Nastran Flow Mt15024
Nastran Flow Mt15024
Nastran Flow Mt15024
Student Guide
December 2009
MT15024 NX 7
Publication Number
mt15024 NX 7
Proprietary and restricted rights notice
Course overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
How to use this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Product overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Simulation process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Access the application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
NX Flow Analysis 3
NX Flow Analysis 5
Humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1
Humidity overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
Gas mixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-3
Modeling humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-4
Define Humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-5
Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-7
Review questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-8
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-9
NX Flow Analysis 7
Basic understanding of finite element analysis (FEA) and computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) principles.
Some activities are part of wider projects, however all activities can be
done independently.
It is important that you use the Student Guide and Activities in the sequence
presented. Later lessons assume you have learned concepts and techniques
taught in earlier lessons. If necessary, you can always refer to any previous
activity where a method or technique was originally taught.
NX Flow Analysis 9
1 Introduction
This lesson explains the analysis capabilities of NX Flow within the product
design life cycle.
Product overview
NX Advanced Simulation is a comprehensive simulation and optimization
product that includes a full suite of pre-processing and post-processing tools.
NX Flow is an Advanced Simulation application you can use to model fluid
flow in any product or device.
Use NX Flow to:
Resolve flow engineering challenges in the early design process.
Simulation process
Step 1: Create or import a geometry using NX. Define the problem in
terms of boundary conditions and result types.
Step 2: Create the FEM and Simulation files and select solution type.
Step 3: Simplify the geometry in the idealized part and create fluid
volumes where needed.
Step 4: Mesh solids and fluid volumes considering the type of analysis and
available resources, then specify physical and material properties
to all mesh collectors.
2. In the Simulation Navigator, right-click the part and choose New FEM
and Simulation.
4. In the Create Solution dialog box, select a Solution Type. Click OK.
In this lesson, you:
Stated the solver capabilities of NX Flow.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe and use the various techniques available to create fluid volumes.
Artery model
Fluid volume
Copied body
Advantages Disadvantages
Mesh created in FEM file. You must create a solid body
representing the fluid volume.
Extensive meshing tools to
modify the mesh. Boundary layer mesh are difficult
to define.
Extensive native NX mesh
display options.
Use Fluid Domain simulation object to let the flow solver automatically
mesh the fluid volumes during the solve.
Advantages Disadvantages
Automatically detects To view the mesh you must write
obstructions in the fluid volume a solver input file using Solve.
and mesh around them.
You cannot manually modify the
The solver can create boundary mesh.
layer meshes.
Limited control over mesh size.
The solver can use the idealized
part, CAD geometry, or another
mesh to define the fluid volume
Casing with vents and fan openings enclosing the printed circuit
Solved analysis showing the velocity of the fluid, where the flow
surrounds both mesh and polygon bodies.
The mesh is automatically updated at run time if you modify the geometry
of the obstruction.
Fluid volume
Fluid Domain
The Fluid Mesh type defines a 3D mesh for the fluid volume.
You can view the fluid meshing process log file (tmgmesh.log) with a
text editor. The file is stored in the directory where your simulation
files is stored.
Meshing a complex air volume using flow domains
You copy and simplify the geometry to create a part that is later meshed
through a Fluid Domain simulation object.
The solver input file is written and the mesh obtained is then
The 3D elements in the boundary layer mesh are highly anisotropic and
ideal for capturing strong gradients near a surface.
y = distance from the wall
r = fluid density
= fluid viscosity
Element Skew locates elements that are slivers or have one or more
extremely small edges. The value ranges from 0.0 (best) to 1.0 (worst).
The "optimal element volume " is the volume of an equilateral tetrahedron
element that touches a spherical surface connecting the nodes of a
generated tetrahedron, and "size" is defined as the volume of the
generated tetrahedron element.
If you write a solver input file, you can reuse the mesh during the solve.
Try to keep element aspect ratio values above 0.2. Values below 0.05
will produce unacceptable results.
To model a duct you must define at least 5 to 10 elements across the duct
face that you select.
Around a bend in the flow or where the flow channel changes shape or size
specify a finer fluid mesh with at least 5 elements per edge of the channel.
Preprocessing an electronics fan
You will create a fluid volume from the periodic section in a radially
symmetric geometry.
This activity also shows how to mesh faces to create periodic boundary
In this lesson, you:
Used the various techniques available to create fluid volumes.
Mesh Control
Defines number of elements, spacing ratios, biasing, etc.
You will need to define section properties which can be used to simplify
the modeling of heat transfer or duct flow.
2D Meshing
2D Mesh
Creates two-dimensional shell elements on a selected face.
2D Mapped Mesh
Generates a mapped mesh of triangular or quadrilateral shell elements.
2D Dependent Mesh
Creates identical free or mapped meshes on different faces within your
You can use 2D meshes as seeds for a 3D meshes without exporting the
2D meshes to the solver by deselecting the Export to Solver option
in the 3D meshing dialog boxes.
3D Meshing
3D Tetrahedral Mesh
Creates three-dimensional tetrahedral solid elements on a selected body.
3D Swept Mesh
Generates a mapped mesh of hexahedral or wedge elements by sweeping
a free or mapped surface mesh through a solid body.
