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aT? = PRODUCT DATASHEET Dextra www.dextragroup.com OVERVIEW Introduction Coupler dimensions Packing Order codes How to determine the rebar cutting length INSTALLING PROCEDURE AT THE PRECAST FACTORY Preparing the injection and air vent pipes ‘Special caso of removable pipes INSTALLING PROCEDURE AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE Vertical applications - by injection Vertical applications ~ by gravity Horizontal applications — by injection Grout consumption Grouting process TROUBLESHOOTING “Introduction ‘Groutec Is @ mechanical spicing system wi one threaded end specially eelgned for the conection of pre-cast concrete elements, Ribbed of deformed reinforcing bar of grades up to 550 MPa (80 kal) can be speed win Groute. ‘Splint unully done in two stop: the Groutzc couplers frst screws ‘onto the reirforcamentprepared at the precast factory, nsaied fst with the formwor, ater nfich the elements conceted “The cennéetion & then completed ai the censiructon sie, where the precast element Is positored nex! to the adjacent element so that ts prottuding bars arier the cavites inside tte Groutec couplers. The ‘caves are then fled with grout, ether by gravty or by means of 2 outing pump. aD = C= ‘Groutes couplers have been designed to work wh grouts comronly-avallable cn the market place. Grouis must be non-strink types. wath ‘2 minimum compreeslve strongth of 70 MP ‘Two altemative models are avaiable ‘Groutes L wit has @ wide body alowing for some axial misaignmert of the éowel bar. ‘Grower $ (sim Bo can be used in compact applications such 26 slim panels or narrow cohimes Growec has been tested wan grouss tom major manufacturers such as Sika, Parex- Daveo, Foeroe and BASF, wich have 2 worldwide disiibuton network. However attention is raised to the fact that such cement-based proces ere often produced locally fom local raw materls, ond tht thei properties vary deperaing not only on thelr ‘atigh. but aso.on cfmate conditions. For frst-ime users, we strongly recommend that prior tests be carted in order to confirm the sutabilty ofthe selected grout mall us at thaland@extragroup.com for ‘any assistance. Dextre’ labily i in any case limited othe value of the couplars alone CADE EM | CCAD & BIMoals to stpport design engineers inthe érawing and modeling of structures are -valatlo in the download sacton of A AutoDesk AUTOCAD. AUTODESK" REVIT 2017 | Coupler dimensions CCeoutec is eveliable In wo versions: + Grout L, which alow for larger misslignmert tolerances thanks to ¢ wide cavly + Groutee 8, which accomodate slim penele and row eolumae thanks a lengar more compact design. | GruieeL «Lagann For beth Land § models and al rabar diameters, the inlet & outlet holes ae designed to ft wth PE pipes (PEBOPN12.6) 0 por iSO 4427-2 and BS EN12201.2:2003 sends. “The tweaded bars used a reference forthe rebar diameter. Incase of Trarsiton Splicing, please refer tothe table in rebar cuting section to very the med! in use Grautee S » Slim outside ameter « | aaa te lc = ee g 2 o ° Me: 2 6 a 0 ‘0 a0 2 80 50 30 ecamaaabeashent P05 APOSOCGaeCRooIy 27 | 5/24 ‘Tadaang Groutec products are packed In wooden crates that can be lied by @ fork. Al products must be stored under a roof and protect from the sles Please ensure thet oder quanttes area multiple ofthe packaging quantties statedin the table ” 00 s 780 cy = 0 ‘8 7 ™ Groutec L ‘Colum connector ee 2 = o8 00 0 Groutec S ‘Not The weight fhe ents may vary depending on abit munity 8124 | xatarEE: | Product Datasheet jotSdI0 Gomer Tae codes Scope of supply £7 Outet sive pin e t £8 ite eta ohase cutee oer = Sisiicestagiomstiantend seoutetpug gs niet pine (by others) aes § e seme 1a eto re sr coueccouer = Smee ee @ % 1 Fa ostener cew 8) £12 Fano poston: tear Yo 2 Imtet ping x x a Out plug x x ‘ Dust