Unit 6. Animals

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The passage discusses the proper treatment of animals and different perspectives on their use.

The passage suggests that all animals deserve humane treatment and respect because they can experience suffering.

The passage discusses factory chicken farms and implies that keeping chickens cooped up in small cages is inhumane.

Unit 6.


Practice. Use the new vocabulary from the lists below that you associate
with this animal.
Positive traits Negative traits
Playful Agresive
Affectionate Costly
gentle / good-natured Desctractive
low maintenance Filthy
loyal / devoted High maintenance
protective high-strung/excitable idea
a Python a Siamese cat a poodle dog

a parrot a mouse

Copy three animals from interner that are new for you and use a positive or
negative adjective in a sentence. (vocabulary p.62)
Look at the statements using passive modals.
Conditions for cattle on factory farms could be improved.
Alternatives to using mice for research might be found.
The hunting of bears should be prohibited.

Circle the correct letter to complete each statement.

1. The focus of the passive voice is on the _______________________.
a. the receiver of the action b. the person or thing that performs the action
2. You can form the passive modal with _______________________.
a. modal + be and past participle b. modal + have/has and past participle

Look at the questions using passive modals.

Yes / no questions Information questions

Should chickens be cooped up in cages?

Why must all animals lives be respected?
Cant factory chicken farms be shut down?
How might peoples attitudes be changed?

Make questions from the statements.

1. Make a yes / no question from The hunting of bears should be

2. Make an information question with How from Alternatives to using
mice for research might be found.?

*Note: Have to is a modal-like expression. Look at statements using have to.

Traditions like bullfighting have to be preserved.
Do large mammals have to be kept in zoos?

Circle the correct letter to complete the statement.
1. Yes / no questions with have to begin with _____.
a. a modal b. Do / Does

have to = obligatory
dont have to = not obligatory
must OR must not = obligatory
Match the sentences with their meaning.
1. Animals must not be killed for research.____ a. It is not necessary to kill
animals for research.
2. Animals dont have to be killed for research.____b. Killing animals for
research should be
Extra Grammar Exercises
A. Rewrite each sentence using a passive modal.
1. They should make texting while driving illegal.
Texting while driving should be made ilegal.
2. They might build a new high-tech building next year.

3. They have to protect endangered species.

4. They might move all the animals at the zoo to a new location.

B. Rewrite each passive voice statement as a passive voice yes / no

1. All students should be told about the rules for the test.
Should all students be told about the rules for the test?

3. Elephants could be hunted if they werent endangered.

4. Children have to be taught to treat animals humanely.

5. His car has to be cleaned before the event.

C. Write information questions, using passive modals.

1. Why / animals / have to / hunt / for food

2. How long / a baby lion / can / keep / as a pet
3. How / elephants / can / train / to help people.

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