Ampli 200w Clase D Parte 3 183 PDF
Ampli 200w Clase D Parte 3 183 PDF
Ampli 200w Clase D Parte 3 183 PDF
Re-apply power, and connect an oscilloscopes probe ground to TBI-2. A 1-MHZ square wave
swinging between --15 and 25 volts should be present at pins 12 and 19 of IC7. The speaker
outputs at TBI-4 and TBI-5 should both measure between 3 and 9 volts with a 3-volt ripple.
Now remove the jumpers across C26 and C27. With no input, the speaker outputs at TBI-4
and TBI-5 should both measure between 3 and 9 volts with a 3-volt ripple, referenced to pin 2
of C11. Connecting the oscilloscope probes between the speaker outputs should measure
between --0.25 and 0.25 volts including ripple. If all the voltages are correct, then a signal
source and speaker can be attached to test out the entire amplifier. Keep the audio test at a
low volume until the board is permanently mounted in the case.
If everything checks out OK install the PC board permanently with the -inch spacers and nuts
on the 8-32 screws mounted on the PC board. Use insulators, shoulder washers, and heatsink
grease to attach the transistors to the case with appropriate screws and nuts.
If one of the FETs should burn out, it will usually destroy the other FET in that side of the
bridge. It can also destroy IC7. Replace the FETs in pairs. When installing the new FETs, IC7
can be tested by placing a jumper across C26 and C27, installing the low-side drive FET, and
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checking for the square wave gate drive from IC7. If the square wave is not present on both
FETs, then IC7 should be replaced. Once both gate drives are working, the high-side drive
FET can be installed and the jumpers removed.
Using The Amplifier. When installing the amplifier, make sure that the input impedance of
the 12-volt supply is less than I ohm. If the amplifier is to be installed in a home setting, or
other location in which power will be drawn from a 117-volt wall socket be sure that the 12-volt
supply output has adequate isolation in order to avoid any shock hazard.
The differential inputs are very useful since the amplifier ground does not have to be at the
same potential as the signal source ground. The negative input may be hooked to the source
ground, using the positive input for the signal.
If you are driving the amplifier with an output that was meant to be connected directly to a
speaker, you might need to add an 8-ohm resistor across the input terminals in order to
reduce noise.
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R4, R5. R8, R12, R13, R15, R18, R21, R30, R41, R67--4700-ohm
R6, R7, R11, R14, R28, R29, R31, R32, R34, R36, R39, R50, R51, R54--R64, R68, R69, R71,
R73--R82, R87, R89-R97, R100-- not used
R10, R27--22,000-ohm
R17, R33--100,000-ohm
R38, R70--100-ohm
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C13, C14, C16, C19, C20, C25, C30, C31, C46-C49, C52, C57, C63, C66, C67, C70--0.1 uF,
ceramic disc
C21, C23, C24, C28, C36, C45, C50, C51, C53--C56, C58, C59, C62, C68--not used
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F2--see text
Printed-circuit board, case, PC-mount fuse clips, 4-40 x 1/4-inch screws, 4-40 washers, 4-40
nuts, 8-32 X 1/2-inch screws, 8-32 x 3/4-inch screws, 8-32 nuts, TO-220 mica insulators, no. 8
x 1/4-inch spacers, etc.
Note: The following items are available from: Radical Electronics, Inc., 115 Hall Cr.,
Saskatoon, SK S7L 7G7, Canada, Tel/Fax: 306-384-8777: Kit of all parts less case, $100.
Circuit board only, $23. IC7, $12. Add $4 for shipping charges. Prices for other parts are
available on request. Prices listed are in US dollars.
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