Offshore Mooring Steel Wire Ropes
Offshore Mooring Steel Wire Ropes
Offshore Mooring Steel Wire Ropes
APRIL 2009
This booklet has since the main revision (April 2009) been amended, most recently in October 2009.
See the reference to Amendments and Corrections on the next page.
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Offshore Standard DNV-OS-E304, April 2009
Introduction Page 3
Sec. 1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 9
A 100 Introduction 201 The mooring steel wire ropes, sockets and pins specified
herein are intended for position mooring applications such as:
101 This Offshore Standard contains criteria, technical mooring of mobile offshore units, mooring of floating produc-
requirements and guidance on materials, design, manufacture tion units, mooring of offshore loading systems, and mooring
and testing of offshore mooring steel wire ropes, sockets and of gravity base structures during fabrication.
102 The standard has been written for general world-wide 202 This standard covers:
application. Governmental regulations may include require-
ments in excess of the provisions by this standard depending stranded ropes and spiral ropes
on the size, type, location and intended service of the offshore sockets and pins including socketing performance criteria
unit or installation. and socketing procedures.
103 The objectives of this standard are to:
provide an internationally acceptable standard of safety by
defining minimum requirements for offshore mooring B. Normative References
steel wire ropes, sockets and pins
serve as a contractual reference document between manu- B 100 General
facturers and purchasers 101 The standards in Table B1 include provisions which,
serve as a guideline for designers, suppliers, purchasers
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this off-
and regulators
specify procedures and requirements for offshore mooring shore standard. Latest issue of the standards shall be used
steel wire ropes, sockets and pins subject to DNV certifi- unless otherwise agreed.
cation and classification. 102 Other recognised standards may be used provided it can
be demonstrated that these meet or exceed the requirements of
104 This standard is divided into three main chapters:
the standards in Table B1.
Chapter 1: Section 1 with general information, scope, def- 103 Any deviations, exceptions and modifications to the
initions and references design codes and standards shall be documented and agreed
Chapter 2: Sections 1 and 2 with technical provisions between the supplier, purchaser and verifier, as applicable.
Chapter 3: Sections 1 to 4 giving specific procedures and
requirements applicable for certification and classification B 200 Reference documents
in accordance with this standard. Also, requirements to
design verification are given. 201 Applicable reference documents are given in Table B1.
Sec. 1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Sec. 2 Materials................................................................................................................................... 15
Sec. 3 Design Assessment................................................................................................................... 17
Sec. 4 Wire Rope Manufacture ........................................................................................................... 18
Sec. 5 Manufacture and Assembly of Sockets and Accessories ......................................................... 19
Sec. 6 Tests of Steel Wire Rope Intended for Long Term Mooring................................................... 22
Sec. 7 Tests of Steel Wire Rope Intended for Mobile Mooring and Towing ..................................... 23
Sec. 8 Identification and Records ....................................................................................................... 25
Figure 1
Steel wire rope constructions
A 200 Corrosion protection measures approaches that in air. This is normally ensured by the follow-
ing measures or combinations thereof:
201 A common design requirement is that wire rope seg-
ments in mooring lines are to be protected against corrosion Sacrificial coating of wires.
attacks throughout the design life. The wire rope is therefore Application of a blocking compound on each layer of the
assumed to be fully protected such that its fatigue life strand during stranding. The compound should fill all
crevices in the wire rope, strongly adhere to wire surfaces resistance than spiral strands because of the compact, near
and have good lubricating properties. cylindrical surface. However, these are stiffer constructions
Surface sheathing of the wire rope by an extruded plastic and may, depending on the number of shaped wire layers,
jacket in order to prevent ingress of sea water and flushing require more care during handling and installation. Locked coil
out of blocking compound. ropes also require a larger bending radius than other construc-
202 The ends of each wire rope segment are normally to be
terminated with sockets. Resin shall be used for pouring the 302 For mobile mooring stranded ropes are most commonly
sockets. For long term mooring the sockets should be provided used. However, due to their flexibility, they may also be used
with bend stiffeners (bend limiting devices). This is to protect in long term mooring systems as for example the upper short
the wire ropes from bending during installation operations segment which is subject to winching damage, fairlead bend-
when the bending radiuses are close to the minimum allowed ing fatigue and splash zone corrosion. In these mooring sys-
value. To prevent water ingress in the socket a sealing system tems stranded ropes may be considered as a consumable
may be incorporated in the device. item which can be replaced every few years, whereas the lower
A 300 Guidance for choice of wire rope construction segments are not intended to be replaced
301 For long term mooring spiral ropes are normally used. 303 Type of rope construction and extent of corrosion pro-
These ropes maximise the available steel area and provide high tection must be a case to case evaluation depending on factors
strength to size ratio, high axial stiffness and limited rotation like design life, level of bending stresses, environmental con-
under load (i.e. torque balanced as mentioned above). Further, ditions, position of the wire rope segment in the mooring sys-
these constructions are considered to have high corrosion tem and possibilities for replacement of the wire rope segment.
