Lasermap Asia: Your Lasermapping Team

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Your Lasermapping Team

LaserMap Asia
LaserMap Asia Sdn Bhd is the first based GPR Group of Companies, LaserMap Asia has
company in Asia to use the latest exclusive access to the worlds finest mapping technology
Optech LiDAR 2050 technology for and expertise.
computerised land mapping. This
technology has already captured
most of the global LiDAR (Light
The GPR Group
Detection & Ranging) market. The GPR Group of
Optech LiDAR 2050 is the Companies is a leading
latest and most advanced way of land surveying and
capturing terrain elevation data by plane or helicopter. mapping company.
Plotting three million points per minute, it can be used by Founded in the
day or night, and no site access is required. province of Quebec,
LaserMap Asia also offers Laser Intensity Mapping and Canada in 1980, it has
Orthophotography, as well as a comprehensive range of undertaken projects in Canada, the USA, Malaysia, Jamaica,
other geomatics services. Japan, Korea and Peru to name a few.
Based in Malaysia, LaserMap Asia has been granted GPR invests heavily in R&D and is a pioneer of LiDAR
Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) status in recognition of technology, which it has been using since 1996.With a team
its outstanding technological sophistication.The company is of 75 people, the Group is renowned for its professionalism
staffed by a team of highly qualified, specialised and as well as for the superlative quality of its products.
experienced knowledge workers. As part of the Canadian-

The LaserMap Edge Applications

Coastal erosion analysis
Tried and fully tested in a huge range of projects from Japan to
Flood risk mapping
Peru, our LiDAR technology has a clear edge over all other
Forestry applications
current technologies
Geo-reference location structures
High speed
GIS and high tech aerial surveys
High accuracy
Golf and resort planning
High spatial density
Hydropower projects
Low relative cost
Large-scale civil engineering projects
Landslide risk mapping
Control unit ALTM 2050 Defence applications
Movie animation production
Laser scanner
Open pit mining
Pipeline construction
Roadway corridor planning
Topographic surveys
Transmission lines
Orthoimage mosaicked and fused with terrain data.
LiDAR uses an infrared scanning laser mounted in an aircraft to measure the distances from the aircraft to the ground. Using
a Global Positioning System and an Inertial Measuring Unit, the system accurately plots positions, shapes and elevations.The
resulting terrain model can be used for a wide variety of applications such as engineering design, volumetric calculations,
tree heights etc.
Using LiDAR, mapping projects that would traditionally take years to complete, can be finished in months or even
weeks. In addition, LiDAR provides broader, area-based data instead of the usual narrow, corridor-based data.This gives a
bigger picture, and frequently a better solution and a lower cost.

Bun Dang City, Korea Sabah, Malaysia

The measured heights The measurements shown in
recorded by this Digital this DTM are accurate to
Terrain Model (DTM) of an within 30 cm.They allowed
urban area are accurate to civil engineers to redesign a
within 20 cm. Comparable road location to reduce the
land surveying measurements risk of landslides and improve
would take years to complete safety on a major road.
at much higher cost.

Laser Intensity Mapping laser range-finder, and position and orientation

measurement systems. Highly automated post-
L i DA R m a p p i n g
processing converts this
technology can also
data into a final digital
be used to deliver our
orthoimage in far less
latest product: Laser
time than is needed to
Intensity Maps, which
produce comparable
significantly enhance
image-maps using hard-
the quality of data
copy or digital photo-
grammetric techniques.

CCD Orthophotography
CCD Orthophotography captures content-rich image
data from an aircraft. The technology employed Both these images distinguish clearly between vegetation, water and
combines an integrated digital image camera, a scanning manmade structures such as buildings and roads.

Other Services LaserMap Asia Sdn Bhd

LaserMap Asia is backed by leading edge Suite 2-M, 2nd Floor
Canadian technology and expertise. 2330 Century Square
In addition to LiDAR, Laser Intensity Jalan Usahawan, 63000 Cyberjaya
Mapping and CCD Orthophotography, Selangor DE, Malaysia
LaserMap offers a complete range of T +603-8318 0052
F +603-8318 0049
geomatics services, from traditional land and
E (for Asia)
aerial surveys to GIS (Geographical (for Malaysia)
Information Systems) and remote sensing. W

MSC Status Company

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