Handbook of Diesel Engines - CommonRail
Handbook of Diesel Engines - CommonRail
Handbook of Diesel Engines - CommonRail
The engine drives the high pressure pump. The transfer ratio 9 5 6
has to be selected so that the delivery rate is sufficient to
satisfy the systems mass balance. Moreover, delivery should 1 7
be synchronous with injection to obtain largely identical 3
pressure conditions at the time of injection. The fuel com-
pressed by the high pressure pump is delivered through the
Suction and high pressure side control
high pressure line(s) to the rail whence it is distributed to the
connected injectors. Along with its accumulator function, 11 5 6
the rail has the function of limiting the maximum pressure
oscillations generated by pulsating pump delivery or the 10 8
1 7
injectors extraction of fuel in order to ensure injection
2 3
metering is precise. On the one hand, the rail volume
ought to be as large as possible to satisfy this requirement.
Fig. 5-29 Common rail system high pressure control. 1 High pressure pump;
On the other hand, it has to be small enough to ensure
2 Fuel inlet; 3 Fuel return; 4 Pressure control valve; 5 Rail; 6 Rail pressure sensor;
pressure is generated rapidly during starting. The accumu-
7 Injectors connections; 8 Connector fuel return; 9 Pressure limiting valve;
lator volume must be optimized to this effect in the design 10 Metering unit; 11 Pressure control valve
The rail pressure sensors signal with which the current fuel
pressure in the rail is ascertained serves as an input variable
for pressure control. Various modes are applied to control control. Consequently, the pumps power consumption is
pressure (Fig. 5-29): lower. On the one hand, this affects fuel consumption posi-
High pressure side control: A pressure control valve tively. On the other hand, the temperature of the fuel return-
(a proportional solenoid valve controlled by the control ing into the tank is lower. This type of pressure control is
unit) controls the desired rail pressure on the high pressure utilized in all commercial vehicle systems.
side. In this case, the high pressure pump delivers the max- A pressure limiting valve is mounted on the rail to prevent
imum delivery rate independent of the fuel requirement. an unacceptable rise in pressure in a fault scenario (e.g. a
Excess fuel flows through the pressure control valve back metering unit malfunction). If the pressure exceeds a defined
into the low pressure circuit. While this control allows rapid value, a moving piston enables a drainage port. It is designed
adjustment of the rail pressure when the operating point so that, unrestricted by any engine speed, a rail pressure is
changes, the constant maximum delivery and the discharge reached, which lies significantly below the maximum system
of the fuel under high pressure are disadvantageous from an pressure. This limp-home function enables limited continued
energetic perspective. Its poor energetic performance limits driving to the next service station, a feature that is extraordi-
the application of such a system to low pressure regions narily important in the transportation industry in particular.
(1,400 bar maximum). This type of control was utilized for Suction and high pressure side control: When the pressure
the first common rail systems for cars. The pressure control can only be set on the low pressure side, the pressure decay in
valve is usually in the rail but also installed in the high the rail may last too long during negative load cycles. This
pressure pump in individual applications. particularly pertains to injectors with little internal leakage,
Suction side control: This method controls the rail pressure e.g. piezo injectors. A pressure control valve mounted on the
on the low pressure side by a metering unit that is flange- rail is additionally utilized to step up the dynamics to adjust
mounted on the high pressure pump. Suction side delivery pressure to changed load conditions. This dual actuator sys-
control only delivers the quantity of fuel to the rail with which tem combines the advantages of low pressure side control
the required rail pressure is maintained. Thus, less fuel must with the favorable dynamic performance of high pressure side
be compressed to high pressure than in high pressure side control.
150 W. Egler et al.
The possibility of control only on the high pressure side when Internal ports establish the appropriate connections in
the engine is cold produces another advantage over low pressure engines for heavy commercial vehicles. A separate high pres-
side control alone. The high pressure pump delivers more fuel sure connector for the high pressure port is implemented as
than is injected. Thus, the excess fuel is heated significantly the connecting element between the high pressure line and
faster and the need for separate fuel heating is eliminated. injector. A bolted connection in the engine block presses the
High pressure lines connect the high pressure pump and high pressure connector into the injectors conical inlet pas-
injectors with the rail. They must withstand maximum sys- sage. It is sealed by the sealing cone at the tip of the pressure
tem pressure and pressure variations of very high frequency. pipe. At the other end, it is connected with the high pressure
They consist of seamless precision steel tubes that may also be line by a conventional pressure port with a sealing cone and
autofrettaged for very high strength requirements. Given the union nut. The maintenance-free edge filter installed in the
throttling losses and compression effects, the cross section high pressure connector traps coarse impurities in the fuel.
and line length influence the injection pressure and quantity. The injectors electrical contact is established by a slip joint or
Hence, the lines between the rail and injector must be of equal bolted connection.
length and kept as short as possible. The pressure waves The control unit specifies the injection timing and injected
generated by injection spread in the lines at the speed of fuel quantity. The duration of control by the actuators
sound and are reflected at the ends. As a result, close con- mounted in the injector determine the fuel quantity. An
secutive injections (e.g. pilot and main injection) interact. electronic diesel controls angle-time system controls injec-
This can affect metering accuracy adversely. In addition, the tion timing (EDC, see Sect. 6.2). Electromagnetic and piezo-
pressure waves cause increased injector stress. Installing opti- electric actuators are used. The use of piezoelectric actuators
mized throttles in the port to the rail can significantly is now exclusively limited to injectors for car applications.
decrease pressure waves. The effect on metering accuracy is
compensated when specifying the maps or by an appropriate High Pressure Pumps
software function (see Sect.