protection cap x x ‘ Coupler protection cep x 6 Inlet pipe plug (pre-casing phase, orange) x 1 Cute pipe pug (pre-caatng phase, red) x 8 Inlet Couper plastic cap plug (grouting phase} x . (Outlet Coupler plastic cap pl (routing phase) x 10 Sealing disc x " Former positioner (serew type) x 2 Formwork postioner (magnetic type) x saaapeeDrasrvet|FOSKIUFOS CoS Autay 2017 | 7/24 Couplers ‘otecton vesssnis congo supers 12 FPPciate2ot FPecrrtezot Fercrenstss ‘Choi be covered separ. x a 18 FPPCteRm26) “FPRCIwIT 3 20 FPpcarzeot Feecavarass rrrczoai209 ot Groutee L ra 3 el ae i SEER Sea Optional items available upon request 10 0ute pipe pt {eutng past) 47 Ouletpive suo (orcasing ess) amen ae eee Preecdon| ow 28 GMecoouzezs x2 Gucooozo4 40 GMecooozt27 | How to determine the rebar cutting length? Standard splicing ‘This isthe standard case when Groutec connected by tread and by grout are of the same chameter. Prot ena) Protruding length (P) Errbediment lenth (E) + Seating motar height (M) Reber length after threading Element height + Sealing mortar height (M) + E~L + Thread engagement (7) ‘Note: The above calculations assume that the seating ota height (M) 1s the same between each concrete element Bartec Thread - Standard Splice Groutec L, FPpCa0as45t FPPCI214207 Groutee S Groutec 2 2 3 40 12 6 2 2 8 2 x “0 siz 86 820 ses siz siz S40 FPPc2021203 Fpczsz6258 FPPC2620008. Fepca233903 FRPCADHI905 Feecizta2or Frpciezces7 2024307 FPPGzs90967 repose FePCaoasae 10/28 | axtaapra: | Proauct Oatsnect | +rUS010 SouacAewDtt 27 Transition splicing “This is the case when the inserted rebar inthe cat ia of ciferentclameter ofthe ane aerewed on the threaded side In ths cave, it multole cancreto elements are assembled, erbednent lengths may vary:E1# £2 Extre care shoul’ be taken n the design lo ensure fe cimensions of the comect coupler ‘16 taken nto account Slenertheiaht Prenat (P2) Baayen) Enbeanani lone Praia wrath PD) Protruding length (P1) EEmbedmert length of coupler # (E1) Saaing mortar height (M) Protruding length (P2) Embedmert length of coupler #2 (E2) + Sealing mona height (M) Reber longth after threading Elomentheight + Sealing Mostar Length (M) + E2- Lt + Thread engagement courles #1 (T1) Note: The above calculations assume tha! the evaing mortar height (M) 1s the same between eacn concrete element neared eieshent [POS cu OC Ow. cwsse noo a7 | 43/24 Bartec Thread - Transition Splice ] Rebar peed core es cae = oer coer [Threaded | Insertion kv | bar ea oo) a 2 a 2 2 25 Fepczsacas1 220 150 180 2 3 2 Ea 28 FRPCzEaIaET 200, 165 2 ES 6 Ea 5 32 FPPC3z36401 290 165 240 36 2 cy 2 ppcarsean = 200 5 0 = “0 2 40 FPpcaoess1 340 25 235 6 ae ores ce! rape coo i 18 2 16 rercisiria 102 Ae = - a 16 zi z zz a ed 3 a 2 20 25 Frpcasmzss ‘220 = = : i Z . 28 Fepc2aaa903 200 aa x % 6 =z 32 Feposences 290 oe - - ee ee Ee] as se sp = ° 3 40 rercanaimea 30 ab = " 12/24 | amore 1 Installation procedure at the precast factory #9 Out! be oho {Grog chase) #7 Outet poe pig cece ase s aes cutet pee cher et pr casig pase erwin Pesto s2o.tetoug —— ig tt yo) acme mene s2impig 1812 Fommont poitorer (nage Ys) A. Connect the coupler to the bar 11. Check from the coupler marking thatthe ‘coupler (#1) coesponds tothe bar ize. 2. Remove the Thread Protection Cap for {he teaded bar (f any) and he Coupler Protecton Cap (#5 if ay). 3 Inepectthe threads of both the barend and the coupler (#1). lean ay ust ort with wire brush, 4. Screw the coupler (#1) onto the threaded ‘ber unt no thread remains vale BI. If no positioner is used 41. if no positonor ie ueed, make sure that the ‘Dust Protecton Cap (#4) 8 present end tight Postion coupler fash wit formwork 2. Retale coupler so that holes face the ight rection. Tightly ok coupler logether wih ‘the renforcement by the use o! vires. B2, If formwork can be drilled 3. Instat the soiew pe pastioner (#11) trough the formwork atthe cored location Rotate couple eo that holes face the right deation. 