Iso 20000 Requirements Documents List
Iso 20000 Requirements Documents List
Iso 20000 Requirements Documents List
Mandatory Documentation
Required by ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011
Executive summary............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Which documents and records are required? .................................................................................................................... 4
Mandatory documents ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Mandatory records ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Commonly used non-mandatory documents ..................................................................................................................... 8
How to structure documents and records.......................................................................................................................... 9
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Sample documentation templates ................................................................................................................................... 21
References ........................................................................................................................................................................ 21
In this document you will find an explanation of which documents are mandatory according to the ISO 20000
standard, and which non-mandatory documents are commonly used in the SMS implementation, in the same
order and numbered clauses as in ISO 20000. In addition, youll see links to additional learning materials.
While trying to fulfill standard requirements, organizations have a tendency to generate too many
documents in order to be on the safe side. This is counterproductive, because it makes the implemented
processes and respective SMS hard to use and maintain, as well as making the SMS a bureaucratic burden.
While taking such approach, organizations are missing a chance to improve their ITSM for their own benefit,
as well as that of their customers.
In this white paper you will find, explained in plain English, what the minimum ISO 20000 requirements for
the documentation are, as well as a list of documents that are commonly in place and can help you make
your SMS more efficient.
Service Management System (SMS) Plan 4.1.1, 4.1.4, 4.2, 4.3.1, 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.5.1, 4.5.2,
4.5.3, 5.3.h), 6.2
Design and Transition of New or Changed Services 4.3.1, 5.1, 5.3.a), 5.3.b), 5.3.c), 5.2.b)
Service Continuity and Availability Management Process 4.3.1, 6.3.1 6.3.2, 6.3.3
Change Management Process 4.3.1, 4.3.2.d), 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3.2,
6.4, 6.5, 6.6.3, 7.1, 7.2, 8.2, 9.1, 9.1.g), 9.2, 9.3
Release and Deployment Management Process 4.3.1, 5.3.a), 5.3.b), 5.3.k), 9.3
Change Management Policy 4.3.2.d), 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3.2, 6.4,
6.5, 6.6.3, 7.1, 7.2, 8.2, 9.1, 9.1.g), 9.2, 9.3
Mandatory records
IT Service Continuity Plan Test and Review Report 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.3
These are the documents and records that are required to be maintained for the ISO 20000 Service
Management System, but you should also maintain any other records that you have identified as necessary
to ensure your management system can function, be maintained, and improve over time.
The number of documents can vary due to the fact that several documents can be combined into a single
Records can be recorded as documents, but also as records in the scope of the ITSM tool.
The SMS Policy is usually a short, top-level document describing the purpose of the SMS. In this document
you should define the purpose, direction, principles, and basic rules for IT Service Management in your
Find out more in the article: SMS Policy How to create it according to ISO 20000.
This is the main document where you will define how the SMS will be established. The aim of this document
is to define the scope, requirements, responsibilities, and resources needed to run the services. Although the
standards requirements regarding the SMS Plan are extensive, this document is usually four to five pages
long and references to other stand-alone documents.
This is usually a stand-alone procedure. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure control over the creation,
approval, distribution, usage, and updates of documents and records (stored in any possible form paper,
audio, video, etc.) used in the Service Management System (SMS).
If you have already implemented some other standard, e.g., ISO 9001 or ISO 27001, you can use the same
procedure for all the management systems.
Communication Procedure
The Communication Procedure doesnt need to be extensive, but it should define communication relevant to
the SMS (e.g., who communicates which topics, how often, and to whom), how it is implemented (usually
which technology supports different kinds of communication), and how it is used.
Read the articles: IT Service Management communication according to ISO 20000 and Communication inside
IT Service Management team setup of joint vocabulary and criteria to learn more.
This is the document where all requirements for a particular service should be documented. This document is
relevant for the service throughout its lifecycle. Therefore, the Service Level Requirements document should
capture all details of the service in order to build, test, deploy, maintain, and improve the service. It can be in
the form of a document or spreadsheet.
