The Best Way To Learn French
The Best Way To Learn French
The Best Way To Learn French
250 Years of Experience
Teaching languages takes an enormous effort from both sides. Students face the
challenge of memorizing thousands of new words and verbs without forgetting the
usage of all this vocabulary while trying to comply with the new grammatical rules.
The instructor, on the other hand, has to transmit this new vocabulary accompanied
by the grammar into the brain of the student, and make this new information come
out of the student's mouth so he/she can communicate in this new language. Let's
not forget the challenges of listening and writing in the new language. .
With that said it's not surprising that the number of countries that have advanced
language teaching methodologies can be counted on one hand. These countries
include Spain, Britain and France who started to teach their language to their
colonies 500 years ago.
In the beginning, their teaching methods were not yet structured, nevertheless the
business and the long term ties with the colonies motivated the governments of
these countries to build real academic schools for teaching languages. These
schools carry with them more than 250 years of language teaching experience.
Ecole Napoléon follows this excellent tradition in teaching the French language.
We would like to invite you to take advantage of our experience, our teachers
brought directly from France, and our happy way to teach and learn French.
Why study French
While any language will be useful for some jobs or for some regions, French is the only foreign
language that can be useful throughout the world as well as in the United States. French as a
foreign language is the second most frequently taught language in the world after English. The
International Organization of Francophonie has 51 member states and governments. Of these,
28 countries have French as an official language. French is the only language other than
English spoken on five continents. French and English are the only two global languages.
When deciding on a foreign language for work or school, consider that French is the language
that will give you the most choices later on in your studies or your career.
French, along with English, is the official working language of
• the United Nations
• Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
• the International Labor Bureau
• the International Olympic Committee
• the 31-member Council of Europe
• the European Community
• the Universal Postal Union
• the International Red Cross
• Union of International Associations (UIA)
French is the dominant working language at
• the European Court of Justice
• the European Tribunal of First Instance
• the Press Room at the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium
One example of the importance of French can be seen in a recent listing of international jobs
(8/25/08) distributed by the US State Department: 78 required or preferred French, 27 a UN
language (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish), 17 Spanish, 10 Arabic, 5
Russian, and 3 German, 1 Chinese.
Of the various types of professional positions for which international organizations recruit, five
required French, two Spanish, one Portuguese, and one Arabic, according to the fact sheet
released by the UN Employment Information and Assistance Unit Bureau of International
Organization Affairs U.S. Department of State, December 1, 2000.
So, Why Should you Study French?
There are more than 75 good reasons !
• It is not limited to one or two continents.
• French is spoken in TWO of the G8 countries.
• French is one of the official languages of the United Nations.
• Paris hosts over 1,000 congresses annually - and a world record of international congresses
• France has the world’s greatest number of of Nobel Prize winners in literature. (12)
• France is the world’s major tourist destination.(60 millions visit France annually)
• Paris is considered the capital of the world in terms of quality of life (Healey and Baker)
• France is with Germany the main pillar in the EMU (European Monetary Union).
• France is Europe’s foremost investor abroad.
• France ranks 4th in terms of world power and it does not have the debt problems facing many other major
industrialized nations. (A positive sign for joint projects, business and scientific co-operation).
• France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany have the lowest rates of inflation in the European Union.
This is an indicator of the health of these countries.
• France is renowned for the quality of its high-tech.
• French is a major language of high-tech and business in the world. (Second language on the internet.)
• Over 50,000 English words have their origin in French.
• In terms of number of words, French is the largest language after English.
• France offers a range of generous scholarships to our graduate students.
• French is the most widely taught second language after English.
• French is the official language of the International Red Cross.
• French is the official language of post offices across the world.
• French is one of the two official languages at the Olympic Games.
• French-speaking Africa represents an area larger than the U.S.A.
• Montréal is the second largest French-Speaking city in the world.
• Le Courrier Australien, founded in 1892, is the oldest ethnic newspaper in Australia.
• Trade with Australia in 1995 totaled the following (figures obtained from the French-Australian Chamber
of Commerce and Industry):
• Imports 6,3666, 000,000francs (the highest level recorded)
• Exports 4,393,000,000francs (1 Australian dollar= 3.5 francs)
• Megabucks for trade: In 1995 the United States did business/trade with the following countries in order of
importance: 1. French-speaking countries; 2. Japan; 3. Spanish speaking countries.
