Evaluation of Exhaust Performance of Cooling Towers in A Super High-Rise Building: A Case Study
Evaluation of Exhaust Performance of Cooling Towers in A Super High-Rise Building: A Case Study
Evaluation of Exhaust Performance of Cooling Towers in A Super High-Rise Building: A Case Study
DOI 10.1007/s12273-014-0201-8
Research Article
Zhi Zhuang1 (), Chun-Ming Hsieh2, Bin Wang3
1. Department of Architecture, Green Building and New Energy Research Center, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, 200092 Shanghai, China
2. Department of Urban Planning, Green Building and New Energy Research Center, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, 200092 Shanghai, China
3. College of Mechanical & Energy Engineering, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, 200092 Shanghai, China
Abstract Keywords
The exhaust performance of a cooling tower placed in the interior space of a building is crucial super high-rise building,
due to limited space and stochastic ambient wind conditions. Improper design of the cooling tower cooling tower,
could lead to a reduction in thermal efficiency and could also deteriorate the operational computational fluid dynamics (CFD),
performance of the chillers. In this paper, the exhaust performance of cooling towers in a super exhaust recirculation ratio
high-rise building considering both side exhaust and interlayer exhaust methods is investigated
using CFD simulations. The results show that the exhaust performance of cooling towers under
Article History
Received: 10 June 2014
interlayer exhaust is better than that under side exhaust. However, the exhaust recirculation
Revised: 13 September 2014
phenomenon of the cooling towers on the windward side caused by outdoor wind is still obvious
Accepted: 16 September 2014
because the outdoor wind speed is low. The total pressure differences between the inlet and
outlet of the tower units under interlay exhaust become larger with increases in wind speed in
Tsinghua University Press and
each district. The fan total head should be carefully determined to overcome the surplus pressure Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
drop caused by the wind. This study helps to guide other similar cases utilizing the interior space 2014
of buildings for the cooling towers.
Indoor/Outdoor Airflow
used for central air-conditioning in commercial buildings. overall tower performance. It has been found that a mere
It is essential to maintain and improve the efficiency of two-degree Fahrenheit increase in the entering wet-bulb and Air Quality
cooling towers in buildings for energy savings and normal temperature could result in a degradation of 12%16% in
operation of air-conditioning systems. tower capability, and for optimum cooling tower performance
Cooling towers are economic and effective devices for and enhanced safety, a 0.5 to 2 recirculation allowance
heat rejection using direct evaporative cooling technology, has been loaded on the design for the wet-bulb temperature
which extracts wasted heat from air-conditioning equipment (Bhatia 2001; Evapco Bulletin 1999; Wang 2010).
in buildings (Xuan et al. 2012). In common mechanical The exhaust recirculation that occurs in cooling towers is
draft cooling towers, fans at the outlets are used to draw air caused by many things, most of which are due to the limited
through the towers. The wet-bulb temperature of the entering space surrounding cooling towers or improper tower design.