4, Then ft the coupler and bar onto the pesitonner (#11), 5. Fal tighlen the postioner by the use of ‘the locerut (#11) 1 trmyy lock te assembly. B3. If stool formwork is used 1. Lock te magnetic type positoner (#12) Snaide the coupler (#1) fit, 2. Pre-posiion coupler and bar onlo he fermwork at the corect portion, rtste accerdingy so fat holes face the right direction 3. Tighly lock coupler together with the Feinforoement by the use of wires 4 ovat protection cop = 111 Formvos postive (S028) B10 Seateg ose G. Install the inlet and outlet pipes be coulare tinct be icy orty pouring. ip ix par For each coupler, make sure hat he inet and outlet pipeshave the prope length 0 reech the interna face of the formwork the dested locaton. 2. Remeve the plugs (#2. #3) snd insert the pipes ino the couplar holes. A ralit may be used to facia insertion. Ai tis stage, itshoud not be possi to remove the ppes by hand arya 3. Check the! there i no gop between the pes and thelr holes. Use any kind of ‘sealant or gle fo close any gap. 4. Close the apposite ond of bat pipas wih Intevoutet pipe plug (#0, #7) or adhesive tape. 5. Check that he pine plugs (#6, #7) are tight enough 0 that fey won't fall off using handing agree potions ide) #10) [Grouse couse et) Medea fe pei caren ih i th py joka pao croute postoner eee type) 8) mumecoupier it) Petar win traded ene ‘ote pipes may face pward or owravards Rah wih mW Sep on pefired radio mato. . Casting of the concrete element 1. Glose ne formwork. Check thatthe counlers (#1) are tight xed, so that vibration won't cause them to move. 3. Check thatthe couplors (#1) are ortrogonal to the formuatk and that no thread is visible between the coupler andthe bar 4. Check that the inlet end outlet pipes are facng the directon that is intended for their grout (ejection that they are tbily fixed so tat vibration wort cause themtamave, and that here |e no gap botwoen thom and the coupler that could low coment paste to penetrate into the couple. 5. Check tht the Dust Protedton Cap (#5) (r the Groutec postione, #11 or #12) and the poe slugs (#8, #7) are tush with the formwork, and tht they re tight enough to prevent coment peste penetrating inte the coupler 6. Mark the Iccaton of all couplers (#1) ard their let and outlet pipes on the external face of the former 7. Check the langth of roinforcing ber fat emorgos from the formwork on the opposite side (aking into account te thicmess of he formwork). Make sure tis wenn the minimum embedimert length and maximum protrusion length specied on page 8. Pour the conerto, making eure not to deplace any pipes. E. Formwork removal & inspection 41, Once the concrete s cured, remove the formwark and lcete all couples (1). 2. Remove the Dust Protection Cap (#5) Pesitioners (#11, #12) and pipe plugs (8, #9) and check that no cement paste has penetrated 3. Immediately dean any unwanted materi by water 4, After inspection, seal wth grouting plugs 83,29, 4128 Preparing the injection and air vent pipes = dletanes from conter of coupler to internal face concrete Pipe Length = W-R a é 2 8 0 15 | aaa Sa * 45 205 a @ 2 z % 6 2 2 5 ® » ™ 120 g = a Bi: & 2 “ «0 aw 2 pe an 0 a 0 ae Special case of removable pipes In cate the formwosk can be eile to let the pipes go through lating them prc atleast 20cm out ofthe formwork may pernit to pull hem out ale the concrete has set. The grout Injection can thenbe dane thraugh fre hals leftin the concreto, but larger pipe plugs are then necessary \ 15/24 Installation procedure at the construction site 1. Vertical applications — By injection ‘A. Prepare the foundation/bottom element B. Install the top panel 1. Compare the dimersions of the foundation with he drawings. Make 1, Sales he pane to install and check hat he protucng lengihs ofits sro thal any mitalgement ie wthin tho tolacaneas alowed bars are alto vathin the range given a chapter 1.2. 