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WRU yest Cele) QT an SKILL ASSESSED D WHAT The McLeod Asessment of Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension _assesses reading comprehension by means of the “cloze” technique, in which students read a series of passages and supply words that Grade Level have been deleted from sentences within each passage. Supplying + Elementary Level, 2-5 the correct word requires comprehension of the sentences within + Upper Level, 6-8 the passage. While the passages are ordered in respect to difficulty, individual passages do not represent a specific grade level like coeeeness those that appear in the Fry Onal Reading Test. Interpretation is English based on the total number of correct words supplied for all pas- . sages administered. Two levels of the test assess reading compre- Grouping a hension in grades 2-5 and in grades 6-8 and above. Group/ndividua } WHY Comprehension is the ultimate goal of reading. This assessment requires students to accurately decode words, to apply their knowledge of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary, and to use Approximate Testing Time 19 Minutes Materials critical reading strategies that aid in the literal and inferential com- prehension of what is read. When administered to everyone in a nc + Elementary Level Test Booklet class, the McLeod Assessment of Reading Comprehension serves as a valuable screening tool for identifying students who may have (pp.115-119) & i eee ory reading difficulties and who may benefit from additional assess- (op. 121-125) ment that focuses on specific skills underlying reading. It is useful ‘ to test frequently in the elementary and middle school grades. From NewGAP by John McLeod HW Make booklets for students by copying either the eee elementary or upper level test pages that follow. For the youngest students, you may want to use only the first ewo to four passages of the elementary level. Distribute the booklets to the students. M2 do MCLEOD ASSESSMENT OF READING COMPREHENSIONsax: Do not open your booklets, There are some silent reading puzzles in these booklets. Some words are missing fiom sentences, and you have to write in the word that you think should go in each blank space. Lets do the fist sample together. ‘Work through the example paragraph aloud with the students. Read the first sentence, pausing for the blank, and have the students suggest an answer. Have them write the answer in the proper space. Repeat this process with the second sentence, Then have the stu- dents read the third sentence to themselves and fill in the answer, Check their work. sav: In the paragraphs inside the booklet, write the one word in each ‘blank that you think should go there. Just write one word in each blank space. Ifyou can’t think of a word, go on to the next one, When ‘you come to the end of the first page, go straight to the second without ‘waiting 10 be told, and continue until you come to the end. You have 15 minutes to complete the rest. If you do finish before the time is up, look over your work. Don't worry about the correct spelling —this is not a spelling test. Try t0 spell each word as best you can. After answering any questions, have students begin. After the time has expired or when students appear to have finished, ask. students to stop. ‘This is not a strictly timed test. Students should be given a reason- able amount of time to complete the test. You may want to adjust the time limit if you are giving students fewer passages to complete. > WHAT IT MEANS Usethe scoring key that fol- lows each form to correct the students’ work, Place the total num- ber of words correctly scored in the box after each passage. Then determine the total score and enter it on page 1 of the test booklet. Refer to the scoring criteria on the following page to determine approximate reading grade level. For those students whose reading MCLEOD ASSESSMENT OF READING COMPRERENSION a 113yoo CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook, Section Vil: Compreher 114 Zo ASSESSING READING comprehension is below their current grade level, additional assessments should be administered that evaluate specific reading comprehension skills. Scoring Criteria Elementary Level Be Peter een 1-4 Grade 1 and below Grade 2, Early Grade 2, Late Grade 3, Early Grade 3, Late Grade 