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Features of Steam Sterilizers, Digital Fuzzy Controlled Autoclaves

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Innovative Technology to Improve the Quality of Human Life

witeg Wisd

Features of
Steam Sterilizers, Digital Fuzzy Controlled Autoclaves

witeg Steam Sterilizers ------------------ P. 16~17

witegs Autoclaves are upgraded with a simpler and more ergonomic design.
Unique and innovative Electronic Safety Door Locking System and Steam
Condensing Mechanism maximize the user safety, which is the most critical
feature of autoclave product. New Lever-type Door Handle makes anybody
open and close the door very easily and safely. Both of Solid and Liquid cycles
are offered up to the samples to be sterilized, which ensures optimum sterilizing

Safety Upgrade
Special Steam Condensing Mechanism protects the user from :6)&;#6$<&;#65!%!=657>&
hot steam after sterilizing cycle, by condensing the hot steam into
small amount of water : patent registered.
Safety Door Locking System ensures the door firmly locked Function/Convenience Upgrade
by electronic-controlled switch and solenoid latch while sterilizing
cycle is ongoing. The door can be opened only when there is no One-Touch Lever-type Door Handle is invented and implemented
hot-steam and high-pressure inside the pressure vessel: patent for the user to open & close the door very easily and safely: patent
registered. registered.
CE-MDD (0470) certified as a medical device, by which witegs Two different operation mode of Solid and Liquid Cycle are offered,
autoclaves can be supplied to the hospitals in Europe. which can be chosen up to the kind of sample to be sterilized.
Stainless Steel Cover is implemented to prevent the user from burn New Jog-Dial Controller with simples user interface: patent registered
by high temperature in the pressure vessel. Digital Timer functions for Delay time and Operation time are available.
Very high quality Over Pressure Valve is used to automatically Innovative Easy-to-Use Digital Fuzzy Controller.
release abnormal high pressure inside the vessel. Digital LCD with Back-Light

Jog-Dial Controller
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Open Button
Sub Button

Simplest and easiest User Interface by ergonomic design

Design of Jog-Dial is more sturdy and convenient
High quality Digital LCD with Back-Light
One-touch Open button to open the door only when sterilizing cycle is not on going

witeg Wisd
Safety Electronic Door Locking System
Sterilizing cycle can be stated only when the door is completely closed.
Eclectro-mechanical sensor, solenoid latch, and one-touch Open button work
together to implement the perfect safety door, which can be opened only
C16.#20,*& 225&
C16.#20,*& 225&
225& when the temperature and pressure is low enough inside the pressure vessel.
Open Button
Open Button

Special Steam Condensing Mechanism

Hot steam generated by sterilizing cycle is not released out directly.
It is condensed into a small amount of water just after the sterilizing cycle by
special condensing mechanism, which protects the user from dangerous high
temperature steam.

Lever-type Sliding Door

This real innovation of door closing mechanism makes any user easily close the
door with consistent degree of closing by a single hand, regardless of the level
of strength in his/her arms. Opening is also very easy and can be done with
single hand as well.

Liquid & Solid Cycle Mode

Operation mode is optional between Solid Cycle mode and Liquid Cycle mode.
In Solid Cycle mode, heating is immediately off and steam is released quickly
just after sterilizing period. But in Liquid mode, temperature is decreased very
slowly and steam is released out little by little for much longer time.

Using International Standard Components

Maintenance and Service is very convenient because most of the components
and parts are internationally standard ones and available in the market.

CE-MDD(CE 0470-Medical Device Directive)

witegs new autoclaves are designed and produced strictly following
European standard for electric and mechanical safety. So, it can be supplied to,
and used safely in, world-wide hospitals and institutes requiring CE-MDD

Ba Autoclaves,
Steam Sterilizer
Steam Sterilizer
Articles Cat. No Description

witeg Steam Sterilizers, Digital Fuzzy-controlled Autoclaves, WAC, 47-/60-/80-Lit., up to 132C, Max.2 kgf/cm 2

