Massive MIMO With Non-Ideal Arbitrary Arrays: Hardware Scaling Laws and Circuit-Aware Design
Massive MIMO With Non-Ideal Arbitrary Arrays: Hardware Scaling Laws and Circuit-Aware Design
Massive MIMO With Non-Ideal Arbitrary Arrays: Hardware Scaling Laws and Circuit-Aware Design
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TWC.2015.2420095, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
AbstractMassive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Massive densification, in terms of more service antennas per
systems are cellular networks where the base stations (BSs) are unit area, has been identified as a key to higher area throughput
equipped with unconventionally many antennas, deployed on co- in future wireless networks [5][7]. The downside of densifi-
located or distributed arrays. Huge spatial degrees-of-freedom
are achieved by coherent processing over these massive arrays, cation is that even stricter requirements on the interference co-
which provide strong signal gains, resilience to imperfect channel ordination need to be imposed. Densification can be achieved
knowledge, and low interference. This comes at the price of more by adding more antennas to the macro BSs and/or distributing
infrastructure; the hardware cost and circuit power consumption the antennas by ultra-dense operator-deployment of small
scale linearly/affinely with the number of BS antennas N . Hence, BSs. These two approaches are non-conflicting and represent
the key to cost-efficient deployment of large arrays is low-cost
antenna branches with low circuit power, in contrast to todays the two extremes of the massive MIMO paradigm [7]: a
conventional expensive and power-hungry BS antenna branches. large co-located antenna array or a geographically distributed
Such low-cost transceivers are prone to hardware imperfections, array (e.g., using a cloud RAN approach [8]). The massive
but it has been conjectured that the huge degrees-of-freedom MIMO topology originates from [9] and has been given many
would bring robustness to such imperfections. We prove this alternative names; for example, large-scale antenna systems
claim for a generalized uplink system with multiplicative phase-
drifts, additive distortion noise, and noise amplification. Specifi- (LSAS), very large MIMO, and large-scale multi-user MIMO.
cally, we derive closed-form expressions for the user rates and a The main characteristics of massive MIMO are that each cell
scaling law that shows how fast the hardware imperfections can performs coherent processing on an array of hundreds (or even
increase with N while maintaining high rates. The connection thousands) of active antennas, while simultaneously serving
between this scaling law and the power consumption of different tens (or even hundreds) of users in the uplink and downlink.
transceiver circuits is rigorously exemplified.
This reveals that one
can make the circuit power increase as N , instead of linearly, In other words, the number of antennas, N , and number of
by careful circuit-aware system design. users per BS, K, are unconventionally large, but differ by
a factor two, four, or even an order of magnitude. For this
Index TermsAchievable user rates, channel estimation, mas-
sive MIMO, scaling laws, transceiver hardware imperfections. reason, massive MIMO brings unprecedented spatial degrees-
of-freedom, which enable strong signal gains from coherent
reception/transmit beamforming, give nearly orthogonal user
channels, and resilience to imperfect channel knowledge [10].
I. I NTRODUCTION Apart from achieving high area throughput, recent works
Interference coordination is the major limiting factor in have investigated additional ways to capitalize on the huge
cellular networks, but modern multi-antenna base stations degrees-of-freedom offered by massive MIMO. Towards this
(BSs) can control the interference in the spatial domain end, [5] showed that massive MIMO enables fully distributed
by coordinated multipoint (CoMP) techniques [1][3]. The coordination between systems that operate in the same band.
cellular networks are continuously evolving to keep up with Moreover, it was shown in [11] and [12] that the transmit
the rapidly increasing demand for wireless connectivity [4]. uplink/downlink powers can be reduced as 1N with only a
minor loss in throughput. This allows for major reductions
E. Bjornson was with the Alcatel-Lucent Chair on Flexible Radio, Supelec, in the emitted power, but is actually bad from an overall
Gif-sur-Yvette, France, and with the Department of Signal Processing, KTH
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. He is currently with the energy efficiency (EE) perspectivethe EE is maximized by
Department of Electrical Engineering (ISY), Linkoping University, Linkoping, increasing the emitted power with N to compensate for the
Sweden (email: increasing circuit power consumption [13].
M. Matthaiou is with the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, Queens University Belfast, Belfast, U.K. and with This paper explores whether the huge degrees-of-freedom
the Department of Signals and Systems, Chalmers University of Technology, offered by massive MIMO provide robustness to transceiver
Gothenburg, Sweden (email: hardware imperfections/impairments; for example, phase
M. Debbah is with the Alcatel-Lucent Chair on Flexible Radio, Supelec,
Gif-sur-Yvette, France (email: noise, non-linearities, quantization errors, noise amplification,
Parts of this work were published at the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, and inter-carrier interference. Robustness to hardware imper-
Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florence, Italy, May 2014 and at fections has been conjectured in overview articles, such as [7].