resistance since a lower proportion of steel wire area is
exposed and the ingress of water to the centre of the rope is 304 In DNV-OS-E301 Sec.2 Table E2 guidelines for choice
more difficult than with stranded ropes. Also, the closed and of wire rope construction as a function of field design life and
compact design of these ropes are very suitable to jacketing for possibilities for replacement have been given. However, it
added corrosion protection. Within this type of ropes half should be emphasized that this table is a rough guidance and
locked and full locked coil constructions have a higher wear that there are no distinct limits of use for each construction.
407 Where forgings or castings and the associated test mate- D. Socketing Compound
rial are submitted to re-heat treatment, they may not be re-
austenitised more than twice. All the tests previously per- D 100 General
formed shall be repeated after re-heat treatment and the results 101 A resin socketing system shall be used. The following
must meet the specified requirements. performance criteria shall be met:
C 500 Inspection Table 1: Performance criteria
501 Materials are subject to, non-destructive testing (NDT) Compressive strength: min.100 N/mm2
and measurements of dimensions as detailed in Sec.5. The Modulus of elasticity: min. 6 000 N/mm2
manufacturers shall prepare written procedures for NDT. NDT Barcol hardness: min. 36
personnel shall be qualified and certified in accordance with Specific gravity: 1.55 1.95
recognised standards or schemes, e.g. ISO 9712, EN 473,
SNT-TC-1A or equivalent. NDT operators shall be qualified to 102 Whenever possible, the pouring of all sockets should be
at least level II. accomplished using one master batch of resin i.e. all the kits
shall have the same unique batch number.
502 NDT shall be performed in accordance with the general
practice of recognised standards, e.g.:
C 600 Repair
F. Bend Stiffener
601 Surface defects may be removed by grinding as detailed
in Sec.5 B300. The resulting grooves shall have a bottom F 100 General
radius of approximately three times the depth and shall be 101 Where required by the purchaser, a plastic material
blended into the surrounding surface to avoid any sharp con- (preferably polyurethane), should be used as bend stiffeners.
tours. Complete elimination of the defective material shall be Material data shall be documented by the manufacturer.
verified by suitable NDT.
602 Except as provided for steel castings, repair by welding
is not permitted.
G. Lubricating/Blocking Compound
C 700 Identification G 100 General
Each forging or casting shall be suitably identified with at least 101 The lubricating/blocking compound shall be stiff but not
the following: solid, and shall have good adhesive properties over the actual
operating temperature range. The compound shall be compati-
identification number, heat number or other marking that ble with the sheathing material and shall have long term durabil-
will enable the history of the item to be traced ity with sea water. Further, the compound shall comply with the
steel grade designation. basic requirements given in ISO 4346 or equivalent standards.
101 The wire shall be manufactured to one of the following No welds of finished wire shall be made within 5 m of the
wire standards or to an equivalent standard: socket in any layer of wires
Round wire ASTM A603, ASTM A586, EN 12485-10, EN No welds of finished wire shall be closer to another weld
10264-2, ISO 2232, API 9A/ISO 10425 than 10 lay lengths in any layer of wires.
In the event of more than two wire breaks requiring welds,
Shaped wire EN 10264-3. occurring within any layer of wires, no further layers of
102 The minimum tensile strength of the wire shall be the ten- wire shall be applied without a full investigation into the
sile strength grade ordered. The tensile strength grade of the reasons and with the acceptance of the purchaser to con-
wires shall be maximum 2 160 N/mm2. If the upper tensile tinue.
strength limit is not defined by the wire standard, it shall not The positions of all welds of finished wire shall be
exceed the minimum tensile strength by more than 260 N/mm2. recorded and reported to the purchaser for acceptance.
