Teachers Eligibility Qualifications Rgulations 1998
Teachers Eligibility Qualifications Rgulations 1998
Teachers Eligibility Qualifications Rgulations 1998
Published in part III section 4 of the Gazette of India upto December, 2009.
No. MCI-12(2)/98-Med./ In exercise of the powers conferred by section 33 of the Indian Medical
Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956), the Medical Council of India, with the previous sanction of the
Central Government, hereby makes the following regulations, namely:-
(1) These regulations may be called the Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions Regulations, 1998 amended upto December 2009.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
1A. The maximum age limit upto which a person can be appointed or granted
extension or re-employed in service against the posts of Teachers or Dean or
Principal or Director, as the case may be, which are required to be filled up as per
the norms of the Medical Council of India in any Medical College or Teaching
Institution for imparting Graduate and Post-Graduate medical education, shall be
65 years.
The clause 1A was inserted after paragraph 1, vide notification dated 16.3.2005.
The last words of the paragraph i.e. shall be 65 years.,shall be amended as
under, in terms of notification dated 17.09.2010.
shall be 70 years.
In the above clause the words The Heads of these departments must posses
recognized basic university medical degree qualification or equivalent
qualification shall be substituted with the following as amended in terms of
Notification published on 24.07.2009 in Gazette of India .
Heads of the departments of pre and para clinical subjects must possess
recognized basic University degree qualification i.e. MBBS or equivalent
In the above clause the words In the departments of Community Medicine and
Pharmacology, Lecturers in Statistics and Pharmacology Chemistry shall possess
M.Sc. qualification in that particular subject from a recognised University shall be
substituted with the following as amended in terms of Notification published on
24.07.2009 in Gazette of India .
3. Medical teachers in all Medical Colleges except the Tutors, Residents, Registrars and
Demonstrators must possess the requisite recognized Postgraduate Medical qualification in
their respective subject.
4. The appointing authority may consider the holders of equivalent postgraduate qualification,
which may be approved by the Medical Council of India from time to time, to have the
requisite recognised qualification in the subject concerned.
5. The Medical Council of India shall determine equivalent qualification referred to in these
6. The teachers in a medical college or institution having a total of eight years teaching
experience out of which at least five years teaching experience as Lecturer or Asst.
Professor gained after obtaining postgraduate degree shall be recognised as postgraduate
teachers in broad specialties. In the case of super-specialties only those teachers who
possess eight years teaching experience out of which at least five years teaching
experience as Lecturer / Asst. Prof. gained after obtaining the higher speciality degree shall
be recognised as postgraduate teachers:
Provided that in the case of super-speciality courses which are being newly instituted,
matter regarding relaxation of qualification and experience of postgraduate teachers may be
taken up by the appointing authority with the Medical Council of India.
The above clause 6 has been substituted vide gazette notification dated 08.06.2017 as under:
The teachers in a medical college or institution having a total of 8 years teaching experience
out of which at least 4 years teaching experience as Assistant Professor with two research
publication in indexed journals gained after obtaining postgraduate degree shall be recognized
post graduate teacher in broad specialties.
In case of super specialties only those teachers who possess 6 years teaching experience out of
which at least 2 years teaching experience as Assistant Professor gained after obtaining the
higher specialty degree shall be recognized post graduate teacher.
Senior Resident Senior Resident is one who is doing his/her residency in the
concerned post graduate subject after obtaining PG degree
(MD/MS) and is below 40 years of age.
7. In cases where candidates with requisite experience are not available, a reference may be
made by the appointing authority to the Medical Council of India for consideration on merits.
8. The names of the teaching posts, academic qualifications and the teaching or research
experience required for each teaching post are given in Table I in respect of graduate and
post graduate / higher speciality courses and in Table II in respect of super-speciality
9. The requirement of publication of four research papers for the post of Associate Professor
and eight research papers for the post of Professor may be a desirable qualification.