Find out more in the article: Service Level Requirement (SLR) as origin of the SLA content.
Although a mandatory requirement according to the standard, this document will enable you to track all
improvement initiatives. It shouldnt be extensive, but it must include all available information about the
improvement initiative, applicable (implementation) milestones, responsibilities, etc.
Find out more in the article: Service Improvement Plan For the sake of improvements.
This procedure is, usually, a stand-alone document that can be two to three pages long, and has to be
written before the internal audit begins. Similar to the Procedure for Document Control, one Procedure for
Internal Audit can be used for all management systems.
Learn more in the article: ISO 20000 internal audit What is it and why is it important?
The standard requires a procedure and a policy for the maintenance and improvement of the SMS. However,
since they are not necessarily extensive documents, they could be combined into a single document with the
common goal of defining the purpose, scope, principles, and activities of the Continual Service Improvement
(CSI) process.
For more information about the Continual Service Improvement Process, see the following articles:
This is the document that will help you to keep control over planned trainings and awareness campaigns
inside the SMS. The Training Plan is usually made together with the HR department.
Read this article to learn more: How to perform ISO 20000 training and awareness.
This is the document that will help you track activities related to corrective and preventive actions. It should
be a simple, one-page document, which includes a description, actions to be taken, roles and responsibilities
relevant to the corrective or preventive action, etc.
This is the document that will enable risk assessment and definition of risk reduction measures. It could be
written in a table (spreadsheet) form.
Service Catalogue
The Service Catalogue lists all the services in one place this includes customer-facing as well as internal
services. Customer-facing services are written in business language (understandable by the customer), and
internal (or supporting services) use more technical vocabulary. One of the approaches could be to create a
spreadsheet in order to easily define dependencies between services and service components.
For more details about service catalogues, see the following articles:
How to overcome barriers while implementing the Service Catalogue according to ITIL
Choosing four main inputs for the ITIL/ISO 20000 Service Catalogue to avoid bureaucracy
Service Catalogue Defining the service
Service Catalogue a window to the world
The aim of this document is to define the purpose, scope, principles, and activities of the Service Level
Management (SLM) Process. Besides setting up the process and its activities, as well as roles and
responsibilities, this document defines service providers relationships with the customer (documented in the
Service Level Agreement) and internal supporting groups.
What is the relationship between Service Level Management and the Service Catalogue in ISO
ITIL Service Level Management making sure that what you want is what you get
Who is your ideal ITIL/ISO 20000 Service Level Manager?
This document defines the relationship between the IT service provider and the customer. It contains all
relevant parameters in order to manage service delivery according to customers requirements. This
document contains common legal parameters typical for legally binding documents and, in agreement with
the customer, it contains measurable service level parameters.
This document defines the relationship between the service provider and another part of the same
organization. It contains more technical descriptions of the service and its not a legally binding document.
Read the article SLAs, OLAs and UCs in ITIL and ISO 20000 to learn more.
This process descriptions are a cornerstone of a new or change service that needs to be implemented.
Therefore, all necessary details related to planning, design, and transition to a new service should be
Read more here: Design and transition of new or changed services in ISO 20000.
This document covers both IT service continuity and IT service availability in one document. It includes a
policy and all relevant activities in order to achieve the required continuity and availability of the services.
The length of the document depends on the business requirements. The document content is related to the
IT Service Continuity and Availability Plan.
In this document you can include the Financial Management Policy, but you should certainly define
budgeting and accounting activities with related roles and responsibilities.
In this document you should include all activities of the Capacity Management Process and related roles and
responsibilities. The Capacity Plan is, usually, a stand-alone document.
Read more in the article: ITIL and ISO 20000 How to set up the Capacity Management process
If you have implemented ISO 27001 you have almost all of the requirements fulfilled. Otherwise, this
document should define security-related policies, activities, and controls (applied to manage security risks)
and their relationships with other processes.
Security incidents How to approach them using ITIL and ISO 20000
If anything shouldnt be taken for granted its Information Security Management
This is the main document for information security and is written as a stand-alone document. The policy
defines security objectives that need to be achieved and refers to security requirements, risk management,
and internal audit.
