LG Electronics India: Background
LG Electronics India: Background
LG Electronics India: Background
Based in South Korea, LG Electronics (LGE) had a global turnover of US$ 29.9 billion in 2003.
LGE has 50 affiliated companies across the globe, with 300 offices and presence in 120 countries.
With over 64,000 employees, it focuses on four main businesses - Electronics and
Telecommunications, Services, Finance and Chemicals. LGE has 20 R&D centres worldwide and
has subsidiaries in 76 countries.
Established in 1997, LG Electronics India (LGEI) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of LG Electronics,
South Korea. It is one of the leading companies in consumer electronics, home appliances and
computer peripherals in India. It has a turnover of almost US$ 1000 million in India. LGEI’s sales
are increasing with a CAGR of 40 per cent over the past five years.
LG is the market leader in various segments like colour TVs, microwave ovens, frost-free
refrigerators, washing machines and air-conditioners, with market shares of 26.2 per cent, 41.2
per cent, 37.9 per cent, 34.1 per cent and 34 per cent respectively.
LG Electronics India received the Occupational Health & Safety Management System OHSAS
18001:1999 certification from the British Standards Institution (BSI), India, for a systematic
approach towards Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
LGEI exported goods and services worth US$ 40 million in 2003. The major export markets
for LGEI are the Middle East, West Africa and Central Asia.