Product Realization
Product Realization
Product Realization
A Comprehensive Approach
Mileta M. Tomovic l
Shaoping Wang
Product Realization:
A Comprehensive
Mileta M. Tomovic Shaoping Wang
Batten College of Engineering School of Automation Science
and Technology Electrical Engineering
Old Dominion University Beihang University
Norfolk, VA Hai Dan District
USA Beijing China
vi Preface
assure that the right information is available at the right location, with the right
resources, at the right time.
Although highly applied PLM has numerous theoretical challenges that need
to be addressed and solved in order to take full advantage of the comprehensive
approach to product development. The major challenges are related to areas at
the boundaries between various well defined technical fields, as well as to
human aspects of implementation of the complex interdisciplinary and globally
diverse organizational structures.
The book presents some of the latest scientific findings and ideas along with
technical developments in the area of Product Lifecycle Management and
covers broad range of interdisciplinary topics ranging from measuring the
impact of PLM, social issues of PLM, product design optimization, PLM and
virtualization of product information, and multidisciplinary optimization. The
authors wish to thank all contributors for their contribution to the general body
of knowledge in this emerging interdisciplinary field, and for granting the
editors permission to use their material.
viii Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Product Life Cycle and Assessment Parameters
Joze Duhovnik
Abstract The paper presents a review of some important articles about the
product life cycle. The phases of the entire cycle are specifically defined, from
product development to its use and elimination. On the basis of this phase
definition, a concept of unified assessments is elaborated, which essentially
defines the characteristics of both the product and the external influences on
its life cycle. The main phases are presented, as well as the use of specific fields
that essentially supplement the assessment of a products suitability during
individual product life cycle phases. The design parameters are used and sup-
plemented with constraints during the product conquering phase. Specifically,
product parameters during the phase of product use are presented as the key
elements of assessment. Finally, the product elimination parameters are also
used for assessment. Costs are included as well; these are specific to each
product phase and need to be discussed separately. All the three product phases
form the basis of a comprehensive assessment. The division to three separate
product life cycle phases and definition of parameters for validating the pro-
ducts characteristics constitute a significant contribution to a fuller under-
standing of the product life cycle process.
1 Introduction
The term Product Life Cycle (PLC) denotes the products life in general. This
refers to products which constitute technical systems. Technical systems are for
example mechanical assemblies, electronic devices, information systems or
biotechnical systems. In principle, technical systems are intended for the fulfill-
ment of a certain technical process function [6]. Each technical process as a
J. Duhovnik (*)
University of Ljubljana LECAD Laboratory for Global Product Realization
NATURE Recognition, of the Man
Description Technical processes
Nature processes
Natural and technical science
Description on TELEOLOGY basis
of the Man
Substitution Technical systmes
Nature systems
Fig. 1 Connection between nature and technology vs. interaction of processes and systems
Product Life Cycle and Assessment Parameters 3
Golden loop
of design in
each step by
Use of results at N-th stage Designer`s
of manufacture in the the product
development-design process development
Presentation, expert
opinions Product
Fig. 2 Product conquering phase. Continuously iterative process with Golden loop [3]
several such experts). The flow of information from specifications to the pre-
sentation and use always revolves within the golden loops [3], and the objec-
tive of this process is to reach the products golden mean of sorts (i.e. a
harmonious product, perfectly adjusted to its purpose in a specific
Important part in the design golden loop is specification of design require-
ments. On the list of design requirements is not just technical data, but also
commercial, financial, production, user profile and ecological. All those
requirements are as a starting position for searching the better answer, which
we are aspect from the designer. Designer in that case is a man or team at all.
According our knowledge all those requirements are normally specified but
later in the PLC are forgot and generate once. We proposed in our PDM and
PLM systems that the basic requirements should be used through all PLC.
During the PLC the new knowledge of the product was generate or described
continuously. This knowledge we just added on the list of requirements. One or
part of requirements should be change during the development process. In that
case we changed it. In the search process was happened that some new axioms,
new function or new data was done. We should understood that fact on the
dynamical way. So we added the list of specification.
All data on the specification list is a goal for the designers. Usually the
particular result on some development stage or phase the goal was not fully
satisfied. The differences between the goal and real result we unified with the
6 J. Duhovnik
Level of product perfection
Normal D&DP
0.0 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0
Time (unification) [nonlinear scale]
Fig. 3 Phase of product conquering during the PLC, taking into account the assessment of the
products level of perfection
percentage range. If the difference is too small we used more sensitive scale by
During the phase of product conquering, several different approaches can be
undertaken, but irrespective of the approach, the teams quality always plays
the crucial role (Fig. 3). The diagram shows three ways of product conquering.
Series 1 shows normal flow of the product conquering process and Series 2 an
accelerated course. In Series 3, the process of product conquering is initially
slower, but later, with a planned inclusion of a team that is better in terms of
knowledge and equipment, it is possible to prove that one is achieving the same
results within the required time.
Any product that is manufactured is intended to be used. Therefore, it is
important what happens to a product during its use. In addition to sales
(distribution, start-up and initial use during the warranty period), the following
activities also take place: maintenance, reconstruction and perhaps even partial
recycling of consumable materials. At the same time that the product is placed
on the market, manufacture needs to be changed) in order to be harmonized
with sales in terms of quantity, quality and scheduling. The initial product
assessment criteria now change as well. The technical criteria are the most
important ones for creating good products, but business criteria are crucial
for good sales. Usually environmental aspect as by into nature not included into
the production and sale strategy, mainly because the manufacturer, sales man
or final customer do not pay attention, whether the product is environmentally
tolerable or not. For that reason we used additional criterion for ecological
assessment of products. Therefore, it is possible to use business parameters for
assessment during the process of products use. It is no coincidence that the concept
of redistribution of manufacture originated from business parameters [11] is a
Product Life Cycle and Assessment Parameters 7
possible way of reducing costs. During a products use, the basic parameter is
cost, both on the side of manufacture and on the side of the buyer. On the side
of manufacture, costs reduction is associated with greater profitability. On the
side of the buyer, lower costs are achieved via cheaper product use. In such
evaluation, costs appear as a generalized concept. In addition to costs, the
products competitive position in the market also has to be reviewed in this
period, since one of the main assessment parameters is the fulfillment of
customer expectations regarding the products competitiveness. When we
searched for a suitable parameter, a decision was made to use the products
level of perfection. The level of perfection does not include only the technical
characteristics or the level of technical perfection; it is complementary to the
criterion of competitiveness.
The phase of product use consists of two parts (Fig. 4), which need to be
balanced. The first is comprised of production, planning, purchasing, manu-
facturing, assembly, testing of the main product parameters, packaging and
warehousing. The second one comprises distribution, start-up, initial use during
the warranty period, current maintenance, investment maintenance and recy-
cling of consumable materials. The division of a product to two separate life
lines, which are interwoven with the use of concurrent engineering, but con-
ducted in sequence along the main timeline, is just one option for a clearer
analysis of the product life cycle in both the technical and business senses.
The product life cycle must be concluded within a natural environment, so
that product components remain part of nature. The completion of product life
Level of product perfection
1.0 3.0 6.0 7.8 9.0 10.0 30.0 60.0 77.8 90.0 100.0
Time (unification) [nonlinear scale]
Fig. 4 Phase of product use. Several parallel flows are shown different influence from product
conquering phase
8 J. Duhovnik
cycle is enabled by various processes (End Of Life, EOL). The quickest way to
eliminate a product is to destroy it. However, this is accompanied by various
additional influences, since destruction in itself does not imply permanent
returning of materials to nature; it merely means destruction of a product.
Other processes used in the EOL cycle also enable partial or total return of
materials to the natural cycle.
We are therefore dealing with the principles of product reuse and recycling,
which enable its partial prolonged use or prolongation of the life cycle of
individual modules by separating its parts. With the reuse principle, each
individual module is understood as a partial or main function of an individual
product component. At the level of the products material structure, the prin-
ciples of recycling are applied, which make it possible for materials to be reused
as basic materials, changed materials or as filler. Some part of the product
normally remains and is technically or technologically useless, therefore it is
usually disposed of. It is important to understand that this process is manage-
able as well and should not be left to chance. At the EOL, the products level of
perfection falls to zero. An important criterion for deciding on process type are
costs, but these should not be estimated only from process costs; they should
comprise total costs, including those of persistence of the products remainders
in a certain environment, e.g. in nature.
The product elimination phase (Fig. 5) is crucial for understanding the
overall product life cycle. Processes taking place in this phase are destruction,
Level of product perfection
100.00 100.14 100.20
Time (unification) [nonlinea scale]
reuse, recycling and disposal. Here as well there are three separate lines of
processing, but these usually run separately, without any special connections
between them. Processing depends on the decision regarding the product elim-
ination procedure, which is normally determined both in terms of time and
process already in the phase of product use. The decision on the EOL process
is ordinarily related to its costs. Any additional parameters that appear during
assessment of the suitability of an individual process can be used either as a
supplement to or substantiation of the decision. This also indicates a relatively
low level of knowledge about this part of the process and its importance in
places where the concentration of products is so high that nature can no longer
accept them, either in the form of product non-use (random disposal) or as its
destruction (destruction, no elimination).
In the Fig. 5 we have three different types in EOL phase:
Type 1: Elimination and longer disposal of product remains at appropriate
sites. Natural material made chance for fast recycling process in the
beginning. Dangerous material request special technology and made
slow removable process.
Type 2: Prediction of a appropriate product elimination and disposal
process. Strategy or scenario of EOL is planed and can be shorter as
it can.
Type 3: Product destruction (blasting) and depositing without sorting. Some
typical EOL when blasting was used. Example: situation by war where
bombing was used. Another example: some particular activities by ecolo-
gical and technical no regain consciousness people.
Finally, the variation of the products level of perfection throughout the
three phases of the product life cycle can be examined in Fig. 6. In the figure are
present three typical curves for product perfection during the product life cycle.
0.0 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0 3.0 6.0 7.8 9.0 10.0 30.0 60.0 77.8 90.0 100.0 100.1 100.2 100.3
Product conquering + Product use + Product elemination
Time (unification) [nonlinerar scale]
Normal D&DP Very fast first part in D&DP Significant handicap in D&D process
Those examples are used by experts system for planning and controlling the
D&D process which has important influence on the product use and product
elimination phase. We can predict some typical deviation in those two phases
according the activities in the D&D process.
Others Others
Profit Profit
Value of criterian in %
PP Cost Profit Others Total PP Cost Profit Others Total PP Cost Profit Others Total
Product conquering Product used Product elimination
Influences of different criterians during PLC
PP / Product Perfection in some phase
categories also vary with time, as the system is dynamic and not static. A general
equation applying to individual products was written, independent of the dis-
tribution of the influence of individual categories on the criteria. Influence of
whole criteria can be summarized in function (1), which we can denominate as a
product validation function.
k h
P i
wj; x xj; t
x; t k h i (1)
wj; x xj; max
x = x (tec, com, fin, pro, use, eco) index of different criteria, like a
technical, commercial, financial,
production, use and ecological
j index for particular parameter
inside the different criteria
(x),(t) product validation function pre-
sent the product assessment for
typical criteria defined in time t,
where we made assessment
(x)j,(t) product validation function for
typical category and particular
parameter (indexing with j)
defined in time t, where we made
(x)j,max maximum value of product vali-
dation function for typical cate-
gory and particular parameter
(indexing with j) defined in time
interval from to till t, where the
assessment was made
w (j),x weight function for each particu-
lar parameter and each different
If we like follow dynamic changes by some criteria and validated it we used
particular equation which is developed from (1). Validation function for tech-
nical criteria is follow:
k h
P i
w j; tec tecj; t
tec; t k h i (2)
w j; tec tecj; max
Product Life Cycle and Assessment Parameters 15
FI technical
FI commercial
0.40 FI financial
FI production
FI user
0.20 FI eco
0.00 0.50 1.00 2.50 8.00 20.00 50.00
Product conquering and used phase [nonlinear scale]
0.00 0.50 1.00 2.50
Product conquering and used phase [nonlinear scale]
0.00 0.50 1.00 2.50
Product conquering and used phase [nonlinear scale]
0.00 0.50 1.00 2.50
Product conquering and used phase [nonlinear scale]
x; t1 ; t2 min
minimal value by the product validation function by
typical criteria named x in the investigation time inter-
val, from t1 to t2
So obtained FSBP values enable a better differentiation and easier decisions
even for values around 1.0. It should be emphasized, though, that other impor-
tant information besides the assessment includes minimal values, as well as the
time interval itself.
In Fig. 10 we presented FSBP curve for technical and commercial para-
meters. The interval in PLC is from 0.50 to 4.0. That interval is usually very
sensitive for product perfection value. Include the final phase at product con-
quering phase and first phase or starting period in product used phase. Assess-
ment in that phase made also good treatment value for product value on the
market and environment at all.
In generally we find out that such analysis give better and clear value for self
control process. The parameters are generated for product itself. If the chosen
Value of indivudual criteria
0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.0
Product conquering and used phase [nonlinear scale]
FI technical FI commercial
FSBP technical FSBP commercial
Fig. 10 FSBP curve at technical and commercial assessment compare to the product perfec-
tion function in the watching interval from 0.50 till 4.00.
Product Life Cycle and Assessment Parameters 19
parameters are right or appropriate the D&D team can recognize during the
process. If they find out that the parameters are not appropriate at all they can
be added too. In that case the additional parameters must be used from starting
point of assessment process. The new parameters could not be used for assess-
ment from some time or for some time in PLC interval.
5 Conclusion
The paper presents three characteristic product phases. This means that pro-
duct planning needs to be performed over the entire PLC. The current knowl-
edge of product planning or economic resources planning is focused only on
manufacture, therefore an expansion of such an information system to PLC
conquering can be problematic. Certain processes occurring in the phases of
product use and elimination are therefore analyzed in lesser detail or very
specifically for individual product types.
For easier product conquering over its entire life cycle, six basic criteria have
been defined (tec,com,fin,pro,use,eco). By each of these criteria, we used some
categories for detail analyses. Categories should be defined with some para-
meters, which are presented like a value or described. PLC started with D&D
process, where we defined list of specification. The specification list is not static
but should be changed during the development of the product, generally during
the PLC. Maximum of the request is a goal of the products requirements. In
reality we try the best that the goal can be achieved. Differences between the
goal and our real results we like used as an assessment value. In the paper was
proposed unification measure with the percentage scale.
We also introduce the product validation function which can be used as a
timely assessment of the product during the PLC. For some particular reason
we can also individual criteria use as a (tec,com,fin,pro,use,eco).
Generally speaking we define the requirement for the selection of assessment
parameters. Product assessment was then performed at certain time intervals,
with the same starting points. When the variation of the assessment function for
all six parameters was reviewed (tec,com,fin,pro,use,eco), it was found that it is
possible to enforce the extrapolation principle for the variations expected in the
following time intervals. An estimate of the scatter of expected results was also
used. Timely intervention enables correct and more successful directing of
trends already at time t, when the last assessment of product is performed.
Among five products, interventions were made in two on the basis of assess-
ment by directing activities towards additional progress. Progress was first
enforced in the phase of product conquering (product development) and for
the second time in the phase of its use (after-sale services). For various reasons,
detailed data on product types cannot be provided here.
The method was applied in the standard PDM (three cases) and PLM (two
cases) systems. We added standard software with the data base of specification
list, which was followed all PLC. Through the PLC we made product validation
20 J. Duhovnik
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Collaborative Optimization and Application
of Active Suspension
xsl Design variables in system level
xsl Optimal values for system level
xi The i th subsystem design variables
xi Optimal values for subsystem level
" Dynamic factor in interdisciplinary compatibility
lu ld lk lp Length of upper and lower wishbone, kingpin and knuckle
du dd dk dp Diameter of upper and lower wishbone, kingpin and knuckle
u ; d Yield stress of upper and lower wishbone
k Yield stress of kingpin and knuckle (considered as a whole)
l Angle of tire plane
l Horizontal slip of the tire
max Maximum value among u ; d ; k
H. Wang (*)
School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing,
Constant in analysis
Density of the rod, gain = 7:8 103 kg=m3
Yield stress for steel, gain = 70 MPa
E Modulus of Elasticity, gain = 200 GPa
Poissons ratio, gain = 0.3
K1 Stiffness factor of sprung, gain = 1:3 104 N=m
C1 Damping factor of sprung, gain = 1000
M1 Sprung mass (quarter car model), gain = 330 kg
F1 Preload force of sprung, gain = 3236.2 N
K2 Stiffness factor of unsprung, gain = 1:7 105 N=m
C2 Damping factor of unsprung, gain = 0
M2 Unsprung mass (car model), gain = 25 kg
F2 Preload force of sprung quarter, gain = 3481.4 N
1 Introduction
design always
focus on one
discipline Structures
Manufacturing Propulsion
suspension system which concurrent design is used and two CAE model sharing
the same CAD model has been proposed to improve the design efficiency.
Section 5 is the conclusion of whole paper.
2 Collaborative Optimization
Before discussion of CO, brief introduction and comparison of four key MDO
decomposition frameworks are summarized from 2006 European-U.S. MDO
Colloquium (de Weck et al. 2007) (Table 1).
2.1 CO Methodology
With recent advances in the field of MDO, it is possible to transfer the tradi-
tional vertical design process into horizontal process, enabling concurrent
analysis and design. Among many MDO methods, CO shown below (Fig. 2)
is recognized as suitable method to design and optimize multidisciplinary
coupling problems.
CO method consists of two-level optimization architecture. The subsystem
must satisfy all of their disciplinary constraints. To achieve its design task with
given target variables from the system, the subsystem can choose their local
variables freely. However, when there is not enough degree of freedom in
choosing local variables, the subspaces are also allowed to change their target
copies with minimum departure from their target variables. The task of the
system is to adjust the target variables so that all subspaces can achieve their
own task, while minimizing the system-level objective. When using this
method, it is very similar to the real work. Every department and expert of
different disciplines can do their own design and optimization separately
(Perez 2006).
At the system level (SL), the collaborative optimization objective is stated as:
min fxsl Subject toJi xsli ; xi xslij xij 2 "; i 1; ::::::; n (1)
where fxsl represents the system level objective function which is also the
design objective function. Ji represents the compatibility constraint for the i
th subsystem (of the total n subsystems) optimization problem and xi are the i th
subsystem design variables whose dimension is m. Variables with a superscript
asterisk indicate optimal values for the subsystem level optimization. Note that
the system level constraint assures simultaneous coordination of the coupled
disciplinary values.
The lower-level objective function is formulated such that it minimizes the
interdisciplinary discrepancy while meeting local disciplinary constraints. At
the disciplinary level, the i th subsystem optimization is stated as
min Ji xsli ; xi xslij xij 2 subject to gi xi 0 (2)
4 4
2 3
decreasing Y 0 decreasing
(a) (b)
Fig. 3 Process of CO
satisfy the constraint, we need to find the closest point to point 1 on the two
surfaces according to geometrical meaning of the equation (2). The result of this
step is point 2 and 3. Then in system level, the geometry meaning of the
constraint is two spheres. The optimal point is among the intersection of these
two spheres. We can get point 4 here that is closer to the optimal solution. Then
go on the iteration to get closer to and arrive at point 0 (Fig. 3(b)).
2.2 Advantages of CO
Major characteristics of CO are its bi-level and distributed structure. CO has
computational and organizational advantages, and these advantages can be
maximized when used for a large-scale design optimization consisting of a large
number of design variables and disciplines (Jun et al. 2004).
Collaborative optimization is formulated to remove direct communication
among disciplines, so as to guarantee disciplinary autonomy. Computationally,
decrease of direct communication among disciplines enables a reduction of
computational cost, especially in large-scale problems that require large
amount of data exchange at each iteration. Furthermore, each disciplines
analysis tools can be directly integrated with a specific optimization algorithm
without much modification. Organizationally, the collaborative optimization
architecture provides a natural fit to the current disciplinary expertise structure
found in most design organizations and used by most project teams.
2.3 Weaknesses of CO
From the above analysis, we know that the bi-level and distributed structure
allows CO to easily decompose MDO problem but also causes some unavoid-
able convergence difficulty in computation. Some alternate choices for the form
of subspace objectives, system constrains, and optimizers are discussed in
(DeMiguel, and Murray 2000).
Several ideas for modification have been explored which focus on alternating
choices for the form of interdisciplinary discrepancy. These modifications can
be categorized as following:
1. Loose system constraint method. The constraint in system level is equal
constraint which is ideal but very hard to satisfy. Robert Braun (Braun
et al., 1996) knows this problem from the beginning and proposed that we
should change the equal constraint to inequalityJi xsli ; xi s. The writer
has used this method to test a simple MDO problem and found that the
DONLP, LSGRG2 and SLP method all failed in the optimization because
they are emanative and could not find the optimal solution. For the value of
S, it cannot be so small because there will be a difference between xsli and xi
28 H. Wang et al.
so it can meet the subsystem level but cannot meet the system level. The S
cannot be big either because it is hard to meet this constraint in system level
Li Xiang
improved this method by using a dynamic factor
" l X1 X2 2 ; l 2 0:5; 1in inequality constraint instead of station-
ary factor (Xiang 2004).
2. Penalty function method. Angel-Victor DeMiguel and Walter Murray pro-
posed a new CO formulation called Modified Collaborative Optimization
(MCO) which uses penalty function instead of the quadratic penalty func-
tion used by Braun (DeMiguel, and Murray 2000).
