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The Human Design System

6/3 Profile
You are encoded with a certain "geometry", a certain pattern, which
represents your inherent structure / pattern / boundary to your embodied
manifest form. As a 6/3 profile, you are a combination of the 6th line
conscious personality (The Role Model) and the 3rd line unconscious
designed nature (The Martyr). The details of this encoding are below.

The 6/3 profile is the close of the hexagram line process. It is the final of the
twelve profiles and as such it opens up to the next cycle. It leads to the
beginning again, back to the 1/3.

It is quite different from the 6/2. The third line theme is a theme is not the
theme of the hermit, it is the theme of the martyr. Combine that with the 6th
line and you have the role model martyr. The 6/3 profile can have a truly
chaotic process. Its process is driven by the third line unconscious. It is not
content to be about its own business. It is not a hermit. It is ready to go out
there and try anything. Trial and error is its way and bonds being made and
broken is its strategy in life.

Much more than the 6/2 child who though looking for experiences is basically
self-involved, the 6/3 child is always banging into things. They are always
racing into relationships and racing out of them. Rather than a long term
theme of aloofness, the 6/3 is always vibrating between sympathy and
apathy, between being aloof or not.

When the 6/3 is sitting on the roof of the house, it gets bored. It gets tired of
just watching and wants to jump in. When it gets burnt it goes racing back up
to the roof. And then it gets bored. It goes jumping back in. It is constantly
breaking bonds with its own aloofness. They are driven by the personality's
optimism that anything is possible and that through trial and error you can
find what to trust. They believe that you can find a soul mate.

The 6/3 profile can be promiscuous in its life. Promiscuous in its interests,
promiscuous in its relationships - always engaging, being disappointed in that
engagement, becoming pessimistic, and then jumping back to its place of
aloofness. The 6/3 profile always looks like it is turning on and off.
The sixth line personality aspires to objectivity. It is only through objectivity that
they can reliably see whether something can be trusted. For the 6/3 profile
objectivity is the only thing that can sustain them. Because of the constant
bonds made and broken, however, the 6/3 suffers from subjectivity. They can
become disappointed and miss the value of objectivity in its life.

The 6/3 profile fulfils its purpose by preparing for the next profile, preparing for
the next stage. A hexagram does not stand alone and no human being
stands alone. There is a continuum. At the very end of the profile process, at
the very end of the sixth line personality process, is a third line unconscious
underneath that says, "This is not it. There is still more. There are still things to try.
There are still things that need to be tasted. "

The 6/3 is constantly looking for engagement and involvement. They can be
very disturbing to others. When they engage they bring their allegiance.
Through their transpersonal gift they can be very attractive. Yet at the same
time, when they are dissatisfied, when they cannot trust, when they do not
see that the experience is going to be fulfilling, they will immediately reject
the other, reject the experience, reject the career.

It is a profile of constant transition and change. We have many prejudices

when it comes to descriptions. It is easy to look at the 6/3 profile and its
process of constantly engaging as something that can be experienced
negatively. It is not true. It is only true if one is living through the not self. It is
not true when one is entering into things correctly. The 6/3 profile living
according to its Type will not eliminate this constant engagement and pulling
out. It is a theme for it to break bonds.

However, when it enters into things correctly, it can find the engagement that
it ultimately must have. It can find something worthy enough to bring it down
from its aloofness, only leave it to go back up onto the roof then to come
back down and re-engage again with the same thing. This is the only kind of
engagement that ultimately fulfils the 6/3.

In their first thirty year period, the 6/3 frantically moves through experiences.
Aligning itself with others and things and then rejecting them.

In its mid-life it is always moving between engagement and aloofness, never

being able to stay aloof long enough, being driven by its unconscious, having
things bang into it that pull it down from the roof.

When they reach the post fifty year period, their opportunity is to find
something that they can build a bond with, break it and return to. By then
hopefully they have found peace with the process.

This is the key for the 6/3 profile. They will never stop this process of engaging
and withdrawing. It is built into their nature. It does not mean that they
constantly have to burn bridges. It is possible for them to find something
powerful enough for them in their life that they can trust. They need situations
that they can engage with, still have their opportunity to pull away, and then
be able to re-engage.

Where the 6/2 profile is the determined leader or not, the 6/3 profile is looking
for partnership in leadership. They're not looking to do it alone. The 6/2 is
ready to do it for everyone else and not for itself. The 6/3 is looking to be able
to manifest, to live it out with a partner. It is the magic of the movement
through the profiles that the profile that follows the 6/3 is the 1/3. The 6/3 is
looking for a partner that will bring a new foundation, a new beginning
together with the other. In this way, all profiles are linked to each other.

The 6/3 completes this movement, preparing the way for the new foundation.
More than any other profile, it is deeply seeking out the other. For the 6/3
profile, the quality and nature of its intimacy and its relationships are more
important than anything else because it is through relationship, through being
able to finally establish the bond, that the next step in the process can begin.

The above in red is sourced from:


More about your Human Design profile can be found here:


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