The Chameleon Enthusiast by Noelle Senchyna
The Chameleon Enthusiast by Noelle Senchyna
The Chameleon Enthusiast by Noelle Senchyna
Noelle Senchyna
Owners Manual
Phone: (905) 331-9309 Email:
This care package has been complied in memory of Dietriche, my first, and dare
I admit, favorite veiled chameleon, who passed away on March 4, 2000.
Over the past few years, I have acquired many other endearing reptiles including three
more veiled chameleons, an ambanja panther chameleon, a rainbow panther
chameleon, a leopard gecko, a royal python, and a green iguana not to mention a
few fur bearing pets. I have also become affiliated with Reptile Rescue, an
organization that rescues unwanted reptiles and places them in foster homes until they
can be adopted permanently by a loving and responsible home. We are also committed
to educating the public about reptiles and dispelling the many myths and stereotypes
that surround them.
It was not until April 2000 that I decided to found my own organization dedicated
primarily to chameleons. Hence, the Chameleon Enthusiast was born!
The purpose of this manual is to prepare the potential chameleon owner for the
undertaking of such a commitment. I aspire to assist other people by answering their
questions, and providing them with the information and resources that I have compiled
over the years through research, observation, and talking to veterinarians and breeders.
You will not find information regarding the natural history or descriptions of varying
species in this package. There are many wonderful books that already provide that. My
goal is to provide the chameleon owner with the necessary resources, support and
fundamental requirements necessary for your chameleon to flourish.
Remember chameleons may look cute and cool, but they are not novelties to be
taken lightly. It takes a lot of effort on your part to keep a chameleon healthy. These
remarkable creatures demand 24 hour care, so if you like going away for the weekend,
or plan to go away to University soon think again, another pet may be a better match
for your lifestyle.
What Goes Into Making a Healthy Chameleon? 4 What To Feed Your Chameleon 29
Things To Consider Before Acquiring a Chameleon 5 Bringing Your Feeder Insects Home 31
Showers 28
What Goes Into Making a
Healthy Chameleon?
! Enclosure of the proper size and orientation. Vertical height for arboreals (tree-
dwelling) as well as width and depth to enable proper thermoregulation.
! Sufficient humidity
! Water offered in a manner that can be utilized by the reptile
! Suitable & safe substrate (depth & type)
! Furnishings (logs, sticks, foliage)
! Proper heating & thermal gradients
! Proper lighting (day/night cycles , UVA/UVB light)
! Healthy food, of the size appropriate for the individual
! Proper cleaning and disinfecting of enclosure, substrate & furnishings
! Regular monitoring of enclosure & equipment to ensure proper maintenance
! Regular monitoring of reptiles to detect early signs of stress or ill health.
! Access as needed to an experienced reptile veterinarian for initial examination of
new reptiles & exams & treatment as needed as problems arise.
1997 Melissa Kaplan from Reptiles: A teachers Guide to their care and keeping in the classroom
In my opinion, chameleons should not be left unattended. However, some people feel
comfortable leaving their chameleons for the weekend if they put the necessary lighting
on timers and implement an automated watering system. I would recommend you
either have someone you trust visit your chameleon every day to monitor the lighting
and administer water. Remember heating, lighting and water are crucial to your
chameleons survival!
Dont forget The Chameleon Enthusiast will care for your chameleon!
! Are you planning on going to University or moving? You must always think ahead
before you commit to any pet.
! Are you prepared for vet bills? Are you willing to travel quite a distance to the
nearest clinic that specializes in exotic pets? Do you know a veterinarian who treats
! Can you afford to pay approximately $10.00 a week (for one chameleon) for food
! Are you prepared to clean your bugs habitat out twice a week? If not, the food you
give them will become moldy and will make your chameleon sick, not to mention
become smelly and unsanitary.
! Are you willing to provide your feeder insects with the proper nutrients? It can be
quite time consuming and difficult finding certain ingredients.
! Can you afford light fixtures that cost over $90, basking bulbs that cost at least $14
each or the very necessary UVA/UVB light bulbs that cost $45 each? (It is also
important to note that UVA/UVB light bulbs should be replaced every 6 months and
not just when they burn out)
! Can you afford an outdoor structure for your chameleon, so it can enjoy the summer
months outside (only when supervised, of course)? This is not necessary, but it is a
nice perk for your pet! A small, secure birdcage work great!
! Can you afford other expenses like, calcium and multivitamin supplements?
! Are you willing to clean/sterilize you chameleons enclosure at least one a week? If
not, bacteria and infections can and will occur.
! Are you ready to take on the responsibility to create a stimulating, safe environment
for your chameleon?
! Will you take the time to sterilize the aquarium, sticks, and only use pesticide free
! Do you have other pets? If so, they must never come in contact with your
chameleon while unsupervised. The stress produced by the presence of another
animal can shorten your chameleons life significantly. Cats are particularly attracted
to crickets that may be moving around the bottom of your chameleons enclosure.
! Does anyone in you household smoke? Your chameleon should never be exposed
directly to any foreign fumes like; air freshened, smoke, perfume, paint, etc.
! Are you looking for an interactive pet? Chameleons cannot be roughhoused, and
are not suitable for children or anyone else who cannot respect their delicate nature.
You can handle your chameleon and should if you want to tame it, however,
remember that it requires 12 hours of light within its enclosure, so that leaves only a
small portion of the day left to interact.
Remember you not only have the RIGHT, but you have an OBLIGATION to ask where
your new chameleon came from! Dont support pet stores that do not take care of their
animals or do not deal with reputable sources. Keep in mind that few stores use only one
source and they usually combine good and bad methods of acquisition.
Common Sources:
! Professional breeder
In my opinion, this is the optimal source to acquire your chameleon. Professional
breeders can be found at reptile shows, contacted directly, as well as supply large
pet store chains. Connie, who owns Arboreal Exotics in Waterdown is an example
of an excellent breeder who I have had the pleasure of meeting, who supplies many
chameleons to large stores, as well as selling privately and exporting Internationally.
If you are interested in purchasing a chameleon from Connie please call her at (905)
! Adoption
Adopt from an organization that works with people who no longer want their reptiles.
Many reptiles are dropped off at local pet stores, by owners who are tired of them,
hoping to make some money off them, or who want to trade them in for something
more novel, or because they have no where else to drop it off! Although some of
these reptiles may be healthy, usually they have been neglected, hence they are no
longer wanted and find their way back to the pet stores. You will also be unaware of
any health complications or behavioral traits. I see countless chameleon with severe
MBD (calcium deficiency) dropped off at pet stores, where the managers try to resell
them for $150 and up! If that was not irresponsible enough (selling a sick animal)
some actually take them home to breed them. I would recommend offering to adopt
an animal in this state, but would not offer to purchase it. It will simply add
momentum to a market that supports this kind of behavior. For more information
about adoption please contact Reptile Rescue or the Chameleon Enthusiast.
People often breed their own pet chameleons for fun or to try to make a few fast
bucks off them or it happens by accident!. Generally speaking, they have no idea of
how to care for chameleons and are not conscientious of bloodlines. Most pet
stores will readily offer to purchase reptiles from ANYONE, which is a practice which
perpetuates breeding chameleon for sport and quick cash.
! Wild caught
Most wild caught chameleons are illegal. Professional breeders sometimes have to
use them to freshen up their blood lines, however, we are now cultivating a large
enough supply of captive bred chameleons to prevent this practice (except with the
more exotic species). Imagine the stress a chameleon would go through being
captured and transported out of its natural environment. Only a professional should
even deal with a wild caught chameleon, as they must be treated for parasites and
various diseases.
! Good size (relative to the others hatchlings). When comparing, ensure they are from the
same clutch or you could be comparing hatchlings of different ages!
! Eyes must be open at all times. Chameleons NEVER nap during the day. It is normal
to see a chameleon resting/lounging on a branch, but it should still appear alert. Closed
eyes except during the night time hours is always a bad sign. Chameleons react to light,
so if you shut all your light off during the day to make it dark, they may assume its
nighttime and go to sleep.
! Smooth, even skin. Hatchlings shed often as they are growing very quickly, so it is
normal to see a chameleon with dull or wrinkly skin (old skin forming on top) or with dead
skin sloughing off. Just ensure there are no signs of an incomplete shed cycle. This
may be symptomatic of their environment (humidity level), but it could also be linked to
the metabolic cycle.
