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Creon Army Profile

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CREON ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Background Lore ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Line Infantry .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Automaton ................................................................................................................................................ 4
LineBreakers.................................................................................................................................................. 5
Beast Rider ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Shock Trooper ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Rapid Relief ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Barnstormer .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Shock & Awe ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Tortoise ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Fire Wagon ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Neo Dragon ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Aerial Juggernaut .................................................................................................................................... 12
Specialist Support ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Mechanic................................................................................................................................................. 13
Chief Engineer ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Industrial Buildings.................................................................................................................................. 16
Navy ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
Ironclad ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Submersible ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Stern Wheeler ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Base Defenses ............................................................................................................................................. 20
Prismatic Mirror ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Walls and Gates ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Gatling Crossbow .................................................................................................................................... 21
Bomb Sprinkler........................................................................................................................................ 22
Champions & Leadership ............................................................................................................................ 23
Ghost of Garacaius .................................................................................................................................. 23
Mandalas the Sage .................................................................................................................................. 25
Army X-Factors ............................................................................................................................................ 27
Additional Factors ....................................................................................................................................... 28
Past Experience ....................................................................................................................................... 29
Grand Strategy ........................................................................................................................................ 30

Background Lore
Long ago, an ancient race of sorcerers known as the Kandrans ruled over the land of Darien. This land
possessed certain sacred sites that held massive concentrations of mana, and these sites sometimes
produced a powerful magical ore called mogrite when massive amounts of magic were used there. This
ore gave even normal humans immense magical power, immunity to illness, almost instant healing of
wounds, and bestowed chronological immortality on their bearer.

The Kandrans were led by a wise and powerful council of five of their mightiest wizards, who quickly saw
the value in mogrite and fashioned five powerful artifacts out of the only five pieces of ore they ever
found: a pendant, a bracelet, a scepter, a ring, and a gem embedded in a throne. Each one of the Five
Kandran Legacies symbolized a classical element, and the throne represented the combination of them
that formed the world. It was also the strongest. However, power corrupts. The wizards themselves
began fighting with each other over the thrones gem, and the heirs of the five wizards grew impatient
with the long lifespans of their masters. A great calamity occurred, and Kandra was no more.
Life returned to Darien slowly over thousands of years. Civilization rebuilt itself, sometimes using
remnants of Kandran knowledge but never touched magic as it was seen as cursed. Then, a fisherman
named Pesco found a baby covered in what seemed to be magic in the brushes. After much deliberation
with himself he took in the child as his own, and named him Garacaius. As Garacaius grew, he wrote a
controversial treatise on magic to graduate from an academy, returned back to the fishing village after
the resulting storm of opinions and black-listing, helped his father fish again and designed a new and
radically more effective boat, left after Pesco drowned in ankle-deep water while drunk, aided the city
of Ingrion with his new boat design and became rich, went soul-searching and exploring and found
remarkable things, found love in a beautiful and exotic woman, and then got involved in the rising war
tensions of Darien because of its effect on his mercantile business.

Garacaius conquered Darien, revealing he was a mage when his enemies desperately tried to use magic
near the end of the war. After the war he revealed he had also found all five of the Kandran legacies, but
vowed to be a fair and just ruler. He kept his promise, and had four children. However, after the children
came of age, tragedy struck in the form of a natural disaster that claimed the life of his love. Garacaius
lost his will to live. When later prodded by his kingdom and nobles to do something as trouble brewed,
Garacaius divided Darien between his 4 children in accordance with their personalities and abilities, and
gave each one their own Kandran Legacy but kept the throne and its gem for himself. They were all
successful in becoming wise and able rulers. However, Garacaius remained lifeless and forlorn. Ten
years after the coronation of his children, he disappeared and took the thrones gem. This led to his
children fighting over Darien in a long and bloody war, with one of them dying in the process.

Garacaius had left Darien and his children, becoming disillusioned by magic and his long life. He reached
the cold and barren land of Creon in the north, and vowed to forge it into a powerful nation worthy of
his burial place. He gave them metallurgy, chemistry, and science, and they did become a mighty power
built on science and a scientific approach to magic. Garacaius established the ruling position of Sage of
this republic, which was to be awarded based on merit and the assent of the people, and later died.
However, Creon never learned that Garacaius was a great mage himself, and grew disdainful and hateful
of what they saw as mere superstition in the magic of other lands. They had an army and navy of iron
and technology, a society built on scientific advancement and scholarship, and the ability to harness
mana in a way that melded science and magic. They became a powerful imperial republic, conquering
many lands and spreading their view by force and trade. They invented gunpowder and sold its secret to
the winning side of the war between Garacaius children, but the remnants of the defeated intervened
that made sure the payment never reached them.

Creon used this as an excuse to launch an invasion they were planning, and war broke out between
Darien and Creon. The formerly dead member of Garacaius children was resurrected, and the four
monarchs stood united against the last legacy of their father. They succeeded in defeating the invading
force of Creon, and both sides learned in the process of something they would rather not have known.
The four monarchs learned Creon was their fathers last legacy, and the Creonites learned their founder
was a mage. Darien and Creon rebuild their cordial relationship, and the series ends on the words
carved into the crypt of Garacaius:

"At last I lie neath bitter stone per forced at rest,

A rotten magic and in iron two mighty lands,
Though in the end all vanishes beneath times sands,
In life anew, inequity shall be redressed."
- Garacaius, Mage Emperor of Darien, First Sage of Creon

Now, in the Kingdom Conquest tournament, Creon shall represent the world of Total Annhilation:
Kingdoms. Creon`s military machine is like iron: steady and unyielding, it grinds their opponents into
dust with a combination of relentlessness, will, and ingenuity. They operate well on the field of battle,
fielding massive armies of steam and machines and gunpowder to gain superiority. They harvest magic
to build their remarkable machines of destruction, innovate like few others do, and are a nation of
science over superstition. Other factions in fiction shall learn the same thing the four monarchs of
Darien did. The Final Legacy of Garacaius, the Iron Plague, is a formidable foe and not one to be taken

Line Infantry
Training: 5-6
Mobility: 2-3
Role: Infantry
Max & Effective Range: Melee
Basic Description:
The reanimated forms of Creonite and sometimes foreign soldiers alike, the
Automata are the basic unit of the Creonite army. They are terrifying human-
sized cyborg constructs of machine and man (and occasionally beast) that dual-
wield twin war-hammers welded to the ends of their arms, are covered in
durable metal armour, and feel no pain. The organic bodies are entwined with mechanical contraptions
and devices that control movement, enhance strength to levels sufficient to use their massive war-
hammers with ease, and provide enough rudimentary thought to be useful as soldiers.