The high pressure lines are attached to the engine with The high pressure pump is the interface between a common
clamps mounted at defined distances. Thus, no or only dam- rail systems low and high pressure stage. Its function is to
pened vibrations (engine vibration, delivery pulse) are trans- hold the quantity of fuel required by the system ready at the
mitted to high pressure lines and connected components. operating point-dependent pressure level desired. This not
The injectors are attached in the cylinder head by clamping only encompasses the injected fuel quantity the engine
elements and sealed toward the combustion chamber by requires at that moment but also additionally includes reserve
copper gaskets. Various model types adapted to particular fuel quantities for a rapid start and a rapid rise in pressure in
engine concepts are available, which connect the injector with the rail as well as leakage and control quantities for other
the rail and low pressure circuit (fuel return) (Fig. 5-30). For system components including their wear-related drift
cars and light duty applications, high pressure is connected by throughout a vehicles entire service life.
an integrated high pressure connector (a sealing cone on the
high pressure line and a union nut). It returns through a slip Design and Function
joint in the injectors head or a threaded socket.
First generation car common rail systems predominantly
utilize high pressure pumps with eccentric shaft drives and
three radially arranged pistons (see Fig. 5-31). This design
serves as an example below to explain the function of a
1 common rail high pressure pump.
4 4 4 The central drive component is the eccentric shaft (1). The
3 3 3 pump elements, i.e. the functional groups of plunger (3),
barrel (8), related valves (5, 7) and fuel inlet and outlet (4,
6 6), are positioned radially to it and are each offset by 1208 on
5 5 the circumference of the pump. A 1208 thrust ring, a so-called
polygon (2) transmits the eccentrics stroke to the pump
plungers. The plungers foot plate (9) slides back and forth
Car/LD/MD LD/MD/HD MD/HD on the polygon. When forced to move upward by the elastic
force, the plunger suctions fuel out of the pumps intake port
Fig. 5-30 Common rail injector designs (LD: light duty, MD: medium duty, HD: (4) through a suction valve (5) designed as a non-return valve.
heavy duty). 1 Electric connection; 2 External fuel return; 3 External high Depending on the type of high pressure pump, a mechanical
pressure connection; 4 Electric screw connection; 5 Internal fuel return; pump integrated in the pump or an external electric presup-
6 Internal high pressure connection ply pump takes over the delivery of the fuel from the tank to
the pump and the generation of suction pressure in the intake
5 Fuel Injection Systems 151
port. The suction valve closes shortly after the bottom dead four-cylinder engines with one or two-piston pumps and an
center of plunger motion and, during the plungers subse- appropriately adapted transfer ratio.
quent upward motion, the fuel in the barrel is compressed Such coupling of the pump element and injector is necessary
until it reaches the opening pressure of the high pressure valve for fuel compensation control to reduce the differences in the
(7), likewise designed as a non-return valve. This approxi- injected fuel quantity among the cylinders and can also be
mately corresponds to the pressure in the rail. After the high provided during asynchronous delivery when the pump strokes
pressure valve opens, the fuel flows from the pump to the rail phase position relative to the time of injection is retained after
through the connecting high pressure line (6). The end of the every camshaft revolution. Setting an exact value for the phase
delivery stroke is reached at the plungers top dead center and position of the pump delivery strokes to the injections in degree
the pressure in the cylinder drops again during the following cam angle by defining the angle of camshaft and pump drive
upward movement. This closes the high pressure valve. The shaft rotation can further enhance the precision of the injected
process of cylinder charging then begins anew. fuel quantity when a pump is assembled.