the IEEE International Symposium on Communications, Control, and Signal
Processing (ISCCSP), Athens, Greece, May 2014. Such a characteristic is notably important since the deployment
This research has received funding from the EU 7th Framework Programme cost and circuit power consumption of massive MIMO scales
under GA no ICT-619086 (MAMMOET). This research has been supported by linearly with N , unless the hardware accuracy constraints can
ELLIIT, the International Postdoc Grant 2012-228 from the Swedish Research
Council and the ERC Starting Grant 305123 MORE (Advanced Mathematical be relaxed such that low-power, low-cost hardware is deployed
Tools for Complex Network Engineering). which is more prone to imperfections. Constant envelope
1536-1276 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TWC.2015.2420095, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
1536-1276 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TWC.2015.2420095, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
and is modeled as Rayleigh block fading. This means that Nevertheless, the distortions can be classified into three dis-
it has a static realization for a coherence block of T chan- tinct categories: 1) received signals are shifted in phase; 2)
nel uses and independent realizations between blocks.1 The distortion noise is added with a power proportional to the total
UEs channels are independent. Each realization is complex received signal power; and 3) thermal noise is amplified and
Gaussian distributed with zero mean and covariance matrix channel-independent interference is added. To draw general
jlk CN N : conclusions on how these distortion categories affect massive
hjlk CN (0, jlk ). (1) MIMO systems, we consider a generic system model with
(1) (N )
hardware imperfections. The received signal in cell j at a given
The covariance matrix jlk , diag jlk , . . . , jlk is channel use t {1, . . . , T } is modeled as
assumed to be diagonal, which holds if the inter-antenna
distances are sufficiently large and the multi-path scattering X
yj (t) = Dj (t) Hjl xl (t) + j (t) + j (t) (3)
environment is rich [27].2 The average channel attenuation
(n) l=1
jlk is different for each combination of cells, UE index, and
receive antenna index n. It depends, for example, on the array where the channel matrices Hjl and transmitted signals xl (t)
geometry and the UE location. Even for co-located antennas are exactly as in (2). The hardware imperfections are defined
one might have different values of jlk over the array, because as follows:
of the large aperture that may create variations in the shadow 1) The matrix Dj (t) , diag ej1 (t) , . . . , ejN (t) de-
fading. scribes multiplicative phase-drifts, where is the imag-
The received signal yj (t) CN 1 in cell j at a given inary unit. The variable jn (t) is the phase-drift at the
channel use t {1, . . . , T } in the coherence block is conven- nth receive antenna in cell j at time t. Motivated by the
tionally modeled as [9][12] standard phase-noise models in LOs [21], jn (t) follows
X a Wiener process
yj (t) = Hjl xl (t) + nj (t) (2)
jn (t) N (jn (t 1), ) (4)
where the transmit signal in cell l is xl (t) = which equals the previous realization jn (t 1) plus
[xl1 (t) . . . xlK (t)]T CK1 and we use the notation an independent Gaussian innovation of variance . The
Hjl = [hjl1 . . . hjlK ] CN K for brevity. The scalar signal phase-drifts can be either independent or correlated
xlk (t) sent by UE k in cell l at channel use t is either a between the antennas; for example, co-located arrays
deterministic pilot symbol (used for channel estimation) or an might have a common LO (CLO) for all antennas
information symbol from a Gaussian codebook; in any case, which makes the phase-drifts jn (t) identical for all
we assume that the expectation of the transmit energy per n = 1, . . . , N . In contrast, distributed arrays might have
symbol is bounded as E{|xlk (t)|2 } plk . The thermal noise separate LOs (SLOs) at each antenna, which make the
vector nj (t) CN (0, 2 IN ) is spatially and temporally drifts independent, though we let the variance be equal
independent and has variance 2 . for simplicity. Both cases are considered herein.
The conventional model in (2) is well-accepted for small- 2) The distortion noise j (t) CN (0, j (t)), where
scale MIMO systems, but has an important drawback when
applied to massive MIMO topologies: it assumes that the large
(1) (N )
antenna array consists of N high-quality antenna branches j (t) , 2 E{|xlk (t)|2 }diag |hjlk |2 , . . . , |hjlk |2
l=1 k=1
which are all perfectly synchronized. Consequently, the de- (5)
ployment cost and total power consumption of the circuits for given channel realizations, where the double-sum
attached to each antenna would at least grow linearly with gives the received power at each antenna. Thus, the
N , thereby making the deployment of massive MIMO rather distortion noise is independent between antennas and
questionable, if not prohibitive, from an overall cost and channel uses, and the variance at a given antenna is
efficiency perspective. proportional to the current received signal power at this
In this paper, we analyze the far more realistic scenario antenna. This model can describe the quantization noise
of having inexpensive hardware-constrained massive MIMO in ADCs with gain control [19], approximate generic
arrays. More precisely, each receive array experiences hard- non-linearities [4, Chapter 14], and approximate the
ware imperfections that distort the communication. The exact leakage between subcarriers due to calibration errors.
distortion characteristics depend generally on which modula- The parameter 0 describes how much weaker the
tion scheme is used; for example, OFDM [18], filter bank distortion noise magnitude is compared to the signal
multicarrier (FBMC) [28], or single-carrier transmission [15]. magnitude.
1 The size of the time/frequency block where the channels are static depends 3) The receiver noise j (t) CN (0, IN ) is independent
on UE mobility and propagation environment: T is the product of the of the UE channels, in contrast to the distortion noise.
coherence time c and coherence bandwidth Wc , thus c = 5 ms and This term includes thermal noise, which typically is
Wc = 100 kHz gives T = 500. amplified by LNAs and mixers in the receiver hardware,
2 The analysis and main results of this paper can be easily extended to
arbitrary non-diagonal covariance matrices as in [11] and [17], but at the cost and interference leakage from other frequency bands
of complicating the notation and expressions. and/or other networks. The receiver noise variance must
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TWC.2015.2420095, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
(a) Pilot sequence Data symbols A. Channel Estimation under Hardware Imperfections
Based on the transmission protocol, the pilot sequence of
(b) Data symbols Pilot sequence Data symbols
UE k in cell j is xjk , [xjk (1 ) . . . xjk (B )]T CB1 . The
(c) pilot sequences are predefined and can be selected arbitrarily
under the power constraints. Our analysis supports any choice,
(d) but it is reasonable to make xj1 , . . . , xjK in cell j mutually
orthogonal to avoid intra-cell interference (this is the reason
Coherence block to have B K).
