Chapter9 PDF
Chapter9 PDF
Chapter9 PDF
Major Balance-of-Plant Features 9
It is difficult to completely standardize the plant design steam system, condensate cleanup
beyond the nuclear island. In addition to utility system, and the condensate and
preferences in the steam and power conversion system, feedwater pumping and heating
there are also site-unique issues, such as the ultimate system. The heat rejected to the main
heat sink (UHS) location and temperature which can condenser is removed by a circulating
play a significant role in the selected configuration. water system and discharged to the
What follows, therefore, is an example configuration, power cycle heat sink.
showing one possible implementation. Changes in this
part of the plant will not have any significant impact Steam, generated in the reactor, is
on the Nuclear Island design or operation. supplied to the high-pressure turbine
and the steam reheaters. Steam leaving
the high-pressure turbine passes
Steam and Power through a combined moisture
Conversion System separator/reheater prior to entering the
low-pressure turbines. The moisture
separator drains, steam reheater drains,
The Turbine Building houses all equipment associated and the drains from the two high-
with the main turbine generator and other auxiliary pressure feedwater heaters are pumped
equipment. The turbine employs a conventional back to the reactor feedwater pump
regenerative cycle with condenser deaeration and suction by the heater drain pumps. The
condensate demineralization. The turbine-generator low-pressure feedwater heater drains
is equipped with an electrohydraulic control system are cascaded to the condenser.
and supervisory instruments to monitor performance.
The gross electrical output of the turbine-generator is Steam exhausted from the low-
approximately 1350 MWe. pressure turbines is condensed and
deaerated in the condenser. The
The components of the Steam and Power Conversion condensate pumps take suction from
(S&PC) System are designed to produce electrical the condenser hotwell and deliver the
power utilizing the steam generated by the reactor, condensate through the filters and
condense the steam into water, and return the water to demineralizers, gland steam
the reactor as heated feedwater, with a major portion condenser, SJAE condensers, offgas
of its gaseous, dissolved, and particulate impurities recombiner condensers to the
removed in order to satisfy the reactor water quality condensate boost pumps. The
requirements. condensate boost pumps deliver the
feedwater through the low-pressure
The S&PC System includes the turbine portion of the feedwater heaters to the reactor feed
main steam system, the main turbine generator system, pumps. The reactor feed pumps
main condenser, condenser evacuation system, turbine discharge through the high-pressure
gland seal system, turbine bypass system, extraction feedwater heaters to the reactor.
Moisture Pressure
Main Turbine
Steam Reheater
High Stack
Suppression Turbine
Pool Offgas
CP System
High Pressure
Feedwater Heater
CBP Condensate
Condenser System
The TBS consists of (1) a three-valve value. The bypass valves are also closed on loss of
chest that is connected to the main electrical power or hydraulic system pressure. The
steamlines upstream of the turbine stop bypass valve hydraulic accumulators have the
valves, and (2) three dump lines that capability to stroke the valves at least three times
separately connect each bypass valve should the hydraulic power unit fail.
outlet to one condenser shell. The
system is designed to bypass at least When the reactor is operating in the automatic load-
33% of the rated main steam flow following mode, a 10% load reduction can be
directly to the condenser. The TBS, in accommodated without opening the bypass valves, and
combination with the reactor systems, a 25% load reduction can be accommodated with
provides the capability to shed 40% momentary opening of the bypass valves. These load
of the T-G rated load without reactor changes are accomplished by change in reactor
trip and without the operation of SRVs. recirculating flow without any control rod motion.
A load rejection in excess of 40% is
When the plant is at zero power, hot standby or initial
expected to result in reactor trip but
cooldown, the system is operated manually by the
without operation of any steam safety
control room operator or by the plant automation
valve. Optionally, some utilities desire
system. The measured reactor pressure is then
100% bypass (full load rejection)
compared against, and regulated to, the pressure set
capability. In this case there are more
by the operator or automation system.
bypass valves required.
own circuit breaker which allows Three dedicated Class 1E emergency diesel generators
power to be back-fed through the main (DGs) supply automatic backup power to each of the
transformer to supply the auxiliaries three safety-related divisions. Each DG is capable of
when the plant is off-line. This also providing the required power to safely shut down the
facilitates the startup of the plant reactor after loss of preferred power and/or a loss-of-
without the need for startup coolant accident (LOCA), to maintain the safe shutdown
transformers. condition, and to operate the Class 1E auxiliaries
necessary for plant safety after shutdown. The diesel
Each load group supplies power to generators are now located in the Reactor Building.
