2015 BMW R 1200 GS
2015 BMW R 1200 GS
2015 BMW R 1200 GS
The Ultimate
bmwmotorrad.com Riding Machine
Rider's Manual
R 1200 GS
Vehicle data/dealership details
General instructions
Actuality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Overview Abbreviations and Instruction.
1 An important aspect of this symbols Result of an activity.
6 Rider's Manual is that it can CAUTION Low-risk hazard.
be used for quick and easy Non-avoidance can lead to Reference to a page with
reference. Consulting the slight or moderate injury. more detailed informa-
extensive index at the end of this tion.
WARNING Medium-risk
Rider's Manual is the fastest way
hazard. Non-avoidance can
General instructions
General instructions
cessories (OA). This explains why
the vehicle. by continuous development
the manual may also contain
equipment specifications which work on design, equipment
EWS Electronic immobiliser.
you have not ordered. Please and accessories. Because of
DWA Anti-theft alarm. note, too, that your motorcycle this, your motorcycle may differ
might not be exactly as illus- from the information supplied
ABS Anti-lock brake system. trated in this manual on account in the Rider's Manual. Nor
of country-specific differences. can BMW Motorrad entirely
ASC Automatic Stability Con- If your motorcycle contains rule out errors and omissions.
trol. equipment that has not been Consequently no claims can be
described, its description can be derived from the information, z
ESA Electronic Suspension found in a separate manual. graphics or descriptions.
Technical data
RDC Tyre pressure monitor-
ing. All dimensions, weights and
power ratings stated in the
Rider's Manual are quoted to the
standards and comply with the
General instructions
General views
General view, left side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
General view, right side . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Underneath the seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Multifunction switch, left . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
General views
Multifunction switch, right . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Instrument panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
General views
General view, left side
1 with daytime running 2
light OE 11
Daytime riding light
( 54).
2 Fuel filler neck ( 102)
3 Seat lock ( 76)
General views
4 Setting the rear damping
(down at the spring strut)
( 86)
General views
General view, right side 10 Behind the side trim panel:
1 without Dynamic ESA OE
Battery ( 145) 2
Battery-positive connection
Adjuster for spring preload, 13
point ( 144)
rear ( 85).
Diagnostic connector
2 Air filter (underneath the
( 151)
centre trim panel) ( 138)
11 Brake-fluid reservoir, rear
3 Brake-fluid tank, front
( 127)
General views
( 126)
4 Height adjustment of the
windscreen ( 83)
5 Power socket ( 154)
6 VIN (on steering-head
Type plate (on the frame, z
front right)
7 Coolant-level indicator
( 128)
Coolant reservoir ( 128)
8 Oil filler neck ( 123)
9 Engine oil level indicator
( 122)
Underneath the seat
2 1 Standard toolkit ( 120)
14 2 Rider's Manual
3 Tyre pressure table
4 Payload table
5 Adjusting the front seat
height ( 78)
General views
6 Fuses ( 149)
Multifunction switch,
left 2
1 High-beam headlight and 15
headlight flasher ( 53)
2 with cruise control OE
Cruise-control system
( 72).
General views
3 Hazard warning lights sys-
tem ( 56)
4 ABS ( 64)
ASC ( 65)
5 with Dynamic ESA OE
Dynamic ESA Possible set-
tings ( 66) z
6 with LED auxiliary head-
lights OA
Auxiliary headlights
( 54).
7 Turn indicators ( 57)
8 Horn
9 Multifunction display
( 57)
10 with preparation for nav-
2 igation system OE
Operating navigation sys-
16 tem ( 166)
11 with daytime running
light OE
Daytime riding light
General views
( 54).
Multifunction switch,
right 2
1 with heated handlebar 17
grips OE
Heated handlebar grips
( 76).
2 Riding mode ( 68)
General views
3 Emergency off switch (kill
switch) ( 52)
4 Starter button
Start engine ( 93).
Instrument panel
2 1 Speedometer
18 2 Engine speed display
3 Photosensor (for adapting
the brightness of the in-
strument lighting)
with alarm system
General views
Alarm system LED
with Keyless Ride OE
Telltale light for the radio-
operated key
Switching on ignition
z ( 49).
4 Telltale and warning lights
( 20)
5 Multifunction display
( 22)
Status indicators
Telltale and warning lights . . . . . . . . . . 20
Multifunction display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Warning symbols in the display . . . . . 24
Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Status indicators
Service-due indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Fuel reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Oil level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Ambient temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Tyre pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Recommendation to upshift . . . . . . . . 43
Telltale and warning
3 lights
20 1 with cruise control OE
Cruise-control system
( 72).
2 Neutral
3 ASC ( 65)
Status indicators
4 Turn indicators
5 ABS ( 64)
6 - with EU markets ex-
port NV
Malfunction indicator lamp
Emissions warning ( 32)
7 General warning light (in
z combination with warning
symbols on the display)
( 25)
8 with alarm system
(DWA) OE 3
Alarm signal ( 74)
with Keyless Ride OE
Telltale light for the radio-
operated key
Switching on ignition
( 49).
Status indicators
9 High-beam headlight
( 53)
10 with daytime running
light OE
Daytime riding light
( 54).
11 with LED auxiliary head-
lights OA z
Auxiliary headlights
( 54).
12 Fuel reserve ( 41)
The ABS symbol might differ,
depending on the specifics of
national regulations.
Multifunction display
3 1 Fuel level
22 2 Recommendation to up-
shift ( 43)
3 Gear indicator; "N" indic-
ates neutral
4 with daytime running
Status indicators
light OE
Automatic daytime riding
light ( 55).
5 with heated handlebar
grips OE
Heated handlebar grips
( 76).
6 Odometer ( 57)
z 7 Service-due indicator
(maintenance interval)
( 192)
8 Warning symbols ( 25)
9 On-board computer
10 with Dynamic ESA OE
Dynamic ESA Possible set-
tings ( 66)
11 Riding mode ( 68)
12 Clock ( 60)
13 Outside temperature warn-
ing ( 42) 3
Status indicators
Warning symbols in the
3 display
24 1 with tyre pressure monit-
oring (RDC) OE
Tyre pressure ( 42)
2 EWS ( 30)
3 Coolant temperature
Status indicators
( 31)
4 Engine oil level ( 39)
5 Engine electronics ( 31)
6 Battery charge ( 146)
7 Warnings ( 25)
Warnings The status of the 'General' warn-
Mode of presentation
ing light matches the most ur- 3
gent warning.
Warnings are indicated by the 25
corresponding warning lights. The possible warnings are listed
on the next pages.
Status indicators
Warnings that do not have warn- z
ing lights of their own are indic-
ated by 'General' warning light 1
showing in combination with a
warning symbol at 2 or a text
warning at 3. The 'general' warn-
ing light shows yellow or red, de-
pending on the urgency of the
3 Warnings, overview
Telltale and warning Warning symbols in the Meaning
lights display
appears on the Outside temperature warning ( 30)
Status indicators
!LAMPF appears
on the display
Status indicators
DWALO ! appears Anti-theft alarm battery weak ( 33)
on the display
quick-flashes ASC intervention ( 37)
Status indicators
The gear indicator Gear not trained ( 38)
appears on the
lights up red appears on the Battery charge voltage insufficient
display ( 39)
Outside temperature Electronic immobiliser Radio-operated key out of
3 warning active range
30 The ice-crystal symbol ap- The "General" warning light with Keyless Ride OE
pears on the display. shows yellow.
The "General" warning light
Possible cause: The warning symbol for shows yellow.
the electronic immobiliser
The air temperature appears on the display. appears on the display.
Status indicators
Status indicators
radio-operated key ATTENTION as possible by a specialist
The "General" warning light workshop, preferably an
shows yellow. Riding with overheated en- authorised BMW Motorrad
gine dealer.
The battery symbol appears Engine damage
on the display. Compliance with the Engine in emergency-
Possible cause: information set out below is operation mode
The integral battery in the The "General" warning light z
radio-operated key has lost Possible cause: shows yellow.
a significant proportion of its The coolant level is too low. The engine symbol appears
original capacity. There is no Check coolant level ( 128). on the display.
assurance of how long the R/C If the coolant level is too low:
key can remain operational. Top up the coolant and have
with Keyless Ride OE the coolant system checked
Replace the battery of the by a specialist workshop,
radio-operated key ( 51). preferably by an authorised
BMW Motorrad dealer.
Emissions warning light or front turn indicator de-
The malfunction indicator fective.
Unusual ride characterist- lamp lights up. !LAMPS: several bulbs de-
32 fective.
ics when engine running in Possible cause:
emergency-operation mode
The engine control unit has dia- with daytime running light OE
Risk of accident
Adapt your style of riding ac-
gnosed a fault which affects the !LAMPF: additionally: day-
pollutant emissions. time riding light faulty.
Status indicators
Status indicators
rear turn indicators ( 142). Seek the advice of a specialist workshop, preferably an author-
Replacing LED rear light workshop, preferably an author- ised BMW Motorrad dealer.
( 143). ised BMW Motorrad dealer.
with LED turn indicators OE Tyre pressure close
Replacing LED turn indicators Anti-theft alarm battery to limit of permitted
( 143). flat tolerance
with alarm system (DWA) OE with tyre pressure monitoring
Anti-theft alarm battery (RDC) OE z
weak The "General" warning light
shows yellow. The "General" warning light
with alarm system (DWA) OE
shows yellow.
DWA ! appears on the display.
DWALO ! appears on the The tyre symbol with one
display. NOTICE or two arrows appears on
NOTICE This error message shows briefly the display. The critical tyre pres-
only after the Pre-Ride-Check sure reading flashes
This error message shows briefly completes. The up arrow indicates a front-
only after the Pre-Ride-Check
tyre pressure problem, the down
arrow indicates a rear-tyre pres- The tyre symbol with one Correct the tyre pressure at the
3 sure problem. or two arrows appears on earliest possible opportunity.
Possible cause: the display. The critical tyre pres-
34 sure reading flashes NOTICE
Measured tyre pressure is close
to the limit of permitted toler- Before you adjust tyre pressure,
ance. WARNING read the information on tempera-
Correct the tyre pressure as ture compensation and adjusting
Tyre pressure outside per-
stated on the inside cover of
Status indicators
Status indicators
The tyre symbol with one Wireless communication with the
or two arrows appears on the minimum required speed
RDC sensors has been disrupted.
the display. ( 115).
Possible causes include radio-
Possible cause: RDC sensor is not active communication systems operat-
Vehicle is fitted with wheels not ing in the vicinity and interfering
equipped with RDC sensors. with the link between the RDC
min 30 km/h (The RDC sensor control unit and the sensors.
Fit wheels and tyres equipped
does not transmit its signal Move to another location and
with RDC sensors. z
to the vehicle until a certain observe the RDC readings. As-
Possible cause: minimum speed has been sume that a permanent fault
1 or 2 RDC sensors have failed reached.) has not occurred unless the
or a system error has occurred. Increase speed above this 'General' warning light comes
Have the fault rectified by a threshold and observe the RDC on to accompany the symp-
specialist workshop, preferably readings. Assume that a per- toms. Under these circum-
an authorised BMW Motorrad manent fault has not occurred stances:
dealer. unless the 'General' warning Have the fault rectified by a
light comes on to accompany specialist workshop, preferably
an authorised BMW Motorrad Seek the advice of a specialist ABS fault
3 dealer. workshop, preferably an author- ABS telltale and warning
ised BMW Motorrad dealer. light shows.
36 Battery of tyre-pressure
sensor weak ABS self-diagnosis not Possible cause:
with tyre pressure monitoring completed The ABS control unit has detec-
(RDC) OE ABS telltale and warning ted a fault. The ABS function is
light flashes. not available.
Status indicators
Status indicators
cycle has to reach a defined
The ASC has detected a degree minimum speed for the wheel Possible cause:
of instability at the rear wheel sensors to be checked: min
and has intervened to reduce The ASC control unit has detec-
5 km/h)
torque. The warning light flashes ted a fault. The ASC function is
Pull away slowly. The ASC not available.
for longer than the ASC inter-
warning light must go out You can continue to ride. Bear
vention lasts. This affords the
within a few metres. in mind that the ASC function
rider visual feedback on control
If the ASC warning light contin- is not available. Bear in mind
intervention even after the critical z
ues to flash: the more detailed information
situation has been dealt with.
Seek the advice of a specialist on situations that can lead to
ASC self-diagnosis not workshop, preferably an author- an ASC fault ( 112).
completed ised BMW Motorrad dealer. Have the fault rectified as
The ASC telltale and warn- quickly as possible by a
ASC deactivated specialist workshop, preferably
ing light flashes slowly.
The ASC telltale and warn- an authorised BMW Motorrad
ing light lights up. dealer.
ESA fault Possible cause: Fuel down to reserve
3 The "General" warning light with Pro shift assistant OE Warning light for fuel down
38 shows yellow. The gearbox sensor is not fully to reserve shows.