The following clause shall be added after Sl. No.9, in terms of notification dated
11. Persons possessing DNB qualification on the basis of which they have
already been promoted as Associate Professor/Professor in the concerned
department, may be treated at par with MD/MS in the broad-speciality and
DM/M.Ch. in the Super-Speciality without any further teaching/research
In the Minimum Qualification for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,
1998, in TABLE-1 under the heading REQUIREMENTS OF ACADEMIC
notifications dated 21/07/2009, 28/10/2009 and 15/12/2009, in the column of
Academic qualifications for all the specialities, the following shall be inserted, in
terms of notification dated 03.11.2010
DNB (_________________)
Concerned speciality
DNB (____________________ )
Broad/ Super-specialties
1. Anatomy
2. Physiology
3. Biochemistry
4. Bio-Physics
5. Pharmacology
6. Pathology
7. Microbiology
8. Community Medicine
9. Forensic Medicine
10. General Medicine
11. General Surgery
12. Obstetrics and Gynaecology
13. Paediatrics
14. Tuberculosis and Respiratory Medicine/Pulmonary Medicine
15. Psychiatry
16. Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy
17. Orthopaedics
18. Anaesthesiology
19. Radio-Diagnosis
20. Radio-Therapy
21. Oto-Rhini-Laryngology
22. Ophthalmology
23. Nuclear Medicine
24. Nutrition
25. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
26. Human Metabolism
27. Immuno Haematology and Blood Transfusion
28. Medical Genetics
29. Family Medicine
30. Aviation Medicine/Aerospace Medicine
31. Geriatrics
32. Health Administration
33. Hospital Administration
34. Sports Medicine
35. Tropical Medicine
36. Rheumatology
37. Health Education
38. Marine Medicine
39. Occupational Health
40. Public Health
41. Radiological Physics
42. Virology
43. Dentistry
44. Emergency Medicine
45. Infectious Diseases
(A) Professor M.S. (Anatomy)/ i) As Reader/ Associate Professor in Anatomy for four years in a
M.D.(Anatomy)/MBBS recognised medical college.
with M.Sc. (Anatomy)/
M.Sc. (Med. Anatomy) Desirable
with Ph.D. (Med. (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Anatomy)/ M.Sc. (Med. Medicus/national journal and one research publication in international
Anatomy)/ with D.Sc. journal.
(Med. Anatomy)
The above has been amended vide Notification dated 24.07.2009
as under:
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/ Registrar/
Demonstrator/ Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the post-
graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the subject.
(A) Professor M.D. (Physiology) MBBS (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Physiology for four years in a
with M.Sc.(Physiology) recognised medical college
/M.Sc.(Med. Physiology)
with Ph.D. (Med. Desirable
Physiology) /M.Sc (Med. (ii) Minimum of four Research publication indexed in Index
Physiology) with D.Sc. Medicus/national journal and one research publication in international
(Med. Physiology) journal.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Physiology for five years in a
Associate Professor recognised medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor / Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/ Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/ Registrar/
Demonstrator/ Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the post-
graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the subject.
(D)Tutor/ MBBS/M.Sc.(Medical
Demonstrator/Reside Physiology) for non-
nt/ Registrar. medical persons
(A) Professor M.D. (Biochemistry)/ (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Biochemistry for four years in a
MBBS with M.Sc. (Med. recognised medical college.
Biochemistry) M.Sc. (Med.
Biochemistry) with Ph. D. Desirable
(Med. Biochemistry)/ (ii) Minimum of four research publications indexed in index
M.Sc. (Med. Biochemistry) Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
with D.Sc. (Med. Journal.
The above has been amended vide Notification dated 24.07.2009
as under:
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Bio-Physics for five years in a
Associate Professor recognised medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor / Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:- Substituted:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor / Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized medical
college either during the DNB course or after possessing DNB
qualification. The concerned candidate would also require one year of
additional teaching/research experience in the concerned subject in a
recognized medical college after obtaining DNB qualification.
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 01.10.2012, the following shall be
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(A) Professor M.D.(Pathology) / (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Pathology for four years in a
Ph.D(Pathology)/D.Sc.(Pa recognised medical college.
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor / Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor. (A) Professor
vide Notification In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/ Registrar/
Demonstrator/ Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the post-
graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the subject.
(A) Professor M.D.(Bacteriology)/ (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Microbiology for four years in a
M.D.(Microbiology)/ recognised medical college.
MBBS with M.Sc.(Med.
Bacteriology)/ Desirable
M.Sc. (Med. (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Microbiology)/ Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
M.Sc.(Med. Bact.) with Journal.
Ph.D.(Med. Bacteriology)/
M.Sc.(Med.Bacteriology)w The above has been amended vide Notification dated 24.07.2009
ith D.Sc.(Med. as under:
M.Sc. (Med. Microbiology) (i) As Associate Professor in Microbiology for three years in the
with recognized medical college.
Ph. D.(Med.
Microbiology)/ M.Sc.(Med.