• Learning French can help you improve the interpersonal skills you bring to your international career.
• A good knowledge of French enables you to fully enjoy at the movie theaters or on TV, the best films from
the French-speaking world.
• You can do so many more interesting things on the internet if you speak French. There are many high
quality internet sites available in French ranging from society to science, fashion to finance, music to
medicine …just to mention a few.
• For those with the appropriate skills there are also possibilities for employment (building a career rather
than keeping a job) in the following fields:
• International business( what other kind of business is there in a global economy?)
• International agencies.
• The tourism and hospitality industries. And The diplomatic service.
• French and /or French-speaking research institutes.
• Teaching and, Translating or interpreting.
And don’t forget the other 43 or so good reasons:
Text prepared by Dr. David ELDER Edith Cowan University
Revised by Dr. Bert PEETERS University of Tasmania June 16, 1997
and Dr. S. Pascale Dewey January 21, 1999
French is our language and our passion.
L'École Napoléon is an independent French school based in Toronto. dedicated to promoting the use
of French Language. Established in 2000 with over 1100 students, we offer a variety of French programs
Adults - Children - Companies - Senior Citizens - Privates Schools
We are located on 55 Danforth Avenue, facing the Brodview’s Subway station and 2 minutes driving
distance from the Don Valley Parkway.
Our courses are conducted by experienced trainers whose first language is French.
Yours To Discover…
We offer :
Individual classes
After-Schoo l Classes
Saturday Classes
Summer Programs
Corporate Programs
Free assessments for all students and free demonstrations for companies.
From beginner to advanced level, l’École Napoléon offers courses that have been specially
created to give you the most practical knowledge in the shortest amount of time.
We understand that different individuals have different learning needs and styles and so we
have designed a range of programs to suit all schedules and goals, from group evening
classes to private intensive or on-site
training for companies, as well as childrens’ programs.
Groups are small with a maximum of ten participants, and have a relaxed atmosphere that is
very conducive to learning effectively.
The training process:
Maximum progress in the shortest possible time.
Our programs are designed for everyone.
You are an absolute beginner and want to learn French quickly, you already know French and
want to improve, you have specific needs for your work, you want a bilingual future for your
child or simply want to use your time profitably.
CURRICULUM ( Adults in our location)
Our French program or Adults in our location is composed of 18 different levels, ranging from an
absolute beginner level to an advanced level for fluent speakers and writers. In addition to these
levels, Ecole Napoléon also offers specialized classes at the advanced level.
The following is a synopsis of the courses offered by the École Napoléon.
A placement test prior to registration is necessary in order to ensure that all students are placed at
the appropriate level.
Stage I: Beginner Levels A 1 – A 6 + A7
Consists of 7 levels.
Each level requires 20 instructional hours.
Stage I is completed after 140 hours.
The beginner stage is focused on the introduction of basic French grammar including business
vocabulary. The purpose of this stage is to introduce the correct usage of the present, future
and past tenses, which will enable students to converse in social and business settings. By the
end of this introductory stage, students will be able to express themselves in the above stated
tenses. Aside from the oral component of this stage, writing exercises will also be used to
reinforce the oral language by learning grammar, conjugation, spelling ...
All levels are taught in accordance with our communicative method that focuses on
conversational French and emphasizes on the active participation of the students.
All sessions are based on 20 hours course for the Adults and One term for children
Session Fees
Programs Class Hours Length No PST, No
20 hours
Noon classes Tuesday & Friday 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm 4 weeks
Afternoon classes Monday & Thursday 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm 4 weeks $218
Evening classes Monday & Thursday 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm 4 weeks
or Tuesday & Friday 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
or Wednesday 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm 9 weeks
Saturday classes every Saturday 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm 8 weeks
Term (3 months)
Home-work help Tuesday & Friday 4:15 pm – 5:45 pm
Wednesday afternoon 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm $420
Saturday morning 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
or afternoon 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm $325
Preschoolers Wednesday morning 9:30 am - 11:30 am $325
Summer Program Please ask for a brochure.
At our location Monday & Thursday 9:00 am - 11:30 am 20
8 weeks
or 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm hours $218
!! No PST, no GST!!
Our courses are designed for children from 5 years old and for all levels :
Advanced - Intermediate - Beginners
Your child will be integrated in a suitable group in function of his age and knowledge.