Example 1: Let X e j , [xj1 . . . xjK ] denote the pilot
Fig. 2. Examples of different ways to distribute the B pilot symbols over the sequences in cell j. The simplest example of linearly inde-
coherence block of length T : (a) beginning of block; (b) middle of block; (c)
uniform pilot distribution; (d) preamble and a few distributed pilot symbols.
pendent pilot sequences (with B = K) is
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TWC.2015.2420095, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
pjk |E{vjk
(t)hjjk (t)}|2
SINRjk (t) = L P
plm E{|vjk (t)hjlm
(t)|2 } pjk |E{vjk (t)hjjk
(t)}|2 + E{|vjk (t) j
(t)|2 } + E{kvjk (t)k2 }
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TWC.2015.2420095, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
E{kvjk (t)k2 } = tr xHjk D(t) jjk j1 DH(t) xjk jjk
(t)hjjk (t)} = E{kvjk (t)k2 } (22)
1 H
H 2 H
E{|vjk (t)hjlm (t)| } = tr jlm xjk D(t) jjk j D(t) xjk jjk (23)
P P (n1 ) (n1 ) (n2 ) (n2 ) H
jjk jlm jjk jlm xjk D(t) eHn1 1 Xlm en1 eHn2 1
j j DH(t) xjk en2 if a CLO
+ n1 =1n2 =1
jk (t) jjk j DH(t) xlm jlm
tr xH D if SLOs
N 2
(n) (n)
xHjk D(t) eHn 1 2 D|xlm |2 en eHn 1
jjk jlm DH(t) xjk en if a CLO
j j
+ N 2
(n) (n)
xHjk D(t) eHn 1 (Xlm DH(t) xlm xHlm D(t) ) en eHn 1
jjk jlm DH(t) xjk en if SLOs
j j
(t) j (t)|2 } = 2 plm tr jlm xHjk D(t) jjk 1
E{|vjk j DH(t) xjk jjk (24)
l=1 m=1
L X K XN 2
(n) (n)
+ 2 xHjk D(t) eHn 1 1
plm jjk jlm j (Xlm en en )j DH(t) xjk en
l=1 m=1 n=1
+ N 2jjk 2jlm xHjk D(t) 1 1 H all elements of vjk are rotated in the same way. In con-
j Xlm j D(t) xjk + N (N 1)
( trast, each component of vjk is rotated in an independent
2jjk 2jlm xHjk D(t) 1 1 H
j Xlm j D(t) xjk if a CLO random manner with SLOs, which reduces the average in-
2jjk 2jlm |xHjk D(t) 1
j D(t) xlm |
H 2
if SLOs terference power since the components of the inner product
K vjk Dj (t) hjlm add up incoherently. Consequently, the re-
E{|vjk (t) j (t)|2 } = 2 E{kvjk (t)k2 } plm jlm ceived interference power is reduced by SLOs while it remains
l=1 m=1 the same with a CLO.
X K To summarize, we expect SLOs to provide larger UE rates
+2 plm N 2jjk 2jlm xHjk D(t) 1 1 H
j Xlm j D(t) xjk .
than a CLO, because the interference reduces with t when
l=1 m=1 the phase-drifts are independent, at the expense of increasing
As seen from this corollary, most terms scale linearly with the deployment cost by having N LOs. This observation is
N but there are a few terms that scale as N 2 . The latter terms validated by simulations in Section V.
dominate in the asymptotic analysis below.
The difference between having a CLO and SLOs C. Asymptotic Analysis and Hardware Scaling Laws
only manifests itself in the second-order moments The closed-form expressions in Theorem 2 and Corollary
E{|vjk H
(t)hjlm (t)|2 }. Hence, the desired signal quality 2 can be applied to cellular networks of arbitrary (finite)
is the same in both cases, while the interference terms are dimensions. In massive MIMO, the asymptotic behavior of
PL PKthe case with the smallest interference variance large antenna arrays is of particular interest. In this section, we
jlm (t)| } gives the largest rate
l=1 p
m=1 lm E{|v jk (t)h assume that the N receive antennas in each cell are distributed
for UE k in cell j. These second-order moments depend over A 1 spatially separated subarrays, where each subarray
on the pilot sequences, channel covariance matrices, and contains N A antennas. This assumption is made for analytic
phase-drifts. By looking at (23) in Theorem 2 (or the tractability, but also makes sense in many practical scenarios.
corresponding expression in Corollary 2), we see that the Each subarray is assumed to have an inter-antenna distance
only difference is that two occurrences of X`m in the case much smaller than the propagation distances to the UEs, such
of a CLO are replaced by DH(t) x`m xH`m D(t) in the case of that jlk is the average channel attenuation to all antennas in
SLOs. These terms are equal when there are no phase-drifts subarray a in cell j from UE k in cell l. Hence, the channel
(i.e., = 0), while the difference grows larger with . In covariance matrix jlk CN N can be factorized as
particular, the term X`m is unaffected by the time index t,
(1) (A)
while the corresponding terms for SLOs decay as et (from jlk = diag jlk , . . . , jlk I N .
D(t) ). The following example provides the intuition behind | {z }
this result. (A)
,jlk CAA
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TWC.2015.2420095, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
By letting the number of antennas in each subarray grow large, of second-order channel statistics such as different path-losses
we obtain the following property. and spatial correlation [32]).
Corollary 3: If the MRC receive filter is used and the Apparently, the detrimental impact of hardware imperfec-
channel covariance matrices can be factorized as in (25), then tions vanishes almost completely as N grows large. This result
pjk Sigjk holds for any fixed values of the parameters , , and . In
SINRjk (t) = L P
(26) fact, the hardware imperfections may even vanish when the
hardware quality is gradually decreased with N . The next
plm Intjklm pjk Sigjk +O N
l=1m=1 corollary formulates analytically such an important hardware
where the signal part is scaling law.
