Mca - I 2017 Index

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A Practical File on

Fundamentals of Information Technology(FIT)

Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Dr.RamandeepKaur Students Name
Dr. Pankaj K. Varshney Enrl No.
Batch: MCA-I

Institute of Information Technology & Management,

New Delhi 1100 58
Batch (2017-2020)
Make a word document-
1. What do you mean by operating system? 02/08/17
Difference between GUI and CUI
Write syntax, description and example for the following DOS commands
2. :Date, time, label, vol, help, exit, cls, DIR. COPYCON, TYPE, CD, 09.08.17
cd,cd\ MD, RD, ERASE
Write syntax, description and example for the following DOS Commands
3. 16.08.17
: path, ren, copy, move, find, ,delete, Xcopy, wildcards(*., ?)
Write down all the information about Introduction to MS-Word and
explain the following
Write about Versions of MS-Office
4. Features of MS WORD 23.08.17
Components of MsWord Window(Title Bar, Status Bar,
The difference between wordpad, notepad and MsWord.
Create a document file ComputerEvolution.docx and write about
Evolution of computer. Show the various aspects of File Management:
5. 27.08.17
Opening, creating and saving a document, copying contents in some
different file(s)and give password protection for the file.
Create a document for different types of Input Devices& Output Devices. (Main
headings: Font-Algerian,size-16pt, Bold Color-Blue, Uppercase; Level 1
6. 06.09.17
headings:Font Times New Roman,size-14pt,Italicized,Underline color-Orange;
Body:font-Arial, Color-Black,size 12pt
Create the document Super_Sub.docx. Give suitable headings using different
underline styles and insert the equations as follows.
4H3PO3 = 3H3PO4 + PH3
7. 06.09.17
Pnew = Pold+ x2 y acosx
Superscript & Subscript
Cos2Ax Sin2Ax=( CosAx SinAx) ( CosAx + SinAx)
Create a Resume in MS-WORD using templates and write down the steps for
8. the same.
Create a document for different types of memory devices using different styles
9. of bullets and output devices using different numbering formats. Also create a
multilevel list
Draw the basic organization of a computer system using drawing toolbars.Insert
10. suitable cliparts from the system.
Create a flowchart to find out the greatest of three numbers using auto shape
11. facility of M.S. Word. Also write its Algorithm
Create a document Header_Footer.docx.Insert the Header(FIT) and
12. footer(course,pg No, Er).Write suitable steps for the same
Create a document file generations.docx divide a paragraph into 3 columns and
13. insert page breaks and column breaks
Create a list of different types of computer during evolution. Also create the
14. hyperlinks of Computers using hyperlink option of M.S. Word. Write down the
steps for creating the hyperlink.
Create a table Student with the following fields as sno.,name ,marks as
15. m1,m2,m3,m4,m5. Change the design style, borders style and Layout of the
table . Also merge 4 rows and split them into 2.
16. Create a table with the following fields like sno.,name ,marks as
m1,m2,m3,m4,m5 and do the following :
(a) Calculate the minimum marks in subjects m1 and m4
(b) Calculate the maximum marks in subjects m3 and m5
(c) Sum of all the marks
(d) Sort the marks(m2) list in ascending order
(e) Convert table into text
Write an invitation letter to 10 of your friends inviting them on your Birth
17. Anniversary party using the mail merge. Write the suitable steps for the same
18. Write steps to create a macro to find and replace a word in a paragraph
19. Create a Registration form on Google Docs
Create the student record using Auto fill option of M.S. Excel. Then apply the
20. SUM, MAX,MIN,COUNT,AVERAGE operations on the student record file
using in-built functions.
Create a database named as Student MBA with the following fields as
S.NO, Name, Marks of 5 subjects(out of 100) and their percentage,
Attendance of five subjects(out of 25) and calculate the percentage of
attendance in each subject that the student got in the whole semester. At
least 15 records should be mentioned in the database in Excel 2007.
Using the conditional formatting
21. i. Attendance less than12= Light red color with Font color black
ii. Attendance %age <50%=Red color with white Font color
iii. Attendance %age>75%=Light Green with Font color black
iv. Marks subjectwise <50= Yellow color with Font color black
v. Overall marks %age<50%=Orange color with white font color
vi. Overall marks %age>85%: Light Green with Font color black
Create an excel sheet for the student database with the following fields as
S.NO, Name, Subject (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5), total marks obtained,
percentage and attempt the following questions: -
(a). Using nested IF statements: -
A student is graded A if he scores 80 or above.
A student is graded B if he scores between 60 to 79.
22. A student is graded C if he scores between 45 to 59.
A student is graded D if he scores between 30 to 44.
A student is graded FAIL if he scores below 30.
(b). Using AND & OR operators (if) in previous excel sheet with the
given slab: -
Provide A grade if the student score 80 or above.
Provide B grade if the student score 60 to 79
Create column chart for comparison of sales report of ABC and XYZ
24. Create pie chart for sales report of ABC company
Create the Pivot table for result generation of student sample record. in M.S.
25. Excel
Create the Pivot Chart for result generation of student sample record. in M.S.
26. Excel
Write a letter to the parents of students of course MCA , sem-I 2015-18
informing them about their attendance and academic performance using
Mail merge. The database of 10 students should be created in Ms Excel
with the following fields:Name, Enrl No., Fathers Name, Marks of 5
subjects (S1,S2,S3,S4,S5) and their respective attendance, attendance
%age subjectwise.
Create a creative presentation onWhat do you mean by web Browser?
28. What are search engines?Explain the concept of web
technology.Differentiate web site and web page
Prepare quiz for FIT with at least 3 slides and link them using
Write in detail about the tool Schoology and what are the different
functionality it offers using suitable screenshots
Write steps for using what-if-analysis consider the following case
scenario for the analysis?
a)Your business has a modest profit of 25,000. You've set yourself a new
profit Goal of 35,000. At the moment, you're selling 1000 items at 25
each. Assume that you'll still sell 1000 items. The question is, to hit your
new profit of 35,000, by how much do you have to raise your prices?
b)You've had a meeting with your staff, and it has been decide that a
price change from 25 to 35 is not a good idea. A better idea is to sell
more items. You still want a profit of 35 000. Use Goal Seek to find out
how many items you'll have to sell to meet your new profit figure.

Create a Document using Libre Office. Save it using suitable extension

and write proper steps for the same

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