Insurance vOCABULARY

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Insurance verbs
Look at the words in this table:

to submit to accept to settle

to make to reject

Use the verbs above to fill the gaps in the sentences below. Put the verbs into the
correct form.

1. "Good morning. Claims department. Can I help you?"

"Yes, my name is David Smith. My car was involved in an accident earlier today, and I'd
like to__________a claim on my policy."
2. How long do you think it will take to ________the claim?

3. I am pleased to tell you your claim has been __________.

4. You will need to ___________your claim to us within the next three weeks.

5. I am sorry to say your claim has been ___________.

People in insurance

Look these words:

insurance broker loss adjustor

policy holder
underwriter third party

Which of the people above is being referred to in each of these sentences?

1. Someone who is employed by an insurance company to value losses and to

settle claims.
2. A person or company to whom a legal liability for compensation is owed for loss
or injury resulting from a negligent act of someone who is insured.
3. If you wish to take out an insurance policy, you can go either directly to the
company or to this person who will advise you about different companies and
their policies.
4. A person skilled in the insurance business who has the power to accept risks for
the company and to fix rates and conditions of insurance contracts.
5. The insured person who pays the premiums and has the right to claim under a

Word partnerships

professional ---- liability ---- personal

Some words are frequently used with a key business word.

Match each of the "liability" word partnerships with the appropriate definition:

1. provides cover in case a member of the public has an accident.

2. covers a range of possibilities if your business is your livelihood.
3. provides compensation in situations such as death, injury or damage to a
third party

4. means that when an employee has an accident at work, he can claim


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