17, 224 ff. Hiring logistics 19
Hook headed bolt 115, 147, 148, 208, 236
Housing projects 84, 120
D Hydrostatic pressure height 258
Dam Formwork 216
DIN 18202 43, 67, 75, 105, 139, 199, 250, 251
DIN 18218 43, 67, 75, 105, 139, 175, 188, 195, 250 ff., 258 ff. I
DIN EN ISO 13 IFC-Inter face 30, 31
DWG-Interface 31 Industrial construction 86, 122, 151, 250, 251, 253
DXF-Interface 26, 31 Isometry 31

Egg shape 60, 88 Josef Maier 7
Ellipses 60, 88

F Large-size Formwork 104 ff., 138 ff.
Fastening piece for props - One-way columns 248 Leisure parks 57
Features 31 Lift shafts 218, 228
Fitter (see Formwork tter) 12, 16, 17, 230, 231 Logistics 12, 16, 19, 28, 35
Folding mechanism 183, 188, 189, 252 LOGO.3 + alu wall Formwork 104 ff.
Formwork drawing 17, 25, 26, 29, 31 s Alu + steel combined 125
Formwork tter 12, 16, 17, 230, 231 s
Alu panels 107, 124 ff.
Formwork planning 17, 23, 25, 28 s Climbing 127
Formwork technology 13, 16, 21 s Columns 116, 119
Foundation Formwork 48, 59, 75, 76, 80, 118, 250 s Combination rail 113, 122
Foundation strap 75, 80, 118 s Concreting platform 128
Full Service 16 s Connecting pieces 114, 115
s Crane lifting clamp 122
s Foundation Formwork 118
G s Housing projects 120
Gardening and landscaping 48, 56, 250 s Industrial construction 122
GASS Alu-Shoring-System 232 ff., 255 s Locking screw 115
s Cantilever brackets 239 s LOGO alu 107, 126 ff.
Ledger frames 236 s
Max. concrete pressure 105, 106, 124, 251
s Legs 235 s Midi-Panel 117
s Load carrying capacity 234, 253 s Multi clamp 114
E s Main beam 239 s Panel heights 128 ff., 251
s Parts list 240 ff. s Panel widths 128 ff., 251
s Rocking base/head plate 234 s Parts list 128 ff.
s Saddle beam 239 s Plywood 105, 106, 251
s Short link 400 233, 238 s Single-sided walls 126
s Spindles 235 s Stop end 106, 115

274 Register
s Supporting/Brackets 107, 113 P
s Technical data 105, 251 Partnership 7, 10, 12
s Tolerances of deection 105, 106, 251 Parts List
s Typical use 251 s Alu-shoring-system GASS 240 ff.
s Wedge clamp 114 s Athlete 154 ff.
s Circular column Formwork 197
s Climbing and Platforms 219 ff.
M s Column Formwork Grip 190 ff.
Maier Josef 7 s Compatibility 164
Main girder 239 s LOGO.3 + alu 128 ff.
Main girder 200 ff., 233 s Modular/GE 98 ff.
Material list 17, 24, 25, 31 s Multip Multi-functional working-platform 184 ff.
Max. concrete pressure 43, 67, 75, 105, 139, 175, 188, 195 s PASCHAL Deck 205
250 ff., 257 ff. s Single sided Forming 176 ff.
Modular/GE Universal Formwork 74 ff. s Slab edge brackets 209
Beams 92 s
Supports and consumables 244 ff.
s Climbing 97 s Trapezoidal Girder Formwork TTR 63 ff.
Columns 90, 292 s
Trapezoidal Girder Formwork TTS 72 ff.
s Foundations 80 PASCHAL Deck Slab Formwork 200 ff., 253
s GE-clamp 79 s Beams 203
s Housing projects 84 s Cross girders 201, 202
s Industrial construction 86 s Main girder 201, 202
Keybolt 79 s
Parts list 205
s Max. concrete pressure 75, 250 s Slab props 200 ff., 204
s Panel connections 79 s Technical data 199
s Panel heights 74, 250 s Wooden Girder H 20 200 ff., 202
s Panel widths 74, 250 PASCHAL Ident 32 ff.
Panels 78 PASCHAL-Plan 16, 22 ff.
s Parts list 98 ff. PASCHAL-Plan light 16, 24 ff.
s Plywood 74, 250 s 3D 24, 25, 26
s Precast parts 95 s Design module 24, 25, 27
s Round solutions 82 s DXF-Interface 26
Shafts/Civil engineering 83 s
Formwork planning 23, 25
s Shafts/Structural engineering 82 s Ground plan 26
s Single-sided walls 96 s Manual editing 26
s Solutions for restraint points 81, 94 s Material list 24, 25
s Technical data 75, 250 s Phase 25
s Tolerances of deection 74, 250 s Planning 23, 25
s Typical use 250 s Warehouse management 25
Multip Multi-functional working-platform 178 ff. s Warehouse module 24, 25, 27
s Admissible load 179 s Zoom function 26
s Assembly 181 PASCHAL-Plan pro 16, 28 ff.
s Compensations 183 s 2D 30, 31
s Efciency 180 s 3D 30, 31
Large-size Formwork 182 s
AutoCAD 28, 30
s Parts list 184 ff. s Building-oriented CAD 29
s Safety at work 180 s Data exchange 30
s Technical data
179 s DWG-Interface 30
s Trap 179, 182 s DXF-Interface 30
s Features 31
s IFC-Interface 30
O s Interfaces 30
Oval columns 90, 196, 229, 253 s Isometry 31

