GRP Pipe Case History - Revised Shoiaba Eng Large Dia
GRP Pipe Case History - Revised Shoiaba Eng Large Dia
GRP Pipe Case History - Revised Shoiaba Eng Large Dia
Since it relies heavily on desalinated In 2005, the Shoaiba Water and Electricity
water for its fresh water, the Kingdom Company (SWEC) headquartered in
of Saudi Arabia is considered to be the Riyadh, Saudi Arabia awarded a USD
worlds largest producer of desalinated $2.13 billion contract to an international
water. The Kingdom established so far 30 consortium led by the German engineer-
desalination plants on the Red Sea and ing group Siemens to construct Shoaiba
Arabian Gulf coasts, which produce 3.6 desalination and electric plant Phase 3.
million m of water per day. The Independent Water and Power
This production satisfies approximately Project (IWPP) consists of a desalination
60% of the countries demand for drinking plant which is an oil-fired CCGT power
water. and desalination complex in Saudi Arabia
on the coast of the Red Sea - about
120 km (75 mi) South of Jeddah.
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