3. The use of response surfaces to model the system constraints. I.P. Sobieskin
and I.M. Kroo had expounded two kinds of method used in CO and refine-
ment was performed using ideas from trust region methods (Sobieski and
Kroo 2000).
While in this paper we use response surfaces (RS) to modify the system
constrains. RS method is an approximation approach which is widely used in
MDO field.
Fx a0 bi xi cii x2i cij xi xj di x2i ei x4i (3)
i1 i1 1 i1 i1
N is the number of the model inputs
Xi is the set of model inputs Xi
a, b, c, d, e are the polynomial coefficients, the total number of coefficients is
(N+1)(N+2)/2+2 N.
the design states so that intelligent design decisions can be made. Primary
considerations in experimental design are as follows:
1. Number of experiments that can be performed (given cost and time
2. Values for the parameters in each experiment.
3. Proper interpretation of the results.
During every subsystem-level optimization we need to construct the
response surface function according to some experiment point. In our RSM
process, we use Central Composite Design (CCD). CCD is a statistically based
technique in which a 2-level full-factorial experiment is augmented with a
center point and two additional points for each factor (called star points).
Thus, five levels are defined for each factor, and to study n factors using CCD
requires 2n+2n+1 design point evaluations. Figure 4 shows the CCD points
for three factors.
The center and star points are added to acquire knowledge from regions of
the design space inside and outside the 2-level full-factorial points, allowing for
an estimation of higher order effects (curvature). The star point(s) are deter-
mined by defining a parameter which relates these points to the full-factorial
points by
Supper b u b a
Sslow b b l a
b = baseline design
l = lower factorial point
u = upper factorial point, l < b < u.
Jik a0 bi xi cii x2i cij xi xj di x2i ei x4i
i1 i1 1 i1 i1
4. According to formula 1 we can get the system level optimization problem is:
Min fxsl
Subject to
Jik a0 bi xi cii x2i cij xi xj di x2i ei x4i 0
i1 i1 1 i1 i1
5. Performs the system level optimization and get the new design variables
Aforementioned process executes literately until the whole system
B lu
Car body
ld O
From the formula above, we can consider that l is related to lu ,ld ,lk and lp .
The height of tire h is also in the function but we do not consider it as a design
variable. The slip displacement of wheel l should be not more than 5 mm, that
is l 5 mm. This is the allowable displacement of elastic deformation.
Fs a2
FA 3ld a=coslu ; lk
Fs a2 2
Mmax 3ld a2 4ald =coslu ; lk (7)
d d
where Wz ymax represents the flexural coefficient of the cross-section;
Iz denotes the moment of inertia to the neutral axis that is related to the
geometry of the cross-section; ymax represents the maximum displacement
from the point of stress tensor to the neutral axis. To the plastic deforma-
tion for ductile material such as metal, we use Von Mises yield criterion.
The von Mises yield criterion, as a function of the principal stresses, is
defined as:
1 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 2
In the formula, 1 ,2 ,3 , are fist, second, third principal stress and yield
stress. The cross-section G can be considered that only the first principal stress
works. The constraint is that maximum stress tensor is smaller than the yield
one1 d ld ;lu ;ldk ;a;dd 40.
To the upper wishbone CB, we can make the analysis similar to OA:
FB FA tan 3ld asinlu ; lk =cos2 lu ; lk
Fa2 lu
Mmax 3ld asinlu ; lk = cos2 lu ; lk (9)
u u
this kind of sharing model, the speed of design and optimization can be
improved significantly. In optimal cycle, we cannot run the CAD/CAE soft-
ware every time by Graphics User Interface (GUI). Instead of it, we execute
command files that automatically record every operation step, save the com-
mand flow at the first time, and modify them according to our need. The data
transmission among every step is shown in Fig. 8.
4.3 Result
Before the optimal process, we need to normalize the unit of every parameter
before we calculate the discrepancies of the disciplines. In the suspension
Collaborative Optimization and Application of Active Suspension 35
system, we use linear normalization to change the value to the domain from 0 to 1.
The calculation rule is as follows: Xn XXX min
max Xmin
Xn 2 0; 1
The initial and final value are XandXn . The normalization is preceded in the
step S5 and D3.With the collaborative design and hierarchy optimization, we
can get the optimal values listed in Table 2:
With the CO method, we can get the mass of the suspension deceased by
22.52%. The dynamic and structure performance of the system are greatly
36 H. Wang et al.
5 Conclusion
This paper summarizes the advantages and weakness when using CO method to
solve MDO problems. Bi-level structure and nonlinear system level constraint
makes CO hard to converge and even fail to find the optimal solution. Three
kinds of modifications of CO have been summarized and compared.
4-order response surface model was used in this paper to the application of
active suspension. The presented result showed that the CO coupling process
worked. The analysis and optimization models were simple enough to develop
the desired methodology without involving high computational load. If the
design variables become more and then we need more experiments and time
because it requires O(n2) function evaluations.
In the future, the complexity of models in each discipline will be increased to
analyze realistic active suspension models. Furthermore, a stronger coupling
will be developed by including the control effects of the hydraulic components
in hydraulic and control disciplines. Finally, several decomposition will be
implemented on the active suspension design process and products that are
more comprehensive can be undertaken.
Alexandrov, N.M. and Lewis, R.M (2000) Analytical and Computational Aspects of Colla-
borative Optimization, NASA TM 2000-210104.
Braun, R., Gage, P., Kroo, I. and Sobieski I. (1996) Implement and performance issues in
collaborative optimization, NASA, and ISSMO. In 6th Symposium on Multidiscilinary
Analysis and Optimization, Bellevue, WA.
Budianto, I. and Olds, J.R. (2004) Design and deployment of a satellite constellation using
collaborative optimization. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, vol. 41(6), pp. 956963.
Collaborative Optimization and Application of Active Suspension 37
Michael Grieves
1 Introduction
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) appears to be a new and different
approach to product information. As a defined term and acronym, Product
Lifecycle Management and PLM are new. However, on closer examination,
PLM is really a back-to-the future concept.
PLM trades information for physical resources, specifically wasted time,
energy, and material. This is not a new concept. Humans have attempted to
do this for as long as they have had the capacity to reason and remember.
However, this ability to reason and remember was on an individual effort and
limited by the capabilities of the human brain. It only worked on a small scale.
M. Grieves (*)
Product Lifecycle Management Center of Excellence, Purdue University Discovery
Park, Burton Morgan Building, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907
However limited this ability, humans did concern themselves with the lifecycles
of their artifacts or, as I will refer to them, their products. Humans created products.
They built those products. They maintained those products in good working order.
When those products outlived their useful life, humans disposed of them.
Because for the most part, humans relied on mental representations that they
maintained within their own memory, this model worked under limited conditions.
The products were simple. The numbers of products were small. The products
remained in close physical proximity to the product producers.
Product proximity was necessary. Information is an intrinsic characteristic of
a product. Length, width, weight, and composition, to name some of information
characteristics that products contain, are embedded within a product. Humans
could and did extract that information in order to be more efficient in using
physical resources. However, except for the memory of humans and their notes
and sketches, information about the product did not exist independent of the
physical product itself.
The ability to strip and record this embedded product information took a long
time to develop, but did get increasingly better. Standards of measurement and
instruments to perform such measurements, blueprints, and detailed product
descriptions represented product information that was embedded into the pro-
duct. However, it was only with computers and communication technology
development in the last half of the 20th century that product information could
not only be fully described but also could be dynamically manipulated regardless
of proximity to the actual product.
This opened up the possibility of linking a physical product with the information
about that product. This stripping, modeling, and linking of product information
on computers virtualizes the physical product. The Information Mirror Model
(IMM) is conceptually related to mental representations of humans. However, it
is richer, more extensive, more precise, and can be shared.
The global nature of the Internet makes this virtualized model available to
anyone independent of their geographical location and proximity to the physical
product itself. This linking of the physical product with its virtual equivalent
throughout the life of the product with the purpose of minimizing the waste of
physical resources is the basis for Product Lifecycle Management or PLM.
2 Defining PLM
Product Lifecycle Management and its acronym are literally 21st century creations.
If a search by ABI Inform for industry or academic articles about PLM as Product
Lifecycle Management before the year 2000 is done, the results are that there are no
articles found. While as discussed elsewhere (Grieves 2006), PLM came about as
other technologies and concepts, such as Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Com-
puter-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), and Product Data Management (PDM)
were integrated into a product-centric view of product information over the life of
the product.
Product Lifecycle Management and the Virtualization of Product Information 41
While there was some usage of the term by software vendors and information
system analysts at the beginning of the century, one of the first periodicals to
attempt to define Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) was CIO Magazine. The
article, Theres a New App in Town (Stackpole 2003), was a seminal article
about PLM. It was the first time an executive-oriented magazine featured Product
Lifecycle Management as a topic that the executive suite should be interested in.
The definition in its present form was developed for my first book on
Product Lifecycle Management (Grieves 2006), although elements appeared
in a previous paper (Grieves 2005). There are some other definitions of Product
Lifecycle Management that differ, and some that differ very radically, from the
definition that I will present here. However, I would argue that the practitioners
in the field would generally agree that this definition captures what most people
familiar with Product Lifecycle Management would consider when thinking
about PLM.
The definition for PLM is as follows:
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is an integrated, information-driven approach
comprised of people, processes/practices, and technology to all aspects of a products life,
from its design through manufacture, deployment and maintenanceculminating in the
products removal from service and final disposal. By trading product information for
wasted time, energy, and material across the entire organization and into the supply
chain, PLM drives the next generation of lean thinking.
While there are many interesting implications of this definition, the focus of
this chapter will be on the why an integrated information approach has rele-
vance to the four phases of a products life, namely the create, build, support,
and dispose phases, and what a model for such an approach would look like.
Any discussion of virtualization needs to start with the rationale for doing so. It
has only been fairly recently that economists have recognized the economic value
and difference of information as compared to other resources (Warsh 2006). The
concept of trading atoms for bits has been proposed before (Negroponte 1995).
However, the rationale for doing so has not always been made clear. It often
appears that going digital is goal in itself. However, there should be a better
rationale than that.
For PLM, it is in the definitional phrase stated above, By trading product
information for wasted time, energy, and material across the entire organization
and into the supply chain, PLM drives the next generation of lean thinking.
Lean thinking is the idea that we minimize the use of physical resources in the
four cycles of the products life: create, build, support, and dispose.
We do this by using information about the product or what we will call the
virtualized product to reduce the use of wasted time, energy, and material. We
42 M. Grieves
cannot eliminate all usage of time, energy, and material. PLM is about physical
products that are atom-based. Material has to be moved, shaped, assembled,
repaired, and disposed of. However, we can attempt to minimize the amount of
resources to do those tasks. The resources above that minimum are by defini-
tion waste.
There are many, many examples that illustrate the waste of resources that
occurs during the products lifecycle: redesigning parts that already exist;
manufacturing parts that do not fit together at assembly; ordering repair
parts that are not the right part which is discovered only when the product
has been disassembled; digging parts out of a landfill because they are toxic and
should have been disposed of differently.
Time, energy, material, and information are not directly comparable. Three
of them, time, energy, and material, are quantifiable, but have different units of
measurement. However, we do have a mechanism to equate them. That
mechanism is the costing function. We can apply the cost of each unit of
measure times the quantity of measurement to arrive at a common unit of
comparison, cost in dollars.
Information is more difficult to deal with. Unlike time, energy, and material,
information is not a rival good. The cost of information is not in its application
since the use of information does not diminish it. However, there is a cost in
collecting, organizing, and transmitting information. For purposes of this
analysis, the costs of the resources and computer and communications equip-
ment to do this collecting, organizing, and transmitting over the life of a specific
task can serve as a proxy for the costs of information.
Figure 1 is illustrative of this substitution of information for wasted time,
energy, and material. In this figure, the two bars represent the costs of any
designated task involved with a products lifecycle. The task could be the
designing of a part that has certain functionality. It could be the manufacture
and assembly of that part. It could be the repair of that part when it ceases to
function correctly.
The bottom parts of the two bars are identical. They represent the most
efficient use of time, energy, and material to perform the task in question. For
designing the part, the bottom part of the bar represents the minimum amount
of resources it would take to create a part that met the functional requirements
if one had the ability to evaluate all possible approaches. For the manufacturing
and support tasks, the same analysis would apply evaluating all possible
approaches and choosing the one (or ones if there were multiple, equal solu-
tions) that minimized the use time, energy, and material.
The top part of the left bar represents the costs of resources that are used in
excess of the minimum. It represents the resources used in designing the part
and testing it only to find that it does not quite meet the requirements, necessi-
tating redesign and retesting. It represents rework in manufacturing the part so
that two components fit properly together. It represents having to dissemble
and reassemble the part in for repair because wiring was not connected in the
proper sequence.
The top part of the right bar represents the cost of information that replaces
the wasted resources of the task. It is engineering information that predicts that
a design will meet specific requirements. It is a manufacturing simulation that
produces a process so that rework is not required. It is a step-by-step repair
procedure that eliminates the need for disassembly and reassembly.
For purposes of illustration, the cost of information reflected in the right bar
is less than the cost of wasted time, energy, and material. For simple tasks, a
trial-and-error approach may be less costly than collecting, organizing, and
transferring information. However, for complex tasks and repeatable tasks, it is
fairly self evident that the relationship of information being less costly than
wasting time, energy, and material holds true. Learning or experience curves,
lean manufacturing (Womack, Jones, et al. 1990), and the Toyota Production
System (Liker 2004) are all based on trading information for wasted time,
energy, and material.
It is also important to note that this is an idealized representation. For
complex tasks, there is no way to know the task method(s) that uses the minimum
amount of resources. Information will only be a replacement for some of the
wasted time, energy, and material. There still may be some wasted resources.
The lifecycle of a product is made up of a number of tasks. When looking at
the trade-off of information for wasted time, energy, and material, the sum of the
tradeoffs must be done over the life of the product. If the cost of the resource for a
task is given by C(x), with x being Information (I), wasted Time (Tw), wasted
Energy (Ew), wasted Material (Mw), then for this substitution of Information to
make economical sense, the sum of the information needs to be less than the sum
of the wasted time, energy, and material (C(I) < C(Tw, Ew, Mw) over all these
It is also important to note that different views of the product lifecycle will
yield different results. If product producers only consider the tasks necessary to
create and build the product, their calculation of costs may differ considerably
than if costs of supporting and disposing the product are taken into considera-
tion. The trend due to legal and regulatory pressures is for product producers to
take a broader view of their responsibility.
44 M. Grieves
4 Back-to-the-Future
The coming of the Industrial Age and the ability to mass produce diminished
the focus and the ability of product producers to concern themselves with the
entire lifecycle of a product. As pointed out by Adam Smith (Smith and Jenkins
1948) in his pin factory example, division of labor was a method of reducing the
resources required to produce a given quantity of products.
While this division of labor increased productivity due in part to a substitution
of information for time, energy, and material, there was a loss in information
about the product as a whole. Product information became siloed in functional
areas such as engineering or manufacturing. However, as products became more
complex to create, build, and support, the requirement to have a product-centric
view of product information became more compelling. However, until computer
and communications technologies developed sufficiently, it simply was not
As humans, we have been able to create virtual spaces in our minds as far back
as there is history. While imperfect and transient, we have the ability to create
virtual spaces and control what happens in those spaces. This is the process we
know as imagining (Casey 1976). We can build representations of the real world
and change these representations either as things change in the real world, or as
we postulate things could change.
Drawing in the dirt was probably our first mechanism to share our virtual
space. However, langue was and is our main mechanism to share these private
virtual spaces. Rearranging atoms (dirt, clay, papyrus, ink and paper) gave both
our drawings and writings permanence, albeit in static form and with some
forms less permanent than others. The advent of computers allowed for
dynamic spaces that could be shared on a local basis by all connected to that
particular computer system.
The advent of computers also created a virtual space that possessed inde-
pendent processing capabilities and therefore could be dynamic. Communica-
tions technology allowed this virtual space to be shared by individuals in
geographically diverse locations. The Internet took communications to the
level of ubiquity where anyone anywhere in the world could access and interact
with the shared virtual space.
The constraints or limitations with earlier computer systems were such that their
representations of the real world were constrained by the state of computing
technology to only a very limited amount of information about real world objects.
This necessitated substantial abstraction to only the coarsest characteristics. For
48 M. Grieves
example, early computerized information about a part consisted of its part number
and limited amount of characteristics such as dimensions, color, weight, etc.
In addition, manipulations were limited by processing power. Even if real
world objects could be described sufficiently, the processing power to do anything
useful was unavailable. For example, in the 1970s, the mathematical calculations
required to rotate even a simple geometric representation required dedicating a
multi-million dollar mainframe computer.
Thanks to Moores law and its corollaries in computer storage and commu-
nication bandwidth, these limitations have reached the threshold where computing
systems can accommodate a desired functionality with respect both to mirroring
the description of complex objects and to manipulating them. Mathematical
descriptions of parts geometries are such that they can directly drive manufactur-
ing machinery to create functional parts without human intervention. In addition,
these complex objects can be combined to form even more complex objects with the
correct spatial orientations within the context of their use. This was and is a shared
space where an object could be created and manipulated. Multiple people could
agree on its interpretation because they all see and understand the same thing.
However, it was not until the global diffusion of the Internet that easily
shared, universally accessible virtual spaces were made possible. Prior to the
Internet and World Wide Web becoming readily accessible, the ability to link
multiple individuals into this shared space, especially if separated geographically,
was technically challenging and very expensive. Connections to this shared space
took planning and dedicated communications resources. The Internet enabled
nearly anyone with access to a computer and communication line to access these
shared spaces.
Per the IMM, this shared space implies a singularity of information. Unlike
real space, it is almost costless to reproduce and manipulate copies of data
objects. While a powerful advantage of virtual spaces, multiple copies can also
be a source of waste and inefficiency. In engineering design, multiple copies can
lead to wasted work being done on old versions of the object. In support, it can
lead to multiple copies of the product that reflect different components that
can only be resolved by expensive physical inspection.
Where there is a corresponding physical object, the issue of singularity of
information is obvious: the virtual space mirrors the physical space. The issue
does arise where there is no physical equivalent as in the create phase. In fact, an
advantage of PLM is to forego the costs of developing physical prototypes and
do as much work in designing and testing digitally and virtually. In this case, the
people dealing in the creation phase need to treat their virtual object as if it did
have a single, physical equivalent. This representation has been called the
controlling virtual object (Grieves 2006, p. 78). Failure to observe this con-
vention can easily result in incompatible work being done on different versions
of what should be the same virtual object. The result is wasted resources in
diagnosing the situation and substantial recovery and rework.
Where real space has only a single, unique existence, virtual spaces can be
duplicated. As indicated in Fig. 2, these subspaces (VS1 . . . VSn) can be used
Product Lifecycle Management and the Virtualization of Product Information 49
recreate the shared virtual space in order perform individual work on products.
Different configurations and simulations of those configurations can be per-
formed in these private subspaces without affecting the shared space.
While a subspace may be identical to the shared space, any activity taking
place is independent of the shared space. The results of any work done in these
subspaces can be moved to shared space and become a controlling virtual object
only under the conditions specified by the owner of the shared virtual space.
The simulations afforded by these subspaces allow for much more experiment-
ing and testing than can be done in real space. As computers become more
powerful, more testing will be done via virtual subspaces. While physical testing,
such as crash testing, will continue to take place, it will be done not as testing but
as validation of the virtual tests that have taken place in virtual space.
Once virtual spaces are able to be built, accessed, and manipulated, the key to
IMM and consequently to PLM is the ability to link the virtual space to its real
space or physical counterpart. This is what will allow PLM to have real utility.
It is the ability to access the virtual representation of an item and know that it
substantially mirrors the state of the real world object.
To make full use of virtual spaces, linking mechanisms are required in both
directions. Data must be collected and transmitted from real space to virtual
space where it is organized into information. That information must be acces-
sible and available in real space. In both cases, this currently is a human-
intensive activity. With the exception of process control systems, the interface
between the real and virtual spaces has primarily been humans coding and
entering data and requesting information via tactile devices, such as keyboards,
touch screens, mice, graphical tablets, etc.
This means that the create phase has advanced and will continue to advance
rapidly. The creation of a physical product requires that the designer first create a
virtual product. The technologies that exist, while not of Minority Report science
fiction quality, do a sufficient job of capturing designs originating in real space and
will continue to improve. Displaying those designs back to the designers and their
colleagues in full scale (Power Walls) and in 3-D statically and even dynamically
(caves and interactive caves) also exist and are advancing. Creating physical objects
directly from this information via various technologies such as stereolithography
and laser/powder metal forming is feasible and advancing.
In the manufacturing phase, capturing the data on the creation of physical
products (as-builts) and building mirrored virtual products is occurring
slowly. The three components required to do this are: a) physical measurement
and capture equipment such as Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs) and
sensor equipped machinery; b) data collection and consolidation software; c)
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) to organize and store the virtual
50 M. Grieves
6 Summary
Casey, E. S. (1976). Imagining: A phenomenological study. Bloomington, Indiana University
Grieves, M. (2005). Product Lifecycle Management: the new paradigm for enterprises. Int.
J. Product Development 2(Nos. 1/2): 7184.
Grieves, M. (2006). Product lifecycle management: Driving the next generation of lean thinking.
New York, McGraw-Hill.
Grieves, M. W. (2000). Business is war: An investigation into metaphor use in Internet and
non-Internet IPOs. Weatherhead School of Management. Cleveland, Case Western
Reserve University: 219.
