Article 6 PDF
Article 6 PDF
Article 6 PDF
1. Allows for a body with national perspective to check the Non-delegability of Legislative Power
parochial tendency of representatives elected by district.
2. Allows for a more careful study of legislation Legislative power is generally non-delegable under the principle of
3. Legislature is less susceptible to control by the Executive4. delegata potestas non potest delegari. Legislative power must
Serves as training ground for national leaders remain where the people have lodged it. Congress, therefore,
cannot abdicate itself of this mandate by further delegating this
Unicameralism power to another body.
1. Simplicity of organization resulting in economy and efficiency This principle however admits several exceptions in our jurisdiction:
2. Facility in pinpointing responsibility for legislation 1. Delegation of legislative power to local governments2. Delegation
3. 3. Avoidance of duplication. of rule-making power (not legislative / law-making power) to
administrative bodies
Kinds of Legislative Power:
3. Constitutionally recognized exceptions Congress may, by law,
1. Original Legislative Power possessed by sovereign people2. grant the President necessary powers during times of war and
Derivative Legislative Power delegated by the sovereign people to national emergencies for a limited period and subject to restrictions
legislative bodies3. Constituent power to amend or revise the as it may prescribe. This grant of power may include legislative
Constitution4. Ordinary power to pass ordinary laws power. [Art. VI, Sec. 23(2)] The Congress may, by law, authorize the
President to fix within specified limits, and subject to such limitations
Limits on Legislative Power1. Substantive limits / curtails the and restrictions as it may impose, tariff rates, import and export
contents of a law2. Procedural limits / curtails the manner of quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and other duties or imposts
passing laws within the framework of the national development program of the
Government. [Art. VI, Sec. 28(2)]
Legislative power of Congress is plenary
Grant of Quasi-Legislative Power to LGUs and Administrative
Rubi v. Provincial Board of Mindoro (1919) It must be made clear that legislative power cannot be delegated to
administrative agencies. What is delegated is only rule-making power
Valid vs. Invalid delegation or law execution.
The true distinction, therefore, is between the delegation of power to They are allowed to: Fill up the details of an already complete
make the law, which necessarily involves a discretion as to what it statute throughimplementing rules and regulations; or Ascertain
shall be, and conferring authority or discretion as to its execution, to facts necessary to bring a contingent law into actual operation
be exercised under and in pursuance of the law. The first cannot be
done; to the latter no valid objection can be made. Tests to determine whether or not there is a valid delegation of
legislative power:
Discretion may be committed by the legislature to an executive
department or official. The legislature may make decisions of 1. Completeness test the law must be complete in all its terms
executive departments or subordinate officials thereof, to whom it and conditions when it leaves the legislature such that when it
has committed the execution of certain acts, final on questions of reaches the delegate the only thing he will have to do is enforce it.
fact. The growing tendency in the decisions is to give prominence to
the necessity of the case. 2. Sufficient standard test there must be adequate guidelines or
limitations in the law to map out the boundaries of the delegates
Legislative delegation to local authorities authority and prevent the delegation from running riot.
An exception to the general rule, sanctioned by immemorial practice, Both tests are intended to prevent a total transference of legislative
permits the central legislative body to delegate legislative powers to authority to delegate, who is not allowed to step into the shoes of the
local authorities. legislature and exercise a power essentially legislative (Eastern
Shipping Lines v. POEA)
Valid Delegation of Legislative Power
Elements of a Valid Delegation
Necessity of delegating subordinate legislation
1. Completeness:
The validity of delegating legislative power is now a quiet area in the - The law must be complete in itself It must set forth
constitutional landscape. In the face of the increasing complexity of therein the policy to be carried out or implemented by
the task of the government and the increasing inability of the the delegate.
legislature to cope directly with the many problems demanding its - What can be delegated is the discretion to determine
attention, resort to delegation of power, or entrusting to how the law may be enforced, not what the law shall be.
administrative agencies the power of subordinate legislation, has The ascertainment of the latter subject is a prerogative
become imperative, as here. (SJS v. DDB, 2008) of the legislature. This prerogative cannot be abdicated
or surrendered by the legislature to the delegate.