Use the Transition Element Size option to gradually transition the size of
elements from local element sizes back to the global element size.
Off On
Coincident nodes
Coincident nodes are duplicate nodes lying on top of each other. These will be
treated as separate sections of your model.
These nodes occur when you:
Mesh different solid or shell geometries with mating faces and do not
connect them.
Mesh complex curved geometry into parts smaller than the tolerance of
the meshing application which generates nodes that belong to adjacent
elements that lie on top of each other.
Free Coincident : It aligns the mesh on both the source and target
faces but does not connect the meshes. This results in duplicate nodes
at the interface.
Use the Finite Element Model Check tool to verify element quality and
avoid mesh issues based on the threshold values defined by default. You
can check:
Duplicate nodes
Element shapes
Element outlines
2D element normals
In the Simulation Navigator, check the status of meshes to make sure
Threshold values
You can adjust the maximum Threshold Values when you check for the mesh
Any element with test results exceeding these values will fail the test.
The values you enter depend on the accuracy you need from your analysis
and the type of solver specified in the environment.
Mesh collector
Mesh Collectors group meshes that share the same element type, physical,
and material properties. You can:
Create mesh collectors before or while creating a mesh.
Control the display of model sections with mesh collectors, modifying their
visibility and appearance.
The groups and options listed on the mesh collector depend on element type
and solver type. To create a mesh collector:
5. (Optional) You can also specify other properties such as Section Manager
and Multilayer Thermal Coupling.
In the Simulation file, you can override the physical properties assigned to
the mesh collector in the FEM which lets you explore how different physical
properties affect the solution results.
Mesh collector overrides
1. In the Simulation Navigator, right-click the collector and choose Edit
Attribute Overrides.
2. Left click on the lock symbol and select Apply Override to modify the
mesh collector properties.
The physical properties modified in a the Simulation file will not be
available in the FEM file.
Non-Newtonian fluids are defined creating a fluid material and using
a Non-Newtonian modeling object to modify it according to the model
When using a Fluid Domain simulation object to define a mesh the fluid
properties can be specified from Simulation file in the Fluid Domain
dialog box.
Material list
You can use predefined materials or copy their properties into a new material.
1. Make the part active.
5. Click OK.
Local materials
When you assign a material definition to a model, the material is saved
as a local material directly in the current FEM.
You can manage your custom material definitions using the Material
Library Manager dialog box.
When you load a library material definition into NX (either by using the
Load Library Material into the File command or by assigning the material to
a physical property or to a solid body), the local material is locked and you
cannot edit it in NX. Therefore, the local material retains the property values
that were in the material library file at the time they were loaded.
One dimensional elements are commonly used in structural models but can
also be used for thermal or duct flow modeling.
Each tab in the New file dialog box is defined by a PAX file.
Each template file is represented in the New dialog box with an image
to identify the template.
By default your system has PAX files for model, drawing, simulation, and
manufacturing templates.
PAX files
All templates and PAX files are by default located in the
UGII_BASE_DIR%\ugii\templates directory.
To modify PAX files
If you cannot modify the folder containing the PAX and template files you can
set a different folder.
To modify the default template folder
1. Right-click on My Computer and select Properties.
Restart NX after modifying PAX or templates files.
Assembly FEMs
An assembly FEM (*.afm) file supports enhanced workflows when working
with large assemblies like HVAC systems.
The assembly file contains:
Occurrences and locations of the component FEMs or assembly FEMs.
The FEM files are located by matching the coordinate systems of the FEM
and model.
Mapped component.
Ignored component.
Matching components.
Meshings, assembly FEMs, and material library review.
You will mesh complex models using assembly FEMs.
Review questions
1. True/False. All meshes created in the FEM file are exported to the solver.
In this lesson, you:
Used the different types of meshing tools and techniques, including
automatic mesh creation and manual mesh correction.
Created and defined properties for mesh collectors before and after
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe concepts of fluid dynamics.
Conservation of mass
Conservation of momentum
Conservation of energy
Several CFD techniques exist to solve fluid flow problems. The flow solver
discretizes the physical space into small cells or control volumes to form a
volume mesh, and then uses a suitable algorithm to solve the discretized
Navier-Stokes equations.
Ui and ui are the components of the mean and fluctuating velocity in
the ith direction.
Sm, SUj, Sh are the source terms for the mass, momentum, and energy,
Nodes and elements that represent the fluid volume and interacting
Boundary conditions and other flow controls that mimic the fluid
movement in your system.
You must define the fluid volume with 3D elements for which you assign the
appropriate fluid material properties.
Parabolic counterparts of these elements, while supported, are treated
as linear by the solver.
Flow results are recovered for all nodes (including mid-side nodes) by
interpolating the variables at the finite volume integration points.
Quantifies relative importance of these two forces for given flow conditions.
Re=rUmL/, or
r = Fluid density
L = Characteristic length
= Dynamic viscosity
n = Kinematic viscosity
Visualizing flow patterns inside a valve
You apply the concept of flow volume.
Boundary layer meshing for a train assembly
You will use the Fluid Domain simulation object to mesh the flow around
the train and to define a boundary layer on specific surfaces of the train
This activity also illustrates how to use the Flow Boundary Condition
simulation object.