(ii)Minimum of four research publications in indexed/ national journals.
Microbiology) with
D. Sc.(Med. Microbiology)
The above has been further amended vide Notification dated
15.12.2009 as under:
In the qualifications
mentioned above required
for the post of Provided that these research publications are published/ accepted for
Professor/Associate publication in the Journals by the National Associations/Societies of the
Professor/ Assistant respective specialities as the First Author. Further provided that the
Professor in Microbiology requirement of 4 research publications for promotion to the post of
Department, in 5th line Professor should be taken on cumulative basis with minimum of 2
mentioned as M.Sc. research publications must be published during the tenure of the
(Med. Microbiology)/Ph.D. Associate Professor.
(Med. Bacteriology)
shall be substituted Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
with the following as 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
amended in terms of by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Notification published Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
on 28th October, 2009 notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
in Gazette of India. (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
M.Sc. (Med. In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
Microbiology) with substituted as under:-
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor / Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:- Substituted:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(A) Professor M.D.(Social & Preventive (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Community Medicine/Social and
Medicine) MD Preventive Medicine for four years in a recognised Medical College.
(Community Med.)
The above has been (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in index Medicus/national
further added vide
Notification dated
journal and one research publication in International journal.
08.07.2011 as under:
The above has been amended vide Notification dated 24.07.2009
as under:
M.D.( Community Health
(i) As Associate Professor in Community Medicine/Social and
)/M.D.(Health Preventive Medicine for three years in the recognized medical college.
(ii)Minimum of four research publications in indexed/ national journals.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(A) Professor M.D.(Forensic Med.) (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Forensic Medicine for four years in a
recognised medical college.
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Forensic Medicine for five years in a
Associate Professor recognised medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/ Registrar/
Demonstrator/ Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the post-
graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the subject.
(A) Professor M.D.(Medicine) (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in General Medicine/Medicine for four
M.D.(General Medicine) years in a recognised medical college.
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
The above has been amended vide Notification dated 24.07.2009
as under:
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in General Medicine/ Medicine for five
Associate Professor years in a recognised medical college.
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in General Surgery/Surgery for five
Associate Professor years in a recognised medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:- Substituted:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized medical
college either during the DNB course or after possessing DNB
qualification. The concerned candidate would also require one year of
additional teaching/research experience in the concerned subject in a
recognized medical college after obtaining DNB qualification.
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 01.10.2012, the following shall be
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(A) Professor M.D.(Obst. & Gynae.)/ (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Obstetrics & Gynaecology for four
M.S.(Obst. & Gynae.) years in a recognised medical college.
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:- Substituted:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized medical
college either during the DNB course or after obtaining DNB qualification
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(A) Professor M.D.(Paediatrics) (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Paediatrics for four years in a
recognised medical college.
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:- Substituted:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/Registrar/
Demonstrator/Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the post-
graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the subject.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(A) Professor M.D.(Psychiatry)/ (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Psychiatry for four years in a
M.D.(Psychological Med.)/ recognised medical college.
M.D. in Medicine with
Diploma in Psychological Desirable
Med. (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
substituted as under:-
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized medical
college either during the DNB course or after possessing DNB
qualification. The concerned candidate would also require one year of
additional teaching/research experience in the concerned subject in a
recognized medical college after obtaining DNB qualification.
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/ Registrar/
Demonstrator/ Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the post-
graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the subject.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 01.10.2012, the following shall be
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(A) Professor M.S. (Orthpaedics) (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Orthopaedics for four years in a
recognised medical college
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Orthopaedics for five years in a
Associate Professor recognised medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(A) Professor M.D. (Anaesthesiology)/ (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Anaesthesiology for four years in a
M.S. (Anaesthesiology) recognised medical college
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:-
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
Assistant Professor medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
substituted as under:-
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:- Substituted:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized medical
college either during the DNB course or after possessing DNB
qualification. The concerned candidate would also require one year of
additional teaching/research experience in the concerned subject in a
recognized medical college after obtaining DNB qualification.
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 01.10.2012, the following shall be
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:- Substituted:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized medical
college either during the DNB course or after possessing DNB
qualification. The concerned candidate would also require one year of
additional teaching/research experience in the concerned subject in a
recognized medical college after obtaining DNB qualification.