Electronic Door Lock, Steam Condensing Mechanism, Lever-type Sliding Door, Solid-/Liquid-Modes, CE-MDD Certified
+,,with Certificate & Traceability :
NEW 2-Year Warranty
2-Year Warranty
Jog-Dial >04:(421(,;4'4,?4@(,"3@'(7
!" with
with PushButton
Push Button
+,, 4'(/'(*,"A(:&41,"'(47,-./*(/@&/),B(:C4/&@7
+,, 4'(/'(*,G.)=;&41,-./'0.1,"3@'(7
Digital Fuzzy Lever-type ,,, 0&/',"'(0&1&O4'&./,-3:1(,;4'4,9.0,P41&*4'&./,4/*,L/413O(,"'(0&1&O4'&./
Controller Sliding Door ,,,K>(7A(04'60(8, 0(@@60(8,>&7(8,D00.0,"'4'6@8,(':%M
+,,Q-D=B;;,K-D,RSTR= B(*&:41,;(<&:(,;&0(:'&<(M,-(0'&9&(*U,
+,, EK 0.*6:',E&42&1&'3M,V/@604/:(
D112B$#!B6&F$7?.#2.H76& !"!#$%&/0==?&(21#52%%65G
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;$E6#?&$1@&F$7?&#2&H76&'6B65.#?J6&;%!@!1"& 225G&&&&&
Steam CondensingMechanism
Condensing Mechanism&&&
Mechanism D1,%0@6@&TN&K!56&+$7-6#
Complete Safety
Safety Pressure
Pressure Mechanism
(1) Steam Sterilizers, Digital Fuzzy-Controlled Autoclave,
With 2 x Wire Baskets Specification
Standard-type AB7@!" AB7@C AB7@D
NEW 2-Year Warranty
2-Year Warranty AB7@9!" AB7@9C AB7@9D
!" <F>$9(,0)?()@80?(4 9(,0)?()@&E+( !"#$%&'$(!)*+,-.$(/!0-$(&*-1!2&*-$%$34&$,(!56+%*!74&4!
Jog-Dial Lever-type Capacity @A!B$&> CD!B$&> ED!B$&>
Digital Fuzzy with
with PushButton
Push Button
Button Sliding Door
Controller Temp. Range & Accuracy F:G$*(&!HI5!&,!JKLI51!MD>HI5!4&!JLJI5
2 2 2
Pressure & Gauge J>L!N/OP+: 4&!JLJI5PL>D!N/OP+: 4&!JKLI51!D!Q!K!N/OP+:
*&()-4-G/&-01$80?( 2,%$.'!,-!B$R#$.':,.*
H(/&-1I$J0K()$L$701268+&-01 L!NS K!NS L!NS!T!K
Timer & Alarm UU!V-!HU!:$(!HU!<*+1!=--,-!<&4&#<!W!9$:*-'*(.
M-2+4/E 7$/$&4%!B57!X$&V!"4+N'B$/V&!Y#(+&$,(
Recorder Controller 7$/$&4%!Y#336'5,(&-,%!26<&*:!8Y#%%6!F#&,:4&$+?
M00)$N$7402-1I$*E2&(8 B*Z*-'&6;*!2%$.$(/!7,,-!P!24O*&6!=%*+&-,($+!7,,-!5%,<$(/!26<&*:
*/.(&E$7-),6-& [Z*-'9*:;>P'0-*<<#-*P'5#--*(&!;-,&*+&$,(1!2*(<,-!=--,-!7*&*+&$,(
Printer 9V*-:4%!&6;*!;-$(&*-1!)*+,-.!04;*-!),%% !XHE!T!\@D::
Material 2&4$(%*<<!2&**%!8]KD@?'0-*<<#-*!^*<<*%1!0,X.*-!5,4&*.!2&**%'=T&*-(4%
Basket L*4!,O!Stainless S&**%!S$-*!"4<N*&<!4-*!_(+%#.*.
O/2P(&$M-8(12-01$<88> \LAD!T!VL@D \KLD!T!VL@D \KAD!T!VL@D