We provide quality teaching materials and a proven structured method.
2) After-School Program:
Our regular program perfectly complements your child’s learning throughout the school year.
From September until June, Ecole Napoléon offers French courses on Wednesday afternoons
and Saturday mornings or afternoons.
Our curriculum is adjusted to the interests and abilities of students aged 5 to 16. The program
encompasses all aspects of the language: students learn to speak, read and write in French. Audio
and video cassettes, CD ROMs and books are used to further enhance and develop the students'
oral and written skills. Particular emphasis is placed on grammar and perfect pronunciation.
Students will practice through various exercises – all of which are designed to improve their oral
fluency and grasp of the main grammatical rules. Our courses are a great asset for young people
who are studying French at school.
3) The Summer program:
The program is open to children aged 5 to 13.
Previous exposure to the French language is not required.
The Program takes place weekdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
All in French, bien sûr! Kids have a French language course and fun activities.
Activities are presented through games, stories, songs, etc.
We offer a fun and valuable experience to all children!
2 Sessions are available. (You can register your child for one or more sessions)
French Club
At our school or at any place of your choice.
French Clubs are available at École Napoléon or at your own location.
For example:
Your child’s daycare, Private school, parents or even at your home.
Beginner level ‘A” for children
Contents of level A1 :
Grammar : Communication :
• Present a group
• Introduction of the verb être, accompanied of un • Questioning multiple people
adjective (je suis + adjective) • Talking of the weather
• Masculine and feminine of adjectives • Indicating the time
• Conjugation of verbs on -er • Asking for and giving information
• Asking questions : qu’est-ce que c’est ? • Use of tu and vous forms
• Present and identify somebody or something : • Asking for permission
c’est • Leading a game or activity
• Use of definite articles (le, la, les) and indefinite
articles (un, une, des) Contents of level A3
• Use of possessive pronouns (mon, ton, son, ma,
ta, sa...) Grammar :
• Introduction of the verb avoir, in singular
• The plural of nouns and adjectives • Asking questions about the location : où ?
• Describing something : il y a • The prepositions of place
• The negation : ne + verb + pas (je ne suis pas...) • Asking for an explanation : pourquoi ? and
answering : parce que...
Vocabulary : • Asking questions about the quantity : combien ?
• Asking questions with est-ce que and qu’est-ce
• Going to school, the classroom, the courses, the que
taste • The verb faire
• The family, the vacation, the age, the • Expressing a wish with vouloir + infinitive : je
professions veux manger
• The numbers • Expressing a possibility with pouvoir +
• The common adjectives : grand, petit.... infinitive : je peux chanter
• The verbs to express feelings : aimer, détester, • The verb aller,. Using mais
adorer • The contracted articles : au, aux
Communication : Vocabulary :
• To present yourself and somebody else, • The objects of a house, the furniture
greetings and introductions. • A police investigation, the mystery, the
• Expression of likes and dislikes : j’aime... detectives
• Indicating the date • The world of fantasy and its heroes
• Asking for and giving information about • The verbs of movement : voler, lancer...
• Describing actions : il écoute la radio Communication :
• Denying something : usage of the negation
• Indicating the location
Contents of level A2 • Asking for and giving an explanation
• Indicating the quantity
Grammar : • Asking for a confirmation
• Asking for and giving detailed information
• Asking questions with quel and quelle • Saying what somebody is capable of doing
• The verbs être and avoir in plural • Indicating where somebody is going
• The plural of verbs on –er • Expressing a limitation
• The reflexive verbs : je me lave • Asking for help to follow the course better,
• Exercises of pronunciation : the connections asking for a new explanation
• Use of the imperative : giving orders obligations with il faut/il ne faut pas +
• The apostrophe noun/infinitive : il faut dormir
• Use of on and nous • Using the personal pronouns c.o.d. with the
• The adjectives of nationality : canadien, imperative : mange le ! Affirmative and negative
canadienne forms
• Being situated somewhere : j’habite à, en, au, • Use of the partitive, in affirmative and negative
aux… forms : du, de la, des/de
• The adverbs of quantity
Vocabulary : • The verbs mettre and boire
• The affirmation with si
• Competition on French culture • Expressing the near future with aller +
• Time shifting, the everyday life, the nationalities infinitive : je vais sortir
• The weather, the seasons. The time • The simple future
• The countries, The colors • The adverbs of time
• The personal pronouns c.o.i. : lui, leur
And more….