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 01.10.2012, the following shall be
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(A) Professor M.S.(Oto-Rhino- (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology for four years
Laryngology) in a recognised medical college
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:- Substituted:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(A) Professor M.S. (Ophthalmology)/ (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Ophthalmology for four years in a
M.D.(Ophthalmology) recognised medical college
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Ophthalmology for five years in a
Associate Professor recognised medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:- Substituted:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/ Registrar/
Demonstrator/ Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the post-
graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the subject.
(A) Professor M.D. (Nuclear Medicine) / As Reader in Nuclear Medicine for four years in a recognised medical
M.D.(Radio-Therapy) with college.
two years experience in
Nuclear Medicine in a
centre/M.D.(Medicine) The above has been amended vide Notification dated 24.07.2009
with DRM OR DNM/M.D. as under:
(Radio-Diagnosis) with
two years experience in
(i) As Associate Professor in Nuclear Medicine for three years in the
Nuclear Medicine in a
recognized medical college.
or its equivalent (ii)Minimum of four research publications in indexed/ national journals.
qualification in Bio-
Physics with DRM or DNM The above has been further amended vide Notification dated
OR DNB in Nuclear 15.12.2009 as under:
Medicine with two years
experience in Nuclear Provided that these research publications are published/ accepted for
Medicine in a recognised publication in the Journals by the National Associations/Societies of the
centre. respective specialities as the First Author. Further provided that the
requirement of 4 research publications for promotion to the post of
Professor should be taken on cumulative basis with minimum of 2
research publications must be published during the tenure of the
Associate Professor.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
The above is The above has been further amended vide Notification dated
substituted vide 15.12.2009
Notification dated
24.07.2009 as (i) As Assistant Professor in Nuclear Medicine for four years in the
recognized medical college.
Associate Professor
(ii)Minimum of two research publications in indexed/national journals.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(A) Professor M.D. in (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Nutrition for four years in a
Biochemistry/Physiology recognised medical college.
al and Desirable
Preventive Medicine/ (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Com. Medicine or Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Paediatrics with M.Sc. in Journal.
applied Nutrition or
special training for a The above has been amended vide Notification dated 24.07.2009
period of one year. as under:
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:- Substituted:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(A) Professor M.D.(P.M.R)/M.D.(Medicin (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
e) with Diploma in for four years in a recognised medical college.
Surgery)/ Desirable
M.S.(Orthopaedics) with (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
two years special training Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
in the Speciality of Journal.
Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation The above has been amended vide Notification dated 24.07.2009
(Rehabilitation Medicine) as under:
or two years of equivalent
training approved in the
(i) As Associate Professor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation for
subject in any approved
three years in the recognized medical college.
institution in India.
(ii)Minimum of four research publications in indexed/ national journals.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Physical Med. And Rehabilitation for
Associate Professor five years in a recognised medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
dated 24.07.2009
as under:- Substituted:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/Registrar/
substituted Demonstrator/Tutor.
vide Notification
dated 24.07.2009
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum
Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment)
Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/Registrar/
substituted Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
dated 24.07.2009
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I.
recognized medical college.
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
(A) Professor D.M.(Medical Genetics)/ (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Medical Genetics for four years in a
M.D.(Med.Genetics) recognised medical college.
M.D.(General Medicine) or
M.D.(Paed). Or M.D.(Obst. & Desirable
Gynae.) with two years (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
special training in Medical Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Genetics. Journal.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum
Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment)
Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/Registrar/
substituted Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
dated 24.07.2009
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I.
recognized medical college.
Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/Registrar/
Demonstrator/Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the
post-graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
(A) Professor M.D.(Family Medicine)/ (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Family Medicine/General Medicine
M.D.(General Medicine) for four years in a recognised medical college.
* MD(Pediatrics)/ Desirable
MD/MS(Obstetrics and (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Gynecology)/ MS(General Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
The above has been amended vide Notification dated
*The above qualification has 24.07.2009 as under:
been added in terms of
Gazette Notification dated (i) As Associate Professor in Family Medicine/General Medicine for
16.05.2015 three years in the recognized medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum
Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment)
Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/Registrar/
substituted Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
dated 24.07.2009
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
as under:- Substituted:-
Assistant Professor (i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I.
recognized medical college.
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
(A) Professor M.D.(Aviation Medicine)/ (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Aviation Medicine/Aerospace for
M.D.(Aerospace Medicine) four years in a recognised medical college.
