Project Management Policy
Project Management Policy
Project Management Policy
Table of Contents
Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Scope ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Policy Statement ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Responsibility ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Legislative Context ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Associated Documents ................................................................................................................................... 4
Implementation ............................................................................................................................................... 4
This document describes the University's policy regarding the essential elements in the management of all projects.
In order to achieve these objectives the elements of this Project Management Policy must be included in the
initiation, planning, and execution of all major projects.
The Project Management Policy is a University-wide policy, to be applied across all University Portfolios for all
University staff and Associates to comply with, regardless of monetary value and size.
All projects that are considered to be of Medium or above risk level, at an institutional level via Audit and Risk
Committee, as defined in the Risk Management Policy, are to comply with this policy.
The Project Management Framework is based on the universal principles of the PMBOK guide and PRINCE-II
methodology, in conjunction with the Universitys policy, procedures and guidelines. This framework for Project
Management is based on the generic process flows of Initiating, Planning, Executing, Controlling & Monitoring and
Closing (IPECC).
Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website.
Authorised by: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Support & Services) | Document Owner: Manager, Strategic Capital, Infrastructure and Projects | Original Issue: 08/06/2010 | Current Version:
17/12/2010 | Review Date: 01/06/2013 | Policy Code: PF1569
CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D
Page: 1 of 4
University Policy
Business Case: A Business Case is based on an operational or strategic need that has
been identified from within a business unit. A Business Case should
detail and justify the baseline information about the project such as
background, purpose, benefits, objectives and funding sources of the
proposed project.
Business Sponsor: The main business stakeholder who is responsible for initiating the
Business Case for a project. They identify the business needs further to
develop the Business Case based on risk and University requirements.
IPECC: Five process groups within the management of the project:
Initiation, Planning, Execution, Controlling & Monitoring and Closing.
PMBoK: Project Management Body of Knowledge. PMBOK is a collection of
processes and knowledge areas accepted as best practice within the
project management discipline, world wide.
PRINCE-II: PRINCE-II is a structured approach to project management. It covers the
management, control and organisation of a project. It provides a method for
managing projects within a clearly defined framework. PRINCE-II
describes procedures to coordinate people and activities in a project, how
to design and supervise the project, and what to do if the project has to be
adjusted if it doesn't develop as planned.
Project: A project is defined as a set 'body of work' with a defined start and end
date, and with a pre determined level of risk. The risk can be associated
with human, government, financial/commercial, environmental, political,
legal or business continuity factors. A project will be undertaken when the
level of risk is considered 'Medium' or above, at an institutional level via
Audit & Risk Committee and as defined as a risk in the Risk Management
Project Charter: The main purpose of the Project Charter is to formally acknowledge that a
project has approval to begin. It is the authoritative document
acknowledging the Project's Executive Sponsor and Business Sponsor
signoff to initiate the project and the Project Managers acceptance to
Project Executive Sponsor: The person given overall responsibility for ensuring that a project meets its
objectives and delivers the expected benefits. They are considered the
champion of the project and will have ongoing accountability for outcomes
of the project.
Project Management Framework: A policy guideline and documented procedures for how projects are
planned, executed and delivered based on proven project management
methodologies, to ensure projects are completed on time and on budget.
Project Manager: The person responsible for the day to day management of the project
objectives, tasks, progress and project team.
Project Proposal: A Project Proposal is the initial formal document of the project. It specifies
high level requirements of the project including background, purpose,
benefits, objectives, scope, assumptions, constraints and costs of the
project, from which an executive decision will be made to authorise the
Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website.
Authorised by: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Support & Services) | Document Owner: Manager, Strategic Capital, Infrastructure and Projects | Original Issue: 08/06/2010 | Current Version:
17/12/2010 | Review Date: 01/06/2013 | Policy Code: PF1569
CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D
Page: 2 of 4
University Policy
Business Case: A Business Case is based on an operational or strategic need that has
been identified from within a business unit. A Business Case should
detail and justify the baseline information about the project such as
background, purpose, benefits, objectives and funding sources of the
proposed project.