Lakoff, G. and M. Johnson (1980). Metaphors we live by. Chicago, University of Chicago
Lakoff, G. and M. Johnson (1999). Philosophy in the flesh: The embodied mind and its
challenge to Western thought. New York, Basic Books.
Latour, B. (1999). Pandoras hope: Essays on the reality of science. Cambridge, Mass.,
Harvard University Press.
Liker, J. K. (2004). The Toyota way: 14 management principles from the worlds greatest
manufacturer. New York, McGraw-Hill.
Negroponte, N. (1995). Being digital. New York, Knopf.
Smith, A. and A. H. Jenkins (1948). Adam Smith today: An inquiry into the nature and causes of
the wealth of nations. New York, R.R. Smith.
Stackpole, B. (2003). Theres a New App in Town. CIO Magazine: 92101.
Warsh, D. (2006). Knowledge and the wealth of nations: A story of economic discovery.
New York, W.W. Norton.
Womack, J. P., D. T. Jones, et al. (1990). The machine that changed the world: Based on the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5-million dollar 5-year study on the future of the
automobile. New York, Rawson Associates.
Measuring the Impact of Product Lifecycle
Management: Process Plan, Waste Reduction
and Innovations Conceptual Frameworks,
and Logic Model for Developing Metrics
Cynthia Tomovic, Abram Walton, Lisa Ncube, Michael Grieves, Ben Birtles,
and Brandon Bednar
1 Introduction
C. Tomovic (*)
Darden College of Education, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, 23529, USA
and retirement from use (Miller 2005). Today more than ever before, if compa-
nies are to sustain a competitive advantage, they must exploit their innovative
capabilities or develop such capabilities to address the disruptive effects of
emerging technologies, customization demands, new market entrants, shorter
product life cycles, geopolitical instability, and market globalization (Muller
et al. 2005).
As PLM transforms the way companies do business, it is important that
companies understand how well they are doing, that is, whether or not PLM is
making a difference in their operations and to their bottom line. In recent years
there has been a major change in how business performance is measured. While
traditional performance measures include net income, operating income,
revenue, and while these measures will always be relevant and important in
determining profitability and successes of an organization, the role played by
project theory in developing, operating and evaluating projects is being recog-
nized (Barchan 1999).
Projects in general, but PLM projects in particular, tend to be complex
projects consisting of many different interlocking components. The failure to
pay attention to all phases of product lifecycle, particularly the end of the
lifecycle when sales dip and administrative costs soar, can result in a negative
impact on business performance (Marien 2006).
After having invested millions of dollars in technological infrastructure,
training and support, senior level executives are anxious to see reliable data
supporting their investments in PLM. Moreover, without knowing the bottom
line impact of PLM on cost-savings and revenue-generation, executives are
unable to accurately estimate the level of risk associated with future PLM
investments. The primary focus of this chapter is to suggest a PLM Process
Plan, PLM Waste Reduction and Innovation Conceptual Frameworks, and a
PLM Logic Model for Developing Metrics to guide organizations as they define
the process and the metrics used to measure how effectively they are PLMing.
Businesses need to develop and follow a PLM Process Plan (Fig. 1). For every
company, there must be clear and compelling reasons to engage in PLM. It is
critical that companies consult their own strategic plan and question how PLM
can help them achieve their particular goals. In essence, businesses should first
conduct a benefits appraisal. By focusing on the goals and potential benefits,
companies will less likely focus on technology alone and instead come to see
PLM as a total system involving people, processes/practices, and technology.
Even in the early stages of considering PLM, it is important that companies
begin to think about what metrics to embrace; so that they can later measure
actual benefits achieved from the PLM related solutions deployed (CIMdata
2002). Once having consulted the strategic plan and determined on which goals
Measuring the Impact of Product Lifecycle Management 55
to focus, and once defined appropriate metrics, including baselines and targets
for each metric, the next step is to define the methodology to collect the data.
Finally, procedures should be defined as to how data should be fed back into the
system to ensure that the PLM solution is delivering expected benefits, thus,
contributing to the cycle of continuous improvements as it relates to the PLM
initiative (Deming 1993).
race, and each had hopes of capturing the others market share. Due to version
control issues, Airbus ended up billions of dollars and years behind their target
(Duvall and Bartholomew 2007). Boeing, on the other hand, escaped this pitfall
by having maintained tighter version control.
As many other engineering and manufacturing based companies are learning to
traverse the world of PLM implementation, they are finding that there are vast
opportunities for PLM initiatives. With American companies facing issues such as
global warming, rising fuel costs, and increased global competition, pioneering
companies are finding innovative ways to address and capitalize on these new
challenges. Engineers from around the globe who pool their information to design
better products are engaged in follow-the-sun strategies, e.g. finding innovative
ways to reduce vehicle emissions, reduce vehicle weights, increase gas mileage, all
while increasing brand recognition and passenger safety (Kriz 2007).
Since implementing PLM, GM has saved thousands of hours and reallocated
their savings to improving product safety. Today, GM will simulate 175 crash
tests for every 1 full-vehicle crash test (Brown 2007). Not only are companies
simulating more prototypes and tests, but the simulations are vastly more
complicated than those prior to PLM technologies. Simulated computer models
could solve 1,000 equations simultaneously, prior to PLM, while today they can
solve over 30 million equations (Brown 2007). This level of complexity allows
engineers to analyze crash results in frames of 100th of a second.
These types of innovations coupled with a corporations willingness to invest
in PLM and undertake the more challenging opportunities are proving to be
lucrative and environmentally friendly. In an effort to reduce their impact on
global warming by decreasing new vehicle emissions, Toyota and BMW
designed cars with fewer emissions which received the attention of many new
customers and improved their market share. John DeCicco suggests that efforts
such as these are a clear example of innovative designs paying off for the
bottom line and the environment (Thomas 2007, p. 1).
PLM users require product knowledge at each particular product phase and
access to product information throughout the entire product lifecycle. Sections
3.1.1 through 3.1.3 describes the PLM elements (Grieves 2006) on which the
proposed PLM Waste Reduction Conceptual Framework is based (Fig. 2).
3.1.1 People
A commitment to supporting people by educating them is essential to effective
information flow. As with any change implemented at the organizational level,
willingness to guide people through the transitional period can mean the
difference between success and failure (Bridges 2003). With significant
resources already invested in a technological infrastructure it would be foolish
not to help employees change their current paradigm with regard to both how to
access and how to communicate within a system of information.
Within a traditional organization, established lines of communication sel-
dom follow a product or service through the product lifecycle. Departments
tend to act independently of one another, handing off a completed module at
the end of a departments value-adding process. Establishing clear lines of
communication between departments and facilitating real time communica-
tions clearly affects peoples behavior and will necessitate a change if increases
in productivity are to be realized.
Supporting a culture where information is shared instead of being guarded
during a products lifecycle is paramount to PLM success (Bridges 2003). An
organization can capitalize on identifying potential errors when they exist in
virtual space instead of scraping products due to errors at the manufacturing
phase. Recognizing errors earlier in the process requires employees to develop a
greater sense of trust. It also requires that each department be involved in the
entire lifecycle of a product.
Ways in which to think about the potential impact of PLM on waste reduction
with regard to time, energy, and materials across people might include: time
time to complete product cycle; expect a reduction in product cycle time as
upstream changes can be communicated immediately to persons downstream
such that changes can be accommodated without delay; energy energy used to
support meetings; expect a reduction in energy required to support people in face
to face meetings as they begin to work in virtual space; materials number of times
raw material is delivered correctly to each person in the manufacturing process,
expect an increase in the number of correct times raw materials are correctly
distributed to each person in the manufacturing process as the pull-system can be
simulated and adjusted based on actual sales figures versus historical data.
A simple yet useful distinction between processes and practices are that
processes are input and routine driven, while practices are output or results
driven. With processes, the output or result is the results of applying the
specified routines or processes to the defined inputs. With practices, the desired
result or output is attempted to be obtained by selecting inputs and routines
from the universe of all possible inputs and routines.
The information requirements for processes and practices differ consider-
ably. With processes, the information needed is only that input that is called for
by the routines or processes. With practices, all information that is relevant, and
maybe even information that appears irrelevant, needs to be made available so
that the practitioner can explore as many potential situations as possible to
yield the desired results.
With the advent of a PLM system, members can work together in real time
on digital models. A change in design can be immediately communicated to
engineering, who in turn can adjust component requirements, which is commu-
nicated to purchasing and budgeting. Since these changes are happening con-
currently, the representative of each department can focus on their tasks as they
relate to the entire product. Due to the transparency of the PLM process,
employees will be less likely to inadvertently duplicate one anothers work
(CIMdata 2003a, b).
Accessibility to internet databases becomes more important as virtual design
and testing become a part of accepted business practices. With an adequate
computing system and access to the internet, team members no longer need to
be in close physical proximity (Friedman 2006). The ability to collaborate from
a distance reduces costs in gathering a product team in one location and allows
organizational leaders more flexibility when making decisions involving staff-
ing and team composition (CIMdata 2006).
Ways in which to think about the potential impact of PLM on waste reduc-
tion with regard to time, energy, and materials across processes/practices might
include: time number of times designs are reused, expect a reduction in time as
engineers build and store a digital catalogue of parts which may be reused in
future product designs; energy amount of energy required to sustain a manu-
facturing line, expect a reduction in energy used to run a manufacturing line as
alternative subassembly arrangements may be virtually created and consulted
with regard to energy use in advance of building the actual manufacturing
process; materials amount of inventory, expect a reduction in inventory as the
sharing of information in an information core should better support the timing
of purchasing decisions.
3.1.3 Technology
A solid technological infrastructure must be in place to support the demands of
a meta-database that can provide real time access to information by all mem-
bers of a project team. With the emergence of information technology, such as
the Internet and high-speed fiber-optic data transfer, organizations have been
Measuring the Impact of Product Lifecycle Management 59
able to share ideas, transfer designs, and stimulate collaboration among depart-
ments with increasing ease. Limitations such as geographic proximity to other
team members have become much smaller barriers now that data can be shared
in virtual space (Friedman 2006). By substituting data bits for physical objects,
huge reductions in time and resources can be realized.
A lifelike rendering of the product must be presented to members of various
departments if they wish to virtually manipulate product capabilities. To do
this, programs such as CAD/CAM have been created. CAD/CAM and similar
programs greatly enhance the effectiveness of engineers and allow organiza-
tions to inexpensively move their planning and design functions to geographical
regions that offer comparatively inexpensive technical designers and data
analysts (CIMdata 2003a, b; Engardio 2007).
One of the areas most able to benefit from this new technology is destructive
product testing (Grieves 2006). If a product must be destroyed to test its static
or dynamic load limits, significant costs will be incurred during the design and
testing phase. Destructive testing costs limit the amount of testing that can be
conducted. If a digital model can be tested, prior to physical testing, then many
of the incompatibilities of early designs can be resolved. Furthermore, if a
digital model can be housed in virtual space, where members of each product
lifecycle phase have access to it, an additional savings in time can be achieved as
the team members are able to work concurrently, instead of consecutively
(Gould 2003).
In the last two decades, better information systems have allowed the automotive
business to grow in the billions of dollars (IBM 2004). More efficient information
systems have resulted in a reduction of wasted time, energy, and material and
allows for the sharing of increased product-based information. According to one
study, engineers and designers find information about ninety percent faster in
digital environments than in non-digital environments (IBM 2004).
Ways in which to think about the potential impact of PLM on waste reduc-
tion with regard to time, energy, and materials across technology might include:
time time to locate information, expect a reduction in time to locate informa-
tion as it would take less time to access data in an information core than in
potentially multiple personal hard copy or electronic files; energy amount of
energy spent in distribution of parts to subassemblies, expect a reduction in
energy due to better factory layout designs than by physical trial and error;
and materials amount of scrap used in testing, expect a reduction in scrap due to
increased use of virtual testing versus physical testing.
Assuming wasted resources (time, energy, and materials) are captured; the
opportunity to reallocate these resources to innovation is available. In essence,
resources can be reallocated in support of product quality improvement and/or
60 C. Tomovic et al.
manner, there should be a one to one correspondence between the data that
describes and is stored about a particular product and the physical reality of
that product.
Singularity Much like in version or document control, singularity refers to
the identification and agreement on which version of the product informa-
tion everyone is working. The issue of controlled versions is critical. In the
case when a product is tangible, data about that product can be readily
assessed, verified, and documented. However, in the case of a virtual pro-
duct, there has to be system by which changes from one version of a product
file to the next version can be tracked and catalogued. In this manner, the
cataloguing feature of an information core helps to prevent the potential for
wasted time, e.g., the time individuals erroneously spend on working off an
older version of a product data file.
Correspondence Refers to the linkage between a physical object and the
data that describes that object. If one begins with a tangible product,
correspondence is largely an exercise in data extraction, e.g., developing
the methodology and technology that allows the physical features of a
product to be coded, catalogued, and digitally shared. Even in the case of a
virtual product, the data that is extracted about the virtual product should
permit the complete physical build-out of that virtual product. The concept
of start or smart parts is dependent upon a one to one correspondence
between the virtual product and its component parts in the physical world.
Because engineers can fully understand the constitution of a product and its
parts, be it virtual or physical, they can choose to start with a pre-existing
part that will serve their purposes, versus wasting the time and energy
required to design and create a redundant new part.
Cohesion Refers to the ability to reconcile different representations of a
product and its parts, depending on the perspective, e.g., mechanical, elec-
trical, three-dimensional, etc. The concern here is not with just the represen-
tation of the product and its parts, but the potential impact a change in one
perspective may have on another, e.g., the impact of a change in the electrical
perspective on the mechanical perspective. Given the new generation of
software development, changes in one perspective may automatically create
changes in the remaining perspectives, thereby potentially reducing time and
energy wasted. Time required to reconcile multiple versions of a bill of
materials (BOM) may soon be a thing of the past.
Traceability Refers to the ability to follow the developmental path of a
product over time due to it having been documented. Digitized data over time
allows one to run and re-run tests over multiple virtual products, from which
multiple analyses can be conducted. Start and smart parts, for example, would
have already been tested and the results of their tests would be traceable. In
this manner, time, energy and materials can be saved. Additionally, given the
increases in lawsuits, product liability cases, and claims of violations of
governmental regulations, traceability is important in a companys defense.
62 C. Tomovic et al.
The model (Fig. 5) combines two views on innovation. It provides the perspec-
tive for a suite of potential metrics that help assess and develop a companys
capacity for PLM (Muller et al. 2005).
The various components of the model include:
Inputs/resources addresses the allocation of resources to effect the balance
optimization (tactical investment in the existing business) and innovation
(strategic investment in new businesses) (Simmons 2000). The resource
inputs include capital, labor, and time.
Measuring the Impact of Product Lifecycle Management 63
5 Summary
The goal of this chapter is to provide a PLM Process Plan, PLM Waste
Reduction and Innovations Conceptual Frameworks, and a PLM Logic
Model for Developing Metrics for organizations interested in assessing how
well they are PLMing. As previously discussed, many organizations have yet
to implement PLM fully as the question of return on investments remains
elusive. As a normal course of business, executives must justify their current
and future PLM investments as a function of organizational performance. Since
2001, a number of businesses have launched a PLM initiative based on the
Measuring the Impact of Product Lifecycle Management 65
Acknowledgment The authors would like to acknowledge the Center for Advanced Manu-
facturing and the Product Lifecycle Center for Excellence, Purdue University for their support
of this ongoing research.
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Jackson, Tennessee
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tional Herald Tribune.
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CIMdata (2006) Product lifecycle management. Accessed 1 June 2006
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Gould LS (2003) The ABCs of PLM. Automotive design & production
Grieves M (2006) Product Lifecycle Management: Driving the Next Generation of Lean
Thinking. The McGraw-Hill Co., Inc., New York
Harbour JL (1997) The basics of performance measurement. Productivity Press, Portland, Oregon
IBM (2004) Integral Power train: Driving down the time and cost of power train engineering
with PLM. IBM Eurocoordination, Paris, France
Kriz M (2007) Hot Opportunities. National Journal Insiders Poll.
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Marien EJ (2006) Meeting the product lifecycle challenge. Supply Chain Manage Rev
McLaughlin JA, Jordan GB (1999) Logic models: A tool for telling your program performance
story. Eval and Program Plan 22:6572
Miller E (2005) Innovation: A key to competitiveness. COE NewsNet.
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Muller A, Valikangas L, et al. (2005) Metrics for innovation: guidelines for developing a
customized suite of innovation. Strategy & Leadersh 33(10):3745
Nakabayashi S (2000). The Japanese version of product cycle management: Adoption, adaptation
and application of ZOPP A comparison analysis of methods and methodologies. Working
Paper Series No. 319. Institute of Social Studies. The Hague, The Netherlands
PTC (2004) PTC Executive briefing PTC Aerospace and Defense. The definition and imple-
mentation of PLM technologies. Accessed 10 September 2007
Savaya R, Waysman M (2005) The logic model: A tool for incorporating theory in development
and evaluation of programs. Adm in Soc Work 29:8591
Simmons R (2000) Performance measurement & control systems for implementing strategy.
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
Stark J (2004) Product Lifecycle Management: 21st century Paradigm for Product Realisation.
Springer, New York
Symmonds M (2005) PLM Metrics. Boeing Technology, Seattle, Washington
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Associated Press.
Accessed 7 September 2007
UGS (2007) Best Practice Brief. Accessed 15 February 2007
Kellogg W K (1998) Foundation. Evaluation Handbook. Accessed
10 September 2007
Reliability-Based Collaborative Design Platform
for Hydraulic Actuation System
S. Wang (*)
School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University,
37#Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100083, China
1 Introduction
With the increasing of the demand for the high reliability and safety, more and
more engineering designers think much of reliability-based design and multi-
disciplinary design optimization (MDO) when they develop a complex system.
However, direct integration of reliability-based design and MDO may present
tremendous implementation and numerical difficulties (Agarwal et al. 2003).
How to design a complex product with integrated optimization in design
process considering the reliability is an important problem demanding urgent
solution. Especially to the complex control system, its performance is related to
the structure, dynamics, frequency width, power matching and reliability whose
integrated performance depends on several disciplines such as mechanics, kine-
matics, dynamics, cybernetics and reliability, so reliability-based MDO facil-
itates considering the multidisciplinary design to achieve the integrated
performance optimization. Whereas the traditional design of control system
always concerns some disciplines while ignores others, it may lead to design
conflict among different disciplines. For example, traditional engineering
design of aircraft actuation system is carried out on static parameters (cylinder
geometric size, servo valve and hydraulic power selection) and dynamic perfor-
mance (frequency width, amplifier coefficient and control parameters), but it
seldom considers its weight, cost and reliability. If the initial designed para-
meters can not meet the requirement of other disciplines, the compensating
redesign process likely results in waste of resources and extension of the design
cycle, and frequently pushes to the limits of design constraint boundaries, leav-
ing little or no room to accommodate uncertainties in system design. So the
field of MDO has seen rapid advancement from uni-discipline design (Xiaoping
et al. 2008) in mission definition stage, conceptual design phase and preliminary
design phase that can aid system engineers to identify interactions among
different disciplines and improve integrated performance of comprehensive
product. MDO allows designers to incorporate all relevant disciplines simulta-
neously since it can exploit the interactions between the disciplines (Michael
et al. 2004). Practically, it is really difficult to realize multidisciplinary optimi-
zation for comprehensive product design because participating disciplines are
intrinsically linked to one another. Furthermore, such an integrated implemen-
tation is also subjected to complexities introduced as a result of a large number
of design variables and constraints.
Several approaches for MDO have been developed during the 1990s, all of
which had as an objective the coordination of the interacting disciplines during
the design optimization process (Bennet et al. 1997). At the same time, the
increasing concentration on economic factors and the attributes known as the
Reliability-Based Collaborative Design Platform 69
Input the
Requirement Engineering
Is There any N
Reliability Distibution
Standard Scheme?
Fulfill the N Hydraulic System Reliability
Performance ? System Modeling
Simulation by Prediction Optimization
by Matlab
AMEsim by Relex
Y Fulfill the Performance? N
Virtual Reliability
Prototype Assessing
Since the performance of complex hydraulic servo system depends upon several
disciplines which interact and conflict each other sometimes, the collaborative
design platform should support the multi-discipline design software, assemble
the subsystem with appropriate interface and manage the different kind of data
effectively. In hydraulic control system, servo valve and cylinder is typical
mechanical product whose performance depends on mechanics, dynamics and
reliability. A solution of integrated design is put forward based on Pro/E,
ANSYS, ADAMS and NESSUS, in which the 3D model is firstly designed
with CAD software package Pro/E according to static performance of hydrau-
lic servo system. Then transfer the designed geometrical parameters in *.igs
document to ANSYS to carry out the structural finite element analysis that
provides the automatic command flow recording function with generating
*.lgw document. Meanwhile, ADAMS can load the 3D model through the
*.igs file to analyze its dynamics. Considering the product parameters are not
necessarily deterministic, the reliability design software, named NESSUS, is
adopted to perform probabilistic analysis for designed structure. As a result of
command flow from ANSYS, we can get the determinate design parameters,
then select the random variable and probability density from list and establish
response function of individual parameters. Then select the random variables
and their probability density from built-in list and define the failure probability
expression with stress-intensity interference model. Herein, the response func-
tions are utilized to build the bridge of individual parameters and adaptive
importance sampling (AIS) is exploited to calculate the failure probability of
product whose sampling space is defined using a limit-state boundary. For
instance, the tensile load acting on an uniform bar (L) and the cross sectional
area of the bar (A) are assumed to be independent random variables wherein the
corresponding probability distribution function submits normal distribution as
1 1 L L
fL p exp
2pL 2 L
1 1 L A
fA p exp
2pA 2 A
If material strength of the bar is s and its probability density function isgs,
the failure probability of the bar can be described as:
2 3
Z1 Z1
F P s P50 1 f P 4 g s ds5 dL (3)
1 s0
P fL; A (4)
Pf 1 z (6)
Pf Pfs L50g
P fL; A
Select the P fL; A expressions response model as *.inp file editing from
the ANSYS fore-defined *.lgw file, then mapping the variable parameters to the
*.inp. NESSUS controls ANSYS to calculate failure probability under updat-
ing the input parameters (viz. L and A) with the sampled values by AIS and
extracting relevant results (viz. stress) from ANSYS output *.rst file.