2 Corollary 4: Suppose the hardware imperfection parameters
(A) e 1
Sigjk = tr xHjk D(t) jjk j D(t) xjk jjk are replaced as 2 7 20 N z1 , 7 0 N z2 , and 7 0 (1 +
(27) loge (N z3 )), for some given scaling exponents z1 , z2 , z3 0
the interference terms with a CLO are and some initial values 0 , 0 , 0 0. Moreover, let all pilot
A symbols be non-zero: xjk (b ) > 0 for all j, k, and b. Then, all
(a ) (a ) (a ) (a )
IntCLO the SINRs, SINRjk (t), under MRC receive filtering converge
jklm = jjk1 jlm
jjk2 jlm
xHjk D(t) eHa1
a1 =1a2 =1 to non-zero limits as N if
e 1 Xlm ea eH
1 H
max(z1 , z2 ) 1 and z3 = 0
j 1 a2
j D (t) x jk ea 2
(28) 2 for a CLO
0 |t |
max(z1 , z2 ) + z3min 2 12 for SLOs.
and the interference terms with SLOs are {1 ,...,B }
2 (30)
(A) e 1
jklm = tr x H
jk D (t) jjk j D H
(t) xlm jlm . Proof: The proof is given in Appendix F.
(29) This corollary proves that we can tolerate stronger hardware
imperfections as the number of antennas increases. This is
In these expresssions e j , PL PK X`m (A) +IAB , a very important result for practical deployments, because
`=1 m=1 j`m
ea is the ath column of IA , and the big O notation O( N1 ) we can relax the design constraints on the hardware quality
denotes terms that go to zero as N1 or faster when N . as N increases. In particular, we can achieve better energy
Proof: The proof is given in Appendix E. efficiency in the circuits and/or lower hardware costs by
This corollary shows that the distortion noise and receiver accepting larger distortions than conventionally. This property
noise vanish as N . The phase-drifts remain, but has been conjectured in overview articles, such as [7], and
have no dramatic impact since these affect the numerator was proved in [17] using a simplified system model with only
and denominator of the asymptotic SINR in (26) in similar additive distortion noise. Corollary 4 shows explicitly that the
ways. The simulations in Section V show that the phase-drift conjecture is also true for multiplicative phase-drifts, receiver
degradations are not exacerbated in massive MIMO systems noise, and inter-carrier interference. Going a step further,
with SLOs, while the performance with a CLO improves with Section IV exemplifies how the scaling law may impact the
N but at a slower pace due to the phase-drifts. circuit design in practical deployments.
The asymptotic SINRs are finite because both the signal Since Corollary 4 is derived for MRC filtering, (30) provides
power and parts of the inter-cell and intra-cell interference a sufficient scaling condition for any receive filter that performs
grow quadratically with N . This interference scaling behavior better than MRC. The scaling law for SLOs consists of
0 |t |
is due to so-called pilot contamination (PC) [9], [40], which two terms: max(z1 , z2 ) and z3 min 2 . The first
{1 ,...,B }
represents the fact that a BS cannot fully separate signals from
term max(z1 , z2 ) shows that the additive distortion noise and
UEs that interfered to each other during pilot transmission.4
receiver noise can be increased simultaneously and indepen-
Intra-cell PC is, conventionally, avoided by making the pilot
dently (as fast as N ), while the sum of the two terms
sequences orthogonal in space; for example, by using the
DFT pilot matrix X e spatial in Example 1. Unfortunately, the manifests a tradeoff between allowing hardware imperfections
j that cause additive and multiplicative distortions. The scaling
phase-drifts break any spatial pilot orthogonality. Hence, it is
law for a CLO allows only for increasing the additive distor-
reasonable to remove intra-cell PC by assigning temporally
orthogonal sequences, such as X e temporal in Example 1. Note tion noise and receiver noise, while the phase-drift variance
j should not be increased because only the signal gain (and not
that with temporal orthogonality the total pilot energy per UE,
1 the interference) is reduced by phase-drifts in this case; see
kxjk k2 , is reduced by K since the energy per pilot symbol is
Example 2. Clearly, the system is particularly vulnerable to
constrained. Consequently, the simulations in Section V reveal
phase-drifts due to their accumulation and since they affect
that temporally orthogonal pilot sequences are only beneficial
the signal itself; even in the case of SLOs, the second term
for extremely large arrays. Inter-cell PC cannot generally be
of (30) increases with T and the variance can scale only
removed, because there are only B T orthogonal sequences
logarithmically with N . Note that we can accept larger phase-
in the whole network, but it can be mitigated by allocating
drift variances if the coherence block T is small and the pilot
the same pilot to UEs that are well separated (e.g., in terms
symbols are distributed over the coherence block, which is in
4 Pilot contamination can be mitigated through semi-blind channel estima- line with the results in [15].
tion as proposed in [41], but the UE rates will still be limited by hardware
imperfections [17]. IV. U TILIZING THE S CALING L AW:
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TWC.2015.2420095, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TWC.2015.2420095, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
massive MIMO only relaxes the design of circuits that are minimum distance of 25 m from any array location). We thus
placed independently at each antenna branch. have K = 8 and use B = 8 as pilot length in this section.