ESA! appears on the display. Engage neutral gear N and,
Possible cause: WARNING
with the vehicle at a standstill,
The ESA control unit has detec- let the engine run for at least Irregular engine operation or
ted a fault. In this condition, the 10 seconds to train the idle engine shutdown due to lack
Status indicators
Status indicators
WARNING Avoid high load and rpm If the oil level is correct:
ranges if possible. Seek the advice of a specialist
Engine damage when run-
Have the fault rectified as workshop, preferably an author-
ning in emergency-operation
quickly as possible by a ised BMW Motorrad dealer.
specialist workshop, preferably
Risk of accident an authorised BMW Motorrad Battery charge voltage
Adapt your style of riding ac- dealer. insufficient
cordingly: ride slowly, avoid
The "General" warning light z
sharp accelerating and overtak- Engine-oil level too low shows red.
ing. The oil-can symbol appears
If possible, have the vehicle on the display. The battery symbol appears
brought in and the fault on the display.
rectified by a specialist OILLVL CHECK appears on
workshop, preferably an the display.
authorised BMW Motorrad
Possible cause: briefly after the Pre-Ride-Check
Alternator or alternator drive completes.
Discharged battery causes faulty or fuse for alternator
40 If service is overdue, the
various motorcycle systems regulator has blown.
due date or the odometer
to fail, such as lighting, en- Have the fault rectified as
reading at which service was due
gine or ABS quickly as possible by a
is accompanied by the 'Gener-
Risk of accident specialist workshop, preferably
al' warning light showing yellow.
an authorised BMW Motorrad
Status indicators
Status indicators
changing angles of heel, fre-
The readings mean:
quent braking and acceleration),
the more difficult it becomes to
OK: Oil level is correct.
determine the reserve volume. CHECK: Check the oil level the
For this reason, the fuel reserve next time you stop for fuel.
volume cannot be displayed ex- ---: Oil level cannot be meas-
actly. ured (conditions as stated above
not satisfied).
After the fuel warning light z
has switched on, the range If the oil level needs to be
The oil-level indicator 1 gives you checked, the symbol 2 is
is displayed automatically. an indication of the engine oil
The distance that can still be displayed until the oil level is de-
level. You can call up this read- tected as being correct again.
travelled using the reserve ing only when the vehicle is at a
volume depends on the style of standstill.
driving (usage) and the amount
of fuel remaining at the time the The preconditions for the oil level
light came on (see explanation check are as follows:
Ambient temperature ive of the actual display setting;
3 When the motorcycle is at a
the displayed value flashes.
Status indicators
the 'General' warning light flashes
The upshift recommendation 1
signals the economically best
The detailed description of point in time for upshift.
BMW Motorrad RDC starts on
page ( 115).
Recommendation to z
The upshift recommendation
must be activated in the display
settings ( 59).
Status indicators
Ignition switch/steering lock . . . . . . . . . 46 Anti-theft alarm (DWA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Ignition with Keyless Ride . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Heated handlebar grips . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Emergency off switch (kill Front and rear seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
switch) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Daytime riding light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Hazard warning lights system . . . . . . . 56
Turn indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Multifunction display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Anti-lock brake system (ABS) . . . . . . . 64
Automatic Stability Control
(ASC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Electronic Suspension Adjustment
(ESA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Riding mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Cruise-control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Ignition switch/steering Switching on ignition
4 lock
46 Keys
You receive 2 ignition keys.
Please consult the information on
the electronic immobiliser (EWS)
if a key is lost or mislaid ( 47).
used to start the engine could
with LED headlights OE "irritate" the electronics, in
The daytime running light goes which case the enabling signal
out soon after the ignition is for starting is not issued. The
switched off. warning with the key symbol z
appears in the multifunction
with LED auxiliary headlights OA
The LED auxiliary headlights
Always keep the spare key sep-
go out soon after the ignition is
arately from the ignition key.
switched off.
Turn the ignition key to posi- Electronic immobiliser If you lose your key, you can
tion 1. have it barred by your author-
ised BMW Motorrad dealer.
When the ignition is switched The electronic design of the
off, the instrument cluster re- If you wish to do this, you will
motorcycle allows it to access need to bring all other keys for
mains switched on for a short data stored in the ignition key
time and displays any existing the motorcycle with you. The
by means of a ring antenna loc- engine cannot be started by a
fault messages. ated in the ignition switch/steer- barred key, but a key that has
Handlebars not locked. ing lock. The engine control unit
been barred can subsequently be The telltale light goes out briefly the central locking system is not
4 reactivated. if the search times out without locked.
You can obtain emergency/extra the radio-operated key or the It is advisable to keep the radio-
48 keys only through an authorised emergency key being found. operated key on your person
BMW Motorrad dealer. The keys You receive one radio-operated (e.g. in a jacket pocket) and to
are part of an integrated security key and one emergency key. have the emergency key with
system, so the dealer is under an Please consult the information on you as an alternative.
obligation to check the legitimacy
circuits switched on.
Pre-Ride-Check is performed
Press and hold down button 1. There are two ways of activat-
( 94)
The steering lock engages with ing the ignition.
ABS self-diagnosis is
an audible click. Version 1: z
performed ( 94)
Ignition, lights and all function Short-press button 1.
ASC self-diagnosis is per-
circuits switched off. Side lights and all function cir- formed ( 95)
Short-press button 1 to disen- cuits are switched on.
gage the steering lock. with daytime running light OE Switching off ignition
Daytime riding light is switched Requirement
Switching on ignition on.
Requirement Radio-operated key is within
with LED headlights OE range.
Radio-operated key is within LED auxiliary headlights are
range. switched on.
Pre-Ride-Check is performed
( 94)
ABS self-diagnosis is
performed ( 94)
Electronic immobiliser If you mislay a radio-operated key
4 EWS you can have the key in ques-
The on-board electronics access tion barred by your authorised
the data saved in the radio-op- BMW Motorrad dealer. In order
erated key via a ring aerial in the to have a key barred you must
R/C ignition lock. The ignition is bring along all the other keys be-
not enabled for starting until the longing to the motorcycle.
engine control unit has recog- The engine cannot be started
a significant proportion of its
The emergency key or the radio- original capacity.
operated key with the empty bat- Change the battery.
tery must be in contact with The battery symbol appears
the rear-wheel cover. on the display. z
Time during which the
Please consult the information engine has to be started.
on the electronic immobiliser The unlocking procedure has
(EWS) if a key is lost or mis- to be repeated if this time is
laid. allowed to expire.
If you happen to lose or mislay
the radio-operated key while 30 s
on a journey, you can start the Pre-ride check is performed.
vehicle with the emergency Key has been recognised.
key. Engine can be started.
If the battery of the radio-oper- Press button 1.
Start engine ( 93).
ated key is empty, touching the Key bit flips out.
radio-operated key against the Push up battery cover 2.
Remove battery 3.
4 Dispose of the old battery in
Battery type WARNING
accordance with all applicable Operation of the kill switch
52 laws and regulations; do not CR 2032 while riding
attempt to dispose of batteries Risk of fall due to rear wheel
Install battery cover 2.
as domestic waste. locking
Red LED on the instrument
ATTENTION panel flashes. Do not operate the kill switch
The side lights place a strain on Immediately after switching off
the battery. Do not switch the the ignition, push button 1 to
ignition on for longer than abso- the back and hold it in this po-
lutely necessary.
sition until the headlight cour-
Push switch 1 forward to tesy delay feature comes on.
The low-beam headlight switches The vehicle lighting lights for
switch on the high-beam
on automatically when the engine one minute and is automatically
is switched on. switched back off.
Pull switch 1 back to operate
the headlight flasher. This can be used after parking
with daytime running light OE
the vehicle, for example, to light
In daytime the daytime riding Headlight courtesy delay the way to the house door.
lights can be switched on as an
alternative to the low-beam head- Parking lights
light. Switch off the ignition.
Switching off ignition ( 47).
LED auxiliary headlights cannot The indicator light for the
4 be switched on. auxiliary headlight illumin-
54 Press button 1 again to switch
off the auxiliary headlights.
The auxiliary headlights have ap-
proval as fog lights and their use Daytime riding light
is permissible in bad weather with daytime running light OE
Start engine ( 93). button 1 again to switch off the
In the display's SETUP menu, daytime riding light and switch NOTICE
go to the DLIGHT menu item on the low-beam headlight.
and set the automatic daytime The auxiliary headlight is also The changeover between day-
riding light to OFF. switched on again. time riding light and low beam z
headlight incl. front side lights
NOTICE can be effected automatically.
Press button 1 to switch on Push button 1 to the left to
the hazard warning flashers. switch on the left turn indicat-
Ignition can be switched off. ors. z
To switch off the hazard warn- Push button 1 to the right to
ing flashers, switch on the ig- switch on the right turn indicat-
ors. Briefly press button 1 in order
nition if necessary and press
to select the display in the top
button 1 again. Operate centre button 1 to
display line 2.
cancel the turn indicators.
Turn indicators In the standard equipment the
Turn-indicator cancella- following values can be displayed
Operating the turn tion and selected at the press of a
indicators button:
The turn indicators are can- Total distance travelled (ODO)
Switching on ignition ( 46).
celled automatically after the Tripmeter 1 (TRIP I)
defined time and distance.
Tripmeter 2 (TRIP II)
Range (RANGE)
SETUP-menu (SETUP), only and selected at the press of a with Pro onboard computer OE
4 when stationary button: Stop watch driving time
Ambient temperature (RDTIME)
58 with Pro onboard computer OE (EXTEMP)
The following information is ad- Engine temperature Resetting trip distance
ditionally displayed by means of (ENGTMP) recorder
the on-board computer Pro: Average consumption 1 Switching on ignition ( 46).
Automatic tripmeter (TRIP A) (CONS 1)
Date (DATE)
Oil-level reminder (OILLVL) Repeatedly press button 1
briefly until the tripmeter to be
with Pro onboard computer OE
reset is indicated in the top
Vehicle circuit voltage display line 2.
Briefly press button 1 in order (VOLTGE)
Press and hold down button 1
to select the display in the bot- with Pro onboard computer OE until the value shown is reset.
tom display line 2. Stopwatch total time
In the standard equipment the (ALTIME)
following values can be displayed
Resetting the average
values 4
Switching on ignition ( 46). 59
Repeatedly press button 1 Press button 1 briefly in order
briefly until the top display line to go to the next menu item.
displays 2 SETUP ENTER. The top display line 2 shows z
Press and hold button 1 to the menu item.
Repeatedly press button 1 start the SETUP menu. The bottom display line 3
briefly until the average value The following indication in the shows the preset value.
to be reset is indicated in the display depends on the equip- Press button 4 briefly in order
bottom display line 2. ment selected. to change the set value.
Press and hold down button 1 The following menu items can be
until the value shown is reset. selected:
with alarm system (DWA) OE
Configuring functions DWA: Switch alarm system ON
Switching on ignition ( 46). or OFF
with preparation for navigation Set the clock only when the
4 system OE motorcycle is stationary.
GPS TM: Navigation system In the SETUP menu, select
installed: Accept GPS time and the menu item SETUP
GPS date (ON) or do not ac- CLOCK.
cept (OFF)
CLOCK: Setting the clock
DATE: Setting the date
reduce the same. reduce the same.
Keep button 2 pressed until Keep button 2 pressed until
the minutes no longer flash. the year in the bottom display
Setting is complete. line 3 starts to flash.
In order to cancel the setting Press button 1 to increase the z
at any point, keep button 1 Keep button 2 pressed until flashing value or button 2 to
pressed until the initial value the day in the bottom display reduce the same.
is shown again. line 3 starts to flash. Keep button 2 pressed until
the year no longer flashes.
NOTICE NOTICE Setting is complete.
If you drive off before the setting If ".." is displayed In order to cancel the setting
has been completed, the setting instead of the date, the voltage at any point, keep button 1
will be cancelled. supply of the instrument cluster pressed until the initial value
has been interrupted (e.g. by dis- is shown again.
Setting the date connecting the battery).
Switching on ignition ( 46).
Switching on ignition ( 46). Briefly press button 1 to start Press button 1 for a long
In the customisation menu, it is the customisation menu. period in order to display the
possible to set which informa- SETUP BC CUSTOM ap- first menu item.
z tion is to be displayed in which pears on the display. SETUP BC ODO appears on
display line. Briefly press button 1 again to the display.
In the SETUP menu, select exit the customisation menu.
the menu item SETUP BC
If SETUP BC BASIC is selec-
ted, then the factory setting will
be active again. The customisa-
tion CUSTOM remains stored.
Press button 1 briefly in order CONS 2: Average consump-
to change the set value. tion 2 (BELOW) 4
The following menu items can CONS C: Current consumption
be selected, the works setting is (TOP) 63
shown in brackets. Some menu SPEED: Average speed
items will only be selected if the (BELOW)
relevant special equipment (OE) SPEED: Current speed (TOP)
is actually present. RDC: Tyre pressures (BE-
ODO: Total mileage counter LOW)
Press button 2 briefly in order (TOP, the setting OFF is not VOLTGE: Vehicle circuit
to go to the next menu item. possible) voltage (BELOW)
The top display line 3 shows TRIP 1: Tripmeter 1 (TOP) ALTIME: Stopwatch total
TRIP 2: Tripmeter 2 (TOP) time (BELOW)
the menu item.
