Syllabus Crimpro

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Prof. Tranquil S. Salvador III


A. Jurisdiction of Courts in Criminal Cases (Republic Act 7691 amending BP

B. Jurisdiction over the accused
C. Kinds of Trial Courts
c.1 Regional Trial Court
c.2 Metropolitan Trial Courts
c.3 Municipal Trial Courts
c.4 Municipal Circuit Trial Courts
D. Barangay/Lupong Tagapamayapa
E. Summary Procedure in Criminal Cases
E.1 Distinction between Ordinary Procedure and Summary Procedure

Court and Jurisdiction

1. Pilipinas Shell v. Romars International, G.R. No. 189669, February 16, 2015
2. Navaja Castro, G.R. 182926, June 22, 2015
3. Pestilos, et al. v. Generoso and People, G.R. No. 182601, November 10, 2014
4. Unionbank v. People, G.R. 192565, February 28, 2012
5. Malabed v. Atty. De La Pena, A.C. No. 7594, February 09, 2016
6. Treas v. People, G.R. No.195002, January 25, 2012
Hold Departure Order
7. Hold Departure Order issued by Judge Madronio, Municipal Trial Court, Manaog,
Pangasinan, A.M. No. 99-12-192-MTC, January 26, 2000
8. Mupas v. Espanol, A.M. No. RTJ-04-1850, July 14, 2004
9. Inding v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 143047, July 14, 2004
10. People v. Sandiganbayan, August 25, 2009, G.R. No. 167304
11. Serrana v. Sandiganbayan, January 22, 2008, G.R. 162059
12. Garcia v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. NO. 165835, June 22, 2005
Inordate Delay
13. People v. Sandiganbayan, Perez, et. al. G.R. No. 188165, December 11,
14. Duterte v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 130191, April 27, 1998
15. Department of Justice v. Liwag, February 11, 2005, G.R. No. 149311
16. Ombudsman v. Galicia, G.R. No. 167711, October 10, 2008
17. Angeles v. Merceditas Gutierrez, G.R. Nos. 189161 & 189173, March 21,
18. Gonzales v. Office of the President, G.R. No. 196231, January 28, 2014
19. Ombudsman v. Rodriguez, G.R. 172700, July 23, 2010
Review of Decisions of the Ombudsman

20. Morales v. Court of Appeals and Binay, G.R. Nos. 217126-27, November
10, 2015
21. Antonino v. Desierto, December 18, 2008, G.R. No. 144492
22. Enemecio v. Office of the Ombudsman, G.R. No. 146731, January 13,
23. Baviera v. Zoleta, G.R. NO. 169098, October 12, 2006
24. Duyon, et al. V. Court of Appeals, G.R. 172219, November 26, 2014

Administrative Order 7

1. Department of Justice v. Liwag, February 11, 2005, G.R. No. 149311

2. Ombudsman v. Galicia, G.R. No. 167711, October 10, 2008
3. Angeles v. Merceditas Gutierrez, G.R. Nos. 189161 & 189173, March 21,
4. Gonzales v. Office of the President, G.R. No. 196231, January 28, 2014
5. Ombudsman v. Rodriguez, G.R. 172700, July 23, 2010

B. Review of Decisions of the Ombudsman

1. Morales v. Court of Appeals and Binay, G.R. Nos. 217126-27, November

10, 2015
2. Antonino v. Desierto, December 18, 2008, G.R. No. 144492
3. Enemecio v. Office of the Ombudsman, G.R. No. 146731, January 13,
4. Baviera v. Zoleta, G.R. NO. 169098, October 12, 2006
5. Duyon, et al. V. Court of Appeals, G.R. 172219, November 26, 2014

Part IV. Power of the Department of Justice

1. Dino et al. v. Olivarez, G.R. No. 170447, December 04, 2009

2. Viudez v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 152889, June 05, 2009
3. Aguinaldo, et al. v. Ventus, G.R. 176033, March 11, 2015

Part V. Role of the Office of the Solicitor General in Criminal Cases

Presidential Decree No. 478

1. People v. Duca, October 9, 2009, G.R. No. 171175

2. Republic v. Iyoy, G.R. NO. 152577, September 21, 2005
3. Topacio v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. 179895, December 18, 2008

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