! Casque (point on head) should be straight. This is more of an esthetic concern then
anything else. The casque for a veiled chameleon is an ornament used to attract
members of the opposite sex and may not have any other significant purpose, although
there is always speculation.
! You may not have the opportunity to see your chameleon eat that moment, but
hatchlings do eat every day and are usually very interested in food all the time.
! Chameleon should be well hydrated (puffy cheeks, round raised eyes and taunt skin).
! Wrinkly skin or lateral folds along the sides of the body, signifying dehydration.
! Cuts or abrasions.
! Any bumps.
! A chameleon that appears to be breathing with its mouth open. This is a sign of an
upper respiratory infection! Do not however, mistake it for other possible behavior such
as mouth gaping which is exhibited when a chameleon loosens its jaw and opens its
mouth in order to cool down. This is a form of ventilation that occurs when the
environment is too hot. The chameleon may also be in a defensive posture and about to
! Toes that are not divided properly or that are missing nails (sign of inbreeding).
! A chameleon that appears to be sleeping during the day (stationary, closed eyes).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Never purchase a chameleon that is lying down with its eyes
closed during the day or appears to be breathing through its
If purchasing a hatchling, only accessorize a portion of the aquarium so the little guy
does not feel overwhelmed by vast space, OR purchase a small container to place
inside the aquarium temporarily. Ensure its large enough so the chameleon can
move around to thermoregulate (cool down/warm up).
# A large bowl to keep insects in so hatchling can easily find food source.
Ensure the bowl is deep enough so the bugs cannot get out. The bowl should be
wide and relatively shallow. Make sure it has a slippery finish, or the bugs can grip
the walls of the bowl and climb out! It also helps if you use a transparent bowl so the
bugs can be seen from angles.
Remember crickets can irritate and even harm your chameleon! When dealing
with a hatchling especially, you must provide a constant and plentiful food sources
and make it so they are easy to find. If the bugs are allowed to run freely and are
not offered their own food sources, they can start to nibble on the soft flesh of your
chameleon! NEVER place your chameleon in a small container with many crickets!
The chameleon and the crickets should be separated!
To make it easier for your hatchling to get to the food source you have provided,
keep the bowl in one spot and extend a vine or stick beside the bowl so your
chameleon can climb down and make a selection! Make certain the vine or branch
does not lead directly into the bowl or the crickets can climb out!
If a few stray bugs escape, dont panic. As the chameleon matures, he may in fact
refuse to eat from a bowl, and prefer to hunt. Be observant! If your chameleon
stops eating, you may want to try different ways of offering food, not just changing
the variety.
Keeping your feeder insects in a bowl is also advantageous because, if they are not
eaten, you can remove the bowl and continue to gut-load the bugs. It also makes
misting enclosures much easier, as you can remove the bugs before you mist,
therefore you will not rinse off the vitamins and minerals you dusted them with first!
For hatchlings, it is sometimes difficult to find small enough branches, but a trip to a
local craft store can solve this easily! There you can find grapevine wreaths and
accessories which can be torn apart to furnish small twigs. Place the branches or
twigs inside the enclosure crisscrossing each other to form little chameleon
highways! Always make sure the grapevine or other accessories you purchase are
not painted or varnished and are free from nails and splinters.
You can select your own sticks, as long as you ensure there are no sharp areas and
you sterilize them! (bake at 350 in your oven!)
I recommend artificial foliage, as real plants are very difficult to keep hygienic. Water
tends to become stagnant, crickets kick up the soil, and peralite (white balls in soil)
are toxic to chameleons and unfortunately they are very fond of eating them!
Artificial foliage is also more versatile! You can glue them to the walls of the
aquarium to produce a canopy effect. Remember your chameleon is arboreal;
he dwells in the treetops and needs privacy to feel safe and secure!
# An appropriate substrate.
I recommend Astroturf, calcium sand or nothing. Anything else has the potential to
cause impaction (blockage of the intestines if ingested). Stay away from wood chips
or small stones, even if they advertise they are for chameleons!
Never use newspaper! The humidity will cause the paper to curl offering the perfect
place for feeder insects to hide instead of being available for your chameleon to
# Feeder insects.
Ensure you have the appropriate size and quantity of crickets that is suitable for the
age of your chameleon. Hatchlings are unable (or do not feel comfortable) eating
large crickets or mealworms.
You will need to place you insects in a well-ventilated container and provide food
and water constantly. Place empty egg crates in the enclosure to allow bugs to
climb and hide from one another (they are cannibalistic)!
# A Watering system.
For hatchlings/juveniles, I recommend heavy misting and offering them water with
an eyedropper. Other methods used for adults (ie. ponds) could be hazardous to
small, uncoordinated babies who could fall in.
You will require a UVA/UVB light bulb (I recommend a 5.0 Repti Sun, by Zoo Med)
and fixture. A basking bulb (wattage depends on size of aquarium, should be
between 60-100) and fixture is also required. The UVA/UVB fixture should be as big
as possible and cover the majority of your aquarium.
# Appropriate supplementation.
# A humidity/temperature gauge.
# Spray bottle.
Your Chameleons Enclosure
Always use common sense. Remember the goal is to provide as close to a natural
environment as possible.
1. Introduce your hatchling to an adult sized aquarium immediately. When you accessorize
the enclosure, only accessorize a portion of the aquarium so your hatchling will be
contained to a smaller region inside the larger space.
For your hatchling to find food easily, purchase a small (approximately 8 Inch diameter
top) terra-cotta planter without the bottom pan. Place all food items in the pot, with one
or two vines or sticks leading down beside it, making it very accessible. Terra-cotta pots
are cheap, natural in appearance and are heavier than plastic containers that can tip
over easily if your chameleon grabs onto it! If they dont respond to this method try using
a transparent container, which makes the prey more visible.
Placing food items in a separate container prevents the insects from hiding under foliage
and ground cover. It also allows you to remove them before misting the enclosure
(therefore preventing the mineral supplementation you have dusted them with from
washing off). It also enables you to remove any insects that are uneaten so you can put
them back to gut-load them, making sure they are well hydrated & nutritious when your
hatchling eats them! (Tip: do not keep this container directly under the basking lamp It
will kill the bugs very quickly) If your chameleon has a favorite branch, you may want to
place the container underneath the branch so it can easily see the food items. If your
chameleon does not respond to this feeding method, you may want to try using a
transparent container to keep the bugs in so it can see them from any angle and not just
when looking down!
2. You can also purchasing a critter container (small plastic container with a
ventilated lid) for the hatchling and place it inside the aquarium (without the lid). This
method has both pros and cons.
$ It is much easier for your chameleon to find food when its confined.
$ Since your chameleon is already in a confined area, the bugs can be placed
in loosely. This is definitely the method to use if you chameleon is having
difficulty finding the bugs in a container. It is very important that the insects
will not bother your chameleon. To ensure this, place branches high off the
ground so that your chameleon can escape them and only put a few in at one
$ Your hatchling will grow at an astonishing rate and will not like being confined
to a small region for long! This will cause extreme stress it is forced to.
$ Your chameleon may overheat, as it does not have a large enough region to
move to in order to cool down.
I recommend using the first method with chameleons of all ages due the noted
advantages. However, many chameleons enjoy hunting free roaming bugs. Observe
your pet and determine which method it prefers.
General Tips
! Beware of placing your enclosure near a window or near an indoor real or artificial tree.
You may think your chameleon will enjoy looking outside, but it actually causes stress.
At least 3 sides of your enclosure should be opaque, so your chameleon has privacy. If
your chameleon can see a tree near its enclosure, it may try to get out to climb it and
become extremely stressed. I house mine near windows, but ensure the blinds are
down when its hot out. I like to give them stimulating things to look at, without causing
stress. You will have to observe how your chameleon reacts to various stimuli.
! Leaving your chameleon near a window can be deadly! The sun will produce enough
heat to cause a greenhouse effect especially if your chameleon is being housed in an
all glass aquarium that has no circulation.
! Your enclosure should be on a stand (or desk, table etc.) so it is off the ground.
Chameleons dwell in the treetops and like height. Ensure you purchase an appropriate
stand for stability. Never place your enclosure too high, as it will make it difficult for you
to access.
! Your chameleon may be able to see his reflection in the glass of the aquarium. As they
are VERY territorial they can get very angry if they think there is another chameleon near
by. To combat this reflection, you can purchase aquarium wallpaper (sold by the foot in
the fish section!).