The bottom display line 4 TRIP A: Automatic tripmeter RDTIME: Stopwatch driving
shows the preset value. The (TOP) time (BELOW)
following values can be set. EXTEMP: Ambient tempera- DATE: Date (BELOW)
TOP: The value is displayed in ture (BELOW) SERV T: Date of the next
the top display line. ENGTMP: Engine temperature service (OFF)
BELOW: The value is dis- (BELOW) SERV D: Countdown distance
played in the bottom display RANGE: Range (TOP) to next service (OFF)
line. CONS R: Average consump- OILLVL: Oil level note (BE-
BOTH: The value is displayed tion for range calculation (OFF) LOW)
in both display lines. CONS 1: Average consump- EXIT: Exit customisation
OFF: The value is not dis- tion 1 (BELOW) menu
The ABS function is deactiv-
4 ated, but the integral function
remains active.
Activating the ABS
Operation function
When the menu item SETUP Press and hold down button 1
EXIT is displayed, press and until the ABS warning light
z hold button 1 to exit the cus- changes status.
tomisation menu. Initially, the ASC symbol
In order to exit the customisa- changes status. Press and hold
tion menu at any point, press down button 1 until the ABS
and hold button 2. warning light responds. Under Press and hold down button 1
All settings made until then will these circumstances, there is until the ABS warning light
be saved. no change in the ASC setting. changes status.
ABS telltale and warning ABS telltale and warning
Anti-lock brake system light shows. light goes out; if self-dia-
(ABS) Release button 1 within two gnosis has not completed, it
seconds. starts flashing.
Deactivating the ABS Release button 1 within two
ABS telltale and warning
function seconds.
light remains on.
Switching on ignition ( 46).
ABS telltale and warning Automatic Stability The ASC telltale and warn-
light remains off or contin- Control (ASC) ing light lights up. 4
ues to flash. Release button 1 within two
Deactivating the ASC 65
The ABS function is activated. function The ASC telltale and warn-
You also have the option of Switching on ignition ( 46). ing light remains lit.
switching the ignition off and
then on again.
The ASC function is deactiv-
NOTICE ated.
In the multifunction display, the Press button 1 briefly to view
damping is shown in area 1, the the current setting.
spring preload in area 2. To adjust damping: z
Repeatedly press button 1 until
Press button 1 briefly to view The setting shows briefly, then the setting you want to use
the current setting. disappears automatically. appears on the display.
Adjusting the chassis and NOTICE
Switching on ignition ( 46). You can adjust the damping
characteristic while the motor-
cycle is on the move.
The following settings are avail-
SOFT: Comfortable damping
NORMAL: Normal damping The following settings are avail- The ESA indicator disappears
4 characteristic able: from the display as soon as
HARD: Sporty damping char- One-up adjustment completes.
68 acteristic
Riding mode
with Pro riding modes OE One-up with luggage
Using the riding modes
In the Enduro and Enduro Pro
modes, only two settings are BMW Motorrad has developed
Two-up (with luggage)
The selection arrow 1 and the
first selectable riding mode 2 are ATTENTION
displayed. Activation of the off-road z
mode (Enduro and Enduro
Pro) when riding on-road
Risk of crash due to lack of sta-
bility when the vehicle brakes or
Press button 1.
accelerates in the control range
Activate off-road mode (Enduro
See the section entitled "Engin- and Enduro Pro) only for off-
eering details" for more inform- road riding.
ation on the various ride modes
Press button 1 as often as ne-
that can be selected.
cessary until the required riding
mode is indicated next to the
selection arrow.
With the motorcycle at a stand- Deactivate the RDC for
4 NOTICE still, the selected mode is ac- off-roading
When the Enduro PRO mode tivated after approximately two with Pro riding modes OE
70 seconds.
is selected: Note that ABS con-
trol for the rear wheel is restric- The newly selected riding Requirement
ted (see the section entitled "En- mode is activated as you You can deactivate RDC warn-
gineering details"). ride only when the following ings for the Enduro and Enduro
preconditions are satisfied: Pro riding modes when you want
The following ride modes can be Throttle twistgrip is in idle posi- to lower the tyre pressures for
selected: tion. off-roading.
RAIN: For riding on a rain-wet The clutch lever is operated.
road surface. Following activation of the new Switching on ignition ( 46).
z ROAD: For riding on a dry road riding mode the clock is dis-
surface. played again.
The mode selected in this way
with Pro riding modes OE
is retained with the engine-
The following riding modes are characteristic, ABS, ASC and
additionally available for selec- Dynamic ESA adaptation set-
tion: tings even after the ignition has
DYNA: For dynamic riding on been switched off.
a dry road surface.
Enduro: For off-roading.
Enduro PRO: For sporty off- Repeatedly press button 1
road riding (with fitted coding briefly until the top display line
plug only). displays 2 SETUP ENTER.
Press and hold button 1 to sure is displayed in the Enduro
start the SETUP menu. and Enduro Pro riding modes. 4
OFF: The RDC warning sym-
bol in the display shows and an 71
out-of-tolerance tyre pressure
is displayed in the Enduro and
Enduro Pro riding modes.
Installing encoding plug
with Pro riding modes OE
Switching off ignition ( 47).
Press button 1 briefly to go to
Remove front seat ( 77). Dirt and damp penetrating z
inside open connectors
the next menu item RDC.
In the top display line 2, RDC
Reinstall the protective cap
is displayed.
after removing the coding
The bottom display line 3
shows the preset value.
Press button 4 briefly in order Remove cap of plug 1.
to change the set value.
The following settings are avail-
ON: The RDC warning symbol
in the display does not show.
An out-of-tolerance tyre pres-
riding mode 2 Enduro PRO is Button 2 is enabled for opera-
4 selectable. tion.
Installing front seat ( 79).
72 Saving road speed
Cruise-control system
with cruise control OE
Switching on cruise
To do so, press in latch 1 and Requirement
remove the cap. Cruise control is not available un-
z Install the coding plug. til the Enduro or Enduro Pro rid-
Switch on the ignition. ing mode has been deactivated.
Briefly push button 1 forward.
Adjustment range for
speed control
30...210 km/h
Telltale light for cruise con-
trol shows.
Briefly push button 1 forward. Briefly push button 1 back.
The speed is increased by The speed is reduced by z
2 km/h each time the button 2 km/h each time you push the
is pushed. button.
Push button 1 forward and Push button 1 back and hold it
hold it in this position. in this position.
The motorcycle accelerates The motorcycle decelerates
steplessly. steplessly. Briefly push button 1 back to
The current speed is main- The current speed is main- return to the speed saved be-
tained and saved if button 1 is tained and saved if button 1 is forehand.
not pushed again. not pushed again.
Deactivate cruise control Opening the throttle does not
Brake, pull the clutch lever deactivate the cruise-control sys-
or turn the throttle twistgrip tem. If you release the twistgrip
(close the throttle by turning
the motorcycle will decelerate Anti-theft alarm (DWA) motion sensor
4 only to the cruising speed saved
with alarm system (DWA) OE
an attempt to use an unauthor-
in memory, even though you ised vehicle key to switch on
74 might have intended slowing to the ignition.
a lower speed. disconnection of the DWA anti-
Switching on ignition ( 46).
Telltale light for cruise con- theft alarm from the motor-
Customising anti-theft alarm
trol shows. cycle's battery (DWA internal
settings ( 75).
battery in the anti-theft alarm
The DWA LED then indicates
Switching on ignition ( 46).
the reason for the alarm for one
minute. Press button 1 briefly to go to
the next menu item DWA.
Light signals issued by the
DWA LED: In the top display line 2, DWA z
is indicated.
Flashes 1x: Motion sensor 1
The bottom display line 3
Flashes 2x: Motion sensor 2
shows the preset value.
Flashes 3x: Ignition switched
Press button 4 briefly in order
on with unauthorised vehicle
to change the set value.
The following settings are avail-
Flashes 4x: Disconnection of
the anti-theft alarm from the Repeatedly press button 1
motorcycle's battery
On: The alarm system has
briefly until the top display line been activated or will be ac-
Flashes 5x: Motion sensor 3 displays 2 SETUP ENTER. tivated automatically when the
Deactivation Press and hold button 1 to ignition is switched.
start the SETUP menu. Off: Alarm system is deactiv-
Kill switch in operating position
Heated handlebar grips length of time to pass without
4 with heated handlebar grips OE
making further changes.
In order to switch off the
76 heated handlebar grips,
Operating the heated
handlebar grips repeatedly press button 1 until
the heated handlebar grip
NOTICE symbol 2 is no longer shown
on the display.
Turn the key clockwise in seat Firmly press down on front
lock 1 and hold it in this pos- The rear seat can be set to seat 1 at the front.
ition while pressing down the either of 2 different positions. The rear seat engages with an z
rear part of rear seat 2. Bear in mind the position of audible click.
Lift the rear seat at the front the rider`s seat with regard to
and release the key. Removing front seat
the direction for adjustment of
Remove the rear seat and the passenger seat: Removing rear seat ( 76).
place it, upholstered side down, Centre both lugs 1 on the rear
on a clean surface. seat in the mounts.
Rear seat position: Push pas-
senger seat toward the rear A.
Front seat position: Push pas-
senger seat forward B.
Lugs 1 of the rear seat are cor-
rectly located.
justment in the alignment 1
4 (identification L).
In order to set the high seat
78 position, install front height
adjustment in the direction 2
Operation (identification H).
In order to set the low seat po- Set rider's seat into the mount-
sition, swivel rear height adjust- ings 1 left and right, and place
ment 1 into position 3 (identi- loosely on the motorcycle. z
fication L). Press the rider's seat slightly
In order to set the high seat forward in its rear area and
position, swivel rear height then firmly down until the lock-
adjustment 1 into position 2 ing mechanism engages.
(identification H).
If the seat tilt is to be changed:
Position front and rear height
adjustment differently.
Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Headlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Windscreen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Handlebars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Spring preload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Damping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Mirrors Adjusting mirror arm Push protective cap 1 over the
5 Adjusting mirrors
threaded fastener.
82 Headlight
Headlight beam throw and
spring preload
Headlight beam throw is gener-
22 Nm (Left-hand thread)
Adjusting headlight beam with LED headlights OE Windscreen
throw Adjusting windscreen 5
The headlight beam-throw is
If, for a high load, the adjust- adjusted via an engage pivot
ment of the spring pre-load is lever. WARNING z
no longer sufficient not to dazzle A Neutral position
oncoming traffic: B Position for heavy load Adjusting the windscreen
Turn adjuster knob 1 counter- while riding.
clockwise in order to lower the Risk of falling
headlight beam again. Do not attempt to adjust the
windscreen unless the motor-
When the motorcycle is again cycle is at a standstill.
ridden with a lower load:
Turn knob 1 clockwise to lower
Have the basic settings of the
the windscreen.
headlight restored by a special-
Turn knob 1 counter-clockwise
ist workshop, best of all by a
to raise the windscreen.
BMW Motorrad dealer.
5 Adjusting the clutch lever
vehicle is lightly loaded.
Damping must be adapted to suit
the surface on which the motor-
cycle is ridden and to suit spring
Basic setting of rear-
suspension damping 5
characteristic 87
without Dynamic ESA OE
Turn the adjuster knob as far
as it will go in the clockwise
direction, then back it off 8
clicks in the counter-clockwise
direction. (One-up without lug-
Turn the adjuster knob as far
as it will go in the clockwise z
direction, then back it off 2
clicks in the counter-clockwise
direction. (One-up with lug-
Turn the adjuster knob as far
as it will go in the clockwise
direction, then back it off 2
clicks in the counter-clock-
wise direction. (Two-up with
Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Comply with checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Always before riding off: . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Every 3rd refuelling stop . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Running in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 z
Off-roading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Shifting gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Parking your motorcycle . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Refuelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Securing motorcycle for transporta-
tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Safety instructions counterpart motorcycle with Lowering the motorcycle's
6 Rider's equipment
standard-height suspension. suspension shortens suspension
travel (see the section entitled
90 Do not ride without the correct WARNING "Technical Data"). Ride comfort
clothing! Always wear: might be restricted as a result.
When a motorcycle with
Helmet Be sure to adjust spring preload
lowered suspension is cor-
Motorcycling jacket and accordingly, particularly for riding
nering, certain components
trousers two-up.
side. permissible maximum rated
Speed speed of the tyres
Note the maximum permissible If you ride at high speed, always
payload and the speed limit Risk of accident due to tyre dam- z
bear in mind that various bound- age at high speed
for riding with cases fitted, as ary conditions can adversely af-
stated on the label inside the Comply with the tyre-specific
fect the handling of your motor- speed restrictions.
case (see also the section en- cycle:
titled "Accessories"). Always bear the maximum per-
Settings of the spring-strut and
shock-absorber system missible speed of the tyres in
withtopcase OA
Imbalanced load mind when riding a motorcycle
Note the maximum permissible fitted with knobbly tyres or winter
payload and the speed limit Loose clothing
for riding with topcase fitted, Insufficient tyre pressure
Affix a label stating the maximum
as stated on the label inside Poor tyre tread
permissible speed to the instru-
the case (see also the section Etc.
ment panel in the rider's field of
entitled "Accessories"). vision.
