When the accused had not been arrested yet There is no clear showing that the present case Pedro was charged in court for carrying a loaded
People v. Mapalao,27 as correctly argued by the falls under any of the recognized exceptions. firearm without the required written
OSG, does not squarely apply to the present Moreover, as stated earlier, once the information authorization from the Commission on Elections
case. In that case, one of the accused, Rex is filed with the trial court, any disposition of the (Comelec) a day before the May 14, 2001 national
Magumnang, after arraignment and during the information rests on the sound discretion of the and local elections.
trial, escaped from detention and had not been court. The trial court is mandated to
apprehended since then. Accordingly, as to him independently evaluate or assess the existence of The accusation was based on Batas Pambansa
the trial in absentia proceeded and thereafter the probable cause and it may either agree or Bilang 881 or the Omnibus Election Code (Code)
judgment of conviction was promulgated. The disagree with the recommendation of the after the Marinduque Philippine National Police
Court held that since the accused remained at Secretary of Justice. The trial court is not bound (PNP) caught Pedro illegally carrying his firearm at
large, he should not be afforded the right to to adopt the resolution of the Secretary of a checkpoint at Boac, Marinduque.
appeal from the judgment of conviction unless he Justice.34 Reliance alone on the resolution of the
voluntarily submits to the jurisdiction of the court Secretary of Justice amounts to an abdication of Pedro filed a Motion for Preliminary Investigation,
or is otherwise arrested. While at large, the the trial courts duty and jurisdiction to determine which the RTC granted. 7 The preliminary
accused cannot seek relief from the court as he is the existence of probable cause.35 investigation, however, did not materialize.
deemed to have waived the same and he has no Considering that the Information has already Instead, Pedro filed with the RTC a Motion to
standing in court.28 In Mapalao, the accused been filed with the trial court, then the trial court, Quash, arguing that the Information "contains
escaped while the trial of the case was on-going, upon filing of the appropriate motion by the averments which, if true, would constitute a legal
whereas here, the accused have not been served prosecutor, should be given the opportunity to excuse or justification 8 and/or that the facts
the warrant of arrest and have not been perform its duty of evaluating, independently of charged do not constitute an offense." 9 Pedro
arraigned. Therefore, Mapalao is definitely not on the Resolution of the Secretary of Justice attached to his motion a Comelec Certification
all fours with the present recommending the withdrawal of the Information dated September 24, 2001 that he was
Furthermore, there is nothing in the Rules against the accused, the merits of the case and "exempted" from the gun ban. The provincial
governing a motion to quash29 which requires assess whether probable cause exists to hold the prosecutor opposed the motion.
that the accused should be under the custody of accused for trial for kidnapping for ransom.36
The RTC quashed the Information and ordered
the law prior to the filing of a motion to quash on WHEREFORE, we REMAND this case to the
the police and the prosecutors to return the
the ground that the officer filing the information Regional Trial Court, Branch 41, Manila, to
seized articles to Pedro. 10 IHCSET
had no authority to do so. Custody of the law is independently evaluate or assess the merits of
The petitioner, private prosecutor Ariel Los Baos
not required for the adjudication of reliefs other the case to determine whether probable cause
(Los Baos), representing the checkpoint team,
than an application for bail.30 However, while the exists to hold the accused for trial.
moved to reopen the case, as Pedro's Comelec
accused are not yet under the custody of the law,
Certification was a "falsification", and the
any question on the jurisdiction over the person Los Banos vs. Pedro
prosecution was "deprived of due process" when
Consolidated case digests for Criminal Procedure
Maria Victoria Z. Matillano, Set 1 Final Half
the judge quashed the information without a Held: We find the petition meritorious and hold 22 by the previous extinction of criminal liability,
hearing. Attached to Los Baos' motion were two that the case should be remanded to the trial 23 by the rule on speedy trial, 24 and the
Comelec certifications stating that: (1) Pedro was court for arraignment and trial. dismissals after plea without the express consent
not exempted from the firearm ban; and (2) the of the accused. 25 Section 8, by its own terms,
signatures in the Comelec Certification of In People v. Lacson, 21 we ruled that there are cannot cover these dismissals because they are
September 24, 2001 were forged. sine qua non requirements in the application of not provisional. A second feature is that Section 8
the time-bar rule stated in the second paragraph does not state the grounds that lead to a
The RTC reopened the case for further of Section 8 of Rule 117. We also ruled that the provisional dismissal. This is in marked contrast
proceedings, as Pedro did not object to Los time-bar under the foregoing provision is a with a motion to quash whose grounds are
Baos' motion. 11 Pedro moved for the special procedural limitation qualifying the right specified under Section 3. The delimitation of the
reconsideration of the RTC's order primarily of the State to prosecute, making the time-bar grounds available in a motion to quash suggests
based on Section 8 of Rule 117, 12 arguing that an essence of the given right or as an inherent that a motion to quash is a class in itself, with
the dismissal had become permanent. He likewise part thereof, so that the lapse of the time-bar specific and closely-defined characteristics under
cited the public prosecutor's lack of express operates to extinguish the right of the State to the Rules of Court. A necessary consequence is
approval of the motion to reopen the case. prosecute the accused. that where the grounds cited are those listed
under Section 3, then the appropriate remedy is
THE COURT OF APPEALS DECISION c. Their Comparison to file a motion to quash, not any other remedy.
