Week 1 Q&A

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The Finite Element Method for Problems in Physics

Paper and Pencil Assignment

Problem 1.
Consider the following dierential equation of elastostatics, in strong form: Find u satisfying

(E A u,x ),x + f = 0, in (0, L),

where f , E, and A are constants, and s.t. the following sets of boundary conditions are satised:

(a) u(0) = g1 , u(L) = g2

(b) E A u,x = h1 at x = 0, E A u,x = h2 at x = L, where h1 = h2 + f L

Comment on peculiarities, if any, of the solutions obtained to (a) or (b).

Problem 2.
For parts (a) through (c), consider the following boundary value problem (BVP) in its strong and weak
(S) On the unit interval = (0, 1) and = [0, 1], given f : R and constants A, B, nd u : R
such that,

u,xxxx = f on

u(1) = 0 u,x (1) = 0

u,xx (0) = A u,xxx (0) = B

(W) S = V = {w|w H 2 (), w(1) = w,x (1) = 0}, given f : R, and constants A, B, nd u S such
that w V,
1 1
w,xx u,xx dx = 0 wf dx w,x (0)A + w(0)B
1 1 1
Also observe that w H 2 () (i.e, 0 |w|2 dx + 0 |w,x |2 dx + 0 |w,xx |2 dx < ), unlike the problem in
class where w H 1 ().

Prove the following propositions,

a) Let u be a solution to (S), then u is also a solution of (W).

b) Let u be a solution to (W), then u is also a solution of (S).


c) Would you call the boundary condition u,x (1) = 0 as essential or natural?. Give reasons.

The Finite Element Method for Problems in Physics

Paper and Pencil Assignment Solution

Problem 1

Given f constant, assuming E and A are also constant, integrate once between 0 and y to get:

y Zy
EAu,x + f dx = 0. (1)


Now, writing u,x evaluated at x = y as u(y),y , this is

u,y = f y + u,y . (2)

EA 0

Integrating once more between 0 and z,

u(z) u(0) = f z 2 + u,y z. (3)

2EA 0

Uisng the Dirichlet boundary condition u(0) = g1 , this is

u(z) = f z 2 + u,y z + g1 . (4)

2EA 0

Using the Dirichlet boundary condition u(L) = g2 , we have

g2 = 2EA f L2 + u,y L + g1


g2 g1 1
= u,y = + 2EA f L. (5)


Substituting Equation (5) in (4), we have the solution to Part (a):

1 g2 g1 1
u(z) = f z2 + + f L z + g1 . (6)

For Part (b), from Equation (2) we have,

1 h1
u,y = fy + . (7)

Integrating again between 0 and z,

1 h1
u(z) = f z2 + z + u(0). (8)

Now note from Equation (7) that Equation (8) already satisfies both Neumann boundary conditions regard-
less of the value of u(0). This solution is arbitrary up to a constant given by u(0). This is its peculiarity

Problem 2
Multiplying the pde of (S) by wV and integrating by parts once:
Z Z 1
w,x u,xxx dx = wf dx wu,xxx . (9)


From the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition w(1) = 0 and the Neumann boundary condition
u,xxx (0) = B, we have, Z Z
w,x u,xxx dx = wf dx + w(0)B. (10)

Integrating by parts once more,

Z Z 1
w,xx u,xx dx = wf dx w,x u,xx + w(0)B. (11)


From the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition w,x (1) = 0 and the Neumann boundary condition
u,xx (0) = A, we have the integral equation of (W):
w,xx u,xx dx = wf dx w,x (0)A + w(0)B. (12)

For proving that (W) implies (S) note that starting with (12) and integrating by parts twice leads to
Z Z 1 1
wu,xxxx dx = wf dx w,x (0)A + w(0)B w,x u,xx + wu,xx . (13)

0 0

Since this holds w V, choose w(x) = (x)(u,xxxx f ) such that (x) > 0 for x (0, 1) with (0) = 0,
(1) = 0, ,x (0) = 0 and ,x (1) = 0. Substituting this w in Equation (13) leads to
(u,xxxx f )2 dx = 0. (14)

Since (x) > 0 in [0, 1] and (u,xxxx f )2 0, it follows that

u,xxxx = f, in . (15)

This establishes that (W) implies the pde of (S). Now choose w(x) = (x) such that (0) = 0, (1) = 0,
,x (0) 6= 0 and ,x (1) = 0. Substituting in Equation (13) and using Equation (15) leads to
,x (0)(A u,xxx (0)) = 0. (16)

Since ,x (0) 6= 0, this implies

u,xxx (0) = A. (17)

Next choose w(x) = (x) such that (0) 6= 0, (1) = 0, ,x (0) = 0 and ,x (1) = 0. Substituting in Equation
(13) and using Equations (15) and (17) leads to

(0)(B u,xx (0)) = 0. (18)

Since (0) 6= 0, this implies

u,xx (0) = B. (19)

Equations (15, (17) and (19) show that (W) implies (S).
Part (c): The condition, u,x (1) = 0, is built into the space S, because it is a Dirichlet boundary condition.

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