Imperfections in the LOs also cause inter-carrier interfer- Each sector is allocated an orthogonal pilot sequence, while
ence in OFDM systems, since the subcarrier orthogonality is the same pilot is reused in the same sector of all other cells.
broken [18]. When inter-carrier interference is created at the The channel attenuations are modeled as [47]
receiver side it depends on the channels of other subcarriers. (n)
(n) 10sjlk 1.53
It is thus uncorrelated with the useful channel in (3) and jlk = (33)
can be included in the receiver noise term. Irrespective of (djlk )3.76
the type of LOs, the severity of inter-carrier interference is (n)
where djlk is the distance in meters between receive antenna n
suppressed by z2 10 log10 (N ) dB according to Corollary 4. (n)
Hence, massive MIMO is less vulnerable to in-band distortions in cell j and UE k in cell l and sjlk N (0, 3.16) is shadow-
than conventional systems. fading (it is the same for co-located antennas but independent
The phase-noise variance formula in (32) gives other possi- between the 4 distributed arrays). We consider statistical power
bilities than decreasing the circuit power. In particular, one can control with pjk = 1 PN (n) to achieve an average received
N n=1 jjk
increase the carrier frequency fc with N by using Corollary signal power of over the receive antennas. The thermal noise
4. This is an interesting observation since massive MIMO variance is 2 = 174 dBm/Hz. We consider average SNRs,
has been identified as a key enabler for millimeter-wave / 2 , of 5 and 15 dB, leading to reasonable transmit powers
communications [6], in which the phase noise is more severe (below 200 mW over a 10 MHz bandwidth) for UEs at cell
since the variance in (32) increases quadratically with the edges.
carrier frequency fc . Fortunately, massive MIMO with SLOs
has an inherent resilience to phase noise. A. Comparison of Deployment Scenarios
We first compare the co-located and distributed deployments
D. Non-Linearities in Fig. 3. We consider the MRC filter, set the coherence block
to T = 500 channel uses (e.g., 5 ms coherence time and 100
Although the physical propagation channel is linear, prac- kHz coherence bandwidth), use the DFT-based pilot sequences
tical systems can exhibit non-linear behavior due to a variety of length B = 8, and send these in the beginning of the
of reasons; for examples, non-linearities in filters, converters, coherence block. The results are averaged over different UE
mixers, and amplifiers [18] as well as passive intermodulation locations.
caused by various electro-thermal phenomena [46]. Such non- The average achievable rates per UE are shown in Fig. 4
linearities are often modeled by power series or Volterra series for / 2 = 5 dB, using either ideal hardware or imperfect
[46], but since we consider a system with Gaussian transmit hardware with = 0.0156, = 1.58 2 , and = 1.58 104 .
signals the Bussgang theorem can be applied to simplify the These parameter values were not chosen arbitrarily, but based
characterization [4], [24]. For a Gaussian variable X and any on the circuit examples
non-linear function g(), the Bussgang theorem implies that in Section IV. More specifically, we
obtained = 2b / 1 22b = 0.0156 by using b = 6 bit
g(X) = cX + V , where c is a scaling factor and V is ADCs and = 12 F 2 2
2b = 1.58 for a noise amplification
a distortion uncorrelated with X; see [24, Eq. (15)]. If we
factor of F = 2 dB. The phase noise variance = 1.58 104
let g(X) describe a nonlinear component and let X be the
was obtained from (32) by setting fc = 2 GHz, Ts = 107 s,
useful signal, the impact of non-linearities can be modeled
and = 1017 . Note that the curves in Fig. 4 are based on
by a scaling of the useful signal and an additional distortion
the analytic results in Theorem 2, while the marker symbols
term. Depending on the nature of each non-linearity, the
correspond to Monte Carlo simulations of the expectations in
corresponding distortion is either included in the distortion
(20). The perfect match validates the analytic results.
noise or the receiver noise.5 The scaling factor c of the useful
Looking at Fig. 4, we see that the tractable ergodic rate
signal is removed by scaling 2 and by |c|12 .
from Lemma 1 approaches well the slightly higher achievable
rate from [12, Eq. (39)]. Moreover, we see that the hardware
V. N UMERICAL I LLUSTRATIONS imperfections cause small rate losses when the number of
Our analytic results are corroborated in this section by antennas, N , is small. However, the large-N behavior depends
studying the uplink in a cell surrounded by 24 interfering cells, strongly on the oscillators: the rate loss is small for SLOs at
as shown in Fig. 3. Each cell is a square of 250 m 250 m any N , while it can be very large if a CLO is used when N is
and we compare two topologies: (a) co-located deployment large (e.g., 25% rate loss at N = 400). This important property
of N antennas in the middle of the cell; and (b) distributed was explained in Example 2 and the simple explanation is that
deployment of 4 subarrays of N4 antennas at distances of the effect of phase noise averages out with SLOs, but at the
62.5 m from the cell center. To mimic a simple user scheduling cost of adding more hardware.
algorithm, each cell is divided into 8 virtual sectors and one Fig. 4 also shows that the distributed massive MIMO
UE is picked with a uniform distribution in each sector (with a deployment achieves roughly twice the rates of co-located
massive MIMO. This is because distributed arrays can ex-
5 The distortion from non-linearities are generally non-Gaussian, but this
ploit both the proximity gains (normally achieved by small
has no impact on our analysis because the achievable rates in Lemma 1 were
obtained by making the worst-case assumption of all additive distortions being cells) and the array gains and spatial resolution of coherent
Gaussian distributed. processing over many antennas.
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Pilot 8 Pilot 7 Pilot 6 Pilot 5 Pilot 8 Pilot 7 Pilot 6 Pilot 5
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. The simulations consider the uplink of a cell surrounded by two tiers of interfering cells. Each cell contains K = 8 UEs that are uniformly distributed
in different parts of the cell. Two site deployments are considered: (a) N co-located antennas in the middle of the cell; and (b) N/4 antennas at 4 distributed
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TWC.2015.2420095, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
4 4.5
4 z1 = z2 = z3 = 0
3.5 Pilot sequences (Fixed imperfections)
in the middle 3.5
Pilot sequences in the beginning 2.5
z1 = z2 (= z3)= 0.48 z1 = z2 (= z3)= 0.96
2 (Satisfies scaling laws) (Faster than scaling laws)
Ideal Hardware 1 Curves bend Ideal Hardware
0.5 NonIdeal Hardware: SLOs toward zero NonIdeal Hardware: SLOs
NonIdeal Hardware: CLO NonIdeal Hardware: CLO
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Coherence Block [channel uses] Number of Receive Antennas per Cell
Fig. 6. Average UE rate with MRC filter as a function of the coherence block Fig. 7. Average UE rate with MRC filter for different numbers of antennas,
length, for different pilot sequence distributions. The maximum is marked at N , and with hardware imperfections that are either fixed or increase with N
each curve and is the preferable operating point for the transmission protocol. as in Corollary 4.