Flow regimes
Laminar Flow
Occurs when a fluid flows smoothly in thin parallel layers or laminae,
with different velocities in each layer and no disruption between layers.
In this lesson, you:
Described concepts of fluid dynamics.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
Apply or modify global and local initial conditions.
Describe the techniques to model fan swirl, fan curves, and louvres.
Use the different flow surfaces and flow blockage types to model
obstructions in the fluid volume.
Uniform sets the initial values to the ones you specify. Use Uniform if the
fluid conditions differ from ambient conditions.
From Results In Other Directory sets the initial values to the flow results
from previous analysis using the same mesh.
This option overrides any Initial 3D Flow Conditions constraint. You must
specify the directory containing the results. The solver files (flow.bfi and
flow.fli) in this directory define initial conditions.
Thermal Loads
Use Thermal Loads to apply known heat sources that can be constant,
time varying, and/or spatially distributed.
Use Heat Load if you know the load in units of power, for example on
chip or stove plate model. (power)
Use Heat Flux if you know the value of heat entering through an area
you select, for example solar heat flux. (power/area))
Temperature constraint
Time varying
Spatially distributed
simulation object.
Flow Boundary Condition Types
Models fluid entering or leaving the fluid domain at a
known flow rate and location.
Inlet Flow Use it to model fans, pumps, or a face at a known
or velocity.
Outlet Flow You can also define heat exchange, flow direction, fan
control, or distribution at flow return.
Models an external opening in the fluid volume that
allows fluid to flow into or out of the fluid domain.
Use to model vents and faces opened to the
Opening environment.
An Opening can act as an inlet or outlet depending on
flow conditions existing at the simulation start time.
Models fluid flow due to the movement of a fan
embedded in the fluid volume.
Internal Fan For an Internal Fan only, you must specify the faces,
and the direction of fluid, moving along the axis of
the fan or at an angle to it.
Models a recirculation device or system that extracts
the fluid from the fluid domain and returns it at
Recirculation Loop another location.
Select two different faces on the boundary of the fluid
volume as the Flow Extract and the Flow Return
Fan curve: fan flow rate vs. change in pressure across the fan.
Specify a fan using a function or table.
When you define a fan curve the solver adjusts the fan flow rate and
pressure rise at each iteration.
Step 2: Select the element faces or polygon faces that you want to use as
the Region through which the fluid flows.
Step 4: (Optional) You can also model heat exchange, flow direction, fan
control, or distribution at flow return.
Opening BC procedure
Step 1: In the Flow Boundary Condition dialog box select Opening from
the Type list.
Step 2: Select the element faces or polygon faces that you want to use as
the Region through which the fluid flows.
Step 5: (Optional) You can also model screens, filters, louvers, and a
pressure drop.
Step 2: Select the element faces or polygon faces that you want to use as
the Internal Fan Region through which the fluid flows.
Step 4: (Optional) You can also model heat exchange, louvers, and fan
Faces with internal fans applied, must have coincident nodes joint
using a Mesh Matting operation, or by joining all their duplicate nodes
using the Check utility.
Step 2: Select the element faces or polygon faces that you want to use as
the Extract Region and the Return Region through which the fluid
Step 4: (Optional) You can also model louvers, fan swirl, and turbulence
Step 5: (Optional) Use the options in the Heat Exchange group to model
heat transfer from the extraction and return openings on the fluid
Modeling louvers
Model louvers for fans and openings by defining a vector that describes how
the fluid is oriented. Set the direction in the Flow Direction or Flow Return
groups of the different flow boundary condition types.
You can sketch a curve to represent the vector direction or select available
For a radially varying swirl set the Rotation Axis and the Rotation
Existing Field .
In the Formula Field and Table Field dialog boxes you can enter values,
use variables, or import the values from .txt or .xls files.
When you do not specify a head loss, the screen simulation object obtains
mass flux results through the face you select. To view these results,
activate the Mass Fluxes check box in the Results Options tab of the Edit
Solution dialog box.
The density of the fluid element mesh surrounding a Screen must be at
least four fluid elements across any opening to model fluid flow with
good accuracy.
Selecting the appropriate correlation type and typing the free area,
measured or calculated from the geometry. The available correlation
types are:
Thin perforated plate (Sharp, rounded, or beveled edges)
Flow surfaces
Use the Flow Surface simulation object to model convection and/or drag
from a selected surface to the surrounding fluid. Flow surfaces constrain or
direct the fluid flow within a fluid volume (e.g. PC board, baffle, duct, or
A Flow Surface overrides any default or global convection and/or drag
Boundary Flow Surface With Obstructions contacts the fluid on one side,
with small obstructions attached to the surface.
For more information about flow surfaces, see Boundary Conditions Solver
Specific Simulation Objects NX Thermal and Flow Flow Surface Flow
Surface Overview in the Advanced Simulation online Help.
Ensure that 2D solid edges match 3D edges curved flow surfaces and use
a smaller 2D mesh size to ensure accurate modeling.
During the analysis the 3D flow mesh opens at the 2D Flow Surface to
its thickness, blocking flow,
Flow blockages
You can also define wall convection and surface roughness in solid
flow blockages.
Porous and solid flow blockage modeling
You will learn how to use model flow blockages and porous media.