2. Check thatthe proving lengths cf the rebar are with herenge «2. the pene and positon ion top of the foundation ven at chapter 1.2 cf his document. ‘3. Check that the cavities inside the Groutec couplers are clean 3. Clean the protruding bars of eny cement or cit ‘Rust is ro problem) Clean hem with compressed srif necessary Mako sure atthe surface ofthe feundationic clan. Sweopcutary __—4.-_-Propare the Bedking mariar ard place the shim plaios on the top of cust nd rescues, ‘he foundation as requred. 5. Putthe sealing elses over the top of he protrutingrebars and 5. Lower the-panel down and check is vertclty witha spirit level ‘bush them down by 25105 em (1 to2 inches) fom the ber ends. 6 Once the bedding mortar as hardened inject cement groutinio the route: couplers. Seating ise 6. Ensure thatthe seating discs are notin ort befor inetalstion| 2 withthe foundation 1612 2. Vertical applications — By gravity ‘A. Prepare the foundation/bottom element 4. Compare the dimersions of the foundation wih the drawings. Make sure thet ny misalignments wihin the tolerances allowed. 2. Remove the protection caps from the Grouteccounlers and check that he coupler avis are ean (Ruste no problem) Clean them wih comprossed air fracossay. 3. Make sure tate surface cf ine foundation Is clean. Sweep out ary dust and resives. B. Install the top element ‘Sdleet hetop element fo sta and check thatthe protucing lengths ofits bars are within the range glen at chaptor 12. Lt te element and position it ontop ofthe foundation. Prepare the lornwork eround the rousing area. tthe bedding mora ard place the shim pales on top ofthe foundation 2s required Pour the gout inte the Groutes couples, upto the level L shownin the table of page 11 Lower te elerent down and check ts vericalty wan a spirt level Clean the excess grout ater instalation noose eating Non 3. Horizontal applications — by injection A. Prepare the precast elements 41. Gempare the dmensions of the precast slements to the dravings. ‘Make sure that any misalignments within the olerances aliowe. 2. Chack that the protruding lenghs ofthe rears are win the range given et chapter 12 ofthis document. 3. Cheek that te caves inside te Groutec couplers are dean. ‘Fustis no problem) Cisen them wit compressed airf recessay. 4. Moke eure thatthe eurfacas of both elements are dean Wipe out ‘any dust and residues. B. Install the sealing discs 1. Put he sealing discs over the top ofthe protuting rebars and push thee dour by 1"-2" fom the bar ends. 2 Make sure that the sealing elses are not in cortact withthe conerote tece, aera tasheot| POSE W124 C. Connect the 2 elements 41. ifthe second concrete elament and postin itn font ofthe frst ‘temen Move the sealing cscs completely against the mouth ofthe Groutec couplers PPushthe second elementos fal postion against the rst element (Check the level and algnment of bot elements. Prepare the formwork aroun¢ the greutng area. Pu bedding mortr to soa the gap between the two elemenis. (Once the Becng mertar has hardened, ject coment groutinto the Grodtoc couplers. Nope c ‘Transition splice e128 4, Grout consumption “Those tguros ef grout consumption are thecretcal ‘cemputatons of the caity inside the couple For praca purpose they should be Increased. by between 10% and 20% In oer Io take into account 41. The volume used in heiniet ard eutet pipes. 2. The Valume used to join he to precast elements. 3. The volume that says fn the mixing too. 4. The volume that stayin the injection tool 5. Any other wastage. 