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum
Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment)
Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/Registrar/
vide Notification Demonstrator/ Tutor.
dated 24.07.2009
as under:- In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
Assistant Professor
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
(A) Professor M.D. (Family Medicine)/ (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Family Medicine/General
M.D.(General Medicine)/ Medicine/Geriatrics for four years in a recognised medical college.
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum
Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment)
Regulations, 2009.
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum
Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment)
Regulations, 2009.
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum
Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment)
Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
The above is medical college as resident/Registrar/
substituted Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
dated 24.07.2009
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I.
recognized medical college.
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised medical
The above is college as resident/Registrar/
substituted Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
dated 24.07.2009
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 01.10.2012, the following shall be
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(A) Professor M.D.(Tropical Medicine)/ (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Tropical Medicine/General Medicine/
M.D.(General Medicine/ Microbiology for four years in a recognised medical college.
M.D.(Microbiology) plus 2
years experience in Desirable
clinical medicine. (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised medical
The above is college as resident/Registrar/
substituted Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
dated 24.07.2009
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(A) Professor M.D.(Rheumatology)/ (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Rheumatology for four years in a
M.D.(Medicine) with 2 recognised medical college.
years experience in
Rheumatology/Immunolo Desirable
gy. (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised medical
The above is college as resident/Registrar/
substituted Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
dated 24.07.2009
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized medical
college either during the DNB course or after obtaining DNB qualification
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(A) Professor M.D.(Social & Prev. (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Health Education for four years in a
Med.)/ M.D.(Community recognised medical college.
Medicine)/ M.D.(Health
Administration) Desirable
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
The above has been Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
further added vide Journal.
Notification dated
08.07.2011 as under: The above has been amended vide Notification dated 24.07.2009
as under:
M.D.( Community Health
Administration ) (i) As Associate Professor in Health Education for three years in the
recognized medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(A) Professor M.D.(Physiology)/M.D.(Me (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Marine Medicine for four years in a
dicine) with two years recognised medical college.
special training in Marine
Medicine Desirable
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(A) Professor M.D.(Psychiatry)/M.D.(Ph (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Occupational Health for four years in
y. Med. & Rehab.)/ a recognised medical college.
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised medical
The above is college as resident/Registrar/
substituted Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
dated 24.07.2009
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/ Registrar/
Demonstrator/ Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the post-
graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the subject.
(A) Professor M.D. (Community Med.)/ (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Public Health for four years in a
M.D.(Social & Prev. recognised medical college.
Med.)/ M.D.(Health
Admn.) Desirable
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
The above has been Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
further added vide Journal.
Notification dated
08.07.2011 as under: The above has been amended vide Notification dated 24.07.2009
as under:
M.D.( Community Health
Administration ) (i) As Associate Professor in Public Health for three years in the
recognized medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
substituted as under:-
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized medical
college either during the DNB course or after possessing DNB
qualification. The concerned candidate would also require one year of
additional teaching/research experience in the concerned subject in a
recognized medical college after obtaining DNB qualification.
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 01.10.2012, the following shall be
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized
medical college.
(A) Professor M.Sc.(Physics/Chem./Biophy (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Radiological Physics for four years
sics) with in a recognised medical college.
sics Desirable
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum
Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment)
Regulations, 2009.
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
(A) Professor M.D.(Microbiology)/M.D.( (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Virology for four years in a
Pathology) recognised medical college.
/M.D.(Medicine) with two
years special training in Desirable
Virology/ M.Sc.(Medical (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Virology with Ph.D. in Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Virology Journal.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised medical
The above is college as resident/Registrar/
substituted Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
dated 24.07.2009
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
(A) Professor M.D.S. (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Dentistry for four years in a
recognised Medical College/Dental College.
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one research publication in International
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Dentistry for five years in a
Associate Professor recognised medical college/dental college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can
be made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant B.D.S. preferably with (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
Professor/ Lecturer M.B.B.S.
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised medical
The above is college as resident/Registrar/
substituted Demonstrator/ Tutor.
vide Notification
dated 24.07.2009
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 03.11.2010, the following shall be
as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized
medical college.
(ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are no MD/MS courses
(iii) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from MCI recognized
medical colleges/central institutes where there are MD/MS courses running
(iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers other
than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.
Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB
course or after possessing DNB qualification. The concerned candidate
would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.
Resident/Research Associate (CSIR) in a MCI recognized medical
college/central institute.
For the candidates obtaining DNB qualification from centers other than
MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate
should have minimum two publications (accepted/published) in the index
journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the
concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must
have a total of three years teaching experience in a recognized medical
college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.