! If you have other pets, beware, especially regarding cats. Cats love to watch the bugs in
the enclosure and tend to jump on top of the enclosure (especially if its situated near a
window, that way, they get a better look to by sitting on top!). If you have a cat, keep the
door closed at all times to whatever room your chameleon is in. I would also
recommend purchasing a metal top, so it could sustain a cat jumping up by accident!
They are also much more durable and cost the same.
! If you do not use substrate, you may want to place colored paper underneath the bottom
of the aquarium, so your chameleon cannot see through the bottom. Mine became
stressed when I stopped using substrate (they kept looking down at the glass floor trying
to get out!).
! Never attempt to lift your chameleon up by grabbing its body and pulling him/her off a
branch. Instead, let your chameleon come to you or slip your fingers (one at a time)
under his/her feet. Pulling can easily break an ankle or wrist!
REMEMBER: Your chameleon and its reaction to its environment is dynamic. It may notice or react
to something immediately or a year later, so be observant and do not assume a
particular variable is not a fault for a sudden reaction just because he has never
reacted to it before!
UVA/UVB light and fixture:
! The BEST brand of bulb to purchase is: REPTISUN by ZOOMED, costing approximately
$45 each (should be replaced every 6 months, not when they burn out). There are many
cheaper brands that do not produce a full UVA/UVB spectrum, therefore inhibit calcium
and other vitamin absorption and metabolic functions. Chameleons require 12 hours of
this light per day. They need this light in order to produce Vitamin D3, which enables
them to absorb calcium properly from their gut. You want this light to be as close to the
chameleon as possible and do not want anything preventing the light from hitting your
chameleon (i.e. leaves, other accessories). Make sure any wires found in artificial
foliage or flowers are not protruding. Place a favorite branch directly under the
UVA/UVB light and not too much else around it, so your chameleon has no choice but to
sit under it! This light fixture should be placed directly on the enclosure, at a diagonal
angle. Water contact caused by misting will not harm it, but should be avoided.
! Get the longest fixture your enclosure will accommodate. This will ensure your
chameleon receiving the necessary benefits. PLUS, the UVA/UVB bulb itself is the
same cost for any size, so you might as well get the largest one you can!
! The best brand of bulb to purchase is a 50-100 watt BASKING BULB by ZOOMED. In
the summer you may want to decrease the wattage, depending on the ambient
temperature in your chameleons room. A higher wattage bulb is dangerous, even for
large enclosures. You want to create a basking zone for your chameleon, not warm
the entire area. There should be a temperature gradient of about 65-85. This light must
be at least one foot away from your chameleon. Ensure there are no vines or anything
else around the basking area that could allow your pet to climb up higher and possibly
get burned. Chameleons will try to get as close to the heat as possible and do not seem
to recognize the danger or discomfort of a burn! A basking bulb is shaped like a
mushroom and has a silver, frosted rim. This type of bulb creates a specific ray of light,
allowing one small zone to be heated. Stay away from other bulbs on the market that
are clear blue in color and resemble a light bulb because they create dispersed heat that
can overheat your pets enclosure.
! There are other cheaper bulbs on the market. Dont be fooled by the price. They do not
last more then a few weeks and do not produce a concentrated basking zone for your
! ALWAYS have a spare basking bulb on hand. After all, they will not give you any
warning before they expire. In a pinch you can use a regular light bulb, but this should
be avoided, as they produce heat that will diffuse and heat the entire enclosure, not just
a spot where your chameleon can visit to heat up.
! I recommend a dome fixture with ceramic socket. These fixtures may be placed flush on
top of your enclosure, providing it is far away enough from your chameleon (minimum -
one foot) and that you do not have any materials that will melt! You can also purchase a
suspension device that allows you to lower and heighten the lamp as well as providing
security. Remember, other pets or small children can easily knock the heat lamp down
and could cause a fire!!! A chameleon itself can even knock it over if you let him hang
out on a tree or vine in the room his enclosure is kept. Remember, they will gravitate
towards anything they can climb and the cord attached to the lighting fixtures will be
! Remember, thermal burns (burns caused by being to close to the heat lamp) are the
number one cause of death in chameleons.
! Never use a nocturnal bulb as a heat source (unless the room temperature drops below
65 degrees). Your chameleon NEEDS a cooling down period. This is what would occur
in its natural environment. A constantly heated aquarium can make for a sluggish,
unhappy chameleon who may not want to eat and whose metabolism and other
physiological functions can be disrupted.
There is a magazine written for marine and freshwater fish enthusiasts called
Freshwater and Marine Aquarium (FAMA for short) that has tons of mail-order pet
suppliers in the back of the magazine. There are a few advertisers listed in the back of
FAMA that sell the ZooMed UVB 310 bulb for under $25.00 (not including shipping). In
the second fixture, use a full-spectrum fluorescent bulb such as a Vita-lite (which can
also be found cheaper through mail-order). Both of these bulbs must be replaced after 6
months, as their ability to emit true full-spectrum light diminishes over time.
Enlightening information:
It is critically important that the owner provide a heating lamp to create a basking spot of
90 to 105F [32 to 38C] at one end of the enclosure. The ambient air temperature in
the rest of the cage should be in the 70's at nighttime, with a preferred rise to the 80's
over the course of the day. Veiled chameleons that are not provided with appropriate
basking spots will develop respiratory and/or digestion problems over time.
The wattage of the heat bulb required to create a basking spot of 90 to 100F varies
with the ambient temperature, but do not "guess" the temperature inside the enclosure.
Purchase a good quality reptile thermometer and use it to determine the wattage
needed. For example, if you purchase a 75 watt bulb, and it only raises the temperature
under the basking spot to 85F, move up to a 100 watt bulb, which should raise the
temperature to 90 or 95F. Different types of bulbs produce different results!
! Use artificial vines and flowers found at any craft store. I would stay away from artificial
berries, beads that simulate water droplets or anything else that may look like food. It
is a good practice to offer your chameleon REAL plants to improve the air quality in its
habitat and to simulate its natural environment as much as possible (See list of plants to
use and those to avoid). When using real plants, beware of the tiny, white bits mixed
into the potting soil (perlite) that look like Styrofoam. Hatchlings are drawn to these
thinking they are tasty bugs and will eat them. Dont wait for it to happen, place large
stones over the plants exposed soil before introducing it to your chameleon! ONLY use
real plants in the enclosure if you circulate them (i.e. use artificial plants one month, real
the next ). Water can become stagnant and breed bacteria, so I would recommend
exposing your pet to a real tree near a window instead!
! You dont have to buy branches from pet stores. Harvest your own, preferably in the
winter when they are bare and easier to clean. Use sand paper to smooth out any
splinters or sharp regions, remove bark and make sure its clean (make sure they are not
too smooth or your chameleon will have difficulty gripping on). If the branches are small
enough to fit, bake in your oven for about 2 hours @ 250 or wash them in detergent and
scrub with a wire pad. Run hot water over it to soften the bark. Soak the branches in
diluted bleach mixture but make certain you rinse and soak them in clean water to get
any bleach residue off! A bird ladder makes a great accessory too! Found in the
parrot/bird section of your local pet store, they come in a variety of sizes and are
! Beware of any plant you purchase that has been treated with insecticides! Dont let you
little guy run around on a pesticide treated lawn!
! A nice thing to put in your chameleons aquarium is a veggie-clip (found in the reptile
section of any pet store). It is a suction cup with a plastic clip attached. You adhere it to
the cool end of the aquarium wall and you can fasten a large leaf (romaine lettuce, leaf
lettuce etc.) to it! This way you little one can nibble on fresh veggies if he desires!
! Remember, what you may consider as esthetic your chameleon views as functional.
Make certain vines and sticks are strongly affixed. You can use a glue gun to affix
artificial foliage to aquarium walls. The glue peels off easily, and this makes it possible to
build bridges and fun things to climbs for your chameleon! Never use a glue gun while
your chameleon in the enclosure. Always wait at least 15 minutes to ensure glue is dry
and any fumes have dissipated. Make sure any stings of glue that have dripped are
cleaned up, as your chameleon or insects could ingest them. Using a glue gun is a great
way of making your chameleons environment stimulating and secure, IF you remember
to clean out any extra glue and use it VERY sparingly, and wipe away any fine glue
webs that are left behind. Keep it simple. If you create elaborate habitats, you will be
less enthusiastic about dissembling it to clean it every week.