Finally, NESSUS can provide the statistic report. Figure 2 shows the opera-
tional principle and data flow of NESSUS.
In NESSUS, the start point of reliability design is the product failure mode
that is subjected to design parameters and failure criteria. User can select the
74 S. Wang et al.
Input file
Output File
NESSUS (file.rst,file.rth)
probabilistic distribution from provided list for design parameters, and estab-
lish the status equation or response function to calculate the failure probability
of product. The executive process of collaborative design based on probabilistic
distribution for mechanical product with Pro/E, ANSYS and NESSUS is
shown in Fig. 3.
Figure 4 shows the main interface of RCDP, in which the design methods are
listed on the left such as component design, system design, reliability analysis
and system optimization. Users are convenient to select or design the hydraulic
product with 3D modeling based on component database and engineering
library in the middle field and add the designed component in defined format
to the database when the designed product meets all the design requirements.
Once the product design is accomplished with mechanical package or electronic
package, users can design the hydraulic system with collaborative design
method considering electronics, dynamics, cybernetics and reliability synchro-
nously. In system design, we focus on the performance-based design under
multiple disciplines, so system optimization strategy is adopted to balance the
design requirements in different fields, in which the reliability analysis is exe-
cuted in whole design process.
Since much attention has been paid to the development of procedures to
couple powerful multidisciplinary optimization techniques with probabilistic
design method, it is easy to achieve the integrated optimization solution based
on different disciplines after collaborative design. For the system design, we
adopt current state-of-art optimization that emphasizes the performance by
cooperating control performance software-Matlab with reliability analysis soft-
ware-Relex. The Relex Reliability Studio integrates a suite of reliability analysis
modules encompassing reliability prediction, Reliability Block Diagram (RBD),
Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), maintain-
ability prediction, Markov Modeling and LCC. It can calculate reliable
Reliability-Based Collaborative Design Platform 75
RCDP Redesign
Stress, Size,
Reliability, etc.
The Fault
Determine the Determine the
3-D System Failure Random Design
Trail.txt, Structure
Modeling Criteria Parameters
*.drw g-function.
by Pro/E
With Dependent or Independent
ANSYS Finite Random Variables, Constants ,and
Reliability Statement :
Element Numerical Functions (Defined by
Analytical Expression
Modeling Numerical Model)
Fortran Syntax
*.log Edit
Dependent Distribution type
Files Mean, Standard Deviation, etc.
Variables Change Parameter Values
ANSYS Assign Numerical Assign *.inp Files Edited from *.log Files
Analysis Response Model Assign *.rst Files to Extract Response
Meet the N
Generate ReliabilityReport
probability or failure probability and obtain the weak item of the analyzed system
with appropriate algorithm. In addition, Relex can describe the system perfor-
mance degradation and repairable process dynamically, so the reliability-based
collaborative design platform can realize the reliability identification in whole
design process.
commercial design and analysis software have interface with other software
package so as to improve their collaboration capability. The interface makes it
possible to exchange information, access public data and realize the integrated
optimization among different disciplines. Even if there is no interface between
two packages, it is also easy to develop executable code based on input and
output application file mode. Users can export files designed by one discipline
and import it into another discipline environment to check if the designed
parameters satisfy the performance or not. Developers can create their own
relationship on the basis of their design demand that makes the change of the
model easier. So it is important to obtain the well designed interaction interface
between two disciplines that can exchange data dynamically and save the
developing time effectively in complex product design. Table 1 lists the standard
interface and self-developed interface between current commercial software
Taking the Relex and Protel as an example, although both packages dont
provide mutual programmable interface, we establish the medial files via Excel
as their bridge. User can design the electronic or electrical circuit with Protel,
and export the components list in Excel format. Then the *.xls file is standar-
dized by the MDO platform and guided to Relex to predict its reliability (shown
in Fig. 5). It is obvious that the MDO platform is employed to reduce the
computational expenses significantly with the appropriate interface that makes
information exchanging easier.
Reliability-Based Collaborative Design Platform 77
x~1 ,... ~
Level i=1 Subsystem j=1 Subsystem j=2 Subsystem j=m
x1,1 , ... x1n1 x2,1 ,... x2 n2 xm ,1 ,... xmnm
r1 ,... r~q
Level i=2 Component j=1 Component j=2 Component j=n
r1,1 ,... r1n1 r2,1 ,... r2 n2 rn ,1 ,... rnnn
of subsystemi, the design procedure must balance both local variables and
shared variables to achieve well performance. Similarly, the system design
should consider the influence of the shared parameters of x~1 ; x~2 ; x~P come
from level 1 and local design parameters y1 ; y2 ; yl of system. Hence, both
local design and interaction between lower level and higher level should be
integrated in product design to obtain the optimization design results under
multilevel hierarchy.
Directing to the complex product in real application, this paper presents an
optimization method in the multilevel hierarchy. The original optimization is
carried out from component viz. the lowest level to get the designed variables, in
which some of the variable values pass up to higher level as shared design
variables. In the higher level, both local design variables and shared variables
coming from lower level are considered to achieve the optimization wherein
minimize the gap between what higher-level elements want and what lower-
level elements can. Through numbers of iterative optimization between the
higher-level and lower-level, we will eventually find an optimal design of the
consistency based on the state variables coupling and design variables sharing.
Suppose that i and jdenote the level and element respectively, the optimal
objective function of system can be described as:
x1 ; x~P ; y1 ; yl
min f~ (8)
Subject to
gij ~
x1 ; ; x~P ; y1 ; ; yl 0
hij ~
x1 ; ; x~P ; y1 ; ; yl 0
xij fij xi;1; ; xin0j ; r~1 ; r~q
yk fy1 ; ; yl ; x~1 ; ; x~P
where the vectors rij ; xij and yk denote the local design variables in each level;
r~1 ; r~q and x~1 ; x~P indicate the bi-level shared variables; gij and hij denote the
design inequality and equality constraints respectively.
In RCDP, iSIGHT is adopted to realize the multidisciplinary design optimi-
zation that can deal with the interaction among disparate disciplines and
balance the target difference to achieve the integrated optimization results.
Figure 7 shows how to balance the interaction between cybernetics (Matlab)
and hydraulics (AMESim) with iSIGHT.
Once we accomplish the design of hydraulic servo system with AMESim
according to the static and dynamic requirement, we can get the parameters of
servo valve, cylinder and displacement sensor such as flow coefficient KQ , flow-
pressure coefficient Kc and area of cylinder A. Introduce them to Matlab to get
80 S. Wang et al.
PID Controller System
Component Model
by Matlab Simulation
by AMESim
In *.bat
Format as
*.txt A New
*.txt as
as Input Analysis
Output Files
Files Task
type file. During Pro/E running, it will automatically record every operation
step and save the command flow to a trail.txt file. iSIGHT automatically passes
on the Pro/E geometrical model to ANSYS, and reads the performance para-
meters such as the greatest stress, the maximum deformation from ANSYS
output *.rst document. The intelligent design engine has four modules:
experimental design, optimization algorithms, quality engineering methods
and approximation method that can be used individually or synthetically. For
optimization, users can adopt the optimizing plan recommended by iSIGHT
which is the most suitable for the design problem, or combine the iSIGHT
optimizing algorithm or develop internal programs to get the most reliable and
robust strategy according to the nature of the problems and professional
Database is the center of the platform, and it is the foundation of other function
modules. According to the operational process shown in Fig. 1, RCDP is
supported by two databases, viz. the engineering knowledge database and
system component database. These two databases play very important role in
the entire design process. They not only provide useful design information to
designers but also attribute and control method of components, and new items
can be added into the database on finished design. So the databases can be
continually expanded to facilitate future design. Data can be uploaded or
downloaded between local resource library and center database by the transfer
function module of database.
Figure 8 shows the database and PDM of RCDP, in which the knowledge
database can be divided into three categories:
1. Model knowledge database Toward some subsystems of special application,
it is easy to establish its design template whose design parameters construct
its model knowledge database.
2. Engineering design knowledge database It is obtained based on engineering
experience of research object such as typical displacement servo system, force
servo system and velocity servo system. Such databases mainly include
knowledge of design characteristic, design sequence, design experience dur-
ing engineering design that can provide recommended primary scheme for
designer at the beginning of design process.
3. Parameters design knowledge database This database includes knowledge
of interactive parameters and scopes of design parameters. Such database
will provide basis to multidisciplinary design parameters optimization.
In the beginning of new product design, the designers are accustomed to
consult the similar product design. If there is ready-made design in RCDP, users
may generally select a specific scheme by the aid of engineering database
82 S. Wang et al.
according to the design requirement. Otherwise, the designers have to follow the
reliability-based design process to realize the multidisciplinary design optimiza-
tion. In this case, the system will be divided into subsystems by the appropriate
reliability allocation, and then the collaborative design based on component
database is carried out. After verifying the performance and reliability, the new
successful design application can be accessed into database with standard data
The function of PDM is to manage the product database and product R&D.
Collaborative design platform can take advantage of powerful data integration
and management capabilities to achieve effective management to design activ-
ities which including workflow simulation, simulation dedicated database and
model libraries, design files. PDM system is the best CAD/CAPP/CAM inte-
gration platform, which helps a team or an enterprise to achieve information
integration, process integration and functional integration in heterogeneous
and distributed computing environment. In RCDP, SQL Server 2000 is adopted
to integrate and manage the different defined data that can interactive transfer
with data accessing technology. Table 2 shows the function parameters descrip-
tion in RCDP.
Gs 2 (11)
s !2 2
s 1
Servo Valve
Input Signal +
Signal Adjust
Hydraulic Power
86 S. Wang et al.
> reliability40:9999
> 130 X1 150
> 1 X2 1:2
< 6:5 X3 7
> 8 X4 12
> 2 X5 2:5
> 0:1 X6 0:3
0:01 X7 0:15
After optimization, we can obtain the system step response and bode chart of
open-loop curves as shown in Fig. 12.
At the same time, we can obtain the fault tree of HAS and provide the
reliability prediction shown in Fig. 13.
With the computation algorithm, we can get the reliability of HAS is
0.999999933 in 10 hour that not only satisfies the design requirement but also
approaches the real condition.
Acknowledgments Thank the support of Chinese Education Ministry Program 985, Pro-
gram of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities and Program for New Century
Excellent Talents in university (NCET), Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to
University (Program 111) and Beijing Teaching Innovation Program.
Reliability-Based Collaborative Design Platform 89
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90 S. Wang et al.
1 Introduction
J. Yagi (*)
Shimizu Corporation, Institute of Technology, 3-4-17 Ecyujima, Koto-ku, 135-8530
2 Physical Background
within the memory of the previous notes. This together with the anticipation of future
notes constitutes an unbroken movement. We comprehend movement in terms of a
series of inter-penetrating, intermingling elements of different degrees of enfoldment all
present together.
3.1 Introduction
Dynamic Simulation
Scenario Generators
the Future
Environment d
Data Compression
Fig. 1 Virtual time machine (Report on Virtual Time Machine by National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2004)
[Sensing Archive + Data Mining] [Hyper Interaction with Time] [Simulation + Data Mining]
Ubiquitous network
World Model
Data Compression
Active sensor network
World VTM
Real Time Sensing
Fig. 2 Virtual time machine structure (Report on Virtual Time Machine by National Institute
of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2004)
3.2 Requirements
One of the basic requirements for management technology for living stage of
inhabitation is to retrieve freely the needed information of architectural com-
ponents from the past archive which contains history of change in attributes of
the components and structures. Then automatically or semi-automatically
reconstituted is the whole 3D design, which faithfully represents the current
architecture of complex structures.
The causal chain among the functional requirements, physical system beha-
viors, and human behaviors is shown at Fig. 3. The horizontal box represents
the living stage, where the physical system environment interacts with inhabi-
tants continually throughout lifecycle. The vertical box represents the construc-
tion stage, where the inhabitants requirements determine the housing
functionality. It must be noted that the construction stage includes continual
retrofit, re-make, and repairing long after newly built. Maintenance and
upgrading of the physical system must be considered as critical activities for
the lifecycle management. The horizontal and vertical boxes are the view of the
same lifecycle process from different perspectives; the former represents the
challenges imposed by change in the relation between human and physical
The 4+1 Dynamic Management System of Lifecycle 97
Fig. 3 The causal chain among the functional requirements, physical system behaviors and
human behaviors
environment, and the latter represents the counter-acts against the engineering
challenges encountered during the lifecycle.
functional space, and (4) self-imaging over history functional space. The latter
of +1 part is temporal integration of four functional spaces by circulating
four functional spaces in order of self-descriptive, self-sensing, self-searching,
and self-imaging over history.
Each categorical component of the 4+1 system will be described below in
1. Self-descriptive
When a new component is introduced into the existing complex hierarch-
ical structure, the newly built-in component describes its own spatial and
temporal position within the hierarchy on its own, such as its subservient
spatial order for assembly and temporal order of durable period. The self-
filing mechanism can be realized by plug and play mechanism of radio
frequency identification tags attached to components over the tag network
which covers everywhere in the architectural system. Tags may contain
physical properties such as material property, stress characteristics and
distribution, archival manufacturing record, quality information, product
specification in addition to spatial and temporal characteristics.
2. Self-sensing
The tag network is superposed by the sensor network, most of whose
nodes are embedded on tags with various sensing devices for temperature,
moisture, ultra red, acceleration, wind loading, strain measuring, sound
loading, light intensity, smoke, olfactronics, electro-magnetic and other
The 4+1 Dynamic Management System of Lifecycle 99
for all activity, but recursive dialog with the story of the past and future [11]. It is
something like continual communication with its own double in the past and
future, which immediately recalls Bohms self-recursive mirroring loops of the
spontaneous and unrestricted act of lifting into attention [12]. The technology
needed to realize the free self-dialog over time is a control mechanism of
compression, expansion, backward-flow, forward-flow of time, and creation
and sharing of time axis at will in a virtual world of space-time.
4 Experiments
4.1 Introduction
The lifecycle of a construction project consists of three phases, design phase,
construction phase, and maintenance phase as depicted at Fig. 5. The stake-
holders change their roles as the phase proceeds; the main players at design
stage are owners and designers, at construction stage, they are general contrac-
tors and traders, and at maintenance phase they are users and facility managers.
The holders of architectural documentations also change, as the stakeholders
change. The architectural models also change as they do. It is imperative to
develop an engineering mechanism to share the disintegrated information for
the lifecycle management.
Planning Stage
Conceptual Model
Detail Design Stage OwnerDesigner
Product Model
Design Document
To-be-Built General ContractorsSub contractors
Construction Stage
Process Model
Construction Plan
To-be-Built Document
Progress Management
Model UserMaintenance Manager
As-Built Construction As-Built
Experience Doc. Document
As-Built Operation Stage
Usage Model Actual Usage
Maintenance Stage
Maintenance Model Actual Maintenance
mng. for design design
contact design for
design plan completion
budget mng. new approval
for design by clients documents
drawing management
sales &
marketing negotiation
Modeling Engine
invoice &
callback Scheduling Engine
Agents for
integration of ERP PDM Construction Site
applications Glue Logic / Process Design
Construction Site
75m, elevation 35
room tag
parts tag
IC tags are distributed on each construction floor as depicted at Fig. 8; one type
is fixed at each room for identification of location, and the other is tag attached
to each component (window sash) as control target.
Once parts are manufactured, chip-implanted parts are shipped to a con-
struction site, assembled, and installed on site. Despite that the parts are
dislocated spatially as well as temporally, or are reconfigured in succession as
they become more integral part of a building under construction, simple act of
reading the product URL on tag triggers to change the attributes of these parts
in the data management system of active database. As the parts attributes are
changed, they autonomously trigger to send messages to the pre-assigned
addresses with a simple logic attached to each data point. Every data point
therefore contains attribute, simple logic, and address. Millions of data points
are passing information each other. This very bulk of acts of passing and
receiving change the state of the whole data base, dynamically. Hence the
data base collectively behaves like an autonomous giant controller as well as
self-renewing data repository. Figure 9 shows the real time control for progress
of construction by this mechanism from manufacturing thru shipping to instal-
lation on site.
104 J. Yagi, E. Arai
5 Conclusion
[1] A. Eddington: The Philosophy of Physical Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
[2] B.J. Hiley: Vacuum or Holomovement in the Philosophy of Vacuum, Clarendon Press
Oxford, 217-249, 2002.
[3] J. Yagi, et al: Action-based Union of the Temporal Opposites in Scheduling: Non-
deterministic Approach, J. Automation in Construction, Elsevier, 12, 321329, 2003.
The 4+1 Dynamic Management System of Lifecycle 107
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ality, Knowledge and Skill Chains in Engineering and Manufacturing; information
infrastructure in the era of Global Communications, ISBN: 0-387-23851-4, Springer,
111118, 2005.
[5] B.J. Hiley: Non-commutative Geometry, the Bohm Interpretation and the Mind-
Matter Relationship Proc. CASYS2000, Liege, Belgium, Aug. 712, 2000.
[6] A.N. Whitehead: Process and Reality, the Free Press, 1978.
[7] M. Hirose and K. Sakagami et al., Virtual Time MachineVision for Transcendence of
Temporal Limits via Information Technology, Report of National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, 2004.
[8] S. Hawikings: The Universe in a Nutshell, Bantam Press. 2001.
[9] M. Jibu and K. Yasue: Quantum brain dynamics and consciousness, John Benjamins
Publishing Company, 1995.
[10] G. Vitiello: My Double Unveiled, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2001.
[11] D. Bohm: Wholeness and Implicate Order, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980.
[12] G. Vitiello: The dissipative brain, arXiv:q-bio.OT/0409037, v1, 30 Sep. 2004.
[13] J. Yagi, et al.: Parts and packets unification: Radio frequency identification application
for construction, J. Automation in Construction, 14 (2005) 477490, 2005.
[14] K. Ohara, K. Ohba, B.K. Kim, T. Tanikawa, S. Hirai, and K. Tanie, Ubiquitous
Robotics with Ubiquitous Functions Activate Module, Proceedings of Second Interna-
tional Workshop on Networked Sensing Systems, 2005.
A PLM Tools Taxonomy to Support
Product Realization Process: A Solar Racing
Car Case Study
1 Introduction
Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) is a research area adopted by compa-
nies, which can drive the life of a product by integrating their information,
knowledge, individuals, activities and software. The stages that a product
undergoes through its life are basically development, production, market activ-
ities, use, maintenance and disuse. Many authors and companies have defined
their own phases, but there is a general agreement that products are designed,
manufactured, distributed, sold and used; most of them are maintained, and
they are disposed or recycled when they need to be retired.
The whole life cycle of a product is usually very long. This causes
a disagreement regarding the PLM definition, its stages and the tools it
comprises [1]. It also makes it too broad for a single tool to include all the
capabilities it requires which in turn causes a lack of integration among
several tools used throughout the PLM stages. Therefore, the products
knowledge, which most of the time comes in disparate formats, is not
always shared among its life-cycle [2]. For instance, there is no standard
regarding Computer Aided Design (CAD) formats, and the technology to
migrate from one format to another only handles geometry representations
of the product (Bill Of Materials are being included already but there is no
standard either).
The aim of this paper is to present some types of PLM tools that support
the engineering design stage in a PLM environment using a PLM tool
The concept of Product Life Cycle (PLC) has been addressed since the 1950s [3]
or 1960s [4]. However, it must be stated that there is a difference between PLC
and PLM, and that there are two points of view for the stages comprised in the
life cycle of a product. Some authors consider it as the different profit and sale
levels that a product has through its life. In this case, a products time in the
market is divided into introduction, growth, maturity and decline [5], [6]. This
concept is much older than the actual PLM, but is still used in the production,
sales and marketing niches. Researchers in this area use it to increase the
revenues by predicting the market behaviour, and taking actions towards
these predictions.
On the other hand, PLM intends to increase innovation [1], reduce errors [7]
and be more competitive [8]. One of the first public attempts to define PLM was
in the late 80s by Konstantinov [9]. His work was situated in the design manage-
ment area, and as it would be expected, the conception of PLM has changed
since then.
There are many researchers working in the PLM area. This situation has lead
to the proliferation of many representations and definitions of PLM stages.
Besides, they increase due to the fact that each company will have to develop a
life-cycle concept for its products[10]. However, an agreement can be found
about the underlying concepts in most cases.