3D flow convection
To model convection automatically, you must set:
Global convection properties for meshed surfaces in contact with fluid
elements by defining options in the Convection Properties group on the
3D Flow tab in the Create Solution or Edit Solution dialog boxes.
Values for bulk heat transfer coefficients can be obtained from engineering
handbooks or experimental data. You can also use the thermal wizard to
calculate it.
All faces of solid bodies meshed with 3D non-fluid elements in your model.
2. From the Type list select Convection Properties and click Create.
4. Select the Use Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier check box if you want
to specify a Multiplier value for the heat transfer coefficient to account for
geometry not completely modelled such as extra cooling fins or for other
surface characteristics.
You can specify surface roughness or let the software calculate it from
surface obstructions using size spacing and height.
The value can be set locally at the Flow Surface dialog box or globally in
the 3D Flow tab of the Edit Solution dialog box.
The Sand Grain Roughness value should not exceed the size of fluid
elements next to the surface.
2D elements orientation
A 2D mesh can convect from its top side, its bottom side, or both.
Properties can be defined separately for the two sides of a 2D mesh.
You must determine top and bottom sides of a 2D mesh by checking the
Element Normals. The direction of the normal corresponds to top side.
Symmetry plane
simulation object.
Obtain a report of force on surfaces at a specified coordinate system.
Converter and muffler flow modeling
You will learn how to model screens.
Review questions
1. True/False. Lift and drag results are only given respect to the global
coordinate system of the simulation.
In this lesson, you:
Applied and modified global and local initial conditions.
Described the techniques to model fan swirl, fan curves, and louvres.
Used the different flow surfaces and flow blockage types to model
obstructions in the fluid volume.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
Understand how the flow solver works.
Can model:
Laminar or turbulent flow.
Duct flows.
NX Flow algorithm
Step 1: The nodes of elements in a fluid mesh are used to define the
elements geometry and to calculate faces and their normals.
Step 2: The solver creates control volumes from elements around nodes
by joining the midpoints of surrounding element edges and the
centers of surrounding element faces. Each control volume has a
node at its center of gravity (CG).
Step 3: The solver then defines integration points at the surface midpoints
of the control volumes.
The value of a variable at the integration points represents the
values on all surfaces of the control volume.
Step 6: The solver assembles and solves the mass, momentum, and energy
equations together, making it a coupled solver.
The integration points are internal to the flow solver and hence
can not be displayed or manipulated using NX preprocessing and
post-processing tools.
Element sector
Integration point
Control volume
Original grid
3. In the Edit Solution dialog box, on the Solution Details tab, select Run
Directory check box and specify a location for result files.
6. On the Ambient Conditions tab, specify the gravity vector for buoyancy
modeling. Make sure the values for the Pressure and Temperature group
are correct.
7. On the Result Options tab, select the desired output result types.
8. Click OK in the Edit Solution dialog box to accept all other defaults.
10. Right-click the solution name in the Simulation Navigator and choose
Define origin, and tolerances for the fluid domain meshing in the Fluid
Domain Parameters group.
Buoyancy modeling
The flow solver models the effect of buoyancy driven flows (hot air rising) due
to density differences generated by thermal gradients. To activate it:
1. Right-click the Solution node and select Edit Solution.
2. On the Solution Details tab of the Edit Solution dialog box, select the
Buoyancy check box in the Solve Options group.
5. Click OK.
Define a time step value that is sufficiently small in order to resolve the
non-linearities of the flow. That is, the solution should be linear over the
time step interval.
For Forced Convection a value of half the model length scale divided by
the model velocity dt = L / V
L is the mean flow distance from the inlet to the outlet and V is the
average velocity. If the solution does not converge using this value then
divide the time step by 2 and try solving again.
For Natural Convection always use a physical time step and calculate it
as dt=h2/[n(Gr)] for Gr=gbTh3/n2.
g = Gravitational acceleration
b = Coefficient of thermal expansion. (for air, b = 3.4x10-3)
T = Change in air temperature from outlet to inlet. (Typical is 10 C to
25 C.)
h = Chimney height as shown above
n = Kinematic viscosity, for air at 27; C n = 25.90106 m2/s
For example, with h = 0.3m, b = 3.4x10-3, g = 9.81 m/s2, T = 25 C, Gr = 0.09.
Then dt = 0.6 s, use time step of 0.3 s to be safe
The flow solver computes a local reference time step based on local velocity
and element length scale at each node (control volume) in the domain, and
then multiplies this by the local time step factor provided.
Useful for models which have varying time scales.
A default value of 20 is suggested for the local time step but a value as
low as 2 may be required for models which exhibit oscillations in the
convergence rates.
For more information about time step types, see NX Thermal and Flow
Adjusting Solver Parameters Flow Solver Parameters Defining a Time
Step in the Advanced Simulation online Help.
Define time step, convergence criteria, and iteration limits for the flow
General recommendations
Specify a physical time step small enough so that the solution is linear
over the time step interval.
Large time step values might lead to convergence problems. Time step
values too small are costly in computation time.
Relaxation factors
The relaxation factors control the convergence of the iterative solver by
relaxing the momentum and energy equations.
When you select Solve, the solver generates an input file, then
automatically begins processing.
An Information window displays model check results.
