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LBP Vs HFC Case Digest

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G.R. No. 166259 November 12, 2012
(Supreme Court, Second Division)

Honeycomb Farms Corp. (HFC) voluntarily offered their two parcels of land to the
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) for P 10,480,000.00 or P 21,165.00. The
Landbank of the Philippines (LBP) used the guidelines set forth in DAR
Administrative Order (AO) No. 17 series of 1989 as amended by DAR AO No. 3
series of 1991 to fix the value of these lands. HFC rejected the valuation. The
voluntary offer to sell was referred to the DAR adjudication Board. The Regional
adjudicator fixed the value of landholdings at P 5,324,529.00. HFC filed a case
with the Regional Trial Court (RTC)of Masbate acting as Special Agrarian Court
against the DAR Secretary and LBP, praying to compensate HFC for its
landholdings amounting to P 12,440,000.00. In its amended complaint, HFC
increased the valuation P 20,000,000.00. LBP, on the other hand, revalued the land
under TCT No. T-2872 at P 1,373,244.78, which was formerly fixed at P
2,527,749.60; and TCT No. T-2549 at P 1,513,097.57, which was previously fixed at
P 2,796,800.00. The RTC made its own valuation when the Board of
Commissioners could not agree on the common valuation. The RTC took judicial
notice of the fact that a portion of 10 hectares of that land is a commercial land
because it is near the commercial district of Cataingan, Masbate.

Both parties appealed to the Court of Appeals (CA). HFC argued that the
government illegally failed to pay just compensation pursuant when LBP opened
trust account in its behalf which is contrary to existing jurisprudence. LBP on the
other hand argued that the RTC erred when it disregarded the formula set forth in
DAR AO No. 6 series of 1992 as amended by DAR AO No. 11 series of 1994 and in
declaring the 10 hectares of that land as a commercial land. The CA decided in
favor of HFC. CA held that the lower courts are not bound by the factors
enumerated in Section 17 of RA 6657 which are mere guide in determining just
compensation. Also, the valuation by LBP based on the formula was too low and,
therefore, confiscatory. LBP argued that the CA erred in not applying the formula
based on law and that the land taken pursuant to the States agrarian reform
program involves both the exercise of the States power of eminent domain and
the police power of the State. Consequently, the just compensation for land taken
for agrarian reform should be less than the just compensation given in the
ordinary exercise of eminent domain. Hence, this petition.

1. Whether the RTC erred when it made its own valuation and disregarded the
DAR formula/ Whether application of DARs formula is mandatory in determining
Just Compensation, hence the RTC and CA erred when both disregarded the

2. Whether the compensation to be paid should be less than the market value
of the property because the taking was not done in LBPs traditional exercise of
the power of eminent domain;

3. Whether a hearing is necessary before the RTC can take judicial notice of
the nature of the land; and

4. Whether payment through trust account is valid.

Petition GRANTED.
Mandatory application of the DAR formula
To guide the RTC in its function as Special Agrarian Court, Section 17 of RA 6657
enumerates the factors that have to be taken into consideration to accurately
determine just compensation. This provision states:
Section 17. Determination of Just Compensation. In determining just
compensation, the cost of acquisition of the land, the current value of like
properties, its nature, actual use and income, the sworn valuation by the owner,
the tax declarations, and the assessment made by government assessors, shall
be considered. The social and economic benefits contributed by the farmers and
the farmworkers and by the Government to the property, as well as the non-
payment of taxes or loans secured from any government financing institution on
the said land, shall be considered as additional factors to determine its valuation.

In Land Bank of the Philippines v. Sps. Banal, the DAR, as the administrative
agency tasked with the implementation of the agrarian reform program, already
came up with a formula to determine just compensation which incorporated the
factors enumerated in Section 17 of RA 6657. The Supreme Court said:

These factors [enumerated in Section 17] have been translated into a basic
formula in DAR Administrative Order No. 6, Series of 1992, as amended by DAR
Administrative Order No. 11, Series of 1994, issued pursuant to the DAR's rule-
making power to carry out the object and purposes of R.A. 6657, as amended.

