I Am NOT Black, You Are NOT White (Script With Blanks)

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I am NOT black, you are NOT white

I am not Black
I mean, thats what the world calls me, but its not... me
I didn't come out of my ____________ ____________ saying, Hey everybody, I'm... Black.
No, I was taught to be black
And you were taught to call me that
Along with whatever you call yourself
Its just a.... ____________

See, from birth the world ____________ ____________ us these.... labels

And eventually we all ____________ them
We ____________ and accept the labels, never ever doubting them
But there's one problem:
Labels are not you and labels are not me
Labels are just ...labels
But who we truly are is not... ____________... deep
See, when I drive my car, no one would ever confuse the car for.... me
Well, when I drive my ....body, why do you confuse me for my... body?
It's.... my ....body.... ____________? Not me

Let me ____________ ____________ ____________

See, our bodies are just cars that we operate and drive around
The ____________ we call society decided to label mine the "black ____________,"
Yours the "Irish" or "White ____________"
And with no money down, 0% APR, and no test drive
We were forced to own these cars for the rest of our lives
____________ me, but I fail to see the logic or pride
In defining myself or ____________ another by the cars we drive
Because who we truly are is found inside

Listen, Im not here to tell you how ____________ has concluded that ____________ were all
and race in the human species doesn't exist
Or how every ____________ knows that race was invented in the 15th century
To divide people from each other and it has worked perfectly...
No.... I'm not here to ____________
I just want to ask one question
Who would you be if the ____________ never gave you a label?
Never gave you a ____________ to ____________
Would you be White? Black? Mexican?
Asian? Native American? ____________ Eastern? ____________?
No. We would be one; we would be together
No longer living in the error
Of calling human beings Black people or White people.
These labels that will forever ____________ us from seeing a person for who they are
But instead seeing them through the judgmental, ____________, artificial ____________ of who
we THINK they are.
And when you let an artificial label define yourself
Then, my friend, you have chosen ____________ over ____________ and minimized your.... self
Confined and divided your .....self from others
And it is an ____________ fact that
When there is division, there will be conflict
And conflict starts wars
There-fore every war has started over labels
It's always us... ____________ them
So the answer to war, racism, sexism, and every other -____________
Is so simple that every politician has missed it
Its the labels...
We must ____________ them off
Isn't it funny how no baby is born ____________
Yet, every baby cries when they hear the cries of another
No ____________ the gender, culture or color
____________ that deep down, we were meant to connect and care for each other
That is our mission, and that it's not my opinion
That is the truth in a world that has sold us fiction
Please listen, labels only ____________ our vision
Which is why half of those watching this will ____________ it
Or feel resistance and ____________
But, just remember...
So did the cater-pillar
Before it broke through its ____________ and became the magnificent butterfly
Well, these labels are our shells and we must do the same thing
So we can finally ____________ our wings
Human beings were not meant to be slapped with labels like groceries at supermarkets
DNA cannot be ____________ by the FDA
We were meant to be free
And only until you remove them all
And stop living and thinking so small
Will we be free to see ____________ and each other for who we....TRULY.... are

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