8000L1016 EXO P1400G Spec SHT Va
8000L1016 EXO P1400G Spec SHT Va
8000L1016 EXO P1400G Spec SHT Va
G e n e r a l I n f o r m at i o n G e n e r a l I n f o r m at i o n
APPLICATIONS Total hoist-lifting capacity: EXO Hoists are rated by their total
Prodigy Low Profile General Purpose Hoists provide a simple, low-cost hoist-lifting capacity, the amount of weight that can be lifted
way to lift heavy scenery or curtains, for storage or for production. by the motor. This is generally the sum of the load-carrying
Prodigy EXO hoists can be installed in almost any space, in almost device (e.g. batten) and the user attachable load (WLL).
any position. The unique external structure allows the Powerhead Fail-safe motor brake and Prodigy load brake: two
to be mounted upright (standing on top of the grid), underhung independent braking systems assure safe overhead lifting
(suspended below the overhead structure) or vertically (mounted on Higher duty cycles: minimal braking pressure significantly
a side wall or side structure of the stage). EXO hoists may be mixed reduces brake-pad temperature and increases duty cycle of
with other Prodigy hoists, counterweight rigging or even combined the hoist
with dead-hung rigging. This flexibility allows denser placement Built-in limit switches and absolute encoders: With visual
of line sets so battens can be located as close as 8 on center. EXO setting indicators for more efficient installation
hoists employ the same Powerheads as traditional Prodigy hoists Multiple travel preset positions: Multiple positioning options
(with a few modifications) and the addition of an exoskeleton. These available, based upon type of controller
hoists are perfect for upgrades, retrofits and new construction in Built-in load profiling: Standard equipment
where the stage structure is built with traditional head- and loft- Built-in slack line detector: Standard equipment
block wells and/or a stage side wall that is able to support the forces Built to PLASA/ANSI E1.6-1 standards: motorized
created by the rigging system. hoist standards
May be installed using RACAS or turnbuckles at the
These hoists resolve access and space challenges for schools, pipe batten.
nightclubs, houses of worship or other places with no access to UL Listed
overhead scenery or curtains. With motorized hoists, it is not
necessary to climb ladders or scaffolding to install or remove BENEFITS OF PRODIGY HOISTS
scenery or curtains. Instead, the motorized battens can be lowered May be oriented upright, underhung or vertically
to working level, allowing workers to easily install and service Easy to install in almost any orientation
equipment that can be raised to performance or storage positions Lighter weight than competing hoists
high above the stage floor. Can operate from 4 to 8 lift lines
Line sets can be located as close as 8 on center
ETC Prodigy hoists are manufactured in a range of sizes and Not dependent upon additional structure
capacities, from houselight hoists to machines designed to carry Can interface with any QuickTouch, QuickTouch+ or
heavy loads. Foundation controller
Easy limit-switch adjustment with visible LED light indicators
FEATURES Low-noise operation
EXO Powerheads can be installed upright, underhung
or vertically
EXO systems utilize traditional upright or underhung head
blocks and loft blocks
Prodigy EXO P1400G Powerheads weigh less than
450 pounds
All Powerheads include both load profiling and slack-line
detection as standard safety features
Hoists can be operated via a fixed speed
QuickTouch Controller, a fixed/variable speed
QuickTouch+ or Foundation controller
Small Size: Powerhead is only 17-7/8 high x 48-3/8 long x
16 wide
Unique Prodigy Hybrid Drum: Powerhead manages up to 8
lift lines in a machine 1/3 the size of other hoists
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ETC EXO P1400G & EXO P1400G/480 Fixed Speed General Purpose
Prodigy Low Profile Hoist Series
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ETC EXO P1400G & EXO P1400G/480 Fixed Speed General Purpose
Prodigy Low Profile Hoist Series
S ta n d a r d S a f e t y F e at u r e s H o is t D a t a
Load profiling : Senses load change variances
Dual braking system : A primary load brake and a EXO P1400G general-purpose fixed-speed hoist
motor brake Total lifting capacity 1400lbs
Limit switches
Motor Starter Box weight 21lbs
-- 1 Top limit plus top overtravel limit switch
-- 1 Bottom limit plus bottom overtravel limit switch Powerhead weight 448lbs
Slack line detection Standard equipment. Slack-line Dynamic load 1.2G
detection of lifting line shuts the system down if any line
becomes slack Cable size 3/16
Built-in load cell Standard equipment to provide continuous Lift lines 4 to 8
load profiling and monitoring
Batten length Up to 76
Automatic self-tests of safety functions and circuits on power
up and periodic intervals Travel distance Up to 50
Hard-wired E-stop and dead man circuit Speed 30fpm
H o is t c o n f igu r a t i o n
Electrical information
Product Speed Line Voltage Horsepower Motor Inrush Motor Operating Motor Operating
Current Current Temperature Range
EXO P1400G 30fpm 3-phase, 208V / 60Hz 1.5HP 16.8 Amps 6.5 Amps 40F to 104F
4.5C to 40C
EXO P1400G/480 30fpm 3-phase, 480V / 60Hz 1.5HP 8.4 Amps 3.25 Amps 40F to 104F
4.5C to 40C
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ETC EXO P1400G & EXO P1400G/480 Fixed Speed General Purpose
Prodigy Low Profile Hoist Series
p r o dig y s y s t e m r is e r
Power cord from PCD to Motor Starter Box - 80, From Motor Starter Box to Powerhead 40
Data cord from PCD to Motor Starter Box - 80, From Motor Starter Box to Powerhead 40
Remote control device cord - 30,0
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ETC EXO P1400G & EXO P1400G/480 Fixed Speed General Purpose
Prodigy Low Profile Hoist Series
P r o dig y f a m i l y o f h o is t s
r iggi n g c o n t r o l
Corporate Headquarters 3031 Pleasant View Rd, PO Box 620979, Middleton WI 53562 0979 USA Tel +1 608 831 4116 Fax +1 608 836 1736
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Hong Kong Room 1801, 18/F, Tower 1 Phase 1, Enterprise Square, 9 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel +852 2799 1220 Fax +852 2799 9325
Web www.etcconnect.com Copyright2013 ETC. All Rights Reserved. All product information and specifications subject to change. 8000L1016 Rev. A 01/13
US and International patents pending.
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