Combustion engines drive high pressure pumps with a By virtue of their principle and because of the larger control
fixed transfer ratio. Only certain values are expedient depend- quantities for the injector, high pressure pumps for pressure
ing on an engines number of cylinders and the pump. Trans- amplified common rail systems require a higher delivery rate
fer ratios of 1:2 and 2:3 relative to engine speed are wide- than pumps for unamplified systems with the same injected
spread in four-cylinder engines connected with three-piston fuel quantity. However, the pump is able to deliver fuel at a
pumps. Were the transfer ratios smaller, the pump would low level of pressure since the pressure in the injector
have to be designed unreasonably large to compensate for increases. The increased delivery rate partially compensates
the geometric delivery volume. Larger transfer ratios on the the greater component loading.
other hand make greater demands on a pumps speed stabi-
lity. Pump delivery synchronous with injection serves to Fuel Delivery Control
attain constant pressure conditions in the rail and injector
at the time of injection. Given the aforementioned design criteria, a high pressure
The number of pump delivery strokes per camshaft rota- pump usually delivers significantly more fuel than required
tion corresponds to the number of an engines cylinders. In by the engine or system, especially in part load engine opera-
four-cylinder engines with three-piston pumps, this would be tion. Without regulating measures, this leads to an unneces-
provided with a transfer ratio of 2:3. The ideal state of delivery sarily high expenditure of work when high pressure is gener-
synchronous with pump elements is obtained when the same ated. This results in heating of the fuel system, which, among
pump element is always assigned to each single injector furing other things, is detrimental because it diminishes the hot
synchronous injection. In principle, this is only feasible for fuels lubricating action.
A suction throttle control is implemented in modern high
pressure pumps to adjust the delivery rate to the engine
requirement. An electrically adjustable throttle, the metering
unit (see Fig. 5-32 for the design) is mounted in the inlet
passage of the pump elements. A solenoid valves plunger (10)
5 6 enables a flow cross section based on its position. It is actuated
4 7 by means of a pulse width modulated electric signal. Its pulse
duty factor is converted into a corresponding intake cross
3 section. In part load engine operation, the restricted inlet
9 passage does not completely charge the pump barrels. Fuel
vapor is produced in the latter in certain operating states and
the pumps delivery rate decreases altogether. The vapor
pocket generated in the pump barrel only collapses during
the pump plungers upward movement before the start of
part stroke pressure generation and fuel delivery to the rail.
The instantaneous generation of pressure after the collapse of
the vapor pocket in the pump barrels causes more loading
of the crankshaft assembly than in pumps without suction
throttle control.
Fig. 5-31 Common rail radial piston high pressure pump (schema, radial
section). 1 Eccentric shaft; 2 Polygon; 3 Pump plunger; 4 Intake passage; 5 Inlet Main Types for Cars
valve; 6 High pressure port to the rail; 7 Outlet valve; 8 High pressure cylinder;
9 Plunger foot plate Without exception, radial piston high pressure pumps used
for cars are fuel lubricated. Fuels lower lubricity than engine
152 W. Egler et al.
1 13
2 4
5 11
5 9
9 Fig. 5-33 Common rail three-piston radial-high pressure pump, CP3, Robert
Bosch GmbH. 1 Pump flange; 2 Bucket tappet; 3 Eccentric shaft; 4 Polygon on
eccentric; 5 Pump plunger; 6 Intake non-return valve; 7 Monoblock housing;
9 8 Gear presupply pump; 9 High pressure port to the rail; 10 High pressure non-
11 return valve; 11 Return port to tank; 12 Metering unit; 13 Low pressure port
and an external gear pump for fuel delivery, which is flange-
Fig. 5-32 Metering unit design. 1 Plug with electrical interface; 2 Solenoid
mounted directly on the pump housing (8). Unlike the CP1
housing; 3 Bearing; 4 Armature with tappet; 5 Winding with coil body; 6 Cup; (without suction throttle control), the polygons movement is
7 Residual air gap; 8 Magnetic core; 9 O-ring; 10 Piston with control slots; not directly transferred to the piston but rather to the bucket
11 Spring; 12 Safety element tappet (2) placed in between. This keeps the lateral forces
induced by friction away from the piston (5) and conducts
them to the pump housing (7). As a result, the piston may be
loaded more highly. Hence, thusly configured pumps are sui-
table for higher pressure ranges and larger delivery rates.
The low pressure ports in the CP3 are chiefly located in the
oils imposes high demands on the surface quality of the aluminum pump flange (1), which represents the customized
components involved in the generation of high pressure. interface component to the engine and is bolted with the forged
Fuel lubrication prevents any intermixing of the fluids fuel steel housing in a monoblock design (7). This attains high
and engine oil, which is undesired because of the risk of oil compressive strength yet requires extensive machining for the
dilution and nozzle coking by oil fractions in the injected fuel. long high pressure bores inside the very hard to machine
Common rail three-piston radial high pressure pump: housing material.
Already described above, this pump principle is characterized Common rail one and two-piston radial high pressure
by very uniform fuel delivery with three sinusoidal delivery pump: Newer high pressure pump developments, especially
processes offset at eccentric angles of 1208, which yields an for small and medium-sized car engines, reduce the number
extremely constant characteristic for the pumps driving tor- of pump elements to two and even one to cut costs. Measures
que. Torque peaks are lower in common rail pumps than in are implemented (and also combined if necessary) to com-
distributor pumps by a factor of five to eight or than in unit pensate for the resultant reduced delivery rate:
injectors with their strongly swelling, pulse-like torque. As a enlarging cylinder volumes (producing efficiency disad-
result, a pump drive can be designed more cost effectively. vantages when the piston diameter is enlarged),
However, the reserve delivery rates necessary in common rail increasing speed (by adapting the drive transfer ratio) and
systems produce a comparatively higher mean torque. implementing a drive shaft with a double cam instead of an
The Bosch CP3 pictured in Fig. 5-33 is a typical three-piston eccentric shaft with a polygon (which doubles the piston
radial high pressure pump with suction throttle control (12) strokes per drive shaft revolution).