4, Late Grade 5, Early Grade 5, Late Grade 6, Early Grade 6, Late Grade 7 and above Scoring Criteria Upper Level Ce focus 1-40 ‘Administer Elementary Level 41-55 Grade 7 and above > WHAT'S NEXT? Students who score below grade level will benefit from an assessment provided by the Fry Oral Reading Test, the San Diego Quick Assessment of Reading Ability, and the Critchlow Verbal Language Scale to determine if fluency, word recognition, or vocabulary deficits are the underlying causes of poor comprehension,McLeod Assessment of Reading Comprehension, aac lA me (| Name Grade. Date DO NOT TURN OVER THE PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD. PAT HAS A COLD. ag dic ee ene eee eee eee OEE feel very welll Dad gave her _ hot milk. She drank the milk and went to rest her bed. TOTAL SCORE MeLeod Assesment of Reading Comprtenion, Hementay Le ys usA HUNGRY CAT Kitty jumped up and sat on the table, She watched the fish swim round _____ round in the glass bowl. She tried push the bow! with paw, but could nor cip eee eet over O A TRIP TO THE HOSPITAL Mike woke up in the middle of the night called out for his mother and father. He_______ them that hewas_______ feeling well and that was a sharp pain _________his side. Wrapping him a blanket, Mike’ parents rushed to the hospital, A______________ examined him and informed his ____ thar an operation was necessary. GO TO THE NEXT PAGE. ee McLeod Asesment of Reding Compichension, Elementary Level, Page 2 mal Copyighe ©1999 by CORE. Pemision gama co reproduce fr dasroom useSCOTTIE RAISES THE ALARM. Something seemed to be wrong with Scottie, the family dog, when she woke up suddenly late one winter evening. air was filled with smoke, and flames coming from the stove in the corner the kitchen. She ran upstairs to where the family was sleeping and began bark loudly. Suddenly, the lights were switched in each bedroom and Scottie watched waited until the family gone downstairs. Then she followed them of the house and into cool night air. O A MODERN PIRATE Carol had just finished reading a book about the pirates who used sail the seven seas. She closed eyes and soon she was asleep and dreaming she was a pirate. She was not like the pirate in the book but one who flew spaceship and attacked other spaceships. Instead gold, silver and diamonds, her booty included precious fuels expensive computers. GO TO THE NEXT PAGE. MeLeod Assesment of Reading Compucenson,Hemeney Lave, Page 3 (Copyrghe 81999 by CORE. Permision granted vo eprodu: fox clasroom we. "7JOSHUA Each day Joshua woke at six in the morning. For most boys of his age, _ _10 school was only a dream. Joshua himself had to 7 to provide money for the members ___ his family. Each day he had an hour's walk __ the capital city where would pick up a box containing plastic jewelry. For next ten hours he walk the streets, stopping tourists and begging them to buy some of the jewelry. The only _ he rested was during the hottest part of the = , when he was able to drink tepid water and to the orange that he had picked up at the market. At the of the day he would receive the few coins that made up his pay, walk __ ; eat a small supper, and then asleep. He was always tired to enjoy the normal life of a young boy. GO TO THE NEXT PAGE. Melod Asseumen of Reading Comptchenson, Elementary Leal, Page 4 Copyright ©1999 by CORE. Permission granted ro reproduc fo astoom weIN THE VALLEY OF THE UNKNOWN PLANET Listen. Can you hear that whistling noise? Ir seems c be from that mountain. Kris and Michael volunteered to ______ out and investigate. They put on their suits and grabbed their laser pistols. They the safety of their underground headquarters and began cross the empty terrain that lay before . Without encountering any problems they reached mountain. Their bulky space suits climbing difficult but after a few hours _____ reached the summit of the : Before them stood a huge monument that been constracted by previous settlers. The whistling started and now the two spacemen the cause. STOP. LOOK OVER YOUR WORK UNTIL TIME IS UP. MeLeod Avsesanen of Reaing Compucherson, Ekmentary Level, Page S CONE, Permision grant to erode For claro weTL ee UC Correct responses for each passage ae listed below, Mark errors in the test booklet. De not count misspellings as an error Count the number of correct responses and record this number