Table 1 presents a summary of the different stages conceptualized by several
representative authors. Altings work [11] was selected for being a seminal
source. The definitions provided by Aca [12] and Guerra et al. [13] are an
A PLM Tools Taxonomy to Support Product Realization Process 111
Table 1 Representative PLC representations (Adapted from [8], [11], [12], [13], [14] and [15])
Need recognition Production Distribution Usage Disposal
Design development
Product Process Production Usage and
Facility Disposal
development development development maintenance
Ideation Product Process Facility Production Usage and Disposal
development development development maintenance
Requirement Concept Product Manufacturing Manufacturing Sales &
analysis and engineering & engineering Disposal
engineering and production Distribution
planning prototyping Recycle
Imagine Define Realize Use/support/
End of life
example of the evolution of the PLM concepts. Kovacs et al. [8] dissect their
representation to facilitate the identification of most subprocesses included in
the life cycle. Grieves [14] is a representative author in the industrial sector for
the PLM area. Stark [15] provides a condensed representation, comprehensive
definitions and several points of view of the PLC concept. A list of PLM
definitions is provided in the appendix.
Table 1 presents the PLC definitions by many authors. Acas work [12] is
partly based in Altings [11], and provides another cycle which is divided
into two major classifications: engineering and supply. These have three
stages respectively. Based on his work, Guerra et al. [13] add an ideation
stage at the beginning of the cycle. Similarly, Kovacs et al. [8] propose an
engineering stage subclassified into product design, process planning and
factory planning. They also present two other stages with subclassifica-
tions: support activities chain and operations chain. These three stages are
parallel. Grieves [14] proposes seven stages which are shown. In turn, Stark
presents different points of view about the life cycle, including the user and
manufacturer perspectives. The table shows a condensed version of these
In the following sections, these concepts will be used in an attempt to provide
an integrative and more general definition of the PLC, which is depicted in
Fig. 1
112 D.A. Guerra-Zubiaga et al.
A look into the early stages of the PLC shows that product design and product
development are interpreted differently by many authors. According to Suh [16] ,
design is an interplay between what we want to achieve and how we want to
achieve it. He states that every designer follows these tasks: (1) know or
understand their customers needs, (2) define the problem they must solve to
satisfy the needs, (3) conceptualize the solution through synthesis, (4) perform
analysis to optimize the proposed solution, and (5) check the resulting design
solution to see if it meets the original customer needs. Likewise, Aspelund [17]
says that design is a plan of action, created in response to a situation or
problem that needs solving. In his opinion, there are seven stages in the design
process: conceptualization, exploration/refinement, definition/modeling, com-
munication and production. In this case, production is referred not as mass-
production, but to prototypes or single pieces. Conversely, development, as it is
defined by Otto and Wood [18] and Aca [12], include both design and manu-
facturing plans.
As it is depicted in Table 1, Alting [11] specifies that the development work
normally begins based on an assessment of a need recognized in the market [10].
In his definition of Product Development, Aca describes four subactivities
called Conceptualization, Basic Development, Advanced Development and
Launching, where Basic Development includes the gathering of customer
requirements information [12]. Guerra et al. [13] mention the ideation stage
and keep the market requirements given by Aca within Product Development
[19]. Grieves also takes into consideration that there is a need prior to the formal
definition of the product [14]. Finally, Stark mentions the previous existence of
a dream in someones head [15] which is later concretized.
In a PLM environment, the development stage should comprise a holistic
view of the whole PLC [1]. Concurrent Engineering (CE) fits and is used in this
phase, because its focus is on the integrated design of products, and its goal is
A PLM Tools Taxonomy to Support Product Realization Process 113
that outset developers consider all elements of the product life-cycle [20]. CE
intends to prevent adverse choices regarding a product by bringing together
different disciplines such as product design, manufacturing, procurement,
maintenance and marketing [21, 22]. The collaborative design of a product
and its manufacturing processes needs information on product features, man-
ufacture, services and costumer requirements while the design is simultaneously
going on [23]. This information includes part and plant layouts, designs and
manufacturing rules, as well as any other useful information for the product
life-cycle [23].
Note, however, that CE only happens at the development stage of the PLC.
For example, it doesnt comprise the actual production, but its planning and
design. In other words, the only physical results from CE could be partial or
complete prototypes.
As it happens with production and market activities, use and maintenance have
a direct relationship. The use stage is customarily related to the customer or
operator [15]. As the product is used, it will eventually need support, repair,
service or upgrade to keep it in good conditions, change its application or
improve the way it works. From a life-cycle perspective, the manufacturer
plans this in advance. Furthermore, product-service supply is increasingly
becoming more relevant to the point that companies could solely provide
accompanying services for products manufactured by themselves or another
company [8].
Even when it is not shown in table 1, Alting specifies that there are companies
and user costs due to warranty service and maintenance during what he calls the
usage stage [10, 11]. In his graphic representation of PLM Grieves does not
include use or maintenance. However, in his definition of PLM, he states that
the product life goes from its design through manufacture, deployment and
maintenance-culminating in the products removal from service and final dis-
posal [14]. This clearly reflects that the product is obviously used at some point
of its life, and that it is prone to maintenance. In the case of Stark, he differ-
entiates use from support and service as it is perceived by the client and
manufacturer. In his words, when the user is using the product, the manufac-
turer will probably need to provide some kind of support [15]. All of the above
denotes that there is a concern about maintenance, and reinforces the argument
that it is strongly related to the use phase.
From a corporative perspective, there are basically two options for main-
tenance: outsourcing and in sourcing. In the first case, the buyer may come to an
agreement with the manufacturer as to receive maintenance from them, or may
sublease another company which is specialized on that service. In the in sour-
cing case, the company can direct its own resources to give support to the
product. The advantage of outsourcing is that it enables companies to concen-
trate on their core competences. Therefore, they dont have the need to train
and maintain a department or specialist for this task. Most of the time, this
requires that external entities involve in the daily activities of the assisted
company, which is not always beneficial. This is rather true for high-tech
enterprises that need to keep a low profile about their processes.
In Fig. 1, the use and maintenance stages are separated due to the fact that
the user and service provider most often deal with the product at different times
and locations, and they have different goals towards the product.
2.5 Disuse
The disuse of the product comes when it doesnt provide enough benefit to the
company or user, and needs to be recycled, refurbished for sale or disposed.
A PLM Tools Taxonomy to Support Product Realization Process 115
Stark [15] calls it end of life, Grieves [14] addresses it as disposal and recycling,
both Alting [11] and Aca [12] call it disposal, so do Guerra et al. [13]. Kovacs
et al. [8] include recycling as part of their PLM definition as well. The intention
behind the term disuse is to state that the product may or may not continue
existing after it is not used anymore, that there are many possibilities for what
happens afterwards, and that it is no longer used for the purpose for which it
was designed. It also reflects that its owner may change, but its lack of useful-
ness determines its retirement.
Figure 2 presents a taxonomy of digital tools and techniques used in PLM. The
proposed classification takes into account that people within a company have
different profiles regarding their activities and the tools they use. The PLM
tools are divided into three major categories: tools for engineering, for knowl-
edge management and for business activities. Except for ambient intelligence
(see Fig. 2), the engineering digital tools are implemented for concurrent
engineering within the development stage (see Fig. 1) presented in Section 2.2.
Business tools refer to the software used in the market activities (see Fig. 1). In a
simplified way, Knowledge Management (KM) tools are used to transfer and
manage data throughout the stages of PLM (see Fig. 1) and their respective
tools (see Fig. 2), so they are used by both business and engineering tools.
The most common Groupware used for PLM is the Product Data Manage-
ment (PDM) system which aids companies in managing all product-related data
throughout the product life cycle (view Figs. 2 and 3). The main role of PDM
systems, within a PLM environment, is to provide support to the many activ-
ities of the lifecycle, such as design, the tracking of information in changing
orders, the alternative designs management, and the product configuration
control. PDM systems keep data shareable, transportable, secure, accurate,
timely and relevant [15], The fist term, shareable, refers to data that can be easily
and instantly viewed or used by more than one person at any instant. Trans-
portable regards the capacity of data movement in an easy fashion. When data
is secure, it means that it can be protected from unauthorized destruction,
modification or use. Accurate data is reliable and precise. It can also be said
that timely data is current and up-to-date. Finally, it can be called relevant if it is
really useful for the decision in turn. Likewise, PDM systems provide the plat-
form in which every kind of user can access the information to share or modify
it. However, software such as CAE or CAM tools (see Fig. 3) should be used to
modify the integrity of the given data. In Fig. 3, the data is represented by NC
codes, marketing statistics, user manuals, repair reports, profit of recycling and
CFD data. This resembles the idea that PDM systems connect data throughout
many other applications, but doesnt modify it.
A PLM Tools Taxonomy to Support Product Realization Process 117
The business administration, sales and marketing department are essential for
an extended enterprise. The market activities have not been fully integrated to
the PLM maybe because the PLM concept was coined within the engineering
niche. However, the people involved to what has been referred here as market
activities also deal with valuable information regarding the product life-cycle.
Therefore, the information they provide also drives the life of the product.
118 D.A. Guerra-Zubiaga et al.
Four basic categories are presented for the engineering classification of the
PLM digital tools taxonomy. It can be seen from Figs. 1 and 2 that these
correspond to the development, production, maintenance and disuse stages
presented in Section 2.
From left to right, the first engineering tools classification is maintenance. In
most cases, the digital tools used for this activity are limited to the development
stage, where the disassembly process is modelled, for example. Even when this
approach is useful for servicing products, there is much more information about
what is actually done in the repair shop during the maintenance stage which
needs to be integrated into the PLM.
The term ambient intelligence was coined by Emile Aarts of Philips [36].
It is defined as the convergence of ubiquitous computing, ubiquitous
A PLM Tools Taxonomy to Support Product Realization Process 119
4 Case Study
The case study in this section shows how the tools presented in the PLM
taxonomy are applied on a redesign project. The case study was taken from
the PURDUE solar racing project. This project involves the construction of the
7th generation of a solar racing car, or in other words, it consists of improving
the current solar racing car. This project started on September 2006 and will
finish during spring 2009.
The scope of this experiment is the hub system redesign. DFX process
framework will be followed in order to achieve that, and will be supported by
the Methodology to support DFX process using a PLM framework [48],
which includes the next stages: (1) Defining product requirements, (2) Design
for Assembly application and (3) Creating new knowledge and expertise. Each
of those stages are matched with the property step from the Methodology to
support DFX process using a PLM framework.
Design for: manual, automatic and robotic assembly are special cases of DFA.
Design for: casting, injection molding, welding, machining, brazing, etc. will be considered
as special cases of DFM.
A PLM Tools Taxonomy to Support Product Realization Process 121
This is the first stage to be achieved in this case study. The product requirements
are provided mainly by the product customers. The costumer requirements are
then translated from common language into technical parameters to modify
using a QFD methodology. In this case study, the last solar racing car team was
considered as customers due that they have the use and building experience of
the last version.
After an interview with the customers they provide the next requirements
for the product:
Mechanical systems must be improved. Those systems include chassis & Roll
Cage, Uprings, Axles, Hubs, Brakes, Training Arm and Steering.
The main issue in this stage is the application of DFA tool designed by Boot-
hroyd in order to perform the DFA task. However, before that, is necessary to
collect the useful product information available. In addition, the PDM applica-
tion will be executed in order to support this stage. The methodology steps
developed in order to support the mentioned issues are the second and the third
ones, which are: Getting Design for Assembly (DFA) information and Product
data-information management through a PDM system.
which include last part analysis and parts improvement; Third stage refers to
manufacturing processes design or in some cases just to improve the past
processes; fourth stage correspond to the marketing issues, where publicity
and sponsors searching are performed; Next stage is maintenance, in this one,
solar racing car is put it in use by the customer and then it naturally will need
some kind of maintenance due failures or simple use; Finally, when solar racing
car wont be able to work it must be disposal and/or recycle.
The final stage is the creation of new knowledge and expertise, and the third step
of the methodology supports this stage in order to capture those knowledge and
Break disc
expertise for then reuse it and improve the DFX process. The tasks involved in
the third methodology step are collecting the expertise and knowledge from
designers, structuring information in rules, programming the rules into the
Expert System and finally, fitting Expert system into the PDM system. The
expert system used in this case study was CLIPS.
4.4 Results
The taxonomy presented helps to clarify PLM tools implementation. The
methodology based on the PLM tools taxonomy was measured through a
comparison with the last solar racing car project. The most important benefits
128 D.A. Guerra-Zubiaga et al.
of the application of this methodology were on the time and cost reduction for
the hub design. These reductions were produced mainly by less time in searching
information, less time spent in meetings, reduction in mistakes made during
modelling process, and prototypes cost reduction.
Less time by searching information and knowledge was achieved with
the use of the PDM system, which allowed to organize and to share all the
information related with the hub through all the designers. In addition, the
Expert System allowed to reuse the experience of the designers. Less spent
time by meetings was achieved through the use of Teamcenter community
platform that established a collaborative environment between the designers.
Reduction on modelling mistakes was achieved with the use of the PLM tools
(CAD) and correct information available in the PDM and expert systems.
Finally, prototypes and testing cost reduction was possible through the use of
A PLM Tools Taxonomy to Support Product Realization Process 129
the CAM-CAE technologies available into the PLM tools. All the depicted
points are summarized in Table 3.
5 Conclusion
It can be concluded that the PLM tools classification into business, engineering
and knowledge management is a good first approach to identify gaps in the
integration of the software used for the different stages of the product life-cycle.
This article shows that it is important to improve the understanding between
the development stages of a product and the ways in which the information and
knowledge can be administrated within and among such stages. Therefore, it is
extremely important to define new frameworks and their respective taxonomies
to improve the implementation of new PLM tools and concepts. In this sense,
the present work has defined a taxonomy to clarify the use of those tools, and
broadens the vision to incorporate new concepts.
In this way, the definition of new taxonomies allows to reach a better
understanding and integration of the different stages that comprise the
integral product development, and the different tools they use. The integra-
tion is not only benefited in the product realization phases, but also in the
globalized collaboration of different organizations that could interact for
such realization.
The conception of the framework was leveraged by the PLM tools taxon-
omy. It is a novel way to bring together Expert Systems, DFX and PDM
systems. These are PLM tools which had not been fully integrated previously.
The value added up to now in this research is that even though a PLM
taxonomy has been defined to support the implementation of PLM concept,
additional research is needed to explore new scenarios of the interconnection
between the applications used within each product life-cycle stage. New PLM
taxonomies are required to develop collaborative environments to foster the
coordination and cooperation among global groups, supported by tools and
methodologies that enable intellectual capital sharing in real time.
130 D.A. Guerra-Zubiaga et al.
CIMData [50]
PLM is not just a set of technologies, but a strategic business approach that
applies a consistent set of business solutions in support of the collaborative
creation, management, dissemination, and use of product definition informa-
tion across the extended enterprise from concept to end of life integrating
people, processes, business systems, and information. PLM forms the product
information backbone for a company and its extended enterprise.
The PLM concept appeared in the second part of the 1990s. This concept
provides a platform to share product-related knowledge across an extended
enterprise, from product design and creation, through dissemination and after
sales services, up to product dismissal and recycling . . . PLM is defined as a new
integrated business model that, using ICT technologies, implements an inte-
grated cooperative and collaborative management of product related data,
along the entire product lifecycle, dismissal included.
Amann et al. (2002) defined PLM as a strategic business approach that applies
a consistent set of business solutions in support of the collaborative creation,
management, dissemination and use of product information across the
extended enterprise from the concept to the end of product life integrating
people, processes, business systems and information. Extending from product
A PLM Tools Taxonomy to Support Product Realization Process 131
Turban [7]
Stark [15]
Grieves [14].
products life. From its design through manufacture, deployment and main-
tenance-culminating in the products removal from service and final disposal.
By trading product information for wasted time, energy, and material across
the entire organization and into the supply chain, PLM drives the next genera-
tion of the lean thinking.
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Social Issues of Product Lifecycle Management:
Developing Cross Cultural Virtual Teams;
Supporting Todays Green Manufacturing
Imperative; Educating and Preparing
Tomorrows Workforce; and Impacting
Inter-Organizational Relationships in Supply
Chain Management
This chapter represents the collective work of Dr. Cynthia Tomovic and named students.
Each section of this chapter was pressented previously as separate papers by students at the
International Conference on Comprehensive Product Realization, 2007 in Beijing, China.
C. Tomovic (*)
Darden College of Education, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, 23529, USA
1 Introduction
Globalization of business is forcing managers to grapple with complex
issues as they seek to gain or sustain a competitive advantage. With
expanding world markets and increased international business competi-
tion, comes a corresponding demand for organizations and individuals to
be knowledgeable about and prepared to operate in the global environ-
ment. Innovation, adaptation, and adoption have determined, to a large
degree, the economic fate of nations, business, and industry working in
a global economy. The key to survival for many organizations is the ability
to capitalize on the potential of advancing new knowledge/technology.
In spite of its promise, however, technology transfer and assimilation
demands substantial changes in the way in which organizations operate.
While technology helps to eliminate a number of barriers to globalization,
many significant barriers remain, notably those involving people and the
organizations we build around them.
The benefits of adopting a new knowledge/technology are undeniable,
however, human factors and organizational relationships either enhance or
constrain potential quality, productivity, and financial gains. Successful orga-
nizations know that they cannot put their faith in new knowledge/technology
alone, as human issues are equally important and often demand even greater
attention than technology.
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is an integrated, digital formation-
driven approach to conducting business comprised of people, processes/
practices, and technology affecting all aspects of a products lifecycle, from its
design through manufacturing, deployment and maintenance, culminating in
the products removal from service and final disposal. Be definition, given that
PLM is driven by digital information, users must become somewhat electronic
savvy. However, just as it is important for people to be knowledge about the
technical side of PLM, it is equally important that they be knowledgeable of its
human side. The aim of this chapter is to explore social issues associated with
PLM, namely, the virtual environment as the context in which PLM is con-
ducted; the practice of PLM as a strategy in support of green manufacturing in
the fight against global warming; the education preparation of tomorrows
workforce for a PLM environment; and to illustrate the impact of information
sharing on the development of inter-organizational relationships in supply
chain management. In essence, this chapter suggests that the success of todays
Social Issues of Product Lifecycle Management 137
Fig. 1 Model of cultural impact on team effectiveness (Adapted from Adler (1983))
Since virtual teams are such an integral part of the PLM process, it is important
to create them in such a way as to achieve a high level of communication, trust,
and coordination. When forming virtual teams across cultures, rather than
groups that are formed within the same culture and/or country, some variables
come into account that can dramatically affect group performance. In order to
understand these variables, two different cultural studies are considered; Geert
Hofstedes study of Cultural Variables and the Project GLOBE study. After a
thorough review, the most important lessons will be selected and compared with
what was learned about effective virtual team construction. The overlaps
between these studies form the basis upon which the present cross-culture
virtual team model was constructed. A discussion of the two studies and their
relevance to the development of the model follows.
thoroughly. CCIs collect both qualitative and quantitative data which they use to
check the validity of their questionnaires, write descriptions of their specific coun-
trys culture (usually in context of the data), and give personal insights into their
experiences within the culture. The CCIs are usually natives of the culture in which
they collect information and most cultures contain 2 to 5 CCIs (House et al. 2007).
With the information collected by these research teams, Project GLOBE has
formed nine measurable dimensions for differentiating between societal and
organizational values (Javidan et al. 2006):
Performance Orientation level to which a society encourages and rewards
people for performance excellence.
Assertiveness extent to which a culture endorses speaking ones mind and
being confrontational versus being quiet and modest.
Future Orientation way in which a culture rewards future oriented behavior
such as strategic planning and investing.
Humane Orientation extent to which a society encourages and rewards
individuals for being compassionate towards others.
Institutional Collectivism level of loyalty felt towards the organization and
its goals rather than ones own individual goals.
In-group Collectivism level of pride found in belonging to small groups
within a society (i.e. work groups, family, religious group, etc.)
Gender Egalitarianism way a culture endorses gender role differentiation.
Power Distance level of equality distinction between superiors and their
subordinates in terms of power, responsibility, and authority.
Uncertainty Avoidance societys reliance on social norms to avoid unpre-
dictable future events.
The CCVTM below illustrates that the four major factors of virtual team
success are clearly dependent on some type of collaborative tool, in this case,
PLM and all of the technologies that accompany it. Without PLM these factors
would not be achieved easily and in the same token these factors fuel PLM itself.
For example, open communication between all departments one aspect of
PLM functioning most certainly depends on trust, motivation, communica-
tion, and control.
As described in the previous sections, these factors are measured based on
cultural aspects. When creating a cross-cultural virtual team these dimensions
should be considered when selecting team members, or when developing cross-
cultural training for potential team members. Consideration of these dimen-
sions will likely increase the probability of team success within a cross-cultural
virtual team environment.
The four major factors of virtual team are extremely dependent upon one
another. For instance, if there is a lack of trust then open communication will
144 C. Tomovic et al.
most certainly falter. When just one of the four factors is compromised the
cross-cultural virtual team will be in danger of self destruction. By addressing
cultural dimensions as described, cross-cultural team productivity is likely to
increase in a PLM environment (Fig. 2).
2.3.1 Trust
Creating trust among team members representing different cultural back-
grounds is not easy (Catwright 2003). Building trust among team members
may be facilitated by knowledge of power distance, in-group collectivism, and
institutional collectivism. For example, representatives of a culture with strong
in-group collectivism take pride in membership in small groups such as their
family and close circle of friends, and the organizations in which they are
employed. By definition, they reveal less trust to people from the outside. It
may prove to be more difficult for members from a strong-in-group collective
culture to embrace new assignments at first, but later they are likely to prove
quite loyal. In essence, trust arises with knowledge gained about the members
on the virtual team (Jarvenpaa and Leidner 1999).
