Income Tax Knowledge
Income Tax Knowledge
Income Tax Knowledge
How to Pay Zero Tax for Income up to Rs 12 Lakhs from Salary for Financial Year 2016-17
Budget 2016
The Budget has made no significant change for Tax Rates for Individuals. The Individuals who earn
income of Less than 5 Lakhs rupees will get Rs 5000/- as Tax rebate under section 87A. There is
increase insurcharge on income tax levied on individuals earning income of Rs 1 crore or more from
12 per cent at present to 15 per cent. This move is aimed at taxing the rich. The Middle Class
always pay effective more tax including indirect taxes and have to plan their retirement and savings
at the same time save on overall tax outgo. The Article gives you brief idea on how to save tax and
at the same time make proper investment and cover insurance and Medical expenses risk.
Deduction under 80C is related to deduction that an individual can deduct from his gross taxable
income in order to reduce his tax liability by investing in specified investment. It is applicable to
individuals and HUF. An assessee can get deduction under section 80C upto a maximum of
Rs.150000.The qualifying investments and expenditure as deduction under 80C are investment in
Insurance Policy, Post Office Time Deposit Account, Investment in Equity Linked Saving Scheme
(Mutual Funds), Public Provident Fund, National Saving Certificate (Read Article Why to invest in
National Saving Certificate ?), Tuition Fees Paid, Bank Fixed Time Deposit, Repayment of
Principal of Housing Loan, SukannyaSamriddhi account, to Read more about Deduction under
section 80C of Income Tax Act - Specified investment / Expenses Click here.
Finance Minister ArunJaitley in Budget 2015-16 introduced an additional income tax deduction
of Rs. 50,000 for contribution to the New Pension Scheme (NPS) under Section 80CCD. NPS is a
voluntary pension scheme, which is regulated by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development
Authority.This extra deduction of Rs. 50,000 on NPS will increase the total deduction allowed under
Section 80C and 80CCD of Income Tax Act to Rs. 2 lakh. In Budget 2016, the finance minister has
made withdrawals from NPS on maturity tax free upto 40% of the total corpus accumulated.
Currently, none of the withdrawals were tax-free unlike other competing instruments such as PPF
and EPF where the total withdrawal was tax -free. This is a major step towards making the NPS
scheme more attractive and bringing it on par with the other EEE pension schemes. The Budget
2016 proposes to provide a uniform tax treatment to the recognised provident fund, national
It is proposed that 40% of the pension wealth received by an employee from the National Pension
Read Related Article National Pension Scheme Return Analysis and Plan Comparison
Read Related Article Save Tax by Additional deduction under National Pension Scheme
3.Home Loan Interest and House Rent Allowance (up to Rs 2.5 Lakhs or Rs 60 Thousand)
Employess gets HRA as a part of Salary. If the Employee is living in rented accommodation they
can Claim HRA benefit and save on taxes. If the Employee is staying with parents in that case too
they can pay rent to parents and Claim HRA benefit. Click to read Article HRA House Rent
For employees who don't get HRA benefits, the FM raised the deduction against house rent from
Rs 2,000 per month to Rs 5,000. This would result in tax savings in the range of Rs 3,708 to Rs
Further in Budget 2016 First time home buyers to get additional deduction of Rs 50,000 on interest
for loan uptoRs 35 lakh. This additional deduction has been given on interest for loan up to Rs 35
lakh, provided the house value doesn't exceed Rs 50 lakh. For, the 2016-17 Budget proposes tax
relief on interest payment on home loan if the property bought, or under construction, is completed
within 5 years from the end of the financial year in which the loan was availed instead of the current
3 years.Assuming a loan of Rs 35 lakh to be paid over 20 years, the annual deduction comes to
around Rs 2.5 lakh, including the Rs 2 lakh currently available. At 9%, the interest outgo in the first
year would be Rs 3.12 lakh. So, the buyer will save Rs 75,000 if he is in the 30% tax-bracket
Medical reimbursement and Transport Reimbursement can be claimed by the employee and it will
be taken care in form 16 itself. For Medical Bills Employee needs to submit proof of expenditure
Payment of premium on life insurance policy and health insurance policy not only gives insurance
cover to a taxpayer but also offers certain tax benefits.Medical insurance premium paid by
assessee, being individual/HUF by any mode other than cash.Sum paid by assessee, being
been paid to effect or to keep in force an insurance on the health of such person. Read More
about Income Tax Benefit for taking Life Insurance Policy 80C, Health Insurance 80D, and
An LTA is the remuneration paid by an employer for Employees travel in the country, when he is on
leave with the family or alone. Amount from LTA is tax free. Section 10(5) of the Income-Tax Act,
1961, which provides for the exemption and outlines the conditions subject to which LTA is
exempt. Read More about How to Claim exemption in Leave travel allowance section 10(5)
Many employers provide reimbursement ofTravel Expenses, Mobile and Phone Bill and for News
Is Food Coupon like Sodexo coupons which are very famous given by employers to employee.
Most of time employers and employee are not aware of taxability of food coupon and assume they
are exempted. Read more of Food Coupon Meal Vouchers Income Tax Benefit under Salary
Budget has increase the relief under section 87A from Rs 2000/- at present to Rs 5000/-. So
effectively if taxable income is less then Rs 5 Lakhs an individual can Claim relief of Rs 5000/ - in
taxes paid. If we consider 10% slab rate it turnout to be Rs 50000/- as additional benefit which can
Form the above Picture it is clear that if the Individual plan in proper manner for the year 2016 -17
financial year he can not only save taxes but can also plan an investment in Resident Property if he
is not owing one. For Retirement benefit NPS seems to be better option considering current
How to Pay Zero Tax for Professionals (CA, CS, Lawyers, Doctors, etc) earning Income of Rs
16 Lacs in Financial Year 2016-17 - Section 44ADA Budget 2016 Click here to read
How to Pay Zero Tax for Business Receipts -Turnover of Rs 1 Crore for Financial Year 2016-
For any query you can write to . Before making any decisions do consult
your Professional / tax advisor. Author does not take any responsibility for misrepresentation or
interpretation of act or rules. Neither the author nor the firm accepts any liability neither for the loss
or damage of any kind arising out of information in this document nor for any action taken in