5 Fuel Injection Systems 153
Depending on the drive system concept, the pump elements Common rail inline high pressure pump: Pumps such as the
of two piston pumps have a throw of 90 or 1808 to obtain a Bosch CP2 in Fig. 5-35 are used for very large commercial
uniform delivery flow. vehicle engines, which often require installation compatibility
The CP4 pump (Fig. 5-34) has pistons arrayed at 908 and a with conventional inline pumps (see Sect. 5.3.2). It is an inline
drive shaft with a double cam. A further transmission element two-piston pump with the pump elements arranged side by
must be inserted between the cam (6) and bucket tappet (8) to side. A metering unit (2) placed between the presupply pump
prevent point contact between them. This type has a roller (7) (5) and intake valves in the manner described above takes
supported in the tappet and running on the cam. over the fuel delivery control. The pump feeds the fuel to the
This pump is also produced as a one piston variant, which compression chambers and further conducts it to the rail
can be advantageously driven with a transfer ratio of 1. This through a combined intake/high pressure valve (7).
produces delivery synchronous with the pump elements in
four-cylinder engines and, with regard to the delivery rate, Rail and Add-on Components
additionally compensates well for the low number of
pistons. Rail Function
Accumulator injection systems have a high pressure accumu-
Main Types for Commercial Vehicles
lator also called a (common) rail. The rails main functions are
The pumps described thus far are also used in the commercial accumulating fuel under high pressure and
vehicle sector, especially in light and medium duty applica- distributing fuel to the injectors.
tions. Allowing for the large loads caused by their high deliv-
ery rates and the required service life, the pumps utilized in These main functions also include damping the pressure
the heavy duty sector are often designed to be oil lubricated. fluctuations when fuel is supplied to and discharged from
This is possible because the larger nozzle hole diameters the rail. The permissible rail pressure fluctuations represent a
lessen the effect of potential spray hole coking by oil fractions design criterion for the rail. Moreover, the rail also performs
in the fuel. secondary functions as:
an add-on point for sensors and actuators in the high
pressure circuit,
throttle elements to damp line pressure oscillations
between the high pressure pump and rail as well as the
12 injectors and rail and
11 a connecting element for the components in the common
rail systems high pressure circuit, e.g. high pressure pump
and injectors through the high pressure lines.
Rail Design
Fig. 5-34 Common rail two-piston radial high pressure pump, CP4, Robert Bosch
Rail design pursues the target compromise of producing max-
GmbH. 1 Metering unit; 2 Cylinder head; 3 Pump flange; 4 Drive shaft; 5 Aluminum imum storage capacity and thus damping by a large volume to
housing; 6 Double cam; 7 Roller; 8 Bucket tappet; 9 Pump plunger; 10 High pressure keep rail pressure constant and, on the other hand, to react as
port to the rail; 11 High pressure non-return valve; 12 Intake non-return valve dynamically as possible to changes in rail pressure setpoints,
e.g. when pressure is generated during starting or the engine
154 W. Egler et al.
11 Fig. 5-35
Common rail two-piston inline high pressure pump for
commercial vehicles, CP2, Robert Bosch GmbH. 1 Zero
5 delivery throttle; 2 Metering unit; 3 Internal gear;
4 Pinion; 5 Gear presupply pump; 6 High pressure
12 port; 7 Two-part intake/high pressure valve;
8 C-coated plunger; 9 Plunger spring; 10 Oil inlet bore;
11 C-coated roller bolt; 12 Concave cam
load changes dynamically. Large pressure generation and common rail system with a mounted pressure control valve
decay rates may be required depending on the load change. A and rail pressure sensor. Depending on the manufacturing
minimum high pressure volume would be optimal. Simula- concept, rails are made of forging blanks or tube preforms.
tions of the overall system in representative load points and Cuts made during machining are normally rounded to obtain
verification on hydraulic test benches are employed to deter- the required strength. The damping passages in the high
mine the minimum rail volume required as a function of pressure outlet to the injector and pump may be bored or
the main injection quantity for a given engine configuration. press fit as separate components. Inline engines have one rail
Table 5-2 presents typical configurations for the rail volume of implemented the system, while V engines usually employ one
production applications. The boundary condition of equal line rail per cylinder bank. Again, the specific configuration
lengths in the high pressure system to prevent variances from depends on the engine and may include compensating lines
cylinder to cylinder can, for example, specify the length of the between the rails or even connecting rails that ensure pressure
rail in the engine. The structural space specified in the vehicle is distributed as equally as possible between the engine banks
and aspects of rail manufacturing represent other factors. and cylinders.