Emergency Medicine
(A) Professor M.D.(General Medicine) (i) As Associate Professor in the subject concerned for three years in
M.S.(Gen.Surgery) the recognized Medical college.
M.D. (Resp. Medi.)
M.D.(Anaesthesia) (ii) Minimum of four research publications in indexed/national journals.
M.S. (Orthopaedics)
with 2 years training in Provided that these research publications are published/ accepted for
Emergency Medicine publication in the Journals by the National Associations/Societies of the
respective specialities as the First Author. Further provided that the
requirement of 4 research publications for promotion to the post of
Professor should be taken on cumulative basis with minimum of 2
research publications must be published during the tenure of the
Associate Professor.
(B) Reader -do- (i) As Assistant Professor in the concerned subject for four years in the
recognized medical college.
(ii) Minimum of two research publications in indexed/national journals.
(A) Professor M.D. (Medicine) with (i) As Associate Professor in the subject concerned for three years in the
Diploma in Tropical recognized medical college.
M.D.(Community (ii) Minimum of four research publications in indexed/national journals.
M.D. (Medicine) Provided that these research publications are published/accepted for
M.D.(Paediatrics) publication in the Journals by the National Associations/Societies of the
with 2 years special respective specialities as the First Author. Further provided that the
training in Infectious requirement of 4 research publications for promotion to the post of
Disease Professor should be taken on cumulative basis with minimum of 2
research publications must be published during the tenure of the
Associate Professor.
(B) Reader -do- (i)As Assistant Professor in the concerned subject for four years in the
recognized medical college.
(C) Assistant Professor / -do- (i) Requisite recognised postgraduate qualification in the subject.
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognised
medical college as resident/Registrar/
Demonstrator/ Tutor.
Requirements of Spec ia l Acade mic Qualificatio ns, Teach ing and Research Experie nce for Super-Specia lity
(A) Professor D.M.(Cardiology) (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Cardiology for four years in a
recognised medical college/teaching institution.
(i) As Associate Professor in the subject concerned for three years in the
recognized medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Cardiology for two years in a
Professor recognised medical college/teaching institution.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,
1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant Professor/ -do- (i) Requisite recognised specialisation qualification in the subject.
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the Cardiology in a recognised
The above is medical college as Resident/Registrar/Demonstrator/Tutor
vide Notification dated
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 01.10.2012, the following shall be
24.07.2009 as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI
recognized medical college.
(A) Professor D.M. (Clinical (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Clinical Haematology for four years
Haematology) in a recognised medical college/teaching institution.
M.D.(Medicine) or
M.D.(Paediatrics) or Desirable
M.D.(Pathology) with 2 (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
years special training in Medicus/national journal and one in International Journal.
Clinical Haematology.
The Above has been amended vide notification dated 24.7.2009
as under:
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Clinical Haematology for two
Professor years in a recognised medical college/teaching institution.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,
1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
The following shall be Substituted in terms of Gazette Notification dated
(A) Professor D.M.(Clinical (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Clinical Pharmacology for four
Pharmacology) years in a recognised medical college/teaching institution.
with 2 years special Desirable
training in Clinical (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Pharmacology Medicus/national journal and one in International Journal.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacology for two
Professor years in a recognised medical college/teaching institution.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,
1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant Professor/ -do- (i) Requisite recognised specialisation qualification in the subject.
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the Clinical Pharmacology in a
The above is recognised medical college as Resident/Registrar/ Demonstrator/Tutor.
vide Notification dated
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 01.10.2012, the following shall be
24.07.2009 as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI
recognized medical college.
(A) Professor D.M.(Endocrinology)/M. (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Endocrinology for four years in a
D. recognised medical college/teaching institution.
(Medicine) or
M.D.(Paediatrics) with Desirable
two years special (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
training in Medicus/national journal and one in International Journal.
The Above has been amended vide notification dated 24.7.2009
as under:
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Endocrinology for two years in a
Professor recognised medical college/teaching institution.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,
1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
The following shall be Substituted in terms of Gazette Notification dated
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Immunology for two years in a
Professor recognised medical college/teaching institution.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,
1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(A) Professor D.M.( Medical (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Gastroenterology for four years in
Gastroenterology)/ a recognised medical college/teaching institution.