In Landbank of the Philippines v. Celada, The Supreme Court emphasized the

duty of the RTC to apply the formula provided in the applicable DAR AO to
determine just compensation, stating that:

While [the RTC] is required to consider the acquisition cost of the land, the
current value of like properties, its nature, actual use and income, the sworn
valuation by the owner, the tax declaration and the assessments made by the
government assessors to determine just compensation, it is equally true that
these factors have been translated into a basic formula by the DAR pursuant to
its rule-making power under Section 49 of R.A. No. 6657. As the government
agency principally tasked to implement the agrarian reform program, it is the
DAR's duty to issue rules and regulations to carry out the object of the law. [The]
DAR [Administrative Order] precisely "filled in the details" of Section 17, R.A. No.
6657 by providing a basic formula by which the factors mentioned therein may be
taken into account. The [RTC] was at no liberty to disregard the formula which
was devised to implement the said provision.

It is elementary that rules and regulations issued by administrative bodies to

interpret the law which they are entrusted to enforce, have the force of law, and
are entitled to great respect. Administrative issuances partake of the nature of a
statute and have in their favor a presumption of legality. As such, courts cannot
ignore administrative issuances especially when, as in this case, its validity was
not put in issue. Unless an administrative order is declared invalid, courts have
no option but to apply the same.

The Supreme Court reiterated the mandatory application of the formula in the
applicable DAR administrative regulations in Land Bank of the Philippines v.
Lim,Land Bank of the Philippines v. Heirs of Eleuterio Cruz, and Land Bank of the
Philippines v. Barrido. In Barrido, The Supreme Court was explicit in stating that:
While the determination of just compensation is essentially a judicial
function vested in the RTC acting as a Special Agrarian Court, the judge cannot
abuse his discretion by not taking into full consideration the factors specifically
identified by law and implementing rules. Special Agrarian Courts are not at
liberty to disregard the formula laid down in DAR A.O. No. 5, series of 1998,
because unless an administrative order is declared invalid, courts have no option
but to apply it. The courts cannot ignore, without violating the agrarian law, the
formula provided by the DAR for the determination of just compensation.

These rulings plainly impose on the RTC the duty to apply the formula laid down
in the pertinent DAR administrative regulations to determine just compensation.
Clearly, the CA and the RTC acted with grievous error when they disregarded the
formula laid down by the DAR, and chose instead to come up with their own basis
for the valuation of the subject land.

The compensation to be paid should not be less than the market value of the
property although the taking was not done in LBPs traditional exercise of the
power of eminent domain.

The Supreme Court discredit the argument of LBP that since the taking done by
the government for purposes of agrarian reform is not a traditional exercise of the
power of eminent domain but one which is done in pursuance of social justice
and which involves the States police power, the just compensation to be paid to
the landowners for these parcels of agricultural land should be less than the
market value of the property.

When the State exercises its inherent power of eminent domain, the Constitution
imposes the corresponding obligation to compensate the landowner for the
expropriated property. This principle is embodied in Section 9, Article III of the
Constitution, which provides: "Private property shall not be taken for public use
without just compensation."
When the State exercises the power of eminent domain in the implementation of
its agrarian reform program, the constitutional provision which governs is
Section4, Article XIII of the Constitution, which provides that the State shall, by
law, undertake an agrarian reform program founded on the right of farmers and
regular farmworkers who are landless, to own directly or collectively the lands
they till or, in the case of other farmworkers, to receive a just share of the fruits
thereof. To this end, the State shall encourage and undertake the just distribution
of all agricultural lands, subject to such priorities and reasonable retention limits
as the Congress may prescribe, taking into account ecological, developmental, or
equity considerations, and subject to the payment of just compensation.

Notably, this provision also imposes upon the State the obligation of paying the
landowner compensation for the land taken, even if it is for the governments
agrarian reform purposes. Specifically, the provision makes use of the phrase
just compensation, the same phrase used in Section 9, Article III of the
Constitution. That the compensation mentioned here pertains to the fair and full
price of the taken property.