While described as being the logical result of Creon wanting to get every last promised day from a
soldier that signed a contract with their armed forces, the fact that Automata may be raised simply from
any corpse on the battlefield by the likes of Chief Engineers suggests Creon is not particular about whose
corpse serves in their ranks. Still, they are most commonly used to get full tours of duty from their
military. The Automata is probably the most common component of the Creonite army, and a
formidable force at that. Their attacks are described as akin to the verb flail, which suggests their
method of attack of one of wild abandon and terrifying destruction.
Melee Weapons:
-Twin Warhammers: Automata wield large iron twin war-hammers welded to the ends of their arms.
The hammer heads are easily the size of a mans body or larger, and are swung with considerable force
and ferocity. Most human-sized targets will be either severely injured or dead after receiving one blow,
and larger targets will probably have considerable dents.
-Plate Armour: Automata are covered in iron or steel plate armour all over, providing considerable
protection. They are also naturally tough and feel no pain and are essentially undead, making them
difficult to take down.
Additional Factors:

Beast Rider

Training: 5
Mobility: 8
Max Range: Cannon (Several hundred yards)
Basic Description:
A cannon turret mounted on what appears to be a massive ceratopsid dinosaur, the Beast Rider is the
closest thing Creon has to cavalry. It is a morale-shattering fusion of beast and machine, an idea taken
by Creon from the kingdom of Jimarna after a protracted war. The cannon turret howdah is manned by
a skilled artillery specialist, and all parts of the unit are dangerous. Not just a useful combat unit, the
Beast Rider represents Creons rational approach to the world. If the enemy has a good idea, Creon will
not hesitate to take it. As the Beast Rider is also noted as a relatively recent addition to the arsenal of
Creons might, this might indicate a very short turnaround time indeed.

The Beast Riders mount is a large ceratopsid dinosaur beast. It has tusks, a thick hide, is seems to be
untiring. It is rather strong, being able to both carry a cannon about a quarter of its own size as well as
brace itself and not be sent skidding from the recoil every time the cannon fires. The fact that there is a
cannon mounted on its back combined with the observation it doesnt spook and panic every time it is
fired indicates either remarkable bravery or remarkable discipline. This beast will not be spooked or
scared. The cannon fire has also probably rendered the beast deaf, but it seems to still be able to take
and understand orders well. It is rather slow, but still manages to move at about the speed of a human,
and is probably best used as an artillery platform than playing the traditional role of cavalry.
Ranged Weapons:
-Cannon: While specifics are hard to come by, the cannon is manned by a skilled artillery specialist
meaning the shots are probably rather accurate. Comparing the size of the cannons bore to the rest of
the world and the average size of a ceratopsid indicates the cannon also fires a pretty large shot. Cannon
shot never seems to run out.
Melee Weapons:
-Tusks: The large, sharp tusk of the beast. Also probably covers the possibility the beast will stomp on
enemies in times of desperate need in melee. Would probably be more effective in a charge, if the
commander is so inclined to do so. In game does more damage than the cannon does, and is one of
Creons most damaging attacks, possibly indicating the sheer power behind the Battle Beasts melee
-Beast Hide: The beasts hide is probably tough and leathery, typical of ceratopsids, and provides an
excellent natural defence. Elephant hide is possibly the best comparison, and elephant hide has been
known on occasion to turn aside musket fire. The beast is probably rather tough, and its frill provides
great protection for its cannon turret and artillery officer.

Shock Trooper

Mobility: 4
Training: 5-6
Role: Ranged Elite
Basic Description:
Aptly named for both function and ability, Shock Troopers fire devastating bolts of lightning at the
enemies of Creon. They are the primary ranged infantry of Creon, and in groups provide a devastating
ranged component to Creons army. As most of Creons past foes have learned, a storm of lightning
bolts is a terrifying thing to face. This troop was a result of Creons finest minds learning to harness
electricity using technology and hurl them at will with astonishing accuracy. To do this the Shock
Troopers carry a large storage device on their back and uses an emitter to fire the lightning. He is heavily
insulated so his weapon does not turn on him, either by electricity or the battery acid kept on his back.
Upon death, these troops die in a fiery conflagration, which is both a tactical drawback and
opportunity. A good commander will not pack them together for this reason, even if the insulating suit
should take most of the harm, and a dying Shock Trooper can give one last charge into the ranks of the
foes of Creon.
Ranged Weapons:
-Lightning Rod: Creonite Lightning Rods project powerful bolts of lightning from their battery packs,
which are conducted down and aimed with a large emitter to direct the bolts of energy. The Lightning
Rod is one of Creons most potent ranged weapons, far superior to the Mechanic Taser, and is capable
of unleashing great damage in a short amount of time. This weapon requires a short recharge time
between firing, a little longer than a Mechanics Taser. This weapon is a line of sight weapon with a
range of about 22 metres.
-Shock Trooper Armour: Consisting of heavy head gear, insulating armour, gloves, and boots, the
armour of a Shock Trooper protects the soldier from his own electricity, battery and other forms of acid,
and the attacks of the enemy. He can be considered immune to electricity. Insulating padding makes for
effective armour. In most cases. The Shock trooper in game is actually only a little bit less durable than
an Automaton. When Shock Troopers die, they do so in a horrible ball of acrid fire.
Additional Factors:

