Medical Report Format
Medical Report Format
Medical Report Format
Author of report
Sources of information
Presenting complaint
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Victorian Forensic Paediatric Medical Service (VFPMS)
Medical Report Template
Examination findings
Medical Management
Information sharing
Limitations to opinion
+/- Jurat
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Victorian Forensic Paediatric Medical Service (VFPMS)
Medical Report Template
Code for report (for your records eg include Drs and typist initials)
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Victorian Forensic Paediatric Medical Service (VFPMS)
Medical Report Template
Who provided consent and for what procedures?
Time, date, manner, use of what consent forms (eg VFPMS mature minor consent form)
Details of how consent was obtained and by whom
Note if consent was given to obtain information from other professionals
Who, for what part of assessment / examination?
Document when and how assistance was provided
Sources of information
Full details of all people who provided information, (face-to-face conversations,
telephone conversations, email and letters, diary entries, drawings, images captured on
mobile phones etc)
Reports medical and others
Medical files and hospital records
Investigations and reports/correspondence/opinions obtained from other professionals
Presenting complaint
Identity of who requested service, time and date, manner of enquiry (who, when, how
and why?)
History of complaint and involvement of person requesting the medical assessment
(chronological order, dot points may be used)
9/22/2017 4
Victorian Forensic Paediatric Medical Service (VFPMS)
Medical Report Template
For adolescents use HEADSS structure to enquire about psychosocial factors, alcohol
and drug use, sexuality and other factors relevant in this age group
Note specific questions about symptoms and signs should be asked in relation to
significant blood loss (including loss into tissues and extravascular spaces)
head injury
drug and alcohol use
suspected ingestion of foreign substance
Examination findings
9/22/2017 5
Victorian Forensic Paediatric Medical Service (VFPMS)
Medical Report Template
Examination of injuries
Note lighting and magnification
Use of any equipment (magnifying lights, torch, colposcope)
Fully describe individual injuries / pattern of injury
Use Body diagrams
Number injuries and use a format that makes identification / reference easy
Video or DVD colposcopic recording
(Note that our MOU with the OPP means that we MUST indicate in each report when a
video or DVD colposcopic recording has been made)
Photographs where? when? what region of patients body? Who took them?
Special photographic techniques?
If possible include information about where the images are located.
Chain of evidence
Specimens were given to at (location)
At date and time
Serology (Hep B, Hep C, HIV, VDRL)
Swabs in culture medium for microscopy culture and sensitivities
Swabs in viral culture medium (rarely collected these days)
Swabs in special medium (chlamydia, gonococcus)
Full blood examination
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Victorian Forensic Paediatric Medical Service (VFPMS)
Medical Report Template
Clotting studies (provide information about exact what tests were ordered)
Other blood tests (list)
Radiology (list)
Medical Management
Prescriptions and medications prescribed and/or dispensed
Morning after pill / Post coital contraception
Antibiotics as prophylaxis for sexually transmissible infection
Specialist referral (who, where? what opinion and treatment is sought?)
Planned review and medical follow up document your case management plan
Information sharing
Information provided to investigators (Who? When? What?)
Information provided to subjects healthcare provider(s)
Information provided to subject and care-givers
Limitations to opinion
List any omissions or limiting factors
This is the most important part of the report and must be very carefully worded!
Comment in terms of likelihood
(This is also REALLY important and must be carefully considered)
For improved safety and well being of this child
For improved safety and well being of siblings
Intervention from Child Protection
Intervention from Vic Police
Intervention from health services
Intervention from community based agencies
Parenting assessments, psychological evaluation of parent(s)
Services/ for parents / carers
Other (including psychological interventions / counselling)
Typed name and title
Contact details of author
Date signed
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