Risk of poisoning Catalytic converter Risk of overheating
6 Exhaust fumes contain carbon If misfiring causes unburned fuel
monoxide, which is colourless to enter the catalytic converter, ATTENTION
and odourless but highly toxic. there is a danger of overheating Engine running for prolonged
and damage. period with vehicle at stand-
WARNING The following guidelines must be still
Exhaust gases adversely af- observed: Overheating due to insufficient
Do not run the fuel tank dry.
wheel ( 86). ASC self-diagnosis is per-
formed ( 95)
Always before riding with Dynamic ESA OE
Adjusting the chassis and Select neutral or, if a gear is z
off: engaged, pull the clutch lever.
suspension ( 67).
Check operation of the brake
system. Check engine oil level ( 122). NOTICE
Check operation of the lights Checking front brake pad thick- You cannot start the motorcycle
and signalling equipment. ness ( 124). with the side stand extended and
Checking clutch function Check the rear brake pad thick- a gear engaged. The engine will
( 128). ness ( 125). switch itself off if you start it with
Checking tyre tread depth Check brake-fluid level, front the gearbox in neutral and then
( 130). brakes ( 126). engage a gear before retracting
Checking tyre pressure Check the brake-fluid level, rear the side stand.
( 129). brakes ( 127).
For a cold engine start and low
Check security of cases and Check coolant level ( 128).
temperatures: pull clutch.
chart in the section entitled The malfunction indicator lamp
6 "Technical data". ( 176) only goes out after 15 seconds.
light flashes. formed automatically when you diagnosis, an indicator showing
switch on the ignition. an ASC fault is displayed:
ABS self-diagnosis You can continue to ride. Bear z
completed Phase 1 in mind that the ASC function
The ABS warning light goes Test of the diagnosable system is not available.
out. components with the vehicle at Have the fault rectified as
a standstill. quickly as possible by a
Check all the telltale and warn- The ASC telltale and warn- specialist workshop, preferably
ing lights. ing light flashes slowly. an authorised BMW Motorrad
After the ABS self-diagnosis dealer.
completes, an indicator show- Phase 2
ing an ABS fault will appear. Test of the diagnosis-capable Running in
You can continue to ride. Bear system components while the
in mind that neither the ABS motorcycle is on the move
function nor the integral brak- (speed at least 5 km/h). Until the first running-in check,
ing function is available. The ASC telltale and warn- vary the throttle opening and
Have the fault rectified as ing light flashes slowly. engine-speed range frequently;
quickly as possible by a
avoid riding at constant engine Brake pads
6 rpm for prolonged periods. New brake pads have to bed
Try to do most of your rid- down before they can achieve New tyres losing grip on wet
96 ing during this initial period on their optimum friction levels. You roads and at extreme bank
twisting, fairly hilly roads. can compensate for this initial re- angles
Comply with the rpm limits for duction in braking efficiency by Risk of accident
running in. exerting greater pressure on the Ride carefully and avoid ex-
Increased brake pad wear Air filter element
Lowering the tyre pressure Check the thickness of the
for off-roading during opera- ATTENTION
brake pads more frequently z
tion on road. and replace the brake pads in Dirty air filter element
Risk of accident due to impaired good time.
handling characteristics. Engine damage
Always check that the tyre If you ride in dusty terrain
Spring preload and shock-
pressures are correct. check the air filter element for
absorber settings
clogging at shorter intervals;
Brakes WARNING clean or replace as necessary.
Operation in very dusty condi-
WARNING Changed values for spring
tions (desert, steppes, or the like)
preload and spring-strut
Riding on unsurfaced roads necessitates the use of air filter
damping for riding off-road.
or dirty road surfaces. elements specially designed for
Impaired handling characteristics
Delayed braking effect due to conditions of this nature.
on surfaced roads.
dirty brake discs and brake pads. If you have been off-roading,
be sure to correct spring pre-
load and spring-strut damping
Shifting gear the limits at which the governor
6 with Pro shift assistant OE
cuts in to limit engine rpm.
Shift assistance is not available
98 in the following situations:
Shift assistant Pro
With clutch lever pulled.
Shift lever not in its initial posi-
The shift assistant assists up-
shifts and downshifts without the
Upshifts with the throttle valve
the dynamic increase in load at less than 15 km/h the hazard Riding in the rain or through
the front wheel. Remember to warning lights start to flash as puddles of water.
pull the clutch at the same time. well. The hazard warning lights After the vehicle has been
In the "panic braking situations" switch off automatically as soon washed.
that are trained so frequently as you start to accelerate and
Riding on salted or gritted
braking force is applied as rap- vehicle speed reaches 20 km/h.
idly as possible and with the
Descending mountain After work has been carried on
rider's full force applied to the
passes the brakes, due to traces of oil
brake levers; under these circum-
or grease.
stances the dynamic shift in load
WARNING Riding on dirt-covered surfaces
distribution cannot keep pace
or off-road.
with the increase in deceleration
Braking only with the rear
and the tyres cannot transmit the
brake on mountain descents
full braking force to the surface
Brake fade, destruction of the
of the road.
brakes due to overheating
BMW Motorrad Integral ABS pre-
Use both front and rear brakes,
vents the front wheel from lock-
and make use of the engine's
ing up.
braking effect as well.
Do not take risks that would are applied because of an un-
6 WARNING negate the additional safety foreseen hazard when the mo-
Wetness and dirt result in offered by this system. torcycle is banked for cornering,
100 within the physical limits that ap-
diminished braking efficiency ABS Pro is available in all riding
modes except Enduro Pro. ply to motorcycling the system
Risk of accident
prevents the wheels from locking
Apply the brakes lightly while
Possibility of a fall not and skidding away.
riding to remove wetness and
Additional weight placing under the stand is level and
strain on the side stand
Risk of damage to parts if vehicle Engine operation with leaded z
Do not sit or lean on the Centre stand folds in due to Damage to catalytic converter
vehicle while it is propped on sharp movements Do not attempt to run the
the side stand. Risk of damage to parts if vehicle vehicle on leaded fuel or fuel
Extend the side stand and prop topples with metallic additives (e.g.
the motorcycle on the stand. Do not lean or sit on the manganese or iron).
Turn the handlebars all the way vehicle with the centre stand You can run the engine on fuel
to left. extended. with a maximum ethanol con-
On a gradient, the motorcycle Extend the centre stand and lift tent of 10%, i.e. E10.
should always face uphill; se- the motorcycle onto the stand.
lect 1st gear. On a gradient, the motorcycle
Centre stand should always face uphill; se-
lect 1st gear.
Switch off the engine.
Refuelling Make sure the ground is level
6 Recommended fuel
and firm and place the motor-
WARNING cycle on its centre stand.
Super unleaded (max. 10 % Fuel is highly flammable
ethanol, E10) Risk of fire and explosion
95 ROZ/RON Do not smoke. Never bring
89 AKI a naked flame near the fuel
Regular unleaded (Power- and
consumption-related restric- Escape of fuel due to heat-
tions. If e.g. the engine is induced expansion if fuel
tank is overfilled Open the protective cap 2.
to be operated in countries
Risk of falling Use ignition key 1 to unlock
with low fuel grades at 91 re-
Do not overfill the fuel tank. fuel filler cap by turning it
search octane number, then
clockwise, and flip the cap
the motorcycle must first be
programmed appropriately at ATTENTION
your authorised BMW mo-
Wetting of plastic surfaces
torcycle dealer.) (max. 10 %
by fuel
ethanol, E10)
Damage to the surfaces (surfaces
become unsightly or dull)
87 AKI
Clean plastic surfaces immedi-
ately after contact with fuel.
quantity that the fuel tank could
hold if refilled after it had been WARNING
run dry and the engine had cut Fuel is highly flammable
out due to a lack of fuel. 103
Risk of fire and explosion
Do not smoke. Never bring
Usable fuel capacity
a naked flame near the fuel
approx. 20 l
Do not fill the tank past the Reserve fuel
bottom edge of the filler neck. Escape of fuel due to heat- z
induced expansion if fuel
NOTICE approx. 4 l tank is overfilled
Press the fuel tank cap down Risk of falling
When refuelling after running on
firmly to close. Do not overfill the fuel tank.
reserve, make sure that you top
up the tank to a level above re- Remove the ignition key and
serve, as otherwise the new level close the protective cap. ATTENTION
will not be registered and the fuel Wetting of plastic surfaces
warning light indicating that the by fuel
level is down to reserve will not with Keyless Ride OE
Damage to the surfaces (surfaces
be switched off. Requirement become unsightly or dull)
The steering lock is disengaged. Clean plastic surfaces immedi-
NOTICE ately after contact with fuel.
The "usable fuel capacity" spe-
cified in the technical data is the
Make sure the ground is level Version 1 Bring the radio-operated key
6 and firm and place the motor- with Keyless Ride OE into range.
cycle on its centre stand. Slowly pull tab 1 up.
104 with Keyless Ride OE Requirement The telltale light for the radio-
Switching off ignition ( 49). Within the waiting time operated key flashes while the
search for the radio-operated
NOTICE key is in progress.
Again slowly pull up tab 1 of
an audible click.
level is down to reserve will not The fuel filler cap locks auto-
be switched off. matically when the waiting time z
NOTICE The engaged fuel filler cap
locks immediately when you ATTENTION
The "usable fuel capacity" spe-
secure the steering lock or
cified in the technical data is the
switch on the ignition. Vehicle topples to side when
quantity that the fuel tank could
being lifted on to stand
hold if refilled after it had been
run dry and the engine had cut
Securing motorcycle Risk of damage to parts if vehicle
for transportation topples
out due to a lack of fuel.
Secure the vehicle to prevent it
Make sure that all components
Usable fuel capacity toppling, preferably with the as-
that might come into contact
sistance of a second person.
with straps used to secure the
motorcycle are adequately pro- Push the motorcycle onto the
approx. 20 l transportation flat and hold it in
tected against scratching. Use
position: do not place it on the
side stand or centre stand.
Engineering details
Riding mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Tyre pressure monitoring
(RDC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Shift assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
General instructions curs the ABS will be activated
7 To find out more about engineer-
ATTENTION and the brake pressure adap-
Attempted burn-out despite ted to the maximally transferable
108 ing, go to:
Integral braking function braking force. The wheels con-
bmw-motorrad.com/techno- tinue to turn and the driving sta-
logy Damage to rear brake and clutch
bility is retained irrespective of
Do not burn out tyres.
the road condition.
Anti-lock brake system
How does ABS work?
Engineering details
Engineering details
Within the limits imposed by
optimum braking. Under very severe and sudden
physics, the BMW Motorrad In-
deceleration, however, under cer-
What feedback does the tegral ABS ensures directional
tain circumstances it is possible
rider receive from the stability on any surface. The sys-
that the BMW Motorrad Integ-
tem is not optimised for special
BMW Motorrad Integral ral ABS will be unable to prevent
requirements that apply under
ABS? the rear wheel from lifting clear
extreme competitive situations
If the ABS system has to reduce of the ground. If this happens
off-road or on the track. The
braking force on account of the the outcome can be a highsiding
driving behaviour should be ad-
circumstances described above, situation in which the motorcycle
can flip over.
apted to actual driving skills and z
vibration is perceptible through the road conditions.
the handbrake lever. WARNING
When the handbrake lever is Special situations
pulled, brake pressure is also Rear wheel lift due to severe The speeds of the front and rear
built up at the rear wheel by braking wheels are compared as one
the integral function. If the Risk of falling means of detecting a wheel's
brake pedal is depressed after When you brake sharply, bear incipient tendency to lock. If
the handbrake lever is pulled, in mind that ABS control can- the system registers implaus-
the brake pressure built up not always be relied on to pre- ible values for a lengthy period
the ABS function is deactivated What significance
7 for safety reasons and an ABS devolves on regular
fault message is issued. Self-dia- maintenance? Braking when cornering
110 gnosis has to complete before
Risk of accident despite ABS
fault messages can be issued. WARNING Invariably, the rider bears re-
In addition to problems with the
sponsibility for assessing road
BMW Motorrad ABS, exceptional Brake system not regularly
and traffic conditions and ad-
riding conditions can also cause serviced.
Engineering details
Engineering details
ABS intervention fects ASC control can be consid-
deceleration of the motorcycle,
erable (weight shifts when cor-
Technically speaking, depending even when cornering.
nering, items of luggage loose on
on the riding situation ABS Pro
the motorcycle), especially when
adapts ABS intervention to the Automatic Stability the style of riding takes rider and
motorcycle's bank angle. Signals Control (ASC) machine close to the limits im-
for rate of roll and rate of yaw
How does ASC work? posed by physics.
and lateral acceleration are used
BMW Motorrad ASC compares Activate the Enduro mode for
to calculate bank angle.
the speed of rotation of the front off-roading. This mode delays
As the motorcycle is heeled over
more and more as it banks into wheel and the rear wheel. The ASC intervention slightly in order z
differential is used to compute to permit controlled drifting.
a corner, an increasingly strict
slip as a measure of the reserves The system is not optimised for
limit is imposed on the brake-
of stability available at the rear special requirements that apply
pressure gradient for the start of
wheel. If slip exceeds a certain under extreme competitive situ-
brake application. This slows the
limit, the engine control inter- ations off-road or on the track.
build-up of brake pressure to a
venes and adapts the engine The BMW Motorrad ASC can be
corresponding degree. Addition-
torque accordingly. deactivated in these cases.
ally, pressure modulation is more
spin or slip sideways. If the sys- Switch the ignition off and on
7 WARNING tem registers implausible values and then ride at a speed over
Risky riding for a lengthy period the ASC 10 km/h to reactivate the ASC.