M.D. Desirable
(Medicine) or (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
M.D.(Paediatrics) with 2 Medicus/national journal and one in International Journal.
years special training in
Gastroenterology The Above has been amended vide notification dated 24.7.2009
as under:
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Gastroenterology for two years in
Professor a recognised medical college/teaching institution.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum
Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment)
Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant Professor/ -do- (i) Requisite recognised specialisation qualification in the subject.
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the Gastroenterology in a
The above is recognised medical college as Resident/Registrar/ Demonstrator/Tutor.
vide Notification dated
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 01.10.2012, the following shall be
24.07.2009 as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI
recognized medical college.
Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/ Registrar/
Demonstrator/ Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the
post-graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Medical Genetics (Super-speciality)
Professor for two years in a recognised medical college/teaching institution.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,
1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant Professor/ -do- (i) Requisite recognised specialisation qualification in the subject.
(ii) Three years teaching experience in Medical Genetics in a recognised
The above is medical college as Resident/Registrar/Demonstrator/Tutor.
vide Notification dated
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 01.10.2012, the following shall be
24.07.2009 as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI
recognized medical college.
(A) Professor D.M.(Medical (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in Medical Oncology for four years in a
Oncology)/M.D.(Medicin recognised medical college/teaching institution.
e) or M.D.(Radio-
therapy) or Desirable
M.D.(Paediatrics) with (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
2 years special training Medicus/national journal and one in International Journal.
in Medical Oncology.
The Above has been amended vide notification dated 24.7.2009
as under:
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Medical Oncology for two years in
a recognised medical college/teaching institution.
The above is
substituted vide Desirable
Notification dated (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
24.07.2009 as under:- Medicus/national journals.
Associate Professor The Above Sub-clause ii has been amended vide notification
dated 24.7.2009 as under:
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,
1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant Professor/ -do- (i) Requisite recognised specialisation qualification in the subject.
(ii) Three years teaching experience in Medical Oncology in a
The above is recognised medical college as Resident/Registrar/ Demonstrator/Tutor
vide Notification dated
24.07.2009 as under:-
Assistant Professor In terms of Gazette Notification dated 01.10.2012, the following shall be
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Neonatology for two years in a
Professor recognised medical college/teaching institution.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,
1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one in International Journal.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Nephrology for two years in a
Professor recognised medical college/teaching institution.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,
1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant Professor/ -do- (i) Requisite recognised specialisation qualification in the subject.
(ii) Three years teaching experience in Nephrology in a recognised
The above is medical college as Resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/Tutor.
vide Notification dated
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 01.10.2012, the following shall be
24.07.2009 as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI
recognized medical college.
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one in International Journal.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,
1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
The following shall be Substituted in terms of Gazette Notification dated
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Cardio Vascular & Thoracic
Professor Surgery/ Cardiac Surgery/ Vascular Surgery/ Thoracic Surgery for two
years in a recognised medical college/teaching institution.
The above is
substituted vide Desirable
Notification dated (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
24.07.2009 as under:- Medicus/national journals.
Associate Professor The Above Sub-clause ii has been amended vide notification
dated 24.7.2009 as under:
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,
1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one in International Journal.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Urology for two years in a
Professor recognised medical college/teaching institution.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum
Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment)
Regulations, 2009.
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one in International Journal.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Neuro-Surgery for two years in a
Professor recognised medical college/teaching institution.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum
Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment)
Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant Professor/ -do- (i) Requisite recognised specialisation qualification in the subject.
(ii) Three years teaching experience in Neuro- Surgery in a recognised
The above is medical college as Resident/Registrar/Demonstrator/Tutor.
vide Notification dated
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 01.10.2012, the following shall be
24.07.2009 as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI
recognized medical college.
Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/ Registrar/
Demonstrator/ Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the
post-graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the
(ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journal and one in International Journal.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Paediatric Surgery for two years
Professor in a recognised medical college/teaching institution.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum
Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment)
Regulations, 2009.
The following shall be Substituted in terms of Gazette Notification dated
(C) Assistant Professor/ -do- (i) Requisite recognised specialisation qualification in the subject.
(ii) Three years teaching experience in Paediatric Surgery in a
The above is recognised medical college as Resident/Registrar/Demonstrator/Tutor.
vide Notification dated
24.07.2009 as under:-
Assistant Professor In terms of Gazette Notification dated 01.10.2012, the following shall be
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Plastic & Reconstructive
Professor Surgery/Plastic Surgery for two years in a recognised medical college/
The above is institution.
substituted vide
Notification dated Desirable
24.07.2009 as under:- (ii) Minimum of four Research publications indexed in Index
Medicus/national journals.