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VI. C ONCLUSION and interpretations are, however, outside the scope of this
Massive MIMO technology can theoretically improve the
spectral and energy efficiencies by orders of magnitude, but to
make it a commercially viable solution it is important that the
N antenna branches can be manufactured using low-cost and Lemma 2: Let u CN (0, ) and consider some determin-
low-power components. As exemplified in Section IV, such istic matrix M. It holds that
components are prone to hardware imperfections that distort
E |uH Mu|2 = |tr(M)|2 + tr(MMH ).
the communication and limit the achievable performance.
In this paper, we have analyzed the impact of such hardware Proof: This lemma follows from straightforward com-
imperfections at the BSs by studying an uplink communica- putation, by exploiting that uH Mu = uH 1/2 M1/2 u =
M1/2 ]i,j uj where u CN (0, I).
tion model with multiplicative phase-drifts, additive distortion i,j ui [
noise, noise amplifications, and inter-carrier interference. The
system model can be applied to both co-located and distributed A PPENDIX B: P ROOF OF T HEOREM 1
antenna arrays. We derived a new LMMSE channel estima-
tor/predictor and the corresponding achievable UE rates with We exploit the fact that hjlk (t) =
MRC. Based on these closed-form results, we prove that only E{hjlk (t) j } E{ j j } j is the general expression
the phase-drifts limit the achievable rates as N . This of an LMMSE estimator [33, Ch. 12]. Since the additive
showcases that massive MIMO systems are robust to hardware distortion and receiver noises are uncorrelated with hjlk (t)
imperfections, which is a property that has been conjectured and the UEs channels are independent, we have that
in prior works (but only proved for simple models with one
E{hjlk (t) Hj }
type of imperfection). This phenomenon can be attributed to
the fact that distortions are uncorrelated with the useful signals = E{Dj (t) hjlk hHjlk [DHj (1 ) xlk (1 ) . . . DHj (B ) xlk (B )]}
and, thus, add non-coherently during the receive processing. = jlk E{[Dj (t) DHj (1 ) xlk (1 ) . . . Dj (t) DHj (B ) xlk (B )]}
Particularly, we established a scaling law showing that the
variance of the distortion noise and receiver noise can increase = jlk [xlk (1 )e 2 |t1 | IN . . . xlk (B )e 2 |tB | IN ]
simultaneously as N . If the phase-drifts are independent = xHlk D(t) jlk (36)
between the antennas, we can also tolerate an increase of the 2 |t1 t2 |
phase-drift variance with N , but only logarithmically. If the since E{en,t1 en,t2 } = e and by exploiting the
phase-drifts are the same over the antennas (e.g., if a CLO fact that diagonal matrices commute. Furthermore, we have
is used), then the phase-drift variance cannot increase. The that
numerical results show that there are substantial performance E{ j Hj }
benefits of using separate oscillators at each antenna branch K
L X n
instead of a common oscillator. The difference in performance
= E [DHj (1 ) x`m (1 ) . . . DHj (B ) x`m (B )]H hj`m
might be smaller if the LMMSE estimator is replaced by a `=1 m=1
Kalman filter that exploits the exact distribution of the phase- o
drifts [16], [17]. Interestingly, the benefit of having SLOs hHj`m [DHj (1 ) x`m (1 ) . . . DHj (B ) x`m (B )]
remains also under idealized uplink conditions (e.g., perfect + E{[ Hj (1 ) . . . Hj (B )]H [ Hj (1 ) . . . Hj (B )]}
CSI, no interference, and high SNR [48]). In any case, the + E{[ Hj (1 ) . . . Hj (B )]H [ Hj (1 ) . . . Hj (B )]}
transmission protocol must be adapted to how fast the phase-
drifts deteriorate performance. The scaling law was derived X
= X`m j`m + 2 D|x`m |2 j`m + IBN .
for MRC but provides a sufficient condition for other judicious
`=1 m=1
receive filters, like the MMSE filter. We also exemplified what | {z }
the scaling law means for different circuits in the receiver ,j
(e.g., ADCs, LNAs, and LOs). This quantifies how fast the (37)
requirements on the number of quantization bits and the The LMMSE estimator in (9) now follows from (36) and (37).
noise amplification can be relaxed with N . It also shows The error covariance matrix in (15) is computed as jlk
that a circuit-aware design can make the total circuit power
E{hjlk (t) Hj } E{ j Hj } (E{hjlk (t) Hj })H [33, Ch. 12].
consumption of the N ADCs and LNAs increase as N ,
instead of N which it would conventionally be the case.
