Build A Temple Lesson
Build A Temple Lesson
Build A Temple Lesson
Make 5 copies
Make 1 copy
Make 1 copy
Make 1 copy
Make 1
Make 1 copy
I can
to go to
when I
am young
The first 6 pages are the larger temple for a lesson. Copy, cut, and. Copy and cut
Pages 10 and 11 and paste on back of bricks, and windows. Laminate if possible.
Build temple from bottom up asking the questions on back of large bricks and windows
as you build the temple.
Page 8 and 9 are for a separate activity for younger children to build their own temple.
Copy off page 8 and 9, cut out windows, bricks and Angel Moroni from page 9
and paste on page 8.
Where can you Why do we Where is the How old can How can you
go to get sealed have temples? closet temple to you be to go to help your
to your family your home? the temple? parents to go to
for eternity? the temple?
What was the How do temples What must you How is a temple Can anyone go
first temple help other do to go to the paid for? into the
built? people? temple? temple?
Can anyone go Where can we Whose house is Where can we How do you feel
onto the temple get married if the temple? learn more when you talk
grounds? we live about Heavenly about temples?
righteously? Father’s plan?
What should you What should How should you What does it How should you
do when you earn you do on treat your mean to be treat your
money or receive Sundays? parents, brothers, honest? body?
money? and sisters?
How should you How should we What must you What things What should
feel about Jesus treat others? do to be worthy should you think you do to
and Heavenly to go to the about in order to prepare for the
go to the temple?
Father? temple? temple?
Can animals go What type of Do you sing in What book How do the
into the paper must you the temple? might you find temples look on
temple? have to get into in the temples? the inside?
the temple?
How do Can the Holy What color do If your parents What angel is
temples help Ghost be in the people wear in were married in on the top of
you? temple? the temple? the temple at the temples?
what age can you
What is the Were there Can How must we When someone
angle holding? temples in the missionaries on behave when is married in the
olden days? their mission go we go into the temple are you
to the temple? temple? able to see it?
Who works in the Can anyone Are the temples What kind of How many
temples? work in the open on Sunday? clothes should temples are
temple? you wear to the there?
How many How many What is the top What happens in Why is
temples are in temples have room of the the temple? genealogy so
California? you visited, temple? important?