Aly Designation: A SAQVA 540M — 04
fion for
Standard Speci
Alloy-Steel Bolting Materials for Spe
1.2 Several grades of steel are covered. The grade and class
be specified by the purchaser.
1.3 Supplementary requirements of an optional nature are
provided for use when special quality is desired. ‘Thes
supplementary requirements call for additional tests to be made
and when desired shall be so stated in the order, together
the acceptance limits required,
1.4 This specification is expressed in both inch-pound units
and in ST units. However, unless the order specifies the
applicable” M” specification designation (SI units), the mate-
hall be fumished to inch-pound units.
1.5 The values stated in either inch-pound units or ST units
are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the
SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each
system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system must
be used independently of the other. Combining values from the
[4S Tast Methods for Deters
of Steel
22. AIAG Standard:
AIAG B-5 02.00 Primary Metals Mentifcation Tag Appi:
‘atin Standard
23. ANSI StandardsS
B 1.1 Unified Screw Threads
B 182.1 Square and Hes Bolts and Serews Incl
the nclasion Content
Cap Screws and Lag Bolts
B 18.2.2 Square and Hex Nuts
B 18.3 Hexagon Socket and Spline Socket Screws
3. Ordering Information
3.1 Material supplied to this material specification
conform to Specification A 962/A 962M. These require
outline the testing and retesting methods and proce
permissible variations in dimensions, and mass, qualit
repair of defects, marking, et
3.2 In addition to the onderi
Specification A 962/A 962M, orders for materi
specification shall include the following, as required,
scribe the desired material adequately:
3.2.1 Condition (Section 4),
3.2.2 Heat treatment (Section 5),
3.2.3 Sunnlementary Reauiremenis (SI to $912, Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standands:*
‘ASAIN 9M Specfcaion for Common Requirements
“or Stel Fasteners o: Fasterer Materials, cr Bot, Intended
for Use a Any Temperature from Cryogenic to the Creep,
Si tind Wi et is stn anak
elton apron My L204 Pale Nay 304. Oeil
snonedin Des Lape ein ane 300 A SAA SIM =a
For ASME Dolce snd rear Yu Cale Aplin see Spt
325 End wie, and
526 Any special regutemnens,
3.3 The purchaver is refered to the tinted supplementary
requirements in this specication and w the deta roquire-
ments in Specification A 962/A 962M.
341 the requirements ofthis specification ate in oat,
‘sth the requirements of Speciation A 962/A 962M, the
requirements of this specification shall prevail.
4. Manafucture
4.1 The material shall be supplied hot-rlled oe hot-forze
‘or coldsinished at the eption of the producer. However. if
‘desired by the purchaser. cold finishing may be speciied.
Seat Treatment
5.1 Material which is ordered in the anaesled condition
stall have a structure suitable for machining. Suct aneuled
bolting material isnot intended to be used without subsequent
‘quenching and tempering as speciied in 5.
‘5.2 Material which is ordered in the liquid-quenched and
tempered condition shall be uniformly reheated fra a tem
perature below the ccoliag tansfounation range to the proper
formiy reheated for tempering. The mini
perature shall be 350°F [453°C
‘3.3 Material that has been stsightened after quenching and
tempering shall be sess celieved by reheating toa temperature
not lower than 1O0°F [55°C] under the tempering temperature.
6. Chemical Composition
6.1 The sel shall conform to the chemical requitements
prescribed in Table 1
7. Tensile Requirements
7 Merial tio shall be
cepale of mel ESC, TERRIER) % | fer the class
and 53 (see Supplementary Requirement $4).
ial nthe quenched and tempered ar quenched,
and stresc-relieved conlition shall conform to prop”
‘erties shown in Table 2 fee the specified cass,
‘8, Hardness Requirements
8.1. The hardness shall be determined on the surface ofthe
rmatesal after removal of decarburizaton,
‘8.2 The hardness of material in te annealed condition Sal
ft be greater than 235 1D.
8.3 The hardness of material in the quenched and tempered
‘or quenched, tempered and strescelioved condition all be
Within the Limis ia Table 2 forthe specified class
9 Impect Requirements
9.1 Annealed material afler proper hest ueatment shall be
‘capable of meeting the impact requirements 19 Table 2 oF oF
Supplementary Requizenent $8, i so spociied (see Supple
renury Requirement $4)
9.2 Material in the quenched and tempered or quenched.
tempered, and stress-relieved condition shall conform to the
impact requirements in Table 2, oF of Supplementary Require
ment $8 if so specie,
9.3 The percent of shear (uctliy or nous) fracture Sal
bbe computed. The computed value shall be recorded for all
‘94 The anmnuat of lateral exparsion shall be measured. The
measured value shall be eesonded for all impact specimens.
‘95 The percent shear and the ameunt of Tatra expansion
“hall be reported foe information pugpases (see 16.1).TABLE! Chemical Requrenenta#
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EE TABLE 2 Mechanical Property Requirements
"Nore |—The minimum asrage of 3 poximons shall ot be ess tha 35 fbf 67 J. One pce fom asst ofS may Be Hess an 35 eb 147
1 ee ess than 30 [4 I
Nore 2— The misnum averge of 3 spon sal ae De ss han 30 DE J JJ. One spin Hem St Of Sy Be ss han 30 DE
1 Tse han 5 be 3
[Nore 3—The minimum average of 3 spovimons shall ot bees thax 28 FUE [34 J) One species fram sot of 3 may be ls an 25 FBT 134
1 ee ess thn 30 [27 I.
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EB10, Dimensions and Tolerances
LO.1 Permissible Tolerances for Straighiness:
ERED! stl ote sa pve anon sighs
of Mi fa} 08 6
10.12 Querehed, tempered and stresselieved_ material
shall have a out-of straightness tolerance of in, [6 mm] in
any 3 1[32 main] or “4 X (aumber of feet of lengt/3) in.
102 Uniess oirerwise. specified, healed bolts stall be
semifinshed, hexagon in shape, sad in accordance with the