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EPANET Activity

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CEE 345

Spring 2012

EPANET is a free hydraulic simulation program, developed by the EPA. EPANET is used to
analyze water distribution systems consisting of pipes, junctions, valves, storage tanks, and
reservoirs. The software can also be used to model drinking water constituents, such as residual
chlorine, through pipe networks as well optimizing system operations. The following activity
will guide you through building a simple water system for a small village in South America.


As an enthusiastic up and coming engineer, you have decided to join the UW chapter of
Engineers Without Boarders (EWB). Your chapter is working on designing an irrigation and
drinking water distribution system for the village of Yanayo Grande. Yanayo Grande is located
in the municipality of Asacio in a remote sub-Andean valley in Central Bolivia. The location of
Yanayo Grande can be seenin the image below.

Source: Google Maps

The communities in this region speak both the native language of Quechua as well as Spanish.
Like other villages in this region, agriculture is the primary source of food and income. Rainfall
is the principal source of crop irrigation and due to a 15 year drought, the community of Yanayo
Grande would benefit greatly from the implementation of a reliable irrigation system.

EWB approaches a project by first conducting a site assessment to collect as much project data
as possible. Using this data, the EWB chapter then develops a solution to the problem and
returns to the site for project implementation. Often EWB chapters will develop a strong
relationship with the communities and return for several seasons of project implementation.

As part of the EWB-UWS assessment team, you discovered that twenty five years ago UNICEF
built a water reservoir and water distribution system in the community of Yanayo Grande. The
distribution system has since deteriorated, but this project will be able to utilize the reservoir.
You have been asked to model a simple gravity driven water distribution system based on data
collected during a site assessment trip. The distribution system will start with the existing water
storage tank andtravel downhillto one of the towns primary agriculture areas (labeled Ag. Area
#2). Next, the system will travel westward where it will split between a second field(labeled Ag.
Area #1), and a water main through the center of town ending at a schoolhouse. An aerial view
of the town can be seen in the image below. This is the same image that will be used to design
the water distribution system.

Source: Google Maps

Getting Started

To start designing this water distribution system, first open EPANET in the windows program
browser. Building a model in EPANET involves selecting and installing components of a
distribution system, providing them specific design parameters (tank depths, roughness
coefficients, etc.), and running the model. For this activity you will be working from the toolbar
across the top of the screen. Here is a quick overview of the primary icons you will be using.

Run Model Select Object
Pan Across
Image Zoom Out
Water Tank

Zoom In Nodes/ Pipe

Run Model Junctions

Start by opening the file titled Yanayo_Grande.net found on the course website. This should
load the same aerial image seen on the previous page.odel

To start, we need to set some of the basic parameters of our model. EPANET allows the user to
tailor their model by adjusting parameters such as headloss formula and pipe roughness
coefficient. The instrumentation you used to collect data during the assessment trip recoded
everything in BG units, so that is what we will use for our simulation.

Start by selecting project in the toolbar and clicking defaults. Selecting the Hydraulics tab
make sure the flow units are in gallons per minute (GPM) and the head loss formula is H-W
(Hazen-Williams). Next, under the properties tab, turn on Auto Length and set the roughness
coefficient to 130 and pipe diameter to 2. Auto length will allow us to create a scaled model
and a roughness coefficient of 130 corresponds to cast iron piping that will be available during
project implementation. The settings should appear as follows.

Next, in order to ensure that model calculations are correct, the scale of any imported
background images or files must be calibrated. We need to check to see if this has already been
done with the Yanayo_Grande.net file.

Using the zoom tool, zoom in very close on the scale bar at the bottom right corner of the aerial
image. Select a the junction icon and add two junctions to the scale bar, one on the far left

side and one at the 200 ft. mark. Next, click on the pipe icon and connect the junctions with a

Add junctions here and connect with a pipe

Now select the black cursor in the toolbar and click on the newly added pipe. A
properties table should appear,if the pipe length is close to 200 ft. (+/- 5 ft.) the
background image has been properly scaled.

Close the properties box and turn your attention to the Browser box in the top right next
to your model screen. Every time a new component is added to the model, it will appear
in this browser menu. If you want to delete an item, select the actual picture of the item
with the cursor and click the black x at the bottom of this box. The program will ask if
you are sure you want to delete this item, if so hit yes. Do this for the pipe and two
junctions you built on the scale bar. This should clear all items out of your browser.

Building your distribution system model

Now that you are comfortable using some of the basic components of EPANET, lets start
constructing your distribution system model. To start, select the add tank icon and place it
over the image of the water storage tank. With the cursor, double click on the tank so we can
adjust its parameters. Set the tank elevation to 9400 ft. To keep this model simple, we will
assume the spring feeding the tank provides an infinite supply, therefore we will make the tank
geometry very large. Set the diameter to 1000 ft., initial level to 10 ft., and max level to 10 ft.
This will ensure our model does not run out of water.

The design parameters of the remaining model components are provided in a

table on the next page.
Now add two more tanks, one at the very top right corner of ag. area #1 and one at the school

Our next step is to add junctions at points along out distribution system. You will add a total of
four junctions, the first at the top of ag. area #1, the second midway between the two agriculture
areas, and the third and fourth along the main road through the village. Refer to the following

image before placing your junctions. Try to place your components so they match this image as
close as possible.

Tank 2

Jct. 2
Jct. 3
Tank 1
Jct. 1
Jct. 4

Tank 3

Component Elevation (ft) Initial Level* Min Level* Max Level* Diameter*
Type (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
Tank 1 9400 10 0 10 1000
Tank 2 9100 0 0 12 12
Tank 3 9040 0 0 12 12
Junction 1 9172 - - - -
Junction 2 9117 - - - -
Junction 3 9070 - - - -
Junction 4 9050 - - - -
*Tanks only

Once all of your components are added and you have input their elevations and sizes, connect
them with pipes using the following configuration:

Tank 1 Junction 1

Junction 1Junction 2

Junction 2 Tank 2

Junction 2 Junction 3

Junction 3 Junction 4

Junction 4 Tank 3

Your final distribution system should look like the following image.

Evaluating your model

So far you have built a simulated water distributionmodel based on the needs of Yanayo
Grande.Run the model by clicking this icon . You should receive a message letting you know
the model was run successfully. Answer the following questions based on your simulation, dont
forget units!

1) What is the elevation head at junction 1?

2) What is the total head of junction 1?

3) Calculate the following: (total head)-(elevation head) and convert* this pressure head to
psi. Does this number match the pressure at junction 1 provided by your model?
*Required conversion: Pressure head = pressure(2.31)

Now record the pressure at junction 1. Next, set the base demand for junction 1 at agriculture
area #2 to 20 gal/min by double clicking on the junction and changing base demand to 20. Re-
run your model.

4) After setting the base demand to 20 GPM, what is the new pressure at junction 1?

5) The community decided that they would like to construct a new leg of the distribution
network capable of drawing 30 GPM from the existing system at junction 3. Will this be
possible? If not, suggest a few design considerations that could help make this demand

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