Rapid Relief

Role: Flying Scout

Mobility: 10
Training: 5
Max Range: No weapons
Basic Description:
The preeminent scout of the Creonite forces, the Barnstormer is a lightly armoured fast moving flying
craft. On Earth they were named for the farms that travelling pilots would land at and perform flying
tricks for pay, in Creon they were named for their pilots. These pilots are fearless and have no sense of
self-preservation, flying in fast moving machines above the ground ahead of the main Creonite force to
perform reconnaissance. They have no weapons, and rely on their speed and cunning to get away from
danger. It was also the most durable flying scout fielded in the Creon-Darien war, which included
spyhawks, bats, parrots, and gargoyles. The barnstormer is more helicopter than biplane, able hover as
well as land and take off in a purely vertical vector. It has a rotor to hover, and wings to provide

Shock & Awe


Role: Light Tank

Mobility: 3
Training: 5-6
Max Range: Several hundred yards
Basic Description:
A steam-powered vehicle plated in heavy rivet iron and armed with a simple cannon, the Tortoise is the
light battle tank of Creon. The gun is mounted in a conical tent turret on top of the tank, and is
capable of swivelling a full 360 degrees to meet any oncoming threat from any direction. The Tortoise is
crewed by a driver who drives it and an artillery officer that fires its gun, and the design seems
reminiscent of a tank design by Leonardo da Vinci. The cannon of the Tortoise is noted as small but
potent and an excellent field weapon against a large variety of foes. And so far, not many foes have
stood long against the guns of the Tortoise. Contrary to its name, the Tortoise moves relatively fast, and
its speed actually seems comparable to an early real life tank or a jogging human rather than its
namesake. Its still nowhere close to the speed of cavalry, but with its gun and Creons methodical and
grinding approach to war it does not need to be. It will also likely be terrifying to enemies that have not
seen its like before, and embolden allies as early tanks did.
Ranged Weapons:
-Cannon: Unlike the Beast Rider cannon, the cannon of the Tortoise seems to be relatively long and have
a relatively small bore. Its still a large cannon though, and is manned by an artillery officer. As the
description stated, this weapon is an excellent weapon to have in the field, firing destructive
cannonballs with accuracy. Cannon shot never seems to run out.
Melee Weapons:
-Ramming: As a tank clad in thick iron plate armour, if it can build up speed the Tortoise can probably
run over most human-sized targets. It could also probably do damage to buildings in this way, or
damage other large targets.
-Heavy Iron Plate: The iron plate of the Tortoise is noted as being particularly heavy, which means the
Tortoise is probably particularly durable. Early Earth tanks, seen in World War 1, were immune to small
arms fire. The Tortoise is likely no exception, and is probably nearly impossible to down with medieval
Additional Factors:
-Mechanical: Is mechanical in nature.

Fire Wagon

Role: Fire Tank

Basic Description:
A nightmarish contraption that spouts gouts of flame, the Fire Wagon is Creons way of inflicting mass
destruction. Able to wipe out large bunches of infantry and cavalry, burn terrain for tactical and strategic
purposes, and raze buildings, the Fire Wagon rapidly destroys anyone who mocks its somewhat
antiquated appearance. It is somewhat slow, moving slightly slower than a Tortoise, but its unrivalled
capacity for destruction and ability to sow terror ensures it will always have a place in any Creon army.
They are essentially large wooden barrels with a swiveling nozzle on a cart, crewed by a driver who sits
on a sizzling steam boiler in the front. The boiler is both the Fire Wagons source of propulsion as well as
the pressure source for the flamethrower that allows it to spew fire at long distances. The design of the
Fire Wagon design seems less geared towards survivability and more geared towards making them
destructive and easy to produce. On the topic of destruction, its designers certainly succeeded.
Ranged Weapons:
-Flamethrower: The weapon that gives the Fire Wagon its name. It consists of a swivelling nozzle
attached to a large wooden barrel containing an unknown combustion fuel, and is capable of hitting
targets on land, air, and sea. It is very agile, able to turn in any direction rapidly and unleash destruction
on enemies in any direction. Its range seems to be 20 metres, but is somehow able to hit flying targets
that should be much higher up. Never seems to run out of fuel.
Melee Weapons:
-Ramming: See Tortoise, but riskier and slower
Additional Factors:
-Not Explosive: Does not seem to explode spectacularly when destroyed.
-Mechanical: Is mechanical in nature.

Neo Dragon

Mobility:9 (Flyer)
Training: 5
Role: Engine of Destruction
Basic Description:
A monstrous mechanized creature implied to be a dragon fitted with mechanical enhancements, or is
otherwise a wholly mechanical draconic beast, the Neo Dragon is one of Creons most fearsome
weapons. It is their primary means of air power, a result of Creon improving a dragon with science.
The Neo Dragon retains the traditional fire breath of dragons, although now blue to indicate mechanical
enhancement. However, it can also freeze opponents with either in a small area with freezing breath or
in a larger area by breathing out a freezing storm. The Neo Dragon can move with great speed, and is
easily the fastest unit Creon can field. The Neo Dragon is also able to move hover as well as in a purely
vertical direction, swiftly rising and landing without a movement in any horizontal direction. The Neo
Dragon is a nightmarish foe to face, capable of great destruction and clad in iron armour. It can play
many roles in Creons army, and bring ruin on any enemy.
Ranged Weapons:
-Blue Flame: Burning blue to indicate increased heat, the flames of a Neo Dragon burn hotter and
stronger than that of a Fire Wagon. The blue flame is just as versatile, but capable of even greater feats
of destruction given its increased power and aerial delivery method. Neo Dragons may use this flame to
attack any foe with impunity, whether land, sea, air, building, or whatever else. Never seems to run out
of whatever powers the flame.
-Freezing Breath: Similar to the Freeze Beam of the Mechanic, but with greater range and a harder to hit
wielder. The breath has similar target limitations as well. The target is permanently frozen, and is dead
enough to be made into an Automaton. However, its recharge time is much lower, being faster than the
Mechanic Taser in terms of rate of fire.
-Freezing Storm: Similar to Freezing Breath, but targets a larger area to permanently freeze enemies in
its area of effect. Frozen targets can be made into Automata.
Melee Weapons:
-Bite and Claws: While incapable of melee attacks in game, the Neo Dragon should be theoretically able
to do marginal damage in melee in an emergency. However, its preferred weapon is still its fiery and
freezing breath.
-Iron Plate: As part of the goal of improving on natural dragons, Neo Dragons are outfitted in durable
iron plate. This makes them extremely tough to bring down or kill, whether it is combined with natural
draconic toughness and scales or not.
Additional Factors:
Aerial Juggernaut