The Analysis Job Monitor dialog box lists the solve status for single or
multiple runs.
Click Stop to halt the current solution and discard the results.
Restarting is not possible.
Click Pause to stop solution and recover results for post processing.
In complex models pause the solution to inspect the results after a few
iterations, verify its integrity, and continue the run.
Continue the solve using the Restart tab at the Edit Solution dialog
For more information about restarts, see NX Thermal and Flow Solving
Restarting the analysis.
Total heat load on the model from heat load, heat flux, and heat generation
boundary conditions.
TKE Turbulent Kinetic Energy and the TKE Dissipation Rate for the k-
equation if K-Epsilon is the selected turbulence model.
Pressure rise and volume flow rate.
The convergence criterion are set in the Solver Parameters dialog box.
Flow in a piston engine
This uses the concepts on fluid volume meshing controls and boundary
conditions to model a complex process.
You will modify the solution parameter according to the physics of the
problem to obtain a solution.
Review questions
1. True/False. A physical time step must be used to simulate natural
convection (fluid buoyancy), and it must be calculated based on the
Grasshof number.
In this lesson, you:
Understood how the flow solver works.
7 NX Flow post-processing
This lesson explains how to display your results, export model data, and
create reports.
Generate contour and marker plots, and display them on cutting planes.
Create reports.
Create and animate marker plots such as vector fields, streamlines, and
To view results
1. Before solving the model, access the Results tab of the Edit Solution
dialog box to select additional desired results.
Generating results
Available results are:
Velocities, Mach Numbers, and Static and Total Pressures
Surface Pressure
Flow Temperatures
Shear Stresses
Fluid Densities
For more information about the nature and type of result, see NX Thermal
Flow Solution Options Thermal and Flow options Result Options in
the Advanced Simulation online Help.
3. In the Edit Solution dialog box, click the Results Options tab.
4. Expand each results group and select the result sets required.
Display options
You can modify the appearance of your result using Post View .
This allows you to modify the mesh and annotation display properties, adjust
translucency, and modify the legend.
Color Display
Color Spectrum
Structural Thermal Grayscale Spotlight
Cutting plane
To create cutting planes you can use sections or create a cutting plane on
Use Identify and Display Marker On/Off to probe and display nodal
and elemental values from the model displayed on the graphics window. You
can also:
Display the IDs value for elements, groups, and parts.
Arrow plots
Flow results can be scalars or vectors. In the flow post processor you can
Scalar data.
4. Adjust options on the Post View dialog box to obtain the most
representative view.
Streamline plots
Streamlines are curves tangent to the velocity of the flow at each point of the
fluid domain. They are defined for an instant in time and do not intersect.
They show a snap shot of the flow field and how it moves.
To display streamlines
5. Adjust options on the Display tab to graph the most representative view.
Iso-Surface plots
An iso-surface represents points of a constant value (e.g pressures) within a
volume of space.
To display Iso-Surfaces
4. Adjust options on the Display tab to graph the most representative view.
Creating graphs
You can create XY graphs of:
Single or multiple result sets along a path or through iterations.
Graphs are created as AFU files. Once you create a graph, you can use the
Functions and Graphing tools to further refine your graph displays.
In the Post Processing Navigator, right-click a post view and choose
Create Graph or Create Path.
The Track During Flow Solve report type generates a text report in the
Analysis Job Information dialog box.
Remember to define the Report simulation object before you run the
Final Report
After solving your model, you can create an HTML report. This document
will include a description of material properties, physical properties,
simulation objects, loads, results, and images. You can also type in additional
Review questions
1. True/False. Cutting planes and work sections can be used at the same
time while post processing.
In this lesson, you:
Displayed results using the different post processing options available.
This lesson explains the modeling of duct flow networks in NX Flow Advanced.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe the capabilities NX Flow Advanced has to model duct networks.
Model heat transfer between the duct fluid and the duct walls.
HVAC systems
1D duct elements.
Model both the duct flow and the duct wall using 1D elements.
Right click on the mesh of a 1D element and select Display Section to
view a graphical representation of the cross section area you defined.
Define a cross section with wall thickness, and the material of the wall
in the duct mesh collector.
If you model the duct walls make sure you connect them to the rest of
the model via thermal couplings.
Pressure Rise
Define an opening or set gauge
pressure, and/or temperature
Duct Opening
boundary conditions.
Define at a node a known gauge
Duct Pressure pressure.
Model wall friction, or modify the
head loss on specific locations of the
duct network.
Duct Flow Properties Define a duct head loss modeling
object to model screens, geometry
changes, or other section changes.
Fluid resistance:
Thermal resistance
The solver
Conserves the mass flow, and uses the elements length and average cross
section as the control volume.
Review questions
1. True/False. 1D networks can be coupled to 3D flow regions.
2. True/False. Duct flow cross sections can not be inherited from the
geometry and must always be defined using the Section Manager.
2. True/False. Duct flow cross sections can not be inherited from the
geometry and must always be defined using the Section Manager.
False. Duct flow cross sections can be defined from the geometry and
also through the Section Manager.
In this lesson, you:
Described the capabilities NX Flow Advanced to model duct networks.
9 Non-Newtonian flow
Is the property of a fluid that relates the shear stress t and the
deformation rate velocity gradient (deformation rate) u/y.