Requisites of a valid delegation of legislative power to administrative (Eastern Shipping Lines v. POEA)
Contingent Legislation
2. The law must fix a sufficient standard
- Limits of which are sufficiently determinate or While the power to tax cannot be delegated to executive agencies,
determinable details as to the enforcement and administration of an exercise of
- Will guide the delegate in the performance of his such power may be left to them, including the power to determine the
functions existence of facts on which its operation depends, the rationale being
- The standards formulated need not be in precise that the preliminary ascertainment of facts as basis for the enactment
language rather it can be drawn from the declared policy
of the law and from the totality of the delegating statute of legislation is not of itself a legislative function but is simply
anciliary to legislation. (ABAKADA v. Ermita, 2005)
Sufficient standards of delegation of legislative power
Laws may be made effective on certain contingencies. The
Parenthetically, it is recalled that this Court has accepted as legislature may delegate a power not legislative which it may itself
sufficient standards public interest in People v. Rosenthal, rightfully exercise. The power to ascertain facts is such a power
justice and equity in Antamok Gold Fields v. CIR, public which may be delegated. There is nothing essentially legislative in
convenience and welfare in Calalang v. Williams, and simplicity, ascertaining the existence of facts or conditions as the basis of the
economy and efficiency in Cervantes v. Auditor General, to taking into effect of a law. (People v. Vera)
mention only a few cases. In the United States, the sense and
experience of men was accepted in Mutual Film Corp. v. Industrial Where the effectivity of the law is made dependent on the verification
Commission, and national security in Hirabayashi v. United by the executive of the existence of certain condition, it is not a
States. (Eastern Shipping Lines v. POEA) delegation of legislative power. This is called contingent legislation.
Congress provides the conditions required before a law takes effect;
Public Interest as a standard the executive factually determines when those conditions exist.
(ABAKADA v. Ermita, 2005)
[T]he term public interest is not without a settled meaning.
Appellant insists that the delegation of authority to the Commission Filling in details
is invalid because the stated criterion is uncertain. That criterion is
the public interest. It is a mistaken assumption that this is a mere There is no undue delegation of legislative power when there is only
general reference to public welfare without any standard to guide a grant of the power to fill up or provide the details of legislation
determinations, The purpose of the Act, the requirement it imposes, because Congress did not have the facility to provide them.
and the context of the provision in question show the contrary.
(People v. Rosenthal, 1939) To a certain extent, matters of detail may be left to be filled in by
rules and regulations to be adopted or promulgated by executive
A legislative standard need not be expressed. It may simply be officers and administrative boards. As a rule, an act of the legislature
gathered or implied. Nor need it be found in the law challenged is incomplete and hence invalid if it does not lay down any rule or
because it may be embodied in other statutes on the same subject definite standard by which the administrative board may be guided in
Undue Delegation - There should be designated limits of the penalty and it should not
be left to the discretion of the judge (penalty of imprisonment, in the
The legislature does seemingly on its own authority extend the discretion of the court is invalid because it is not for the court to fix
benefits of the Probation Act to the provinces but in reality leaves the the term of imprisonment where no points of reference have been
entire matter for the various provincial boards to determine. If provided by the legislature (People v. Dacuycuy).
provincial board does not wish to have the Act applied in its province,
all that it has to do is to decline to appropriate the needed amount for
the salary of a probation officer. This is a virtual surrender of GARCIA v. COMELEC
legislative power to the provincial boards. (People v. Vera) Petitioners: Enrique T. Garcia*
Respondent: COMELEC**
Legislative Veto of Implementing Rules and Regulations *as resident of Morong, Bataan
**because they were empowered to enforce and administer all laws
After the enactment of a law, congressional oversight is limited to and regulations relative to the conduct of an initiative and referendum,
scrutiny and investigation. Any action or step beyond that will as stated in Section 2(1) C, Art 9 of the Constitution
undermine the separation of powers guaranteed by the Constitution.