Role: Flying Fortress

Mobility: 9
Training: 4-6
Max Range: Several hundred yards, potentially over a mile
Basic Description:
The mightiest of Creons machines, the Aerial Juggernaut is an awe-inspiring flying fortress capable of
destroying armies by itself. It is a gargantuan machine, capable of acting as a transport for even the
massive Beast Riders and is capable of carrying an army by itself in its holds. It is also surprisingly fast,
capable of moving at speeds equal to an Iron Clad. An Aerial Juggeranut probably carries a repair crew
as well, as they are the pride and joy of Creon and their in game regeneration is equalled only by ancient
and powerful dragons. Even a heavily Damaged Aerial Juggernaut left alone will eventually return to full
health, and this process can be helped along by Mechanics, Chief Engineers, and The Sage. Powered and
held aloft by steam technology and multiple wings, the Aerial Juggernaut is also one of Creons most
expensive undertakings. Building or even just phasing this massive machine requires resources and
craftsmanship in equally great measures. However, it is worth it. Capable of annihilating foes on land,
air, and sea, the Aerial Juggernaut will all but assure Creons superiority in the battlefield.
Ranged Weapons:
-Cannons: See Tortoise, but probably massive. In game it does the most damage of any of Creons units
save for the Ghost of Garacaius, who can change the weather to his whims and carries a massively
powerful magic ghost sword/staff. Can target land and sea. Big cannons attached to a flying fortress
should probably shoot enormous shots.
-Anti-Air Arrows: Creons method of dealing with lesser creature in the airspace of the Aerial Juggernaut.
These arrows are fired rather rapidly, and in game do twice as much damage as a Gatling Crossbow and
as much damage as a swing from an Automata. Whatever these arrows are, they pack a punch and
should be more than able to clear the air of pests.
Melee Weapons:
-Ramming: While probably not the wisest of manoeuvres in most instances, whatever the Aerial
Juggernaut charges will probably die given its massive size.
-Heavy Iron Plate: Being a flying fortress, and one of Creons most prized military units, the Aerial
Juggernauts armour is considerable. It is clad all over in Creons thickest and best quality iron plating,
making it nearly invulnerable to attack. Supporting this is the Aerial Juggernaut is their most durable unit
in game, only surpassed by the Ghost of Garacaius himself, and will take a licking and return it several-
fold. The ship has repair crews on board, who repair damage sustained to the vessel even in combat.
Additional Factors:
-Transport: Can carry units

Specialist Support


Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Dozens of Yards
Role: Battle Engineer
Basic Description:
The secondary builder for Creon, with the primary builder being The Sage himself, the Mechanic is
indispensable for the construction of bases. Mechanics construct structures by either building them or
phasing them in from Creon itself, using mana to facilitate the transport. However, phasing structures in
is an action that requires the Mechanic be present the whole way through to succeed. On the upside,
many of the structures phase in incredibly quickly, and forward bases with defences and troop makers
can often be constructed in a matter of minutes. Mechanics can construct any of Creons support
structures except for the Mana Amplifier. They are also noted as a capable soldiers, well able to defend
Ranged Weapons:
-Taser: Unlike the Taser of the modern day, Mechanic Tasers create a blast of natural lightning to fry a
foe. Thus, they are dangerous weapons that ensures enemies learn to respect even the builder units of
Creon. The Taser is a line of sight weapon that hits with the speed of lightning, can hit targets on the
land, air, and sea, and recharges quickly. However, it does not hit with the full force of lightning and the
Mechanic Taser is the weakest of all Creons weapons. In game, does slightly less damage than a
crossbow bolt. This weapon is a line of sight weapon with a range of about 25 metres.
-Freeze Beam: Mechanics employ a freeze beam that is capable of permanently freezing a foe in place.
The mechanism is unknown, and it is not effective on all types of units, and require some recharge time
between blasts, but these line of sight weapons hit fairly fast and take foes out of the fight. Frozen foes
count as dead enough that Chief Engineers can use convert them into Creon Automata. This weapon is a
line of sight weapon with a range of about 25 metres. It does not work against gods, dragons, buildings,
and probably named heroes.
Melee Weapons:
-Drill: Mechanics are never actually seen using their drills as weapons. They probably could if things got
hairy enough, though.
-Plate Armour: Mechanics appear to be covered in what is either leather or iron plate armour, probably
iron given Creons general aesthetic. They also wear a cross between a great helm and a welding mask,
which provides excellent protection to their head. Notably, their elbows are uncovered to allow
freedom of movement. The armour is also not that cumbersome, as Mechanics move at the same speed
as normal humans.
Additional Factors:
-Build and Repair: Mechanics build most of Creons structures, and can repair any damaged structure as
well as any mechanical Creonite unit. This is useful, as must of Creons units are mechanical. As such,
Mechanics serve as Creons quasi-medics.
Chief Engineer

Role: Elite Battle Engineer

Mobility: 4
Training: 7
Max Range: Couple dozen yards
Basic Description:
The expert builders, movers, and shakers of Creon on and off the battlefield, Chief Engineers are
valuable to Creons cause. Swathed in robes and giving off a mysterious air, they are Creonite scientists
that have reached one of the highest level of office possible in Creon. They are greatly respected by
Creons civilians and forces, considered the ultimate expression of thought and action, and are more
than capable of handling themselves on the battlefield. They perform both destruction and
construction, destroying enemies while repairing units and phasing in structures. They wield a large
tuning fork that can be used to phase units, and can also be used to deliver a sonic blast, unleash
destructive blasts of lightning, freeze an opponent cold, or stun an enemy with a mysterious green
beam. The Chief Engineer is a powerful and likely inspirational presence on the battlefield, and is equally
important off of it.
-Automata Conversion: Chief Engineers are capable of converting the corpses of friend and foe alike into
Automata. This process takes only seconds, and the Automaton is ready for battle. This can be done in
the heat of battle, turning the fallen on both sides to Creon.
-Stun Beam: An unusual blast of green light with range and damage equal to the Chief Engineers
stronger Taser variant. It is capable of stunning opponents for a long period of time, probably taking
them out of the immediate battle.
Ranged Weapons:
-Taser: See Mechanic, but much stronger. Has comparable recharge time, but is actually stronger than a
Shock Troopers Lightning Rod.
-Freeze Beam: See Mechanic.
-Sonic Blast: Not actually present in game, only mentioned n manual. Would probably be useful to inflict
Melee Weapons:
-Tuning Fork: Probably used as a melee weapon only in desperate situations.
-Robes: While a symbol of their exalted station, Chief Engineer robes are kind of lacking in protective
ability. This is supported in game by the fact they are the most fragile of Creons units.
Additional Factors:
-Build and Repair: Can build Mana Amplifier, Smithy, Academy, and Aerial Juggernaut. The Chief
Engineer can start the construction of an Aerial Juggernaut, and have Mechanics and The Sage assist
him. If the economy allows, more than one Aerial Juggernaut can be made at a time with multiple Chief
Engineers constructing multiple Aerial Juggernauts at a time. Can also repair mechanical units and