All repairs shall be recorded in the final wire rope docu-
103 If any of the specified wire tests fail to meet the actual
specification, a further two test samples shall be selected from mentation.
the same wire bundle and tested. If both tests meet the specifi- 206 The lubricating/blocking compound shall be applied on
cation, the wire bundle is accepted as satisfactory. each layer of the strand during stranding providing internal
104 If any of the above tests are performed on wires taken lubrication and preventing water intrusion.
from an already manufactured wire rope, the testing shall fol-
low the requirements of ISO 3178 or equivalent. B 300 Surface sheathing
301 If sheathing of the wire rope is required by the pur-
B 200 Stranding and closing chaser, the process shall be carried out in accordance with the
201 The wire ropes shall be manufactured in accordance accepted Quality Plan.
with the assessed and accepted design (see Sec.3). Winding, 302 Process controls should include measurements of over-
stranding and closing operations are to be carried out as all diameter, sheathing thickness and tolerances, and continu-
detailed in the accepted Quality Plan. ous integrity tests.
202 The core of a stranded rope shall normally be an inde- 303 All repairs shall be carried out in accordance with a
pendent wire rope (IWRC). repair procedure specification which shall be based on manu-
203 Each wire rope segment shall be checked for dimensions facturers previous experience and which has produced appro-
(length and diameter). The manufacturer shall provide a state- priate repairs and shown satisfactory service performance over
ment indicating compliance with the purchasers requirements. a prolonged period of time.
Figure 1
Sampling for mechanical testing of socket
Figure 2
Sampling for mechanical testing of pin
A. General 203 Regarding the production type test assemblies, the rope
samples shall be fitted in one end with a socket identical to the
A 100 Scope approved design and using the same methods, procedures and
101 This section covers requirements to testing of wire ropes materials as those used to produce the rope/socket connection
intended for long term mooring in order to determine that the for in-service use.
minimum certified breaking load of the wire rope has been 204 The number of tests may be reduced to 2 if the modulus/
equalised. load to MBL test is combined with one of the production type
A 200 Description of tests test assemblies.
201 The tests shall be carried out according to recognised 205 In the event that all of the sockets are of the same type
standard such as ISO 3108 or equivalent. (open or closed), a minimum of two tests from different man-
ufactures, shall be required one of which shall be a type test.
202 The type of tests required are described in Sec.3 B200
and C200.Normally, the following 3 tests shall be performed: 206 In the case of only a small number of wire ropes ( 3) to
be delivered, the number of tests may be reduced to one by
one modulus/load to MBL test assembly (test sockets may agreement.
be used on each end)
one open socket production type test assembly 207 Test acceptance criteria are given in Sec.3 B200 (wire
one closed socket production type test assembly. rope) and C200 (socket).
Table 4 Test loads and masses for six strand steel wire ropes
Rope with fibre core (FC)
Construction groups Nominal diameter (mm) Minimum required breaking strength in kN Approximate mass (kg/100 m)
Table 4 Test loads and masses for six strand steel wire ropes (Continued)
Rope with fibre core (FC)
Construction groups Nominal diameter (mm) Minimum required breaking strength (kN) Approximate mass
1570 N/mm2 1770 N/mm2 (kg/100 m)
24 323 364 241
6 19 group 26 379 428 283
28 440 496 328
30 505 569 376
32 573 646 428
36 725 817 542
40 895 1 010 669
44 1 080 1 220 810
6 19 group and 48 1 290 1 450 964
6 36 group 52 1 510 1 710 1 130
56 1 750 1 980 1 310
60 2 010 2 270 1 510
64 2 290 2 580 1 710
68 2 590 2 920 1 930
72 2 900 3 270 2 170
76 3 230 3 640 2 420
80 3 580 4 040 2 680
84 3 950 4 450 2 950
88 4 330 4 880 3 240
92 4 730 5 340 3 540
96 5 160 5 810 3 850
6 36 group 100 5 590 6 310 4 180
104 6 050 6 820 4 520
108 6 520 7 360 4 880
112 7 020 7 910 5 250
116 7 530 8 490 5 630
120 8 060 9 080 6 020
124 8 600 9 700 6 430
128 9 170 10 330 6 850
A. General inspection
A 100 Identification
202 Each wire rope segment shall be supplied with one cer-
101 All parts shall be clearly marked and identifiable to ease
tificate. The certificate should refer to the following:
quality control, handling, assembly and installation.