Associate Professor
The Above Sub-clause ii has been amended vide notification
dated 24.7.2009 as under:
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum
Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment)
Regulations, 2009.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Surgical Gastroenterology for two
Professor years in a recognised medical college/teaching institution.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum
Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment)
Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant Professor/ -do- (i) Requisite recognised specialisation qualification in the subject.
(ii) Three years teaching experience in Surgical Gastroenterology in a
The above is recognised medical college as Resident/Registrar/ Demonstrator/Tutor.
vide Notification dated
In terms of Gazette Notification dated 01.10.2012, the following shall be
24.07.2009 as under:-
Assistant Professor
(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI
recognized medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader / Associate -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Surgical Oncology for two years in
Professor a recognised medical college/teaching institution.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 5 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum
Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment)
Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader -do- (i) As Assistant Professor in the concerned subject for two years in the
recognized medical college.
(C) Assistant Professor/ -do- (i) Requisite recognised specialisation qualification in the subject.
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the in a recognised medical
college as Resident/Registrar/Demonstrator/Tutor
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing
before notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader -do- (i) As Assistant Professor in the concerned subject for two years in the
recognized medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 2 years w.e.f. 24th
July, 2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate
Professor can be made by the institutes in accordance with the
Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,
1998 as prevailing before notification of Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant Professor/ -do- (i) Requisite recognised specialisation qualification in the subject.
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the Cardiology in a recognised
medical college as Resident/Registrar/Demonstrator/Tutor
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader -do- (i)As Assistant Professor in the concerned subject for two years in the
recognized medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 2 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant Professor/ -do- (i) Requisite recognised specialisation qualification in the subject.
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the Cardiology in a recognised
medical college as Resident/Registrar/Demonstrator/Tutor
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader -do- (i)As Assistant Professor in the concerned subject for two years in the
recognized medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 2 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant Professor/ -do- (i) Requisite recognised specialisation qualification in the subject.
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the Cardiology in a recognised
medical college as Resident/Registrar/Demonstrator/Tutor
(B) Reader -do- (i)As Assistant Professor in the concerned subject for two years in the
recognized medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 2 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(C) Assistant Professor/ -do- (i) Requisite recognised specialisation qualification in the subject.
(ii) Three years teaching experience in the Cardiology in a recognised
medical college as Resident/Registrar/Demonstrator/Tutor
Further provided that for the transitory period of 4 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Professor can be made
by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical
Institutions (Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
(B) Reader -do- (i) As Assistant Professor in the concerned subject for two years in the
recognized medical college.
Further provided that for the transitory period of 2 years w.e.f. 24th July,
2009, the appointment/promotion to the post of Associate Professor can be
made by the institutes in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for
Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as prevailing before
notification of Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions
(Amendment) Regulations, 2009.
The following shall be Substituted in terms of Gazette Notification dated
Note: Other qualification will be evaluated by the Council as and when reference is received.
1. M.R.C.P., M.R.C. (Path.), F.R.C.S., F.F.A.R.C.S. refer to the Diploma of Membership and
Fellowship awarded by all the Royal Colleges of U.K., prior to 11/11/1978.
3. In the case of qualifications in higher specialities (M.Ch. D.M.) the holder should have
also obtained M.D.(Gen. Medicine) or M.S.(Gen. Surgery) or an equivalent qualification as
prescribed by the Council in its recommendations on Postgraduate Medical Education. This
requirement may be relaxed in suitable cases in cases of candidates who have obtained
M.Ch./D.M. after a direct 5 years course, which are recognised by the Council.
4. After 31st May, 1977, for all teaching appointments to posts higher than tutor in higher
specialities i.e. Cardiology, Neurology, Thoracic-Surgery, Neuro-Surgery, Plastic-Surgery,
Paediatric-Surgery, Urology, the candidates must possess postgraduate degree
qualifications in the speciality concerned i.e. D.M./M.ch. approved by the Council from time
to time. Where teachers with DM/M.Ch. qualifications are not available in respect of the
courses which have not yet been started, matter regarding relaxation of qualification and
experience of Postgraduate teachers may be taken up with the Medical Council of India.
6. From January, 1985 all fresh entrants as teachers in medical college should have the
requisite recognised Indian Postgraduate medical qualifications (recognised by the Medical
Council of India).