A natural extension to this paper would be to consider A PPENDIX C: P ROOF OF L EMMA 1
also the downlink with hardware imperfections at the BSs. Since the effective channels vary with t, we follow the
If maximum ratio transmission (MRT) is used for precoding, approach in [15] and compute one ergodic achievable rate
then more-or-less the same expectations as in the uplink for each t D. We obtain (19) by taking the average of
SINRs in (20) will show up in the downlink SINRs but at these rates. The SINR in (20) is obtained by treating the
different places [49]. Hence, we believe that similar closed- uncorrelated inter-user interference and distortion noise as
form rate expressions and scaling laws for the levels of independent Gaussian noise, which is a worst-case assumption
hardware imperfections can be derived. The analytic details when computing the mutual information [39]. In addition, we
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TWC.2015.2420095, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
follow an approach from [38] and only exploit the knowl- computed by expanding the expression as
edge of the average effective channel E{vjk (t)hjjk (t)} in n
the detection, while the deviation from the average effective E{|tr(jlm Mjklm (t))|2 } = E tr Bjklm (t)
channel is treated as worst-case Gaussian noise with variance 2 o
(t)hjjk (t)|2 } |E{vjk
(t)hjjk (t)}|2 . [DTj (1 ) xlm (1 ) . . . DTj (B ) xlm (B )]T DHj (t)
nX B
A PPENDIX D: P ROOF OF T HEOREM 2 =E [Bjklm (t)Eb1 ]n1 n1 xlm (b1 )e n1 ,b1 en1 ,t
n1 =1 b1 =1
The expressions in Theorem 2 are derived one at the time. N B o
n2 ,b
For brevity, we use the following notations in the derivations: [EHb2 BHjklm (t)]n2 n2 xlm (b2 )e 2 en2 ,t
n2 =1 b2 =1
Ajlk (t) = xHlk D(t) jlk 1
j (38) X
= [Bjklm (t)Eb1 ]n1 n1 [EHb2 BHjklm (t)]n2 n2
(1) (N )
D|hjlk |2 = diag |hjlk |2 , . . . , |hjlk |2 (39) n1 ,n2 ,b1 ,b2
n o
( + )
xlm (b1 )xlm (b2 )E e n1 ,b1 n1 ,t n2 ,b2 n2 ,t
Bjklm (t) = jlm Ajjk (t) (40)
Mjklm (t) = Dj (t) Ajjk (t)
[DTj (1 ) xlm (1 ) . . . DTj (B ) xlm (B )]T . (41) where Eb = eb IN and eb CB1 is the bth column of IB .
The phase-drift expectation depends on the use of a CLO or
We begin with (21) and exploit that vjk (t) = hjlk (t) is an SLOs:
LMMSE estimate to see that n
( + )
E e n1 ,b1 n1 ,t n2 ,b2 n2 ,t
E{kvjk (t)k2 } = tr(jjk Cjjk (t))
|b b |
(42) e 2 1 2 ,
if a CLO, (47)
= tr xHjk D(t) jjk 1
j D x
(t) jk jjk
| |
= e 2 b 1 b 2 , if SLOs and n1 = n2 ,
2 |tb1 | 2 |tb2 |
e e , if SLOs and n1 6= n2 .
which proves (21). Next, we exploit that hjjk (t) = Ajjk (t) j
and note that
Since xlm (b1 )xlm (b2 )e 2 |b1 b2 | = [Xlm ]b1 ,b2 =
E{vjk (t)hjjk (t)} = tr E{hjjk (t) Hj }AHjjk (t) eHb1 Xlm eb2 in the case of a CLO, (46) becomes
= tr xHjk D(t) jjk AHjjk (t)
[Bjklm (t)Eb1 ]n1 n1 [EHb2 BHjklm (t)]n2 n2 eHb1 Xlm eb2
= tr xHjk D(t) jjk 1
j D x
(t) jk jjk n1 ,n2 ,b1 ,b2
where the second equality follows from (36) and the third = eHn1 Bjklm (t)(Xlm en1 eHn2 )BHjklm (t)en2
equality follows from the full expression of Ajjk (t) in n1 ,n2
(38). Observe that the expression (43) is the same as for (48)
E{kvjk (t)k2 } in (42).
where en CN 1 is the nth column of of IN (recall also the
Next, the second-order moment in (23) can be expanded as
definitions of Eb and eb above).
E |vjk (t)hjlm (t)|2 Next, we note that e 2 |tb | xlm (b ) = [DH(t) xlm ]b . In the
= E{tr(AHjjk (t)hjlm (t)hHjlm (t)Ajjk (t) j Hj )} case of SLOs, (46) then becomes
= tr AHjjk (t)jlm Ajjk (t) j Xlm jlm [Bjklm (t)Eb1 ]n1 n1 [EHb2 BHjklm (t)]n2 n2
n1 ,n2 ,b1 ,b2
+ E tr(MHjklm (t)hjlm hHjlm Mjklm (t)hjlm hHjlm ) n1 6=n2
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10.1109/TWC.2015.2420095, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
The second expectation in (45) is computed along the same The expectation in the middle term of (52) is computed as
lines as in (37) and becomes
E{tr(MHjklm (t)D|hjlm |2 Mjklm (t)hjlm hHjlm )}
E |hHjlm MHjklm (t)en eHn hjlm |2
E{tr(jlm Mjklm (t)jlm MHjklm (t))} n
E |eHn jlm MHjklm (t)en |2
= tr jlm Ajjk (t)(Xlm jlm )AHjjk (t) . =
X (53)
+ E eHn jlm en eHn Mjklm (t)jlm MHjklm (t)en
It remains to compute the last term in (44). We exploit = tr jlm Ajjk (t)(Xlm jlm )AHjjk (t)
the following expansion of diagonal matrices: D|xlm |2 = X
PB 2
PN 2 + eHn jlm Ajjk (t)(Xlm en eHn )AHjjk (t)jlm en
b=1 |xlm (b )| eb eb and D|hjlm |2 = n=1 |en hjlm | en en ,
where eb is the bth column of IB and en is the nth column
of IN . Plugging this into the last term in (44) yields where the first equality follows from the same diagonal matrix
expansion as in (51), the second equality is due to Lemma 2
(and that diagonal matrices commute), and the third equality
X follows from computing the expectation with respect to phase-
|xlm (b )|2 E |hHjlm Ajjk (t)(eb en eHn )hjlm |2
drifts as in (37) and then reverting the matrix expansions
wherever possible.