M-8(12-01$ R11()$<88> \KDD!T!VCAD \KHD!T!VCHD \@DD!T!VCHD

<K$Q$?$Q$'> %6&()$<88> CED!T!@AD!T!EED CED!T!@AD!T!UDD AED!T!HED!T!UDD
J/,P-1I$*-G($<88> EDD!T!ADD!T!VJ1LED!:: U@D!T!EDD!T!VJ1KHD!::
Cycle Data Print S)022$K(-I'&$<PI> JJC kg JLD kg JAK!N/
J0K()$*6++4E F5 LKD^1!J`Q1!HDPCDa3 F5 @DD^1!K`Q1!HDPCDa3
(2) Steam Sterilizers, Digital Fuzzy-Controlled Autoclave,
With 2 x Wire Baskets

<Continued on next page>

16 witeg Labortechnik GmbH
MaXterile Autoclaves, Steam Sterilizer Au
Cat. No Description Articles

<Continued from... Steam Sterilizers, Digital Fuzzy-controlled Autoclaves, WAC>

Ordering Information
(1) Autoclaves, Digital Fuzzy Controlled Standard-type
MH;AB7 T !" F#&,+%4Z*!2&4(.4-.1!FU VW$$$$!"$X-&;W$YAB7@!"Z
MH;AB7 T C F#&,+%4Z*1!FU V$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$W$$$C $X-&;W$YAB7@C Z
MH;AAC " D F#&,+%4Z*!2&4(.4-.1!! VW$U[\W$D $X-&;W YAB7@D Z
(2) Autoclaves, Digital Fuzzy Controlled Recorder-type
MH;AB79F !" F#&,+%4Z*!"#$%&'_(!)*+,-.*-1!FU VW$$$!"$X-&;W$YAB7@9!"Z
MH;AB79F C F#&,+%4Z*1!FU V$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$W$$$C $X-&;W$YAB7@9C Z
MH;AAC9" D F#&,+%4Z*!"#$%&'_(!)*+,-.*-1!! VW$U[\W$D $X-&;W YAB7@9D Z

(3) Spare Wire Baskets, Stainless Steel

MH;Ba" == ! S$-*!"4<N*&1!\LAD!T!VL@D::1!YB/" ==Z1!O,-!!!!"$X-&;$YAB7@!"Z$N$YAB7@9!"Z$
MH;Ba" =F S$-*!"4<N*&1!\KLD!T!VL@D::1!YB/" =FZ, O,-!!!C $X-&;$YAB7@C Z$$N$YAB7@9C Z (1) Steam Sterilizers, Digital Fuzzy-
MH;Ba" =U S$-*!"4<N*&1!\KAD!T!VL@D::1!YBa" =UZ, O,-$$$D $X-&;$YAB7@D Z$N$YAB7@9D Z Controlled Autoclave
(4) Optional Perforated Bottom Baskets, Stainless Steel
MH;AB7F !" ! 0*-O,-4&*.!"4<N*&1!\LAD!T!VLHD::1!YAB7F !"Z1!O,-!!"$X-&;$YAB7@!"Z$N$YAB7@9!"Z
MH;WACF C 0*-O,-4&*.!"4<N*&, KLD!T!VLHD::1!YWACF C Z, O,-!C $X-&;$YAB7@C Z$N$YAB7@9C Z
MH;WACF D 0*-O,-4&*.!"4<N*&, KAD!T!VLHD::1!YWACF D Z, O,-$D $X-&;$YAB7@D Z$N$YAB7@9D Z
Validation (IQ, OQ) Service
MH;AB7U !" ! ^4%$.4&$,(!2*-Z$+*8_b1![b?1!YB7V!"ZW!O,-!YAB7@!"Z
MH;AB7U C ^4%$.4&$,(!2*-Z$+*8_b1![b?, YB7VC ZW!O,-!YAB7@C Z
MH;AB7U D ^4%$.4&$,(!2*-Z$+*8_b1![b?, YB7VD ZW!O,-!YAB7@D Z
MH;AB79 !" ! ^4%$.4&$,(!2*-Z$+*8_b1![b?1!YB79V!"ZW!O,-!YAB7@9!"Z 8K?!S$-*!"4<N*&!2&4$(%*<<!2&**%
MH;AB79 C ^4%$.4&$,(!2*-Z$+*8_b1![b?, YB79VC ZW!O,-!YAB7@9C Z !8_(+%#.*.?
MH;AB79 D ^4%$.4&$,(!2*-Z$+*8_b1![b?, YB79VD ZW!O,-!YAB7@9D Z

2$.* Bottom

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