Register 275
Object library 29
s Spacer channel 105, 115, 124, 139, 143, 193
Planning 28
s Special parts 224 ff.
s Shoring systems 29 Stair case 45, 55, 82, 218, 228 ,250
s Supports 29 Steel custom Formwork 226 ff.
Pivot bearings 45 Subsidiary company 7, 10, 12, 17, 21, 266, 267
Planning 17, 23, 25, 28 Supporting jacks 168 ff.
Plastic coated plywood Grip 188, 252 Supports 88, 105, 111, 124, 139, 148, 168, 170, 172, 181, 235,
Plywood 20, 43, 67, 75, 105, 139, 188, 199, 250, 251, 253 243, 250
Polygon 88, 250 Suspended scaffold 191 ff.
Polygonal 70, 88, 89 System overview 250 ff.
Precast parts 95, 232, 239, 250
Project teams 9, 12
Protection and safety scaffold 214 T
Technical Data
s Alu-shoring-system GASS 233
Q s
Athlete 139, 251
Quality management 13 s Climbing installations 212, 213, 214, 218, 254
Quality Protection Association Concrete Formworks GSV 13, 19 s
LOGO.3 + alu 105, 251
s Modular/GE 75, 250
s Multip 179
R s PASCHAL Deck 199, 253
Rate of rise 258 ff. s Slab edge Formwork 199
Raw density 258 ff. s
Trapezoidal Girder Formwork TTR 43, 250
Ready to use service 226 s Trapezoidal Girder Formwork TTS 67, 250
Renovation 16, 20 Ties 43, 47, 59, 67, 68, 108, 117, 141, 250, 251
Rent 12 Tolerances of deection 43, 67, 75, 105, 139, 199, 250, 251
Rental Formwork 16, 19, 52, 61 Trading partners 7, 12, 16, 17, 19, 21, 268 ff., 270 ff.
Rental park 16 Training courses 8, 9, 12, 16, 21
Repair 16, 20 Trapezoidal Girder Formwork TTR + TTS 42 ff., 66 ff.
Reservoirs 52, 54, 87, 89, 141, 250, 251 s Adjusting range 45
s Baths and swimming pools 58
s Circular walls 55
S s
Climbing 62
Sales organisation 264 ff. s Compensations 50
SCC 140, 257 s Crane lifting eye 51, 71
Self compacting concrete 140, 257 s Extension 51
Seminars 12, 16, 21 s Gardening and landscaping 56
Services 5, 7, 8, 12, 14 ff., 34 s Haunch girder 52
s Service and Consultation 14 ff. s Leisure parks 57
s Software PASCHAL-Plan 22 ff. s Max. concrete pressure 43, 250
Sewage basin 45, 54 s Non-circular curves and tapers 60
Sewage plants 45, 47, 50, 52, 53, 54, 59, 68, 69, 77, 87, 126, s Parts list 63 ff., 72 ff.
141, 146, 151, 161, 162, 196, 250 s Plywood 43, 67, 250
Shaft 95, 228 s Reservoir construction 54, 68
Shaft Formwork 74, 80, 81, 93, 119, 232 s
Round and accurate dimensions 46, 69
Short link 400 GASS 233, 238 s Segment dimensions 48
Single-sided forming 59, 84, 126, 167 ff. s Segment heights 43, 48, 72, 250
Single-sided walls 59, 96, 126, 150, 167 ff., 199 s Segment widths 43, 48, 72, 250
Slab edge 208 s Single-sided/tie-less tasks 59
Slab edge Formwork 199, 208 s Steel facing (TTS) 66 ff.
Slab Formwork (see PASCHAL Deck too) 298 ff., 20 s Technical data 43, 67
Slab props 199, 200, 202, 204 s Telescopic girder 49
Software 11, 16, 19, 21, 22 ff., 35 s Ties 47, 68

276 Register
s Tolerances of deection 44, 67, 250
s Top forming times 53, 70
s Tunnel 61
s Typical use 250
Tunnel 61, 230

Universal Formwork (see Modular/GE) 74 ff.

V-guide DW 15 173
Vibration depth 261

Wall Formwork 42 ff., 66 ff., 74 ff., 104 ff., 138 ff.
Warehouse management 25
Wood custom Formwork 226 ff.
Wooden Girder H 20 199 ff., 201
Working platform (see Multip) 178 ff.
Working safety 180 ff., 212
Working scaffold 180, 213, 214

Register 277
printed in Germany

Subject to technical change

Important remarks:
Photos printed in this manual show actual
situation at sites; for this reason security
installations are not always complete. At
use of PASCHAL Systems the corresponding
technical information has to be considered.
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PASCHAL-Werk G. Maier GmbH

Kreuzbhlstrae 5 77790 Steinach Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 78 32 / 71-0 Fax: +49 (0) 78 32 / 71-209

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