Grievance Redressal
Grievance Redressal
Grievance Redressal
11. DPE/Guidelines/II(c)/11
Model Grievance Redressal Procedure for staff and officers in the Central Public Sector Enterprises
The undersigned is directed to say that the need for evolving a suitable grievance redressal machinery for the
officers and staff in the Central public sector undertakings has been engaging the attention of the Government
for quite some time. It has been noticed that whereas several forums, backed by legislation, are available to
workers/workmen for redressal of grievances, an adequate mechanism does not exist in most of the public
enterprises through which officers and other staff could make known their grievances and seek redress. A model
Grievance Redressal procedure has now been formulated. This will cover all officers and staff of the Central
public sector enterprises excluding employees who are deemed to be workers/workmen under the Factories Act,
1948/Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 or any other similar legislation applicable to such categories.
2. Such Central public sector enterprises who are already having an established formal procedure which is
working satisfactorily need not adopt the procedure indicated in the Model enclosed. However, adaptation may
be made under special circumstances as those obtaining in the Defence undertakings, organizations having
several regional offices/projects, etc.
3. The Ministry of Industry and Company Affairs, etc. are requested to advise the Public Enterprises under their
administrative control to adopt the enclosed model procedure with or without modification as appropriate to the
enterprise concerned. A copy of the grievance procedure so adopted by the enterprises may please be sent to
the Bureau.
1. Objectives
The objective of the grievance redressal procedure is to provide an easily accessible machinery for settlement of
grievances and to adopt measures in Central Public Sector Undertakings as would ensure expeditious settlement
of grievances of staff and officers leading to increased satisfaction on the job and resulting in improved
productivity and efficiency of the organization.
2. Applicability
The scheme will cover all staff and officers of the organisation except employees who are deemed to be
workers/workmen under the Factories Act 1948/Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 or any other legislation applicable
to such categories of employees.
3. Grievance
Grievance for the purpose of this scheme would only mean a grievance relating to any staff member/officer
arising out of the implementation of the policies/rules or decisions of the organization. It can include matters
relating to leave, increment, acting arrangements, non-extension of benefits under rules, interpretation of
Service Rules, etc., of an individual nature.
Subject to the above provisions, individual grievances of staff members and officers shall henceforth be
processed and dealt within the following manner:
4.1 An aggrieved staff member or officer shall take up his grievance(s) orally with his immediate superior who
will give a personal hearing and try to resolve the grievance(s) at his level within a week.
4.2 If the grievance is not satisfactorily redressed, the aggrieved staff member/officer may submit his grievance
in writing to the Departmental Head concerned or to the Personnel Officer/Manager as may be determined by
the Chief Executive of the organization. Such Nominated Authority will record his comments on the
representation within seven days, and if need be refer it to the Grievance Redressal Committee in case the
grievance is not resolved or settled amicably. The recommendation of the Grievance Redressal Committee will be
conveyed within one month to the Deciding Authority to be nominated by the Chief Executive and the decision of
the Deciding Authority will be final, subject to the provisions contained in para 4.3 below.
4.3 In exceptional cases, with the concurrence of the Grievance Redressal Committee, the aggrieved staff
member/officer whose grievance has been considered and is not satisfied with the decision of the Deciding
Authority, will have an option to appeal either to the Director concerned or to the Chief Executive. A decision on
such appeals will be taken within one month of the receipt of the appeal. The decision of the Director concerned
or the Chief Executive, as the case may be, will be final and binding on the aggrieved staff member/officer and
the management.
4.4 Grievances in respect of the following two categories of officers will not fall within the purview of the
Grievance Redressal Committee. In their case, the procedure will be as under:
i. In the case of officers who are one step below the Board level, the individual grievance may be taken
up with the concerned Director.
ii. Officers reporting directly to the Chief Executive may approach him for resolving their grievances.
5.1 In the case of multi-unit organizations the Chief Executive may constitute Grievance Committees at the
Regional level and also nominate the Deciding Authorities. However, if the supervisors/officers in such Regional
units are not satisfied with the decision of the Deciding Authority, then they may prefer an appeal to the
Grievance Redressal Committee at the Headquarters. The committee should consider and take a decision on the
grievances within a period of one month failing which it should be brought to the notice of the Director
(Personnel) or the Chief Executive of the organization. The Grievance Redressal Committee should meet at least
once a month.
6.1 The Staff member/officer shall bring up his grievance immediately and in any case within a period of 3
months of its occurrence.
6.2 If the grievance arises out of an order given by the management the said order shall be complied with before
the staff member / officer concerned invokes the procedure laid down herein for redressal of his grievance.
6.3 Grievance pertaining to or arising out of the following shall not come under the purview of the grievance
6.4 Grievances pertaining to or arising out of disciplinary action or appeal against such action shall be channelled
to the competent authority as laid down under the Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules of the organization and
in such cases the grievance redressal procedure will not apply.
6.5 All grievances referred to the Grievance Redressal Committee/ Director (Personnel)/Chief Executive shall be
entered in a Register to be maintained for the purpose by the designated officer(s). The number of grievances,
settled or pending, will be reported to the Chief Executive every month.