The CA initially denied Pedro's petition. For Conversely, where a ground does not appear
accuracy, we quote the material portions of its An examination of the whole Rule tells us that a under Section 3, then a motion to quash is not a
ruling: The petition lacks merit. dismissal based on a motion to quash and a proper remedy. A motion for provisional dismissal
provisional dismissal are far different from one may then apply if the conditions required by
To summarize this ruling, the appellate court, another as concepts, in their features, and legal Section 8 obtain. AHCcET
while initially saying that there was an error of consequences. While the provision on A third feature, closely related to the second,
law but no grave abuse of discretion that would provisional dismissal is found within Rule 117 focuses on the consequences of a meritorious
call for the issuance of a writ, reversed itself on (entitled Motion to Quash), it does not follow motion to quash. This feature also answers the
motion for reconsideration; it then ruled that the that a motion to quash results in a provisional question of whether the quashal of an
RTC committed grave abuse of discretion because dismissal to which Section 8, Rule 117 applies. A information can be treated as a provisional
it failed to apply Section 8, Rule 17 and the time- first notable feature of Section 8, Rule 117 is that dismissal. Sections 4, 5, 6, and 7 of Rule 117
bar under this provision. it does not exactly state what a provisional unmistakably provide for the consequences of a
dismissal is. The modifier "provisional" directly meritorious motion to quash. Section 4 speaks of
suggests that the dismissals which Section 8 an amendment of the complaint or information, if
Issue: The issue is ultimately reduced to whether essentially refers to are those that are temporary the motion to quash relates to a defect curable by
Section 8, Rule 117 is applicable to the case, as in character (i.e., to dismissals that are without amendment. Section 5 dwells on the effect of
the CA found. If it applies, then the CA ruling prejudice to the re-filing of the case), and not the sustaining the motion to quash the complaint
effectively lays the matter to rest. If it does not, dismissals that are permanent (i.e., those that bar or information may be re-filed, except for the
then the revised RTC decision reopening the case the re-filing of the case). Based on the law, rules, instances mentioned under Section 6. The latter
should prevail. and jurisprudence, permanent dismissals are section, on the other hand, specifies the limit of
those barred by the principle of double jeopardy, the re-filing that Section 5 allows it cannot be
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Maria Victoria Z. Matillano, Set 1 Final Half
done where the dismissal is based on extinction which, if true, would constitute a legal excuse or
of criminal liability or double jeopardy. Section 7 justification [Section 3 (h), Rule 117], and that the
defines double jeopardy and complements the facts charged do not constitute an offense
ground provided under Section 3 (i) and the [Section 3 (a), Rule 117]. We find from our
exception stated in Section 6. examination of the records that the Information
duly charged a specific offense and provides the
The failure of the Rules to state under Section 6 details on how the offense was committed. 28
that a Section 8 provisional dismissal is a bar to Thus, the cited Section 3 (a) ground has no merit.
further prosecution shows that the framers did On the other hand, we do not see on the face or
not intend a dismissal based on a motion to from the averments of the Information any legal
quash and a provisional dismissal to be confused excuse or justification. The cited basis, in fact, for
with one another; Section 8 operates in a world Pedro's motion to quash was a Comelec
of its own separate from motion to quash, and Certification (dated September 24, 2001, issued
merely provides a time-bar that uniquely applies by Director Jose P. Balbuena, Sr. of the Law
to dismissals other than those grounded on Department, Committee on Firearms and Security
Section 3Conversely, when a dismissal is pursuant Personnel of the Comelec, granting him an
to a motion to quash under Section 3, Section 8 exemption from the ban and a permit to carry
and its time-bar does not apply. firearms during the election period) 29 that Pedro
attached to his motion to quash. This COMELEC
To recapitulate, quashal and provisional dismissal Certification is a matter aliunde that is not an
are different concepts whose respective rules appropriate motion to raise in, and cannot
refer to different situations that should not be support, a motion to quash grounded on legal
confused with one another. If the problem relates excuse or justification found on the face of the
to an intrinsic or extrinsic deficiency of the Information. Significantly, no hearing was ever
complaint or information, as shown on its face, called to allow the prosecution to contest the
the remedy is a motion to quash under the terms genuineness of the COMELEC certification. 30
of Section 3, Rule 117. All other reasons for aATEDS
seeking the dismissal of the complaint or
information, before arraignment and under the Thus, the RTC grossly erred in its initial ruling
circumstances outlined in Section 8, fall under that a quashal of the Information was in order.
provisional dismissal. Pedro, on the other hand, also misappreciated
Thus, we conclude that Section 8, Rule 117 does the true nature, function, and utility of a motion
not apply to the reopening of the case that the to quash. As a consequence, a valid Information
RTC ordered and which the CA reversed; the still stands, on the basis of which Pedro should
reversal of the CA's order is legally proper. now be arraigned and stand trial.
The grounds Pedro cited in his motion to quash
are that the Information contains averments