112 function is deactivated for safety
Risk of accident despite ASC
reasons and an ASC fault mes- Slip can be increased by
Invariably, the rider bears re- very-heavy-duty massive-bar
sage is issued. Self-diagnosis
sponsibility for assessing road tyres, with the result that ASC
has to complete before fault
and traffic conditions and ad- intervention occurs before
messages can be issued.
Engineering details
Engineering details
able to control a situation of this mode selected. road tyres.
nature. In the Enduro Pro riding mode,
ABS and/or ASC can be
there will be no ABS control at
Riding mode switched off in each riding mode;
the rear wheel when the foot-
the explanations below invariably
Selection brake lever is operated. The
apply to the behaviour of the
ABS has been adjusted to off-
There is a choice of 5 riding motorcycle with these systems
road operation using studded
modes for adapting the motor- active.
cycle to riding-surface condition:
RAIN Throttle response z
with ABS Pro OE
ROAD (Standard mode) In the RAIN and Enduro riding
In the RAIN and ROAD riding
modes: Restrained
modes, ABS Pro is fully avail-
with Pro riding modes OE In the ROAD and Enduro Pro
able. The tendency of the mo-
DYNAMIC riding modes: Direct
torcycle to straighten up when
Enduro In the DYNAMIC riding mode: the brakes are applied with the
Enduro Pro (only if coding plug Dynamic machine banked for cornering
fitted) is reduced to a minimum.
In the DYNAMIC riding mode, with Dynamic ESA OE No drive torque on the rear
7 ABS Pro is only available with Dynamic ESA wheel.
good friction coefficients. As- In the RAIN, ROAD and No brake pressure in the brake
114 sistance is less than in the system.
DYNAMIC riding modes, the
ROAD riding mode and de- damping variants HARD,
signed for maximum braking This is the status of the motor-
NORMAL and SOFT can be
effect instead. cycle when it is at a standstill
In the Enduro riding mode, with the ignition switched on.
Basic setting RAIN: SOFT
Engineering details
Engineering details
tyre measures the air tempera- Tyre pressure within permitted areas have gauges that do not
ture and the air pressure inside tolerance. compensate for temperature; the
the tyre and transmits this in- Tyre pressure close to limit of reading shown by a gauge of
formation to the control unit. permitted tolerance. this nature is the temperature-
Each sensor has a centrifugal- Tyre pressure outside permit- dependent tyre pressure. In
force tripswitch that does not ted tolerance. most instances, therefore, these
enable transmission of the meas- gauge readings will not tally with
ured values until the motorcycle Temperature the pressures shown by the
has accelerated to above approx- compensation multifunction display.
imately 30 km/h for the first time. z
Tyre pressure is a temperature-
The display shows -- for each sensitive variable: pressure in-
Pressure adaptation
tyre until the tyre-pressure signal creases as tyre temperature rises Compare the RDC readings on
is received for the first time. The and decreases as tyre temper- the multifunction display with
sensors continue to transmit the ature drops. Tyre temperature the value in the table on the
measured-value signals for ap- depends on ambient temperature back cover of the Rider's Manual.
proximately 15 minutes after the as well as on the style of riding Then use the air line at a service
vehicle comes to a stop. and the duration of the ride. station to compensate for the dif-
An error message is issued if
wheels without sensors are fit-
ference between the RDC read- closing the throttle in virtually all spring through a certain "over-
7 ing and the value in the table. load and rpm ranges. travel" at ordinary speed or rap-
idly and keep the shift lever in
116 Example: According to the Advantages this position until the gearshift is
Rider's Manual, the tyre pressure 70-80 % of all gearshifts on a completed. It is not necessary
should be 36.3 psi (2.5 bar), but trip can be done without using to increase the force applied to
the reading in the multifunction the clutch. the shift lever while shifting is in
display is 33.4 psi (2.3 bar), progress. Once the gearshift has
Less relative movement
Engineering details
Engineering details
max 9000 min-1
Upshifting is assisted until idle
rpm for the target gear to be
selected is reached.
This prevents the engine from
dropping below idle speed. z
Idle speed
Engineering details
General instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Standard toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Diagnostic connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Service toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Front-wheel stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Brake system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 z
Tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Rims and tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Air filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Light source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Jump-starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
General instructions Standard toolkit 3 Removing battery
8 The "Maintenance" chapter de-
( 147).
4 Open-ended spanner
120 scribes straightforward proced-
Width across flats 14
ures for checking and replacing
certain wear parts. Adjusting mirror arm
( 82).
Special tightening torques are lis-
ted as applicable. The tightening
Service toolkit
Use of the BMW Motorrad Align the two adapters 2 so
front wheel stand without ac- that the front forks are securely
companying use of centre seated.
stand or auxiliary stand Remove screws 1. Tighten screws 1.
Risk of damage to parts if vehicle Push the two adapters 2 apart z
topples until the front forks fit between
Place the motorcycle on its them.
centre stand or another auxili- Use locating pins 3 to set the
ary stand before lifting the front front-wheel stand to the de-
wheel with the BMW Motorrad sired height.
front-wheel stand. Centre the front-wheel stand
Make sure the ground is level relative to the front wheel and
and firm and place the motor- push it against the front axle.
cycle on its centre stand.
Use basic stand with front-
wheel adapter. The basic
stand and its accessory
Engine oil
8 Check engine oil level
Misinterpretation of oil level
reading, because oil level is
temperature-dependent (the
preferably an authorised max 0.95 l (Difference
BMW Motorrad dealer. between MIN and MAX)
Wipe the area around the oil
Check engine oil level ( 122).
Top up the engine oil filler neck clean.
Install cap 3 of the oil filler
Make sure the ground is level Insert Torx end of reversible
and firm and place the motor- screwdriver insert 1 into screw-
driver handle 2 (on-board tool- z
cycle on its stand.
kit) for additional leverage.
Brake system
Engage this tool in cap 3 of Check operation of brakes
the oil filler neck and turn Pull the front brake lever.
counter-clockwise to remove. The pressure point must be
Check engine oil level ( 122). clearly perceptible.
Press the footbrake lever.
The pressure point must be
Use of insufficient engine oil clearly perceptible.
or too much engine oil
Engine damage
If pressure points are not clearly
8 perceptible:
Work on brake system not
in compliance with correct
ability of the brake system, do
not permit the brake pads to
wear past the minimum per- Visually inspect the brake pads
Brake-pad wear limit,
missible thickness. to ascertain their thickness.
Viewing direction: between
Have the brake pads replaced
spray guard and rear wheel to- 1.0 mm (Friction pad only,
by a specialist workshop,
ward brake pads 1. without backing plate.)
preferably an authorised
BMW Motorrad dealer. If the wear limit has been
Check the rear brake pad
Make sure the ground is level
and firm and place the motor-
cycle on its stand.
Check the brake-fluid level at
8 WARNING regular intervals.
power due to air in the brake
Check the brake fluid level in
Check the brake-fluid level at Brake fluid level, rear
rear reservoir 1.
regular intervals.
Make sure the ground is level NOTICE
Brake fluid, DOT4
and firm and place the motor- z
Wear of the brake pads causes It is impermissible for the
cycle on its centre stand.
the brake fluid level in the reser- brake fluid level to drop below
voir to sink. the MIN mark. (Brake-fluid
reservoir horizontal, motorcycle
If the brake fluid level drops be-
low the permitted level:
Have the defect rectified as
quickly as possible by a spe-
cialist workshop, preferably
an authorised BMW Motorrad
Clutch Topping up coolant
8 Checking clutch function
128 Pull the clutch lever.
The pressure point must be
clearly perceptible.
If the pressure point is not clearly
Seat the side panel in Install screws 1.
mounts 1.
Open cap 1 of the coolant ex- Checking tyre pressure z
pansion tank and top up the
coolant to the specified level. WARNING
Check coolant level ( 128). Incorrect tyre pressure
Close the cap of the coolant Impaired handling characteristics
expansion tank. of the motorcycle, shorter useful
tyre life
Always check that the tyre
Install screws 1. pressures are correct.
Install body-bound rivet 2.
If tyre pressure is too low: they wear to the minimum
Correct tyre pressure. tread depth permitted by law.
130 Tendency of valve inserts in- Make sure the ground is level
stalled vertically top open Rims and tyres and firm and place the motor-
by themselves at high riding Checking rims cycle on its stand.
speeds. Measure the tyre tread depth
Make sure the ground is level
Sudden loss of tyre pressure. and firm and place the motor- in the main tread grooves with
Install valve caps fitted with cycle on its stand. wear marks.
rubber sealing rings and tighten Visually inspect the rims for
firmly. NOTICE
Make sure the ground is level Have any damaged rims in- Wear indicators are built into the
and firm and place the motor- spected by a specialist work- main profile grooves on each
cycle on its stand. shop and replaced if neces- tyre. The tyre is worn out when
Check tyre pressures against sary, preferably by an author- the tyre tread has worn down
the data below. ised BMW Motorrad dealer. to the level of the marks. The
locations of the marks are indic-
Tyre pressure, front Checking tyre tread depth ated on the edge of the tyre, e.g.
by the letters TI, TWI or by an
WARNING arrow.
2.5 bar (tyre cold)
Riding with badly worn tyres If the tyre tread is worn to min-
Tyre pressure, rear Risk of accident due to impaired imum:
handling Replace tyre or tyres, as applic-
If applicable, have the tyres able.
2.9 bar (tyre cold)
changed in good time before
Check spokes any guarantee of road safety for lar, the diameter and the width
with cross-spoked wheels OE other tyres. of a vehicle's wheels are pro- 8
BMW Motorrad recommends grammed into the control unit
Make sure the ground is level using only tyres tested by and are fundamental to all cal- 131
and firm and place the motor- BMW Motorrad. culations. Any change in these
cycle on its stand. It is absolutely essential to ob- influencing variables, caused for
Draw the handle of a screw- serve the maximum permissible example by a switch to wheels
driver or a similar instrument speed and load-capacity ratings other than those installed ex-
across the spokes and listen (see "Technical data"). works, can have serious effects
to the notes of the individual Comply with the instructions re- on the performance of the con-
spokes. garding maximum speed for rid- trol systems.
If the notes vary: ing with knobbly tyres or winter The sensor rings are essential
Have the spokes checked by a tyres fitted ( 91). for correct road-speed calcula-
specialist workshop, preferably Detailed information is tion, and they too must match z
an authorised BMW Motorrad available from your authorised the motorcycle's control sys-
dealer. BMW Motorrad dealer or in the tems and consequently cannot
internet at: be changed.
Wheels bmw-motorrad.com If you decide that you would like
to fit non-standard wheels to
Tyre recommendation
Effect of wheel size on your motorcycle, it is very im-
For each size of tyre, chassis and suspension portant to consult a specialist
BMW Motorrad tests and workshop beforehand, preferably
control systems
classifies as roadworthy certain an authorised BMW Motorrad
makes. BMW Motorrad cannot Wheel size is very important
as a parameter for the chassis dealer. In some cases, the data
assess the suitability or provide programmed into the control
and suspension control sys-
tems ABS and ASC. In particu-
units can be changed to suit the If the motorcycle is equipped
8 new wheel sizes. with RDC, each wheel rim bears
an adhesive label indicating the
132 RDC label position of the RDC sensor.
with tyre pressure monitoring When changing the tyre, take
(RDC) OE care not to damage the RDC
sensor. Be sure to draw the
attention of the authorised
Remove screw 1.
Remove left-hand axle clamp-
ing screw 2.
Press quick-release axle slightly
toward the inside, so as to be z
better able to grip it on the
right-hand side.
Roll the front wheel into posi-
tion between the front forks.
Always have the security of
the fasteners checked by a
Remove studs 1 from the rear specialist workshop, preferably Install wheel studs 1 and
wheel, while supporting the an authorised BMW Motorrad tighten to specified torque.
wheel. dealer.
Rear wheel to wheel
Roll the rear wheel out toward Seat the rear wheel on the flange z
the rear. rear-wheel adapter.
Tightening sequence: tighten
Install the rear wheel
in diagonally opposite se-
WARNING quence
60 Nm
Use of a non-standard wheel
Malfunction as part of ABS and
ASC control interventions
See the information on the ef-
fect of wheel size on the ABS
and ASC systems at the start
of this chapter.
Air filter
8 Replacing air-filter
138 element
Remove frame 1.
Remove air filter element 2.
Install the air filter cover.
Install screws 1.