Newtonian fluid
Common fluids such as water, air, gasoline are Newtonian under normal
Non-Newtonian fluids
A fluid is Non-Newtonian when the shear stress is not directly proportional
to the rate of deformation.
Fluids such as blood, paint, oils, and molten polymers are non-Newtonian.
Viscosity Models
min < < max
3. In the Non-Newtonian Fluid dialog box, specify a name for the modeling
4. Select a previously defined material from the Affected Fluid Material list,
or click Choose Material to create one.
5. From the Type menu, select the type of non-Newtonian fluid model to
7. Click OK.
11. In the Modeling Objects Manager dialog box, under the Selection group,
select the previously created Non-Newtonian Fluid modeling object and
click Add to List.
Modeling non-Newtonian fluids
You will create a Non-Newtonian modeling object to model blood.
You will also use a flow steady state solution as the initial condition in
a transient flow run.
Review questions
1. True/False. In non-Newtonian fluids the shear stress is proportional to
the rate of deformation.
In this lesson, you:
Defined viscosity of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids.
10 Periodic flow
Periodic flows
Periodic flows occur when both the geometry and the flow field repeat
themselves from one face to the next.
Periodic boundary conditions:
Force the flow and scalar fields to be identical at the periodic boundaries.
This results in a spatially cyclic solution.
Create periodicity for the fluid domain of all quantities calculated: fluid,
thermal, scalar, and turbulence.
The entire model can be broken down into identical periodic sections.
Each periodic section has a pair of matching and opposed periodic faces
with identical fluid conditions on the face.
The two periodic faces that represent the common boundaries of the
periodic flow must have identical meshes. You can force these meshes to
3. Define the Master Region by selecting one of the polygon faces of the
periodic boundaries.
4. Define the Slave Region by selecting the matching faces on the other
periodic boundary.
5. (Optional) You can also exclude one or more polygon faces from the
periodicity by clicking Select Object in the Master Region or Slave
Region groups, and then selecting the polygon face(s) to exclude.
8. Click OK.
Periodic flow in a heatsink
You will create a translational periodic fluid volume and mesh the master
and slave faces using a 2D dependent mesh.
Review questions
1. True/False. Periodic boundary conditions force the flow and scalar fields
to be identical at the periodic boundaries.
In this lesson, you:
Identified models where the geometry can be cut into periodic sections.
This lesson explains the use and applications of moving frames of reference.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe the concepts behind the use of moving frames of reference.
The solver measures the perturbations in the moving fluid as it passes around
the stationary object, and produces results that correspond to the actual flow
pattern that would result from the moving object.
Rotating fan with a velocity w
Air blowers
Wind tunnels
For translating entities, select the faces to which to apply the relative
6. Click OK.
Simulating an electronics fan
You will define a rotating frame of reference applied to volumes and faces.
This activity also shows how to create a radial section to post process
rotating devices.
Review questions
1. True/False. When using a moving frame of reference, the rotating or
translating object is assumed to be stationary.
In this lesson, you:
Described the concepts behind the use of moving frames of reference.
This lesson explains how to model and the basics concepts of high speed flows
in NX Flow Advanced.
Flows at velocities above Mach 0.3 have density changes of more than 5%
and generally are treated as compressible.
Supersonic flow
The general energy equation the solver uses for flows including high speed
flow is:
For low speed flows (Mach < 0.3) the energy equation is simplified. The
pressure work and dissipation terms are neglected, the equation becomes:
Table 12-1.
Flow Mach Number
Subsonic M<0.8
Subsonic Compressible M>0.3
Transonic 0.8<M<1.2
Supersonic M>1
Hypersonic * M>5
V>c Supersonic
V=c Sonic
3. Select the High Speed Flow check box in the Additional Parameters group.
4. Click the Results Options tab and expand the 3D Flow group.
6. Click OK.
2. In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click the 3D Flow Solver tab.
4. Click OK.
2. In the Supersonic Inlet dialog box, select one ore more faces that define
the supersonic inlet.
3. In the Mach Number box type the speed of the fluid as it enters the fluid
4. Select either Ambient or Specify from the list temperature and pressure
conditions outside the inlet.
5. Define the Flow Direction for fluid entering the fluid domain at the
supersonic inlet.
Supersonic flow in a Nozzle
You will model and post process supersonic flow in a nozzle.
This activity also shows you how to create and mesh the geometry using a
sweep function.
Review questions
1. True/False. The Mach number M is the ratio of flow speed V to the local
speed of sound c.
In this lesson, you:
Described basic concepts related to high speed flows such as the speed of
sound and the Mach number.
13 Turbulent flow
This lesson explains the basic concepts of turbulent flow and the different
models available for it in NX Flow.
Turbulent flow
Turbulent flow
Has unsteady vortices on different scales which interact with each other.
Turbulence Modeling
CFD codes use different approaches to model turbulence, these can be
categorized in:
Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS)
A very fine mesh is used to solve directly the flow equations to the
smallest scales of the flow.
Is the most commonly used approach in the industry and the one used
by NX Flow.
Large Eddy Simulation (LES)
Large energy carrying eddies are simulated and small eddies are flittered
and modeled using a refined grid.
Mesh size is typically finer than a RANS model but coarser than a DNS.