Thus, the rail volume actually selected is often larger than the
functionally specified minimum volume without noticeably
undershooting the requirements of dynamics. Rail Pressure Sensor
The damping bores placed at the rail outlets are configured
The rail pressure sensor serves to capture the current rail
as a compromise between the minimum pressure drop and
pressure. The sensor is installed in the rail and electrically
maximum damping of the reflection waves between the rail
connected with the control unit. Other sensor designs are
and the consumers. Functionally, the throttle elements serve
presented in Sect. 6.3.
to reduce pump and injector loading and to damp line pres-
sure fluctuations that can diminish metering quality during
multiple injections. Pressure Control Valve
Rail Types A high pressure side actuator in the high pressure control loop,
the pressure control valves function is to set the rail pressure.
The rail design selected significantly depends on the engine This is accomplished by altering a cross section in the pressure
characteristics and the design of the common rail system control valve through which, depending on the pressure and
itself. Figure 5-36 shows a typical four cylinder rail for a car electrical power, more or less fuel is depressurized from high to
5 Fuel Injection Systems 155
Fig. 5-36 Typical rail with attached components for a four-cylinder application for cars
low pressure. The valve is primarily mounted on the rail and elastic and magnetic force exerted by the solenoid valve bolt
feeds its depressurized quantity to the common rail systems on the valve ball place it in an equilibrium of hydraulic forces.
low pressure circuit. Figure 5-37 presents its configuration and Larger flow rates through the valve cross section increase the
the functionally determinative components. hydraulic force, displacing the ball and thus the solenoid valve
The valve body houses a valve seat that is in the flow bolt even more. This generates an increase of the elastic force
passing through a throttle cross section. The inflow and the and thus a proportionally negative feedback. When a larger
mean pressure has to be withstood, the control unit impresses
a higher mean current on the magnet by pulse width modula-
tion, which increases the magnetic force. In terms of control
system engineering, the valve is designed as a PI element with
a slowly integrative reference variable and a rapidly propor-
tional feedforward control. This proportionally equalizes
highly dynamic pressure fluctuations and integrators in the
cascaded control loops bring the steady state deviations to
A dither frequency that keeps the solenoid pin in
constant motion is superimposed on the current signal
to eliminate undesired hysteresis effects. The frequency is
selected so that it does not affect the current rail pressure
Dependent on the pressure control valves operating point,
the flow values in typical four cylinder car applications are
Fig. 5-37 Sectional view of a pressure control valve between 0 and 120 l/h and the mean electrical currents are
< 1.8 A at pressures between 250 and 1,800 bar.
156 W. Egler et al.
Pressure Limiting Valve primarily consists of an injection nozzle (see Sect. 5.2. Injec-
tion Nozzles), injector body, control valve and control cham-
Pressure limiting valves (Fig. 5-38) are primarily used for ber. The control valve has a solenoid or piezo actuator. Both
commercial vehicle applications that, on the one hand, do actuators allow multiple injections. The advantage of the
not have any high pressure side actuator in the pressure piezo actuators large actuating force and short switching
control loop and, on the other hand, require dry running time can only be exploited when injector design has been
properties of the engine and thus limited modes of injection optimized to do so.
system operation. This gives rise to the pressure limiting Injectors in a common rail diesel injection system are
valves main functions in the high pressure control loop connected with the rail by short high pressure fuel lines. A
fault scenario: copper gasket seals the injectors from the combustion cham-
limiting system pressure to a maximum value and ber. Clamping elements attach the injectors in the cylinder
assuring rail pressure is controlled in the restricted range. head. Common rail injectors are suited for straight or oblique
installation in direct injection diesel engines, depending on
A pressure limiting valve is bolted on the rail and uses a spring the design of the injection nozzles.
loaded valve bolt to maintain contact with the highly com- The system characteristically generates injection pres-
pressed fuel through a sealing seat. On the back of the sealing sure independent of the engine speed and the injected
seat, a line connects the valve with the common rail systems fuel quantity. The electrically controllable injector con-
low pressure return. When the rail pressure varies within the trols the start of injection and the injected fuel quantity.
allowable range, the applied elastic force keeps the valve The electronic diesel controls (EDC) angle-time function
closed and sealed against the return flow. If the maximum controls the injection timing. It requires two sensors on
allowable rail pressure is exceeded in the fault scenario, the crankshaft and on the camshaft for cylinder recogni-
the valve bolt opens, limits the system pressure and uses tion (phase detection).
the working motion of a second valve plunger to control the Various types of injectors are currently standard:
passage of the high pressure flow. The control edge of the solenoid valve (SV) injectors with a one or two-piece
control piston aligned coaxially to the valve plunger on armature (Bosch),
the low pressure side produces the pressure-flow character- inline SV injectors (Delphi),
istic. Error detection in the control unit makes it possible to tophead piezo injectors (Siemens) and
maintain the high pressure pumps delivery rate as a function inline piezo injectors (Bosch, Denso).
of engine speed so that emergency operation pressure in the
rail follows the pressure limiting valves flow characteristics.