The process description can also include a policy, and should include a description of activities, roles, and
their responsibilities to establish relationships with customers, users, and interested parties.
ISO 20000 sets clear responsibilities towards IT service provider suppliers and their sub-suppliers. This
process document ensures that this relationship is controlled and managed, as well as confirming that
agreements and monitoring are in place.
The Incident and Service Request Management Process is the most exposed process towards users and
customers. Besides fulfilling the standards requirements, it is important to include all relevant activities and
parameters to have a functional and well-managed process.
ISO 20000 Incident and Service Request Management Increasing efficiency with information flow
How to choose an ITIL/ISO 20000 Incident Manager: 5 main characteristics
5 biggest challenges while setting up the Incident Management process
Major Incident Management when the going gets tough
ITIL Request Fulfillment: a quick win for customer satisfaction
The Problem Management Process document should define problem identification and activities (both
proactive as well as reactive ones) in order to manage problem resolution and minimize the impact of
incidents and problems.
Since Configuration Management is the basis for most of the ISO 20000 processes, particular care should be
taken while setting up this process. Therefore, this document can be more detailed, but it should at least
define the purpose, scope, principles, and activities of the Configuration Management Process.
What is the role of the Service Asset and Configuration Manager according to ITIL/ISO 20000?
Knowing your herd Service Asset and Configuration Management (SACM)
Changes are one of the most prevailing sources of incidents. Therefore, the Change Management process
should include regulations, authorities, descriptions of activities, roles, responsibilities, measurements, and
metrics for the process. The Change Policy could be a stand-alone document, but that doesnt necessarily
need to be so.
How to overcome barriers while implementing the ITIL/ISO 20000 Change Management process
ITIL/ISO 20000: What is the job of the Change Manager?
The Change Management Policy is a mandatory document according to the standard, and it should provide
defined Configuration Items (CIs) that are under the control of Change Management, as well as criteria to
determine changes with the potential to have major impact on services or customers. Additionally, this
document regulates the authorization of various types of changes.
This process relies on Configuration Management and Change Management, and is an executable process for
the implementation of new or changed services. Therefore, clear interfaces to other processes, activities, and
roles and responsibilities should be defined.
Supplier Contract
This document is the basis for an IT service provider to define its relationship with its supplier. Because its a
legally binding document, respective clauses must be present. From the documents content, responsibilities
of both parties should be clear.
ITIL Release and Deployment Management Part I General principles and service testing
ITIL Release and Deployment Management Part 2 deployment methods and early life support
Customer Portfolio
This is the list of all customers, their contracts, the services they use, contact partners and business
relationship managers inside the organization. For easier maintenance and a clear overview, this document
could be in a spreadsheet form.
Usually, this plan is made together with HR and presents an annual plan of needed education and training.
Its usually made in a table form in order to have a clear overview.
Read more about training and awareness in the article: How to perform ISO 20000 training and awareness.
List of Services
This is the list of services that needs to provide an overview of provided services and the customers who are
using them. Its usually made in a spreadsheet form.
Read the article: Service Portfolio Management Services, where do they come from? to learn more.
If you are not using an ITSM tool, then this spreadsheet can help you to record the required and most
important parameters of CIs in one place.
Learn more here: Knowing your herd Service Asset and Configuration Management (SACM).
This is the formal plan for a particular release. In order for the release to be deployed in a controlled manner,
many details need to be planned. This document keeps track of all necessary details for a particular release.
The Service Design Package (SDP) is a document where all aspects of a new or changed service are
documented. It helps to document all service-related information in one place. Depending on the service, it
could be quite extensive.
To learn more, read the article: ITIL Service Design Package everything under one roof.
After IT service continuity is set (using a process description), a detailed plan should be developed and
tested. This is the document with a detailed description of how to achieve the agreed IT service continuity.
Based on the release and deployment process (and related policy), a plan for a particular service, i.e.,
customer, should be made. This document contains all the necessary details for release and deployment
planning in order to ensure that releases for a particular customer are planned, built, tested, and deployed
through an established process.