! Substrate. There are several options on the market, but only 3 are safe: Calcium sands,
astro turf and nothing at all. I do not recommend towels, newsprint etc. as insects will
crawl and hide under it. Wood chips are good for increasing humidity, however, many
incidences have been reported of chameleons ingesting them when hunting, leading to
fatal results. It wont hurt to have nothing as substrate, chameleons are arboreal (they
dwell primarily in the treetops) and its not often you will see them walking on the ground.
In the winter, you may want to use something to add more insulation.
! Remember not to place branches or sticks to close to the basking lights. The basking
light should be not less than 1 foot away from your chameleon. The first sign of a thermal
burn is a light green patch on the skin, gradually turning black, usually on the casque
(cone on head) as its the closest area to the light. You may also see a small blister. If
this appears, alter your light immediately and take your chameleon to a vet! If allowed,
your chameleon will sit directly under a light, and unfortunately, does not seem to learn
if they have been burnt already. BEWARE thermal burns and Calcium deficiency are the
top 2 causes of death for chameleons.
! Once the enclosure has been sterilized (not merely cleaned) you must ensure it is
completely rinsed! I use a bucket and clean sponge to soak up the bleach (your
enclosure will be to large to simply pick up and tip over!) Use clean water to rinse and
then absorb the water. Once you feel it is completely void of any traces of cleaning
products, use your misting bottle to get into any small crevasses. Remember, if there
are ANY cleaning products left in the enclosure, it can spell death for your chameleon!
! For the artificial foliage, I suggest placing them in your bathtub or basin and letting them
soak in a diluted bleach solution. I then drain the water and use dish soap to give them a
final cleaning. Once again, rinsing is crucial!
! I also suggest cleaning your branches, as there will probably be traces of fecal matter on
them. Simply take a scoring pad and rub them down with hot soapy water.
! If you are using a bowl with air pump for your watering system, the water must be
changed daily and the bowl sterilized at least once a week. You can use the same
method; bleach and a scoring pad to remove slime/sediments that form a ring very
quickly! Remember, chameleons tend to go to the bathroom in water, and insects fall in
and die so you must ensure this method of providing water to your chameleon is clean at
all times
! Id stay away from ropes made of fabric, as they cannot be cleaned well enough.
! If you find stains caused by mineral deposits on the glass (caused by spraying) use
some CLR.
General Information and Tips
! Even if your chameleon learns to drink from a rubber eyedropper (found in the reptile
dept.), it will still have the innate desire to lick water droplets from leaves.
! The water you offer your chameleon should be cool to tepid. We enjoy cold water, but
remember, would your chameleon get cold water in its natural environment? There
have also been recent studies indicating that you should only offer your chameleon
bottled-water (or boil your own)!
! Chameleons are able to absorb a small amount of water through their skin. You must
however, mist their environments at least twice daily. Use relatively warm water to
increase humidity. By the time it is diffused into the air, its quite cool, so dont be afraid
to fill your bottle up with hot water.
! Never spray with great force. Hold the bottle directly over the aquarium and spray lightly,
concentrating on the walls and leaves.
! Always ensure your basking lamp is turned off or moved away when spritzing. The mist
will rise and can come into contact with the bulb, causing it to explode! Please try to
prevent this as loose glass can injure your chameleon.
! Avoid pools of water in the enclosure (caused by too much misting or spilt water). It will
cause feeder bugs to die and will become unhygienic.
! Chameleons do absorb small amounts of water through their noses and skin!
Watering Systems
Chameleons NEED fresh water daily! Some people rarely see their pets drink and some
see them they drink all the time. It may take some time and experimenting to see which
method your pet likes. One thing is for certain; one method should never be used
exclusively and regardless of the method you choose, always continue to mist the
environments at least twice daily.
Some chameleons accept water from an eyedropper. Especially, if trained from a young
age. Your chameleon may not get it for a while, but keep trying, they do learn! Hold the
dropper about 5 inches away from your chameleons face, so it can see the droplets. You
may let several drops fall gently on his lip.
The only catch to this method is that someone has to be there to administer the water.
Therefore, its only a method that works as long as you are around to offer your pet a drink.
You can purchase RUBBER (never glass, as they can bite them and injure there mouths)
eyedroppers at your local pet or drug store.
Fill a small cup up with water and show the chameleon the water in the dropper, slowly
dripping out. Your chameleon will be attracted to the droplets of water glistening in the light.
Let a few drops fall on its nose if it does not respond. It may take a few times before your
chameleon learns what you are trying to do!
Another trick is to mist them lightly, so they start to open their mouths, licking the moisture in
the air and then start to drop water in their mouths slowly! You do not want to force water in.
Remember they drink by lapping with their tongues and do not gulp water! As soon as they
know its water, they will continue to move towards the dropper. If you see your chameleon
tilting his head, nose to the ceiling, he is trying to drain the water he was collected in his
gullet so give him a chance to do so before giving him more.
Some people place ice cubes on the top of the enclosure, and allow their chameleon to
drink while it melts, however, it does not provide a constant source of water. You can also
place ice cubes in a large plastic cup with a small hole in the bottom, creating a slow drip.
You must also provide a catch basin for the water dripping down into the enclosure.
The only catch with this method is that you MUST ensure there are branches near enough
to the water droplets so your chameleon can reach them. You will also want to ensure they
cant get to close to the basking light! Make certain you use a container with significant
weight to it, or your chameleon can knock it over and cause a mess. I also place a few large
rocks in the container, to ensure a smaller chameleon cannot fall in and drowned!
Chameleons are attracted to droplets of water suspended from leaves glistening in the sun.
When you sprits the walls and foliage in your chameleons enclosure, ensure there is
enough to form drops for your pet to lap up. Misting the mesh screen lips of the enclosure is
a good idea, as droplets easily form and suspend for a good period of time before dropping.
Make sure your chameleon has access to the water, like a branch that reaches the top on
the cool end of the enclosure.
Even if your chameleon does readily drink, allow it to follow its instincts and sprits the leaves
heavily, so it has the opportunity to lick the water droplets off of them.
You can then either purchase a reptile hammock with a pond in it that hangs in the corner
of your aquarium or just fill up a shallow bowl with water. You can purchase an air pump for
about $9 at any aquarium store. The air pump creates bubbles that seem to attract most
DO NOT use this method for babies, as there is a significant risk of drowning. ALWAYS
place rocks in the bowl or glue a thin stick across the blow to aid your chameleon if it
accidentally falls in.
The water must be changed daily and the bowl sterilized at least once a week. Remember,
chameleons tend to go to the bathroom in water, and insects fall in and die, so if you are
using this method you must ensure that the water is clean at all times!
! Some chameleons love to drink out of ponds if there are air bubbles (created by an air
pump, costing under $10!). Without air bubbles chances are a chameleon will not
respond to still water.
! If you do have a pond, make sure it is swallow to prevent your chameleon from
drowning. I suggest gluing a couple of thin sticks across the pond to give your
chameleon something to grab onto, making it easier to get out of AND placing a large
rock in the pond.
! A pond develops a slimy ring very quickly and if it is not cleaned regularly it can become
! Difficult to change water if its connected to a reptile hammock (popular type of pond).
! The air pump can be quite loud, air stones must be changes monthly (they dissolve and
get clogged with sediments).
! There is a risk of your chameleon drowning. Do not use a pond if you have a weak
chameleon, as it may not be able to pull itself out of the water if it accidentally falls in.
! For some reason my chameleons always got very relaxed in the ponds, and I caught
one of mine so relaxed, that his head was submerged, and eyes closed! Luckily I was
there to pull them to safety.
If your chameleons diet and environment are correct, your pet should not ever become
dehydrated. Some people enjoy steaming their chameleons on a weekly basis. If you
decide to, use one of the methods described below. Be careful that the water/steam is
not too hot. Excess heat causes dehydration. Try to think of how thirsty you would be if
you spent some time in a Jacuzzi or sauna!
A chameleon is very delicate and half an hour in a hot bathroom can be very damaging.
These are useful methods if you notice your chameleon has not desiccated for a while.
Chameleons realistically do not become constipated, this would be an example of a
symptom of an underlying problem; impaction, incorrect humidity, temperature, insects
! Never put your chameleon into the shower directly. There is no traction and the water
pressure is to high.
! Never put your chameleon into a bathtub filled with even a few inches of water. They
drowned very easily, not to mention get extremely stressed, as this is NOT a natural
environment they would encounter and hate flat, smooth, open surfaces.