Legislative veto is a statutory provision requiring the President or an In Pambansang Kapasyahan (Resolution) Blg. 10, Serye 1993, the
administrative agency to present the proposed implementing rules Sangguniang Bayan of Morong, Bataan agreed to the inclusion of
and regulations of a law to Congress which, by itself or through a Morong as part of the Subic Special Economic Zone (SSEZ) in
committee formed by it, retains a right or power to approve or accordance with RA 7227 (Bases Conversion and Development Act)
disapprove such regulations before they take effect. It is Petitioner filed a petition with the SB of Morong to annul said
unconstitutional. Congress, in the guise of assuming the role of an resolution, and change it into one that only allows the inclusion of
overseer, may not pass upon the legality of IRRs by subjecting them Morong as part of the SSEZ if certain conditions are followed
to its stamp of approval without disturbing the calculated balance of (separating certain parts of the SSEZ and giving it back to Bataan,
powers established by the Constitution. The discretion to approve or establishment of own SEZs in Morong, Hermosa, and Dinalupihan,
disapprove Rules and Regulations is a judicial power. (Abakada v. etc.)
Purisima) Municipality of Morong did not take any action within 30 days after
the submission of such petition
Rules and Regulations by Administrative Agencies may have the Petitioners resorted to their power of initiative under the Local
force of penal laws if: Government Code of 1991.
Signatures were solicited to cause the repeal of said resolution.
1. The delegating statute itself must specifically authorize the Hon. Edilberto M. De Leon, VM of the SB of Morong wrote a letter to
promulgation of penal regulations the Executive Director of COMELEC requesting the denial of the
petition for a local initiative and/or referendum because it would
2. The penalty must not be left to the administrative agency but promote divisiveness, counter-productivity, and futility.
The court said that there was no undue delegation of legislative power. CEBU OXYGEN & ACETYLENE CO., INC. v. DRILON (Dole Sec)
In Edu v. Ericta, it is said that What cannot be delegated is the power
to make laws and to alter and repeal them; the test is the Facts:
completeness of the statute in all its terms and provisions when it
leaves the hands of the legislature. Petitioner and the union of its rank and file employees, Cebu
Oxygen, Acetylene and Central Visayas Employees
The legislature designates who does a certain task and what Association (COAVEA) entered into a collective bargaining
should be done. It also entails the scope of power of the person agreement (CBA) covering the years 1986 to 1988. Pursuant
as well as the discretion to its execution in accordance with the thereto, the management gave salary increases wherein it
law. The executive also in pursuance of the guidelines provided by the was agreed that: on the first year of the AGREEMENT, each
law may promulgate supplemental rules and regulations. The case at employee will get a P200 increase. On the second year, each
hand shows that BP Blg. 130 is constitutional as it empowers the employee will get P200. On the third year, each employee will
Minister of Labor to assume jurisdiction over labor disputes causing or get P300. It was also stated that if the wage adjustment of
likely to cause adverse effects to national interests and thereafter allowance increases decreed by law, legislation or
decide it or certify the same the National Labor Relations Commission presidential edict in any particular year shall be higher
is not on its face value unconstitutional and contravenes self- than the foregoing increases in that particular year, then
organization and free collective bargaining. There is no unduie the company shall pay the difference.
delegation of powers because such law sets out the standards (what RA No. 6640 was passed increasing the minimum wage. The
job is done, who does it, and what are the limits of authority.) Secretary of Labor then issued the pertinent rules
implementing the provisions of RA No. 6640. Under Section 8
Principle of non-delegation has been made to adopt to the (Wage Increase Under Individual/Collective Agreements) of
Material fact affect the market price of a security which the insider Facts:
would be required to disclose
Jacob Rosenthal and Nicasio Osmea were founders and
Reasonable person average man on the street; a reasonable shareholders of the ORO Oil Company. Later, Rosenthal and
person would consider important in determining his course of action Osmea were found guilty of selling their shares to individuals
with regard to shares of stock without actual tangible assets. Their shares were merely
based on speculations and future gains. This is in violation of
Nature and reliability reliability in light of the nature and source and Sections 2 and 5 of Act No. 2581.
circumstances of the information
Section 2 provides that every person, partnership,
association, or corporation attempting to offer to sell in the
Materiality concept balancing bot the indicated probability that the
Philippines speculative securities of any kind or character
event will occur and the anticipated magnitude of the even in light of
whatsoever, is under obligation to file previously with the
the totality of the company activity; determined on a caseby case
Insular Treasurer the various documents and papers
Issue: Recit-Ready:
Whether or not there is undue delegation of power to the Internal
Treasurer. RA 9337 or the VAT Reform Act is a law that came about because of
the amounting budget deficits that is coupled by the realization of
shortages in allocation in key areas of government like health and
Held: education. RA 9337 is sourced from consolidating 3 bills and upon
passing as a law, was immediately issued a TRO by the court because
No. The Supreme Court ruled that the Act furnishes a sufficient of the confusion in its implementation.