Industrial Buildings

Role: Building Units, mana collection

Creon is an industrial faction and thanks to their mastery of technology can phase in buildings and
create units in campaign. These include Automata, the navy vessels, even the giant and mighty airship.
This allows them to receive reinforcements outside the normal reinforcement range. However, in order
to do these constructions, they must collect and harvest mana as fuel. Thus their reinforcements will be
limited, somewhat, by economy.


Role: Ship of the Line

Basic Description:
The bread and butter of Creons navy, the Iron Clad is a steam powered ship plated in iron armour and
possesses a large turret. It was relatively expensive compared to its peers in the war with Darien, and
probably in other conflicts as well, but showed its worth when pulverizing inferior wooden vessels.
The Iron Clad is a formidable ship in combat, and is also capable of bombarding coastal targets. On Earth
iron clad warships quickly made wooden vessels obsolete, and Creons Iron Clad can probably expect
similar results.
Ranged Weapons:
-Cannon Turret: While specifics are scarce, given Creons level of advancement it would probably not be
unreasonable to compare this weapon to similar weapons seen on Earth. The cannons mounted on iron
clad vessels of Earth are noted as being some of the heaviest ever seen on a boat, and were much more
powerful than models mounted on wooden vessels. Creon likely follows this trend, meaning the naval
artillery present is likely to be exceedingly powerful flat-trajectory guns. Early Earth iron clad cannons
were noted as being able to wreck wooden vessels, and the cannons of Creon are probably no different.
However, this cannon can only attack land and naval targets and is helpless against foes in the air.
Cannon shot never seems to run out.
Melee Weapons:
-Ramming: As a ship of iron, one that can actually in game move as fast as most cavalry units, a ramming
attempt by an Iron Clad would probably wreck most enemy vessels. It should even be able to withstand
powder explosions if the enemy ship goes out with a bang after being rammed.
-Iron Plate: The Iron Clad is, as the name implies, covered in iron plate. This makes the ship extremely
durable. It is practically impervious to fire and arrows and flaming arrows, and is far more capable of
surviving cannon fire than wooden vessels. In fact, the first battle between the iron clads of Earth lasted
for hours with both sides exchanging cannon fire and neither sustaining serious injury. Creons Iron
Clads are likely just as tough.
Additional Factors:

Role: Naval Artillery
Basic Description:
A pedal-powered craft with a small crew, the Submersible travels just below the surface and is probably
still visible to those who look hard enough. It is also still probably hittable. However, it is covered in iron
plates and still probably more durable than most would expect. It is equipped with a mortar, and is best
used as a naval bombardment weapon. It is most commonly used to bombard targets that lie beyond
obstacles that direct cannon fire cannot reach, but can hit targets with a clear line of sight just fine.
Ranged Weapons:
-Mortar: A naval bombardment weapon that fires a mortar shot in an arc. This is particularly useful in
attacking coastal settlements or other targets close to the shore. As seen with the Iron Clad, Creons
guns are likely to be fairly powerful and at least up to a late 19th century standard. Never seems to run
out of mortar shells.
Melee Weapons:
-Ramming: See Iron Clad, but probably less advisable given their smaller size
-Iron Plate: See Iron Clad, but probably less durable given their smaller size.
Additional Factors:
-Submerged: While not invisible, the Submersible is still probably harder to see than Creons other
Stern Wheeler

Role: Troop and Supply Transport

Basic Description:
Built to navigate the coastal regions and hazardous waterways that define Creon, the Stern Wheeler is
essential to the maintenance of Creons empire. A steam-powered vessel, similar to the steam boats
used to navigate the rivers of Earth, the Stern Wheeler is plated in iron to both protect it and intimidate
enemies. Aside from transporting large amounts of troops and supplies, the Stern Wheeler is more than
capable of defending itself in combat against foes from land, air, and sea. It is actually equal to the Iron
Clad in terms of prowess in battle, but is slower.
Ranged Weapons:
-Cannon: See Cannon Turret of Iron Clad, but probably smaller and somehow able to attack targets in
the air. Somehow. Maybe they can swivel up. Cannon shot never seems to run out.
Melee Weapons:
-Ramming: See Iron Clad.
-Iron Plate: See Iron Clad.
Additional Factors:
-Transport: While a capable fighting naval vessel, the Stern Wheeler is best used for its ability to
transport troops and probably supplies to maintain supply lines.
Base Defenses
Prismatic Mirror

Role: Base Defence, Anti-Air Specialty

Basic Description:
Similar to the stories of Archimedes defending his home, the Prismatic Mirror is a parabolic mirror
mounted on top of a tower that rotates swiftly to fire searing hot beams of light. The mirror can hit
targets on land, air, and sea, but shine brightest when used against aerial targets. However, the mirror
and tower themselves are rather frail, in game being the least durable of all Creons structures. It is a
useful base defence structure, and one that will easily neutralize most attacks from the sky.