102 Each wire rope segment shall be marked at each end purchase order No.
with a unique identifier traceable to appropriate certification. design verification reports
sheathing process reports (if relevant)
A 200 Records 3.2 Inspection Certificates for the sockets including the
201 The socket manufacturer shall maintain traceable resin
records of the following and present them to the purchaser on 3.2 Inspection Certificates for the individual wires.
203 In addition the certificate should contain the wire rope
steelmaking process and chemical composition construction and rope built up and a statement saying that the
heat treatment wire rope has been manufactured and inspected and found to
mechanical testing be in accordance with this standard.
Sec. 1 Certification and Classification - Requirements ...................................................................... 29
A. General differ from this, the drawings and calculations shall be submit-
ted to DNV for approval.
A 100 Introduction Guidance note:
101 As well as representing DNV's recommendations on
safe engineering practice for general use by the offshore indus- Design requirements are given in DNV-OS-E301.
try, the offshore standards also provide the technical basis for
DNV classification, certification and verification services.
102 A complete description of principles, procedures, appli- 302 Design approval shall be documented by design verifi-
cable class notations and technical basis for offshore classifi- cation report (DVR), type approval certificate or approval let-
cation is given by the DNV Offshore Service Specifications for ter.
classification, see Table A1.
B 400 Approval of manufacturers
Table A1 DNV Offshore Service Specifications 401 Steel wire ropes and sockets shall be manufactured at
No. Title works which have been approved by DNV. Approved manu-
DNV-OSS-101 Rules for Classification of Offshore Drilling facturers are published on DNV Exchange on the Internet.
and Support Units
402 In order to be approved, the manufacturer shall demon-
DNV-OSS-102 Rules for Classification of Floating Production strate and submit documentation to the effect that the neces-
and Storage Units sary manufacturing, testing and inspection facilities and
A 200 Certification and classification principles procedures are available and are supervised by qualified per-
sonnel. The manufacturer shall also carry out a test programme
201 Mooring steel wire ropes and sockets will be certified or and submit the results.
classified based on the following main activities:
403 Detailed programmes for approval are given in Stand-
design verification ards for Certification No.2.9.
approval of manufacturers
survey during manufacture. B 500 Survey during manufacture
501 Survey during manufacture of mooring steel wire ropes
A 300 Assumptions and sockets shall be based on attending tests and inspections,
301 Any deviations, exceptions and modifications to the monitoring manufacturing, and review of records.
design codes and standards given as recognised reference
codes shall be documented and approved by DNV. B 600 Certification of sockets
302 Aspects of the design and construction provisions of this 601 Sockets shall be delivered with DNV certificates giving
standard which are stated to be specially considered, agreed the following particulars for each test unit which has been
upon, or may be accepted, are subject to DNV approval when accepted:
the standard is used for classification purposes.
purchaser's name, order number and unit identification,
303 DNV may accept alternative solutions found to repre- where known
sent an overall safety level equivalent to that stated in the manufacturer's name
requirements of this standard. number and dimensions of sockets
A 400 Documentation requirements identification marking of sockets
heat number and chemical composition
401 Documentation requirements shall be in accordance results of mechanical tests
with the NPS DocReq (DNV Nauticus Production System for details of heat treatment of test material
documentation requirements) and DNV-RP-A201. results of any supplementary and additional test require-
ments specified.
B 700 Certification of mooring steel wire ropes
B. Certification and Classification Requirements
701 Mooring steel wire ropes shall be delivered with DNV
certificates giving the following particulars for each test unit
B 100 General which has been accepted:
101 The following requirements shall be applied in conjunc- purchaser's name, order number and unit identifica-
tion with the technical requirements in Ch.2 of this standard tion, where known
when used for certification or classification purposes. manufacturer's name
description of products and dimensions
B 200 Information to be supplied by the purchaser
type of wire rope construction and method of manufacture
201 The purchaser shall supply the manufacturer with all surface sheathing (if relevant)
information necessary to ensure correct material and certifica- identification marking
tion. This applies particularly where optional or additional results of break load test and mechanical tests
conditions are specified. confirmation of dimensional measurements and inspec-
B 300 Design verification tions
301 Mooring steel wire ropes and sockets shall be designed 702 Materials for wires shall be delivered with the manufac-
according to requirements given in Ch.2 Sec.3. Where designs turers certificates or test reports.