Lesson Plan Template For Santana Reese

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McNeese State University

Department of Education Professions

Lesson Plan Template
Name Santana Reese Email Santanareese96@gmail.com Phone (337)764-5474
Primary Subject Area Environmental Science Grade Level 3rd Grade
Title of Lesson Food Chain Approximate duration

Overview of Lesson
Students will be able to interact in a way that shows their understanding of the concept.
Essential Question(s)
Essential Question 1) Ask students if they have ever seen a wild rabbit in your city. In a movie? In a book?
Essential Question 2) What do they think they eat? (plants)
Essential Question 3) Do the rabbits have to be afraid of anything? Predators?
Essential Question 4)Students may answer foxes, mountain lions, birds. If students dont suggest it, suggest the Hawk.

Prior Knowledge Expected of Students

Students should already know the basics of the food Chain, Like for example the cycle of a butterfly. The cycle of a butterfly should not be new to
them and will be easier to go into the Food Chain because it has the same concepts just dealings with animals that are eating each other.
Common Core Learning Standards
Instructional Information on the Louisiana Framework may be obtained by following these steps:
1. http://www.doe.state.la.us
2. Curriculum/Standards tab
3. Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) or Common Core State Standards (CCSS) depending on level of state implementation
Educational Technology Standards

Additional Standards

Interdisciplinary Connections
Methods and language applied from more than one academic discipline to examine a theme, issue, question, problem, topic, or experience.
Interdisciplinary methods work to create connections between traditionally discrete disciplines.

Student Outcomes
Students Should know What a Food Chain is after the lesson, and to be able to identify the food chain. Students will learn a brief background about
energy transfer between the sun, producers, primary consumers, and secondary consumers. of the students are primary consumers (plants) and
of the students are primary consumers (rabbits) and of the students are secondary consumers (hawks).
Lesson Procedures
Pre-Planned Seed
Time Step-by-Step Lesson Procedures with Embedded Coding
of Body of Lesson
Time: Modeling
20-40 Draw a pyramid on the board that has 3 sections.
Minute In the bottom, biggest part of the pyramid, write producers.
s In the middle level of the pyramid, write primary consumers.
In the top level of the pyramid, write secondary consumers.
Guided Practice
Ask students where they think the rabbit fits into this pyramid.
The rabbit is a primary consumer and an herbivore because it eats only plants.
Ask students where the food that rabbits eat should be.
Plants go on the bottom level because they are producers.
Ask students which animals belong in the top level.
Hawks and foxes are carnivores and belong there along with other animals that eat plant eaters.
Explain that the sun is also important because it gives energy to the producers (plants).
You may wish to explain that there are also tertiary consumers that eat both omnivores and carnivores,
like mountain lions that may eat the rabbits or foxes.

Independent Practice
Explain that they will now play a tag-like game in which they will play the roles of hawks, rabbits, plants
and 1 sun.
Assign about the class to be plants.
The keep their arms to their side and try to avoid being eaten (tagged) by the rabbits.
If eaten by a rabbit, converts to rabbit.
Assign about of the class to be rabbits.
They should put their hands to their heads like bunny ears and try to eat (tag) the plants and avoid
being eaten by the hawks.
If eaten by a hawk, converts to a hawk.
Assign about of the class to be hawks.
They run around waving their arms like wings and try to eat (tag) the rabbits and avoid being tagged
by the sun.
If tagged by the sun, converts to plant.
Assign 1 student to be the sun.
The sun can tag the hawks and convert them back into plants.
The sun does not have to have a hand motion, but all students should know who they are.
Explain that the sun is the most powerful of all. In this game, students will pretend that there is no water,
and without water, animals will die of dehydration. After a long process, dead, decomposed animals
eventually return to the soil and nourish plants. And the sun gives energy to these plants.As a review
As a review: Hawks wave their arms like wings and hunt the rabbits and avoid the sun.
When tagged by the sun, turns into a plant.
Rabbits make bunny ears on their heads, hunt the plants and avoid the hawks.
When tagged by a hawk, turns into a hawk.
Plants keep their hands to the side and avoid the rabbits and dont hunt anything.
When tagged by a rabbit, turns into a rabbit.
The sun can only tag the Hawk, converting them to a plant.
The sun has no predators.
When you return to the classroom, have students draw a pyramid on a small exit card (a piece of scrap
paper). Instruct students to label each section of the pyramid with examples of consumers (different types
of plants), primary consumers (animals that only eat plants) and secondary consumers (animals that eat
other animals).
Have students write their name on their exit card and exchange it with a partner. Tell the partner to read it
and make sure it is correct and when both partners agree that they both have accurate pyramids, they can
turn in each others cards. (Partner A will turn in Partner Bs card only when Partner A believes it is
100% correct and vice versa).

Teacher Materials Student Materials Technology Resources References

-a court with boundaries for
Teachers Environmental
the tag-game Ipads Our Environmental Textbook
-paper and pencil
Why are the outcomes of this lesson important in the real world? Because It gives them an overview of the Food chain works and how animals
What are these outcomes essential for future learning? To be able to understand the Food chain if asked beyond third Grade and be able to tell
someone else about it.
Exploration, Extensions, and Supplemental
Exploration: In order to add on to this lessonHave sheets printed for students to work on after lesson about the food chain.
Extension: For students who need extra supportHave worksheets printed and pages assigned to read at home that will help them understand the
food chain better and also find websites and videos to also help them
Supplemental: For early finishersAssign a homework assignment.
Assessment Criteria for Success
How will you check for student understanding? Test them with a Test on the food Chain
How will you and your students know if they have successfully met the outcomes? By the scores on their tests.
What specific criteria will be met in a successful product/process? To be able to identify the Food Chain.
What does success on this lessons outcomes look like? After this lesson plan, the outcomes look like the children should have a good understanding
on the food chain.

Accommodations and Access for All

Post-Lesson Reflection
The post-lesson reflection should address the following items as they are relevant to the particular lesson:
1. How well were the Overview and the Objectives met? What data do you have to support that claim?
2. Identify two elements of instruction that went well. Give direct teaching evidence to support your claim.
3. What would you do differently next time? Why?
4. How did your formative assessment technique help you to determine which students will need additional support?
5. Who did not get seen in the class? What do you need to pay attention to in order to support this student better?
6. What do you need to read about more in the professional literature to support your development as a teacher?
7. Address any other relevant needs, concerns, creative ideas, etc. at the conclusion of your reflection.
Works Cited

Food Chain Tag Lesson Plan. Teacher.org, www.teacher.org/lesson-plan/food-chain-tag.

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