Detached Eddy Simulation (DES)
Model switches between RANS and LES modeling the problem according
to physics of the flow.
Other techniques include: Reynolds Stress Model, and the Vortex method
(mesh free modeling).
Momentum equation
This term is known as the Reynolds stress tensor which creates additional
unknown variables. To solve the flow field,
Algebraic models.
Molecular Turbulent
Near-wall model: A very fine mesh is created close to the wall and the
flow is solved through all sub-layers. A k- model cannot integrate to the
wall, a wall function must be used.
Wall function: In this approach the flow near the wall is not solved
but given a semi-empirical function and wall function.
Wall functions provide boundary conditions for:
Use wall functions where you want to avoid using a high mesh density (k-,
k-w, SST models)
Models with strong body forces, for example flow near a rotating body.
Models that do not have at least 510 nodes in the viscous sublayer.
Not ideal for large pressure gradients, flow separation, or free shear flow.
l is the mixing length
k is the Von Karman constant (k =0.41).
k- turbulence model
With the standard two-equation k- model, the turbulent viscosity is
evaluated from:
k is the turbulent kinetic energy.
C is a constant.
The turbulent kinetic energy, k, and the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic
energy, , are obtained by solving their conservation equations.
k- turbulence model
With the standard k-w turbulence model, the turbulent viscosity is given as
k is the turbulent kinetic energy.
The turbulent kinetic energy, k, and the specific dissipation rate of turbulent
kinetic energy, w, are obtained by solving their conservation equations.
The equation for k is
F1 = 0, the transport equations are equivalent to the k- model.
For further details see the Turbulence section of the NX Flow Reference
3. In the Solve Options group choose the turbulence model from the
Turbulence Model list.
If you select the Fixed Turbulent Viscosity or the Mixing Length models:
Click the 3D Flow tab, expand the Characteristic Scales group and
enter the appropriate Length Scales.
4. (Optional) Click the Initial Conditions tab to set global initial turbulence
For the two-equation models (K-Epsilon, Shear Stress Transport
SST and K-Omega), boundary and initial conditions must be set for the
two additional equations. You can enter a value or set it to Automatic.
5. Click OK.
Poor results are obtained when you use wall functions if y+<10.
Boundary layer meshes can also improve wall function results by creating
a smooth set of first nodes from the wall.
The boundary condition for the flow entering or leaving the fluid domain
in the External Conditions dialog box.
The boundary condition of the returning flow in the Return Flow group of
the Recirculation Loop type of the Flow Boundary Condition dialog box.
For all two-equation models you can select Automatic or one of the other
methods to enter the turbulence characteristics.
For further details see the Turbulence section of the NX Flow Reference
For further details see the Turbulence section of the NX Flow Reference
Review questions
1. True/False. Using a mixing length turbulence model provides an accurate
turbulence simulation for all situations.
In this lesson, you:
Understood the nature of turbulence and how to model it.
14 Humidity
Humidity overview
The flow solver models humidity with a general scalar equation. It traces the
movement of water vapor through the fluid domain, updating the density (r),
specific heat at constant pressure (Cp), thermal conductivity (k), and dynamic
viscosity () at each iteration.
You can define humidity by specifying:
Relative or specific humidity values for air entering the flow domain.
Gas mixtures
In addition to the mass, momentum, and energy equations, NX Flow solves
general scalar equations that have the following form:
ra, r, and r represent the density of the main fluid, the density of the
scalar, and the density of the fluid mixture, respectively.
The gas mixture properties are updated each iteration based on the
assumption that the two gases behave as perfect gases, following the ideal
gas equations of state:
See Modeling humidity on the Flow Reference Manual in the online Help.
Modeling humidity
Humidity (water vapor in air) is modeled using the gas mixture scalar
The boundary and initial conditions are specified either in terms of:
Relative humidity.
Specific humidity.
The preprocessor converts relative and specific humidity to mass ratio values
to be used in the scalar equation, then the postprocessor converts them back
for result display.
The relative humidity values are converted into mass ratios using the
saturation pressure of the water vapor at a given temperature calculated
from polynomial analytical formulas using:
fr is the relative humidity
Rv is the water vapor gas constant, and Ra is the airs gas constant.
Define Humidity
1. Define humidity on one of these dialog boxes: Create Solution, Edit
Solution, External Conditions, or Initial Conditions.
Specific humidity is the ratio of water vapor to dry air. Type a value in
the Water Vapor to Dry Air Mass Ratio box.
3. In the Create Solution or Edit Solution dialog box, open the Results
Options tab and select the Humidity and Scalars, PPD (Predicted Percent
Dissatisfied), and PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) check boxes.
Modeling humidity around an aluminum can
Define initial humidity values.
Review questions
1. True/False. You define humidity in terms of mass ratio.
2. True/False. The gas mixture properties are updated each iteration based
on the assumption that the two gases behave as perfect gases.
2. True/False. The gas mixture properties are updated each iteration based
on the assumption that the two gases behave as perfect gases.
In this lesson, you:
Described the mathematical models used to calculate humidity.
15 Particle tracking
This lesson explains the theory, capabilities, and use of particle tracking
in NX Flow Advanced.
Particle tracking
NX Flow Advanced allows you to simulate the trajectories and distribution of
particles in a flow field.