Project Steering Committee: A group of high-level stakeholders who are responsible for providing
guidance on overall strategic direction and endorsing recommendations
from the Project Manager.
Project Team: Individuals, groups and/or organisations, including all consultants, who are
responsible for undertaking project tasks as directed by the Project
Status Report: A high level progress report indicating the current status of the project as
tracked against budget, time and tasks.
Strategic Capital, Infrastructure
and Projects: The Strategic Capital, Infrastructure and Project Office (SCIP) defines and
maintains the standards of processes related to project management, within
the University. SCIP strives to standardize and introduce economies of
repetition in the execution of projects. SCIP is the source of documentation,
guidance and metrics on the practice of project management, project
governance and execution.
Policy Statement
1. Projects require a Business Case to be documented prior to project funding being authorised. The Business
Case is completed by the Business Sponsor.
2. The completed Business Case for a project requires the approval from the relevant Portfolio or School
3. An approved Business Case triggers the development of a Project Proposal by SCIP, which is then approved
with a Project Charter.
4. A Project Charter is to be endorsed by the SCIP Office and authorised by either a Deputy Vice-Chancellor,
based on the financial availability.
5. A Project Manager must be appointed after the Project Charter is authorised. Project Managers are required to
have experience, skills and available time to manage the project and are funded from the operational funds of
the project.
6. Projects require a Deputy Vice-Chancellor as the Project Executive Sponsor for the duration of the project, from
initiation through to project closure.
7. Projects require the establishment of a Steering Committee and a project team under the guidance of a Project
Manager at the planning phase.
8. Budget, Risk and Status reports must be sent to the Project Executive Sponsor and included at Steering
Committee meetings. These reports will be tabled at appropriate senior team and University Committee
9. Project Management, Communication, Risk and Quality plans are to be endorsed by Steering Committee.
10. All projects will include a business/user acceptance phase.
11. The Steering Committee, on advice from the Project Manager will determine the project closure.
12. A Post Implementation Review is to be conducted by SCIP to ensure quality standards were met throughout
the project implementation.
Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website.
Authorised by: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Support & Services) | Document Owner: Manager, Strategic Capital, Infrastructure and Projects | Original Issue: 08/06/2010 | Current Version:
17/12/2010 | Review Date: 01/06/2013 | Policy Code: PF1569
CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D
Page: 3 of 4
University Policy
1. The Manager, Strategic Capital, Infrastructure and Projects will be responsible for ensuring the Project
Management Framework, including this Policy and the relating procedure, is applied to all University Projects
that are risk rated at 'Medium' or above.
2. The relevant financial delegate is responsible for the approval of a Business Case.
3. The Strategic Capital, Infrastructure and Projects Office is responsible for the development of a Project
4. A Deputy Vice-Chancellor is responsible for authorising a Project Charter.
5. The Project Executive Sponsor will be accountable for the delivery of the project and the ongoing out comes
after project completion.
6. Project Steering Committees will be responsible for the oversight of each of their projects, ensuring that the
project is being executed in line with the goals and objectives of the Project Charter.
7. The appointed Project Manager will be responsible for the project team from the initiating phase through to the
closing phase. They will be the point of contact for the project and will ensure each phase is managed in
accordance with the University Project Management Framework.
Legislative Context
Not Applicable.
Associated Documents
Project Management Procedure
Risk Management Policy
The Project Management Policy will be implemented throughout the University via:
1. an Announcement Notice under the University website and through the University Policy - Recently Approved
Documents webpage to alert the University-wide community of the approved Policy;
2. inclusion on the University Policy, Procedure and Forms website;
3. targeted emails to Vice-Chancellor, Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Head of
Schools and Portfolio Directors;
4. information sessions;
5. training sessions;
6. reference from the PPO website; and
7. documentation distribution, eg. posters, brochures.
Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website.
Authorised by: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Support & Services) | Document Owner: Manager, Strategic Capital, Infrastructure and Projects | Original Issue: 08/06/2010 | Current Version:
17/12/2010 | Review Date: 01/06/2013 | Policy Code: PF1569
CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D
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