! Be careful of residues from; bath oil, soap, shampoo, bottles or bars of soap falling, etc.,
as these can all harm your chameleon.
! Tie a cotton rope (can braid old clean rags together) from your showerhead and let your
chameleon hang out while you shower or bathe. Make sure no shampoo gets on
them, and NEVER leave them! They can fall into the bathtub while trying to reach
another part of the bathroom!
! Place your chameleon in a shallow sink with about 2 inches of warm water in it. Use a
turkey baster or clean sponge to gently pour water over him. Make sure the water is
replaced frequently as it will cool off quickly. If your chameleon is dehydrated or sick,
soak him twice a day in Pedia-Lite fluid (clear, unflavored) found in the baby section of
any drug store (once opened must be used within 24 hours).
! Place a large plant on the floor of your bathroom. Place your chameleon on the plant.
Run a hot shower so the room fills up with steam.
What to Feed Your
Variety is Key
Offering your chameleon a variety of vegetation and insects will promote a healthy
appetite. Chameleons become bored with the same bugs day in and day out, so it is
crucial that you mix it up and offer them a variety of insects! If not, they may go on
hunger strikes; refusing to eat. Many insects you may be able to find around your
house are toxic (i.e. ladybugs) or have been exposed to pesticides so beware.
Offering your adult chameleon food about three times a week keeps them interested in
eating. If a constant supply is provided, they tend to get bored and stop eating.
Hatchling/Juveniles will however, require a constant supply
! Any insect you offer your chameleon must be bred as food to ensure quality and
sanitation. Insects you may find outside may have been exposed to pesticides!
! Most pet stores do not gut-load their insects, as they are unable to have an extensive
variety of fresh ingredients on hand. Therefore, it is that you do not offer them to your
chameleon until you flush out systems and gut-load them for at least 24 hours!
! Never offer your chameleon a dead, unhealthy insect or one that escaped and you found
wandering around the house. After all, they are what they eat! An unhealthy cricket will
be dark in color, inactive, and dehydrated (wrinkled). Crickets that have ingested poison
etc. may look fine initially, so discard any you find outside the bug cage or enclosure.
! Ensure you feed your bugs small amounts of food frequently. Offering them a large
quantity will only lead to mould and rotting food items. If your bugs eat this, it can make
your chameleon ill, not to mention producing an offensive odor! Remove any uneaten,
shriveled wet/fresh food every other day. Try to spread it out. Layering it will only
produce mold.
Once home, transfer your crickets into a critter container you can find at any pet store
in the small animal reptile department. This is a clear container with porous removable
lid. I would not recommend making your own container out of a large ice cream or
Tupperware container, as they are not the correct dimensions. Your crickets need
SPACE or they will die from one of the following; being smothered, not being able to
find water or food, being eaten. Other options to accommodate your feeder insects are;
large Tupperware containers which you can drill holes in for ventilation.
Pour your bag of bugs directly into the container. Then, place some clean egg cartons
in with them (make sure you ask all your friends to save their empty egg crates). Then
flush out their systems and gut-load them for at least 24 hours prior to feeding them to
your chameleon.
Gut-Loading Your
Feeder Insects
Gut-loading refers to what and for how long you feed the bugs you offer to your
chameleon. Most insects are under-nourished and dehydrated when you purchase
them. Remember, your chameleon is what it eats and they will not obtain any
nutrients from a meal like that! Your insects (pending on type) will require a very
specialized menu in order to survive and thrive.
Contrary to popular belief, captive insects are extremely delicate and will die in a matter
of hours if the conditions and not optimal! This is not only costly but also unsanitary, so
follow the guidelines below to prevent unnecessary death.
! You can place superworms in the same container as crickets; however, you MUST keep
waxworms in a separate container and keep them refrigerated! Other insects will EAT
waxworms, and unless chilled, they can pupate into moths!
! For worms in general, any deep container will do. No lid is needed, as they cannot go
anywhere. Use a lid however if you have a curious cat who might tip the container over!
Just ensure there are lots of air holes in the top.
! Make sure you have enough egg crates and other applicable substrates for the bugs you
bring home. Ask the salesperson for bedding when getting waxworms or superworms.
You will need more however, for superworms, as they need to burrow. You can use
plain oatmeal or wheat germ.
Wheat germ
Rice baby cereal, Gerber or Beechnut
Crushed alfalfa blacks from local feed store
Bee pollen
Monkey chow
Dried sea kelp
Dried egg yolk
Raw, unsalted sunflower seeds
Baby Parrot food
Romaine lettuce
Collard greens
Dandelion leaves
Bok Choy
Mustard greens
Sweet Potato
! If its not on the previous list, research it before you feed it to your chameleon. Things
like peaches, apricots, spinach etc. have toxic portions to them.
! Most grocery stores have discount sections/shelves for old produce. Here you can find
mangos, prickly pears and cantaloupe, grapefruit to mention a few for a under $1 making
it very affordable to feed your insects properly.
! Your chameleon will not eat a piece of fruit, as they do not really chew. Offer pureed
fruit or baby food in the following varieties: blueberries, apples.
! Never offer your chameleon canned/jarred fruits with added sugar or spices!
Baby food:
Baby food many be fed to sick reptiles or reptiles on hunger strikes. However, it is
never advisable to force feed an animal unless absolutely necessary, as it causes
tremendous stress. Baby food also has an unbalanced calcium/phosphorous level,
which is unhealthy for chameleons, therefore should never be offered as the sole
nutrient for a prolonged period of time. It also makes your chameleon lazy and they
may stop hunting on their own. They also tend to become very poor hunters after being
hand fed (they loose the ability to aim and coordinate their tongues). All fruit baby foods
however, are good, like applesauce, carrots for beta-carotene and blueberries! There
are techniques to feed your unreceptive chameleon insects if necessary (contact me to
Your vet may recommend special cat food instead of baby food. Keep in mind as well
that you want to select a baby food that is high in protein like; veal, beef and broth. My
chameleon always loved ham and egg casserole! To add extra protein, you can buy
dried flies (in the fish section of your local pet store) and grind them up with a mortal
and pestle and mix them in the baby food. You may want to add a small amount of
liquid calcium (calcium sandoz) to thin out the mixture!
Supplementation Brand Frequency
Note: Remember, too much or too little calcium/multivitamins can harm your chameleon!
Things You Should Never Do
! Never house two chameleons together. Even if they appear to be agreeable initially,
they will become stressed and can injure or possibly kill each other (they have even
been known to eat each other!).
! Never have your basking lamp closer than 1 foot away from your chameleon! If placed
any closer it could result in thermal burns.
! Never have your UVA/UVB light farther than 10 inches away from your chameleon. The
closer the better!
! Make sure you dont overdo it with plants and sticks. A chameleon needs a place of
privacy but also space.
! Never use hot rocks. Many reptiles do not recognize when they are being burned.
Just as a basking light can burn a chameleon, so can a hot rock. Unfortunately, they are
not too smart when it comes to heat! Even if they do get burned, they will not learn their
lesson and can keep going back hoping to get as close to a hot surface as they can!
Thermal pads are good for many reptiles, but NOT chameleons, as they do not spend
much time on the ground. Remember, chameleons require both a hot zone and a cool
zone so they can adjust their body temperatures. Keeping them hot all the time will
dehydrate them and cause a fast death.
! Never leave your chameleon outside unsupervised. Even for a second! It will be gone
in an instant. They can move quickly when they are excited, and will be gone up a tree,
or under a bush without you knowing. By the time you start looking in one spot, they will
have moved to another in the opposite direction, and you have virtually no hope of
finding him. Is it worth leaving your pet for an instant with this at risk? If you must leave,
take you pet with you or you may never see him again. Even though they may appear to
be basking, and relaxing, they become extremely stimulated when outside and will bolt
to the nearest tree at any moment. Remember, they live to climb! Personally, I never let
my chameleons roam freely, even if I am supervising them, as birds are a very
dangerous threat as are pesticides and toxic plants.
! If your chameleon does get lost (it only takes a few seconds), it will become so
camouflaged it will be like finding a needle in a haystack. Your chameleon will either die
from lack of water, food, fall prey to a cat/bird or most likely lack of heat. Summer nights
can be very cold and dont forget fall and winter, so dont risk it.