The emergency operation characteristic is shaped so that Solenoid Valve Injector
emergency operation pressure remains within limits expedi-
ent for the engine in order to operate a commercial vehicle in
a restricted load range. An injector can be broken down into different functional
groups: CR Injectors the hole-type nozzle (see Sect. 5.2),
the hydraulic servo system and
Common rail injectors with identical basic functions are the solenoid valve.
employed in car and commercial vehicle systems. An injector
The fuel is conducted from the high pressure port (Fig. 5-39,
Pos. 13) through an inlet passage to the injection nozzle and
through the inlet throttle (14) into the valve control chamber
(6). The valve control chamber is connected with the fuel
return (1) by an outlet throttle (12) that can be opened by a
solenoid valve.
a b c
2 11
Fig. 5-39 Solenoid valve injector (functional principle). (a) Resting state; (b) Injector opens; (c) Injector closes; 1 Fuel return; 2 Solenoid coil; 3 Overlift spring; 4 Solenoid
armature; 5 Valve ball; 6 Valve control chamber; 7 Nozzle spring; 8 Nozzle needle pressure shoulder; 9 Chamber volume; 10 Spray hole; 11 Solenoid valve spring; 12 Outlet
throttle; 13 High pressure port; 14 Inlet throttle; 15 Valve piston (control piston); 16 Nozzle needle
These operating states are regulated by the distribution of appropriately designing the energization of the solenoid valves
forces to the injectors components. The nozzle spring closes in the control unit with high voltages and currents.
the injector when the engine is not running and there is no The actuated electromagnets magnetic force exceeds the
pressure in the rail. valve springs elastic force. The armature elevates the valve
Injector closed (resting state): The injector is not actuated in ball from the valve seat and opens the outlet throttle. After a
its resting state (Fig. 5-39a). The solenoid valve spring (11) brief time, the increased pickup current is reduced to a lower
presses the valve ball (5) into the seat of the outlet throttle holding current of the electromagnet. When the outlet throt-
(12). The rails high pressure is generated in the valve control tle opens, fuel is able to flow from the valve control chamber
chamber. The same pressure also exists in the nozzles cham- into the cavity located above it and to the fuel tank through
ber volume (9). The forces applied to the lateral face of the the return. The inlet throttle (14) prevents the pressure from
valve piston (15) by the rail pressure and the force from the fully equalizing. Thus, the pressure in the valve control cham-
nozzle spring (7) hold the nozzle needle closed against the ber drops. This causes the pressure in the valve control
opening force acting on its pressure shoulder (8). chamber to be lower than the pressure in the nozzles cham-
Injector opens (start of injection): The injector is in its neutral ber volume, which always continues to have the pressure level
position. The solenoid valve is actuated with the pickup of the rail. The reduced pressure in the valve control chamber
current, which serves to open the solenoid valve quickly (Fig. decreases the force on the control piston and causes the
5-39b). The short switching times required may be obtained by nozzle needle to open. Injection begins.
158 W. Egler et al.
Piezo Injectors Fig. 5-40 Bosch piezo inline injector design. 1 Fuel return; 2 High pressure
port; 3 Piezo actuator module; 4 Hydraulic coupler (amplifier); 5 Servo valve
There are two types of piezo injectors: (control valve); 6 Nozzle module with nozzle needle; 7 Spray hole
Tophead CR injectors (Siemens) and
inline CR injectors (Bosch, Denso).
Since the servo valve (5) is closely connected with the the rail pressure of the operating point. It is energized inter-
nozzle needle, the needle directly reacts to actuator operation. mittently (Fig. 5-41) until a minimum deviation between the
The delay time between the beginning of electric control and setpoint and control voltage has been obtained. The voltage
the nozzle needles hydraulic reaction is approximately 150 rise is proportionally converted into the piezo actuators
microseconds. This satisfies the conflicting requirements of stroke. Hydraulic amplification causes the actuator stroke to
simultaneously high needle speeds and minimal reproducible generate a pressure rise in the coupler until the force equili-
injected fuel quantities. brium is exceeded in the solenoid valve and the valve opens.
What is more, by virtue of its principle, the injector does As soon as the solenoid valve has reached its final position,
not contain any direct leakage from the high pressure region the pressure in the control chamber above the needle begins
to the low pressure circuit. This enhances the entire systems to drop and injection takes place.
hydraulic efficiency. Their principle gives piezo inline injectors advantages over
SV injectors, namely:
multiple injection with flexible start of injection and inter-
Piezo Inline Injector Control vals between the individual injections,
production of very low injected fuel quantities for pilot
The injector is controlled by an engine control unit, the out-
injection and
put stage of which was specially designed for this injector. A
low manufactured injector size and weight (270 g instead of
setpoint for the actuators voltage is assigned as a function of
490 g).
