Subject: Industrial Instrumentation Question Bank

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Subject : Industrial Instrumentation

Question Bank

1. Define following term.

(i) Resolution (ii) Repeatability (iii) Accuracy (iv) Fidelity (v) Absolute pressure
(vi)Mechanical hysteresis (vii) Static error.
2. What is piezoelectric transducer? Draw its equivalent circuit and derive an expression for
the output voltage.
3. What is Hall effect? Describe the working principle, construction and application of Hall
effect transducer.
4. Explain semiconductor strain gauge. Also state its advantages and applications.
5. Define Gauge factor with respect to resistance strain gauge. Obtain an expression for the
gauge factor in terms of poisons ratio.
6. Explain the construction and working of LVDT used for measurement of displacement.
7. Describe, with neat sketches, construction and working of RVDT with its characteristic,
advantages and disadvantages.
8. Describe torque measurement using proximity sensor. Also write advantages and
9. What is synchros? Explain in short control type synchro system.
10. What is load cell? Explain Proving ring and Hydraulic load cell.
11. Explain inline rotational torque measurement using strain gauge.
12. Explain variable inductance and capacitance transducers for pressure measurement.
13. State different methods for torque measurement. Explain any one in detailed.
14. Write Short Notes on ( i ) Macleod gauge ( ii ) Pirani gauge
15. Describe with neat sketch the construction and working of Rotameter.
16. Write short note on Ultrasonic flow meter.
17. Explain Capacitive transducers for level measurement
18. Write short note on Thermister for temperature measurement
19. Write short note on RTD.
20. Explain (1) filament type optical pyrometer (2) Radiation type pyrometer.
21. Describe air purge system for level measurement.
22. Describe major elements of data acquisition system.
23. Describe operation of sample and hold circuit.
24. Describe construction, operation and applications of X-Y recorders.

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