plant power generation (PG) loads,
plant investment protection (PIP) In a similar manner, a non-Class 1E combustion turbine
loads, and safety-related (Class 1E) generator (CTG) supplies automatic backup power to
loads through separate buses and selected PIP loads. In the event of station blackout (i.e.,
associated distribution systems. loss of all AC power including DGs), the CTG can be
Alternate preferred power can be manually connected to any of the Class 1E buses.
supplied through two reserve auxiliary
transformers (RATs).
Each of the three UATs has dual secondary windings. Should a loss of preferred power occur,
One winding provides 13.8 kV to the PG buses and each Class 1E bus automatically
the other winding provides 4.16 kV to the PIP and transfers to its own DG, and selected
Class 1E buses. Each 4.16 kV Class 1E bus feeds its PIP loads automatically transfer to the
associated Class 1E 480V unit substations through CTG. However, the interconnection
4.16 kV/480V/277V power center transformers. capability of the ABWR is such that
Power for the non-Class 1E 480V auxiliaries is any plant loads can be manually
supplied from power centers consisting of either connected to receive power from any
13.8 kV/480V/277V or 4.16 kV/480V/277V of the six sources (i.e., the two
transformers and associated metal-clad switchgear. To switching stations, the CTG, and the
the extent practical, power center transformers are three DGs).
uniformly sized (i.e., the same kVA rating) to improve
voltage regulation, reduce costs, and achieve DC Power Distribution
standardization. The DC Power Supply (DCPS)
consists of three separate subsystems:
One of the two RATs, which provide alternate
preferred power to the electrical distribution system, Safety-related 125 VDC (four
has a 13.8 kV secondary winding which feeds the six independent and separated Class
PG buses. The other RAT has two 4.16 kV secondary 1E divisions).
windings with one winding providing power to the
three PIP buses, and the other providing power directly Non-safety-related 125 VDC
to a stub bus which, in turn, provides power through (three individual load groups).
individual circuit breakers to the three Class 1E buses. Non-safety-related 250 VDC (two
individual load groups).
The Division I DG provides its output at 4.16 kV to
the Class 1E Division I bus. Likewise, the Division II Each DC subsystem consists of a
DG provides its output at 4.16 kV to the Class 1E battery and associated charger for each
Division II bus, and the Division III DG provides its division or load group, power
output at 4.16 kV to the Class 1E Division III bus. distribution panels, and all the
The Class 1E divisions are independent and separated, associated control, monitoring and
and there are no automatic inter-connections between protective equipment and
them. interconnecting cabling. In addition,
the DCPS employs standby chargers
The CTG provides its output at 13.8 kV to the CTG that are shared between the batteries
bus which: to enable the individual battery testing
and off-line equalization.
Provides power to a 4.16 kV CTG bus through a
transformer. The 4.16 kV CTG bus then provides The DCPS operates with its battery and
power directly to the three PIP and three Class 1E battery chargers (except standby
buses, as needed. chargers) continuously connected to
Provides power to the 480V CTG auxiliary bus the DC system. During normal
through a transformer. operation, the DC loads are powered
from the chargers with the batteries
Contains a bus tie (through a circuit breaker) to receiving a continuous charging
the 13.8 kV RAT output bus in order to permit the current (i.e., floating) on the system.
CTG to start and run a condensate pump, cooling The chargers are powered from the
tower fans, or other selected PG loads, if needed.
480 VAC supply of the same division or The DCPS also facilitates uninterruptable regulated
load group, with exception of the AC power through inverters in the Vital AC (VAC)
Division IV charger, which is powered Power Supply. The VAC supplies constant
from the Division II 480 VAC supply. In uninterrupted AC power to those loads which require
case of loss of AC power to the charger continuity of AC power during a loss of preferred
or its failure, the DC loads are power event. Each Class 1E division and non-Class
automatically assumed by the battery of 1E load group has its own individual uninterruptable
each respective division or load group. power supply (UPS) unit.