! How do you prevent this? Simply, put your pet on your shoulder (hold onto its tail!) and
take it for a walk! NEVER let your pet run around on the ground a bird could scoop it up,
or get hit by a car, or could burn its feet on hot pavement.
! If you do take your pet with you, bring water (a small container and an eye dropper and
spritz bottle). NEVER travel with your chameleon unless you are willing to purchase a
large travel container, provide it with water and bring ALL the essential housing
! Make sure you come home before it cools down, or your chameleon will get cold.
Remember, they should not go below 65 degrees!
! A good way of letting your pet enjoy the summer months is to either construct an
enclosure or purchase a birdcage (at least 3 feet x 3 feet). I find this the cheapest and
easiest method. Its also transportable and strong. Just make sure it is sitting on solid,
level ground and preferably on a table, away from cats and other critters. Remember,
chameleons like a birds eye view and will not enjoy sitting on the ground in the middle of
the backyard. They will feel very vulnerable.
! Ensure your chameleon cannot squeeze through the cage. This type of outdoor housing
is only suitable for large adults. Smaller ones know how to angle their heads to fit
through. Youd be surprised what a small space they can squeeze out of. They will also
crawl around the perimeter of their new outdoor enclosure looking for a way out.
Ensure there are NO tears or gaps! Observe your chameleon, it may begin to rub his
head against the metal trying to squeeze out. One of my Boys actually rubbed the tip of
his casque off by attempting this. If the skin breaks, infections are a risk.
! Never use real plants that have been treated with pesticides. If you purchase a plant
that has fertilizer or small white balls that look like Styrofoam mixed in with the earth,
replant it, as your chameleon will try to eat these!
! Never leave your chameleon in his outdoor enclosure alone. You may be tempted, as
they weather is so nice and you think your doing him a favor, however, remember
chameleons cannot regulate their body temperatures. They take on the temperature of
their surroundings. As the sun moves through the sky, your chameleon will either get too
hot or cold. Move the cage around, but never leave it stationary and unsupervised. It
may start to rain, wind may blow the cage over, your chameleon could die in an hour if
over heated or a curious cat may wonder by. Be responsible!!!
! When constructing an outdoor enclosure, you can use fresh leaves from surrounding
trees (see list of toxic plants to avoid). You can also use non-sterile branches ONLY
outside, once inspecting them for bugs, thorns, splinters, fungus etc. NEVER bring
these items inside and be sure to change them daily, as the heat will cause all foliage to
wilt and render them useless. The heat, moisture and lack of ventilation can cause
bacteria to form inside and your pet is in their for at least 12 hours a day! But its all right
to use these non-sterile materials for a couple of hours outside when changed daily.
Ensure your pet has a shaded area to retreat too so he may cool down, and a basking
area to warm up in. You can weave leaves through a birdcage well, so accommodate
this environment.
! Never pull your chameleon off a branch! It can be frustrating when you want to get your
pet down from a stick or rope, as they are so slow moving and hesitant to release their
grip. However, pulling your chameleon can cause stress and make it grip on tighter. A
chameleon is delicate, and you can break an arm or leg in a second if you pull or twist
them. To entice him down, slip your fingers under his hands and feet one at a time.
Remember, holding and pulling his body will not reassure him and make him release
his grip, as he needs his feet on solid ground first!
! Never house your chameleon in a high traffic zone. They require privacy. Stress will
shorten their lives considerably.
! Never place your enclosure directly next to a window. They will be too cold in the winter
and too hot in the summer. A sunbeam may appear to be a warm comfortable spot for
your pet, but dont forget the greenhouse effect. Your aquarium will heat up and your
chameleon will have no way of cooling itself down. You can place your chameleon in
view of a window if you take care to close the blinds when its too sunny or cold. You
should always keep the blinds closed in the winter as your chameleon will seasonally
change and react to the shortened diurnal cycle.
! If you see your chameleon walking around the bottom of his enclosure or scratching the
walls of his enclosure, he may simply want out or there maybe something wrong.
Ensure the temperature is all right. If this action persists investigate further. There
maybe something irritating him, as this is not normal behavior. If you have a female, it is
a sure sign that she wants to deposit her eggs!
! Never put your chameleon is view of another, near a mirror or surface where it may see
its reflection. It will cause extreme stress, as they are very territorial.
! Never try to get a chameleon to change his colors for you on demand. Any type of
stress is detrimental.
! Beware of things like; fire places, hot stoves or open toilet lids. You get the picture.
! If you take your chameleon into the shower or steamy bathroom under your full
supervision, remember that moisture is beneficial, but steam for to long or that is to hot
will cause dehydration! Again remember, more is not better.
Female Chameleons
First of all, how can you tell a male from a female chameleon apart?
A male veiled chameleon will have little bumps on the backs of his heels on his hind
feet. These are called, tarsal spurs. As they mature, males generally are larger and
have taller casques and more pronounced gullar crests.
A male Panther Chameleon can be easily identified by their dorsolateral ridge extension
on each side of the head over the eyes to the snout so it looks like a shovel. Females
have a smaller ridge. Females though are gray, light green or brownish depending
where the live. Of course the color depends on things like breeding season, age,
moods of the chameleons or the temperature of the area they are in at the moment.
Your female will lay infertile eggs a few times a year. How do you know when she is
ready to deposit her eggs? The first sign is that she will stop eating. You will notice the
bugs in her enclosure are not being eaten and that there is less fecal matter. You may
then notice her crawling on the ground, or scratching at the enclosure. When you notice
one of these indicators, place her in a large container filled with sandbox type sand,
ensuring it is moist enough that she can dig a burrow and it will not collapse on top of
her. The sand should be at least 1.5 feet in depth. They like to dig down deep and sit
in the hole while depositing their eggs. If the sand is not deep enough or moist enough
they will not lay them. The container should be deep and relatively wide (2.5 feet). DO
NOT offer her food while in the container. The bugs will bother her and she will not
want to eat anyways. Do give her heat and UVA/UVB lamps. Make certain the heat
lamp is not to close or it will dry out the sand and may cause her to dehydrate. You
may want to switch to a lower wattage while she is in a more confined enclosure. You
can mist her and offer her water however, do not disturb her! Do not keep checking on
her to see if she has deposited the eggs, she will require privacy.
At night, you may put her back in her regular aquarium. I do not recommend letting
them sleep on the moist sand as it cools down considerable at night. At that point, you
can run your fingers through the sand to see if there are any eggs. If not, repeat the
procedure for a couple of days. Ensure you offer the chameleon water and give her
liquid calcium orally daily!!!! This will help to keep her strength up.
If your chameleon does not deposit her eggs or only some of them, you can gently feel
her belly to detect the presence of any eggs and take her to a vet immediately!! They
may give her a drug called oxcitocine that helps contractions. If that does not work,
they will have to perform a C-section.
Female chameleons reach sexual maturity anywhere from 4 to 5 months, but the
occasional female may become ready as soon as 3 months!
Please note:
While your female is attempting to lay eggs it is curial to administer water and liquid
calcium and possibly some baby food. The eggs will absorb the majority of the nutrients
she ingests, therefore weakening your chameleon considerably. If you wait too long,
your pet can either suffocate (eggs keep developing and compress lungs) or she will
become so weak she cannot lay the eggs or recover after the C-section. Nutrition after
the egg laying process is very important as well!
It is very important that you are observant if you opt to choose a female chameleon.
Once the onset of the above symptoms you only have a few days to provide your
chameleon with the appropriate conditions and nutrients so she successfully deposits
her eggs. If not, take her to a vet immediately!
Chameleon Journal
Use this chart or develop your own to keep track of your chameleons progress. I feel it
is best to designate certain days of the week to administer multivitamins, that way you
will not forget or over/under dose! Keeping a chart or journal is also a good way to track
observations regarding your chameleons appearance and behavior! I also recommend
photographing them in order to detect changes in physical appearance.
Note: If you encounter symptoms you are concerned about that are not described
in the following list below, please contact me or even better, your
Symptoms: Thickened jaw line and/or ankles, bumps along spine, poor color,
brittle/broken/misaligned bones, lack of coordination, weakened grip
or tendency to fall.
Treatment: Liquid calcium daily to fortify bones (see your vet for dosage, based
on your chameleons weight. You cannot reverse the effects you can
only prevent further deterioration. Your vet may recommend a series
of calcium injections. Calcium Sandoz is available at any drug store.