2.3.2 Control
Depending on the kind of task, team members may be responsible for control
over the task elements; however, objectives and meeting budgets are controlled
Social Issues of Product Lifecycle Management 145
by the team as a whole (Lipnack and Stamps 2000). Power distance and
institutional collectivism are dimensions which when properly interpreted in
the beginning and used accordingly, reveal prompts for team forming. Some
team members may originate from high power distance and high institutional
collectivism cultures, which means they may be reluctant to gain control over
any aspects of team work since they prefer a leader to be in charge and set rules
and regulations. Members of low power distance culture would be enthusiastic
to have an opportunity to manage particular parts of a project without too
much control from authorities.
2.3.3 Motivation
In a virtual environment, motivation is a significant element for a successful
virtual project team. No physical contact is present in the process of coopera-
tion and depending on the backgrounds, the virtual team members handle this
problem differently. To be more aware of these distinctions, dimensions such as
in-group collectivism, institutional collectivism, performance orientation, and
future orientation need to be interpreted properly. For instance, in individua-
listic cultures with high performance, society rewards individual members for
performance excellence and encourages them to be more confident. This
method would not harmonize with individuals from collective cultures that
have lower performance orientations in which society rewards member and
encourages them to attend to family issues over job performance.
2.3.4 Communication
In the virtual team environment with no physical contact, communication is
dependent on information technology (Nauman and Iqbal 2005). The dimen-
sions that facilitate better understanding of the communication differences
include power distance, assertiveness, and gender egalitarianism. For instance,
members from countries that pay more attention to gender role differences,
where there are relatively few women in positions of authority, might find it
hard to cooperate with women who come from an environment with a society
that provides males and females equal opportunity. In order to improve com-
munication among the team members, behavior rules and explanations may
need to be introduced as a matter of protocol.
systems of all company divisions. About a year before this team was to be
created, the company had decided to introduce Product Lifecycle Management
(PLM). Manager responsible for creating a cross-cultural virtual team may
likely take the following actions.
First, the manager may order a demographic analysis of the employees in his/
her company, with special interest in the following cultural influences:
Power Distance
In-group Collectivism
Institutional Collectivism
Performance Orientation
Future Orientation
Gender Egalitarianism.
Once the results of this demographic analysis were tallied the manager used
them and other personal measurements and past records to best choose indivi-
duals that were likely to promote the four factors of a successful virtual team;
trust, communication, control, and motivation.
Once the members of the cross-cultural virtual team were chosen, the man-
ager started working on building the four factors into the framework of the
team. The manager set up a four day conference off site. The goal of this
meeting was to introduce team members face-to-face and to jump start the
bonding process. Team building exercises were conducted to encourage trust,
motivation, control, and communication among the team members.
After the conference the team members went back to their respective coun-
tries and divisions and began working as a virtual team. The PLM technology
was in place and was available to support cross-cultural communications within
the team. The communication between members was facilitated by video con-
ferencing, e-mails, instant messaging, and phone conversations. Video confer-
encing helped the virtual team members feel as though they were in the same
room as the other individuals.
As the team matured, benefits of PLM began to improve due to the fact that
the communication, trust, control, and motivation levels were higher than when
the team first formed. On the occasion when lack of communication occurred, it
was repaired by the trust, motivation, and control that the cross-cultural virtual
team created among its team members. The feedback loops in this model helped
the company create a cross-cultural virtual team that could successfully com-
plete the task and more; the team not only created a complete documentation
system per its original assignment, but it also went on to other company wide
improvement projects.
Attention to cross-cultural dimensions is important when Implementing
PLM. When using both CCVTs and PLM a multinational corporation will be
able to compete in all areas of their business. When implemented correctly
following the CCVTM both the CCVTs and the PLM approach should grow
stronger over time. An early investment in the time required to create a
Social Issues of Product Lifecycle Management 147
The rapid consumption of natural resources and the growing interest in global
warming (Kharin et al. 2007) have motivated more and more companies to
change their manufacturing strategies and processes in order to become more
ecologically sound. In general, there is a desire to develop innovative manufac-
turing systems that align with green manufacturing goals.
Green manufacturing reduces or eliminates the use and generation of hazar-
dous substances throughout all phases of a products lifecycle (University of
Alabama 2006). In addition to being environmentally friendly, green manufac-
turing has a positive effect on the bottom line; its implementation lowers costs,
improves production lead time, and increases product quality (Noci 1995).
Green manufacturing is seen as a competitive advantage by companies who
can efficiently use financial resources, technological knowledge, and operations
to implement green manufacturing practices.
In this section of the chapter, we investigate why green manufacturing
processes are beneficial to companies and which green activities are currently
in place. A summary of financial impacts, current sustainability practices, and
regulations and policies associated with green manufacturing is presented. An
argument is made that Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) can support
green manufacturing strategic initiatives.
3.1 Background
Table 1 Recycling and Disposal. This table indicates the presence of recycling activities and
active green disposal practices.
Companies Wind generator Landfill gas Conserv. Reduction in use
Bayer X
Dow X
products are their plastics. In fact, North America, Europe, and Asia are all
markets that recycle billions of pounds of plastics. Toyota uses a set of recycling
guidelines, Toyota Recycle Vision, to help minimize their negative environ-
mental impact. Toyota adjusted product design in the 2004 Sienna minivan and
the Camry Solara coupe to replace substances of concern with greener
Table 2 Energy Consumption. This table indicates energy sources used and green practices
are active.
Companies Wind generator Landfill gas Conserv. Reduction in use
Bayer X
Dow X
Social Issues of Product Lifecycle Management 151
organic content and used for energy generation. The European Commission
is supporting the development of this process as part of the Life environment
Since 1994, Dow Chemical has reduced energy consumption by approxi-
mately 900 trillion BTUs. Their current goal is a 20% reduction in the energy
needed to fabricate one pound of product.
Table 3 Water and Air Management. This table indicates green activities in water/air
Water Air
Companies Conserv. Reuse Recycle/Treat Lower emissions
DuPont X X
Toyota X X
Bayer X lower green house gases
Dow reduce waste water X lower green house gases
152 C. Tomovic et al.
does Dow focus on eliminating water at the source, but they have developed
activities to recycle wastewater wherever feasible:
Groundwater Water created streams from underground water via wells,
Fresh Surface Water water captured from canals, lakes, and rivers,
Rainwater captured or stored rainwater,
Site Level Recycle on-site water is reused, avoiding new supply,
Seawater & Brackish surface or groundwater is captured from brackish or
seawater sources, and
Purchased Steam and Condensate Water use purchased water on site.
Table 4 Products and Processes. This table indicates which companies have active green
products and operational processes
Companies Energy efficient Fuel efficient Operational Efficient
DuPont X X
Toyota X X
Bayer X X (info availability)
Dow X
Social Issues of Product Lifecycle Management 153
worlds first mass-produced gas/electric hybrid car, but is also pioneering fuel
cell cars to further reduce air pollutants.
Bayer cut greenhouse gas emissions to 5.6 millions metric tons of CO2
equivalents in 2004 and 3.9 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents in 2005 as
explained by Bayers Sustainability Report for that year. In total, greenhouse
gas emissions throughout the Bayer Group decreased by over 70% from 1990 to
Dows production has increased by 32% since 1994, their total emissions of
CO2 have been successfully reduced by 32%. Dow has achieved this through
long-term energy efficiency improvements and by converting to more climate-
friendly technologies.
the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ). The Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of 2002 (SOX) requires all executives to certify the accuracy of their financial
statements and attest to the processes, controls, and systems used in financial
As the world moves to more standardized international regulations, organi-
zations will be required to track more information. Furthermore, integrating
stronger and efficient green activities complicates company planning. This
brings us to the next section on PLM. PLM will be an integral part of the
information systems executives will need to have in place in order to abide by
the required regulations and to develop sustainable green practices.
DuPont has committed that by 2015 it will increase revenues from energy
efficient processes and/or significantly reduce green house gas emissions.
General Electric has become a leading company in developing green pro-
ducts and processes through their Ecomagination program. Furthermore,
GEs belief that financial and environmental performance can work together
to drive company growth will enable them to continue to undertake the
worlds biggest environmental challenges.
Toyota leads green efforts in the automotive industry and is working
towards a Toyota Recycle Vision. Many of Toyotas goals have been
reached due to their global earth charter that promotes environmental
responsibility throughout the entire company.
The Dow Chemical Company implementation of energy efficient processes,
chemical recycling programs, waste water reduction, and lowered green
house gas emissions prominently demonstrate their commitment to green
Bayer is working towards sustainable development by using energy effi-
ciently, increasing water conservation, more safely disposing hazardous
wastes, and lowering green house gas emissions. Their goals are sought
with efficient resource management and future-oriented climate protection
PLMs objectives emphasize not to waste time, energy or materials. Green
manufacturing also looks for the conservation of resources and reduction of
waste. Thus, PLM can support green manufacturing procedures by tightly
integrating such practices into the lifecycle of a product and yielding environ-
mentally friendly productions.
The environmentally-friendly practices identified indicate green manufactur-
ing is already a very actively pursued objective. However, to compete in a global
world and to comply with the many environmental protection regulations and
standards is not easy. The information core of PLM helps to lessen this burden
by capturing information and storing it for use by all stages of a products life.
This simultaneously leads to competitive advantages and environmental
Recent decades have witnessed the burgeoning popularity of lean thinking and
its many theoretical offshoots as companies continue to look for ways to
strengthen their competitive edge. One of these, Product Lifecycle Management
(PLM), focuses on the goal of eliminating all forms of inefficiency from every
phase of the manufacturing cycle. By coordinating information technology with
organizational practices and processes, both within and across functional areas,
Social Issues of Product Lifecycle Management 157
PLM is able to substitute information for wasted time, energy, and material
(Grieves 2006).
PLM has piqued the interest of corporate decision-makers across the
globe. As a consequence, companies that are implementing its guidelines
can be found on nearly every continent. Furthermore, as manufacturing
giants increasingly turn to PLM, so too do their supply chain vendors. One
of the beauties of this model is its provision for the following of manufac-
tured goods past the point of purchase, through disposal and disassembly, to
the eventual reuse and recycling of a products component elements. Thus,
although many organizations may have initially been drawn to PLM out of
the desire for improved profits, others also see it as perhaps the only solution
capable of helping them deal with the complexities of governmental regula-
tory changes.
Faced with the changing regulatory climate and the rapidly evolving global
marketplace, organizations are also grappling with the need to bring their
workforces into the future. Todays employees are finding it necessary to
remain current with emerging technologies while simultaneously adapting
to profound shifts in the business aspects of manufacturing. Job descrip-
tions, once a corporate mainstay, are thus becoming outmoded as workers
find themselves called upon to tackle a host of new responsibilities. For
example, an editorial in the February, 2004, issue of Manufacturing
Engineering notes that manufacturing engineering (ME) professionals are
increasingly being asked to determine make or buy decisions; oversee
suppliers technologies, cost, delivery and quality; evaluate and improve
their suppliers core processes; integrate suppliers core processes with their
companies own processes; manage and deploy supply chain management
systems; and make improvements in their suppliers designs, processes, and
quality. The author therefore urges ME professionals to cultivate a wide
variety of new skill sets and to embrace a lifestyle of professional resilience
and personal development (Hutchins 2004).
Business knowledge/skills
Supply chain management
Project management
International perspective
Manufacturing process control
Product/process design
Specific manufacturing processes
Manufacturing systems
Problem solving
Teamwork/working effectively with others
Personal attributes
Written and oral communication
Engineering fundamentals. (SME and Competency Gap Research 2004)
offered once, and that further research will verify the degree of its success
among future students.
The purpose of this section of the chapter is to present a PLM competency model
that contains the elements necessary for the success of entry-level engineering
professionals who must function within a PLM environment. This project is
being ably assisted by seven highly credentialed PLM Subject Matter Experts,
all from Fortune 500 companies (i.e. Boeing, Rolls Royce, IBM, Caterpillar,
EDA, and Flexware), and all of whom are members of the Advisory Board of the
Product Lifecycle Management Center of Excellence at Purdue University. They
will define the skill objectives that are appropriate, and from these, a minimum of
200 derivative tasks will be specified. Then, from each task, thirty to forty key
skill objects will be isolated. The final list of skill objects will be used to construct a
Product Lifecycle Management competency model that also conforms to stan-
dards previously designated by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
The tool selected for this process is a software package titled SkillsNet,
developed in 1996. The program uses language descriptors that are common
to the Department of Labors Occupational Informational Network (O*Net)
in order to create a valid framework with which to define task, tools, and
knowledge requirements. These frameworks in turn are referred to by the soft-
ware as SkillObjects. The Trainers Guide defines SkillObject as a re-usable
detailed description of what people do in accomplishing work (SkillsObject
Trainers Guide, 19992004). A SkillObject contains the following elements: a
label or name, tasks, skills/abilities, tools/software/equipment/devices, unique
knowledge, resources, and performance standards.
In an industrial setting, the individual chosen to generate the criteria for each
SkillObject should ideally be a job incumbent who is recognized as a top-tier
performer by his or her peer group. Upon receipt of a list of SkillObjects, it then
becomes the task of the Work Element Editor to cull through each, and reduce,
according to the following guidelines:
Eliminate task, tool, and unique knowledge redundancies
Clarify tasks, tools, and unique knowledge so that they are understandable
to others in the occupation
Fix spelling and grammatical errors
Reduce the size of a task, tool, and unique knowledge list without losing
important information. (SkillsObject Trainers Guide, 19992004)
Following this initial editing process, each list will then undergo several more
revisions before its final submission to the managers or supervisors responsible
for implementation. For this study, the Subject Matter Experts will perform the
160 C. Tomovic et al.
function of the top-tier job incumbent described in the previous paragraph. The
authors will then serve as the Work Element Editors. This project is still very
much a work in progress. At the time of this writing, surveys have been
distributed and the authors await the return of data.
While many intuit that face to face communication will become less important
as technology enhances communication, one of the major finds of this study is
that strategic relationships require attention. Understanding the complexities of
the relationship as viewed by both the buyer and supplier is important.
In the establishment of a relationship between the buyer and supplier
there emerged several attributes that make up the core of this model. These
attributes are contextually different from the maintenance or future devel-
opment attributes that surround the establishment core attributes. They are
different in that they are specifically focused on each relationship and show
little, if any variability, as the foundation from which the relationship is
built. Whereas, the maintenance attributes surround the foundational core,
Social Issues of Product Lifecycle Management 163
6 Summary
Product Lifecycle Management, though only in its early years, has proven to
have tremendous impact. Whether trying to be first to market, improves qual-
ity, or increase customer base, PLM drives out wastes and permits the realloca-
tion of captured resources in support of product and process innovation,
resulting in potentially new revenue streams. Where once organizations con-
sidered the potential return of PLM before committing an investment, organi-
zations increasingly consider the implementation of PLM as a matter of
survival. Nonetheless, as with any change, PLM is not without its challenges,
both technical and social.
Adler NJ (1983) Cross-cultural management: issues to be faced. Int Studies Manag Organ
Azzone G, Noci G (1998) Identifying effective PMSs for the deployments of green manu-
facturing strategies. Int J Oper Prod Manage 18(4):308335
Bayer (2006) Bayer Annual Report. Homepage.aspx.
Accessed 11April 2007
Bayer (2005) Bayer Sustainable Development Report.
Accessed 14 April 2007
Bell T (2000) Proven skills: the new yardstick for schools. IEEE Spect 63-67
org/iel5/6/18754/00866286.pdf. Accessed 9 March 2007
166 C. Tomovic et al.
Minami T, Kanemaki Y, Nemoto H et al (2004) Eco & PLM project for environmental
traceability of EEE. Hitachi Rev 53(5):243249
Nauman S, Iqbal S (2005) Challenges of virtual project management in developing countries.
Eng Manag Conf IEEE Int 2:579583
Noci G (1995) Accounting and non accounting measures of quality based performance in
small firms. Int J Oper Prod Manage 17(7):78105
RoHS (2007) What is RoHS? Accessed 21 April 2007
SkillsObject Trainers Guide (19992004) SkillsNet Corp. Waxahachie TX
SME and Competency Gap Research (2004) Manuf Eng 132(2)
2005/jan_feb05/chairs_cornerJF05. Accessed 29 March 2007
Stark J (2005) Product lifecycle management. McGraw-Hill. NY
Starrs M (2005) The futures so bright. Solar Today.
feb05/chairs_cornerJF05. Accessed 10 April 2007
Tuckman B, (1965) Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological Bulletin 63(6)
The Dow Chemical Company (2006) 2015 Sustainability Goals.
mitments/goals/index.htm Accessed 9 April 2007
The Dow Chemical Company (2005) The Dow Chemical Company 2005 Global Reporting
Initiative Report
Toyota (2007) Toyota Environment.
Accessed 14 April 2007
Udomleartprasert P (2004) Roadmap to green supply chain electronics: design for manufac-
turing implementation and management, IEEE International Conference on Asian Green
Westkamper E, Alting L, Arndt G (2001) Life cycle management and assessment: approaches
and visions towards sustainable manufacturing. J Eng Manuf 215(5):599624
Product Design Optimization: An
Interdisciplinary Approach
Abstract As new markets arise and global competition takes place, there is a need
to come up with innovative-successful projects that present the best holistic alter-
native based on customer needs and market expectations. The present research
provides a high-end technical solution to determine the best product alternative in
terms of market expectations, product & process specifications, logistic and envir-
onmental performance. The integration of this framework is oriented towards
rapid generation and evaluation of innovative products. The methodology is an
engineering design framework based on the efficient use of design tools and
computer aided design and engineering (CAD/CAE). This methodology is illu-
strated with 2 case studies: the design and development of a commercial fan and
the envisioning of an energy efficient luminary for public lighting. The implemen-
tation of this methodology delivered a better ranked product in less time and lower
cost. The correct application of these engineering concepts can be easily extended
into almost any new product at its development stage.
1 Introduction
Higher degrees of competitiveness demand worldwide companies to reconsider
its perspective about traditional design schemes. It is necessary to come up with
innovative-successful projects that present the best holistic alternative based on
customer needs and expectations. Depending on the corporate strategy of the
company the breach between what the company produces and what the market
and customers are expecting can be overcome to result in innovative product
alternatives [1]. Furthermore, cost control and product quality only sustain a
level of competitive advantage, while product or service innovation is the actual
source of competitive advantage in the global market [2].
Several aspects should be analyzed to reach a successful design. First of all, the
objectives of the product in development should concur with the strategical
objectives of the company. Second, the time expended in the design stage should
be benchmarked against the market standards, and the cost of development should
be as low as possible. In this sense, it should be carefully analyzed whether the
customer and market needs are fully considered in the product. The manufacturing
and logistics needs of the product should also be analyzed [3]. Considerations
should not be limited to the previously mentioned but can be expanded to include
the marketing performance and the environmental impact along the life cycle of
the product.
A hierarchy of attributes is imperative in order to consider the relative weight
of each aspect during the design process. This hierarchy is typically obtained from
interviews with several members of the marketing, sales, manufacturing, and
research areas of the company. As such, developments in the design of a product
must be defined and communicated in an explicit and hierarchical manner [4].
Nowadays, the behavior of global markets for goods demands a rapid and
efficient adaptation of the products so they can meet the requirements of the
supply chain, the customers and local legislation in record time. Hence, the need
to apply an efficient stage of design and development of products that takes into
account these aspects is emphasized. A design that does not take into account
these considerations probably will present problems in further stages [5].
For any type of product, the changes required to improve its performance
will have a higher cost the later in time they are implemented. This increase in
cost will be exponential along the life cycle of the product; hence a modification
at the production stage will be hundred times higher than one at the design
stage as shown in Fig. 1. Moreover, design processes usually include several
to the original design
$1 $10
Design Testing Production
Phase development stage
2 Methodology
The Romero-Romero methodology (R-R) is based in a recursive process that
on each iteration develops a new model of the product. In order to apply it, the
corporate strategy has to be properly defined, as well as the mission statement
172 S.R. Hernandez, O. Romero-Hernandez
for the new product. Customer needs should be properly identified, and engi-
neering requirements of the product should be developed to satisfy them. The
previous tasks can be performed by aims of marketing studies, analysis of the
supply chain of the product, analysis of the processes affecting the product,
and finally a legal analysis of the normativity and intellectual property regard-
ing the new product. Once this information has been gathered, it is necessary to
conduct a priorization of the product features and requirements. Most compa-
nies have used diverse methods to successfully carry out this priorization, most
of them based in multiple-criteria decision tools [10]. The Quality Function
Deployment methodology [8] can be used to conduct this correlation. The
application of this methodology will result in a House of Quality that will
work as a roadmap for the design process. Then, a first proposal of the product
design can be developed by conventional means, such as the traditional PDD
process presented in a previous section.
The methodology shown in this article is an engineering design framework
based on design tools and computer aided design and engineering (CAD/
CAE) (Fig. 3). This framework integrates not only manufacturability and cost
issues but also two other fundamental aspects: environmental and logistic
performance of the product along its life cycle. Based on these two perfor-
mance aspects and with the use of analytical tools it is possible to envision
and develop advance product designs that comply with market and usability
objectives, while achieving lower environmental impacts and lower transpor-
tation costs.