Availability Plan
Availability of the service is one of the basic service requirements, often part of the SLA and reports sent to
customers. Therefore, careful planning regarding how to fulfill requirements is needed. This is a document
that ensures that existing and future availability requirements are provided cost effectively, availability of
current services is improved, and availability level of new services is defined.
Read more in the article: ITIL Availability Plan A document you need, but probably dont have.
The Capacity Plan should define how to manage resources needed to deliver IT services, analyze data, and
define a long-term approach to satisfy capacity requirements for services.
Learn more about the Capacity Plan in the article: ITIL Capacity Plan A document you need, but probably
dont have.
Internal audits should be planned. This document provides a timetable of internal audits, auditor names,
scope, objectives, etc. To maintain a clear overview, its advisable to create a program in table form.
Learn more about the audit checklist (needed for an audit) in the article: How to create an ISO 20000 internal
audit checklist.
Service Report
ISO 20000-1:2011 emphasizes measurement and reporting in several places. This template should be used to
report service-related measurements. Various parameters should be measured to give a clear overview of
service performance.
IT Service Continuity Plans need to be tested regularly. As proof of performed test activities you should
create a report that contains a testing description, testing results, and reporting.
Customers are receiving value through the services delivered. If value is not received according to customer
expectations, they will complain. Therefore, an official communication channel for customer complaints
should exist. This template should contain information about the affected service, business impact, actions
performed (as a result of the complaint), and related responsibilities.
Find out more in the article: ITIL Customer satisfaction Design driven by outcomes.
Once the internal audit is finished, a report must be made. The Audit Report documents the audit trail,
results, nonconformities, and recommendations for improvements.
This is, usually, in the form of minutes of the management review meeting and needs to include all the
materials that were involved at the management meeting, as well as all the decisions that were made. The
minutes can be in paper or digital form.
Read the article: What should be on the SMS management review agenda according to ISO 20000? to learn
The Availability Measurement Report gives a clear picture of what was defined in the Availability Plan for a
particular service. The document could also be in spreadsheet form and should contain measurement and
report data.
Corrective and Preventive Action, as well as opportunities for improvement, shall be documented. This
record should contain details about corrective and preventive actions.
In addition to IT service provider reports to the customer, the suppliers performance also needs to be
measured and reported. This report includes a summary for all suppliers, particular supplier performance
reports, and a supplier satisfaction survey (which is optional, but provides valuable inputs for the
Incident Record
In order to manage incident resolution and service availability, incidents need to be managed and resolved.
The Incident Record is documented information about a particular incident and the activities that led to its
resolution. If you dont have an ITSM tool, you can use a spreadsheet-based document, but you should
include (in addition to all required information) all details needed to efficiently manage the opened incident.
Just as for incidents, service requests need to be documented and fulfilled. The Service Request Record
fulfills the standards requirements and enables service request management up to its fulfillment.
In order to improve the organizations learning and improve ITSM performance, knowledge related to
resolved incidents and problems needs to be documented. This document should enable the recording of all
relevant information that will help lead to faster incident and problem solving.
Learn more in the article: Known Errors repetitio est mater studiorum? Not in this case.
Once you have a Change Policy and Change Process description in place, you should define the Request for
Change and Change Record. The Request for Change contains all details needed to classify, assess, evaluate,
and approve the change. The Change Record provides an overview of all changes in order to plan
implementation, create reports, and use knowledge for closed changes.
Read this article to get more details: ITIL/ISO 20000 Request for Change Your steering wheel throughout
the change lifecycle.
Problem Record
The Problem Management Process defines activities, roles, and responsibilities needed to resolve problems.
The Problem Record should be a tool where all information relevant for a particular problem is recorded. If
you dont use an ITSM tool, you can create a spreadsheet-based document that will fulfill the standards
requirements and record other relevant information.
This is the document that records customer feedback, exceptional situations, and improvement initiatives
that were defined. It could be spreadsheet-based, and should contain a service-relevant report and an
overview of the performance of all services in place.