VISION Instructions Usernames and Passwords 201718 - V1 PDF
VISION Instructions Usernames and Passwords 201718 - V1 PDF
VISION Instructions Usernames and Passwords 201718 - V1 PDF
The Virtual Learning Environment (known as VISION) provides on-line tailored access to learning
materials, collaborative areas, forums, electronic submission of coursework and much more.
You can also access your Heriot-Watt email account from here - this should be checked AT LEAST once
every week as this is where you will find communication from the University.
VISION (Virtual Student Information Organisation Network) can be accessed here:
and using the username and password noted on the confirmation letter produced at the end of the online
enrolment process.
Once you have logged on, you should see all of the courses for which you have enrolled that are running
in the current Semester, however if it includes courses you have already completed, please ignore these.
If you do not see a course for which you are enrolled, it may be for one of two reasons:
1. The course leader has not made their Course available on VISION (contact specific course leader)
2. You may not be correctly enrolled for the course (contact the Student Office Team egis-idl-
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Where course assessment includes formative or summative coursework for 2017/18, details are made
available by individual Course Leaders on VISION (
You can also access many online resources on the main Library website at
The School subscribes to a number of databases to which students can gain access. These databases
can be accessed directly from the knowledgebase page on the EGIS IT Helpdesk web address
Click on the database you wish to access which will direct you to a screen with the name/icon for the
database. Click on the name/icon and you will be taken to the relevant website. When accessing the
databases off-campus you will be asked for your Outlook Exchange Heriot-Watt username and password.
The following web addresses may also be used to access individual databases. Again for off-campus
access enter your Heriot-Watt username and password.
CoStar Suite
Web address
Access to CoStar Suite is by individual password. Email from your Heriot-Watt
email account to request a password for CoStar Suite
You can also access many online resources on the main Library website at
Dissertations database
A new system has been developed which allows you to search and download any electronically submitted
ex-SBE dissertations. Only dissertations for the last 5 years that were awarded an A or B grade will be