Prevention: The only way to prevent MBD is to ensure your chameleon gets both
Calcium and UVA/UBV lighting (at least 12 hours a day). In order for
the intestinal tract to absorb the calcium, it requires activated Vitamin
D3 to be present. Vitamin D needs to be exposed to UV radiation
(light) in order to become activated. This is why is curial to have full
spectrum UV light in your reptiles environment!
Thermal Burns
Symptoms: Usually, you will observe a light green patch, accompanied with/or
without a blister(s). The area then turns black and eventually sloughs
off leaving a raw area prone to infection.
Treatment: Immediate professional medical care must be sought! Your vet may
prescribe an oral antibiotic, topical compresses and or a cream called
flamazine that is very occlusive and will sooth and protect the raw
area while providing antibacterial properties. You must of course re-
adjust your lighting.
Prevention: Ensuring the basking light is about one foot away from your
chameleon! Make sure your chameleon cannot scale the walls or
ceiling and hang under the bulb! If you see this occurring, use a
stand to suspend your basking lamp so it does not sit flush on the
aquarium ceiling. Make certain there are no sticks or vines/other
accessories your little guy can climb to get closer! Trust me, it is their
goal in life to try to get as close to that darn light as they possibly can!
Egg Retention
Causes: A female chameleon, whether mated of not, will lay infertile eggs a
few times a year. If you do not provide the appropriate conditions for
her to deposit her eggs, she will retain them and die from either
suffocation (eggs accumulate and compress lungs) or become so
weak and dehydrated due to the eggs absorbing all the nutrients she
manages to take in, as well as the stored reserves she will not
Symptoms: When your chameleon wants to deposit her eggs she will stop eating,
but continue drinking. You will notice less fecal matter and more
bugs uneaten. She will either begin scratching at the walls/ground of
the aquarium or start hanging out on the bottom. Symptoms of a
very weak chameleon that is egg bound are: closed eyes, inability to
eat or drink, tendency to sleep on the ground or lower branches in
her enclosure, tends to breath with her mouth open periodically.
Treatment: When you see this behavior put her in a container of moist sand and
do not disturb her! While your chameleon is trying to lay her eggs,
you should be giving her liquid calcium! After a few days, if she has
not laid all of her eggs (you can gently palpate her belly and readily
feel any) take her to the vet immediately! Pending on her state of
health/strength, your vet may give her some calcium and Saline
injections plus a drug that aids in starting contractions (oxcitocine).
As a last resort, she may have to have a C-section. After you
observe the initial symptoms of your chameleon needing to lay eggs
do not wait longer than 5 days (or pending on her health) to seek
help! The longer you wait, the weaker she will grow and the less
chance she will have of recovery.
Mouthrot (Stomitits)
Causes: This is a bacterial infection, which settles into the gum tissue, palate
or tongue. If left untreated it can invade the jaw bone. One important
fact often overlooked by a pet owner is that mouthrot is not a disease
itself, it is a secondary infection triggered by a systemic infection.
Treatment: A vet can show you how to work on it. Because stomatitis is a
secondary infection, the reptile must be placed on a course of
antibiotics. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are usually tried first. A
culture is usually done to identify the organism at large. Any reptile
that is sick needs to be kept warm and hydrated. For the duration of
the treatment, the nighttime temperature should stay about the same
as the daytime temperature. They may have to be hand-fed, and
hydrated with Pedialyte.
Prevention: You must always take the time to evaluate why your chameleon got
sick. Something must have happened to make it sick in the first
place. Temperatures may not have been calibrated correctly, a new
the enclosure and furnishings may have gone a little to long without
being properly cleaned and disinfected, or reptile may have been
under stress.
Hunger Strikes
Causes: When your chameleon stops eating for a prolonged period, this is
referred to as a hunger strike. This can be prompted by seasonal
change as your chameleon senses the fluctuating diurnal cycle (this
is why I recommend your lights are on timers, to keep it consistent!).
This can also be prompted by a lack of variety in your chameleons
diet. You should initially rule out any ailments such as parasites or
Treatment: Introducing a greater of variety into your chameleons diet, ruling out
any ailments, keeping your chameleon's lighting on "timers" so they
are not stressed by staying up to late, or by seasonal change. Your
veterinarian may suggest an alternative food.
Treatment: Increased hydration, mineral or cod liver oil (orally once a week).
Respiratory Infections
Causes: Respiratory infections are probably one of the most common of all
reptile ailments. Generally it is caused when a reptile is not being
kept warm enough.
Tounge Disfunctions
Causes: The chameleon could have a problem with his mouth, tongue or
throat. This could be caused by a tongue infection, mouth
abscesses, hypocalcaemia or vitamin deficiency. The infection could
also be caused by puncture wound from enclosure or the sharp part
of cricket leg!.
Symptoms: (a) Your chameleon misses food constantly, probably due to the fact
that he cannot shoot his tongue properly.
(b) Your chameleon will not be able to retract its tongue. In sever
cases it can be completely extended, and your chameleon will not be
able to coil it back into its mouth.
Sunken Eyes
Symptoms: Eyes will be sunken, as opposed to full and round. Other signs of
dehydration are lateral folds of skin along the sides of the
Alternative Foods
A veterinarian may advise you to use alternative foods if your chameleon is severely ill
or on a prolonged hunger strike. It must be stressed however, that force-feeding any
animal, is extremely stressful and unnatural. We may be prolonging the animals life,
but, are in fact only treating a symptom and must strive to uncover the source of the
I believe alternative food items should be used as a last resort only, or as a supplement.
No matter how hard we try to replicate the natural diet of a chameleon, we are certain to
fall short. Alternative foods are not nutritionally balanced and have an improper
calcium/phosphorous ratio. So be cautious, and ALWAYS consult with your
veterinarian before trying any of these recipes.
First off, let me clarify between "force feeding" and what I define as "manually
feeding". Force-feeding is rather invasive, characterized by tube feeding", where liquid
nutrition is channeled directly into the stomach through a tube. It can also be defined as
forcing your chameleons mouth open and squirting one of the liquid meals listed below
into his mouth. If your chameleon is very ill or quite simply does not want to swallow the
food, he will usually let you know! If your vet has opted to tub-feed your chameleon (this
can only be done by a veterinarian) your chameleon may vomit afterwards. If you force
your chameleon to eat a bug or baby food for example, if he does not want it, he will spit
it out. Realistically, we cannot FORCE feed a chameleon unless it wants the food on
some level, and we are gentle enough in our methodology for him to accept it.
Manually feeding is what I would define as "offering" your chameleon an alternative food
due to some inability on its apart to obtain it himself. For example, many chameleons
suffer from tongue dysfunctions" (see medical red flags), which can be caused by
straining or tearing the muscles in the tongue or an inappropriate level of calcium and
UVA/UVB lighting. In cases such as these, the chameleon has little control over its
tongue and cannot "shoot" or extend sufficiently to acquire a prey item on its own. Other
examples would be when dealing sick chameleons or a chameleon who is on a hunger
strike, and who is not responding to different varieties of insects.
Some people supplement their chameleons basic "prey insect diet" with these
"alternative" meals, to bulk them up during the winter or as a means of adding variety. I
would stress you consult a vet before offering your chameleon anything other than the
basic diet. Meals other then insects contain an improper calcium/phosphorous ratio that
is not good for your chameleon! So you may have to increase the calcium intake in
your chameleons diet by giving him a liquid calcium supplement (calcium sandoz). You
may also get him hooked on the alternative foods and he may refuse to eat prey items
in the future! Many ill chameleons who recover loose the use of their tongues as they
get out of practice, and few owners will wait to see if they will regain its use before they
You can use a combination of the below ingredients to create a nutritional slurry for your
chameleon that can be administered through an eyedropper!
! Ensure Plus found at any drug store (the plus version has extra calories)
! Pedialite
! Baby food use high protein varieties only (veal, & lamb!)
Feeding Method
Place a drop of food on your chameleons mouth and gently tug on your chameleons
gullar crest. It may take a moment, but he will open his mouth and get a taste of the
food. It takes coordination, but with practice, you will be able to drop food in his mouth
between chews!
NEVER drop food down your chameleons throat. You want to place it in his mouth or
tongue. Doing anything else can cause your chameleon great stress or to choak!
Just contact me if you require a Vet in another area. I have listings Internationally!