Walls and Gates

Role: Base Defence
Basic Description:
A relatively low-tech structure used to slow enemy advances, the walls and gates of Creon are of sturdy
construction. The walls are composed of a lattice of iron reinforced with stone and mortar, and block
access to anything except for units capable of flying over them. The gate is comprised of four equidistant
posts and four pairs of doors, with the doors opening inwards into the posts to allow units to move
through and from any direction.
Gatling Crossbow

Role: Base Defence

Basic Description:
A stout tower of mortar, stone, and wood with an array of massive crossbows attached to a giant
ratcheting wheel, the Gatling Crossbow is Creons most basic and cheapest base defence. The rack
rotates and reloads automatically, and uses an ingenious structure of wheels and gears to take aim in
any direction. The Gatling Crossbow is resistant to enemy attacks by virtue of its sturdy construction. It
is also the cheapest of Creons structures to phase in, and is the most common base defence.
Bomb Sprinkler

Role: Base Defence

Basic Description:
Resembling an overgrown lawn sprinkler of Earth, the Bomb Sprinkler is a complex rotating devices that
serves as a base defence. When an enemy is near, it beings to spin and rapidly dispenses small but
potent bombs with remarkable accuracy. In game the Bomb Sprinkler has the fastest attack of all of
Creons units, and hits for the same damage as an Automaton hammer.
Champions & Leadership
Ghost of Garacaius

Training: 10
Mobility: 7
Max Range: Potentially in the miles
Preferred Range: Spells
Role: Unstoppable Force of Destruction
Basic Description:
An apparition of Creons founder and its first Sage, and the former Mage Emperor of Darien, the Ghost
of Garacaius in an unrivalled force of destruction. Garacaius massive ethereal form now watches over
his final legacy, the Republic of Creon, and brings doom to its enemies. He is equipped with a
supernatural melee weapon of annihilation, and commands the natural forces of the world with
contemptuous ease. He is extraordinarily tough, and nearly impossible to take down because he easily
regenerates wounds sustained very rapidly. His presence also likely inspires Creon to greater heights,
being the spectral presence of their beloved founder. The Ghost of Garacaius possesses an amazing line
of sight, able to see great distances and then subsequently snuff out enemy lives without moving. He
also moves surprisingly quickly, at speeds greater than an Iron Clad almost equal to the Aerial
Juggernaut. Garacaius personal mana supply also never runs dry, and is able to cast as many spells as he
wants. In game the Ghost of Garacaius is Creons God unit, is easily their toughest and most powerful
unit, and is in the same category as the avatars of the actual gods of Darien. Hes also stronger than any
of them in a one-on-one. The Ghost of Garacaius is an eradicator of men, machines, armies, fortresses,
and cities alike, and is also the mightiest power Creon can come to bear.
-Earthquake: Bringing his mastery of the natural world to bear, Garacaius summons an earthquake. This
damages enemy units and structures, although predictably has no effect on things that fly. The
earthquake is also noted as a powerful one, one that can actually harm individuals even out in the open.
In game, units at the epicentre are destroyed outright and those not in the centre rapidly take heavy
damage. This spell is one of pure destruction, useful for instantly destroying armies and settlements
-Ice Storm: Once again displaying his mastery of the natural world, Garacaius summons a storm of hail
and ice. Unlike the earthquake, it can harm things that fly, and rather effectively at that. The storm is
every bit as powerful as the earthquake, maybe even more so, and is also a spectacular tool to instantly
devastate armies and cities.
Melee Weapons:
-Supernatural Sword/Staff: While the manual and game seem to disagree on the exact implement
Garacaius wields, it is a powerful weapon all the same. With it Garacaius is virtually unbeatable in
melee, dealing massive amounts of damage with every attack. In game nothing but the strongest units
and the monarchs lasts for longer than two attacks from Garacaius.
-Magical Ghost Toughness: As the most powerful mage in the history of his world, Garacaius is also
extremely tough. Despite his somewhat ethereal form, he is more than capable of withstanding attacks
from any source. In game the god units have ridiculous reserves of health, and Garacaius is no
exception. In game Garacaius is also as durable as an Aerial Juggernaut with the same regeneration.
Additional Factors:
-Natural Forces: While Garacaius possesses the spells listed for certain, it is probable the only reason he
does not have more in limitations of the game engine. His weapons are listed as being supernatural
sword and natural forces, so he likely has greater control over the natural world than merely the two
spells seen here. When alive, Garacaius was capable of calling down a strange, dark mist that could
vanish the entire population and garrison of a city into thin air. Garacaius can likely easily manipulate
weather and other elements of the natural world, calling storms of all sorts and earthquakes and tidal
waves and great cyclones of fire to annihilate any enemy.
Mandalas the Sage