In the space provided on the fst page ofthe test Booklet, PAT HAS A COLD SCOTTIE RAISES JOSHUA (continued) . THE ALARM a == ni, not ———— would some The; the — in, on were day of some bn cat ees CE Ii eae = (0r1 end and and home to had fall her our too - the a IN THE VALLEY OF THE ATRIP TO THE HOSPITAL ‘A MODERN PIRATE UNKNOWN PLANET and to coming told her go neat that space there a left in of to in and them him the eer —__—____ made JOSHUA oe NM they going mountain work had of again to knew he the Melaod Auesenent of Reading Comprehension, ae Copyright ©1999 by CORE. Permian grant produce er isoom weURE Ce Reading Comprehension, Upper Level Name Grade Date DO NOT TURN OVER THE PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD. PAT HAS A COLD. Pat did ery well. Dad gave her hot milk. She drank the milk and went to rest. —__ — her bed. TOTAL SCORE an Scone | watMRS. HILL AND HER GARDEN Everyone on West Street knows Mrs. Hill. is the little old lady who lives the little white house. All summer long is out working in her garden. This is what she likes to do best alll. “Hello, Mrs. Hill,” her friends say ____ they go by. “May we help you?” Mrs. always says with a smile, “No, you.” And she goes on working with ______ many plants and flowers. One day last month, Mrs. Hill looked around garden, She looked ____at the sky. “Ieis to take my house plants in,” she - “Tewill stare to get cold soon.” _ by one, Mrs. Hill took her plants the house. a GO TO THE NEXT PAGE. Coprghe 6199 by CORE. Peminon gram o ep fr boom[MeLaod Asexsmens of Reading Comp ‘THE ENEMY In a corner of Mrs. Smith's living _____ hangs a golden cage. The cage is home of Goldie, the parrot. Mrs. Smith also ______a very haughty cat who, come what may, be the master of the For several days now the cat has noticed ___ Mrs. Smith has been paying more ______to Goldie. She never stops saying: “What darling he ist How sweet he is! well he talks!” The cat is fed _____. He notices that it is easy for mistress to open the cage to feed bird. So he takes advantage of her absence and, by —___ the cage door with ____paw, lets the bird escape. O GO TO THE NEXT PAGE. esion, Upper Level: Page 3 Copyrghe ©1999 by CORE. Permison granted ro epodvce for castoom se124 THE CLEVER CROW ‘A thiesty crow found a water jug, Since there only a little water in , she could not reach it with her . She hopped back a few steps and flew against the jug. The jug did move ftom its place. The crow saw it was too heavy. But now she brought little stones _ the field and into the jug, so that the soon rose higher. At last she could dip beak into the water and quench her r GO TO THE NEXT PAGE. McLeod Atseusment of Reading Comprehension, Upper Level, Page 4 Copyright ©1999 by CORE. Pemision gramed vo reproduce fo clisoom seONCE UPON A TIME Once upon a time there was a prisoner whom nobody ever to see, and to whom no friend ever came to say kkind word in his dark He led a dreary, wretched life, but one alittle mouse came out ofa in the corner. As it was timid, it disappeared as soon as the moved, but soon it came back. threw it a crumb from his scanty meal. From then on the little mouse back to see him every day. Ie to come and snuggle up against his neck or play on hands. To cut a long story » they became real friends, and his dark never seemed as lonesome the prisoner when the little mouse there. STOP. LOOK OVER YOUR WORK UNTIL TIME IS UP. ‘MeLzod Assent of Reading Comprehension, Upper Level, Page 5 ‘Cepyighe ©1999 by CORE. Permision granted to reproduce or clastoom ws. . usScoring Key — Upper Level Correct responses foreach passage ae listed below. Mark eros in the test bodilet. Do not count misspellings 2s an ercor. CCount the number of correct responses and record this number in the space provided on the frst page ofthe test booklet. PAT HAS A COLD THE ENEMY THE CLEVER CROW n't, not room ae some the from in, on has them will water —__ house her MRS. HILL AND that thirst HERGARDEN attention She a —— _ : ONCE UPON A TIME in How — she up came work his/the a of the cell as opening day Hill his hole thank very her prisoner at THE CLEVER CROW He up was came time it used said beak his One then short into not cell that e was MeLeod Atsament of Reading Compihenson 999 by CORE, Permisinn granu wo epraduce for castoom se 126
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