♦ Practical: Our methods focus on building key communication skills you will use in a
business environment
♦ Convenient: We come to you
- Our trainers do the traveling, not you
- We accommodate your busy schedule
♦ Flexible: We fit the class structure and curriculum to your requirements: individual or small group.
♦ Customized courses: We can set the curriculum to include technical vocabulary specific
to your profession
♦ Focus: Our goal is your success!
♦ Conducted exclusively in French, training focuses on developing your ability to perform key
professional tasks, including:
- Presentation skills (formal, informal)
- Active participation in meetings
- Handling telephone calls
- Negotiating
- Writing business letters etc...
Our French program is composed of 3 stages (more than 13 different levels in total), ranging from an absolute
beginner level to an advanced level for fluent speakers and writers.
In addition to these levels, L’École Napoléon de Toronto also offers specialized classes at the
advanced level.
The following is a synopsis of the courses offered by École Napoléon.
A placement test prior to registration is necessary in order to ensure that all students are placed at
the appropriate level.
Stage II:
II: Intermediate Levels B 1 – B 6
Consists of 6 levels.
Each level requires 26 hours.
Stage Two is completed after 156 hours.
In continuation of Stage I, the focus of Stage II is to build on the material explored during the introductory
stage. These levels strive to introduce students to more complex grammatical structures and to enrich
their vocabulary. Students will be introduced to the rules and notions of complex grammatical tenses
such as the imperfect, the pluperfect, the conditional, the subjunctive and others complex tenses,
expressions and vocabulary that differ slightly from those in English. The intermediate levels improve the
oral communication skills and also focus on the written aspect of the language at a more advanced level
with a practical, business-orientated approach for professionals.
Stage III:
III: Advanced Level Courses
Various courses.
Depending on your needs.
At this stage, the students have a good comprehension and specific needs. This level offers
different courses. C1 is oral expression reinforcement with grammar and writing expression
exercises. Working themes are chosen in function of your business activity. C2 is a conversation
class. In this course, students will discuss topics related to current events in a relaxed setting. By
debating, students will broaden their vocabulary while strengthening their oral fluency.
We even offer special courses, designed according to your specific needs.
All levels are taught in accordance with our communicative method that focuses on
conversational French and emphasizes on the active participation of the students.
REGULATIONS (For the Student in our location)
Placement test
· A free placement test will be offered to all new students in order to ensure that they are placed in
the correct level.
· L’Ecole Napoléon reserves the right to request that a student repeat a course if it is deemed
· $50 deposit no refundable or full payment before the class start.
· The payment for all courses in our location has to be done the first day of the course (no GST &
PST is applied to tuition fees).
· All teaching material (like books, exercise books…etc) are not included in these fees and have to
be paid separately.
· A $25 surcharge will be levied on all N.S.F. cheques.
Method of payment
Payments can be made by cash or cheque payable to École Napoléon.
· Ecole Napoléon reserves the right to cancel any course or reduce the number of instructional hours
should there be fewer than four students registered for the course.
· In the event that a course is cancelled, l’Ecole Napoléon will offer students registered in the
cancelled course the option of a) transferring to another class or b) a full refund.
· Students who were absent from more than 2 courses of the 20 hours in total, will have to make up
this lack in order to reach the superior level. For this purpose, A minimum of one hour individual
classes is require. The individual classes are available upon demand at the price of $42 CDN per
· If the student stop learning French, he or she needs to inform the School’s administration. École
Napoléon will refund the amount of fees corresponding to the number of courses that were not given on
the basis of the fees charged per hour. An administrational fee of 15% will be deducted from the total
reimbursement and 35% for the intenational students..
Waiting List
· If a class is full, you can request to be placed on the waiting list. You will be contacted as soon as a space
in the original class is opened up due to a withdrawal, or when numbers of students require an additional
class to be created.
Our programs are designed for everyone.
You are an absolute beginner and want to learn French quickly, you already know French and
want to improve, you have specific needs for your work, you want a bilingual future for your
child or simply want to use your time profitably.
École Napoléon
Tel.: (416) 751 7113
Or come and visit us at:
55 Danforth Avenue, Toronto