Valve lift
Coupler pressure
Injection rate
Needle lift
Fig. 5-41
Actuating sequences of the piezo inline injector for one
0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 ms injection. (a) Current and voltage curve for the actuated
Time t injector; (b) Valve lift and the coupler pressure curve;
(c) Valve lift and injection rate
160 W. Egler et al. Metering Functions While the function of injector quality adaptation adjusts
injectors manufacturing tolerances when they are new,
Definition and Objectives pressure wave correction corrects the pressure waves
quantitative influence during multiple injections on the
Metering functions encompass open and closed loop con- basis of models. Both functions operate controlled and
trol structures in the electric control unit, which, in con- require results from measurements of the hydraulic system
junction with monotonous injector action, ensure the as input variables.
requisite metering accuracy during injection. The func- Zero fuel quantity calibration utilizes the auxiliary quantity
tions utilize a specifically developed action of the injec- of speed change to learn an injectors minimum quantity in
tion hydraulics and apply signals from existing sensors as situ throughout its period of operation.
auxiliary quantities as well as model-based approaches Fuel mean value adaptation calculates the air mass of the
based on the physical laws of conservation to precisely average injected fuel quantity based on the l signal. The latter
meter fuel. two functions are adaptive injection quantity control functions
The use of such functions is driven by the increasingly that utilize auxiliary quantities available from sensor signals.
more strictly formulated performance specifications for fuel
metering, which, in turn, stem from diesel engine develop-
ment targets, specifically ever lower raw emissions with
Injector Quality Adaptation (Fig. 5-43)
simultaneously higher demands for comfort and perfor- This function employs results of measurements from factory
mance with unrivaled low consumption. Regulating the wet tests after the final assembly of the injectors. Every injec-
required accuracies in fuel metering in the hydraulic com- tors injected fuel quantity is measured, e.g. in four test points
ponents themselves and endeavoring to maintain these (energizing time and pressure), and the result is compared
throughout their service life has proven to be an unecono- with the setpoint for the particular measuring point. This
mical approach. information is stored in the injector as a data matrix code.
When an individual injectors tolerance at its test points is
Overview known relative to the average injector, the map of which is
stored in the control unit, the individual injector can be
Figure 5-42 presents an overview of the four most important adapted to the average injectors map. The prerequisite for
metering functions that achieve the metering tolerances this is a sufficiently precise description of the entire map by
required for EU4 applications and future emissions standards the individual injectors performance based on the four test
IQA Pressure Fuel
Injector Wave Mean Value
Quantity Correction Adaption
Compensation of
Fuel Quantity
Pil* Quantity
Fig. 5-42
*Pilot injection Metering functions for passenger car
applications starting with EU4
5 Fuel Injection Systems 161
Inj. 2
Inj. 3
Inj. 4
points, e.g. by correlation factors. The correlation factors for Pressure Wave Correction (PWC) (Fig. 5-44)
all injectors of the same type are stored in the control unit
together with the average fuel quantity map. The individual Variably positioned and applied to different engine load points
information on an individual injectors performance is and thus, in turn, having different pressures and injecting
entered in the control units writeable memory by reading different masses, multiple injections are indispensible to
in the data matrix codes. In vehicle production, this is done at achieving the emission and comfort goals for diesel engines.
the end of the assembly line. Given diesel fuels compressibility, pressure waves are always
Injector quality adaptation represents an efficient method triggered during injections in the system, which can in turn
to equalize quantities of fuel that injectors inject based on influence fuel metering in the combustion chamber as soon as
their test values. All in all, the method allows a winwin multiple successive injections are initiated. The thusly triggered
strategy by increasing metering accuracy as well as produc- quantity waves expand the tolerance for one or several injec-
tion volume while extending adjustment tolerances. This has tions. This is undesired and may influence emission and noise
a positive impact on costs. behavior extremely adversely. Along with damping measures
Fig. 5-44
Function of pressure wave correction (PWC)
162 W. Egler et al.
in the hydraulic system (see Sects. and, physical minimum quantities. The function only operates under over-
models may serve as the basis to correct the quantitative run conditions so as not to disrupt normal driving. The mod-
influences induced by pressure waves. This is the function of ulation of every single injectors energizing time allows succes-
pressure wave correction. The quantities of fuel injected in the sively detecting the time an injector has injected a minimum
instantaneous and prior injection, the fuels pressure and tem- quantity of fuel, the so-called zero quantity, by analyzing the
perature and the injection intervals are variables that influence speed signal. The duration of control is applied to detect and, if
the changes in fuel quantity. Pressure wave correction effec- necessary, correct changes in the hydraulic system throughout
tively corrects quantitative influences on the basis of these its period of operation. The response characteristic of mini-
variables and the response characteristic of the hydraulic sys- mum injected fuel quantities and the speed response depend
tem itself. Pressure wave correction enables incorporating on the drive train of the vehicle applied and must therefore be
hydraulic injection intervals that are optimal for an engines calculated specifically. Notably, this function operates without
thermodynamic application and equalizing the fuel tempera- additional sensors and is able to detect minimum quantities of
tures influence on the fuel waves even when injection intervals fuel with certainty within an accuracy of less than 0.4 mm3.