Light source
Replacing bulbs for low- 8
beam and high-beam 139
without LED headlights OE
Place centre trim panel in po- The positions of the plug, the Remove cover 1 by turning it
sition, paying attention to the spring wire retainer and the counter-clockwise to replace
connections 1 to the side pan- bulb might not be as illustrated the bulb for the low-beam
els. below. headlight.
Make sure the ground is level z
and firm and place the motor-
cycle on its stand.
Switch off the ignition.
H7 / 12 V / 55 W
with LED headlights OE
Connect plug 1. Remove cover 1 by turning it Remove bulb 1 from the
Place cover in position and fit counter-clockwise. socket.
by turning clockwise.
Replace the defective bulb.
Replacing bulb for parking Bulb for parking light z
without LED headlights OE
W5W / 12 V / 5 W
Make sure the ground is level
with LED headlights OE
and firm and place the motor-
cycle on its stand. LED
Switch off the ignition. Use a clean, dry cloth to hold
Pull socket 1 out of the head- the bulb in order to keep the
light housing. glass free of foreign matter.
Replacing bulbs for front
8 and rear turn indicators
142 without LED turn indicators OE
Place the motorcycle on its
stand on firm, even ground.
Switch off the ignition.
Insert bulb 1 into the socket. Pull the glass out of the light
housing at the threaded-
fastener side.
Remove screw 1.
Bulbs for flashing turn
indicators, rear Turn bulb 1 clockwise to install Install screw 1.
it in the light housing.
RY10W / 12 V / 10 W Replacing LED rear light
with LED turn indicators OE The LED rear light can be re-
placed only as a complete unit. z
LED Consult a specialist workshop,
Use a clean, dry cloth to hold preferably an authorised
the bulb in order to keep the BMW Motorrad dealer.
glass free of foreign matter.
Replacing LED turn
with LED turn indicators OE
Working from the inboard side,
The LED turn indicators can
insert the glass into the light
be replaced only as a complete
housing and close the housing.
unit. Consult a specialist work-
shop, preferably an authorised Jump-starting
8 BMW Motorrad dealer. ATTENTION
ATTENTION Jump-start with a voltage in
144 Replacing LED headlight
excess of 12 V
with LED headlights OE Excessive current flowing
Damage to the on-board elec-
LED headlights can be re- when the motorcycle is
placed only as a complete jump-started
Make sure that the battery of
unit. Consult a specialist work- Wiring smoulders/ignites or dam-
Disconnect the jump lead from Compliance with the points be-
the negative terminals first, low is important in order to max-
Remove the protective cap 1. imise battery life:
Use the red jumper cable to then disconnect the second
lead from the positive termin- Keep the surface of the battery
connect the positive battery clean and dry.
connection point 2 of the dis- als.
Do not open the battery. z
charged battery to the positive NOTICE Do not top up with water.
terminal of the donor battery.
Be sure to read and comply
Then connect one end of the Do not use proprietary start-as-
with the instructions for char-
black jump lead to the negative sist sprays or other products to
ging the battery on the follow-
terminal of the donor battery start the engine.
ing pages.
and the other end to negative Install the protective cap. Do not turn the battery upside
terminal 3 of the discharged
Fitting battery cover ( 149). down.
Run the engine of the donor
vehicle during jump-starting.
Start the engine of the vehicle
with the discharged battery
in the usual way; if the en-
Charge battery when on) it has to be disconnec-
connected ted from the on-board cir-
On-board electronics (e.g. cuits and re-charged with the
146 charger connected directly to
clock) draining connected ATTENTION
battery the battery posts.
Charging the battery connec-
Battery is deep-discharged; this ted to the vehicle using the
voids the guarantee ATTENTION
battery terminals
Connect a float charger to the Damage to the on-board elec- Unsuitable chargers that are
battery if the motorcycle is to tronics connected to a socket
remain out of use for more Disconnect the battery at Damage to charger and vehicle
than four weeks. the battery terminals before electronics
charging. Use suitable BMW chargers.
NOTICE The suitable charger is
BMW Motorrad has developed a ATTENTION available from your authorised
float charger specially designed BMW Motorrad dealer.
Charging a fully discharged
for compatibility with the elec- battery using the socket or Charge via the charging socket,
tronics of your motorcycle. Us- extra socket with the battery connected
ing this charger, you can keep to the motorcycle's on-board
Damage to the on-board elec-
the battery charged during long electrical system.
periods of disuse, without having
If a battery has discharged to NOTICE
to disconnect the battery from
the extent that it is completely
the motorcycle's on-board sys-
flat (battery voltage less than The motorcycle's on-board elec-
tems. You can obtain additional
9 V, status-indicator lights and tronics know when the battery
information from your authorised
multifunction display remain off is fully charged. The on-board
BMW Motorrad dealer.
when the ignition is switched
socket is switched off when this charger's terminal clips from Each battery cover slightly for-
happens. the battery terminals. ward at the top at positions 2. 8
Comply with the operating in- In order not to damage the bat-
NOTICE tery cover or the mount, work 147
structions of the charger.
The battery has to be recharged the battery cover up at posi-
NOTICE at regular intervals in the course tion 3 to remove.
If you are unable to charge the of a lengthy period of disuse. with alarm system (DWA) OE
battery through the on-board See the instructions for caring
If applicable, switch off the anti-
socket, you may be using a char- for your battery. Always fully re-
theft alarm.
ger that is not compatible with charge the battery before restor-
your motorcycle's electronics. In ing it to use.
this case, directly charge the bat- Removing battery
tery at the terminals of the bat-
tery that has been disconnected
from the vehicle.
Pull retaining plate in position 1 Disconnect battery negative Secure battery positive lead 1.
outwards and remove in an lead 1 and remove the battery. Push battery into the mounting.
upward direction.
Slightly lift battery and remove Installing battery
z from the mounting to such an
extent that the battery positive NOTICE
terminal becomes accessible. If the 12 V battery is not cor-
rectly installed or if the polar-
ity of the terminals is reversed
(e.g. in an attempt to jump-start
the vehicle), this can cause the
fuse for the alternator regulator
to blow. First insert retaining plate into
the mountings 1 and then push
under the battery in position 2.
Replacing fuses 8
Secure battery negative lead 1. Install screw 1.
Secure the battery with rubber
strap 2. Setting the clock ( 60).
Setting the date ( 61). Switch off the ignition.
Remove front seat ( 77). z
Disconnect plug 1.
Jumpering of blown fuses
Risk of short-circuit and fire
Never attempt to jumper a
blown fuse.
Always replace a defective fuse
Place the battery cover into the with a new fuse of the same
mounting 1 and press into the amperage.
mounting 2.
Replace faulty fuse in accord- Fuse assignment Fuse for the alternator
8 ance with the fuse allocation regulator
If fuse defects recur frequently
have the electric circuits checked
by a specialist workshop,
preferably an authorised
BMW Motorrad dealer.
Install plug 1. 1 10 A
Installing front seat ( 79). Instrument panel 1 50 A
Anti-theft alarm (DWA) Alternator regulator
Ignition switch
Diagnostic socket
2 7.5 A
Multifunction switch, left
Tyre pressure monitoring
Diagnostic connector Disengage diagnostic con-
Disengaging diagnostic
nector 2 from holder 4. 8
The interface to the diagnosis
connector and information system can 151
be connected to diagnostic
connector 2.
Incorrect procedure
followed when loosening the
Securing the diagnostic
diagnostic connector for the connector
on-board diagnosis Press the hook 1 and pull the Disconnect the interface for
Motorcycle experiences malfunc- diagnostic connector 2 out up- the diagnosis and information
tions wards. system.
Only have the diagnostic con-
nector loosened by a specialist z
workshop or other authorised
persons during your next BMW
Service appointment.
Have the work performed by
appropriately trained staff.
Refer to the vehicle manufac-
turer specifications.
Removing battery cover
Press the latches 3 on both Seat diagnostic connector 2 in
( 147).
sides. bracket 4.
The locks 3 engage on both
Seat the bracket 4 on the
8 mounting 1.
Navigation system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
General instructions cessory products to establish Power sockets
9 that they are safe, functional and
Connection of electrical
CAUTION suitable. Consequently, BMW
154 devices
accepts product liability. BMW
Use of other-make products accepts no liability whatsoever for You can start using electrical
Safety risk parts and accessories that it has devices connected to the mo-
BMW Motorrad cannot exam- not approved. torcycle's sockets only when
ine or test each product of out- Whenever you are planning the ignition is switched on.
electronics. In such cases,
power sockets are switched
Push yellow button 1 down
off very shortly after the ignition
and at the same time open the
is turned off.
lid of the case.
If the battery charge state is
too low to maintain the mo- Adjusting case volume z
torcycle's start capability, the Turn key 1 clockwise.
with cases OA
power sockets are switched off. Keep the yellow latch 2 held
The power sockets are also and fold out the carry handle 3. Open the case and remove all
switched off when the max- its contents.
imum load capability as stated
in the technical data is ex-
The lid engages with an aud- Removing cases
9 ible click. with cases OA
Pull red release lever 1 up. Pull red release lever 1 up. Press latching flap 1 down until
Latching flap 2 pops up. Latching flap 2 pops up. resistance is felt.
Fully open the latching flap. Fully open the latching flap. Then simultaneously press
Take a firm grip of the handle down latching flap and red re-
and lift the case out of the lease lever 2.
holder. The latching flap engages.
Mounting cases
with cases OA
max 10 kg
Push yellow button 1 forward Engage pivot lever 1 at the
and at the same time open the front limit position to set the ATTENTION
lid of the topcase. case to maximum volume. Closure of carrying handle
Engage pivot lever 1 at the
Adjusting topcase volume with case lock latched z
rear limit position to set the Damage to locking tab
with topcase OA case to minimum volume.
Make sure that the topcase
Close the topcase. lock is vertical when you close
Open the topcase and remove
all its contents. Closing topcase the carry handle.
with topcase OA Close carry handle 1.
The handle engages with an
Press down firmly on the top- audible click.
case lid to close. Turn key 2 counter-clockwise
and remove.
Removing the topcase
9 with topcase OA
Pull red lever 1 back as far as it Pull red lever 1 back as far as it
will go. will go.
Latching flap 2 pops up. Latching flap 2 pops up.
Turn key 1 clockwise. Fully open the latching flap. Fully open the latching flap.
z Keep the yellow latch 2 held Take a firm grip of the handle
and fold out the carry handle 3. and lift the topcase out of the
Mounting topcase
with topcase OA
Engage the topcase in front Press latching flap 1 forward
holders 1 of the topcase carrier until resistance is felt. ATTENTION
plate. Next simultaneously press Closure of carrying handle
Press the topcase onto the down latching flap and red re- with case lock latched z
topcase carrier plate at the lease lever 2. Damage to locking tab
rear. The latching flap engages. Make sure that the topcase
lock is vertical when you close
the carry handle.
Close carry handle 1.
The handle engages with an
audible click.
Turn key 2 counter-clockwise
and remove.
Maximum payload and Installing topcase
9 maximum permissible topcase 2 large, 49 l OA
162 speed
Note the maximum permissible WARNING
payload and the speed limit for
riding with topcase fitted, as Topcase not properly se-
stated on the label inside the cured
max 5 kg
Opening topcase Lever 2 pops up.
topcase 2 large, 49 l OA Pull the release lever all the 9
way up.
The lid of the topcase opens.
Closing topcase
topcase 2 large, 49 l OA
Turn the key in the topcase
lock to position 1 and remove
the key from the lock.
Turn the key in the topcase
Maximum speed
lock to position 1.
for riding with
topcase 2 large, 49 l
max 180 km/h
Pull release lever 1 all the way
Payload of top- up.
case 2 large, 49 l Close the lid of the topcase
and hold it down. Check that
max 5 kg nothing is trapped between the
Do not exceed the values for lid and the case.
maximum speed and payload.
Push lock barrel 1 forward.
Removing the topcase
topcase 2 large, 49 l OA
164 The topcase can also be locked
by turning the lock to the LOCK
position. In this case, ensure that
the vehicle key is not left in the
Always remove the navigation Damaged contacts
system and stow it away safely Always reinstall the cover as
as soon as you finish your ride. soon as you finish your ride.
Map view Turn down: Zoom out. Switch off display: Deactivate
Compass the display.
Compass page
Mediaplayer Dial home number: Dials the
Turning increases or
BMW special menu home phone number saved in
decreases the volume of a
My Motorcycle page the Navigator (not shown un-
BMW Motorrad communication z
less a telephone is connected).
Long-pushing the Multi-Control- system connected via
Diversion: Activates the diver-
ler corresponds to activating cer- Bluetooth.
sion function (not shown unless
tain functions on the Navigator BMW special menu a route is active).
display. An arrow to the right or Skip: Skips the next waypoint
Speak: Repeat most recent
to the left above the correspond- (not shown unless the route
navigation announcement.
ing button area on the display has waypoints).
Waypoint: Save current loca-
indicates a function that can be
tion as a favourite. My Motorcycle
activated in this way.
Home: Starts navigation to
Turn: Changes the number of
Long-push to the right to home address (greyed if no
data shown.
activate this function. home address has been
Touch a data field on the Warnings and status Touching the warning triangle
9 display to open the menu for messages when more than one warning
selecting data. is active opens a list of all the
168 The values available from se- warnings.
lection depend on the optional Additional information appears as
extras installed on the vehicle. soon as a message is selected.