standard for the Insular Treasurer to follow in reaching a decision
regarding the issuance or cancellation of a certificate or permit. The The confusion came when sectors are claiming that the said RA gives
certificate or permit to be issued under the Act must recite that the 10% additional expense to their products when in fact it was clarified
Here, the common proviso in Sections 4, 5 and 6 of RA 9337 involved a. Its deletion of the pro poor no pass on provision which is
simply a delegation of the ascertainment of facts upon which the common in both Senate Bill No. 1950 and House Bill No.
operation of the 12 percent VAT rate effective January 1, 2006, would 3705. x x x
be made contingent. There was no discretion to be exercised by the b. The insertion of added restrictions on local governments use
President, as may be gleaned from the use of the word shall. of incremental revenue from the VAT in Section 21 of R.A. No.
9337, which were not present in the Senate or House Bills,
The Court held that in making recommendations to the President on which did not harmonize conflicting provisions between the
the existence of either of the two specified conditions, the finance constituent bills of R.A. No. 9337 but are entirely new and
secretary was not acting as the Chief Executives alter ego or even extraneous concepts.
subordinate. Rather, the finance chief was acting as the agent of the
legislative department, to determine and declare the event upon which The test of germaneness was overly broad. It allowed the BCC to
its expressed will is to take effect. This being so, the findings of the change provisions in the bills of the House and the Senate, even when
secretary could not be altered, modified, nullified or set aside by the not in disagreement. Worse still, it enables the Committee to
President; much less could the judgment of the former be substituted introduce amendments which are entirely new and have not previously
for that of the latter. passed through the coils of scrutiny of the members of both Houses.
PEOPLE v. MACEREN NO. We are of the opinion that the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural
Facts: Resources and the Commissioner of Fisheries exceeded their
authority in issuing Fisheries Administrative Orders Nos. 84 and 84-1
Jose Buenaventura, Godofredo Reyes, Benjamin Reyes,
and that those orders are not warranted under the Fisheries
Nazario Aquino and Carlito del Rosario were charged by a
Commission, Republic Act No. 3512.
Constabulary investigator in the municipal court of Sta. Cruz,
Laguna with having violated Fisheries Administrative Order The reason is that the Fisheries Law does not expressly prohibit
No. 84-1. It was alleged in the complaint that the five accused electro fishing. As electro fishing is not banned under that law, the
in the morning of March 1, 1969 resorted to electro fishing in Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the
the waters of Barrio San Pablo Norte, Sta. Cruz by "using a Commissioner of Fisheries are powerless to penalize it. In other
somewhat webbed copper wire on the tip or other end of a words, Administrative Orders Nos. 84 and 84-1, in penalizing
bamboo pole with electric wire attachment which was electro fishing, are devoid of any legal basis.
attached to the dynamo direct and with the use of these
devices or equipment catch fish thru electric current, which An examination of the rule-making power of executive officials and
destroy any aquatic animals within its cuffed reach, to the administrative agencies and, in particular, of the Secretary of
detriment and prejudice of the populace" Agriculture and Natural Resources (now Secretary of Natural
The trial court dismissed the case as under Sec 11 the law Resources) under the Fisheries Law sustains the view that he
punishes: "the use of any obnoxious or poisonous substance" exceeded his authority in penalizing electro fishing by means of an
in fishing. It is noteworthy since the Fisheries Law does not administrative order. Although administrative officials are given such
expressly punish .electro fishing." Notwithstanding the silence rule-
of the law, the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural
making power, their power is limited only to those that are germane to
Resources, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner
the defects and purposes of the law and that it should conform to the
of Fisheries, promulgated Fisheries Administrative Order No. standards that the law prescribes. By such regulations, of course,
84 (62 O.G. 1224), prohibiting electro fishing in all Philippine the law itself cannot be extended.