Role: Overall Commander

Training: 8
Mobility: 7
Max Range: Spell
As a republic, the supreme leader of Creon is elected every seven years based on their technical
knowledge, wisdom, and leadership. The Sages of Creon are the most intelligent, wisest, and most
capable leaders their nation has to offer. The sage is housed in a giant steam-powered mech that is both
his steed and the means by which he builds and fights in battle. One hand contains a dazzling array of
weapons, and the other an articulated tuning fork used to phase in structures. The Sage can phase in
Walls, Gates, Mana Refineries, Gatling Crossbows, Smithies, and Naval Yards.
Little is known of Mendalos, the current sage. It is assumed he was born in the nation he now leads, and
was superlatively wise and able enough in science and leadership to be elected Sage. It is unknown if he
was the one that started preparations for an invasion of Darien, or if it was the work of a predecessor or
if he was simply carrying out a directive from Creons founder. Whatever his past, Mendalos sold
gunpowder to Aramon, the winning side in the War of Four Monarchs in Darien. He also used the fact
that payment was never received as a presence to finally invade Darien with a massive fleet and army.
And he did very well in open war, with Creon winning most battles they fought. His policy of pacification
seemed similar to that of Genghis Khan on earth: Surrender, and you will be spared and made
prosperous. Resist, and be destroyed. And Creon carried out the latter with gusto. Each of the four
nations had a specialty in which they were greater than the others. Creon was greater than all four in
their areas of expertise, whether that was army, navy, air force, or economy. Creon also used already
present divisions to its advantage, recruiting the rebellious Yellow Jackets to fight against their lords in
Aramon. When a foe begged for peace, their emissary was killed and they were cruelly rebuffed in a
passage that also mocked their use of magic. The war fell apart for Creon when one of the monarchs
used a hidden passage through the mountains to show up right beside Creons capital city in force,
which was followed by the reinforcement forces by the other three monarchs. Creons capital fell
against the combined might of the four powerful mage monarchs of Darien and their armies, and the
tomb of their founder was opened to reveal its secret to both Creon and Darien. Creon found that they
were founded by a mage, and Dariens monarchs found that the final legacy of their father nearly undid
them. It is unknown what became of Mendalos, but here he will lead the forces of Creon once again.
Ranged Weapons:
-Blue Flame: See Neo Dragon, but stronger.
-Mortar: See Submersible, but stronger.
Melee Weapons:
-Mech Close Quarters Combat: While housed in a giant mech, the Sage will likely engage in melee
combat except under the direst of circumstances. Being a giant robot, it should be okay at close quarters
and should be able to step on things.
-Iron Plate: See Iron Clad, but probably better quality to better protect the leader of Creon.
-Mechanoid: A steam powered mechanoid with fearsome abilities, this giant metal frame is the means
by which the Sage of Creon travels. It boasts a weapons array to destroy things, and a tuning fork to
build and repair things. It makes the Sage not just a wise and knowledgeable leader, but also a
formidable combatant and an inspirational presence.
Additional Factors:
-Weapon Array: The Sages mech is described as having a weapons array, but two weapons seems like a
rather inadequate selection. It is likely having only two weapons is a matter of game limitations, and
many more implements of destruction similar to ones found in the rest of Creons forces are housed in
the mech.
-Build and Repair: Can build Walls, Gates, Mana Refineries, Gatling Crossbows, Smithies, Naval Yards.
Can also repair mechanical units and structures.

Leader X-Factors:
Adaptive Creativity: 82/100:. Creons watchword is science, and the Sage should be no exception when
it comes to applying scientific method to innovate on the battlefield. Garacaius himself was impressed at
the speed Creon progressed in war and the willingness it had to use new weapons it developed. If there
is a new problem, Creon will find something to fix it.
Tactics: 64/100: A Victor of numerous and the other four factions had to ultimately unify to beat Creon
in campaign.

Strategy: 59/100: Probably won a war prior to the war with Darien, and lost the war with Darien due to
strategic events that would be hard to foresee. Such as someone coming back from the dead (although
that was a necromancer that did so), the enemy finding a secret passage that leads to right to your
capital and then arriving in force, and four monarchs that had fought a long and vicious four-way war
between themselves uniting against you.

Audacity: 50/100:. Attacked only after spying on their enemy, and Creons mindset is often described as
methodical. Though once he engages, he commits this man likely wont engage without a lot of

Intuition: 46/100:

Psychological Warfare: 63/100: Constantly projects air of superiority and tries to incite surrender in
enemy factions. Getting the opponent to surrender under overwhelming power seems to be his
doctrine, or that of Creon as a whole. Once told an enemy monarch that she would be getting her
emissary back when the glacier bearers were done with here and the remaining portions would be
served cold on a tray. Would probably have carried this out if the monarch did surrender.

Experience: 60/100: The war with Jimarna seemed to be pretty recent, and he may have been the one
who spearheaded it. Also Creons academics seem to be heavily involved in warfare and so he might
have battle and war experience from that.

Discipline: 63/100: Panics when a divided enemy unites and shows up at his doorstep. Otherwise,
relatively calm and ruthless.

Inspiration: 64/100:: Decent. Troops respect him as supreme commander of Creons forces, and no
mention of a home front problem in Creon due to opposition to war is ever mentioned. Was doing well
until the sudden arrival of enemies outside his capital.

Corruption: 53/100: Somewhat evil. Is essentially a president carrying out the will of his people and
possibly the last dictates of his nations founder. Did some morally questionably things, however, but
not much worse that what was seen in history.

Army X-Factors
Morale: 62/100: Creon likes to grind its opponents into the dust, and morale is suitably high. Should be
about on par with the core regiments of the British Empire.

Logistics: 70/100: Though reliant on mana, Creon can directly phase in supplies from the homeland in a
manner akin to the Protoss.

Discipline: 80/100: Iron discipline, appropriate given that much of this army are machines.
Espionage: 52/100 :They used spies to learn about the realms of Darien before the invasion, and the
intercepted payment was only used as an excuse to invade.

Intimidation: 69/100: They are a wall of unwavering metal, with cannons and dinosaurs and weapons
that shoot lightning and the ghost of a mage king.

Aggression: 65/100: Though cautious, when aroused to anger Creon is overwhelmingly aggressive.

Cohesion: 77/100: Excellent. Creons forces work like cogs in a machine built to grind a foe beneath
them and into paste

Reinforcements: High(Automata)-Low/Medium (Everything else). Automata can be raised on the field

and will be very common. Everything else is rare, relative to them. Bigger will tend to mean rarer.

Additional Factors
Phasing: Rather than building their structures and training their units the conventional way, Creon
phases all of their war material and forces in from elsewhere. They do this using mana, which they
harvest with Refineries and Amplifiers. The rate at which Creons strength grows in an area is directly
dependent on their ability to find and secure sources of mana to extract, which they use to bring in their
infrastructure and troops. This might also explain their logistics: everything might be phased in.

Nation of Science: Garacaius established Creon as a nation of science, innovation, rationality, and
experimentation. They approach things in a scientific way, by first observing and asking questions, then
researching, then making hypotheses and predictions, then testing their predictions, then analyzing
their data, then obverting once more. Academia and scholarship and knowledge rule Creon, which
influences their approach to war. If they have a new idea to use against an enemy force, they will try it.
If the enemy has a good idea to take, they will steal it. They are willing to build research facilities to
study new captured technology and further their own innovations. They are methodical in war, grinding
their opponents down with the newest and most reliable innovations on the battlefield and being
utterly relentless in diplomatic efforts to induce surrender or defection.

Motivation: Creon desires to spread its scientific view of the world to the rest of the world. If new
contacts are accepting of their views and hegemony, they will be raised up and made prosperous by
Creons science. If they fight, they will be crushed by that same science. Creons desire to do this has
been hampered somewhat by the discovery that their founder was a mage, but new lands should
reawaken this steely spirit.