air at the inlet of the cooling tower is one of the key factors For example, some cooling towers are installed in wells or
affecting cooling tower performance, which is influenced located adjacent to the walls of their serving buildings due
by the wind environment around the cooling tower. However, to limited space. This will cause unfavorable flow interaction
E-mail: zhgzhi@gmail.com
180 Zhuang et al. / Building Simulation / Vol. 8, No. 2
nearby the cooling towers, resulting in the recirculation of In a building using cooling towers for chillers, the best
the hot, moist exhaust air. In addition, in order to pursue place to locate any cooling tower is on the roof. However,
architectural esthetics, decorative enclosures are likely utilized in practice, there are many applications in which the cooling
to surround cooling towers. These can easily cause exhaust towers are placed on a roof with surrounding enclosures,
recirculation, especially when the enclosures are higher than and some studies on recirculation in cooling towers with
the cooling towers themselves. Furthermore, when a number surrounding enclosures have been reported to guide tower
of cooling towers are installed centrally, such as on the top design. For example, Kaiser et al. (2005), Al-Waked and
of a building, the exhaust from upstream cooling towers may Behnia (2007) and Lee et al. (2014) conducted numerical
be drawn into the inlets of downstream cooling towers, simulations of wind environments around the cooling towers
which can aggravate recirculation (Lee et al. 2014). in buildings and proposed technical measures to improve
During recent years, with the development of computer both the effective operation and the proper layout of these
technology, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been cooling towers. Ge et al. (2012) evaluated the amount of
widely applied as a method to guide engineering design due recirculation in a counter-flow cooling tower under con-
to its advantages of being quick, accurate and effective, ditions of different enclosure structures and crosswind
low-cost, etc. (Patankar 1980). It can be used to predict the conditions using a CFD simulation and investigated the
airflow distribution around buildings and air conditioning effects of recirculation in cooling towers on the energy
systems (Liu et al. 2013; Rahmatmand et al. 2014; Hsieh et al. performance of a chilling plant and plume potential.
2007, 2011). The CFD tool assists with cooling tower layout Currently, the presence of super high-rise buildings in
and air inlet positioning to improve the exhaust performance China is increasing rapidly due to the significant space
of the cooling tower. efficiency and financial benefits associated with these
There have been some numerical research works structures (Sev and zgen 2009). There were almost 1000
conducted to evaluate the effects of wind on the exhaust super high-rise buildings in China by the end of 2012. The
performance of cooling towers without surrounding
large amount of building area results in the need for
enclosures, such as in power plant applications. For example,
large-capacity HVAC units in these buildings. However,
Becker et al. (1989) adopted a numerical model to study the
the roof space for placing the cooling towers in super high-
plume recirculation in a cooling tower. It was found that
rise buildings is usually not adequate. The utilization of the
the intake velocity, discharge velocity, crosswind speed and
interior space of buildings for installing the cooling towers
wind direction, etc. had significant influences on the amount
has been attracting more and more attention. However, there
of recirculation. Gu et al. (2007) reported that the wind
are restrictions associated with limited space and stochastic
perpendicular to a towers major axis was significantly
outdoor wind, and because few studies have focused on the
correlated with the recirculation. In addition, field mea-
exhaust performance of a cooling tower placed in the interior
surements indicated that recirculation increased as the wind
space of a super high-rise building, the exhaust performance
speed increased until a maximum value of recirculation
of such cooling towers needs more investigation. It is
occurred, and then further increases in the wind speed
resulted in a decrease in the recirculation of the tower under necessary to simulate and evaluate the exhaust performance
consideration. Al-Waked and Behnia (2006) investigated of these cooling towers so as to provide guidelines for
numerical heat and mass transfer inside a natural draft wet optimizing the overall design plans for cooling towers. This
cooling tower under different operating and crosswind paper discusses the exhaust performance of a cooling tower
conditions. Meroneya (2006) proposed a protocol to predict placed in the interior space of a super high-rise building
plume rise and surface drift deposition from mechanical using a case study. The research objective of this paper is to
draft cooling towers and presented a specific urban cooling analyze recirculation phenomena caused by a cooling tower
tower situation with and without the urban buildings cluster installed in the interior space of a super high-rise
surrounding a cooling tower complex. Moon et al. (2008) building. The research findings also help to guide other
compared the averaged reentering rates of all the cooling similar cases.
towers on a building roof in Seoul, Korea according to two
wall types to study the effect of the intake outdoor air 2 Case descriptions
louver on the recirculation rates using a numerical method.
Williamson et al. (2008) presented a two-dimensional 2.1 Project overview
axisymmetric two-phase simulation of the heat and mass
transfer inside a natural draft wet cooling tower with This project is a newly built super high-rise green building
particular emphasis on determining the extent of non- located in Nanjing, China. With a building height of 370 m,
uniformities across the tower. it consists of three tower buildings (named towers A, B and