The Supreme Court brushed aside the LBPs attempt to differentiate just
compensation paid in what it terms as traditional exercise of eminent domain
and eminent domain in the context of agrarian reform in Apo Fruits Corporation
and Hijo Plantation, Inc. v. Land Bank of the Philippines, thus:
To our mind, nothing is inherently contradictory in the public purpose of
land reform and the right of landowners to receive just compensation for the
expropriation by the State of their properties. That the petitioners are
corporations that used to own large tracts of land should not be taken against
them. As Mr. Justice Isagani Cruz eloquently put it:

[S]ocial justice or any justice for that matter is for the deserving, whether he
be a millionaire in his mansion or a pauper in his hovel. It is true that, in case of
reasonable doubt, we are called upon to tilt the balance in favor of the poor, to
whom the Constitution fittingly extends its sympathy and compassion. But never
is it justified to prefer the poor simply because they are poor, or to reject the rich
simply because they are rich, for justice must always be served, for poor and rich
alike, according to the mandate of the law.

Hearing is necessary before RTC takes judicial notice of nature of land

While the lower court is not precluded from taking judicial notice of certain facts,
it must exercise this right within the clear boundary provided by Section 3, Rule
129 of the Rules of Court, which provides:

Section 3. Judicial notice, when hearing necessary. During the trial, the court,
on its own initiative, or on request of a party, may announce its intention to take
judicial notice of any matter and allow the parties to be heard thereon.

After the trial, and before judgment or on appeal, the proper court, on its own
initiative, or on request of a party, may take judicial notice of any matter and allow
the parties to be heard thereon if such matter is decisive of a material issue in the
The classification of the land is obviously essential to the valuation of the subject
property, which is the very issue in the present case. The parties should thus
have been given the opportunity to present evidence on the nature of the
property before the lower court took judicial notice of the commercial nature of a
portion of the subject landholdings. As we said in Land Bank of the Phils. v.
The power to take judicial notice is to be exercised by courts with caution
especially where the case involves a vast tract of land. Care must be taken that
the requisite notoriety exists; and every reasonable doubt on the subject should
be promptly resolved in the negative. To say that a court will take judicial notice
of a fact is merely another way of saying that the usual form of evidence will be
dispensed with if knowledge of the fact can be otherwise acquired. This is
because the court assumes that the matter is so notorious that it will not be
disputed. But judicial notice is not judicial knowledge. The mere personal
knowledge of the judge is not the judicial knowledge of the court, and he is not
authorized to make his individual knowledge of a fact, not generally or
professionally known, the basis of his action.
In these lights, we find that a remand of this case to the court of origin is
necessary for the determination of just compensation, in accordance with the
formula stated in DAR AO No. 6, series of 1992, as amended by DAR AO No. 11,
series of 1994, which are the applicable issuances on fixing just compensation.

Payment through Trust Account is invalid.

In Land Bank of the Phil. v. CA, the Supreme Court struck down as void DAR
Administrative Circular No. 9, Series of 1990, providing for the opening of trust
accounts in lieu of the deposit in cash or in bonds contemplated in Section 16(e)
of RA 6657 and said:
It is very explicit x x x [from Section 16(e)] that the deposit must be made only in
cash or in LBP bonds. Nowhere does it appear nor can it be inferred that the
deposit can be made in any other form. If it were the intention to include a trust
account among the valid modes of deposit, that should have been made
express, or at least, qualifying words ought to have appeared from which it can
be fairly deduced that a trust account is allowed. In sum, there is no ambiguity
in Section 16(e) of RA 6657 to warrant an expanded construction of the term

In the present suit, the DAR clearly overstepped the limits of its power to enact
rules and regulations when it issued Administrative Circular No. 9. There is no
basis in allowing the opening of a trust account in behalf of the landowner as
compensation for his property because, as heretofore discussed, Section 16(e) of
RA 6657 is very specific that the deposit must be made only in cash or in LBP
bonds. In the same vein, petitioners cannot invoke LRA Circular Nos. 29, 29-A
and 54 because these implementing regulations cannot outweigh the clear
provision of the law. Respondent court therefore did not commit any error in
striking down Administrative Circular No. 9 for being null and void.

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