Your best bet is to have a Veterinarian refer you to the Small Animal Clinic at the
University of Guelph. This is where interns and in-house Doctors specialize in exotic
pets and have the most up-to-date knowledge and techniques. (phone: 519 823-8830)
You do however need a referral!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q How much should my chameleon drink?
A Water is essential for your chameleons health. Fresh water should be constantly
available. Some chameleons are rarely seen drinking and others drink constantly.
There are several methods of offering your pet water (see hydration).
A Babies and juveniles have veracious appetites and eat anywhere from 20 to 30
bugs a day. They should have a continuous supply during the day. Chameleons
are opportunists eaters, and will not over eat if they know there is a constant
supply of food. They can over-eat, but it is not common. They tend to like to nibble
all day. Keep a large amount in a bowl to make it easier for them to find/hunt. I put
a wide, deep bowl full of dusted bugs at the bottom of the enclosure and use my
glue gun to affix a few small twigs across and leading to the bowl for easy access!
It is crucial to use a calcium supplement right from the start. As your baby
chameleon matures, he/she needs to fortify his/her bones to accommodate the
growth. To much weighs or quick spurts of developmental growth can lead to a
weak infrastructure that will not sustain your chameleon.
A Absolutely NOT! Chameleons are very territorial, solitary creatures. They will get
extremely stressed and upset if housed together. They have also been known to
eat one another so be particularly careful if you have an adult around a hatchling!
My chameleons react differently to one another. One puffs up in a territorial display
if I walk into the room holding another one. One of my others doesnt seem to care
too much, as long as they dont get to close.
A Chameleons do not require annual shots, and since they cannot be housed
together, you do not need to neuter your males. You should however, consider
spaying your female chameleon. Your female will lay eggs regardless of whether
she has mated or not. If conditions are not perfect, she will retain the eggs and
can become egg-bound and die. Therefore, it is always a good idea to do so, or
get a male! Signs of a female ready to lay eggs are as follows: stops eating,
scratches at bottom of cage, generally wants out!. At this point, place her in a
deep, wide bucket/tupperware container. You should have about 1.5 feet of moist
sandbox sand in it. Ensure it is moist, as they like to dig deep burrows and it the
substrate is to dry it will collapse. Do not disturb her and do not feed her while in
the bucket! Move her back into her enclosure at night and back in the bucket until
she deposits her eggs.
A Yes! They enjoy being stroked under the chin especially, with the grain of the
ventral crest (move finger from nose to tail under the chin). My chameleons enjoy
being swaddled in a blanket and gently stroked in circular motions.
A Yes!
A Most will not. If yours does not, its a good indicator that it is not getting enough
water and is seeking it out via vegetation. This is fine, just ensure the plants you
offer your chameleon are not toxic and implement another watering system.
A Many chameleons will continue to eat and drink even if they are seriously ill. Blood
tests can be done to ensure the calcium/phosphorous levels are balanced, but are
stressful for the animal, and are no a preventative measure. I suggest
photographing your chameleon monthly so you can detect a change more readily in
physical appearance.
Your chameleons shedding cycle can indicate of health and internal functions, but
more than often reflect environmental variables such as humidity & heat.
Chameleons often go on hunger strikes, triggered by seasonal change or if they are
bored with their food. This is not necessarily a sign that something is seriously
wrong. Try offering your chameleon some new varieties of insects, and keep the
blinds closed during the winter so your chameleon will not detect the shortened
daylight cycle. Keep the room lights on during the winter months when its dull &
dark. *Tip, put all the lights on timers! That way your chameleon is on a normal
diurnal cycle! And they wont care if you sleep in and forget to turn their light on!
Chameleons often walk on the bottom of their environments scratching at the walls
if they see a tree or if the temperature is not right (usually too hot) in their
enclosures. Make sure these elements are O.K (i.e, temperature, humidity), before
you investigate further into a possible illness.
Dont try quick fixes or so called remedies you can purchase at your local store.
Take your chameleon to a veterinarian and have him/her properly diagnosed and
treated. Remember, treating symptoms is not the same as treating the cause of the
Note: A sure sign that your chameleon is ill is if it sits with its eyes closed
during the day, or starts to breath through its mouth.
Fast Facts
Veiled Chameleons are classified as the following:
Family: Chamelonidae
Species: Calyptratus (veiled)
! Husbandry is the term used to describe all aspects of how we take care of reptiles.
! The ability to change color is not unique to chameleons. Many animals including fish,
frogs and other lizards, have this ability.
! Chameleons have several kinds of pigment located with different cells in their skin. The
pigment that is most responsible for most color changes is MELANIN. This is a dark
substance contained in cells known as MELANOPHORES.
! When melanin particles are concentrated in one place inside the melenophores, the
bright yellow and blue pigments in other skin cells can be seen. Then, a chameleons
skin usually looks green. When the dark melanin spreads out within the melanophores,
it covers up some of the other pigment cells. This causes the skin to appear black.
Other movements can create stripes and spots of color!
! Chameleons are ectotherms, animals whose temperatures are controlled from outside
their bodies.
! Chameleons react to heat and cold by changing color too. Unless they can increase
their body temperature by absorbing heat from the sun, they stay the same temperature
as the air around them. Without warmth, they cannot hunt, move, or digest their food. In
the morning they squeeze their sides together and puff out their chins, flattening their
bodies to create more surface area. Dark colors absorb heat better, so the side of the
chameleon facing the sun becomes almost black, while the other remains it usual color!
! They often take place in response to changes in temperature, light, mood, and emotions.
Changing color is also a way of communicating between other chameleons. If they are
fearful or territorial, their emotions will evoke a particular color/pattern.
! It is not unusual to see a chameleon eat the dead skin they out-grow, once it has been
shed off.
! Chameleons have ears, which are 2 tiny holes (not visible to the eye), which are located
near the eyes. They hear vibrations in the air, which help them find food and stay safe
from their enemies. They are almost deaf, but can hear tones and feel vibrations. Vision
is their best sense!
! Chameleons have teeth to grasp onto food. Their teeth are also used to help them crush
and kill their food. They may chew or swallow their food whole. They can also use their
teeth for tearing chunks off and then swallow. Some chameleons hold the dead prey in
their mouth for several moments before swallowing it.
! When a lizard is sick or has eaten something that does not agree with it, it may throw up.
This is sometimes harmful to the lizard because they tend to become dehydrated when
this occurs.
! Male veiled chameleons have nubs on the back of their heels called Tarsal Spurs.
They also develop larger casques (the peak on the top of their heads) and are slightly
longer in length.
! Chameleon tails are Prehensile. This means they can wrap around objects and grip
them, just like the tails of many monkeys!
! Veiled chameleons have Zygodactyl feet. Toes are grouped in opposition to each
! Chameleons cannot re-grow their tails, like many other reptiles can.
! Most chameleons are Arboreal creatures, meaning they dwell mainly in the trees and
are rarely seen walking on the ground unless preparing to lay eggs or hunting. There
are some rare species that live most of their entire lives on the ground, under leaves!
! Chameleons are built for climbing. Their hands and feet develop sharp nails (never clip
them) to grip branches. Chameleons can walk fairly well on carpeted surfaces, but do
not like any surface where they have lack of traction, like a hardwood floors.
! Many chameleons enjoy sleeping upside down, or in a corner, do not panic if you see
! The outer layer of a chameleons skin is made up of Keratin. Unlike human skin, this
material does not expand as the animal grows. Chameleons must replace their outer
skin layers from time to time.
! Unlike a snake, a chameleon will shed its old skin in patches. The entire process could
take weeks! A baby will shed every few weeks, as it is growing quickly. An adult will
shed every 4 months or so.
! When a chameleon is ready to shed, he will puff up in order to break out of the old skin.
You will see him twisting around, rubbing against sticks, and even using his feet to try
and pull the dead skin off!
! Never pull or pick at the skin that is shedding. It will fall off when its ready and is not
doing any harm to your chameleon. You will cause stress, irritation and infections if you
start picking! If the skin has not fallen off, it means the underlying skin is to delicate and
raw to be exposed, even if it looks tough.
! Chameleons are not social animals. They are extremely territorial and will display
territorial behavior if they even see their reflection in a mirror!
! A Chameleons shed cycle can be helpful when determining a good indicator of its
general health. Keep track of how often your chameleon sheds in a journal, along with
other variables such as when you give them supplements, food, change bulbs etc.
! A sure sign that your chameleon is sick, is if it is sleeping during the day, or has one or
both eyes closed. Chameleons do not sleep during the day.