Detailed information cannot be
The Mediaplayer function is avail- displayed for all warnings.
able only with a Bluetooth device
supporting the A2DP standard, Special functions
for example a BMW Motorrad Warning and status messages
z from the motorcycle are indicated Integration of the BMW Motorrad
communication system.
by a symbol 1 appearing at the Navigator has produced a num-
Mediaplayer top left in the map view. ber of deviations from the de-
Long-push to the left: Play scriptions in the operating in-
preceding track. NOTICE structions for the Navigator.
Long-push to the right: Play
If a BMW Motorrad commu- Reserve fuel level warning
next track.
nication system is connected, The settings for the fuel gauge
Turning increases or
warnings are accompanied by an are not available, because the
decreases the volume of a
acoustic signal. reserve fuel level warning is sent
BMW Motorrad communication
system connected via If there are two or more active by the vehicle to the Navigator.
Bluetooth. warnings the number appears Touch the message when it is
below the warning triangle. active to view the locations of the
nearest filling stations.
Time and date Navigator is switched on by ig-
The Navigator sends the time nition ON while cradled in any of 9
and date to the motorcycle. The these vehicles.
If the Navigator is removed from 169
transfer of these data into the
instrument cluster must be activ- the vehicle while switched on, a
ated in the SETUP menu of the security prompt asking for the
instrument cluster. PIN to be entered is issued.
Security settings Screen brightness
The BMW Motorrad Navigator V Screen brightness is adjusted
can be secured against unau- by the motorcycle while the unit
thorised use with a four-digit PIN is cradled. No manual input is
(Garmin Lock). If this function is necessary.
activated, while the Navigator is If you prefer, you can switch off z
cradled on the motorcycle and automatic adjustment n the Nav-
the ignition is switched on you igator display settings.
are prompted to add the mo-
torcycle to the list of secured
vehicles. If you answer "Yes" at
this prompt the Navigator saves
the VIN of this vehicle in its in-
ternal memory.
A maximum of five VINs can be
saved in this way.
Subsequently, the PIN does not
have to be entered when the
Care products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Washing the vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Cleaning easily damaged compon-
ents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Paint care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Protective wax coating . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 z
Laying up the motorcycle . . . . . . . . . . 174
Restoring motorcycle to use . . . . . . . 174
Care products Washing the vehicle Diminished braking effect, risk of
10 BMW Motorrad recommends BMW Motorrad recommends
Apply the brakes in good time
172 that you use the cleaning that you use BMW insect re-
to allow the friction and heat to
and care products you can mover to soften and wash off
dry the brake discs and brake
obtain from your authorised insects and stubborn dirt on
BMW Motorrad dealer. painted parts prior to washing
The substances in BMW the vehicle.
by covering the affected areas
ATTENTION with a wet cloth. Bending of radiator fins z
Damage to radiator fins
Use of unsuitable cleaning Clean with water and Take care not to bend the radi-
agents sponge only. ator fins when cleaning.
Damage to plastic surfaces
Do not use cleaning agents Rubber components
Do not use any chemical
that contain alcohol, solvents or
cleaning agents. Treat rubber components with
water or BMW rubber-care
Do not use insect-remover
pads or cleaning pads with Chrome
hard, scouring surfaces. Use plenty of water and BMW ATTENTION
shampoo to clean chrome, par-
Body panels ticularly if it has been exposed to Application of silicone sprays
Clean the trim panels with water road salt. Use chrome polish for to rubber seals
and BMW plastic care emulsion. additional treatment. Damage to the rubber seals
Do not use silicone sprays
or care products that contain
Paint care BMW Motorrad recommends us- Coat bright metal and chrome-
10 Washing the vehicle regularly
ing BMW tar remover for remov- plated parts with an acid-free
ing specks of tar. Remember to grease (e.g. Vaseline).
174 will help counteract the long-
wax the parts treated in this way.
term effects of substances that Stand the motorcycle in a dry
damage the paint, especially if room in such a way that there
Protective wax coating
your vehicle is ridden in areas is no load on either wheel
with high air pollution or natural If water is no longer forming (preferably using the front-
beads on the paint surface, it
Technical data
Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Final drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Chassis and suspension . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Wheels and tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Electrical system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Anti-theft alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Troubleshooting chart
11 The engine does not start.
176 Possible cause Rectification
Side stand extended and gear engaged Retract the side stand.
Gear engaged and clutch not disengaged Select neutral or pull the clutch lever.
Technical data
Threaded fasteners
Front wheel Value Valid
Quick-release axle in telescopic
M12 x 20 30 Nm
Clamping screw for quick-re-
Technical data
lease axle in telescopic fork
M8 x 35 19 Nm
Brake caliper on telescopic fork
M10 x 65 38 Nm
Wheel-speed sensor to fork leg
M6 x 16 8 Nm
Micro-encapsulated or medium-
strength thread-locking compound
Rear wheel Value Valid
Rear wheel to wheel flange
M10 x 1.25 x 40 tighten in diagonally opposite sequence
60 Nm
Mirrors Value Valid
11 Mirror (locknut) to adapter
M10 x 1.25 Left-hand thread, 22 Nm
Adapter to clamping block
M10 x 14 - 4.8 25 Nm
Technical data
Technical data
search octane number, then the motorcycle must
first be programmed appropriately at your author-
ised BMW motorcycle dealer.) (max. 10 % eth-
anol, E10)
87 AKI
Usable fuel capacity approx. 20 l
Reserve fuel approx. 4 l
Exhaust emissions standard EU 4
Engine oil
11 Engine oil, capacity max 4 l, with filter change
Specification SAE 5W-40, API SL / JASO MA2, Additives
(e.g. molybdenum-based) are not permissible
because they can attack coated components
of the engine, BMW Motorrad recommends
BMW Motorrad ADVANTEC Ultimate oil.
Technical data
Engine oil, quantity for topping up max 0.95 l, Difference between MIN and MAX
BMW recommends
Location of engine number Crankcase, bottom right, below starter motor
Engine type 122EN
Engine design Air-/liquid-cooled two-cylinder four-stroke
opposed-twin engine with two overhead spur-
gear-driven camshafts and one balancing shaft
Displacement 1170 cm3
Cylinder bore 101 mm
Piston stroke 73 mm
Compression ratio 12.5:1
Nominal output
with power reduction OE
92 kW, at engine speed: 7750 min-1
79 kW, at engine speed: 7750 min-1
Torque 125 Nm, at engine speed: 6500 min-1
with power reduction OE 122 Nm, at engine speed: 5250 min-1
Maximum engine speed max 9000 min-1
Idle speed 1150 min-1, Engine at regular operating tempera-
Technical data
Clutch type Multiplate oil-bath clutch, anti-hopping
Transmission z
Gearbox type Claw-shift 6-speed gearbox with helical gearing
11 Gearbox transmission ratios 1.000
Primary transmission ratio
Transmission input ratio
182 2.438 (39:16 teeth), 1st gear
1.714 (36:21 teeth), 2nd gear
1.296 (35:27 teeth), 3rd gear
1.059 (36:34 teeth), 4th gear
0.943 (33:35 teeth), 5th gear
Technical data
Final drive
Type of final drive Shaft drive with bevel gears
z Type of rear suspension Cast aluminium single swinging arm with
BMW Motorrad paralever
Gear ratio of final drive 2.91 (32/11 teeth)
Frame type Tubular steel frame with supporting drive unit,
steel pipe rear frames 183
Type plate location Frame, front right (beside spring strut)
Position of the Vehicle Identification Number Frame, front right, on steering head
Technical data
Chassis and suspension
Front wheel
Type of front suspension BMW Telelever, with anti-dive top fork bridge,
leading link pivot-mounted on engine and tele-
scopic forks, central spring strut supported by
leading link and frame z
Design of front wheel suspension Central shock absorber with helical spring
with Dynamic ESA OE Central shock absorber complete with torsion
spring and header tank, electrically adjustable de-
compression and compression-stage damping
Spring travel, front 190 mm, at wheel
with lowered suspension OE 160 mm, at wheel
11 Rear wheel
Type of rear suspension Cast aluminium single swinging arm with
184 BMW Motorrad paralever
Type of rear suspension Central spring strut with coil spring, adjustable
rebound stage damping and spring preload
with Dynamic ESA OE Central spring strut with coil spring and
Technical data
z Brakes
Front wheel
Type of front brake Hydraulically actuated twin-disc brake with 4-pis-
ton radial monobloc calipers and floating brake
Brake-pad material, front Sintered metal
Brake disc thickness, front min 4 mm, Wear limit
Play of brake controls (Front brake) approx. 1.85 mm, at piston
Rear wheel
Type of rear brake Hydraulically actuated disc brake with 2-piston
floating caliper and fixed disc 185
Brake-pad material, rear Organic material
Brake disc thickness, rear min 4.5 mm, Wear limit
Blow-by clearance of the footbrake lever 1 mm, between frame and footbrake lever
Technical data
Wheels and tyres
Recommended tyre sets Your authorised BMW Motorrad dealer will be
happy to supply an up-to-date list of the approved
wheel/tyre combinations, or you can check the in-
formation posted on the bmw-motorrad.com web-
Speed category, front/rear tyres V, required at least: 240 km/h
11 Front wheel
Front wheel type Aluminium cast wheel
with cross-spoked wheels OE Cross-spoked wheel
Front wheel rim size 3.0"x19"
Tyre designation, front 120/70 - 19
Load index, front tyre min. 52
Technical data
Technical data
Fuse holder 50 A, Fuse 1: Voltage regulator
Battery type AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat) battery
Battery rated voltage 12 V
Battery rated capacity 12 Ah
Spark plugs z
Spark plugs, manufacturer and designation NGK LMAR8D-J
Electrode gap of spark plug 0.80.1 mm, when new
1.0 mm, Wear limit
Bulb for high-beam headlight H7 / 12 V / 55 W
with LED headlights OE LED
Bulbs for the low-beam headlight H7 / 12 V / 55 W
with LED headlights OE LED
11 Bulb for parking light
with LED headlights OE
W5W / 12 V / 5 W
Bulb for tail light/brake light LED
Bulbs for flashing turn indicators, front RY10W / 12 V / 10 W
with LED turn indicators OE LED
Bulbs for flashing turn indicators, rear RY10W / 12 V / 10 W
Technical data
Anti-theft alarm
Activation time on arming approx. 30 s
Technical data
Width of motorcycle 955 mm, with mirrors
Front-seat height 850...870 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with front seat, low OE 820...840 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with lowered suspension OE 800...820 mm, without rider at unladen weight
Rider's inside-leg arc, heel to heel 1870...1910 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with front seat, low OE 1820...1860 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with lowered suspension OE 1790...1830 mm, without rider at unladen weight
11 Vehicle kerb weight 244 kg, DIN unladen weight, ready for road 90 %
190 load of fuel, without OE
Permissible gross weight 460 kg
Maximum payload 216 kg
Technical data
Riding specifications
Starting capability on uphill gradients (at permiss- 20 %
ible gross weight)
Top speed >200 km/h
BMW Motorrad Service . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
BMW Motorrad Mobility
services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Maintenance work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
BMW Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Maintenance schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Confirmation of maintenance
work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Confirmation of service . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
BMW Motorrad Service specialist workshop, preferably BMW Motorrad Mobility
12 BMW Motorrad has an extensive
an authorised BMW Motorrad services
192 network of dealerships in place As owner of a new BMW
to look after you and your mo- In order to help ensure that your motorcycle, in circumstances
torcycle in more than 100 coun- BMW is always in optimum in which assistance is required
tries. Authorised BMW Motorrad condition, BMW Motorrad you can benefit from the
dealerships have the technical recommends compliance with protection afforded by the various
information and the technical the maintenance intervals BMW Motorrad mobility services
know-how to carry out reliably specified for your motorcycle. (e.g. Mobile Service, breakdown
all maintenance and repair work Have all maintenance and re- service, vehicle recovery service).
z on your BMW. pair work that is carried out con- Your authorised BMW Motorrad
You can locate your nearest au- firmed in the "Service" chapter in dealer will be happy provide in-
thorised BMW Motorrad dealer- this manual. For generous treat- formation about the mobility ser-
ship by visiting our website: ment of claims submitted after vices available to you.
bmw-motorrad.com the warranty period has expired,
evidence of regular maintenance Maintenance work
is essential. BMW Pre-delivery Check
Maintenance and repair work Your authorised BMW Motorrad
not in compliance with cor- Your authorised BMW Motorrad
dealer can provide information on dealer conducts the BMW pre-
rect procedure delivery check before handing
Risk of accident due to con- BMW services and the work un-
dertaken as part of each service. over the vehicle to you.
sequential damage
BMW Motorrad recommends
having work of this nature car-
ried out on the vehicle by a
BMW Running-in Check meter reading is reached before
The BMW running-in check has the next scheduled date for the 12
to be performed when the mo- service.