6 The effect of ciate condone (Ambient temperature, rete rusia, ete) 7. The actualbar embedment length Standard splices Groutec L Groutec S Transition splice Groutec L ee el Sees Pi eye 26 © a oe 2 256 2 =e za 3 735 16 ‘21 ry 5. Grouting process Mixing 11. Make sure fo stnctly folow the work instructors provided by the rout manufacturer in the product datasheet and printed on beg, Parola, de nat exceed the rocommendod wator content ‘Aways star wah ne median value of wale content spected bythe manufacturer 2. Check:he mamsfacturing date of cute Uhat are pas thelr expy date ‘3. Donotuse bags thathave previously been apenei, or aredemaged, unless they have been protected with 2 plastic stretch fmto provers contamination wh moisture. 4. Usemiers win speed of notover SCO rpm to avod ne creation of ar bubbles inside the srout 5. Inparalel prepare the cube spacmans (scours 6-12 at tine) snd record the details such as date of preperation tesirg date, batch no. of cement grout, water ratio, name ornumber of bling, ec Grouting Remaveatresiaues rominsitetne couplerbywaterorair Incase you use waler ensure hat the couples ae érybefore you start grouting Inject the cament grub pump through the bottom hole ret tne cement gout tow couplers completly ted Tichty close the top hole (Outed wit pe plus. Then inject mare grout dering approx 3 eoconds. Ao that womve the injection valve ‘2rd quick dose the botlom hole (Ine. fromthe top hole (Out thang of te bracing equipment must be completed bette grouted cement has hardened You can remove the bracing equipment ater 28 days which is when a | Recommended non-shrink grouts wemsiousccom = mmpammmdncncom ©= ruts = i.com sGekaaDetchoet| ros oerosmesrveetwuoiiy iT | 21/26 »ubleshooting 4. Cheek ard mark the poston ofthe pots according to the drawings. Outlet porte) do not 2. Chip out the concroia atthe markad postions to nd the embedded face. port. 3. Blow cutthe ports with a compressors or water and corsrm tha there is actear pessage ftom the inlet o outet pot. 4. Tryto clear the Int port by insering a ster to. fon tneprotucing ebar, "Y mee AeNS Ise gots stuck, sides into ‘nd reauces tne gop ot 2 Follow stop 3 of tom 4. 4. Tryto dear he Inet port by inserting @ eae! red int it 9 disc was torgotten, fing mortar trom the joint st port. 2. Follow step 3 of item 1. ‘Due to debris ele: Insert steel rod into the pot and hammerito loan, the pot. ‘Due to pugs: Outset ports) are 1. Use a hooked rd to scrape plugs cut ofthe ports. 2. Repeat step Soften 1 4. Seal thejoint with polyrthare, morta, te turing pumping of grout 2 Cleanthe inside of coupler wi waler.(Prefraby high pressure). Jontdve to incomplete she jeint 43. Gontim a dear passage by bowing sr through fe prt 4-Regrout 1. Clear the las wih high pressure water. thee occurred inside the 2. After confim a er possege by blowing ak through the ports, sar re {grouting at about halfthe speed of nrmal operation. Project ‘antient % Location Dry Grout © Date of couirg Tempretie Nidng Water *c Date of inspection ue Gow c Brand Report By Noce! GroutCement Batch No Agproved y NFG Date EXP Date POSOUFDSOGmaseReititn 2017 | 297/24 T Guatity assessment form g Groutec Quality Assessment Form RCCORLA wwe 02 Commercial presence in more than 55 countries. HEADQUARTERS THAILAND ‘ene wanutacurng Co, Us, ‘peje et 200, Facto 2s osre (Eta alone or ONG KOU Mooue east unore Dente Pace Ls. Dental cast FE Denes Europe SARL. Te 0 48 7168) 211 8236 {erry aaa) ‘ige)tagea 08 “Ta eyzzaman tao 2220202006 ‘ieewo av aerowt Fac\oy a2 aesoaer« re (0) 202201 02 nou coma Dent a PL. @ Seta Burg rout (uangong Co, tx Erma hacen oe Cir aanogemcrope om x66) 2560 00/2319 0282 Pec) ome) Fac) 47 0c 207 Ermat eptinggStoeropop.co Erhet idfeeentpeeayoup. con ‘Ea euspegacrayaip con noRrawenica ‘Dexa Amer Ine. Tercn eaat Toe see al: wenger co ‘Tessa 2675/11 Ss 277, nah brasi@iesayaipcon Sasa ete 00 abe 142 Erna faamgasseayes ce ®oo®o ‘soummamencs an aMereca Destin co Best e Dou taarn Dextra www.dextragroup.com

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