Weaknesses: Creon is arrogant, and utterly believes in their superiority. This is not to say they ever let
up because of this arrogance, but rather it strengthens their resolve to crush a foe. However, it does
mean that they are hard-pressed to admit defeat when things go badly. Creon rarely retreats as a result.
Their ruthlessness might also lead to more spirited resistance, and more effort expended to pacify a
population as a result. Their hatred of magic is fanatical, which may be a diplomatic setback.
Victory Gains :Creon loves to take or copy technology, and is also willing to incorporate beasts of
burden. However they hate magic and will almost never touch it.

Past Experience
Jimarna and Other Unnamed Foes: As an imperial republic, and as indicated on several maps, Creons
reach extends far beyond its island origin. It has conquered and subjugated several other lands, such as
Jimarna and Hezrum. It also has a protectorate, and several colonies (the highest number is listed as
Colony 7) which they also may have crushed in war. Creon is no stranger to war, and is no stranger to
the tactics need to conquer new lands. Jimarna is the only foe which has any information on them at all,
and they are known as the nation from which Creon took the Beast Riders from as their own. Creon is
quite willing to take good ideas for itself, and steal designs to that end.

Aramon: A semi-stereotypical medieval kingdom, Aramons army was the greatest in Darien. Until Creon
arrived and promptly destroyed them in land battle after land battle. Formerly a trade partner, Creon
invaded when Aramons payment for gunpowder was waylaid. Creon ruthlessly invaded after politics
and rash decisions were made, and even managed to convince some of the Aramonians to fight on their
side. The war against Aramon demonstrates Creons decisive approach to war, its willingness to divide
and conquer, and the might of its land army. Aramon employed watch towers, swordsmen, horsemen,
normal and mage archers, catapults, mages, cannons, spyhawks, war galleys, trebuchets, barbarians,
knights, titans, assassins, acolytes of their god, arks, rolling towers, pegasi, grenadiers, gold dragons, and
their monarch Mage King Elsin the Fair.

Veruna: A seafaring nation spread over a series of small islands and possessing an indeterminate naval
theme, Verunas navy was the greatest in Darien. Until Creon arrived and crushed their fleet in one
naval engagement after another. Veruna was actually the nation that sparked the Darien-Creon war,
when one of their more impatient captains attacked Creon ships out of confusion. Verunas navy was
helpless before Creons iron fleet, and was probably the kingdom that suffered the most from Creons
relentless assaults other than Aramon. Verunas forces included guard towers, parrots, warriors,
crossbowmen, catapults, priestesses, skiffs, sea forts, harpoon ships, flagships, marine transports,
manowars, trebuchet ships, mortars, floating towers, musketeers, berserkers, amazon knights,
dirgibles, crusaders, priests of their god, centaurs, ballistae, mer warriors, sea dragons, and their
monarch Sea Mage Kirenna.

Zhon: A savage, wild land mostly populated by tribes and beasts, Taros possessed the most air in Darien.
Until Creon arrived, but this is more disputed than their dominance of Aramon and Veruna. Taros didnt
fight Creon at all until the final battles in the heart of Creon. And even then, its hard to draw a
comparison because they were always part of combined efforts from all four nations of Darien. Zhon
used sacred fires that healed them, death totems, hunters, bats, trolls, goblins, gryphons, harpies,
basilisks, kraken, drakes, shamans, stone giants, rocs, jungle orcs, wisps, giant worms and barracudas,
swamp beasts, spirit wolves, ancient dragons, and their monarch Thirsha the Huntress.

Taros: A barren wasteland of undead and demons and other monsters, Zhons strategy was a well-
rounded approach to war with a focus on economy. Admittedly, Zhon didnt see much of Creon in
organized war until the final battles in the heart of Creon, with Zhon-Creon battles mostly being
skirmishes between the shattered remnants of Zhon vs. raiding parties of Creon. Tarosian forces used
caged demons, zombies, gargoyles, executioners, black knights, ghost ships, dark masons, weather
witches, fire demons, iron beaked giant birds that dropped exploding eggs, blade demons, fire spouts
(cloaking units that breathe fire), mind mages, liches, dark priests, ghouls, fallen angels, kamikaze rats,
dark hands (melee warrior that turned whatever it killed into a lich), rictus (flying boneship), black
dragons, and their monarch Necromancer Lokken.

Grand Strategy
Opening Setup: Creons reconnaissance is mostly conventional. They send out fast, mobile forces
capable of scouting over land, sea, and air. The unit most commonly used in this way is the Barnstormer
flying machine, which is noted as tremendously useful in this regard and very fast and light. At sea the
Submersible is probably their best bet, being slightly harder to detect than their other ships. Recon is
used to explore the world and note the location of other factions, and to also find sources of mana to
build Refineries and Amplifiers on. If many sources of mana can be found, the Creonite presence can
grow extremely quickly as buildings and troops are phased in rapidly.

Foreign Relations :Creon is capable of establishing conventional trade links with groups it encounters, as
seen in the resumption of normal trade after their war with Darien. It is also willing to deal in arms and
weapons, as they were the ones who sold gunpowder to the winning side in the War of 4 Monarchs.
However, if they suspect they are being manipulated or payment is not received the will not hesitate to
declare war. They are also at least somewhat experienced in war, as their Beast Riders are an idea
adapted from a previous foe. They have also been noted to have a crusade of sorts to spread their
ideals of science across the world. Creon is a republic, with their leader chosen by vote and merit, which
may rankle other forms of government with the idea of the leader being chosen by the people instead of
a higher power.

General Strategy :Creons strategy is generally very methodical, cautious and, over time, lethal. Finding
and seizing control of resources in their area, they will gradually expand with armed, foritified bases and
ever growing production of troops. When they strike it will be with the force of a freight train, with
legions of robots backed by mechanical dragons and airships.

They are kind of like a RTS faction.

Withdrawal: While much of Creons troops have no fear (being emotionless robots) the leaders of Creon
are logical if a bit zealous in their mission to spread science. They will retreat if overwhelmed.

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