xlm (b )|2 |tr(jlm Ajjk (t)(eb en eHn ))2
= Similarly, we have
X E{tr AHjjk (t)D|hjlm |2 Ajjk (t)(D|xlm |2 D|hjlm |2 ) }
+ |xlm (b )|2 tr jlm Ajjk (t)(eb en eHn ) X
|xlm (b )|2 E |hHjlm en1 eHn1 Ajjk (t)(eb en2 eHn2 )hjlm |2
b,n =
n1 ,n2 ,b
jlm (eHb en eHn )AHjjk (t)
X 2
= |xlm (b )|2 tr jlm en1 eHn1 Ajjk (t)(eb en2 eHn2 )
= eHn jlm Ajjk (t)(D|xlm |2 en eHn )AHjjk (t)jlm en
n1 ,n2 ,b
+ tr jlm Ajjk (t)(D|xlm |2 jlm )Ajjk (t) + tr jlm en1 eHn1 Ajjk (t)(eb eHb en2 eHn2 jlm )AHjjk (t)
(51) X
= eHn1 jlm Ajjk (t)(D|xlm |2 en1 eHn1 )AHjjk (t)jlm en1
where the first equality follows from Lemma 2 and the + tr jlm Ajjk (t)(D|xlm |2 jlm )AHjjk (t)
second equality from reverting the matrix expansions wherever (54)
possible. Plugging (45)(51) into (44) and utilizing Xlm + where the first equality follows from the same diagonal matrix
2 D|xlm |2 = Xlm , we obtain (23) by removing the special expansions as above, the second equality follows from Lemma
notation that was introduced in the beginning of this appendix. 2 (and that diagonal matrices commute), and the third equality
Finally, we compute the expectation in (24) by noting that from reverting the matrix expansions wherever possible.
By plugging (53) and (54) into (52) and utilizing Xlm +
2 D|xlm |2 = Xlm , we finally obtain (24).
E{|vjk (t) j (t)|2 } = E{tr(AHjjk (t)j (t)Ajjk (t) j Hj )}
= plm This corollary is obtained by dividing all the terms in
Intjklm + O( N ).
The first equality follows by taking the expectation with
respect to j (t) for fixed channel realizations. The second
equality follows by taking A PPENDIX F: P ROOF OF C OROLLARY 4
PK expectations with respect
to the terms of j = 2 l=1 m=1 plm D|hjlm |2 and j Hj The first step of the proof is to substitute the new pa-
that are independent. These give the first term in (52) while the rameters into the SINR expression in (20) and scale all
last two terms take care of the statistically dependent terms. terms by 1/N 1+z3 0 min |t | . Since the distortion noise
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TWC.2015.2420095, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
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Available online, Oct. 2014.
1536-1276 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TWC.2015.2420095, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
[42] C. Risi, D. Persson, and E. G. Larsson, Massive MIMO with 1-bit Michail Matthaiou (S05M08SM13) was born
ADC, Available online, in Thessaloniki, Greece in 1981. He obtained the
[43] I. Song, M. Koo, H. Jung, H.-S. Jhon, and H. Shinz, Optimization of Diploma degree (5 years) in Electrical and Com-
cascode configuration in CMOS low-noise amplifier, Micr. Opt. Techn. puter Engineering from the Aristotle University of
Lett., vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 646649, Mar. 2008. PLACE Thessaloniki, Greece in 2004. He then received the
[44] D. Petrovic, W. Rave, and G. Fettweis, Common phase error due PHOTO M.Sc. (with distinction) in Communication Systems
to phase noise in OFDM-estimation and suppression, in Proc. IEEE HERE and Signal Processing from the University of Bristol,
PIMRC, Sept. 2004, pp. 19011905. U.K. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of
[45] K.-G. Park, C.-Y. Jeong, J.-W. Park, J.-W. Lee, J.-G. Jo, and C. Yoo, Edinburgh, U.K. in 2005 and 2008, respectively.
Current reusing VCO and divide-by-two frequency divider for quadra- From September 2008 through May 2010, he was
ture LO generation, IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 18, no. with the Institute for Circuit Theory and Signal
6, pp. 413415, June 2008. Processing, Munich University of Technology (TUM), Germany working as a
[46] J. R. Wilkerson, Passive Intermodulation Distortion in Radio Frequency Postdoctoral Research Associate. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at Queens
Communication Systems, Ph.D. thesis, North Carolina State University, University Belfast, U.K. and also holds an adjunct Assistant Professor position
2010. at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. His research interests span
[47] Further advancements for E-UTRA physical layer aspects (Release 9), signal processing for wireless communications, massive MIMO, hardware-
3GPP TS 36.814, Mar. 2010. constrained communications, and performance analysis of fading channels.
[48] M. R. Khanzadi, G. Durisi, and T. Eriksson, Capacity of Dr. Matthaiou was the recipient of the 2011 IEEE ComSoc Best Young
multiple-antenna phase-noise channels with common/separate oscil- Researcher Award for the Europe, Middle East and Africa Region and a co-
lators, IEEE Trans. Commun., 2014, To appear, Available: recipient of the 2006 IEEE Communications Chapter Project Prize for the best M.Sc. dissertation in the area of communications. He was co-recipient of the
[49] E. Bjornson, M. Bengtsson, and B. Ottersten, Optimal multiuser Best Paper Award at the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communi-
transmit beamforming: A difficult problem with a simple solution cations (ICC) and was an Exemplary Reviewer for IEEE C OMMUNICATIONS
structure, IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 142148, L ETTERS for 2010. In 2014, he received the Research Fund for International
July 2014. Young Scientists from the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
He has been a member of Technical Program Committees for several IEEE
conferences such as ICC, GLOBECOM, VTC etc. He currently serves as
IEEE C OMMUNICATIONS L ETTERS and was the Lead Guest Editor of the
special issue on Large-scale multiple antenna wireless systems of the IEEE
member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society SPCOM and SAM technical
1536-1276 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.