Tabletop Models
Tabletop Models
Tabletop Models
Charles T. Young Department of Geological Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological
University, Houghton, MI 49931, (906) 487-2072, fax (906) 487-3371, ctyoung@mtu.ed
page 505 of Reynolds (1997). The voltage is asymmetrical electromagnetic terrain measurement and presents data
for the offset wires, with the steepest side in the direction from sites surveyed with DC resistivity and with
of the offset of the deeper wire. The response is similar to electromagnetic terrain conductivity. The point of the
theoretical computations presented in Figure 8.8 part B, comparison is that an electromagnetic terrain
page 505 of Reynolds (1997). conductivity survey is much quicker to carry out than the
resistivity survey but obtains very similar information.
Electromagnetic measurements are widely used in PRINCIPLES
environmental work to locate electrically conductive
zones associated with leachate leaking from landfill, and The most common electromagnetic method is called
in mining to locate conductive ore bodies. The field horizontal loop electromagnetics (HLEM). A conceptual
measurement has been duplicated in a tabletop model diagram of HLEM being used to detect a subsurface
using small coils. The subsurface conductor is a sheet of conductor is shown in Figure 8. HLEM utilizes a
aluminum. The signal from the receiver is recorded by a transmitter loop energized with an alternating current.
digital voltmeter connected to a computer. Usually the loop is placed so that the axis is vertical (and
Measurements may be carried out across vertical and the plane of the loop is horizontal). The transmitter
dipping tabular bodies, and at varying heights above a creates an oscillating magnetic field which resembles a
horizontal conductor. small bar magnet held vertically in the center of the loop
To understand the experiment the students need at along the axis. The important difference between the
least an appreciation of the following physics concepts: field of the loop and the field of a magnet is that the field
of the loop is oscillating, and thus can be detected by an
electrical conductivity and resistivity induction coil. A second loop is used to receive the signal
the magnetic field around a loop of wire energized some distance away from the transmitter, also held with
with direct and alternating current its axis vertical (and the plane horizontal). In field
the ability of a coil of wire to detect an oscillating equipment, the distance between the transmitter and
magnetic field receiver is typically 4 to 100 meters. In the model the
measurement of amplitude and phase of an AC distance is 4.5 cm. The primary field from the transmitter
signal, and the addition and subtraction of sinusoids loop penetrates into the ground. In conductive ground, it
of the same frequency but differing magnitudes and creates eddy currents, creating a secondary field. The
phases (phasor arithmetic) receiver loop detects the sum of the primary and the
the concept of eddy currents induced in a conductor secondary fields. Data shown in mining geophysics
by an oscillating magnetic field literature show two components of received data, an
in-phase and a quadrature component (e.g. Beck,
An introduction to commerical electromagnetic terrain 1991), which are used in quantitative interpretation of
conductivity meters modeled here may be read online or data, but the model uses the received signal unresolved
downloaded at into components. When data are acquired along a
(from McNeil, 1980). The paper presents principles of profile, a narrow vertical conductor produces a