The service-due indicator in the 193
torcycle has covered between
500 km and 1200 km. multifunction display reminds you
about one month or 1000 km
BMW Service in advance when the time for a
service is approaching, on the
The BMW Service is carried out basis of the programmed values.
once a year; the extent of ser-
vicing can vary, depending on To find out more about service
the age of the vehicle and the go to: z
distance it has covered. Your au- bmw-motorrad.com/service
thorised BMW Motorrad dealer
confirms that the service work The maintenance tasks neces-
has been carried out and enters sary for your vehicle are set out
the date when the next service in the maintenance schedule be-
will be due. low:
Riders who cover long distances
in a year might have to bring in
their vehicles for service before
the next scheduled date. It is
to allow for these cases that a
maximum odometer reading is
entered as well in the confirma-
tion of service. Servicing has to
be brought forward if this odo-
Maintenance schedule d for the first time after one
1 BMW Running-in check
year, then every two years 12
2 BMW Service standard 195
3 Engine-oil change, with
4 Oil change in bevel gears
5 Check valve clearance
6 Replace all spark plugs
7 Replace air filter element
8 Check or replace air filter z
9 Change brake fluid, entire
a annually or every
10000 km (whichever
comes first)
b every 2 years or every
20000 km (whichever
comes first)
c if vehicle is used off-
road, annually or every
10000 km (whichever
comes first)
Confirmation of maintenance work
12 BMW Motorrad Service, standard scope
196 The activities in the BMW Motorrad Service standard scope are listed below. The actual scope of main-
tenance work for your vehicle may differ.
Performing vehicle test with BMW Motorrad diagnostic system
Visual inspection of hydraulic clutch system
Visually inspecting brake pipes, brake hoses and connections
on on
Odometer reading
Next service
at the latest
or, if reached beforehand z
Odometer reading
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Item
Completed Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service, standard
on scope
Odometer reading
Oil change, engine, with filter
Next service Oil change in rear bevel gears
at the latest Checking valve clearance
Renewing all spark plugs
or, if reached beforehand
Renewing air cleaner insert z
Checking or replacing air filter element
Odometer reading (for maintenance)
Change brake fluid in entire system
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Item
Completed Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service, standard
on scope
Odometer reading
Oil change, engine, with filter
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Item
Completed Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service, standard
on scope
Odometer reading
Oil change, engine, with filter
Next service Oil change in rear bevel gears
at the latest Checking valve clearance
Renewing all spark plugs
or, if reached beforehand
Renewing air cleaner insert z
Checking or replacing air filter element
Odometer reading (for maintenance)
Change brake fluid in entire system
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Item
Completed Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service, standard
on scope
Odometer reading
Oil change, engine, with filter
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Item
Completed Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service, standard
on scope
Odometer reading
Oil change, engine, with filter
Next service Oil change in rear bevel gears
at the latest Checking valve clearance
Renewing all spark plugs
or, if reached beforehand
Renewing air cleaner insert z
Checking or replacing air filter element
Odometer reading (for maintenance)
Change brake fluid in entire system
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Item
Completed Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service, standard
on scope
Odometer reading
Oil change, engine, with filter
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Item
Completed Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service, standard
on scope
Odometer reading
Oil change, engine, with filter
Next service Oil change in rear bevel gears
at the latest Checking valve clearance
Renewing all spark plugs
or, if reached beforehand
Renewing air cleaner insert z
Checking or replacing air filter element
Odometer reading (for maintenance)
Change brake fluid in entire system
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Item
Completed Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service, standard
on scope
Odometer reading
Oil change, engine, with filter
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Item
Completed Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service, standard
on scope
Odometer reading
Oil change, engine, with filter
Next service Oil change in rear bevel gears
at the latest Checking valve clearance
Renewing all spark plugs
or, if reached beforehand
Renewing air cleaner insert z
Checking or replacing air filter element
Odometer reading (for maintenance)
Change brake fluid in entire system
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Item
Completed Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service, standard
on scope
Odometer reading
Oil change, engine, with filter
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Item
Completed Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service, standard
on scope
Odometer reading
Oil change, engine, with filter
Next service Oil change in rear bevel gears
at the latest Checking valve clearance
Renewing all spark plugs
or, if reached beforehand
Renewing air cleaner insert z
Checking or replacing air filter element
Odometer reading (for maintenance)
Change brake fluid in entire system
Stamp, signature
Confirmation of service
12 The table is intended as a record of maintenance and repair work, the installation of optional accessories
210 and, if appropriate, special campaign (recall) work.
Item Odometer Date
Service reading
Item Odometer Date
reading 12
Certificate for electronic immobil-
iser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 213
RDC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
FCC Approval This device complies with Any changes or modifi-
Part 15 of the FCC rules. cations not expressly
Ring aerial in the Operation is subject to the approved by the party
ignition switch following two conditions: responsible for compliance
(1) This device may not could void the users
cause harmful inter- authority to operate the
ference, and equipment.
(2) this device must accept
any interference
received, including
interference that may
cause undesired
To verify the authorization
of the ignition key, the
electronic immobilizer
exchanges information with
the ignition key via the ring
Approbation de informations avec la cl de Toute modification
la FCC contact via l'antenne qui n'aurait pas t
annulaire. approuve expressment
Antenne annulaire Le prsent dispositif est par l'organisme responsa-
prsente dans le conforme la partie 15 ble de l'homologation peut
commutateur d'allumage des rgles de la FCC. Son annuler l'autorisation
utilisation est soumise aux accorde l'utilisateur pour
deux conditions suivantes : utiliser le dispositif.
(1) Le dispositif ne
doit pas produire
nuisibles, et
(2) le dispositif doit
pouvoir accepter toutes
les interfrences
Pour vrifier l'autorisation extrieures, y compris
de la cl de contact, le celles qui pourraient
systme d'immobilisation provoquer une
lectronique change des activation inopportune.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.
Operation is subject to the following two
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference,
(2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
USA, Canada
Any changes or modifications not expressly
Product name: BMW Keyless Ride ID Device approved by the party responsible for
FCC ID: YGOHUF5750 compliance could void the users authority to
IC: 4008C-HUF5750 operate the equipment.
Declaration Of Conformity
We declare under our responsibility that the product
BMW Keyless Ride ID Device (Model: HUF5750)
camplies with the appropriate essential requirements of the article 3 of the R&TIE and the other relevant
provisions, when used for its intended purpose. Applied Standards:
1. Health and safety requirements contained in article 3 (1) a)
EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011; Information technology equipment- Safety
2. Protection requirements with respect to electromagnetic compatibility article 3 (1) b)
EN 301 489-1 (V1 .9.2, 09/2011 ), Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM);
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services;
Part 1: Common technical requirements
EN 301 489-3 (V1.4.1, 08/2002) Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM);
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 3: Specific conditions for short
range devices (SRD) operating on frequencies between 9 kHz and 40 GHz
3. Means of the efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum article 3 (2)
EN 300 220-1 & -2 (V2.4.1, 05/2012), electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM); Short
range devices (SRD); Radio equipment tobe used in the 25 MHz to 1000 MHz frequency range with power Ieveis
ranging up to 500 mW;
Part 1: Technical characteristics and test methods.
Part 2: Harmonized EN covering essential requirements under article 3.2 ofthe R&TIE directive
The product is Iabeted wilh the CE marking:
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Le prsent appareil est conforme aux CNR
Rules and with Industry Canada license-exempt d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils
RSS standard(s). radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est
Operation is subject to the following two
autorise aux deux conditions suivantes:
(1) This device may not cause harmful (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage,
interference, and et
(2) This device must accept any interference (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout
received, including interference that may brouillage radiolectrique subi, mme si le
cause undesired operation. brouillage est susceptible d'en
compromettre le fonctionnement.
WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressively approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. The term IC: before the radio
certification number only signifies that Industry Canada technical specifications were met.
A ASC Brake pads
Abbreviations and symbols, 6 Control, 15 Checking front, 124 14
ABS operate, 65 Checking rear, 125
Control, 15 219
Reading, 37 Running in, 96
Engineering details, 108 Self-diagnosis, 95 Brakes
operate, 64 Average values ABS Pro in detail, 110
Self-diagnosis, 94 reset, 59 ABS Pro depending on riding
Status indicators, 36 mode, 100
Accessories B Adjusting handlebar lever, 84
General instructions, 154 Battery
Checking function, 123 z
Actuality, 7 Charge battery when
Checking operation, 123
Air filter connected, 146
Safety instructions, 98
Position on the motorcycle, 13 Charging battery when
disconnected, 147 Technical data, 184
Replace insert, 138
Ambient temperature Indicator light for battery C
Outside temperature charge voltage, 39 Cases, 155
warning, 30 Installation, 148 Checklist, 93
Reading, 42 Maintenance instructions, 145 Clock
Anti-theft alarm Removal, 147 Adjusting, 60
operate, 74 Technical data, 187 Clutch
Technical data, 188 Brake fluid Adjusting handlebar lever, 84
Telltale light, 18 Checking fluid level, front, 126 Checking operation, 128
Warning, 33 Checking fluid level, rear, 127 Technical data, 181
Reservoir, front, 13 Confirmation of maintenance
Reservoir, rear, 13 work, 196
Coolant Emergency off switch (kill F
14 Checking fill level, 128 switch), 17 Frame
Technical data, 183
Topping up, 128 Operation, 52
220 Front-wheel stand
Warning for overtemperat- Emissions warning light, 32
Installing, 121
ure, 31 Engine
Cruise-control system Indicator light for engine control Oil filler opening, 11
operate, 72 unit, 39 Refuelling, 102
Malfunction indicator lamp, 32
operate, 56 Side light, 141
Headlight J Technical data, 187 z
Beam throw, 82 Jump-start, 144 Turn indicators, 142
Headlight beam-throw Warning for faulty bulb, 32
adjustment, 11 K
Keyless Ride Lights
Headlight courtesy delay
Battery of the radio-operated automatic daytime riding
feature, 46, 53
key is empty or loss of the light, 55
Heated handlebar grips
radio-operated key, 51 Control, 15
Control, 17
Electronic immobiliser EWS, 50 Headlight courtesy delay
operate, 76
Fuel filler cap, unlocking, 103, feature, 53
Horn, 15
104 Headlight flasher, operating, 53
I Lock the handlebars, 48 High-beam headlight,
Ignition Switching off ignition, 49 operating, 53
Switching off, 47 Switching on ignition, 49 Low-beam headlight, 53
Switching on, 46 Warning, 30, 31 Manual daytime riding light, 54
Keys, 46, 48 Operating additional
headlights, 54
Parking lights, 53 Multifunction display, 18 R
14 Side light, 53 Control, 15 RDC
Adhesive label for rim, 132
Lowered suspension operate, 57
222 Engineering details, 115
Restrictions, 90 Overview, 22
Warnings, 33
Luggage Select display, 57
Instructions for loading, 90 Rear-wheel drive
Multifunction switch Technical data, 182
General view, left side , 15
M Refuelling, 102
General view, right side, 17
Adjusting seat height, 78 Battery, 187
operate, 158
Lock, 11 Brakes, 184
Torques, 177 z
Removing and installing, 76 Bulbs, 187
Traction control
Service, 192 Chassis and suspension, 183 ASC, 111
Service-due indicator, 40 Clutch, 181 Transmission
Shift assistant Dimensions, 189 Technical data, 181
Engineering details, 116 Electrical system, 187 Troubleshooting chart, 176
Gear not trained, 38 Engine, 180 Turn indicators
Riding, 98 Engine oil, 180 Control, 15
Shifting gear Final drive, 182 Control, right, 17
Recommendation to upshift, 43 Frame, 183 operate, 57
Spark plugs Fuel, 179 Type plate
Technical data, 187 Riding specifications, 190 Position on the vehicle, 13
Speedometer, 18 Spark plugs, 187 Tyre pressure monitoring RDC
Spring preload Standards, 7 Reading, 42
Adjuster, rear, 13 Transmission, 181
Adjusting, 85
Tyres Coolant temperature, 31 Windscreen
14 Checking inflation Engine control unit, 39 Adjusting, 83
pressure, 129 Engine electronics, 31 Adjusting element, 13
Checking tread depth, 130 Engine oil level, 39
Pressures, 186 Fuel reserve, 38
Recommendation, 131 Gear not trained, 38
Running in, 96 Immobiliser, 30
Details described or illustrated Original riders manual, printed in
in this booklet may differ from Germany.
the vehicle's actual specification
as purchased, the accessories
fitted or the national-market spe-
cification. No claims will be en-
tertained as a result of such dis-
Dimensions, weights, fuel con-
sumption and performance data
are quoted to the customary tol-
The right to modify designs,
equipment and accessories is
Errors and omissions excepted.
Recommended fuel grade Super unleaded (max. 10 % ethanol, E10)
89 AKI
Alternative fuel grade Regular unleaded (Power- and consumption-related re-
strictions. If e.g. the engine is to be operated in countries
with low fuel grades at 91 research octane number, then
the motorcycle must first be programmed appropriately
at your authorised BMW motorcycle dealer.) (max. 10 %
ethanol, E10)
87 AKI
Usable fuel capacity approx. 20 l
Reserve fuel approx. 4 l
Tyre pressures
Tyre pressure, front 2.5 bar, tyre cold
Tyre pressure, rear 2.9 bar, tyre cold
BMW recommends