For each iteration there will be a comparison between the last evolution of the
design and the one before. From those comparisons trouble areas and weaknesses
in the product are identified. At the end of each iteration the environmental and
logistics team propose a wish list of improvements, which are usually presented
in a ranking of design modifications. At the end of each iteration there is a re-
assessment of the design requirements.
As part of this framework, Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) have to be per-
formed in order to identify: (i) the most adequate raw material, (ii) opportunity
areas for low energy consumption and (iii) the most convenient number and
shape of components in order to facilitate recyclability, remanufacturability
and reusability (Fig. 4). The LCA also considered transportation and logistic
issues such as (i) the effect of design size, weight and shape on storage capability
or (ii) the effect of storage capability on cost and environmental impact.
Furthermore, social aspects were also considered and integrated as design
constraints since the conception stage. As such, designs were subject to a
minimum use of hazardous materials as established in a risk assessment evalua-
tion (also performed by the authors), based on Mackay III fugacity models and
official US toxicity values. [11, 12, 13, 14]
The logistic assessment of product performance is based on an analysis of the
expected supply chain of the product (Fig. 5). In a forward logistics assessment,
the metrics for evaluation are the portability features of the product and its
packaging (weight, volume, and stacking capability), as well as the reliability,
cost and quality of the different suppliers of raw materials and parts. Moreover,
environmental and logistic issues can be evaluated along the supply chain in
order to identify process alternatives that lead to lower environmental impacts
and consequently, to greener products [15, 16].
Suggestions from different assessment groups are collected by a multidisci-
plinary team that discriminates them and translates a selected few into design
changes that will be passed on to the design team for implementation into the
product. In order to keep control of the changes the authors recommend limit-
ing the maximum number of changes per iteration to five.
174 S.R. Hernandez, O. Romero-Hernandez
3 Case Studies
The following figures and tables correspond to a case study developed by the
authors in order to design, develop and optimize a table fan. This product was
requested in the Mexican market, so the new design took into account (i) design
for manufacturability, (ii) design for the environment, (iii) design for logistics,
and (iv) design for sustainability under a PLM scheme [10]. The table fan was
designed from a series of inputs: market study, analysis of competitors, inter-
views with experts of various departments such as manufacturing, logistics,
CAD and environmental engineering.
At the top of the methodology lies the corporate strategy and the products
mission. Afterwards, a detailed examination of all characteristics and con-
straints of the new product was carried. This examination was based on market
analysis, an understanding of the supply chain and knowledge of legislation,
environmental and health restrictions. All attributes are ranked in order to
communicate its relative importance (Table 1).
This information is also associated to engineering requirements (perfor-
mance metrics) and translated into a priority matrix a house of quality, as
illustrated in Fig. 6 [8]. The house of quality correlates customer needs with
engineering requirements in a hierarchical manner. Several designs can be
generated in a first stage, and then an iterative process takes place to select
and develop one of them until a first generation of the product is obtained [16].
A series of technical constraints and specifications are considered mandatory
for the design:
1. Blade diameters must be 40 cm
2. Electricity input must be 110 V
Product Design Optimization 175
3. Fans size must be under 60 cm from the base to the end of the blades house.
4. Fans weight must be under 7.5 kg
5. Fans base must not exceed 50 cm in diameter
6. Engine must supply at least 60 W and must be provided by a qualified
The first two constraints are based on the Mexican standard NMX-J-016,
while the rest of the specifications were provided by the marketing and the
design departments. It should be kept in mind that not meeting these specifica-
tions will lead to a less attractive product.
The first design was developed by aims of computer aided engineering
software used in the company for the design of all its family of products:
Unigraphics NX3. The first design is presented in Fig. 7.
It is important to note that the first iteration came up after undertaking a
traditional methodology for product design. First of all, clients needs were
identified and expressed in terms of engineering specifications, which in turn led
to concept generation. These inputs represented the base to the following
activities: concept selection, product architecture and detailed design imple-
mented in CAD [5].
The R-R methodology was then applied in order to improve the initial design.
This iterative methodology compromises the new design in terms of aspects such
as manufacturability, environmental performance, and logistic implications.
A wish list of improvement ideas based on these three aspects was generated
and used as a list for trial and evaluation attempts. Furthermore, design para-
meters were reviewed in order to narrow the universe of new possible changes.
Conflict on the scope of improvement decisions during the iterative process were
solved based on the hierarchy of product attributes presented on Table 1.
Fabrication Final Disposition
Process Fan Use
Transportation Transportation Transportation
Mass and energy balances were performed with the use of a calculus spread-
sheet and GaBi 4.0, a commercial software for life cycle assessments. These
activities led to an inventory of emissions, with information on the type and
amount of materials and energy produced and consumed. Main results are
presented in four different categories:
1. Total: addition of the other three categories.
2. Fan production: includes emissions of the extraction of the raw material, the
transportation of the raw material to the plant, the manufacture of the fan
and the distribution to the sale points.
3. Fan use: includes exclusively emissions from the useful life of the fan by the
4. Fan disposal: includes emissions from the final disposition of all parts that
constitute the fan (including packaging material)
This LCA had two fundamental objectives: first, to determine if an emission
of pollutants that was not allowed by regional law existed in the process;
second, to identify the process stage in which the highest environmental impact
existed; in order to direct modifications on products design, especially on those
activities associated to the highest environmental impacts.
The main indicators related to environmental impact were the following:
Potential contribution to greenhouse effect (Global Warming Potential,
GWP), Depletion of natural resources (Abiotic Depletion, AD) and Human
Toxicity (HT). Fig. 9 illustrates the relative GWP associated to major trans-
formation processes. As such, the X-axis represents a series of processes, such
as (i) energy consumption, (ii) production and transformation of materials
(LDPE, HDPE, PP and Aluminum) and the rest of processes involved in the
LCA. It can be seen that the stage that contributes the most to the GWP
environmental impact is the fan use by the consumer, which is basically due
to energy consumption (electricity). This contribution represents approxi-
mately 95% of the total emissions related to the life cycle of the product.
In other words, the energy consumption that is required during the useful life
of the fan is responsible for the largest environmental impact related to the
% 95.5
1 0.459
0.32 0.331
Fig. 9 LCA results for first Energy LDPE HDPE PP Aluminium Other
generation of the design Consumption processes
Product Design Optimization 179
A weight value assigned to distance
B weight value assigned to cost
C historic weight given on previous rankings.
Weighted values assigned to the constants in this work are based on current
hierarchies as reported previously on Table 1. As such: A 0.25, B 0.45,
C 0.30
The functions f(x), g(y) y h(z) were proposed in order to obtain rankings on
the same order of magnitude (between 0 and 10) so they could be compared.
The function f(x) decreases at a decreasing rate. Three points define the
parabolic shape of this function:
1. 0 km equals 10 points (none of the suppliers reaches this value)
2. 1000 km equals 0 points (suppliers must be based within this distance)
3. 160 km equals 7.5 points (average distance considering all potential suppliers).
where x distance.
The function g(y) is also a function that decreases at a decreasing rate. Three
points define this function:
1. A cost of zero equals 10 points (none of the suppliers reaches this mark)
2. There is an asymptotic limit on 0 points (i.e., the cost reaches an infinite value)
3. A cost of $ 13.21 equals 7.5 points (13.21 is the average price).
gy (3)
y 39:63
hz 10 (4)
z 5:5
50 47,8
11,7 10,4 11
10,1 9,07
LDPE B PP B Heat diesel B250 Energy South America HDPE B Remaining processes
Analyzing 1 p life cycle 'Ciclo de vida Ventilador 2'; Method: CML 2 baseline 2000 / World, 1990 / characterization
Fig. 11 LCI of the third generation of table fan, percentage contribution to GWP
182 S.R. Hernandez, O. Romero-Hernandez
items that can be stacked for transportation, it went from 6 to 11, which
represents an 83% increase. Design changes on the base and fan guards allowed
for an important reduction in the net weight of the fan, as well as a reduction in
material consumption to produce those parts. These modifications are reflected
on a lower expenditure on raw materials, a reduced amount of energy required
for its processing, and consequently a lower level of emission of GWP gases.
Producer /
Integrator of
Major Construction Installer Final User
public lighting
Distributor Company
conducted in order to further detail the needs, especially those relating to the
performance of the product. These needs were ordered according to their
importance, where level 3 needs are critical for the customer, level 2 needs are
of medium importance, and level 1 needs are desirable features (Table 5).
Engineering requirements were developed to satisfy the needs the customer is
expecting from the lamp. This was performed in a similar manner as for the
table fan presented previously. Once the requirements were established, a
benchmark was conducted by analyzing the existing products in the Mexican
market that were competitors to the street lamp. Since none of these solutions
were satisfactory for the design team it was decided to develop a new product
A product concept is an approximate description of the technology, opera-
tion, and shape of a product: this concept represents how the product will meet
the needs of the customer. In order to develop a concept, it is necessary to vision
the product as a series of connected functions (or sub products) that work
together. The process of defining these functions is known as functional decom-
position and helps identify the critical functions that the product has to perform
to translate them later on into features of the product. For the solar street lamp
the functional decomposition is depicted in Fig. 14.
From the functional decomposition three critical functions were identified,
namely: conversion of solar to electric energy, storage of electric energy and
conversion of electric to luminescent energy. From the definition of the
product presented above, the conversion of solar to electric energy was selected
to be by means of a set of photovoltaic (PV) panels commercially available. The
options of PV panels available in the market vary depending on the price,
conversion efficiency, light sensitivity and warranty. Several potential suppliers
were identified offering different technologies such as mono-crystalline, poly-
crystalline, or amorphous PV panels. The selection of the best suited PV panel
was not based only on the previous characteristics but also on its integration to
the whole system, since it was found that although the amorphous panels
provide the best energy performance, they require a larger area than the other
options hence complicating the installation. Moreover, it was also necessary to
Storage Conversion of
Conversion of
of electric electric to
solar to electric
energy energy luminescent
Critical flux
consider the reliability of the suppliers; consequently the selection was to use
crystalline PV panels.
A solar powered system for lighting presents an interesting problem in
terms of energy management; during daylight the PV panels will generate
electric energy that needs to be stored for its use during the night. The best
available technology for storing electric energy is the use of batteries; hence,
like in the PV panel selection, a reliable battery was selected. The selection
criteria for the batteries were the expected lifetime (directly linked to main-
tenance cycles) and the energy capacity. The development team decided to use
sealed batteries with a large energy capacity in order to reduce wiring and
connection complexity.
The third function, conversion of electric to luminescent energy, was con-
sidered critical for the development process of the system. It was found that
the competitors used either gas discharge lamps (specifically sodium oxide) or
fluorescent tubes. Although the gas discharge lamps offered good luminescence
to energy ratio, the light emission is omni directional and distinctively yellow in
color; in other words not all the light produced goes to the street surface, and it
is not possible to have a good color differentiation. The fluorescent tubes do
not have a good light penetration nor meet the Mexican standards for street
lighting. Since none of these alternatives were satisfactory for the design team it
was decided to develop a new solution based on Light Emitting Diodes
(LEDS). A LED is a source of highly directional light with an opening angle
of only 78, in other words a single LED at a height of 8 m will illuminate a circle
of 1 m diameter. Clearly this presented an issue since in street lighting systems
the area to be illuminated is a circle of 10 m radius (314 m2). The design team
developed a solution to orient an arrangement of LEDs in a semi-spherical
manner in order to cover the working area. This development was registered
with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and is sketched in
Fig. 15.
Once the three critical functions were solved it was important to integrate
them into a system that could be mounted into most commercially available
posts. This is a design requirement since the system is intended to be used in
several geographical locations within Mexico. A schematic of the mounting
system is presented in Fig. 18.
The system for street lighting was selected by the government of Mexico
City to be used in a linear park. More than 150 lamps were installed and have
been functioning with no malfunctionings or maintenance for over two years.
Figure 19 shows a view of the park.
4 Conclusion
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ducts LCM. Proceedings of the 2nd World POM Conference. Production and
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A Comprehensive Business Approach to Product
Realization Using Service Oriented Architecture
Vijay Srinivasan
1 Introduction
Business leaders make tough decisions every day, usually without the benefit of
all the information they would like to have. For example, lets assume that in an
industrial firm the engineering department has proposed a change to a top-selling
product. The change will make the product better, but at what cost? How many
parts in inventory will be made obsolete? What new tooling will need to be
V. Srinivasan (*)
IBM Corporation and Columbia University, New York and University of North
Carolina at Charlotte, USA
designed and developed, and how long will it take? What customers will be
affected, and how are they likely to respond? In short, is there more risk than
reward in making the change? Such questions arise in any comprehensive
approach to product realization.
Traditionally, answering these questions has required information from Pro-
duct Lifecycle Management (PLM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Cus-
tomer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (SCM),
and in some cases plant floor Manufacturing Execution System (MES). This
information, however, was usually available only through complex manual data
compilation and analysis. Finding the answers could take weeks, time that is not
often available or that could give a competitor an advantage in the marketplace.
But profound changes in information technology infrastructures are chan-
ging this paradigm. A powerful new approach to Information Technology (IT)
known as Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is promising to break down the
barriers between IT systems and applications to deliver actionable business
intelligence in ways never before possible. The combination of SOA with
PLM seems to be especially powerful, enabling greater insight into the business
impact of engineering decisions, facilitating collaboration with external part-
ners regardless of the systems and applications they have chosen, and leveraging
legacy PLM investments while reducing the cost and complexity of deploying
new or updated applications. As CIMdata recently observed, SOA can sig-
nificantly reduce a (users) exposure to costly upgrades and deployment
expenses and will preserve their tailored implementations [1]. Moreover,
SOA offers the potential for companies to empower the investment they have
already made in PLM, transforming it from a tool used primarily by product
engineers into a powerful business decision support enabler that allows users to
react quickly to sharp changes in market direction or to initiate changes the
rest of the market must scramble to match.
To understand how and why PLM is poised to become a key driver of
competitive business advantage, it is important to first understand the forces at
work in the market, the forces at work on PLM, and how the two are converging
to give business leaders the required power to innovate their businesses. In
Section 2 we focus on the business drive for innovation. This leads to the
importance of a global network of partners in Section 3. SOA is discussed briefly
in Section 4 as a technical solution to the information sharing problem. Section 5
addresses the application of SOA to PLM. The resulting business benefits are
outlined in Section 6, before Section 7 summarizes and concludes the paper.
Today, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) are concerned with the same business
objectives that have consumed them through the ages, including revenue growth,
cost reduction, asset utilization, and risk management. But how CEOs expect to
A Comprehensive Business Approach to Product Realization 193
achieve these business objectives has made a radical shift. For several years,
CEOs have focused on product innovation as a driver of competitive advantage,
recognizing that innovation is a means to achieving all those other goals. We will
fight our battles not on the low road to commoditization, said Howard Singer,
Chairman and CEO of Sony Corporation, but on the high road of innovation
[2]. Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman and CEO of GE Corporation, recently remarked
Constant reinvention is the central necessity at GE. . . Were all just a moment
away from commodity hell [3]. Ed Zander, Chairman and CEO of Motorola
quipped All I have done since I got here is focus on one word: innovation [4].
Recently, however, their understanding of what enables innovation has
changed, leading to a new focus not just on innovating products and services,
but also on innovating the business processes and business models that influ-
ence the creation of innovative products. Simply put, innovation looks for new
ways to make money, because old ways may not work anymore. This new focus
on innovating not just products, but how products are created and commercia-
lized, is a reaction to rapidly accelerating change. In a world where competitors
can emerge overnight from anywhere on the globe and breakthrough innova-
tion can fundamentally shift the competitive landscape, the ability to continu-
ally scan the horizon for threats and opportunities and then change directions
quickly to meet or seize them has become paramount.
In a recent IBM Global CEO Study published in 2006 [5], 87% of respon-
dents said their organizations will require fundamental change to succeed in
driving innovation in the next two years (see Fig. 1). This survey population
included 765 CEOs, business executives, and public sector leaders from 20
different industries and 11 geographic regions, both from mature markets and
from important developing markets such as China, India, Eastern Europe, and
Latin America. More than 80% said their organizations traditionally have been
largely unsuccessful in managing change in the past, and only one in ten CEOs
Fig. 1 Extent of
fundamental change needed
over the next two years
194 V. Srinivasan
3 A Network of Partnership
In the same IBM Global CEO Study of 2006 [5], major strategic partnerships
topped the list of significant business model innovations. As global connectivity
reduces collaboration and transaction costs, companies are taking advantage of
the expertise and scale beyond the boundaries of their organizations. They are
assembling groupings of specialized capabilities, combining, for example,
internal expertise and scale through shared services centers with the capabilities
of specialized partners to create innovative business models and processes.
When asked which sources their companies relied on for their most signifi-
cant innovative ideas, CEOs responses held some surprises. Business partners
were near the top of the list, just behind the general employee population.
External sources are not only prevalent in the ranking of CEOs most significant
sources of ideas, they also comprise a substantial portion of the overall quantity
of ideas. This trend was particularly evident among financial outperformers.
CEOs believe collaboration is absolutely critical, but there is a problem:
Although collaborative aspirations were high, actual implementation was
A Comprehensive Business Approach to Product Realization 195
dramatically lower. Only half of the CEOs interviewed believed their organiza-
tions were collaborating beyond a moderate level. See Fig. 3 for an illustration
of this collaboration gap. Citing a lack of the skills and expertise needed to
partner externally, many CEOs refer to partnering as theoretically easy but
practically hard to do. The message is clear: whether it involves crossing
internal or corporate boundaries, collaboration requires serious intent. The
upside of collaboration is underscored not only by qualitative CEO feedback,
but also by the financial performance of companies with extensive collabora-
tion capabilities. The Global CEO Study 2006 illuminates the degree to which
strong collaborators enjoyed healthier revenue growth and average operating
margin over their competition.
The challenge of meeting these collaboration objectives for product realization
is compounded by the need to operate effectively within a value network. Today,
delivering the product the market wants requires cooperation among a complex
ecosystem of players, from the customer-facing Original Equipment Manufac-
turer (OEM) to its design partners, their suppliers, and a host of manufacturers.
Simultaneously, distributors and retailers join the network, delivering the pro-
duct to customers and providing in-field service after the sale (see Fig. 4).
Finance and business controls govern revenues and costs. But because
product development processes extend across multiple companies, much of
the information required to establish these financial targets is known only by
the partners, suppliers and manufacturers who design and source the compo-
nents. Their activities, in turn, rely on information in systems they may not fully
control, such as inventory and manufacturing scheduling. The OEMs sales and
marketing organizations, meanwhile, need visibility into all of these activities to
gather market requirements and condition the market to demand the product.
In short, in a comprehensive business approach to product realization, there is a
dire need to share and exchange information across a complex network of
partners, such as the one shown in Fig. 4, that is spread globally and whose
topology can change quickly.
196 V. Srinivasan
The truth is that until recently, the IT tools and strategies available simply
were not up to the challenge of sharing information across such a complex
network of players in an efficient way. In fact, hard-wired links between enter-
prise applications compounded the very challenges they were meant to address.
Those links were also difficult, expensive and time-consuming to build because
developers had to compensate for the incompatible architectures of the systems
involved. This resulted in redundant and contradictory data and a hopeless
jumble of connections that were costly and difficult to manage and maintain.
And when business priorities changed, changing the links could take so long that
companies were late in responding to opportunities or missed them entirely.
The way business leverages information technology must therefore change
radically if enterprises are to garner the insights and achieve the agility CEOs
require to respond to business conditions. Fortunately, the development of a
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach to building information tech-
nology systems promises to overcome the challenges of inefficient and inflexible
architecture through adoption of an architecture specifically designed to
accommodate rapid and frequent changes.
Fig. 5 A framework to support business needs identified by the 2006 IBM CEO survey
198 V. Srinivasan
At the bottom layer of Fig. 5 are various engineering and business applica-
tion developed and supported by different Independent Software Vendors
(ISVs). The information generated by them can be integrated using standar-
dized data models [6], web services, and middleware to implement them [7].
These services can be composed to provide flexibility and responsiveness in
various work-flows to model and execute business processes. This results in the
role-based people collaboration and provides business decision support needed
at the top in Fig. 5 as desired by the CEOs.
Just as businesses are adapting to changes in the environment, so must their
supporting systems like PLM. The consistent growth of PLM is proof of its
ability to deliver business benefits specific to design, engineering and manufac-
turing, such as providing a 3D model-based development approach and
enabling concurrent engineering to reduce time-to-market and development
costs across a wide range of industries.
SOA is emerging as a key technology for enabling such growth in PLM.
Combining PLM with SOA can deliver the flexibility vital to enabling innova-
tion and achieving desired outcomes. This could provide the much sought-after
breakthrough for integrating applications around the product realization pro-
cess and breaking down the silos that traditionally have limited PLM. By
integrating PLM with the rest of the enterprise, SOA can transform a formerly
engineering-centric solution into a federated source of all product information,
including pricing, market demand, portfolio costs and more.
Together, PLM and SOA can enable flexible, standards-based access to
product information regardless of which software applications or hardware
platforms are in use throughout the enterprise and out into the value network.
The result is total product information visibility for product and portfolio
planners, support engineers, sales and marketing even business executives,
as envisioned in the following section.
SOA could address the needs of CEOs, delivering an entirely new approach that
rises above the complexity of current IT systems to give enterprises the insight
and ability they need to thrive in todays competitive reality. SOA allows
organizations to more easily link and share PLM product data with informa-
tion from other enterprise systems, effectively supporting approaches that
require multiple-team collaboration, such as functional design, design-for-
compliance, design-for-cost and service after sales.