are constant. Since pressure wave correction constitutes a Thus, smaller quantities of pilot injected fuel than 1 mm3 can
model-based control, it is of utmost importance that the fault be represented in the map region as a function of the combus-
applied in the model also corresponds to the fault in the tion limit required by the engine.
hydraulic system, i.e. the reproduction of the existing hydraulic
system based on measurements and the utilization of the Fuel Mean Value Adaptation (FMA) (Fig. 5-46)
injectors physically correct control map has elementary
importance for the function of pressure wave correction. To reliably obtain the particulate and NOX emission limits on
all certified vehicles, all the tolerances in the air and injection
Zero Fuel Quantity Calibration (ZFC) (Fig. 5-45) systems sensor and actuator systems must ensure that the right
air mass is always available to burn the fuel mass supplied. This
From the perspective of the engine, the inherent conflict in the is done by controlling the exhaust gas recirculation rate. If the
application of pilot injection to lower combustion noise on the injected mass deviates from the presumed mass in the control
one hand and only minimally increase particulate emission on unit, the original application shifts along the exhaust gas recir-
the other hand has to be resolved. Hence, the adaptive function culation rates particulate-NOX tradeoff. If somewhat less fuel
of zero fuel quantity calibration is to ensure that minimum is injected in a specific load point than presumed by the control
pilot injection quantities are stable over the lifetime. Zero fuel unit, then the exhaust gas recirculation will be too low to
quantity calibration utilizes a highly resolved speed signal from provide the higher amount of oxygen assumed to be required
the engine as an auxiliary quantity. It delivers information on for combustion. Unlike the nominal application, this produces
cylinder-selective torque generated during the combustion of a rise in NOX emissions that facilitates particulate emissions.
Injector current
Threshold of thermodynamic
effect on engine speed
1 2 3 4 Cylinder no.
t Fig. 5-45
Engine speed sensor Function of zero fuel quantity calibration
5 Fuel Injection Systems 163
with FMA
Injection quantity Exhaust gas NOx
Fig. 5-46 Structure and benefit of fuel mean value adaptation (FMA)
Excess fuel during injection produces the converse and is Fundamental aspects of the development, engineering and
commensurate with the soot-NOX tradeoff. The function of manufacturing of injection systems for large diesel engines
fuel mean value adaptation is to ascertain the mass actually include:
injected based on the l signals and then adjust the air mass flow high reliability and long service life,
to obtain the original compromise in the particulate-NOX large proportion of full load operation,
concept. Fuel mean value adaptations response to errors in easy interchangeability with existing injection systems,
the injected fuel quantity as well as its compensation for the air applicability to any cylinder configurations,
mass sensors errors based on the l signal is a desired side ease of servicing,
effect. Thus, tolerances in the air path and engine tolerances fuel compatibility,
may also be compensated. This ultimately manifests itself in a competitive costs when manufacturing small quantities
considerably smaller safety margin for emission limits of par- and
ticulates and NOX for the corresponding application. When controllability of all injection parameters to comply with
the level of emissions is based on typical distributions of the emission standards.
tolerances of all the components involved, then fuel mean value
adaptation can, at the least, halve the safety margin for a Euro 4 Conventional Injection Systems
application over the original margin of emission limit values
without fuel mean value adaptation. Inline pumps with pump plunger diameters of up to
20 mm and pump plunger strokes of up to 15 mm are
still used in large engines with cylinder outputs of up to
5.3.6 Injection Systems for Large Diesel Engines
approximately 160 kW. Flexible adaptation to differing Field of Application numbers of cylinders is only possible with unit pumps.
They allow the implementation of short and standardized
The range of injection system applications for large diesel injection lines.
engines covers The rotating injection cam mounted on the engine camshaft
cylinder outputs of 70 to 2,000 kW (in large low speed two- moves the pump plunger by a roller tappet (see Fig. 5-47) or
stroke diesel engines up to 4,500 kW), valve lever kinematics.
engine speeds from 60 to 1,800 rpm, Direct placement of the single cylinder pumps at their
full load injected fuel quantities from 180 to 20,000 mm3/ related cylinders allows extremely short injection lines. This
injection, improves system efficiency because the hydraulic losses are
numbers of engine cylinders from 1 to 20 and low. Identical components simplify adaptation to engine
a range of fuel from standard diesel fuel through heavy fuel design and the number of cylinders as well as spare parts
with a viscosity of up to 700 cSt at 508C. management.