Particles can be modeled with and without mass.
The flow field impacts the particle trajectory but it remains unaffected by
the presence of particles. Particles are said to be modeled in a one-way
W is the velocity of the particle and U the velocity of the flow.
Cd is the drag of the particle.
R is a random vector.
rp and rL are the densities of the particle and the flow.
lelement are the volume and length of the element.
The different terms on the particle tracking governing equation represent:
This formulation considers the effect of the fluid as if it were diverted by the
particle with no wake effects included in the model.
Brownian motion is the apparent random movement of particles
suspended in a fluid due to turbulence.
The estimated time of the particle within the element is used to determine
the averaging time scale t 3(volelement)/|U| lelement/|U|
3. For the steady state analysis, specify the Injection Duration and Output
Control on the 3D Flow Solver tab of the Solver Parameters dialog box to
set the nominal output frequency.
6. In the Region group, click Select Object and select the polygon faces
or mesh element faces where the particles are injected.
7. (Optional) Define mass and size of the injected particles by selecting Mass
and Size Options check box.
8. Select an option from the Inflow Density list to specify how particle
inflow density is calculated. Your selection determines the other options
available on the Particle Injection dialog box.
Particle tracking in a sink
Simulate massless particles.
You will also define particles with a specific mass and size.
Review questions
1. True/False. The fluid flow is affected by the particles injected.
In this lesson, you:
Described the mathematical model used to calculate particle tracking.
16 Flow mapping
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
Generate mapping results to use in other solvers.
Mapping overview
NX Flow allows results transfer from a source model to another solver.
For example, transfer flow forces from to include them in stress or distortion
Flow forces mapping
Flow mapping associates the face of the fluid element source model to the
closest nodes on the target model.
Static pressure and shear stress results are mapped to vector forces
generated by the fluid on the surface of the target model.
General considerations
The FEM global coordinate system from target model must be the same
as in the source model.
3. Solve the thermal or flow (source) model to obtain the results you want
to map.
If you create or modify mapping constraints in the source model at
any point after you solve the source model, you must export these
constraints before you execute the mapping.
4. Open the target model Simulation file, then right-click the Simulation file
and choose New solution to create the target solution.
5. On the Create Solution dialog box, choose NX THERMAL / FLOW from the
Solver list and Mapping from the Analysis Type list.
7. Fill out the options on both the Mapping Details tab and the Optional
Output tab of the Create Solution dialog box.
8. (Optional) If you have created one or more Zone constraints in the source
solution, create matching Zone Association constraints in the target
2. Select the entities that have the results you want to map.
4. Select destination elements or nodes to which you want to map the flow
forces results.
5. Click Update Zones and select the zone you created in the source solution
from the Flow Zone.
6. Click OK.
You can control model numbering with the Nastran SID Start Number
and Nastran SID Increment options.
4. In the Force Pre-load group choose NX Flow Pressures and Shear Forces
from the Pre-Load Type list and specify the location of the .bun file in the
NX Flow Pre-Load Results File field.
5. Click OK.
Mapping pressures on a valve mode
This activity demonstrates how to map results from a flow to a structural
You will also learn how to create flow zones to map specific areas from a
source model, then map these areas to target sets in the target model.
Review questions
1. True/False. In order to map results, the solver creates associations
between the face of the fluid element source model to the closest nodes
on the target model.
2. True/False. The FEM global coordinate system from target model and
the source model can be different.
2. True/False. The FEM global coordinate system from target model and
the source model can be different.
False. The FEM global coordinate system from target model must be
the same as in the source model.
In this lesson, you:
Created mapping results and use them in other solvers.
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Course Agenda
NX Flow Analysis
Monday Morning
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Fluid volume creation and meshing
o Activity: Preprocessing an electronics fan (25 minutes)
o Activity: Meshing a complex air volume using flow domains (60 minutes)
Lesson 2: Meshing and material properties
o Activity: Meshing, material libraries, and assembly FEMs review (20 minutes)
Lesson 3: Computational fluid dynamics introduction
o Activity: Visualizing flow patterns inside a valve (30 minutes)
o Activity: Boundary layer mesh creation and solution of a train assembly (30
Tuesday Morning
Lesson 4: Flow boundary conditions
o Activity: Flow through a catalytic converter (25 minutes)
o Activity: Converter and muffler assembly (25 minutes)
Lesson 5: Flow solution options and parameters
o Activity: Flow in a piston engine (60 minutes)
Lesson 5: Non-Newtonian Flow
o Activity: Modeling non-Newtonian fluids (Artery) (60 minutes)
Lesson 6: Periodic flows
o Activity: Periodic flow in a heatsink (35 minutes)
Lesson 7: Rotating frames of reference
o Activity: Simulating an electronics fan (30 minutes)
Wednesday Morning
Lesson 8: High speed flows
o Activity: Supersonic flow in a Nozzle (25 minutes)
Lesson 9: Turbulent Flow
Lesson 10: Humidity
o Activity: Modeling humidity around an aluminum can (50 minutes)
Lesson 11: Particle tracking
o Activity: Particle tracking in a sink (35 minutes)
Lesson 5: Flow mapping
o Activity: Mapping pressures on a valve model (60 minutes)
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