Using SOA to combine the value of PLM and ERP, for example, allows
users to understand costing and inventory levels of existing components, as
well as their associative sizes and tolerances, to make better upfront design
decisions. This lowers the cost to develop new products by leveraging existing
components, which results in less excess inventory, fewer design iterations,
and faster time to market.
A Comprehensive Business Approach to Product Realization 199
By combining PLM with CRM, on the other hand, SOA allows organiza-
tions to showcase products in different configurations, allowing them to better
illustrate the features in a virtual reality mode that could be highlighted in their
sales initiatives. This is but one example of how product development could be
tied more closely to market introduction processes. Similar benefits are avail-
able by federating PLM information with Requirements Engineering and Sys-
tems Definition, as well as with other downstream enterprise systems, such as
Manufacturing Planning and In-Field Service Management.
Traditionally, most PLM environments utilize multiple applications, each of
which has its own database. Each of these databases contains not just informa-
tion, but knowledge about the relationships between the information the
context in which the information makes sense. When these databases attempt
to share information through an enterprise PDM (Product Data Management)
system, a traditional engineering tool, the knowledge embedded within the data
relationships specific to each application is lost.
Attempts to overcome this limitation by integrating proprietary applications
require hard-coded, difficult-to-change links. This defeats the goal of creating
agile, flexible business models. This challenge is compounded when an OEM, for
example, attempts to work closely with multiple partners and suppliers. Now
each organization in the chain must deal not only with its own application
complexity, but the complexities of its partners as well. Barriers between dispa-
rate systems make it difficult for people in interrelated functions to collaborate.
To get around these walls, people must schedule meetings, send e-mails or
make phone calls to share information that cannot be shared by the organiza-
tions disparate systems. This ad-hoc system of collaboration is fraught with
problems, however, including failures to include key people in critical decisions,
or difficulties determining whose data to trust. This further stifles the goals of
collaboration, innovation, and flexibility.
SOA-enabled PLM can remove the problems inherent in duplicating data
from individual applications into an enterprise PDM system by creating a
federated information mechanism that all applications access and share. Busi-
ness processes exist independent of specific applications and can be viewed and
accessed by all companies participating in a product realization value network.
Portals provide access and visibility into all business processes relevant to
particular user roles.
By eliminating traditional information silos and making vital product infor-
mation visible throughout an enterprise, SOA-enabled PLM could transform
PLM from an engineering application into a source of all product informa-
tion. SOA-enabled PLM provides business decision support, increases flexibil-
ity and responsiveness and improves integration with the value chain, enabling
CEOs to continually innovate their products, their business processes and their
PLM infrastructures.
SOA can also create an ecosystem in which multiple solution developers,
integrators and IT consultants can collaborate, replacing competition with
cooperation a profound benefit to the client. By permitting heterogeneous
200 V. Srinivasan
6 Business Benefits
The SOA-enabled PLM approach could deliver new capabilities that would not
be possible without this flexible infrastructure. These capabilities enable a
comprehensive approach to product realization processes used within the entire
value network. Some of the benefits of this approach were mentioned in the
previous section. Listed below are a few more of the new capabilities and their
benefits enabled by SOA.
Information systems used for enterprise asset management and service after
sales track asset data including location, work, and cost history to control costs
and operational condition of capital equipment. Collaboration between engi-
neering and field services made possible by connecting mobile field service
technicians to PLM and asset utilization data instantly speeds the communica-
tion of field issues back to the engineering department, allowing OEMs to
identify design issues earlier, design fixes and communicate them to the field
to reduce warranty claims and improve product reliability. Linking PLM data
to asset usage in the field can improve customer service, account for proper
asset usage, and lengthen useful life.
integration within the enterprise and into the supply network ensures flexibility
and collaboration with people throughout the product realization process.
For example, Volkswagen AG has used such portals to improve productivity
in its procurement department by improving access to product information.
The portals have shortened order-to-delivery cycles while making the procure-
ment staff 20% more productive and improving their ability to focus on high-
value-add activities. Meanwhile, another leading OEM is using portals to
streamline the communication of design changes between its own development
teams and its suppliers, cutting the design/engineering cycle by more than a
third, reducing development costs by 25% and replacing manual distribution of
time-sensitive change orders with an automated, real-time system.
Supply chain collaboration enables extended value chain creation and manage-
ment of the virtual product into the supply chain, improving collaboration and
integration through an optimized infrastructure, improving the management of
data and development processes by suppliers, reducing program risk, improv-
ing business model and process innovation support, and reducing administra-
tive costs for activities such as manual exchange, checking and data translation.
Suppliers also benefit through reduced IT resource requirements, pre-defined
202 V. Srinivasan
Software and system development tools accelerate and improve the design,
development, implementation and management of the delivery of software and
systems. To create virtually any new product today, it is necessary to synthesize
the engineering disciplines of mechanical, electronic, and software development.
Engineers must understand, simulate, and validate a broad set of factors that
influence product success. Customer requirements must be captured, understood,
and allocated to functions and system architectures, which can then be analyzed
and simulated again, to enable the development of an optimal design that
balances risk, cost and time-to-market constraints. Software and Systems Devel-
opment integrates mechanical and electronic design to create a systems-level view
of PLM applications and databases on a SOA, regardless of their engineering
domain (for example, electronic-CAD, mechanical-CAD, software, hydraulics,
simulation, verification) or their internal development cycles and rules. This
allows for efficient reuse of system-level design know-how to drive lean, effective,
global and innovative product realization initiatives.
These and other examples such as integrated change management, pro-
duct information management, and product and portfolio management
demonstrate just some of the benefits real companies are achieving or could
achieve with an SOA-enabled PLM approach to manage their product life-
cycle data and business processes.
design and implement SOA can be found in various technical literature, for
example in [7]. Some of the early successes in applying SOA for product
information sharing across an enterprise can be found in [8, 9]. While much
remains to be done to fully realize the comprehensive business approach out-
lined in this paper, these initial projects have yielded encouraging results that
point to a promising future. In essence, SOA allows engineering and business
processes to be built using modular chunks of software in the form of services
that can communicate with each other and be used across different parts of a
business. As observed recently by The Wall Street Journal the approach can
save companies time and money because the software modules can be reused
and reconfigured in new ways [10]. This is perhaps the most recent and best
endorsement of SOA by the business community.
Acknowledgments This paper is based extensively on IBMs business and market research on
innovation [5] and SOA for PLM [11]. The author gratefully acknowledges these sources and
numerous IBM colleagues who contributed to these researches and their documentation.
1. CIMdata Program Review, September 2006.
2. Sonys Revitalization in the Changing CE World. Howard Stringers remarks, CEA-
TEC, Tokyo, October 4, 2005.
3. E. Schonfeld, GE sees the light by learning to manage innovation: Jeffrey Immelt is
remaking Americas flagship industrial corporation into a technology and marketing
powerhouse. Business 2.0. July 1, 2004.
4. At Motorola, a Hop in Everybodys Step. BusinessWeek Online. August 22, 2005,
5. IBM Business Consulting Services, Expanding the Innovation Horizon Executive
Summary of Global CEO Study 2006, publication G510-6258-00, March 2006, http://
6. V. Srinivasan, Standardizing the specification, verification, and exchange of product
geometry: Research, status and trends, Computer-Aided Design, 2007.
7. IBM Systems Journal, Special Issue on SOA, Vol. 44, No. 4, 2005.
8. V. Srinivasan, An integration framework for product lifecycle management, under
review in Computer-Aided Design.
9. V. Srinivasan, L. Lammer, and S. Vettermann, On architecting and implementing a
product information sharing service, ASME Journal of Computing and Information
Science in Engineering, Special Issue on Engineering Informatics, March 2008.
10. C. Lawton, SOA stirs a computing buzz modular software lets services be used
across businesss parts, The Wall Street Journal, July 17, 2007.
11. IBM Product Lifecycle Management, Empowering Product Lifecycle Management with
Service Oriented Architecture, publication 07-000772, March 2007, http://t1d.www-03.
Integration of Collaborative Engineering Design
Using Teamcenter Community in Mechanical
Engineering Curricula
1 Introduction
The globalization of the economy has significantly changed the way the industries
do business. Many companies have outsourced their design and manufacturing
factories overseas. Therefore, global collaboration has become necessary in
industry. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) has made the collaboration
possible. As defined by Grieves [1], PLM is an integrated, information-driven
approach comprised of people, process/practices, and technology to all aspects of
X. Peng (*)
Mechanical Engineering Department, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View,
Texas 77446, USA
a products life, from its design through manufacture, deployment and main-
tenance culminating in the products removal from service and final disposal.
With such a PLM system the members of a design team in geographically
dispersed locations are able to interact with each other effectively in the colla-
borative design process.
One major goal of the higher education is to produce high quality students
who shall have the skills working in the changing global economic environ-
ment when they graduate. Since the last decade, the CAD/CAM/CAE has
been widely integrated into mechanical engineering curricula due to the
demanding needs from the design and manufacturing industry. CAx has
been considered as the mandatory training for engineering students. Today
the growing interest in PLM in the industries has demanded college education
to impart engineering students the necessary skills for collaborative design in a
distributed environment.
To meet this emerging need, Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU) and
University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR) have conducted the pilot collaborative
project to jointly develop collaborative CAD engineering design instructional
projects, utilizing the Teamcenter Community and NX3 software from UGS
PLM Solutions. These collaborative design projects were implemented in the
teaching of two CAD courses, i.e., MCEG1213 course at PVAMU and ME363
course at UMR in Fall 2006. The students at both universities teamed up to
work on the collaborative design projects, by dividing up the project tasks
among different team members. The members of each team consisted of stu-
dents from both universities. This project is funded by PACE program (Part-
ners for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education).
In addition to the demanding needs from the industry described above, many
research papers have reported that integration of collaboration activities using
on-line tools can enhance learning, reduce the sense of isolation, increase partici-
pants learning motivation, and improve students social interaction skills [2, 3, 4].
From the social and psychological perspective, Hughes et al. [4] provided a
comprehensive survey of literatures to address how to establish the most effective
on-line collaboration. The paper summarized four aspects of effective collabora-
tion, including: (1) getting students to understand the value of collaboration;
(2) establishing comfort with the technology used in the collaborative environ-
ment; (3) building comfort and trust among students and between instructor and
students; and (4) creating a rich on-line social environment.
Several universities have developed a program of collaborative design and
product data management in their curricula. Purdue University has developed a
framework to integrate design using CAD, rapid prototyping, team-based
collaboration projects and realistic constraints and budgets in a computer-
aided design and prototyping class [5]. However, their collaboration was con-
ducted within one university. Tomovic of Purdue University [6] introduced the
PLM experience to the senior design students with integration of part design,
design optimization, and design of manufacturability. Georgia Tech and
University of Maryland College Park implemented a collaborative product
Integration of Collaborative Engineering Design 207
2 Participating Universities
PLM tools currently used by leading industries. These include Alias Maya
Unlimited, Alias AutoStudio, Altair HyperWorks, E-factory Toolkit, FLU-
ENT, LS-DYNA, MSC.ADAMS, MSC.Nastran, NX (previously Uni-
graphics), Teamcenter Community, and Teamcenter Engineering, etc.
Founded in 1876, Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU) is the second
oldest public institution of higher learning in the state of Texas located 30 miles
away from Houston. As part of the Texas A&M system, PVAMU is one of the
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in which approximately
96% of the students are classified as ethnic minorities. Prairie View A&M
University is known as one of the nations top producers of African-American
engineers. At PVAMU, the MCEG1213 course Creative Engineering is a
mandatory freshman course in Mechanical Engineering. This course introduces
students the basic knowledge of engineering drawing and computer-aided
design and teaches student how to use CAD software Unigraphics NX3 for
engineering design and analysis.
Founded in 1870, the University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR) has been one of
the top among technological research universities. UMR was recognized as a
top 50 Engineering School by US News & World Reports Americas Best
Colleges, 2006. At UMR, the ME363 course Principles and Practices of
Computer-Aided Design is offered to graduate and upper-level undergraduate
students every year. This course introduces the fundamentals of computer-
aided design and engineering with emphasis on geometric modeling. Uni-
graphics NX3 software is used by students to gain practical experience as well
as to help them grasp the theories of computer-aided design.
Both ME363 and MCEG1213 at the two universities have an emphasis
on developing students hands-on experience on applying NX3 to solve
engineering problem. In the old curricula of both courses, final team
projects were assigned to students to design a product. The final projects
aim is to provide students the opportunities to apply solid modeling,
engineering drafting, and assembly skills to attack a real design problem.
The projects develop in students the capabilities of report writing, giving
presentations, and working as a team. Because both universities have
similar final project assignments and have common interests in integrating
PLM in the curricula, the integration of collaborative design in the final
project has become very smooth.
case that trouble was met and no solution could be found in the guide, the UGS
technical support has been an excellent resource in providing help. Normally we
were contacted promptly by the technical person. The trouble was able to be
resolved within one or two days. The implementation was relatively smooth
although no training course has been taken.
Before the installation of the TcC, we needed to select the proper deployment in
determining the number of servers needed and how the software should be
deployed on the servers. The enrollment of two courses generally were 2030
students in ME363 (UMR) and 1525 students in MCEG1213 (PVAMU). The
estimated concurrent users were under 100. Therefore, the deployment indicated in
the guide [14] which can support 900 concurrent users was adequate for this project
and can still provide enough room for expanding the scope of the collaboration.
Two Sun servers were configured as Web Server and Domain Controller
respectively as illustrated in Fig. 1. The software installed on each server is listed
as below.
Web Server
Windows 2003 Server
Internet Information Server (IIS) 6.0
Windows Share Point Service (WSS)
Teamcenter Community V5.2
Domain Controller and SQL Server
Windows 2003 Server
Domain Name Service (DNS)
Active Directory (AD)
SQL Server 2000.
Web Server
Windows 2003 Server
Windows Share Point Service (WSS)
Teamcenter Community
Internet Client
It has been indicated that it is challenging to grant the access of the Team-
center Community to the outside of the university firewall [8], [10], [12]. If there
is no entry of the firewall, virtual private network (VPN) has been an alternative
to allow outside user accessing of TcC. However, it has been demonstrated that
using VPN has been a problematic strategy due to the blocked internet port [10].
The IT department has full control over the network setting in the academia
environment. Due to the security concern, the IT normally is very restrictive on
granting the entry of the firewall. Fortunately the IT department at PVAMU
has been very supportive in granting a firewall entry to the Web Server when the
significance of the project was explained to them.
3. Contact Information Members can exchange their names and contact infor-
mation (such as telephone number, e-mail address, and living address) here.
4. Announcement The students can post news, meeting announcements,
and other short information which they want to share with their team
student to start using TcC. Some of the students found out it was more
convenient to use their personal computers.
Tutorials on how to install TcC client software and how to use TcC were
developed and distributed to students. Students were trained in the class on how
to use TcC. It was reported by students that most of the functions of TcC are
easy to learn such as Shared Document, Calendar, Tasking, Announcement etc.
Because students had little knowledge on project management, the functions of
TcC related to project management such as routing slips were seldom used.
Another reason was the scale of the collaborative project was small. The
advantages of the using those functions did not appear appealing to students.
After the construction of Teamcenter website, the instructors from two uni-
versities designed three pre-defined topics as the final project which required
students from UMR and PVAMU to team up as groups. Each group was asked
to choose one design subject to work on. The final project required students to
complete a conceptual design of a new product. The final design must be an
assembly. In addition, the students were requested to address material selection,
manufacturing concern, and cost analysis of the product. When the instructors
designed the project topics, the following aspects were taken into consideration:
1) The scale of the project should be appropriate such that students can
complete it within six weeks; 2) The products to be designed by students should
have adequate complexity which can give students challenges; 3) The products
can be easily broken down into sub-components so that team members can
collaboratively complete the design. The design topics were:
Backhoe design excavating equipment consisting of a digging bucket at the
end of an articulated arm.
Tandem bicycle design a bicycle to be built for two people sitting one behind
the other.
Folding bicycle design a bicycle which can be folded for easy transportation
and storage.
There were 22 students enrolled in ME363 at UMR and 14 students
enrolled in MCEG1213 at PVAMU respectively. Each group consisted of
four students. A total of nine groups were formed by one of the following
formats: 1) Five groups consisted of two UMR students and two PVAMU
students, and 2) Four groups consisted of three UMR students and one
PVAMU students. Each group had one group leader assigned by the instruc-
tors. The group leader can make final decision when there are different
opinions during the collaboration. Each team had a Teamcenter website:
216 X. Peng et al.
It was found by Wegerif [15] that participants in a collaboration project are tend
to be anxious and defensive to collaborate unless trust and comfort are estab-
lished among the team members. It is observed in this project that thorough
communication among the team members is the critical key to guaranteeing the
success of the collaborative design. Various collaborative tools besides Team-
center Community such as Video Conference, Email, and Instant Messenger
etc. were utilized to assist the communication between the team members.
Teamcenter Community was used extensively by students, and was the
primary means of transferring NX3 part files and data. Utilizing TcC, each
group member was able to express questions and concerns, receive answers and
post their completed part files. In addition, TcC allowed group members to view
relevant project files and a project timeline, both of which assisted in the timely
completion of the final project.
It has been suggested that an initial face-to-face meeting will significantly
enhance the trust and familiarity among team members and a willingness to
collaborate [4]. However, it was not feasible to have a face-to-face meeting
for our students due to the time and cost constraint. On the other hand, the
basic idea of the collaborative design projects is to train students to be able to
collaborate with partners they never meet before. The video conferencing
system was used at the initial stage of the project to get the team members
from two campuses know each other and discuss the proposal. Figure 6
shows that two PVAMU students were discussing the project with team
members from UMR using video conferencing. In addition to video confer-
encing, Email, Messenger, and Phone etc. were used by students. The
instructors did not impose any use of collaboration tools or collaboration
activities other than TcC and first Video Conference meeting. Different
groups had different opinions on using the collaboration tools. Some groups
met weekly using Messenger. Some groups did not have regular meeting.
Instead they called each other when they found it necessary. There was one
group that used email exclusively for exchanging ideas without calling each
other. It was interesting that the communication in the groups which had
Integration of Collaborative Engineering Design 217
two PVAMU and two UMR students were more active than those groups
which had one PVAMU and three UMR students.
Boom Cab
Engine Hood
Rear Bucket
simultaneously while students were doing the final presentation. The presenta-
tions were evaluated by the panel of judges based on three criteria including
solid modeling and assembly modeling, report and presentation, teamwork and
collaboration. The panel of judges consisted of two faculty from UMR and
PVAMU, two representatives from Altair Engineering Inc. (PACE contribu-
tor), and one representative from GM. Three top teams were awarded prizes.
All the students received certificates provided by PACE.
Over the nine groups, seven groups chose Tandem Bicycle as their projects.
Two groups chose to design a Backhoe. Figure 8 shows the top design, a
Backhoe Loader. The backhoe loader design was broken down by students
into four major subassemblies, i.e., Loader, Backhoe, Cab, and Body. Each
team member was responsible for creating one of the subassemblies. Figure 9
shows the Cab designed by PVAMU student.
Figure 10 shows a Miami Beach Tandem Cruiser designed by Group 4.
The tandem bicycles main functional requirement is to seat two people and
have arrangements so that both passengers can pedal it. The students made
some improvement on the bike to make it safer and faster, in order to market
to a younger market audience. The frame was elongated to make it more
aerodynamic and stable in turns. The wheels and frame were lightened by
using carbon fiber. Knobby tires were put on to give the appearance of being
tough and rugged, while also giving the rider the freedom to take dirt or
gravel trails. The disc brakes made the bike safer in wet conditions and the
handlebars were placed lower, so the rider has a more aggressive stance while
Integration of Collaborative Engineering Design 219
5 Discussion
5.1 Challenges
1. Although six weeks were given to students to complete the projects which is
longer than the time given for non collaboration project, students still felt the
time was very limited. We should to be able to initiate the collaboration
earlier next time with the TcC in operation.
2. Misunderstanding and miscommunication occurred in some teams during
the collaboration. Because no weekly review meeting or progress reports
were requested, the instructors did not perceive the problems promptly. This
caused a delay in solving the problems. In the future, regular review meeting
and progress reports should be required.
3. More training on TcC should be provided to students. The progress of the
project was slowed down because students had different level of technical
skills. This problem became more obvious when undergraduate freshman
collaborated with graduate students.
4. Some important functions related to PLM were not used in this project such
as the workflows, task distribution, and application sharing functions due to
the time constraint to implement them. Application sharing allows the users
to share someones desktop with any other collaborators. By joining a visual
conference in TcC, all participants can view the hosts desktop and even
control the remote desktop if the host transfers the control to any
5.4 Benefits
We have built a collaborative design infrastructure at PVAMU. Teamcenter
Community has been successful deployed and applied in the distributed design
222 X. Peng et al.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge the generous support of the PACE
program/GM Foundation in providing funding, hardware, software and technical support
for this project. Dr. Milton Bryant, Dean of College of Engineering at PVAMU, and
Dr. Shield Lin, Department Head of Mechanical Engineering at PVAMU have provided
tremendous support to this project. We would also like to thank Mr. Chris Galvez in College
of Engineering at Prairie View A&M University for his technical support of implementing
Teamcenter Community.
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